Challenges of Software Quality Assurance and Testing
Challenges of Software Quality Assurance and Testing
Challenges of Software Quality Assurance and Testing
Uncertainty exists in Software Company over the world. Software quality problem is
leading issue for the software industry. The issue exists from 40 years or 50 years long.
The industry is suffering and closing for this issue. In this circumstance it is important
to address and remove its root cause. Otherwise, day by day industry economic loss will
increase. I figure out some vital challenges of software quality assurance and testing
which have been facing by software industries. The research focused on several small
and medium software companies of the world. This paper represents different category
of challenges along with responsible stakeholders. This research finds out that testing
tools are available testing elements are available testing process has improved but still
software has some testing challenges. My research figured out the bottleneck of
challenges and explained in this paper. Here software engineers have scope to improve
& overcome those challenges. This paper suggest systematic approach to solve the
Software permeates our daily life. Software failures can lead to serious con -
sequences in safety-critical systems as well as in normal business. For example”
Ashton Tate”, once the third largest company in the software industry, no longer
exists (Humphrey, 2001) because of software quality defects. Quality is ensured by
testing. Testing is an expensive process used to validate new software, important
means of quality management and is widely used in industrial practice. It is
estimated that 80% of software development cost is spent on detecting and fixing
defects (ETH Zurich, 2010). To tackle this issue a number of tools and testing
techniques have been developed to improve the testing. This research challenges
of software quality assurance and testing has mainly focused on procedural
challenges programming challenges & managerial challenges. This research
started indicating from initial level weakened phases where defect generated first
Challenges of software quality assurance and testing
to the final level phase. This research highlighted software engineering body of
knowledge to overcome SQA challenges. It also shows the cost of bug f ixing if it
is not early detected and protected. The cost of testing accumulates from the time
and resources spent on running the tests. To calculate the cost of a particular test
here I provided a table of data. The goal is to explore whether the cost of testing
or test process face challenges that should be solved in order to improve the cost -
effectiveness of testing at the target company. The target company is a software
developer or software implementer or in house developer whose main deliverable
is the software product.
A recent report by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
found that software failures cost the US economy about $59.5 billion annually or
about 0.6 percent of the gross domestic product according to a newly released
study commissioned by the Department of Commerce’s National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST, 2002). At the national level over half of the
costs are borne by software users and the remainder by software
developers/vendors. The study also found that, although all errors cannot be
removed, more than a third of these costs, or an estimated $22.2 billion, could be
eliminated by an improved testing infrastructure that enables earlier and more
effective identification and removal of software defects. These are the savings
associated with finding an increased percentage (but not 100 percent) of errors
closer to the development stages in which they are introduced. Currently over half
of all errors are not found until downstream in the development process or du ring
post-sale software use. Software is error-ridden in part because of its growing
complexity. Software developers already spend approximately 80 percent of
development costs on identifying and correcting defects, and yet few products of
any type other than software are shipped with such high levels of errors. Other
factors contributing to quality problems include marketing strategies limited
liability by software vendors and decreasing returns on testing and debugging
according to the study (Ross, 2013). At the core of these issues is the difficulty in
defining and measuring software quality. The increasing complexity of software
along with a decreasing average product life expectancy has increased the
economic costs of errors. The catastrophic impacts of some failures are well-
known. But high-profile incidents are only the tip of a pervasive pattern that
software developers and users agree is causing substantial economic losses.
Therefore, it is critical to improve software reliability to ensure long-term
software operations without failures. Software testing have been the primary way
for improving reliability. Software testing typically includes three steps
generating test inputs, running test inputs and verifying actual outputs. However,
with the ever-growing size and complexity of software systems software testing is
becoming more and more challenging and costly. It costs billions of dollars and
accounts for about 50% the cost of software development. In software testing,
testers need to design a set of test cases, including test inputs and expected
outputs, to cover most of the code and most bugs before releasing the software. It
is challenging to generating such effective test cases manually for complex
software systems nowadays. Automatic software testing reduces the laborious
human effort in testing. However, the existing test input generation and test
generation techniques often require manually provided specifications which may
not be available. In this research I denoted such challenges of software quality
assurance and testing faced by Software Company. Software testing is an integral
Md.Shahadat Hossain /International Journal of Software Engineering and Computer Systems 4(1) 2018 133-144
During my work in several local and international software companies I faced different
categories of challenges that are reducing the growth of the software firm. Software
companies are facing those challenges continuously. I accumulated all those categories
of challenges into three main categories. Each of the above categories has multiple types
of challenges. This type of Software Quality assurance and testing challenge directly or
indirectly affect the overall productivity of Software Company.
Challenges of software quality assurance and testing
Some challenges effect software company growth immediately some effects become
visible after passing sometimes or after project implementation or post implementation
and maintenance period.
