Changan 2011 ChSC1022 Service Manual

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SC1022 Workshop Manual

This workshop manual provides MY2011 SC1022
model service information.

2011 Changan Automotive Co., Ltd.

Copyright ©
Information up Oct. 2011.

Without written permission, any form of duplicate, storage or distribution (including, but not limited to, electronic copying, photocopying,
scanning and recording) of any part of this manual is not allowed. This statement applies to all texts, figures and tables.
2011 SC1022
Workshop Manaul
Table of Contents
2.4.3 Steering Column ........................... 2.4.3-1
GTOUP 1 Overview

1.1 Service Information GROUP 3 Powertrain

1.1.1 Overview .......................................1.1.1-1
1.1.2 Identification Codes ......................1.1.2-1 3.1 Engine- 1.0 L(466Q4)
1.1.3 Traction and lift..............................1.1.3-1 3.1.1 Engine System - Overview ........... 3.1.1-1
1.1.4 Maintenance Interval.....................1.1.4-1 3.1.2 Mechanical System....................... 3.1.2-1
1.1.5 Noise, Vibration and Harshness....1.1.5-1 3.1.3 Lubrication System ....................... 3.1.3-1
3.1.4 Cooling System............................. 3.1.4-1
3.1.5 Air Intake System.......................... 3.1.5-1
GROUP 2 Chassis
3.1.6 Exhaust System............................ 3.1.6-1
3.1.7 Fuel System.................................. 3.1.7-1
2.1 Suspension
3.1.8 Ignition system.............................. 3.1.8-1
2.1.1Suspension system-General
Information ........................................ 2.1.1-1 3.1.9 Start System ................................. 3.1.9-1
2.1.2 Front Suspension ..........................2.1.2-1 3.1.10 Charging System ...................... 3.1.10-1
2.1.3 Rear Suspension ..........................2.1.3-1 3.1.11 Emission Control System.......... 3.1.11-1
2.1.4 Wheel and Tire..............................2.1.4-1 3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7 . 3.1.12-1

2.2 Driveline 3.2 Engine-1.0 L(465Q)

2.2.1 Driveline system-General..............2.2.1-1 3.2.1 Engine System1.0 L(465Q) - Overview ...
2.2.2 Drive Shaft ....................................2.2.2-1
2.2.3 Half Shaft ......................................2.2.3-1 3.3 Engine - 1.3 L(474Q7)
2.2.4 Differential .....................................2.2.3-1 3.3.1 Engine System - Overview ..........3.3.1-1
3.3.2 Mechanical System .....................3.3.2-1
2.3 Brake System
3.3.3 Lubrication System .....................3.3.3-1
2.3.1 Brake System-Overview ........... 2.3.1-1
3.3.4 Cooling System ...........................3.3.4-1
2.3.2 Rear Drum Brake ..........................2.3.2-1
3.3.5 Air Intake System ........................3.3.5-1
2.3.3 Front Disc Brake ...........................2.3.3-1
3.3.6 Exhaust System ..........................3.3.6-1
2.3.4 Parking Brake and Operation........2.3.4-1
3.3.7 Fuel System ................................3.3.7-1
2.3.5 Hydraulic Brake Control ................2.3.5-1
3.3.8 Ignition System ...........................3.3.8-1
2.3.6 Power Brake .................................2.3.6-1
3.3.9 Start System................................3.3.9-1
2.4 Steering System 3.3.10 Charging System.....................3.3.10-1
2.4.1 Steering System - Overview..........2.4.1-1 3.3.11 Emission Control System ........ 3.3.11-1
2.4.2 Steering gear.................................2.4.2-1 3.3.12 Electronic Control System - M7 ........

SC1022 2011.08
3.4 Manual Transmission/Transaxle,Cluth 5.2 Body
3.4.1 Manual transmission - MR508A10 5.2.1 Body Repair ..................................5.2.1-1
Clutch- Overview ....................... 3.4.1-1
3.4.2 Clutch ........................................... 3.4.2-1
3.4.3 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-
3.4.4 External Control of Manual Transmission.
3.4.5 Manual Transmission - MR510B04
Clutch-Overview. ...................... 3.4.5-1
3.4.6 Manual Transmission- MR510B04 3.4.6-1

GROUP 4 Electrical

4.1 Heating, Ventilation and Air

4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning .

4.2 Body Electrical System

4.2.1 Instrument Panel and Panel
Illumination ...................................... 4.2.1-1
4.2.2 Instrument Cluster ........................ 4.2.2-1
4.2.3 Horn.............................................. 4.2.3-1
4.2.4 Cigarette Lighter........................... 4.2.4-1
4.2.5 Information and Entertainment System ....
4.2.6 Lighting system ............................ 4.2.6-1
4.2.7 Wiper and Washer........................ 4.2.7-1
4.2.8 Onboard Network ......................... 4.2.8-1

GROUP 5 Body

5.1 Body and Accessories

5.1.1 Front/rear Windshield ................... 5.1.1-1
5.1.2 Door.............................................. 5.1.2-1
5.1.3 Seat .............................................. 5.1.3-1
5.1.4 Seat Belt....................................... 5.1.4-1
5.1.5 Rearview Mirror ............................ 5.1.5-1
5.1.6 Instrument Panel and Console ..... 5.1.6-1
5.1.7 Bumper......................................... 5.1.7-1
5.1.8 Handles,Locks and Latches ......... 5.1.8-1
5.1.9 Interior trim panel and
Ornamenamentation.............................. 5.1.9-1
5.1.10 Exterior Trim ............................. 5.1.10-1
5.1.11 Cargo Box..................................5.1.11-1

SC1022 2011.08

General Information

1.1 Service Information

1.1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 1.1.1-1
1.1.2 Identification Codes .......................................................................................................... 1.1.2-1
1.1.3 Traction and lift.................................................................................................................. 1.1.3-1
1.1.4 Maintenance Interval......................................................................................................... 1.1.4-1
1.1.5 Noise, Vibration and Harshness ....................................................................................... 1.1.5-1

SC1022 2011.08
Service Information

1.1 Service Information

2011 SC1022
Table of Contents Pages

1.1.1 Overview
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 1.1.1-1
About This Manual.................................................................................................................... 1.1.1-1
Health and Safety Precautions ................................................................................................. 1.1.1-2
Standard Workshop Practice .................................................................................................. 1.1.1-13
Solvents, Sealants and Adhesives ......................................................................................... 1.1.1-15
Road/Roller Test ..................................................................................................................... 1.1.1-15

1.1.2 Identification Codes

Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 1.1.2-1
Vehicle Identification Number ................................................................................................... 1.1.2-1
Nameplate ................................................................................................................................ 1.1.2-3

1.1.3 Traction and lift

Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 1.1.3-1
Traction..................................................................................................................................... 1.1.3-1
Jacking ..................................................................................................................................... 1.1.3-1
Lifting ........................................................................................................................................ 1.1.3-2

1.1.4 Maintenance Interval

Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 1.1.4-1
Maintenance Items ................................................................................................................... 1.1.4-1
Daily maintainence schedule.................................................................................................... 1.1.4-2

1.1.5 Noise, Vibration and Harshness

Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 1.1.5-1
Meaning of NVH in Automotive Engineering ............................................................................ 1.1.5-1
Noise Type in Automotive Engineering..................................................................................... 1.1.5-1
Vibration Process Engineering ................................................................................................. 1.1.5-2
Noise and Vibration on Vehicle................................................................................................. 1.1.5-4
Noise and vibration caused by intake and exhaust system ...................................................... 1.1.5-4
Vehicle Body............................................................................................................................. 1.1.5-6

SC1022 2011.08
Service Information

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ......................................................................................................1.1.5-7

Inspection and Verification ........................................................................................................1.1.5-7
How to use this diagnosis procedure section ...........................................................................1.1.5-7
Noise Diagnostic Procedure .....................................................................................................1.1.5-8

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1 Overview

1.1.1-1 General Information 1.1.1-1

Description and Operation As you read through this manual, you will come
About This Manual
How to Use the Manual
This manual covers the maintenace and repair
This manual has been written in a format to meet service procedures.
the needs of technicians. This manual provides
This manual is structured into groups and
general descriptions for accomplishing service
sections, with specific system sections collected
and repair work . Following them will help assure
together under their relevant group. A group
covers a specific portion of the vehicle.
Spare Parts The manual is divided into five groups, Overview,
The parts from Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. are Chassis, Powertrain, Electrical and Body.
manufactured according to the original factory The Table of Content of the manual can guide you
standard. Only the original parts from Changan to the section. Each section has a regular
Automobile Co., Ltd. can be used in repair. structure: Specifications, Description and
Operation, General inspections, Symptom
Special Tool
Diagnosis and Testing, DTC Diagnosis and
The special tool(s) provided at the beginning of Testing, Removal and Installation, Disassembly
each procedure are the special tools required to and Assembly.
carry out the repair. Where possible, illustrations
All left-hand and right-hand references to the
are provided to assist in identifying the special
vehicle are taken from a position sitting in the
tool required. The special tools can be ordered
driver seat looking forward.
from Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.
All left-hand and right-hand references to the
Important Safety Instructions engine are taken from a position at the flywheel
Appropriate service methods and correct repair looking towards the front camshaft pulley.
procedures are essential for the safe, reliable Specifications
operation on the vehicles as well as the personal
safety. The specifications mainly describe the material
specifications, component specifications, general
This manual can not possibly provide all such
specifications (the contents that can be included
variations and advice or cautions as to each.
in other specifications) and torque specifications.
Anyone who departs from the instructions
The information in the specification shall use the
provided in this manual must assure that the
metrics except the torque (Imperial) .
operation methods, tools and components used
neither cause personal injury nor break the Description and Operation
vehicle integrity.
The Description and Operation mainly describes
Warnings, Cautions and Notes in This the system components, functions and principles
Manual of the new systems. The “new systems” refers to
the systems that never used on the previous
WARNING: Warnings are used to indicate models of the manufacturer. The purpose of the
that failure to follow a procedure correctly brief introduction is to make the technicians get
may result in personal injury. familiar with the functions and principles of the
systems. The component localtion view and the
CAUTION: Cautions are used to indicate
exploded view are also included in this section.
that failure to follow a procedure correctly
may result in damage to the vehicle or
repair tools being used.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-2 General Information 1.1.1-2
General inspection Acid, Alkali and Metal
General inspection mainly describes the general • Caustic soda, sulphuric acid.
inspection steps of the system. • Electrolyte and cleaning material.
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing • Irritable and corrosive substances to
skins, eyes, noses, throats and clothes.
The symptom diagnosis and test section
Flammable substance and the substance
describes the diagnosis and inspection for the able to destroy ordinary protective
symptom that can not be judged from the visual clothing.
inspection only, excluding the diagnosis and
inspection using diagnostic tools. The contents Avoid splashing such substances to the skin,
include inspection and verification (visual eyes and clothes. Wear suitable protective
inspection chart), symptom chart and symptom impervious apron, gloves and goggles. Do not
diagnosis procedures. breath mists. Make sure access to eye wash
bottles, shower and soap are readily available for
DTC Diagnosis and Testing splashing accidents.
DTC diagnosis and testing refers to the diagnosis Place Eye Hazard sign.
and testing for the component or system using
diagnostic tools. It covers the terminal list of the
Air Conditioning Refrigerant
control module, DTC code list, data flow list, Refer to: Chemical Materials.
active test list and DTC diagnosis procedures.
Highly flammable substance - observe No
Health and Safety Precautions Smoking policy.

Introduction Skin contact may result in frostbite.

Many of the procedures associated with vehicle Instructions given by the manufacturer must be
maintenance and repair involve physical hazards followed. Avoid naked lights, wear suitable
or other risks to health. This subsection lists, protective gloves and goggles.
alphabetically, some of these hazardous If refrigerant comes into contact with the skin or
operations and the materials and equipment eyes, immediately flush the affected areas with
associated with them. Precautions necessary to water. Eyes should also be rinsed with an
avoid these hazards are identified. appropriate irrigation solution and should not be
The list is not exhaustive and all operations and rubbed. Seek medical assistance if necessary.
procedures, and the handling of materials, should Air Conditioning Refrigerant - forbidden items:
be carried out with health and safety in mind.
• Do not expose the air conditioning
Before using any product the Materials Safety refrigerant in the sunshine or heat it.
Data Sheet supplied by the manufacturer or • Never put the filling bottle vertically when
supplier should be consulted. filling. The filling opening should be
• Avoid the frost on the air conditioning
refrigerant bottle.
• Avoid the dropping of the air conditioning
refrigerant bottle.
• Do not discharge the air conditioning
refrigerant in the atmosphere in any
• Do not use the mixed refrigerant, such as
fluorine R12 and R134a.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-3 General Information 1.1.1-3
Adhesive and Sealant Cyanoacrylate adhesives (super - glues)
MUST NOT contact the skin or eyes. If skin or
Refer to: Chemical Materials.
eye tissue is bonded, cover with a clean moist
Highly flammable substance - observe No pad and SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL
Smoking policy. ATTENTION. Do not touch the injured area
with hands. Use in well ventilated areas as
Generally should be stored in No Smoking areas.
vapors can cause irritation to the nose and
Cleanliness and tidiness in use should be
observed, for example disposable paper covering
benches; should be dispensed from applicators 6. Isocyanate (Polyurethane) Adhesives / Sealers
where possible; containers, including secondary
Refer to: Resin-based Adhesives.
containers, should be labeled appropriately.
1. Solvent - based Adhesives/Sealers Individuals suffering from asthma or
respiratory allergies should not work with or
Follow manufacturer instructions. near these materials as sensitivity reactions
2. Water - based Adhesives/Sealers can occur.

Those based on polymer emulsions and Over exposure is irritating to the eyes and
rubber latexes may contain small amounts of respiratory system. Excessive concentrations
volatile toxic and harmful chemicals. Skin and may produce effects on the nervous system
eye contact should be avoided and adequate including drowsiness. In extreme cases, loss
ventilation provided during use. of consciousness may result. Long term
exposure to vapor concentrations may result
3. Hot Melt Adhesives in adverse health effects.
In the solid state, they are safe. In the molten Prolonged contact with the skin may have a
state they may cause burns and health defeating effect which may lead to skin
hazards may arise from the inhalation of toxic irritation and in some cases, dermatitis.
fumes. Use appropriate protective clothing Splashes entering the eye will cause
and a thermostatically controlled heater with discomfort and possible damage. Any
a thermal cut-out and adequate extraction. spraying should preferably be carried out in
4. Resin -based Adhesives/Sealers, for example exhaust ventilated booths, removing vapors
Epoxide and Formaldehyde Resin-based and spray droplets from the breathing zone.
Mixing should be carried out in well ventilated Wear appropriate gloves, eye and respiratory
areas, as harmful or toxic volatile chemicals protection.
may be released.
Skin contact with uncured resins and
hardeners can result in irritation, dermatitis,
and absorption of toxic or harmful chemicals
through the skin.
Splashes can damage the eyes. Provide
adequate ventilation and avoid skin and eye
5. Anaerobic, Cyanoacrylate (super-glues) and
other Acrylic Adhesives
Many are irritant, sensitizing or harmful to the
skin and respiratory tract. Some are eye
irritants. Skin and eye contact should be
avoided and the manufacturers instructions

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-4 General Information 1.1.1-4
Antifreeze Chemical Materials
Refer to: Fire, Solvent. Refer to: Legal Aspect.

For example isopropanol, ethylene glycol, The chemical materials include solvent, sealer,
methanol. adhesive, paint, resin foam, electrolyte,
antifreeze, braking fluid, fuel, oil and grease. Be
Highly flammable, flammable, combustible.
careful when using and storing the material. They
Used in vehicle coolant systems, brake air may be noxious, harmful, and has corrosive
pressure systems, screenwash solutions. irritability and are inflammable and will generate
The antifreeze will generate the steam when some harmful gas and dust.
heated. Avoid inhaling such gas. Long term exposure to the chemical material may
The antifreeze or other harmful materials may affect the health to different extents.
enter into the human body through the skin. 1. Chemical Material - operations to be
Drinking the antifreeze may cause the death, performed:
seek immediate medical assistance.
• Read the labels on the dangerous article
Do not use any of such substances in the cooling container and the corresponding
or industrial water use system related to the food promotion information and instruction
manufacturing or drinking system. carefully to obtain the relevant safety
information. The safety and health data
Electrolyte table of the substance can be obtained
from the manufacturer.
Refer to: Acid and Alkali Metal.
• Clean the skin and clothes if being
The released gas will cause explosion when polluted by the chemical material.
charging the battery. Do not use the open fire or Replace the severely polluted clothes
the spark when charging the battery. Ensure good and clean them.
• Compile the operation instructions, and
Brake fluid wear the protective clothes to avoid the
substance polluting skin and eyes and
Refer to: Fire Prevention. inhaling the harmful gas, acid mist, dust
and smog, etc. and avoid the combustion
Slight irritability may be caused if the braking fluid and explosion caused by such
is splashed on skin and eyes. Avoid the braking substance.
fluid touching skin and eyes. Because the steam
• Wash hands immediately after touching
pressure is low, the harmful steam can not be
the substance.
inhaled at normal temperature.
• Keep the working area clean and tidy
Braze Welding without leakage.
Refer to: Welding. • The chemical material shall be managed
and stored strictly in accordance with the
national and local regulation.
• Keep the materials away from the
2. Chemical Material - Forbidden Operations:
• Do not mix the chemical material
arbitrarily without following the
manufacturer instructions. Mixing some
chemical materials will generate the
harmful substance; the noxious and

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-5 General Information 1.1.1-5
harmful gas will be released or the Dewaxing
explosion may occur.
Refer to: Solvent and Fuel (Kerosene).
• Do not spray the chemical material in the
narrow space with person in the Dust
automobile, especially to spray the
Powder, dusts or clouds may be irritant, harmful
solvent chemicals.
or toxic to the skin. Avoid inhaling the ash of the
• Do not heat or burn the chemical powder chemical material or other ashes. Wear
materials arbitrarily without following the respiratory protection if ventilation is inadequate.
manufacturer instruction, some chemical
materials are combustible, and some Fine dusts of combustible material can present an
substance will release the noxious or explosion hazard. Avoid explosive limits and
harmful gas when burnt. sources of ignition.
• Do not put the container open, the gas Electric Shock
emitted in the container may be toxic to
the human body or cause the explosion. Electric shock can result from the use of faulty
Some gas lighter than air will accumulate electrical equipment or from the misuse of
in the small section. equipment in good condition.
• Do not transport the chemical materials Make sure that electrical equipment is maintained
with the container without label. in good condition and frequently tested. Faulty
• Do not wash hands or clothes with the equipment should be labeled and preferably
chemical materials. The chemical removed from the workstation. Make sure that
materials, especially the solvent and fuel flexes, cables, plugs and sockets are not frayed,
will make the skin dry, and also stimulate kinked, cut, cracked or otherwise damaged. Make
the skin to catch dermatitis, or the hands sure that electrical equipment and flexes do not
or clothes will absorb some noxious and come into contact with water. Make sure that
harmful gas through the skin. electrical equipment is protected by the correct
• Do not store other articles with the empty rated fuse.
tank used to store the chemical material Never misuse electrical equipment and never use
without the special treatment.
equipment that is in any way faulty. The results
• Do not smell the chemical material. The could be fatal.
sudden gases of high concentration will
cause the poisoning or the injury. Make sure that the cables of mobile electrical
equipment cannot get trapped and damaged,
Anti-corrosion Material such as in a vehicle hoist. Make sure that the
designated electrical workers are trained in basic
Refer to: Solvent and Fire Prevention.
First Aid.
Highly flammable substance - observe No In cases of electric shock:
Smoking policy.
• Switch off the power supply before
These materials are varied and the approaching the victim.
manufacturers instructions must be followed.
They may contain solvents, resins or petroleum • If this is not possible push or drag the
victim from the source of electricity, using
products. Skin and eye contact should be
dry non-conductive material.
avoided. They should only be sprayed in
conditions of adequate ventilation and not in • Commence resuscitation if trained to do
confined spaces. so.
• Seek medikcal assidtance .
Refer to: Welding.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-6 General Information 1.1.1-6
Engine oil First Aid
Refer to: Lubricants and Grease. Apart from meeting any legal requirements it is
desirable for someone in the workshop to be
Exhaust Gas trained in First Aid procedures.
Exhaust gas contains asphyxiating, harmful and Splashes in the eye should be flushed carefully
toxic chemicals and particles such as carbon with clean water for at least ten minutes.
oxides, nitrogen oxides, aldehydes, lead and
aromatic hydrocarbons. Engines should be run Soiled skin should be washed with soap and
only under conditions of adequate exhaust water. In case of cold burns, from alternative
extraction or general ventilation and not in fuels, place affected area in cool to cold water.
confined spaces. Individuals affected by inhalation of gases and
fumes should be removed to fresh air
Gasoline (petrol) Engine immediately. If effects persist, consult a doctor.
There may not be adequate warning of odor or of If liquids are swallowed inadvertently, consult a
irritation before toxic or harmful effects arise. doctor giving him the information on the container
These may be immediate or delayed. or label. Do not induce vomiting unless this
action is indicated on the label.
Noise Insulation Fiber
Foams - Polyurethane
Refer to: Dust.
Refer to: Fire Prevention.
Used in noise and sound insulation. The fibrous
nature of surfaces and cut edges can cause skin Used in sound and noise insulation. Cured foams
irritation. This is usually a physical and not a used in seat and trim cushioning.
chemical effect. Precautions should be taken to Follow manufacturers instructions. Unreacted
avoid excessive skin contact through careful components are irritating and may be harmful to
organization of work practices and the use of the skin and eyes. Wear gloves and goggles.
Individuals with chronic respiratory diseases,
Fire Prevention asthma, bronchial medical problems, or histories
of allergic diseases should not work in or near
Refer to: Welding, Foam and Legal
uncured materials. The components, vapors or
spray mists can cause direct irritation, sensitivity
Many of the materials found on or associated with reactions and may be toxic or harmful.
the repair of vehicles are highly flammable. Some Vapors and spray mists must not be inhaled.
give off toxic or harmful fumes if burnt. Observe These materials must be applied with adequate
strict fire safety when storing and handling ventilation and respiratory protection. Do not
flammable substances or solvents, particularly remove the respirator immediately after spraying;
near electrical equipment or welding processes. wait until the vapors/mists have cleared.
Make sure, before using electrical or welding
equipment, that there is no fire hazard present. Burning of the uncured components and the
Have a suitable fire extinguisher available when cured foams can generate toxic and harmful
using welding or heating equipment. fumes. Smoking, naked flames or the use of
electrical equipment during foaming operations
and until vapors / mists have cleared should not
be allowed. Any heat cutting of cured foams or
partially cured foams should be conducted with
extraction ventilation.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-7 General Information 1.1.1-7
Refrigerant Kerosene (Paraffin )
Refer to: Air-Conditioning Refrigerant. Used also as heating fuel, solvent and cleaning
Flammable substance - observe No Smoking
Refer to: Fire, Solvent and Legal Aspect. policy.
Keep the fuel away from the skin. Wash with the Irritation of the mouth and throat may result from
clean water and the soap if touching. swallowing. Liquid contact dries the skin and can
cause irritation or dermatitis. Splashes in the eye
Gasoline (Petrol) may be slightly irritating. In normal circumstances
Highly flammable substance - observe No the low volatility does not give rise to harmful
Smoking policy. vapors. Exposure to mists and vapors from
kerosene at elevated temperature should be
Swallowing the gasoline will stimulate mouth and avoided (mists may arise in dewaxing). Avoid skin
throat, if the gasoline is absorbed by the stomach, and eye contact and make sure there is adequate
it will cause sleepiness and unconsciousness. A ventilation.
small quantity of gasoline will cause the death of
the child. When the inhaled fluid reaches the lung, High Pressure Gas Cylinder
the severe damage will be caused. Contacting the
gasoline for a long time will make the person skin Refer to: Fire Prevention.
dry and have the strong irritability. The gasoline Gases such as oxygen, acetylene, argon and
entering into eyes will cause blindness. A great propane are normally stored in cylinders at
amount of benzene is contained in the gasoline, pressures of up to 138 bar (2000 psi). Great care
inhaling the benzene is toxic to person. The should be taken in handling these cylinders to
gasoline concentration must be very low, the avoid mechanical damage to them or to the valve
excessively high concentration will stimulate gear attached. The contents of each cylinder
person eyes, nose and throat and make person should be clearly identified by appropriate
vomit, dizziness and dyspnea chest discomfort, markings.
even make person lose consciousness.
Cylinders should be stored in well-ventilated
The gasoline shall be transported or used in the enclosures, and protected from ice and snow, or
places of air circulation. The damage to human direct sunlight. Fuel gases, for example acetylene
respiratory system due to the gasoline leakage and propane, should not be stored in close
must be strictly avoided. proximity to oxygen cylinders.
For the cleaning and maintenance of gasoline Care should be exercised to prevent leaks from
storage, there must have special preventive gas cylinders and lines, and to avoid sources of
measures. The gasoline can not be used as the ignition.
cleaning agent and also can not be siphoned with
mouth. Gas
Refer to: High Pressure Gas Cylinder.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-8 General Information 1.1.1-8
General Tool and Equipment Lubricant and Grease
It is essential that all tools and equipment are Avoid all prolonged and repeated contact with
maintained in good condition and that the correct mineral oil. All lubricants and greases may be
safety equipment is used where required. irritating to the eyes and skin.
Never use tools or equipment for any purpose 1. Used oil
other than that for which they were designed.
Prolonged and repeated contact with mineral
Never overload equipment such as hoists and
oil will result in the removal of natural fats
jacks.Damage caused by overloading is not
from the skin, leading to dryness, irritation
always immediately apparent and may result in a
and dermatitis. In addition, used engine oil
fatal failure the next time that the equipment is
contains potentially harmful contaminants,
which may cause skin cancer. Adequate
Do not use damaged or defective tools or means of skin protection and washing
equipment, particularly high-speed equipment facilities must be provided.
such as grinding wheels. A damaged grinding
Do not employ used engine oils as lubricants
wheel can disintegrate without warning and cause
or for any application where appreciable skin
serious injury.
contact is likely to occur.
Wear suitable eye protection when using grinding,
2. Health Precautions:
chiseling or sand blasting equipment. Wear a
suitable breathing mask when using abrasive • Avoid long contact with the oil, especially
blasting equipment, working with asbestos-based the engine oil.
materials or using spraying equipment. Make • Wear the protective clothes, including the
sure there is adequate ventilation to control dusts, gloves.
acid mists and fumes.
• Do not put the wiping cloth with oil stains
High Pressure Air, Lubrication and Oil in the pocket.
Test Equipment • Avoid the oil polluting the clothes.

