Mutant Huntingtin Impairs Axonal Trafficking in Ma

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Mutant Huntingtin Impairs Axonal Trafficking in Mammalian Neurons In

Vivo and In Vitro

Article  in  Molecular and Cellular Biology · October 2004

DOI: 10.1128/MCB.24.18.8195-8209.2004 · Source: PubMed


425 86

22 authors, including:

Eugenia Trushina Roy B Dyer

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research


Daren Ure Lars Eide

ContraVir Pharmaceuticals, Inc. University of Oslo


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MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY, Sept. 2004, p. 8195–8209 Vol. 24, No. 18
0270-7306/04/$08.00⫹0 DOI: 10.1128/MCB.24.18.8195–8209.2004
Copyright © 2004, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

Mutant Huntingtin Impairs Axonal Trafficking in Mammalian Neurons

In Vivo and In Vitro
Eugenia Trushina,1† Roy B. Dyer,1† John D. Badger II,1 Daren Ure,2 Lars Eide,1,3 David D. Tran,4
Brent T. Vrieze,1 Valerie Legendre-Guillemin,5 Peter S. McPherson,5 Bhaskar S. Mandavilli,6
Bennett Van Houten,6 Scott Zeitlin,7 Mark McNiven,8 Ruedi Aebersold,9 Michael Hayden,10
Joseph E. Parisi,11 Erling Seeberg,3 Ioannis Dragatsis,12 Kelly Doyle,1 Anna Bender,1
Celin Chacko,1 and Cynthia T. McMurray1,4,8*
Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics,1 Division of Neuroimmunology,2 Neuroscience Program,
Mayo Medical School,4 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,8 and Departments of Laboratory Medicine and
Pathology and Neurology,11 Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota; Department of Neuroscience, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia7; Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, Washington9; Department of Medical Genetics, University
of British Columbia, Vancouver,10 and Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Montreal
Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal,5 Canada; Centre of Molecular Biology and Neuroscience
and Department of Molecular Biology, Institute of Medical Microbiology, University of Oslo, The National
Hospital, Oslo, Norway3; National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National
Institutes of Health, Raleigh, North Carolina6; and Department of Physiology,
University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, Tennessee12
Received 24 March 2004/Returned for modification 25 May 2004/Accepted 28 June 2004

Recent data in invertebrates demonstrated that huntingtin (htt) is essential for fast axonal trafficking. Here,
we provide direct and functional evidence that htt is involved in fast axonal trafficking in mammals. Moreover,
expression of full-length mutant htt (mhtt) impairs vesicular and mitochondrial trafficking in mammalian
neurons in vitro and in whole animals in vivo. Particularly, mitochondria become progressively immobilized
and stop more frequently in neurons from transgenic animals. These defects occurred early in development
prior to the onset of measurable neurological or mitochondrial abnormalities. Consistent with a progressive
loss of function, wild-type htt, trafficking motors, and mitochondrial components were selectively sequestered
by mhtt in human Huntington’s disease-affected brain. Data provide a model for how loss of htt function causes
toxicity; mhtt-mediated aggregation sequesters htt and components of trafficking machinery leading to loss of
mitochondrial motility and eventual mitochondrial dysfunction.

Huntington’s disease (HD) is a progressive neurodegenera- to striatal neurons (54). The N-terminal, truncated form of
tive disorder caused by a CAG repeat expansion mutation in mhtt can bind to and interfere with nuclear factors such as
the coding region of a novel gene. The mechanism of HD is un- CREB (51), CREB binding protein (30, 39), corepressor (22),
known. However, most data suggest that polyglutamine-medi- and transcriptional activator Sp1 (12, 23).
ated aggregation contributes to the pathology (32). Studies of Cytoplasmic dysfunction has also been implicated as a toxic
human brain (14), mouse models (48), and cells (8, 28) dem- mechanism. Recently, novel data obtained with Drosophila (17)
onstrate that mutant huntingtin (mhtt) binds and sequesters its and isolated squid axoplasm (42) have provided direct evi-
normal counterpart as well as many cellular proteins (41). But dence that htt is an essential protein involved in fast axonal
whether pathophysiology results from a loss of normal function trafficking. Additionally, these data demonstrate that the mu-
or a gain of a new function in adult neurons is not well under- tation in htt causes trafficking abnormalities. Reduction of htt
stood. expression in Drosophila caused axonal transport defects in
A major gap in our understanding of the disease mechanism larval nerves and the same neurodegenerative phenotype in
is the absence of a known function for normal huntingtin (htt). adult eyes as expression of mutant dynein or p150Glued (17). In
Emerging evidence suggests that htt is likely to be a multifunc-
invertebrate models for HD, expression of truncated proteins
tional protein that can mediate transactions in both the nu-
with an expanded glutamine tract impairs vesicle movement and
cleus and the cytoplasm. Transcriptional dysfunction caused by
promotes vesicle accumulation in axons, though the detailed
mhtt has been proposed to lead to toxicity. The mutation in
molecular mechanism remains illusive (17, 42). These data are
full-length htt prevents its normal ability to bind and sequester
consistent with many reports linking htt to trafficking proteins
a repressor of brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression,
reducing the availability of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and motors (9, 15, 19, 21, 24, 25, 44). Therefore, a possible sce-
nario of trafficking dysfunction could include mhtt-dependent
titration of soluble motor proteins into aggregates (17). Intrigu-
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Department of Molecular ingly, the presence of truncated htt or androgen receptor with ex-
Pharmacology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St. SW, Rochester, MN 55905.
panded polyglutamine regions caused similar defects in organelle
Phone: (507) 284-1597. Fax: (507) 284-9111. E-mail: mcmurray.cynthia trafficking in the isolated squid axoplasm in the absence of the
† E.T. and R.B.D. contributed equally. nucleus, protein synthesis, and detectable aggregation (42).


