Variants of Concern VOC Technical Briefing 17

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SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and

variants under investigation in

Technical briefing 17
25 June 2021

This briefing provides an update on previous briefings up to 18 June 2021

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Summary............................................................................................................................. 3
Published information on variants ................................................................................... 4
Part 1: Surveillance overview .............................................................................................. 5
Variants under surveillance ............................................................................................. 5
Variant prevalence......................................................................................................... 16
Secondary attack rates .................................................................................................. 24
Surveillance of reinfections ............................................................................................ 31
SARS-CoV-2 Immunity and Reinfection Evaluation (the SIREN study) cohort monitoring
...................................................................................................................................... 31
Variants linked to suspected SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks ................................................... 34
Part 2: Delta (B.1.617.2) surveillance ............................................................................... 38
Severity ......................................................................................................................... 38
Monitoring of vaccine effectiveness ............................................................................... 38
Surveillance through genomic data ............................................................................... 40
Surveillance through S gene detection .......................................................................... 47
PCR cycle threshold data .............................................................................................. 57
Delta with K417N ........................................................................................................... 61
Lambda (C.37, VUI-21JUN-01) ..................................................................................... 66
Sources and acknowledgments ........................................................................................ 67

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

There are 4 current variants of concern and 9 variants under investigation (Table 1).

This report has been published to continue to share detailed surveillance of Delta (VOC-
21APR-02, B.1.617.2) and Lambda (C.37, VUI-21JUN-01). A separate report is published
covering our routine data on all other variants of concern and variants under investigation.
These additional specialist technical briefings represent early data and analysis on an
emerging variant and findings have a high level of uncertainty.

Principal changes and findings this week are:

• the Delta variant accounted for approximately 95% of sequenced and 92%
genotyped cases from 7 to 21 June 2021
• an operational issue at a sequencing facility resulted in a reduction in genome
coverage for specimen dates 10 to 15 June 2021 (sequenced between 14 to 18
June) and may impact variant sequencing counts in figures and tables for this
limited period; genotyping was not affected (see Note 1)
• C.37 (Lambda), previously a signal in monitoring, was designated a new
Variant Under Investigation on 23 June 2021 based on global spread and a
novel combination of mutations; further data is provided
• very preliminary results for live virus neutralisation of AY.1 (a lineage of Delta
with K417N), with a small number of sera from vaccine recipients are
reassuring, however further testing is required (data provided by Genotype to
Phenotype consortium)
• PCR cycle threshold (Ct) values appear to be persistently lower in Delta than
Alpha cases based on routine national testing data

The risk assessment for Delta is published separately and was last updated on 25 June

As Delta is now the dominant variant in the UK, epidemiological data in the weekly
surveillance report is highly relevant and available here.

Note 1: From 14 to 18 June 2021 an operational issue at a sequencing site resulted in a

reduction in the number of samples with sequencing data of sufficient quality for variant
assignment. There were 19,502 samples reported to PHE as impacted by the incident.
PHE has received approximately 10,000 sample identifiers from the list of those affected of
which sequencing data has been obtained for approximately 4,300 and genotyping data
for 3,300 have a reflex assay result. Approximately 9,000 samples are pending analysis
and for approximately 2,400 samples variant assignment is not possible. This issue
resulted in a reduction in genome coverage for specimen dates 10 to 15 June 2021 and

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

may impact variant counts in figures and tables for this limited period. The unusable
samples were from locations distributed around the UK and the proportions of different
variants by region should be correct. In addition, the genotyping results means that this
has limited impact in the interpretation of the overall data.

Published information on variants

The collection page gives content on variants, including prior technical briefings.
Definitions for variants of concern, variants under investigation and signals in
monitoring are detailed in technical briefing 8. Data on variants not detailed here is
published in the variant data update. Variant risk assessments are available in prior
technical briefings. A repository containing the up-to-date genomic definitions for all
variants of concern (VOC) and variants under investigation (VUI) as curated by
Public Health England was created on 5 March 2021. The repository can be
accessed on GitHub.

WHO nomenclature from 31 May 2021 is incorporated. A table incorporating WHO

and UK designations and Pango lineages is provided (Table 1); thereafter variants
are referred to using their WHO designation where this exists, and the UK
designation where it does not.

Technical briefings from 15 onwards include variant diagnoses made both by whole-
genome sequencing and by a genotyping PCR test, including the categorisation of
confirmed and probable variant results and a rules-based decision algorithm (RBDA) to
identify variant and mutation (VAM) profiles from genotype assay mutation profiles.
Genotyping is used to identify variants Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma; targets were
updated in mid-May 2021 to prioritise accurate identification of Delta over Alpha.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Part 1: Surveillance overview

Variants under surveillance
Table 1 shows the current variants of concern (VOC) and variants under investigation
(VUI). Figure 1 shows the proportion of cases sequenced over time. Summary
epidemiology on each variant is shown in Table 2, case numbers are also updated online.
Tables 2, 3 and 4 show hospitalisation and death data. Figure 2 shows cumulative cases
of variants over time.

Table 1. Variant lineage and designation as of 21 June 2021 (provisionally extinct

variants removed)

World Health Lineage Designation Status

as of 21 June
Alpha B.1.1.7 VOC-20DEC-01 VOC
Beta B.1.351 VOC-20DEC-02 VOC
Gamma P.1 VOC-21JAN-02 VOC
Delta B.1.617.2, AY.1 VOC
and AY.2
Zeta P.2 VUI-21JAN-01 VUI
Eta B.1.525 VUI-21FEB-03 VUI
B.1.1.318 VUI-21FEB-04 VUI
Theta P.3 VUI-21MAR-02 VUI
Kappa B.1.617.1 VUI-21APR-01 VUI
B.1.617.3 VUI-21APR-03 VUI
C.36.3 VUI-21MAY-02 VUI
Lambda^ C.37 VUI-21JUN-01 VUI
B.1.1.7 with VOC-21FEB-02 *Monitoring
Epsilon B.1.427/B.1.429 Monitoring

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

World Health Lineage Designation Status

as of 21 June
B.1.1.7 with Monitoring
A.27 Monitoring
Iota B.1.526 Monitoring
B.1.1.7 with Monitoring
B.1.620 Monitoring
B.1.214.2 Monitoring
R.1 Monitoring
B.1.621 Monitoring
B.1 with Monitoring
AT.1 Monitoring
Lineage A with Monitoring
R346K, T478R
and E484K
Delta like variant Monitoring
with E484A
P.1 + N501T and Monitoring

*VOC-21FEB-02 (B.1.1.7 with E484K). This specific clade of B.1.1.7 with E484K has not been detected in
England since 1 March 2021. There is apparent transmission outside the UK based on international
sequence data. It is no longer included in the data update but monitoring of international data continues.
^Designated as Variant of Interest by WHO, 14 June 2021 and as a variant under investigation by Public
Health England on the 23 June 2021.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Sequencing coverage
Figure 1. Coverage of sequencing: percentage of SARS-CoV-2 cases sequenced over time as of 21 June 2021 (including
genotyping data). (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data)

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

VOC and VUI case numbers, proportion, deaths and case fatality rate
Table 2 shows the number of cases and deaths associated with each variant of concern and variant under investigation, and the
proportion of total sequenced cases accounted for by each variant. Table 3 and 4 show the number of cases known to be infected with
variants of concern or variants under investigation who visited an NHS Emergency Department, the number who were admitted, and the
number who died in any setting (note data is shown from 1 February 2021 onwards to enable comparison). Figure 2 shows the
cumulative number of cases per variant indexed by days since first report.

