Per Rajpal Yadav, Judicial Member
Per Rajpal Yadav, Judicial Member
Per Rajpal Yadav, Judicial Member
(Applicant) (Respondent)
ु वाई क% तार
ख/Date of Hearing : 08/08/2019
घोषणा क% तार
ख /Date of Pronouncement: 21/08/2019
आदे श/O R D E R
3. Brief facts of the case are that the assessee has filed its
return of which was processed under section 143(1) of the Income
Tax Act, 1961 determining the income at Rs.8,92,931/- as against
total income of Rs.7,61,081/-. As far as first ground of appeal is
concerned, the assessee has accumulated income out of the
income derived from the trust, which was not utuilised for the
objects of the trust. This accumulated income was 85% of the
alleged surplus. It was kept separately and was to be applied for
the charitable objects of the trust in future years. However,
during the year 2015-16 the assessee could not utilize that
accumulated income and offered it for taxation at Rs.8,79,000/-.
The assessee was of the view that on this unutilized income, it is
entitled for further accumulation at the rate of 15%. In other
words, the assessee was of the view that income which set apart
for future utilization of the objects of the trust, and if not utilized
and offered in future, then that income would be part of the
current income of that figure year, and the assessee will be
entitled to accumulate 15% from that income. A prima facie
adjustment was made vide which its claim was rejected and
addition of Rs.4,03,435/- under section 11(1)(a) of the Act was
made. In other words, the AO was of the view that it is the
deemed income, and on this deemed income no further rebate at
15% has to be granted. Appeal to the CIT(A) did not bring any
relief to the assessee.
ITA No.2337/Ahd/2017
6. On the other hand, the ld.DR relied upon the order of the
Revenue authorities. He placed on record copy of ITAT’s order in
the case of the Trustees, The B.N. Gamadia Parsi Hunnarshala, 77
TTJ 274 (Mum-Trib.) We would like to reproduce brief order of the
Hon’ble Kolkatta High Court in the case of CIT Vs. Natwarlal
Chowdhury Charity Trust (supra), which reads as under:
Since Mr. Moitra has failed to show us any infirmity in the order
passed by the Tribunal, the question is answered in the
affirmative and in favour of the assessee.”
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