Psychrometric Charts and Its Use
Psychrometric Charts and Its Use
Psychrometric Charts and Its Use
Psychrometric charts show temperature vs. humidity, and can be used to express human thermal
comfort, design strategies, and energy requirements for those strategies.
A psychrometric chart can be used in two different ways. The first is done by plotting
multiple data points, that represent the air conditions at a specific time, on the chart. Then,
overlaying an area that identifies the “comfort zone.” The comfort zone is defined as the
range within occupants are satisfied with the surrounding thermal conditions. After plotting
the air conditions and overlaying the comfort zone, it becomes possible to see how passive
design strategies can extend the comfort zone.
The chart is also often used by mechanical engineers to dynamically plot points that represent
the exterior air conditions and understand the process the air must go through to reach
comfortable conditions for the occupants inside a building. When using the psychrometric
chart for this purpose the data points move around the chart.
Psychrometric charts show temperature vs. humidity, and can be used to express human thermal
comfort, design strategies, and energy requirements for those strategies.
Every psychrometric chart includes vertical lines that represent the dry bulb temperatures. Air
temperature increases from left to right.
Every psychrometric chart also includes wet bulb temperatures. These lines are indicated at
diagonals, and like dry bulb temperatures they increase from left to right.
Relative Humidity
Another feature indicated on every psychrometric chart is relative humidity lines. These lines
are curved, and begin at 100% along the top of the chart, and decrease moving downward. It
is fairly common for these lines to be indicated in intervals of ten.
Data Points
Psychrometric charts indicate data points for each location they are representing. The style of
the data points can vary depending upon the computer application that was used to generate
the psychrometric chart, or if the chart was generated by hand. Each data point represents a
collection of air qualities at a snap shot in time. It can be hourly, daily, monthly, or even
seasonal data. The density of data points on the chart is used to decipher average conditions.
At times it can be useful to view summer and winter data points independently. But viewing
them together allows you to consider all passive design strategies in an integrated manner.
Comfort Zone
The comfort zone is typically indicated by shading a portion of the psychrometric chart. This
shaded area is highly variable per climate and project. The comfort zone is either populated
by a software system, or manually by a designer, based upon the activity to take place in the
building and the level of anticipated clothing to be worn by the occupants.
Other items that can be found on some, but not all psychrometric charts, are as follows.
Horizontal lines that provide dew point temperature readings along the right hand side
of the chart. This is useful for knowing at what temperature water will begin to
condensate. Which can transpire to mold and insulation with decreased thermal
performance if not accurately accounted for in the design of a building.
Horizontal lines that provide humidity ratio/moisture content measurements along the
right hand side of the chart. This information aids with understanding the density of
the air, which relates to buoyancy and air quality issues.
Along the upper left hand side of the chart at times will be diagonal ticks/lines placed
at a similar angle and direction as the wet bulb temperature lines. These are enthalpy
measurements that are useful for understanding heat energy needed, or existing in the
The video below provides a good overview of the psychrometric chart. It features the Ecotect
Weather Tool.
Natural ventilation is applied to reduce air temperatures, and occupant comfort moves up to 10%.
Humidification is combined with passive heating, and occupant comfort reaches 98.9%.
A psychrometric chart presents physical and thermal properties of moist air in a graphical
form. It can be very helpful in troubleshooting greenhouse or livestock building
environmental problems and in determining solutions. Understanding psychrometric charts
helps visualization of environmental control concepts such as why heated air can hold more
moisture, and conversely, how allowing moist air to cool will result in condensation. The
objective of this fact sheet is to explain characteristics of moist air and how they are used in a
psychrometric chart. Three examples are used to illustrate typical chart use and interpretation.
Properties of moist air are explained in the Definitions at the end for your reference during
the following discussions.
Psychrometric charts are available in various pressure and temperature ranges. Figure 1, at
the top of the page, is for standard atmospheric pressure (14.7 psi) and temperatures of 30o to
120 oF which is adequate for most greenhouse or livestock housing applications.
Psychrometric properties are also available as data tables, equations, and slide rulers.
An understanding of the shape and use of the psychrometric chart will help in diagnosing air
temperature and humidity problems. Note that cooler air (located along lower, left region of
chart) will not hold as much moisture (as seen on the y-axis' humidity ratio) as warm air
(located along right side of chart). A rule of thumb, inside typical greenhouses or animal
buildings during winter conditions, is that a 10oF rise in air temperature can decrease relative
humidity 20 percent. Use of a psychrometric chart will show that this is roughly true. For
example, to decrease relative humidity in a winter greenhouse during a critical time period,
we could heat the air.
