Running Head: Metabical: Pricing, Packaging, and Demand Forecasting 1
Running Head: Metabical: Pricing, Packaging, and Demand Forecasting 1
Running Head: Metabical: Pricing, Packaging, and Demand Forecasting 1
University Affiliation
package the weight loss drug- Metabical. Packaging is a key element in determining the cost of a
product, which influences the pricing [Gar94]. Pricing on the other hand directly impacts the
demand for a product which affects the sales made. The packaging presents a problematic
situation, since the senior director of marketing, Barbara Printup, has to decide on a 12-week
treatment plan which has the desired goals for weight loss. The packaging would also affect the
consumer behavior while on this treatment plan, ensuring the effectiveness of the drug. A days-
of-the-week “blister” –style package would ensure that the customer adheres to the prescription,
and can track the progress made. Metabical requires consistency in the timing of the taking the
drug for effectiveness. The consumer will be attracted to try the drug based on the packaging
which has the advantage of convenience. A pill per day would mean less bother to the user.
The packaging will influence the pricing of the drug. While packaging determines the
price, the consumer consumption behavior has to be considered [Ron08]. The willingness to pay
the price tagged on a package of the drug will define whether the organization will recoup the
5% return on investment forecasted. Competitors packaging and costing on the package ought to
influence how CSP packages Metabical. Another variable, which affects the packaging problem,
is the demand forecasting. If the organization packages the drug and tags a high cost to it, the
demand will reduce, driven by the principles of economics relating to consumer purchasing
power. The population is trying to lose weight, 35% had only 15% being comfortable using
weight-loss drugs. In the first year, Printup forecasted that Metabical would capture 10% of the
market share. The 5% estimated addition on the client base would be determined by the growth
in demand for the drug. Repurchases would be influenced by the results from the earlier package,
decisions to be made, and the impacts of these decisions. At CSP, the chief marketing officer,
Bernard Long is a key stakeholder whose decisions as presented in the findings of Barbara
Printup and the research conducted by CSP are critical to the organization. Long will have the
role of determining how to market the drug, based on the package which is recommended by the
senior director of marketing. Both the Chief marketing officer and the senior director of
marketing will advise the management and product development team on how to do the
packaging backed with qualitative data on the reasons behind the recommended packaging.
Occasionally, it is inappropriate to rely solely on the research conducted due to the nature of
customers telling a researcher what they most likely want to hear, rather than the actual market
position as a consumer.
Since the Food and Drug Administration approval required a packaging policy, solving
the problem remains critical. This calls for multiple solutions which has their different
advantages to maximize the returns while giving value to the consumer. To maintain on the
customers, a 12-week packaging would be appropriate to ensure that the individuals complete the
dose to experience long-lasting positive results. This should be packaged in 3 packs for a 12-
weeks supply together with a customer support program CD to increase on the consumers. This
would help the company in maintaining 60% of the acquired first-time customers to repurchase
the second supply. An additional 20% would complete the Metabical program by repurchasing
the amount remaining. This would be influenced by the results gotten in the first 12-weeks. The
number of individuals falling out of the plan would reduce since the “blister” packaging would
help them keep track of the days. Another method to resolve this problem would be to split the
packaging into smaller quantities to be able to price the drug accordingly [Art15]. A 12-week
price tag was found to be out of reach for many individuals to pay. Smaller packages may be sold
for a more affordable price generating the target revenue based on the consumer behavior. It is
common to find customers paying for more affordably priced goods more often than in highly
Based on the data collected from the survey and research wich was done, it is clear that
packaging presents a problem to the organization. The data indicate that a slight change in the
consumer behavior, based on the packaging influencing the pricing, CSP will not be able to
generate enough profit margins. Therefore, packaging the Metabical drug in small packages,
which the customer can purchase, will increase the profits. However, the likelihood of a
customer falling out of the Metabical program is high, hence the loss of the 10% of the market
share gained. Maintaining customers would, therefore, require reducing the cost of purchasing
the drug and doing rigorous marketing to gain more market traction [Art15].
By customer oriented packaging, vigorous and comprehensive marketing was done increasing on
brand identity. This led to the growth of sales generating more revenue. The organization has
also tested out rolling out CDs for consumer support programs, which have created a solid
customer base. This technique of packaging according to user needs drives more sales than
Increasing Metabical drug awareness to the target market will increase more sales
to reach the forecasted estimates. This can be done by communicating the multiple benefits
gained from the use of the drug. The marketing communication strategy ought to create demand
for Metabical. Being FDA approved will attract more customers hence a steady demand in the
Demand for Metabical can be estimated using the time series regression analysis, based
Approach 1.
Approach 2.
Approach 3.
Year Market %
1 4,300,000 30
2 4,300,000 35
3 4,300,000 40
4 4,300,000 45
5 4,300,000 50
In the first two demand estimate approaches, the demand increases in the second year,
and maintains a steady demand growth curve. This indicates positive consumer response to the
product. In the second method, demand based on the number of individuals trying to lose weight
is the one I would recommend to estimate the market. This approach has taken into consideration
both the population trying to lose weight as well as the population, which is comfortable to use
weight loss drugs. Sound guidance on demand enables the management to focus its resources
and identify the market, which they should target with the marketing strategy and campaign
[Sue09]. This reduces the costs of marketing to the general population, which may not translate
into sales.
