1-Project recommended by CBSE- Disaster Management – cover
(Detail’s already discussed and forwarded in class group to all-
2-Completion of note books -Lessons covered during online classes-
3-Map Practice-1. French Revolution.2. India size and location
(MAP-LIST asper CBSE LIST)- curriculum forwarded to all the classes
4-WORK SHEET- Provided during online classes. (FOR FOUR
-Completion of Exercise question answers- for the following lessons
1-How When and Where 2- Resources 3- Indian Constitution
4-From Trade to Territory 5- Land Soil , Water Natural vegetation and
Wild life Resources 6-Understanding Securalism.
2- Map and diagram to be done along with the lessonsfrom (History +
3- WORKSHEETS COMPLETION- PDF – forwarded in class group.
A- Reflect: Are human beings a resource?
B-Think about all the family members and write how they all contribute
C-If humans have a right to mine the earth for minerals, oils, etc.,
then they also have the responsibility to protect it. Write in 150
words about the statement. Support with the related pictures/
drawing etc.
1-Completion of Exercise question answers- for the following
1-What where How and When , 2- The Earth in the solar
system 3- understanding diversity.
4- 5- Globe-Latitudes and Longitudes 5—From Gathering to
growing Food 6- Diversity and Discrimination.
2- Map and diagram should be done along with the lessons
(History + Geography) From the above 6 lesson.(As per the
3- WORKSHEETS COMPLETION- PDF – will be forwarded in class group.
A- Students can read the chapter and mark different terms/concepts
like manuscript archaeology inscription,coins,source,historian,
archaeologists etc appearing in the chapter. consult dictionary of
history to understand these terms and write in your notebooks.
B- Watch video on You tube NCERT official (on use of sources and
their importance.)
C- Prepare a chart/table showing different types of sources like
archaeological, literary, oral and also provide 1-2 examples either
in written form or in the form of visuals with proper caption using
help from internet.
A- The student may prepare a write up on the Earth by highlighting
its uniqueness in the solar system.
B-Prepare a write up on the sun, the moon and stars .
Chapter : The Earth In The Solar System
Column – A Column - B
Chapter : Globe – Latitude and Longitude
I Define the following terms :-
III Indian standard time is 5½ hours ahead of London time – Keep this in mind and calculate :-
8 AM 1.30 PM
11.30 AM 5.30 PM
6 PM 6 AM
IV Distinguish between:
V Explain the heat zones of the earth with the help of a diagram.
What, Where, How and When?
(v) Manuscriptswereusuallywrittenon.
(v) How can you say that historians and archaeologists are like detectives?
(vi) How was travelling an important part of life of the people in the past?
(vii) What are the different ways to find out about the past?
From gathering to growing food
(i) __________are places where the remains of things like tools, pots, buildings etc. were
(ii) The word Palaeolithic comes from two Greek words, ‘palaeo’, meaning
and ‘lithos’ meaning _____.
(iii) Places where stone was found and where people made tools are known as
(i) Domestication
(ii) Tribes
(i) How did the early man learn herding and rearing animals?
(ii) Explain Palaeolithic and Mesolithic.
(ii) Hunter–gatherers used stone tools. Explain what these tools were used for?
Understanding Diversity
1. Write the names of the states where the following festivals are celebrated:
g) Make a list of the food that you h ave eaten from different parts of India.
c) What do you think living in India with its rich heritage of diversity adds to your life?
b) What were the steps taken by Dr. Ambedkar to improve the condition of Dalits in India?
c) What is government?
a) Democracy c) Preamble
b) Government d) Discrimination
Geography -LESSON-1 Environment
1. State Yes or No: Information revolution made communication easier and speedy
across the world.
A) Yes
B) No
A.Tropososphere, Stratosphere,Mesosphere,
B- Stratosphere,Troposphere Mesosphere,
C- Exosphere. Troposphere,Mesosphere,Stratosphere.
4. State Yes or No: Land, water, air, plants and animals comprise the natural
A) Yes
B) No
5. State Yes or No: Plant and animal kingdom together make biosphere or the living
A) Yes
B) No
9.State Yes or No: Early humans adapted themselves to the natural surroundings.
