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MS-WORD is a computer program for processing of words, very similar to a food processor which processes
food. Most of The word processors would start from a blank screen assumed to be a blank page with a blinking
starting point known as cursor. For all practical purpose it is a like a typewriter, but it is much more than that.
4.2 Parts of MS-WORD screen
Tittle Bar- it is a permanent features of words for Windows which shows the name of the file on which fuser
works and the end has buttons like minimize, restore and close.
Office buttons- Click here to open, save, or print, and to see everything else you can do with your document.
Menu bar- Like in The other programs, MS-WORD also has various sub-options which can be accessed by
clicking on the menu options under the menu heads.
Ruler- It helps in setting the page working area, setting tabs, directly.
Status bar- This bar always shows current position as far as the text goes. It shows current position with
respect to page number, line number, column etc.
NEW (Ctrl+ N):- This options is used to create a new word document or file.
Open (Ctrl+ O):- This command is used to open an already created saved document. The file can be opened by
two methods first if you are already working under MS words so you can also open saved file from the open
icon by using standard toolbars.
Save (CTRL+ S):- This command is used to save store the document under a name. Since the file created for the
document is still not saved by giving this command it will be saved.
Home Menu (Alt+ H)
Cut (Ctrl+ X):- Cut The selection from the document put it on the clipboard.
Copy (Ctrl+ C):- Copy the selection and put
on the clipboard.
Format Painter (Shift+ Ctrl+ C):- Copy formatting from one place and apply it to another.
Dabble click this buttons to apply the same formatting to multiple places in the document.
Paste (Ctrl+ V):- It is used to paste whatever is available on the clipboard in the document.

 Font
Font (Ctrl+ Shift+ F):-Change the font face.
Font Size (Ctrl+ Shift+ P):- Change the font size.
Bold Size (Ctrl+ B):-Make the selected text bold.
Italic (Ctrl+ I):- Italicize the selected text.
Underline (Ctrl+ U):- Draw a line through the middle of the selected text.
Strike Through:-Draw a line through the middle of the selected text.
Subscript (Ctrl+=):- Create small letters below the text baseline.
Superscript (Ctrl+ Shift++):- Create small letters above the line of text.
Clear Formatting:-Clear all the formatting from the selection, leaving only the plain text.
Text Highlight Color:-Make text look like it was marked with a highlighter pen.
Font Color:-Change the text color.
Change Case:-Change all the selected text to UPPERCASE, lowercase, or other common capitalizations.
Grow font (Ctrl+>):-Increase the font size.
Shrink Font (Ctrl+<):-Decrease the font size.
 Paragraph
Bullets:-Start a bulleted list. Click the arrow to choose different numbering formats.
Numbering:-Start a numbered list .Click the arrow to choose different numbering formats.
Multilevel List:-Start a multilevel list. Click the arrow to choose different multilevel list styles.
Decrease Indent:-Decrease the indent level of the paragraph.
Increase Indent:-increase the indent level of the paragraph.
Align Text Left (Ctrl+ L):-Align text to the left.
Centre (Ctrl+ E):-Centre text.
Align Text Right (Ctrl+ R):-Align text to the right (Ctrl+ J):-Align text to both the left and right margins,
adding extra space between works as necessary. This create a clean look along the left and right side of
the page.
Line spacing:-Change the spacing between lines of text. You can also customize the amount of space added
before and after paragraph.
Shading:-Color the background behind the selected text on paragraph.
Sort:-Alphabetize the selected text or sort numerical data.
Show/Hide (Ctrl
 – Clear all the formatting from the selection leaving only the plain text. Go Too:-Navigate to a specific
place in the document. Depending on The type of document you can navigate to a specific page number,
line number, footnote, table, comment or other object.
Replace (Ctrl+ H):-Replace text in the document.
Select All:-Select text or objects in the document. Use select objects to allow you to select objects that have
been positioned behind the text.
Select Objects:-Change to The selection cursor so that you can select and move ink and other object in the
2.1 Pages
Cover Page:-Insert a fully formatted cover page. You fill the tittle, author, data, and other information.
Blank page:-Insert a new blank page at the cursor position.
Page Break (Ctrl+ Return):-Start the next page at the current position.

2.2 Table
Insert Table:-This is multiple options command.
This allow you to insert table by specifying the number of columns and rows in the table depending upon the
Draw Table:-It gives the table toolbar by which user can work with tables by clicking on the icons directly. Once
draw you click at insert table icon to get the insert table dialog box. Set here number of row and column you
want for your table to editing according to need.

Delete: Similar To above command these one deletes the various rows columns, cells etc.
Select: This option allows you to select rows, columns, cells etc.
Merge cells: It merges two or more cells of the table. The data will remain the same but the cell will merge to
form a new cell. For The required margins selection of cells is must.
Split cells: Opposite to above it splits/ breaks a cell into many based on specified no. of columns and rows.

Table auto format: Like the formatting of the text, MS-WORD format the table based on pre-defined
formatted table designs.

Auto fit: Sometimes The data does not fit into the column or in the rows. This command force it to fit into that
if you say so. The other option is to increases the size of the row/column. You can even distribute the
columns/rows evenly.
Sort: It sort the column data in ascending A to Z or descending Z to A format. You can do sorting based on
more than one field.

Formula: MS-WORD allows you to put formulas in your document. With The help of this you can put various
formulas and their results in the document table.
Table properties: The various properties of the table can be set form this option.
These include various alignment row-column size, cell position and size. Using this option you can also define
where you want to place your table with respect to the text.

2.3 Illustrations
Insert Picture:-Insert a picture from a file.
Clip Art: Insert clip art into the document, including drawings, movies, sounds or stock photography to
illustrate a specific concept.
Shapes:-Insert ready-made shape, such as rectangles and circles, arrows, lines, flowchart symbols, and
Insert Smart Art Graph:-Insert a smart art graphic to visually commutate information smart art graphics range
from graphical lists and process diagrams to more complex graphics, such as Venn diagrams and organization
Insert Chart:-Insert a chart illustrate and compare data. Bar, pie, line, area, and surface are some of the
available types.

2.4 Link
Hyperlink (Ctrl+ K):-Create a link to a web page a pictures and e-mail address or a program.
Bookmark (Shift+Ctrl+f-5):-Create a bookmark to assign name to a specific point in a document. You can make
hyperlink that jump directly to a bookmarked location.
Cross Reference:-Refer to items such as heading, figures and table by inserting a cross reference such as see
table 6” below or tum to page 8” cross reference are automatically updated if the content is moved to another
location. By default cross reference are inserted as hyperlinks.
2.5 Header and Footer
Header:-Edit the footer of the document. The content in the header will appear at the top of each printed
Page Number:-Insert page number into the document.
 Top of page.
 Bottom of pages.
 Page margins.
 Current position.
 Format page numbers change the format of page number numbering used in the footer or header.
 Removes page numbers.

2.5 Text
Text Box:-This is a box having separate text area inside the document. This text box is an independent entity
and has nothing to do with text of the document.

Word Art:-Insert decorative text in your document.

Drop Cap:-It way of emphasizing the text with the first letter being made big enough to run into 2-3 lines.
Word also allows you to do so using this command. You can choose one of the three options shown here.

Insert Date and Time:-Insert the current date or time into the current document. Insert Object insert and
embedded object.
Equation (alt+=):-Insert comma mathematical equations or build up down own equation use a library of math
Symbol:-Insert symbol that are not on your keyboard, such as copyright symbol, trademark symbols,
paragraph mark, and Unicode character.

3.1 Theme
Theme:-Change the overall design of the entire document, including colors fonts and effects.
Theme Color:-Change the fonts for the current Theme.
Theme Fonts:-Change the fonts for the current Theme.
Theme Effect:-Change the effects font the current Theme.
3.2 Page Setup
Margins:-Select the margins sizes for the entire document of the current section.
Page Orientations:-Switch the page between portrait and landscape layouts.
Size:-Choose a paper size for the current section. To apply a specific paper size to all sections in the document,
click more paper sizes.
Columns:-Split text into or more columns.

Insert page and section Breaks:-Add page section or column breaks to the document.

A. Page Break
 Page:-Make the point at which one page ends and the next page begins.
 Column:-Indicate that the text following the column break will begins in the text column.
 Text Wrapping:-Separate text around objects on web pages, such captions tact

B. Section Page
 Next Page:-Insert a section break and start the new section on the next page.
 Continuous:-Insert a section break and start the new on the same page.
 Even Page:-Insert a section break and start break and start the new section on the next even-
numbered page.
 Odd Page:-Insert a section break and start the new section on the next odd-numbered page.
Line Number:-Add line number in the margin a long side of each line of the document.
Hyphenation:-Tum on hyphenation which allows word to break line between the syllabus of word. Book are
magazines hyphenate in order to have more uniform spacing between words.
3.3Page Background
Watermark:-Insert ghosted text behind the content on the page. This is often used to indicate specially, such
as confidential or urgent.
Page Color:-Choose a color for the background of the page.
Page Borders:-Add or changes the border around the page.
3.4 Paragraph
Indent Left:-Move in The left side of the paragraph by a certain amount. To change the margins for the whole
document, click the margins button.
Indent Right:-More in The right side of the paragraph by a certain amount. To change the margins for the
whole document, click the margins button.
Spacing before:-Change the spacing between paragraphs by adding space below the selected paragraph.
Spacing after:-Change the spacing between paragraphs by adding space below the selected paragraphs.
Object Position:-Position the selected object on the page. Text is automatically set to wrap around the object.
Bring To Front:-Bring the selected object in front of all other objects so that no part so that no part of it is
hidden behind another object.
Send To Back:-Send the selected object behind all other objects.
Text Wrapping:-Change the way wraps amount the selected object. To configure the object so that it moves
along with the text around it selected” in line with text”.
4. References Menu (Alt+ S)
4.1 Table of Contents
Table of Contents:-Add a table of contents to the document. Once you have added a table of contents click the
add text button to add entries to the table.
Add text:-Add the current paragraph as an entry in the table of contents.
Update Table:-Updated the table of contents so that all the entries refer to current page number.
4.2 Footnotes
Insert Footnote (Alt+ Ctrl+ F):-Add a footnote to the documents footnotes are automatically renumbered as
you move text around the document.
Insert Endnote (Alt+ Ctrl+ O):-Add an endnote to the document endnotes are placed at the end of the
Next footnote:-Navigate to The next footnote in the document click the arrow to navigate to the previous
footnote in the document, or to navigate to the next or previous endnote.
Show Notes:-Scroll the document to show where the footnotes or endnotes are located.
4.3 Citations and Bibliography
Insert Citation:-Cite a book, journal article, or other piece of information. In The document. Choose from The
list of source you have created or entre information for a new source. Word formats the citation according to
the style you have selected.
Bibliography:-Add a bibliography, which lists all the sources cited in the document.
4.4 Captions
Insert Caption:-Add a caption to a picture or other image a caption is a line of text that appear below an object
an object to describe it. For example. Figure 7: common weather patterns.
Table of Figures Dialog:-Insert a table of figure into the document. A table of figure includes a list of all the
figures tables or equations in the document.
Updated Table of Figures:-Updated the table of figures to include all of the entries in the document.
Cross Reference:-Refer to items such as heading figures and tables by inserting a cross reference such as see
table 6 below “ or turn to page 8 “. Cross reference are automatically updated if the content is moved to
another location by default cross reference inserted as a hyperlink.
4.5 Index
Mark Entry (Alt+ shift+ X):-Include the selected text in the index of the document.
Insert Index:-Insert an index into the document. An index is a list of keyboards found in the document along
with the page numbers the words appear on.
Updated index:-Updated the index so that all the entries refer to the correct page number.
4.6 Table of Authorities
Mark citation (Alt+ Sift+ I):-Add the selected text as an entry in the table of authorities.
Insert Table of Authorities:-Insert a table of authorities into the document. A table of authorities lists the
cases, statutes and other authorities cited in the document.
Updated Table of Authorities:-Updated the table of authorities to include all of the citations in the document.
Mailing Menu (Alt+ M)
Envelopes and labels:-It is not that you will always print on the paper. Word allows you to print address on the
envelopes too. You can even print level address sticking to envelopes, letters etc.
5.1 Start Mail Merge
Start Mail Merge:-Start a mail merge to create a form letter which you intend to print or e-mail multiple times ,
sending each copy to a different recipient.
You can insert fields, such as name or address, which word will replace automatically with information from a
database or contact list for each copy of the form letter.
Select Recipients List:-Choose the list of people you intend to send the letter to. You can type your own list,
use your Outlook contacts, or connect to a database.
Edit Recipients:-Make changes to the list of recipients and decide which of them should receive your letter.
You can also sort, filter, find and remove duplicates or validate addresses from the list.
5.2Write and Insert Fields
Highlight Merge Fields:-Highlights merge fields you have inserted into the document. This makes it easy to see
what part of your form letters will be replaced by information from the recipient list you have chosen.
Address Block:-Add an address to your letter. You specify the formatting and location, and word will replace it
with actual addresses from you recipient list when you finish the mail merge.
Greeting Line Field:-Add any field from your recipient list to the document, such as “Last NAME,
‘Home Phone,” “Company Name,” or any other field. When you finish the mail merge, word will replace these
fields with the actual information from the recipient list.
5.3 Preview Result
View Merge Data:-Replaces the merge fields in your document with actual data from your recipient list so you
can see what it looks like.
First Record:-Preview the first record in the recipient list.
Previous Record:-Preview the previous record in the recipient list.
Go to Record:-Preview a specific record in the recipient list.
Next Record:-Preview the specific record in the recipient list.
Last Record:-Preview the last record in the recipient list.
Find Recipient:-Find and preview a specific record in the recipient list by searching for text.
Find Recipient:-Find and preview a specific record in the recipient list by searching for text.
Finish and Merge:-Complete The mail merge you can create separate document for each copy of The letter
send Them all directly to The printer or send Them via e-mail.
Review Menu (Alt+ R)
6.1 Proofing
Spelling and Grammar (F-7):-Check the active document for possible spelling grammar and writing style errors
and displays suggestions for correcting them.
There are two methods of correcting errors. First method is to correct these errors by picking them up one by
one. Secondly you spell check the whole document. Words having red underline show the spelling mistakes
while green underlines signifies the grammatical errors.
Research (alt+ click):-open the research task pane to search through reference materials, such as dictionaries,
encyclopedias, and translation services.
Thesaurus:-Thesaurus helps to find synonym, words and antonym, words with opposite meanings.
Translate:-Translate the selected text into a different languages.
Translation Screen Tip:-Enable a screen tip that translate words you pause your cursor over into another
Set Language:-Set the language used to check the spelling and grammar of the selected text.
Word Count:-Find out The number of words, characters, paragraphs and lines in the document. You can also
find the word count in the status bar at the bottom of the window.
6.2 Comment
Insert Comment:-Add a comment about the selection.
Delete Comment:-Delete the selected comment.
Previous Comment:-Navigate to The previous comment in the document.
Next Comment:-Navigate to The next comment in the document.

6.3 Tracking
Track Change:-This has three options, Highlight Changes, Accept or Reject Changes and computer Document.
a. Highlight Changes highlights the changes made in the document since the last save. You can
either see them in screen or point them.
b. Accept or Reject Changes will allow you to accept or reject the current document file with
another specified document file in computer.

View Menu (Alt+ W)

7.1 Document Views
Print Layout:-View The document as it will appear on the printed page.
Full Screen Reading:-View the document in the full screen Reading view in order to maximize the
space available for reading or commenting on the document.
Web Layout:-View The document as it would look as a web page.
Outline View:-View the document as an outline and show the outline tools.
Draft View:-View the document as a draft to quickly edit the text. Certain elements of the
document such as headers and footers will not be visible in this view.

7.2 Show Hide

Ruler-View the rulers used to measure and line up objects in the document.
Document Map:-Open the document map, which allows you to navigate through a structural
view of the document.
Gridlines:-Turn on gridlines to which you can align objects in the document.
Thumbnails:-Open the thumbnails pane which you can use to navigate a long document through
small pictures of each page.
Message Bar- Open The message bar to complete any required actions on the document.