Md.Shahadat Hossain /International Journal of Software Engineering and Computer Systems 4(1) 2018 133-144
In this study I mainly focused on the question & tried to find out possible best causes &
the answer of the question” why does software quality suffer” (Jeff, 2005)? Initially I
found different types of stakeholders are responsible for software quality suffering. For
example software requirement engineer and requirement provider. A very sensitive
information is that in some cases user do not want to use software or they do not want to
leave the legacy system for this they do not cooperate they provide wrong requirement
so that software quality suffer and project fail. I distinguish stakeholder wise challenges
into 4 types that are involved for this challenge’s. My silent and close observation
figured out some negligence of stakeholders about software quality assurance and
testing. Any challenge either major or minor that affect software product is not
ignorable by Software Company. The company should investigate and remove the
challenge. Here are 4 types of key stakeholders responsible for these challenges.
Challenges of software quality assurance and testing
General Challenges
These are common challenges according to software engineering body of knowledge.
General level challenges are found in most of the firms that affect software quality
assurance and testing. Following are general level challenges (Sommerville, 2013)
Md.Shahadat Hossain /International Journal of Software Engineering and Computer Systems 4(1) 2018 133-144
Challenges of software quality assurance and testing
Md.Shahadat Hossain /International Journal of Software Engineering and Computer Systems 4(1) 2018 133-144
The key question is why does software quality suffer & where does quality suffer? What
is the initial phase software quality assurance should start? Many reasons are
responsible for software quality suffering. A few of them are mentioned in example
section. Software quality assurance should start from the very beginning to project
closing like project planning, budgeting, and requirement collection. A survey by
Testplant called Application Crisis Research found that 70 percent of businesses say
that they are under pressure to innovate. About half say that they are releasing software
without sufficient testing and 40 percent say that they are releasing software with no
testing at all (John, 2017). Following are key points where software quality suffers
Challenges of software quality assurance and testing
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10
S SRC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
CDP 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
CCA 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
CVS 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
CCS 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
ENC 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
RLC 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
General Challenge
ECC 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
PSC 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
NLC 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
TCC 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
TFC 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Figure-3: SQL Challenges Metrix
Md.Shahadat Hossain /International Journal of Software Engineering and Computer Systems 4(1) 2018 133-144
The result of this research are above mentioned challenges that are true and available in
software firms. My proposed probable solution to overcome above challenges is to
prevent the challenge before it initiate. Protection because prevention is better than cure.
This paper suggesting for focusing on software quality. Highly appreciates for providing
quality is the top priority. Responsible stakeholders have to give enough time on each
and every step of SDLC. Ensure the software quality assurance started from very
beginning of SDLC such as requirement collection, requirement elicitation,
documentation. Provide necessary training on new technology. Mindset that quality is
the best policy. Utilities existing resources and try to overcome real environmental
limitation for proper development and testing. Re-engineer the current business process
& software development process.
In this paper I have tried to create awareness on SQA challenges, financial loss by
quality failure, and impact on firm growth and offer solutions to overcome those
challenges. This research identified some major challenges that are facing by software
companies. Similarly, this paper provided proposed solution to overcome that
challenges. All of those challenges directly or indirectly related to software quality. I
found that Software industry has 70+ years of working history. Most of the companies
failed to show their success records. Some company succeeded, but their success rates
were not continuing from beginning to date. Some companies started with big projects
and made handsome money. Later they did not have such big project rest of the year
they run business with the loss. Some company has multiple big project several times,
but sometimes they don’t have project at all. Some of them have enough revenue, but
their profit didn’t increase every years sequentially. A few companies shut down
permanently with bank draft history. Some company sold out to another company.
These scenarios are not only happening in the software industry, but also in others
industry too. What are the reasons behind this scenario? Why Software Company failed
to increase ROI successively? These are now the main concern of the software industry.
This is multi-million dollars research issue. Currently my time and budget is limited that
is why I can’t expand the research. This paper figure out the root cause problems and
provides solution from the software engineering body of knowledge. If Software
Company can ensure the quality, maximum challenges will be minimized. The main
aim of this paper is to help software industry for their continued progress in the software
business. Increase their awareness to engineering the current business process where
quality is falling. Here software engineering has scope to work to improve the
productivity, quality and reliability of software products.
This research identified that ultimate loss is facing by software industry due to
software quality issue but all related stakeholders are responsible for quality failure.
Stakeholders can’t avoid the responsibility because they are part of the company and
when company become profitable then stakeholders are sharing the profit among them.
This paper mentioned responsible stakeholders with authentic scenarios. This paper
expects that all stakeholder’s awareness will increase and they will be serious for
software quality assurance and they should give top most priority on software quality
assurance for industry profit for stakeholder’s profit.
Challenges of software quality assurance and testing
I was inspired for this research by Dr.Rokonuzzaman and Professor Subrata Kumar of
Independent University Bangladesh. I am grateful to my department for their
cooperation. I would like to express my thanks to all software firm for their help. My
wife Mrs Hosneara Shahadat and my Mother encourage me cooperated me to perform
the research.