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Abstract (Summary)

PURPOSE: To examine the relationship between female adolescent self-esteem, decision making, and
contraceptive behavior in multiethnic, 14- to 17-year-olds, residing on the Big Island of Hawaii. DATA
SOURCES: This was a descriptive cross-sectional survey design using a convenience sample of 98 female
adolescents aged 14-17 who came to five different clinics on the Big Island of Hawaii for health care. Along
with a brief demographic questionnaire, global self-esteem was measured by Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale,
decision making was measured by the Flinders Adolescent Decision Making Questionnaire, and sexual activity
and contraception use was measured by a nonnormed Sexual History and Contraceptive Use Questionnaire
developed for this study. Descriptive statistics, logistic regression, and correlations were used to analyze
associations and correlations between age, global self-esteem, decision self-esteem, decision coping (vigilant
and maladaptive), and contraceptive use for sexually active female adolescents. CONCLUSIONS: No
significant associations or correlations were found between age, global self-esteem, decision self-esteem,
decision coping (vigilance), and the decision to use contraception in sexually active adolescent females. There
was, however, significant negative correlation (p < .05) between overall maladaptive decision making and
contraceptive use in sexually active female adolescents. This suggests that sexually active adolescent females
with higher maladaptive scores are less likely to use contraception. There was also significant association (p < .
05) between maladaptive decision making in contraceptive use and sexually active female adolescents. For
every one unit increase on the maladaptive scale, the odds of using contraception were estimated to decrease
by 7%. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Adolescence is a period of transition that involves biological,
cognitive, psychological, and social changes. During the vulnerable transition period of adolescence, decisions
relating to contraception may occur. Interventions focused on improving decision-making skills and stimulating
thinking around not only sexual issues but also on relationship and communication in adolescent issues may
facilitate more competent decision making. Understanding the relationship between female adolescent self-
esteem, decision making, and contraceptive behavior has contributed to the knowledge base about female
contraceptive behavior. Gaining further insight into these relationships will help healthcare professionals
provide counseling and health care to female adolescents.

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Copyright American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Nov 2007

Adolescent decision making; adolescent contraception; adolescent self-esteem; Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale;
Flinders Adolescent Decision Making Questionnaire.

Purpose: To examine the relationship between female adolescent self-esteem, decision making, and contraceptive
behavior in multiethnic, 14- to 17-yearolds, residing on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Data sources: This was a descriptive cross-sectional survey design using a convenience sample of 98 female
adolescents aged 14-17 who came to five different clinics on the Big Island of Hawaii for health care. Along with a
brief demographic questionnaire, global self-esteem was measured by Rosenberg's SeIfEsteem Scale, decision
making was measured by the Flinders Adolescent Decision Making Questionnaire, and sexual activity and
contraception use was measured by a nonnormed Sexual History and Contraceptive Use Questionnaire developed
for this study. Descriptive statistics, logistic regression, and correlations were used to analyze associations and
correlations between age, global self-esteem, decision self-esteem, decision coping (vigilant and maladaptive), and
contraceptive use for sexually active female adolescents.
Conclusions: No significant associations or correlations were found between age, global self-esteem, decision self-
esteem, decision coping (vigilance), and the decision to use contraception in sexually active adolescent females.
There was, however, significant negative correlation (p < .05) between overall maladaptive decision making and
contraceptive use in sexually active female adolescents. This suggests that sexually active adolescent females with
higher maladaptive scores are less likely to use contraception. There was also significant association (p < .05)
between maladaptive decision making in contraceptive use and sexually active female adolescents. For every one
unit increase on the maladaptive scale, the odds of using contraception were estimated to decrease by 7%.
Implications for practice: Adolescence is a period of transition that involves biological, cognitive, psychological, and
social changes. During the vulnerable transition period of adolescence, decisions relating to contraception may occur.
Interventions focused on improving decision-making skills and stimulating thinking around not only sexual issues but
also on relationship and communication in adolescent issues may facilitate more competent decision making.
Understanding the relationship between female adolescent self-esteem, decision making, and contraceptive behavior
has contributed to the knowledge base about female contraceptive behavior. Gaining further insight into these
relationships will help healthcare professionals provide counseling and health care to female adolescents.


