Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice: Reaf. MAY2000
Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice: Reaf. MAY2000
Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice: Reaf. MAY2000
400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001
RECOMMENDED Issued 1973-07
PRACTICE Reaffirmed 2000-05
Foreword—This SAE Recommended Practice establishes a test procedure for measuring the sound level produced
by tires intended primarily for highway use on motor trucks, truck tractors, trailers and semitrailers, and buses.
1. Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. References ............................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Applicable Publications ............................................................................................................................ 2
2.1.1 SAE Publication........................................................................................................................................ 2
2.1.2 ANSI Publication ...................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1.3 ISO Publication......................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Related Publications................................................................................................................................. 2
2.2.1 SAE Publications ...................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2.2 Acoustical Society of America Publications.............................................................................................. 2
2.2.3 DOT Publications ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2.4 Tire and Rim Publication .......................................................................................................................... 3
3. Instrumentation......................................................................................................................................... 3
6. Tires ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
7. Procedure................................................................................................................................................. 6
8. Notes ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
8.1 Marginal Indicia ........................................................................................................................................ 8
8.2 Key Words ................................................................................................................................................ 8
APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely
voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”
SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.
1. Scope
1.1 This procedure provides for the measurement of the sound generated by a test tire, mounted on a single-axle
trailer, operated at multiple speeds.
1.2 The procedure describes test practices for both United States and International practices.
1.3 Specifications for the instrumentation, the test site, and the operation of the test apparatus are set forth to
minimize the effects of extraneous sound sources and to define the basis of reported sound levels.
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications pertain to noise measurement and tire noise. The
references not directly cited in the text are suggested background information for individuals performing tire
noise testing.
2.1.1 SAE PUBLICATION—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.
2.1.2 ANSI PUBLICATION—Available from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.
2.1.3 ISO PUBLICATION—Available from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.
2.2 Related Publications—The following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not a
required part of this publication.
2.2.1 SAE PUBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.
2.2.2 ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA PUBLICATIONS—Available from Acoustical Society of America, 500
Sunnyside Boulevard, Woodbury, NY 11797-2999.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 76(4), October 1984, pp. 1150–1160, “Effects of Environmental Variables on Truck
Noise Emission and Noise Propagation to Test Microphones,” Hemdal, J.F., Baker, R.N., and Saha, P.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 58, No. 1, July 1975, pp. 39–50, “Tire-Road Interaction Noise,” Leasure, W.A.
and Bender, E.K.
SAE J57 Reaffirmed MAY2000
DOT HS-AS-60031, January 1979, US DOT, “Effects of Load, Inflation Pressure, and Tire Deflection on
Truck Tire Noise Levels,” Kilmer, R.D., Codoff, M.A., Mathews, D.E., and Shoemaker, C.O.
DOT Report No. DOT-TST-76-4, August 1975, “Automobile Tire Noise: Results of a Pilot Study and
Review of the Open Literature,” Leasure, W.A., Mathews, D.E., and Codoff, M.A.
2.2.4 TIRE AND RIM ASSOCIATION PUBLICATION—Available from The Tire and Rim Association, Inc., 175 Montrose
West Ave., Suite 150, Copley, OH 44321.
3. Instrumentation
3.1 The following instrumentation shall be used for the measurements as required:
a. A sound level meter which satisfies the Type 1 or S1A requirements of American National Standard
Specification for Sound Level Meters, S1.4 or S1.4A (latest revision) or its ISO equivalent.
1. As an alternative to making direct measurements using a sound level meter, a microphone may be
used with a magnetic or digital tape recorder and/or a graphic level recorder or other indicating
instrument, providing the system meets the requirements of SAE J184 (latest revision).
b. An acoustical calibrator, having an accuracy of ±0.5 dB, for establishing the calibration of the sound
level meter and associated instrumentation.
c. An anemometer having an accuracy of ±10% at 18 km/h (11 mph).
4. Test Site
4.1 The test site shall be located on a flat area which is free of reflecting surfaces (other than the ground), such as
parked vehicles, trees, or buildings within 30 m (100 ft) of the measurement area.