7.3 Zoom

Zoom:-Open the zoom dialog box to specify the zoom level of the document. In most cases you
can also use the zoom controls in the status bar at the bottom of the window to quickly zoom the

One page:-Zoom the document so that an entire page fits in the window.
Two Pages:-Zoom the document so that two pages fit in the window.
Page Width:-Zoom the document so that the width of the page matches the width of the


New Window-Open a new window containing a view of the current document.

Arrange All-Tile all open program windows side by side on the screen.
Split Window:-Split the current window into two parts so that you can view different sections of
the document at the same time.

View side by Side:-View two documents side by side so that you can compare their contents.
Rest Window Position:-Rest the window position of the documents being compared side by side
so that they share the screen equally.

Switch Windows:-Switch to a different currently open window.


View Macro (Alt+ F-8):- View the list of macros from which you can run create or delete a

Record Macro:-Start or stop recording a macro.

Pause Recording:-Pause the macro recorder.

Microsoft Excel
Introduction of MS-Excel
Excel is a window based spreadsheet which is a product of Microsoft Corporation. It is second important
content of office after MS-WORD. It is used to create track and analyses numeric data, record and calculate
data and present it in an attractive manner like in charts. It provides all the tools to manipulate, format and
represent data. It has all the manipulate function like financial statistical and scientific functions. A file in excel
is known as workbook or worksheet or spreadsheet which maintains large amount of data. A workbook is a
collection of three worksheets. A Worksheet is divided into 65,536 rows and 256 columns. The intersection of
a row and a column is known as a cell. Well enter data in cells. In this way, There are 1, 67, 77, 216 cells in a
worksheet. A cell can contain any kind of data or formula. The default file extension of workbook is excels.
How to start
There are two methods to start excel.
1. From start button go to all programmers then select MS-OFFICE and select Microsoft Excel.
From The start button go to run and type excel and press entre to open MS-Excel.
Parts of window MS-Excel
1. Title bar-This contains the name of the opened file, programs name, minimize, Maximize, restore and
close button.
2. Office button-Click here to open, save or print and to see everything else you can do with your
3. Menu bar-This toolbar contains all The menus (total-7)
4. Name box-It shows the address of the selected current cells.
5. Formula Box-It shows the formula entered in a cell.
6. Worksheet-It is the area of entering data in the file.
7. Columns-Columns are vertical shown with alphabets.
8. Roes-Roes are horizontal show with alphabets.
9. Cell Pointer-Shows the position.
Office Button
New (Ctrl+ N)-This command is used to create a new worksheet. This gives rise to blank worksheet for
performing the various operations. In The second option you can select various readymade spreadsheets.
Open (Ctrl+ O)-It allow to open an existing worksheet from either The hard disk or other media attached to
The computer, CD drive etc. Select the file which you want to open and press ok.
Close (Ctrl+ W)-It close the current worksheet file.
Save (Ctrl+ S)-It save the current worksheet under a name. If you are saving for the first time, excel will ask
you to give a name to the worksheet, which you can provide before saving.
Save as (F-12)-It allow you to save the current worksheet under a new name or overwrite the current file or
to save the file at other location.
Print-Select a printer number of copies, and other printing options before printing.
Quick print-Send The document directly to the default printer without making change.
Print Preview (Ctrl+ f2)-Preview and make changes to pages before printing.
Close (Ctrl+ W)-It close the current worksheet file.
Exit (Alt+ F-4)-It is used to close the program.
Home Menu (Alt+ H)
1.1 Alignment
Top Align- Align text to the top of the cell.
Middle Align-Align text so that it is centered between the top of bottom of cell.
Bottom Align-Align text to the bottom of the cell.
Align Text Left-Align text to the left.
Centre-Align text to the center.
Align Text Right-Align to The right.
Orientation-Rotate text to a diagonal angle or vertical orientation. This is often used for labeling narrows
columns. Click the currently text orientation to again reset the text back to normal orientation.
 Angle counter clockwise.
 Angle clockwise.
 Vertical test.
 Rotate text up.
 Rotate text down.
 Format cell alignment.
Wrap Text-Make all content visible within a cell by displaying it on multiple lines.
Merge and Centre-Joins The selected cells into one larger cell and centers the contents in the new cell.
This is often used to
Create tables that multiple columns.
 Merge and center.
 Merge across.
 Merge cells.
 Unmerge cells.
Decrease indent (Ctrl+ Shift+ Alt+ Tab)-Increase The margin between the border and the text in the cell.
1.2 Number
Number Format-Choose how the values in a cell are displayed. As a percentage, as currency, as a date or
time, etc.
Accounting Number Format-Choose an alternate currency format for the selected cell. For instance,
choose Furor instead of dollar.
Percentage Style (Ctrl+ Shift+ %)-Display The value of the cell as a percentage.
Common Style-Display The value of the cell with a thousand separator. This will change the format of the
cell to accounting without a currency symbol.
Increase Decimal-Show less precise value by showing more decimal place.
Decrease Decimal-Show less precise value by showing fewer decimal places.
1.3 Style
Conditional Formatting- Highlight interesting cells, emphasize unusual values, and visualized data using
Data bars, color cells icon sets based on criteria.
A Highlight
 Greater Then
 Less Then
 Between
 Equal to
 Text that contains
 A data occurring
 Duplicate value
B. Top bottom rules.
 Top 10 items
 Top To%
 Bottom 10 items
 Bottom 10%
 Above average
 Below average
C. Data bars
 Blue, green, red, orange, light blue, purple data bar-view colored data bar in the cell. The length of
the data bar represents the value in the cell. A longer bar represents higher value.
D. Color scale
 Green-Yellow-red color scale
 Red-Yellow-green color scale
 Blue-Yellow-red color scale
 Red-Yellow- blue color scale
E. Icon sets.
Format AS Table-Quickly format a range of cell and convert it to a table by choosing a pre-defined table style.
Cell style-Quickly format a cell by choosing from pre-defined styles. You can also define your own cell style.
1.4 Cells
Insert-Insert cells, rows or column into the sheet of table.
 Insert Cells (Ctrl+ Shift+=)-Add new rows, column cells or sheets to you workbook. New row will be
added above the selection and new columns will be added to the left of selections. Add three columns
at once by selecting three existing columns first, this also works for multiple row.
 Insert sheet row
 Insert sheet columns
 Insert sheet
Delete- Delete rows or columns from the table or sheet
 Delete Cells (Ctrl+-)-Delete row, columns or cells
 Delete sheet rows
 Delete sheet columns
 Delete sheet
 More function
Fill-Continue a pattern into one or more adjacent cells. You can fill cells in any direction and into any range of
adjacent cells.
 Down (CTRL+ D)
 Right (Ctrl+ R)
 Up
 Left
 Across worksheet
 Series
 Justify
Clear- Delete everything from the cell, or selectively remove the formatting.
 Clear all
 Clear Formats
 Clear contents
 Clear comments
Sort and Filter- Arrange data so that it easier to analyze. You can sort the selected data in ascending or
descending order, or you can temporarily filter out specific values.
 Sort A to Z- Sort The selection so that the lowest values area at the top of the column.
 Sort A TO A-Sort The selection so that the highest values area at the top of the column.
 Custom Sort-Display The sort dialog box which enables shorting by multiple columns or rows, case-
sensitive sorts and other sort options.
 Clear-Clear the filter and sort state for the current range of data.
 Reapply (Ctrl+ Alt+ L)-Reapply he filter and sort in the current page. New or modified data in the
column want be filtered or sorted until you click reapply.
Insert Menu (Alt+ N)
Pivot tables
Pivot tables are one of Excel’s most powerful features. A pivot table allows you to extract the significance from
a large, detailed data set. Our data set consists of 214 rows and 6 fields. Order ID, Product, Category, Amount,
Data and Country.
2.1 Chart
Column-Insert a column chart, Column charts are used to compare values across categories.
Line-Insert a line chart. Line chart are used to display trends over time.
Pie-Insert a pie chart pie chart display the contribution of each value to a total.
Scatter-Insert a scatter also known as an X Y chart this type of chart compress pairs of values. Use it when the
value being charted are not X-axis order or when they represent separate measurements.
Page Layout Menu (Alt+ P)
3.1 Page setup
Print Area-It defines the selected range as the print area. Which is the only portion of the worksheet that will
be printed. Another option under this command is to erase the setting of the print area, clear print area.
Breaks-Specify where a new page will begin in the printed copy. Page break are inserted above and to the left
of the selection.
Background-Choose an image to display as the background of the sheet.
Print Titles-Specify rows or columns to respect or each printed page.
3.2 Scale to fit
Width:-Shrink the width of printed output to fit a maximum number of pages.
Height:-Shrink the height of printed output to fit a maximum number of pages.
Scale:-Stretch or shrink the printed output to a percentage of its actual size. The maximum width and height
must be set to’’ automatic ‘’ to use this feature.
3.3 Sheet Option
View gridlines-Show the lines between rows and columns in the sheet to make editing and reading easier.
These lines will not print unless print unless print is also checked.
Print gridlines-Print the lines between rows and columns in the sheet to make reading easier.
View Heading:-Show row and column heading. Row heading are the row numbers to the side of the side of the
sheet. Column headings are the letters or numbers that appear above that columns on a sheet.
Formulas Menu (Alt+ M)
4.1 Function Library
Insert Function (Shift+ F3:-Function are special formulas are special formulas that perfume calculation in a
particular order or structure on values supplied to it. These values are known as argument. These are various
types of formulas under this option.
Classification of Function
I Financial
Ii Date and Time
Iii Math and trip
iv. Statistic
v. Logical
The important functions are discussed below.
2. Sum : Add the value in the selected range.
=Sum (b2:f12)
3. Sum : Add the cells specified by a given condition or criteria.
=Sum (b2:f2,”50, “b2.f2)
4. If : If evaluate the expression and returns the true value if expression is value if expression is true
and false value if condition is false= (F2<100,”PASS”,”FAIL”)
5. Average: Average The value in a selected range.
=average (b2:e2)
6. Percentage: =f2/5
7. Product: Multiplies the values in a selected range or specified.
8. Minimum: To return the minimum value from the given range.
=min (b2:f2)
9. Maximum: To return the maximum value from the specified range.
=Max (b2:f2)
10. Power: Raise number by power.
=power (5, 2) return 25
11. Square: Calculate the square root of the given number.
=sort (625) return 25
12. Abs: This return the absolute value of the number.
Which is the number without its sign.
=abs (-25) return 25.
13. Mod: Finds the reminder (modules) of the number divided by the divisor.
=mod (16, 5) return.
14. Row: The remove decimal place rounding down the number to its nearest least integer.
15: Today: Return the current date only.
17. And: It joint two or more conditions and returns. True if all the condition are true and false if any
one of the conditions is false.
18. Or: This function evaluates the logical expression and return true. If any of the conditions is true
and return false, only if all the conditions are false.
=or (2+2=4, 3+3=6) return True
=or (2+2=6, 3+3=5) return False
19. Not: It reverse the result of the logical expression passed as a parameter.
20. Weekday: Return a number from 1 to 7 identifying the day of the week of a date.
=weekday (“5-25-2013)
21. Day: Return the day of the month a number from 1 to 31
=day (“4-24-2013)
22. Year: Return the year of a date, an integer in the range 1900-9999.
23. Hour: Return the hour as a number from 0 (12: am) to 23 (11:00pm)
=hour (“10:20:30”)
24. Minute: Return the minute a number from 0 to 59.
=minute (“10:20:30”)
25. Second: Return the seconds, a number from 0 to 59.
26. Lower case: Convert all letters in a text string to lowercase.
28. Odd: Round a positive number up and negative number down the nearest odd integer.
30. Length. Return the number of characters in a text string.
31. Factor: Return the factorial of a number, equal to 1*2*3*……* number.
=fact (5)
32. Column: Return the column number of a reference.
33. Row: Return the row number of a reference.
34. Count: Counts the number of cells in arrange that contain numbers.
=count (b2:f2)
35. Replace: Replace part of text string with a different text string.
36. Search: Return the number of the character at which a specific characters of text string is first found
reading left to right (not case-sensitive
=search (“L”, “quality”)
37. Days360: Return the number of days between to dates based on a 360-day year (twelve 30 days
=days360 (“4-25-1995”, “5-25-2013”)
38. Find out grade on the basic or total.
=if (f2>250, “a” if (f2>200, “b” if (f2>150, “c” if (f2>100, “d”,))))
39. Repeats text a given number of times. Use REPT to fill a cell with a number of instance of a text string.
40. Row: Return the row number of a reference.
4.2 Define Names
Name Manager (Ctrl+ F-3)-Create edit delete and find all the name used in the workbook. Names can be used
in formulas as substitutes for cell references.
Define Name-Name cells so that you can refer to Then I formulas by that name for example you might name
the cells A 20 to 40 expenses.
Use in formula-Choose a name used in this workbook and insert it into the current formula.
Create from Selection-Automatically generate name from the selected cells. Many people choose to use the
text in the top row or the left most column of a selection.
Formula Editing
Trace Precedents-Show arrow that indicate what cells affect the value of the currently selected cells.
Trace Dependents-Show arrows that indelicate what cells are affected by the value of the currently selected
Remove All Arrows-Remove The arrows drawn by trace precedents or trace dependence.
Show Formulas-Display the formula in each cells instead of the resulting value.
Error Checking-Check for common errors that occur in formulas.
Watch Window-Monitor The value of certain cells as changes are made to the sheet.
The value is displayed in a separate window that remains visible regardless of what area of the workbook is
4.4 Calculation
Calculation Options-Specify when formulas are calculated. By default any time you change a value that affects
other values the new-values are calculated immediately.
Data Menu (Alt+ A)
5.1 Sort and Filter
Filter (Ctrl+ Shift+ L)-Enable filtering of the selected cells. Once filtering is turned on click the arrow in the
column header to choose a filter for the column.
Clear-Clear the filter and sort state for the current range of data.
Reapply (Ctrl+ Alt+ L)-Reapply the filter and sort in the current range. New or modified data in the column won
not be filtered or sorted until you click reapply.
Text to Columns-This command converts the selected text to columns based on tab, comma, or may other
specified character.
Remove Duplicate-Delete duplicate row from a sheet, you can specify which columns should be checked for
duplicate information.
Validation-This option defines what data is valid for individual cells are cell ranges. If restricts The data entry to
a particular type such as whole numbers, decimal numbers, or text and sets limits on The valid entries. It
becomes complete after setting the conditions in following steps.
Scenarios Manager-Allow you to create and save different groups or value of scenarios and switch between
Goal Seek-Goal seek which find the right input when you know the result you want.
Data Table-Allow you to see the result of many different possible inputs at the same time.
Group-Tie a range of cells together so that they can be collapsed or expended.
Review Menu (Alt+ R)
Protect Sheet-Prevent unwanted changes to the data in a sheet by specifying what information can be
changed. For example –you can prevent people from editing locked cells or changing the formatting of the
document. You can specify password that can by entered to unprotect the sheet and allow these changes.
Protect Workbook Restrict access to the workbook by preventing new sheet from being create by granting
access only to specify people.
Share Workbook-Allow multiple people to work in a workbook at the same time. The workbook should be
saved to a network location where multiple people can opened it.
View Menu (Alt+ W)
6.1 Workbook Views
Normal view-View The document in normal view.
Page Layout View-View the document as if will appear on the printed page. Use this view to see where pages
being and end, and to view any headers or footers on the page.
Page Break Preview-View a preview of where page will break when this document is printed.
Custom View-Save a set of display and print setting as a custom view. Once you have saved the current view
you can apply it to the document by selecting it from the list of available custom view.
Full Screen View-View The document in full screen mode.
6.2 Show/Hide
Ruler-View the rulers, Used to measure and line up object in the document.
Gridlines-Show the lines between rows and columns in the sheet of the make editing and reading easier. These
line will not print unless print is also checked.
Message Bar-Open The message bar to complete any required actions on the document.
Formula Bar-View The formula bar, in which you can enter text and formulas into cells.
Heading-Show row and columns heading. Row heading are the row numbers to the side of the sheet. Columns
heading are the letters or number that appear above the columns on a sheet.
6.3 Zoom
Zoom-Open the zoom dialog box to specify the zoom lever of the document.
Zoom to selection-Zoom the worksheet so that the currently selected range of the cells fills the entire window.
6.4 Window
New Window-Open a new window containing a view of the current document.
Arrange All-Tile all open program windows side-by-side on the screen.
Split-Split the window into multiple resizable panes containing view of your worksheet.
Save Workspace-Save the current layout of all window as a workspace so that it can be restored later.
Microsoft PowerPoint
Introduction of MS. PowerPoint
Microsoft office has a powerful presentation program called PowerPoint called. If helps in creating charts,
graph, slide, handouts, overheads and various other formats of presentation which any office should require. It
also creates a slide show of the slides. These presentation can method can be adopted when preparing a
PowerPoint. PowerPoint presentations are used by the companies, teachers, and students and so on. It is
important to know some important technical terms that are used in PowerPoint.
Home Menu (Alt+ H)
New side-Add a slide to the presentations.
Layout-Change The layout of the selected slide.
Reset-Reset the position, size and Formatting of The slide placeholders to their default settings.
Delete-Slide Remove this slide from the presentation.
Insert Menu (Alt+ N)
Table-Insert or draw a table into the document. In word, you can also convert existing text into a table.
Photo Album-Create or edit a presentation based on a set of pictures. Each pictures will be placed on its own
Action-Add action to the selected object to specify what should happen when you click on it or hover over it
with your mouse.
Date and Time-Insert The current date or time into the current document.
Slide Number-Insert The slide number. The slide number reflects the position of the slide within the
Design Menu (Alt+ G)
Slide Orientation-Switch The side orientation between portrait and landscape.
Background Style-Choose the background style for this Theme. Right-click any style for more ways to apply it.
Hide Background Graphics-Don’t show the background graphic include in The Theme you have selected.
Animation Menu (Alt+ A)
Preview Animation-Preview The animation and slide transition you have created for this slide.
Animate-Choose as animation to apply to objects in the slide.
Custom Animation-Open the custom animation task pane so that you can animate individual objects on the
Transition sound-Select a sound to play during the transition between the previous slide and the current slide.
Automatically-Mouse to The next slide after a certain number of seconds.
Slide Show menu (Alt+ S)
Slide show (f5)-Start the slide show from the first slide.
From Current Slide (Shift+ F5)-Start the slide the show from the current slides.
Custom Slide Show-Create or play a custom slide shoe. A custom slide show displays only the slides you select.
This enables you to have several different shows (for example a 30-minutes show and a 60-minute show)
within the same presentation.
Set up Slide show-Set up advanced options for the slide show, such as kiosk mode.
Hide Slide-Hide The current slide from the presentations. It will be shown during the full-screen slide show.
View Menu (Alt+ W)
Normal View-View The presentation in normal view.
Slide Sorter View-View The presentation in slide sorter view to easily rearrange slides.
Notes Page View-View The notes page to edit the speaker notes as they look when you print them out.
Slide Master View-Open slide master view to changes the design and layout of the master slides.
Handout Master-View open handout master view to changes the design and layout of printed handouts.
Notes Master-Open notes master view.
Color-View this presentation in full color.
Grayscale-View the presentations in grayscale and customize how the color are translate into grayscale.
Pure Black and White-View this presentation in black and white and customize how the color are translate into
black and white.
Auto Correct-Firstly write anything it should be text in the heating replace them.
Write you want to replace in the heading with them ok.
The name which you written under with heading will come to the text.
Auto Correct
Whatever you have writer such as dear sir and add something to it the first word you have written will come
and whatever it is and ok.
Used to give them to the pages.
Background-Used to give color fill file water mark to the page work.
Frames-Used to do work from any slide top, Bottom, Left or right on a file.
Style and Formation-Used to give heading or style to any word.
Paint Shortcut key
1. File
New- Ctrl+ N
Open- Ctrl+ O
Save- Ctrl+ S
Print- Ctrl+ P
Exit- Ctrl+ F4
2. Edit
Undo- Ctrl+ Z
Redo- Ctrl+ Y
Cut- Ctrl+ X
Copy- Ctrl+ C
Paste- Ctrl+ V
Clear Section- Delete
Select all- Ctrl+ A
3. View
Tool box- Ctrl+ T
Color Box- Ctrl+ l
Zoom… Normal Size- Ctrl+ Page up
Ii Large Size- Ctrl+ Page Down