The teen pregnancy rate in the United States is one of the highest in the Western world (Dangal, 2006 ). An
estimated 78% of these pregnancies are unintended (Guttmacher, 2004). Although the teen birth rate has
declined 30% between 1991 and 2002 (National Vital Statistics Reports, 2003), each year in the United States,
800,000-900,000 adolescents ages 19 or younger become pregnant (National Campaign to Prevent Teen
Pregnancy, 2005). Each year, there are 84 pregnancies per 1000 women aged 15-19 in the United States;
however, in Hawaii, this rate is higher with 93 pregnancies annually per 1000 women aged 1519 (National
Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy).

Despite the number of safe effective contraceptive methods available, pregnancy among teenagers is still
prevalent. These consistently high rates of adolescent pregnancies in the United States continue to generate
public concerns, as adolescent pregnancy has been associated with adverse health and social consequences.
Adolescent mothers, particularly those under 17, are more likely to have truncated education, lower paying
jobs, higher levels of unemployment, larger families with close spacing of children, and a higher likelihood of
marital disruption, future out-of-wedlock pregnancies, lowbirthweight babies, and poverty status (Aquilino &
Bragadottir, 2000). With nearly one million teenage pregnancies occurring each year in the United States,
costing 7 billion dollars annually (National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, 2005), an understanding of
adolescents' decision making for contraception is one of the first steps toward creating solutions for this

Literature review

Adolescent decision making has been previously explored from multiple avenues, many of which are directly
relevant with regard to understanding choices made about contraception use. Some have examined the
general development of competence in adolescent decision making (Friedman & Mann, 1993; Gordon,
1990;Inhelder&amp;Piaget, 1958; Janisfr Mann, 1977;Mann, Harmoni, & Power, 1989; Ormond, Luszcz, Mann,
& Beswick, 1991 ). As adolescents develop formal operational reasoning with age, they are more capable of
considering various actions and solutions to a problem, hypothesizing about how personal actions result in
various consequences, and considering chance and probability relative to their actions. The development of
these faculties may allow for more insight and better decisions regarding contraceptive use. Other researchers
have evaluated adolescent decision making in terms of cognitive ability, academic factors, and contraceptive
decision making. Increased age (Green & Johnson, 1992; Holden & Nelson, 1993; Ormond et al.; Rogel,
Zuehlke, Petersen, TobinRichards, 6- Shelton, 1980; Sachs, 1985), and higher academic achievement
(Sandier, Watson, & Levine, 1992), enable adolescents to function at a higher cognitive level and increase
competency in decision making.

Others have examined the relationship between adolescent self-esteem and sexual and contraceptive decision
making. Higher self-esteem has been associated with increased and more effective contraceptive use
(Chapman & Mullis, 2000; Herold, Goodwin & Lero, 1979; Holmbeck, Crossman, Wandrei, & Gasiewski, 1994;
Rosenthal, Moore, &· Flynn, 1990). Furthermore, self-confidence has been positively related to competency
and coping in decision making with regard to sexual intercourse (Friedman & Mann, 1993; Rosenthal et al.;
Salazar et al, 2004; Spencer, Zimet, Aalsma, & Orr, 2002). In contrast, adolescents with higher self-esteem
may engage in more unprotected intercourse (Cole, 1997; Paul, Fitzjohn, Herbison, & Dickson, 2000).
Last, some researchers have examined the role of ethnicity and cultural influences on contraceptive decision
making and found that different cultural values and beliefs play a large role in decisions of contraceptive use.
Within the Native American's cultural belief system, pregnancy validates the female role and contraception is
deterred until after the first child (Horn, 1983). African Americans think adolescent pregnancy is more
acceptable and many myths and misconceptions are associated with the lack of contraception (Horn).
Caucasian adolescents have mixed views regarding pregnancy; however, pregnancy is not supported by their
families (Horn). A strong family influence, family protection, and virginity are highly valued among Hispanic
females (Villarruel, 1998). Similar to Hispanics, Pacific Islanders are more likely to expect parental disapproval
if they became sexually active (Schuster, Bell, Nakajima, & Kanouse, 1998). Hawaiians do not censure
adolescent pregnancy and welcome the babies into the family (Pukui, Haertig, & Lee, 1983). Asian and Pacific
Islander populations are unique in their health belief system. Few studies have been conducted to study
adolescent self-esteem, decision making, and contraceptive behavior in Asian and Pacific Islander adolescents
in Hawaii.

