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Life Line well into the palmar surface, (XXVIII, 5), it denotes a great deal of vitality and strength of constitution. It also shows warmth of affection and breadth of sympathy, the Mount of Venus which represents love in our nature having a fair say in the expression of qualities inherent in it. Straight Life Line If the Life Line runs in a somewhat straight direction, it narrows the scope of expression as symbolized by the Mount of Venus (XXVIII, 3). Such individuals lack warmth of affection and, as a rule, are prone to be cold and selfish. There is a definite restrictive tendency in their responses to love life: in fact, it indicates a predisposition towards sterility, particularly in the case of women; if there exists a bow-shaped First Bracelet encroaching on the palmar surface, then the tendency is very much accentuated. This combination has in general been seen in the hands of people who lack the creative urge to be parents. It is not a good combination to have if one aims at matrimonial happiness. Life Line — Terminating Inwards The direction that the Life Line takes near its termination is interesting to note. Normally it tends to end towards the wrist-thumb angle (XXVIII, 1A). With such an ending the person is said to be, as it were, home-bound — a person who will always prefer his own country to other lands. Wherever he may travel, he will tend to return home ultimately, bound as he is to his native soil. Life Line — Terminating towards the Moon On the other hand, sometimes the Life Line terminates away from the Mount of Venus. It proceeds to, or shows a definite inclination towards the outer edge of the palm where the Mount of the Moon is situated (XXVIII, 2M). Such a termination of this vital line shows a strong urge to be away from home surroundings and native soil. There is an innate restlessness about such people. They are, in fact, constantly urged from within to move farther from home and are inclined to end their days abroad, They travel a great deal and usually settle down eventually in some far-off country. 109 ) The Art of Hand Analysis Life Line — Terminating in a Large Fork Another common mark that one comes across these days is when the Life Line splits towards its termination and ends in a large fork, with one prong proceeding towards the wrist-thumb angle and the other going in the opposite direction (XXX, 4xy). This shows that the person has great restlessness and a longing for travel and yet at the same time that he is home-bound. In present times, with modern transport facilities and the triumph over space, such a marking is sure to express the urge of the age. Whichever branch is the stronger of the two, will determine the path which its owner eventually chooses. Life Line — Offshoots At times you will come across persons who have travelled far and wide, and yet their Life Line terminates towards the wrist-thumb angle. In such cases, if you will follow the course of their Line of Life you are sure to find, at intervals, strongly marked branches shooting out of the body of the line and proceeding towards the Mount of the Moon (XXX, 1t). These are known as travel lines. When a very strong and well-defined branch of this type leaves the Life Line it shows marked restlessness and a craving for travel. I have found that, in general, people with these branches do take to travelling, and that this occurs at the period when such an offshoot leaves the Life Line. It is all the more certain when the Mount of Moon is well developed and is not flabby; a firm consistency of the palm is an additional indication of such an urge to travel. ‘Travel Lines Quite often you will notice several horizontal lines which project into the palmar surface from the percussion side. Such lines are marked in the area known as the Mount of the Moon. Look at your hand from the point where the First Bracelet is visible next to the palm at the percussion. Survey the area right up to a spot where the Line of Mentality seems to point its direction of termination. This is the outer boundary of the Mount of the Moon and here will be found these horizontal lines (XXX, 1T). When several such lines are well marked, they 110 iS) Life Line tend to intensify the urge to travel; when there is a well- developed Mount of the Moon and when travel lines branch from the Life Line as well, you are sure to find a person who has an innate desire to be on the move. Life Line — Ending in a Tassel When the Life Line is long it is not infrequent to notice it ending in the shape of a tassel. A mass of short lines, varying in thickness, seem to shoot out and form a kind of hairy tail (XXX, 6b). Such a formation is uncommon on a short Line of Life. When a tasseled ending is seen it is a mark of diminishing vitality, especially due to advancing years. It is not a good sign to have and, when present, health should not be neglected. It reduces the power of resistance and lays the individual open to ready infection and disease. Life Line — Minor Marks A Life Line which is evenly traced, well marked and has a shade of lustre about it, is the type which gives the best indications, but it is a rare phenomenon. | have seldom come across such a line. Living conditions today hardly allow such a healthy life, and the common type of line is the one that is never without some defective elements. These