1. File
New – Used to take new page.
Open-Used to open any file.
Save as-Used to save one file with many names.
Set as background (Titled)-Used to title any image.
Exit-Used to close paint.
Undo-Used to book any work.
Repeat-Used to set back the work replaced by undo.
Cut-Used to remove any selected area.
Copy-Used to copy any selected area.
Paste-Used to after any cut and copy after to.
Select all-Used to select total page.
Clear Section Delete-Used to delete selected area.
Copy to-Used to save any file and is used after paste from.
Paste From-Used to open any file.
Tool bar-Used to remove or set tool bar.
Color box-Used to remove or set color.
Status bar-Used to remove or set Status bar.
Zoom-I Large Size- Converts
Ii Custom-Converts image into large from as per wish.
Iii Grid-Used to grid lines on page.
A Show thumbnail-Used to show image another box.
Normal Size-Used to convert large size into normal image.
Flip/Rotate-Used to flip image horizon tally or vertically.
Stretch-Used to reduce the size of image horizontally or vertically.
Skew-Used to Rotate image on any angle horizontally or vertically.
Invert Color-Used to convert image in black and white or any other image.
Attributer-Used to in create decrease the height /Weight of image and converts black and white.
Clear image-Clears any image.
Color-Adds color to color box.

MS Word Shortcut Keys

Bold Key- Ctrl+ B
Italic Key- Ctrl+ I
Underline- Ctrl+ U
Alignment Left- Ctrl+ L
Alignment Right- Ctrl+ R
Alignment Centre- Ctrl+ C
Select- Ctrl+ A
New page- Ctrl+ N
Save- Ctrl+ S
Open- Ctrl+ O
Undo- Ctrl+ Z
Cut- Ctrl+ X
Copy- Ctrl+ C
Paste- Ctrl+ V
Hyperlink- Ctrl+ K
Page Break- Ctrl+ Enter
Page No-Alt+ Shift+ P
Double Underline-Ctrl+ Shift+ D
Every word underline- Ctrl+ Shift+ D
Bullet- Ctrl+ Shift+ L
Paragraph print preview- Ctrl+ F2
Word Count- Ctrl+ Shift+ G
Style and Formation- Ctrl+ Alt
Every Word Delete- Ctrl+ Back
Normal- Ctrl+ Shift+ N
Font- Ctrl+ D
Font language- Ctrl+ Shift+ F
Print- Ctrl+ P
Research- Alt+ Click
Go to Document- Alt+ Tab
Go to Document From Screen- Alt+ esc.
Book Mark- Ctrl+ Shift+ T5
Caps lock- Ctrl+ Shift+ A
Changes Case- Shift+ F2
In across- Alt+ F5
Left, Right, Up, Down-To go to paragraph use Shift+ 2+6=8
Up down-3, 9 with Shift.
Line Space- Ctrl+ 1, 2, 5
Date and Time- Alt+ Shift+ D
Window minimize-Ctrl+ F5
Window maximize-Ctrl+ F10
Split Window-Ctrl+ Alt+ S
M.S. Office time show-Alt+ Shift + T
First words Capital-Ctrl+ Shift+ K
Start-Ctrl+ Esc+ Shift
MS Word Standard Bar
New- Used to take new page.
Open-Used to open file.
Save-Used to save file.
Cut-Used to remove any selected area.
Copy-Used to copy any text or work.
Paste-Used after cut and copy to paste on other side.
Undo-Used to back any work.
Redo/Repeat-Used to show the same work .replaced by undo.
Column-Used to divide any work in different parts.
Paragraph Mark-Used to hide and show our paragraph end.
Zoom-Used to increase size, small+ large.

Formatting Bar
Style-Used to give heading 1, 2, 3 to our work.
Normal-User formatting is used to normal the work.
Font-Used to write our text in different languages.
Font Size-Used to increase or decrease size, of font.
Bold-Used to dark/Bold to our Text.
Italic-Used to write our text.
Font-Used to write our text in languages.
Font Size-Used to increase or decrease size of font.
Bold-Used to dark/Bold to our Text.
Italic-Used to write our text.
Align Left-Used to take our work on lift side.
Centered-Used to bring our work on right side.
Line Spacing-Used to give space, 0.5, 1-5 to lines.
Numbering-Used to give outside.
Border-Used to give outside border to our work.
Highlight Color-Used to highlight the select ted area with color.
Font Color-Used to give color to our font.
Drawing Bar

Auto Space-Used to give different shapes to our work.

Line-Used to create simple line.
Arrow rectangle-Used to create arrow.
Open-Used to open any file.
Save-Used to save any file.
Save as-Used to save a file with more than names.
Web page preview-Used to save a file in text page.
File Search-Used to search any file with any names.
Version-Used to save files+ it shows to Date+ lines also.
Print Preview-Used to before printing we go to preview and check our work.
Page set up-Used to set page such as margins, paper size, text border page border line no etc.
Undo-Used to back any work.
Paste special-In this first of all my any work is copied 3 times and Then we click to paste, special and Then
paste link and after and click to MS office word Document Then ok The same work will be copied on another
page and The change we do on 1st page The same change take place in another page automatically.
Format from clear-It we do more than one things in our work. Such as color, Font, Copy, Paste etc. Then with
The help of we can normal it directly.
Content Delete From Clear-Used to delete selected work.
Find-It is used to search any work in paragraph and to know now many times a word comes in paragraph.
Replace-Used to replace any work in our work.
Go to page-It any page in selected Then to go to page directly we use go to page.
Lines-Used to go to that line which we want to go directly.
Normal-Used to create normal page.
Web lay out-Used to show net page.
Print lay out-Used to we do work in this and is shows working page.
Reading layout-Number of page it has it shows all the page.
Outlines-Used to give heading to our work.
Task pane-Used to search files meanings new document or to show it.
Document Map-The work in which we give heading we can directly go to 1 st, 2nd, 3rd headings.
Thumbnails-Number of page work we do in our document from all of that we can go to any page directly using
Header and footer-Used to give top or bottom heading.
Full Screen-Used to show our work in full screen.
Zoom-Used to increase the size of our work.
Break I page Break-Used to break our page.
Ii Column Break-Used to break column from where our courser is placed to next page.
Next page-Used to take new/next page.
Continuous-Used to give different borders to our page for this take page Then The page in which we go insert
The break continuous Then The page whose border is to page border than border change The apply to this
section Then ok.
Even old-Used in header and footer.
Index of table-Used in paragraph to show heading in one blank page.
Picture-Used to take picture from slip art and word art.
File-Used to open others file in or.
Objects-It we are doing work an some program it is used to open other program such as MS word, MS Excel,
Power point etc. In our Program.
Hyperlink-Used to create link between our file and other file. If we have attached any file in the link them is
used open that file.

Font-Used to give styles, color, Italic and bold to the text.
Paragraph-Select any paragraph or link then shift it to Centre, Left or right.
Border-and Shaping-Used to give border to page or paragraph and used to give shading to the text.
[-[Columns-Used to divide work into columns.
Drop Cap-Used to increase size font words.
Text Directions-Used to shift or rotate any word in right as opposite directions.
Change Case-Used to increase or decrease any word.
Style and formation-Used to give heading or style to any word.
Theme-Used to give them to the pages.
Background-Used to give color fill, File effect, water mark to the page/work.
Frames-Used to do work from any side top, Bottom, Left or right on a file.
Auto Correct-Firstly, Write anything it should be text in the heading replace them. Write what you want to
replace in the heading with them ok. The name which you written under with heading will come to the text.
Auto text-What you have writer such as dear sir and add something to it the first world you have written will
come and what even it is insert it and ok.
Spelling and Grammar-Used to correct the wrong spelling and grammar.
Word Count-Used to show the space it counts paragraph line, a page and the space between the words.
Auto sum-It show paragraph differently according to main point.
Compare and Merge Document-Used to open another file in one file also used to show two files in only one
Protect Document-Used to protect sheet from other users.
Envelop and labels-Used to envelops of a letters.
Ii Letter words-Used to create any types of letters format.
Tables-Used to take rows and column create tables.
Column, right-Used to take extra rows above or below.
Delete-Used to take extra rows above or below.
Merge Cell-Used to create 2-3 rows in a one row.
Shift Cell-Used to create table in a single cell.
Auto Format-Used to give types format color to the table.
Auto fit to content-Used to decrease the size of table.
Auto fit to widow-Used to get tables as earlier.
Distributer Row and evenly-Used to increase the widely of row.
Table to text-Used to show table in the point number of rows it has it shows that much point only.
Short-Used to arrange names according to alphabets A to Z.
Formula-In this formula of sum is used.
Hide grid lines-Used to show or hide table.
Table properties-Used to place column or rows from right to left or to increase or decrease size.

New Window-Used to create the copy of our page,
Arrange all-Used to divide shut into two parts.
Compare side by side with-Used to open two window at a time.
MS Excel

condensation Precipitation Water

Evaporation Clouds Form

UNDO-Used to back any work.
Redo-Used to set back the work replaced by undo.
Cut-Used to cut any selected area.
Copy-Used to copy any selected area.
Paste-Used to after cut and copy to paste.
Paste special
(a) Operation –Used to adds, multiply, subtract etc. our work.
(b) Skip blank-Used after transpose in under to normal our work.
Normal-Used to create normal page.
Page break preview-Used to break the page.
Task pane-Used to search file, meanings, document etc.
Tool bar-Used to remove or add tool bar.
Formula bar-Used to remove and add formula bar.
Status bar-Used to remove or add status bar.
Header and footer-Used to give top or bottom headings.
Custom view-Used to come to that work or page directly.
Full Screen-Used to show our work full screen.
Zoom-Used to increase the size of our work.
Cells-Used to take extra cells.
Rows-Used to take extra rows.
Work sheet-Used to take extra worksheet.
Chart-Used to create chart to show student in I, II, III position in work sheet.
Symbol-Used to take any types of symbols.
Function-Used to search any formula and to get some help on that formula.
Comments-Used to give comment on the work.
Picture-Used to take pictures from word art, clip art, diagrams etc.
Objects-Used to open any program on other program such as MS word in MS Excel.
Hyperlink-Used to create link between work and others work.
Cell Number-Used to take data in currency or other forms.
Ii Alignment-Used to rotate text or number or any angle.
-Used to border the selected area.
Pattern-Used to give pattern or color.
Font-Used to give styles, color, bold, italic, to text.
Rows-Rows height-Used to increase row height.
Auto fit-Used to keep rows in normal height.
Hide-Used to hide rows.
Unhide-Used to unhide rows.
Colum-Width column-Used to increase width of column.
Auto fit-Selection-Used to normal width of column.
Hide-Used to unhide column.
Unhide-Used to unhide column.
Stander width-Used to increase width of all column.
Shut-Rename-Used rename/Give news names to our shut.
Shut unhide-Used to hide shut.
Unhide-Used to unhide shut.
Background-Used to paste picture on back ground of shut.
Tab color-Used to give color to shut.
Auto Format-Used to give style format to any selected area.
Conditional formatting-Used to show numbers of students passed or failed in a sheet.
Spelling-Used to check the spellings.
Research-Used to research anything such as files, meanings etc.
Track Change-Used to know the change modes by other in our select it show extra work in read.
Compare and merge workbook-Used to attach one work one work book with other only when both are of
some format.
Protection-Used to protect our sheet from other user.
Goal seek-Used to increase the increase the number of student.
Formula Auditing
Trace-Used to show the links of formulas.
Trace dependent-Used to create link to values.
Removes all arrows-Used to remove all arrows that corners from the use of trace presentations.
Show formula Editing tool bar-Used to open the whole toolbar.
Macro-Record macro is used to paste our work in another sheet or on the same sheet.
Auto Correct option-Used to create short cut keys.
Customize-Used to take toolbar and to increase the size of icons.
Sort-A to Z, Z to A-Used to name in YUVINEHA Form.
Filter-Used to see any special names value or all names value.
Advance filter-Used to see salary of each department.
From-Used to do any new entry.
Subtotals-Used to find value such as sum, average, product of the selected value.
Text to column-Used to a names to different cells.
Validation-Used to give any message in our work.
MS Excel (Formula)
Subject Name-
Sum-Sum (B2, F2)
Average-Average (B2, f2)
Product-Product (B2, F2)
Power-Power (2, 3)
Sum-Sum (2, 3, 4)
Fact-Fact (5)
Min-Min (B2, F2)
Max-Max (B2, f2)
Len-Len (“an4”) =3
Mod-mod (1, 4, 5, 4)
Sort-Sort (81) =9
Left-Left (“an4 sharma”3) =an4
Right-Right (“an4 Sharma”3) =Sharma
Sum if-Sum if (As, As, B2, B11)
Count-Count (M2; M11)
Count if-Count if (A1: A11: a4)
Count blank-Count blank (B17: F17)
Mode-Mode (6, 8)
Power Point
New-Used to take new page.
Open-Used to open any file.
Save-Used to save any file.
Save as-Used to save a file with many names.
Save as web page-Used to save a file in net page.
Web page preview-Used to preview a file in net page.
File Search-Used to search any file with any name.
Print Preview-Before printing we go to preview and cheek our work.
Print-The work we do on page it is used to receive print.
Page set up-Used to set margins, top, bottom, left or right.
Undo-Used to back our work.
Redo-Used to set back the work replaced by undo.
Cut-Used to remove any selected area.
Copy-Used to copy any selected area.
Paste-Used to after cut and copy to paste.
Find-Used to search any world in a paragraph.
Replace-Used to replace any work in a paragraph.
Slide Master-In this after writing tittles of our files it shows the different-2 label to write data, time and page
on it display different page.
Hand out Master view-It is used to give data time slide No. or header footer it display different page.
Color Gray Scale-
Gray Scale-Under this our images, color converts into gray scalp.
Color-Give color to black and white pictures.
Black/White-Turn The color full image into black and white.
Grid and Guides-It shows grid on our slides.
Task pane-Used to search file, Meanings, New documents etc.
Tool bar-Used to add or remove tool bar.
Header and Footer-Used the give top on bottom heading.
Zoom-Used to increase the size of our work.


