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Infection, Genetics and Evolution 30 (2015) 186–194

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Development of a Multilocus Sequence Typing scheme for the study

of Anaplasma marginale population structure over space and time
Eliana C. Guillemi a,⇑, Paula Ruybal a, Verónica Lia a, Sergio Gonzalez a, Sergio Lew b, Patricia Zimmer c,
Ludmila Lopez Arias a, Jose L. Rodriguez d, Sonia Y. Rodriguez d, Roger Frutos e, Silvina E. Wilkowsky a,
Marisa D. Farber a
Instituto de Biotecnologia, Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas, INTA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instituto de Ingeniería Biomédica, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mercedes, INTA, Corrientes, Argentina
CORPOICA, Bogotá, Colombia
Cirad, UMR 17, Cirad-Ird, TA-A17/G, Campus International de Baillarguet, Montpellier, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Bovine Anaplasmosis caused by Anaplasma marginale is a worldwide disease prevalent in tropical and
Received 8 October 2014 subtropical regions where Rhipicephalus microplus is considered the most significant biological vector.
Received in revised form 21 December 2014 Molecular markers previously applied for A. marginale typing are efficient for isolate discrimination
Accepted 22 December 2014
but they are not a suitable tool for studying population structure and dynamics. Here we report the devel-
Available online 27 December 2014
opment of an MLST scheme based on the study of seven genes: dnaA, ftsZ, groEl, lipA, recA, secY and sucB.
Five annotated genomes (Saint Maries, Florida, Mississippi, Puerto Rico and Virginia) and 53 bovine blood
samples from different world regions were analyzed. High nucleotide diversity and a large proportion of
Anaplasma marginale
synonymous substitutions, indicative of negative selection resulted from DnaSP 5.00.02 package applica-
Tick-borne diseases tion. Recombination events were detected in almost all genes, this evidence together with the coexis-
Population structure tence of more than one A. marginale strain in the same sample might suggest the superinfection
Molecular epidemiology phenomena as a potential source of variation. The allelic profile analysis performed through GoeBURST
shown two main CC that did not support geography. In addition, the AMOVA test confirmed the occur-
rence of at least two main genetically divergent groups. The composition of the emergent groups
reflected the impact of both historical and environmental traits on A. marginale population structure.
Finally, a web-based platform ‘‘Galaxy MLST-Pipeline’’ was developed to automate DNA sequence editing
and data analysis that together with the Data Base are freely available to users.
The A. marginale MLST scheme developed here is a valuable tool with a high discrimination power,
besides PCR based strategies are still the better choice for epidemiological intracellular pathogens
studies. Finally, the allelic profile describe herein would contribute to uncover the mechanisms in how
intracellular pathogens challenge virulence paradigm.
Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Rhipicephalus microplus is considered the most important bio-

logical vector for A. marginale in tropical and subtropical regions
Bovine Anaplasmosis is a tick borne disease caused by the Gram of the world (de la Fuente et al., 2007). Since R. microplus eradica-
negative bacterium Anaplasma marginale, an obligate intracellular tion, tick transmission of A. marginale in the United States is med-
parasite of bovine erythrocytes that causes a moderate to severe iated by Dermacentor andersoni and Dermacentor variabilis (Futse
hemolitic anemia, jaundice and hemoglobinuria without hemoglo- et al., 2003). Additionally, other hematophagous insects and the
binemia (Kocan et al., 2003). A. marginale belongs to the phylum use of infected blood fomites could cause mechanical transmission
Proteobacteria, alpha Proteobacteria class, order Rickettsiales, (Kocan et al., 2003). The economic losses generated by this disease
Anaplasmataceae family. are not only associated with morbidity and mortality in cattle, but
also with a lower weight gain rate, lower milk production, abor-
⇑ Corresponding author. tions and treatment costs. Among control measures to prevent
E-mail address: [email protected] (E.C. Guillemi). severe morbidity and mortality due to anaplasmosis, A. marginale
1567-1348/Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E.C. Guillemi et al. / Infection, Genetics and Evolution 30 (2015) 186–194 187

subsp. centrale as live attenuated vaccine is currently being used in the same ranch. Additionally, four of them came from outbreaks
tropical and subtropical countries in Africa Asia, Australia, and (Table 1). The genomic DNA extraction was performed by phe-
Latin America (Bock and De Vos, 2001). nol/chloroform method and a standard ethanol precipitation
It is relevant to achieve accurate methods for genotyping and (Sambrook et al., 1989) from PBS-washed and packed infected
characterizing strains as well as for studying the structure and erythrocytes.
dynamics of A. marginale populations in the field. Several methods
and markers have been developed to characterize the genetic 2.2. Target loci
diversity of A. marginale. These are mostly focused on the Major
Surface Proteins (MSPs) MSP4 and MSP1a (Almazán et al., 2008; The search was performed using genes applied for other MLST
de la Fuente et al., 2001, 2002, 2004, 2007; Lew et al., 2002; schemes in related microorganisms (Adakal et al., 2009), which
Mtshali et al., 2007; Palmer et al., 2001; Ruybal et al., 2009; have been previously described in the literature (Baldo et al.,
Vidotto et al., 2006) and are useful for discriminating isolates. 2006; Jacobson et al., 2008; Vitorino et al., 2007) as reference. Those
However, when the genetic population structure is under study, genes were single copy and encoded conserved proteins. Fourteen
it is important to choose multiple loci that are selectively neutral. candidate genes were pre-selected. Primers were designed using
In fact, loci under positive selection may give a distorted view of Primer 3 program ( for the first
the genetic population structure and its transmission dynamics, approach and then parameters were adjusted manually by IDT Oli-
since selection rather than population history may determine the goAnalyzer tool from Integrated DNA Technologies (http://
patterns of distribution of alleles within populations for these loci.
Previously published data (Ruybal et al., 2009) analyzing the Specificity was initially evaluated in silico by BLASTn (http://
msp1a marker refers to a wide genetic diversity of A. marginale against Bos taurus, Babesia bovis and B.
population in Argentina. In this study, the authors demonstrated bigemina database, since DNA from these organisms can be found
that the genetic population diversity was higher for tick-infested as contaminant in blood samples from field cattle. Later, specificity
regions than for tick-free areas. Moreover, Estrada-Peña et al. was corroborated experimentally using DNA from uninfected B.
(2009) studied the variability of MSP1a sequence worldwide and taurus and from Babesia species. Two reference strains from A. mar-
reported that this molecular marker is associated to the world eco- ginale (Mercedes and Salta) were amplified with candidate primers
logical regions; therefore, the evolution of A. marginale may be and only those PCR products with high sensitivity and specificity
linked to ecological traits affecting tick vector performance. were finally selected.
In 1998, Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) was first proposed Amplicons were sequenced from both strands and loci showing
for the characterization of isolates of the human pathogen Neisseria a neutral pattern were selected for further analysis. The degree of
meningitidis (Maiden et al., 1998). This tool enables genotypic char- selection operating on the target genes was determined according
acterization of isolates and the study of the global dispersion of to the ratio of mean non-synonymous substitutions per non-syn-
some new variants of pathogens (Mayer et al., 2002). In addition onymous site/mean synonymous substitution per synonymous site
to these epidemiological studies of medical interest, the data (dN/dS ratio). The dN/dS ratio was calculated using the START2 pro-
obtained by MLST strategy apply to evolutionary and population gram available from
studies (Jolley et al., 2000). In fact, it can be employed to estimate (Jolley et al., 2001).
the frequency of recombination events and mutations and to inves- Seven genes homogeneously distributed through the genome
tigate evolutionary relationships between organisms belonging to (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 1) were finally chosen: dnaA
the same genus (Godoy et al., 2003). (DnaA chromosomal replication initiation protein; AM430), ftsz
We report here the development of the first MLST scheme for A. (cell division protein FtsZ; AM1261), groEl (Chaperonin GroEL;
marginale and its application for population structure studies. In AM944), lipA (lipoyl synthase; AM820), recA (RecA recombination
this scheme, 7 genes are employed for the discrimination of even protein; AM085), secY (preprotein translocase subunit SecY;
very closely related strains. The design of the MLST scheme was AM892) and sucB (dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase component;
assisted by the availability of the complete A. marginale genome. AM1087).
We have also developed a bioinformatic pipeline for the automated
analysis of raw sequences and further diversity and phylogenetic 2.3. PCR amplification and gene sequencing
The MLST scheme developed in this work was applied for the The primers used to amplify and sequence the seven target
study of 58 isolates from different world regions. Taking into genes are listed in Table 2. PCR was performed in a 50 ll reaction
account the results previously published by Ruybal et al. (2009) mixture containing 0.4 lmol of each primer, 0.2 mM of each
and Estrada-Peña et al. (2009), we hypothesized that geographi- deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate (Promega, Madison, WI, USA),
cally related isolates will tend to have a more similar genotype 1.25 U of GoTaq DNA polymerase (Promega), 10 ll of 5 PCR buffer
composition compared to the geographically distant isolates. and 200 ng of genomic DNA. Amplification was carried out in a
thermocycler (Bio-Rad MyCycler Thermal Cycler) with an initial
3 min denaturation at 94 °C, followed by 35 cycles, which con-
2. Materials and methods sisted of denaturation at 95 °C for 30 s, annealing at 60 °C for
30 s and elongation at 72 °C for 45 s, followed by a final extension
2.1. Strains and genomic DNA isolation step of 72 °C for 10 min. Five microliters of each amplified product
were analyzed by electrophoresis in 1% agarose gel stained with
A total of 58 A. marginale strains were analyzed. Five of them ethidium bromide. A molecular size marker (1 Kb Plus DNA Ladder,
came from annotated genomes (Saint Maries, Florida, Mississippi, Invitrogen) was used to determine PCR product size. The remaining
Puerto Rico and Virginia) and the other 53 were collected from 45 ll of the amplified products were purified by precipitation with
countries in North and South America, Europe, and Africa (Table 1). 11.25 ll of 125 mM EDTA and 135 ll of absolute ethanol, centrifu-
Field samples were detected as positive for A. marginale by gation at 10,000g, precipitation with 70% ethanol and resuspension
microscopic observation of Giemsa-stained blood smears and by in pure water. Both strands of the purified amplicons were
PCR amplification of the msp5 gene. Some of the field samples were sequenced on a Big Dye Terminator v3.1 kit from Applied Biosys-
from the same geographic region (Argentina provinces), even from tems and analyzed on an ABI 3130XL genetic analyzer from the
188 E.C. Guillemi et al. / Infection, Genetics and Evolution 30 (2015) 186–194

