Tugas English Conversation
Tugas English Conversation
Tugas English Conversation
1. M. IDRUS : As a Nurse 1
2. M. RIDUAN : As a Doctor
4. MASLIANA : As a Nurse 3
5. MASLIANA : As family Of patient
6. MASRIANSYAH : As a patient
Situation : There is a patient and his family who is talking with a doctor and
nurses at the hospital room.
( Ada pasien dan keluarganya yang berbicara dengan seorang dokter
dan beberapa perawat di kamar rumah sakit )
Doctor : Hello Mr. Andi , Good Morning. How are you today ?
My name is Muhammad Ridwan . I am a doctor on duty today at the
Tulip ward. I and my team will take care of you from this morning until
this afternoon.
Patient : Hello doctor, I am not feeling well sir
I think I might have a fever. It’s so cold in here! Last night I couldn’t sleep
( saya pikir saya mungkin demam. Dingin sekali di sini, semalam saya
tidak bisa tidur)
Nurse 1 : Here, Let me check your forehead.
(Sini, biarkan saya memeriksa dahi Anda )
Family : What do you think nurse?
(Bagaimana menurut Anda )
Nurse 1 : You feel a bit warm. Let me get a thermometer to check.
(Anda merasa sedikit hangat. Biarkan saya memeriksanya dengan
termometer )
Nurse 2 : Yes, you have a slight fever.Your temperature 38,2” C
I think I’ll take your blood pressure as well.
(Ya, Anda mengalami sedikit demam. Saya akan mengukur tekanan darah
Patient : Is there anything to worry about?
(Apakah ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan)
Family : My brother was had a fever for 3 days. He’s had a fever since coming
from travelling 5 days ago. He went up to the Rinjani mountain
and then after that he had headache,vomit and fatigue
Patient : What is the result of my blood examination doctor ?
What disease do I have ?
Doctor : I’m sorry. I have to tell you that you have dengue fever.
Your blood result show low platelets
Family : Can my brother get well soon doctor.
I’m so scarry.
Doctor : I know how you fell and I can imagine how you and your brother feel
Please don’t be afraid .I and my team will give you some information
about your disease
Patient : How Is Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Diagnosed?
Doctors : I usually diagnose the type of dengue virus and then begin to look
for signs of dengue hemorrhagic fever. I will :
a. check your blood pressure
b. examine your skin, eyes, and glands
c. perform blood tests and coagulation studies
d. take a chest X-ray
I may ask you questions about your personal and family medical
history. About your lifestyle and recent travels. They may also try
to rule out other conditions, like malaria, that are common in
tropical regions.
Doctor : How do you feel after you get the informasion about dengue
fever ?
Patient : Yes, I’m so glad everything went well.please take care of me so
that i get better son because I want to get well soon
( Ya, saya senang semuanya berjalan dengan baik )
Nurse 2 : You’re in good hands here! Please hold out your arm
Anda berada dalam perawatan yang baik di sini!