Conceptual framework

The theory used to guide this study was Janis and Mann's (1977) conflict theory of decision making that
involves using a stress and coping framework. They view the decision-making process as one that involves
choice, commitment, and conflict as well as the potential for loss. The decision maker goes through the stages
of choosing the best course of action and makes a commitment to the alternative chosen. When the choice is
made, the decision maker may experience decisional conflicts about the final course of actions related to
possible consequences of loss. Anticipatory regret about these potential losses leads to degrees of decisional
conflict and stress (Chambers & Rew, 2003).

Janis and Mann (1977) have generated four basic patterns of coping with the stress that is generated by a
difficult or conflictive decision. These patterns of coping are further categorized into two groups: adaptive and
maladaptive. The adaptive category, called the vigilant decision maker, is the highest level of decision making
and requires the performance of a thorough information search, and the ability to assimilate new information. In
the maladaptive category, the nonvigilant decision maker is viewed as an incompetent decision maker, who
makes poor decisions when faced with a vital choice that has serious consequences. The maladaptive
category includes three coping patterns: complacency, cop-out, and panic. Complacency occurs when the
decision maker ignores information about risks and losses and decides to continue the present course of action
or choose whichever new course of action is suggested. Cop-out occurs when the decision maker escapes
conflict by procrastinating or shifting the responsibility to someone else. Panic occurs when the decision maker
panics and frantically searches for a way out of dilemmas and then impulsively chooses a solution.

Conflict theory also predicts that people who have a specific sense of self-esteem and self-confidence in their
decision-making ability, or decisional self-esteem, are associated with a positive general self-concept and are
more likely to engage in vigilant decision making. Conversely, those that have low self-esteem or low self-
confidence experience more stress and are likely to practice hypervigilant, panicky, defensive avoidance
(evasiveness-cop-out), or complacent decision making (Mann et al., 1989).

Global self-esteem

During adolescence, identity formation occurs and with it the important development of self-esteem (Steinberg,
2005). In the literature reviewed for this study, there was no consensus as to the conceptualization and
operational definition of self-esteem. Most researchers investigating the relationship of self-esteem and
adolescent behavior in relation to sexual activity have used a generalized or global self-esteem scale.
Rosenberg (1965) defines self-esteem as the evaluation the individual makes and maintains with regard to
himself, which is expressed as an attitude of approval or disapproval. This study operationalized global self-
esteem using Rosenberg's definition and the SeIfEsteem Scale.

Janis and Mann's (1977) model provides a valid framework for and can be particularly informative in examining
adolescent contraceptive decision making. Contraceptive decision making clearly addresses the losses,
conflict, and stress involved in decision making as well as the decisionmaking patterns described by Janis and
Mann. This framework was used in the current study to explore the relationship between female adolescent
self-esteem, decision making, and contraceptive behavior. The research questions addressed in this study
were as follows:

1. What is the level of global self-esteem, decisional self-esteem, decision-coping patterns, and contraceptive

2. What is the relationship between age, global selfesteem, decision self-esteem, decision-coping patterns, and
adolescent contraceptive behavior?

3. Is there a significant association between age, decision self-esteem, decision-coping patterns, and
adolescent contraceptive behavior?


The participants in this cross-sectional study were recruited from four clinics and one physician's office from
different geographic locations from the Big Island of Hawaii, which resulted in a more diverse population. This
convenience sample included 14- to 17-year-old females who came into the clinics for health care. Exclusion
criteria included those who did not speak English and those who were seeking prenatal care. Demographic
data collected consisted of age, grade, ethnicity, ethnic identification, adolescent's living situation, and maternal
and paternal education.


Along with a data demographic questionnaire, three instruments were used to measure study variables: (a)
Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale (RSE) (Rosenberg, 1965), (b) Flinders Adolescent Decision Making
Questionnaire (FADMQ) (Mann, Harmoni, Power, Beswick, & Ormond, 1988), and (c) a Sexual History and
Contraceptive Use Questionnaire developed for this study.

Global self-esteem

Global self-esteem is defined as the sense of pride in oneself. It is the individual's positive or negative attitude
toward the self (Rosenberg, Schoenbach, Schooler, & Rosenberg, 1995). The RSE is a 10-item Guttman scale
designed to measure self-esteem in high school students. Responses are on a 4-point Likert scale from
strongly agrees, agrees, disagrees, and strongly disagrees. Scores range from 10 to 40, with low scores
indicating low self-esteem and the higher scores indicating higher self-esteem. Rosenberg's scale has been
validated for use with both male and female adolescent, and adult and elderly populations.