defective markings, as a general rule, are limited to a break in the line, a cross or a star on it and, at times, a square around a portion of it. Islanded formations, cuts and cross-bars, too, are fairly common. Any of these markings are indices of some defective state of well-being. A Break A break shows danger to life (XXX, 4b). If it is only present in one hand it is less serious, but if repeated in the other at the same age it is ominous, and can bring one very near to circumstances which may prove fatal. A Square It is often noticed that such a break in the Life Line is surrounded by a small, more or less well-defined square (XXX, 4c). This brings in a protective influence. Escape from danger or danger averted is the meaning attached to it; 1 have verified this formation fairly often, When a square is marked on 111 CG) Life Line an otherwise good Line of Life, it indicates that a person is liable to pass through circumstances where danger to well-being, and even to life, is not remote. Accident of Injury A cross and a star are marks of accidents and threatened injury to life or limb (XXX, 3e,d). Worries — Ill Health Cuts and cross-bars are indications of worries that can, and do, create conditions synonymous with bad health. Ill health due to anxiety is the usual prognostication (XXX, 3e). Internal Defect An island shows an internal defective state of health (XXX, 1). If a series of islanded formations produce a shape similar to a chain or a rosary with somewhat oblong beads, then it is indicative of a continued delicacy of health which must be attended to without delay. When such an arrangement is present, medical aid must be sought immediately; otherwise it may be too late to bring about normal health conditions (XXX, 5r). Life Line — Varying Shades of Thickness In some hands you are likely to see a Life Line of varying shades of thickness. Parts of it will be well-defined and even, others will be thicker and like a heavily-marked crease, and still others will be very thin and feeble looking. Such a line shows uncertain health and a capricious and fickle temperament. Life Line — Thin A thin and meagre looking line, with a yellowish hue about it, is an indication of a weak and envious character. Life Line —Extra Thick If, in the main, the line is extra thick and carves a big crease in the palmar surface, it adds animality to a person’s character and inclines him to violence and brutality, When the colour is red the tendency is accentuated. Such persons are hardly familiar with what is known as self-control, can be easily roused and are 113 The Art of Hand Analysis liable to strike in temper. Yet they are open to suggestion and can be handled to advantage with tact and diplomacy. Life Line — Circle Thereon One of the most curious interpretations that I have verified fairly often is the meaning of a circle on the Life Line. It is said to denote danger to an eye. Two circles at the same spot, like two zeros together, are said to be indicative of blindness. I have seen a single circle, but so far have been unable to verify two well-defined, complete circles linked together. A single circle does show some danger to eyesight (XXX, 6c). Rising Offshoots of the Life Line During its course, the Life Line normally sends up branches, These are extremely significant and each one of them tells a story with regard to its owner’s efforts for worldly success. A clear well-defined line rising from the Life Line beneath the index finger shows a major ambitious effort for self- development, knowledge and the assertion of individuality — such a branch usually indicates the time of starting school or education. (See the section on the dating system (page 105) for judgement of time.) Starting below the interspace of the index and second fingers, a strong upward branch reaching the area of the Mount of Jupiter is a mark of achievement through personal contact and endeavour. As a rule this coincides with successful termination of a course of study or training: the owner gets a degree or a diploma from a recognised University or Institution. In some cases, it may mark the end of a period of apprenticeship, leading to a good start of a career, with sound prospects of material reward. A strong offshoot of the Life Line, reaching the area of the Mount of Saturn beneath the second finger, denotes an im- portant landmark materially. Its owner is able to acquire tangible assets, such as property. Such a mark denotes material stability, increased income and an improved worldly status. An unobstructed offshoot of the Life Line going towards the root of the third finger, is an extremely good sign to have as it shows brilliant success, wealth or fame. Its owner reaches a point in life when he receives the acclaim of the world. 