New Slides-Used to take new slides.

Duplicate Slide-Used to take duplicate slide of the selected slide.
Slide No.-Used to give number of the slides.
Date and Time-Used to give date and time to our slides.
Slide from files-Used to open files saved in power point.
Symbol-Used to take any types of symbols.
Comment-Used to give comments to our slides.
Table-Used to create a table.
Picture-Used to take picture from clipart and word art.
Diagram-Used to create diagram to anything.
Text Box-Used to write anything in a bot.
Object-Used to open one program in another.

Font-Used to give styles, color to our text.

Bullets any numbering-Used to give styles and numbers to our work.
Line Spacing-Used to give space between lines.
Change Case-Used to increase or decrease any word.
Slide design-Used to give different layout of slide.
Background-Used to give color to the background.
Color and lines-Used to give color to our work, lines and out lines.
Size-Used to increase height, weight and text boxes size.

Spelling and Grammar-Used to correct the wrong spellings and grammar.
Work Count-Used to show the space it count paragraph line a page and the space between the words.
Auto Summarize-It shows paragraph differently according to main points.
Compare and Merge Document-Used to open another file in one file and also used to show two file in any
Protect document-Used to protect shut from other users.
Macro-Macro is used to released or work.
Auto Correct-Used to crate short cut keys.
Customize-Used to add or remove tool bar, Member, command etc.
Option-Used to add or remove formula bar, Status Bar, Vertical ruler, Grid line, color etc.
View Show-Used to view our slides in full screen.
Set up show-Used to set the time of our presentation.
Action Button-Used to see buttons.
Animation schemes-Used to give different animation schemes to our slides. It is used to give text and image.
Custom Animation-Used to give different animation to slide also to give text image.
Slide transition-Used to give animation to all slides.
Hide Slides-Used to hide slide.
Custom Shows-Number of slides we have in order to view only 2 or 3 slides we use custom shows.
Computer are machines that perform tasks or calculations according to set of instruction or programs. The first
fully electronics computers, instructed in The 1940s, were huge machines that required teams of people to
operate. Compared to those early machines. Today’s computers are amazing. Not only are they thousands of
times faster, they can fit on your desk, on your lap, or even in your pocket.
Computers work through an interaction of hardware and software. Hardware refers to the parts of a computer
that you can see and touch, including the case and everything inside it. The most important piece of hardware
is a tiny rectangular chip inside your computer called the central processing unit (CPU) or microprocessor. Its
calculations. Hardware items such as your monitor, keyboard, Mouse, printer, and other components are often
called hardware devices.
Computer Stand for:-
User friendly

1.2 Parts of Computer

If you use a desktop computer, you might already know that there is not any single part called the “computer.”
A computer is really a system of many parts working together. The physical parts, which you can see and
touch, are collectively called hardware. (Software on The other hand, refers to the instructions, or programs,
that tell the hardware what to do.)
The following illustration shows the most common hardware in a desktop computer system. Your system
might look a little different, but it probably has most of these parts. A laptop computer has similar parts but
combines them into a singles, Notebook sized package.
1.3 History
The civilization of computer has been evolved over a period of time. “Abacus” is considered as the earliest
calculation device invited around 600 B.C. It was rack of beads used to add or subtract number by positioning
the beads correctly. It is an ancient device one who knows the way of using it, can do calculations very fast. In
1642, Blaise Pascal invented the first mechanical adding machine. In 1822 a professor of Cambridge university
Charles Babbage (knows The way of using it , can do calculation invited ) difference engine which produces
mathematical and statistical tables, in short time and saves lot of precious time and was also very less prone to
errors. In 1842. He designs new machine “Analytical Engine” which was planned to be full automatic and
performs all the basic arithmetical calculation. Somehow this machine was not produce. What The idea laid
down the basic principal of computer design which has been the fundamental of the design of digital
On The other side in 1937 Howard Aiken of Harvard University in collaboration with 1BM developed “Mark-1”
The punch card operated machine which could perform all the arithmetical calculations. In 1943, electronic
numerical interrogator and calculator (ENIAC) was developed by a design the headed by professor proper
Eckert and john of more college of engineering, university of Pennsylvania.
ENIAC was very complex to be programmed but it was capable of Neumann develop electronic discrete
variable automatic computer (EDVAC). This computer stores the data and instructions sequentially in the
memory in binary form (0 and 1) that is why modern computer installed in census bureau of US in 1951. BY this
time the evolution was carried out at different places, but international Business Machine (IBM) becomes the
first company produced the machines for business problems.
1.4 Computer Generation
Generation of computer means the technological evolution over the period of time which is categorized into
generation. There are five generations in the development of computer.
First Generation (1940-1956) Vacuum Tubes
The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and were often
enormous, taking up entire rooms. They were very expensive to operate and in addition to using a great deal
of electricity, the first computers generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause of malfunctions.
First generation computers relied on machine language, The lowest-level programing language understood by
computers , to perform operations, and They could only solve one problem at a time , and it could take days or
weeks to set –up a new problem input was based on punched cards and it could take days or weeks to set –up
displayed on printouts.
Second generation (1956-1963) Transistors
Transistors replace vacuum tubes and ushered in the second generations of computers. The transistor was
invented in 1947 but did not see widespread use in computers until the late 1950s. The transistor was far
superior to the vacuum tube allowing computers to become smaller faster cheaper more energy efficient and
more reliable than their first–generations predecessors.
Through The transistor still generated a great deal of heat that subjected the computer to damaged, it was a
vast improvement over the vacuum tube. Second generation computers still relied in punched cards for input
and printouts for output.
Third Generation (1964-1971) Integrated Circuits
The development of the integrated the circuit was the hallmark of third generation of computers. Transistors
were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors which drastically increased the speed and
efficiency of computers.
Instead of punched cards and printouts, users interacted with third generation computers through keyboard
send monitors and interfaced with an operating system, which allowed The device to run many different
application at one time with a central program that monitored The memory. Computers for The first time
became accessible to a mass audience because they were smaller and cheaper than their predecessors.
Fourth Generation (1971-present) Microprocessor
The microprocessors brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits were
built into a single silicon chip. What in The first generation and filled an entire room could now fit in the palm
of the hand. The intel4004 chip, developed in 1971, located all the components of the computers of the
computer-from the central processing unit and memory to input/output controls-on a single chip.
In 1981 IBM introduce its first computer for the home user, and in 1984 Apple introduced The Macintosh.
Microprocessors also moved out of the realm of desktop computers and into many areas of life as more
everyday products began to use microprocessors.
Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond) Artificial intelligence
Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are still in development, through There are
some applications, such as voice recognition, that are being used today. The use of parallel processing and
superconductors is helping to make artificial intelligence a reality. Quantum computation and molecular and
Nanotechnology will radically change the face of computers in years to come. The goal of fifth-generation
computing is to develop devices that respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and self-
1.5According to functionality computer cab be divided in to three types.
1. Analog
2. Digital
3. Hybrid
Analog Computers
An analog (spelled analogue in British English) computer is a form of computer that uses the continuously-
changeable aspects of physical fact such as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic quantities to model the
problem being solved.” Analog means continuity of associated quantity just like an analog clock measures time
by means of the distance traveled by the hand of the clock around a dial.
Mechanical analog computers were very important in gun fire control in World War II and The Korean War;
they were made in significant numbers. In particular development of transistors made electronic analog
computers practical, and before digital computers had developed sufficiently they were commonly used in
science and industry.
Digital Computers
“A computer that performs calculations and logical operations with quantities represented as digits, usually in
the binary number system of “0” and”1”. “Computer capable of solving problems by processing information
expressed in discrete from. By manipulating combinations of binary digits (“0”, “1”), it can perform
mathematical calculations organize and analyze data, control industrial and other processes, and simulate
dynamic systems such as global weather patterns.
In 1937 at bell labs George invented the first calculator based on binary circuits to perform complex
mathematical formulas. Invention transformed computer from analog to digital. With The advent of digital
technology scientist could customize a computers operating function by developing programming languages.
A computer that processes both analog and digital data. Hybrid computer is a digital computer that accepts
analog signals, converts Them to digital and processes Them in digital form” A hybrid may use or produce
analog data or digital data. It accepts a continuously varying input, which is then converted into a set of
discrete values for digital processing.
Hybrid computer is the computer used in hospitals to measure the heartbeat of the patient. Devices used in
petrol pump. Hybrid Machines are generally used in scientific applications or in controlling industrial
1.6 The four basic types of computers are as under:
1. Supercomputer
2. Mainframe Computer
3. Minicomputer
4. Microcomputer