Decision self-esteem and decision-coping patterns

The FADMQ (Mann et al., 1988) is a 30-item self-report instrument measuring competent and maladaptive
decision-making style. The response format ranges from almost always true, often true, sometimes true, and
not at all true for me. There are three subscales: (a) the decision self-esteem scale measuring the respondent's
confidence in making decisions; (b) the vigilance scale assessing the reported use of considering goals,
generating options, gathering facts, evaluating the consequences, reviewing the decision process, and
implementing the decision; and (c) the maladaptive subscale measuring panic, cop-out, and complacency. On
the vigilant decision-making and self-esteem scales, high scores represent competent decision making and
confidence. A high score on the maladaptive scale indicates poor decision making (Mann et al., 1988; Ormond
et al., 1991).

Sexual history and contraceptive use questionnaire

Using a response format of yes or no, the sexual history questionnaire asked about current and past sexual
activity. The response format for the question how often contraception was used in the present and past ranged
from (a) none of the time, (b) a few times, (c) half of the time, (d) most of the time, and (e) all of the time.

Once the proposal was approved by the author's dissertation committee and the University of Hawaii's
Committee on Human Subjects for waived parental consent, a collaborative meeting with the sites was
conducted to discuss recruitment of study participants. Female adolescents who came into the clinic were
approached by the clinic staff to determine if they were interested in participating in the study. If they were, they
were given packets containing an invitation and information about the study, the survey, a list of high school
counselors, a teen resource card, and consent to participate. As an incentive, once the survey was completed,
the participant was given two movie tickets to use at her leisure. Surveys were collected from September 2005
to December 2005. In keeping with health information privacy requirements, no patient identification was
included on any data sheets in this study.

Data analysis

Data analysis was carried out using SPSS Version 13 ("SPSS," 2004) and consisted of descriptive statistics, a
correlation matrix, and logistic regression. Analysis of data demographics was carried out using descriptive
statistics, frequency distributions, and percentages on the ordinal data.


Description of sample

A convenience sample of 98 ethnically diverse female adolescents participated in the study. The survey was
distributed to five clinics and one physician's office. Respondents ranged in age from 14 to 17 years with a
mean of 16.8 (see Table 1 ). The respondents were asked two questions regarding ethnicity. The first indicated
selfidentified ethnicity and allowed participants to indicate more than one ethnicity. Respondents' ethnicities
were coded and categorized in the following groups: Hawaiian/ part Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (48%) followed
by Caucasians (17.3%), Asian/part Asian (25.5%), and Hispanic (9.2 % ). The second question indicated what
ethnicity they identified with. Ethnic identification attempted to differentiate which ethnicity the respondents
believed best represented her identify. The ethnicities the respondents identified with were Caucasians (33.7%)
and Hawaiian/ Part Hawaiian (33.7%). The rest of the population demonstrated ethnic identification diversity
with 24% as Asian (Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Korean) and 8.2% identified as Hispanic.

The typical respondent lived with both parents (36.7%); the majority of parents were high school graduates.
The living situations were diverse; the largest group of participants, 36.7%, lived with both parents.

Analysis of categorical data demographics

Cross tab analysis, utilizing chi-square statistics, was used to examine associations between the demographic
variables: (a) clinic sites, (b) ethnicity receded, (c) ethnic identification receded, (d) living situation recoded, and
(e) maternal and (f) paternal education and sexual activity and contraceptive use. There were no significant
associations between these demographic variables.

Research question 1: What is the level of global self-esteem, declsional self-esteem, decision-coping patterns,
and contraceptive behavior?

Global self-esteem

The total scores possible for the RSE range from 10 to 40. The higher the score on the scale, the higher the
participant's self-esteem. The Cronbach's alpha reliability statistic for the RSE was 0.85, indicating acceptable
reliability. The scores of the participants ranged from 19 to 40, with a mean of 30.02. Five participants
demonstrated a maximum level of self-esteem, gaining the highest score possible of 40. There were no
unanswered items.

Decisional self-esteem and declsional coping vigilance

The highest total possible score on each of these subscales was 18. Higher scores represent higher decisional
self-esteem and vigilance. Vigilance represents using goals, generating options, gathering facts, and evaluating
the consequences and is considered adaptive decision making. A higher score represents competent decision
making. The item total mean for decision self-esteem was 12.19 and for decision coping vigilance 10.29.
Cronbach's alpha reliability statistic for both scales was 0.7, indicating reliable internal consistency.

Decision coping-Maladaptive

The maladaptive scale was formulated by combining items related to panic, cop-out, and complacency. There
were 18 items in this subscale with a total possible score of 54. The total item mean was 14.71. High scores
represented maladaptive decision making. Cronbach's alpha was 0.827 indicating reliable internal consistency
for this scale.

Sexual history and contraceptive use questionnaire

The two questions in the survey addressing sexual activity were whether the participant ever had sex and was
she currently sexually active. Notably greater than 71% reported they were currently sexually active at the time
the survey was administered and greater than 86% responded they were sexually experienced. The
combination of current sexual activity and contraception use was analyzed. The responses ranged from 19.4%
sexually active and not using contraception to 52% sexually active and using contraception. For those not
currently sexually active, 5.1% of respondents reported past contraceptive use all the time and 19.4% reported
they never used contraception.

In order to answer the following two research questions, the subsample of those adolescents who were
currently sexually active (n = 70) were used in the analysis. Contraceptive behavior was defined as
adolescents who were sexually active and using contraception all the time and those who were sexually active
and not using contraception all the time.

Research question 2: What is the relationship between age, global self-esteem, decision-coping patterns, and
contraceptive behavior?

The Pearson's product-moment correlation pointbiserial statistical test was used to analyze correlations
between the variables. In order to run this analysis, adolescent contraceptive behavior includes only those who
were sexually active at the time the survey was administered (n = 70).

There were moderate positive correlations (p = 0.01) between RSE, the Flinders decisional self-esteem (r =
0.682), and Flinders decisional vigilance coping (r = 0.548) and negative correlations between the Flinders
coping maladaptive scale and the RSE (r= -0.470), the Flinders decision self-esteem (r= -0.563), and decisional
vigilance coping (r= -0.315). There was one significant negative correlation (r= -0.243, p = 0.05) between the
maladaptive scale and contraceptive behavior (see Table 2).

Research question 3: Is there a significant association between age, decision self-esteem, decision-coping
patterns, and adolescent contraceptive behavior?

Logistic regression was used to analyze the association between the independent variables: age, global self-
esteem, decision self-esteem, decision coping (vigilant and maladaptive), and the dependent variable
contraceptive behavior (see Table 3). The logistic regression also used only those who were sexually active at
the time the survey was administered (n = 70).

Because of multicollinearity between the variables global self-esteem, decisional self-esteem, decision coping
vigilance, and decision coping maladaptive, these variables were analyzed with age but independently. There
were no significant associations between age, global self-esteem, decision self-esteem, decisional coping
vigilance, and sexually active participants and contraceptive use. There was, however, a significant association
(p < .05) between decision coping maladaptive and sexually active participants contraceptive behavior. For
every one-unit increase on the maladaptive scale, the odds of using contraception were estimated to decrease
by 7%, with 95% confidence that the odds ratio in the populations is between 0.86 and 1.00.

In this study global self-esteem, dedsional self-esteem, and decision coping (vigilant and maladaptive) were
examined in relation to sexual activity and contraceptive behavior, revealing statistically significant findings
between maladaptive decision making and decreased contraceptive use in sexually active adolescent females.
There were some points of interest in the demographics of the participants. The ages of participants in this
study were more in the range of older middle adolescence, which is the group most likely to access family
planning services (Holmbeck et al., 1994). This sample was multiethnic with almost half reporting
Hawaiian/Part Hawaiian ancestry, although only 37.3% identified with the Hawaiians. Ethnic identification of the
population in Hawaii is a subject of ongoing research.

Eighty-five percent of subjects (N = 98) were currently sexually active or sexually active sometime in the past.
Seventy were sexually active at the time the survey was administered. The participants reported the current
use of contraceptives, whether or not they were sexually active was 60%. This is somewhat lower when
compared with the Hawaii School Health Survey (2002) that reported that 75% of high school students used
contraception at the last intercourse.

When asked how often the participant used contraception when sexually active, 48% reported they used
contraception all the time. Nine reported irregular use of contraceptives. This erratic use of contraception
suggests that there is an underlying factor affecting the competency in contraceptive decision making.
Researchers have outlined factors that lead to less competency in decision making, such as low academic
skills, external locus of control, decrease in self-esteem, deceased future time orientation, and poverty (Holden
& Nelson, 1993; Rogel et al., 1980; Sandler et al., 1992). During the transitional period of adolescence,
changes occur in the adolescent's life, which can directly impact their decision-making competency.

Research question 1

Global self-esteem

The results of the RSE are described as low self-esteem or high self-esteem. There is no clear demarcation as
to different levels of self-esteem between these two ranges. In Hawaii, The Adolescent Health Network's Teen
Health Advisor Report (1991) reported that 60%-70% of the survey respondents (N = 1335) reported having
medium self-esteem. With this analysis in mind, for this study a mean of 30.02 constitutes a moderate level of
self-esteem. This is congruent with the medium self-esteem levels noted in the Hawaii study.

In looking at the individual items that received the lowest scores measuring global self-esteem, adolescents felt
useless at times and wished they could have more respect for themselves. These particular items suggest a
sense of decreased self-worth or achievement. The literature review shows no real consensus regarding
contraceptive use and self-esteem. Salazar et al. (2004) reported that in sexually active female adolescents,
self-esteem is correlated with more refusal of unprotected intercourse, while others (Spencer et al., 2002)
report those with higher self-esteem were more likely to be virgins. Perhaps because of the self-reporting
response style of the survey, self-esteem changes when the adolescent's mood changes, explaining some of
these discrepancies with other findings in the literature.

Decision self-esteem and decision coping vigilance

As there are no normal or unusual scores reported in the literature for the FADMQ, these scores were
interpreted as moderate levels of decisional self-esteem and decision coping vigilance. In the decisional self-
esteem scale, the items that scored lowest indicated poor decision making. In this study, the respondents'
lower scoring items reflected they would change their mind after making a decision, indicating a lack of
confidence in their decisions. This seems to follow a trend of not quite feeling competent in their decision
making, which is congruent with Mann et al.'s (1989) findings suggesting that as adolescents age across
middle adolescence they become more competent decision makers.

Decision coping-Maladaptive
Higher scores on the maladaptive scale constitute less competent decision making. The decision-coping
maladaptive scores were on the lower side, demonstrating that the participants were less likely to make
impulsive, hasty decisions and were less likely to procrastinate. Out of all the scores, the higher scoring items
on the scales reflected panic in decision making where decisions were made in a hurry and choices were made
based on the first alternative given. This is consistent with Piaget's development theory of formal operational
reasoning. As adolescents develop, they are able to engage in perspective taking and reasoning about chance
and probability, and they are cognitively able to envision and evaluate alternatives (Inhelder & Piaget, 1958).
Adolescents need time to go through the process of making a decision. Unintended pregnancy, as surmised by
Gordon (1990), is a result of the adolescents having difficulty in envisioning alternatives. These adolescents
may have not yet reached the state of formal operational reasoning, which supports the idea that adolescents
need time and alternatives in order to make competent decisions. The formal operator is able to see alternative
solutions to a problem and is able to hypothesize how personal actions result in various consequences
(Inhelder & Piaget). These results are congruent with Janis and Mann's (1977) conflict theory of decision
making. Those that have confidence and higher decisional self-esteem are associated with more vigilant and
less maladaptive decision making.

Research question 2

The second research question revealed no significant relationship between female adolescents' age, global
selfesteem, decision self-esteem, decision coping (vigilant and maladaptive), and contraceptive behavior.
These findings are different from Ormond et al.'s (1991), who found that increased age was significantly
correlated with higher levels of decision self-esteem and decision coping vigilance and lower levels of
maladaptive decision making. The findings of this study showed multicollinearity between global self-esteem,
decision self-esteem, decision-coping vigilant and decision-coping maladaptive scales. Similar findings of
multicollinearity were also noted by Friedman and Mann's (1993) study of the coping patterns in decision
making in Israeli and Australians adolescents. The findings of the RSE and the Flinders decision self-esteem
were both in the moderate range for all these scales, establishing convergent validity for these two scales.
seemingly, as the scores of global self-esteem, decisional self-esteem, and decision coping vigilance went up,
depicting more competent and confident decision making, the scores of the maladaptive scale went down,
meaning they were less likely to be poor decision makers. This is also congruent with Janis and Mann's (1977)
conflict theory and previous research studies using this theory (Friedman & Mann, 1993,-Hollen, 1998;
Johnson, 1994; Okwumabua & Wong, 2003; Ormond et al., 1991). There were significant correlations between
the maladaptive score and contraceptive use, where higher maladaptive scores were related to lower
contraceptive use. This means that as maladaptive scores went up, there is the suggestion that with less
competent or poor decision making, the use of contraception decreased, which is also consistent with the
literature, that is, maladaptive or less competent decision makers make less competent decisions.

Research question 3

Results for the third question revealed no association between age, global self-esteem, decision self-esteem,
and decision coping vigilance; however, there was an association between maladaptive or less competent
decision making and decreased contraceptive use. These findings support the maladaptive coping part of Janis
and Mann's ( 1977) theory of vigilant (adaptive) and maladaptive decision making. This is also consistent with
previous research studies using Janis and Mann's model (Friedman & Mann, 1993,-Hollen, 1998; Johnson,
1994; Okwumabua & Wong, 2003; Ormond et al., 1991) that those who scored higher on the maladaptive scale
were less competent or poorer decision makers and, in this study, were less likely to use contraception when
sexually active.

Several of the other independent variables, although not statistically significant, showed a trend toward the
direction of significance (global self-esteem p = .158; decision self-esteem p = .285; decision coping vigilance p
= .098). This leads one to believe that if the sample size were larger, the association between participants with
higher levels of global self-esteem, decision self-esteem and decision coping vigilance, or more competent
decision makers would be more likely to use contraception when sexually active.

Of the sexually active population in this study, little more than half ( 52 % ) were using contraception. While the
scores on the maladaptive scales were low, depicting more competent decision making, one would expect
more of the participants to use contraceptives. Perhaps in future research, with a larger sample size, the
expected outcome of increased contraception may emerge.


The small sample size of participants who were sexually active at the time of the survey may have affected the
outcome of the analysis. The information obtained from this study was based on self-report survey that could
be linked to potential biases related to social needs and social desirability. As this was a convenience sample
of female adolescents seeking health care in a rural area on the Big Island of Hawaii, the results may not be
generalizable to all adolescents in other communities. The FADMQ has only been used in Caucasian and
African American populations. The Sexual History and Contraceptive Use Questionnaire designed for this study
was not piloted in a representative sample of the study to determine its clarity.

Implications for practice

Adolescence is a time of life where decisions are made with little life experience. These decisions can have
lifelong consequences. More research is needed to understand this vulnerable population. There have been
inconsistencies in the literature regarding self-esteem, decision making, and contraceptive behavior. This study
showed there is an association between maladaptive or less competent decision making and decreased
contraceptive use. Through maturation, many adolescents cognitively have the ability to make decisions;
however, this does not necessarily mean they will make the best decisions. Nurse practitioners (NPs) need to
take an active role in creating strategies to facilitate competent decision making and be involved in research
that includes studying measures of cognitive development and decision making, ways to help the adolescents
engage in consequential thinking and the relationship context in which sexual and contraceptive decision
making occurs, and family and partner relationships and their influences on adolescent decision making and
contraceptive behavior. Self-esteem has proved to be complex and further research investigating the
relationship of self-esteem to adolescent decision making and contraception.

Hawaii has higher teen pregnancy rates than the national average. NPs need to focus on improving adolescent
decision-making skills and exploring the area of adolescent decision making so that interventions can be
planned to help adolescents make competent decisions. As adolescents grows older, they access health care
less often, so there are fewer opportunities to initiate and reinforce preventive healthcare measures. Many
adolescents do not access health care for contraception. In a small community such as the Big Island of
Hawaii, there is less privacy for the teen when seeking contraception from a healthcare facility. NPs need to
explore different strategies whereby they can help adolescents in this type of community. One way is to
develop multiservice centers that are schoolbased to provide an array of confidential services at one
convenient location. Other strategies to engage adolescents to learn and practice decision-making strategies
such as teaching decision making and role-playing different situations that require decision making in the
school system should be explored. By role-playing or rehearsing what to do in difficult situations that require
decision making, the adolescent will be more prepared to make competent decisions. NPs in the clinic setting
need to allow adolescents time to make decisions. When a client is not ready to make a decision, explain
options and then in a few days, have the client return to assess whether or not they made a decision. This will
allow the adolescent to assimilate and take into account new information, resulting in a decrease of panicky
decision making. Stimulating adolescents' own thinking around not only sexual issues but also relationship and
communication issues may facilitate a vigilant and increased competence in decision making. This can assist
adolescents in gaining different perspectives and help them to coordinate improved decision making with
respect to contraceptive use as well in other areas.