Refer to: Lubricants and Grease. • Do not wear the clothes and shoes
seriously stained with oil. Wash the
Always keep high-pressure equipment in good protective clothes regularly.
condition, and regularly maintained, particularly at • Perform the first aid immediately when
joints and unions. injured.
Never direct a high-pressure nozzle, for example • Protect hands with the protective cream
diesel injector, at the skin as the fluid may before working.
penetrate to the underlying tissue, and cause
• Wash with the toilet soap and the clear
serious injury.
water. Do not wash the skin with
Legal Aspects gasoline, diesel oil, kerosene, diluents
and solvent.
There are many laws and regulations relating to
• If the skin is abnormal, go to hospital
health and safety in the use and disposal of
materials and equipment in a workshop.
• Degrease the oil first if possible.
For a safe working environment and to avoid
environmental pollution, technicians should be • Wear the goggles if the oil may cause
familiar, in detail, with many health and safety damage to eyes.
laws and regulations within their country. 3. Environmental Precautions
Burning used engine oil can be
recommended only for units of approved
design. If in doubt check with the appropriate

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-9 General Information 1.1.1-9
local authority and manufacturer of approved Pressure Equipment
Refer to: High Pressure Gas, Lubricants
Dispose of used oil and used oil filters and Oil Test Equipment.
through authorized waste disposal
contractors or licensed waste disposal sites, Solder
or to the waste oil reclamation trade. If in Solders are mixtures of metals such that the
doubt, contact the relevant local authority for melting point of the mixture is below that of the
advice on disposal facilities. constituent metals (normally lead and tin). Solder
It is illegal to pour used oil on to the ground, application does not normally give rise to toxic
down sewers or drains, or into watercourses. lead fumes in welding. Oxy - acetylene flames
should not be used, as they are much hotter and
Noise will cause lead fumes to be produced.
Some operations may produce high noise levels, Some fumes may be produced by the application
which could, in time, damage hearing. In these of any flame to surfaces coated with grease, and
cases, suitable ear protection must be worn. inhalation of these should be avoided. Removal of
excess solder should be undertaken with care, to
Sound Insulation Material make sure that fine lead dust is not produced,
Refer to: Foam, Insulation Fiber. which can give toxic effects if inhaled.
Respiratory protection may be necessary. Solder
Coating spillage and filings should be collected and
removed promptly to prevent general air
Refer to: Oil and Chemical Material.
contamination by lead. Avoid ingestion of lead or
Highly flammable, flammable substance - inhalation of solder dust.
observe No Smoking policy.
1. Monocomponent
Can contain harmful or toxic pigments, driers
and other components as well as solvents.
Spraying should be carried out only with
adequate ventilation.
2. Multicomponent
Can contain harmful and toxic unreacted
resins and resin hardening agents. The
manufacturer instructions should be followed.
Refer to: Resin-based Adhesives.

Spraying should preferably be carried out in

exhausted ventilated booths far from the
crowds. Individuals working in booths should
wear appropriate respiratory protection.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-10 General Information 1.1.1-10
Solvents Suspended Load
Refer to: Chemical Materials, Fuel and Fire WARNING: Never improvise lifting tackle.
There is always a danger when loads are lifted or
For example acetone, white spirit, toluene, suspended. Never work under an unsupported,
xylene, trichloroethane. Used in cleaning and suspended or raised load, for example a
dewaxing materials, paints, plastics, resins and suspended engine.
thinners. Some may be highly flammable or
Always make sure that lifting equipment such as
flammable. Skin contact will degrease the skin
jacks, hoists, axle stands and slings are adequate
and may result in irritation and dermatitis
and suitable for the job, in good condition and
following repeated or prolonged contact.Some
regularly maintained.
can be absorbed through the skin in toxic or
harmful quantities. Underseal
Splashes in the eye may cause severe irritation Refer to: Anti-corrosion Material.
and could lead to loss of vision. Brief exposure of
high concentrations of vapors or mists will cause Welding
eye and throat irritation, drowsiness, dizziness,
Refer to: Fire Prevention, Electric Shock
headaches and, in the worst circumstances,
and High Pressure Gas Cylinder.
Repeated or prolonged exposure to excessive but The welding procedures include (resistance
lower concentrations of vapors or mists, for which welding) spot welding, arc welding and gas
there might not be adequate warning indications, welding.
can cause more serious toxic or harmful effects. 1. Resistance Welding
Avoid splashes to the skin, eyes and clothing. This process may cause particles of molten
Wear protective gloves, goggles and clothing if metal to be emitted at a high velocity, and the
necessary. eyes and skin must be protected.
Make sure there is good ventilation when in use, 2. Arc Welding
avoid breathing fumes, vapors and spray mists
This process emits a high level of ultra-violet
and keep containers tightly sealed. Do not use in
radiation, which may cause arc-eye, and skin
confined spaces.
burns to the operator and to other persons
When spraying materials containing solvents, for nearby. Gas - shielded welding processes are
example paints, adhesive, coatings, use extraction particularly hazardous in this respect.
ventilation or personal respiratory protection in the Personal protection must be worn, and
absence of adequate general ventilation. screens used to shield other people.
Do not apply heat or flame except under specific CONTACT LENS WEARERS ARE ADVISED
and detailed manufacturers instructions. TO REVERT TO ORDINARY SPECTACLES
WHEN ARC WELDING as the arc spectrum
is believed to emit microwaves which dry out
the fluid between the lens and the eye, even
result in blindness. Metal spatter will also
occur, and appropriate eye and skin
protection is necessary.
The heat of the welding arc will produce
fumes and gases from the metals being
welded, the rods and from any applied
coatings or contamination on the surfaces
being worked on. These gases and fumes
may be toxic and inhalation of these should

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-11 General Information 1.1.1-11
be avoided. The use of extraction ventilation Warning Symbols on Vehicle
to remove the fumes from the working area Decals showing warning symbols will be found on
may be necessary particularly in cases where various vehicle components. These decals must
the general ventilation is poor, or where not be removed. The warnings are for the
considerable welding work is anticipated. In attention of owners/operators and persons
extreme cases or confined spaces where carrying out service or repair operations on the
adequate ventilation cannot be provided, air- vehicle.
fed respirators may be necessary.
The most commonly found decals are reproduced
3. Gas Welding (Gas Cutting) below together with an explanation of the
Oxy acetylene torches may be used for warnings.
welding and cutting, and special care must be 1. Components or assemblies displaying the
taken to prevent leakage of these gases, with caution triangle and open book symbol advise
consequent risk of fire and explosion. consultation of the relevant section of the
The process will produce metal spatter and owner literature before touching or attempting
eye and skin protection is necessary. The adjustments of any kind.
flame is bright, and eye protection should be
used, but the ultra-violet emission is much
less than that from arc welding, and lighter
filters may be used.
The process itself produces few toxic fumes,
but such fumes and gases may be produced
from coatings on the work, particularly during
cutting away of damaged body parts.
Inhalation of the fumes should be avoided.
In brazing, toxic fumes may be produced from
the metals in the brazing rod, and a severe A1101001

hazard may arise if brazing rods containing

2. Components or assemblies displaying the
cadmium are used. In this event particular
warning triangle with the “electrified” arrow
care must be taken to avoid inhalation of
and open book symbol give warning of
fumes and expert advice may be required.
inherent high voltages. Never touch these
SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS MUST BE TAKEN with the engine running or the ignition
Refer to: Electric Shock.


SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-12 General Information 1.1.1-12
3. Vehicles and replacement components which 5. Displaying this symbol (normally in conjunction
contain asbestos are identified by this with 5 above) warn of the presence of
symbol. potentially explosive matter within the
immediate vicinity.
Refer to: Acid and Alkali Metals.

6. Displaying this symbol warn that children
4. Displaying the caution circle with a deleted
should not be allowed in the immediate
lighted match symbol, caution against the use
vicinity unsupervised.
of naked lights or flames within the immediate
vicinity due to the presence of highly
flammable or explosive liquids or vapors.
Refer to: Fire Prevention.


White Spirit
Refer to: Solvent.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-13 General Information 1.1.1-13

Standard Workshop Practice CAUTION: The removable towing eye (if

equipped), has a left-hand thread and
Vehicle in Workshop must be fully tightened before towing can
commence. When towing is necessary,
When working on a vehicle in the workshop
the vehicle towing eyes should be used.
always make sure that:
The rope must be securely fastened to the
• The parking brake is applied or the towing eyes and must also be attached to
wheels are securely chocked to prevent the other vehicle such that the rope will
the vehicle moving forwards or not foul the bodywork.
When a vehicle with automatic transmission is
• Remove the ignition key before starting
work in front of the vehicle towed, the gear selector must be in position N
(Neutral). Never tow a vehicle with automatic
• If the engine is to be run, there is transmission at a speed greater than 50 km/h or
adequate ventilation, or an extraction
for a distance greater than 50 km. If it is
hose to remove exhaust fumes.
necessary to tow the vehicle a greater distance,
• There is adequate room to raise the the drive wheels must be lifted clear off the
vehicle and remove the wheels, if ground.
Alternatively the vehicle can be transported on a
• Fender covers are always fitted if any low loader or a trailer.
work is to be carried out in the engine
• The battery is disconnected if working on
the engine, underneath the vehicle, or if
the vehicle is raised.
WARNING: When electric arc welding on a
vehicle, always disconnect the generator
wiring to prevent the possibility of a surge
of current causing damage to the internal
components of the generator.

If using welding equipment on the vehicle, a

suitable fire extinguisher is readily available.

Towing the Vehicle

WARNING: When the vehicle is being
towed, the ignition switch must be in
position ACC (steering lock released and
hazard warning lamps illuminated). Only
then will the turn signal lamps, horn and
brake lamps be operational. Failure to
follow these instructions may result in
personal injury.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-14 General Information 1.1.1-14
Connecting a Slave Battery Using WARNING: Make sure that the ends of the
Jumper Cables jumper cables do not touch each other or
WARNING: If the slave battery has recently ground against the vehicle body at any
been charged and is gassing, cover the time while the cables are attached to the
vent plugs or covers with a damp cloth to battery. A fully charged battery, if shorted
reduce the risk of explosion should arcing through jumper cables, can discharge at a
occur when connecting the jumper cables. rate well above 1,000 amps causing
Failure to follow these instructions may violent arcing and very rapid heating of
result in personal injury. the jumper cables and terminals, and can
even cause the battery to explode. Failure
WARNING: A discharged battery condition to follow these instructions may result in
may have been caused by an electrical personal injury.
short circuit.If this condition exists there
will be an apparently live circuit on the Always connect the jumper cables in the following
vehicle even when all normal circuits are sequence:
switched off. This can cause arcing when • Slave battery positive first and then
the jumper cables are connected. vehicle battery positive.

WARNING: While it is not recommended • Slave battery negative next and then
vehicle ground at least 12 inches (300
that the vehicle is jump started, it is
mm) from the battery terminal, for
recognized that this may occasionally be
example engine lifting eye.
the only practical way to mobilize a
vehicle. In such an instance, the Always reduce the engine rotating speed to idle
discharged battery must be recharged before disconnecting the jumper cables. Before
immediately after jump starting to avoid removing the jumper cables from the vehicle that
permanent damage. had the discharged battery, switch on the heater
blower (high) or the heated rear windshield, to
• Always make sure that the jumper cables reduce the voltage peak when the cables are
are adequate for the task. Heavy duty removed.
cables must be used.
Always disconnect the jumper cables in the
• Always make sure that the slave battery
reverse order to the connecting sequence and do
is of the same voltage as the vehicle
not short the ends of the cables.
battery. The batteries must be connected
in parallel. Do not rely on the generator to restore a
• Always make sure that switched electric discharged battery. For a generator to recharge a
circuits are switched off before battery, it would take in excess of eight hours
connecting jumper cables. This reduces continuous driving with no additional loads placed
the risk of arcing occurring when the final on the battery.
connection is made.


SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-15 General Information 1.1.1-15
Component Cleaning Calibration of Essential Measuring
To prevent the ingress of dirt, accumulations of Equipment
loose dirt and greasy deposits should be removed WARNING: Failure to follow this
before disconnecting or dismantling components instruction may result in personal injury or
or assemblies. Components should be thoroughly damage to components.
cleaned before inspection prior to reassembly.
It is of fundamental importance that certain
Cleaning Methods: essential equipment, for example torque
• Dry cleaning. wrenches, multimeters, exhaust gas analyzers or
rolling roads, are regularly calibrated in
• Removal of loose dirt with soft or cable accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
• Scraping dirt off with a piece of metal or Solvents, Sealants and
wood. Adhesives
• Wiping off with a rag. Introduction
WARNING: Compressed air is sometimes WARNING: Always handle all solvents,
'wet' so use with caution, especially on sealers and adhesives with extreme care.
hydraulic systems. Some contain chemicals or give off fumes
• Blowing dirt off with compressed air. which can be dangerous to health. Always
(wear goggles in the operation). follow the manufacturer instructions. If in
doubt about any substance, particularly a
• Removal of dry dust using cleaner. This
solvent, DO NOT use it.
method must always be used to remove
friction lining material dust. WARNING: If in doubt about the suitability
• Steam cleaning. of any proprietary solvent or sealer for a
particular application, contact the
WARNING: Most solvents require careful
manufacturer of the product for
handling and some are harmful. Refer to
information regarding storage, handling
Health and Safety Precautions and to the
and application.
manufacturers literature for the relevant
safety precautions. Failure to follow these The Health and Safety Precautions subsection
instructions may result in personal injury. refers to some commonly used chemicals and
materials, hazards associated with their use, and
Various solvents are available which are suitable
safety measures to be taken.
for component cleaning. Some components,
such as brake hydraulic parts and electrical Road/Roller Test
assemblies should be cleaned only with
Road or roller test may be carried out for various
recommended solvents.
reasons and a procedure detailing pre-test
Refer to: Solvents, Sealants and checks, engine starting and stopping, pre-driving
Adhesives. checks, on-test checks and final checks to be
completed on completion of the test is given
Unless complete vehicle performance is being
checked, the full road test procedure need not be
carried out. Instead, those items particularly
relevant to the system(s) being checked can be

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-16 General Information 1.1.1-16
WARNING: If the brake fluid level is low, With the Ignition Switched Off, Check:
pedal travel is excessive or a hydraulic • That the parking brake is applied.
leak is found, do not attempt to road test
the vehicle until the reason for the low • That the gear lever is in the neutral
fluid level, excessive pedal travel or
hydraulic leak is found and rectified. • That all instrument gauges (except fuel
gauge) read zero.
It is suggested that pre-test checks and functional
tests of those systems and circuits which affect With the ignition switched on, check:
the safe and legal operations of the vehicle,With • That the ignition controlled warning lamps
the ignition switched off, check: such as brakes, are illuminated.
lights and steering, should always be carried out
before the road or roller test. • That the engine temperature gauge
registers a reading compatible with the
• The engine oil level. engine temperature.
• The engine coolant level. • That the fuel gauge registers a reading
appropriate to the fuel level in the tank.
• The tires, for correct pressure,
compatible types and tread patterns, and • The operation of the parking brake
wear within limits. warning lamp and fluid level warning
• That there is sufficient fuel in the tank to indicator.
complete the test.
• All around the engine, transmission and
under the vehicle for oil, coolant,
hydraulic and fuel leaks. Make a note of
any apparent leaks and wipe off the
surrounding areas to make it easier to
identify the extent of the leak on
completion of the test.

Starting the Engine

CAUTION: On initial drive away from cold
and within the first 1.5 km, do not depress
the accelerator pedal beyond half travel.
Never operate at high engine rotating
speed or with the accelerator pedal at full
travel whilst the engine is cold.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-17 General Information 1.1.1-17
Road or Roller Testing Brake Testing
WARNING: If road testing, check the brake WARNING: When brake testing, avoid
operation while still traveling at low speed breathing the fumes from hot brakes, this
before continuing with the test. If the may contain asbestos dust which is
brakes pull to one side, or appear to be hazardous to health. Failure to follow this
otherwise faulty, do not continue with the instruction may result in personal injury.
road test until the fault has been found
and rectified. Avoid brake testing on busy roads where it may
cause inconvenience or danger to other road
• That the clutch pedal operation is not stiff users.
or heavy.
WARNING: Brake testing which includes
• That the initial gear engagement is
heavy brake applications should not be
smooth and there is no evidence of clutch
carried out with new brake pads/discs or
linings/drums until the components have
• That the parking brake control operates bedded-in. New brake friction components
smoothly and releases quickly and will not reach full efficiency until the
completely. that the clutch takes up the bedding-in process is complete.
drive smoothly, without slip or judder.
• That gear changing is smooth with no Test the brakes at several speeds within the
abnormal noises or vibrations from the normal operating range using both light and
transmission. heavy pedal pressure. Note any tendency to
snatch, pull or drag, and any undue delay in
• The engine power output is satisfactory,
application or release. Allow the vehicle to coast
full power is achieved, acceleration is
and note any tendency to pull to one side, or
smooth and pedal operation is not stiff or
heavy, and engine rotating speed returns evidence that the brakes are binding.
to idle correctly. After stopping the vehicle (not immediately after a
• There is no excessive or abnormally period of heavy braking), carefully check the
colored smoke from the engine under brake temperature. A brake disc or brake drum
normal driving, heavy load or overrun that feels hot or is appreciably hotter than the
conditions. others, indicates that the brake is binding.
• That steering operation, including power
steering(if equipped), is smooth,
accurate, not excessively heavy or with
excessive free play or vibration. that the
steering does not pull to one side and self
centers smoothly after cornering.
• That the speedometer, coolant temperature
gauge and tachometer (if equipped)
register the correct readings and operate
• That the switches and controls operate
smoothly and positively, warning and
indicator lamps operate correctly and the
direction indicator control self cancels
when the steering is returned to the
straight ahead position.
• That the heating and ventilation systems
operate correctly and effectively.
• The brake operation and efficiency.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.1-18 General Information 1.1.1-18
After Completion of The Test, Check
• Oil, coolant, hydraulic, air and fuel leaks.
• Abnormal temperature of any moving
components or assemblies, for example
wheel hubs, transmission and axle, which
might indicate over tightness or lack of

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.2 Identification
1.1.2-1 Identification Codes 1.1.2-1

Description and Operation

Vehicle Identification Number



Item Description
1 stamped position of body VIN

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.2-2 Identification Codes 1.1.2-2



Item Description
Sticked position of instrument
panel VIN

Meaning of VIN

Location Description Location Description

1~3 Manufacturer Identification Code 8 Engine type
4 Vehicle brand 9 Inspection number
5 total weight 10 Year of manufacture
the type of vehicle body and
6 11 Manufacturing factory code
7 Air coditioning 12 ~ 17 Production serial number

SC1022 2011.08

SC1022 2011.08
Identification Codes

GA1/BA1 1000 kg
A/1 1000 kg
kg GA2/BA2
GVM/BVM 1800 1100 kg
V 800 kg
PD 60 kg
GCM/BKM 2100 950 kg
D/T 2100 kg
Single Cab/Extra cab

1.1.2-4 Identification Codes 1.1.2-4
Double Cab

S23D7B .,L
JL474Q 1000 kg
1800 kg A/1 10
00 kg
800 kg 1100 kg
2100 kg A/2 11
00 kg
D/T 2100 kg PD 60
T 950


SC1022 2011.08
1.1.3 Traction and
1.1.3-1 Traction and Lifting 1.1.3-1

Description and Operation Jacking

Traction WARNING: Always park the vehicle on a
hard level surface. If the vehicle must be
jacked up on a soft surface use load
spreading blocks under the jack. Always
chock the wheel diagonally opposite the
jacking point. Failure to follow these
instructions may result in personal injury.

When using the vehicle jack, it is important to

conform to the following guides for correct
operation. The correct jacking point must be
used. The open area between the front and rear
A1103001 wheels is always selected as jacking point. A pad
shall be applied to protect the painting when
In the traction, raise the rear tire and make the car using the jack.
stand on its front tire. Place ignition shape under
"ACC" position, unlock the steering wheel, and
put front wheel facing the front. Lock the steering
wheel firmly with dedicated tools .
The towing hook is in the onboard tool kit and
install it when necessary.
WARNING: It is prohibited to make the
Rear wheels on the ground in the traction.
Otherwise, the transmission may be

CAUTION: The traction distance shall not

exceed 80 km and the speed shall not
exceed 50 km/h.


SC1022 2011.08
1.1.3-2 Traction and Lifting 1.1.3-2

WARNING: It is important to use the
correct lifting position for the lifting safety.
Otherwise, the vehicle may be damaged or
injury may be caused.

CAUTION: When lifting the vehicle with a

two post lift, vehicle lift arm adapters must
be used under the lifting points.


SC1022 2011.08
1.1.4 Maintenance
1.1.4-1 Maintenance Interval 1.1.4-1

Description and Operation

Maintenance Items
1. Do not start the engine in the forbidden area.
2. If it is necessary to start engine in maintenance,
apply the parking brake completely and set the
gearshift lever at neutral.
3. Do not touch any component of ignition
system after starting the engine.
4. Keep the hands, clothes, tools and other
things away from cooling fan and drive belt
and any other rotating components when the
engine operates.
5. Do not touch any heat extraction components,
such as: exhaust manifold, air condition high
pressure pipe and muffler in order to avoid
being scalded.
6. Keep electrical conductors away from the
battery negative and positive to avoid short-
circuit and accidents such as battery damage,
fire and explosion.
7. Do not drain the fluid of the vehicle, such as
gasoline, oil, coolant, brake fluid and power
steering fluid. The fluid may pollute
8. Do not try to adjust the throttle limiting screws
at any time.
9. Do not raise the temperature of electronic
control unit to over 80 ℃ in the malfunction
heating simulation or the maintenance that
may increase the temperature of vehicle.
10. Turn the ignition switch to “OFF” when
disconnecting the control module wiring
harness connector.
11. Disconnect the wiring harness connectors of
all control modules and the wiring harness of
battery in welding.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.4-2 Maintenance Interval 1.1.4-2

Daily maintainence schedule

Regular Maintenance Item and Interval
The following chart determines the regular maintenance based on driving mileage or month. The
inspection, adjustment, lubricantion and other maintenance should strictly follow the regular period in the
Regular maintenance symbols:
R - Replace
A - Adjust
I - Inspect
L - Lubricate
C - Clean
T - Tighten it to specified torque
F - Fill
Regular maintainence interval and items

Interval:This interval should

be judged by odometer
reading or months, km
2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
whichever comes (x1,000)

Item Month 2
1. Timing(Water pump, compressor) drive belt
I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A -
(tension, wear, etc.)
2. Valve Clearance I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A -
3. Engine Bolt (cylinder head, manifold fastener) I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A -
4. Oil filter R R R R R R R R
5. Engine oil R R R R R R R R
6.Engine coolant. I.F I.F I.F I.F I.F I.F I.F I.F
7. Ignition timing I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A - I.A -
8. Air filter
9.Fuel filter R R R R R R R R
10. Fuel tank, fuel lines and connectors, pipe

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.4-3 Maintenance Interval 1.1.4-3

Interval:This interval should

be judged by odometer
reading or months, km
2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
whichever comes (x1,000)

Item Month 2
11. Battery liquid level I.F I.F I.F I.F I.F I.F I.F I.F
12. Wiring harness, connections and lights I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A
13. Clutch I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A
14.Brake fluid (amount, leakage pollution) I.F I.F I.F I.F I.F I.F I.F I.F
15. Brake pedal (stroke) I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A
16. Parking braking lever and cable I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A
17.CD player magnetic head I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A
18. Wheel and Wheel nut (damage, tightness) I.T I.T I.T I.T I.T I.T I.T I.T
19. Main bolt and nut (tightness) I.T I.T I.T I.T I.T I.T I.T I.T
20. Steering system (clearance, tightness) I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A
21.Transmission oil I.F I.F I.F I.F I.F I.F I.F I.F
22. Toe-in I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A I.A
23.Test drive I I I I I I I I

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.5 Noise, Vibration and
1.1.5-1 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 1.1.5-1

Description and Operation Sound Transmitted Through Air .

This chapter briefly introduces the generation of
noise and vibratin on the vehicle and how to 2 2 2 3 3
eliminate them.

NVH Meaning in Automotive

Engineering 1

N=Noise-audible unpleasant sound.

V=Vibration-perceptible vibration.
H=Harshness-audible and perceptible jittering
and vibration. A1105001

Noise Type in Automotive Item Component Description

Engineering Sound source (such as
1 -
Accordinting to sound intensity, the noise in engine)
automotive engineering can be classified as 2 - Sound wave
3 - Amplitude
• Slight noise - low thunder, buzz.
• Moderate noise - rapid drone.
Sound Transmitted Through Object
• Strong noise - loud howling,harsh whistle.
The sound can transmit through liquid or solid
• Loud howling and whistle will hurt the
(such as vehicle body).
Different positions on the vehicle make noises in The speed (sound velocity) of sound depends on
different intensity: the object materials. Generally, the transmitting
speed of sound in liquid and solid is faster than in
• Slight noise mostly comes from engine. air (about 5 times).
• Slight noise also can be produced on
road, especially on rough road. It is
Sound Transmitted Through air and
another type of slight noise, such as the Object
vibration of vehicle which driver can feel.
CAUTION: The noise transmiting through
• Strong noise (such as howling and harsh air and object is the main concern of the
whistle) is commonly generated by automotive engineering.
airflow or accessories (such as
alternators, power steering pumps and
driving belts).
• Chatter sound can be heard when vehicle
runs on rough road. The unstable noise is
usually caused by the shock absorber,
chassis components or loose
components inside the vehicle.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.5-2 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 1.1.5-2
Noise transmitted through the vehicle Resonance
• Every object has its inherent vibration
1 2 • If a certain system vibrates with its
inherent vibration frequency, it will cause
• When engine reaches resonance
frequency, the engine will run unstably
(engine critical speed).
• Once the engine rotating speed exceeds
the critical point, it will run stably at once.
Item Component Description • The vibration can be reduced if a damper
The noise transmitted is connected with spring in parallel.
1 -
through air • The vehicle shock absorber is made
The noise transmitted based on this principle.
2 -
through vehicle body • Damping influences the resonance of
object and system.
• The vibration can be weaken with shock
• The noise from engine. absorber in order to eliminate the
• Directly through air. vibration of vehicle body.

• It is transmitted from engine to vehicle • In fact, vehicle shock absorber is a

body with vibration and spreaded to the damper and the vibration on vehicle body
cab by the way of sound wave. is weakened by the way of damping.

Vibration Process Engineering

1 2
• Vibration waves with a frequency lower
than 20 Hz (low frequency) or higher than
20,000 Hz (20 kHz, high frequency) can
not be heard by human ears.
• The engine with flexible installation can
vibrate up and down when running on
rough road.
• When flexible installation of engine is in
trouble, vibration will be transmitted from A1105003
engine to vehicle body and even cab.
Applicable for the following: Item Component Description
• Vehicle process engineering does not 1 - Non-damping vibration
only concers audible low frequency 2 - Damping vibration
vibration but also the high frequency
vibration that can be not heard.
• Generally, the low frequency vibration is
• The high-frequency vibration is palpable
through the floor and the steering wheel.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.5-3 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 1.1.5-3
Sound insulation Absorb
In vibrational science, the meaning of sound • Sound is reflected when meeting hard
insulation is the decoupling of component and surface.
system. • Sound will be absorbed when meeting
Example: soft external surface. The effect depends
on the material and thickness of
• The engine is installed on elastic absorbing object.
supporting seat, so that the vibration is
transmitted into the vehicle body as small
as possible.
1 2
• In vechicle process engineering, rubber
gasket is most related to sound insulation
technology. It acts as a spring.
• The effect of decoupling depends on the
structure of components.

The directional installation of rubber

gasket can reach the best sound
insulation effect. A1105005

Item Component Description

1 - Reflected wave

1 2 - Attacted wave

• All sound insulation components such as
2 2 door decorated board, carpet,ceiling,
carrier and seat should be insulated with
vehicle body.
A1105004 • Then the sound wave will be reflected
directly and reduce the occur of Hall
Item Component Description effect.
1 - Engine
2 - Engine installation

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.5-4 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 1.1.5-4

Noise and Vibration on Vehicle Noise and vibration caused by

The noise levels are different based on the intake and exhaust system
different positions of passengers on vehicle. Air intake system can be regarded as the vehicle
Vehicle sound /noise wave(standing air and solid noise source.

