2016 CBC FactSheet
2016 CBC FactSheet
2016 CBC FactSheet
Changes in the 2016 California building codes (California Code of Regulations, Title 24)
amended by the Division of the State Architect (DSA) that are effective January 1, 2017,
provide enhanced clarity and consistency in application. The basis for the majority of these
changes resulted from California amendments to the 2015 model building codes. Changes to
the administrative code took effect in February 2016. The most significant changes are:
• Amendments to the plumbing code affecting maximum water flow rates for water faucets
and showerheads.
• Structural safety application fees for DSA review increased effective February 2016.
• Certain concrete standards were reorganized and rewritten.
• Codes regulating existing structures were relocated and clarify conditions triggering
• The 2015 International Existing Building Code was adopted as California Existing
Building Code.
Changes reflected in the 2016 California building code (California Code of Regulations, Title 24)
are as follows: