BKPM Applied English TET
BKPM Applied English TET
BKPM Applied English TET
Practice 1 - 2
Topic : Green Energy
Place : Classroom
Time Allotment : 2 x 120’
Lecturer : Nodistya Septian Indrastana, S.S., S.Pd., M.Pd.
A. Learning Outcomes
Students are able to skim for the gist of a piece of writing
Students are able to compare nonrenewable and renewable energy
Students are able to receive information about renewable energy
Students are able to form and answer questions based on the given text
Students are able to identify the meaning of technical terms in the field
Students are able to conduct a group discussion to solve a given problem
Students are able to present the result of the group discussion
B. Theory
Let’s Read!
Renewable Energy
Energy is the power derived by using chemical or physical resources, and it is the
strength and vitality required for sustained mental or physical activity. People and
animals get energy from eating food. The plants receive their energy from the sun, and
in turn people eat the plants and animals that have also eaten plants-all made possible
by the food chain.
Non-renewable energy sources are those that take millions of years to form and will
run out some day. It is energy that comes from fossil fuels such as coal, crude oil, and
natural gas. Fossil fuels are mainly made up of carbon and were formed millions of years
ago. However, renewable energy sources will never run out, are better for the
environment and do not cause pollution. They can sometimes cost a little more money.
Renewable energy sources include the sun, wind, water, heat from the earth, and
biomass (plants).
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
crops. The energy comes from burning the biomass. Some biomass can be converted
into biofuels as it’s mixed with regular gasoline.
As with both renewable and nonrenewable energy sources; there are advantages and
disadvantages. In the United States, as of 2016, about 10% of total energy consumption
was from renewable energy sources, and about 55% of that use is for producing
electricity. One of the most important advantages of renewable energy is its role in
reducing greenhouse gases. The use of renewable energy in the U.S. and the world will
continue to grow into the future.
D. Procedures
1. Warming up, the lecturer reviews and the students explore their ideas dealing with
the topic or sub topic.
2. Doing some exercises.
3. Discussing problems and giving feedback to students.
4. Closing: reviewing the topic and giving reinforcement.
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
2. Areas near volcanoes throughout the world may be sources for which type of
nonrenewable energy?
A. Hydroelectric C. Geothermal
B. Biomass D. Solar
3. Which of the following nonrenewable energy sources includes the use of include
trees, branches, scraps of bark and recycled paper, as well as manure, garbage, and
some crops?
A. Geothermal C. Hydroelectric
B. Biomass D. Wind
4. Which of the following comes to the surface during the use of geothermal energy?
A. Lava C. Geysers
B. Magma D. All of the above
Task 3 How much do you know about the different energy sources?
Match the definitions on the right with the energy source on the left.
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
a) Fossil fuels 1) comes from the heat of the sun. You can use panels to trap
the energy and it can be saved for cloudy days.
b) Nuclear energy 2) comes from the heat inside the earth. It is food for places
with volcanic activity.
c) Solar energy 3) takes energy from flowing water such as rivers, streams and
ocean currents.
d) Wind energy 4) are extracted from the earth such as coal, oil and natural
gas, When they are burned to make energy they produce
carbon dioxide which contributes to global warming.
e) Geothermal energy 5) produces energy by moving blades on a turbine or mill. It is
clean energy but it can make a lot of noise.
f) Biomass energy 6) Is produced from plant or human waste. Wood is the most
common source but now methane gas or vegetable oils are
being used to create energy.
g) Hydroelectric energy 7) is produced by splitting atoms. There is a risk of accidents
and this form of energy produces dangerous waste that is
difficult to dispose of.
After you have heard about the three inventions, discuss these questions:
• Which invention do you think is the most useful? Why?
• Do you think any of the inventions would be successful in your country?
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Brainstorm ideas with your group and then make notes about your new product.
Consider the following questions:
• What is it used for?
• Who would use it?
• How would it work?
• Would people buy it?
electricity. A spokesman said it must now try (8) _________ to use less__________ gas
to make sure it meets its target for greenhouse (9) _____ gas
emissions______________. The UK currently uses too much gas. The conservation
charity World Wildlife Fund said it (10) _______ was pleased that____________ the UK is
moving towards greener energy. It said: "We have never been cleaner or greener, and
we (11) ________are on [target]___________ for an even better year in 2018." It added:
"Climate change is wreaking havoc on our nature and wildlife, but we are at (12)
______last facing up _____________ to the challenge. We are turning our backs on
polluting fossil fuels and embracing a new, clean future."
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Inggris melakukan banyak hal untuk meningkatkan penggunaan energi terbarukannya. Ini
beralih dari bahan bakar fosil dan lebih banyak menggunakan energi hijau, seperti tenaga
angin, tenaga nuklir, dan energi matahari. Angka-angka baru dari penyedia listrik Inggris
menunjukkan bahwa Inggris memiliki tahun terhijau pada tahun 2017 untuk produksi listrik.
Ia bahkan menjalani hari bebas batu bara pertama selama lebih dari 150 tahun. Inggris
memecahkan 13 rekor energi bersih pada tahun 2017. Pada bulan Juni, tenaga angin, nuklir,
dan matahari menghasilkan lebih banyak listrik daripada gabungan gas dan batu bara. Ini
adalah pertama kalinya hal ini terjadi. Sistem tenaga Inggris sekarang adalah yang terbersih
Inggris telah mencoba untuk mengurangi jumlah batu bara yang digunakannya. Batubara
sekarang memasok kurang dari 7 persen listrik Inggris. Seorang juru bicara mengatakan
sekarang harus mencoba menggunakan lebih sedikit gas untuk memastikan memenuhi target
emisi gas rumah kaca. Inggris saat ini menggunakan terlalu banyak gas. Badan amal
konservasi World Wildlife Fund mengatakan senang bahwa Inggris bergerak menuju energi
yang lebih hijau. Dikatakan: "Kami tidak pernah lebih bersih atau lebih hijau, dan kami
berada pada [target] untuk tahun yang lebih baik di tahun 2018." Ia menambahkan:
"Perubahan iklim mendatangkan malapetaka pada alam dan satwa liar kita, tetapi kita pada
akhirnya menghadapi tantangan tersebut. Kita berpaling dari polusi bahan bakar fosil dan
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
4. What did green energies produce more electricity than in June 2017? Wind, nuclear
,and solar power
5. What position is the UK in the world's cleanest power systems? the uk's power system
is now the fourth cleanest in europe and the seventh cleanest in the world
6. How much of the UK electricity supply comes from coal? less than 7 percent UK
7. What target does the UK want to meet? for greenhouse gas emissions
8. What charity was pleased with the UK's move towards green energy? the conservation
charity world wildlife fund
9. What year did the charity say would be better? in 2018
10. What did the charity say the UK is turning its back on? we are turning our backs on
polluting fossil fuels and embracing a new clean future
F. Evaluation
Achievement tasks/ written tests/ assignments and the lecturer takes the students score
based on their conceptual knowledge and active participation in the class activities.
G. Rubrics of Assesment
Practice scores
Assignments Excellent: 81-100 Demonstrating highly confident actions and
showing excellent understanding and
application of grammar concepts
Good: 71-80 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout all practices and
showing good understanding of grammar
Fair: 61-70 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout most practices and
showing basic understanding of grammar
concepts, but sometimes fail to recognize them
Poor: 51-60 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout some practices and
showing insufficient understanding of basic
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Fail: 0-50 Demonstrating poor confident actions and weak
engagement in most practices and showing
insufficient understanding of basic grammar
Task Excellent: 81-100 Doing the exercises (81-100%) correctly
Good: 71-80 Doing the exercises (70-80%) correctly
Fair: 61-70 Doing the exercises (60-69%) correctly
Poor: 51-60 Doing the exercises (50-59%) correctly
Fail: 0-50 Doing the exercises (0-50%) correctly
Practice 3 - 4
Topic : Energy and the Environment
Place : Classroom
Time Allotment : 2 x 120’
Lecturer : Nodistya Septian Indrastana, S.S., S.Pd., M.Pd.
A. Learning Outcomes
Students are able to identify the forms and functions of passive voice
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
B. Theory
Fossil Fuel Resources
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
D. Procedures
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
1. Warming up, the lecturer reviews and the students explore their ideas dealing with
the topic or sub topic.
2. Doing some exercises.
3. Discussing problems and giving feedback to students.
4. Closing: reviewing the topic and giving reinforcement.
2. Some people saw a UFO in the sky above London last night. They reported it to the police.
The army sent a helicopter to look at it closer. The UFO shot the helicopter down and
killed both men in it. People have given photographs of the UFO to the police. Experts are
looking at them now.
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
3. Someone broke into a local jewellery shop yesterday. The owner had just locked up the
shop when a robber with a gun threatened him. The robber told him to unlock the shop
and give him all the diamonds in the safe. Then the robber tied him up. The police have
organized a search for the robber. They hope they will find him in a few days. Doctors are
treating the owner of the shop for shock.
4. My uncle painted this picture. Someone has offered him a lot of money for it. He will
deliver the painting tomorrow. When they give him the money, he will tell them the
truth. He painted it one night while he was sleepwalking!
5. Our school is organizing a contest. The teachers will choose the best project about the
environment. The students must include pictures and drawings in their projects. The
students will also have to do all the writing themselves. The school will give the winner a
set of encyclopaedias.
Fossil fuels are to make electricity, our homes, and make fuel for . is used in the
manufacture of plastics. Fossil fuels are called non-renewable, because when they run
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Air Pollution
Well Nathan, fossil fuels are important, but
they‛re not all good you know.
Unfortunately when we use fossil fuels we also
harm the environment...
Sparky, I‛m worried about fossil fuels running
out. They play such an important role in our
Read the passage about The Great London Smog again and see if you can answer the
· Pneumonia· Tuberculosis
following questions.
· Bronchitis·Heart failure
1. Circle the phrase that means the same as engulfed:
The mainswallowed
cause of the
up smog was smoke
picked upfrom people burning
cleaned upcoal on their fire
In 1956 the Government introduced the Clean Air Act, which aimed to get people to change from
2. Why do you thin air transport was brought to a standstill?
traditional coal fires to heaters fuelled by gas, oil, smokeless coal or electricity.
Today “pea-soupers” are a thing of the past, but heavy smog in London in 1991 reminds us that we
still need to cut
3. What downtells
phrase on us
smogof was
pollution in our cities.
very thick?
nenvieromnt sunlg
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Task 6
acid pollution
rain cloud
E F A K O 16I E L F A
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
smoke fish
fossil plants
fuels river
F. Evaluation
Achievement tasks/ written tests/ assignments and the lecturer takes the students score
based on their conceptual knowledge and active participation in the class activities.
G. Rubrics of Assessment
Practice scores
Assignments Excellent: 81-100 Demonstrating highly confident actions and
showing excellent understanding and
application of grammar concepts
Good: 71-80 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout all practices and
showing good understanding of grammar
Fair: 61-70 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout most practices and
showing basic understanding of grammar
concepts, but sometimes fail to recognize them
Poor: 51-60 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout some practices and
showing insufficient understanding of basic
Fail: 0-50 Demonstrating poor confident actions and weak
engagement in most practices and showing
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Practice 5 - 6
Topic : Energy and the Environment
Place : Classroom
Time Allotment : 2 x 120’
Lecturer : Nodistya Septian Indrastana, S.S., S.Pd., M.Pd.
A. Learning Outcomes
Students are able to identify the forms and functions of conditional sentences
Students are able to apply conditional sentences in communication
Students are able to ask for, give and receive information about energy and the
B. Theory
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
D. Procedures
1. Warming up, the lecturer reviews and the students explore their ideas dealing with
the topic or sub topic.
2. Doing some exercises.
3. Discussing problems and giving feedback to students.
4. Closing: reviewing the topic and giving reinforcement.
Non-renewable Energy
The Earth contains a certain amount of fossil fuel resources beneath its surface.
Scientists think these resources can be divided up as follows:
gas (14%)
oil (17%)
coal (69%)
Task 2 Imagine what the world would be like if we ran out of fossil fuels.
Think of all the ways your life would be different if this happened.
1. How would you heat your home?
3. Could you still use electricity? If yes, where would it come from?
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Let’s Read!
Global Warming
Ok Nathan, you‛d better concentrate ‘cos this page is quite difficult...
Fossil fuels have been formed over Burning fossil fuels releases the carbon
millions of years from the remains of stored in these fuels into the
dead plants and animals. These atmosphere as Carbon Dioxide. This is
remains contain carbon. a type of Greenhouse Gas.
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
blanket around the Earth, making it feel warm, like the air
inside a greenhouse. It is called The Greenhouse
Effect. When the earth gets warm like this we call it
Global Warming.