To assess the demand for Metabical in the first five years, three main demand strategies
are considered. The optimal pricing structure was applied to the three demand strategies to
identify which had the maximum return on the investment. Scenario 2 was chosen. Lowest
pricing structure characterized this scenario. Marketing to a wider audience during the launch
having an affordable price would generate more sales. The price of a product can easily be
tweaked and be justifiable if the product is successfully accepted by the consumer [Tho10].
Scenario 1
In this first scenario, the demand for the product in the market is narrowed down as
follows: first take the number of the overweight individuals in the United States, which is 71.06
million. Out of this figure, 35% are willing to lose their weight. Hence reduce 71.6 million by
35%. Out of the population trying to lose weight, 15% are comfortable using weight loss drugs.
Therefore, we reduce the number by 15%, translating to 3.73 million. In the first year, Metabical
is forecasted to capture 10% of the market, 15% in the second year, 20% in the third year, 25% in
The population chosen for the estimates may contain the price sensitive individuals hence
the reason for choosing the lowest pricing structure. Therefore, the demand function may not be
very efficient for Metabical since the audience is very broad. This model, in theory, will capture
a small percentage of the targeted market compared to other models hence the difficulty in
attaining a positive return on investment. This model will generate $185,040,200 million in
revenue, which is not acceptable in creating 5% return on investment. This amount of income
does not cover the research and development costs invested by the organization that stands at
$400 million.
Y Overweight Population Comfortable Metabical Populatio One Two supply Full Cycle
e in U. S trying to with weight Capture n captured Supply in in dollars in dollars
a lose weight loss drugs dollars (60%*49.6 (20%*74.4
r (35%) (15%) (20%* 0) 0
1 71,060,000 24,871,000 3,730,650 10% 373,065 1,850,402 11,102,414 5,551,207
In this second strategy, 34% of the total US population (209 million) is taken translating
to 71.06 million of the overweight people. Next, a computation of the 12%, which is the target
for Metabical, is taken resulting to 8.527 million. Metabical will capture 10% of the market in
the first year, 15% in the second year, 20% in the third year, 25% in the fourth year and 30% in
the fifth year. The lowest pricing structure is chosen since this population may consider other
This model generates a return on investment of 5.7%, which meets the target set by the
management of 5% to recoup the research and development, 400 million investments. The model
also aims at lowering the financial risks to the consumer. Additionally, this pricing strategy will
enable the product to meet its forecasted sales volume [Pat05]. Since it’s difficult for marketers
to predict consumer reaction to a product with precision, a broad approach to this challenge will
generate huge revenue from the target market as well as other similar markets.
Profit 422,949,120
The 5.7% return on the investment in this model indicates a steady growth for the drug
Metabical. This pricing strategy has the feasibility on the potential customer to target and
Scenario 3.
This 3rd scenario targets the educated females in the 35-65 age bracket who are overweight
having a BMI of 25-30. This translates to a 4.3 million population. In the first year, Metabical
aims at having a capitalization of 30%, and then in the succeeding years have the capitalization
as follows: 35%, 40%, 45%, and 50% respectively. Since the target, population has the money to
purchase the weight loss drug, the highest tier of pricing was chosen. The high pricing tier is
justifiable due to the nature of the product as well as the coveted FDA approval. The return on
investment translates to 67%. This indicates the best cast scenario. The ROI is way too high
compare to the one the management had set, which presents it as unrealistic [Pat05]. The nature
of the target market is also difficult to capture 50% over the specified period. Lowering the
pricing, on the other hand, would affect the brand image of the elite product in the target market.
The two main groups of customers, which Metabical is targeting, are the end users and the
doctors. The powerful message that overweight individual is in life-threatening situations will be
Packaging influences costs, which directly affects the demand for the product,
influencing the revenue [Tho10]. The number of pills that are required for the drug to be
effective influence on the packaging to be used. The package should have enough drugs to
enable the consumer to see the results after using the Metabical. The cost of the package will
attract or repulse customers. A three-month package of Metabical will cost differently from a
one-month supply of the same medication. A three-month supply would cost three times more
than a month’s supply, which may determine the purchasing power of the customer. Therefore,
the package should have a blister pack with seven tablets, having for blisters. This package
should be enough for one month, in which the customer would purchase three packages.
The packaging should also be safe, functional, unique, branded, ease of use and promotes
benefits to the consumer. The safety relates to how well it conserves the effectiveness of
Metabical to remain in good condition safe for human consumption. The uniqueness and brand
message on the package sends a message about the drug hence contributes to the marketing
strategy. The benefits of easy tracking on the consumption of Metabical should be an advantage
emphasized on the packaging. Other factors, which need to be considered while deciding on the
packaging, are consumer usage and payment capacity, the number of pills in each strip, the unit
price of the tablet, the effective dose, and the ease of tracking. The recommended packaging is a
four-week dosage blister pack, having days of the week for ease of tracking and noticeable
In the calculation of the returns on investment, the assumption taken is that the variable
costs do not change over the years, which would alter the forecasted return on investment. The
variable costs, in this case, are assumed to be fixed [Bea16]. Costs are bound to change, although
Initial Investment = Research and Development cost and Preliminary Marketing Budget.
Profit 422,949,120- representing a return on investment of 5.7%, a margin close to the one
This figure is unrealistic, based upon the ROI expected by the management.
In the instance where the return on investment was below the expected margin of 5%, there is a
need to review the target market, the pricing strategy and the packaging used to attract more
consumers. This would there require revisiting the pricing models and the packaging design.
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