It is now critical to establish whether mhtt-related trafficking chromatography. This analysis reveals the enrichment of a specific protein in the
defects observed in invertebrates or in vitro systems also occur soluble (i.e., S1) or poorly soluble (i.e., S3) pool.
Immunoprecipitation. htt antibody 2166 (Chemicon) was conjugated to Dyna-
in mammals. Moreover, trafficking defects were measured in beads protein G (Dynal Inc., Lake Success, N.Y.). Ascites fluid (100 ␮l at 2 to 3
invertebrate models after expression of artificially truncated mg/ml of immunoglobulin G) was mixed with 450 ␮l of protein G beads that were
proteins. To exclude any assumptions about cleavage and N- previously washed three times with 1 ml of 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH
terminal fragment generation, it is also important to measure 7.0, and incubated at room temperature for 20 min. Following capture, the beads
were washed three times with 1 ml of 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0.
trafficking in models expressing full-length mhtt in vivo. This is
Beads were prepared for cross-linking by washing three times in 1 ml of 0.2 M
a crucial point since pathological features of the protein can triethanolamine, pH 8.2, and resuspended in 1 ml of 20 mM dimethyl pimelimi-
change with truncation (52). Short N-terminal fragments are date and dihydrochloride in 0.2 M triethanolamine, pH 8.2. The suspension was
known to be toxic. However, recent data from mice, cells, and incubated at room temperature for 30 min. The beads were washed for 15 min
humans suggest that the full-length protein initiates cell death with rocking in 1 ml of 50 mM Tris, pH 7.5, and then they were washed three
times with 1 ml of 0.1% Tween 20 in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and
before the generation of N-terminal fragments in the cyto- resuspended in PBS containing 0.1% Tween 20 and 0.02% sodium azide. For
plasm (14, 20, 43). immunoprecipitation, 10 ␮l of beads (either unconjugated or conjugated to
We have previously been demonstrated that expression of 2166) were combined with 450 ␮g of S1 extract in 1 ml of radioimmunoprecipi-
full-length mhtt initiates toxicity in the cytoplasm of primary tation assay buffer or with 1 ml of gel filtration fractions (reconstituted to
striatal neurons (43). To test whether htt is an essential protein radioimmunoprecipitation assay buffer conditions) and incubated at 4°C over-
night with rocking. Beads were washed three times with 1 ml of ice-cold TNT
for fast axonal trafficking in mammals, we investigated the buffer (10 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 140 mM NaCl, 0.1% Triton X-100). Beads were
effect of reduced htt expression or expression of mhtt on ve- washed once with PBS, and proteins were eluted in 50 ␮l of SDS-polyacrylamide
sicular dynamics in whole animals and primary striatal neurons gel electrophoresis sample buffer (58.3 mM Tris, pH 6.8, 1.67% SDS, 5% glyc-
from mice. Mouse models were chosen to test both effects of a erol, 2.5% 2-mercaptoethanol, 0.002% bromophenol blue) by heating 1 h at
pathogenic length of glutamine tract and the dosage of ex-
Neuronal cell cultures and mouse models. All procedures involving animals
pressed htt. Our data from both mouse neurons and human were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. The fol-
HD-affected brain suggest that trafficking defects are caused by lowing mouse models were used: control FVB/N model (3) with seven glu-
abnormal protein interactions of mhtt that lead to titration of tamines in the mouse endogenous htt homologue, and the homozygous trans-
wild-type htt and motor proteins from soluble pools. These genic model with full-length human HD cDNA containing 16 (HD16) (33) or 72
(HD72) (20) CAG repeats (both models were constructed using the FVB/N
effects not only inhibited motility of vesicles but also of or- mouse strain). We also used a mouse model with conditional knockout (KO) of
ganelles, notably mitochondria. Taken together, the data pro- the murine htt gene, R1ag5 (10). We have established two colonies of transgenic
vide a testable model for toxicity; mhtt-mediated aggregation mice, Hdhflox/flox and R1ag5-cre/⫹; Hdh⫹/⫺, that allow the conditional elimina-
causes loss of vesicular trafficking and progressive immobiliza- tion of htt. The Hdhflox/flox mice contain an engineered Hdh gene flanked by two
34-bp loxP sites that permit cleavage by a recombinase from bacteriophage P1
tion of mitochondria.
(Cre). The R1ag5-cre/⫹; Hdh⫹/⫺ mice contain a single allele of the mouse
endogenous htt gene that allows mice to develop normally. However, these mice
also contain an engineered Cre recombinase that catalyzes the deletion of an
MATERIALS AND METHODS intervening DNA sequence located between the two loxP sites in the htt gene.
Human brain tissue extraction. Brain tissue was obtained from the Mayo Cre expression is under the control of the calmodulin kinase 2a promoter. Loss
Clinic (Rochester, Minn.) and the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center of htt is limited to sites of the Camk2a expression that occurs throughout the
(McLean Hospital, Belmont, Mass.). Tissue was extracted based on solubility by neurons in the forebrain and in the cerebellum. Crossing of the Hdhflox/flox and
utilization of stronger denaturing conditions (2% sodium dodecyl sulfate [SDS], R1ag5-cre/⫹; Hdh⫹/⫺ mice will produce progeny in which the single endogenous
3 M urea, and 1 mM dithiothreitol) as previously described (14). The resulting mouse gene containing the lox sites is cleaved and deleted, and this occurs when
supernatants, S1 and S3, represented soluble and poorly soluble fractions, re- the Cre recombinase becomes active near birth. Consequently, the htt protein
spectively. expression is normal in the brains of progeny from zygote formation until em-
Size exclusion chromatography. Protein from brain extractions was quantified bryonic day 15 (E15) but is increasingly diminished as the mouse Hdh homologue
by the Bradford assay using bovine serum albumin as a standard. An equal is inactivated due to Cre expression. Mutant mice (Hdhflox/⫺; cre/⫹, hereafter
amount of total protein (16 mg) was resolved on a 2.5-cm by 100-cm column of referred to as KO mice) were screened for the presence of Hdhflox allele, Hdh
Sepharose CL-2B (linear fractionation range, 70,000 to 40,000,000 Da) at a flow null allele, and cre transgene according to previously published methods (10). All
rate of 0.5 ml/min in 50 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl, and 1 mM EDTA at experiments were performed in neurons from mice that were originally heterozy-
4°C. The column was extensively washed (3 column volumes) in buffer after each gous for the htt allele (Hdhflox/⫺; cre/⫹). Thus, at E17, when the experiments with
run. The column was precalibrated with high-range molecular weight (MW) KO neurons were performed, the levels of htt expression must be reduced by
markers (Pharmacia, Piscataway, N.J.). Calibration standards included dextran more than 50% due to initiation of cre/lox recombination. Littermates Hdhflox/⫺;
blue (⬃2,000 kDa), thyroglobulin (698 kDa), ferritin (418 kDa), catalase (206 Hdh⫹/⫺ (hereafter referred to as Flox/⫺) were used as a control. Estimation of
kDa), and aldolase (167 kDa), as previously described (14). Due to the large htt loss in striatum of KO mice at E17 was done by Western blotting of striatal
fractionation range of the column, dextran blue (⬃2,000 kDa) was resolved. extracts and showed the reduction in protein levels below 50%.
Therefore, the void volume of 100 ml was determined by the elution profile that Striatal neurons were plated according to the protocol published previously
contained aggregates of an estimated size of 3 ⫻ 108 Da. To determine the (43). Briefly, mice were anesthetized with ether on gestational day 17, and fetuses
fractionation profiles of select proteins, an equal volume (80 ␮l) of each fraction were rapidly removed. Fetal brains were extracted and placed in sterile HEPES-
was analyzed by blotting with the following antibodies: monoclonal anti-htt 2166 buffered saline (HBS) (pH 7.3). The ventral part of the medial ganglionic emi-
(1:1,200; Chemicon, Temecula, Calif.), kinesin MC44 (1:5,000; M. McNiven, nence (the developmental precursor to the striatum) was dissected under a
Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minn.), dynactin p150Glued (1:250; BD Transduc- microscope in sterile conditions. Tissue was minced and placed in 10 ␮l of
tion Labs, San Diego, Calif.), ␣-tubulin Tu-01 (1:1,000; Zymed, San Francisco, 0.3-mg/ml trypsin (type XII-S from bovine pancreas) in HBS for 30 min at room
Calif.), ␤III-tubulin 5G8 (1:20,000; Promega, Madison, Wis.), glyceraldehyde-3- temperature. After two washes in HBS, the dissociated tissue was triturated in
phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) (1:6,000; Chemicon), actin (1:200; Santa Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium containing 10% Ham’s F-12 with glutamine
Cruz, Santa Cruz, Calif.), and Ran C-20 (1:200; Santa Cruz). Monomeric htt (Gibco/BRL, Grand Island, N.Y.), 10% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum (Hy-
refers to the elution volume at which a monomeric form of htt is expected based Clone Laboratories, Logan, Utah), and 1⫻ pen/strep antibiotic mixture. Cells
on the calibration standards and htt’s predicted MW of 350,000, based on its were counted and diluted to 3 ⫻ 105 cells/ml, and 2 ml of this stock was placed
primary amino acid sequence (3,144 amino acids). in each well of a six-well dish containing glass coverslips coated with poly-L-
For some experiments, equal total protein amounts (20 to 30 ␮g) of the S1 and ornithine (1 mg in 2 ml of sterile borate buffer, pH 8.4). Plated cells were
S3 extracts were analyzed by direct immunoblotting without prior size exclusion maintained in an incubator with 5% CO2 at 37°C. After 72 h in culture medium,