The most powerful computers in terms of performance and data processing are the supercomputers. These
are specialized and task specific computers used by large organizations. These computers are used for research
and exploration purpose, like NASA uses supercomputers for launching space shuttles, controlling them and
for space exploration purpose. The supercomputers are very expensive and very large in size. It can be
accommodated in large air-conditioned rooms; some super computers can span an entire building.
Although mainframe are not as powerful as supercomputers, but certainly they are quite expensive
nonetheless, and many large firms and government organizations uses Mainframes to run their business
operations. The Mainframe computers can be accommodated in large air-conditioned rooms because of its
size. Super-computers are the fastest computers with large data storage capacity, Mainframes can also process
and store large amount of data. Banks educational institutions and insurance companies use mainframe
computers to store data about their customers, students and insurance policy holders.
Desktop computers, laptops, personal digital assistant (PDA), tables and smartphones are all types of
microcomputers. The micro-computers are widely used and the fastest growing computers. These computers
are the cheapest among the other three types of computers. The Micro-computers are specially designed for
general usage like entertainment, education and work purposes. Well known manufactures of micro-
computers are Dell, Apple, Samsung, & Toshiba.
Desktop computers, Gaming consoles, sound & Navigation system of a car, Netbooks, Notebook, PDA, Tablet,
PC,s, Smartphones, Calculations are all type of Microcomputers.
1.7 Organization of CPU
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
CPU is the basic framework of function of computer. CPU stand for central processing unit which constitutes of
control unit, arithmetical logical unit, and memory unit. CPU is the major part of the computer system. It is also
responsible to coordinate with the other parts of the computer.
Control Unit (CU)
Control unit is the manager of CPU it directs sequence of instructions to the other components of the
computer. It controls all the devices built in or attached with the computer. According to The instructions cu
judges the types of work and to what device it is directed, and then it sends instructions to that particular
Subsequently it takes the result from that devices and sends it to output device. CU keeps the tracks of each
and every execution. It receives instructions, interprets it and send signals to the specified device. It does not
perform processing by itself.
Arithmetical and logical Unit (ALU)
Arithmetical and logical unit of CPU perform real processing according to the instruction received from CU in
includes mathematical calculations addition subtraction multiplication and division or logical comparisons.
Equal to greater than, less than. All The data instructions are transferred to ALU for processing whenever
required. The intermediate data is temporarily stored in primary memory. After full process the output is again
stored in primary memory. The CU Then display output kept temporarily in primary storage on the screen.
1.8 Memory Unit (MU)
When data and instructions are entered, it is required to be stored in the computer for processing. Like we
need desk and filling cabinet to work, similarly computer also needs some space. This space keeps the data and
instructions retained in the computer.
This space is known as memory stores data and instructions temporarily and permanently. Computer uses
different storage of input, intermediate result of processing and output. There are two types of
Primary Memory
Primary memory is just like table or desk where we temporarily open books, files to work upon. If there is no
desk or table then it is very difficult to study or work in office. Similarly computer also needs some temporary
space to keep input, intermediate result and output. Similarly primary memory works as desk or table for
computer where it can keep or retain data and instructions and retrieve it or access it as when required by the
There are two types of primary Memory
1. Random Access Memory (RAM)
2. Read only memory (ROM)
Random access memory is a part of primary memory can be accessed randomly. Data can be written or read
from any locations of The RAM chip. RAM stores data temporarily. It is volatile in nature when the power is
switched off any data or instructions written into The Ram is lost. Access speed or RAM is very fast than of any
secondary storage. RAM is made up of small semiconductor storage elements. Is uses metal oxide
semiconductor technology RAM chips are two type dynamic and static they both differ storage technology.
It is a chip where information is hardware written permanently which cannot be erased. In from when power
supply is switched off the information does not get erased or lost unlike manufacturing only. That is why it is
called read only memory.
1.9 Secondary Memory
This is also called auxiliary memory and stores data permanently. In primary memory data cannot be written
permanently and also in large amount. This is way secondary storage is required so that information can be
fetched from auxiliary storage device and transferred it to primary memory. It helps the computer to get data
when required and to write it back. These devices are attached to CPU for huge storage purpose.
Hard Disk Drive
Your computer hard disk stores information on a hard disk-a rigid platter or stack of platters with a magnetic
surface. Because hard disks can hold massive amounts of information, they usually serve as your computers
primary means of storage holding almost all of your programs and files. The hard disk drive is normally located
inside the system unit.
CD And DVD Drives
Nearly all computers today come equipped with a CD or DVD drive, usually located on the front of the system
unit. CD drives use lasers to read (retrieve) data from a CD; many CD drives can also write (record) data into
CDs. If you have a recordable disk drive, you can store copies of your files on blank CDs. You can also us a CD
drive to play music CDs on your computer.
Floppy Disk Drive
Floppy disk drives store information on floppy disk, also called floppies or diskette. Compared to CDs and
DVDs, Floppy disks can store only a small amount of data. They also retrieve information more slowly and are
more prone to damage. For These reasons, floppy disk drives are less popular than they used to be, although
some computers still include them.
1.10 Input Devices
Input devices are used to enter the data into the computer. There are different kinds of input devices.
Important devices are discussed below.
A mouse is a small device used to point to and select items on your computer screen. Although nice come in
many shapes the typical mouse does look a bit like and actual mouse. Its small long and connected to the
system unit by a long wire that resembles a tail. Some nice are wireless. A mouse usually has two buttons. A
primary button (usually the left button) and a secondary button.
It is one of the input devices mostly used in designing etc. Provides input to computer further. These are used
for processing and manipulation. There are some specific scanners built for special purpose like OCR, MICR, or
1.1 Output Devices
A keyboard is used mainly for typing text into your computer. Like The keyboard on a typewriter, it has keys for
letters and numbers, but it also has special keys;
1. The function keys, found on the top row, perform different functions depending on where they are used.
2. The numbers keypad, located on the right side of most keyboards, allows you to enter numbers quickly.
3. The navigation keys, such as the arrow keys, allow you to move your position within a document or
A monitor displays information in visual from, using text and graphics. The portion of the monitor that displays
the information is called the screen. Like a television screen, a computer screen can show still or moving
There are two basic types of monitors; CRT (cathode ray tube) monitors and the newer LCD (liquid crystal
display) monitors. Both types produce sharp images, but LCD monitors have the advantage of being much
thinner and lighter.
A printer transfers data from a computer into paper. You don’t need a printer to use your computer, out
having one allows you to print e-mail, cards, invitations, announcements, and other material. Many people
also like being able to print their own photos at home.
The two main types of printers are inkjet printers and laser printers. Inkjet printers are the most popular
printers for the home. They can print in black and white or in full color and can produce high-quality
photography when used with special paper. Laser printers are faster and generally better able to handle heavy
Speakers are used to play sound. They can be built into the system unit or connected with cables. Speakers
allow you to listen to music and hear sound effects from your computer.
1.12 Type of Software
Software is a set instructions that are needed to exploit the hardware in a useful manner for given set of task.
This is something that cannot be touched or screen nut is essential for working.
1. System Software
2. Application Software
System Software: System software is used to control manages and work with the hardware of the computer or
to convert instructions written in a high level language to machine language.
It is a classified as following
a. Operating as following
B. Programming Language
C. Translator
A. Operating System:
These programs are used to given the control on the computer hardware components such as processor
memory device and input and output devices. The operating system of a computer is one of the main factors
which contribute to its capacity.
B. Programming Language:
The communication between two parties whether they are machines or human being always needs a common
language. The language used in the communications of computer instructions is known as the programming
There are three levels of programming are available:
1. Machine Language (low level language)
2. Assembly (or Symbolic language)
3. High Level language
1. Machine Language: Instruction stored in binary from which a computer can process directly is called
machine language or machine code. A set of machine language instruction forms a machine language program.
Each type of computer has its own machine language suited to the hardware of its CPU. Common machine
language differs considerably suited to the hardware of its CPU.
Common machine language differs. Most machine instruction refer to the accumulator refer to the
accumulator and eight bit register.
Assembly language: It is difficult to remember the machine code. This led to the extensive use of MNEMONICS
(memory aids) which
Could be easily understood by the human being division or subtraction can be written as DIV OR SUB
respectively rather
Than being written in as continuous string of binary digits. These MNEMNICS have to be translated into the
binary pattern (corresponding 0 s and 1 s) before the machine can understand the operation code. The
assembler performs this process (translating mnemonic codes into binary codes by pre written stored
program) and this language is called assembly language AUTOCODER PAN ASSEMBLER etc. his program can be
written and stored in a floppy disk. It has to be loaded into the memory by another program called LOADER.
3. Standard or High level Language: Although assembly language is a considerable improvement over machine
language. They have two disadvantages. Even simple assembly languages programs are quite long
consequently it is difficult to locate and correct errors. Writing assembly languages program requires
considerable knowledge of the working of computers. To overcome this disadvantages high level languages
have been developed. A program in a high level language consists a number of statement.
A statement may contain several instructions and is usually equivalent to more than one machine languages
instructions. Mostly high level languages use English word and are based on ten numbers. Calculations
statements usually resemble ordinary algebraic expression. Most high level languages can be used on many
different types of computers. Most popular high level languages are FORTRAN, COBAL, ALGOL, BASIC, C, C+
+and JAVA.
A. Translator: Translator are used to translate any program into machine language following are the mains.
B. Assembler: Assemble translators are used to translate assembly language into machine language.
C. Interpreter: Interpreter is a set of programs that convert high level language into object language. It
translates the program step by step. It executes the program after translating every line and if at the time of
translating any error occurs it pauses the program for removal of errors basic.
D. Compiler: Complier is a set of programs of program for conversion of high level languages to machine
language. It is only used to translate the program at a time into machine language.
2. Application Software
Application software consists of the programs written by the user for specific purpose such as billing
accounting payroll etc. It is developed by the professionals. Most application software is classifieds into the
following three programs.
A. Application Program: Application programs are user written programs to perform certain specified jobs.
Many such application programs have been made commercially available under the name of the program
B. Application Package: These are similar in concept to utility programs except that application packages are
generalized programs for solving business problem as opposed to programs for carrying out computer system
tasks. Examples are MS-OFFICE, ADOVBLE, Photoshop, Corel Draw etc.
C. Pre-Packaged Software: The personal computer brought computing power to the individual user. Using
their personal computer, users could now fulfils their own information needs and perform analysis. Previously
it was not possible.
2. Assembly Language: It is difficult to remember the machine codes. This led to the extensive use of
MNEMONICS (memory aids) which could be easily understood by the human being division or subtraction can
be written as DIV or SUB respectively rather.
Window is the graphics-based operating environment from Microsoft. It provides a setup environment similar
to The Microsoft in which each active application is displayed in a resizable moveable window on the screen.
Initially windows run on DOS Platform but now a days it runs on its own platform. Windows 1.x, windows
286(2x) and windows 386 were first attempts. Windows 3.0 had its own enhanced user interface and ability to
manage extended memory up to 16 GB with built-in DOS extender. Windows 3.1 (1992) was faster and
supported multimedia true type fonts, draw and from among other features. It was the last of the windows
versions based to work on DOS platform. From this point onward Microsoft introduced window 95 which was
independent of DOS and had its booting capabilities. Windows for workgroup was introduced in 1992. It was
the first version of windows which truly supported networking. This was later enhance to window NT (New
Technology`) which was introduced in 1993 currently windows 2003 and windows 2007 are in used.
2.1 Desktop
These are nothing but the graphical representations of the application program document etc. I will explain
later in the chapter how these icons can be created clicking with mouse into an icon. Once or twice as you may
set in the windows setup you can run the program or application. On The desktop these are few icons which
are a must for all the desktop being used by windows and There are few which are created by the used
according to their likings. Among The permanent main icons are my computer, recycle bin, my document,
internet explorer, network etc.
A. My computer
As the name suggests it shows you the contents of your computer.
This has the following icons.
Local Disk (A): It will show the contents of your computer.
Local Disk (C:,D:,E:,F:,G:,H:) it will show Then contents of The floppy drive.
Local Disk (I) it will show the contents of contents of compact disk (CD)
B. Reduce Bin
It is like dustbin of the computers. All The deleted files are transferred here.
Permanently delete files from The Recycle Bin
You can permanently delete a file from your computer without sending it to the recycle Bin you clicking the file
and them pressing Shift-Delete.
Recover Files from The Recycle bin
To restore a file click it and then, on the toolbar, click Restore this item. To restore all to restore a files are
selected, and then, on the toolbar, click Restore all items. The files will be restored to their original locations
on your computer.
C. Internet Explorer
It is used to browse the internet from the system. With The help of internet the information mailing chatting
can we collected or download.
D. Wallpaper
To decorate or to make our desktop much effective and attractive different kind of wallpapers can be used
they can be created in programs or may be download from the internet.
E. Task bar
By default it is visible at the bottom of the window screen. Taskbar shown any application started by the user.
It also displays time at the right most side along with setting icons of different devices process or software. By
default there is a quick launch toolbar displayed beside the start button. Also more toolbar can be added to
the taskbar.
2.2 Using of start button
There are lots of highlights which can be done from the start button. At The bottom most left corner of the
desktop tips the start button. By pressing it you can lunch the following options of computer.
A. Programs
It opens a list of various folders and their programs to choose from to run them like MS-OFFICE, Adobe photo
shop and so on.
It provides access to control panel, printer, and start menu, folder menu, active desktop and windows update
C. Search /find
Using this you can search for a file folder device or a computer. You can also search the interned and look for
personal contact information.
E. Run
Allows running a particular program using a dialog box.
F. log off
It logs off the system quickly so that another user can log on.
G. Turn off
It presents the computer to shut down or to be restarted.
2.3 Creating renaming and deleting of files and folders.
A folder is like a directory where all the relative files are kept. For example all you files pertaining to a book
would be in one folder. Each folder has the files related to that folder.
1. Creating a folder
A new folder can be crated in any lock drive or on desktop. To create a folder steps are given below.
a. Start my computer from the desktop and go to any local drive or on desktop. To create a folder steps are
given below.
b. Right click the mouse to get the menu.
c. Click at new and them folder to get a new blank folder on the screen.
d. A folder can be renamed or can be deleted also.
c. After typing press enter to have the folder.
2. Renaming the file/folder
After giving the file names, their names, their names, their name can be changed. For this follow the following
procedure to rename a file.
A. Select the file/folder which you want to rename by single clicking on it.
B. From The file menu click at rename or click right from the mouse.
c. Retype the new name for the file/folder.
Window Accessories
Accessories play as major part in windows. They are so called additional programs which are there along with
the main program called windows. These are small programs which you would need while working under The
important contents of The accessories are paint, WordPad, Notepad, Calculator etc. Their important functions
and works of the accessories programs are discussed in detail in the proceeding of this chapter.
3.2 Microsoft Paint
Paint is a feature in widows 7 that you can sue to create drawings on a blank drawing area or in existing
pictures. Many of The tools you use in paint are found in The Ribbon, which is near the top of the paint
window. The following illustrations shows The Ribbon and other parts of paint.
3.3 Paint Button
New (Ctrl+ N): To take a new canvas sheet for drawing.
Open (Ctrl+ O): It opens already saved file.
Save (Ctrl+ S): It save The current file.
Save As: It is used to rename or relocate the file.
Print Preview: To see the file before printing.
Page Setup: It gives the print out of the page.
Set as Background: It will forward the file as a desktop wallpaper.
Exit (Alt+ F4): It is used to close The MS-PAINT.
1. Home Menu
Undo (Ctrl+ Z): It is used to cancel the last three actions.
Red (Ctrl+ Y): It is opposite to undo.
Cut (Ctrl+ C): To cut the selected area.
Copy (Ctrl+ C): To make a duplicate of the selected area.
Paste (Ctrl+ V): To paste he cut or copied object.
Paste From: To bring images in the paint.
Rectangular Selections: Select a rectangular area by drawing on the canvas.
Free From Selections: Select an area of any shape by drawing on the canvas.
Select all (Ctrl+ A): It is used to select the whole canvas area.
Inverse Selection: Reserve the current selection.
Delete (Del): Delete the current selection.
Transparent Selection: Make the background color in the selection transparent of opaque.
Crop (Ctrl+ Shift+ X): Crop the pictures so it only contents the current selection.
Resize and Skew: Resize increase the size base on % while. Skew tilts the image base on specified angle.
Flip or Rotate: It flip the selected object and also rotates based on specified angle.
Pencil: To draw a free from line.
Fill With Color: Click an area on the canvas to fill it with the foreground color, or right click to fill it with the
background color.
Text: This tool insert text area the canvas which can be transparent or solid.
Eraser: This tool is used to erase any drawing. Eraser will leave the color selected for background.
Pink Color: To select the color from any other source and them it can be used
Magnifier: It can be used to change selected area of images up o 8n times.
Brushes: Draw with different kinds of brushes.
Shapes: Insert ready-made shapes such as rectangles, circles, triangles, arrows, stars and callouts.
Shape Outline: Select the medium for the shape outline.
Shape Fill: Select the medium for the shape fill.
Color Box: This contains various color that can be selected.
Edit color: Select a color from the color palette.
2. View Menu
Zoom In: Zoom in on the document.
Zoom out: Zoom out on the document.
Ruler: Show or hide the ruler you can use ruler to measure and line up text and object in the document.
Gridlines: View and use gridlines to align objects in your document.
Stats bar: Show/hide the status bar.
Full Screen: View the pictures and the full screen.
Thumbnails: Show or hide the thumbnails window.
Zoom In: Zoom in on the document.
Zoom out: Zoom out on the document.
Ruler: Show or hide the ruler you can use ruler to measure and line up text and object in the document.
Gridlines: View and use gridlines to align objects in your document.
Stats bar: Show/hide the status bar.
Full Screen: View the pictures and the full screen.
Thumbnails: Show or hide the thumbnails window.
3.4 Notepad
Notepad is a text editor available under MS-WINDOWS. It allows typing and editing of texts. As it text editor
text can only be typed and cannot be formatted feature like changing the fonts as bold, underline, italic, color
cannot be included for the text written in notepad. Notepad saves files in ASCLL (text only) format. The default
extension of notepad file is text.
3.5 Parts of Notepad Screen
Title bar: Top most part of notepad screen contains the application name (Notepad) and the file name on
which you are working. It also contains three buttons minimize button, maximize/ restore button and close
button. Finally it also contain control menu.
Menu Bar: As discussed previously that in window user need into remember any command because they are
available in menus. All notepad commands are available on menu bar. According you can select any option.
Scroll Bar: Notepad contains scroll bars to around your text documents. It contains two type of scroll bar. First
vertical scroll bar used to move up and down the text document and horizontal scroll bar. Used to move left
side in the text document.
Text area: Text area is the area where user can type text.
1. File Menu (Alt+ F)
New (Ctrl+ N): Create a new WordPad document.
Open (Ctrl+ O): Open an existing document.
Save (Ctrl+ S): Saves the document with specific name.
Save as: Create same copy of document with specific `name.
Page setup: Setup margins of the page top, bottom, left and right and right and specifying of orientations
landscape or portrait.
Print (Ctrl+ P): Finally to print.
Exit: To close the program.
2. Edit Menu (Alt+ E)
Undo (Ctrl+ Z): To cancel the last action.
Cut (Ctrl+ X): To cut a word character or number of charts.
Copy (Ctrl+ C): To copy a word character of number of characters.
Paste (Ctrl+ V): To paste the cut or copied object.
Delete (Del): To delete the selected text.
Find (Ctrl+ F): To search a particular word or character.
Find Next (F-3): Finds the next word which was found earlier.
Replace (Ctrl+ H): To search a word or character and replace it with other word or character.
Go To: (Ctrl+ G): To go to on a particular line number.
Select (Ctrl+ A): To select all the text or information at a time in the current document.
Time/Date (f-5): Inserts the date and time on the page.
3. Format Menu (Alt+ O)
Word Wrap: To display or hide the status bar.
Font: To format the text by its font style and size.
4. View Menu (Alt+ V)
Status bar: To display or hide the status bar.
Help Topic: Gives the help related to notepad topic.
3.4 Notepad
Notepad is a text editor available under MS-WIDOWS. It allows typing and editing of texts. As it is a text editor
text can only be typed and cannot be formatted feature like changing the fonts as bold. Underline, italic, color
cannot be included for the text written in notepad. Notepad saves files in ASCLL (text only) format. The default
extension of notepad file is text.
3.6 Microsoft WordPad
WordPad is a text editing program you can use to create and edit documents. Unlike notepad. WordPad
documents can include rich formatting and graphics, and you can link to or embed objects, such as pictures or
other documents.
3.7 The WordPad Button
New (Ctrl+ N): Create a new WordPad Document.
Open (Ctrl+ O): Open an existing document.
Save (Ctrl+ S): Save the active document.
Save As: It is used to rename the file.
Print (Ctrl+ P): Select printer number of copies and other printing option before printing.
Print Preview: Preview and make changes to page before printing.
Page Setup: Used to set the margins, layout of the page.
Send in E-Mail: Send as copy of the document an E-Mail message as an attachment.
It is used to close the program.
1. Home Menu
Paste (Ctrl+ V): Paste the contents of the clipboard.
Paste Special: To paste the special object copied from other program.
Cut (Ctrl+ X): Cut the selection from the document and put it on the clipboard.
Copy (Ctrl+ C): Copy the selection and put it on the clipboard.
Bold (Ctrl+ B): Change to and Bold Font.
Italic (Ctrl+ I): Change to an italic font.
Underline (Ctrl+ U): Draw a line below the text.
Strikethrough; Draw a line through the text.
Subscript: Draw the text smaller and lower the regular text.
Font Size: Change the font size.
Text Highlighter color: Make text look like it was market with a highlighter pen.
Text color: Change the text color.
Decrease Indent: Decrease The indent level of the paragraph.
Increase Indent: Increase The incident level of the paragraph.
Start a List: Click the arrow to choose different list style.
Line Spacing: Change the spacing between lines of text add or the remove the space after paragraph.
Left (Ctrl+ L): Align the left.
Centre (Ctrl+ E): Align the center.
Right (Ctrl+ R): Align the right.
Justify (Ctrl+ J): Align text to the both left and right margins.
Paragraph: Show the paragraph.
Picture; Insert a picture from a file.
Paint Drawing: Insert drawing created in Microsoft Paint.
Date and Time: Choose the date and time format option.
Insert Object: To insert any object like picture or any other object.
Find (Ctrl+ F): To search a particular word or character.
Replace (Ctrl+ H): Replace text in the document.
Select all (Ctrl+ A): To select all the text or information at a time in the current document.