1 2



Exhaust system can be regarded as the vehicle

Item Component Description air and solild noise source
1 - Driver is at “wave trough”
Rear passengers are in
2 -
“wave peak”


Transmission route of sound:

• The transmission ways of the noise
generated by the intake and the exhaust
system are shown as in the picture
• In addition to air noise, the solid noise in
the intake and the exhaust system is also
the main source. In order to minimize
the noise, the sound isulation cushion
must be installed firmly.
• The exhaust system is a typical vibrating
component, and a good sound insulation
device is required in the installation. The
system layout, trends and connecting
points of the vehicle body shall be
properly selected to reduce the solid

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.5-5 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 1.1.5-5
Air Intake System Exhaust System


1 1 2

A1105009 A1105010

Item Component Description Item Component Description

1 Air filter assembly Exhaust
2 connection pipe
3 Canister
2 catalytic
• Length and cabage of air intake system
has been fixed and can not be changed 3 Rear muffler
in maintenance. Pay attention to the
tightening and leakages between Exhaust system can not be installed too tightly.
connecting components in operation. CAUTION: The rubber gasket in
• The great air pressure changes on the suspension exhaust system can also
surface air intake system components will transmit virbation, sometimes it is noise
cause strong vibration soruce. So it is necessary to leave suitable
• Influence of temperature will change its freedom in installing exhaust system.
rigidity, such as heating air filter (thereby
Rubber gasket can not be installed to tightly.
influencing vibration level)
Exhaust manifold and catalytic converter (if
• In order to avoid the solid vibration on the
surface of air intake system transmitting connected with engine directly) must be
to vehicle body,pay attention to the connect with engine rigidity (no gaps at the
following in maintenance:a)whole air bracket connection).
intake system is insulated with vehicle Simple problem tesing:
body,install the rubber gasket and keep
proper degree of freedom;b)air intake • Remove all suspension bushings in
pipe should not be connected with exhaust system.
vehicle body directly. It is necessary to • Suspect exhaust system with rope(at
add foam sound absorbent pad on the most two suspension points).
connecting positions with vehicle or other
components. • Check the noise level of cab in road
• If the noise is eliminated, it means the
exhaust bushing is noise source.
• Take road testing after installing every
bushing and check noise level.
• Based on this procedure, the bushing
causing noise will be found out.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.5-6 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 1.1.5-6

Vehicle Body Example:

The ensurance of vehicle body water proof
Function can not ensure the requirements to noise and
• The requirement to vehicle is allround, vibration at the same time, so the following
especially the vehicle in driving. Here, elements should be considered:
what we emphasize are other main
• Correctly install the vehicle window.
components that cause noise in vehicle,
such as engine and bushing. The vehicle • Correctly install the weatherstrip.
body is one of the most important part
Other precautions:
involving NVH.
• All pipes to engine compartment
• The components we described here only
mean the the components to cause • Door and window weatherstrip
vibration and noise based on function
• Heater and vent.
Vehicle body includes or concerns all
these components. • Sunroof drain pipe.
• The vehicle body not only causes air The cross components of side wall and vehicle
noise, but also causes solid noise. body are usually the transmitted passage to
• The vehicle body must absorb vibration vibration and noise, possible rectification methods
from all components, and try to ensure are
the vibration is not transmitted to the • Install at seperated positions at critical
interior of the vehicle body. localisations (such as A pillar and side
• The main components of NVH in the wall)in order to reach the good sound
vehicle body are the roof steel plate, the insulation performance.
side wall and the floor. The vibration or CAUTION: The foam block or foam filled
noise shall be increased greatly due to block is a good sound insulation measure.
the strutcture, just as an amplifier.
If the noise occurs in wind, tire, engine or
Higher requirements for vehicle body road surface, check the foam block at the
relative positions.
• Good falling or knock performance
• Install foam block at influenced area.
• Spacious interior
• Fill foam block at the relative gaps or
• Corrosion resistance
• Light weight
• Excellent aerodynamic appearance
Because can not satisfy all these requirements at
the same time, we only adopt a half-way solution.
For example, to satisfy NVH performance, the
integral rigidity of vehcile body must be ensured
together with the good resiliency in crash and with
certain flexibility of vehicle body. So we only can
adopt the method of crumpling or twist partial

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.5-7 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 1.1.5-7

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing Customer Interview

Inspection and Verification The road test and customer interview (if available)
provide information that will help identify the
1. Start the vehicle to reshow the malfunction, concern and will provide direction to the correct
verify the customer concern. starting point for diagnosis.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs for
Identify the Condition
NVH usually occur in four areas
3. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause • Tire
(if possible) before proceeding to the next • Engine accessories
• Suspension
4. If the concern is not visually evident, verify
• Driveline
the symptom and refer to the symptom chart.
It is important, therefore, that an NVH concern be
How to use this diagnosis isolated into its specific area(s) as soon as
procedure section possible. The easiest and quickest way to do this
is to carry out the Road Test as outlined. To assist
Noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) concern
in the diagnosis and testing procedure(s), use a
has become more important as vehicles have
suitable approved NVH diagnosis tester.
become more sensitive to these vibrations. This
section is designed to aid in identifying these
This section is used to assort and identify these
problems. For example, if the condition occurs at
high speed, for instance, the most likely place to
start is under shake and vibration while driving.
The road test procedure can classify the
conditions and identify the vibration from shaking.
A series of Road Test Quick Checks are provided
to make sure that a cause is either pinpointed or
Name the condition, proceed to the appropriate
section and locate the correct diagnosis. When
the condition is identified, the job is partly done.
Follow the diagnostic procedure as outlined.
Quick Checks are described within the steps,
while more involved tests and adjustments are
outlined in General inspections.
Always follow each step exactly and make notes
to recall important findings later.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.5-8 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 1.1.5-8

Noise Diagnostic Procedure Noise conditions

• Gear noise is typically a howling or
Non-Axle Noise whining due to gear damage or incorrect
The five most common sources of non-axle noise bearing preload. It can occur at various
are exhaust, tires, roof racks, trim panels and speeds and driving conditions, or it can
be continuous.
• Chuckle is a particular rattling noise
Therefore, make sure that none of the following
that sounds like a stick against the
conditions are the cause of the noise before spokes of a spinning bicycle wheel. It
proceeding with a driveline teardown and occurs while decelerating from 64 km/
diagnosis h and can usually be heard all the way
• In certain conditions, the pitch of the to a stop. The frequency varies with
exhaust may sound very much like gear vehicle speed.
noise. At other times, it can be mistaken • Knock is very similar to chuckle, though
for a wheel bearing rumble. it may be louder and occurs on
• Tires, especially snow tires, can have a acceleration or deceleration. The
high pitched tread whine or roar, similar teardown will disclose what has to be
to gear noise. Radial tires may have this corrected.
characteristic. Also, any non-standard tire Clicking, popping or grinding noises
with an unusual tread construction may
emit a roar or whine noise. may be caused by the following:
• Trim panels can also cause whistling or • Worn, damaged or incorrectly installed
whining noise. wheel bearing, suspension or brake
• Bearing rumble sounds like marbles
being tumbled. This condition is usually • Check and rule out tires, exhaust and trim
caused by a damaged wheel bearing. items before disassembling the
transmission to diagnose and correct
gear noise.

Vibration Conditions
Vibration at highway may be caused by the
• Out-of-balance front or rear wheels.
• Out-of-round tires.
Shudder or vibration during acceleration may be
caused by the following:
• Damaged powertrain/drivetrain mounts
• Excessively high constant velocity (CV)
joint operating angles caused by incorrect
ride height. Check ride height, verify
correct spring rate and check items under
inoperative conditions.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.5-9 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 1.1.5-9
Road test Road test quick checks
A gear-driven unit will produce a certain amount 1. 24 ~ 80 km / h :
of noise. Some noise is acceptable and may be
With light acceleration, a moaning noise is
audible at certain speeds or under various driving
heard and possibly a vibration felt in the front
conditions, as on a newly paved asphalt road.
floor panel. It is usually worse at a particular
The slight noise is in no way detrimental and must
engine rotating speed and at a particular
be considered normal.
throttle setting during acceleration at that
The road test and customer interview (if available) speed. It may also produce a moaning sound,
provide information needed to identify the depending on what component is causing it.
condition and give direction to the correct starting Refer to Tip-in Moan in the driveline noise
point for diagnosis. and vibration symptom chart.
1. Make notes throughout the diagnosis routine. 2. Acceleration/Deceleration:
Make sure to write down even the smallest bit
With slow acceleration and deceleration, a
of information, because it may turn out to be
shake is sometimes noticed in the steering
the most important.
wheel/column, seats, front floor panel, front
2. Do not touch anything until a road test and a door trim panel or front end sheet metal. It is
thorough visual inspection of the vehicle have a low frequency vibration (around 9-15 cycles
been carried out. Leave the tire pressures per second). It may or may not be increased
and vehicle load just where they were when by applying the brakes lightly. Refer to Idle
the condition was first observed. Adjusting boom/shake/vibration in the driveline noise
tire pressures, vehicle load or making other and vibration symptom chart.
adjustments may reduce the condition(s)
3. High Speed:
intensity to a point where it cannot be
identified clearly. It may also inject something A vibration is felt in the front floor panel or
new into the system, preventing correct seats with no visible shake, but with an
diagnosis. accompanying sound or rumble, buzz, hum,
drone or booming noise. Coast with the clutch
3. Make a visual inspection as part of the
pedal depressed (manual transmission) and
preliminary diagnosis routine, writing down
engine idling. If vibration is still evident, it
anything that does not look right. Note tire
may be related to wheels, tires, front brake
pressures, but do not adjust them yet. Note
discs, wheel hubs or front wheel bearings.
leaking fluids, loose nuts and bolts, or bright
Refer to shake and vibration while driving in
spots where components may be rubbing
the driveline noise and vibration symptom
against each other. Check the load space for
unusual loads.
4. Engine rpm Sensitive:
4. Road test the vehicle and define the condition
by reproducing it several times during the A vibration is felt whenever the engine
road test. reaches a particular rpm. It will disappear in
neutral coasts. The vibration can be
5. Carry out the Road Test Quick Checks as
duplicated by operating the engine at the
soon as the condition is reproduced. This will
problem rpm while the vehicle is stationary. It
identify the correct diagnostic procedure.
can be caused by any component, from the
Carry out the road test quick checks more
accessory drive belt to the clutch or torque
than once to verify they are providing a valid
converter which turns at engine rotating
result. Remember, the road test quick checks
speed when the vehicle is stopped. Refer to
may not tell where the concern is, but they
shake and vibration while driving in the
will tell where it is not.
driveline noise and vibration symptom chart.

SC1022 2011.08
1.1.5-10 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 1.1.5-10
5. Noise and vibration while turning (clicking,
popping or grinding noises) may be due to the
• Worn, damaged or incorrectly installed
front wheel bearing.
• Damaged powertrain/drivetrain mounts

Road conditions
An experienced technician will always establish a
route that will be used for all NVH diagnosis road
tests. The road selected should be reasonably
smooth, level and free of undulations (unless a
particular condition needs to be identified). A
smooth asphalt road that allows driving over a
range of speeds is best. Gravel or bumpy roads
are unsuitable because of the additional road
noise produced. Once the route is established
and consistently used, the road noise variable is
eliminated from the test results.
CAUTION: Some concerns may be
apparent only on smooth asphalt roads.

If a customer complains of a noise or vibration on

a particular road and only on a particular road, the
source of the concern may be the road surface. If
possible, try to test the vehicle on the same type
of road.

Vehicle Preparation
Carry out a thorough visual inspection of the
vehicle before carrying out the road test. Note
anything unusual. Do not repair or adjust any
condition until the road test is carried out, unless
the vehicle is inoperative or the condition could
pose a hazard to the technician.
After verifying that the condition has been
corrected, make sure all components removed
have been installed.

SC1022 2011.08


2.1 Suspension
2.1.1Suspension system-General Information........................................................................... 2.1.1-1
2.1.2 Front Suspension.............................................................................................................. 2.1.2-1
2.1.3 Rear Suspension .............................................................................................................. 2.1.3-1
2.1.4 Wheel and Tire.................................................................................................................. 2.1.4-1

2.2 Driveline
2.2.1 Driveline system-General.................................................................................................. 2.2.1-1
2.2.2 Drive Shaft ........................................................................................................................ 2.2.2-1
2.2.3 Half Shaft .......................................................................................................................... 2.2.3-1
2.2.4 Differential ......................................................................................................................... 2.2.4-1

2.3 Brake System

2.3.1 Brake System-Overview ................................................................................................... 2.3.1-1
2.3.2 Rear Drum Brake .............................................................................................................. 2.3.2-1
2.3.3 Front Disc Brake ............................................................................................................... 2.3.3-1
2.3.4 Parking Brake and Operation............................................................................................ 2.3.4-1
2.3.5 Hydraulic Brake Control .................................................................................................... 2.3.5-1
2.3.6 Power Brake ..................................................................................................................... 2.3.6-1

2.4 Steering System

2.4.1 Steering System - Overview.............................................................................................. 2.4.1-1
2.4.2 Steering gear..................................................................................................................... 2.4.2-1
2.4.3 Steering Column ............................................................................................................... 2.4.3-1

SC1022 2011.08

2.1 Suspension
2011 SC1022
Table of Contents Pages

2.1.1Suspension system-General Information

Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 2.1.1-1
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 2.1.1-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 2.1.1-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 2.1.1-2
General Procedure........................................................................................................................... 2.1.1-4
Wheel bearing inspection ......................................................................................................... 2.1.1-4
Inspect tie rod ball joint............................................................................................................. 2.1.1-4
Inspect front Swinging Arm Ball Joint ....................................................................................... 2.1.1-5
Lift the Vehicle for Inspection.................................................................................................... 2.1.1-6
Suspension Injection Device. ................................................................................................... 2.1.1-5
Inspect Vehicle ......................................................................................................................... 2.1.1-6
Worktable Test .......................................................................................................................... 2.1.1-6
Rear Shock Absorber Inspect................................................................................................... 2.1.1-7
Road test .................................................................................................................................. 2.1.1-7
Front Wheel Toe-in Inspection and Adjustment........................................................................ 2.1.1-8
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 2.1.1-9
Inspection and Verification........................................................................................................ 2.1.1-9
Symptom Chart....................................................................................................................... 2.1.1-10
Diagnosis flow of vehicle deviating......................................................................................... 2.1.1-16
Diagnosis procedure for abnormal driving track(Vehicle can not keep driving straight) ......... 2.1.1-19
Diagnosis procedure for vehicle swing ................................................................................... 2.1.1-21
Diagnosis procedure for steering wheel deviating from the center position ........................... 2.1.1-23
Diagnosis procedure for abnormal driving track ..................................................................... 2.1.1-24
Diagnosis procedure of excessive noise ................................................................................ 2.1.1-24
Diagnosis procedure for vibration driving ............................................................................... 2.1.1-26
Diagnosis procedure for abnormal wheel wear ...................................................................... 2.1.1-27

2.1.2 Front Suspension

Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 2.1.2-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 2.1.2-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 2.1.2-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 2.1.2-2

SC1022 2011.08
Location view ............................................................................................................................2.1.2-3
Components Exploded View.....................................................................................................2.1.2-4
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ......................................................................................................2.1.2-7
Disassembly and Assembly .............................................................................................................2.1.2-8
Front strut Assembly .................................................................................................................2.1.2-8
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................2.1.2-9
Front Shaft swing arm Assembly ..............................................................................................2.1.2-9
Front Suspension Press Lever Welding Assembly. ................................................................2.1.2-10
Front Wheel Steering Knuckle ................................................................................................2.1.2-12
Front Wheel Hub.....................................................................................................................2.1.2-14
Front Strut Assembly ..............................................................................................................2.1.2-16
Front Shaft Welding Assembly................................................................................................2.1.2-17
Front Stabilizer Bar .................................................................................................................2.1.2-18

2.1.3 Rear Suspension

Specifications ...................................................................................................................................2.1.3-1
Torque Specifications ................................................................................................................2.1.3-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................2.1.3-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................2.1.3-2
Location View............................................................................................................................2.1.3-3
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ......................................................................................................2.1.3-4
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................2.1.3-5
Rear Axle ..................................................................................................................................2.1.3-5
Rear Leaf Spring Assembly ......................................................................................................2.1.3-8
Rear Shock Absorber Assembly .............................................................................................2.1.3-10

2.1.4 Wheel and Tire

Specifications ...................................................................................................................................2.1.4-1
General Specifications ..............................................................................................................2.1.4-1
Torque Specifications ................................................................................................................2.1.4-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................2.1.4-2
Components Description...........................................................................................................2.1.4-2
Components Exploded View.....................................................................................................2.1.4-3
General Inspection ...........................................................................................................................2.1.4-4
Removal/Installation and Charging of Tires ..............................................................................2.1.4-4
Tire Rotation .............................................................................................................................2.1.4-5
Inspection and Verification ........................................................................................................2.1.4-5
Tire Abrasion Diagnosis............................................................................................................2.1.4-5

SC1022 2011.08
Inspect the Wheel Hub Runout................................................................................................. 2.1.4-5
Initial Inspection before Tire Positioning ................................................................................... 2.1.4-6
Tire Abrasion Check ................................................................................................................. 2.1.4-6
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 2.1.4-9
Inspection and Verification........................................................................................................ 2.1.4-9
Symptom Chart....................................................................................................................... 2.1.4-10
Removal and Installation................................................................................................................ 2.1.4-12

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1Suspension system-
General Information
2.1.1-1 Suspension System 2.1.1-1

General Specifications
Item Specifications
Front toe-in 0 ~ 5mm
Front wheel camber angle 1°30′
Front wheel alignment parameter
Front wheel kingpin inclination angle 2°30′
Front wheel caster angle 8°
Rear wheel toe-in -
Rear wheel alignment parameter
Rear camber angle -

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-2 Suspension System 2.1.1-2

Description and Operation 3. Toe-in description

System Overview Toe-in is the tire inner drifts from geometric center
line or thrust line and negative toe-in is the tire
The primary aim of vehicle engineering is to outer drifts from geometric center line or thrust
ensure the safety and reliability of steering and line. Toe-in is used to ensure the smooth rolling of
suspension system. Every component should be tire. Toe-in can counteract the slight deviation of
of enough strength to bear and absorb extreme the wheel supporting system in wheel rolling
shock. Steering system and front &rear forward. The specified toe-in angle is the setting
suspension system must keep certain value of toe-in reaching 0 ° when vehicle drives
geometrical relationship with vehicle body. forward.
Steering and suspension system require the front Incorrect toe-in or negative toe-in will lead tire
wheel to return automatically and minimize the worn and reduce fuel economics. Because every
front wheel rolling resistance and road friction steering and suspension system component worn
force. It helps users control the vehicle directions will become serious with the increasing driving
easily and comfortably. mileage, the toe-in should be increased to
Comprehensive wheel alignment inspection compensate the worn of these components. It is
includes measuring rear toe-in angle and camber necessary to calibrate toe-in angle finally.
angle. 4-wheel alignment can make sure all 4 4. Steering axes inclination
wheels can turn to the same directions accurately.
After geometrical alignment, vehicle can get best Steering axes inclination (SAI) means the slope
fuel economics and tire service life and optimal capacity of steering knuckle top deviating vertical
steering performance. surface. Observing from vehicle head, steering
axes inclination is the angle of vertical surface
1. Caster angle and the line of crossing column center and lower
Caster angle refers to the pitch or tip back ball joint. Steering axle inclination is helpful to
capacity from the highest point of steering axial keep vehicle driving straightly and assist wheel to
line deviating vertical surface, observed from the return to right ahead. Steering axes inclination of
lateral of vehicle. Tip back is positive and pitch is front wheel driving vehicle is negative.
negative. Caster angle influences the direction 5. Wrap angle
control in steering but has no impact on the tire
worn. Too soft spring or overload will influence Observing from vehicle head, wrap angle is the
caster angle. When the caster angle of the angle between camber angle and the straight line
vehicle is positive, pull the vehicle to its center. of crossing traveller center and lower ball joint.
The minimal positive caster angle will lead the Wrap angle is accounted according to angle. A lot
sideway and rolling of the vehicle. The measure of alignment table can not measure wrap angle
unit of caster angle is degree and can not be directly. When confirming wrap angle, subs tract
adjusted. negative camber angle or add positive camber
angle from steering axes inclination.
2. Camber angle
6. Buffering tire radius
Camber angle is the angle of tire top deviating
vertical surface, observed from the front of Buffering tire radius is the distance from vertical
vehicle. The camber angle is positive when tire surface to the line of crossing column center and
toes out. When tire toes in, camber angle is lower ball joint. Buffering tire radius is the design
negative. Camber angle is the angle deviating feature of vehicle. Buffering tire can not be
vertical surface. Camber angle will influence adjusted.
direction control and tire worn. If vehicle positive
camber angle is too large, it will lead tire outer
shoulder worn. If vehicle negative camber angle
is too large, it will lead tire inner shoulder worn.
Camber angle can not be adjusted.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-3 Suspension System 2.1.1-3
7. Rear dislocation
Rear dislocation is the distance of a front wheel
hub and bearing assembly falling behind another
front wheel hub and bearing assembly. Rear
dislocation is caused by road obstruction and
8. Steering angle
Steering angle is the angle of every front wheel
related to vertical direction when steering.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-4 Suspension System 2.1.1-4

General Procedure
Wheel Bearing Inspection
Special Tool

Clamp Stand of Dial

Indicator Gauge
205-044 (15-008)
6. Install brake disc and caliper.
General Tool
Inspect Tie Rod Ball Joint.
Dial Indicator Gauge
CAUTION: Inspect the worn of tie rod ball
joint first before inspecting or front
CAUTION: Do not mix up front swing arm
suspension alignment.
ball joint loose and bearing loose.
1. Lift the vehicle.
1. Lift the vehicle head.
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
2. Swag wheel. Inspect whether front wheel
Lifting,Description and Operation).
bearing is loose.
2. Remove the tie rod ball joint.
Refer to: Tie rod ball joint(2.4.2 Steering
gear,Removal and Installation).
3. Inspect the tie rod ball joint. Inspect whether
the dust boot of steering tie rod ball joint
damaged, the end joint moves in the ball joint.
Inspect whether the ball joint is worn or
siezed with/without abnormal noise. If there is
failure or clearance due to serious wearing,
replace it.

3. Rotate the wheel rapidly to make sure that

wheel rotates smoothly. Replace the wheel
hub assembly if any.
4. Remove the brake disc.
Refer to: Brake Disc(2.3.3 Front disc
brake, Removal and Installation).

5. Install a suitable dial indicator gauge retainer

or similar equipment, then push and pull
wheel hub.Measure axial clearance between A2101003
wheel hub and front wheel bearing assembly.
There should be no axial clearance. Replace
front wheel bearing if any.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-5 Suspension System 2.1.1-5

Inspect Front Swing Arm Ball Suspension Device Inspection

Joint CAUTION: All vehicles are equipped with
1. Lift the vehicle. low pressure gas-fluid suspension device.
This device can not be adjusted and
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and reinjected.
Lifting,Description and Operation).
1. Oil leakage. It is allowed to deposit a layer of
2. Remove front swing arm ball joint. oil film (exudation) on front and rear shock
Refer to: Front swing arm assembly (2.1.2 absorber, it is normal. Oil leakage means a
Front suspension,Removal and layer of thick oil accumulating at the outside
Installation). of shock absorber shell. It is normally noticed
due to a collection of dust on it. The oil
3. Inspect swing arm bushing for damage and leakage in shock absorption is normal
worn. Inspect swing arm ball pin and dust function and not necessary to replace shock
boot for damage. Inspect the swing arm ball absorber. The leakage means when the
pin for smooth rotation,Observe it for the shock absorber device suspension is covered
movement. Free movement will bring with by leaking oil and the oil will drop on ground.
click sound and will lead damage. Replace it
in case of failure. If this situation appears:
• Be sure the observing oil film is from
CAUTION: The swing arm and the ball pin
shock absorption device.
can't seperate. If one of the them is
damaged, replace the whole swing arm • Replace it if shock absorber is worn and
assembly. damaged.
2. Vehicle body subsidises. Generally,the
problem is solved by replacing front and rear
shock absorbers. Because the shock
absorber we design is hydraulic pressure
device which is not the same to suspension
spring and can not be used to bear load. So
replacing suspension device can not slove
this problem.
CAUTION: When a suspension device is
damaged, it is unnecessary to replace the
A2101004 pairs. In the past, we suggest to replace
the pairs if one shock absorber is
damaged. At present, because of adopting
new technology and strengthening
management in manufacturing, air sealing
technology is greatly improved to increase
the reliability of shock absorber.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-6 Suspension System 2.1.1-6

Inspect Vehicle Worktable Test

1. Inspect the air pressure of all tires. Because shock absorber is full of compressed air,
it is completely extended when it is not limited. No
2. Inspect tire to make sure the alignment of tie
extension means that the shock absorber is
rod ball joint and tire balance and whether
damaged. Install a new shock absorber. Inspect
there are cracks and abnormal tubers on tire.
the length of shock absorber. If it dose not satisfy
3. Inspect the suspension equipments that can the requirement, it means that certain parts fail to
be selected, such as the suspension of meet the requirement and shock absorption
drawbar heavy trailer. This suspension is device should be replaced. When suspension
firmer than standard suspension in driving device is in vertical position, compress
process. suspension assembly and allow it to spread for 3
4. Inspect whether vehicle is overload. Inspect times in order to clean the air entering the
whether there are heavy things in trunk. pressing cabin in processing.

5. After finishing above steps, carry out road WARNING: When removing dust boot or
test to verify the symptoms that are brought limited block, try to avoid the shock
forward by customer. absorber push rod pushing down too
much in order to lead the damage of inner
Lift the Vehicle for Inspection. components.
1. Noise: Shock absorber should be set on clamp upright.
The loose suspension and suspension Use long travel to compress shock absorber as
assembly accessories may make noise. quick as possible. Every compressing action must
Inspect and tighten suspension assembly and be stable and consistent. It is normal for spread
its attachment. Replace lower bracket resistance to exceed compressing resistance.
bushing if it is damaged. Inspect whether
there is outer damage on front and rear
suspension assembly.
2. Bottom / Rebound:
Inspect the travel of rubber shock absorption
bushing. Replace new shock absorption
bushing if it is damaged or lost. Inspect
whether the shock absorption bushing is
overloaded. replace it if such problem
3. Replace the damaged shock absorber if is

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-7 Suspension System 2.1.1-7
The following situations are abnormal: 4. The following conditions will influence the
• In the process of installing and returning
after installation, the shock absorber lags • Engine torque
and jumps.
• Vehicle speed
• Blocked.
• Engine speed
• Noise, light whoose; the click sound in
• Vibration type - sensitivity:torque
rapid returning.
sensitive, vehicle speed sensitive, or
• Leakage engine speed sensitive.
• Shock absorber pull rod is completely The following explanations are useful to
extended and its piston swags compared differentiate the vibration sources.
with shock absorber casing.
1. Torque sensitive
If shock absorber is still unstable after air
cleaning, please install a new shock absorber. It means the situations will become better or
worse due to acceleration, deceleration,
Refer to: Front strut(2.1.2 Front coasting, constant speed and engine torque.
suspension, Disassembly and
Assembly),Rear shock absorber assembly 2. Vehicle speed sensitive
(2.1.3 Rear suspension,Removal and It means the vibration always appears at the
Installation). same vehicle speed and will not be
influenced by engine torque, engine speed or
Rear Shock Absorber the choice of driving axle shaft.
Inspection 3. Engine speed sensitive
Inspect the shock abosrber regularly as following: It means the vibration appear at the speed in
1. Inspect whether there is oil leakage in rear different gears. The engine speed can be
shock absorber. (A layer oil firm is allowed increased and reduced in natural position and
and make sure leakage is not from other tested when gear box stalls. If the symptom is
components). caused by engine speed, the reason may
have nothing to do with the tire.
2. Inspect working state of rear shock absorber.
If tire makes sob sound in road test but no
3. Inspect the working state of upper and lower vibration and shake, the noise may be
bushings. caused by the contact between tire and road
Road Test surface.