There are many high-risk teens with problems of substance abuse and risky behavior. The decision making of
these high-risk adolescents can affect many aspects in their life. NPs need to explore decision making in this
at-risk group. There are limited studies with multiethnic population such as Native Hawaiiens and Asians in the
area of adolescent self-esteem, decision making, and contraception. With the pregnancy rates in Hawaii higher
than the national average, research is needed in the area of adolescent decision making involving different
ethnic groups and in the development of culturally sensitive instruments to better explore areas of self-esteem
and decision making with different ethnicities such as Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Native Hawaiians. Goals of
research should be focused to enhance decision-making skills and improve adolescents' knowledge on
relationships and sexuality issues. By improving knowledge, increasing options, and encouraging insight,
clinicians can plan relevant interventions for the prevention of adolescent pregnancy.

Finally, NPs need to engage in more research in generating a developmental theory of adolescent sexual and
contraceptive decision making. The components of decision making and competency need to be further
investigated so that a better model can be used to plan interventions.


Although adolescent pregnancy rates have decreased, the problem of adolescent pregnancy still exists and is
of national public health concern. While this study has limitations, results did highlight one aspect of Janis and
Mann's (1977) conflict theory. There was an association between maladaptive or less competent decision
making and decreased contraceptive use. Higher scores on the maladaptive scale represented less
contraceptive use. The evaluation of self-esteem still proves to be complex with many inconsistencies in the
literature. While this study did not determine any significant associations or correlations between female
adolescents' self-esteem, decision making, and contraceptive behavior, this area of research needs further
investigation. In order to reduce the rate of early childbearing, adolescents need help in the area of making
competent decisions so that they can make the right choices.


The author thanks Victoria Niederhauser, DrPH, APRN-BC, PNP, and Marilyn McCubbin, PhD, RN, FAAN,
University of Hawai'i for their guidance, support, and encouragement.

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[Author Affiliation]
Kathleen Commendador, MSN, WHNP, PhD (Assistant
University of Hawaii at Hilo

[Author Affiliation]
Kathleen Commendador, MSN, WHNP,
University of Hawaii at HiIo, 200 W. Kawili
Street, Hilo, HI 96720.
Tel: 808-974-7764; Fax: 808-974-7665;
E-mail: [email protected]
Received: October 2006;
accepted: February 2007


• References (39)

Indexing (document details)

MeSH subjects:
Adaptation, Psychological, Adolescent, Adolescent Behavior -- ethnology
(major), Adolescent Psychology (major), Attitude to Health -- ethnology
(major), Contraception Behavior -- ethnology (major), Contraception Behavior -- statistics &
numerical data, Cross-Sectional Studies, Cultural Diversity, Decision Making
(major), Female, Hawaii -- epidemiology, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, Health
Services Needs & Demand, Humans, Logistic Models, Models, Psychological, Nurse
Practitioners, Nursing Methodology Research, Pregnancy, Pregnancy in Adolescence --
ethnology, Pregnancy in Adolescence -- prevention & control, Questionnaires, Self Concept
(major), Sex Education, Sexual Behavior
Author(s): Kathleen Commendador
Author Affiliation: Kathleen Commendador, MSN, WHNP, PhD (Assistant Professor)
University of Hawaii at Hilo

Kathleen Commendador, MSN, WHNP, PhD,
University of Hawaii at HiIo, 200 W. Kawili
Street, Hilo, HI 96720.
Tel: 808-974-7764; Fax: 808-974-7665;
E-mail: [email protected]
Received: October 2006;
accepted: February 2007
Document types: Journal Article
Publication title: Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. Austin: Nov 2007. Vol. 19, Iss. 11;
pg. 614, 10 pgs
Source type: Periodical
ISSN: 10412972
ProQuest document 1385010131
Text Word Count 6413
Document URL:

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