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Modeling and Performance Analysis of

Parallel Cascaded Double Ring Resonator

Pratyush Kumar Pandey Sandeep Pandey
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology
Greater Noida, India Greater Noida, India

Pranjal Sharma Kuldeep Singh

Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology
Greater Noida, India Greater Noida, India

Abstract—Ring resonators are used for a wide range of obtained at drop port i.e port 3.In this paper three structural
applications in photonic circuits as optical filters, multiplexers and parameters are varied (gap separation between the rings, width
switches, delay lines, gyroscopes, etc. The design parameters have of the waveguides, ring radius) and their corresponding
direct impact on the performance of ring resonators thus it performance analysis of PCDRR is done. The material of the
becomes important to select optimum design. This paper presents
substrate used is silicon dioxide palik (SiO2-Palik) and of the
the effect of variation in structural parameters on the performance
parameters like Quality factor (Q-Factor), Free spectral range waveguides is Silicon (Si).
(FSR), Full width half maxima (FWHM) and Finesse of Parallel A structural layout of PCDRR is given in Fig. 1. In PCDRR
cascaded double ring resonator (PCDRR). The optimum result is the arrangement of rings should be in such way that there is no
observed at 1 µm gap separation (G) between the rings. Q-Factor
as high as 1471 is observed at gap separation of 1 µm, waveguides
direct interaction between the nearest neighbour ring.
width of 0.4 µm and ring radius of 2 µm. Therefore, light propagates in one direction and there is no
counter propagation.
Keywords—Ring resonator, Quality factor, FWHM


Optical ring resonators are key elements for photonic

integrated circuits. The demand for all optical signal processing
devices is the need of time to reduce the losses in optical
communication. The configuration of rings between the bus
waveguides has major impact on the performance of ring
resonator [1,2,3].The various applications of ring resonators are
optical dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) [4], Fig. 1. Structural Layout of PCDRR
optical delay lines [5], optical filters [6, 7, 8, 9], disk lasers,
wavelength converters, etc. PCDRR is an optical ring resonator . II. THEORY OF PCDRR
in which the ring waveguides are arranged in parallel When there is significant overlap between the fields of two
configuration in between the bus waveguides. The advantage of optical modes in two separate waveguides in close proximity,
PCDRR over series configuration is that it offers higher power may be transferred between the two via evanescent
fabrication flexibility. The system performance can be coupling. For efficient power transfer the two optical modes
increased by increase in the number of rings [10]. PCDRR with must be phase matched. The resonance takes place when the
enhanced quality factor can be used in bio-sensing application light which has a total phase change of an integer multiplied by
[11,12], pressure and vibration sensing, interferometric sensing. 2π after full round trip of the cavity. This is the condition for
The objective of this paper is to design and analyze PCDRR for light to be in phase with the incoming light and for constructive
optimum system performance such as quality factor. The interference to occur. Wavelength that does not meet this
modeling and simulation of PCDRR is carried out on Lumerical resonant condition does not couple with the ring resonator and
software. In this paper FDTD method has been used to analyze continues to be transmitted through the linear input waveguide.
the performance of PCDRR. The proposed model is four port The resonant wavelength in the rings can be given by:
ring resonator namely port 1, port 2, port 3 and port 4. The light 2𝜋𝑅𝑛𝑒𝑓𝑓
signal is provided to the input port i.e. port 1 and the output is 𝑟 = 𝑚
where r is the resonant wavelength, R is the radius of the ring From the Table 1. It is clear that the results are optimum at 1um
neff is the effective refractive index and m is an integer. Ring gap separation where the Q-factor is as high as 618.4, FSR is
resonators have several key performance parameters, including 70nm and finesse is also high as 28 which is a good result.
the FSR, the Q-factor, the finesse. Finesse is usually defined as Therefore the 1um gap separation between the ring produces
the FSR divided by the FWHM. optimum results.
𝐹𝑆𝑅 B . Varying the width of waveguide
𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒 = (2)
To select the optimum waveguide width for the proposed
The Q-factor is defined as the resonant wavelength divided by
PCDRR at optimum gap separation of 1µm various width were
the 3dB bandwidth, or FWHM.
taken such as 0.3µm, 0.4µm and 0.5µm at radius of 1.35µm.
𝑟 Corresponding to 0.3µm and 0.5µm waveguide width
𝑄 − 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 = (3)
𝐹𝑊𝐻𝑀 transmission spectrum is shown in Fig. 3. Transmission
The quality factor is taken more often than the finesse as a spectrum at 0.4µm is shown in Fig. 2. From the spectrum the
measure of the spectral selectivity of the ring resonators. The performance of PCDRR is tabulated in Table 2. It is found that
FSR of a ring resonator is the gap between the two peaks in the 0.4µm width produces optimum result as the performance of
transmission spectrum. PCDRR has high Q-factor, high finesse and narrow FWHM.
The FSR of 70nm at 0.4µm width can be considered to be good.