The tire vibration diagnosis process of tire begins Large noise indicates a flat tire or something
from road test. Communicate with the customer soft contacting the road surface. The sob
for more information about vibration sources. sound of tire will be deemed as beam axle
noise by mistake. The tire sob will continously
Road test should be carried out on flat ground. sound at a certain vehicle speed.
Pay attention to and record the following items if
vibration appears:
1. The vehicle speed when vibration appears.
2. The vibration types in all speed range.
3. Mechanical or audible.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-8 Suspension System 2.1.1-8

Front Wheel Toe-in Inspection 2. Loosen tie rod ball joint retaining nut 1 of right
and left steering tie rods.
and Adjustment
General Tool

Wheel alignment gauge

1. Adjust toe-in on flat ground according to
instruction with wheel alignment gauge.
• Inspect suspension and steering 1
components; make sure whether there is A2101006
• Inspect and adjust tire air pressure if 3. Rotate tie rod 2 clockwise and counter-
necessary. clockwise with proper tool to adjust the toe-
in.( with the same torque)
• Make sure vehicle is of curb wheight.
Spare tire, jack and onboard tool are
equipped. Take out other tools or goods.
• Press the vehicle up and down to set
suspension system in normal position.

Adjust the toe-in by changing the length of
steering tie rod. First, apply some lubricant
between the steering tie rod and rack dust boot to 2
prevent distortion before rotating the steering tie
rod. A2101007

1. Turn the steering wheel to the center and lock 4. The length “A”of left and right tie rods shall be
it. equal to each other in the adjustment
according to the technical requirements of
toe-in set.



5. Tighten the retaining nuts of left and right tie

rods to the specific torque.
6. Inspect toe-in

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-9 Suspension System 2.1.1-9

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Inspection and Verification
1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually check whether there is obvious
mechanical damage.
Visual Inspection Chart

•Tire pressure
•Wheel and Tire
•Wheel steering knuckle
•Tie rod ball joint
•Front swing arm assembly
•Press lever
•Connection rod
•Front tie rod
•Front strut and spring
•Rear leaf spring assembly
•Rear shock absorber

3. If an obvious cause for an observed or

reported concern is found, correct the cause
(if possible) before proceeding to the next
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the symptom chart.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-10 Suspension System 2.1.1-10

Symptom Chart
In case the fault occurs and cannot be diagnosed through basic check, carry out diagnosis and
troubleshooting according to sequences below.

Symptom Possible Sources Solutions

•Wheel and Tire Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures
•Wheel alignment for Vehicle Drift(2.1.1
Suspension System-General
•Driving height Information, Diagnosis and
•Wheel hub bearing Testing).
Vehicle drift •Spring broken or loose
•Brake drag
•Rear dislocation
•Front or rear suspension loose
bent or damaged

•Wheel and Tire Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures

•Wheel alignment for Abnormal Driving
Track(Vehicle can not run
•Wheel bearing straight)(2.1.1 Suspension
Abnormal driving
•Ball joints of front suspension arm System-General Information,
track(Vehicle can not keep
and tie rod loose Diagnosis and Testing).
driving straight)
•Front tie rod
•Front strut
• Rear suspension
•Tire out of balance and over-worn Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures
•Worn front wheel drive shaft for Vehicle Swing(2.1.1
Suspension System-General
•Worn steering system Information, Diagnosis and
•Supsension device assembly Testing).
loose and suspension device
•Front swing arm ball joint is worn
Vehicle swings
•Front suspension swing arm
bushing is loose and worn
•Stabilizer bar bushing is worn
•Rear shock absorber and bushing
is worn and loose
•Incorrect wheel alignment
•Rear leaf spring bushing worn

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-11 Suspension System 2.1.1-11

Symptom Possible Sources Solutions

•Inspect the tire.

•Tire out of balance and over-worn Refer to: Inspection of Tire

Wear(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,General Procedure).
• Replce hub bearing

•Wheel hub bearing worn Refer to: Front wheel hub (2.1.2
Front Suspension,Removal and
•Worn steering system •Replace the worn steering system parts.
•Front shaft assembly of front
•Inspect suspension device assembly
suspension looses and wear

• Replace swing arm ball joint of front


•Front swing arm ball joint is worn Refer to: Front swing arm
assembly (2.1.2 Front
suspension,Removal and
•Replace swing arm ball joint of front shaft.
•Front shaft swing arm bushing of
Vehicle vibrates in driving front suspension is worn and Refer to: Front swing arm (2.1.2
loose. Front Suspension,Removal and
•Replace the bushing of front swing arm of
front suspension.

•Stabilizer bar bushing is worn Refer to: Front swing arm

assembly (2.1.2 Front
suspension,Removal and
•Replace the rear suspension or bushing
when necessary.
•Rear suspension leaf spring
Refer to: Resr leaf spring
and bushing are worn and
loose. asssembly (2.1.3 Rear
Suspension,Removal and
•Aligning the wheels
Refer to: Inspection and
•Incorrect wheel alignment Adjustment Procedure for Front
Wheel Toe-in(2.1.1 Suspension
System - General
Information,General Procedure).

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2.1.1-12 Suspension System 2.1.1-12

Symptom Possible Sources Solutions

Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures
•Wheel alignment for Steering Wheel Deviating
Steering wheel deviating •Steering system components From Central Position(2.1.1
from central position Suspension System-General
•Front wheel bearing loose or the
retaining nut loose Information, Diagnosis and
•Steering tie rod end is worn or not Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures
flexible. for Excessive Noise(2.1.1
•Wheel bearing worn Suspension System-General
Information, Diagnosis and
Excessive noise •Steering gearbox bolt loose Testing).
•Damping spring
•Front swing arm ball joint
•Tire rotation Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures
•Tire pressure for Abnormal Tire Wear (2.1.1
Suspension System-General
•Wheel distortion Information, Diagnosis and
•Tire out of balance Testing).
•Wheel alignment
Incorrect tire wear
•Suspension components
•Poor driving condition
•Rear dislocation
•Poor driving habit

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-13 Suspension System 2.1.1-13

Symptom Possible Sources Solutions

•Aligning the wheels
Refer to: Inspection and
Adjustment Procedure for
•Out of alignment of front wheel Front Wheel Toe-in(2.1.1
Suspension System - General
•Incorrect vehicle driving height •Load meets the standard and replace
(front or rear,up or down) standard spring components

•Tight matching of steering gear

•Repair or replace the worn parts of
without or with little oil. The
steering system.
Heavy steering steering tie rod is worn.

•Replace swing arm ball joint of front shaft.

•Front shaft swing arm ball joint Refer to: Front swing arm
blocked. assembly (2.1.2 Front
suspension,Removal and
•Inspect the tire.
•Tire worn, insufficient pressure or Refer to: Inspection of Tire
out-of-balance Wear(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,General Procedure).
•Steering column seized •Repair or Replace;
•Tighten the stabilizer bar link bolt and nut,
•Front stabilizer bar link loose
or replace the bushing or joint.

Body sway
•Shock absorber, strut or
•Replace the strut or installation parts.
installation parts failure

•Suspension assembly loose or •Inspect the suspension assembly and

worn. replace the worn parts.

•Inspect damping spring and replace it if

Refer to: Front strut
assembly(2.1.2 Front
•Front or rear damping spring Suspension, Disassembly and
Vehicl Lean becomes soft or damaged. Assembly).

Refer to: Rear leaf spring

asssembly (2.1.3 Rear
Suspension,Removal and
•Tire pressure is improper •Adjust tire pressure.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-14 Suspension System 2.1.1-14

Symptom Possible Sources Solutions

•Inspect damping spring and replace it if
Refer to: Front strut
assembly(2.1.2 Front
•Front or rear damping springs Suspension, Disassembly and
become soft. Assembly)
Poor driving comfort
Refer to: Resr leaf spring
asssembly (2.1.3 Rear
Suspension,Removal and
•Front or rear suspension •Replace worn components of suspension
assembly worn. assembly .

•Inspect the tire.

•Tire out of balance, damaged or Refer to: Inspection of Tire
with too large runout Wear(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,General Procedure).
•Aligning the wheels
Refer to: Inspection and
•Toe-in value exceeds regulated Adjustment Procedure for Front
range Wheel Toe-in(2.1.1 Suspension
System - General
Information,General Procedure).
•Steering system worn •Replace the worn steering system parts.
•Front suspension front swing arm
•Replace front suspension front swing arm
Unstable direction ball joint and tie rod ball joint are
and tie rod.
damaged or loose

•Inspect damping spring and replace it if


•Damping springs become soft. Refer to: Damping strut and

spring assembly (2.1.2 Front
suspension,Disassembly and
•Front or rear suspensions •Replace the worn components of
assembly wear suspension assembly.

•Replace Stabilizer bar bushing or link.

•Stabilizer bar bushing or link worn. Refer to: Front stabilizer bar
(2.1.2 Front Suspension,
Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-15 Suspension System 2.1.1-15

Symptom Possible Sources Solutions

• Inspect steering system

•Abnormal front wheel alignment Refer to: ( 2.4.1 Steering System

- General Information, General
•Inspect steering system.

•Steering system wear Refer to: ( 2.4.1 Steering System

- General Information, General
Steering wheel can not •Replace front suspension front swing arm
return normally r steering tie rod ball joint
Refer to: Front swing arm
assembly (2.1.2 Front
•Front suspension swing arm or suspension,Removal and
steering tie rod ball joint seized Installation).

Refer to: Tie rod ball joint(2.4.2

Steering gear,Removal and
•Tire pressure is improper •Adjust tire pressure(s)
•Tire Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures
•Wheel hub bearing for Vibration (2.1.1 Suspension
System-General Information,
• Rear wheel bearing Diagnosis and Testing).
Vibration in driving
•Steering tie rod end worn
•Front swing arm ball joint(left and
right) is worn
•Tire bulge or damage
•Wheel alignment

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-16 Suspension System 2.1.1-16

Diagnosis Flow of Vehicle Deviating

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect left and right drift

WARNING: To avoid personal injury caused by out of control, road test should be
conducted by two persons jointly in order to maitain safe driving. Keep appropriate control
of the steering wheel. Or, it may cause personal injury. Control the steering wheel suitably.
Failure to follow this instruction may result in personal injury.
A.Drive the vehicle on flat road at the speed of
80 km/h.
B. Make sure there is no crosswind and strong wind in
C.Drive back and forth at least for 2 times.
D.If the vehicle deviating value is 12ft within 7
seconds, it indicates vehicle drifts.
Vehicle drifts or not?
Go to step 2.
Adjust the steering wheel to proper positon.
2. Inspect the tire.
A.Inspect whether all wheels and tires type are the
B.Inspect whether all tire worn levels are similar.
C.Inspect the tire for bulge or cracks.
D.Inspect tire pressure.
Inspect whether the flywheel is normal?
Go to step 3.
Adjust or replace tire.
3. Inspect the influence of tire to symptoms.
A.Exchange the right and left tires of front suspension.
B.Install 4 tires in good state if necessary.
Vehicle drifts or not?
Go to step 4.
Replace the tire.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-17 Suspension System 2.1.1-17

4.Inspect left and right wheel track.

A.Inspect left and right wheel track.
Are left and right wheel track the same?
Go to step 5.
Calibrate left and right wheel track.
5.Inspect the steering gear
A.Lift the vehicle.
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).
B.Inspect the steering connection rod for excessive
Steering connection rod excessive wear or not?
Replace or repair damaged parts
Go to step 6.
6.Inspect the driving height.
A.Inspect the driving height.
Driving height is abnormal or not?
Go to step 7.
Repair the fault due to inconsistent driving height.
7. Inspect the wheel alignment.
A.Inspect the wheel alignment
Wheel alignment data within specified range or not ?
Go to step 8.
Aligning the wheels

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-18 Suspension System 2.1.1-18

8. Inspect the brake lag.

A.Lift the vehicle.
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).
B.Inspect the wheel for brake lag
Wheel has brake lag or not?
Repair brake lag.
Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures for Brake
Lag-Deviating(2.3.1 Brake System-
General Information, Diagnosis and
Go to step 9.
9.Inspect the suspension
A.Inspect the rear suspension.
Rear suspension normal or not?
Inspect suspension parts for wear. Replace or
repair damaged components if necessary
Refer to: Resr leaf spring asssembly
(2.1.3 Rear Suspension,Removal and

Refer to: Resr shock absorber assembly

(2.1.3 Rear Suspension,Removal and
Adjust or maintain rear suspension abnormal

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-19 Suspension System 2.1.1-19

Diagnosis Procedure for Abnormal Driving Track(Vehicle can not

Keep Driving Straight)
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
WARNING: To avoid personal injury caused by out of control, road test should be
conducted by two persons jointly in order to maitain safe driving. Keep appropriate control
of the steering wheel. Or, it may cause personal injury. Control the steering wheel suitably.
Failure to follow this instruction may result in personal injury.
1. Inspect the tire.
A.Inspect whether all wheels and tires type are the
B.Inspect whether all tire worn levels are similar.
C.Inspect the tire for bulge or cracks.
D.Inspect tire pressure.
Inspect whether the wheel is normal
Go to step 2.
Adjust or replace tire.
2. Inspect the influence of tire to symptoms.
A.Exchange the right and left tires of front suspension.
B.Install 4 tires in good state if necessary.
Vehicle drives normal or not?
Go to step 3.
Replace the tire
3.Inspect the front swing arm bushing.
A.Inspect whether front swing arm bushing cracks,
looses or moves.
Front swing arm normal or not?
Go to step 4.
Replace front swing arm bushing.
Refer to: Front swing arm assembly (2.1.2
Front suspension,Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-20 Suspension System 2.1.1-20

4.Inspect steering linkage

A.Lift the vehicle.
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).
B.Inspect the steering connection rod for excessive
Steering connection rod excessive wear or not?
Replace or repair damaged parts
Go to step 5.
5. Inspect the wheel alignment.
A.Inspect the wheel alignment
Wheel alignment data within specified range or not
Go to step 6.
Aligning the wheels
6.Inspect the front suspension
A.Inspect the front suspension parts.
Front suspension loose, worn or not?
Repair or replace the damaged parts.
Go to step 7.
7.Inspect the rear suspension
A.Inspect the rear suspension.
Rear suspension normal or not?
Inspect suspension parts for wear. Replace or
repair damaged components if necessary
Refer to: Resr leaf spring asssembly
(2.1.3 Rear Suspension,Removal and

Refer to: Resr shock absorber assembly

(2.1.3 Rear Suspension,Removal and
Adjust or maintain rear suspension abnormal

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-21 Suspension System 2.1.1-21

Diagnosis Procedure for Vehicle Swing

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
WARNING: To avoid personal injury caused by out of control, road test should be
conducted by two persons jointly in order to maitain safe driving. Keep appropriate control
of the steering wheel. Or, it may cause personal injury. Control the steering wheel suitably.
Failure to follow this instruction may result in personal injury.
1. Inspect the tire.
A.Inspect whether all wheels and tires type are the
B.Inspect whether all tire worn levels are similar.
C.Inspect the tire for bulge or cracks.
D.Inspect the tire pressure?
Inspect whether the wheel is normal?
Go to step 2.
Adjust or replace tire.
2. Inspect the influence of tire to symptoms.
A.Exchange the right and left tires of front suspension.
B.Install 4 tires in good state if necessary.
Vehicle drives normal or not?
Go to step 3.
Replace the tire
3.Inspect the front shaft assembly
A.Inspect the front shaft for any distortion and
Front shaft normal or not?
Go to step 4.
Replace the front shaft assembly.
Refer to: Front shaft welding assembly
(2.1.2 Front suspension,Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-22 Suspension System 2.1.1-22

4.Inspect the steering gear

A.Lift the vehicle.
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).

B.Inspect the steering gear connection for loose

or excessive wear.
steering gear connection is loose or excessive worn
or not?
Replce wheel bearing
Go to step 5.
5. Inspect the wheel alignment.
A.Inspect the wheel alignment
Wheel alignment data within specified range or not
Go to step 6.
Aligning the wheels
6.Inspect the left and right suspension
A.Inspect the left and right suspension
Left and right suspensions have the consistent
height or rigidity?
Repair or replace the damaged parts.
Inspect the shock absorbers of the left and right
suspension for the same functions. In case of any
failure, repair or replace it.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-23 Suspension System 2.1.1-23

Diagnosis Procedure for Steering Wheel Deviating From the

Center Position
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the steering gear
A.Lift the vehicle.
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).
B.Inspect the steering gear connection for loose or
excessive wear.
steering gear connection is loose or excessive worn
or not?
Replace or repair wear parts
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the wheel alignment.
A.Inspect the wheel alignment
Wheel alignment data within specified range or
not ?
Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures for
Abnormal Driving Track (2.1.1
Suspension System-General Information,
Diagnosis and Testing).
Aligning the wheels

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-24 Suspension System 2.1.1-24

Diagnosis Procedure for Abnormal Driving Track

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect front wheel caster angle.
A.Inspect front wheel caster angle?
front caster angle within the specified range or not?
Go to step 2.
Inspect suspension parts for wear. Replace or
repair wear parts if necessary
2.Inspect the rear suspension
A.Measure the left and right wheel track of vehicle.
B.Compare the measuring values.
the data same or not?
Aligning 4 wheels
Inspect rear suspension parts for wear. Replace or
repair wear parts if necessary
Refer to: (2.1.3 Rear suspension,Removal
and Installation).

Diagnosis Procedure of Excessive Noise

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the suspension
A.Lift the vehicle.
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).
B.Inspect the mounting bolts of suspension parts
Bolt looses or cracks?
Tighten them or Replace new ones
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the damping spring.
A.Inspect whether damping spring is damaged.
Damping spring is damaged or not?
Replace damping spring.
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-25 Suspension System 2.1.1-25

3.Inspect front swing arm of front suspension.

A.Inspect front swing arm bushing of front suspension
for excessive wear or damage.
Front swing arm bushing of front suspension is
worn or not?
Replace front swing arm bushing of front
Refer to: Front swing arm assembly (2.1.2
Front suspension,Removal and
Go to step 4.
4.Inspect the steering tie rod and ball joint
A.Inspect the ball joints of steering tie rod (left/right
front swing arm) and the drive shaft joint of tie rod
inner ball joint for wear, blocked rotation or loose.
Is the result normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair or replace the damaged parts.
5.Inspect the front stabilizer bar.
A. Inspect the front stabilizer bar and connection
rod for loose or excessive wear.
Is the result normal?
Go to step 6
Replace the wear parts.
6. Inspect the front wheel bearing
A.Inspect the front wheel bearing
B.Hold the bottom and top of the wheel and shake
forcefully. Inspect the bearing for excessive loose.
C.Rotate the front wheel and inspect the working
Bearing loose or with noise?
Replace the front wheel bearing if necessary.
Refer to: Front wheel hub (2.1.2 Front
Suspension,Removal and Installation).
Verify the customer concerns.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-26 Suspension System 2.1.1-26

Diagnosis Procedure for Vibration Driving

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the tire.
A.Lift the vehicle.
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).
B.Inspect whether tire is damaged or excessively
Tire is damaged or worn?
Replace the tire
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the front wheel bearing
A.Inspect the front wheel bearing
B.Hold the bottom and top of the wheel and shake
forcefully. Inspect the bearing for excessive loose.
C.Rotate the front wheel. Rotate the working condition
of the front wheel.
Bearing loose or with noise?
Go to step 3.
Replce front wheel bearing
Refer to: Front wheel hub (2.1.2 Front
Suspension,Removal and Installation).
3.Inspect the wheel/tire runout
A.Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).
B.Measure the axial and surface runout of the wheel
and tire with dial indicator.
Refer to: Wheel Runout Inspection(2.1.4
Wheel and Tire, General Inspection).
Runout normal or not?
Go to step 4.
Replace the wheel or tire.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-27 Suspension System 2.1.1-27

4.Wheel balance
A.Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).
B.Remove the wheel and tire.
C.Balance the wheels on the balancer. Carry out the
road test.
Can feel the vibration or not?
Refer to: (1.1.5 Noise, Vibration and
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.

Diagnosis Procedure for Abnormal Wheel Wear

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the tire wear.
A.Lift the vehicle.
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).
B.Inspect the tire wear.
Is it regular tread wear of the tire or not?
Exchange the tires and replace the wheel if
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the tire.
A.Inspect the tire pressure and model.
Tire pressure normal and model same or not?
Go to step 3.
Replace the tire with different model and adjust the
Refer to: General Specifications (2.1.4
Wheel and Tire,Specifications).

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-28 Suspension System 2.1.1-28

3. Inspect the wheel

A.Inspect the wheel for distortion and deformation.
B.Inspect the wheel runout.
Refer to: Wheel Runout Inspection(2.1.4
Wheel and Tire, General Inspection).
Inspect whether the wheel is normal?
Go to step 4.
Adjust or replace the wheel.
4. Inspect the tire balance.
A.Lift the vehicle.
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).
B.Remove the tires
C.Balance the tires on the balancer.
Inspect whether the tire balance is normal?
Go to step 5.
Balance the tires and replace the them if necessary.
5. Inspect the wheel alignment.
A.Inspect the wheel alignment
Wheel alignment parameters meet the specification
requirement or not?
Go to step 6.
Adjust the wheel alignment parameters.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.1-29 Suspension System 2.1.1-29

6.Inspect the front and rear suspension

A.Inspect whether the retaining bolts of front
suspension parts are tightened firmly.
B.Inspect the front swing arm bushing and Stabilizer
bar bushing for any crack, loose and missing.
C.Inspect the ball joint of front suspension for loose.
D.Inspect whether the retaining bolts of front
suspension parts are tightened firmly.
E.Inspect the rear swing arm bushing for any crack,
loose and missing.
Front and rear suspension parts normal or not?
Inquire about the vehicle load, speed and the
driver's habit. Correct the over-load, over-speed
and any incorrect driving habit.
Repair the front and rear suspension.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2 Front
2.1.2-1 Front Suspension 2.1.2-1

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Tie rod ball joint retaining nut 43 32 -
Wheel nut 90 66 -
Front wheel hub retaining nut 175 129 -
Front strut and body retaining nut 73 54 -
Front strut and steering knuckle retaining
Front suspension press lever and front 95 70 -
swing arm retaining nut
Front shaft and body connection bolt
Front swing arm and steering knuckle
55 41 -
retaining bolt.
Retaining nut of front suspension press
65 48
lever on the lever retainer.
Front shaft swing arm and front shaft
73 54 -
retaining nut
Upper retaining nut of connection lever 50 37 -
Lower retaining nut of connection lever 23 17 -
Steering gear and front shaft retaining bolt
23 17 -
Front stabilizer bar retaining bolt

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-2 Front Suspension 2.1.2-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
The front suspension is traveller swing arm independent suspension. The structure has features that
wheel at both sides are connected flexibly with the body. The wheels at both sides can move freely and
have no impact on each other. The upper end of the strut is connected with the body by the supporting
parts. The strut is seperated with support parts through rubber installation parts. A strut bearing is
installed at lower part of the rubber installation parts.
The lower end of the strut is connected with the upper end of the steering knuckle. The lower end of
steering knuckle is connected with the ball pin. The ball pin and the swing arm compose one device.
The tie rod end is connected with the steering knuckle.
Therefore, the movement of the steering disc is passed to the tie rod end, then to the steering knuckle.
Finally, the wheel and tires rotate. In this operation, the strut will rotate through strut bearing and lower
ball pin with the movement of the steering knuckle.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-3 Front Suspension 2.1.2-3

Location view
Front Suspension Assembly Chart





Item Description Item Description

1 Front stabilizer bar 6 Steering knuckle
2 Front suspension press lever 7 Front swing arm assembly
3 Wheel 8 Ball pin
4 Front wheel hub 9 Wheel bearing
5 Front strut assembly

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-4 Front Suspension 2.1.2-4

Components Exploded View

Front Suspension Exploded View




Item Description Item Description

Front suspension press lever welding
1 Front shaft welding assembly 5
2 Press lever retainer assembly 6 Front swing arm assembly
3 Press lever bushing 7 swing arm bushing
4 Washer

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-5 Front Suspension 2.1.2-5



Item Description Item Description

1 Front stabilizer bar bracket 4 Connecting rod assembly
2 Front stabilizer bar bushing 5 Connecting lever rubber cushion
3 Front stabilizer bar 6 Washer

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-6 Front Suspension 2.1.2-6



Item Description Item Description

1 Front strut 4 Front wheel hub retaining nut
2 Steering knuckle 5 Shaft cover
3 Front wheel hub 6 Wheel bolt

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-7 Front Suspension 2.1.2-7

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Refer to: Symptom Chart (2.2.1
Suspension System - Overview,
Symptom Diagnose and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-8 Front suspension 2.1.2-8

Disassembly and Assembly

Front strut Assembly
1. Use the damping spring compression tool to
compress the coil spring partially.
CAUTION: Please be careful when
treating the coil spring in extremely
pressed state to avoid damage.


2. Disassemble front shock absorber and coil

1.Remove dust boot.
2.Remove the strut nut.
3.Remove the spring washer.
4.Remove the retaining seat of the shock 4
absorber. 11
5.Remove the mounting seat of the front
strut. 6
6.Remove the damping cushion.
7. Remove the bearing retainer.
8.Remove the bearing. 8

9. Remove the upper retainer of coil spring. 9

10. Remove the rubber cushion. 10

11. Remove the anti-collision cushion.
12.Remove the front coil spring.


1. The assembly process is reverse.
CAUTION: Put the end of the spring
correctly on the spring retainer.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-9 Front Suspension 2.1.2-9

Removal and Installation

Front Shaft swing arm Assembly
1. Remove the wheel.
Refer to: Wheel and Tire(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal and Installation).

2. Lift vehicle.
Refer to: Lifting(1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting, Description and Operation).

3. Remove front suspension swing arm press

lever, front swing arm connection bolt and
Torque:95 Nm


4. Remove front swing arm and steering knuckle

retaining bolt 1.
Torque:55 Nm
5. Remove front swing arm and connect bolt 2.
Torque:73 Nm
6. Remove the front swing arm assembly. 1


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-10 Front Suspension 2.1.2-10

Front Suspension Press Lever Welding Assembly.

1. Remove the wheel.
Refer to: Wheel and Tire(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal and Installation).

2. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting(1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting, Description and Operation).

3. Remove connection lever nut and remove the

connection lever.
Torque: upper nut: 50 Nm
Torque: lower nut: 23 Nm


4. Remove front suspension press lever, front

swing arm connection bolt and nut.
Torque:95 Nm



5. Remove the retaining nut of front suspension

press lever on the lever retainer.
Torque:65 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-11 Front Suspension 2.1.2-11

6. Remove front suspension press lever welding


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-12 Front Suspension 2.1.2-12

Front Wheel Steering Knuckle

1. Remove the wheel.
Refer to: Wheel and Tire(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal and Installation).

2. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting(1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting, Description and Operation).