B- No
10.State Yes or No: All plants, animals and human beings depend on their immediate
11.What are found over the continents and on the ocean floor?
13.Who interacts with the environment and modify it according to their need?
14.What is the solid crust or the hard-top layer of the earth?
1. Was caste system prevalent in Chola empire? Give details.
2. Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni ruled from 997 to 1030, and extended control over parts
of Central Asia, and the north-western part of the subcontinent.
3. Why the Chahamanas may have wanted to expand their territories? Who was
the famous Chauhan ruler who defeated Sultan Ghori?
4. What was sabha in Chola empire? How its members were chosen?
6. Which temples often became the nuclei of settlements which grew around them ?
7. In what ways was this form of administration different from the present-day system?
10. What were the qualifications necessary to become a member of a committee of the
Sabha in the Chola empire?
11. Why the rulers wanted to control Kanauj and the Ganga valley?
12. The village council and the nadu had several administrative functions including
dispensing and collecting taxes.
14. Who had several administrative functions including dispensing justice and collecting
taxes ?
15. Which Brahmanas gave up their traditional professions and took to arms?
20. What term was used for land grants given to Brahmanas in Chola period? How
these land grants were recorded?
5.State Yes or No: The metamorphic rocks which are still under great heat and pressure
melt down to form molten magma.
A) Yes
B) No
7.State Yes or No: The central core has very high temperature and pressure.
E) Yes
F) No
9.State Yes or No: Metamorphic: Greek word metamorphose meaning the change of
G) Yes
H) No
14. The metamorphic rocks which are still under great heat and________________
melt down to form molten magma.
15.Define Lava.
16.Explain rock.
Fill in the blanks:
1. Our ability to remain free of illness and injuries is called __________________.
2. The public health service is a chain of health centres and hospitals run by the
3. At the village level there are health centres where there is usually a _____________ and
a ___________________________________.
4. One of the most important aspects of the _________________ health system is that to
provide quality healthcare services either free or at a low cost.
5. According to our _________________________, it is the primary duty of the
government to ensure the welfare of the people and provide health care facilities to all.
6. The government must safeguard the _________________________ of every person.
7. _________________ has the largest number of medical colleges in the world.
8. India gets a large number of _____________________________ from many countries.
9. India is the __________________ largest producer of medicines in the world.
10._____________________________ are water borne.
11._______________________ is considered to be one of the healthiest countries in South
America. 12.A system of hospitals and health centres run by the government is called
12. Most doctors settle in__________________areas.
13. ______________is utilised for relief and rehabilitation in case of natural
disasters such as floods, earthquakes, tsunami etc.
14. In_________________facilities, patients have to pay a lot of money for
every service that they use.
15. India is the fourth largest producer of medicines in the world and is also a
large _________________of medicines.
16. India gets a large number of_____________ tourists from many
1. History is about finding out how things were in the past and how things have
a. Ended/completed
b. Changed
c. Started
d. Evolved
2. From the list of the record rooms set up by the British, pick out the odd man out :
a. British offices
b. Collectorate, Museums
c. Village Tahsildar?s office
d. Law court, Provincial Secretariat
3. Present day historians think that History is beyond the rulers and dynasties. What do they
look upon then?
a. Historians only study about the past events
b. Historians deal with a host of other issues like how people earned their livelihood, what
they produced, how cultures and society changed etc
c. Historians study about the past and present of great men .
a. Official documents
b. Biological surveys
c. Forest surveys
d. Accounts of Pilgrims
5. Listed below are a few statements with respect to the British rule in India. Which one
do you think is a wrong statement?
a. British established control over the economy and society without changing the
customs and practices prevalent in India
b. British conquered the country and established their rule subjugating local nawabs and
c. British produced the crops they needed for export .
d. British collected revenue to meet all the expenses bought goods they wanted at low
6. Match the columns:
Column A Column B
i. James Mill (a) Governor-General
1. Which one of the following reason is best suitable as to why human beings are
called the ultimate(best) resource on the earth?
a. Human beings can explore, develop and convert the natural resources into
useful goods as per the abilities and demands.
b. The population of human beings in the world is ever-increasing
c. Human beings are Renewable resources
d. Human beings are found everywhere on earth
2. Listed below are some important principles of sustainable development. Which
one among them is not TRUE with respect to the principles of sustainable
a. Respect and care for all forms of life
b. Conserve the earth?s vitality and diversity
c. Maximise the depletion of natural resources
d. Change personal attitude and practices toward the environment.
