Timber Formwork Beams: User Information
Timber Formwork Beams: User Information
Timber Formwork Beams: User Information
2 999791002 - 07/2018
User Information Timber formwork beams
4 Introduction
4 Elementary safety warnings
7 Doka beam H20
8 Product description
8 Doka beam H20 top
9 Doka beam H20 eco
10 General remarks
11 Deflection diagram
12 Technical condition
16 Transporting, stacking and storing
18 Component overview
999791002 - 07/2018 3
Introduction User Information Timber formwork beams
Elementary safety warnings
User target groups Remarks on this booklet
▪ This booklet is aimed at all persons who will be work- ▪ This document can also be used as a generally valid
ing with the Doka product or system that it describes. set of Instructions for Assembly and Use (Method
It contains information on the standard design for Statement), or it can be incorporated into a site-spe-
setting up this system, and on correct, compliant uti- cific set of Instructions for Assembly and Use
lisation of the system. (Method Statement).
▪ All persons working with the product described ▪ The graphics in this document or app, and also
herein must be familiar with the contents of this the animations and videos, depict states of par-
booklet and with all the safety instructions it contains. tial assembly in some instances and are there-
▪ Persons who are incapable of reading and under- fore not always complete as regards their depic-
standing this booklet, or who can do so only with dif- tion of safety equipment and measures.
ficulty, must be instructed and trained by the cus- Nevertheless, customer must ensure use in compli-
tomer. ance with the applicable regulations of safety equip-
▪ The customer is to ensure that the information mate- ment possibly not shown in these graphics, anima-
rials provided by Doka (e.g. User Information book- tions and videos.
lets, Instructions for Assembly and Use, Operating ▪ The individual sections contain further safety
Instruction manuals, plans etc.) are up to date and instructions and special warnings as applicable.
available to all users, and that they have been made
aware of them and have easy access to them at the
usage location. Planning
▪ In the relevant technical documentation and form-
work utilisation plans, Doka shows the workplace ▪ Provide safe workplaces for those using the form-
safety precautions that are necessary in order to use work (e.g. for when it is being erected/dismantled,
the Doka products safely in the usage situations modified or repositioned etc). It must be possible to
shown. get to and from these workplaces via safe access
In all cases, users are obliged to ensure compliance routes!
with national laws, standards and regulations ▪ If you are considering any deviation from the
throughout the entire project and to take appropriate details and instructions given in this booklet, or
additional or alternative workplace safety precau- any application which goes beyond those
tions where necessary. described in the booklet, then revised static cal-
culations must be produced for checking, as well
as supplementary assembly instructions.
Hazard assessment
▪ The customer is responsible for drawing up, docu- Regulations; industrial safety
menting, implementing and continually updating a
hazard assessment at every job-site. ▪ All laws, Standards, industrial safety regulations and
This booklet serves as the basis for the site-specific other safety rules applying to the utilisation of our
hazard assessment, and for the instructions given to products in the country and/or region in which you
users on how to prepare and utilise the system. It are operating must be observed at all times.
does not substitute for these, however.
▪ If a person or object falls against, or into, the side-
guard component and/or any of its accessories, the
component affected may only continue in use after it
has been inspected and passed by an expert.
4 999791002 - 07/2018
User Information Timber formwork beams Introduction
999791002 - 07/2018 5
Introduction User Information Timber formwork beams
Indicates that you need to do a sight-check
to make sure that necessary actions have
been carried out.
Points out useful practical tips.
Cross-references other documents.
6 999791002 - 07/2018
User Information Timber formwork beams Introduction
Practical example
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Product description User Information Timber formwork beams
Product description
Doka beam H20 top
effects on the weight, dimensions and mechanical
properties of the beam.
Doka beams H20 top are designed for loading in the
direction of the height of the beam.
a 21.5
80 90 224
Figures given in mm
Thickness of web a
Type of beam
Timber formwork beam H20 top is a solid-web N 29.4
beam in accordance with EN 13377 with innova- P 22.0
tive polyurethane end reinforcement for
increased resistance to mechanical stresses and Lengths:
strains. Length [m]
1.80 - 5.90 with end reinforcement
for details, see the component overview
Basic design concept
▪ Solid-web beam made of wood and wood-based Height ± 1.0 mm
materials to EN 13377. Length + 0 / - 3,0 mm
▪ Wood for the flanges is spruce, automatically
machine-graded, and 100 % of the beam flanges are Weight:
tested by the tensile loading test method (proof-load- Type of beam Weight [kg/lin.m]
ing). N 5.2
▪ Web P 5.4
- H20 P: special flat compressed particle board.
