Module 2: Transmission Characteristics of Optical Fibers
Module 2: Transmission Characteristics of Optical Fibers
Module 2: Transmission Characteristics of Optical Fibers
One of the important properties of optical Fiber is signal attenuation
It is also known as Fiber loss or signal loss
The signal attenuation of Fiber determines the maximum distance between transmitter and
The attenuation also determines the number of repeaters required
Another important property of optical Fiber is distortion mechanism
As the signal pulse travels along the Fiber length it becomes more broader
After enough length the broad pulses starts overlapping with adjacent pulses, creates error in
the receiver
Hence the distortion limits the information carrying capacity of Fiber
2.1 Attenuation
Attenuation is a measure of decay of signal strength or loss of light power that occurs as light
pulses propagate through the length of the Fiber
In optical Fibers the attenuation is mainly caused by two physical factors absorption and
scattering losses
Absorption is because of Fiber material and scattering due to structural imperfection within the
Nearly 90 % of total attenuation is caused by Rayleigh scattering only
Microbending of optical Fiber also contributes to the attenuation of signal
The Rayleigh scattering is wavelength dependent and reduces rapidly as the wavelength of the
incident radiation increases
The attenuation of Fiber is governed by the materials from which it is fabricated, the
manufacturing process and the refractive index profile chosen
Attenuation loss is measured in dB/km
Attenuation Units
As attenuation leads to a loss of power along the Fiber, the output power is significantly less
than the coupled power
The loss can be defined as the ratio of the input/transmitted optical power (pi) into the Fiber to
the output/received optical power (p0) from the Fiber
It can be expressed as:
Figure 2.2 (b) The absorption spectrum for the hydroxyl (OH) group in silica
Intrinsic Absorption
Intrinsic absorption occurs when material is in pure state, no density variation and
Thus, intrinsic absorption sets the fundamental lower limit on absorption for any material
Intrinsic absorption results from electronic absorption bands in UV region and from atomic
vibration bands in the near infrared region
The electronic absorption bands are associated with the band gaps of amorphous glass materials
Absorption occurs when a photon interacts with an electron in the valence band and excites it to
a higher energy level
UV absorption decays exponentially with increasing wavelength (λ)
In the IR (infrared) region above 1.2μm the optical waveguide loss is determined by presence of
the OH ions and inherent IR absorption of the constituent materials
The inherent IR absorption is due to interaction between the vibrating band and the
electromagnetic field of optical signal
It results in transfer of energy from field to the band, thereby giving rise to absorption
Attenuation spectra for the intrinsic loss mechanism in pure Ge is shown in Fig. 2.2 (c)
Macro bending
The macro bending losses are cause by large scale bending of Fiber
Fig. 2.4.2 illustrates macro bending
Where, R is the radius of curvature of the Fiber bend, C1 and C2 are constants which are independent of
Large bending losses occurs in multimode Fibers at a critical radius of curvature Rc
Figure 2.5 An illustration using the digital bit pattern 1011 of the broadening of light pulses as they are
transmitted along a fiber: (a) fiber input; (b) fiber output at a distance L1; (c) fiber output at a distance
L2> L1
Group Delay
Consider a Fiber cable carrying optical signal equally with various modes and each mode
contains all the spectral components in the wavelength band
All the spectral components travel independently, and they observe different time delay and
group delay in the direction of propagation
The velocity at which the energy in a pulse travels along the Fiber is known as group velocity
Thus, different frequency components in a signal will travel at different group velocities and so
will arrive at their destination at different times
Figure 2.6 Schematic diagram showing a multimode step index fiber, multimode graded index fiber and
single-mode step index fiber, and illustrating the pulse broadening due to intermodal dispersion in each
fiber type
Dispersion in optical Fibers can be of 2 types:
1) Intramodal dispersion/chromatic
2) Intermodal dispersion
Intramodal dispersion may be Material dispersion, Waveguide dispersion
Modal Dispersion
Several modes can propagate down the Fiber, each of these modes will have their own
individual propagation times
The net effect is spreading of pulse, this form of dispersion is called modal dispersion
Modal dispersion takes place in multimode Fibers
It is moderately present in graded index Fibers and almost eliminated in single mode step index
How to avoid ISI
For no overlapping of the light pulses down on an optical Fiber link, the digital bit rate BT must
be less than the reciprocal of the broadened pulse duration (2τ)
The maximum bandwidth is one half the maximum data rate and is given by:
For a source with r.m.s spectral width σλ and a mean wavelength λ, the r.m.s pulse broadening
due to material dispersion σm may be obtained from the expansion of equation, in a Taylor
where σm is given by:
As the first term in the equation dominates, especially for sources operating over 0.8 to 0.9μm
wavelength range, then
Hence the pulse spread may be evaluated by considering the dependence of τm on wavelength λ
i.e., Differentiating w.r.t λ, we get
Therefore, substituting the expression obtained in σm,, the r.m.s pulse broadening due to
material dispersion is given by:
Figure 2.7 The material dispersion parameter for silica as a function of wavelength
It may be observed that the material dispersion tends to zero in the longer wavelength region
around 1.3µm (for pure silica)