Task 4
Global Warming
Look at the graph showing the level of Carbon
Dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere.
See if you can answer the questions below.
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
5. From the graph, what level do you think CO2 will be at in 2000?
Task 5
Choose one of the four disasters caused by Global Warming which I‛ve told you about.
Write your own newspaper article all about it. Answer the questions below to help you plan your
When you are writing your article, remember to include the answers to the following
WHO did the story happen to? This person could be real or imaginary.
WHERE did the story happen? This place could be real or imaginary.
Once you have answered the questions above you can use your answers to write your
WHY did the story happen? What caused it?
article. Don‛t forget to include pictures and give your paper a name to make it look as real as
HOW did the story happen? What happened first? Then what?
This is the way real newspaper
journalists write a story!
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
F. Evaluation
Achievement tasks/ written tests/ assignments and the lecturer takes the students score
based on their conceptual knowledge and active participation in the class activities.
G. Rubrics of Assessment
Practice scores
Assignments Excellent: 81-100 Demonstrating highly confident actions and
showing excellent understanding and
application of grammar concepts
Good: 71-80 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout all practices and
showing good understanding of grammar
Fair: 61-70 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout most practices and
showing basic understanding of grammar
concepts, but sometimes fail to recognize them
Poor: 51-60 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout some practices and
showing insufficient understanding of basic
Fail: 0-50 Demonstrating poor confident actions and weak
engagement in most practices and showing
insufficient understanding of basic grammar
Task Excellent: 81-100 Doing the exercises (81-100%) correctly
Good: 71-80 Doing the exercises (70-80%) correctly
Fair: 61-70 Doing the exercises (60-69%) correctly
Poor: 51-60 Doing the exercises (50-59%) correctly
Fail: 0-50 Doing the exercises (0-50%) correctly
Practice 7 - 8
Topic : Renewable Energy and Rural Development
Place : Classroom
Time Allotment : 2 x 120’
Lecturer : Nodistya Septian Indrastana, S.S., S.Pd., M.Pd.
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
A. Learning Outcomes
Students are able to skim for the gist of a piece of writing
Students are able to scan for the specific information
Students are able to explain simple procedures
B. Theory
Renewable energy – wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, and biomass – provides a lot of
benefits for our climate, our health, and our economy.
Human activity is overloading our atmosphere with carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gas emissions, which trap heat, steadily drive up the planet’s temperature, and create
significant and harmful impacts on our health, our environment, and our climate.
Electricity production accounts for more than one-third of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions,
with the majority generated by coal-fired power plants, which produce approximately 25
percent of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions; natural gas-fired power plants produce 6
percent of total emissions. In contrast, most renewable energy sources produce little to no
greenhouse gas emissions. (...)
Generating electricity from renewable energy rather than fossil fuels offers significant public
health benefits. (…) Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy has been found to reduce
premature mortality and lost workdays, and it reduces overall health care costs. (...)
Compared with fossil fuel technologies, which are typically mechanized and capital
intensive, the renewable energy industry is more labor-intensive. This means that, on
average, more jobs are created for each unit of electricity generated from renewable
sources than from fossil fuels. (…)
While renewable facilities require upfront investments to build, once built they operate at
very low cost and, for most technologies, the fuel is free. As a result, renewable energy
prices are relatively stable over time. (…) In contrast, fossil fuel prices can vary dramatically
and are prone to substantial price swings.
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
D. Procedures
1. Warming up, the lecturer reviews and the students explore their ideas dealing with
the topic or sub topic.
2. Doing some exercises.
3. Discussing problems and giving feedback to students.
4. Closing: reviewing the topic and giving reinforcement.
Task 2 Choose the best answer on the basis of the previous text.
1. Renewable energy has …
a) a lot of benefits. b) very few benefits.
2. Carbon dioxide is a …
a) greenhouse gas. b) renewable gas.
3. Electricity generation …
a) is responsible for more than 1/3 of greenhouse gas emissions in the US.
b) reduces greenhouse gas emissions by one-third in the US.
4. Most of the energy in the US is …
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Task 3 Check the meanings of the following words and phrases in your dictionary.
lease payments installation property tax income tax
manufacturing maintenance construction
Now, fill in the gaps with the most suitable words from the list. The chosen word should
mean the same as the one in brackets.