What might we conclude from this information? The relative humidity of 50 percent is
acceptable for most livestock and greenhouse applications. If we allowed the air temperature
(dry-bulb) to decrease to 58oF (dewpoint) or below, the air would be 100 percent saturated
with moisture and condensation would occur. The humidity ratio, as seen on the vertical, y-
axis scale, is a reliable indicator of air moisture level since it reflects the pounds of moisture
contained in a pound of dry air and does not fluctuate with dry-bulb temperature readings as
does relative humidity. The humidity ratio for air in this example is about 0.0104 lb moisture/
lb dry air (move right horizontally from state point to humidity ratio scale).
Figure 3. Diagram of Example 1. Verify these values on the psychrometric chart (Figure 1).
Find the state point for the incoming cool air on the lower left portion of the psychrometric
chart (point A in Figure 4) Note that other properties of the 40oF air include a wet-bulb
temperature of 38oF a dewpoint temperature of about 34oF and humidity ratio of 0.0042 lb
moisture/ lb dry air. Heating air involves an increase in the dry-bulb temperature with no
addition or reduction in the air's water content. The heating process moves horizontally to the
right along a line of constant humidity ratio. See Figure 4 for this heating process between
The air surrounding us is a mixture of dry air and moisture and it contains a certain amount of
heat. We are used to dealing with air temperature, relative humidity and, oftentimes, the
dewpoint as weather conditions are discussed. All these properties and more are contained in
a psychrometric chart. Chart shape and complexity take some getting used to. Refer to
Figures 1 and 2. You will find that the upper curved boundary of the chart has one
temperature scale yet can represent three types of temperature: wet-bulb, dry-bulb, and
dewpoint. This upper curved boundary also represents 100 percent relative humidity or
saturated air.
Figure 4. Diagram of Example 2. Outdoor air at 40oF,80 percent relative humidity (point A is heated to 65oF (point B) for
use in ventilation. Exhaust air (point C) at 75oF and 70% relative humidity contains three times the moisture of the fresh air
(point A and B).
Evaporative cooling uses heat contained in the air to evaporate water. Air temperature (dry-
bulb) drops while water content (humidity) rises to the saturation point. Evaporation is often
used in hot weather to cool ventilation air. The process moves upward along the line of
constant enthalpy or constant web-bulb temperature, for example, from point D to point E in
Figure 5. Diagram of Example 3. Evaporative cooling process with hot dry air from points D to E
and with hot humid air from points F to G. Notice greater evaporative cooling capacity with dry air.
Dry-bulb temperature is the commonly measured temperature from a thermometer. It is
called "dry-bulb" since the sensing tip of the thermometer is dry (see "wet bulb temperature"
for comparison). Dry-bulb temperature is located on the horizontal, or x-axis, of the
psychrometric chart and lines of constant temperature are represented by vertical chart lines.
Since this temperature is so commonly used, it can be assumed that temperatures are dry-bulb
temperatures unless otherwise designated.
Relative humidity is a measure of the amount of water air can hold at a certain temperature. It
is "relative" with respect to the amount of water that air, at that same temperature, can hold at
100 percent humidity, or saturation. Air temperature (dry-bulb) is important because warmer
air can hold more moisture than cold air. Air at 60 percent relative humidity contains 60
percent of the water it could possibly hold (at that temperature). It could pick up 40 percent
more water to reach saturation. Lines of constant relative humidity are represented by the
curved lines running from the bottom left and sweeping up through to the top right of the
chart. The line for 100 percent relative humidity, or saturation, is the upper, left boundary of
the chart.
Dewpoint temperature indicates the temperature at which water will begin to condense out of
moist air. Given air at a certain dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity, if the temperature
is allowed to decrease, the air is no longer able to hold as much moisture. When air is cooled,
the relative humidity increases until saturation is reached and condensation occurs.
Condensation occurs on surfaces which are at or below the dewpoint temperature. Dewpoint
temperature is determined by moving from a state point horizontally to the left along lines of
constant humidity ratio until the upper, curved, saturation temperature boundary is reached.
Wet-bulb temperature is determined when air is circulated past a wetted sensor tip. It
represents the temperature at which water evaporates and brings the air to saturation. Inherent
in this definition is an assumption that no heat is lost or gained by the air. This is different
from dewpoint temperature where a decrease in temperature, or heat loss, decreases the
moisture holding capacity of the air, and hence, water condenses. Determination of wet-bulb
temperature on this psychrometric chart, follows lines of constant enthalpy but values are
read off the upper, curved, saturation temperature boundary.
Enthalpy is the heat energy content of moist air. It is expressed in Btu per pound of dry air
and represents the heat energy due to temperature and moisture in the air. Enthalpy is useful
in air heating and cooling applications. The enthalpy scale is located above the saturation,
upper boundary of the chart. Lines of constant enthalpy run diagonally downward from left to
right across the chart. Lines of constant enthalpy and constant wet-bulb are the same on this
chart but values are read off separate scales. More accurate psychrometric charts use slightly
different lines for wet-bulb temperature and enthalpy.