containing serum was replaced with a serum-free Neurobasal-based medium expected distribution of 50:50 for A to R movement and round to elongated
(without glutamine; Gibco/BRL) containing 1⫻ pen/strep antibiotic mixture and particles, and statistically significant differences reflected net transport in one
1⫻ B27 supplement (Gibco/BRL) to reduce the proliferation of astrocytes. All direction. Comparison of mean velocities was done using a multicomparison
experiments were performed 6 to 7 days after plating. For experiments with KO Bonferroni t test; comparison of fluoro-gold (FG) uptake was done using an
mice, neurons were plated from individual pups, and tissue was used for DNA unpaired two-tailed t test. In all cases, differences were considered statistically
extraction and genotyping as described above. significant where P was ⬍0.05.
Differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy. Coverslips with plated Immunostaining. Immunostaining was performed as previously described
neurons were mounted in a chamber containing serum-free Ham’s F-12K me- (43). Primary antibodies were polyclonal goat anti-htt antibodies N18 and C20
dium (Sigma, St. Louis, Mo.) and placed on a heated microscope stage (37°C). (1:50; Santa Cruz), kinesin heavy chain MC44 polyclonal rabbit antibody (1:
Cells were imaged using a Zeiss Axiophot microscope (Carl Zeiss Inc., Thorn- 1,000; M. McNiven, Mayo Foundation), monoclonal mouse p150Glued (1:750;
wood, N.Y.) with a 63⫻ Plan-APO DIC lens (1.4 numeric aperture [n.a.]) and a Transduction Laboratories, San Diego, Calif.), mouse monoclonal anti-GAPDH
4⫻ extender. Vesicular movement within the neurites was recorded for 30 min (1:6,000; Chemicon), and polyclonal rabbit ␣-synapsin (1:500; kind gift of P.
using a Hamamatsu Newvicon camera (Hamamatsu Phototonics K.K., McPherson). Secondary antibodies were rabbit anti-goat Cy5 (1:120; Zymed);
Hamamatsu, Japan) at 24-h mode and played at 2-h mode. The frame capture goat anti-mouse Cy5 (1:1,500; Amersham), goat anti-mouse tetramethylmodam-
rate was five per 2 s. Images were collected on an Apple Desktop G3/300 ine (TMR) (1:400), and goat anti-rabbit TMR (1:50; Molecular Probes).
Minitower with a Targa 2000 PCI video card. Video images were analyzed using Cell death measurement. Before and after the recording of the vesicular
Adobe Premiere Raid array software. Particles were visualized by adjusting the trafficking, neurons were cytochemically labeled with the DNA dye Hoechst
prism to achieve the desired shadowing. Analysis was performed by a blind 33258 (2.5 ␮g/ml, 5 min), and neurons were scored as healthy or apoptotic by
investigator; the movies were encoded by numbers not by phenotype. For every morphological criteria. Neurons were scored as apoptotic only when they had a
neuron, the amount of visible particles was calculated and sorted depending on pyknotic and/or fragmented nuclei and degenerated or absent neuritis.
shape (round or elongated) and pattern of motion. For every particle observed, Confocal imaging. For colocalization studies, cells were imaged using a LSM
we recorded the time it spent in motion or stationary period along with direction 510 confocal laser scanning microscope (Carl Zeiss Inc.) with a 100⫻ oil objec-
of motion (anterograde [A] or retrograde [R]). Depending on the pattern of tive (1.4 n.a.) with optical section set to ⬃0.5 ␮m.
motion, the particle was considered to move smoothly if it did not stop over the Electron microscopy. For conventional electron microscopy, cells were fixed
distance of 50 ␮m (the average length of the neurite observed in the movie was using cacodylate, sucrose, and glutaraldehyde mixture. Cells were incubated in
about 60 ␮m). The particle was considered stationary if it did not move over the 1% osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol, and embedded
time of the whole movie. A particle that moved back and forth without net in Quetol 651 (Ted Pella, Inc). Thin sections (0.09 to 0.1 ␮m) were cut parallel
displacement was counted as saltatory. Many particles underwent stop-and-go to the ventral surface of the cells using a diamond knife (Diatome US) and an
motion where they moved, stopped, and then resumed movement often changing Ultracut E microtome (Reichert-Jung, Vienna, Austria). Sections were collected
the direction. For both round and elongated particles, velocities were estimated on copper grids, poststained with lead citrate, and viewed at ⬃60 kV with a JEOL
by measuring distance and the time the particle spent in motion. If the same 1200 transmission electron microscope (JEOL USA).
particle performed multiple short-term movements in both directions (stop-and- Estimation of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA damage. Quantitative PCR was
go), velocities in A and R directions were calculated independently and aver- utilized to determine the DNA damage in neurons (2). This technique enables
aged. the quantitative measurement of both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA in the
Identification of axons and dendrites in neuronal preparations. Typically extracts from the brains of control and transgenic mice. The technique is based
axons were chosen for motility measurements. However, real-time imaging re- on the premise that DNA lesions, including oxidative damage such as strand
quired presence of living cells that could not be fixed and probed until after the breaks, base modifications, and AP sites, will block the progression of the poly-
experiment. To distinguish between axons and dendrites in living neurons, we merase resulting in the decreased amplification of the target sequence. DNA
first identified axons based upon known morphological characteristics such as from striatal tissue of control (FVB/N), HD16, and HD72 mice of 8 to 9 weeks
uniform thickness and lack of branching. After the morphological selection, of age was extracted with a genomic DNA extraction kit (QIAGEN, Chatsworth,
neurons were postfixed and immunostained with anti-MAP2 antibody (Upstate Va.) using the protocol supplied with the kit. DNA estimation was done using a
Biotechnology, Lake Placid, N.Y.) or Tau (C-17) antibody (Santa Cruz) as PicoGreen double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) quantitation kit (Molecular Probes).
described earlier (43). We calculated the percentage of correct identifications in Free PicoGreen dye is essentially nonfluorescent and exhibits ⬎1,000-fold fluo-
three separate experiments. Morphological characteristics of neurites yielded a rescence enhancement upon binding to dsDNA at excitation and emission wave-
correct assignment of an axon in roughly 85% of cases. lengths of 480 and 530 nm, respectively. The assay displays a linear correlation
Mitochondria staining in neurons. For experiments with mitochondria traf- between dsDNA quantity and fluorescence, being extremely sensitive (detection
ficking in living neurons, cells were treated for 5 min with tetramethylrhodamine range extending from 25 pg/ml to 1 ␮g/ml). Quantitative PCR was done using a
methyl ester (TMRM) (Molecular Probes, Eugene, Oreg.) (10 nM in medium). protocol described previously (2) except that the quantitation of PCR products
The experiments were performed using a LSM 510 confocal microscope (Carl was done using PicoGreen dye. The primer sequences used were as follows: for
Zeiss Inc., Thornwood, N.Y.) with a Plan-Apochromat 100⫻ (1.4 n.a.) oil ob- the 6.5-kb nuclear gene, ␤-polymerase, 5⬘-TAT CTC TCT TCC TCT TCA CTT
jective. However, the confocal aperture was opened to allow the fluorescence CTC CCC TGG-3⬘ and 5⬘-CGT GAT GCC GCC GTT GAG GGT CTC CTG-
from the entire thickness of the cell to be collected. Utilization of a laser 3⬘; for the 10-kb mitochondrial genome, 5⬘-GAG AGA TTT TAT GGG TGT
scanning microscope allowed photo bleaching of the sample to be avoided. AAT GCG G-3⬘ and 5⬘-GCC AGC CTG ACC CAT AGC CAT AAT AT-3⬘; and
During imaging, cells were kept at low excitation intensity (laser power was 25% for the 117-bp small mitochondrial fragment, 5⬘-CCC AGC TAC TAC CAT
and transmission was 0.1%). Cells were incubated at 37°C during time of re- CAT TCA AGT-3⬘ and 5⬘-GAT GGT TTG GGA GAT TGG TTG ATG-3⬘.
cording. All recordings were started 5 min after the coverslip was placed on the DNA lesion frequencies were calculated as described previously (2). Briefly,
microscopic stage to allow equilibration of the sample. The Ar/Kr laser was set the amplification of damaged samples (AD) was normalized to the amplification
up to 568 nm for excitation; emission was set up to 585 nm and greater. TMRM of a nondamaged control (AO) resulting in a relative amplification ratio. Assum-
was washed away with fresh F-12K medium prior to imaging, and images of ing a random distribution of lesions and using the Poisson equation [f(x) ⫽
mitochondria were taken every 1 s at the highest scan speed (0.9 sec) for 10 min. e⫺␭␭x/x!, where ␭ is the average lesion frequency for the nondamaged template
A total of 600 images was recorded per cell with frame capturing being one per (i.e., the zero class; x ⫽ 0)], the average lesion per DNA strand was determined
second. by the following equation: ␭ ⫽ ⫺ln AD/A0.
Movies were analyzed using LSM 510 software that allowed animation of 600 ATP measurements. Plated neurons were lysed with ice-cold perchloric acid
images into a movie. Analysis of mitochondria movement was performed by four (5%). The clarified supernatant was neutralized, and ATP was quantified using
blind investigators. Each mitochondrion was traced from the first frame of the Sigma’s lucigenin/luciferase ATP detection kit. The total amount of ATP ex-
movie to the last. The time and the distance that mitochondrion traveled in axon tracted was correlated with the protein amount.
or spent in stationary state was recorded. For every organelle, the average speed FG neurotracer experiments. Control and HD72 5-month-old mice were in-
that it moved in A or R direction was estimated. Data were averaged for each jected with 0.2 ␮l of 4% fluorogold (FG) in water over a 4-min time period. Mice
phenotype. We also created the pattern of motion for randomly selected mito- were deeply anesthetized with injection of 10 ␮l of 8-mg/ml ketamine–1-mg/ml
chondria moving in smooth or stop-and-go mode where time that mitochondrion xylazine per g of the body weight. FG was injected into both hemispheres in the
spent in motion or stationary state was plotted versus distance. substantia nigra using a stereotaxic device. Injections were performed with a
Statistical analysis. Vesicles observed by DIC optics were evaluated for net Hamilton gastight 10-␮l syringe. The anterior-posterior, medial lateral, and dor-
transport in one direction using a chi-square test. Data were compared to an soventral coordinates relative to the bregma were as follows: anterior-posterior,

