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Roy Alson, MD, Ph.D, FACEP, FAAEM and Darby Copeland, Ed.D, RN, NRP


The purpose of this document is to update International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) instructors
and providers of the position of ITLS in regard to the use of Spinal Motion Restriction (SMR) and
the use of the long spine board and other rigid devices.

The seventh edition of the ITLS Provider manual reflected widely accepted beliefs that injured
patients should have SMR until an injury can be ruled out. Clinical studies have demonstrated
that prolonged time on a long spine board can be detrimental to the patient and can potentially
impair respiratory effort, increase the risk of aspiration, or result in pressure sores.


Traditionally, the pre-hospital management of trauma patients has included the use of a long
spine board to provide SMR. All trauma patients are evaluated in the same manner using the
ITLS Primary Survey, which includes a brief neurological assessment. Studies by Theodore et al
and Rozzelle et al 2 suggest that not all trauma patients must be treated with spinal
immobilization. In addition, the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) and the
American College of Surgeons (ACS)3 indicate that the benefit of long spine board is largely
unproven and the utilization of long spine boards during transport should be judicious so that
the potential benefits outweigh the risks. Based on the current literature, the Faculty of Pre-
hospital Care of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh consensus group in the United
Kingdom also published two consensus statements 4,5 related to SMR which are in alignment
with the above.

Spinal Motion Restriction Resource Document © International Trauma Life Support - 2014

Appropriately applied SMR should be considered for patients who fit the following criteria:

 Spinal deformity, pain, or tenderness

 Blunt trauma and altered level of consciousness
 High energy mechanism of injury with drug or alcohol intoxication
 Focal neurologic complaint

Also, SMR should be applied to patients who cannot be adequately assessed clinically for the
presence of such injuries.


The long spine board is an extrication device. Patients who are placed on a long spine board or
other rigid device should be removed as expeditiously as possible.

SMR should be applied appropriately to those patients who may have sustained or are at high
risk for spinal injuries and cannot be adequately assessed clinically for the presence of such
injuries. Where indicated, maintenance of in-line spinal alignment when moving the patient
and appropriately securing them to the transport stretcher remain critical components of spinal
motion restriction.

Furthermore, patients whose cervical spine has been cleared by a physician or advanced
practice clinician in the emergency department or who do not meet SMR requirements and are
being transferred between facilities for additional care, do not need to be placed on a long
spine board for transfer.


Medical oversight should revise pre-hospital EMS protocols in regard to SMR and use of long
spine boards, to include extrication events. Protocols for SMR and the use of a long spine board
should be modified to include when SMR is appropriate. Implementation of this protocol
should be monitored and supervised through a quality assurance program.

Spinal Motion Restriction Resource Document © International Trauma Life Support - 2014

It is the position of ITLS that the use of the long spine board and other rigid devices are
designed to move a patient to a transport stretcher. Pre-hospital providers must maintain
competency in the use of these devices. Prolonged time on a long spine board and/or
prolonged time on scene applying these devices can be detrimental or result in a poor patient
outcome. In order to minimize these negative occurrences, patients should be removed from
the long spine board as soon as it is safe and practical to do so. Pre-hospital providers should
use due diligence to minimize spinal motion among at-risk patients.

The ITLS Editorial Board is developing tools to assist instructors with facilitating the change in


1. Theodore N et al, Pre-hospital Cervical Spinal Immobilization after Trauma, Neurosurgery

72:22 – 34, 2013.

2. Rozzelle C et al, Management of Pediatric Cervical Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries,
Neurosurgery 72: 205 – 226, 2013.

3. National Association of EMS Physicians and American College of Surgeons Committee on

Trauma, EMS Spinal Precautions And The Use Of The Long Backboard, Prehospital
Emergency Care 2013;17:392 – 393

4. Moss R et al, Minimal patient handling: a faculty of prehospital care consensus statement
Emerg Med J Vol 30 No 12: 1065-1066, 2013.

5. Conner D et al, Pre-hospital spinal immobilization: an initial consensus statement Emerg

Med J Vol 30 No 12: 1067-1069, 2013

Spinal Motion Restriction Resource Document © International Trauma Life Support - 2014
Current Thinking
Spinal Motion Restriction of the Trauma Patient
International Trauma Life Support


This is the official current thinking of International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) regarding pre-
hospital use of Spinal Motion Restriction (SMR) and the use of the long spine board and other
rigid motion restriction devices.

Current Thinking

It is the position of International Trauma Life Support that:

1. Spinal motion restriction (SMR) is not indicated in every trauma patient.

2. The long spine board and other rigid devices are primarily extrication devices designed
to move a patient to a transport stretcher. Having the patient remain on the board for
prolonged periods can produce discomfort, pressure sores and respiratory compromise.

3. In order to minimize these negative occurrences, patients should be removed from the
long spine board as soon as it is safe and practical to do so.

4. Maintenance of in-line spinal alignment when moving the patient and appropriately
securing them to the transport stretcher remain important components of SMR.

5. SMR should be applied appropriately to those patients who have indicators that they
may have sustained or are at high risk for spinal injuries, or who cannot be adequately
assessed clinically for the presence of such injuries. Providers should apply the
appropriate guideline in these situations and apply a rigid cervical collar and other rigid
devices as clinically appropriate.

6. Spinal Motion Restriction onto a long board is not indicated in penetrating wounds of
the torso, head or neck unless there is clinical evidence of a spinal injury.

Spinal Motion Restriction Resource Document © International Trauma Life Support - 2014

From International Trauma Life Support for Trauma Care Providers, 7th Edition, Page 208:

Spinal Motion Restriction Resource Document © International Trauma Life Support - 2014

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