Table 2. Number of confirmed (sequencing) and probable (genotyping) cases by variant as of 21 June 2021

Variant Confirmed Probable Total Case Deaths Case fatality Cases Deaths Case Fatality
(sequencing) (genotyping) case proportion* with 28 among among those
case number case number day those with with 28 day
number* follow 28 day follow up
up follow up

Alpha 219,570 5,515 225,085 70.3% 4,262 1.9% (1.8 - 2.0%) 219,948 4,259 1.9% (1.9 - 2.0%)

Beta 892 54 946 0.3% 13 1.4% (0.7 - 2.3%) 874 13 1.5% (0.8 - 2.5%)

Delta 50,283 41,773 92,056 28.8% 117 0.1% (0.1 - 0.2%) 11,250 32 0.3% (0.2 - 0.4%)

Eta 442 0 442 0.1% 12 2.7% (1.4 - 4.7%) 431 12 2.8% (1.4 - 4.8%)

Gamma 180 45 225 0.1% 0 0.0% (0.0 - 1.6%) 161 0 0.0% (0.0 - 2.3%)

Kappa 439 0 439 0.1% 1 0.2% (0.0 - 1.3%) 420 1 0.2% (0.0 - 1.3%)

0.0% (0.0 - 0.0% (0.0 -

Theta 7 0 7 0.0% 0 5 0
41.0%) 52.2%)

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Variant Confirmed Probable Total Case Deaths Case fatality Cases Deaths Case Fatality
(sequencing) (genotyping) case proportion* with 28 among among those
case number case number day those with with 28 day
number* follow 28 day follow up
up follow up

0.0% (0.0 - 0.0% (0.0 -

VUI-21APR-03 13 0 13 0.0% 0 13 0
24.7%) 24.7%)

VUI-21FEB-04 279 0 279 0.1% 1 0.4% (0.0 - 2.0%) 246 1 0.4% (0.0 - 2.2%)

VUI-21MAY-01 177 0 177 0.1% 1 0.6% (0.0 - 3.1%) 135 1 0.7% (0.0 - 4.1%)

VUI-21MAY-02 133 0 133 0.0% 0 0.0% (0.0 - 2.7%) 117 0 0.0% (0.0 - 3.1%)

Zeta 54 0 54 0.0% 1 1.9% (0.0 - 9.9%) 53 1 1.9% (0.0 - 10.1%)

*Genotyping is used to identify variants Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma; targets were updated in mid-May 2021 to prioritise accurate identification of Delta over

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Table 3. Attendance to emergency care and deaths among all (sequencing and genotyping) COVID-19 cases in England,
1 February 2021 to 21 June 2021
Variant Age Cases Cases with Cases with an Cases with an Cases where Cases where Deaths
group Since 1 specimen A&E visit§ A&E visit§ presentation to presentation to
(years) Feb date in past (excluding (including A&E resulted in A&E resulted in
28 days cases with the cases with the overnight overnight
same same inpatient inpatient
specimen and specimen and admission§ admission§
attendance attendance (excluding cases (including cases
dates)‡ dates) with the same with the same
specimen and specimen and
admission dates)‡ admission dates)
n % n % n % n % n % n %
Alpha <50 117,263 4,224 3.6 4,888 4.2 5,731 4.9 1,224 1.0 1,676 1.4 66 0.1
≥50 32,289 453 1.4 3,127 9.7 4,592 14.2 1,721 5.3 2,792 8.6 1,551 4.8
Beta <50 575 45 7.8 21 3.7 23 4.0 5 0.9 8 1.4 1 0.2
≥50 165 11 6.7 17 10.3 25 15.2 7 4.2 15 9.1 7 4.2
Delta <50 82,458 71,311 86.5 2,013 2.4 2,728 3.3 564 0.7 902 1.1 8 0.0
≥50 9,571 8,025 83.8 393 4.1 732 7.6 181 1.9 418 4.4 109 1.1
Eta <50 272 6 2.2 11 4.0 13 4.8 5 1.8 6 2.2 0 0.0
≥50 116 - 0.0 4 3.4 7 6.0 1 0.9 3 2.6 6 5.2
Gamma <50 207 58 28.0 7 3.4 7 3.4 1 0.5 1 0.5 0 0.0
≥50 18 3 16.7 1 5.6 1 5.6 - 0.0 - 0.0 0 0.0
Kappa <50 377 9 2.4 10 2.7 11 2.9 1 0.3 2 0.5 0 0.0

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Variant Age Cases Cases with Cases with an Cases with an Cases where Cases where Deaths
group Since 1 specimen A&E visit§ A&E visit§ presentation to presentation to
(years) Feb date in past (excluding (including A&E resulted in A&E resulted in
28 days cases with the cases with the overnight overnight
same same inpatient inpatient
specimen and specimen and admission§ admission§
attendance attendance (excluding cases (including cases
dates)‡ dates) with the same with the same
specimen and specimen and
admission dates)‡ admission dates)
n % n % n % n % n % n %
≥50 62 4 6.5 5 8.1 5 8.1 2 3.2 2 3.2 1 1.6
Theta <50 4 - 0.0 1 25.0 1 25.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 0 0.0
≥50 3 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 0 0.0
VUI- <50 11 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 0 0.0
≥50 2 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 0 0.0
VUI- <50 221 27 12.2 6 2.7 9 4.1 1 0.5 2 0.9 0 0.0
≥50 51 2 3.9 1 2.0 2 3.9 - 0.0 1 2.0 1 2.0
VUI- <50 154 34 22.1 1 0.6 2 1.3 - 0.0 1 0.6 0 0.0
≥50 23 6 26.1 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 1 4.3
VUI- <50 102 12 11.8 8 7.8 9 8.8 2 2.0 3 2.9 0 0.0
≥50 31 1 3.2 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 0 0.0
Zeta <50 16 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 0 0.0
≥50 8 - 0.0 1 12.5 1 12.5 1 12.5 1 12.5 0 0.0

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Data sources: Emergency care attendance and admissions from Emergency Care Dataset (ECDS), deaths from PHE daily death data series (deaths within 28
days). NHS trusts are required to submit emergency care attendances by the 21st of each month. As a result, the number of cases with attendances may show
substantial increases in technical briefs prepared after the monthly cut-off, compared with other briefs from the same month.
¥ Cases without specimen dates and unlinked sequences (sequenced samples that could not be matched to individuals) are excluded from this table.
* Cases are assessed for any Emergency Care attendance within 28 days of their positive specimen date. Cases still undergoing within 28-day period may have an
emergency care attendance reported at a later date.
§ At least 1 attendance or admission within 28 days of positive specimen date
‡ Cases where specimen date is the same as date of Emergency Care visit are excluded to help remove cases picked up via routine testing in healthcare settings
whose primary cause of attendance is not COVID-19. This underestimates the number of individuals in hospital with COVID-19 but only includes those who tested
positive prior to the day of their Emergency Care visit. Some of the cases detected on the day of admission may have attended for a diagnosis unrelated to COVID-
^ Total deaths in any setting (regardless of hospitalisation status) within 28 days of positive specimen date.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Table 4. Attendance to emergency care and deaths by vaccination status among Delta confirmed cases (sequencing and
genotyping) including all confirmed Delta cases in England, 1 February 2021 to 21 June 2021

