Laplace Transformation in The Octets of DES

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Draft: January 3, 2021 CHAPTER 8.


Next, Lsamp-R is replaced by Lsamp-L . By Lemma 4.11, this change is indistinguishable:

ctxt(m 1 k · · · km ` ):
r := samp() Lsamp-L
c 0 := r lookup(x):
for i = 1 to `:  t := samp()  samp():
r := lookup(r ) return t r ← {0, 1} λ
c i := r ⊕ m i return r
return c 0 kc 1 k · · · kc `

Subroutine calls to lookup and samp are inlined:

ctxt(m 1 k · · · km ` ):
r ← {0, 1} λ
c 0 := r
for i = 1 to `:
r ← {0, 1} λ
c i := r ⊕ m i
return c 0 kc 1 k · · · kc `

Finally, the one-time pad rule is applied within the for-loop (omitting some common steps).
Note that in the previous hybrid, each value of r is used only once as a one-time pad. The
i = 0 case has also been absorbed into the for-loop. The result is Lcpa$-rand
OFB , since OFB
encrypts plaintexts of ` blocks into ` + 1 blocks.


ctxt(m 1 k · · · km ` ):
for i = 0 to `:
c i ← {0, 1} λ
return c 0 kc 1 k · · · kc `

The sequence of hybrids shows that Lcpa$-real

OFB ∼ Lcpa$-rand
OFB , and so OFB mode has
pseudorandom ciphertexts. 

We proved the claim assuming F is a PRF only, since OFB mode does not require F to
be invertible. Since we assume a PRF with parameters in = out = λ, the PRP switching
lemma (Lemma 6.7) shows that OFB is secure also when F is a PRP with blocklength n = λ.

8.4 Padding & Ciphertext Stealing

So far we have assumed that all plaintexts are exact multiples of the blocklength. But data
in the real world is not always so accommodating. How are block ciphers used in practice
with data that has arbitrary length?


Padding just refers to any approach to encode arbitrary-length data into data that is a
multiple of the blocklength. The only requirement is that this encoding is reversible. More
formally, a padding scheme should consist of two algorithms:

I pad: takes as input a string of any length, and outputs a string whose length is a
multiple of the blocklength

I unpad: the inverse of pad. We require that unpad(pad(x)) = x for all strings x.

The idea is that the sender can encrypt pad(x), which is guaranteed to be a multiple of the
blocklength; the receiver can decrypt and run unpad on the result to obtain x.
In the real world, data almost always comes in bytes and not bits, so that will be our
assumption here. In this section we will write bytes in hex, for example 8f . Typical
blocklengths are 128 bits (16 bytes) or 256 bits (32 bytes).
Here are a few common approaches for padding:

Null padding: The simplest padding approach is to just fill the final block with null
bytes ( 00 ). The problem with this approach is that it is not always reversible. For exam-
ple, pad( 31 41 59 ) and pad( 31 41 59 00 ) will give the same result. It is not possible to
distinguish between a null byte that was added for padding and one that was intentionally
the last byte of the data.

ANSI X.923 standard: Data is padded with null bytes, except for the last byte of padding
which indicates how many padding bytes there are. In essence, the last byte of the padded
message tells the receiver how many bytes to remove to recover the original message.
Note that in this padding scheme (and indeed in all of them), if the original unpadded
data is already a multiple of the block length, then an entire extra block of padding
must be added. This is necessary because it is possible for the original data to end with
some bytes that look like valid padding (e.g., 00 00 03 ), and we do not want these bytes
to be removed erroneously.

Example Below are some examples of valid and invalid X.923 padding (using 16-byte blocks):

01 34 11 d9 81 88 05 57 1d 73 c3 00 00 00 00 05 ⇒ valid
95 51 05 4a d6 5a a3 44 af b3 85 00 00 00 00 03 ⇒ valid
71 da 77 5a 5e 77 eb a8 73 c5 50 b5 81 d5 96 01 ⇒ valid
5b 1c 01 41 5d 53 86 4e e4 94 13 e8 7a 89 c4 71 ⇒ invalid
d4 0d d8 7b 53 24 c6 d1 af 5f d6 f6 00 c0 00 04 ⇒ invalid

PKCS#7 standard: If b bytes of padding are needed, then the data is padded not with
null bytes but with b bytes. Again, the last byte of the padded message tells the receiver
how many bytes to remove.


