2016 CBC FactSheet

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Summary of 2016 California Building Code Changes

Changes in the 2016 California building codes (California Code of Regulations, Title 24)
amended by the Division of the State Architect (DSA) that are effective January 1, 2017,
provide enhanced clarity and consistency in application. The basis for the majority of these
changes resulted from California amendments to the 2015 model building codes. Changes to
the administrative code took effect in February 2016. The most significant changes are:

• Amendments to the plumbing code affecting maximum water flow rates for water faucets
and showerheads.
• Structural safety application fees for DSA review increased effective February 2016.
• Certain concrete standards were reorganized and rewritten.
• Codes regulating existing structures were relocated and clarify conditions triggering
• The 2015 International Existing Building Code was adopted as California Existing
Building Code.

Changes reflected in the 2016 California building code (California Code of Regulations, Title 24)
are as follows:

Part 1 – California Administrative Code (Effective February 2016.)

4-302 The use of commercial “trailer” coaches as emergency or temporary buildings sunset in
September 2015. DSA-approved relocatable buildings are allowed for emergency use.
Use of temporary relocatable buildings now falls under Chapter 9 requirements for Fire
and Life Safety, up to 36 months.
4-309 Rehabilitation provisions were revised to clarify when retrofit of a complete building is
required. Minimum retrofit requirements were provided for alterations to structural
elements regardless of whether a complete retrofit is required.
4-310 Regulations exempting school-based health centers from DSA certification on public
school campuses were added to clarify requirements for use.
4-316 The regulations repeal the requirement that observation of construction must be
performed by the same person delegated responsibility for the preparation of plans and
specifications for consistency with the Education Code.
4-321 The structural safety application filing fee for projects submitted to DSA was increased
from 0.5 percent to 0.6 percent on the amount in excess of $1,000,000 of the total
project cost.
4-333.1 Requirements for project inspectors to qualify for certification examinations were
4-338 The definition of addenda was revised to require only addenda that affect changes to
the structural, fire and life safety, and accessibility portions of the work to be submitted
to DSA for approval.
Part 2 – California Building Code (CBC, Effective January 2017)
16 & 16A 1616.10.14 The maximum value for the spectral response acceleration parameter
& (S ds ) for determining seismic design forces was revised to be compatible
1616A1.12 with ASCE 7-16 criteria, eliminating an arbitrary lower limit in the model
code and providing more realistic design forces in higher seismic
regions. This change will affect a small percentage of low-rise, regular-
shaped school buildings across the state.
17A 1705A.3.3 Revisions were made clarifying when continuous batch plant inspection
is required or may be waived, reducing the amount of batch plant
inspection on typical school building construction.
17A 1705A.13.2 Modifications were made clarifying requirements for special seismic
certification of non-structural equipment and components in state-owned
or state-leased essential services buildings.
18 & 18A All Requirements of Appendix J for grading and soil compaction in the 2013
CBC were relocated into Chapter 18A.
19 & 19A All For Chapter 19: Concrete, the reference standard ACI 318-14 was
reorganized and in many places rewritten. Therefore, amendments for
the 2016 CBC reflect the renumbered sections of the standard.
Numerous DSA amendments were eliminated, resulting from alignment
with revised reference standards.
21 & 21A All Numerous DSA amendments were eliminated, resulting from inclusion in
revised masonry reference standards, TMS 402-16 and TMS 602-16.
21 & 21A 2114.5 & The compression strength of masonry for routine design without special
2114A.5 inspection was increased from 1500 psi to 2000 psi for consistency with
masonry standards.
21 & 21A 2114.6.1 & The frequency of mortar and grout sampling and testing were clarified,
2114A.6.1 and an exception was added, indicating when mortar sampling and
testing is not required.
21 & 21A 2114.6.2 & The frequency of core testing of masonry walls was revised, relaxing the
2114A.6.2 number of samples required. Alternative methods of non-destructive
testing are now also allowed.
22 & 22A 2212.2.6, A new amendment providing general provisions for multi-tiered, ordinary
2212.2.8, concentric braced frames where diaphragms do not occur at each level,
2205A.3.5 was adopted.
& 205A.3.8
23 2301.1.4 Provisions allowing cross-laminated timber (CLT) for gravity loads were
added to the code. CLT may not be used to resist lateral forces unless
approved by DSA as an alternate system.
26 2603.11.1 The model code added provisions for installing cladding over foam-
& insulating sheathing on various substrates. New amendments were
2603.12.3 added to the CBC, providing submittal requirements for DSA approval.
34 All Chapter 34: Existing Structures regulations were eliminated from the
CBC and relocated into the newly adopted Part 10: California Existing
Building Code (CEBC). The DSA amendment sections from the previous
codes were relocated into Chapter 3 of the CEBC.
Part 3 – California Electrical Code (Effective January 2017)
All All DSA adopted the 2014 National Electric Code as the 2016
California Electrical Code. DSA carried over previous administrative
amendments, and did not add any new amendments.

Part 4 – California Mechanical Code (Effective January 2017)

All All DSA adopted the 2015 Uniform Mechanical Code as the 2016
California Mechanical Code. DSA carried over previous
administrative amendments, and did not add any new amendments.

Part 5 – California Plumbing Code (Effective January 2017)

DSA adopted the 2015 Uniform Plumbing Code as the 2016
California Mechanical Code. DSA carried over previous
administrative amendments.
4 407.2.2.1, Amendments were provided to reduce maximum water flow rates for
409.2.1, metering faucets, showerheads, water closets wash fountains, and
408.2.2, kitchen faucets to comply with the California Green Code, based on
411.2.2.1, Governor’s Executive Order (B-29-15), California Energy
408.2.3, Commission – Appliance Efficiency Regulations (4/2015) and
417.1.1, corresponding 2013 California Green Code – CALGreen (7/1/15
417.1.2 & Supplement).
12 1210.18 Revised the previous amendment coordinating the reference
standard, clarifying earthquake-actuated gas shutoff valve

Part 10 – California Existing Building Code (Effective January 2017)

The 2015 International Existing Building Code was adopted and
amended as Part 10 of the 2016 California Existing Building Code.
1 1.1.1 to California administration language was added due to the new
1.1.12 & adoption of Part 10, using the same provisions as other parts in Title
1.9 24.
3 317 to 323 Provisions from 2013 CBC Sections 3417-3423 were relocated into
sections 317 through 323 due to the model code eliminating
Chapter 34: Existing Structures. Editorial changes were included
due to the relocation of provisions and adoption of ASCE 41-13 as
the reference standard.
3 317.5 Provisions were added to clarify that when a mandatory seismic
rehabilitation is required, the Tier 3 Systematic Evaluation and
Retrofit method in ASCE 41-13 is required.
4 403.3 Model code provisions were adopted for alterations to existing
structural elements supporting gravity load.

Part 12 – California Reference Standards Code (CRSC, Effective January 2017)

12-12 Chapter 12-12 was repealed from the 2016 CRSC to eliminate
duplication with Chapter 12-16-1.
12-16-1 12-16-101 Chapter 12-6-1 was revised to adopt current industry standards for
automatic gas shutoff valves.
12-16-2 12-16-201 Chapter 12-6-2 was revised to adopt current industry standards and
flow rates for excess flow actuated automatic gas shutoff valves.

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