This provides an additional incentive at longer wavelength where the material dispersion may
be minimized
The use of injection laser rather than LED as the optical source can reduce the pulse broadening
due to material dispersion
Material dispersion – Total broadening of a light pulse due to intramodal dispersion in a
multimode Fiber
where n1 is the refractive index of the core and c is the velocity of light in a vacuum
The extreme meridional ray exhibits the maximum delay time Tmax where
Figure 2.8 The paths taken by the axial and an extreme meridional ray in a perfect multimode step index
Consider the axial ray and the extreme meridional ray propagating through the Fiber with core
refractive index n1 and the cladding index n2, where n1>n2
The paths taken by these 2 rays in a perfectly structured step index Fiber are shown in Fig 2.8
The delay difference between these 2 rays when travelling in the Fiber core allows estimation of
the pulse broadening resulting from intermodal dispersion within the Fiber
As both the rays are travelling at the same velocity, within the constant r.i Fiber core, then the
delay difference is directly related to their respective path lengths within the Fiber
Hence the time taken for the axial ray to travel along the Fiber of length L gives the minimum
delay time (Tmin) and the extreme meridional ray exhibits the maximum delay time (Tmax)
Using the Snell’s law of refraction, at the core-cladding interface,
where n2 is the refractive index of the cladding and n1 refractive index of the core
Furthermore, substituting into eqn for cosθ term,
The delay difference 𝛿𝑇𝑠 between the extreme meridional ray and the axial ray may be obtained
by subtracting eqn from eqn
Where Δ is the relative refractive index difference, however when Δ << 1, the relative refractive
index difference can be approximated as:
Where pi(t) has a constant amplitude of 1/δTs over the range -δTs/2 ≤ pi(t) ≤ δTs/2
The r.m.s pulse broadening at the Fiber output due to intermodal dispersion for the multimode
step index Fiber σs
i.e, standard deviation may be given in terms of the variance σ𝑆2 as
Where M1 is the first temporal moment = mean value of the pulse and M2 is the second
temporal moment = mean square value of the pulse
The mean value M1 for the unit input pulse is zero, and assuming this is maintained for the output
pulse, then from Eqns:
Integrating over the limits of the input pulse and substituting for pi(t) in Eqn over this range
Figure 2.9 An illustration of a light input to the multimode step index fiber consisting of an ideal pulse or
rectangular function with unit area
Intermodal dispersion in the multimode Fibers are minimized with the use of graded index
For a graded index Fiber,
Figure 2.9 (a) A multimode graded index fiber: (a) parabolic refractive index profile; (b) meridional ray
paths within the fiber core
Optical Fiber Connectors
Optical fiber links, in common with any line communication system, have a requirement for both
jointing and termination of the transmission medium
In any Fiber optic communication system, in order to increase Fiber length there is need to join
the length of Fiber
The interconnection of Fiber causes some loss of optical power
Different techniques are used to interconnect Fibers
A permanent joint of cable is referred to as splice and a temporary joint can be done with the
Fiber–fiber connection in further detail it is necessary to indicate the two major categories of
fiber joint currently in both use and development. These are as follows:
1. Fiber splices - These are semi-permanent or permanent joints which find major use in most optical
fiber telecommunication systems (analogous to electrical soldered joints)
2. Demountable fiber connectors or simple connectors - These are removable joints which allow easy,
fast, manual coupling and uncoupling of fibers (analogous to electrical plugs and sockets)
Fiber–fiber joints are designed ideally to couple all the light propagating in one fiber into the
adjoining fiber
For the step-index Fiber, the coupling efficiency is simply the ratio of the common-core area of
the core end-face area,
Substituting for p(r) in P, the relationship between the axial power density p(0) and the total
power P in the emitting Fiber is obtained
Figure 2.13 Core overlap region for two identical parabolic graded-index fibers with an axial separation
x1 and x2 are arbitrary points of symmetry in areas A1 and A2
To calculate the power transmitted across the butt joint of the two parabolic graded-index
Fibers with an axial offset d, as shown in Fig 2.13
The overlap region must be considered separately for the areas A1 and A2
In area A1 the numerical aperture is limited by that of the emitting Fiber, whereas in area A2 the
numerical aperture of the receiving Fiber is smaller than that of the emitting Fiber
The vertical dashed line separating the two areas is the locus of points where the numerical
apertures are equal
To determine the power coupled into the receiving Fiber, the power density given by p(r) is
integrated separately over areas A1 and A2
Since the numerical aperture of the emitting Fiber is smaller than that of the receiving Fiber in
area A1, all the power emitted in this region will be accepted by the receiving Fiber
The received power P1 in area A1 is thus
Where the limits of integration are from the figure shown, are
Figure 2.13 (a) Area and limits of integration for the common-core area of two parabolic graded-index
Carrying out the integration yields,
In area A2, the emitting Fiber has a larger numerical aperture than the receiving Fiber
This means that the receiving Fiber will accept only that fraction of the emitted optical power
that falls within its own numerical aperture
This power can be found easily from symmetry considerations
The numerical aperture of the receiving Fiber at a point x2 in area A2 is the same as the
