DDDW 2 Ingles

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DDDW Tips and Tricks

The DropDownDataWindow (DDDW) edit style is one of PowerBuilder's outstanding fe

atures. Yes, I know there are a lot of new and exciting capabilities in the upco
ming release of PowerBuilder, but in this article I'll try to solve some of the
current problems with the existing features that are popping up in nearly every
project I've seen.
Here I'll focus on DropDownDataWindows, including:
How to get started with DDDWs
Filtering DDDWs without losing the display value in other rows
Catching the collapsing of a DDDW
Trapping the cursor keys in a DDDW
Autocomplete DDDW values
Getting Started
The basics are well covered in the PowerBuilder User's Manual, but if you still
have problems defining them look at Figure 1. Click on the column you want and i
ts edit style (yes, click on edit on the properties) as DDDW (choose DropDownDW
as Style Type).
Next, choose your DataWindow, display column, and data column. The display colum
n is the kind of data that's displayed to the user. The data column value is the
one that's saved into the database.
You might also consider checking the "V ScrollBar" property. This is something a
lot of users forget; when you test your application, you have just a few rows i
n your DDDW. When you go into production you'll have a lot of rows there, but no
w the user can't scroll with the mouse to these rows.
Now we'll start by describing some problems beginners frequently run into when t
hey are using DDDWs.
The first problem I've encountered as a trainer in the Fast Track to PowerBuilde
r classes is the following:
A student creates a DataWindow and wants to define a column with the DropDownDat
aWindow edit style. He or she opens a second DataWindow painter and creates the
DDDW and saves it (remember the naming convention for DDDWs? Yes, it's d_dddw_xx
xx, where xxxx is your part of the name). Now the student switches back to the c
olumn and configures the edit style. The next step is to test the DDDW column by
inserting a new row or collapsing the column on an existing row. Well, the stud
ent expects to see his or her DDDW data from the database, but that's wrong. The
DDDW is empty (see Figure 2), but why? Well, the DDDW is filled only after a re
trieve of the DataWindow. So the student reretrieves the data and voilà, everythin
g is fine when we look at the column.
The next thing we should talk about is DDDWs with a retrieval argument. I'm quit
e sure you've already seen that: if you use a DDDW that has retrieval arguments,
PowerBuilder will prompt the user for those arguments, displaying an ugly windo
w when you retrieve the parent DataWindow. This is, of course, not the normal be
havior you want your application to have.
The solution is to retrieve the DDDW before you get data for the primary DataWin
dow. The problem is that we need a reference to the DDDW so we can issue a Retri
eve() or InsertRow() function on it. To get the object handle to the DDDW, use t
he GetChild() function.
Since PowerBuilder 8 we are able to prevent the retrieve of the DDDW by disablin
g the "Autoretrieve" property. This lets us retrieve the DDDW anytime (also afte
r the retrieve of the master DataWindow).
We can also prevent the retrieval of a DDDW by saving it with a blank row and ad
ding a row on the DDDW in the DataWindow painter. To do so click on the column s
pecification window on the data tab and insert a blank row using the right-mouse
button. This saves the DataWindow with one blank row preloaded for us. Since Po
werBuilder will see at least one row in the DDDW, it won't try to issue its own
retrieve. This also allows us to retrieve the DDDW anytime.
Now that we know how to prevent the retrieve of a DDDW, the next step is to get
the DDDW handle and retrieve it alone. We can accomplish this by using the GetCh
ild function. Normally when you interact with a column on a DataWindow, you use
the column name to get or set the current value. However, we want to interact wi
th the DDDW that is on a column, not with the column itself. GetChild() provides
us with a reference variable that points to the actual DataWindow in memory. We
can use this variable to issue functions against the DDDW such as Retrieve(), I
nsertRow(), and Modify().
Here's a sample of how to use GetChild():
DataWindowChild dwc
IF dw_1.GetChild( "dept_id", dwc ) > 0 THEN
dwc.SetTransObject( SQLCA )
IF dwc.Retrieve() = 0 THEN &
Notice that GetChild returns an integer. This integer tells you whether GetChild
was able to return a reference to the child DataWindow into the variable dwc. G
etChild looks on your parent DataWindow for the column you specify. It then assi
gns the DataWindow control used to retrieve that column to the variable dwc.
