Go - Game Strategy
Go - Game Strategy
Go - Game Strategy
1. The Game of GO
2. Opening Play
3. Capturing
4. Territory
5. Forbidden Plays
6. End of Game
7. Scoring
8. Strategy Summary
1. The Game of GO
The game of Go uses a board and black and white tokens.
1.1. Board
The GO board (figure 1) has 19 vertical and 19 horizontal lines, with nine specially marked
points. You can also play GO on a 13 by 13 board for faster and easier games.
Figure 1
1.2. Stones
GO uses pebble-like stones, colored black or white. The weaker player gets the black stones.
1.3. Turns
You play by placing one stone from your box on a point where two lines cross; you do not
move stones from point to point on the board. You may also pass your turn. There is no time limit
for making a move.
1.4. Object of the Game
You try to surround as many points as possible with your stones, and prevent the other player
from surrounding territory. This requires you to capture opposing stones and protect your stones.
1.5. Using this Book
This book uses a game between two beginners to illustrate the rules and all possible situations
in GO.
You should play each move of the game described in this book on a real GO board as you read
each section. This will give you the feel of a real game and help you remember the actual patterns
of play that appear in GO.
After you have played through the game in this book, you will be ready to play a good game
against most GO players.
2. Opening Play
Note: The board diagrams and the lists of moves show where to put the black and white stones.
For example, the first move might be to put a black stone where the c line crosses the 16 line: c16.
Odd number moves are for black stones, and even number moves are for white stones.
Stones might also be removed from the board. Arrowheads under a board position on a diagram
show where to remove stones. In the list of moves, an * and a number indicate how many of the
opponent's stones to remove after a move.
2.7. Extensions
Extensions from the corner stones toward the side and center stake out territory. Extend along
the 3rd or 4th line to a point two points away from the side's marked point, if no other stones are
near, as illustrated by Black at M or r in the lower left corner (figure 4).
Extending a distance of three points from your own stone along the 3rd or 4th line along the
side is best, as shown by White at O or s in the top left corner, and by Black and White in the lower
left corner. Extending four or more points is not advisable since an opposing stone can go between
your stones without fear of attack.
If you must protect a stone extend only two points, since any opposing stone cannot break into
your line without being attacked. Black (at M or r) and White (at O or s) have extended two points
in the lower right corner since their stones are under attack.
Extending a distance of two points is also best when extending toward the center since defense
is more important in that direction. Black has extended two points toward the center in the lower
left corner.
Farther extensions may be made from strong groups of stones. If two or more stones are in a
line, extensions should be made out from the face of the line of stones, not from the ends. This
surrounds territory better. White has made such an extension in the upper right corner.
Each of the patterns of extensions is also good if the extended stone is of the opposite color,
since this prevents good extensions by the opponent and places stones where they have the most
2.8. Walls and Corners
Once territory is staked out, make walls and corners to make safer groups of stones. A wall of
White and a corner and wall of Black are illustrated in the upper right corner (figure 4). Walls and
corners prevent penetration of territory and make larger groups of stones that are harder to
You should force the other player toward your walls and corners, and stay away from his or her
walls and corners, since they block extensions and escapes.
3. Capturing
3.1. Groups of Stones
Stones adjacent to each other, above or below, right or left, make a group. The four Black
stones in the upper right corner (figure 5) are a group; so are the three White stones there. The
White stone at the 4-4 point in the upper left corner is not a member of the group of two White
stones there since it is diagonal to one of the two stones.
Figure 5
Black White
23. b16 24. c17
25. c18 26. b17
27. b18 28. d16
29. a17 *2 30. s17
31. s16 32. o17
33. r15 34. o18
35. o16 36. r3
37. p15 38. s4
39. r5 40. q5
41. c5 42. s5
43. q6 44. p6
45. d4 46. q7
47. c3 48. b4
49. b5 50. r7
51. s6 52. s7
53. b3 54. a4
55. i8 56. a5
57. a6 58. i7
59. pass 60. i9
3.6. Defending
To defend a group, play first on the point that gives the most opportunities for the group's
expansion, to help the group become large and long. If there are two such points, play first on the
side nearer the center; plays nearer the side should be made only to secure territory. White should
play on z in the upper center (figure 6) to expand toward the center.
If you cannot expand, play first on the point that helps make a wall or corner. Black should play
on y in the lower center to make a wall.
If you cannot expand and cannot make a wall or corner, play on a point that is diagonal to your
territory to defend against entry. Black's play at v in the upper right corner defends against White's
If you cannot expand, cannot make a wall or corner, and cannot prevent threats to enter your
territory, play on a point that surrounds territory or prevents the adversary from surrounding
3.7. Attacking or Defending
When you are defending or attacking, you must count the open points around the attacking and
defending groups to make sure your stones will not be captured before you complete your attack or
Make long and large groups, because then many more stones must be used to surround you.