- H20 N: three-ply sheet. Mechanical properties
(permissible values from EN 13377 Annex E):
▪ Polyurethane end reinforcement Permitted shear force Q [kN] 11.0
▪ 2 system holes at each beam end Permitted moment M [kNm] 5.0
Flexural stiffness EI [kNm2] 450
Permitted span [m] 4.00
These values allow for a γF = 1.5, a kmod of 0.9 and a γM = 1.3.
Under different conditions of use and/or with moisture content > 20%,
Glues/adhesives used are tested and approved sys- the values have to be modified accordingly.
tems for load-bearing applications indoors and out-
doors. ▪ Fire behaviour: D - s2, d0
▪ Formaldehyde class: E1
Yellow varnish without wood preservatives.
For use in wall-formwork and slab-formwork systems,
Technical data tunnel formwork, automatic climbing formwork, etc.
Beam-flange markings in a 50 cm grid for Dokaflex and
Dokaflex 30 tec systems.
Note: The innovative polyurethane end reinforcement leads
All values in the tables are based on a wood moisture to a significant reduction in damage to the beam ends.
content of 12 ± 2% on delivery.
Changes in the wood's moisture content can have Note:
The beams can be labelled with the client's name if
8 999791002 - 07/2018
User Information Timber formwork beams Product description
a 21.5
80 90 224
Figures given in mm
Length [m]
< 1.80 trimmed off straight
1.80 - 9.00 with end reinforcement
Timber formwork beam H20 eco is a sold-web > 9.00 - 12.00 trimmed off straight
beam in accordance with EN 13377 with proven
For details, see product overview.
end reinforcement in the form of bevelled beam
ends and extra plastic rivet in the beam flange.
Height ± 1.0 mm
Basic design concept Length up to 6 m + 0 / - 2,0 mm
Length > 6 m ± 3.0 mm
▪ Solid-web beam made of wood and wood-based
materials to EN 13377. Weight:
Type of beam Weight [kg/lin.m]
▪ Wood for the flanges is spruce, automatically
machine-graded, and 100 % of the beam flanges are N 5.0
tested by the tensile loading test method (proof-load- P 5.2
Mechanical properties
▪ Web (permissible values from EN 13377 Annex E):
- H20 P: special flat compressed particle board Permitted shear force Q [kN] 11.0
- H20 N: three-ply sheet Permitted moment M [kNm] 5.0
▪ End reinforcement in the form of bevelled ends with Flexural stiffness EI [kNm2] 450
plastic rivet in the beam flange. Permitted span [m] 4.00
▪ 2 system holes at each beam end These values allow for a γF = 1.5, a kmod of 0.9 and a γM = 1.3.
Under different conditions of use and/or with moisture content > 20%,
the values have to be modified accordingly.
▪ Fire behaviour: D - s2, d0
Glues/adhesives used are tested and approved sys- ▪ Formaldehyde class: E1
tems for load-bearing applications indoors and out-
Surfaces For use in wall-formwork and slab-formwork systems,
tunnel formwork, automatic climbing formwork, etc.
Yellow varnish without wood preservatives. Beam-flange markings in a 50 cm grid for the Dokaflex
and Dokaflex 30 tec systems.
Technical data Note:
The beams can be labelled with the client's name if
All values in the tables are based on a wood moisture
content of 12 ± 2% on delivery.
Changes in the wood's moisture content can have
effects on the weight, dimensions and mechanical
properties of the beam.
Doka beams H20 eco are designed for loading in the
direction of the height of the beam.
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General remarks User Information Timber formwork beams
General remarks
To achieve maximum service life, follow the storage WARNING
instructions (see the section headed ‘Transporting, ➤ The uses illustrated below are prohibited, as
stacking and storing’). Prudent handling is also impor- are other, similar uses!
tant, particularly when stripping out slabs.
Do not use as scaffold planking.
To prevent any staining of the concrete from
direct contact with new formwork beams, we
recommend covering the formwork beams
with a non-woven fabric.
➤ Use Doka formwork beams only in the
'upright' position.
The only exceptions to this rule are use cases
explicitly permitted in Doka documents. (e. g. in Do not use for constructing access routes.
formwork for casting drop beams with the
Beam forming support 20, etc.)