If the column "dept_id" is a DDDW, then dwc should hold a reference to the DDDW.
If we had misspelled the name of the column or the column didn't exist on the D
ataWindow, GetChild() would return -1. As usual don't forget to use SetTransObje
ct on the child before you code a retrieve. Once we have our reference to the dr
opdown, we can do almost anything with it that we can do to a normal DataWindow
including using Modify, Describe, SetTransObject, Find, Sort, and Filter.
Be sure that the data value for a column that uses the DropDownDataWindow edit s
tyle is limited to 511 characters.
Share DropDownDataWindows
If you use a lot of DDDWs, it might be a good idea to populate a DataStore for e
ach DDDW and share with the DataStore.
An important point to remember is that you must prevent the retrieve of the DDDW
s prior to sharing (this is usually accomplished in the open event of the window
or the DDDWs will initially do a retrieve. If this happens, you will be retrievi
ng twice for each DDDW! To stop the retrieve of the DDDW,
do an insert row into the ChildDataWindow from the open event of the window.
Get the Display Value
I've come across a problem with a PB 6.5 app: on a DataWindow I have a DDDW that
accesses a simple two-column (name, number) table.
The DDDW uses "name" as its display column and "number" as its data column.
The user is able to select a name from the list, and the number is stored in ano
ther table. So far, so good.
The problem occurs when I want to programmatically access the data contained in
the display column of the DDDW (i.e., the name the user selected).
I have gone through all the documentation I can find, and I can't figure out how
to obtain this information.
Solution #1 (Recommended)
Take advantage of the Describe() Evaluate function. In the following code the DD
LB or DDDW column is called state_code.
string ls_rownumber, ls_displayvalue
ls_rownumber = string(dw_1.getrow())
ls_displayvalue = dw_1.describe("Evaluate
( 'lookupdisplay(dept_id) ', "+ls_rownumber+" )")
This solution does not require the definition of an additional computed column o
n the DataWindow.
Note: This solution will not work in the itemchanged event of the main DataWindo
w. It must be done in an event that occurs after the itemchanged event has compl
eted by creating a custom unmapped user event ue_ getdisplayvalue, and then wind
owname.postevent (ue_getdisplayvalue) from the itemchanged event of the DataWind
Solution #2 (Computed Column Approach)
Go into the DataWindow painter and add a computed column. The expression should
be Lookupdisplay(dept_id) where dept_id is the name of your DDLB or DDDW column.
Name the computed column "display". Place the computed column anywhere since we
will make it invisible with Modify().
Next, go into the window and add a user event called ue_lookup. In the script fo
r this event code:
// displayvalue will contain the display value
the user has selected from ddlb or dddw column
string displayvalue
displayvalue = dw_1.getitemstring(dw_1.getrow(),"display")
In the Itemchanged event for the main DataWindow (dw_1) code:
// check to see if the ddlb or dddw column is
the correct one they are changing.
// use the column number (#) of the ddlb or dddw column.
if getcolumn() = 3 then
parent.event post ue_lookup()
end if
Adding a DDDW at Runtime
I had some trouble getting this to work; apparently you have to reconnect to the
database for it to function properly.
Here is an example that builds the Modify string with the attributes (see Listin
g 1) (Listings 1-3 can be downloaded from www.sys-con.com/pbdj/sourcec. cfm.):
Make "dept_id" the data column.
Make "dept_name" the display column.
Insert an arrow on the dropdown list.
Allow editing in the text box.
Insert a vertical scroll bar on the dropdown list.
Be sure that we are assigning the DataObject of the child DataWindow dynamically
, which might end in an error message in the compiled code only. The GetChild fu
nction returns -1 when we try to reference the DropDownDataWindow. This is becau
se PowerBuilder compiles only "used" objects into an executable. If we assign a
DataObject (or in our case a DDDW) programmatically using a string, PowerBuilder
does not recognize this DataObject as used. The solution is that we assign a pb
d out of the pbl containing that particular DataObject (in our case "dw_popup_ta
ble_list"), or we should include it in a .pbr file as:
Filter DDDWs
You may have already encountered this problem: we would like to filter a DDDW de
pending on a value in the current row. If we filter out some values in the DDDW,
the dropdown shows only description data for rows that are in the primary buffe
r. In all other rows we see the data value.