Specific volume indicates the space occupied by air. It is the increase of density and is
expressed as a volume per unit weight (density is weight per unit volume). Warm air is less
dense than cool air which causes warmed air to rise. This phenomena is known as thermal
buoyancy. By similar reasoning, warmer air has greater specific volume and is hence lighter
than cool air. On the psychrometric chart, lines of constant specific volume are almost
vertical lines with scale values written below the dry-bulb temperature scale and above the
upper boundary's saturation temperature scale. On this chart, values range from 12.5 to 15.0
cubic feet/ pound of dry air. Greater specific volume is associated with warmer temperatures
P = P a + Pv
where subscript a refers to the dry air, and v to the water vapor.
Consider the water vapor shown at state (1) on the diagram. We will find it
convenient throughout this section to evaluate enthalpy with respect to T0 = 0°C,
since ultimately we only consider differences in enthalpy. From the above
hv@T = hg@T
We also evaluate the enthalpy of the dry air component with respect to T0 = 0°C,
In order to evaluate the enthalpy of the atmospheric air we need to first find the
mass flow rates of both the dry air and the vapor. We always evaluate these with
respect to the mass flow rate of the dry air, and this in turn leads us to the
definition of Specific Humidity ω, as follows:
Note that other terms in common usage are humidity ratio or absolute humidity to
denote specific humidity. The specific humidity can be conveniently determined in
terms of the partial pressures Pa and Pv as follows:
mass flow:
In order to determine T2 and T1 we use a wet & dry bulb thermometer (or sling
psychrometer), typically as in the following figure (refer: Sling Psychrometer
Demonstration). The wet bulb is wrapped in a cotton wick saturated with water,
and one swings the thermometer in the air until a steady temperature is attained.
The wet bulb temperature Twb is then very closely equal to the adiabatic saturation
temperature T2.
Note that the relative humidity is then determined by means of a slide-rule on the
handle of the sling-psychrometer, as shown in the above diagram.
At first appearence the psychrometric chart is quite confusing, however with some practice it
becomes an extremely useful tool for rapidly evaluating air-conditioning processes. The most
popular chart in common usage is that developed by ASHRAE (American Society of
Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers), however we feel that the
construction of a simplified version of the chart based on approximations of the various
equations can be a very useful tool for developing an understanding of it's usage. This
approach was suggested by Maged El-Shaarawi in his article "On the Psychrometric Chart"
published in the ASHRAE Transactions (Paper #3736, Vol 100, Part 1, 1994) and inspired us
to produce the following simplified psychrometric chart:
The basic information used to construct the chart is the water vapor saturation data (Tsat, Pg)
which is obtained from steam tables over the range from Tsat = 0.01°C through 50°C. The
specific humidity ω is then evaluated using the relative humidity φ as a parameter to produce
the various relative humidity curves (blue lines) as follows:
The saturation curve (100% relative humidity) also known as the dew point curve is drawn as
a red line. Notice that on the saturation curve the wet and dry bulb temperatures have the
same values.
The major simplifying assumption in the construction of the chart is that the enthalpy of the
mixture is assumed to be constant throughout the adiabatic saturation process (described in
Section a). This implies that the evaporating liquid added does not significantly affect the
enthalpy of the air-vapor mixture, leading to the constant slope wet bulb temperature /
enthalpy (red) lines defined by:
Finally, the specific volume of the air-vapor mixture (green lines) is determined from the
ideal gas relation as
It is normal practice to separate out the overlapping enthalpy / wet bulb temperature lines
allowing them to be separately evaluated. Thus, we introduce an oblique enthalpy axis and
enthalpy (black) lines as follows:
The MATLAB program (psychro.m) (shown below) is used to plot the Simplified
Psychrometric Chart shown above. Data is read from 2 datafiles containing water saturation
temperature/pressure data, file t_pg over 1°C intervals for plotting the saturation and constant
relative humidity curves, and file t_pg1 over 5°C intervals for plotting the wet-bulb
temperature and enthalpy lines. The source of the data: NIST Chemistry WebBook -
accessed Feb 2008
The following four equations (refer back to Part 1 and Part 2) are evaluated in the program:
h = T + 2.5 (T + 5)
or finally: T = (h - 12.5)/3.5
Thus the enthalpy lines can be plotted parallel to, but independant of the wet bulb
temperature lines.
The complete MATLAB program follows. Note that it is the convention in programming that
all variable names begin with lower case letters. Thus t represents temperature [°C], p
represents pressure [kPa], w (in place of ) represents specific humidity [grams / kg dry air]
(aka: absolute humidity, humidity ratio), h represents enthalpy (kJ/kg dry air) and the suffix g
represents the saturated vapor state (following the convention used in steam tables).
Notice in the program that both the specific volume (vol) and the enthalpy values (h) are
displayed (no semicolon) thus they can be subsequently added to the plot together with the
relevant saturation/wet bulb temperatures. relative humidity values and enthalpy values on
the enthalpy axis.