Table 1
A. marginale strains, their origin and their corresponding ST based on MLST scheme.

Isolate name ST Origin Data source

St. Maries 1 USA GeneBank: NC_004842.2
Florida 2 USA GeneBank: NC_012026.1
Mississippi 3 USA GeneBank: NZ_ABOP00000000.1
South Idaho 3 USA This study
Puerto Rico 4 Puerto Rico GeneBank: NZ_ABOQ00000000.1
Rosali 5 Argentina, (Salta province) This study
Salta 5 Argentina, (Salta province) This study
Virginia 6 USA GeneBank: NZ_ABOR00000000.1
Mercedes 7 Argentina (Corrientes province) This study
Virasoro 8 Argentina (Corrientes province) This study
Oklahoma 9 USA This study
MIR14 10 Argentina (Corrientes province, Ranch 1) This study
Quitilipi 11 Argentina (Chaco province) This study
COB11 12 Argentina (Chaco province, Ranch 2) This study
COB14 13 Argentina (Chaco province, Ranch 2) This study
COB4 14 Argentina (Chaco province, Ranch 2) This study
LA802 15 Argentina (Misiones province, Ranch 3) This study
LA846 16 Argentina (Misiones province, Ranch 3) This study
LA862 17 Argentina (Misiones province, Ranch 3) This study
LF224 18 Argentina (Salta province, Ranch 4) This study
LF240 19 Argentina (Salta province, Ranch 4) This study
LF252 20 Argentina (Salta province, Ranch 4) This study
LH917 21 Argentina (Salta province, Ranch 5) This study
LM2 22 Argentina (Chaco province, Ranch 6) This study
LM3 23 Argentina (Chaco province, Ranch 6) This study
LM7 24 Argentina (Chaco province, Ranch 6) This study
LM9 25 Argentina (Chaco province, Ranch 6) This study
LM941 26 Argentina (Entre Rios province, Ranch 7) This study
LM949 26 Argentina (Entre Rios province, Ranch 7) This study
LM951 26 Argentina (Entre Rios province, Ranch 7) This study
Sal8 27 Argentina (Corrientes province, Ranch 8) This study
SJ165 28 Argentina (Entre Rios province, Ranch 9) This study
SJ170 29 Argentina (Entre Rios province, Ranch 9) This study
SJ184 29 Argentina (Entre Rios province, Ranch 9) This study
SJ175 30 Argentina (Entre Rios province, Ranch 9) This study
T365a 31 Argentina (Entre Rios province, Ranch 10) This study
T365b 32 Argentina (Entre Rios province, Ranch 10) This study
Africa 33 South Africa This study
Brasil1 34 Brazil This study
Brasil2.1 35 Brazil This study
Brasil2.2 36 Brazil This study
Brasil nuevo 37 Brazil This study
Italia10 38 Italy This study
Italia6 39 Italy This study
Italia7 40 Italy This study
Italia8 41 Italy This study
Uruguay 42 Uruguay This study
Batel1a 43 Argentina (Corrientes province, Ranch 11) This study
Batel2a 43 Argentina (Corrientes province, Ranch 11) This study
Dragones 44 Argentina (Salta province) This study
Tamaulipas6 45 Mexico This study
Tamaulipas17 46 Mexico This study
Tamaulipas19 47 Mexico This study
Tamaulipas25 48 Mexico This study
Colombia_Ur 49 Colombia This study
Colombia_01Te 50 Colombia This study
Mer_1_May13a 51 Argentina (Corrientes province 12) This study
Mer_2_May13a 52 Argentina (Corrientes province 12) This study
Cattke blood samples from outbreaks in Corrientes province.

same supplier. Sequences were deposited in GenBank under acces- For the MLST-Pipeline, the string processing was called from
sion numbers KM090857–KM091227. dedicated python wrappers designed according to the Galaxy open
web-based platform ( Briefly, raw traces
files from each gene target (forward and reverse chromatogram in
2.4. Data processing and analysis ab1 format) were uploaded to the Galaxy web page according to
the designed MLST scheme. Base calling was performed using
In order to overcome manually intensive steps including raw default PHRED parameters (Ewing et al., 1998), except for trim_cut
sequence data processing and downstream analysis an automatic off (0.3). Assembling was carried out from forward and reverse
pipeline was set up. Sequence data and typing results were stored base calling outputs with CAP3 (Huang and Madan, 1999), using
in MySQL, an open-source relational database management sys- the following parameters: a 20; b 20; c 10; d 200; e 30; g 6; m 2;
tem, whose conceptual scheme is shown in Supplementary Fig. 2. n 5; o 30; p 75; s 500; u 3; v 2. Furthermore, sequence trimming
E.C. Guillemi et al. / Infection, Genetics and Evolution 30 (2015) 186–194 189

Table 2
Loci used for A. marginale MLST, with primer details.

Gene Product Accession Genome coordinatesa Primer sequence Amplicon

codea size (bp)
dnaA Chromosomal replication initiation protein AM430 389.525–390.940 bp F: 50 GTTCATAAGCGGGAAGGACA 30 512
ftsZ Cell division protein FtsZ AM1261 1.119.261–1.120.514 bp F: 50 CCTGACCACCAATCCGTATC 30 575
groEL Chaperonin GroEL AM944 865.932–867.581 bp F: 50 AGCATAAAGCCCGAGGAACCTT 30 699
lipA Lipoyl synthase AM820 754.976–755.917 pb (antisense strand) F: 50 TGTGGATAGGGACGACCTTC 30 538
recA Recombinase A AM085 68.810–69.889 pb F: 50 GGGCGGTAACTGTGCTTTTA 30 579
secY Preprotein translocase subunit SecY AM892 822.069–823.370 bp (antisense strand) F: 50 TTCACGCTGCTAGCCCTAAT 30 501
sucB Dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase component AM1087 981.783–983.096 bp (antisense strand) F: 50 GAGATAGCATCTCCGGTTGC 30 808
Using St. Maries strain as reference.