Age Total Cases with Unlinked <21 days ≥21 days Received Unvaccinated
group specimen post post 2 doses
(years) date in past dose 1 dose 1
28 days
Delta cases All cases 92,029 79,336 11,015 6,242 13,715 7,235 53,822
<50 82,458 71,311 9,892 6,154 9,850 3,689 52,846
>50 9,571 8,025 1,123 88 3,865 3,546 976
Cases with an emergency care visit§ All cases 2,406 N/A 33 186 426 190 1,571
(excluding cases with the same
<50 2,013 N/A 25 183 259 68 1,478
specimen and attendance dates)‡
>50 393 N/A 8 3 167 122 93
Cases with an emergency care visit§ All cases 3,460 N/A 51 249 564 348 2,248
(including cases with the same
<50 2,728 N/A 40 238 321 94 2,035
specimen and attendance dates)
>50 732 N/A 11 11 243 254 213
Cases where presentation to All cases 745 N/A 11 55 115 80 484
emergency care resulted in overnight
<50 564 N/A 8 52 55 17 432
inpatient admission§ (excluding cases
with the same specimen and >50 181 N/A 3 3 60 63 52
attendance dates)‡
Cases where presentation to All cases 1,320 N/A 22 88 189 190 831
emergency care resulted in overnight
<50 902 N/A 16 79 85 27 695
inpatient admission§ (including cases
>50 418 N/A 6 9 104 163 136

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Age Total Cases with Unlinked <21 days ≥21 days Received Unvaccinated
group specimen post post 2 doses
(years) date in past dose 1 dose 1
28 days
with the same specimen and
attendance dates)
Deaths within 28 days of positive Total 117 N/A 3 1 19 50 44
specimen date <50 8 N/A - - 2 - 6
>50 109 N/A 3 1 17 50 38

Data sources: Emergency care attendance and admissions from Emergency Care Dataset (ECDS), deaths from PHE daily death data series (deaths within 28 days)
¥ Cases without specimen dates and unlinked sequences (sequenced samples that could not be matched to individuals) are excluded from this table.
* Cases are assessed for any Emergency Care attendance within 28 days of their positive specimen date. Cases still undergoing within 28-day period may have an
emergency care attendance reported at a later date.
§ At least 1 attendance or admission within 28 days of positive specimen date
‡ Cases where specimen date is the same as date of Emergency Care visit are excluded to help remove cases picked up via routine testing in healthcare settings
whose primary cause of attendance is not COVID-19. This underestimates the number of individuals in hospital with COVID-19 but only includes those who tested
positive prior to the day of their Emergency Care visit. Some of the cases detected on the day of admission may have attended for a diagnosis unrelated to COVID-
^ Total deaths in any setting (regardless of hospitalisation status) within 28 days of positive specimen date.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 2. Cumulative cases in England of variants indexed by days since the fifth reported, data as of 21 June 2021
(Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data). Figure 2 demonstrates the rapid growth of Delta cases since its first
detection relative to other variants.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Variant prevalence
The prevalence of different variants amongst all sequenced cases is presented in Figures
3 and 4, split by region in Figures 5 and 6 and by travel status in Figures 7 and 8.
Technical briefings from 15 onwards include variant diagnoses made both by whole-
genome sequencing and by a genotyping PCR test, including the categorisation of
confirmed and probable variant results and a rules-based decision algorithm (RBDA) to
identify variant and mutation (VAM) profiles from genotype assay mutation profiles.
Genotyping is used to identify variants Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma; targets were
updated in mid-May 2021 to prioritise accurate identification of Delta over Alpha.
Genotyping allows shorter turnaround time (12-24h after initial confirmation of COVID-19)
for a probable variant result. The initial panel of targets began trials in March 2021, using
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): N501Y, E484K, K417N and K417T. Results
have been reported and used for public health action since 29 March 2021. On 11 May
2021, after rapid validation of targets to allow identification of Delta variant, P681R was
introduced in the panel to replace N501Y. Genotyping results have now been fully
integrated into the Variant data reports and analyses. The changes in the use of
genotyping over time should be considered when interpreting the prevalence incorporating
genotypes. The ‘Other’ category in Figure 3 to 8 includes genomes where the quality is
insufficient to determine variant status and genomes that do not meet the current definition
for any designated variant under investigation or variant of concern. The total dataset used
for this assessment includes enhanced testing and sequencing from individuals who have
travelled, and surge testing and sequencing in outbreak areas. Sequencing numbers and
coverage fall in the last week shown due partly to sequencing lag time, and new
sequences are still being produced relating to sample dates in that week. The
supplementary data for figures are available.

Delta variant accounted for approximately 95% of sequenced and 92% genotyped
cases from 7 to 21 June 2021.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 3. Variant prevalence for all England available genotyped cases from 1 February 2021 as of 21 June 2021 (excluding 1
case where the specimen date was unknown). (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 4. Variant prevalence for all England available sequenced cases from 1 February 2021 as of 21 June 2021 (excluding 1
case where the specimen date was unknown). (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 5. Variant prevalence from 1 February 2021 as of 21 June 2021 by region for all genotyped cases in England (excluding
282 cases where the region or specimen date were unknown). (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 6. Variant prevalence from 1 February 2021 as of 21 June 2021 by region for all sequenced cases in England (excluding
282 cases where the region or specimen date were unknown). (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 7. Prevalence of variants over time: all genotyped cases in England, split by travel status as of 21 June 2021.
Travel-linked variant data available until 13 June 2021 only. (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 8. Prevalence of variants over time: all sequenced cases in England, split by travel status as of 21 June 2021. Travel-
linked variant data available until 13 June 2021 only. (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Travel status is assigned based an interval of ≤14 days between arrival date and positive
specimen date. Travellers are derived through matching to Passenger Locator Forms,
contact-tracing, international arrivals and local HPT survey data. Where no match to these
datasets was found then the individuals are categorised as not-travel associated. Travel
status was assigned on the basis of the individual's own history of travel (including transit),
not contact with a traveller. The area in grey shows weeks where sequence data are still
accumulating, therefore the proportions are less likely to accurately reflect prevalence.
The total number of sequencing cases in each week is shown in the bars below, split by
travel status. (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Secondary attack rates

This section includes secondary attack rates for traveller and non-traveller cases, and
separate household contact rates, including new analysis of rates for household and non-
household contacts of non-traveller cases over time for Delta and Alpha variants.

Secondary attack rates are based on positive tests amongst contacts named to NHS Test
and Trace by an original case identified with a confirmed or probable variant of concern or
variant under investigation. Variant cases are identified using confirmed (sequencing)
results supplemented with probable (genotyping) results as of 14 June 2021, and exclude
LQ-HRG results.

Secondary attack rates are shown for cases with and without travel history. In non-travel
settings, only close contacts (household members, face-to-face contact, people within 1
metre of the case for 1 minute or longer, or people within 2 metres for 15 minutes) named
by the original case are included. In travel settings, the contacts reported are not restricted
to only close contacts named by the case (for example, they may include contacts on a
plane linked by additional contact tracing efforts), leading to likely deflation of secondary
attack rates amongst travellers compared to non-travellers. In addition, people recently
returning from overseas are subject to stricter quarantine measures and may moderate
their behaviour towards contacts. Travel history suggests, but does not confirm, where
infection of the original case may have occurred.

Table 5 shows the secondary attack rates for Delta compared to the other B.1.617
variants and Alpha. The time period of study for secondary attack rates has been
restricted to the period 29 March 2021 to 1 June 2021, to capture recent social restrictions
and vaccination levels. A reduction in secondary attack rate for non-travel cases with
Alpha is observed in this shorter period when compared to Table 6 covering 5 January
2021 to 1 June 2021.

Secondary attack rates for contacts of cases with Delta and no travel history are higher
than those for contacts of cases with Alpha and no travel history: 10.7% (95% CI 10.5% to
10.9%) compared to 7.9% (95% CI 7.7% to 8.0%). Estimates of secondary attack rates for
contacts of those that have travelled with variants of concern or variants under
investigation were all considerably lower than those that have not travelled, due to the
difference in contact definition. Secondary attack rates for contacts of travel cases with
Delta were higher than those for travel cases with Alpha.