114 Life Line A Life Line branch going to the base of the little finger is also an exceptionally good sign. It indicates considerable success in the field of commerce, industry or science. (XXXI, 1D.) When an offshoot of the Life Line stops short after it leaves the Heart Line, it reveals a quick short-lived benefit. (XXXI, 2A.) When an upward branch of the Life Line ends at the Head Line, it shows failure due to stupidity, miscalculation, wrong judgement and lack of proper planning, leading to disaster, the effects of which usually last a long time. (XXXI, 1E.) Such an upward Life Line offshoot, ending at the Heart Line, shows failure due to emotional causes. Such a person, besides material loss, also suffers heartache which can cast a shadow on his future. (XXXI, 1F.) When a short upward branch of the Life Line is crossed by a deep line from the area of the Mount of Venus, it is an ill omen. It denotes litigation and usually it portends separation or divorce. figure XXX1 115 The Art of Hand Analysis THE LINE OF HEAD Head Line — Origin The major horizontal line, which starts at the same place as the Life Line, is called the Line of Head (XXXII, 1), Beginning between the forefinger and the thumb, on the edge of the hand, it is the most important revealer of one’s mental approach to life, career, and the social milieu in which one lives. To a large extent, its formation, character and length are the essential elements which show the potential or otherwise for success, accomplishment and happiness. figure XXXII Head Line Linked to Life Line When it is slightly linked up with the Life Line at the outset, as already shown in the previous chapter (XXXII, 1), it is a mark of prudence, caution, and a sensible approach to life. Its owner tends to be sensitive and he tends to maintain a balanced, 116 The Line of Head eee and rational attitude of mind in all his dealings with others. When the Head and Life lines jointly cover a short distance (XXXII, 6), it is indicative of a rather sensitive disposition. Its owner is apt to be none too self-reliant, and generally gives the impression of being reticent. When the tied-up formation of the Head and Life Lines enters well into the palm (XXVIII, 4), it isa mark of extreme sensitivity and self-consciousness. Its owner is usually given to feelings of inferiority and is hardly ever able to be self-reliant. Independent Start When the Head Line starts independently (XXXII, 2), it shows a go-ahead spirit and a strong element of self-confidence. Its owner usually displays initiative and enterprise. Energetic and alert, he is often inclined to be theatrical in his behaviour. Wide Space When there is a very wide space between the Head and Life lines at the origin (XXVIII, 6), it is not a good indication. It shows lack of self-control, impulsiveness, and a tendency to be foolhardy. Its owner seems unable to practise any measure of discipline and, due to a reckless and imprudent approach to things, usually wrecks his chances of happiness or success. Head Line — Origin Jupiter When the Head Line begins higher up in the area of the Mount of Jupiter, and then slopes down to take its normal route, it is an excellent beginning (XXXII, 3). Such a person is endowed with tremendous potential, is naturally disposed to study, learns all about his career, people and the social milieu around him, and can show a relentless effort to achieve success. He has the makings of an outstanding individual. Head Line — Origin Inside Life Line When the Head Line drops down at its origin and begins below the Life Line from the Mount of Mars (XXXII, 4), it is an ill omen. Its owner seems to be quarrelsome, explosive, and often lacks consideration for others. He is usually irritable and unable to settle down to anything. 117 The Art of Hand Analysis figure XXXII Head Line — Straight While crossing the palmar surface, the Head Line either takes an even and straight course, or tends to be curved. When it is straight (XXXII, 1), it speaks of a practical turn of mind, Its owner tends to be a realist and, due to an element of conventionality in his make-up, may not be quite open to accepting anything new or out of the ordinary, However, once satisfied with the usefulness of something new, he does not hesitate to take to it. He respects tradition and is law abiding. Though none too imaginative, he is a man of his word and endeavours to live with and among people, believing in social co-ordination. In fact, his existence is a very vital element of human society, and he can be seen in all professions, trades, and fields of life. Head Line — Short When a Head Line is short, its owner's vision is not large. He likes the tangible and the concrete. He does small jobs, lives a 118 The Line of Head useful but routine life, and abides by the codes and dictates of his own social environment. Head Line — Long A long Head Line (XXXII, 1) indicates a high mental aptitude and tremendous foresight of a practical nature. Its owner tends to be a planner, financier, director or executive. He usually has a fine memory and good powers of concentration and visualiz- ation. It is a sign of strong individuality and a great capacity for success. Head Line of Medium Length Obviously, the character of the owner of a medium-length Head Line would lie somewhere between these two poles. Head Line — Sloping When the Head Line curves down towards the Mount of the Moon (XXXII, 2), it speaks of an artistic and creative mind. Its owner attaches more value to things of the spirit than to the goods of this earth. The length and formation of the curve will determine his potential for the artistic and the aesthetic. When the line is long and curves gently down to the area of the Mount of the Moon (XXXII, 2), it reveals poetry of the soul, rich imagination, and creative talent of an exceptional order. Furthermore, this person tends to be idealistic. Head Line — Drooping Too Low It is another matter when the Head Line drops very low (XXXV, 4), for then it is a sign of an over-imaginative mind. Its owner, in fact, tends to live in a world of fantasies and is too apt to be moody and given to melancholic thoughts. He is not quite fit for the rough and tumble of life, and usually gets dejected and lives a despondent and unhappy life. Head Line — Deep and Clear When the Head Line is deep and clear, it indicates strong powers of concentration and a good memory. 