1. This car … (making) company sold over 200,000 cars last year.
2. The local government spends a lot of money on road … (building).
3. Both the price of a solar panel and the cost of its … (putting in place and making it ready
for use) are high.
4. Car … (keeping in good condition) tasks in winter include installing your winter tires,
checking your battery and buying a de-icer.
5. How much … (part of your salary paid to the government) did you pay in 2014?
6. Landowners have to pay a … (part of the value of a building or land paid to the
government) based on the value of their lands every year.
7. Wind energy businesses pay high amounts of … (money paid for using something without
buying it) to farmers whose lands they use to operate their wind mills.
Task 4 You have already read about the benefits of using renewable energy sources. From this
text, you will learn what the economic benefits are.
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Many people mix up 'economic' and 'economical'. But these words have different
meanings. Look at these two sentences:
The country's economic situation is almost the same as last year.
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Task 6
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
The following words are connected to jobs. Look at their meanings. If you don't know them
in your language, look them up in your dictionary.
to employ –
an employee –
an employer –
unemployment –
labour –
wage –
salary –
Now, fill in the gaps with the correct words in the sentences below. Don't forget to use them
in the correct forms.
1. The biomass power plant … 320 people.
2. All the workers got their ... at the end of the week.
3. As the company had a very successful year, the wind construction managers' … was
4. Solar Future, a solar energy … expects to see a dramatic rise in the use of solar energy in
the following ten years.
5. The rate of … decreased after the wood pellet manufacturing plant was built.
6. People living in rural, agricultural areas are typically disadvantaged in the ... market.
7. At the moment, there are approximately 3000 … working in the wind farm construction
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
G. Rubrics of Assessment
Practice scores
Assignments Excellent: 81-100 Demonstrating highly confident actions and
showing excellent understanding and
application of grammar concepts
Good: 71-80 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout all practices and
showing good understanding of grammar
Fair: 61-70 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout most practices and
showing basic understanding of grammar
concepts, but sometimes fail to recognize them
Poor: 51-60 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout some practices and
showing insufficient understanding of basic
Fail: 0-50 Demonstrating poor confident actions and weak
engagement in most practices and showing
insufficient understanding of basic grammar
Task Excellent: 81-100 Doing the exercises (81-100%) correctly
Good: 71-80 Doing the exercises (70-80%) correctly
Fair: 61-70 Doing the exercises (60-69%) correctly
Poor: 51-60 Doing the exercises (50-59%) correctly
Fail: 0-50 Doing the exercises (0-50%) correctly
Practice 9 - 10
Topic : Green Careers
Place : Classroom
Time Allotment : 2 x 120’
Lecturer : Nodistya Septian Indrastana, S.S., S.Pd., M.Pd.
A. Learning Outcomes
Students are able to identify occupations related to their field.
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
B. Theory
A green career can be any occupation that is affected by activities such as conserving
energy, developing alternative energy, reducing pollution, or recycling. Green careers fall
into three groups:
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
D. Procedures
1. Warming up, the lecturer reviews and the students explore their ideas dealing with
the topic or sub topic.
2. Doing some exercises.
3. Discussing problems and giving feedback to students.
4. Closing: reviewing the topic and giving reinforcement.
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
by) keeping our existing customers loyal and increasing the volumes supplied to them. Last
quarter we saw a small increase _____(of / by / in) sales.
2. You are short of time and want to cover all the points on the agenda. You say:
“I’m afraid we’re _______ out of time. Can we move on to the next point?”
3. You are not sure if you are in favour of a proposal or against it. You say:
“I’m in two ________ about this proposal.”
4. You want one of the participants to say what has happened since the last meeting.
You say:
“Sarah, could you just ________ us on progress since our last meeting?”
5. You want to ask your audience to interrupt if they don’t understand something. You say:
“Please ______ free to stop me if anything is not clear.”
6. You want to explain how long your presentation will be. You say:
“I’ll speak for about 20 minutes and _______ 10 minutes at the end for questions.”
7. You can’t hear the person giving the presentation. You say:
“Sorry, could you speak ______ a little. We can’t hear you at the back.”
8. The speaker has given you too much information to digest immediately. You say:
“Sorry, that’s quite a lot to ______ in all at once.”
9. In an email you want to say that you will be happy when you receive a reply. You write:
“I am looking forward to ________ from you.”