Table 6 shows the secondary attack rates for variants (excluding variants of the B.1.617
lineage, that is Delta, Kappa, VUI-21APR-03) for the period 5 January 2021 to 1 June
2021. Secondary attack rates for contacts of non-travel cases with VUI-21MAY-01 were
lower than for contacts of non-travel cases with Alpha over this time. All other secondary
attack rates for contacts of non-travel cases with the remaining variants of concern or

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

under investigation are not significantly different from Alpha. Estimates of secondary
attack rates for contacts of those that have travelled with variants of concern or variants
under investigation were all considerably lower than those that have not travelled, due to
the difference in contact definition.

Table 7 shows the secondary attack rates amongst household and non-household
contacts of non-travel cases with Delta and Alpha. The time period of study for secondary
attack rates has been restricted to the period 29 March 2021 to 1 June 2021 as in Table 5.
Secondary attack rates are higher amongst household contacts than non-household
contacts of non-travel cases with both variants and higher for contacts of non-travel cases
with Delta than Alpha; this is consistent with Table 5.

Figure 9 shows the secondary attack rates amongst household and non-household
contacts of non-travel cases with Delta and Alpha over time for the period 29 March 2021
to 30 May 2021, with 95% confidence intervals. The fall in secondary attack rate amongst
household contacts of cases with Delta in previous weeks has now levelled, with an
estimate of 12.0% (95% CI 11.6% to 12.4%) for exposure events in week commencing 24
May 2021. Over the period presented, secondary attack rates for both household and non-
household contacts of cases with Delta remain higher than for Alpha (or other cases). A
peak in secondary attack rates from cases with Delta was seen in both household and
non-household contacts exposed during the week commencing 26 April 2021. Secondary
attack rates amongst household contacts of cases with Alpha also peaked in week
commencing 26 April, though the increase up to that week and decline since that week are

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Table 5. Secondary attack rates for Kappa, Delta and VUI-21APR-03 (B.1.617.3), presented with Alpha, time restricted for
(29 March 2021 to 1 June 2021, variant data as at 14 June 2021, contact tracing data as at 22 June 2021)

Variant Cases in Cases in those Case proportion Secondary Attack Rate Secondary Attack Rate
those that that have not that among contacts of cases among contacts of cases that
have travelled travelled or have travelled that have travelled (95% have not travelled or
(% with unknown (% CI) [secondary cases/ unknown (95% CI) [secondary
contacts) with contacts) contacts] cases/ contacts]

Alpha 2,111 (69.9% 40,364 (82.5% 5.0% 1.4% (1.3% - 1.6%) 7.9% (7.7% - 8.0%)
with with contacts) [527/36,713] [8,474/107,791]

Kappa 187 (75.9% 139 (79.9% with 57.4% 2.0% (1.6% - 2.5%) [62/3107] 10.3% (7.5% - 13.9%) [36/351]
with contacts) contacts)
Delta 805 (69.1% 32,376 (84.1% 2.4% 2.2% (2.0% - 2.5%) 10.7% (10.5% - 10.9%)
with contacts) with contacts) [296/13,449] [10,043/93,549]
VUI-21APR-03 6 (16.7% with 5 (100.0% with 54.5% Unavailable [0/201] Unavailable [1/12]
contacts) contacts)

Secondary attack rates are marked as ‘Unavailable’ when count of contacts is less than 50 or count of cases is less than 20. Travel-
linked cases for secondary attack rates are identified positively in NHS Test and Trace data using multiple PHE sources. A case is
considered as being travel-linked if EpiCell or Health Protection Teams have found evidence of international travel, their NHS Test and
Trace record mentions an event associated with international travel, their NHS Test and Trace record was created after notification via
IHR NFP, their contacts were traced by the international contact tracing team or they have been marked for priority contact tracing in
NHS Test and Trace for reasons of travel. Some travel-linked cases may be missed by these methods and would be marked as non-
travel-linked or unknown.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Secondary attack rates from NHS Test and Trace should generally be considered lower
bounds due to the nature of contact tracing and testing. Data provided is for period until 1
June 2021 in order to allow time for contacts to become cases, hence case counts are
lower than other sources. Cases are included in case counts if their onset or (if
asymptomatic) test is during the period of study. Contacts are included in secondary
attack rates if their exposure date (or onset or test of exposing case if the contact is a
household contact) is during the period of study. Probable (genotyping) results are
included, low quality genomic results are not.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Table 6. Secondary attack rates for all variants (excluding B.1.617 variants)
(5 January 2021 to 1 June 2021, variant data as of 14 June 2021, contact tracing data as of 22 June 2021)

Variant Cases in Cases in those Case Secondary attack rate Secondary attack rate
those that that have not proportion among contacts of cases among contacts of cases
have travelled travelled or that have that have travelled (95% CI) that have not travelled or
(with contacts) unknown (with travelled [secondary cases/contacts] unknown (95% CI)
contacts) [secondary cases/ contacts]
Alpha 4,307 (76.6% 182,269 (75.0% 2.3% 1.6% (1.5% - 1.7%) 9.6% (9.5% - 9.7%)
with contacts) with contacts) [1,256/79,820] [37,534/389,848]
Beta 320 (71.9% 397 (68.0% with 44.6% 2.1% (1.8% - 2.5%) 8.4% (6.7% - 10.4%) [75/894]
with contacts) contacts) [111/5,248]
Zeta 4 (75.0% with 27 (74.1% with 12.9% Unavailable [0/160] 7.7% (3.0% - 18.2%) [4/52]
contacts) contacts)
Gamma 69 (65.2% with 105 (72.4% with 39.7% 1.0% (0.5% - 2.0%) [9/863] 10.3% (7.0% - 14.8%)
contacts) contacts) [24/234]
Eta 194 (70.1% 198 (73.2% with 49.5% 1.1% (0.8% - 1.5%) 8.4% (6.0% - 11.6%) [32/380]
with contacts) contacts) [47/4,240]
VUI-21FEB-04 100 (67.0% 145 (78.6% with 40.8% 0.5% (0.3% - 0.8%) 8.2% (5.8% - 11.6%) [29/352]
with contacts) contacts) [16/3,054]
Theta 5 (40.0% with 1 (100.0% with 83.3% Unavailable [0/5] Unavailable [0/3]
contacts) contacts)
VUI-21MAY-01 2 (0.0% with 158 (84.8% with 1.2% Unavailable [0/0] 6.8% (4.9% - 9.3%) [33/488]
contacts) contacts)
VUI-21MAY-02 61 (73.8% with 50 (82.0% with 55.0% 0.9% (0.5% - 1.6%) [11/1248] 7.1% (3.6% - 13.4%) [8/113]
contacts) contacts)

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Note legend from Table 5. Data provided is for period until 1 June 2021 in order to allow time for contacts to become cases, hence case
counts are lower than other sources. Probable (genotyping) results are included, low quality genomic results are not.

