Safety Factor For Stone
Safety Factor For Stone
Safety Factor For Stone
TABLE 1 tests or from engineering analysis,
terials are allowed to carry SAFETY FACTORS but have evolved as industry rules
only a fraction of their ulti- RECOMMENDED BY of thumb. The desire to make nat-
mate strength. The ultimate STONE ASSOCIATIONS ural stone more economical has
strength of a material is the load it
encouraged—and required—the
carries at the moment it fails. The Granite 3 (Ref. 5)
development of several newer, ra-
amount of stress a material is al- Anchorage components
in granite 4 (Ref. 5) tionally determined design meth-
lowed to carry is called its allow-
Marble veneers 5 (Ref. 6) ods. Intended to replace the empir-
able design stress, which usually is
Limestone veneers 8 (Ref. 7) ical recommendations, most of the
calculated by dividing its ultimate
new proposals for stone safety fac-
strength by a safety factor. Each
tors are controversial. None is yet
material has its own safety factor,
with safety factors for ductile ma- widely accepted.
set either by building code or by
terials like steel. For example, most As early as 1981, Alex Gere of
the judgment of the engineer.
structural steel has a safety factor Stone Tech, Inc., Long Island City,
Safety factors provide a margin
of 1.8. Safety factors recommended New York, proposed that stone
of safety to account for unquantifi-
by stone industry associations, on safety factors be based on the vari-
able factors: temporary loads, such
the other hand, range from 3 to 8 ation in flexural strength test re-
as high wind gusts, ice, and projec- (Table 1). sults as well as on the type of stone
tile impact; imperfect workman- One reason stone safety factors (Ref. 2). According to Gere, a nar-
ship; manufacturing variations; are more conservative is that stone row range of test results indicates a
and transportation, handling, and is a natural material and not a
erection stresses. A safety factor of stone with more consistent physi-
closely controlled, manufactured cal properties. A wider range
2 means the allowable stress is on- product. The physical properties of
ly 1⁄2 the ultimate strength of the shows a stone with more varying
stone, even the same type of stone properties. Thus the greater the
material. from the same quarry, can vary
Some experts have called safety variation in test results, the greater
widely. Some stones also lose the safety factor should be.
factors “factors of ignorance” (Ref. strength after repeated heating-
1). That is because safety factors Based on this theory, Gere devel-
cooling and freeze-thaw cycles. oped the recommendations for
are larger when loads and stresses And some gain or lose strength
are uncertain, when the material safety factors shown in Table 2.
when they’re saturated. These safety factors are generally
strength is highly variable, and
when the material is not very for- New proposals more conservative than traditional
giving. Safety factors are larger industry guidelines. Some people
Encouraged by intense competi- say they unnecessarily complicate
(and allowable design stresses are tion in the curtain wall market,
lower) when the behavior of the the issue and raise the cost of stone
several experts have proposed
material and the loads are less veneers.
new, more liberal safety factors for
known. In 1987, John McCabe, Jr., of
stone. The smaller the safety factor,
Safety factors for stone have al- Structural Engineering, Inc., Ar-
the more efficient and economical
ways been conservative compared lington, Texas, also proposed safe-
ty factors based on variations in TABLE 2 SAFETY FACTORS
test results (Table 3). McCabe used RECOMMENDED BY ALEX GERE
a modified ASTM C 880 flexural
test procedure, using larger, thin- Spread in Test Results 1 Safety Factor for Calculating Stone Thickness
ner, longer specimens loaded in a For Wind Load For Lateral Loading2
manner “more consistent with ac- Igneous rock (Granite)
tual wind loading” on a stone cur- Up to 10% 3.0 4.5
tain wall. McCabe’s safety factors 10% to 20% 4.0 6.0
for granite are more liberal than More than 20% 6.0 8.0
Using the 1 in 10,000 probability of Probability of stone failure theory (Ref. 9) 1401 251
risk recommended by Bayer and Industry standard 630 452
Clift (Ref. 10), the allowable stress National Building Granite Quarries Association (Ref. 5) 525 377
for a particular stone can be calcu-
lated in four steps: Alex Gere (Ref. 2) 525 188
1. Perform tests, preferably a mod- John McCabe, Jr. (Ref. 8) 525 283
ified ASTM C 880 flexural test, us- Wonneberger and Bortz (Ref. 1) 263 141
ing 8x36-inch specimens with the
thickness and finish to be used on Source: Ref. 9.