3. These resources are inorganic in nature and constitute minerals, rocks, soils, etc.
a. Abiotic resources
b. Man-made resources
c. Biotic resources
d. Natural resources
4. On the basis of the availability of supply, Natural resources can be
classified as ________________ and _________________..
a. Ubiquitous and Localised resources
b. Renewable and Non-Renewable
c. Biotic and Abiotic resources
d. Actual and Potential resources
5. Match the items given the Columns A Correctly with those given in Column B.
Column A Column B
i. Water is not precious. We should not bother about its wasteful use.
ii. All sources and substances have equal economic value.
iii. We should minimise the depletion of natural resources.
iv. People are human-made resources.
5. What is patent?
8. Write a short note on the significance of time and technology in making a substance a resource.
1. Name the fundamental right that guarantees the citizens the right to practise and propagate
the religion they desire
a. Freedom of Belief
b. Freedom of Faith
c. Freedom of Caste
d. Freedom of Religion
2. Fundamental rights refer to:
a. The list of subjects of the state government
b. The basic rights which are granted to citizens for the holistic growth of the individuals,
c. The list of subjects of the central government
d. The list of subjects of both the state and central governments
3. The important fundamental rights to Equality is mentioned in which article of the constitution?
a. Article 14-18
b. Article 19-22
c. Article 23- 24
d. Article 29-30
4. On which date the Indian Constitution came into effect?
a. on 26 November 1949
b. on 26 January 1950
c. on 26 September 1949
d. on 26 March 1950
5. Which one of the following is not a key feature of the Indian Constitution?
a. Separation of Power
b. Secularism
c. Presidential form of Government
d. Federalism
Column A Column B
8. A secular state does not officially promote any one religion as the state religion. State whether
9. What is a democracy?
1. According to the historians, by the second half of the 18th century, which new power emerged as
powerful in India?
a. Chinese
b. Dutch
c. British
d. Japanese
2. Name the place the British King Charles-II received as a dowry by marrying the Portuguese
princess, which later became an important trading centre.
a. Island of Bombay
b. Island of Pondicherry
c. Island of Goa
d. Island of Kuchch
3. From the years mentioned below, choose the correct date of death of Aurangzeb, the Mughal
a. On 3rd March 1800
b. On 3rd March 1850
c. On 3rd March 1707
d. On 3rd March 1750
4. What was farman?
a. It was a royal order.
b. It was a royal food.
c. It was a royal procession.
d. It was a royal dress.
5. Subsidiary Alliance was introduced by
a. Lord Mountbatten
b. Lord Wellesley
c. Robert Clive
d. William Bentick
i. Sipahi (a) 1757
7. i. The Bengal Nawabs asserted their power and autonomy after the death of ……….
ii. The principal figure in an Indian district was the ……….
iii. The Company took over Awadh in the year ………
8. True or False:
1. The bare ground between plants is covered with a layer of organic matter like straw to help
retain soil moisture. Name this important method of soil conservation
a. Mulching
b. Contour Barriers
c. Rock Dams
d. Terrace Farming
2. A few important facts with respect to the Dams built across the rivers are given
below. Pick out the one that is not applicable.
a. Dams controls the floods
b. Dams also help in generating hydroelectricity
c. Dams provide water for irrigation
d. Water stored in the dams cannot be used for drinking
3. What is the other name for Cotton Soil?
a. Red Soil
b. Laterite Soil
c. Black soil
d. Alluvial Soil
4. Name the rich and fertile soil formed by the depositional action of rivers, found in the
Indo-Gangetic Plains
a. Red Soil
b. Alluvial Soil
c. Black Soil
d. Laterite Soil
5. Fill in the blanks.
8. Time affects the rate of humus formation during the process of soil formation.
5. What is the threat to vegetation and wildlife? What is the need to conserve them? How
can we do this?