Table 7. Secondary attack rates for household contacts of non-travel cases of Alpha and Delta
(29 March 2021 to 1 June 2021, variant data as of 14 June 2021, contact tracing data as of 22 June 2021)

Variant Cases in those that have not Secondary Attack Rate Secondary Attack Rate among non-
travelled or unknown (with among household contacts of cases household contacts of cases that
household contacts, with non- that have not travelled or unknown have not travelled or unknown (95%
household contacts) (95% CI) [secondary cases/contacts] CI) [secondary cases/contacts]

Alpha 40,364 (80.4% with household, 8.6% (8.4% - 8.8%) [7,560/87,725] 4.6% (4.3% - 4.9%) [914/20,066]
18.4% with non-household contacts)

Delta 32,376 (81.6% with household, 12.0% (11.7% - 12.2%) [8,659/72,431] 6.6% (6.2% - 6.9%) [1384/21,118]
21.1% with non-household contacts)

Note legend from Table 5. Data provided is for period until 1 June 2021 in order to allow time for contacts to become cases, hence case
counts are lower than other sources. Probable (genotyping) results are included, low quality genomic results are not

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 9. Secondary attack rates amongst household and non-household contacts of non-travel cases of Alpha, Delta and all
others including unsequenced cases, with 95% confidence intervals. (29 March 2021 to 30 May 2021, variant data as of 14 June
2021, contact tracing data as of 22 June 2021) (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data.).

Note legend from Table 5. Secondary attack rates are suppressed when count of contacts is less than 50 or count of cases is less than
20. Data provided is for period until 30 May 2021 in order to allow time for contacts to become cases and complete weeks to be shown.
Probable (genotyping) results are included, low quality genomic results are not.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Surveillance of reinfections
The COVID-19 reinfection surveillance programme aims to look at how long immunity
lasts, protection against clinical disease (disease with symptoms) and protection against
more severe disease. It is also important to understand whether those who become
reinfected can pass the virus on to other people.

SARS-CoV-2 Immunity and Reinfection

Evaluation (the SIREN study) cohort monitoring
The SIREN study is a cohort of National Health Service healthcare workers, including 135
sites and 44,546 participants across the UK, 35,704* in England, who remain under active
follow-up with PCR testing every 2 weeks for COVID-19 by PCR. This cohort had a high
seropositivity on recruitment (30% before the second wave) and is now highly vaccinated
(95%). The incidence of new infections and potential reinfections in SIREN is monitored
and would be expected to rise if a new variant became highly prevalent and was able to
escape predominantly vaccine-derived immunity. The frequency of PCR positivity in the
SIREN cohort overall has increased in June, after very low levels March to May, but
remains low (Figure 10). Of the 35 participants with a new PCR positive since April 2021
in the SIREN cohort overall, 28 (80%) occurred 14 days or more following their second
vaccine dose. Reinfections remain at very low numbers in individuals previously either
PCR positive or seropositive (Figure 11).

*Number excludes participants who have withdrawn from the study and requested their
data to be removed and participants recruited in hospitals in the devolved administrations.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 10. PCR positivity within the SIREN study for all regions, England (fortnightly testing interval) Data up to 20 June 2021.
Yellow bars indicate participants PCR-tested within period (right axis), Blue line indicates participants with positive PCR within period
(per 1,000) (left axis). (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data).

30 25000
Participants with positive PCR test

Participants PCR tested within period

within period (per 1,000)



0 0
11 Jan 25 Jan 08 Feb 22 Feb 08 Mar 22 Mar 05 Apr 19 Apr 03 May 17 May 31 May 14 Jun*

14 days beginning
*Incomplete week (14 June to 20 June 2021).

Please note that Figure 9 contains only participants with at least 1 PCR test within given period; participants are counted as positive if at
least 1 PCR test within given period is positive. Data has not been restricted by antibody status nor vaccination status; includes only
participants from trusts in England.
SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 11. Monthly frequency of potential reinfection events within SIREN. Data up to 13 June 2021.
(Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data).
Number of reinfection events within









Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21
Of the SIREN cohort, 9,813 (31%) had evidence of prior infection (previous PCR positive or antibody positive) at enrolment. This
number has increased during follow-up as participants move from the negative to positive cohort after a primary infection. From 18 June
2020 to 13 June 2021, there were 249 potential reinfections (blue line) identified in England. This is provisional data as potential
reinfection cases flagged are undergoing further investigation, and some may subsequently be excluded. There were 10 potential
reinfection events from April to 13 June 2021, 9 of which occurred at least 14 days after participants received their second vaccine dose.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Variants linked to suspected SARS-CoV-2

Data on all new acute respiratory infection (ARI) incidents reported to Health Protection
Teams (HPTs) and entered on the Case and Incident Management System (CIMS) in the
previous reporting week are published in the weekly influenza and COVID-19 surveillance

This section includes information on a subset of these incidents – those suspected SARS-
CoV-2 clusters and outbreaks that have at least one confirmed variant of concern or
variant under investigation case identified and linked to them. Incidents are assigned a
variant type through an automated data linkage process which brings together incident
data, case data and genomics data. Alpha and Delta variant incidents are not included
here because these outbreaks have not been recorded in an equivalent way during the
period that these variants are dominant so an accurate comparison cannot be made.

Due to the dominance of Delta variant, all outbreaks reported from week 20 onwards can
be attributed to Delta unless the outcome of sequencing confirms otherwise. Reporting on
the number of outbreaks that have a confirmed linked Delta variant case will therefore lead
to an under-estimation of the total burden of outbreaks associated with Delta. To track
Delta variant incidents it is best to refer to the total number of outbreaks by setting which
are reported in the weekly influenza and COVID-19 surveillance report.

It is important to note that there is a time lag from the suspected outbreak being reported
to PHE to genotyping and sequencing being undertaken and variant cases identified so
data are provisional and likely to change in subsequent technical briefings.

The data for this chart is available in underlying data.

Note that:

• an incident is an administrative record regarding a setting rather than an

epidemiological classification and consequently complex, multi-variant incidents
exist in a given setting
• household outbreaks and clusters that have been misclassified as outbreaks
linked to settings are excluded
• suspected Alpha and Delta variant outbreaks and clusters are excluded
• the incidents captured on the CIMS represent a subset of all ongoing clusters
and outbreaks in England – a variety of arrangements are in place with local
authorities and other stakeholders supporting HPTs, however, data may not
routinely be documented on the CIMS

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 12. Incidents managed by Health Protection Teams involving SARS-CoV-2 variants (excluding Delta) by iso-week, by
outbreak setting (4 January 2021 up to 20 June 2021). (Find accessible and auxiliary data used in this graph in underlying data).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Common exposures derived from contact tracing data

Figure 13 shows the number of common exposure events reported per week, by setting,
from week commencing 28 April to week of 2 June 2021. This figure only includes
common exposures reported during contact tracing by cases who have been sequenced
and confirmed as Alpha or Delta variant. Common exposures are derived from contact
tracing data and are defined as specific venues visited outside the home by at least 2
cases during their pre-symptomatic period (2 to 7 days before symptom onset), on the
same day or up to 7 days apart. A single common exposure event represents a visit by a
case on a particular day to the common exposure setting.

Common exposure events may represent transmission events between known cases but
also from unknown cases. However, they can also simply represent commonly visited
locations and so should be interpreted with caution. Settings visited regularly (for example
daily school or workplace attendance), can be enhanced in the data as each of the
separate visits are counted. Fewer common exposures occur when settings are closed or
limited due to restrictions, so should be interpreted in the context of national policy as well
as other events such as school holiday periods.

The most common settings for common exposures were education settings, for both Alpha
and Delta variants, in the first 4 weeks presented in Figure 13. The most recent 2 weeks
presented, beginning 26 May and 2 June, include the bank holiday weekend and school
half term week. In these most recent 2 weeks, hospitality settings were a larger proportion
(around 20%) of all common exposures reported by cases with both Alpha and Delta
variants, and the proportion of common exposures related to travel also increased

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 13. Weekly number and proportion of common exposure events among sequenced cases, by setting and variant of
cases (for Alpha and Delta only), Common exposure events reported from week commencing 28 April 2021 to week commencing 2
June 2021. Variant data as of 21 June 2021, contact tracing data as of 23 June 2021. Number of common exposures per week of data
labelled. (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Part 2: Delta (B.1.617.2) surveillance

The lineage B.1.617.2 was escalated to a variant of concern in the UK on 6 May 2021
(VOC-21APR-02). This variant was named Delta by WHO on 31 May 2021.