The trick here is not to filter. You need to have the description or display val
ue in the primary buffer. One method is to use SetDetailHeight to mimic "filteri
Unfilter all rows and set detail height to "standard height".
Filter out rows you want to display (yes, the good ones).
SetDetailHeight to 0 for the rows in the primary buffer (this will make them invi
Unfilter the DDDW.
You'll be left with all the rows so the display value can be found but the rows
you don't want to see have a height of 0 (see Listing 2).
The Cursor Keys
We can code an event using pbm_dwnkey to get the keys pressed by a user on our D
ataWindow; however, if you type the up or down arrows while the cursor is positi
oned on a DDDW, the itemchanged event usually gets triggered, bypassing the pbm_
dwnkey event. This might be bad in some situations; for example, we have problem
s trapping as these keys are the first and last row in our child DataWindow. The
solution is to trap these in a user event mapped to pbm_command.
From the win32 helpfile (WM_COMMAND):
The WM_COMMAND message is sent when the user selects a command item from a menu,
when a control sends a notification message to its parent window, or when an ac
celerator keystroke is translated.
This means that in PowerBuilder, whenever an event occurs in the DataWindowChild
it sends a notification code to the parent DataWindow. This code can be interce
pted in the user event mapped to a pbm_command DataWindow event. If we want to e
xperiment to determine which events you can intercept, try adding the following
code to ue_command mapped to pbm_command:
mle_status.text += "hwndchild = " + String(hwndchild)
+ ", " + "childid = " + String(childid) + ", "
+ "notificationcode = " + String(notificationcode) + "~r~n"
The code needed to intercept the dropdown arrow is:
int li_rc
li_rc = this.GetChild("dept_id", ldwc_ddlb)
IF childid = Handle(ldwc_ddlb) THEN
CHOOSE CASE notificationcode
CASE 2048
Post Event ue_DDLBRowFocusChanged()
Some samples for notification code are shown in Table 1.
One caveat, the pbm_command event is invoked for just about everything that goes
on in a DW that's not already captured by another event.
In other words, it will be invoked a lot. To limit the number of times the code
in this event is invoked, you can map another user event to the event ID pbm_dwn
mousemove. Don't put any code in this event. This will cause all mouse move even
ts to go to the other event instead of the one mapped to pbm_command.
Collapsing the DDDW
This might also help you, if you have one or more rows in your DDDW where your d
isplay and data value appear more than once, but you want to set another column
depending on a DDDW column that's not used for the display or data value. If you
have such a row, PowerBuilder does not recognize (or fire) an itemchanged event
, which (from PowerBuilder's point of view) is correct but does not solve our bu
siness problem. A good solution is to trap the cursor keys and look at which row
the user is in in the DDDW and set the dependent column by hand.
You can achieve what you want by mapping one user event to pbm_dwndropdown to fi
gure out when a DDDW was opened and another one to pbm_ncpaint, which is fired w
hen a DataWindow needs to be repainted, and then code something like Listing 3.
Autocomplete DDDW
We would like to implement the type-along search functionality for a DropDownDat
aWindow. This means that when we start typing in our DDDW column we want the col
umn to display the next matching value automatically (see Figure 3).
The steps to accomplish this are:
Make your DDDW column editable.
Code the editchanged (for DDLB) and itemfocuschanged (for DDDWs).
This can be found in the PFC. I've prepared a complete sample where I extracted
the code from the PFC; it can be downloaded from PBDJ's Web site, www.sys-con.co
m/pbdj/sourcec.cfm, or from http://www.bhitcon.net/. In this sample you'll find
the autocomplete feature as well as everything we were discussing.
The DropDownDataWindow (DDDW) edit style is one of PowerBuilder's most useful fe
atures. It's essentially a DataWindow within a DataWindow. Its most common use i
s as a listbox type control where the DataWindow that's actually dropped down lo
oks and acts like a listbox control, allowing the user to select a row. But as w
e've seen, this is just the beginning of what can be done with dropdowns. DDDWs
are a powerful feature in PowerBuilder; they're not easy to use, but if you know
how to use them correctly you're one step closer to becoming a PowerBuilder exp

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