Affidavit of Damage and Loss

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City of Marawi ) s.s



( Or Residential Building and Personal Belongings)

1. SAADA D. SAID, of legal age, Filipino, married, a resident of Barangay Daguduban, Marawi
City, Lanao del Sur, Philippines and, a temporary resident at Barangay Kialilidan Binidayan,
Marawi City, after being sworn according to law, do hereby depose and state THAT:

1. That I am absolute and legitimate owner of a parcel of land which upon which our conjugal
home is built and located at Barangay Dagubun, Marawi City, more particularly described as
“A parcel of land located at Barangay Dagubun, Marawi City, bounded on the north by Noron
Satar on the East by H. Baser Ali Firmly, on the south by Provincial Highway containing an area
of 105 square meter (11x5)m. Title evidenced by deed of sale from seller Ali Sardo H. Ali
Disomangcop herein attached as Annex A”
“One (1) four story wooden residence.”

2. That on May 23, 2017 at around 3 o’clock in the afternoon, a shocking report circulated all
over the City of Marawi that a terrorist group known as the “Maute Group” on cahoots with
the Abu Sayyaf had besieged practically all of the Barangays of Marawi City, by placing steel
barricades main thoroughfares and, thus blocking the means of access to the road,
Consequently, President Rodrigo R. Duterte declared martial law in the Island of Mindanao;

3. That owing to this incident, I and my family suddenly evacuated and left our house to a
safer place to avoid being caught under fire when the government military troops will be
mobilized to repel this terrorist group;

4. That thinking it will take two (2) to three (3) days for the armed Forces of the Philippines to
suppress the Maute Group and, bring Marawi City back to normalcy, I and my family merely
packed a few clothing for use in a short span and, thereafter expect to go back home again:

5. That in Departing our house, personal properties consisting of but, not limited to

a) Two (2) Machine Singer

b) Flat Screen TV
c) Nickel Bed
d) Divider
e) Rice Cooker
f) Dew Foam
g) Kitchenette
h) Blanket/Carpet
i) Electric Equipment
j) Ten (10) Saudi Abayas
k) Motorcycle

Not to mention amount of money, were left inside. Before leaving, we heavily padlocked all the
doors to ensure the impossibility of bulgars barging in;
6. That our expected for the government troops to end the Marawi City siege within three (3)
days of more did not however happen;

7. That as a result, government troops prevented us from returning to our home by blocking
access roads to our house. We are not allowed to visit our house even for very short time;

8. That our absence in the house during said period, military clearing operations were
conducted and, in order to gain entry to the house, it was then forced open. As a
consequence, all our personal belongings, as mentioned above, disappeared and nowhere
to be found;

9. That massive airstrike and bombing were carried out by the Armed Forces of the Philippines
throughout Marawi City to possibly subdue the terrorist “Maute Group”

10. That the air strikes and bombings hit our residential buildings that have resulted in its total
(partial) damage and loss, inclusive of all personal belongings, paper and effects. Pictures
taken of the damage or loss, caused to our residential building attached as Annex “C”

11. That our residential building, inclusive of all its appurtenance had a monetary equipment
valued at an amount of seventy thousand pesos 70,000

12. That I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing narration of facts;

IT WITNESS WHEREOFF, I have hereunto set my hand this ____________ day of

__________________________, in the City of Marawi Phippines.


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