3. View Menu
Zoom in: Zoom in on the document.
Zoom out: Zoom out on the document.
Ruler: Show or hide the ruler you can ruler to measure and line up text and object in the document.
Status Bar: Show or hide the status bar at the bottom of the window.

Microsoft Word
MS-WORD is a computer program for processing of words, very similar to a food processor which processes
food. Most of The word processors would start from a blank screen assumed to be a blank page with a blinking
starting point known as cursor. For all practical purpose it is a like a typewriter, but it is much more than that.
4.2 Parts of MS-WORD screen

1. Title Bar:-It is a permanent features of word for window which shows The name of The file on which fuser
works and at The end has buttons like minimize, restore an close.
2. Office Button: Click here to open, Save, or print, and to see everything else you can do with your
3. Menu Bar:- Like in other programs, MS-WORD also has various sub-options which can be accessed by in
setting The page working area, setting tabs, directly.
4. Ruler:-It helps in setting the page working area, setting tabs, directly.
5. Status bar:-This bar always show current position as far as the text goes. It shows current position with
respect to page number, line number, column etc.
4. Office Buttons
New (Ctrl+ N):-This options is used to create a new word document or file.
Open (Ctrl+ O):-This command is used to open an already created saved document. The file can be opened by
two methods first if you already working under MS-WORD as you can also open saved file from the open icon
by using standard toolbars.
Save (Ctrl+ S):-This command is used to save store the document under a name. Since the file created for the
document is still not saved by giving this command it will be saved.
Save as (F-12):-Save as option is used to rename the file and to relocate. Let us understand the different
between save and save as you save document file as you save and other fie.
Print (Ctrl+ P):-Select a printer number or copies and other printing options before printing.
Print Preview (Ctrl+ F-2):-This options is used to see the preview of the document before printing.
Close (Ctrl+ W):-Close is used to close the opened document file. By clicking on close button in the extreme top
right of the word document. We can also close the document. But remember to save the file before program.
Exit (Alt+ F-4):-It is used to close the program.

1. Home menu (Alt+ H)

1.1 Clipboard
Cut (Ctrl+ X):-Cut The selection from the document put it on the clipboard.
Copy (Ctrl+ C):-Copy the selection and put on the clipboard.
Format Painter (Shift+ Ctrl+ C):-Copy formatting from one place and apply it to another.
Dabble click this button to apply the same formatting to multiple places in the document.
Paste (Ctrl+ V):-It is used paste whatever is available on the clipboard in the document.
Paste Special:-It allow to paste to paste as above but with a difference. Options will paste the text without
formatting or even from other program.
Paste as Hyperlink:-Hyperlink is a web related word which allow clicking on it and reaching the definition
method underneath it. By pasting the matter from the clipboard it creates a hyperlink using this option.

1.2 Font
Font (Ctrl+ Shift+ F):-Change the font face.
Font Size (CTRL+ Shift+ P):- Change the font size.
Bold Size (Ctrl+ B):-Make the selected text bold.
Italic (Ctrl+ I):-Italicize the selected text.
Underline (Ctrl+ U):-Underline the selected text.
Strike Through:-Draw a line through the middle of the selected text.
Subscript: (Ctrl+=):-Create small letters above the line of text.
Clear Formatting:-Clear all the formatting from the selection, leaving only the plain text.
Text Highlight Color:-Make text look like it was marked with a highlighter pen.
Font color:-Change the text color.
Change Case:-Change all the selected text to UPPERCASE, lowercase, or other common capitalizations.
Grow Font (Ctrl+ >):-Increase the font size.
Shrink Font (Ctrl+ <):-Decrease the font size.
1.3 Paragraph
Bullets:-Start a bulleted list. Click the arrow to choose different bullet styles.
Numbering:-Start a numbered list. Click the arrow to choose different numbering formals.
Multilevel list:-Start a multilevel list. Click the arrow to choose different multilevel list styles.
Decrease Indent:-Decrease the indent level of the paragraph.
Increase indent:-Increase the indent level of the paragraph.
Align Text Left (Ctrl+ L):-Align text to the left.
Centre (Ctrl+ E):-Centre Text.
Align Text Right (Ctrl+ R):-Align text to the right.
Justify (Ctrl+ J0:-Align text to both the left and right margins, adding extra space between works as necessary.
This creates a clean look along the left and right side of the page.
Line Spacing:-Change the spacing between lines of text. You can also customize the amount of space added
before and after paragraph.
Shading:-Color the background behind the selected text on paragraph.
Sort:-Alphabetize the selected text or sort numerical data.
Show/hide (Ctrl+ *):-Show paragraph marks and other hidden formatting symbols.
1.4 Style
Row 1 to 6:-Format titles, quotes, and other
Text using this gallery of style.
A. Save selection as a new quick style create a new style based on formatting of the currently selected text and
add it to quick style set currently in use.
B. Clear formatting:-Clear all the formatting from the selection leaving only the plain text.
1.5 Editing
Find (Ctrl+ F):-To search a particular word or character.
Go to:-Navigate to a specific place in the document. Depending on The type of document you can navigate to a
specific page number, line number, line number, footnote, table, comment or other object.
Replace (Ctrl+ H):-Replace text in the document.
Select all:-Select text or objects in the document. Use select object to allow you to select objects that have
been positioned behind the text.
Select Object:-Change to The selection cursor so that you can select and moves ink and other object in the
Insert Menu (Alt+ N)

2.1 Pages
Cover Page:-Insert a fully formatted cover page. You fill in the title, author, data, and other information.
Blank page:-Insert a new blank page at the cursor position.
Page Break (Ctrl+ Return):-Start the next page at the current position.

2.2 Table

Insert Table:-This is multiple option command.

This allow you to insert table by specifying the number of columns and rows in the table depending upon the
Draw table:-It gives the table toolbar by which user can work with tables by clicking on the icons directly. Once
draw you click at insert table icon to get the insert table dialog box. Set here the number of row and column
you want for your table to editing according to need.

Delete:-Similar to above command this one delete the various rows columns, cells etc.
Select:-This is option allows you to select rows, columns, cells etc.
Merge cells:-It merges two or more cells of the table. The data will remain the same but the cell will merge to
form a new cell. For The required margins selection of cells is must.
Split cells:-Opposite to above it splits/breaks a cell into many based on specified no of columns and rows.
Table auto format:-Like the formatting of the text, MS-WORD format the table based on pre-defined
formatted table designs.
Auto fit:-Sometimes The data does not fit into the column or in the rows. This command forces it to fit into
that if you say so. The other option is to increase the size of the row/column. You can even distribute the
column/rows evenly.

Formula;-MS-WORD allows you to put formulas in your document. With The help of this you can put various
formulas and their results in the document table:-The various properties of the table can be set from this
These include various alignment row-column size, cell position and size.
Using this option you can also define where you want to place your table with respect to the text.
2.3 Illustration

Insert Picture:-Insert a picture from file.

Clip Art:-Insert clip art into the document, including drawings, movies, sounds, or stock photography to
illustration a specific concept.
Shapes:-Insert ready-made shape, such as and circles, arrows lines and callouts.
Insert Smart Art Graphic:-Insert a smart art graphic to visually information smart art graphics range from
graphical lists and process diagram to more complex graphics, such as Venn diagrams and organization charts.
Insert Chart;-Insert a chart to illustrate and compare data. Bar, pie, line, area, and surface are some of the
available types.


2.4 Link

Hyperlink (Ctrl+ K):-Create a link to a web page a picture and e-mail address or a program.
Bookmark (Shift+ Ctrl+ f-5):-Create a bookmark to assign name to a specific point in a document. You make
hyperlink that jump directly to a bookmarked location.
Cross Reference:-Refer tom items such as heading, figures and table by inserting a cross reference such as
“see table or tum to page 6”cross reference are cross reference such as “see table 6 below or tum to page6”.
Cross reference are automatically updated if the content is moved to another location. By default cross
reference are inserted as hyperlinks.
Header:-Edit the header of the document. The content in the header will appear at the top of each printed
Footer:-Edit the footer of the document. The content in the footer will appear at the bottom of each printed
Page Number:-Insert page number into the document.
a. Top of page.
b. Bottom of pages.
C. Page margins.
d. Current position
e. Format page number:-Change the format of page number numbering used in the footer or header.
F. Remove page numbers.

2.5 Text

Text Box:-This is a box having separate text area inside the document. This text book is an independent entity
and has nothing to do with text of the document.
Word Art:-Insert decorative text in your document.
Drop Cap:-It is a way of emphasizing the text with the first letter being made big enough to run into 2-3 lines.
Word also allows you to do so using this command. You can choose one of the three options show here.

Insert Date and Time:-Insert the current date or time into the current document. Insert Object insert and
embedded object.
Equation (Alt+=):-Insert comma mathematical equations or build up down own equations use a library of math
Symbol:-Insert symbol that are not on your keyboard, such as copyright symbol, trademark symbols,
paragraph mark, and Unicode character.
3.1 Theme
Theme:-Change the overall design of the entire document, including colors fonts and effects.
Theme Color:-Change the color for the current Theme.
Theme Fonts:-Change the fonts for the current Theme.
Theme Effects:-Change the effects font the current Theme.

3.2 Page Setup

Margins:-Select the margin sizes for the entire document of the current section.
Page Orientations:-Switch the page between portrait and landscape layouts.
Size:-Choose a paper size for the current section. To apply a specific paper size to all sections in the document,
click more paper sizes.
Columns:-Split text into two or more columns.
Insert page and section breaks:-Add page section or column breaks to the document.

A. Page Break
a. Page:-Make the point at which one page ends and the next page begins.
b. Column:-Indicate that the text following the column break will begins in the text column.
c. Text wrapping:-Separate text around objects on web pages, such caption text from body text.

B. Section Page
a. Next Page:-Insert a selection break and start the new section on the next page.
b. Customize:-Insert a section break and start the new on the same page.
c. Even Page:-Insert a section break and start the new section on the next even numbered page.
d. Add page:-Insert a section break and start the new section on the next odd-numbered page.

Line Number:-Add line number in the margin along of each line of the document.
Hyphenation:-Turn on hyphenation which allows word to break line between the syllables of words. Book are
magazines hyphenate their text in order to have more uniform spacing between words. Book are magazines
hyphenate their text in order to have more uniform spacing between words.

3.3 Page Background

Watermark:-Insert ghosted text behind the content on the page. This is often used to indicate specially, such
as confidential or urgent.
Page Color:-Choose a color for the background of the page.
Page Borders:-Add or change the border around the page.
3.4 Paragraph
Indent Left:-Move in The left side of the paragraph by a certain amount. To change the margins for the whole
document, click the margins button.

Indent Right:-More in The right side of the paragraph by a certain amount. To change the margins for the
whole document, click the margins button.

Spacing Before:-Change the spacing between paragraphs by adding space the selected paragraph.
Spacing After:-Change the spacing between paragraphs by adding space below the selected paragraphs.
3.5 Position

Object Position:-Position the selected object on the page. Text is automatically set to wrap around the object.
Bring to Font:-Bring the selected object in font of all other objects so that no part of it is hidden behind
another object.
Send to Back:-Send the selected object behind all other objects.

Text wrapping:-Change The way text wraps amount the selected object. To configure the object so that it
moves along with the text around it selected” in line with text.”

4. References Menu (Alt+ S)

4.1 Table of Contents

Table of Contents:-Add a table of contents to the document. Once you have added a table of contents click the
add text button to add entire to the table.
Add Text:-Add the current paragraph as an entry in the table of contents.
Update Table:-Update the table of contents so that all the entire refer to the current page number.
4.2 Footnotes

Insert Footnote (Alt+ Ctrl+ F):-Add a footnote to the documents footnotes are automatically renumbered as
you move text around the document.
Insert Endnote (Alt+ Ctrl+ O):-Add an endnote to the document endnotes are placed at the end of the
Next Footnote:-Navigate to The next footnote in the document click the arrow to navigate to the previous
footnote in the document, or to navigate to the next or previous endnote.
Next Footnote:-Navigate to The next footnote in the document click the arrow to navigate to the previous
footnote in the document.
Show Notes;-Scroll The document to show where the footnotes or endnotes are located.

4.3 Citations and Bibliography

Insert Citation:-Cite a book, journal article, or other piece of information, in the document. Choose from The
list of source you have created or enter information for a new source. Word format the citation according to
the style you have selected.
Bibliography;-Add a bibliography, which lists all the sources cited in the document.
4.4 Captions
Insert Caption:-Add a caption to a picture or other image a caption is a line of text that appear below an object
to describe it. For example “figure 7: common weather patterns.

Table of figures Dialog:-Insert a table of figure into the document. A table of figure includes a list of all the
figures tables or equations in the document.
Update Table of figures:-Update the table of figure to include all of the entries in the document.
Cross Reference:-Refer to items such as heading figures and tables b inserting a cross reference such as “see
table 6 below” or turn to page 8 cross reference are automatically inserted as a hyperlink.
4.5 Index
Mark Entry (Alt+ Shift+ X):-Include the selected text in the index of the document.
Insert index-Insert an index into the document. An index is a list of keywords found in the document along
with the page numbers the words appear on.
Update Index:-Update the index so that all the entries refer to the correct page number.

4.6 Table of Authorities

Mark citation (Alt+ Shift+ I)-Add the selected text as an entry in the table of authorities.
Insert Table of Authorities:-Insert a table of authorities into the document. A table of authorities lists the cases,
statutes and other authorities cited in the document.

Update Table of Authorities:-Update the table of authorities to include all of the citations in the document.

Mailing Menu (Alt+ M)

Envelope and Labels:-It is not that you will always print on the paper. Word allows you to print address on the
envelopes too. You can even print labels of address for sticking to envelopes, letters etc.

5.1 Start Mail Merge

Start Mail Merge:-Start a mail merge to create a form letter which you intend to print or e-mail multiple times,
sending each copy to a different recipient.
You can insert fields, such as Name or Address, which Word will replace automatically with information from a
database or contact list for each copy of The from letter.
Select recipients:-Choose the list of people you intend to send the letter to. You can type your own list, use
you Outlook contacts, or connect to a database.
Edit Recipients List:-Make changes to the list of recipients and decide which of them should receive your
letter. You can also sort filter file and remove duplicates or validate addresses from the list.

5.2 Write and Insert Fields

Highlight Merge Fields:-Highlight merge fields you have inserted into the document. This mistake it easy to see
what part of your from letters will be replaced by information from the recipient list you have chosen.
Address Block:-Add an address to your letter. You specify the formatting and location, and Word will replace it
with actual address from your recipient list when you finish the mall merge.
Greeting Line:-Ad a greeting line such as “Dear<<First Name>>.” To your document.
Insert Merge Field:-Add any field from your recipient list the document, such as “Last Name” “HOME Phone”
“Company Name,” or any other field. When you finish the mail merge, word will replace these fields with the
actual information from the recipient list.

5.3 Preview Result

View Merge Data:-Replace the merge fields in your document with actual data from your recipient list so you
can see what it looks like.
First Record:-Preview the first record in the recipient list.
Previous Record:-Preview the previous record in the recipient list.
Go to Record:-Preview a specific record in the recipient list.
Next Record:-Preview the next record in the recipient list.
Last Record;-Preview the last record in the recipient list.
Find Recipient:-Find and preview a specific record in the recipient lit by searching for text.
Find Recipient:-Find and preview a specific record in the recipient list by searching for text.
Finish and Merge:-Complete the mail merge you can separate document for each copy of the letter send them
all directly to the printer or send them via e-mail.