3. Remove the front wheel hub.

Refer to: Front wheel hub (2.1.2 Front
Suspension, Removal and Installation).

4. Remove the tie rod ball joint nut cotter pin

and connection nut.
Torque:43 Nm


5. Remove front swing arm and steering knuckle

retaining bolt.
Torque:55 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-13 Front Suspension 2.1.2-13

6. Bolt and nut connecting the front strut and the

steering knuckle.
Torque:95 Nm



7. Remove the steering knuckle.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-14 Front Suspension 2.1.2-14

Front Wheel Hub

1. Remove the wheel.
Refer to: Wheel and Tire(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal and Installation).

2. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting(1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting, Description and Operation).

3. Remove the brake disc.

Refer to: Brake Disc(2.3.3 Front disc
brake, Removal and Installation).

4. Remove the shaft cover with proper tools.


5. Remove front wheel hub fixing nut.

Torque:175 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-15 Front Suspension 2.1.2-15

6. Remove the front wheel hub.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Replace new front wheel hub
retaining nut. Use the chisel to fix the
retaining nut after reaching the torque.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-16 Front Suspension 2.1.2-16

Front Strut Assembly

1. Remove the wheel.
Refer to: Wheel and Tire(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal and Installation).

2. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting(1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting, Description and Operation).

3. Remove 2 upper retaining bolts of front strut

Torque:73 Nm



4. Remove the fixing clamp 1 of brake oil pipe

and seperate the oil pipe and front strut.
5. Remove the front strut and steering knuckle
connection bolt and nut 2. Remove the front
2 ×2
strut assembly. 1
Torque:95 Nm


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-17 Front Suspension 2.1.2-17

Front Shaft Welding Assembly

1. Remove the wheel.
Refer to: Wheel and Tire(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal and Installation).

2. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting(1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting, Description and Operation).

3. Remove the left and rear frot swing arm.

Refer to: Front swing arm (2.1.2 Front
Suspension, Removal and Installation).

4. Remove steering gear and 5 connection bolts

of front shaft.
Torque:25 Nm


5. Remove the front shaft and 4 body

connection bolts. Remove the front shaft.
Torque:95 Nm


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.2-18 Front Suspension 2.1.2-18

Front Stabilizer Bar

1. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting(1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting, Description and Operation).

2. Remove the connection lever at left and right.

Torque: upper nut: 50 Nm
Torque: lower nut: 25 Nm


3. Remove the 2 retaining bolts at left and right

sides of front stabilizer bar. Remove front
stabilizer bar.
Torque:25 Nm


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.3 Rear
2.1.3-1 Rear Suspension 2.1.3-1

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Rear shock absorber and body joint bolt 55 41 -
Rear shock absorber and rear axle joint
80 59 -
U-bolt, nut 50 37 -
rear axle rear shackle nut 50 37 -
rear axle front shackle nut 57 42 -
Wheel nut 90 66 -
Brake hose connector 16 12 -

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.3-2 Rear Suspension 2.1.3-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Rear suspension is longitudinally semi-elliptic leaf
spring non-independent suspension. It is
consisted of leaf spring, buffering plate and shock
absorber.The middle part of semi-elliptic leaf
spring is connected with rigid rear axle by the U-
bolt and nut. The front spring eye of the leaf
spring is mounted on the frame bracket through
rubber bushing and shackle bolt as the fixed
hinge point to transmit the force and guide. The
rear spring eye of the leaf spring is connected
with the swing shackle through rubber bushing
and shackle pin as swing hinge point. In this way,
the spring eyes at both sides can stretch when
the leaf spring is deformed. The shock absorber
is installed between the body and rear axle to
absorb the vibration of the body. Therefore, the
wheel can transmit the impact from the road to
the leaf spring and the shock absorber. Due to the
joint action of the tire, leaf spring and shock
absorber, the impact from the road is reduced
when it reaches the frame, greatly improved the
driving ride performance of the vehicle.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.3-3 Rear Suspension 2.1.3-3

Location View



Item Description Item Description

1 Rear leaf spring assembly 5 Rear bushing
Rear shackle connection internal plate
2 Buffer plate assembly 6
3 U-nut 7 Rear shackle connection external plate
4 U-bolt 8 Saddle plate

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.3-4 Rear Suspension 2.1.3-4

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Refer to: Symptom Chart (2.1.1
Suspension Syste, Symptom Diagnose
and Testing ).

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.3-5 Rear Suspension 2.1.3-5

Removal and Installation

Rear Axle
1. Remove the wheel.
Refer to: Wheel and Tire (2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal and Installation).

2. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting, Description and Operation).

3. Disconnect the drive shaft and rear axle.

Refer to: Drive shaft (2.2.2 Drive shaft,
Removal and Installation ).

4. Disconnect the parking cable 2 and rear

brake drum.
Refer to: Parking Brake Cable 2 (2.3.4
Parking Brake and Control, Removal and


5. Remove the brake hose after draining the

brake fluid.
1.Remove the brake hose connector 1.
Torque:16 Nm
2. Remove the connector clamp 2.
CAUTION: Plug the brake pipe to avoid 3 1
the dirt after removing the brake oil pipe.

CAUTION: Drain the brake fluid into

proper container. Wash it with water if the A2103002

brake fluid splashes on the body or parts.

6. Disconnect the bolt 3 of load sensing valve

and rear axle.
Torque:23 Nm

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.3-6 Rear Suspension 2.1.3-6

7. Put the jack at the proper position of the rear



8. Remove the lower bolt and nut of the left and

right shock absorber. Disconnect the lower
shock absorber and rear axle.
Torque:80 Nm


9. Remove the U-bolt and nut. Remove the

buffer plate assembly and saddle plate.
Torque:50 Nm ×4


10. Lower and remove the rear axle assembly.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.3-7 Rear Suspension 2.1.3-7
CAUTION: Fix the rear suspension parts
after the vehicle weight is carried by the
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

2. Brake System Bleeding

Refer to: Brake System Bleeding (2.3.1
Brake System-Overview, General

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.3-8 Rear Suspension 2.1.3-8

Rear Leaf Spring Assembly

1. Remove the wheel.
Refer to: Wheel and Tire(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal and Installation).

2. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting(1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting, Description and Operation).

3. Put the jack at the proper position of the rear



4. Remove the U-bolt and nut. Remove the

buffer plate assembly and saddle plate.
Torque:50 Nm ×4


5. Remove the retaining bolt of the parking

brake cable bracket.
Torque: 23Nm


SC1022 2011.08
2.1.3-9 Rear Suspension 2.1.3-9

6. Remove the rear axle shackle bolt and nut.

Remove the rear shackle connection plate
and rear leaf spring assembly.
Torque:50 Nm


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.3-10 Rear Suspension 2.1.3-10

Rear Shock Absorber Assembly

1. Lift vehicle.
Refer to: Lifting(1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting, Description and Operation).

2. Remove the rear shock absorber bolt and nut

1. Remove the lower retaining bolt and nut 1
of rear shock absorber.
Torque:80 Nm
2. Remove the upper retaining nut 2,of rear
shock absorber and remove the rear shock 2
Torque:55 Nm


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.4 Wheel and
2.1.4-1 Wheel and Tire 2.1.4-1

General Specifications
Item Specifications
Tire specifications 165/70R13LT
Unloaded 180 kPa
Front tire pressure
Full loaded 230 kPa
Unloaded 250 kPa
Rear tire pressure
Full loaded 350 kPa

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Wheel bolt 90 66 -

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.4-2 Wheel and Tire 2.1.4-2

Description and Operation

Components Description
Tire Identification
Tire model, size, load index and applicable speed level has been numbered as the code made up of
letter and number, imprinted at the side wall. See "Tire identification table" for code explanations. Tire
specification of 165/70R13LT is applied in the table for illustration.
Tire Identification Table

P - Passenger vehicle
T - Spare tire
LT Tire type (not appeared at all tires)
C - Commercial vehicle
LT - Light-duty truck
165 End face width in mm
70 Height-to-width ratio End face height/width
R - Radial
R Structure type
B - Bias tire
13 Wheel diameter in inch

Height-to-width ratio = height(2) ÷ width(1)×100



SC1022 2011.08
2.1.4-3 Wheel and Tire 2.1.4-3

Components Exploded View

2 3


Item Description Item Description

1 Tire (165/70 R13) 4 Wheel cap
2 Wheel(13×4.5J) 5 Air valve
3 Wheel nut

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.4-4 Wheel and Tire 2.1.4-4

General Inspection Removal/Installation and

WARNING: Tires with different types are Charging of Tires
not allowed on one vehicle unless for
Removal and installation of tires shall be carried
emergency (temporary backup), such as
out with a tire changer. Follow the instructions of
radial tire, bias tire or bias cord tire.
the manufacturer for operation of machines. Do
WARNING: Do not start the vehcile while not remove the tires only with a manual tool or a
replacing the tire. When the wheels are on special pry bar to avoid tire bead or hub
the ground, it may cause vehicle damages.
movement. Before installation, remove the lubricating oil, old
rubber or light rustiness at the hub edge with a
WARNING: Tire sealant available in the
wire brush or thick floss silk. Before installation or
market is combustible. Remind the
removal of the tires, lubricate the tire bead with
customers that do not use this substance.
specified lubricant. After installation of tires,
WARNING: Wear the safety goggles or charge it to specified pressure, and check if tire
mask while maintaining the wheel and tire bead is well seated.
assembly. Pay attention to the following while charging:
WARNING: After replacing the wheels or 1. Check the tire pressure under cold condition
wheel bolts becomes loose, retighten the every month or before long-distance running
bolts when the vehicle has run 800km. (while the vehicle is placed more than three
hours or running no more than 1.6km),
WARNING: If not within the specified and if not sufficient, charge it to specified
mileages, it may cause the wheel pressure.
departing from the body during running.
2. The tire would heat up during running, and
WARNING: Wheel axle, wheel and tire has the corresponding pressure would rise to 30 ~
its maximum load. Do not overload. 50 Kpa. During running, do not discharge the
air or reduce pressure to avoid "cold
WARNING: Do not repair wheels through
pressure" reduction.
welding, heating or koncking with a
hammer. And all damaged wheels must be 3. During charging, if charging to standard value
replaced. cannot make the tire bead seat on the hub,
discharge it first, and then charge after
WARNING: Do not remove tightened tire relubrication.
nuts through heating to prevent from
wheel heating, its service life being 4. Charging pressure shall not be too high or
shortened or hub bearing damages. low; otherwise it would cause difficult driving,
cracked tire or damaged tire core, increasing
WARNING: Before removing the tire valve wearing of central tread. In case the charging
core, reduce the tire pressure through the pressure is too low, it would cause sound,
valve core piston. Failure to follow above heavy steering, increasing wearing and
instructions may cause personal injury. unevenness of the tread edge while turning,
as well as damaged or cracked hub, broken
tire cord, too high tire temperature, reduced
operability and increasing oil consumption,
5. The tires at the bridge shall be charged to the
same value, otherwise it would cause
reduced operability, deviation during
acceleration, wandering during driving and
wandering during braking.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.4-5 Wheel and Tire 2.1.4-5
6. After charging, check if the air valve is Tire Abrasion Diagnosis
leaking. The cap shall be covered at the valve
to avoid entering of dust or water. In case the abrasion indicating line is shown or
tire shoulder is severely worn, replace the tire.
Tire pressure table Tire shoulder abrasion is caused, due to camber
angle of meridian tire too large or front toe in too
Wheel Unloaded Full loaded large. Sometimes, incorrect rear wheel toe setting
Front wheel or damaged column would cause severe
180 kPa 230 kPa
tire depression of non-drive tire or abrasion of "fan
Rear wheel shape" tire. Severe and incorrect rear wheel toe
250 kPa 350 kPa
tire would also cause other unusual abrasions.

Inspect the Wheel Hub Runout

Tire Rotation
Measure the runout with a dial indicator gauge on
Due to difference of installation position, load and and under the vehicle. Ensure the installation
working conditions, the tires of the same vehicle surface is correct. Measure it with or without the
would have its tire unevenly worn. To have the wheel. Measure the radial and ending runout at
same abrasion and extend the service life of tires, the inner and outer side of wheel flange (as
have tire rotation regularly. After running for shown in Figure 3). Fix the dial gauge at the
10,000 km (6,000 miles) for the first time, have wheel and tire assembly, rotate the wheel slowly
rotation on the meridian tire. Then, recommend and record the reading. In case the measured
tire rotation and pressure adjustment for each value exceeds the following specifications, and
10,000 km (6,000 miles). wheel balancing cannnot remove the vibration,
replace the wheels.
1 1 Measure the free radial runout at center of tread
(as shown in Figure 1). Apply one adhesive tape
at the tread to form a smooth surface. Measure
the free ending runout at outer side of the tire that
is the closest to the tread (as shown in Figure 2).

2 2 1 Front tire
2 Rear tire 2
3 3 Spare tire


Inspection and Verification

To have the maximum performance, check if tire 3 3
pressure and tire is normal. In case of this
symptom, perform dynamic balance, exchange or
front wheel positioning. Check if the tires have
fresh cuts, scratches, abrasions, blisters and
materials stuck in the tire tread. In case the tire
temperature rises up quickly or rough rags are
scattered on the road, check the tire more Radial runout Ending runout
Steel 0.7 mm 0.9 mm
As more direct check, the tread is marked with
abrasion indicating line at its bottom. In case this
line is shown, the tire shall be replaced.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.4-6 Wheel and Tire 2.1.4-6

Initial Inspection before Tire Positioning

Inspection Operation
Check if the tire model, wheel type is
Check the tires and wheels, and if necessary, replace them.
Check if the tire charging pressure is proper, Charge the tire to the correct pressure. Replace it when
and tread abrasion is normal. necessary.
Check if the ball joint and steering rod end is
Tighten the ball joint and steering rod.
Check the wheel and tire runout. Measure and correct the tire runout.
Correct the unladen high speed. Make correction before
Check the unladen height.
adjusting front toe.
Check if the rack and pinion gear installation is
Tighten the rack and pinion gear assembly frame.
Tighten the bolts or nuts, and if necessary, replace the link or
Check if the stabilizer bar is loose or missing.
Tighten the arm of front axle. If necessary, replace the arm
Check if the arm is loose.

Tire Abrasion Check

Symptom Reasons
•Tire shoulder quick abrasion •Tire charging insufficient
•No tire rotation

1 2

A2104006 A2104007

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.4-7 Wheel and Tire 2.1.4-7

Symptom Reasons
•Central quick abrasion •Tire charging too much
•No tire rotation

A2104008 A2104009

•Tread cracks

•Charging insufficient


Measures:Adjust the pressure and interchange the tires under cold state according to specifications.

•Unilateral abrasion •Camber too large


Measures: Camber adjusted to specified value.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.4-8 Wheel and Tire 2.1.4-8

Symptom Reasons
•Feathery abrasion •Front toe in incorrect

A2104013 A2104014

Measures: Front toe in adjusted to specified value.

•Wheel imbalance
•Small pattern polished
•Tire defectMeasures:front toe in adjusted to specified

A2104015 A2104016

Measures: Tire dynamic balance.

•Large abrasion for the edge pattern

•No tire rotation

•Suspension abrasion or adjustment required


Measures: Interchange tires.

Measures: Adjust or maintain the suspension.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.4-9 Wheel and Tire 2.1.4-9

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing Effect on vibration when below conditions

General Equipment
• Engine torque
Four-wheel positioning rule
• Vehicle speed
Tire balancing machine
• Engine rotating speed
Tire disassembling machine
Vibration type
Inspection and Verification • Sensitivity: torque sensitivity, speed
sensitivity, or engine rotating speed
To have the maximum performance, check if tire
pressure and tire is normal. In case of this
symptom, perform dynamic balance, exchange or The following explanation can be used to
front wheel positioning. Check if the tires have differentiate the vibration source:
fresh cuts, scratches, abrasions, blisters and 1. Torque sensitivity
materials stuck in the tire tread. In case the tire
temperature rises up quickly or rough rags are It means that this condition would be turned
scattered on the road, check the tire more better or worse due to acceleration,
frequently. deceleration, slipping, constant speed or
engine torque applied.
As more direct check, the tread is marked with
abrasion indicating line at its bottom. In case this 2. Speed sensitivity
line is shown, the tire shall be replaced. It means that vibration would occur under the
Tire abrasion diagnosis same speed, and would not be affected by
engine torque, engine rotating speed or
In case the abrasion indicating line is shown or driving axle gear.
tire shoulder is severely worn, replace the tire.
Tire shoulder abrasion is caused due to camber 3. Engine rotating speed sensitivity
angle of meridian tire too large or front toe in too It means that vibration occurs under different
large. speed and different gears. Sometimes it can
Sometimes, incorrect rear wheel toe setting or be tested when the engine rotating speed is
damaged column would cause severe depression increased or decreased under "neutral" gear
of non-drive tire or abrasion of "fan shape" tire. or under stall test of transmission. In case it is
related to engine rotating speed, then it might
Severe and incorrect rear wheel toe would also be irrelevant with the tires.
cause other unusual abrasions.
In case the tire sobbing sound is displayed
Road Test after road test, but without shaking or
Tire vibration diagnosis is started with the road vibration, then the noise is caused due to the
test. After the road test, interview with the contact between tires and road.
customer (if possible) to obtain more information Generally huge noise means that tires are out
regarding vibration source. of air, or it is caused due to soft materials
Road test shall be carried out at the flat road. In touching the road. Tire sobbing sound would
case of vibration, note and record the following: be mistaken as axle noise. And it would
appear within a certain speed range.
• Vehicle speed at the time of vibration.
• Vibration type that occurs within each
speed range.
• Machinery or heard.

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.4-10 Wheel and Tire 2.1.4-10

Symptom Chart
In case the fault occurs and cannot be diagnosed through basic check, carry out diagnosis and
troubleshooting according to sequences below.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Tire rotation Refer to: Tire unusual
•Tire pressure abrasion diagnosis chart
(2.1.1 Suspension system -
•Wheel deformation general, symptom diagnosis
•Tire imbalance and test).
•Wheel positioning
Tire abrasion diagnosis
•Suspension part
•High speed running
•Rear axle
•Poor operation habits

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.4-11 Wheel and Tire 2.1.4-11

•Tire pressure too high •Adjust tire pressure(s)

•Wheels or tires losing balance •Balance the wheels and tires assembly
•If necessary, replace it with new tire to
•Uneven tire abrasion
remove vibration

•Check if brake disc has dirts or scraps.

•Brake disc losing balance In case of not, it may have heavy

•Tire with water inside •Remove water accumulation

•Replace with new wheel. Attempt to
•Wheel distortion repair the wheels would cause crack
and reduce the strength.

•Rotate the wheel at the vehicle. Check

the combinations between tires and
wheels. In case some part swings
during rotation, this part would be due
•Tire bead assembled correctly
to poor assembly of wheels and tires.
Remove the tires and clean
combinations between wheels and
Vehicle vibration due to •Measure the radial runout of the wheel
wheels and tires or tire with a dial gauge. In case the
radial runout is not within specified
•Wheel or tire radial runout too large
range, check radial runout of wheel
bolts further. In case it exceeds the
range, replace it

•Wheel bolt loose or damaged, or bolt

•Tighten or if necessary replace it
hole expanded

•Foreign substances between

installation surfaces of wheel and •Clean the installation surface

•Measure the radial runout of the wheel

and tire with a dial gauge. In case they
both exceed the range, check the
•Wheel or tire radial runout too large
radial runout of wheel bolts further; if
some part exceeds the range, replace

•Replace front hub bearing

Refer to: Front hub (2.1.4
• Wheel hub bearing damage Wheels and tires,
disassembling and

SC1022 2011.08
2.1.4-12 Wheels and Tires 2.1.4-12

Removal and Installation

Wheels and Tires
1. Unscrew the wheel nuts counterclockwise.
Torque:90 Nm



2. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).

3. Remove the wheel and tire.

CAUTION: Do not unscrew the blocked
wheel bolts through heating. Heating may
damage the wheel and hub.

CAUTION: Remove the rust or dust on the

wheel, hub or installation face of brake
disc. They may cause the wheel bolts or
wheels loose when driving. Failure to
follow the instructions may cause
personal injury.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08

2.2 Driveline
2011 SC1022
Table of Contents Pages

2.2.1 Driveline system-General

Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 2.2.1-1
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 2.2.1-1
General Inspection........................................................................................................................... 2.2.1-2
Halfshaft Inspection .................................................................................................................. 2.2.1-2
Half shaft Oil Seal Inspection ................................................................................................... 2.2.1-2
Half Shaft Bearing Inspection ................................................................................................... 2.2.1-2
Neck Journal and Casing Inspection ........................................................................................ 2.2.1-2
Final Drive and Differential Assembly Inspection ..................................................................... 2.2.1-2
Inspect the Drive Shaft ............................................................................................................. 2.2.1-4
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 2.2.1-7
Inspection and Verification........................................................................................................ 2.2.1-7
Symptom Chart......................................................................................................................... 2.2.1-7
Diagnosis Procedure for When the Vehicle Starts or the Speed Suddenly Changes, the Vehicle
Body Shakes and Drive Device Gives Out Impact Sound ........................................................ 2.2.1-9
Diagnosis Procedure for Driving Axle with Noises during Running ........................................ 2.2.1-11
Halfshaft Noises Diagnosis Procedure ................................................................................... 2.2.1-13
Diagnosis Procedure for High Temperature of Driving Axle after Running for Certain Mileages 2.2.1-

2.2.2 Drive Shaft

Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 2.2.2-1
Grease...................................................................................................................................... 2.2.2-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 2.2.2-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 2.2.2-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 2.2.2-2
Components Exploded View..................................................................................................... 2.2.2-3
General Inspection........................................................................................................................... 2.2.2-4
Inspect Drive System Vibration ................................................................................................ 2.2.2-4
Inspect Dynamic Balance of Drive Shaft .................................................................................. 2.2.2-4
Balance the Drive Shaft............................................................................................................ 2.2.2-4
Inspect ...................................................................................................................................... 2.2.2-5
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 2.2.2-6
Removal and Installation.................................................................................................................. 2.2.2-7

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.3 Half Shaft
Specifications ...................................................................................................................................2.2.3-1
Material Specifications ..............................................................................................................2.2.3-1
Torque Specifications ................................................................................................................2.2.3-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................2.2.3-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................2.2.3-2
Cautions for Half shaft Maintenance.........................................................................................2.2.3-2
Components Exploded View.....................................................................................................2.2.3-3
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ......................................................................................................2.2.3-4
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................2.2.3-5

2.2.4 Differential
Specifications ...................................................................................................................................2.2.4-1
General Specifications ..............................................................................................................2.2.4-1
Torque Specifications ................................................................................................................2.2.4-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................2.2.4-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................2.2.4-2
Symptom Chart .........................................................................................................................2.2.4-2
Components Exploded View.....................................................................................................2.2.4-3
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ......................................................................................................2.2.4-5
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................2.2.4-6

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.1 Driveline
2.2.1-1 Driveline System-General Information 2.2.1-1

Description and Operation

System Overview
Driveline system is of MR (mid-engine, Rear-
wheel drive) design and the differential is installed
in the rear axle assembly. The engine would
transmit the power from the transmission to rear
axle assembly through a drive shaft with universal
joint. The power is assigned to half shaft through
the differential installed on the rear axle
assembly, then each half shaft drives two rear
wheels. To adapt up and down movement of rear
axle and engine, drive shaft shall rotate with
different lengths and angles. There are two
universal joints at both sides of the drive shaft,
and four needle bearings are installed for the
cross shaft of each universal joint. Front universal
joint yoke has internal spline sleeve. The spline
end of output shaft of transmission is installed
inside. As rear universal joint is flanged
type,connect this flange with that of front end of
differential with bolts. The differential is fixed at
the middle casing of rear axle through bolts.
There is an external spline each inside two half
shafts, and this spline is connected with the
internal spline of differential. Two half shafts are
fixed within the rear axle, and connected with the
case through the bearing. The half shaft is not
flexible, and it cannot be stretched in and out. The
othe side of half shaft is hub flange, which is
connected to the wheel directly as a whole with
half shaft.

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.1-2 Driveline System-General Information 2.2.1-2

General Inspection Half Shaft Bearing Inspection

Halfshaft Inspection 1. Inspect if any bearing is worn or damaged. In
case of any defects, replace it.
1. Measure central radial runout of half shaft
and ending runout inside the flange through a
V platform and dial indicator gauge. Neck Journal and Casing
Standard value: smaller or equal to 0.7 mm Inspection
If the radial and ending runout exceeds 1. Inspect if the drive bevel gear and two necks
standard value, correct it, and if necessary, of the differential are worn. If the wear is not
Replace new half shaft. obvious, reuse it after chromate treatment; if
it is severe or damaged, replace it.
2. Inspect if the spline of half shaft is severely
worn, or obviously distorted or cracked. If the 2. Inspect if the bearing saddle bore of final
spline tooth thickness is severely worn with drive casing is worn; repair or replace it
distorted shape, replace with a new half shaft. accordingly. In case of cracks at the final
drive casing and differential casing, replace it.
3. In case that the neck journal at combination
of half shaft and oil seal has obvious groove 3. Inspect if the axle housing is deformed or
or the wear severely affects its sealing, or cracked; in case of severe distortion or
there is cracks at root of flange of half shaft, deformation of the axle case, or cracks or
replace the half shaft. rapture at junction surface with final drive
casing, replace the axle housing.
4. Inspect if the half shaft has cracks through
magnetic-particle method.
Final Drive and Differential
Assembly Inspection
1. Gear technology is usually inspected through
visual inspection. If the gear technology is
poor, replace it.
1 Fatigue flaking point area of drive and
driven bevel gear shall not exceed 25% of
tooth surface, and the gear tooth damages
shall not exceed 20% of gear length and 33%
of gear height. In the above-mentioned
conditions, at most 3 damaged gear teeth are
allowed for drive bevel gear, and four for
Half shaft Oil Seal Inspection driven gear.
1. Inspect whether the oil seal lip and the seal 2 The defect of the teeth on working surface
spring are damaged. of planet gear and half shaft gear shall be no
2. Inspect whether the joint surface of the more than 33% along gear height, and no
halfshaft and oil seal is smooth without more than 25% along gear length. 3
rust,scratch,burr or other abnormalities. damaged teeth at most are allowed on one
3. Inspect the side oil seal installation surface of
the transmission for rust,scratch,burr or other
4. Inspect whether the oil seal holder is
deformed or broken.