10. At the end of an email you want to say thank you again to someone for helping you.
You write:
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Task 5 Role-play
Situation: You work for a medium-sized company. Your boss has asked you and your
partner(s) to come up with some ideas to help the organization to be more eco-friendly.
With your partner(s), brainstorm some ideas and decide which you would like to implement.
Keep in mind that the ideas may not go ahead if they are too costly!
Suggested phrases:
“Does anyone have some suggestions?”
“We use far too much paper.”
“Some employees waste a lot of electricity.”
“What happens to our garbage?”
F. Evaluation
Achievement tasks/ written tests/ assignments and the lecturer takes the students score
based on their conceptual knowledge and active participation in the class activities.
G. Rubrics of Assessment
Practice scores
Assignments Excellent: 81-100 Demonstrating highly confident actions and
showing excellent understanding and
application of grammar concepts
Good: 71-80 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout all practices and
showing good understanding of grammar
Applied English
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Practice 11 - 12
Topic : Business Writing
Place : Classroom
Time Allotment : 2 x 120’
Lecturer : Nodistya Septian Indrastana, S.S., S.Pd., M.Pd.
A. Learning Outcomes
Students are able to identify parts of a business letter.
Students are able to write a simple business letter.
B. Theory
1. Return Address: If your stationery has a letterhead, skip this. Otherwise, type your name,
address and optionally, phone number. These days, it's common to also include an email
2. Date: Type the date of your letter two to six lines below the letterhead. Three are
standard. If there is no letterhead, type it where shown.
3. Reference Line: If the recipient specifically requests information, such as a job reference
or invoice number, type it on one or two lines, immediately below the Date (2). If you're
replying to a letter, refer to it here. For example:
● Re: Job # 625-01
● Re: Your letter dated 1/1/200x.
4. Special Mailing Notations: Type in all uppercase characters, if appropriate. Examples
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
5. On-Arrival Notations: Type in all uppercase characters, if appropriate. You might want to
include a notation on private correspondence, such as a resignation letter. Include the
same on the envelope. Examples are:
6. Inside Address: Type the name and address of the person and/or company to whom
you're sending the letter, three to eight lines below the last component you typed. Four
lines are standard. If you type an Attention Line (7), skip the person's name here. Do the
same on the envelope.
7. Attention Line: Type the name of the person to whom you're sending the letter. If you
type the person's name in the Inside Address (6), skip this. Do the same on the envelope.
8. Salutation: Type the recipient's name here. Type Mr. or Ms. [Last Name] to show respect,
but don't guess spelling or gender. Some common salutations are
• Dear Sir: • Dear [Full Name]:
• Dear Sir or Madam: • To Whom it May Concern:
9. Subject Line: Type the gist of your letter in all uppercase characters, either flush left or
centered. Be concise on one line. If you type a Reference Line (3), consider if you really
need this line. While it's not really necessary for most employment-related letters,
examples are below.
10. Body: Type two spaces between sentences. Keep it brief and to the point.
11. Complimentary Close: What you type here depends on the tone and degree of
formality. For example:
• Respectfully yours (very formal)
• Sincerely (typical, less formal)
Applied English
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Applied English
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D. Procedures
1. Warming up, the lecturer reviews and the students explore their ideas dealing with
the topic or sub topic.
2. Doing some exercises.
3. Discussing problems and giving feedback to students.
4. Closing: reviewing the topic and giving reinforcement.
Appropriacy of language: Is the language appropriate to this kind of formal letter? Does
it make good use of phrases from Worksheet 2? Is there any vocabulary that you
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
particularly liked?
Language accuracy: Is there language you think is not correct (grammatical errors,
incorrect collocations etc.)?
F. Evaluation
Achievement tasks/ written tests/ assignments and the lecturer takes the students score
based on their conceptual knowledge and active participation in the class activities.
G. Rubrics of Assessment
Practice scores
Assignments Excellent: 81-100 Demonstrating highly confident actions and
showing excellent understanding and
application of grammar concepts
Good: 71-80 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout all practices and
showing good understanding of grammar
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Fair: 61-70 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout most practices and
showing basic understanding of grammar
concepts, but sometimes fail to recognize them
Poor: 51-60 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout some practices and
showing insufficient understanding of basic
Fail: 0-50 Demonstrating poor confident actions and weak
engagement in most practices and showing
insufficient understanding of basic grammar
Task Excellent: 81-100 Doing the exercises (81-100%) correctly
Good: 71-80 Doing the exercises (70-80%) correctly
Fair: 61-70 Doing the exercises (60-69%) correctly
Poor: 51-60 Doing the exercises (50-59%) correctly
Fail: 0-50 Doing the exercises (0-50%) correctly
Practice 13 - 14
Topic : Let’s get that job!