⫺3.2 mm; medial lateral, ⫾1.5 mm; dorsoventral, ⫺3.8 mm. Animals were by size and morphology (Fig. 1A). The dimensions of small,
cardioperfused with 4% paraformaldehyde solution after 24, 48, or 72 h postin- round particles were consistent with endocytic vesicles (0.6 to
jection. Brains were removed and placed overnight in freshly prepared 4%
paraformaldehyde. Sections were cut through the caudate-putamen region and
1.8 ␮m) while the larger elongated particles were most likely
through the sight of injection in the frontal plane at 30 ␮m thick with an Oxford mitochondria (1.9 to 4.5 ␮m). Optical shadowing alone could
Vibratome. The sections were mounted on glass slides and air dried over night. not unambiguously identify them. Therefore, we analyzed the
FG was detected using UV illumination (360- to 370-nm excitation, 420- to motility of both.
460-nm emission) with an Olympus AX70 microscope under 40⫻ or 10⫻ mag-
In neurons from HD72 mice, the speed of both round and
nification. We first identified the accuracy of injection. If injection was placed
correctly, analysis of FG staining in 10 consecutive striatal slices was performed. elongated particles dropped relative to control neurons by
As a reference point we took the slice where lateral ventricles joined the dorsal nearly 60% in the A as well as R directions (Fig. 1E). The drop
third ventricle that appears as a “flap” on the slice. Five consecutive slices before in speed was accompanied by a distinctly different pattern of
and after the reference slice were compared to one another regarding intensity motion. We found that particles could be divided into two
of FG staining in the striatum. Thus, intensity of staining was compared in
control and HD72 mice in brain slices that precisely represented the same brain
broad classes: those that moved with net direction and those
regions, were of the same thickness, and allowed observation of most of the that moved without net direction (Fig. 1F). Particles that
caudate putamen (striatum) region. For each slice imaged under 40⫻ magnifi- moved with net direction did so either by smooth, rapid pro-
cation, the total number of neurons accumulating FG in their cell bodies was gress along the neurite or by jerky stop-and-go motion (Fig.
counted in the same area in the striatum. Numbers were collected from 10 slices
1F). Particles without net direction were either stationary or
and averaged per mouse. The mean number of the cell bodies accumulating FG
was calculated for five control and five HD72 mice for 1- and 3-day time points. displayed saltatory (back and forth) movement (Fig. 1F)
Mass spectrometry. S3 extracts were prepared from the caudate-putamen without net displacement. By observing 300 to 500 individ-
region of human HD-affected brain 3882 by a method previously described (14). ual vesicles in 12 to 16 different neurons, we found that the
Gel filtration fractions from S3 extracts were pooled, concentrated and desalted number of particles with net motion significantly diminished
by phenol-ether (36), separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and
stained with Coomassie blue. The gel lane was then cut horizontally into 37
from roughly 69 to 33% as the glutamine tract in htt in-
even-sized gel slices that were processed for trypsin digestion as described pre- creased from 7 to 72 (Fig. 1F). Concomitantly, the percent-
viously (46). Extracted, trypsin-digested peptides were separated on a BioBasic age of particles without net displacement increased from 30
C18 reversed-phase column and analyzed on a CapLC Q-TOF mass spectrometer to 67%.
(MicroMass) as described previously (46). The MS/MS data was peaklisted
In neurons from HD16 mice, an increasing number of par-
(MassLynx; MicroMass) and submitted to Mascot (MatrixScience) software for
database search analysis against the National Center for Biotechnology Infor- ticles displayed stop-and-go rather than smooth motility (Fig.
mation nonredundant database. Only peptides with a confidence level of 95% or 1F). No particles moved smoothly in neurons from HD72 mice.
greater (as defined by Mascot software) were accepted. Peptides at the low end Rather, particles in HD72 neurons displayed exclusively stop-
of the confidence interval were subjected to a second round of analysis by manual and-go motion, and the number of stationary vesicles increased
threefold compared to control neurons (Fig. 1F). Together,
these data suggested particles in neurons were increasingly
immobilized in the presence of mhtt or had a more difficult
time moving along the neurites. For round particles, the num-
Vesicles are progressively immobilized in neurons from ber of moving ones dropped modestly in both the A and R
transgenic mice expressing mhtt with increasing polyglu- directions as the glutamine length increased from 7 (control
tamine length. To evaluate whether expression of mhtt alters neurons) to 72 (HD72) (Fig. 1G). However, the number of
fast axonal trafficking, we performed real-time imaging in pri- moving elongated particles was substantially affected in both
mary embryonic (E17) striatal neurons isolated from control directions in transgenic animals relative to control (Fig. 1G).
and transgenic mice expressing either a high level of htt with Thus, there was a direct correlation between the reduction in
16 glutamines (HD16) (33) or a low level of mhtt with 72 number of moving particles and the length of the polyglu-
glutamines (HD72) (20) (Fig. 1). The use of mouse models tamine tract primarily for elongated particles.
offered several advantages. First, trafficking could be moni- Alterations in vesicular dynamics were not due to experi-
tored in primary neurons from brain regions that are most mental conditions. After imaging, we observed no changes in
affected in HD. Further, these mice expressed the full-length neuronal appearance (Fig. 1C), nuclei staining (data not
mhtt as is found in vivo. Therefore, we made no assumptions as shown), or synaptic activity, as measured by staining with syn-
to what cleavage products, if any, were present in the cells at apsin antibody (Fig. 1D). Thus, trafficking defects were not an
the time of measurements. In these experiments, all mice were artifact of cell health status.
generated in identical genetic backgrounds allowing accurate Trafficking is impaired in vivo in living animals expressing
comparison. mhtt. To test whether expression of mhtt also causes trafficking
Vesicle motility was measured using DIC optics allowing dysfunction in vivo, we measured the uptake of the neuro-
real-time imaging of individual cells. Particles were detected tracer, FG, in whole animals (Fig. 2). FG freely crosses the
only by optical shadowing in the absence of any mechanical or axolemma and becomes trapped in lysosomes, which are sub-
chemical treatment (Fig. 1A and B; also unpublished data). In sequently transported to the cell bodies in neurons (47). FG
all experiments, neurons were maintained under physiological labeling is a sensitive measure of trafficking efficiency and
conditions during the time of recording (30 min). Imaging was neuronal integrity since accumulation of the tracer in cell bod-
primarily performed in neurites that, by known morphological ies depends on R transport and intact axons (38).
criteria (e.g., lack of branching and uniform thickness), were In presymptomatic HD patients, striatal neurons projecting
defined as axons. Neurite origin after DIC recording was, in to substantia nigra are preferentially affected (1, 34). There-
random cases, confirmed by immunostaining with tau antibody. fore, we injected FG into the substantia nigra of adult control
We observed two types of moving particles that were defined and HD72 mice and measured uptake into the striatum of