4.2 The vehicle path, within the Test Zone, shall meet the requirements of ISO 10844. The vehicle path shall be
dry and free of extraneous material.
4.3 The microphone shall be located at a height of 1.2 m (4 ft) above the ground plane. The normal to the vehicle
path from the microphone shall establish the microphone point on the vehicle path. The distance from the
microphone to the microphone point shall be as follows:
a. 15 m (50 ft) for testing representative of United States practices. See Table 1 and Figure 1.
b. 7.5 m (25 ft) for testing representative of International practices. See Table 2 and Figure 2.
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SAE J57 Reaffirmed MAY2000
4.4 The measurement area is the triangular area formed by the point of entrance into the test zone, point of exit
from the test zone, and the microphone. The test zone is established as follows:
a. The test zone extends 15 m (50 ft) on either side of the microphone point along the vehicle path for
testing representative of United States practices. See Table 1 and Figure 1.
b. The test zone extends 10 m (33 ft) on either side of the microphone point along the vehicle path for
testing representative of International practices. See Table 2 and Figure 2.
4.5 The measurement area (excluding vehicle path) should be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, or similar hard
material, having a Coefficient of Absorption not exceeding 0.10 measured as specified in ISO 10844, and in
any event, should be free of snow, grass, soil, ashes, or other sound-absorbing materials.
4.6 The ambient sound level (including wind effects) at the test site shall be at least 10 dB below the level of the
subject tires operated in accordance with the test procedure.
4.7 The wind speed in the measurement area shall be less than 18 km/h (11 mph).
4.8 The ambient air temperature of the test location shall be between 10 and 30 °C (50 and 86 °F) throughout the
4.9 Test surface temperature shall be between 5 and 40 °C (41 and 104 °F) throughout the test.
4.9.1 The surface reference temperature shall be 20 °C (68 °F). The reported sound levels shall be corrected to
this temperature by means of the procedure set forth in 7.5.
5. Test Apparatus
a. Tow Vehicle
1. The rolling noise of the towing vehicle can be minimized by appropriate measures (low-noise tires,
shielding, aerodynamic skirting, etc.) to a point at which the sound level for the tow vehicle alone is
at least 3 dB(A) lower than for the tow vehicle-trailer combination with the subject tires.
b. Trailer
1. The trailer shall be a single-axle frame trailer with drawbar and a facility for varying wheel load.
Superstructures or paneling are to be avoided in order to minimize vehicle-specific influences.
2. An axle assembly consisting of a single axle with one test tire on each end shall be rigidly
suspended from the trailer.
5.2 The test apparatus shall be operated in a coasting mode with the tow vehicle power turned off.
6. Tires
6.1 Before measurements are started, a tire break-in period of at least 80 km (50 miles) at typical highway speeds
is required.
6.4 The tires shall be inflated to 85% of the pressure corresponding to the maximum single tire load that is molded
on the sidewall, and loaded to 70% of the maximum single tire load that is molded on the sidewall.
SAE J57 Reaffirmed MAY2000
7. Procedure
7.1 The tow vehicle shall be used to attain sufficient speed prior to entering the test zone, such that, when the tow
vehicle engine is switched off and the vehicle and trailer are coasting into the test zone, the trailer speed at the
microphone point will be as listed in 7.1.1.
7.2 The sound level meter shall be set for fast dynamic response and the A-weighting network.
7.3 There shall be at least five measurements for each test speed. The observer shall record the highest level
attained during each pass. Measurement shall continue until five levels for each speed are recorded which are
within ±0.5 dB(A) of their arithmetic average. This arithmetic average is to be used for the temperature
correction calculations in 7.5.
7.3.1 Alternatively, each pass may be recorded on magnetic or digital tape, or any other generally accepted
recording device, and subsequently analyzed with a sound level meter, graphic level recorder, or acoustic
frequency analyzer. The reported data from this analysis must comply with 7.3 and the environmental
conditions required to qualify the test results shall be recorded.