Also, large and long groups help surround territory.
Each group should have a path along which to grow toward the center (best) or along the side.
Do not enlarge groups toward the edge except to seal off territory.
It is better not to attack or defend groups of one or two stones, unless it helps in preventing or
helping expansion, preventing or making walls and corners, or penetrating or surrounding territory.
It is more important to make territory than to capture.
3.8. Completing Capture
In disputed territory, play to complete the capture a group of stones, before further play
deprives you of the opportunity. Capturing is better than merely securing territory since you get
points for both the stones captured and the territory you now control. White has captured the five-
stone Black group in the lower right corner (figure 7) and will gain five points for the territory and
five for the captured stones.
3.9. Postponing Capture
You should postpone capture only if capture is certain at all times in the future. This occurs
only when the other player cannot enter the territory diagonally or directly without losing stones.
Stones certain to be captured are automatically credited to you at the end of the game. You
should not use your stones to capture these stones, since you will fill up your territory and reduce
the number of empty points you surround. Black has a secure area in the lower left corner
(figure 7), so no actual capture is necessary there.
3.10. Sacrificing
You may sacrifice one or two stones in order to keep on the attack. A sacrifice should make the
other player expend two or three moves to make the capture, while you use your moves to surround
a larger group or territory. White can play at z in the upper right corner (figure 7) in hopes Black
will take two moves to capture the stone, while White plays into the corner.
3.11. Playing into Opposing Territory
Do not enter opposing territory unless you can play fewer than twice as many stones as you will
lose. Usually, it is not wise to enter opposing territory.
If the other player surrounds ten or more points of open territory, or surrounds less points but
you surround his or her stones, play stones into the territory to force him or her to capture your
stones and so fill up the territory. Play first on the points that prevent the opponent from making the
territory safe, then on the points that allow you to enter the territory diagonally. Black plays on x in
White's territory in the lower right hand corner (figure 7), and then fills up the inside, threatening to
surround Black from outside and inside. This makes White play at y to make an eye and later fill
this territory in to capture the Black stones. White also must play carefully to be able to make the
territory safe.
Figure 7
Black White
92. t6 *5
93. d5 94. c9
95. e3 96. f3
97. e2 98. f2
99. e1 100. a2
101. d2 102. b2
103. c1 104. c15
105. o6 106. d15
107. p5 108. b15
109. p4 110. a15
111. q3 112. t5
113. r2 114. q2
115. s3 116. q1
117. t7 118. o5
119. t4
4. Territory
4.1. Groups of Points
Territory is a group of unoccupied points that is completely surrounded by stones of one color
(or the sides of the board). The points are all right, left, above, or below each other. Figure 8 shows
a territory completely surrounded by Black in the upper right corner. Points diagonal to points in a
territory are not part of the territory; point s is not part of the territory in the upper right corner.
Stones on a diagonal to points in a territory do not help surround the territory. A Black stone at t
does not help surround the Black territory. A White stone at r does not surround the Black territory.
Stones of either color may be scattered inside a territory, as shown in the lower left corner.
These points are not territory. Territory is only empty points.
Figure 8
Black White
120. d18
121. c19 122. f18
123. f17 124. d19
125. g18 126. f19
127. g19 128. e19
129. e16 130. o7
131. p19 132. n6
133. t19
4.2. Eyes
An eye is an unoccupied point with four stones of one color (or the sides of the board) around
it. The territory in the lower left corner (figure 8) has two eyes in it.
When the outside of the territory is surrounded and there is only one eye in a territory, a play
into that eye captures the group. White territory with one eye is shown in the upper left corner.
Since Black surrounds the White stones on the outside, Black can capture all six White stones in
one more move by occupying the inside.
4.3. Two Eyes
Two eyes temporarily make a safe territory, since two plays would be needed to fill up the
territory. Territory with two eyes is not permanently safe if the stones making the eyes can be
captured. Black has two eyes in the upper left corner (figure 8), but White can capture one stone
and remove an eye.
4.4. Securing Eyes
To make eyes secure, you must occupy or surround the diagonal corners of the eyes. If three of
the four corners of an eye are so controlled, the eye is safe. All Black's eyes in the lower left corner
(figure 8) are safe.
4.5. Territories with More than Six Empty Points
You can always make two safe eyes in territories with more than six empty points. If the
opponent plays into the territory, play first on an eye-making point. Black was able to make a safe
territory in the lower left corner (figure 9).
Therefore, you must play your stones right from the beginning, and throughout the game, to
make territories of at least seven points. While you are attempting this, you should also make the
shapes of the territories ones that form safe eyes, since the other player can usually limit your
territory to less than seven points. White has made territory with one of the shapes for safe eyes in
the lower right corner.