was performed so as to assure proper sequence alignment. During package (Librado and Rozas, 2009). Allele frequencies were calcu-
trimming operations, gene-specific primers were defined to detect lated according to Nei (1987).
the sequence start site while the end site was computed according Nucleotide diversity, Pi (p), was also calculated according to Nei
to predetermined sequence lengths. MLST data were analyzed by (1987), using Jukes and Cantor (1969) correction; p refers to the
the standard MLST approach (Maiden, 2006); for each gene, a num- average number of nucleotide differences per site between two
ber was attributed to each allelic variant, and the sequence type sequences. Theta (Watterson’s mutation parameter) was calcu-
(ST) of a strain corresponded to the combination of the allele num- lated for the whole sequence from S (Watterson, 1975). Eta (g) is
bers of the seven genes, using St. Maries strain as the reference the total number of mutations and S is the number of segregating
strain for ST assignment. To this end, an specific wrapper searched (polymorphic) sites. Ka (the number of non-synonymous substitu-
for existent allelic variants in the local MySQL DB. The whole pro- tions per non-synonymous site) and Ks (the number of synony-
cess end up with an HTML report including the isolate haplotype mous substitutions per synonymous site) for any pair of
and the set of strain alleles concatenated in FASTA format. sequences were calculated according to Nei and Gojobori (1986).
Sequences that do not match to preexistent stored variants are Linkage disequilibrium among polymorphic sites within genes
reported as new alleles. Every time a new allele come up the data- was estimated based on the squared allele-frequency correlations
base is automatically refreshed, keeping the allele status until (r2) (Hill and Robertson, 1968). Significant pairwise associations
upgrading to the ultimate stage through supervision step by the were assessed by Fisher exact tests and corrected for multiple com-
system administrator. The criteria used to define a true SNP in a parisons using Bonferroni procedures. The ZnS statistic (Kelly,
sequence were two: only nucleotide changes in both forward and 1997), which is the average of r2 over all pairwise comparisons,
reverse sequences were accepted and that the SNP should be biall- was computed to summarize the extent of linkage disequilibrium.
elic (Krawczak, 1999). Linkage disequilibrium among genes was assessed by applying
For the MLST-DB, an interface application website was built the Standardized index of Association (IAS), as implemented in the
using Web2py framework ( The DB software LIAN (Haubold and Hudson, 2000).
could be explored in a friendly way for searching and download Intragenic recombination events were investigated by comput-
the complete set of alleles for all gene targets and the ST numbers ing the ZZ test statistic (Rozas et al., 2001) as implemented in
and haplotypes for the stored strains. In addition, both single FAS- DnaSP5.00.02 and by applying the algorithms included within
TA file or the set of seven sequences could be used for matching the RDP 3 package (Martin et al., 2010) available at http://dar-
against the DB in order to identify existent alleles or haplotypes
respectively. Tajima’s D (Tajima, 1989) and MacDonald–Kreitman tests
Both the pipeline and the DB are freely available at http://bio- (McDonald and Kreitman, 1991) were used for testing the null, and http://bioinfoinformati- hypothesis of neutrality (Kimura, 1983). In the Tajima’s D test respectively, under username and password the average number of nucleotide differences between pairs of
request at [email protected]. sequences is compared with the total number of segregating sites
(S). If the difference between these two measures of variability is
larger than what is expected on the standard neutral model, this
2.5. DNA polymorphism analysis model is rejected. The MacDonald–Kreitman test explores the fact
that mutations in coding regions come in two different categories:
Simpsońs index of diversity was used to assess the discrimina- nonsynonymous mutations and synonymous mutations, then
tory power of the MLST method (Hunter and Gaston, 1988). Confi- these mutations are analyzed within and between species
dence intervals were calculated as implemented in the phyloviz (Nielsen et al., 2005). The MacDonald–Kreitman test seeks to
on-line tool ( determine whether the mutations are fixed in the species. In order
index.php?link=Tool) as proposed by Carriço et al. (2006) following to apply this test, sequences from organisms related to A. marginale
the method of Grundmann et al. (2001). Genetic similarity and dis- were analyzed. Orthologous genes from two other Anaplasma spe-
tance matrices were constructed from ClustalX2 alignments using cies (A. centrale and A. phagocytophilum) and three Ehrlichia species
default conditions (Thompson et al., 1997) using BioEdit (E. ruminantium, E. canis and E. chaffeensis) were used. Deviations
(Hall, 1999). DNA sequence polymorphism and all subsequent tests from neutrality due to demographic events were evaluated using
were investigated using several functions from the DnaSP 5.00.02 the R2 (Ramos-Onsins and Rozas, 2002) and Fs (Fu, 1997) indices.
190 E.C. Guillemi et al. / Infection, Genetics and Evolution 30 (2015) 186–194

