Upper Limb 1

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-extend from scapula to humerus

-are six muscles: deltoid, subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres major and minor

Nerve supply
Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Anterior part of Deltoid Axillary nerve Anterior
Deltoid the lateral third tuberosity of fibres: flex and
of the clavicle, the humerus rotate arm
lateral margin of medially
the acromion and Posterior
lower edge of the fibres: extend
crest of the and rotate arm
scapular spine laterally
All fibres
abduct arm
Subscapularis Subscapular Lesser Upper and Rotates arm
fossa of the tubercle of lower medially, weak
scapula the humerus subscapular adductor of
nerves arm
Supraspinatu Supraspinous Greater Suprascapular Abducts arm
s fossa tubercle of nerve
the humerus
Infraspinatus Infraspinous Greater Suprascapular Rotates arm
fossa tubercle of nerve laterally, weak
the humerus. adductor of
Teres Minor Upper part of the Greater Axillary nerve Rotates arm
lateral border of tubercle of laterally, weak
the scapula the humerus adductor of
Teres Major Lower part of the Medial lip of Lower Adducts and
lateral margin of the inter- subscapular rotates arm
the scapula and tubercular nerve medially,
inferior scapular sulcus of the extensor of
angle humerus arm


-are divided into anterior and posterior muscles
-the anterior group is supplied by the musculocutaneous nerve and consists of:
a).coracobrachialis, which acts only on the shoulder joint, b). brachialis, which acts only on
the elbow joint, c). biceps brachii, which crosses both shoulder and elbow joints
-the posterior group is supplied by the radial nerve and comprises of: a).triceps brachii;
b).anconeus, which is located behind the elbow, acting on this joint; because of its position, at
the limit between arm and forearm, it may be included both in posterior musculature of the
arm and of forearm
Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve Action
Coraco- Coracoid process Middle third Musculocutaneous Flexor and
brachialis of scapula of medial nerve adductor of
surface of the arm
humeral shaft
Biceps Long head: Radial Musculocutaneous Supinator of
Brachii supraglenoid tuberosity nerve forearm,
tubercle flexor of arm
Short head: and forearm
coracoid process

Lower half of Ulnar Musculocutaneous Flexor of

Brachialis anterior surfaces tuberosity and nerve forearm
of humerus coronoid
process of
Triceps Long head: Posterior Radial nerve Extensor of
Brachii infraglenoid surface of forearm,
tubercle olecranon weak
Lateral head: extensor and
posterior surface adductor of
of humeral shaft, arm
above the radial
Medial head:
posterior surface
of humeral shaft,
below the radial

Lateral epicondyle Olecranon and Radial nerve Extensor of

Anconeus of humerus posterior forearm
surface of
ulnar shaft


a. Quadrangular space
-is bounded superiorly by teres minor muscle, inferiorly by teres major muscle, medially by
long head of the triceps brachii and laterally by the surgical neck of humerus
-through it pass the axillary nerve and the posterior circumflex humeral vessels
b. Triangular space
-is bounded superiorly by teres minor, inferiorly by teres major and laterally by the long head
of the triceps brachii
-through it pass the circumflex scapular vessels
c. Triangular interval
-is bounded superiorly by teres major muscle, medially by the long head of the triceps brachii
and laterally by the humerus
-through it pass the radial nerve and the deep brachial vessels
-is a pyramidal region, located between the upper parts of the arm and of the chest wall
-presents: an apex, a base and four walls (anterior, posterior, lateral and medial)
a). Apex
-is blunted and directed upwards
-is the interval between the clavicle with the subclavius muscle (above), the first rib (below),
the coracoid process( laterally) and the angle between the clavicle and the first rib(medially)
-the insertion of the scalenus anterior divides the apex into two compartments: anteromedial
and posterolateral; through its anteromedial compartment pass the axillary vein and the
subclavian lymph trunk, through the posterolateral compartment pass the axillary artery and
the brachial plexus
b). Base
-is concave and directed downwards
-is formed by skin and axillary fascia
c). Anterior wall
-is formed by pectoralis major, pectoralis minor muscles and the clavipectoral fascia that
extends between the pectoralis minor and the clavicle; the pectoralis major is covered by skin,
fasciae and platysma
-laterally, between the pectoralis major and the deltoid, there is an interval, the deltopectoral
groove that contains the cephalic vein and the deltoid branch of the thoracoacromial artery
d). Posterior wall
-is formed by the subscapularis above and teres major with latissimus dorsi below
e). Medial wall
-the first four ribs with the corresponding intercostal muscles and digitations of serratus
anterior muscle
f). Lateral wall
-is formed by medial side of the shoulder joint, the humerus with the coracobrachialis and
short head of biceps brachii
Contents of the axilla
-axillary vessels, which continue with the subclavian vessels from the apex of the axilla; they
are located along the lateral wall of the axilla and the vein is medial to the artery
-infraclavicular part of the brachial plexus that surrounds the artery
-axillary lymph nodes
-fat and loose areolar tissue

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