8 Steps To True Forgiveness
8 Steps To True Forgiveness
8 Steps To True Forgiveness
Working through pain can only happen once you admit you’ve been hurt.
And acknowledging this can intensify the feelings. Tears, feelings of
resentment and ruminating thoughts are a good indicator that something’s
wrong. Don’t numb yourself or “stuff” the emotion down, as that cuts off
the process of forgiving others before it’s even begun.
Think about a time when you have had to ask for forgiveness; how did it
make you feel? When have you wronged another person, and did they
extend forgiveness to you, or withhold it? The Bible directs us to do to
others what we would have them do to us (Matthew 7:12) and so it can be
helpful to put ourselves in their shoes for a moment.
7. Continue to forgive.
Forgiveness is more than just saying a prayer and moving on. It’s a serious
decision that you make over and over again. The process will most likely be
uncomfortable and painful, but it will always be worth it in the end.
In Matthew 5:44 Jesus commands us “Love your enemies and pray for
those who persecute you.” Ask God to reveal his love to your offender in
your heart, and for him to dissolve negative emotions. Is there any more
powerful witness of God’s transforming grace than someone who can
display true forgiveness to the “unforgivable”?
With promises found in Scriptures like Philippians 4:13 (“I can do all this
through Him who gives me strength”) and Romans 12:21 (“Do not be
overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”), we know that we can
depend on God to give us the grace to live out forgiveness. Make the right
choice – start a journey of forgiveness today, praying for the Lord to equip
you for this difficult but eternally rewarding task.