FIG. 1. mhtt expression causes inhibition of trafficking in neurons of transgenic mice as visualized by DIC optics. (A) Examples of round and
elongated particles as they appear using DIC optics. Images are shown at different magnification (top, 63⫻ with 4⫻ extender; bottom, 100⫻ with
4⫻ extender and 2⫻ zoom). White arrows indicate round particles, black arrows indicate elongated particles. (B) Time-lapse DIC images of
particle motility taken 1 s apart. A round vesicle moving towards the cell body is indicated by an arrow. The line is an arbitrary point of reference.
Technical details are described in Materials and Methods. (C) DIC imaging does not affect neuronal health. Phase images (63⫻ oil DIC, 1.4 n.a.)
of primary striatal neuronal cultures before and after 30 min of DIC imaging. Scale bar, 20 ␮m. (D) DIC imaging does not affect synaptic activity.
Primary striatal neurons immunostained with synapsin antibody before and after 30 min of DIC imaging (63⫻ oil DIC, 1.4 n.a.). Scale bar, 20 ␮m.
Analysis of speed (panel E), pattern of motion (panel F), and number of moving round and elongated particles (panel G) in striatal neurons from
control (C) and transgenic mice expressing htt with 16 (HD16) or 72 (HD72) glutamines obtained using DIC optics. (E) Velocity of particles in
micrometers per second. N, number of neurites observed; ⴱ, P ⬍ 0.0001; ⴱⴱ, P ⬍ 0.01. Thirty to 50 particles were randomly selected for evaluation
in every group. (F) Analysis of pattern of motion includes all particles observed (round and elongated). SL, saltatory (back and forth without net
direction); ST, stationary (no motion); SM, smooth (without stops over the range of 50 ␮m); S-G, stop-and-go (the particle stops for a period of
time before resuming motion); P, number of particles evaluated; ⴱ, P ⬍ 0.0001. (G) The percentage of particles moving in neurites in the A or
R direction is significantly lower in neurons from HD72 mice. ⴱ, P ⬍ 0.0001. Statistical analysis in panels F and G was done by chi-square test.

5-month-old animals (Fig. 2). At this age, HD72 mice do not animals. By 3 days, differences in staining intensity between
display any movement disorder and are indistinguishable from control and HD72 mice were not significant. These data pro-
control animals (20). After the injection, mice were allowed to vided direct evidence that expression of mhtt slows vesicular
recover and were sacrificed at 1 to 3 days. Trafficking was trafficking not only in embryonic neurons in vitro but also in
measured by the intensity of staining in the neuronal cell bod- adult animals in vivo. Moreover, impairment of trafficking oc-
ies in the striatum with time (Fig. 2B to F). curred before measurable onset of symptoms associated with
We found striking differences in striatal staining between neuronal loss in HD72 mice (20).
control and HD72 mice at 1 day after injection in all animals Mitochondrial movement is impaired in neurons from
tested (n ⫽ 10) (Fig. 2B, E, and F). At this time, the number transgenic mice expressing mhtt. Analysis of data obtained in
of neurons that accumulated FG in the cell body in the stria- DIC experiments indicated that the motility of elongated par-
tum of HD72 mice was less than 25% of that for control ticles was most affected in neurons expressing mhtt. To test

FIG. 2. Retrograde transport of FG into striatum is slow in mice expressing mhtt. (A) Injection scheme for FG uptake. FG was injected into
substantia nigra, and uptake in striatum was monitored with time. (B) Quantification of the number of neurons that accumulate FG in the cell
bodies in control and HD72 mice 1 and 3 days after the injection. Horizontal lines represent 0, 50, 100, etc. cells labeled/mouse. Black bars, control
FVB/N mice; white bars, HD72 mice; ⴱ, P ⬍ 0.01 (t test). (C) Retrograde uptake of FG in striatum of control mice 3 days after the injection. The
box indicates the area in the striatum that was used for quantification in panel B. Scale bar, 200 ␮m. (D) View of cortical neurons with FG
accumulation in the cell bodies. Scale bar, 50 ␮m. (E, F) FG uptake in the striatum of control (E) and HD72 (F) mice 1 day after the injection.
Neuronal cell bodies labeled with FG are seen as bright circular structures in tissue. Scale bar, 50 ␮m.

whether the motility of organelles was also affected by the we calculated the speed only when the mitochondrion moved
expression of mhtt, we identified mitochondria by specific (Fig. 3C, top).
staining with the cationic dye TMRM and examined their dy- Quantification of vesicular dynamics of 300 to 530 mitochon-
namics using fluorescence imaging (6) (Fig. 3A and B). The dria by method 1 confirmed that they moved with diminished
dye itself does not alter mitochondrial function or motility (6), average speed in HD72 mice relative to control (Table 1). The
and the rates obtained for elongated particles in DIC experi- average speed of mitochondria progressively decreased in both
ments were similar to ones obtained using TMRM. directions (up to 70%) as the glutamine tract increased from 7
We found that the majority of mitochondria (roughly 70%) to 72 (Table 1). Similarly, with method 2, we found that when
in neurons were stationary and tended to be located near the mitochondria moved, their actual speed was 50% slower in
cell body (Fig. 3A). Therefore, we restricted measurements HD72 mice compared to control (Table 1). Thus, mitochon-
and analyses to mitochondria moving in neurites (Fig. 3A dria had an increasingly difficult time moving along neurites in
and B; also unpublished data). Neurons were incubated with the presence of mhtt, and the degree of diminished motility
TMRM and imaged every second over 10 to 15 min on the directly correlated with the glutamine length.
heated microscopic stage. Indeed, we found that trafficking of Mitochondria not only moved slowly in HD72 neurons, they
mitochondria was impaired in primary neurons from HD72 also stopped more frequently. We found that the number of
mice compared to control. stops increased with the glutamine length (Table 1). This is
The speed of mitochondria was calculated using two meth- also reflected in the fraction of time mitochondrial spent in
ods. In method 1, the average speed was measured by dividing motion, which was significantly smaller in neurons from HD72
the total distance by the total time of mitochondrial movement mice (Table 1). Thus, the inhibition of mitochondria speed in
during the observation period (Fig. 3C, bottom). In method 2, HD16 and HD72 mice was accompanied by a distinctly differ-

FIG. 3. Analysis of mitochondrial motion in neurons from control, transgenic, and htt KO mice visualized by TMRM staining. (A) Image of
striatal neuron stained with TMRM; red are stationary mitochondria and green are moving mitochondria identified by computer and appropriately
colored. Most moving mitochondria are in the neurites. The arrow indicates the cell body. (B) An example of time-lapse recording of a
TMRM-stained mitochondrion moving in the R direction along the axon in an E17 striatal neuron. Phase and fluorescence images are shown. The
arrow and circle indicate the mitochondrion being traced. (C) Schematic diagram of speed calculations used in the analysis of mitochondrial
movement. Speedmov (speed when moving) was calculated by dividing the distance over time for every step in which mitochondria moved (double
arrows), and data were averaged. In this example, time equals the sum of steps 1, 3, and 5. No time for stationary phases was included. SpeedAve
(average speed) was calculated by dividing distance by total time that includes both moving and stationary phases (sum of steps 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5).

ent pattern of motion (Fig. 4). Mitochondria in control mice tility was more stop-and-go (Fig. 4). The most striking result
moved smoothly in both directions with individual organelles was a reduction in distance covered by mitochondria between
covering a relatively long distance between stops (Fig. 4). In stops in HD72 mice (Fig. 4). Mitochondria in these animals
neurons from either HD16 or HD72 mice, mitochondrial mo- traveled roughly 50% of the distance in the A direction and

TABLE 1. Dynamics of mitochondrial motility in neurons of control, transgenic, and KO micea

Lineb Direction of motion Moving speed (␮m/s)c Average speed (␮m/s)d Fm e No. of stopsf