numerical aperture of the emitting Fiber at the symmetrical point x1 in area A1
Thus, the optical power accepted by the receiving Fiber at any point x2 in area A2 is equal to that
emitted from the symmetrical point x1 in area A1
The total power P2 coupled across area A2 is thus equal to the power P1 coupled across area A1
Combining these results, we have that the total power PT accepted by the receiving Fiber is
When the axial misalignment d is small compared with the core radius a, Equation can be
approximated as
If the Fibers are longitudinally separated by a gap ‘s’, then for a step index Fiber, the loss
occurring in this case is
where θC is the critical acceptance angle of the Fiber
When the axes of two joined Fiber are angularly misaligned at the joint, for two step index
Fibers that have an angular misalignment θ, the optical power loss at the joint is given by
Fiber Splicing
A Fiber splice is a permanent or semi-permanent joint between the two Fibers
These are typically used to create long optical links or in situations where frequent connection
and disconnection are not needed
In making and evaluating such splices one must consider the geometrical differences in the two
Fibers, Fiber misalignments at the joint and the mechanical strength of the splice
where the spot size ‘W’ is the mode filed radius and ‘d’ is the lateral displacement
For angular misalignment in single mode Fibers, the loss at the wavelength λ is
where n2 is the refractive index of the cladding, θ is the angular misalignment in radians and W is the
mode field radius
For a gap ‘s’ with a material of index n3, and letting the gap loss for identical single mode Fiber
splices is
2.16 Optical Fiber connectors
Some of the principal requirements of a good connector design are as follows
1. Low coupling losses: The connector assembly must maintain stringent alignment
tolerances to assure low mating losses
• These low losses must not change significantly during operation or after numerous
connects and disconnects
2. Interchangeability: Connectors of the same type must be compatible from one manufacturer to
3. Ease of assembly: A service technician should readily be able to install the connection in a field
environment i.e., in a location other than the connector factory
4. Low environmental sensitivity: Conditions such as temperature, dust, moisture should have a
small effect on connector loss variations
5. Low cost and reliable construction: The connector must have a precision suitable to the
application, but its cost must not be a major factor in the Fiber system
6. Ease of connection: Generally, one should be able to mate and demate the connector simply by
Figure 2.17 (a) Examples of two popular alignment schemes used in fiber optic connectors: (a) straight
sleeve (b) tapered sleeve
The biconical connector uses a tapered sleeve to accept and guide tapered ferrules
The sleeve length and the guide rings maintain a given Fiber end separation
Expanded beam connector
It employs lenses on the ends of the Fibers
These lenses either collimate the light emerging from the transmitting Fiber or focus the
expanded beam onto the core of the receiving Fiber
Figure 2.18 (a) Classification of optical fiber couplers: (a) core interaction type; (b) surface
interaction type
Figure 2.18 (b) Optical fiber coupler types and functions: (a) three-port couplers; (b) four-port coupler;
(c) star coupler; (d) wavelength division multiplexing and demultiplexing couplers
Multiport optical Fiber couplers can be subdivided into the following three main groups:
1. 3 & 4 port couplers: These are used for signal splitting, distribution and combining
2. Star couplers: used for distributing a single input signal to multiple outputs
3. Wavelength division multiplexer: It permits several different peak wavelength optical signals to
be transmitted in parallel on a single Fiber
WDM couplers either combine different wavelength optical signal into the Fiber (i.e., multiplex)
or separate the different wavelength optical signal output from the Fiber (i.e., demultiplex)
Figure 2.19 (a) Fiber star couplers using the mixer-rod technique: (a) transmissive star coupler; (b)
reflective star coupler
Figure 2.19 (b) Fiber fused biconical taper 8x8 port star coupler
2. Fiber biconical tapered methods (FBT): Perhaps the most common method for manufacturing
couplers is the fused biconical taper (FBT) technique
The basic structure and principle of operation of which is illustrated in Figure 2.19 (c)
In this method the Fibers are generally twisted together and then spot fused under tension such
that the fused section is elongated to form a biconical taper structure
A three-port coupler is formed by removing one of the input Fibers
Optical power launched into the input Fiber propagates in the form of guided core modes
The higher order modes, however, leave the Fiber core because of its reduced size in the
tapered-down region and are therefore guided as cladding modes
Figure 2.19 (c) Structure and principle of operation for the fiber fused biconical taper coupler
These modes transfer back to guided core modes in the tapered-up region of the output Fiber
with an approximately even distribution between the two Fibers
The various loss parameters associated with four port couplers may be written down with
reference to Figure 2.19 (c)
Hence, the excess loss which is defined as the ratio of power input to power output is given by:
The insertion loss, however, is generally defined as the loss obtained for a port to port optical
Therefore, considering Figure 2.19 (c):
The crosstalk which provides a measure of the directional isolation achieved by the device is the
ratio of the back scattered power received at the second input port to the input power which
may be written as:
Finally, the splitting or coupling ratio indicates the percentage division of optical power between
the output ports. Again, referring to Figure 2.19 (c):