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.1-3 Driveline System-General Information 2.2.1-3
3 In case of scratches on the spherical face of 3. Inspect the engagement clearance of drive,
planet gear and end face of half shaft gear, driven bevel gear.
with the width more than 33% of working
Place the contact of dial indicator at the
surface, and depth more than 0.50 mm,
convex surface of larger end of driven bevel
repair it. For slight freckles, flaking, burr or
gear, vertically to tooth face. Hold the drive
scratches, reuse it after repairs; if the
bevel gear with one hand, and rotate the
damages exceed specified permissible
driven bevel gear with the other hand. At this
range, replace it.
point, the reading on the dial indicator is
4 As final drive and differential is provided as engagement clearance of drive, driven bevel
a package, in case one of them is damaged gear. Its standard value is 0.10 ~ 0.15 mm. If
and needs to be replaced, replace them both. the clearance does not meet the
Otherwise it cannot ensure correct requirements, replace the final drive and
engagement for gears. differential assembly.
2. Inspect the pretightening of bearing of drive
bevel gear.
Remove the final drive and differential
assembly, and install the pretightening tester
of differential bearing at the flange disc, and
then inspect the pulling force that the drive
bevel gear starts to rotate through the special
tool for spring balance, which shall be within 5
~ 13 Kg, (corresponding torque of rotating
drive bevel gear bearing is 1.0 ~ 2.6 kg). If it
is out of the range, replace the final drive and A2201003
differential assembly.
4. Inspect the engagement clearance of half
shaft gear and planet gear.
Inspect it with a soft blown fuse. Clamp it on
the working surface of half shaft gear and
planet gear, and rotate the gear to squeeze
the fuse. Then measure the thickness to
obtain the engagement clearance.
Its standard value is 0.15 ~ 0.15 mm. In case
the clearance does not meet requirements,
replace the final drive and differential


SC1022 2011.08
2.2.1-4 Driveline System-General Information 2.2.1-4
5. Inspect the engagement imprint: Inspect the Drive Shaft
Apply thin red lead oil evenly on the working 1. Inspect the dynamic balance of the drive
and non-working surface of 3 ~ 4 gears of shaft
drive bevel gears. Hold the flange of main
bevel gear with hands and rotate back and 1 Turn the rear wheel to rotate the drive shaft
forth; then apply certain force on the driven and measure radial runout of its front end,
bevel gear to make them close to actual middle and rear end.
working conditions, and then observe the Standard value: 0.7 mm
engagement imprint. • In case that radial runout of both front
Correct engagement imprint is: regarding less end and the middle exceeds standard
working surface (convex surface) or non- value, replace with a new drive shaft.
working surface (concave surface) of driven • In case that radial runout of front end and
bevel gear, the imprint is located in center of the middle is within standard range, but
tooth surface and is slightly leaning to smaller that of rear end exceeds standard value,
end. then mark the high point and proceed
with next step.
If it is incorrect, replace the final drive and
differential assembly. • If the runout is within standard range,
proceed with next step.
2 Rotate the drive shaft and final drive
Large end
relatively for 1/2 circle.
• If it is turned for just 1/4 circle, inspection
2 and adjustment can be more accurate.
3 Inspect the radial runout of rear end of drive
• If radial runout of rear end still exceeds
standard value, mark the high point and
proceed with next step.
• If radial runout of rear end is within
Small end standard range, inspect whether drive
system is vibrating during road test. In
case of vibration, mark the high point and
proceed with next step.

6. Gear oil filling and inspect

Oil level can be inspected through the plug
hole. For filling, if the oil overflows from the
plug hole or if it is full at the hole when the
plug is removed, it means the oil level is
proper. Otherwise, fill it with specified grade
to specified height. Then tighten the plug with
the torque of 50 Nm.

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.1-5 Driveline System-General Information 2.2.1-5
4 Compare with two high points marked.
• If these two are close and within 20mm,
replace with new drive shaft.


2 If the vibration continues, add one more clip

at the same position and carry out road test to
A2201006 inspect for vibration.

• If these two are located at two relative

sides, it means the flange of final drive is
main reason for vibration.


• If nothing improves, reverse the clip, and

have the equal distance from the position
A2201007 with minimum vibration confirmed
previously. Seperate the collet of two
• After replacing with new final drive flange, clips about 8 cm, and carry out road test
the radial runout shall be within limit to inspect for vibration.
• Increase the clearance and repeat steps
• Carry out road test to inspect if the drive above till the best position is found or
system vibrates. If vibration still exists, vibration is reduced to permissible level.
balance the drive shaft.
2. Balance the drive shaft
1 Install one or two clips at rear end of drive
• Divide the circumference surface at rear
end into four equal parts, and put the clip
collet at one of them.
• Carry out road test to inspect for the
vibration. Change the direction of clip,
confirm the position with minimum
vibration. If two neighboring positions
have the same effect on the vibration,
place the clip between two positions.

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.1-6 Driveline System-General Information 2.2.1-6
3. Inspect the radial runout of drive shaft
• Measure radial runout of drive shaft
through a V platform and dial indicator
Specified runout range: 0 ~ 0.7 mm
If radial runout exceeds standard value,
calibrate it with a press machine or replace
the drive shaft.


4. Inspect the clearance of sliding spline tooth of

drive shaft.
• Measure the clearance at normal rotating
direction of spline shaft and spline
housing through a clearance gauge.
Standard value: 0.02 ~ 0.01 mm
If the spline tooth clearance exceeds
standard value, replace with new drive shaft.

Spline housing

Spline shaft



SC1022 2011.08
2.2.1-7 Driveline System-General Information 2.2.1-7

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Inspection and Verification
1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect whether there is obvious mechanical damage.
3. If the observation shows obvious evidence of the problem,the symptom should be cleared before
the next step .
4. If the visual inspection is ok, confirm the fault and go to the symptom chart.

Symptom Chart
symptom Possible Faults Solutions
1.The cross and needle bearing Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
worn or loose, or bearing for the vehicle body shakes,
needle broken. and drive device gives out
When the vehile starts or the 2.Flange spline groove of drive impact sound when the vehicle
speed suddenly changes, the axle final drive severely worn. starts or the speed suddenly
vehicle body shakes and drive 3.Spline tooth at the second shaft changes .
device gives out impact of transmission and spline
sound. housing of drive shaft severely
4.Retaining bolts of each
connecting part loose.
When the vehicle is running, it 1.Drive shaft bent, the tube
gives out periodic sound, and sagged or balance piece
the more speed, the more sealing off, and unbalanced •Inspect dynamic balance of drive shaft.
sound. The vehicle body rotation causing sound. Refer to: Drive Shaft Inspection
shakes and vibrates, and the 2.Flange or tube of the drive shaft (2.2.1 Driveline System-
hands holding the steering inclined, and unbalanced Overview, General inspection).
wheel feel numb when rotation causing sound.
1.Engagement spline of half shaft Refer to: Half shaft noises
and differential damaged. diagnosis procedure.
Halfshaft noises 2.Halfshaft deformed or
contacting other components
3.Half shaft bearing damaged.
1.Gear or bearing severely worn Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
or damaged. for driving axle noise during
2.Fit clearance of drive, driven running.
bevel gears too large.
3.Retaining bolts of driven bevel
Driving axle make noises
gear loose.
during running
4.Planet gear, half shaft inner end
or gear spline groove of
differential worn or loose.
5.Gear oil insufficient or grade

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.1-8 Driveline System-General Information 2.2.1-8

1.The bearing is assembled too Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

tight, and the friction intensifies for high temperature of driving
while rotating, and the heat axle after running for certain
increases and temperature
rises up.
After running for certain 2.Engagement clearance is too
mileages, the temperature of small.
driving axle is too high.
3.Oil seal is too tight.
4.Driving axle is lack of gear oil,
and the oil deteriorates, or
used oil does not meet the
specified requirements.
1.Gear oil too much in the driving 1.Inspect the gear oil, replace it if
axle or deteriorated. necessary.
2.Front oil seal of drive bevel 2.Inspect front oil seal of drive bevel gear,
Gear oil leaks through the oil gear is worn and damaged, and if necessary, replace it.
seal or lining of final drive. causing leaking. 3.Tighten the filling or draining plug with
3.Filling or draining plug is not specified torque.
tightened with specified
Retaining bolts of brake
Inspect the rear axle, brake baseplate,
Halfshaft falling-off baseplate and rear axle
and replace the retaining bolts.

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.1-9 Driveline System-General Information 2.2.1-9

Diagnosis Procedure for When the Vehicle Starts or the Speed

Suddenly Changes, the Vehicle Body Shakes and Drive Device
Gives Out Impact Sound
symptom Detailed steps/results/solutions
1. Inspect cross universal joint
A.Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).
B.Inspect whether the cross shaft and needle bearing
is worn or loose, or needle is broken.
Normal or not?
Go to step 2.
Repair or replace the failed component.
2. Inspect retaining bolts of connecting part of universal joint at rear end
A.Inspect retaining bolts of connecting part of
universal joint at rear end.
Go to step 3.
Dispose fault part.
3. Inspect the abrasion of spline tooth at the second shaft of transmission and spline housing of drive shaft
A. Remove the halfshaft.
B.Inspect the abrasion of spline tooth at the second
shaft of transmission and spline housing of drive
Refer to: Drive Shaft Inspection(2.2.1
Driveline System-Overview, General
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 4.
Maintain the defective part, and if necessary,
replace it.

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.1-10 Driveline System-General Information 2.2.1-10

4. Inspect the abrasion of spline groove of final drive of the drive shaft
A.Remove the final drive.
Refer to: Differential Assembly (2.2.4
Differential, Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect the abrasion of spline groove of final drive of
the drive shaft.
Is it normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Maintain the failed part, and if necessary, replace it.

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.1-11 Driveline System-General Information 2.2.1-11

Diagnosis Procedure for Driving Axle with Noises during Running

1. When the vehicle is running, the driving axle makes large sound, and then it weakens or disappears
when it is coasting or running at low speed.
2. When it is turning, the driving axle makes large sound, and then it weakens or disappears after
running straight.
3. When the vehicle starts or suddenly changes the speed, the driving axle rattles, and when it is
running at low speed, it gives out impact sound.

Symptom Detailed Steps/Results/Solutions

1. Inspect the oil quantity and grade
A.Inspect the oil quantity and grade.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Fill in gear oil or replace it with specified grade.
2. Inspect the spline at inner side of half shaft
A. Remove the halfshaft.
Refer to: Left Halfshaft(2.2.3 Halfshaft,
Removal and Installation).
B. Inspect the halfshaft.
Refer to: Halfshaft Inspection(2.2.1
Driveline System - Overview, General
Is it normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace half shaft.

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.1-12 Driveline System-General Information 2.2.1-12

3. Inspect final drive and differential assembly

A.Remove the final drive and differential assembly.
Refer to: differential assembly
(2.2.4differential assembly, Removal and
B.Inspect the final drive and differential assembly.
Refer to: Final drive and differential
assembly (2.2.1 Driveline System-
Overview, General inspection).
Is it normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Replace the final drive and differential assembly.

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.1-13 Driveline System-General Information 2.2.1-13

Halfshaft Noises Diagnosis Procedure

Symptom Detailed Steps/Results/Solutions
1. Inspect the halfshaft.
A. Remove the halfshaft.
Refer to: Left halfshaft(2.2.3 Halfshaft,
Removal and Installation).
B. Inspect whether the halfshaft is bend or deformed.
Refer to: Halfshaft Inspection(2.2.1
Driveline System-Overview, General
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Dispose fault parts or replace half shaft.
2. Inspect the spline at inner side of half shaft
A.Inspect if the spline is worn, damaged.
Is it normal?
Go to step 3.
Dispose fault parts or replace half shaft.
3. Inspect the bearing of half shaft
A. Remove the halfshaft.
Refer to: Left halfshaft(2.2.3 Halfshaft,
Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect the bearing of half shaft.
Is it normal?
Refer to: (1.1.5 Noise, Vibration and
Replace the bearing of half shaft.

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.1-14 Driveline System-General Information 2.2.1-14

Diagnosis Procedure for High Temperature of Driving Axle after

Running for Certain Mileages
Symptom Detailed Steps/Results/Solutions
1. Inspect the oil quantity and grade
A.Inspect the oil quantity and grade.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Fill in gear oil or replace it with specified grade.
2. Inspect the final drive and differential assembly
A.Remove the final drive and differential assembly.
Refer to: Differential assembly (2.2.4
differential assembly, Removal and
B.Inspect the final drive and differential assembly.
Refer to: Final drive and differential
assembly (2.2.1 Driveline System-
Overview, General inspection).
Is it normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Dispose faulty parts or replace the differential

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.2 Drive Shaft

2.2.2-1 Drive Shaft 2.2.2-1

Item Model
High performance grease No 2 lithium based grease

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Connecting bolts of drive shaft and
50 37 -

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.2-2 Drive Shaft 2.2.2-2

Description and Operation CAUTION: For installation, clean the

junction surface between drive shaft and
System Overview oil seal of output shaft and internal spline.
The drive shaft has non-constant velocity cross
universal joint at two ends. CAUTION: Do not drop off drive shaft,
which may cause internal damage of cross
• Front non-constant velocity universal joint universal joint.
(including drive fork, driven fork, needle
bearing, axial positioning parts, sealings
and inner circlip) is installed at output
shaft of transmission.
• Rear non-constant velocity universal joint
(same as structure of front non-constant
velocity universal joint) is installed at the
differential of rear axle.
• Front non-constant velocity universal joint
is connected at the spline of output shaft
through a hub spline, which is flexible.
• Rear universal joint is fixed at the flange
of input shaft through a bolt, which cannot
be flexible.
The drive shaft would transmit the torque from the
engine to the rear axle. To adapt up and down
movement of rear axle and engine, drive shaft
needs to be rotating with different lengths and
Front and rear non-constant velocity joint allows
the length variation of the halfshaft during the
axial movement process.
As non-constant velocity cross universal joint is
used in front and rear, constant velocity can be
CAUTION: For removal and installation of
drive shaft, pay attention to oil seal of
output shaft of transmission to prevent

CAUTION: Duplex non-constant velocity

universal joint shall have its working angle
no more than 50 degree.

CAUTION: Inspect if junction surface

between drive shaft and oil seal of output
shaft and internal spline is damaged.

CAUTION: After the drive shaft is

removed, plug up the output end of
transmission with proper tool to prevent
oil flow and dust pollution.

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.2-3 Drive Shaft 2.2.2-3

Components Exploded View


Item Description Item Description

Hexagon bolt and elastic washer
1 Drive shaft 2

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.2-4 Drive Shaft 2.2.2-4

General Inspection
Inspect Drive System Vibration
1. Inspect dynamic balance of front wheel and if
necessary, adjust it.
2. Inspect dynamic balance of rear wheel and if
necessary, adjust it.
3. Carry out road test to inspect whether drive
system is vibrating during running.

Inspect Dynamic Balance of A2202005

Drive Shaft • If these two are located at two relative

sides, it means the flange of final drive is
1. Rotate the rear wheel to make the drive shaft main reason for vibration.
rotate, and then measure radial runout of
front end, middle and rear end of drive shaft. • After replacing with new final drive flange,
the radial runout shall be within limit
Standard value: smaller or equal to 0.7 mm range.
• In case that radial runout of both front • Carry out road test to inspect if the drive
end and the middle exceeds standard system vibrates. If vibration still exists,
value, replace with a new drive shaft. balance the drive shaft.
• In case that radial runout of front end and
the middle is within standard range, but
that of rear end exceeds standard value,
then mark the high point and proceed
with next step.
• If the runout is within standard range,
proceed with next step.
2. Rotate the drive shaft and final drive relatively
for 1/2 circle.
Refer to: Drive shaft (2.2.2 Drive shaft,
Removal and Installation). A2202006

• If it is turned for just 1/4 circle, inspection

and adjustment can be more accurate. Balance the Drive Shaft
3. Inspect the radial runout of rear end of drive
1. Install one or two clips at rear end of drive
shaft. shaft.
• If radial runout of rear end still exceeds
• Divide the circumference surface at rear
standard value, mark the high point and end into four equal parts, and put the clip
proceed with next step.
collet at one of them.
• If radial runout of rear end is within
• Carry out road test to inspect for the
standard range, inspect whether drive vibration. Change the direction of clip,
system is vibrating during road test. In
confirm the position with minimum
case of vibration, mark the high point and
vibration. If two neighboring positions
proceed with next step. have the same effect on the vibration,
4. Compare with two high points marked. place the clip between two positions.
• If these two are close and within 20mm,
replace with new drive shaft.

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.2-5 Drive Shaft 2.2.2-5

1. Inspect the radial runout of drive shaft
• Measure radial runout of drive shaft
through a V platform and dial indicator.
Standard value: smaller or equal to 0.7 mm
If radial runout exceeds standard value,
calibrate it with a press machine or replace
the drive shaft.


2. If the vibration continues, add one more clip

at the same position and carry out road test to
inspect for vibration.


2. Inspect the clearance of sliding spline tooth of

drive shaft.
Measure the clearance at normal rotating
A2202008 direction of spline shaft and spline housing
through a clearance gauge.
• If nothing improves, reverse the clip, and
have the equal distance from the position Standard value: 0.02 ~ 0.01 mm
with minimum vibration confirmed If the spline tooth clearance exceeds
previously. Seperate the collet of two standard value, replace with new drive shaft.
clips about 10 cm, and carry out road test
to inspect for vibration.
• Increase the clearance and repeat steps
above till the best position is found or
vibration is reduced to permissible level. Spline housing

Spline shaft




SC1022 2011.08
2.2.2-6 Drive Shaft 2.2.2-6

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Refer to: (2.2.1 Driveline System-
Overview, Symptom Diagnosis and
Testing ).

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.2-7 Drive Shaft 2.2.2-7

Removal and Installation

Drive Shaft
1. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting, Description and Operation).

2. Use suitable tools as shown in figure. Fix and

adjust the position of drive shaft with tool 1,
and remove the retaining bolts with tool 2.



3. Remove retaining bolts at four positions of

cross universal joint.
Torque:55 Nm
CAUTION: Bolts here have spring shim.
Do not replace it with other bolts.

CAUTION: Before removing drive shaft,

make mark on each flange and drive shaft.


4. Take out the drive shaft.

CAUTION: Plug up the output end of
transmission with proper tool to prevent
oil flow.


SC1022 2011.08
2.2.2-8 Drive Shaft 2.2.2-8
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Before installation of drive
shaft, clean the junction surface of spline
of cross universal joint and oil seal of
output end of transmission.

CAUTION: Apply certain lubricating

grease at this junction surface for easy
installation and preventing damages of oil

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.3 Half Shaft

2.2.3-1 Half Shaft 2.2.3-1

Material Specifications
Item Model Volume
High performance gear oil GL-85W/90 1.3 L
Sealant of half shaft Suzuki Bond No. 1215 -

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Brake baseplate retaining bolts. 23 17 -
Connecting nuts of brake pipe and brake
16 12 -
slave cylinder
Tire retaining nut 90 66 -

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.3-2 Half Shaft 2.2.3-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
The half shaft is of semi-floating type, used for
connection of halfshaft gear and hub of the
The inner end of two half shafts have one external
spline each, which is connected with internal
spline inside the differential. Two half shafts are
fixed within the rear axle, and connected with the
case through the bearing. The half shaft is not
flexible, and it cannot be stretched in and out. The
other side of half shaft is hub flange, which is
connected to the wheel directly as a whole with
half shaft. The half shaft will transfer the torque
from the engine to the wheel.

Cautions for Half shaft

CAUTION: For removal and installation of
the halfshaft, pay attention to the oil seal
support to prevent damages.

CAUTION: Special attention shall be paid

when removing, installing, disassembling
and assembling the half shaft. Follow the
instructions below:

• Inspect if the polished surface and the

spline are damaged.
• Do not drop off the drive shaft, which may
damage the polished surface and spline.
• Use proper tools to disassemble the
halfshaft to prevent damages of brake
• Before installation of the halfshaft, clean
the junction surface between baseplate
and rear drive axle, and apply the sealant
• Install the halfshaft properly to prevent
deformation or oil leaking.

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.3-3 Half Shaft 2.2.3-3

Components Exploded View

2 7


Item Description Item Description

1 Oil seal holder 5 Halfshaft bushing
2 Halfshaft oil seal assembly 6 Drive axle halfshaft assembly
3 Halfshaft retaining ring 7 Bolt
4 Halfshaft bearing

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.3-4 Half Shaft 2.2.3-4

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Refer to: Symptom Chart (2.2.1 Driveline
System-Overview, Symptom Diagnose
and Testing ).

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.3-5 Half Shaft 2.2.3-5

Removal and Installation

Left Half Shaft

Item Model
Sealant Suzuki Bond No. 1215

1. Remove the rear wheel.

Refer to: Wheel and Tire (2.1.4 Wheel
and Tire,Removal and Installation).

2. Remove the brake drum.

Refer to: Brake Drum (2.3.2Rear Drum
Brake, Removal and Installation).

3. Remove the brake shoe.

Refer to: Brake Shoe (2.3.2Rear drum
brake, Removal and Installation).

4. Remove the brake slave cylinder.

Refer to: Brake slave cylinder (2.3.2
Rear drum brake, Removal and

5. Remove retaining bolt of brake baseplate.

Torque:23 Nm



SC1022 2011.08
2.2.3-6 Half Shaft 2.2.3-6

6. Pull out the halfshaft with a proper tool.


7. Take out the halfshaft.


8. Remove the halfshaft bearing with a specific



SC1022 2011.08
2.2.3-7 Half Shaft 2.2.3-7

9. Separate the brake baseplate and halfshaft.

10. Remove the oil seal and its holder.


11. Clean the old sealant at junction surface

between brake baseplate and halfshaft.


1. Install the oil seal and its holder.


SC1022 2011.08
2.2.3-8 Half Shaft 2.2.3-8

2. Install the baseplate, sleeve and bearing at

the halfshaft.


3. Install the halfshaft.

CAUTION: Apply the sealant with 2 ~ 3 mm
thickness evenly at junction surface
between baseplate and halfshaft.

CAUTION: Be careful of oil seal for

installation of halfshaft.


4. Install the halfshaft properly with a copper

CAUTION: Do not knock the flange of
drive shaft with the copper bar, otherwise
it would damage the drive shaft.


5. Install the retaining bolt of brake baseplate.

Torque:23 Nm



SC1022 2011.08
2.2.3-9 Half Shaft 2.2.3-9

6. Install the brake slave cylinder.

Refer to: Brake slave cylinder (2.3.2
Rear drum brake, Removal and

7. Install brake shoe.

Refer to: Brake Shoe (2.3.2Rear drum
brake, Removal and Installation).

8. Install brake drum.

Refer to: Brake Drum(2.3.2Rear Drum
Brake, Removal and Installation).

9. Install the rear wheel.

Refer to: Wheel and Tire(2.1.4 Wheel
and Tire,Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.4-1 Differential 2.2.4-1

General Specifications
Item Specifications
Differential oil model GL-5 85W/90
Differential oil capacity 1.3 L(2.8/2.3US/lmp pt)
4.77(466F GB IV)
Drive ratio of final drive
3.909(474 GB Ⅱ / GB Ⅲ )
3.636(474 GB IV )
Sealant Suzuki Bond No. 1215

CAUTION: If the vehicle is running in a area with the temperature lower than -15 ℃ (15 ℉ ) in
cold seasons, it is recommended to use SAE80W or 75W/80 - 85 oil during regular

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Connecting bolts of final drive and rear drive axle 23 17 -
Oil drain plug 55 41 -
Oil filling plug 50 37 -

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.4-2 Differential 2.2.4-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Gear drive mechanism of this differential adopts hypoid design. The drive and driven gears are also of
hypoid design, which means the driven gear is lower than central line of drive gear. Therefore, the design
can reduce the vehicle body height, and the engagement among gears can generate friction and
slipping, which is the reason to use hypoid gear oil.

Symptom Chart
Symptom Possible faults Solutions
•Gear oil deteriorating or containing water
•Gear oil insufficient or with incorrect grade Change the oil and
•Incorrect clearance between drive and driven bevel Change the oil or refill.
Gear noise Adjust it.
•Improper engagement contact between drive and driven Adjust or replace.
bevel gears
Replace or retighten.
•loose retaining bolts of driven bevel gear Replace.
•Damaged halfshaft gear or drive gear
•Unchanged noise) gear oil deteriorating or containing
water Change the oil and
•Unchanged noise) gear oil insufficient or type incorrect
Change the oil and
Bearing noise •generating noise while slipping) damaged bearing of refill.
drive bevel gear Replace.
•generating noise while turning) damaged halfshaft Replace.
bearing or rear axis of the differential
•Breather plug clogged Clean.
Oil leaking •Oil seal worn or damaged Replace.
Adjust oil level.
•Oil too much

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.4-3 Differential 2.2.4-3

Components Exploded View

8 9 10 11

3 13
2 14



20 19 18 17 16 15

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.4-4 Differential 2.2.4-4

Item Description Item Description

Internal retainer of the bearing of
1 12 Planetary gear shaft
drive bevel gear
2 Rear bearing of drive bevel gear 13 Differential casing
3 Washer 14 Lock plate
Halfshaft bearing cap of
4 Halfshaft bearing of differential 15
5 Drive bevel gear 16 Final drive casing
6 Driven bevel gear 17 Front bearing of drive bevel gear
7 Halfshaft gear 18 Oil seal of drive bevel gear
8 Adjust washer of halfshaft gear 19 Flange
9 Alignment pin of planet gear shaft 20 Washer
10 Planetary gear 21 Differential assembly
11 Thrust washer of planet gear

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.4-5 Differential 2.2.4-5

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Refer to: Symptom Chart (2.2.1 Driveline
System-Overview, Symptom Diagnose
and Testing ).

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.4-6 Differential 2.2.4-6

Removal and Installation


Item Model
Sealant Suzuki Bond No. 1215

1. Remove the wheel.

Refer to: Wheel and Tire (2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal anf Installation)

2. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).

3. Remove the draining bolt and discharge the

differential oil.
Torque:55 Nm
CAUTION: The draining bolt shall be
applied with sealant; after removing,
replace with new parts and reapply the


4. Remove the left and right half shafts.

Refer to: Left Half Shaft (2.2.3 Halfshaft,
Removal and Installation).

5. Remove the drive shaft assembly.

Refer to: Drive shaft assembly (2.2.2 Drive
Shaft, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
2.2.4-7 Differential 2.2.4-7

6. Remove eight retaining nuts of the differential

Torque:23 Nm


7. Take out the differential assembly.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: The draining bolt shall be
applied with sealant; after removing,
replace with new members and reapply
the sealant.