2.6. Genetic relationship among isolates allelic profile. From the 52 STs identified, only four were found in
more than one isolate: ST 3, in two strains from USA; ST 5, in
The relatedness between two strains can be inferred by the dif- two strains from northwest Argentina; ST 26, in three strains from
ferences between allelic profiles. The most popular analysis of the northeast Argentina; and ST 29 in two other strains from northeast
allelic profiles in order to infer a hypothetical phylogenetic rela- Argentina. The rest of the STs were unique. The MLST alleles and
tionship between sequence types (STs) is that performed by the STs for A. marginale isolates are shown in Supplementary Table 1.
eBURST algorithm (Feil and Enright, 2004). STs are linked resulting Superimposed double nucleotide peaks on the sequence elec-
in clonal complexes (CC). A given genotype becomes the founder tropherograms were visualized in several samples, indicative of
clone of a CC as a result of a fitness advantage or random genetic mixed infections. Only the predominant allele present at each
drift. The increase in the frequency of this genotype in the popula- locus within each infection was considered. In our approach,
tion is accompanied by a gradual diversification by mutation and base-calling was based on peak height, as it was demonstrated in
recombination forming a cluster of phylogenetically closely related a previous work that peak height on a pherogram is a product of
strains. Those related genotypes differ from the founder in one the true proportions of malaria parasite clones (Anderson et al.,
housekeeping gene, becoming a single locus variant (SLV). STs in 2000; Ford and Schall, 2011).This procedure resulted in unbiased
a given CC can be linked to another ST differing in two (DLV) or estimation of allele frequencies within a population.
even three genes (TLV) (Francisco et al., 2009). We explored the
relationships among the 58 study strains by using GoeBURST that
is a globally optimized implementation of the eBURST algorithm 3.2. DNA polymorphism analysis
available at (Francisco et al., 2009).
In order to analyse the partitioning of genetic variation within Simpson’s index (Si) was calculated for the whole A. marginale
and among groups of isolates, an analysis of molecular variance MLST scheme and for each locus individually. A high discrimina-
(AMOVA) (Excoffier et al., 1992) was conducted based on Jukes tion power (Si = 0.996; CI: 0.991–1) was achieved when applying
and Cantor (Jukes and Cantor, 1969) distances using Arlequin the seven genes. Studying only six genes (excluding lipA) the Simp-
3.11 (Excoffier et al., 2007). Analyses were performed on a concat- sońs index was conserved, and applying only five genes (excluding
enated dataset. Statistical significance of each variance component lipA and groEl) the discrimination power was hardly reduced
was assessed based upon 999 permutations of the data. (Si = 0.995; CI: 0.990–1).
Allele sizes for the genes included in the A. marginale MLST
scheme varied between 501 bp (secY) and 808 bp (sucB) (Table 2).
3. Results The number of distinct alleles per gene (H) was variable and ran-
ged from 5 (lipA) to 14 (dnaA). Nucleotide diversity in each locus
3.1. Assignment of haplotypes and STs (p) was low and varied from 0.01568 (dnaA) to 0.00221 in the least
polymorphic gene (lipA) (Table 3). When comparing the number of
As a result of the implementation of the MLST scheme to 58 A. alleles and the number of polymorphic sites (S) a degree of positive
marginale isolates, 52 STs were identified and assigned to each correlation was observed (Spearman coefficient: 0.81, p < 0.05).

Table 3
Assessment of DNA polymorphism and neutrality tests for the A. marginale strains used in this study.

Gene H S g Pa g(s) h p Tajima’s D⁄ F⁄ Rm ZnS

dnaA 24 40 41 14 26 0.02065 0.01568 0.80386 3.91875 3.30178 5 0.4104
ftsZ 10 10 10 9 1 0.00453 0.00696 1.49222 0.76003 1.18568 2 0.4038
groEl 8 22 22 13 9 0.00966 0.00297 2.18502 1.49793 2.07178 4 0.2642
lipA 5 6 6 6 0 0.00259 0.00221 0.35609 1.16314 0.79508 1 0.4274
recA 19 12 12 10 2 0.00533 0.00657 0.67026 0.54796 0.35723 4 0.1178
secY 6 6 6 4 2 0.00311 0.00420 0.86830 0.60065 0.15347 0 0.3234
sucB 15 27 27 20 7 0.00857 0.00441 1.5634 0.32648 0.92012 3 0.1830
Gene Na Ns Ka Ks Ka/Ks
dnaA 329.5 99.5 0.69 119.32 0.0057
ftsZ 357.28 119.72 0 47.5693 0
groEl 378.02 113.98 0 22.3311 0
lipA 380.36 120.64 0 15.5488 0
recA 370.17 115.83 0.3078 45.8357 0.0067
secY 314.69 102.31 2.8992 19.8775 0.1458
sucB 516.52 164.68 2.8235 21.9213 0.1288

H: haplotypes.
S: polymorphic sites.
N: total number of mutations.
Pa: parsimony informative sites.
N(s): number of singletons.
h: Watterson’s mutation parameter (calculated from Eta).
p: nucleotide diversity.
Tajima’s D: Tajima’s D test of neutrality.
D⁄: Fu and Li’s D⁄ neutrality test.
F⁄: Fu and Li’s F⁄ neutrality test.
Rm: minimal recombination events.
ZnS: ZnS statistic.
Na: number of non-synonymous substitutions.
Ns: number of synonymous substitutions.
Ka: non-synonymous substitutions frequency.
Ks: synonymous substitutions frequency.
E.C. Guillemi et al. / Infection, Genetics and Evolution 30 (2015) 186–194 191

