Paradise Lost Book 1 John Milton Summary
Paradise Lost Book 1 John Milton Summary
Paradise Lost Book 1 John Milton Summary
Following the prologue and invocation, Milton begins the epic with an outline of Satan, lying
on his back with the opposite rebellious angels, chained on a lake of fireside. The poem thus
commences within the middle of the story, as epics traditionally do. Satan, who had been
Lucifer, the best angel, and his compatriots warred against God. They were defeated and cast
from Heaven into the fires of Hell.
With effort, Satan is in a position to free himself from his chains and rise from the hearth. He
flies to a barren plain, followed by Beelzebub. From the plain, Satan calls the opposite fallen
angels to hitch him, and one by one they rise from the lake and fly to their leader. As they are
available, Milton is in a position to list the main devils that now occupy Hell: Moloch,
Chemos, Baalim, Ashtaroth, Astarte, Astoreth, Dagon, Rimmon, Osiris, Isis, Orus, Mammon,
and Belial. Each devil is introduced during the formal cataloging of demons. These fallen
angels think that they need to escape from their chains through their power, but Milton makes
it clear that God alone has allowed them to try to to this.
This devil army is large and impressive but also conscious of its recent ignominious defeat.
Satan addresses them and rallies them. He tells them that they still have power which their
purpose is going to be to oppose God, adding, “War then, War / Open or understood must be
resolv’d” (661-62).
This speech inspires the devil host, and under Mammon’s direction, they immediately begin
work on a capital city for his or her Hellish empire. They find natural resources within
the mountains of Hell and quickly begin to construct a city. Under the direction of their
architect, Mulciber, they construct an excellent tower that involves symbolizing the capital of
Hell, Pandemonium. The devil army, flying this manner, is compared to an excellent swarm
of bees. When the work is completed and therefore the capital completed, all of
them assemble for the primary great council.Paradise Lost Book 1 read more..
Milton begins Paradise Lost within the traditional epic manner with a prologue invoking the
muse, during this case Urania, the Muse of Astronomy. He calls her the “Heav’nly Muse” (7)
and says that he will sing “Of Man’s First Disobedience” (1), the story of Adam and Eve and
their fall from grace. because the prologue continues, it becomes apparent that this muse
is quite just the classical Urania, but also a Christian muse who resides on Mt.
Sinai, actually the Holy Ghost. In these first lines, Milton thus draws on two traditions — the
classical epic exemplified by Homer and Virgil and therefore the Christian tradition
embodied within the Bible also as Dante’s Divine Comedy and Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie
Following the invocation and prologue, Milton continues within the epic style by beginning
in medias res, within the middle of things. Satan is first seen lying within the pit of Hell.
That an excellent religious epic focuses on Satan, presents him first, and in some ways makes
him the hero of the poem is certainly surprising and something of a risk on Milton’s part.
Milton doesn’t want his audience to empathize with Satan, yet Satan is a beautiful character,
struggling against great odds. Of course, Milton’s original audience quite his modern one
would are cognizant of the ironies involved in Satan’s struggles and his comments
concerning power. the facility that Satan asserts and thinks he has is illusory. His power to act
derives only from God, and his struggle against God has already been lost. To the
fashionable audience, Satan could seem heroic as he struggles to form a Heaven of Hell,
but the first audience knew, and Milton’s lines confirm, that Satan’s war with God had been
lost absolutely before the poem begins. God grants Satan and therefore the other devils the
facility to act for God’s purposes, not theirs.
Also, at now within the narrative, Satan is at his most engaging. He has just fallen from
Heaven where he was the closest angel to God. He has not completely lost the angelic aura
that was his in Heaven. because the poem progresses, the reader will see that Satan’s
character and appearance grow worse. Milton has carefully structured his work to point
out the results of Satan’s actions.
The catalog of demons that follows Satan’s shake the burning lake follows an epic pattern of
listing heroes — although here the list is of villains. This particular catalog seems almost an
intentional parody of Homer’s catalog of Greek ships and heroes in Book II of the Iliad. The
catalog may be a means for Milton to list many of the fallen angels also as how to account for
several of the gods in pagan religions — they were originally among the angels who rebelled
from God. Consequently, among these fallen angels are names like Isis, Osiris, Baal, et
al. that the reader associates not with Christianity but with some ancient, pagan belief. Of the
devils listed, the 2 most vital are Beelzebub and Belial. (For an entire description of
every devil, see the List of Characters.) Paradise Lost Book 1 read more..
Milton’s real goal here, though, is to determine Hell’s capital, Pandemonium — a word
which Milton himself coined from the Latin pan (all) and Timonium (demons). Thus, the
capital of Hell is the place of all demons. With the passage of your time, the word came to
mean anywhere of untamed disorder, noise, and confusion. this concept is subtly emphasized
with Milton’s choice of Mulciber because of the architect. Mulciber was another name for
Hephaestus, the Greek God of the Forge, who was tossed from Olympus by a drunken Zeus.
Mulciber is consequently a figure of some ridicule and not the foremost likely architect to
create an enduring monument.