Voltage Sag Mitigation in Eight Bus System Using D-Statcom For Power Quality Improvement
Voltage Sag Mitigation in Eight Bus System Using D-Statcom For Power Quality Improvement
Voltage Sag Mitigation in Eight Bus System Using D-Statcom For Power Quality Improvement
ABSTRACT:- This work deals with modeling and simulation of multi bus system using D-STATCOM. Voltage
sag is increased by connecting a heavy load. The sag is mitigated using D-STATCOM. The circuit models and
simulation results are presented. The Simulation results are compared with the analytical results.
The main application of power electronics in new configuration known as Flexible AC Transmission
Systems (FACTS) offers the possibility of meeting such demands. In order to increase the power transfer capability
normally FACTS devices are employed [1]. Among all the FACTS devices,
The STATCOM has the higher potential to be exceptionally reliable with the added capacity to sustain reactive
current at low, reduce land use and increased relocatability and be developed as a voltage and frequency support.
The STATCOM is applied to regulate transmission voltage to allow greater power flow in a voltage limited
transmission network, in the same manner as a static var compensator (SVC), the STATCOM has further potential
by giving an inherently faster response and greater output to a system with depressed voltage and offers improved
quality of supply. The main applications of the STATCOM are; Distribution STATCOM (D-STATCOM) exhibits
high speed control of reactive power to provide voltage stabilization and other type of system control. The D-
STATCOM protects the utility transmission or distribution system from voltage sag and /or flicker caused by rapidly
varying reactive current demand. During the transient conditions the D-STATCOM provides leading or lagging
reactive power to active system stability, power factor correction and load balancing and /or harmonic compensation
of a particular load [2, 3].
The D-STATCOM is a three phase and shunt connected power electronics based reactive power
compensation equipment, which generates and /or absorbs the reactive power whose output can be varied so as to
maintain control of specific parameters of the electric power system.
The D-STATCOM basically consists of a coupling transformer with a leakage reactance, a three phase
GTO/IGBT voltage source inverter (VSI), and a DC capacitor. The AC voltage difference across the leakage
reactance power exchange between the D-STATCOM and the Power system, such that the AC voltages at the bus
bar can be regulated to improve the voltage profile of the power system, which is primary duty of the D-STATCOM.
However a secondary damping function can be added in to the D-STATCOM for enhancing power system
oscillation stability. The D-STATCOM provides operating characteristics similar to a rotating Synchronous
compensator without the mechanical inertia. The D-STATCOM employs solid state power switching devices and
provides rapid controllability of the three phase voltages, both in magnitude and phase angle.
The D-STATCOM employs an inverter to convert the DC link voltage Vdc on the capacitor to a voltage
source of adjustable magnitude and phase. Therefore the D-STATCOM can be treated as a voltage controlled
source. The D-STATCOM can also be seen as a current controlled source.
The basic objective of a VSI is to produce a sinusoidal AC voltage with minimal harmonic distortion from
a DC voltage. The operation of the D-STATCOM is as follows: The voltage is compared with the AC bus voltage
system (Vs). When the AC bus voltage magnitude is above that of the VSI magnitude (Vc); the AC system sees the
D-STATCOM as inductance connected to its terminals. Otherwise if the VSI voltage magnitude is above that of the
AC bus voltage magnitude, the AC system sees the D-STATCOM as capacitance to its terminals. If the voltage
magnitudes are equal, the reactive power exchange is zero.
If the D-STATCOM has a DC source or energy storage device on its DC side, it can supply real power to
the power system. This can be achieved by adjusting the phase angle of the D-STATCOM terminals and the phase
angle of the AC power system. When phase angle of the AC power system leads the VSI phase angle, the D-
STATCOM absorbs the real power from the AC system, if the phase angle of the AC power system lags the VSI
phase angle, the D-STATCOM supplies real power to AC system.
The real and reactive powers in D-STATCOM are given by the following equations 1 and 2.
Mode Waveform
Phase Description
The Voltage Source Converter or Inverter (VSC or VSI) is the building block of a D-STATCOM and
other FACTS devices. A very simple inverter produces a square voltage waveform as it switches the direct voltage
source on and off. The basic objective of a VSI is to produce a sinusoidal AC voltage with minimal harmonic
distortion from a DC voltage.
