Lady of Rohan Shawl: Knitting Loom: Yarn
Lady of Rohan Shawl: Knitting Loom: Yarn
Lady of Rohan Shawl: Knitting Loom: Yarn
© 2016 Authentic Knitting Board
Lady of Rohan Shawl
INSTRUCTIONS Transfer all the stitches to a piece of scrap yarn.
You will be using 86 pegs from this point
Cast on 167 pegs, prepare to work a flat panel. forward.
Row 1, 3, 5, 7, 9: k to end of row.
Row 2, 4, 6, 8: p to end of row. Place the stitches back on the knitting loom as
Row 10: p3, k161, p3 (all even rows). follows: the first three stitches, a stitch per peg.
Row 11: k3, *k4, ssk, yo, k4; rep from * to last 4 The next 160 stitches, 2 stitches peg peg (80
sts, k4. stitches). The last 4 stitches, place 2 stitches on
Row 13: k3, *k4, yo, CDD, yo, k3; rep from * to the next peg, and a stitch per peg on the
last 4 sts, k4. following two pegs. Your knitting loom should
Row 15: k3, *yo, k2tog, k2, ssk, yo, k2; rep from have single stitches on pegs 1-3, and pegs 85
* to last 4 sts, k4. and 86, all the other pegs should have 2 stitches
Row 17: k2, *yo, k2tog, k3, ssk, yo, k1; rep from per peg.
* to last 4 sts; k4.
Row 19: k3, *k1, yo, k2tog, k5, ssk, yo; rep from Next row: k to end. Treat the pegs with two
* to last 4 sts, k4. loops as one loop.
Row 21: k3, *k1, yo, ssk, k1, ssk, yo, k2, k2tog, Next row: p to end.
yo; rep from * to last 4 sts, k4. ***Next row: k to end.
Row 23: k3, *k2, yo, CDD, yo, k1, yo, CDD, yo, Next row: p to end. ***
k1; rep from * to last 4 sts, k4. Rep from *** to ***: 3 more times.
Row 24: p3, k161, p3. Bind off with basic bind off method.
Row 25: k to end. Weave all ends in. Steam block to open up the
^Rep Row 24 and Row 25: 43 more times lace stitches in the heart pattern.
Next row: k to end.
Next row: p to end.
**Next row: p3, k161, p3.
Next row: k to end.**
Rep from ** to ** 4 more times.
Next row: k to end.
Next row: p to end.
Rep from ** to **: 4 times.
Next row: k to end.
Next row: p to end.
Rep from ** to **: 3 times.
Next row: k to end.
Next row: p to end.
Rep from ** to **: 2 times.
Next row: k to end.
Next row: p to end.
Rep from ** to **: 1 time.
Next row: k to end.
Next row: p to end.
© 2016 Authentic Knitting Board
Lady of Rohan Shawl
Garter stitch bands
(make 2).
Position the narrower edge of the Garter stitch
bands around the bind off edge of the shawl.
Using the mattress stitch, seam the Garter
Stitch bands to each side of the shawl.
Tips: if you want to make the shawl longer:
simply follow Rows 1-23 as stated. Work more
rows of Row 24 and Row 25, where this symbol
^ is located in the pattern.
If making it longer, the Garter Stitch Bands must
be longer too. Count the Garter stitch ridges on
the shawl (the edge stitches created a garter
stitch edge), and match the number of garter
stitch ridges on the shawl onto the Garter Stitch
© 2016 Authentic Knitting Board