Cnt A 1.91 ⫾ 1.11 1.19 ⫾ 0.50 0.72 ⫾ 0.14 0.9

Cnt R 1.74 ⫾ 0.91 1.27 ⫾ 0.29 0.65 ⫾ 0.16 0.5
HD16 A 1.33 ⫾ 0.61 1.06 ⫾ 0.60 0.66 ⫾ 0.28 1.1
HD16 R 1.28 ⫾ 0.59 0.75 ⫾ 0.46* 0.66 ⫾ 0.19 1.8
HD72 A 0.92 ⫾ 0.36* 0.45 ⫾ 0.22* 0.56 ⫾ 0.22* 5.7*
HD72 R 0.82 ⫾ 0.34* 0.40 ⫾ 0.30* 0.46 ⫾ 0.19* 5.1*
Flox/⫺ A 0.63 ⫾ 0.27 0.30 ⫾ 0.16 0.71 ⫾ 0.18 2.8
Flox/⫺ R 0.80 ⫾ 0.35 0.34 ⫾ 0.11 0.45 ⫾ 0.17 5.0
KO A 0.53 ⫾ 0.22* 0.21 ⫾ 0.14* 0.51 ⫾ 0.22* 7.4*
KO R 0.53 ⫾ 0.20* 0.21 ⫾ 0.12* 0.42 ⫾ 0.19 7.5*
Mitochondrial speed progressively declines as the glutamine tract in htt increases or htt is lost.
Data were generated in primary striatal embryonic neurons (E17) from control FVB/N (Cnt), transgenic mice with full-length htt with 16 (HD16) and 72 (HD72)
glutamines, and mice with 50% loss of wild-type htt (Flox/⫺) that are littermates of htt conditional KO mice expressing less than 50% endogenous htt.
Speed when moving represents the total distance divided by the time in motion. Here times does not include stationary phases. Data were calculated using 92 to
355 mitochondria from 10 to 16 neurons. *, P ⬍ 0.0001.
Average speed represents the total distance traveled by the mitochondria divided by the total time. This involves time both in movement and in stationary phases.
*, P ⬍ 0.0001.
The Fm is the fraction of time that the mitochondrion is moving. *, P ⬍ 0.05.
Number of stops represents the average number of pauses by a mitochondrion. *, P ⬍ 0.0001. Data presented in the last three columns were generated from 10
randomly selected organelles observed in five random neurons.

FIG. 4. Pattern of mitochondria motion in neurites of control and HD-affected mice. The majority of mitochondria in control neurons cover
a longer distance in a shorter time and stop less frequently than mitochondria in HD-affected mice. The pattern of motion was recorded for
randomly selected individual mitochondria from 10 to 15 neurons that could be traced for over 150 s or moved over the distance of 50 ␮m.
Stationary and mobile phases were plotted over time.

less than 30% in the R direction relative to control mice (Fig. radicals can arise from damaged mitochondria and even a
4). Trafficking defects were not related to the neuronal health small number of DNA lesions can be precisely measured (2).
since DNA staining with Hoechst did not reveal any signs of Thus, impairment of mitochondrial motility observed in em-
apoptosis before and after the experiment. Thus, motility of bryonic HD72 neurons preceded signs of mitochondrial dys-
mitochondria in HD72 mice was significantly impaired by ex- function. In contrast to embryonic neurons, lactate accumula-
pression of mhtt. tion in the striatum from adult HD72 mice (12 months) was
The defect imparted by mhtt expression occurred at the level significantly increased (Fig. 5D). Mitochondrial dysfunction
of trafficking since neither the number, integrity, or the mor- occurred between 12 weeks and 12 months, much later than
phology of mitochondria in embryonic striatal neurons was the initial movement defects observed in embryonic neurons.
significantly different from controls (Fig. 5A to C). Mitochon- Thus, mitochondria became dysfunctional as the animals aged.
dria moved slower in embryonic neurons from HD72 mice but Expression of mhtt and loss of htt cause similar trafficking
were able to synthesize ATP as well as in control neurons, and defects in neurons. We next addressed whether the trafficking
lactate, a signature of mitochondrial dysfunction, was not ele- defect imparted by mhtt was due to a loss of normal htt func-
vated (Fig. 5D). tion or a gain of a new function. In Drosophila htt was shown
Mitochondria become increasingly dysfunctional with age. to be essential for fast axonal trafficking (17). If htt has the
Loss of mitochondrial motility might diminish ATP production same function in mammalian neurons and mutation in htt
and increase oxygen radical formation with age, both of which inhibits that function, then trafficking defects observed in
can be toxic to neurons. To measure mitochondrial function HD72 mice should also be observed when htt is reduced or
with age, flash frozen brain tissue from HD72 mice at different lost. Trafficking of mitochondria was visualized in embryonic
ages were tested for ATP content, lactate formation, and oxi- (E17) striatal neurons from mice genetically engineered to
dative damage in mitochondrial DNA. We detected no mito- express less than 50% of htt normal levels upon cre-mediated
chondrial dysfunction in HD16 or HD72 at 12 weeks as mea- recombination (KO) (10). The results were compared to data
sured by oxidative lesions of either mitochondrial or nuclear obtained in mice heterozygous for expression of htt (Flox/⫺)
(␤-globin, ␤-polymerase) DNA (Fig. 5D). Oxidative damage is that do not have the HD phenotype. The analysis of mitochon-
a sensitive marker of mitochondrial dysfunction since oxygen drial rates, patterns of motion, and vesicular dynamics was

FIG. 5. Ultrastructure and function of mitochondria from control and HD-affected mice. Mitochondria morphology was not altered in
embryonic striatal neurons (E17) in control (A) or HD72 (B) mice. Scale bar, 10 nm. There was also no detection of abnormal mitochondria
accumulation in neuritis in HD72 neurons (C) compared to control (not shown). Scale bar, 1 ␮m. M, mitochondrion. (D) Trafficking defects
precede mitochondrial dysfunction in HD72 mice. Mitochondria function (ATP synthesis and lactate accumulation) was not altered in embryonic
(E17) striatal neurons in HD72 mice compared to control despite detected abnormalities in mitochondrial trafficking. At the same time, increased
lactate accumulation was measured in adult HD72 mice (12 months). There was also no difference in mitochondrial DNA damage in striatal tissue
from control, HD16, and HD72 mice at 12 weeks. Estimated mitochondrial (MT) and nuclear (␤-polymerase and ␤-globin) DNA damage was
measured by quantitative PCR in striatal tissues (see Materials and Methods). ATPHD/ATPC is the ratio of ATP generated within E17 cultures
of HD16 or HD72 animals (ATPHD) to that of control neurons (ATPC). LactateHD/LactateC is the ratio of lactate measured in E17 striatal cultures
or striatal tissue from HD72 mice (lactateHD) to that of control mice (lactateC). Age is indicated.

performed using TMRM staining and the protocol identical to ing a dose-dependent effect. These data demonstrate that nor-
the one used for HD72 neurons. Indeed, we found that reduc- mal htt plays a direct role in mitochondrial trafficking. In
tion of wild-type htt below 50% of normal levels decreased embryonic neurons, loss of wild-type htt caused the same
speed of mitochondria in neurons from KO mice (see Flox/⫺ trafficking defects as expression of mhtt in cells that were
and KO speed data in Table 1), increased number of stops (see otherwise normal.
data for stops in Table 1), decreased time that mitochondria mhtt titrates motor proteins from soluble pool to poorly
spent in motion (see Fm data in Table 1), and decreased dis- soluble protofibrillar complexes in human HD-affected brain.
tances mitochondria covered between stops (data not shown). mhtt is prone to aggregation and forms inclusions in human,
Thus, reduction of htt in the neurons altered mitochondrial mouse, and cellular systems (27). Thus, mhtt may impair ve-
dynamics in both the A and R directions. Trafficking defects sicular trafficking by sequestering normal htt and/or trafficking
were significant in KO neurons compared to Flox/⫺, suggest- machinery. To test whether such sequestration occurs in hu-