7.4 The surface temperature of the vehicle path shall be measured immediately after the completion of the test
passes which compose the arithmetic average of 7.3.
7.5 The arithmetic average of the measured sound pressure levels will be corrected to the surface reference
temperature specified in 4.9.1. Two levels shall be measured, one at a surface temperature within the range
specified in 4.9 and above the reference temperature, and a second at a surface temperature within the range
and below the reference temperature. As demonstrated in Figure 3, the predicted level at the reference
temperature is obtained through linear interpolation.
SAE J57 Reaffirmed MAY2000
7.5.1 An alternative correction method may be used if ambient conditions preclude obtaining measured levels at
surface temperatures both above and below the reference temperature. In this case, a least-squares linear
regression line may be calculated for correction of levels to the surface reference temperature. To insure
adequate separation of the data points, the regression line shall be calculated based on at least three
surface temperatures differing from one another by at least 2 °C (3.6 °F) and covering a range of at least 5
°C (9 °F). The calculated slope and intercept of the regression line shall be reported with the sound pressure
level corrected to the surface reference temperature.
7.6 Determination of the tow vehicle noise must be made prior to reporting test tire sound levels. The tow vehicle
sound level must be corrected to the surface reference temperature by the method outlined in 7.5.
7.7 The subject tires' sound levels reported are the difference between the sound pressure level of the tow vehicle-
trailer combination and the sound pressure level of the tow vehicle alone. This is represented by Equation 1:
( Ltp ⁄ 10 ) ( Lt ⁄ 10 )
L tire = 10 log10 [ 10 – 10 ] (Eq. 1)
Ltire = temperature corrected sound level of the subject tire (this is the level reported)
Ltp = temperature corrected sound level of the test pass (tow vehicle and trailer assembly)
Lt' = temperature corrected sound level of the tow vehicle without trailer, corrected for drawbar length as
shown in Equation 2:
1 2 2 2
Lt = Lt – 10 log 10 [ ( d + Md ) ⁄ Md ] (Eq. 2)
7.8 The reporting of the sound level shall include the data as set out in the form shown in Appendix A.
7.8.1 Test results representative of United States practices shall be reported in the “J57 Test A” data fields. Test
results representative of International practices shall be reported in the “J57 Test B” data fields.
8. Notes
8.1 Key Words—Microphone, noise, passer-by, road, sound, test, tire, truck, vehicle.
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Rationale—Not applicable.
Application—This procedure provides for the measurement of the sound generated by a test tire, mounted on
a single-axle trailer, operated at multiple speeds.
The procedure describes test practices for both United States and International practices.
Reference Section
SAE Paper 740607—Effect of Road Surface and Bed Clearance on Truck Tire Noise, Thurman, G.R
SAE Paper 740606—Regulatory Implications of Truck Tire Noise Studies, Close, W.H.
SAE Paper 850969—Vehicle Sound Measurement—20 Years of Testing, Howell, T.M. and
Schumacher, R.F.
SAE Paper 800282—Relative Influence of Pavement Texture and Tire Type on Pavement/Tire Noise,
Osman, M.M. and May, D.N.
SAE P-70—Proceedings from the SAE Highway Noise Symposium, Nov., 1976
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 76(4), October 1984, pp. 1150–1160, “Effects of Environmental Variables on Truck
Noise Emission and Noise Propagation to Test Microphones,” Hemdal, J.F., Baker,
R.N., and Saha, P.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 58, No. 1, July 1975, pp. 39–50, “Tire-Road Interaction Noise,”" Leasure, W.A.
and Bender, E.K.
DOT HS-AS-60031, January 1979, US DOT, “Effects of Load, Inflation Pressure, and Tire Deflection on
Truck Tire Noise Levels,” Kilmer, R.D., Codoff, M.A., Mathews, D.E., and Shoemaker,
DOT Report No. DOT-TST-76-4, August 1975, “Automobile Tire Noise: Results of a Pilot Study and
Review of the Open Literature,” Leasure, W.A., Mathews, D.E., and Codoff, M.A.