Review Menu (Alt+ R)

6.1 Proofing

Spelling and Grammar (F-7):-Check the active document for possible spelling grammar and writing style errors
and displays suggestions for correcting them.
There are two methods of correcting of correcting errors. First method is to correct these errors by picking
them up one by one. Secondary you spell check the whole document. Words having red underline show the
spelling mistakes while green underline signifies the grammatical errors.
Research (Alt+ Click):-Open the research task pane to search through reference materials, such as dictionaries,
encyclopedias, and translations services.
Thesaurus:-Thesaurus helps to find synonym, words and antonym, words with opposite meaning.
Translate:-Translate the selected text into a different languages.
Translations Screen Tip:-Enable a screen tip that translate words you pause your cursor over into another
Set Language;-Set the language used to check the spelling and grammar of the selected text.
Word Count:-Find out The number of words, characters, paragraphs and lines in the document. You can also
find the word count in the status bar at the bottom of the window.
6.2 Comment
Insert Comment:-Add a comment about the selection.
Delete Comment:-Delete the selected comment.
Previous Comment:-Navigate to The previous comment in the document.
Next Comment:-Navigate to The next comment in the document.

6.3 Tracking

Track Change:-This has three options, Highlights Changes, Accept or Reject Changes and Computer
a. Highlights Changes highlights the changes made in the document since the last save. You can either see
them on screen or point them.
B. Accept or reject Changes will allow you to accept or reject the current document file with another specified
document file in computer.

View Menu (Alt+ W)

7.1 Document Views

Print Layout:-View The document in the fall screen Reading View in order to maximize the space available
specified document file in computer.
Full Screen Reading:-View the document in the full screen Reading View in order to maximize the space
available for reading or commenting on the document.
Web Layout:-View The document as it would look as a web page.
Outline View:-View the document as a draft to quickly edit the text. Certain elements of the document such as
headers and footers will not be visible in this view.

7.2 Show Hide

Ruler-View the rulers used to measure and line up objects in the document.
Document Map-Open the document map, which allows you to navigate through a structural view of the
Gridlines-Turn or gridlines to which you can align objects in the document.
Thumbnails-Open the thumbnails pane which you can use to navigate a long document through small pictures
of each page.
Message Bar-Open The message bar to complete any required on the document.

7.3 Zoom
Zoom-Open the zoom dialog box to specify the zoom level of the document. In most cases you can also use the
zoom controls in the status bar at the bottom of the window to quickly zoom the document.
One page-Zoom The document so that an entire page fits in the window.
Two pages-Zoom The document so that two pages fir in the window.
Page Width- Zoom The document so that the width of the page matches the width of the window.

7.4 Window
New Window-Open a new window containing a view of the current document.
Arrange All-Tile all open program windows sides by side on the screen.
Split Window:-Split the current it two parts so that you can view different sections of the document at the
same times.
View Side By Side:-View two documents side by side so that you can compare their contents.
Reset Window Position:-Reset the window position of the documents being compared side by side so they
share the screen equally.

Switch Windows:-Switch to a different currently open window.

7.5 Macros
View Macro (Alt+ F-8)-View the list of macros from which you can run create or delete a macro.
Record Macro-Start or stop recording a macro.
Pause Recording-Pause The macro recorder.

Microsoft Excel
Introduction of MS-Excel
Excel is a window based spreadsheet which is a product of Microsoft Corporation. It is second important
content of office after MS-WORD. It is used to create track and analyses numeric data, record, and calculate
data and present it in an attractive manner like in charts. It provides all the tools to manipulate, format and
represent data. It has all the manipulation function like financial statistical and scientific functions. A file in
excel is known as workbook or worksheet or spreadsheet which maintains large amount of data. A workbook is
a collection of three worksheets. A worksheet is divided into 65,536 rows and 256 columns. The intersection of
a row and a column is known as a cell. We enter data is cells. In this way, three are 1, 67, 7, 216 cells in a
worksheet. A cell can contain any kind of data or formula. The default file extension of workbook is Excel.

There are two methods to start excel.

1. From start button go to all programs then select MS-OFFICE and select Microsoft EXCEL.
2. From start button go to run and type excel and press entre to open MS-EXCEL.


Parts of Window MS-EXCEL.

1. Time Bar-This contains the name of the opened file, program name, minimize, Maximize, restore and close
2. Office Button-Click here to open, save or print and to see everything else you can do with your document.
3. Menu Bar-This toolbar contains all the menus (Total-7)
4. Name Box-It shows the address of the selected current cells.
5. Formula Bar-It shows the address of the selected current cells.
6. Worksheet-It is the area of entering data in the file.
7. Columns-Columns are vertical shown with alphabets.
8. Rows-Rows are horizontal show with numbers.
9. Cell Pointer-Shows the position.

Office Button
New (Ctrl+ N)-This command is used to create a new worksheet. This gives rise to blank worksheet for
performing the various operations. In The second option you can select various readymade spreadsheets.
Open (Ctrl+ O):-It allow to open an existing worksheet from either the hard disk or other media attached to
the computer, CD drive etc. Select the file which you want to open and press ok.

Close (Ctrl+ W):-It close the current worksheet file.

Save (Ctrl+ S):-It save The current worksheet under a name. If you are saving for the first time, excel will ask
you to give a name to the worksheet, which you can provide before saving.
Save As (f-12)-It allows you to save the current worksheet under a new name or overwrite the current file or
to save the file at other location.
Print:-Select a printer number of copies, and other printing options before printing.
Quick Print-Send The document directly to the default printer without making changes.
Print Preview (Ctrl+ f2):-Preview and make changes to pages before printing.
Close (Ctrl+ W):-It close the current worksheet file.
Exit (Alt+ F-4):-It is used to close the program.

Home Menu (Alt+ H)

1.1 Alignment
Top Align:-Align text to the top of the cell.
Middle Align:-Align text so that it is centered between the top of bottom of cell.
Align text to the bottom of the cell
Bottom Align:-Align Text Left:-Align text to the left.
Centre:-Align text to the center.
Align Text Right-Align to The right.

Orientation-Rotate text to a diagonal angle or vertical orientation. This is often used for labeling narrows
columns. Click the currently selected text orientations to again reset the text back to normal orientations.
1. Angel counter clockwise.
2. Angle clockwise.
3. Vertical text.
4. Rotate text up.
5. Rotate text down.
6. Format cell alignment.
Wrap Text-Make all content visible within a cell by displaying it on multiple lines.

Merge and Centre-Joins The selected cells into one larger cell and center the contents in the new cell. This is
often used to create tables that multiple columns.

1. Merge and Centre.

2. Merge across.
3. Merge cells.
4. Unmerge cells.
Decrease Indent (Ctrl+ Shift+ Alt+ Tab)-Decrease The margin between the border and the text in the cell.
Increase Indent (Ctrl+ Alt Tab)-Increase The margin between the border and the text in the cell.

1.2 Number
Number Format-Choose how the values in a cell are displayed. As a percentage, as currency, as a date or time

Accounting Number Format-Choose an alternate currency format for the selected cell. For instance, choose
furor instead of dollar.
Percent Style (Ctrl+ Shift+ %)-Display The value of the cell as a percentage.
Common Style-Display The value of the cell with a thousand separator. This will change the format of the cell
to accounting without a currency symbol.

Increase Decimal-Show more precise value by showing

More decimal place.
Decrease Decimal-Show less precise value by showing
Fewer decimal places.

1.3 Style

Conditional Formatting-Highlight interesting cells, emphasize unusual values, and visualize data using data
bars, color cells and icon sets based on criteria.
A. Highlight cells rules
a. Greater Then
b. Less Then
c. Between
d. Equal to
e. Text that contains
F. A data occurring
g. Duplicate value.
B. Top Bottom rules.
A. Top 10 items
B. Top to%
C. Bottom 10 items
D. Bottom 10%
E. Above average
F. Below average
C. Data bars
A. Blue, green, red, orange, light blue, purple, colored data bar in the cell. The length of the data bar
represents the value in the cell. A longer bar represents a higher value.
D. Color SCALE
A, Green-yellow-red color scale
B. Red-yellow-green color scale
C. Blue-yellow-red color scale
D. Red-yellow-blue color scale
E. Icon sets.
Format as Table-Quickly format a range of cell and convert it to a table by choosing a pre-defined table style.
Cell style-Quickly format a cell by choosing from pre-defined styles. You can also define your own cell style.
1.4 Cells
Insert-Insert cells, rows or columns into the sheet of table.
A. Insert Cells (Ctrl+ Shift+=)-Add new rows, columns cells or sheets to you workbook. New row will be added
the selection and new columns will be added to the left or selections. Add three columns at once by selecting
three existing columns first, this also works for multiple row.
Column first, this also works for multiple row.
A. Insert sheet row.
B. Insert Sheet columns.
C. Insert sheet.
Delete-Delete rows or columns from the table or sheet.
A. Delete Cells (Ctrl+ -)-Delete row, columns or cells.
B. Delete sheet columns.
C. Delete sheet rows.
E. Delete sheet.
Format-Change The row height or column width, organize sheet or protect or hide cells.
A. Cells size
1. Row height
2. Auto fit row height.
3. Column width.
4. Auto fit column width.
5. Default width.
B. Visibility
Hide rows
Hide columns
Unhide rows
Unhide columns
Unhide sheet.
C. Organize Sheet
Rename sheet
Move or copy sheet
Tab color
D. Protection
Protection sheet
Format cell (Ctrl+1)
1.5 Editing
Sum (Alt+ =)-Click her to display the result of a simple calculations, such as average or maximum value, after
the selected cells.
1. Sum
2. Average
3. Count Number
4. Max
5. Min
6. More function
Fill-Continue a pattern into one or more adjacent cells. You can fill cells in any direction and into any range of
adjacent cells.
1. Right (Ctrl+ R)
2. Up
Across worksheet
Clear-Delete everything from the cell, or selectively remove the formatting. The comments.
1. Clear all
Clear formats
Clear contents
Clear comments.
Sort and filter-Arrange data so that it easier to analyze. You can sort the selected data in ascending or
descending order, or you can temporarily filter out specific values.
A. Sort A to Z- Sort The selection so that the lowest values area at the top of the column.
B. Sort Z to A- Sort the selection so that the highest values area at the top of the column.
C. Custom Sort-Display The sort dialog box which enables shoring by multiple columns or rows, case-sensitive
sorts and other sort options.
D. Filter (Ctrl+ Shift+ L)-Enable filtering of the selected cells. Once filtering is turned on click the arrow in the
column header to choose a filter for the column.
E. Clear-Clear The filter and sort state for the current range of data.
F. Reapply (Ctrl+ Alt+ L)-Reapply the filter and sort in the current page. New or modified data in the column
want be filtered or sorted until you click reapply.
Find & Select-Find and select specific text formatting or type of information within the workbook. You can
replace the information with new text or formatting.
Replace (Ctrl+ H)-This command searches for and replace the specified text and formatting.
Go to (Ctrl+ G)-This command scrolls through the worksheet and selects the cell, range or cells with special
characteristics you specify.
Conditional Formatting
Data validation
Select object
Selection pane
Insert Menu (Alt+ N)
Pivot Tables
Pivot tables are one of Excels most powerful features. A pivot table allows you to extract the significance from
a large, detailed data set. Our data set consist of 214 rows and 6 fields. Order ID, product, Category, Amount,
Data and Country.
2.1 Chart
Column-Insert a column chart, Column charts are used to compare values across categories.
Line-Insert a line chart, line chart are used to display trends over time.
Pie-Insert a pie chart pie chart display the contribution of each value to a total.
Bar chart-Bar chart are the best chart type for comparing multiple value.
Date Transaction
Purchase on credit from Birla Mills
Jan3 100 Pieces Long Cloth @Rs.30
50 Pieces Shirting @Rs.50
Jan 8
Purchase for cash From Ambika Mills
50 Pieces Muslin @Rs.40
Jan 15 Purchased on Credit from Arvind Mills
20 Pieces Coating @Rs.100
10 Pieces Shirting @Rs.60
Jan 20 Purchased 5 Typewriters on Cash From
Bharat Typewriter Ltd. @Rs.1400 each
(Total of Purchase Book Rs.8100)

Date Transaction
1 Apr Sold to Jain Furniture House, Delhi
120 Chairs @ Rs.15 per chair
40 Table @Rs.50 per Table
Less 5%
10 Apr Sold to Ajit Singh & Sons, Amritsar
150 Desk @ Rs.22 Per Desk
160 Chairs @Rs.8 per Chair
Less: 5% Trade Discount
15 Apr Sold to ideal Furniture House, Patiala
10 Sofa Sets @ Rs.150 each
5 Alimirahs @ Rs.40 each
25 office Tables @ Rs.35 EACH
Less: 10%
Q.1 Prepare a sale book from the following transaction:-
(Total of sales Book Rs.10278.50)
Date Transaction
1 July Sold to Stationary Mart on Credit
2 Reams White Paper @ Rs.15 per Ream
2 July Sold to Puran Chand & CO.
6 Dozen Sulekha Inkpot @ Rs.24 Per Dozen
10 July Sold old Newspaper for cash Rs.12
25 July Sold on credit to M/S Rahim & CO.
10 Drawing Boards @ Rs.7 per piece
26 July Sold to M/S jagdish & Sons on credit
2 Transistors Janta Model @ Rs.85 per piece

30 July Sold to key see & Co on credit

4 office Tables @ Rs.120 Per Table

Q 2. From the following pariculars prepares Sales Book of M/S Gyan Prasad Bros, Delhi and dealers in Stationary:-
(Total of sales Book Rs.894)



Q 1. Prepare Purchase Book From the following Transaction.
Date Transaction
May 1 Bought from M/s Chunni Mam Raj, Delhi
wheat @ Rs.53 per Bag
basmati @ Rs. 110 per bag
Less 10%
May 2 Bought from M/s Kanodia oil mills, Delhi
40 tins of oil @ Rs. 50 per tins
20 tins banaspati oil @ Rs.45 per tin
Less;5% trade discount
May 3 Purchase from gupta bros, Hapur
25 bags gram @ Rs.48 Per bag
40 bags oats @ Rs.25 per bag
(Total of Purchase Books Rs.14, 565)
Q 2. M/s Rattn chand & sons, who are dealer in readymade garments, purchased the following Prepare
Purchase book
Date Transaction
Dec.1 Purchase from M/s Prakash Chand & sons, Bombay
100 Shirts @ Rs. 37 per shirt
50 zee shirts @ Rs.15 per shirt
Dec.12 Purchased from M/S A.N Gupta & sons
5 chairs @ Rs.20 per chairs
Dec.15 Purchased from M/s Gyan Prasad & sons
20 Bush- shirt @ Rs.35 per piece
75 Tee-Shirt @ Rs.10 per shirt
Dec.25 Purchased from M/s Raj Kumar & Sons
For Cash 25 shirt @ Rs.9 per Shirt
(Total Purchase Books Rs. (5151.25))
Q 3. Verma Bros. Carry on Buisness as Wholesale cloth Dealers. From the following write up their Purchase
Book for January, 1993.

Q1. Journalize the entry in the book parties & maintain bill wise detail
Date Transaction
1 Aug X, Paid cash Rs.12000 in advance to Y as per advance bill
No. 102 for Future working.

