Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy refers to the credit control measures adopted by the
• Full Employment
• Price Stability
• Economic Growth
• Balance of Payments
• Neutrality of Money
to stabilize the price level. • Both economics and favour this policy
4. Balance of Payments
6. Neutrality of Money:
economists have given the opinion that the monetary policy can
help and play a supplementary role in attaining an economic
Monetary policy design changes as per the goals set for the
and money by lowering the policy rates (bank rate or repo rate),
• Quantitative Measures
• Qualitative Measures
the central bank. At inflation and boom, the central bank sells securities in the
If the central bank wants to reduce money supply it increases the reserve ratio
If the central bank wants to increase money supply it decreases the reserve
ratio requirement.
By credit rationing the central bank fixes the credit ceiling allowed for each
and every commercial bank and will not give further credit to them beyond
limit allowed.
It is the rate at which central bank rediscount the first class bills.
During the period of deflation and depression central bank lowers the
bank rate.
collateral against the loan and the amount of loan given itself to the borrower by
• Direct Action
• Publicity
• Moral Suasion
•This method of control will only be applied when the previous method has
failed. As, it is now assumed that commercial banks have now become a threat
to the policy, in spite of moral suasion i-e they continue to give loans as usual
and thus the central bank is forced to take direct action against these
commercial banks.
banks. The central bank refers to such measure specially when the inflation
period is getting worse. The reason for central bank doing this is to keep the
public aware of the commercial banks activities so that the people actually
•Moral suasion means persuasion and request. To arrest inflationary situation
central bank persuades and request the commercial banks to refrain from giving
money and credit. It refers to the policy measures under taken by the
specific objectives.
not respond to the changes in the bank rate, thus making the monetary
its currency and credit system. More banks and financial institutions
should be set up, particularly in both areas which lack these facilities.