Example Below are some examples of valid and invalid PKCS#7 padding (using 16-byte blocks):
01 34 11 d9 81 88 05 57 1d 73 c3 05 05 05 05 05 ⇒ valid
95 51 05 4a d6 5a a3 44 af b3 85 03 03 03 03 03 ⇒ valid
71 da 77 5a 5e 77 eb a8 73 c5 50 b5 81 d5 96 01 ⇒ valid
5b 1c 01 41 5d 53 86 4e e4 94 13 e8 7a 89 c4 71 ⇒ invalid
d4 0d d8 7b 53 24 c6 d1 af 5f d6 f6 04 c0 04 04 ⇒ invalid

ISO/IEC 7816-4 standard: The data is padded with a 80 byte followed by null bytes.
To remove the padding, remove all trailing null bytes and ensure that the last byte is 80
(and then remove it too).
The significance of 80 is clearer when you write it in binary as 10000000. So another
way to describe this padding scheme is: append a 1 bit, and then pad with 0 bits until
reaching the blocklength. To remove the padding, remove all trailing 0 bits as well as
the rightmost 1 bit. Hence, this approach generalizes easily to padding data that is not a
multiple of a byte.
Example Below are some examples of valid and invalid ISO/IEC 7816-4 padding (using 16-byte blocks):
01 34 11 d9 81 88 05 57 1d 73 c3 80 00 00 00 00 ⇒ valid
95 51 05 4a d6 5a a3 44 af b3 85 03 03 80 00 00 ⇒ valid
71 da 77 5a 5e 77 eb a8 73 c5 50 b5 81 d5 96 80 ⇒ valid
5b 1c 01 41 5d 53 86 4e e4 94 13 e8 7a 89 c4 71 ⇒ invalid
d4 0d d8 7b 53 24 c6 d1 af 5f d6 f6 c4 00 00 00 ⇒ invalid

The choice of padding scheme is not terribly important, and any of these is generally
fine. Just remember that padding schemes are not a security feature! Padding is a
public method for encoding data, and it does not involve any secret keys. The only purpose
of padding is to enable functionality — using block cipher modes like CBC with data that
is not a multiple of the block length.
Furthermore, as we will see in the next chapter, padding is associated with certain
attacks against improper use of encryption. Even though this is not really the fault of the
padding (rather, it is the fault of using the wrong flavor of encryption), it is such a common
pitfall that it is always worth considering in a discussion about padding.

Ciphertext Stealing
Another approach with a provocative name is ciphertext stealing (CTS, if you are not
yet tired of three-leter acronyms), which results in ciphertexts that are not a multiple of
the blocklength. The main idea behind ciphertext stealing is to use a standard block-cipher
mode that only supports full blocks (e.g., CBC mode), and then simply throw away some
bits of the ciphertext, in such a way that decryption is still possible. If the last plaintext
blocks is j bits short of being a full block, it is generally possible to throw away j bits of
the ciphertext. In this way, a plaintext of n bits will be encrypted to a ciphertext of blen +n
bits, where blen is the length of the extra IV block.


As an example, let’s see ciphertext stealing as applied to CBC mode. Suppose the
blocklength is blen and the last plaintext block m ` is j bits short of being a full block. We
start by extending m ` with j zeroes (i.e., null-padding the plaintext) and performing CBC
encryption as usual.
Now our goal is to identify j bits of the CBC ciphertext that can be thrown away while
still making decryption possible. In this case, the appropriate bits to throw away are the
last j bits of c `−1 (the next-to-last block of the CBC ciphertext). The reason is illustrated
in the figure below:

 ··· m `−2 m `−1 m`

 zero-padding

⊕ ⊕ ⊕

usual CBC encryption

Fk Fk Fk

··· identical!

c `−2 c `−1 c`


final ciphertext: ··· c `−2 c `−1

0 c`

Suppose the receiver obtains this CBC ciphertext but the last j bits of c `−1 have been
deleted. How can he/she decrypt? The important idea is that those missing j bits were
redundant, because there is another way to compute them.
In CBC encryption, the last value given as input into the block cipher is c `−1 ⊕ m ` . Let
us give this value a name x ∗ := c `−1 ⊕ m ` . Since the last j bits of m ` are 0’s,3 the last j bits
of x ∗ are the last j bits of c `−1 — the missing bits. Even though these bits are missing from
c `−1 , the receiver has a different way of computing them as x ∗ := F −1 (k, c ` ).
Putting it all together, the receiver does the following: First, it observes that the ci-
phertext is j bits short of a full block. It computes F −1 (k, c ` ) and takes the last j bits of this
value to be the missing bits from c `−1 . With the missing bits recovered, the receiver does
CBC decryption as usual. The result is a plaintext consisting of ` full blocks, but we know
that the last j bits of that plaintext are 0 padding that the receiver can remove.
It is convenient in an implementation for the boundaries between blocks to be in pre-
dictable places. For that reason, it is slightly awkward to remove j bits from the middle of
the ciphertext during encryption (or add them during decryption), as we have done here.
So in practice, the last two blocks of the ciphertext are often interchanged. In the example
above, the resulting ciphertext (after ciphertext stealing) would be:

c 0 k c 1 k c 2 · · · c `−3 k c `−2 k c ` k c `−1

0 , where c `−1
0 is the first blen − j bits of c `−1 .
3 The receiver knows this fact, because the ciphertext is j bits short of a full block. The length of the
(shortened) ciphertext is a signal about how many 0-bits of padding were used during encryption.