FIG. 6. Components of the trafficking machinery are sequestered in human HD-affected brain. (A) Extraction scheme used to resolve proteins
based on their solubility. Age- and gender-matched human brain tissues in HD-affected (C/P, CTX) and spared (CBL, HIP) regions were prepared
as described in Materials and Methods. The S1 fraction contains proteins that are the most soluble, S2 contains proteins of intermediate solubility,
and S3 represents the least soluble proteins that are specific to the HD-affected brain. CTX, cerebral cortex; CBL, cerebellar cortex; C/P, caudate
and putamen; HIP, hippocampus; RIPA, radioimmunoprecipitation assay buffer. (B) Distribution of cytoplasmic, nonmetabolic proteins identified
by mass spectrometry in gel filtration fractions of S3 extracts of HD-affected caudate and putamen. Note that mitochondrial and cytoskeletal
proteins constitute the largest portion of this pool. (C) Redistribution of cytoskeleton and trafficking motors from S1 to S3 in HD-affected brain.
Gel filtration profiles of htt, ␣-tubulin (TB), neuronal specific ␤III-tubulin (␤TB), kinesin (KN), and dynactin p150Glued (DN) in the S1 and S3
extracts of HD-affected caudate and putamen. Equal total protein amounts were resolved by size exclusion chromatography, and then an equal
volume of each fraction was analyzed by immunoblotting. Data from two human control brains (M2 and 3867), age- and gender-matched with two
human HD-affected brains (AR98189 and 3882), are shown. The asterisk indicates the predicted migration of a htt monomer. (D) Migration of
nontrafficking proteins, actin (AC), GAPDH (GD), and Ran (RN) was unaffected in HD-affected compared to control brain.

mans, we isolated extracts from human control and HD-in- We first characterized the composition of aggregated com-
fected brain and tested whether trafficking-related proteins plexes using mass spectrometry. To examine htt-containing
were associated with mhtt in disease tissue. The mutation of htt complexes from brain tissue, we developed and applied an
is known to alter interaction with several partners (18). One of extraction method that allows the isolation of htt-containing
them is htt-associated protein 1 (HAP1) that interacts with the complexes from control and HD-affected brain tissue based on
key trafficking proteins dynactin p150Glued, a kinesin heavy their solubility (Fig. 6A) (14). By using this method, we have
chain homologue, and tubulin (15, 24). By using a differential previously shown that wild-type htt is found in soluble (S1)
extraction procedure (14) in combination with size exclusion extracts while mhtt is primarily found in poorly soluble (S3)
chromatography and mass spectrometry, we addressed wheth- protofibrillar complexes. Therefore, mass spectrometry was
er soluble aggregates from human HD-affected brain con- performed on the S3 fraction from HD-affected brain. The S3
tained components of vesicular trafficking. extract from control brain contained virtually no htt. There-

fore, htt-containing complexes were not present in the S3 of motors specifically codistributed with mhtt in human diseased
control brain and we could not perform a comparative analysis. brain and displayed properties expected of soluble aggregates.
Mass spectrometry sequencing revealed that the S3 aggre- If trafficking proteins are selectively sequestered in HD-
gate fraction from HD-affected brain contained both nuclear affected brain, they should physically associate with htt. There-
(⬃8%) and cytoplasmic (⬃92%) proteins (unpublished data). fore, we used immunoprecipitation to determine whether re-
Nuclear proteins included histones, leucine acidic nuclear pro- distribution of trafficking proteins into S3 depended on
tein, transportins, elongation factors, and Sir12 histone de- interaction with mhtt. Since the S3 fraction did not contain htt,
acetylase. Sixty percent of the cytoplasmic proteins were met- the S1 of normal tissue was evaluated as a control. S3 fractions
abolic enzymes or proteins of unknown function (Fig. 6B). from the exclusion chromatography were used as a source of
However, the remaining 40% primarily comprised trafficking the relevant proteins. We found that in fractions from both S1
motors, mitochondrial proteins, endosomal proteins, and cyto- control and S3 HD-affected brain, dynactin p150Glued and ki-
skeletal components (Fig. 6B) Overall, these data suggest that nesin could be pulled down by immunoprecipitation using the
components of the vesicular trafficking machinery and cargo 2166 htt antibody (Fig. 7B). Thus, it appeared that trafficking
were well represented in aggregated fractions from human proteins found in aggregates in HD-affected brain normally
HD-affected brain. interact with htt. However, these proteins are sequestered into
We next tested whether key components of the trafficking poorly soluble aggregates due to interaction with mhtt.
machinery codistributed into S3 extracts together with mhtt in Trafficking proteins not only coprecipitated with htt, but
human HD-affected brain. To test this hypothesis, the total they also colocalized in both human control and HD-affected
protein amount from the soluble (S1) and poorly soluble (S3) patient fibroblasts (Fig. 7E). Colocalization of htt with kinesin
extracts from control and HD-affected brain were resolved by or dynactin was specific, since an equally abundant protein
size exclusion chromatography. An equal volume of the eluted GAPDH showed only minimal colocalization. At the same
fractions was analyzed by Western analysis to determine the time, colocalization with ␣-tubulin, a known partner of htt (21,
presence and size distribution of the proteins of interest. 44), was pronounced (Fig. 7E). Thus, components of the ve-
As previously shown, htt was extracted as a soluble protein sicular trafficking machinery were redistributed into poorly
(S1) in control brain, while in the HD-affected brain, it was soluble complexes by specific association with htt.
consistently depleted in the S1 fraction and redistributed into If selective sequestration of trafficking proteins contributes
the poorly soluble S3 fraction (Fig. 6C) (13). Most of the htt to HD, then the degree of sequestration should correlate with
reactivity appeared to migrate near its monomer MW range the progression of the disease. The severity of HD is deter-
(Fig. 6C). htt was present in control S1 but consistently absent mined by the extent of neuronal degeneration in the caudate
in comparable extracts for HD S1. Instead, normal htt was and putamen. Five grades (grade 0 to 4) are recognized, with
redistributed into the poorly soluble S3 fraction of HD-af- grade 4 being the most severely affected (45). Grade 3 and 4
fected brain (Fig. 6C, compare the migration from S1 and S3 tissues typically have fewer than 20% of the medium spiny
for htt). neurons normally present in the caudate (45). Thus, with dis-
We next tested whether proteins involved in vesicular traf- ease progression, the number of neurons decline and were
ficking were also redistributed into the S3 fraction together substituted with glial cells. Indeed, we found that sequestration
with mhtt. Similar to htt, we found that ␣-tubulin, neuron- of trafficking proteins was inversely associated with disease
specific ␤III-tubulin, kinesin, and dynactin p150Glued were ex- severity and corresponded to the amount of surviving neurons
tracted in the soluble S1 fraction from control caudate puta- (45) (Fig. 7D).
men region but were redistributed to the S3 extract from the In grade 1 tissue, tubulin, kinesin, and dynactin p150Glued
HD-affected brain (Fig. 6C). Gel filtration analysis confirmed were most abundant in the S3 fraction (Fig. 7D). In grade 2
that the loss of tubulin, kinesin, and dynactin p150Glued in the tissue, about equal amounts of protein were present in S1 and
S1 extract of HD-affected caudate-putamen region was due to S3, while in grade 3 tissue most of the material was extracted
redistribution into S3 rather than simply a shift in the associ- in the S1 fraction. Under the same conditions, GAPDH (which
ation state (Fig. 6C). The shift in solubility of the trafficking is not sequestered in disease) was always present in the S1
proteins occurred in both the caudate and the cerebral cortex, extract (Fig. 7D). The data indicated that as fewer neurons
which are the two major sites of HD pathology (Fig. 7A and survived and the tissue mass was increasingly composed of glial
C). The abundance of tubulin, kinesin, and dynactin p150Glued cells, the extraction profiles became more reflective of normal
increased in fractions with decreased solubility (S2 and S3) in tissue. Thus, mhtt-mediated sequestration of trafficking motors
either affected brain region (Fig. 7C). In contrast, GAPDH was appeared to be associated with neurons.
unaffected by the presence of mhtt and primarily extracted in
the S1 fraction (Fig. 7A and C). DISCUSSION
We found that the distribution and solubility of Ran GTPase,
actin, or GAPDH, all of which are unrelated to trafficking, Here, we provide direct and functional evidence that expres-
were equally present in the S1 extracts of either control or sion of full-length mhtt impairs vesicular and mitochondrial
HD-affected brain (Fig. 6D) and were not found in the S3 trafficking in mammalian neurons in vitro and in vivo. Impair-
extracts of either tissue (see GAPDH data in Fig. 7A). Column ment of vesicular and mitochondrial motility increased with
elution profiles for the latter group were nearly identical in the length of the polyglutamine tract and occurred in the ab-
normal and HD-affected brain demonstrating that their solu- sence of cellular toxicity. Embryonic neurons expressing mhtt
bility and association state were not influenced by the presence showed no morphological changes, no alterations in synapse
of mhtt (Fig. 6D). Thus, htt-associated trafficking proteins and formation, and no signs of nuclear fragmentation under any of