2 Aug X, Purchase goods Rs.3000 from Y against old Bill No.


2 Sep X, again purchase goods Rs.2000 from Y against Old bill

No. 2

1 Oct X, paid cash Rs.2000 to against old Bill No. 102

1 Nov X demand the pending balance but Y not pay the
Balance due to this X, allowed @ 2.5% discount on pending
Cost balance Rs.2,070; Bank Balance Rs.2,400)


Q1. Pass the voucher with cost category and centers-
1 May Purchase goods for cash Rs.10,000
ABC Co. Rs.6000
Ram & Sons Rs.4000
5 May Sold goods for cash Rs.17500
Shyam Rs.5000
Krishna Rs.8000
Hari Rs.4500
9 May Piad Rent Rs.8000
Go down Rs.4500
Factory Rs.2000
Office Rs.1500
12 May Paid for Advertisement Rs.12400
TV Rs.6000
Radio Rs.2000
Newspaper Rs.4400
14 May Piad Freight Rs.5000
Train Rs.3600
Bus Rs.1400
20 May Cash Sales Rs.10000
Krishna Pvt. Ltd. Rs. 4500
Ram & Sons Rs.5500
25 May Paid For Salary Rs.20,000
Manager Rs.8000
Cash Balance Rs.5839.69

Q3. Compile cash book from the following transaction:-

1 Jan Cash at Hand 567
1 Jan Cash at bank 12675
2 Jan Deposited in Bank 500
5 Jan Received from A 790
And allowed Discount 10
7 Jan Purchased Furniture For Cash 250
8 Jan Paid to B by Cheuqe and received Discount (Rs.5) 745
13 Jan Received from C by cheque
And deposit into Bank 500
15 Jan Cash Sales 785
15 Jan Deposite into bank 1000
17 Jan Purchased a motor Car and paid by cheque 5240
17 Jan Paid by cheque to D And received Discount (Rs.3) 367
19 Jan Withdraw from bank for office use 250
22 Jan Purchase goods for cash 350
25 Jan Paid Establishment Expense through Bank 450
31 Jan Paid rent in cash 50
C.B -> B.B -> 7623
(Cash Balance Rs.242; Bank Balance Rs.7623)
Q4. Compile cash book from the following transaction:-
Date Transaction Amount
1 Jan Cash at Hand 800
1 Jan Bank Overdraft 5700
5 Jan Received a cheque from Ram 3200
7 Jan Deposited Ram,s cheque into bank
10 Jan Paid to sohan by cheque 2425
15 Jan Ram,s cheque return dishonoured
20 Jan Withdraw from bank for office use 250
25 Jan Cheque received from Hari 1200
28 Jan Hari,s cheque endorsed in favour of Mukesh
30 Jan Rent paid by cheque 150
31 Jan Bank Charges 25

(Bank Overdraft R.8550, Cash Balance Rs.1050)

Q5. Compile cash book from the following transaction:-

Date Transaction Amount
1 Jan Balance of cash on hand Rs.200 and at Bank Rs.1,800
3 Jan Received Rs.800 from Gopalan in cash
Allowed him Discount of Rs.20 Paid Rs.500 into Bank
4 Jan Cash sales Rs. 600
5 Jan Paid salaries by cheque Rs. 800

Q1. Complete cash book from the following transaction:-
Date Transaction Amount
1 Mar Mr. Ganesh Lal Commenced business With cash 6500
3 Mar Bought goods for cash 685
4 Mar Paid Mr. Mohan Lal Cash 95
Discount allowed 5
5 Mar Deposite Cash in Bank 4000
6 Mar Paid For office Furniture in cash 465
9 Mar Sold goods for cash 3000
12 Mar Paid wages in cash 120
13 Mar Paid for stationary 40
15 Mar Sold goods for cash 2500
17 Mar Paid For miscellaneous Expenses 45
19 Mar Received cash from Mr. Trilok Chand 485
Allowed him discount 15
22 Mar Purchase a Ratio set 250
22 Mar Paid Salary 400
25 Mar Paid Rent 90
28 Mar Paid electricity bill 35
29 Mar Paid for advertisement 40
31 Mar Paid into Bank 2500
Cash Balance Rs.3720
Q2. Complete cash book from the following transaction:-
Date Transaction Amount
1 Apr Balance for last month 1879.17
2 Apr Received cash from S. K. Aggrawal 3400
3 Apr Purchase a radio set for Private use 1000
4 Apr Purchase good for cash 1500
5 Apr Cash sale 1860
6 Apr Paid salaries 150
7 Apr Received from Mukesh Chand 1000
8 Apr Paid Naresh Chand in Full satlemement of A/C OF Rs.250 225
9n Apr Paid for V.P.P. of goods from Chandigarh 243.58
10 Apr Sent money order to satish Chand 150
Money order Commission 2.5
12 Apr Krishna Chand paid Cash To us 1236.25
Discount allowed 13.75
14 Apr Cash purchase 290
15 Apr Paid for general Exp. 14.5
16 Apr Received from Anand Prakash 280.6
17 Apr Paid for Stationary 25

Q5:- Journalize the following transaction:-

Date Particular Amount
1-Jan Assets: Cab in Hand Rs.200: Cash at Bank Rs:6800;
Stock of goods Rs.4000: Machinery Rs.10000:
Furniture Rs.10000; M/s Narain Bros. Owe Rs.1500;
M/s B K Bros owe Rs.25001
Liabilities; Loan Rs.5000: Sum owing to Jacob Bros
Ltd. Rs.2000
1-Jan Bought goods on credit from Samuel & Co. 1000
2-Jan Sold goods for cash to Dhiraj & Co. 400
3-Jan Sold goods to Narain Bros. On credit 1000
3-Jan Received from Narain Bros. In full Settlement due 1450
7-Jan Payment made to Jacob Bros Ltd. By Cheque 975
Jan They allowed discount 25
8-Jan Old Furniture sold for cash 100
10-Jan Bought goods of Jacob Bros Ltd. 75
10-Jan B.K Bross paid by cheque 2500
11-Jan Paid for repair to Machinery 100
12-Jan Bought goods of Jacob Bros Ltd. 1000
13-Jan Paid Carrage on these goods. 50
15-Jan Received Cheque from Narain Bros. 950
15-Jan Discount allowed to them 50
16-Jan Paid Cheque to Jacob Bros. Ltd 1000
17-Jan Bank intimates that cheque of Narain Bros.
Has been return unpaid
21-Jan Sold goods for cash to key Bros 600
22-Jan Cash deposite in Bank 500
22-Jan Paid Municipal Taxes in Cash 100
22-Jan Od Newspaper Sold 20
26-Jan Paid for advertisement 100
27-Jan Paid rent by cheque 150
27-Jan Paid salary for the month 300
28-Jan Drew out of Bank for private use 250
28-Jan Narain Bros becomes insolvent a divided of 50p. In
The rupee is received
30-Jan An old amount written off as bed debt in recovered 150

Q3. Journalize the following Transaction:-

Date Particular Amount
1-Jan Commenced business with a cash capital 2500
2-Jan Paid into Bank 23500
3-Jan Bought goods from Ramesh &Co. 5400
3-Jan Sold goods tom Rajesh 4800
7-Jan Bought goods from Ram chand 6450
8-Jan Paid wages in cash 80
8-Jan Sold goods to Mahesh Chand 5350
10 Jan Received cheque from Rajesh (Discount allowed 4680
10 Jan Paid into bank 4680
11 Jan Paid to Ramesh & Co.(Discount received Rs.270) 5130
12 June Paid rent for three months up to March 400
13 June Bought from C. Khare 7400
15 Jan Paid wages in cash 80
16 Jan Sold goods to jagdis 3200
17 Jan Sold to Rajesh 1600
21 Jan Sold goods to Mahesh Chand 2500
21 Jan Payment received by cheque from Jagdish 3200
22 Jan Paid wages in cash 80
22 Jan Paid office Expenses in Cash 50
22 Jan Paid Ram Chand by cheque (Discount Rs.320) 6130
26 Jan Cheque from Mahesh (Discount Rs.150) 5200
27 Jan Mahesh Chand Returned goods (Not up to sample) 200
29 Jan Paid wages in cash 80
31 Jan Paid office Expenses in cash 40
31 Jan Paid salaries for the month 2000
31 Jan Cash used at home 1000
Q4. Journalize the following transaction:-
Date Particular Amount
Jan Started business with cash 10000
Jan Paid into Bank 4000
Jan Sold goods to Mohan 2200
Jan Goods return by Mohan 200
Jan Goods purchased from Shyam 3150
Jan Goods return to Shyam 150
Jan Purchased goods from Ram on Which 10000
Jan He allowed 10% Trade Discount
Jan Received a V.P.P. for 1000
Jan Sent a peon to collect who paid as cartage 5
Jan Paid interest on loan 50

Q1. Journalize the following transaction:-
Date Particular Amount
1-Apr Ramesh started Buisness with cash 10000
2-Apr Paid into bank 7000
3-Apr Bought goods for cash 500
4-Apr Drew cash from bank for office 100
13-Apr Sold to Krishna goods on credit 150
20-Apr Bought Shyam goods on Credit 225
24-Apr Received from Krishna 145
24-Apr Allowed him discount 5
28-Apr Paid Shyam Cash 215
28-Apr Discount allowed 10
30-Apr Cash sales for the month 800
30-Apr Paid rent 50
30-Apr Paid Salary 100

Q2. Journalize the following transaction:-

Date Particular Amount
1-Feb Manish started business with cash 20000
2- And Goods worth 5000
3-Feb Bought goods from shyam 2000
4 Feb Purchase furniture from Sunil stores for cash 500
5 Feb Sold goods for cash 700
8 Feb Purchase goods for cash 200
10 Feb Paid Certage 50
14 Feb Sold goods on credit to Mohan 250
21 Feb Withdraw money from buisness for private use 50
22 Feb Mohan returned goods 30
25 Feb Cash sales 250

44 Upkeep of cash & Cash Dr

45 Office Lightings Dr
46 Loss by theft, fire Dr
47 Commission Dr
48 Advertisement Dr
49 Freight outside Dr
50 Carriage outward Dr
51 Export only Dr
52 Discount Dr
53 Packing Charges Dr
54 Traveling expenses Dr
55 Distributing exp. Dr
56 Bad debts Dr
57 Rent from tenants Cr
58 Discount (Credit) Cr
59 Commission (Credit ) Cr
60 Interest (Credit) Cr
61 Bad debts recovered Cr
62 Sundry receipts Cr
63 Sales Cr
64 Sales return Dr
65 Return inward Dr
66 Capital Cr
67 Drawings Cr
68 Sundry Creditors Cr
69 Bill payable or (B/P) Cr
70 Bank overdraft Cr
71 Loans (cr.) Cr
72 Reserve fund Cr
73 Cash in hand Dr
74 Cash in bank Dr
75 Bank Dr
76 Bills & Received or (B/R) Dr
77 Sundry debtors Dr
78 Loans (DR) Dr
79 Stock Dr
80 Investment Dr
81 Furniture & Fitting Dr
82 Tools Dr
83 Plant & machinery Dr
84 Horse & carts Dr
85 Land & building Dr
86 Freehold/leasehold hand Dr
87 Buisness premises Dr
88 Patent & trademarks Dr
89 Goodwill Dr
90 Outstanding exp. Dr
Sl. No. Ledgers Group Balance
1. Purchase Purchase Dr
2. Purchase return Purchase Cr
3. Return outward Purchase Cr
4. Carriage inward Purchase Dr
5. Freight inward Purchase Dr
6 Carriage on purchase Purchase Dr
7 Wages Purchase Dr
8 Wages & salary Purchase Dr
9 Certage Purchase Dr
10. Octopi Purchase Dr
11. Dock charges Purchase Dr
12. Custom duty on import Direct Ex Dr
13. Motive power, coal Indirect Ex Dr
14. Gas. Water oil Indirect Ex Dr
15. Grease Indirect Ex Dr
16. Fuel, Heating & lightning Indirect Ex Dr
17. Factory expanses Indirect Ex Dr
18. Factory expenses insurance. Indirect Ex Dr
19. Boxes & labels Indirect Ex Dr
20. Royalties based on publication Direct Ex Dr
21. Manufacturing exp. Direct Ex Dr
22. Rent Indirect Ex Dr
23. Salary Direct Ex. Dr
24. Stationary printing Indirect Ex Dr
25. Postage & Telegram Indirect Ex Dr
26. Audit fees Indirect Ex Dr
27. Legal charges & law fees Indirect Ex Dr
28. Telephone expenses Indirect Ex Dr
29. Insurance Indirect Ex Dr
30. Entertainment exp. Indirect Ex Dr
31. Repair & renewals Indirect Ex Dr
32. Depreciation Indirect Ex Dr
33. Ledgers Indirect Ex Dr
34. Sundry trade ex Indirect Ex Dr
35. Conveyance Indirect Ex Dr
36. Charity Indirect Ex Dr
37. Bank charges Indirect Ex Dr
38. Office expenses Indirect Ex Dr
39. Establishment ex Indirect Ex Dr
40. General expenses Indirect Ex Dr
41. Stable expenses Indirect Ex Dr
42. Licenses fees Indirect EX Dr
43. Brokerage Indirect Ex Dr
Q8. Prepare the trading & P& L account & balance sheet of the following balances.
Items Amount Items Amount
Opening stock 9600 Repairs to plant 160
Comm...on purchase 200 Cash in hand & bank 200
Freight 300 Debtors 4000
Purchase 11850 Income tax 550
Sales 24900 Drawing 650
Wages & Salaries 3200 Capital 5000
Trade exp. 20 Bills payable 500
Bills receivable 600 Loan 900
Rent 200 Discount on Purchase 400
Plant 2000 Creditors 2330
Bad debts 500 Closing stock 3500
Q4. Prepare the trading & P & L Account & Balance sheet of the following Balances.
Items Amount Items Amount
Machinery 3500 Rent 450
Debtors 2700 Sundry Expenses 200
Drawing 900 Carriage 150
Purchase 9500 Capital Account 10000
Wages 5000 Creditors 1400
Bank 1500 Sales 14500
Stock 2000 Closing 300
Ans. (Gross Loss Rs.1850, Net Loss Rs.2500, Balance Sheet Rs.10500)

Q5. Prepare the trading & P& L Account & balance sheet of the following balances.
Items Amount Items Amount
Sundry debtors 15000 Repairs 3000
Stock 50000 Sales 170000
Land & building 100000 Bills payable 40000
Capital 250000 Furniture & Fixture 15000
Rent (CR) 6000 Depreciation 10000
Cash in hand 16000 Rates & taxes 8000
Cash at bank 40000 Salaries 20000
Wages 30000 Drawings 20000
Sundry Creditors 70000 Purchases 100000
Bills receivable 20000 Office expenses 25000
Interest 2000 Closing machinery 57000
Bad debts 5000 Closing stock 100000
Ans. (Gross Profit Rs. 90000, Net Profit Rs. 23000, Balance Sheet Rs. 363000)

Q.6. Prepare the trading & P & L account & balance sheet of the following balances.

Items Amount Items Amount

Capital 500000 Opening stock 200000
Plant & machinery 100000 Sundry Creditors 120000
Land & building 120000 Purchase return 10000
Sales 900000 Rent (cr.) 12000
Furniture 50000 Discount 8000
Sundry debtors 100000 Drawings 10000
Trade expenses 30000 b/ r 40000
Cash in hand 100000 b/ p 30000
Wages & salaries 60000 Interest (cr.) 10000
Repairs 10000 Purchase 600000
Cash at bank 150000 Bad Debts 4000
Stock (Closing)
Ans. (Gross Profit Rs.19000, Net Profile Rs.1600009, Balance Sheet RS. 800000)


Q.1. Prepare the trading & P & L account & Balance Sheet of the following Balances.
Capital 3600 Salaries 600
Machinery 700 General Expenses 200
Sales 8200 Rent 500
Purchase 4000 Purchase Return 50
Stock 1000 Cash 400
Drawing 400 Carriage Outward 200
Wages 1000 Advertisement 200
Sales Return 100 Debtors Sundry 3000
Carriage inward 50 Creditors 50
Stock ( Closing Rs.2000,)
Ans. (Gross Profit Rs. 4100, Net Profit Rs. 2400, BALANCE Sheet Rs. 6100.)

Q.2. Prepare the trading & P & L Account & Balance sheet of the following Balances.


Furniture 640 Taxes & Insurance 1250
Motor Vehicles 6250 General exp. 782
Building 7590 Salaries 3300
Bad Debts 125 Capital 12890
Sundry Debtors 3800 Bills Payable 200
Stock 3460 Sundry Creditors 2500
Purchase 5575 Sales 15450
Sales Return 200 Bank O/D 2850
Advertisement 450 Purchase Return 125
Interest 118 Commission (Cr.) 175
Cash in hand 650 Closing Stock 3250
Ans. (Gross Profit Rs. 9590, Net Profit Rs. 3740, Balance Sheet Rs.22180)

Q3. Prepare the Trading & P & L Account & Balance sheet of the following Balances.


Plant & Machinery 90000 Freight: Out 1200
Purchase 58000 Rent Rates & Taxes 2000
Sales Return 1000 Advertisement 2000
Stock 40000 Cash in Bank 6900
Discount Allowed 350 Capital Account 110000
Bank Charges 75 Sales 127000
Sundry Debtors 45000 Purchase Return 1275
Salaries 6800 Discount Received 800
Wages 10000 Sundry Creditors 25000
Freight: in. 750 Closing Stock 35000

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