Territory with six or fewer points can be made safe if the stones surrounding it are safe from
capture. If those stones can be attacked, the territory is not safe.
4.6. Territories with One Empty Point
A territory that has only one empty point will certainly be lost if its surrounding stones are
themselves surrounded.
4.7. Territories with Two Empty Points
A territory with two empty points (which will be side by side) is certainly lost if its surrounding
stones are themselves surrounded. For example, the Black stones and territory are lost in the lower
center (figure 9).
4.8. Territories with Three Empty Points
If a territory has three empty points in a row or in an L shape (as along the upper side of
figure 9), the next play by either White or Black should be in the middle point to make or prevent
two eyes.
Figure 9
Black White
134. l16
135. k18 136. m17
137. l18 138. m18
139. l19 140. k16
141. k4 142. p2
143. l3 144. l2
145. k2 146. o1
147. h2 148. g2
149. h3 150. k1
151. i2 152. n1
153. s2 154. m1
155. n10 156. d7
157. l9 158. d9
159. i11 160. b7
161. l13 162. l14
163. i10 164. l8
165. k9 166. m9
167. m10 168. k13
169. k12 170. o11
Figure 14
If this pattern is found, remove the seven central stones (the Black stones in the above example)
and give them to the opposing player (White in this example).
This pattern has not occurred in the sample game.
No points are actually added or subtracted during any of the actions of this section.
6.3. Unsecured Territories
Third, check all territories to be sure they are safe and secure.
A territory may look secure but not be so. It may have only one eye, for instance. Such a
territory is shown on the left center (figure 15). In this case, the spaces of the territory do not count.
Fill the points with stones of the needed color, so that neither player has any territory there and no
captures occur.
There may also be a deadlock in a territory, where any move by either player would lead to a
loss for that player. In this case, the spaces do not count as territory. Fill the points with stones of
the needed color, so that neither player has any territory there and no captures occur.
No points are actually added or subtracted during any of the actions of this section.
Figure 15
6.4. Neutral Territories
Fourth, use stones of the needed color to fill all neutral territory, so that no captures are made
and no territory is created. Five points of neutral territory are marked by z's on the left center
(figure 15).
Players are also allowed to rearrange their stones so their stones are safe and no changes in
territory occur.
No points are actually added or subtracted during any of the actions of this section.
Figure 16
6.5. Remove Black's Stones from White Territories
Fifth, remove Black stones in White's territory and give them to White as captured stones.
Remove all Black stones in White's territory that both players have agreed cannot escape being
captured. Comparing figures 15 and 16 shows the Black stones removed.
Black stones inside White territory that are found to be part of a threat to attack White (together
with Black stones outside the surrounded territory) must actually be captured by using White
stones. If this capturing possibility was overlooked in the first scoring step, the scoring procedure
returns to the first step so that the captures can be made.
No points are actually added or subtracted during any of the actions of this section.
6.6. Remove White's Stones from Black Territories
Sixth, remove White stones in Black's territory and give them to Black as captured stones.
Remove all White stones inside Black's territory that both players have agreed cannot escape being
captured. Comparing figures 15 and 16 shows the White stones removed.
White stones inside Black territory that are found to be part of a threat to attack Black (together
with White stones outside the surrounded territory) must actually be captured by using Black
stones. If this capturing possibility was overlooked in the first scoring step, the scoring procedure
returns to the first step so the captures can be made.
No points are actually added or subtracted during any of the actions of this section.
Figure 17
6.7. Counting White's Territory
Seventh, fill the White territory with White stones. Territory consists only of unoccupied points,
so points occupied by White stones are not counted. (There are no Black stones in White territory
after the fifth step.) The y's of figure 17 show the points to be filled by White.
The number of White stones used is added to White's score.
6.8. Counting Black's Territory
Eighth, fill the Black territory with Black stones. Territory consists only of unoccupied points,
so points occupied by Black stones are not counted. (There are no White stones in Black territory
after the sixth step.) The x's of figure 17 show the points to be filled by Black.
The number of Black stones used is added to Black's score.
6.9. Counting Black's Captured Stones
Ninth, subtract the number of captured Black stones from Black's score.
6.10. Counting White's Captured Stones
Tenth, subtract the number of captured White stones from White's score.
7. Scoring
The player with the higher score is the winner.
Sometimes, White is given 4.5 or 5.5 extra points to offset Black's advantage in starting first.
This also ensures there are no ties. The decision whether to use these extra points should be made
before the game begins.
7.1. Analysis of Scoring
There should be a difference in score of less than 20 points. If the difference is more, the
handicap should be changed. Handicap stones are worth about 10 points each for Black.
Also, there should be less than 20 captures each in a well-played game.
8. Strategy Summary