FIG. 7. mhtt causes redistribution of soluble htt, cytoskeletal proteins, and trafficking motors to poorly soluble S3 extracts of human HD-
affected brain. (A) An equal amount of total protein was analyzed for solubility by comparing S1 and S3 extracts by immunoblotting. Trafficking
proteins ␣-tubulin (TB), dynactin (DN), and kinesin (KN) are present only in the S1 extract of control brain but are redistributed to the S3 extract
in the HD-affected human brain. Control (C) and HD-affected brain extracts are from the caudate and putamen regions. GAPDH (GD) remains
in the S1 of both control and HD-affected brain. (B) Trafficking proteins interact with both normal and mhtt in human brain. Immunoprecipitation
of htt, dynactin, and kinesin from an S1 extract of control brain or from S3 gel filtration fractions of HD-affected brain. Since no htt was present
in the S3 extract of control brain, it was not analyzed. Immunoprecipitation utilized the 2166 htt antibody; ⫺, protein G beads alone; ⫹, protein
G beads cross-linked with antibody. Input is 8% of the protein sample in the immunoprecipitation reactions. (C) Reduced solubility of ␣-tubulin,
kinesin, and dynactin in the brain regions vulnerable to HD. An equal amount of total protein from the S1, S2, and S3 extracts of grade 1
caudate-putamen (P) or cerebral cortex (X) was analyzed by immunoblotting. The motor-associated proteins are enriched in the poorly soluble
S3 extract. The control protein GAPDH is found predominantly in the soluble S1 extract. (D) Solubility of trafficking proteins as a function of
disease severity. An equal amount of total protein from S1 and S3 extracts from the caudate and putamen of three HD-affected brains of grade
1 (G1), 2 (G2), and 3 (G3) were probed for ␣-tubulin, kinesin, dynactin, and GAPDH. The level of ␣-tubulin, kinesin, and dynactin in S1 increases
with grade and decreases with the average number of surviving neurons characteristic of each grade as previously described (44). The level of
proteins in S3 shows the inverse pattern. The control protein GAPDH remains totally soluble in both control and HD-affected brains. (E) Co-
localization of htt and trafficking proteins in fibroblasts from control individuals and HD patients. Note colocalization of htt with kinesin, ␣-tubulin,
and dynactin but not with GAPDH. In all panels, htt is green; kinesin, dynactin, GAPDH, and ␣-tubulin are red; blue indicates the nucleus.
Overlays are indicated. Confocal images were taken with 100⫻ oil DIC (1.4 n.a.), thickness of the slices was ⬃0.5 ␮m. Scale bar, 10 ␮m.

the experimental conditions. In isolated neurons from mice level of htt falls below 50%, but haploinsufficient animals are
expressing mhtt, trafficking defects in the brain were observed healthy (10, 13, 53). We find that trafficking defects in KO
early in development prior to the onset of neurological symp- animals that have the HD phenotype were significantly worse
toms. Trafficking defects were also observed in mice prior to compared to animals with 50% loss of htt (Flox/⫺), suggesting
onset of disease. Mice develop disease when their expressed a dose-dependent effect. Thus, trafficking defects occurred in

FIG. 7—Continued.

animals and in embryonic neurons prior to the onset of disease. phenotype with retinoic acid and brain-derived neurotrophic
Inhibition of trafficking by mhtt is likely to be a direct effect factor. These events preceded signs of cellular toxicity, indi-
since impairment of trafficking by mutant polyglutamine pro- cating that trafficking impairment and dendritic effects are
tein can occur in a cell-free system (i.e., squid axoplasm), which primary events in pathogenesis. Indeed, we have previously
lacks a nucleus and in which protein synthesis does not occur shown that full-length mhtt resides in the cytoplasm and ini-
(42). tiates toxicity there (43). Expression of full-length mhtt causes
Data presented here also suggest a normal role for htt in neurite retraction, collapse of cytoskeleton, and commitment
trafficking. We find that mice expressing less than 50% of htt to cell death before nuclear entry.
display a severe trafficking defect, suggesting that normal traf- We demonstrate that trafficking of mitochondria is particu-
ficking requires the presence of htt. In fact, the trafficking larly affected by expression of mhtt. Therefore, the morpho-
defects in these animals are more extensive than those express- logical defects in dendrites observed in HD could be the result
ing mhtt. These results are consistent with the predictions of of inefficient delivery of mitochondria to the growth cone dur-
earlier genetics studies. Both White et al. (49) and Nasir et al. ing neurite formation or to the periphery of mature neurites.
(29) demonstrated that mice lacking htt die early in embryo- Although the previous studies in the invertebrate systems did
genesis but that behavioral and developmental defects can be not analyze mitochondria per se, we demonstrate that mito-
partially rescued by one allele of mhtt (49). Consistent with chondrial trafficking is slower and less fluid in either embryonic
these data, we find that expression of mhtt impairs trafficking neurons from htt KO mice or those from transgenic animals
relative to control mice but partially restores the defect in the expressing full-length mhtt. Additionally, recent data in the
conditional KO animals. Thus, the impairment of trafficking Drosophila model have identified a protein required for mito-
that we observe cannot be a simple loss of htt function. Pro- chondrial transport to the synapse (40). This protein, Milton,
gressive alteration in vesicular dynamics is likely to arise from has a high homology to HAP1, a protein known to interact
two sources. mhtt may functionally inactivate trafficking mo- more strongly with mhtt than with wild-type htt (25). We also
tors as well as inhibit a normal function of htt in trafficking. find that mitochondrial proteins succinate dehydrogenase, glu-
Such a model is supported by data from human brain. We find taminase, ATP synthase ␤- and ␥-chain, and outer mitochon-
that mhtt redistributes htt and soluble components of vesicular drial membrane translocase were among those identified by
trafficking machinery, such as kinesin and the dynein-associ- mass spectrometry sequencing of mhtt-containing complexes
ated protein dynactin p150Glued, into poorly soluble aggre- from human HD-affected brains.
gates. ATP production is an essential component of cell survival.
These data raise the issue of how toxicity might arise from a Thus, impairment of mitochondrial function could deplete en-
trafficking defect. Our data as well as others suggest that neu- ergy stores in neurons. Further, mitochondria are required to
rite outgrowth and maintenance may be affected by impaired support synaptic connections and formation of growth cones.
trafficking. Szebenyi and colleagues (42) have shown that trun- The loss of motility might prevent mitochondria from being in
cated, mutant androgen receptor inhibits full neurite out- the right place at the right time. While trafficking defects oc-
growth in SH-SY5Y cells induced to differentiate to a neuronal curred in the embryo prior to any sign of neuropathology or

trafficking components into protofibrillar complexes that im-

pair motility of vesicles and organelles. With time, sequestra-
tion of mitochondrial proteins along with defective trafficking
might lead to failure of ATP synthesis, energy depletion, and
ultimately cell death (Fig. 8).

This work was supported by the Mayo Foundation, National Insti-
tutes of Health, grants NS40738 and DK 43694-01; National Science
Foundation grant IBN 9728120 (to C.T.M.); Canadian Institutes of
Health Research grant mitochondria-15396 (to P.S.M.; the Valorisa-
tion Recherche Quebec, Genome Quebec and Genome Canada); and
The Norwegian Research Council (FUGE). Human brain tissue was
generously provided by the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center,
which is supported in part by PHS grant MH/NS 31862.
We thank Line Roy, Nathalie Hamel, Daniel Boismenu, Alex Bell,
and John Bergeron of the Montreal Proteomics Centre for help with
sequencing, Eugene Krueger for technical assistance in DIC imaging,
Alexey A. Leontovich for help with statistical analysis, and Timothy
Farnham for help with manuscript preparation.

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