The Aims and Objective of Creation Pakistan
The Aims and Objective of Creation Pakistan
The Aims and Objective of Creation Pakistan
Pakistan came into being on 14th August 1947. The Muslims of India had scarifies there wealth
honour & life to make a Pakistan reality. Struggle for attainment of Pakistan started very after
the war of independence 1857.
Aims & Objectives of the Creation of Pakistan
After the war of Independence the Muslims were greatly pressed by the Hindus as well as the
British. Social, political and economical conditions of the Muslims were totally changed. That is
why they demanded for a separate state of their own. Following were the Aims & Objectives that
led to the creation of Pakistan. 1. Setting up of a Free Islamic Society:
The main objective of the creation of Pakistan was to establish a free Islamic Society having its
own identity and government, practicing its own social principles and religion and inviting the
Muslims of the world, particularly and others generally to adopt the Islamic way of life.
2. Protection from Communal Riots:
The communal Riots on every other day made it clear that the Hindus could monopolies the
politics after the departure of The British. The lives of Muslims could never be safe in the united
India. The Hindu organizations had again and again asserted that Hindu Raj would be imposed
on India after the independence. So to get rid of these atrocities the Muslims demanded their
separate state.
3. Social& Political Development of Muslims:
After the war of Independence 1857, the social environment was totally changed. The Muslims
were scared of the caste system and other discriminations. They could enjoy neither political nor
social liberties; therefore, they preferred to have a separate homeland in which they could live
according to the teachings of Islam.
4. Protection of Muslim Language
The Hindus did the best to replace Urdu by Hindi. But they did not succeed during British
period. If South Asia had got freedom without partition, the Hindu majority could very easily
declare Hindi, the official and national language. The Hindu government could wipe out all signs
of Muslim culture; therefore, the Muslims had no choice except putting a demand for Pakistan. 5.
Protection of Two Nation Theory:
The Muslims claimed separate nationhood for themselves and they were determined to maintain
a separate entity for all times to come. The Muslims believe in separate religion, practice
different traditions, and have their own history and their cultural heritage. Their claim was
absolutely true. It was their right to keep their separate entity alive and to enjoy all human rights.
This was not possible in undivided India. 6. Establishment of Islamic State:
Islam is a complete code of life. The Muslims wanted to implement the system practically. This
could not be attained in United India therefore, they passed a resolution and demanded an
Islamic state in the North East and North West of South Asia.
7. Setting up of True Islamic Society:
Islam upholds the golden principles of freedom, justice, brotherhood and equality but living for
centuries with the Hindu community, the Muslims were gradually ignoring, consciously or
unconsciously, these principles. Islam gives guidance for individual as well as collective life. It
has its own principles such as ban on usuary, gambling, to refrain from all unlawful means of
income and expenditure. Again extravagance is regarded devilish. The rights of the neighbours
are stressed which results in social security to all. God-fearing and belief in the Hereafter are the
basis for the social life of the Muslims.
8. Dream of Muslims to get freedom:
Due to the ill treatment of Hindus and British the Muslims also wanted to get freedom and
established their own Govt. in the sub continent because the freedom is right of every nation and
the country. For this reason they demanded Pakistan.