119 S) The Art of Hand Analysis Head Line — Defective When islands or indentations mar its course (XXXIV, 2), there is a danger of passing through phases of uncertainty, vacillation, and indecision, Lack of concentration and difficulty in memorizing are also shown by such defective markings. Head Line — Shallow A shallow, floating Head Line (XXXIV, 1AC), is a sign of a poor mind and an inability to act with any depth of thought or concentration. Often this person has difficulty in compre- hending the meaning of situations in which he finds himself. Head Line — Upward Branches Branches which shoot upwards from the Head Line (XXXII, 6) are extremely suggestive indications and show successful use of intellectual powers, bringing about worldly advantages and prestige. Head Line — Very Short A short Headline, which barely reaches below the middle finger, is a poor mark to have, for it betrays paucity of intellect, poor memory, and weak powers of concentration. Its owner lives in a small world of his own, and is unable to look ahead or show any ability for constructive planning (XXXIV, LAB). Head Line — Flawless — Long When the Head Line is well marked, has no defects, and clearly defines its course through the palm, reaching the area directly below the third finger, it is a good linc. Whether even and straight, or slightly curved, it shows a sound capacity to live intelligently and make one’s own way in life constructively (XXXV, 1). Head Line — Very Long When a flawless line reaches the area directly below the little finger, it is ideal, for it reveals great strength of mind, excellent powers of memory, ability for deductive and realistic reasoning and, of course, stamina and strong power of will. Its owner is pre-eminently suitable for success through both his inherent talent and his application of energy and level-headedness (XXXII, 3). 120 The Line of Head Head Line — Gently Sloping Such a long Head Line, gently sloping downward, reveals tremendous creative potential. This person is capable of making an outstanding success in the field of the arts, and usually shines in his specific creative pursuit (XXXII, 2). Head Line — Edge to Edge When a Head Line travels across the palm in a straight, horizontal manner and ends at the percussion, it is an un- deniable indicator of an excessive intellect, particularly in economic matters. This person is most suited to the worlds of commerce, industry and finance. However, he could be tempted to engage in doubtful practices which involve financial bargain- ing to his advantage, and most probably he would have an easy conscience about his means to success. He does seem to be able to increase his wealth and rapidly accumulate the goods of this earth (XXXIV, AA). figure XXXIV 121 The Art of Hand Analysis Head Line — Double Although it is rare, one occasionally does come across a double Head Line. In such cases, a sister line seems to accompany the original Head Line, sometimes throughout its course. In fact, it is assumed to be a propitious mark with regard to matters concerning money, inheritance and other economic benefits. The traditional interpretation, that it is a symbol of a large fortune through inheritance, cannot be ruled out; I have come across quite a few instances. where this has been the case (XXXIIL, 1). Head Line — Termination The terminal trend of the Head Line is of great importance. When it ends as a neat, clear line, thinning slightly towards its close, it is normal. When it terminates in a small neat fork, it indicates descrip- tive aptitude. Its owner is inclined toward analysis, rationalis- ation and legal acumen. A persuasive talker, he can “‘sell’’ his way through life. (XXXV, 2B.) If the line forks in such a manner that the parent line continues to run straight towards the percussion, whereas a branch slopes down toward the Mount of the Moon, it reveals an individual who is able to see both sides of an issue simultaneously. It is usually the hallmark of sutcessful lawyers and advocates. Also, it indicates the gift of acting, especially as a comedian. (XXXII, 2C.) A Head Line, crossed by a slanting line at its close, is none too good, as it betrays a tendency towards self-deception. Its owner hardly seems to be able to have an objective view of himself. (XXXIV, 2C.) A Head Line ending in an islanded formation is an ill omen. It shows a tendency toward a diseased mind. Its owner often tends to be brilliant; when the line is long, however, his ideas have a damaging impact on those he associates with. Usually, he is apt to lose his mental balance in the long run. (XXXIV, 2D.) Head Line — Arched If, after its beginning, the Head Line ascends in an arch towards the Mount of Jupiter and then gently takes its normal course through the palm, it is of great significance. This individual is 122 The Line of Head endowed with an aggressive and ambitious potential. He is not likely to take “No” for an answer, and in the pursuit of his specific aim he can be tough, and determined. Normally, he