9791-223-03 9791-223-04
Slab formwork
10 999791002 - 07/2018
User Information Timber formwork beams General remarks
Deflection diagram
16 3 2.5
p [kN/m]
12 4
Deflection [mm]
0.5 kN/m
40 30
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Span L [m]
999791002 - 07/2018 11
General remarks User Information Timber formwork beams
Technical condition
The following quality criteria define the statically permit- Splintering at side
ted degree of damage or weakening.
Use is prohibited if the damage is more extensive. ▪ permissible up to depth a = 10 mm and length b of
500 mm on one side.
Angled cracks (across the grain) a
▪ Not permissible.
Straight cracks (parallel to the flange)
▪ parallel to flange, permissible up to width a = 2 mm. Angled splintering across the edge
▪ If the flange can be parted at the crack the beam is
not in usable condition. ▪ permissible up to a = 30 mm across the diagonal and
up length b = 500 mm.
12 999791002 - 07/2018
User Information Timber formwork beams General remarks
▪ Superficial saw cuts up to depth a = 2 mm are per- ▪ Not permissible, with the exception of system holes:
- Waling attachment with beam screw
b b
a ... 15 mm
b ... 112 mm
Drilled-hole diameter max. 10 mm
a ... 15 mm
9791-209-01 c ... 396 mm
Drilled-hole diameter max. 10 mm
d ... 113 mm
Drilled-hole diameter max. 12 mm
- System holes in the plastic cap of the Doka
beam top
999791002 - 07/2018 13
General remarks User Information Timber formwork beams
Detachment of flange from web
▪ not permissible
14 999791002 - 07/2018
User Information Timber formwork beams General remarks
Fungal attack
▪ Black spots
▪ White filaments
▪ Blue to black discolouration
➤ Mould/blueing can occur in combination with
wood-degrading fungi (timber-decay fungi,
dry rot).
Timber-decay fungi
➤ Scrap beams weakened by timber-decay
They can be identified by their reduced com-
pressive strength compared to sound sections,
for example by compression-testing with a
plain, slot-screw screwdriver.
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General remarks User Information Timber formwork beams
Stacked beams
▪ max. 2800 kg per stack
16 999791002 - 07/2018
User Information Timber formwork beams General remarks
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Component overview User Information Timber formwork beams
Doka beam H20 top N 1.80m 9.5 189011000 Doka beam H20 eco P 1.80m 9.4 189940000
Doka beam H20 top N 2.45m 12.8 189012000 Doka beam H20 eco P 2.45m 12.7 189936000
Doka beam H20 top N 2.65m 13.8 189013000 Doka beam H20 eco P 2.65m 13.8 189937000
Doka beam H20 top N 2.90m 15.0 189014000 Doka beam H20 eco P 2.90m 15.1 189930000
Doka beam H20 top N 3.30m 17.0 189015000 Doka beam H20 eco P 3.30m 17.2 189941000
Doka beam H20 top N 3.60m 18.5 189016000 Doka beam H20 eco P 3.60m 18.7 189942000
Doka beam H20 top N 3.90m 20.0 189017000 Doka beam H20 eco P 3.90m 20.3 189931000
Doka beam H20 top N 4.50m 23.0 189018000 Doka beam H20 eco P 4.50m 23.4 189943000
Doka beam H20 top N 4.90m 25.0 189019000 Doka beam H20 eco P 4.90m 25.5 189932000
Doka beam H20 top N 5.90m 30.0 189020000 Doka beam H20 eco P 5.90m 30.7 189955000
Doka beam H20 top N .....m 5.2 189010000 Doka beam H20 eco P 9.00m 46.8 189956000
Doka beam H20 top N .....m BS 5.2 189021000 Doka beam H20 eco P .....m 5.2 189999000
Doka-Träger H20 top N Doka beam H20 eco P .....m BS 5.2 189957000
Varnished yellow Doka-Träger H20 eco P
Varnished yellow
18 999791002 - 07/2018
User Information Timber formwork beams Component overview
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Near to you, worldwide
Doka is one of the world leaders in developing, manu- technical support are provided swiftly and profession-
facturing and distributing formwork technology for use in ally.
all fields of the construction sector. An enterprise forming part of the Umdasch Group, the
With more than 160 sales and logistics facilities in over Doka Group employs a worldwide workforce of more
70 countries, the Doka Group has a highly efficient dis- than 6000.
tribution network which ensures that equipment and
Doka GmbH | Josef Umdasch Platz 1 | 3300 Amstetten | Austria | T +43 7472 605-0 | F +43 7472 66430 | [email protected] | www.doka.com 999791002 - 07/2018