The document provides details of a supplier named Trivolt Distribution SRL including their registration number, tax ID, and bank account information. It also lists information about an ELMARK BUSBAR BIPOLAR 63A-1ML busbar for copper including its functions of supplying power to a group of circuit breakers and simultaneously transmitting power supply. Technical specifications of the busbar are provided such as its nominal voltage of 230/400v, resistance of external parts at excessive heating of 960 degrees celsius for 3 seconds, insulation voltage of 500v, and nominal current of 63/100A.
The document provides details of a supplier named Trivolt Distribution SRL including their registration number, tax ID, and bank account information. It also lists information about an ELMARK BUSBAR BIPOLAR 63A-1ML busbar for copper including its functions of supplying power to a group of circuit breakers and simultaneously transmitting power supply. Technical specifications of the busbar are provided such as its nominal voltage of 230/400v, resistance of external parts at excessive heating of 960 degrees celsius for 3 seconds, insulation voltage of 500v, and nominal current of 63/100A.
The document provides details of a supplier named Trivolt Distribution SRL including their registration number, tax ID, and bank account information. It also lists information about an ELMARK BUSBAR BIPOLAR 63A-1ML busbar for copper including its functions of supplying power to a group of circuit breakers and simultaneously transmitting power supply. Technical specifications of the busbar are provided such as its nominal voltage of 230/400v, resistance of external parts at excessive heating of 960 degrees celsius for 3 seconds, insulation voltage of 500v, and nominal current of 63/100A.
The document provides details of a supplier named Trivolt Distribution SRL including their registration number, tax ID, and bank account information. It also lists information about an ELMARK BUSBAR BIPOLAR 63A-1ML busbar for copper including its functions of supplying power to a group of circuit breakers and simultaneously transmitting power supply. Technical specifications of the busbar are provided such as its nominal voltage of 230/400v, resistance of external parts at excessive heating of 960 degrees celsius for 3 seconds, insulation voltage of 500v, and nominal current of 63/100A.
Busbar cupru Functii : -garanteaa alimentare la o grupa de sigurante automate -garanteaza osimultana transmitere de alimentare -partea conductibila exectuata din cupru electrolitic -izolare a partii onductibile Date tehnice : Tensiune nominala -230/400v Rezistena partilor exterioare la incalzire execesiva -960 grade celsius -3 sec Tensiune de izolare 500v Curent nominal 63/100A