Mouth Care For An Unconcious Patient (2201)

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PNL110 Skills Rubric

Rubric: Procedure for Performing Mouth Care For An Unconscious or Debilitated Patient

Student Name: _________________________ Section: ____________ Date: _____________________

Procedure Prof Grade Student Self Comments


 Must have complete uniform and professional ____/1


 Gather equipment (water, K-basin, towel, cleaning ___ / 1

products, clean gloves, disposable cups)

 ___ / 1
PNL110 Skills Rubric

 ___ / 1
Perform hand hygiene and introduce self
 ___ / 1
Explain procedure and gain consent if applicable
 ___ / 2
Provide privacy and confirm identity
___ / 1
 *Ensure suction is set up for safety (indicate the suction
machine and tubing)
 ___ / 4
Raise bed and ensure head of bed is flat

*Position client safely in a lateral position, with head

turned well towards the dependent side (side patient is
 lying on) and head of bed down flat, using proper body
mechanics ___ / 2

 Don gloves and assess mouth using a tongue depressor

by separating the upper and lower teeth (verbalize ___ / 1
possible findings)

Place towel or blue pad under chin and K-basin ___ / 3

Clean chewing surfaces, roof of mouth, gums, inside

cheeks, and tongue using mouthwash and toothette ___ / 1
PNL110 Skills Rubric

 swab
___ / 2

 ___ / 1

 ___ / 2

___ / 1

Dispose of swab appropriately ___ / 1

* With new swab(s), rinse mouth with water, repeating ___ / 1
several times, ensure no pooled water (verbalize
suctioning patient if required)

Remove gloves and wash hands

PNL110 Skills Rubric

Return patient to comfortable position using proper body


Ensure comfort and safety before leaving

Perform hand hygiene

Complete procedure in a safe and organized manner

Deduct 10 marks for safety concern or major error or

marked with *
PNL110 Skills Rubric

Student’s Self Evaluation Grade: /27

Submitted an accurate self-evaluation: /3

Total grade: /30

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