Complementary analyses undertaken in England and Scotland found an increased risk of
hospitalisation in cases who were S gene target positive (Scotland) or had sequence-
confirmed Delta variant infection (England). These analyses have been reported in
technical briefings 15 and 16. Further analyses are required to reduce the uncertainty
related to the change in risk and to explore the link to vaccination in more detail.

No new data in this report.

In the Public Health Scotland/EAVE II study, Cox proportional hazard regression was used
to estimate risk factors for the time from test to hospitalisation among individuals who
tested positive. Hospitalisation with COVID-19 was defined as any admission within 14
days of a positive test or where there was a positive test within 2 days of admission. The
model was adjusted for age and days from 1 April 2021 as spline terms together with
number of co morbid conditions, gender and vaccination status. Vaccination status was
determined at the data of the PCR test. Individuals who tested positive from 1 April 2021
onwards (until 21 June 2021) were included in this analysis. There was an increased
hazard ratio of hospitalisation for those who were S-gene positive compared with those
with S gene target failure (1.8, 95% 1.4 to 2.4).

Monitoring of vaccine effectiveness

Analysis of routine testing data up to the 11 June 2021, linked to sequencing and S-gene
target status has been used to estimate vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic
disease using a test negative case control design. Methods and detailed results are
available in Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against the Delta variant. After a single
dose there was an 14% absolute reduction in vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic
disease with Delta compared to Alpha, and a smaller 10% reduction in effectiveness after
2 doses (Table 8).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Table 8. Vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic disease for Alpha and Delta

Vaccination status Vaccine effectiveness (%)

Alpha Delta
Dose 1 49 (46 to 52) 35 (32 to 38)
Dose 2 89 (87 to 90) 79 (78 to 80)

Vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation was estimated by evaluating hospitalisation

rates via emergency care among symptomatic confirmed cases using survival analysis
(Stowe et al., 2021 pre-print). This analyses used available data from linkage of
symptomatic cases, 12 April to the 11 June 2021 (updated from the previous analysis to 4
June 2021). Hazard ratios for hospitalisation are combined with odds ratios against
symptomatic disease from the test negative case control analysis described above to
estimate vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation. Methods and detailed results are
available in Stowe et al., 2021. Similar vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation was
seen with the Alpha and Delta variants (Table 9).

Table 9. Vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation for Alpha and Delta variants

Vaccination status Vaccine Effectiveness (%)

Alpha Delta
Dose 1 78 (64 to 87) 80 (69 to 88)
Dose 2 93 (80 to 97) 96 (91 to 98)

International surveillance
GISAID includes data on sequences available internationally. As of 22 June 2021,
sequences from 71 countries (excluding UK) have been identified in GISAID of Delta: In
total 14,606 sequences from: Angola (4), Anguilla (1), Argentina (1), Aruba (3), Australia
(183), Austria (22), Bahrain (15), Bangladesh (84), Barbados (3), Belgium (346), Brazil (3),
Bulgaria (1), Cambodia (1), Canada (739), China (2), Czech Republic (21), Democratic
Republic of the Congo (6), Denmark (94), Finland (2), France (181), Georgia (4), Germany
(707), Ghana (1), Greece (4), Guadeloupe (3), Hong Kong (8), India (5427), Indonesia
(216), Iran (9), Ireland (211), Israel (64), Italy (221), Japan (206), Jordan (1), Kenya (37),
Lithuania (2), Luxembourg (52), Malawi (6), Malaysia (19), Malta (1), Mauritius (2), Mexico
(65), Morocco (1), Nepal (45), Netherlands (126), New Zealand (13), Norway (80),
Pakistan (6), Peru (1), Philippines (11), Poland (71), Portugal (273), Qatar (26), Reunion
(2), Romania (8), Russia (286), Saint Martin (1), Senegal (2), Singapore (818), Slovenia
(4), South Africa (20), South Korea (20), Spain (307), Sri Lanka (4), Sweden (161),
Switzerland (145), Thailand (89), Turkey (1), USA (3036), Uganda (3), Vietnam (68).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Surveillance through genomic data

Table 10. Number of confirmed (sequencing) and probable (genotyping) cases, by
region of residence as of 21 June 2021

Confirmed case Provisional Total case Proportion of all

number case number number cases1
East Midlands 3,209 1,497 4,706 5.1%
East of England 3,767 1,235 5,002 5.4%
London 7,829 6,070 13,899 15.1%
North East 1,224 4,139 5,363 5.8%
North West 20,846 14,044 34,890 37.9%
South East 4,756 3,790 8,546 9.3%
South West 2,226 1,173 3,399 3.7%
West Midlands 3,554 2,772 6,326 6.9%
Yorkshire and
2,649 6,865 9,514 10.3%
Unknown region 223 188 411 0.4%
Total 50,283 41,773 92,056 -
1 Genotyping is used to identify variants Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma; targets were updated in mid-May
2021 to prioritise accurate identification of Delta over Alpha

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 14. Confirmed (sequencing) and probable (genotyping) Delta cases by specimen date and detection method as of 21
June 2021 (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data.).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 15. Confirmed (sequencing) and probable (genotyping) Delta cases by specimen date and region of residence as of 21
June 2021 (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data.).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 16. Age-sex pyramid of confirmed (sequencing) and probable (genotyping) Delta cases as of 21 June 2021 (Find
accessible data used in this graph in underlying data.).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Table 11. Additional spike mutations of interest detected in Delta genomes in the UK, as of 23 June 2021

Amino acid Nucleotide Total number of Number of Number of sequences Number of sequences Number of sequences
change change sequences (UK) unlinked 23 March to 22 April 23 April to 22 May 23 May to 22 June
sequences 2021 2021 2021
P681R C23604G 68,778 11,708 646 10,512 45,912
L452R T22917G 65,312 11,304 645 10,259 43,104
G142D G21987A 40,821 6,682 445 6,849 26,845
P251L C22314T 424 399 0 1 24
G446V G22899T 171 76 0 5 90
R158G A22034G 77 3 0 10 64
L452R G22918A 60 2 0 24 34
K417N G22813T 51 8 0 36 7
R683Q G23610A 47 4 0 1 42
Q677H G23593T 33 1 7 3 22
S255F C22326T 19 0 1 5 13
V503I G23069A 17 5 0 8 4
T716I C23709T 16 7 0 0 9
K444N G22894T 11 7 0 0 4
S477I G22992T 11 3 0 1 7
D215G A22206G 10 0 0 0 10

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Amino acid Nucleotide Total number of Number of Number of sequences Number of sequences Number of sequences
change change sequences (UK) unlinked 23 March to 22 April 23 April to 22 May 23 May to 22 June
sequences 2021 2021 2021
L18F C21614T 10 1 0 1 8
P479S C22997T 9 2 0 1 6
L244S T22293C 9 3 0 6 0
P681L C23604T 8 0 0 0 8
P384S C22712T 7 1 0 0 6
S494L C23043T 7 1 0 3 3
V483F G23009T 5 1 1 0 3
R683L G23610T 5 0 0 1 4
E484A A23013C 5 0 0 4 1
Q677H G23593C 4 4 0 0 0
F490L T23030C 4 4 0 0 0
P384L C22713T 4 1 0 0 3
P499L C23058T 3 1 0 0 2
S494A T23042G 3 0 0 1 2
P479L C22998T 3 0 0 0 3
A701V C23664T 3 1 1 0 1
K378N G22696T 3 0 0 0 3