The proportion of nucleotide substitutions that altered the ami- 3.3. Genetic relationship among isolates
noacid sequence (Ka) and the proportion of silent changes (Ks)
were calculated for each gene. The Ka/Ks ratio varied from 0 (ftsZ, Applying eBURST algorithm, those strains sharing the same ST
groEl and lipA) to 0.1458 (secY), which are very low owing to the are represented in the same node, the size of which is proportional
quasi absence of non-synonymous mutations (Table 3). to the number of strains with that particular profile. Each circle
Intragenic recombination events were detected for all genes represents one ST and the different STs are organized in CC based
except for secY. In some cases putative parental sequences were on their relatedness. To analyse the 58 A. marginale strains we
found (Supplementary Fig. 3). Among genes statistically significant applied a TLV criteria. This means that those related genotypes that
LD was detected while the ZnS index within genes did not show differ in up to three genes from the founder will be arranged in the
significant departures from linkage equilibrium. same CC.
Neutrality tests were also conducted using Tajima’s D and As a result of this approach we found two CCs (Fig. 1). The larg-
McDonald–Kreitman tests. Tajima’s D test showed no statistical est CC was comprised of STs from diverse LatinoAmerican coun-
significance for five out of seven genes (dnaA, ftsZ, lipA, recA tries (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico and Colombia) and two
and secY), indicating that a neutral model of sequence evolution STs from Italia. This CC represented 45 strains and it founder was
could not be rejected. On the other hand, groEl and sucB ST 11 which belongs to an Argentinian strain. ST 26 that was rep-
showed negative and significant values for this test suggesting resented by three Argentinian strains, was the most common pro-
that these genes could be under purifying selection. However, file and was a single locus variant from the founder; STs 29 and 43
the occurrence of selection was not always supported by were represented by two strains each (all of them Argentinian).
McDonald–Kreitman tests, since significance varied depending The second CC consisted on strains from USA, ST 3 was the most
on the species used as outgroup (Supplementary Table 2). common profile and was represented by two strains from USA. This
McDonald–Kreitman tests showed no statistical significance for CC was founded by the ST 4 originated from Puerto Rico. ST 33
any of the genes when compared to sequences from Anaplasma which corresponds to an South African strain remained as a
phagocytophilum, whereas groEl was the only gene to exhibit an singleton.
excess of non-synonymous fixations when compared to Ehrlichia The population structure of A. marginale was explored at differ-
sequences. ent hierarchical levels using AMOVA, partitioning the population in

Fig. 1. Graphic representation of the relationship between STs by e-BURST.