A. Varying the gap separation between the rings

The radius of the rings are kept constant at 1.35µm and
waveguide width at 0.4µm. The gap separation between the
rings is varied as 0.4µm, 0.6µm and 1µm. The coupling is found
to be maximum at 1µm gap separation. The transmission
spectrum corresponding to 1µm gap separation at drop port is
plotted in Fig. 2. The resonant wavelength is 1.546µm for which
the transmission is 0.821 (a.u). The value of FSR is 70nm and
value of FWHM is 2.5nm.


Fig. 2. Transmission spectrum at 1µm gap separation

A comparative result of performance parameters for different

gap separation is tabulated in Table 1. It is observed that the
value of FSR is almost constant and value of FWHM is (b)
decreasing. The Q-factor is increased from 442 at 0.4µm gap
separation to 618.4 at 1µm gap separation. Finesse is found as Fig. 3. Transmission spectra of PCDRR for varied width (a) 0.3µm (b) 0.5µm
high as 28.
Table 2. Performance of PCDRR with various waveguide widths
Table 1. Performance of PCDRR with gap separation between the rings
Widths(µm) FSR(nm) FWHM(nm) Q-factor Finesse
G (µm) FSR(nm) FWHM(nm) Q-factor Finesse
0.3 71 7 221.1 10.14
0.4 71 3.5 442 20.2
0.4 70 2.5 618.4 28
0.6 70 3 515 23.3
0.5 66 3 508 22
1 70 2.5 618.4 28
C. Varying the ring radius
Radius of ring is changed while keeping the gap separation and
waveguide width fix at 1µm and 0.4µm respectively. The ring
radius is an important structural parameter as it decides the size
of the device so it becomes a challenge to obtain the optimum
output at smaller ring radius. It is seen that the Q-factor is very
much affected by varying the ring radius and significant impact
on FSR is observed [13].
The transmission spectra is illustrated in Fig. 4. Also Table 3
tabulates the performance of PCDRR at various ring radius.

Fig. 4. Transmission spectra of PCDRR for ring radius (a) 1.35µm (b) 1.5µm
(c) 1.65µm (d) 2µm

The E-field distribution of PCDRR at 2µm ring radius is shown

in Fig. 5. The strength of coupling among the waveguides is
improved by increasing the ring radius from 1.35µm to 2µm.


Fig. 5. E-field distribution at 2µm ring radius

Table 3. Performance parameters with various ring radius

Radius(µm) FSR(nm) FWHM(nm) Q-factor Finesse

1.35 70 2.5 618.4 28

1.5 58 2 739 29
1.65 54 2 740.5 27

2 50 1 1471 50


This paper present the modeling and performance analysis of

PCDRR. The gap separation between the rings is varied and it
is observed that the 1µm gap separation gives the maximum
intensity, no significant change on the FSR is observed. The
width is varied while keeping the gap separation constant at
(c) 1µm and it is observed that FWHM is highly affected by
variation in width of the waveguides. There is decrease in
FWHM when width is increased. The radius is varied and it is
concluded that the optimum result is achieved at 2µm radius,
1µm gap separation between the rings and 0.4µm waveguides
width. As high as 1471 Q-factor is achieved with FSR of 50nm.
Such a high Q-factor can be used for various applications such
as bio-sensing, interferometric-sensing, etc. Further increase in
the number of rings can improve the quality of optical-
resonator-based biosensing systems.

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