That way, all ciphertext blocks except the last one are the full blen bits long, and the
boundaries between blocks appear consistently every blen bits. This “optimization” does
add some significant edge cases to any implementation. One must also decide what to do
when the plaintext is already an exact multiple of the blocklength — should the final two
ciphertext blocks be swapped even in this case? Below we present an implementation of
ciphertext stealing (CTS) that does not swap the final two blocks in this case. This means
that it collapses to plain CBC mode when the plaintext is an exact multiple of the block

Construction 8.6 Enc(k, m 1 k · · · km ` ): Dec(k, c 0 k · · · kc ` ):

(CBC-CTS) // each mi is blen bits, // each c i is blen bits,
// except possibly m ` // except possibly c `
j := blen − |m ` | j := blen − |c ` |
m ` := m ` k 0 j if j , 0:
c 0 ← {0, 1}blen : swap c `−1 and c `
for i = 1 to `: x := last j bits of F −1 (k, c ` )
c i := F (k, mi ⊕ c i−1 ) c `−1 := c `−1 kx
if j , 0: for i = 1 to `:
remove final j bits of c `−1 mi := F −1 (k, c i ) ⊕ c i−1
swap c `−1 and c ` remove final j bits of m `
return c 0 kc 1 k · · · kc ` return m 1 k · · · km `
The marked lines correspond to plain CBC mode.

8.1. Prove that a block cipher in ECB mode does not provide CPA security. Describe a distin-
guisher and compute its advantage.

8.2. Describe OFB decryption mode.

8.3. Describe CTR decryption mode.

8.4. CBC mode:

(a) In CBC-mode encryption, if a single bit of the plaintext is changed, which ciphertext
blocks are affected (assume the same IV is used)?
(b) In CBC-mode decryption, if a single bit of the ciphertext is changed, which plaintext
blocks are affected?

8.5. Prove that CPA$ security for variable-length plaintexts implies CPA security for variable-
length plaintexts. Where in the proof do you use the fact that |m L | = |m R |?

8.6. Suppose that instead of applying CBC mode to a block cipher, we apply it to one-time pad.
In other words, we replace every occurrence of F (k, ?) with k ⊕ ? in the code for CBC
encryption. Show that the result does not have CPA security. Describe a distinguisher
and compute its advantage.


8.7. Prove that there is an attacker that runs in time O(2λ/2 ) and that can break CPA security
of CBC mode encryption with constant probability.

8.8. Below are several block cipher modes for encryption, applied to a PRP F with blocklength
blen = λ. For each of the modes:

I Describe the corresponding decryption procedure.

I Show that the mode does not have CPA-security. That means describe a distin-
guisher and compute its advantage.

Enc(k, m 1 k · · · km ` ): Enc(k, m 1 k · · · km ` ):
r 0 ← {0, 1} λ c 0 ← {0, 1} λ
c 0 := r 0 m 0 := c 0
(a) for i = 1 to `: for i = 1 to `:
r i := F (k, mi ) c i := F (k, mi ) ⊕ mi−1
c i := r i ⊕ r i−1 return c 0 k · · · kc `
return c 0 k · · · kc `
Enc(k, m 1 k · · · km ` ):
c 0 ← {0, 1} λ
Enc(k, m 1 k · · · km ` ): r 0 := c 0
c 0 ← {0, 1} λ (d) for i = 1 to `:
(b) for i = 1 to `: r i := r i−1 ⊕ mi
c i := F (k, mi ) ⊕ c i−1 c i := F (k, r i )
return c 0 k · · · kc ` return c 0 k · · · kc `

Mode (a) is similar to CBC, except the xor happens after, rather than before, the block
cipher application. Mode (c) is essentially the same as CBC decryption.

8.9. Suppose you observe a CBC ciphertext and two of its blocks happen to be identical. What
can you deduce about the plaintext? State some non-trivial property of the plaintext that
doesn’t depend on the encryption key.