192 E.C. Guillemi et al. / Infection, Genetics and Evolution 30 (2015) 186–194

Table 4 with other strain (superinfection), it is a common feature of enzo-

AMOVA for 7 genes MLST data of A. marginale isolates, Groups: North America vs otic regions, supported herein and by previous reports (Futse et al.,
South America vs South Africa vs Italy.
2008; Ruybal et al., 2009; Ueti et al., 2012).
Structure tested d.f. Variance % of P In the present work we did not find an evident association
component variance between geographical regions and genotypes as can be seen in
Among groups 3 9.00033 55.79 0.00000 the eBURST algorithm where STs from different locations are
Among countries within groups 5 0.07647 0.47 0.03812 grouped in the same clonal complex. The CC that clearly gathered
Within isolates 49 7.05553 43.74 0.00000
the Puerto Rico and USA strains is founded by the former. More-
over, the AMOVA (Table 4) maximized the largest differences
among groups defined a posteriori when the samples from USA
and Puerto Rico were grouped together. Such a clustering seemed
Table 5 to be unexpected since strains from USA form a genetically distinct
AMOVA for 7 genes MLST data of A. marginale isolates, Groups: Argentina vs Brasil and
clade as compared to a cluster of tropical strains isolated from
Uruguay and Colombia and Mexico.
Mexico, the Caribbean region, and Central and South America
Structure tested d.f. Variance % of P when using a gen coding for a surface protein as a genetic marker
component variance
(de la Fuente et al., 2002). This genetic distance was supported by
Among groups 1 0.03899 0.63 NSa the fact that tick transmission of A. marginale in the United States is
Among countries within groups 3 0.66304 10.73 0.03030
mediated by Dermacentor andersoni and Dermacentor variabilis
Within isolates 45 5.47687 88.64 0.01564
since R. microplus eradication in the 1940s, being the last one the
NS, non significant. primary vector in tropical regions (Futse et al., 2003). However,
historical evidence reinforce the hypothesis of clonality among
Puerto Rico an USA isolates revealed by MLST: in 1913 Bishopp first
four groups defined a posteriori of eBurst analysis: (a) isolates from reported cattle infestations with R. microplus after collecting the
USA and Puerto Rico; (b) isolates from Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, ticks in 1912 from animals in Key West, Florida and he speculated
Argentina and Uruguay, (c) isolates from Europe (Italy); and (d) that Cattle Fever Ticks arrived from the Caribbean islands through
one African isolate (South Africa). Within each group, isolates were commerce (Pérez de León et al., 2012). Remarkably, MLST gene
categorized according to the country of origin, generating a hierar- fragments belong to the core genome, thus are not influenced by
chical structure of countries within groups. AMOVA on all isolates selective pressure (Dark et al., 2009). Therefore, the allelic profile
(Table 4) showed that 55.79% of genetic variation was attributable might exposed the true evolutionary history rather than the most
to the four gathered groups. Moreover, non-significant between- recent events of vector co-evolution/host interaction reflected by
group differentiation was detected when comparing Argentinian genes under strong positive selection, as revealed by the alleles
isolates to those from the rest of the group (Brazil, Colombia, Mex- encoding the immunodominant outer membrane proteins
ico, Uruguay) (Table 5). (Ruybal et al., 2009; Ueti et al., 2012) .
On the other hand, the larger CC grouped together the samples
4. Discussion from Latin American countries and two from Italy, where two iso-
lates from Argentina and one from México were the founders
We describe the development of the first MLST scheme for A. (Fig. 1). Furthermore, the AMOVA revealed that most of the varia-
marginale based on the allelic polymorphism of seven housekeep- tion was found among isolates within countries (88.64%), the vari-
ing genes. Analysing 58 strains we were able to differentiate iso- ation among countries was low but significant though the
lates with a high discrimination power and also estimate some partitioning among groups was rejected (Table 5). When alternative
basic population biology parameters including diversity indices a priori groupings of samples from Argentina were tested based on
and the impact of homologous recombination. geographic criteria, no differentiation was shown between groups
High nucleotide diversity was identified (Si = 0.9958) with a (Supplementary Table 3), supporting the South America + Mexico
high number of STs per strain (52 STs in 58 strains) while the Ka/ as a whole group. Merging both analyses, the occurrence of at least
Ks ratio showed a large proportion of synonymous substitutions, two main genetically divergent groups of populations became evi-
indicative of negative selection. These results are in accordance dent. This scenario is equivalent to the one described by Ueti et al.
with what is expected in an obligate intracellular bacterium, as this (2012), where in tropical and subtropical regions of highly endemic
kind of organism may display genomic stasis after adaptation to infection rate, A. marginale populations had significantly greater
intracellular parasitism (Tamas et al., 2002); this condition was diversity in comparison to temperate regions of low endemicity.
postulated for E. ruminantium (Adakal et al., 2009). Nevertheless, this spatial pattern of infection was revealed quanti-
Recombination events were detected in almost all genes sug- fying the multiples variants of the immunodominant outer mem-
gesting that this could be a source of population diversity. In some brane protein, major surface protein 2 (MSP2) after strong
cases parental sequences were found and a recombination pattern selective pressure of mammalian host.
of substitution was identified. In addition, homologous recombina- It has been demonstrated that genotypic diversity in A. margin-
tion recently became evident from MLST results in related organ- ale relayed on msp2 and msp3 gene alleles (Futse et al., 2008), while
ism like Orientia tsutsugamushi (Sonthayanon et al., 2010) and A. maintaining a closed-core genome (Dark et al., 2009). Thus the pro-
phagocytophilum (Huhn et al., 2014). Furthermore, specific hori- cess of strain variation is influenced by competing selective pres-
zontal gene transfer (HGT) events were identified in R. bellii and sures associated to level of endemicity and population immunity
Orienta sp. among others members of the order Rickettsiales, high- (Ueti et al., 2012) and environmental factors regulating vector prev-
lighting this ancestral mechanism (Georgiades et al., 2011). Even alence (Estrada-Peña et al., 2009). The genes included in our MLST
though HGT was not detected in A. marginale (Brayton et al., scheme shape a representative sample of the core genome: dN/dS
2005; Georgiades et al., 2011), possible due to its strict adaptation values obtained were below 1 for all loci; Tajima’s D test failed to
to erythrocytes, that represent a vast niche sheltered from micro- detect deviations from neutrality in 5 genes. Although A. marginale
bial competitors, the superinfection phenomena should be consid- MLST seemed to capture variation due to high endemicity, the
ered as a potential source of variation. The ability of a second strain inclusion of a marker under positive selection pressure would
or even more to establish infection in a host previously infected ensure a better framework for studying infection epidemiology.
E.C. Guillemi et al. / Infection, Genetics and Evolution 30 (2015) 186–194 193

The MLST strategy involves the generation and analysis of a Carriço, J.A., Silva-Costa, C., Melo-Cristino, J., Pinto, F.R., de Lencastre, H., Almeida,
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to Dr. Julia Sabio y García for English language editing. Financial pathogens. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105 (6), 2123–2127.
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