achieves his objective (XXXII, 3). Head Line — Wavy and Twisted When the Head Line is wavy and twisted it is an ill omen. Its owner tends to be capricious, unreliable, and unsteady in his character and dealings with people. Avaricious, and inclined to falsehood, he is apt to cheat and steal (XXXII, 4). Head Line — Fragmented A fragmented Head Line indicates both stupidity and a susceptibility to headaches. This person has difficulty in apply- ing himself to anything, falls prey to bouts of lack of memory, and is prone to acute forms of mental anxiety (XXXIV, 2AA). Head Line — Branches Branches from the Head Line are significant. If an offshoot goes towards the Mount of the Sun, it is a very exceptional indication, It shows brilliance of intellect which, due to artistic, creative, or literary effort, is bound to lead to fame and fortune. In the hand of a businessman or scientist, such a marking points to exceptional success and prominence, either in industry or invention (XXXIII, 2A). Head Line — Branches to Heart Line When a strong upward branch of the Head Line turns towards the Heart Line, it is a sign of a certain coldness in matters of affection. In fact, in matters of love, reason and cold logic will dominate, and this person will usually listen to his head rather than to his heart (XXXII, 6). Head Line — Breaks and Gaps Gaps in the Head Line, or clear breaks, are not desirable. They indicate a disappointed passion, which can lead to imbalance (XXXIV, 2AA). Head Line — Broken Pieces overlapping When the Head Line is broken in the middle and the two pieces 123 The Art of Hand Analysis figure XXXV overlap each other, just below the Mount of Saturn, it is a very significant warning. Its owner is accident prone, and is apt to undertake daring and risky steps. Unless he is able to discipline his over-adventurous impulses, he can meet with great mis- fortune, and end up with broken limbs. Although he may be fortunate enough to escape mortal danger, he may take quite a long time to recover from his injuries (XXXV, 5A). Head Line — Island Middle When the Head Line contains a clear island in the middle, it shows a strong predisposition towards continued headaches, inertia and nervous fatigue. It also gives clues to a hereditary tendency towards maladies which may have a bearing on cerebral fevers (XXXIV, 2B). Head Line — Islanded throughout Islanded formations throughout the Head Line speak of a 124 S) The Line of Head nervous disposition, tension, anxiety, and headaches. There is always something the matter with the health of the individual, but his ailments are quite curable, with normal attention and medical care (XXXIV, EE). Head Line — Crosses, Stars Crosses or stars on any part of the Head Line are none too good, for these show misfortunes which can prove, in some form or another, dangerous (XXXV, 2CC). Head Line/Heart Line Interspace Generally, the space between the Head and the Heart Lines should be even, and they should be at a fair distance from one another. When this is the case there is no interference in each other’s domain. When the Head Line rises in its course through the hand, and thus inclines towards the Heart Line, it is not a good indication. It shows a tendency towards palpitations, fainting fits and, when the space is too narrow, it also implies asthma (XXXV, 6). 125 The Art of Hand Analysis THE LINE OF HEART Origin and Termination The Line of Heart begins from the area of the Mount of Jupiter and, travelling below the bases of the fingers across the palmar surface, terminates at the percussion edge, below the root of the little finger (XXXVII,1A)).°As one of the most eloquent signatures of human feelings, it denotes some spectfic aspects of health and, of course, all those emotional situations which appertain to affairs of the heart. Idealism in Love When the Heart Line begins from the area of the Mount of Jupiter it is a sign of idealism in love. Its owner tends to be kind, affectionate and capable of dignity and honour in all matters concerning intimate human relationships. He is, no doubt, apt to put his loved ones on pedestals and naturally expects them to stay there. Liable to be disillusioned as a result of such idealism he has to learn to be moderate in this respect: otherwise he will be badly hurt and, most probably, grow bitter. Origin Between Index and Middle Fingers When the Heart Line begins between the index antl middle fingers (XXXVIIL, 1B), it moderates the idealistic elements of the former type and endows the owner with a capacity for balanced sacrifice, steadfast affection and, of course, happy love. This individual, however, tends to live a laborious life. This may be due to a search for personal satisfaction, or perhaps due to the con- ditions of his life. He does, in the long run, find happiness: and of course can be fortunate in the worldly sense, too. Origin Below the Middle Finger When the Heart Line begins below the middle finger (XXXVI, 1B), on the Mount of Saturn, it is not a good augury. Its owner is devoid of higher forms of emotions and in a way heartless. His love is associated with sensual pleasure. Unable to realize the sensitive nature of intimate living, he is not really able to give sincere devotion. He usually lives an uneasy life and, due to lack of tenderness in his being, often fails to understand 126

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