In the last decade commercial availability of Gate Turn off thyristor (GTO) devices with high power handling
capability, and the advancement of other types of power semiconductor devices such as IGBT’s have led to the
development of controllable reactive power sources utilizing electronic switching converter technology. These
technologies additionally offer considerable advantage over the existing ones in terms of space reduction and
performance. The GTO thyristor enable the design of solid-state shunt reactive compensation equipment based upon
switching converter technology [4]. This concept was used to create a flexible shunt reactive compensation device
named Distribution Static Synchronous Compensator (D-STATCOM) due to similar operating characteristics to that
of a synchronous compensator but without the mechanical inertia. Single-line diagram of D-STATCOM is shown in
The three-phase load currents to be compensated (iLa, iLb, and iLc shown in the Figure 2b) are measured
from the system and transformed to two phase orthogonal components (ip and iq) on rotating coordinates
synchronized with the line voltage. The outputs of the filter circuit are inversely transformed to three-phase
components (isa, isb, and isc shown in Figure 2b). The output current of the D-STATCOM is controlled by three-
phase current feedback control using isa, isb, and isc as reference signals for each phase. The output signal of the
current control added by a sensed system voltage signal becomes the voltage reference signal of the PWM control.
The PWM control circuit generates the firing signal of the GTO by comparing triangular wave carrier signals to the
voltage reference signal.
Modeling of series and shunt distribution FACTS devices in distribution system load flow is presented by
Mehdi Hosseini [5], Modeling and Simulation of D-STATCOM is given by Giroux [6], Shunt compensation for
Power Quality improvement using a STATCOM controller: Modeling and Simulation is presented by R. Mienski
[7], Modeling
of a D-STATCOM with ultra-capacitor energy storage for power distribution system application is given by M.G.
Molina [8], Power Quality problem solution is presented by [9], [10] & [11], Construction of prototype D-
STSTCOM for voltage sag mitigation is presented by Hendri Masdi [12], Control strategies for distribution static
compensator for Power Quality improvement is presented by Deepika Masand [13], Simulation of D-STATCOM
and DVR in Power System is given by S.V. ravi Kumar [14], Control Design and simulation of D-STATCOM with
energy storage for Power Quality improvement is presented by M.G. Molina[15], Novel controllers for the 48-Pulse
VSC STATCOM and SSSC for voltage regulation and reactive power compensation is presented by M.S.EI Moursi
The above literature does not deal with simulation of eight bus system using SIMULINK. This work deals
with modeling and simulation of eight bus system using D-STATCOM. The present work uses a D-STATCOM
model as shown in Fig4.a.
For simulation studies, the eight bus system is considered. The circuit model of eight bus system is shown
in Fig 3a. Each line is represented by series impedance model. The shunt capacitance of the line is neglected. By
closing the breaker in series with the load an additional load is added in parallel with load-1. Scopes are connected
to display the voltages across the two loads. At t = 0.2sec, additional load is connected. Voltage across the load-1
decreases, this fall in voltage is due to the increased voltage drop. The active and reactive power across load-1 is as
shown in Fig 3b.
The D-STATCOM is added with eight bus system is shown in Fig.4a. The D-STATCOM is connected in
the line between buses 4 and 8. The D-STATCOM Model is shown in Fig4b. The active and reactive power in the
load-1, voltages across D-STATCOM are shown in Fig.4c. It can be seen that the voltage across load-1 decreases
and resumes to the rated value due to the injection of voltage by the D-STATCOM. Thus the D-STATCOM is able
to mitigate the voltage sag produced by the additional load. Power quality is improved since the voltage reaches
normal value.
Eight bus system is modeled and simulated using MATLAB SIMULINK and the results are presented. The
simulation results of eight bus system with and without D-STATCOM are presented. The sag is reduced by using D-
STATCOM. This system has reduced reliability and improved power quality. The simulation results are in line with
the predictions. The hardware implementation is beyond the scope of this paper. The hardware may be implemented
using Atmel microcontroller.
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Mr. P. Venkata Kishore has obtained his B. Tech degree from S.V. University India, in 1998 and M. Tech degree
From S. V. University India, in 2003. He has 12 years of teaching experience. He is presently a research scholar at
Satyabhama University, Chennai, India. He is working in the area of D-STATCOM.
Dr. S. Rama Reddy is professor in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Jerusalem College of
Engineering, Chennai, India. He obtained his D.E.E from the S.M.V.M. polytechnic, Tanuku, A.P., A.M.I.E. in
Electrical Engineering from the Institution of Engineers (India), M.E. in Power Systems from Anna University,
Chennai, India in 1987 and He received Ph.D degree in the area of Resonant Converters from College of
Engineering, Anna University, Chennai India in 1995.He has published over 40 technical papers in national and
international conferences proceedings / journals. He has secured the A.M.I.E. institution gold medal for obtaining
the highest marks. He has won the AIMO best project award and Vijaya Ratna Award. He has 20 years of teaching
experience. His research interests include the areas of resonant converters and FACTS. He is a life member of the
Institution of Engineers (India), Indian Society for Technical Education, Systems Society of India, Society of Power
Engineers and Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India). He has published text books on
Power Electronics, Solid State Circuits and Electronic circuits.