Place : Classroom
Time Allotment : 2 x 120’
Lecturer : Nodistya Septian Indrastana, S.S., S.Pd., M.Pd.
A. Learning Outcomes
Students are able to identify details in a job advertisement.
Students are able to write an application letter.
Students are able to make curriculum vitae.
B. Theory
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Your Name
Phone ▫ email
Name of Person
I am very interested in your posting for a Community Advocate, which I found through the CareerZone on
the St. John Fisher website. My enthusiasm for community building along with my recent Bachelor of
Arts in Sociology with a minor in Psychology, prompted me to forward my resume to you immediately
with the hope of further discussing my qualifications for this position.
In addition to my strong academic background, I have had valuable team building and leadership
experiences, both as Captain of the Fisher Soccer team and in my volunteer work as a Service Scholar.
Among the projects our service group actively supports are the Habitat Housing Project in the city of
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
D. Procedures
1. Warming up, the lecturer reviews and the students explore their ideas dealing with
the topic or sub topic.
2. Doing some exercises.
3. Discussing problems and giving feedback to students.
4. Closing: reviewing the topic and giving reinforcement.
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Skills: 50
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Look at the skills you have listed from the job advertisement you chose and put a C
next to the skills you can do and an H next to the ones you have done.
B Main body Tells them something about the sort of person you are, so
that they will be impressed and ask you to attend an
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
In groups of three take it in turns to interview each other using the dialogue on the
following page. One person should listen and give feedback at the end.
Interviewee: (Knock Knock)
Interviewer: Come In. Hello, my name’s _________ ________ . Pleased to meet you.
Interviewee: Hello, my name’s _______ ________ . Pleased to meet you, too.
Interviewer: Please have a seat.
Interviewee: Thank you.
Interviewer: Thank you for coming today. Did you travel far?
Interviewee: About _____________ kilometers.
Interviewer: How did you come here?
Interviewee: I came here by __________________ .
Interviewer: So, I have your résumé, but can you tell me something about yourself?
Interviewee: [*Five sentences, each with two personal qualities and an example
of how they show your qualities.]
Interviewer: Thank you. Why do you want to work for this company?
Interviewee: I’m not looking for just a salary. I enjoy my work and I am proud
of my profession. Your company aims to be the best and I think
that gives us certain things in common. I believe that I would fit in
well with your team.
Interviewer: Do you have any questions for me?
Interviewee: Yes, I do. Why is this job available?
Interviewer: The person who was working here before left to travel around the world.
Interviewee: Where does the job lead?
Interviewer: After about a year, you will be eligible for a promotion, which means
you can be transferred to any of the departments in the company. Do
you have any more questions for me?
Interviewee: No, I don’t think so.
Interviewer: Thank you for coming. We will let you know.
Interviewee: Thank you, goodbye.
Interviewer: Goodbye.
F. Evaluation
Applied English
Renewable Energy Engineering
Achievement tasks/ written tests/ assignments and the lecturer takes the students score
based on their conceptual knowledge and active participation in the class activities.
G. Rubrics of Assessment
Practice scores
Assignments Excellent: 81-100 Demonstrating highly confident actions and
showing excellent understanding and
application of grammar concepts
Good: 71-80 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout all practices and
showing good understanding of grammar
Fair: 61-70 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout most practices and
showing basic understanding of grammar
concepts, but sometimes fail to recognize them
Poor: 51-60 Demonstrating confident actions with moderate
engagement throughout some practices and
showing insufficient understanding of basic
Fail: 0-50 Demonstrating poor confident actions and weak
engagement in most practices and showing
insufficient understanding of basic grammar
Task Excellent: 81-100 Doing the exercises (81-100%) correctly
Good: 71-80 Doing the exercises (70-80%) correctly
Fair: 61-70 Doing the exercises (60-69%) correctly
Poor: 51-60 Doing the exercises (50-59%) correctly
Fail: 0-50 Doing the exercises (0-50%) correctly