8.10. The CPA$-security proof for CBC encryption has a slight complication compared to the
proof of OFB encryption. Recall that an important part of the proof is arguing that all
inputs to the PRF are distinct.
In OFB, outputs of the PRF were fed directly into the PRF as inputs. The adversary had no
influence over this process, so it wasn’t so bad to argue that all PRF inputs were distinct
(with probability negligibly close to 1).
By contrast, CBC mode takes an output block from the PRF, xor’s it with a plaintext block
(which is after all chosen by the adversary), and uses the result as input to the next PRF
call. This means we have to be a little more careful when arguing that CBC mode gives
distinct inputs to all PRF calls (with probability negligibly close to 1).


(a) Prove that the following two libraries are indistinguishable:

Lleft R := ∅
samp(m ∈ {0, 1} λ ): samp(m ∈ {0, 1} λ ):
r ← {0, 1} λ r ← {r 0 ∈ {0, 1} λ | r 0 ⊕ m < R}
return r R := R ∪ {r ⊕ m}
return r
Use Lemma 4.12.
(b) Using part (a), and the security of the underlying PRF, prove the CPA$-security of CBC
call will be on a “fresh” input.
Hint: r so that r ⊕ m has never been used as a PRF-input before. This guarantees that the next PRF
plaintext block. Instead of sampling r (the output of the PRF) uniformly as in Lleft , we sample
In Lright , let R correspond to the set of all inputs sent to the PRF. Let m correspond to the next
Note: Appreciate how important it is that the adversary chooses plaintext block m
before “seeing” the output r from the PRF (which is included in the ciphertext).

? 8.11. Prove that CTR mode achieves CPA$ security.

cipher gets called on the same value twice.
Hint: Use Lemma 4.12 to show that there is only negligible probability of chosing the IV so that the block

8.12. Let F be a secure PRF with out = in = λ and let F (2) denote the function F (2) (k, r ) =
F (k, F (k, r )).

(a) Prove that F (2) is also a secure PRF.

(b) What if F is a secure PRP with blocklength blen? Is F (2) also a secure PRP?

8.13. This question refers to the nonce-based notion of CPA security.

(a) Show a definition for CPA$ security that incorporates both the nonce-based syntax of
Section 7.1 and the variable-length plaintexts of Section 8.2.
(b) Show that CBC mode not secure as a nonce-based scheme (where the IV is used as a
(c) Show that CTR mode is not secure as a nonce-based scheme (where the IV is used as a
nonce). Note that if we restrict (randomized) CTR mode to a single plaintext block, we
get the CPA-secure scheme of Construction 7.4, which is is secure as a nonce-based
scheme. The attack must therefore use the fact that plaintexts can be longer than one
block. (Does the attack in part (b) work with single-block plaintexts?)

8.14. One way to convert a randomized-IV-based construction into a nonce-based construction

is called the synthetic IV approach.


(a) The synthetic-IV (SIV) approach applied to CBC mode is shown below. Prove that it is
CPA/CPA$ secure as a nonce-based scheme (refer to the security definitions from the
previous problem):
SIV-CBC.Enc (k 1 , k 2 ), v, m 1 k · · · km ` :
c 0 := F (k 1 , v)
for i = 1 to `:
c i := F ( k 2 , mi ⊕ c i−1 )
return c 0 kc 1 k · · · kc `
Instead of chosing a random IV c 0 , it is generated deterministically from the nonce v
using the block cipher F . In your proof, you can use the fact that randomized CBC
mode has CPA$ security, and that F is also a secure PRF.
(b) It is important that the SIV construction uses two keys for different purposes. Suppose
that we instead used the same key throughout:
BadSIV-CBC.Enc(k, v, m 1 k · · · km ` ):
c 0 := F ( k , v)
for i = 1 to `:
c i := F ( k , mi ⊕ c i−1 )
return c 0 kc 1 k · · · kc `
Show that the resulting scheme does not have CPA$ security (in the nonce-based
sense). Ignore the complication of padding, and only consider plaintexts that are a
multiple of the blocklength. Describe a successful distinguisher and compute its ad-
(c) For randomized encryption, it is necessary to include the IV in the ciphertext; oth-
erwise the receiver cannot decrypt. In the nonce-based setting we assume that the
receiver knows the correct nonce (e.g., from some out-of-band communication). With
that in mind, we could modify the scheme from part (b) to remove c 0 , since the receiver
could reconstruct it anyway from v.
Show that even with this modification, the scheme still fails to be CPA-secure under
the nonce-based definition.

8.15. Implementers are sometimes cautious about IVs in block cipher modes and may attempt
to “protect” them. One idea for protecting an IV is to prevent it from directly appearing in
the ciphertext. The modified CBC encryption below sends the IV through the block cipher
before including it in the ciphertext:
Enc(k, m 1 k · · · km ` ):
c 0 ← {0, 1}blen
c 00 := F (k, c 0 )
for i = 1 to `:
c i := F (k, mi ⊕ c i−1 )
return c 00 kc 1 k · · · kc `


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