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Amino acid Nucleotide Total number of Number of Number of sequences Number of sequences Number of sequences
change change sequences (UK) unlinked 23 March to 22 April 23 April to 22 May 23 May to 22 June
sequences 2021 2021 2021
S477G A22991G 3 0 0 0 3
L455F G22927T 3 0 1 0 2
D253G A22320G 3 0 0 0 3
D405Y G22775T 3 2 0 0 1

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

This data uses the numbers of genomes in the national genomic dataset rather than case
numbers. Unlinked sequences refers to genomes which have not been linked to a primary
PCR result in the English database and include individuals from outside of England.
Further investigations of K417N genomes are being undertaken. * Note that G142D is in a
part of the genome with consistently reduced coverage in the Delta variant (due to the
lineage-defining deletion from position 22029-22035, which affects one of the PCR primer
sites in the ARTIC v3 protocol). While it is only reported as detected in ~60% of
sequences, the remaining 40% of sequences are almost all “N” at that position (the code
for ‘insufficient data’), rather than being confirmed ”G” (the reference allele). As the
mutation occurred early in the history of the lineage the majority of sequences (>99%) in
this lineage can be assumed to harbour the mutation.

Surveillance through S gene detection

The S gene target in a 3-target assay (S, N and ORF1ab) used in some Lighthouse
Laboratories is not detected in Alpha. However, this S gene is also detected in Beta,
Kappa, Delta, VUI-21APR-03 (B.1.617.3) and other variants. Specimens with a detectable
S gene (also referred to as S gene positive) are defined as those with cycle threshold (CT)
values of ≤30 in all 3 gene targets: S, N, and ORF1ab.

A detectable S gene in a positive SARS-CoV-2 sample has been established as a useful

proxy for the Delta variant in England since mid-May 2021. The proportion of confirmed
Delta specimens among S gene positives has been above 95% in the most recent 6
weeks of data (since 11 May 2021).

The number and proportion of S gene positive samples in England (Figure 17 and Figure
18) has also steadily increased since mid-April, with 33,101 cases reported in the week
starting 14 June; 98.2% of all cases tested on the TaqPath assay and reported to PHE
that week. Local authorities in the North West continue to stand out in terms of numbers of
S gene positives (Figure 19). S gene analyses presented here have been reduced since
the introduction of genotyping.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 17. Weekly distribution of variants among sequenced S gene positive SARS-CoV-2 specimens
Specimen dates between 5 January 2021 and 14 June 2021, data as of 21 June 2021. Gray shading applied to 14 most recent days of
data as these are affected by reporting delay. (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 18. Weekly number and proportion of England Pillar 2 COVID-19 cases with SGTF and detectable S gene target among
those tested with the TaqPath assay Specimen dates between 1 September 2020 to 21 June 2021, data as of 21 June 2021. (Find
accessible data used in this graph in underlying data).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 19. 7-day COVID-19 case rates per 100,000 population vs proportion S gene positive cases among those tested with
TaqPath assay, by upper tier local authority (UTLA) of residence. Specimen dates between 5 June 2021 and 18 June 2021, data as
of 21 June 2021 (3 most recent days excluded due to reporting delay). Restricted to UTLAs with >20 cases tested on TaqPath assay.
(Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Growth rate of S gene positive and negative cases1

Figures 20, 21, and 22 show growth rate and doubling times of S gene positive (all 3 PCR
targets positive) and negative (S gene target failure), produced by fitting a generalized
additive model with a quasi-Poisson.

The left vertical axis in the figures describe the daily growth rates; and the right vertical
axis the corresponding daily doubling times, that is number of days required for cases to
double at that particular growth rate. The dashed lines represent uncertainty (95% CI),
which grows when the number of data points used for the estimation is smaller. Note that,
if an epidemic trend changes from growth to decline, the growth rates change from
positive to negative, while the doubling times become longer and longer, cross infinity
when the trend is temporarily flat, and turn into halving times (that is number of days it
takes for cases to halve), represented as negative doubling times.

1 This information is provided by the Joint Biosecurity Centre

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 20. Growth rate and doubling time of S gene positive and negative cases by
region as of 18 June 2021

Case rate doubling times for S gene positive cases in England have plateaued and show
signs of a decline in recent weeks. This may be partially due to decreases in coverage of
CT data in the East Midlands, East of England, South East, Yorkshire and the Humber.
Trends in the North West are currently unclear, despite good coverage of CT data. Case
data is presented until the 18 June 2021

The growth rate for the all 3 positive count has plateaued or decreased in late May and

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

early June for all age groups, with most rapid growth in the 25 to 34 year age group and
the 75 to 84 year old age group.

Doubling times are low in Pakistani and Indian Ethnicity, whilst growth rates are around 8
days in White ethnicity, 10 in Black ethnicity, 11 in other Asian ethnicity, 8 amongst those
who prefer not to say. Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 21. Growth rate and doubling time of S gene positive and negative cases by
ethnicity as of 18 June 2021

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Doubling times are low in Pakistani and Indian Ethnicity, whilst growth rates are around 8
days in White ethnicity, 10 in Black ethnicity, 11 in other Asian ethnicity, 8 amongst those
who prefer not to say. (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 22. Growth rate and doubling time of S gene positive and negative cases by
age as of 18 June 2021.
(Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

The growth rate for the all 3 positive count has plateaued or decreased in late May and
early June for all age groups, with most rapid growth in the 25 to 34 year age group and
the 75 to 84 year old age group.

PCR cycle threshold data

PCR cycle threshold (Ct) values appear to be persistently lower in Delta than Alpha cases
based on test and trace surveillance data (Figures 23 and 24, below).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 23. Average Cycle threshold values for S gene positive samples (all 3 PCR targets positive)
Average Ct values for S+ (all 3 PCR targets positive) are currently below 20, significantly lower than the average Ct values for SGTF,
which have been increasing since late May 2021, and are now around 30. There has been a drop in recent average OR-dropout Ct
values though this is in a very small number of cases, and has since stabilised.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 24 shows the count of cases by gene target, and the mean cycle threshold (Ct)
value by the number of days since symptom onset (Symptom onset date – appointment
date). This figures shows the average Ct values between 2 periods, 1 September 2020 to
15 January 2021, when Alpha was on the increase with 1 April 2021 onwards when Delta
was on the increase. The data is limited to these periods to account for the fact that Ct
values may reflect the dynamics of the epidemic, rather than infectivity at a moment in
time. For each period, the mean SGTF cases (proxy for the Alpha variant) and S+ cases
(proxy for the wild type in 1 September 2020 to 15 January 2021 period, left pane Figure
24 and Delta variant in 1 April 2021 onwards period, right pane Figure 24) since date of
onset of symptoms are compared. During 1 September 2020 to 15 January 2021 period,
the mean Ct values for SGTF/Alpha cases is slightly lower than S+/wild type from day 1
onwards. At day 3 the mean lowest Ct for SGTF/Alpha is 19.7 which is 1.4 lower than
S+/wild type cases. During 1 April 2021 onwards period, the mean Ct values for S+/Delta
cases is slightly lower from day 0 onwards, with convergence around day 9 which may be
due to low numbers. At day 3 the mean lowest Ct for S+/Delta is 18.5 which is 1.3 lower
than SGTF/Alpha at 19.7, almost identical to the difference at day 3 in 1 September 2020
to 15 January 2021 period, indicating the difference may be a true difference and not
related to the dynamics of the epidemic at the time.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 24. Cycle threshold values following date of symptom onset

250,000 35.00



Average CT values
Case counts





- -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Difference in days between Onset date and Appointment date

all3PosCount S-DropOutCount all3PosMean S-DropOutMean

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Delta with K417N

Through routine scanning of variation in Delta a small number of sequences were
detected which had acquired the spike protein mutation K417N.