the job. For each test condition
(wet, dry, parallel to grain, perpen-
dicular to grain), test at least five
samples. fore it can be adopted for stone de- more than 24 inches apart around
2. Calculate the average and stan- sign purposes.” the perimeter of the panel.
dard deviation for each of the four
test conditions. Bortz and Wonneberger disagree James Amrhein and others of
3. Calculate the bending stress at a with the PSFT method on three the Masonry Institute of America,
probability of failure of 1 per points: 1) five specimens taken Los Angeles, recently tested four
10,000 as follows: from one area of stone is not large common stone anchoring systems
Bending stress = enough to represent the true vari- to determine what safety factors
Average - (Standard deviation
x coefficient from table) ability of stone (they recommend these code requirements would
4. Calculate the allowable bending at least 30 panels, six each from give. Three of the anchor systems
stress by dividing the bending five different stone blocks); 2) a (wire ties, dowels, and bent bolts)
stress calculated in Step 3 by 1.3, 50% confidence level is not ade- were well above the industry stan-
the wind load factor for curtain
quate (they recommend at least dard safety factors for most of the
90%); and because most high-rise stones tested (Ref. 4). However,
The lowest allowable stress for the stone clad buildings have more enough of the anchor systems (es-
four conditions is the one that is than 10,000 panels, a 1 in 10,000 pecially straps and kerf) were be-
used in design risk of failure is too great (they rec- low recommended safety factors to
ommend 1 in 100,000 instead). prove the value of preconstruction
Probability based design, say testing of any proposed panel or
CONFIDENCE FACTOR AND 1 IN Bortz and Wonneberger, “should anchor system design.
10,000 PROBABILITY OF FAILURE only be used by a prudent design-
Number Standard Deviations er with a great deal of caution, and Safety factors aren’t cure-alls
of Samples to be Subtracted only with test data from a large How should engineers deter-
2 5.468 test population. At the present mine the allowable design stress
3 4.447 time, designers should stay with for a natural building stone? What
4 4.175 the industry standard values, un- safety factor should they use? In
5 4.050 less they are sure of the accuracy of today’s competitive curtain wall
6 3.979
the standard deviation they are market, where stone is cut thinner
7 3.933
8 3.900 working with.” and thinner, the answer is no
9 3.877 The Uniform Building Code longer simple. You must follow the
10 3.858 (Ref. 3} requires that all anchored governing building code of course.
11 3.844 veneers, including stone, be “de- You also can use the traditional
12 3.832
signed to resist a horizontal force safety factors recommended by the
13 3.822
14 3.814
equal to twice the weight of the ve- stone associations. Or you can fol-
15 3.807 neer.” This is the maximum allow- low one of the proposals described
16 3.801 able stress. The code also pre- here, realizing none has been
17 3.796 scribes that the veneer be at least 2 widely endorsed yet. As Bortz and
18 3.791 inches thick and no more than 20 Wonneberger say, “there is consid-
19 3.787
square feet in area. Anchors (dow- erable variance of opinion regard-
20 3.784
els or wire ties) may be spaced no ing what is a reasonable safety fac-
tor for stone.” 2. Alex Gere, “Recommended Prac- 400, Woodland Hills, CA 91364.
tices for the Use of Natural Stones in
But even large safety factors and 9. Jeffrey A. Bayer and Charles D.
Building Construction,” Building Stone
minimum prescriptive code re- Magazine, May/June 1981, Building Clift, “Design of Granite Cladding,” Di-
quirements are not substitutes for Stone Institute, 420 Lexington Ave., mensional Stone, June 1989, Dimen-
New York, NY 10170. sional Stone Institute.
the rational design of stone veneer.
Today’s thin stone veneers must be 3. Uniform Building Code, 1988 Edi- 10. Charles D. Clift and Jeffrey A. Bay-
designed to accommodate calcu- tion, International Conference of Build- er, “Stone Safety Factors: Much Ado
ing Officials, 5360 S. Workman Mill About Nothing?” Dimensional Stone,
lated thermal expansion and con-
Rd., Whittier, CA 90601. Jan/Feb 1989, Dimensional Stone In-
traction, expected differential stitute.
movement, creep, deflection, vi- 4. James Amrhein, R. H. Hatch, and
Michael Merrigan, “Anchor Connec- Christine Beall is an architect and con-
bration, high wind pressures at
tions of Stone Slabs,” Masonry Com- sultant in Austin, Texas, and a regular
building corners and roofs, and ponents and Assemblages, ASTM STP contributor to The Magazine of Ma-
other known variables. Code re- 1063, 1990, ASTM, 1916 Race St., sonry Construction.
quirements for maximum anchor Philadelphia, PA 19103.
spacing may not provide the right 5. “Specification for Building Granite,”
safety factor for the specific type National Building Granite Quarries As-
of anchor and stone you’re using. sociation, 1987, Barre, VT.
Safety factors should be used 6. Dimensional Stone: Volume III,
only to accommodate unknown 1987, Marble Institute of America.
7. “Technical Note on Safety Factors,”
Indiana Limestone Institute, Stone City
References Bank Building #400, Bedford, IN
1. Bernhard Wonneberger and Sey- 47421.
mour Bortz, “Factors of Safety in
Stone,” Through the Ages, Summer 8. John T. McCabe, Jr., “The Role of
1988, Marble Institute of America, Engineers in Designing and Specifying
33505 State St., Farmington, MI Natural Stone,” Dimensional Stone, PUBLICATION #M900176
48024. Jan/Feb 1987, Dimensional Stone In- Copyright © 1990, The Aberdeen Group
stitute, 20335 Ventura Blvd., Suite All rights reserved