Information suggests that there are at least 2 separate clades of Delta with K417N. One
clade is large and internationally distributed with PANGO lineage designation AY.1. A
second clade found in sequences uploaded to GISAID from the USA, now designated

Preliminary results for live virus neutralisation of AY.1 with a small number of sera from
vaccine recipients are reassuring, however further testing is required (data provided by
Genotype to Phenotype consortium).

International Epidemiology
As of 22 June 2021, 161 genomes of Delta-AY.1 have been identified on GISAID. from
Canada (1), India (8), Japan (15), Nepal (3), Poland (9), Portugal (22), Russia (1),
Switzerland (18), Turkey (1), USA (83).

There are currently 41 cases of Delta-AY.1 in England (39 confirmed sequencing and 2
probable genotyping). Cases have been detected in 7 different regions in England (Table
12, Figure 25). Delta-AY.2 has not been detected in England.

Delta with K417N can be detected by genotyping assay, which means that rapid case
identification and response activities can be undertaken. Until laboratory characterisation
has been undertaken, Health Protection Teams will respond with high priority to case
finding and control measures for cases of Delta with K417N. Neutralisation assays are
now underway for Delta-AY.1

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Table 12. Number of confirmed (sequencing) and probable (genotyping) Delta-AY.1

cases, by region of residence as of 21 June 2021

Confirmed Probable Total case Proportion

Region (sequencing) (genotyping) number of all cases
case number case number1

East Midlands 1 0 1 2.4%

East of England 0 0 0.0%

London 7 1 8 19.5%

North East 0 1 1 2.4%

North West 3 0 3 7.3%

South East 15 0 15 36.6%

South West 2 0 2 4.9%

West Midlands 10 0 10 24.4%

Yorkshire and Humber 0 0 0.0%

Unknown region 1 0 1 2.4%

Total 39 2 41 -
1 Genotyping is used to identify variants Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma; targets were updated in mid-May
2021 to prioritise accurate identification of Delta over Alpha

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 25. Delta-AY.1 cases (confirmed sequencing and probable genotyping) by region of residence and specimen date as of
21 June 2021. Larger plot includes last 60 days only. (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 26. Confirmed (sequencing) and probable (genotyping) Delta-AY.1 cases by specimen date and detection method as of
21 June 2021 (Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data.)

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Figure 27. Age-sex pyramid of confirmed (sequencing) and probable (genotyping) Delta-AY.1 cases as of 21 June 2021.
(Find accessible data used in this graph in underlying data.).

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Lambda (C.37, VUI-21JUN-01)

Lambda was identified through international variant horizon scanning and was made a signal in
monitoring by PHE on 14 April 2021 (lineage B.1.1.1 at the time). On 14 June 2021, WHO
designated lineage C.37 as a new variant of interest, Lambda based on evidence of continued
emergence and suspected phenotypic implications. Lambda was designated a variant under
investigation (VUI-21JUN-01) by PHE on the 23 June 2021.

Lambda carries a number of mutations with suspected phenotypic implications, such as a

potential increased transmissibility or possible increased resistance to neutralizing antibodies2.
It is characterised by mutations in the spike protein, including G75V, T76I, del247/253, L452Q,
F490S, D614G and T859N; however, there is currently limited evidence on the full extent of the
impact associated with these genomic changes, and further robust studies into the phenotypic
impacts are needed to better understand the impact on countermeasures and to control the
spread. Further studies are also required to validate the continued effectiveness of vaccines.3

International Epidemiology
As of 24 June 2021, 1,845 sequences on GISAID have been assigned to the C.37 lineage. C.37
sequences have been uploaded from Chile (707), USA (525), Peru (222), Germany (87),
Argentina (86), Mexico (57), Spain (43), Ecuador (30), Israel (19), Colombia (15), France (13),
Egypt (8), Switzerland (7), United Kingdom (6), Italy (5), Brazil (3), Canada (3), Netherlands (1),
Aruba (1), Portugal (1), Denmark (1), Czech Republic (1), Turkey (1), Australia (1), Curacao (1),
and Zimbabwe (1).

There have been a small number of cases, primarily imports, of Lambda (C.37) in the United
Kingdom (UK). As of the 22 June 2021, there have been 6 cases of Lambda in the UK between
23 February and 7 June 2021. Four cases were from London, one from the South West and one
from West Midlands. Five cases have history of travel overseas, for one case travel status is

No deaths have been reported within 28 days.

Cases are managed in line with the approach for emerging variants with review of contact
tracing, additional data collection, testing of identified contacts, and consideration of targeted
case finding as required where there is evidence of community transmission.

2 Romero PE and others (2021). Novel sublineage within B.1.1.1 currently expanding in Peru and Chile, with a
convergent deletion in the ORF1a gene.
(Δ3675-3677) and a novel deletion in the Spike gene (Δ246-252, G75V, T76I, L452Q, F490S, T859N)., 24 Apr 2021.
3 Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 to 15 June 2021

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

Sources and acknowledgments

Data sources
Data used in this investigation is derived from the COG-UK dataset, the PHE Second
Generation Surveillance System (SGSS), NHS Test and Trace, the Secondary Uses Service
(SUS) dataset, Emergency Care Data Set (ECDS), and the PHE Case and Incident
Management System (CIMS). Data on international cases are derived from reports in GISAID,
the media and information received via the International Health Regulations National Focal
Point (IHRNFP) and Early Warning and Response System (EWRS).

Repository of human and machine-readable genomic case definitions

A repository containing the up-to-date genomic definitions for all VOC and VUI as curated by
Public Health England was created 5 March 2021. The repository can be accessed on GitHub.
They are provided in order to facilitate standardised VOC and VUI calling across sequencing
sites and bioinformatics pipelines and are the same definitions used internally at Public Health
England. Definition files are provided in YAML format so are compatible with a range of
computational platforms. The repository will be regularly updated. The genomic and biological
profiles of VOC and VUI are also detailed on first description in prior technical briefings.

Variant Technical Group

Authors of this report
PHE Genomics Cell
PHE Outbreak Surveillance Team
PHE Epidemiology Cell
PHE Contact Tracing Data Team
PHE Health Protection Data Science Team
PHE International Cell
PHE Joint Modelling Team
NHS Test and Trace Joint Biosecurity Centre
Public Health Scotland and EAVE group
Contributions from the Variant Technical Group Members

Variant Technical Group members and contributors

The PHE Variant Technical Group includes members and contributors from the following
organisations: Public Health England, Public Health Wales, Public Health Scotland, Public
Health Agency Northern Ireland, the Department of Health and Social Care, Imperial
College London, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of
Birmingham, University of Cambridge (including the MRC Biostatistics Unit), University of
Edinburgh, University of Liverpool, the Wellcome Sanger Institute, the NHS Test and
Trace Joint Biosecurity Centre, Genotype to Phenotype Consortium, SPI-M
SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation

The authors are grateful to those teams and groups providing data for these analyses
including: the Lighthouse Laboratories, NHS, COG-UK, the Wellcome Sanger Institute,
Health Protection Data Science teams, the Joint Biosecurity Centre and the Genotype to
Phenotype Consortium.

Twitter: @PHE_uk

Contact: All enquiries should be addressed to [email protected]

© Crown copyright 2021

Published: June 2021

PHE gateway number: GOV-8715

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