CAUTION: Before installation, clean the

junction surface between differential
assembly and rear axle, and reapply the

SC1022 2011.08
Brake System

2.3 Brake System

2011 SC1022
Table of Contents Pages

2.3.1 Brake System-Overview

Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 2.3.1-1
Material Specifications.............................................................................................................. 2.3.1-1
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 2.3.1-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 2.3.1-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 2.3.1-2
Location View ........................................................................................................................... 2.3.1-3
General Inspection........................................................................................................................... 2.3.1-6
Road Test ................................................................................................................................. 2.3.1-6
Inspect the Hydraulic Leak ....................................................................................................... 2.3.1-7
Polluted Brake Liquid or not Reaching the Standard................................................................ 2.3.1-7
Inspect the Brake Liquid Level ................................................................................................. 2.3.1-7
Adjustment of Free Height of Brake Pedal ............................................................................... 2.3.1-8
Brake Light Switch Adjustment................................................................................................. 2.3.1-8
Inspect Pedal Stroke................................................................................................................. 2.3.1-9
Rear Drum Brake Shoe Adjustment ......................................................................................... 2.3.1-9
Inspect the Brake Pedal Play ................................................................................................... 2.3.1-9
Inspect and Adjust the Parking Brake .................................................................................... 2.3.1-10
Inspect the Brake Hose and Oil Pipe...................................................................................... 2.3.1-10
Inspect the Brake Pedal Remaining Travel. ........................................................................... 2.3.1-11
Inspect the Brake Booster. ..................................................................................................... 2.3.1-11
Inspect the Brake Master Cylinder.......................................................................................... 2.3.1-12
Bypass Condition Test ............................................................................................................ 2.3.1-13
Non-Pressure Leaks............................................................................................................... 2.3.1-13
Brake System Bleeding .......................................................................................................... 2.3.1-13
Hydraulic Test (Inspect the Load Sensing Proportional Valve) ............................................... 2.3.1-14
Inspect the Brake Disc Runout . ............................................................................................. 2.3.1-16
Measure the Brake Disc Thickness. ....................................................................................... 2.3.1-17
Inspect the Wheel Hub Runout............................................................................................... 2.3.1-17
Inspect the Brake Pad ............................................................................................................ 2.3.1-18
Inspect the Brake Drum.......................................................................................................... 2.3.1-18
Inspect the Brake Shoe .......................................................................................................... 2.3.1-19
Inspect the Slave Cylinder...................................................................................................... 2.3.1-19

SC1022 2011.08
Brake System
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ....................................................................................................2.3.1-20
Inspection and Verification ......................................................................................................2.3.1-20
Symptom Chart .......................................................................................................................2.3.1-20
Uneven Brake - Wandering Diagnosis Procedure ..................................................................2.3.1-29
Diagnosis Chart for Shaking / Vibration While Braking...........................................................2.3.1-31
Diagnosis Chart for Quick Going Down for Brake Pedal ........................................................2.3.1-33
Diagnosis Chart for Brake Pedal Being Low or Feeling Like Sponge .....................................2.3.1-35
Diagnosis Chart for Brake Locking While Slightly Stepping Down the Brake .........................2.3.1-37
Diagnosis Procedure for Brake Drag ......................................................................................2.3.1-41
2.3.2 Rear Drum Brake
Specifications ...................................................................................................................................2.3.2-1
Material specifications ..............................................................................................................2.3.2-1
Rear Drum Brake Specification.................................................................................................2.3.2-1
Torque Specifications ................................................................................................................2.3.2-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................2.3.2-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................2.3.2-2
Components Description...........................................................................................................2.3.2-2
Components Exploded View.....................................................................................................2.3.2-3
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................2.3.2-4
Brake Drum...............................................................................................................................2.3.2-4
Brake Shoe ...............................................................................................................................2.3.2-6
Brake Slave Cylinder ..............................................................................................................2.3.2-12
Brake Baseplate .....................................................................................................................2.3.2-15
2.3.3 Front Disc Brake
Specifications ...................................................................................................................................2.3.3-1
Material specifications ..............................................................................................................2.3.3-1
Front Drum Brake Specification ................................................................................................2.3.3-1
Torque specifications ................................................................................................................2.3.3-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................2.3.3-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................2.3.3-2
Components Description...........................................................................................................2.3.3-2
Components Exploded View.....................................................................................................2.3.3-3
Disassembly and Assembly .............................................................................................................2.3.3-4
Brake Caliper ............................................................................................................................2.3.3-4
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................2.3.3-6
Brake Pad .................................................................................................................................2.3.3-6
Brake Caliper ............................................................................................................................2.3.3-9

SC1022 2011.08
Brake System
Brake Disc .............................................................................................................................. 2.3.3-11
2.3.4 Parking Brake and Operation
Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 2.3.4-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 2.3.4-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 2.3.4-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 2.3.4-2
General Inspection........................................................................................................................... 2.3.4-3
Parking Brake Cable Adjustment.............................................................................................. 2.3.4-3
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 2.3.4-5
Inspection and Verification........................................................................................................ 2.3.4-5
Symptom Chart......................................................................................................................... 2.3.4-6
Diagnosis Procedure for Parking Brake not Functioning (Fails) / Poor Parking Brake............. 2.3.4-8
Diagnosis Procedure for Parking Brake not Releasing (Dragging) .......................................... 2.3.4-9
Diagnositc Procedures for Constant on of the Parking Brake Warning Indicator(1.0 L)......... 2.3.4-10
Diagnosis Procedure for Constant on of the Parking Brake Warning Indicator(1.3 L)............ 2.3.4-12
Removal and Installation................................................................................................................ 2.3.4-14
Parking Brake Control ............................................................................................................ 2.3.4-14
Parking brake cable................................................................................................................ 2.3.4-15
Parking Brake Warning Lamp Switch ..................................................................................... 2.3.4-18
2.3.5 Hydraulic Brake Control
Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 2.3.5-1
Material Specifications.............................................................................................................. 2.3.5-1
Torque specifications ................................................................................................................ 2.3.5-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 2.3.5-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 2.3.5-2
Components Description .......................................................................................................... 2.3.5-2
Removal and Installation.................................................................................................................. 2.3.5-4
Reservoir Kettle with Bracket Assembly................................................................................... 2.3.5-4
Brake Master Cylinder .............................................................................................................. 2.3.5-6
Load sensing valve................................................................................................................... 2.3.5-8
Pedal Assembly........................................................................................................................ 2.3.5-9
2.3.6 Power Brake
Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 2.3.6-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 2.3.6-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 2.3.6-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 2.3.6-2

SC1022 2011.08
Brake System
Location View............................................................................................................................2.3.6-2
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................2.3.6-3
Brake Booster ...........................................................................................................................2.3.6-3

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1 Brake System-
2.3.1-1 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-1

Material Specifications
Item Specifications
Brake fluid DOT3

General Specifications
Front Disc Brake Specifications
Brake disc nominal thickness 12 mm
Brake disc discard thickness 10 mm
Maximum barke disc thickness variation 0.15 mm
Brake disc nominal thickness 15 mm
Minimum brake friction block thickness 6 mm

WARNING: When the discard thickness has been reached, install a new brake disc. When
the discard thickness has not been reached, the brake disc should go through a polishing
treatment with much care.

WARNING: When the discard thickness of brake block has been reached,install a new brake

Rear Drum Brake Specifications

New brake drum nominal diameter 220 mm
Brake drum discard diameter 222 mm
New primary brake shoe friction lining surface
6.9 mm
Brake shoe friction lining surface discard
3.6 mm

WARNING: When the discard thickness has been reached, install a new brake drum. When
the discard thickness has not been reached, the brake drum should go through a polishing
treatment with much care.

WARNING: When the discard thickness of brake shoe has been reached,install a new brake

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-2 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
The braking system is of dual-circuit desgin, H
layout (left front, right front, left rear,right rear)
featuring front-disc-rear-drum hydraulic brake.
The front disc brake caliper is of pin sliding design
installed on the steering knuckle. Rear wheel
drum brake is designed with normal trailing shoe
type, and front and rear brakes can be adjusted
automatically with brake clearance.
The brake master cylinder is of a tandem design
and linked to a brake booster which reduces the
brake pedal effort. The tandem design will make
sure that in the event of one brake circuit failing
the other will remain fully operational. Brake
master cylinder and brake booster is at bottom of
left side of instrument panel of the cab.
Assignment proportional valve (valve B, P) or
load sensing proportional valve is located at the
circuit between master cylinder and rear wheel.
Note: Valve B, P shall be installed at the vehicle
with ABS system, and for those without ABS
system, mount with "load sensing proportional
valve (LSPV)".
Load sensing proportional valve (LSPV) is
located within the brake circuit connecting master
cylinder and rear wheel brake, which can control
the hydraulic pressure to rear wheel brake
according to load condition (or load weight) to
prevent locking of rear wheel too early. It can also
release too high pressure to rear wheel brake. In
case hydraulic circuit of front wheel brake fails,
the pressure generated in the master cylinder
would be provided to rear wheel brake for brake
Parking brake system is a mechanical system to
operate drum brake of rear wheel through a
parking brake control. For parking brake and
braking, use the same brake shoe. Parking brake
control is located between two front seats. Pull up
this control lever to start this system.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-3 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-3

Location View
Brake Pipe


5 8 13
1 14
3 17


28 24
29 23



SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-4 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-4

Item Description Item Description

1 Front brake hose assembly 16 Return spring
Brake oil pipe assembly (right slave
2 Sealing gasket of brake joint 17
cylinder - left slave cylinder)
Brake oil pipe assembly (four-way - right
3 18 Load sensing assembly
front hose)
Brake oil pipe assembly (four-way - load
4 Four-way joint assembly Ⅱ 19
sensing valve)
Brake oil pipe assembly (master cylinder
5 Sealing gasket of brake joint 20
- four-way)
Brake oil pipe assembly (four-way - load Brake oil pipe assembly (master cylinder
6 21
sensing valve port one) - four-way)
Brake oil pipe assembly (four-way - left
7 Rear brake hose assembly 22
front hose)
Brake oil pipe assembly (four-way - load
8 23 Front brake hose assembly
sensing valve port two)
Brake oil pipe assembly (load sensing Brake master cylinder with vacuum
9 24
valve - rear hose) booster assembly [no ABS]
10 Bolt 25 Brake oil pipe clamp Ⅲ
11 Type E flexible card 26 Brake oil pipe clamp Ⅳ
12 Rear brake hose assembly 27 Four-way joint assembly Ⅰ
Brake oil pipe assembly (four-way - four-
13 clip 28
Brake oil pipe assembly (rear hose - slave
14 29 Brake oil pipe clamp Ⅱ
Brake oil pipe assembly (four-way - four-
15 clip 30

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-5 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-5
Parking Brake and Cable

4 3






Item Description Item Description

No. 2 cable assembly of parking brake
1 7 Parking brake cable clamp.
No. 2 cable assembly of parking brake
2 8 Hex flange bolt
3 Parking brake cable clip 9 Parking brake switch assembly
4 Parking cable pad 10 Parking brake lever assembly
5 No. 1 spring of parking brake 11 Hex flange bolt
6 No. 1 cable assembly of parking brake

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-6 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-6

General Inspection Before a road test, obtain a complete description

of the customer concerns or suspected condition.
Road Test From the description, the technician can match
WARNING: The road test technicians must the Possible Causes with the symptoms. Certain
be trained with good driving skills. components will be tagged as possible suspects
while other will be eliminated by the evidence.
Road test is carried out to compare the actual More importantly, according to the description of
braking performance with standard performance the customer, the technician can inspect or
expected by the driver. The ability to compare and eliminate the potential hazards before the road
judge the braking performance depends on the test. The technician can also put all problems on
technician's experience. The technician must some particular components, vehicle speed or
have thorough knowledge of the brake system conditions, such approach helps determine a
working principle and recieve a systematic method of carrying a road test.
instruction to make correct comparison and
A road test always starts with the general
detect problems.
inspection for the brake performance. According
Before a road test, the vehicle must conform to to the description of the customer, the vehicle
the conditions as follows. braking should be inspected with different pedal
• The tires have not been excessively pressures under different vehicle speeds. To
worn, with the same tire tread on both left determine if the concern is in the front or rear
and right tires. braking system, use the brake pedal and then use
the parking brake control. If the condition (pull,
• Tire Pressure is within the specification
vibration, isolation) occurs only with the parking
brake, the concern is in the rear brake system.
• Correct wheel alignment
During the road test, the brake locking should be
• Normal brake fluid level avoided. Such situation does not show the brake
The road test must be done on a dry,clean and works normally. A heavily braked and turning
even road. An experienced technician will always wheel will stop the vehicle in a shorter distance
establish a route that will be used for all brake than locked brakes.
diagnosis road tests. The roads selected will be If the concern becomes evident during this check,
reasonably smooth and level rather than gravel or verify it fits the description given before the road
rough road. Gravel or bumpy roads are not test. If the concern is not evident, attempt to
suitable because the surface does not allow the duplicate the condition using the information from
tires to grip the road equally. Cambered road is the description.
not appropriate. Because most of weight is
centered at two lower wheels. Once the route is If a concern exists, use the Symptom Chart in
established and consistently used, the road order to isolate it to a specific sub-system and
surface variable can be eliminated from the test condition description. From this description, a list
results. of Possible Causes can be used to further narrow
the cause to a specific component or condition.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-7 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-7

Inspect the Hydraulic Leak Polluted Brake Liquid or not

CAUTION: In normal condition, the brake Reaching the Standard
fluid level goes down as the brake shoe is In case improper brake liquid is applied, the
worn. The brake fluid level will become contained mineral oil or water would cause the
excessively lower if the brake shoe gets liquid boiling or damaged rubber components
worn beyond the specification. It shows inside the hydraulic system.
that there is brake fluid leak in the brake
system if the brake shoe wear is within the If the first piston cup blows up, it means the
specification and the brake fluid level also rubber components are damaged. This damage
gets excessively lower. would also cause the piston cup of brake cylinder
blow up.
CAUTION: When the vehicle is running on
If rubber components are clearly damaged,
a rainy or snowy day, the leak trace can be
remove all hydraulic components and clean with
washed away since the brake fluid is water
ethanol.Before assembling, dry these
components with compressed air and make this
Inspect as follows: system without ethanol. Replace all rubber
components of this system, including hose. When
1. Confirm whether the brake fluid level is
brake device is working, check if the friction lining
excessively low or goes down too fast.
has brake liquid; if it is too much, replace the
2. Inspect the trace of the brake fluid leak brake block.
In case sealing ring of piston of master cylinder is
3. Remove the front wheels. ok, check if it has leaking or overheat. If not,
discharge the brake liquid and wash it; then refill
Refer to: Brake Disc (2.3.3 Front disc
and discharge the air inside the system.
brake, Removal and Installation).
In case brake liquid applied for this system is
Inspect the front brake slave cylinder for any suspicious of its grade or polluted one is applied,
leak and the brake shoe for any wear. wash this system.
4. Remove the rear wheels and the brake drum.
Refer to: Brake Drum (2.3.2Rear Drum Inspect the Brake Liquid Level
Brake, Removal and Installation). Use the brake liquid marked on the reservoir
Inspect the rear brake slave cylinder for any cover or the one recommended in the user's
leak and the brake shoe for any wear. manual. Do not use other brake liquid.

5. Remove brake master cylinder. Brake liquid level shall be between the lowest and
highest level marked on the reservoir. During
Refer to: Brake master cylinder (2.3.5 running, when the warning light is on, fill the liquid
Hydraulic brake control, Removal and to the highest level.
When the brake liquid is reduced quickly, check if
Inspect the brake master cylinder piston seal the brake system is leaking. Then repair the
for any leak. leaking part, and refill it to the specified level.
6. Service the possible breakdowns above and
carry out the brake system bleeding.
Refer to: Brake System Bleeding
(2.3.1Brake System - Overview, General

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-8 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-8
CAUTION: Do not use damper liquid or 2. Inspect the switch position of stop light; if it
other liquids with mineral oil. Do not use doesn't meet the technical requirements,
the container that contains mineral oil make adjustment.
before or damp ones. Mineral oil would
cause expansion and deformation of
Brake Light Switch Adjustment
rubber components inside the brake For installation of switches, adjust it according to
system. If the brake liquid contains water, requirements below. Pull up brake pedal towards
the boiling point would be reduced. Cover yourself to adjust switch position, making the
all liquid containers to prevent pollution. clearance between thread end and brake pedal
accord with technical requirements, and tighten
the locking nut according to specified torque.
Adjustment of Free Height of
Clearance "1": 1.5 ~ 2.0 mm
Brake Pedal
Tightening torque: 7.5 Nm
Inspect free height of brake pedal. In case free
height does not accord with technical
requirements, inspect and adjust it according to
following steps.
Brake pedal stroke is "1".
1. Inspect the installation surface of booster and
distance between centers of U pinhole. When
reinstalling the U pin, adjust this distance.
Length "2": 99.5 ~ 100.5 mm
Tightening torque "3": 25 Nm


1 A2301007



SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-9 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-9

Inspect Pedal Stroke Inspect the Brake Pedal Play

1. Start the engine Pedal play shall be within the following technical
range; otherwise inspect if the switch of stop light
2. Press the brake pedal several times.
is well installed. Adjust it if necessary, and also
3. When pressing the brake pedal with about 30 inspect the tightening of axial bolts and pin of
kg torque, measure the clearance "1" master cylinder. Replace it if damaged.
between brake pedal and inner wall of front
Pedal clearance"1": 1 ~ 8 mm
Clearance "1": larger than 155 mm


A2301008 Rear Drum Brake Shoe

4. If the clearance "1" is lower than specified Adjustment
dimension, it is possible that is caused due to Rear brake is equipped with a self-adjusting
damaged rear brake shoe or the air inside the mechanical device. However, after the brake
pipe. If the clearance "1" is always lower than shoe is replaced or after brake drum is removed
specified dimension, and it is even so after for maintenance, adjust the clearance between
replacement of brake shoe or discharging of brake drum and brake shoe. After installation of
the system, it is possible that the adjuster of all parts, this adjustment can be completed
rear brake shoe or booster level fails, but only through pressing the brake pedal for 3-5 times
with small probability. with a force of 30 kg.
• When inspecting the adjuster, remove the Inspect if brake drum is clogged or brake system
brake drum (see brake drum inspection); has good performance. Then put down the
if damaged, repair or replace it. vehicle and carry out brake test.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-10 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-10

Inspect and Adjust the Parking 2. Adjustment

Brake CAUTION: Before adjustment of cables,

ensure the following conditions:
1. Inspection
Hold the parking brake lever and pull up with • Brake system shall be free of the air.
a force of 20 kg. After pulling the lever • Proper brake pedal travel.
according to above requirements, count the • Press brake panel several times with
number of ratchet teeth at "1". The number of about a force of 30kg.
ratchet teeth is 4 ~ 7.
• Pull up the parking brake lever several
times with about a force of 20kg.
• Abrasion of rear brake shoe shall not
exceed limit range.
After meeting above-mentioned five
conditions, adjust the stroke of brake lever
through loosing or tightening brake nuts.
Tightening torque: 11 Nm
CAUTION: After adjustment, inspect if
brake drum is clogged.

Parking brake stroke: 4-7 teeth while parking

1 brake lever is pulled up with a force of 20kg.

Inspect the Brake Hose and Oil

Inspect if brake hose is damaged by the stones,
cracked or worn, or leaked or with air hole. If
necessary, make full inspect through the light and
mirror; if case of above-mentioned conditions,
replace the brake hose.
Inspect if oil pipe is damaged, cracked, distorted
or corroded. In case of faults, replace it.
Also inspect left, right rear wheels are well locked.
The teeth can be counted in another way: pulling
the park brake without pressing the button and
listen to the sound given by the ratchet. One
sound means one tooth.
In case the number of teeth does not accord with
technical requirements, adjust the cable to obtain
specified brake stroke.
CAUTION: Inspect if the point of each
tooth is worn or damaged; if so, replace
the brake lever.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-11 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-11

Inspect the Brake Pedal Inspect the Brake Booster.

Remaining Travel. 1. Inspect the brake fluid level.
The brake pedal remaining travel should be 2. With the transmission in neutral, pull up the
inspected when excess brake pedal travel is felt parking brake and run the engine at idle.
or the pedal reaches bottom during applying the
3. Shut down the engine; depress and release
the brake pedal for several times to eliminate
1. With the transmission in the at neutral the vacuum in the system; depress the brake
position, pull up the handle brake lever and pedal and hold it.
run the engine at idle speed.
4. Start the engine The brake pedal moves
2. Lightly depress the pedal for 3 or 4 times. downwards if the vacuum system is
3. Keep 15 s to replenish the booster vacuum. functioning. The vacuum system is not
functioning if the downward movement of the
CAUTION: The increased resistance may pedal can not be felt.
feel like the brake pedal has reached
5. Remove the vacuum hose at the side of the
brake booster. Manifold vacuum is available
4. Depress the brake pedal until it stops moving at the brake booster end of the hose when
downwards or there is no increased the engine runs at idle speed. Feel the
resistance. vaccum with hand or measure it with vacuum
meter. Inspect the vacuum hose for block,
5. Hold the brake pedal while increasing the
sealing or leak if there is no or little vacuum.
engine rotating speed to 2,000 rpm.
Make sure that all unused vacuum outlets are
CAUTION: The increase of engine intake correctly capped, hose connectors are
manifold vacuum causes the brake pedal secured and vacuum hoses are in good
to move downwards (additional condition, thus, the vacuum in the manifold is
movement). functioning. Reconnect the vacuum hose to
the brake booster and repeat Step 3. Install a
6. Release the accelerator pedal and then
new brake booster if no downward movement
observe the downward movement of the
of the brake pedal is felt.
brake pedal as the engine rotating speed
decreases to idle. 6. Run the engine for 10 s at fast idle 10 min
after shutting down th engine, press the brake
Requirement: The application of the additional
pedal with approximately 889 N (20 lb) of
travel to the brake master cylinder can not cause
force. The brake pedal should be felt the
the brake pedal to reach the bottom, otherwise:
same way when the engine is
Refer to: Symptom Chart (2.3.1 Brake running.(Normal boosting).
System,Diagnosis and Testing). If the brake pedal feels hard, inspect and confirm
that the inspect valve works normally, and then
repeat the testing. If the brake pedal still feels
hard, install a new brake booster.
If brake pedal feels soft, discharge the brake
Refer to: Brake System Bleeding
(2.3.1Brake System-Overview, General

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-12 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-12

Inspect the Brake Master Abnormal Conditions

Cylinder. Changes in the brake pedal feel or travel indicate
that the brake system has fault. The following
CAUTION: Before diagnosis, ensure the conditions are considered abnormal and indicate
brake liquid level and warning indicating that the brake master cylinder needs repair.
lamp is normal.
Brake Master
Generally, for any faults of brake system, the Symptom
best way is feeling on the brake pedal. For
diagnosis of brake master cylinder, inspect •Depress the brake
the feeling on the brake pedal as evidence. pedal and the brake •External leak (Split,
Inspect if the brake warning indicator lamp pedal goes down connectors,seals)
flashes and inspect the brake liquid level. fast.

Normal Condition •Depress and hold •External Leak

the brake pedal, •Internal Leak (seals
In normal condition, changes in the brake pedal
and the brake pedal aging of the master
feel or travel indicates that something could be
goes down slowly. cylinder)
wrong in the brake system. But the following
conditions are considered normal and indicate •The blocking of the
that the brake master cylinder repair is not inlet or reservoir vent
•The brake pedal is
required. holes
low or feels soft
• New brake system design is different when depressing it. •Air in the hydraulic
from the previous ones, with lighter force
on the brake pedal.
• The brake fluid level should raise when •Compensation hole
the brake works normally, it goes down •Brake pedal returns clogged
when releasing the brake. The total slowly. •Master cylinder spring
amount of the brake fluid will not change.
cracks (Fatigue)
• The brake fluid level drops as brake pad
•The rear brake locks
and brake shoe gets worn.
up when lightly •Load sensing valve
depressing the fault
brake pedal.
•Long brake pedal
•Internal Leak

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-13 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-13

Bypass Condition Test Brake System Bleeding

Observe the brake fluid level in the reservoir. If WARNING: Brake liquid contains
the the brake fluid level remains the same when polyethyleneglycol ether polyglycol ether
brake pedal is depressed for several and carbowax to avoid eye and skin
times,measure the wheel turning torque required contact.
to rotate the wheels rearward with brakes applied
as follows: WARNING: If brake fluid contacts the eyes,
flush the eyes for 15 minutes with cold
1. Put the transmission at neutral and raise and running water. Go to see the doctor right
support the vehcile. away if the eyes still hurt.
Refer to: Lifting(1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
WARNING: The brake fluid should be
Description and Operation).
washed away completely if the skin
2. Apply a force of 445 N and hold for touches the fluid.
approximately 15 seconds. With the brakes still
WARNING: Drink some water and try
applied, exert torque on the wheels to 10.1 Nm. If
vomiting, and go to see the doctor right
either wheel rotates, install a new brake master
away if the brake fluid is swallowed.
WARNING: Wear glasses for safety
Non-Pressure Leaks
In case the reservoir kettle is out of oil, it might be CAUTION: The brake fluid should be
caused due to two non-pressure external leaks. washed away with clean water if it is
splashed onto the paintwork.
Type 1 As position of washer and cover is
incorrect, the kettle cover might be externally CAUTION: Make sure that the vehicle is
leaking. parked on a flat ground.
Type 2 Sealing gasket might be externally CAUTION: Bleed as the following
leaking. Replace new oil seal to maintain leaks of sequence: Right rear, left front, left rear
this kind. and left front.

CAUTION: Depress the brake for 3 ~ 5

times or until the brake pedal force begins
to increase obviously to eliminate the
remaining vacuum in the brake booster
when the ignition switch is at the
"LOCK"position and the brake is in cold

CAUTION: During bleeding, new and

clean brake fluid must be added to the
brake fluid reservoir to make sure that
brake fluid level remains at a position
above the middle of the scale.

CAUTION: Bleed the air in the brake

master cylinder holes if it is known or
doubted that air exists. And then, bleed
the air in the brake master cylinder.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-14 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-14
Hydraulic pipe of brake system is made up of two Hydraulic Test (Inspect the
independent pipes: one connecting to front wheel
brake and the other connecting to rear wheel
Load Sensing Proportional
brake. When one brake pipe or hose is removed Valve)
at the wheel, discharge it at two ends of removed LSPV (load sensing proportional valve) assembly
pipe or hose. When any connecting components test is as below:
between master cylinder and each brake (wheel)
is removed, hydraulic brake system must be Before the test, meet the following requirements:
discharged at left and right brake caliper, left • Fill the fuel tank.
slave cylinder and LSPV (load sensing
• The vehicle is equipped with spare tire,
proportional valve).
tools, jack and handle.
1. Take out drain plug cover. Insert the vinylite
1. Stop the vehicle, and place it slowly in middle
pipe to drain plug, with the other end inserting
of rear axle casing, making the rear axle
the container.
weighting up to 660 kg.
2. Depress the brake pedal several times and
2. Install the pressure meter on the front, rear
hold it, then release the drain plug for about
1/3 to half turn.
CAUTION: Pressure meter shall be
3. When the pressure inside is nearly released,
connected to left-side drain plug of front
retighten the drain plug.
and rear brakes.
4. Repeat this operation, till there is no bubble.
5. After that, tighten the drain plug while keep
stepped condition.
Tightening torque of load sensing
proportional valve: 8 Nm
Tightening torque of front brake: 11 Nm
6. Cover the drain plug.
7. After bleeding, apply the pressure to the pipe
and inspect if it leaks.
8. Refill the reservoir with brake liquid and make
it reach the specified level.
9. Inspect if brake pedal is like stepping the
sponge; if it is weak, repeat the discharging


3. Depress the brake pedal gradually, till front

brake liquid reaches the range specified in
the table below, then inspect if the rear brake
pressure is within the range.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-15 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-15

Front brake pressure Rear brake pressure

4. If the pressure of rear brake is not within the
range, change the tightening position at "1"
8,000 kPa 4,200~5,600kpa according to follwing methods and adjust it. If
80 kg / cm2 42 ~ 56 kg/cm2 the pressure of rear brake is higher than
specified technical requirements, tighten bolt
1138 psi 597 ~ 797 psi
"1" downwards; if lower, then tighten
After meeting above-mentioned requirements,
apply a pressure with 100 kg/cm2 to the front • Repeat step 3 and 4, till the pressure of
brake, and inspect if the pressure of rear brake is rear brake reaches technical
within the range of below table. requirements.
• After adjustment, tighten nuts according
Front brake "P1" Rear brake "P2" to specified torque.
10,000 kPa 4,800~6,200kpa Tightening torque "1": 23 Nm
100 kg/cm2 48 ~ 62 kg/cm2 Tighten the plug (special tool) at the master
1422 psi 682 ~ 882 psi cylinder.
Depress the brake pedal, and when front brake
pressure is 100 kg/cm2, and while rear brake
pressure is 95 ~ 100 kg / cm2, it means that front
fault auto safety system performs well.



SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-16 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-16
5. Disconnect the brake pipe to master cylinder Inspect the Brake Disc Runout .
(connecting pipe between master cylinder
and four-tee joint). WARNING: Refer to "Warning on the
vehicle lift" of (1.1.3 Traction and Lift).
Front brake Rear brake
General Equipment
10,000 kPa 9,500~10,000kpa
Holding fixture, dial indicator gauge
100 kg/cm2 95 ~ 100 kg.cm2
1422 psi 1,350 ~ 1,422 psi

1. Lift the vehicle.

Refer to: Lifting(1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).

2. Remove the front wheel.

Refer to: Wheel and Tire(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal and Installation).

3. Remove brake disc

Refer to: Brake Disc(2.3.3 Front disc
brake, Removal and Installation).

4. Fix the tire nuts in a reversed sequence and

hold the brake disc in position.
A2301017 5. Fix the micrometer and the holding fixture on
6. After hydraulic test, bleed the brake system, the suspension bracket.
and carry out brake test.


6. Position the dial indicator gauge so that it

contacts the brake disc approximately 10 mm
from the outer edge at an angle of 90

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-17 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-17
7. Rotate the brake disc until the dial indicator Measure the Brake Disc
reaches the minimum and return it to zero.
8. Slowly rotate the brake disc until the dial
indicator reaches the maximum. Note and CAUTION: After the brake disc has a
record the brake disc runout on both the inner surface finishing or is replaced, the brake
and outer faces of the brake disc. pad should be replaced too.

Standard value: 0.15 mm (metric system) Measure the brake disc thickness 15 mm from
the outer face of the brake disc at 8 positions
If any of the measurements exceeds the runout
each separated by angle of 45 degrees with
specification, the runout of the wheel hub should
be inspected. If the wheel hub has a normal
runout, install a new brake disc. If the variation reaches or exceeds 0.015mm or
the brake disc thickness is less than the specified
minimum value, the brake disc needs a surface
Inspect the Wheel Hub Runout finishing or to be replaced.


Inspect the runout while slowly rotating the wheel Inspect the scratches of brake disc surface and
hub. If the runout exceeds the specified range, wearing parts.
making sure that the bearing clearance is normal
For regular inspect or replacement, it is normal to
and install a new wheel hub.
have scratches on the surface of brake disc.
Brake disc is not damaged unless the scratches
are very severe.
However, if the mark on the surface is too deep or
high, replace the brake disc. If only one side has
scratches, polish and repair this side.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-18 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-18

Inspect the Brake Pad Inspect the Brake Drum

1. Inspect if the brake pad is worn; if too severe, Inspect if the brake drum is cleaned. Measure the
replace it. inside diameter and inspect its brake surface is
CAUTION: Do not polish the lining with
sand paper. Otherwise the hard particle Brake drum inside diameter
would penetrate into the lining, and Standard value: 220 mm
damage the brake disc. If the lining needs
to be replaced, use new one. Limit value: 222 mm

Block thickness (lining + block) Whenever the brake drum is removed, clean it
thoroughly, and inspect if there is crack, scratch,
Standard value: 15 mm or groove.
Limit value: 6 mm Cracks, scratches or grooves of brake drum:
It is not safe to continue to use cracked brake
drum; replace it duly. Do not weld the cracked
brake drum.


CAUTION: When removing the brake

block, inspect if the brake liquid is leaking
on the caliper. If so, repair it.
2. Inspect Slave cylinder sliding pin/caliper pin
3. Inspect if the sliding pin is moving
smoothfully. In case of damages, repair or
replace it; apply a rubber grease on the
surface of sliding pin and caliper pin bolts.
The viscosity of rubber grease is basically not
affected under the condition of - 40℃(- 40℉). Slight scratches do not affect smoothness to a
large extent, however, too many or too heavy
ones would cause the lining excessively worn.
repair the brake surface.
If the brake lining has slight abrasion, and brake
drum has groove, the drum shall be polished with
good carborundum cloth. Do not use turning.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-19 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-19
CAUTION: When removing the brake
drum, inspect if brake pump is leaking
visually; if so, repair it.

Inspect the Brake Shoe

If the abrasion of friction lining is beyond the limit,
replace it.
Friction lining thickness (lining + brake shoe rim)
Standard value: 6.9 mm
Limit value: 3.6 mm
If the abrasion of friction lining reaches the
maximum limit, replace all the linings at the same
Note: Do not polish the lining with sand paper. If
the sand paper is applied, its hard particle would
penetrate into lining and damage the brake drum.
If necessary, replace it with new one.


Inspect the Slave Cylinder

1. Cylinder dust cover
Inspect if the dust cover is broken, cracked or
damaged; in case of any problems, replace it
2. Piston sealing
Excessive or uneven abrasion of lining may
cause unsmooth piston return. Under this
condition, replace the rubber sealing parts.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-20 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-20

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing Symptom Chart

Inspection and Verification CAUTION:
1.Replace each component with much
CAUTION: Before the diagnosis, verify if care since each component may influence
the brake system warning indicator works the performance of the brake system and
normally. lead to driving danger. Standard
1. Verify the customer concern. components produced by Changan
Automobile Corporation should be used.
2. Visually inspect for obvious mechanical and 2.It is very important to keep the
hydraulic damage. components and the environment clean
Visual Inspection Chart during the repair of the brake system.
3.The component must be dismantled if
Mechanical any brake leak is found. If any abnormal
•Brake Fluid Level condition is found, install a new
•Brake Line Leak
4.Wrap the brake lines to prevent any dust,
mud or other foreign matters from
3. Solve the known problems before proceeding
entering into the lines when dismantling
to the next step.
the brake components.
4. If an obvious cause for an observed or 5.Do not damage or distort the brake lines
reported concern is found, correct the cause when dismantling or fixing the brake lines.
before proceeding to the next step. 6.During the installation of the brake lines
5. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the or hoses, make sure that they are not
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart. distorted or bent.
7.Keep the brake hoses away from the
General Equipment shock absorber oil and grease.
Vernier Caliper 8.After installing the brake pipe and hoses,
make sure that they are not interfered with
Dial Indicator
other components.
9.Do not stick the brake fluid to the body
or paintwork. If the brake fluid leaks on the
paintwork, it should be cleaned

In case of faults, but the indicator lamp of brake

system works normally or the causes cannot be
confirmed through basic inspect, carry out
troubleshooting according to sequences as

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-21 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-21

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Inconsistent tire thread and •Replace new tires and adjust the tire
pressure(s) pressure(s)
•The distortion of the brake
•Replace new brake pipe and hoses.
pipe and hoses
•Clean or replace the brake shoe, the
brake pad as well as the inside lining.
•Brake shoe or brake
pad(crack, distortion or Refer to: Brake Shoe (2.3.2Rear
grease spots) drum brake Removal and
Installation). and Brake
•Damaged inside lining
Pad(2.3.3Front Disc Brake,
Removal and Installation).
•Inspect the front brake disc
•The abnormal wear and Refer to: Inspect the runout and
distortion of the brake disc or thickness of front brake disc
rear brake disc (2.3.1 Brake System - General,
Uneven braking force -
deviation General inspection).
•Install a new brake drum.
•The abnormal wear and
distortion of the rear brake Refer to: Brake Drum(2.3.2Rear
drum Drum Brake, Removal and
•Repair or Replace new brake slave
cylinders or brake calipers.
Refer to: Brake Slave
•Seized brake slave cylinder Cylinder(2.3.2 Rear Drum Brake,
or brake caliper Removal and Installation).or
Brake Slave Cylinder and
Caliper(2.3.3Front Disc Brake,
Removal and Installation).

•Incorrect wheel alignment •Aligning the wheels

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-22 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-22

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Replace new brake shoes or brake

•The brake shoe or the brake Refer to: Brake Shoes

pad is worn or damaged or (2.3.2Rear Drum Brake,
adhesive with grease. Removal and Installation) or
Brake Pad(2.3.3Front Disc
Brake, Removal and
•Inspect the front brake disc
•The abnormal wear and
distortion of the front brake Refer to: Brake disc (2.3.1 Brake
disc. System-General, General
•Install a new brake drum.
Shaking or vibrating occurs •The abnormal wear, distorted
when applying the brake. circle and distortion of the Refer to: Brake Drum(2.3.2Rear
rear brake drum. Drum Brake, Removal and

•The brake caliper mounting •Tighten the brake caliper mounting

bolts are loose. bolts.

•Insufficient lubrication of the

•Fill lubrication if necessary
sliding components

•The loose or loss of the wheel •Tighten or Replace new wheel hub
hub bolts bolts.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-23 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-23

•Repair the leaks, fill brake fluid and

start bleeding air.
•Hydraulic system Leaks Refer to: Brake System
Bleeding (2.3.1 Brake System-
Overview, General inspection).
•Fill brake fluid and start to bleed air.

•Air in the cooling system Refer to: Brake System

Bleeding (2.3.1 Brake System-
Overview, General inspection).
•Replacing Master brake cylinder
The brake pedal depressed Refer to: Brake Master Cylinder
•The brake master cylinder
down quickly.
piston is worn or the cylinder and Brake Fluid
cracks. Reservoir(2.3.5Hydraulic
Braking Control,Removal and
•Replace new brake shoes or brake
Refer to: Brake Shoes
•The excessive wear of brake (2.3.2Rear Drum Brake,
pads or brake shoes Removal and Installation). or
Brake Pad(2.3.3Front Disc
Brake, Removal and
•Replace new brake shoes or brake
Refer to: Brake Shoes
•The excessive wear of brake (2.3.2Rear Drum Brake,
shoes or brake pads Removal and Installation). or
Brake Pad(2.3.3Front Disc
Brake, Removal and
The brake pedal is low or
feels soft.
• The vent holes on the
reservoir cap get blocked or •Clean the vent holes

•Fill brake fluid and start to bleed air.

•Air exists in the brake
Refer to: Brake System
Bleeding(2.3.1Brake System-
Overview, General inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-24 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-24

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Incorrect tire pressure(s) •Adjust tire pressure(s)
•Tire Wear • Replace the tire
• Replace new brake shoes or brake
Refer to: Brake Shoes
•Incorrect installation of the (2.3.2Rear Drum Brake,
brake shoes or brake pads Removal and Installation). or
Brake Pad(2.3.3Front Disc
Brake, Removal and
The brake lockup occurs
when slightly depressing the Installation).
brake. (for vehicles with •Inspect or adjust
Refer to: Inspect the load
sensing proportional valve
•Sensor spring of SPV not (2.3.1 Brake System-General,
improperly adjusted with General inspection).
•Replace the assembly.
• SPV assembly fault
Refer to: Load sensing
proportional valve (2.3.5
Hydraulic brake control,
Removal and Installation).
•Repair the leaks, fill brake fluid and
•Leaks or air in the brake start bleeding air.
system Refer to: Brake System
Bleeding (2.3.1Brake System-
Overview, General inspection).
Depress the pedal and hold it, •Inspect the brake master cylinder,
it would go down slowly install a new master cylinder if any
trouble is found.

•Brake master cylinder trouble Refer to: Brake Master Cylinder

and Brake Fluid Reservoir(2.3.5
Hydraulic Brake
Control,Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-25 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-25

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Replace new brake shoes or brake
Refer to: Brake Shoes
•The excessive wear of brake (2.3.2Rear Drum Brake,
pads or brake shoes Removal and Installation). or
Long brake pedal travel. Brake Pad(2.3.3Front Disc
Brake, Removal and
•Rear wheel brake clearance
•Repair the automatic adjustment
automatic adjustment

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-26 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-26

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Pakring brake is functioning

(hand brake has not been •Release the hand brake
completely released yet)

•Repair or Replace new brake slave

cylinders or brake calipers.
Refer to: Brake Shoes
•Seized brake caliper or brake (2.3.2Rear Drum Brake,
slave cylinder Removal and Installation). or
Brake Pad(2.3.3Front Disc
Brake, Removal and
•Repair or Replace new brake pads or
brake shoes.
Refer to: Brake Shoes
•Seized brake pads or brake (2.3.2Rear Drum Brake,
shoes Removal and Installation). or
Brake Pad(2.3.3Front Disc
Brake, Removal and

Brake drag (for vehicles with •Replace new parking brake cables
LSPV) Refer to: Parking Brake
•Seized parking brake cable. Cable(2.3.4 Parking Brake and
Control, Removal and
•Seized brake booster •Adjust the length of the brake booster
actuating rod or install a new brake
•Brake pedal free
Refer to: Brake booster(2.3.6
Booster brake, Removal and
•Inspect or adjust the load sensing
proportional valve.
Refer to: Inspect the load
sensing proportional valve
•Sensor spring of LSPV not
(2.3.1 Brake System-General,
improperly adjusted with
General inspection).
•Replace the assembly.
•LSPV assembly fault
Refer to: Load sensing
proportional valve (2.3.5
Hydraulic brake control,
Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-27 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-27

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Inspect the vacuum of the intake air

•Leaks in the air intake system Refer to: Inspect the intake air
sytem for the vacuum degree
(3.1.5 Intake Air System General
Poor efficiency of boosting
brake Refer to: Inspect the vacuum
•Vacuum Boosting hose leaks booster(2.3.1Brake System-
Overview, General Inspection)

•Vacuum boosting hose one-

way valve failure

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-28 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-28

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Replace new brake shoes or brake
•Brake Shoes or Brake Pads ( Refer to: Brake Shoes
they are excessively worn, (2.3.2Rear Drum Brake,
cracked,distorted, dirty and Removal and Installation). or
glazed.) Brake Pad(2.3.3Front Disc
Brake, Removal and
•Brake disc guide
•Repair or Replace;
•Brake caliper bracket holding
•Tighten or Replace;
•Brake caliper holding
•Tighten or Replace;
•Brake caliper floating
•Replacel new front brake discs.
•Abnormal wear, crack and
distortion of the front brake Refer to: Front Brake Disc(2.3.3
disc Front disc brake, Removal and
Noise in the brake system Installation).
•Replacel a new brake drum.
•Abnormal wear, distorted
circle, crack and distortion of Refer to: Brake Drum(2.3.2Rear
the rear brake drum Drum Brake, Removal and
•Brake pedal return spring
•Replace new return springs
•The brake pedal push rod
gets bent or distorted.
•Inspect the vacuum booster and
install a new one if necessary.
•Brake booster Refer to: Inspect the vacuum
booster(2.3.1Brake System-
Overview, General inspection).
•Inspect the brake master cylinder and
replace as necessary;
•Brake master cylinder Refer to: Inspect the vacuum
booster(2.3.1 Brake System-
Overview, General inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-29 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-29

Uneven Brake - Wandering Diagnosis Procedure

Symptom Detailed Steps/results/solutions
1. Road test vehicles
A.Carry out road test.
B.Inspect for brake deviation.
Brake deviation?
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the tire tread, pressure
A.Inspect if tire tread is consistent.
B.Inspect if tire pressure is normal.
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 3.
replace new tires and adjust the tire pressure(s)
3. Inspect brake shoe or brake pad
A.Inspect if brake shoe is oil leaking or unusually worn.
B.Inspect brake pad or inner lining is unusually worn.
Unusual abrasion or oil leaking?
Clean or replace the brake shoe or pad.
Refer to: Brake Shoes (2.3.2Rear Drum
Brake, Removal and Installation) or Brake
Pad(2.3.3Front Disc Brake, Removal and
Go to step 4.
4. Inspect the front brake disc
A.Inspect if front brake disc is unusually worn,
distorted or deformed.
Is the inspection normal?
Replace new front brake discs
Refer to: Brake Disc(2.3.3 Front disc
brake, Removal anf Installation)
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-30 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-30

5. Inspect the rear brake drum

A.Inspect if rear brake drum is unusually worn, or
Is the inspection normal?
Install a new brake drum.
Refer to: Brake Shoe (2.3.2 Rear drum
brake, Removal and Installation).
Go to step 6.
6. Inspect brake slave cylinder or brake caliper
A.Inspect if brake slave cylinder or brake caliper is
Is the inspection normal?
Repair or Replace new brake slave cylinders or
brake calipers.
Refer to: Brake Shoe (2.3.2Rear drum
brake Removal and Installation). and
Brake Pad(2.3.3Front Disc Brake, Removal
and Installation).
Go to step 7.
7. Inspect the brake pipe
A.Inspect if brake hard pipe, hose is distorted or
Is the inspection normal?
Replace new brake pipe and hoses.
Go to step 8.
8. Wheel alignment
A. Inspect whether the wheel alignment is normal.
Is the inspection normal?
Adjust the wheel alignment.
Refer to: ( 2.1.1 Suspension System-
Overview, General Inspection).
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-31 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-31

Diagnosis Chart for Shaking / Vibration While Braking

Symptom Detailed Steps/results/solutions
1. Road test vehicles
A.Have braking during road test with 40 ~ 80 km/h.
B.Inspect for brake shaking/vibration.
Brake shaking/vibration?
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect brake shoe or brake piece
A.Inspect brake shoe or brake piece is unusually worn,
damaged or with oil.
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace new brake shoes or brake pads
Refer to: Brake Shoes (2.3.2Rear Drum
Brake, Removal and Installation) or Brake
Pad(2.3.3Front Disc Brake, Removal and
3. Inspect the front brake disc
A.Inspect if front brake disc is unusually worn,
distorted or deformed.
Is the inspection normal?
Replace new front brake discs
Refer to: Brake Disc(2.3.3 Front disc
brake, Removal anf Installation)
Go to step 4.
4. Inspect the rear brake drum
A.Inspect if rear brake drum is unusually worn, out of
round or deformed.
Is the inspection normal?
Install a new brake drum.
Refer to: Brake Drum(2.3.2Rear Drum Brake,
Removal and Installation).
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-32 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-32

5. Inspect brake slave cylinder or brake caliper

A.Inspect whether the brake capliper loosen.
B.Inspect if sliding parts lack of lubrication.
C.The loose or loss of the wheel hub bolts
Is the inspection normal?
Fasten the bolts for brake caliper; lubricate sliding
parts; fasten or replace hub bolts.
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-33 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-33

Diagnosis Chart for Quick Going Down for Brake Pedal

Symptom Detailed Steps/results/solutions
1. Road test vehicles
A. Carry out road test, and step down the brake pedal.
B.Inspect if action force on the pedal is normal.
Is action force normal?
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the brake liquid level
A.Inspect the reservoir level.
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 3.
Inspect if there is leaking at sealing of reservoir
Refer to: Hydroulic pressure leaking
inspection(2.3.1Brake System-Overview,
General Inspection).
3. Brake system pressurizing
A.Step down the brake pedal quickly for five times.
Inspect the pedal height and keep it?
Inspect parking brake and adjust it if necessary.
Refer to: Parking brake cable adjustment
(2.3.4Parking Brake and Control, General
Inspection) .
In case the fault still exists, exhaust the brake system.
Refer to: Brake System Bleeding
(2.3.1Brake System-Overview, General
Go to step 4.
4. Inspect for leaking of brake system

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-34 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-34

A.Inspect for external leaking of brake system.

Inspect for leaking?
Maintain the leaking part, and if necessary, replace
corresponding parts. Add brake liquid and exhaust.
Go to step 5.
5. Inspect bypass condtion of brake master cylinder
A.Bypass condition test
Refer to: Reference: bypass condition test
(2.3.1 Brake system - General, General
Is the inspection normal?
Replac master brake cylinder
Refer to: Brake master cylinder and Brake
Fluid Reservoir (2.3.5Hydraulic Brake
Control,Removal and Installation).
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-35 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-35

Diagnosis Chart for Brake Pedal Being Low or Feeling Like

Symptom Detailed Steps/results/solutions
1. Road test vehicles
A.Carry out road test, and step down the brake pedal.
B.Inspect if it feels sponge for brake pedal.
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the brake liquid level
A.Inspect the reservoir level.
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 3.
Inspect if there is leaking at sealing of reservoir
Refer to: Brake liquid sealing inspect
(2.3.1 Brake System-General, General
3. Inspect vent hole on the cover of reservoir tank
A.Inspect if the vent hole is clogged or dirty.
Clogged or dirty?
Clean the cover.
Go to step 4.
4. Brake system exhaust
A.Inspect the air of brake system.
Is ir in the brake system?
Brake system exhaust.
Refer to: Brake System Bleeding
(2.3.1Brake System - Overview, General
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-36 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-36

5. Inspect the nut of front wheel hub

A.Inspect if the nuts are loose.
Is the inspection normal?
Replace the nuts and fasten.
Inspect parking brake and adjust it.
Refer to: Parking brake cable
adjustment(2.3.4Parking Brake and
Control, General Inspection).
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-37 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-37

Diagnosis Chart for Brake Locking While Slightly Stepping Down

the Brake
Symptom Detailed Steps/Results/solutions
1. Road test vehicles
A.Carry out road test, and step down the brake pedal.
B.Inspect for brake locking.
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the tire tread, pressure
A.Inspect if the tires are excessively worn or pressure
Is it normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace the tire
Refer to: Wheel and Tire(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal and Installation).
3. Inspect brake shoe or brake piece
A.Inspect if the brake shoe or piece is correctly
installed or polluted by oil or excessively worn.
Is it normal?
Go to step 4.
Replace new brake shoes or brake pads
Refer to: Brake Shoes (2.3.2Rear Drum
Brake, Removal and Installation). or Brake
Pad(2.3.3Front Disc Brake, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-38 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-38

4. Inspect the load sensing proportional valve

A.Inspect if the load sensing proportional valve fails.
Is it normal?
Go to step 5.
Inspect or adjust the load sensing proportional
Refer to: Inspect the load sensing
proportional valve (2.3.1 Brake System-
General, General inspection).
5. Inspect the vacuum booster
A.Inspect if the brake booster is normal.
Is it normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace the brake booster.
Refer to: Brake booster(2.3.6 Booster
brake, Removal and Installation).
6. Inspect brake slave cylinder or brake caliper
A.Inspect if sliding parts lack of lubrication.
Lack of lubrication?
Lubricating sliding parts.
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-39 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-39
Depress the Brake Pedal and Hold it Down in Depressed Position, and the Pedal
Eases Down Slowly Diagnosis Procedure
Symptom Detailed Steps/results/solutions
1. Inspect if the fault Symptom exists
A.Depress the brake pedal and keep it, and inspect if
the pedal slowly goes down.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the brake liquid level
A.Inspect the brake liquid reservoir level.
Is it normal?
Go to step 5.
Go to step 3.
3. Inspect for leaking of brake system
A.Inspect for external leaking of brake system.
Inspect for leaking?
Maintain the leaking part, and if necessary, replace
corresponding parts. Add brake liquid and exhaust.
Go to step 4.
4. Inspect for the air of brake system
A.Inspect the air of brake system.
Air in the brake system?
Brake System Bleeding
Refer to: Brake System Bleeding (2.3.1
Brake System-Overview, General
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-40 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-40

5. Inspect the brake master cylinder

A.Inspect if the brake master cylinder is normal.
Is it normal?
Replace the master brake cylinder
Refer to: brake master cylinder and Brake
Fluid Reservoir (2.3.5 Hydraulic Brake
Control,Removal and Installation).
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-41 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-41

Diagnosis Procedure for Brake Drag

Symptom Detailed Steps/Results/Solutions
1. Inspect parking brake
A.Release the parking brake handle and inspect if the
parking brake is completely released.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Inspect the cable jamming and adjust the parking
Refer to: Parking brake cable adjustment
(2.3.4Parking Brake and Control, General
2. Inspect the brake caliper or brake slave cylinder
A.Inspect if the brake caliper or brake slave cylinder is
Is it normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace brake caliper.
Refer to: Brake caliper (2.3.3 Rear disc brake,
Removal and Installation).
Replace brake slave cylinder
Refer to: Brake slave cylinder (2.3.4 Rear
drum brake, Removal and Installation).
3. Inspect brake piece or brake shoe
A.Inspect if the brake pad or brake shoe is jammed.
Is it normal?
Go to step 4.
Replace brake pad.
Refer to: Brake Pad (2.3.3 Rear disc brake,
Removal and Installation).
Replace brake shoes
Refer to: Brake Shoe(2.3.4 Rear drum
brake, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.1-42 Brake System - General Information 2.3.1-42

4. Inspect the brake booster

A.Inspect if the brake booster is seized.
Is it normal?
Go to step 5.
Adjust the length of the brake booster actuating rod
or replace a new brake booster.
Refer to: Brake booster (2.3.6 Booster
brake, Removal and Installation).
5. Inspect free stroke of brake pedal
A.Inspect if the free stroke is normal.
Is it normal?
Adjust the length of push rod of vacuum booster.
Go to step 6.
6.Inspect the load sensing proportional valve
A.Inspect if the load sensing proportional valve fails.
Is it normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Inspect or adjust the load sensing proportional
Refer to: Inspect the load sensing
proportional valve (2.3.1 Brake System-
General, General inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.2 Rear Drum
2.3.2-1 Rear Drum Brake 2.3.2-1

Material specifications
Item Specifications
Brake fluid DOT3

Rear Drum Brake Specification

Rear Drum Brake Specifications
New Brake Drum Nominal Diameter 220 mm
Brake drum discard diameter 222 mm
New secondary shoe friction lining surface thickness 6.9 mm
Secondary brake shoe friction lining surface discard
3.6 mm

WARNING: When the discard thickness has been reached, install a new brake drum. When
the discard thickness has not been reached, the brake drum should go through a polishing
treatment with much care.

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Tire nut 90 66 -
Mounting bolts of baseplate and rear axle 23 17 -
Brake slave cylinder retaining bolts 12 9 -
Brake oil hose connector 16 12 -

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.2-2 Rear Drum Brake 2.3.2-2

Description and Operation Brake Shoe Return Spring

System Overview The two brake shoes are pressed tightly on the
brake slave cylinder piston and the retaining
The rear drum brake is of a secondary shoe support pin with the upper and lower return
design with a single cylinder hydraulically- springs; when the brake master cylinder returns,
actuated operation. The two shoes are pressed the upper spring enables the brake slave cylinder
tightly on the brake slave cylinder piston and the piston to return automatically.
retaining support pin by the upper and lower
return springs. The former one is called “Leading Operation of the Rear Drum Brake
shoe”, the other toward the rear is called When the brake pedal is pressed down, the
”Secondary shoe”. The brake slave cylinder is mechanical output force from the hydraulically-
installed at the top of the baseplate with single- actuated brake slave cylinder piston is applied to
cylinder structure. The brake-shoe clearance can the shoes. The brake slave cylinder moves the
be adjusted automatically, and it will be adjusted two brake shoes outwards which move outwards
each time the service brake is pressed down. Do with the retaining support pin as the supporting
not exchange the position of the used shoe point and stop the wheels through rubbing with
plates. Otherwise, automatical adjustment will fail the brake drum. When the wheels move
and the pedal travel is increased as a result. forwards, the front brake shoes unfold in the
Components Description brake drum and produce self-boosting force.
When the wheels move backwards, the rear
Rear drum brake is made up of the following brake shoes produce self-boosting force.
CAUTION: To maintain this drum brake,
Brake Shoe replace the whole parts of maintenance
The mechanical output force from the pack. Lubricate parts and components
hydraulically-actuated brake slave cylinder is accordingly.
applied to the friction surface of the brake drum. WARNING: To remove hydraulic
Brake Drum components or disconnect the brake
pipes, exhaust the brake system. Tighten
Using the mechanical output force applied by the the unlubricated dry fasteners according
brake shoes to the friction surface of the brake to specified torque.
drum, the rotating speed of the tire and wheel
assembly is reduced to stop the vehicle. CAUTION: Do not polish the lining with
sand paper. If the sand paper is applied, its
Brake Slave Cylinder hard particle would penetrate into lining
The hydraulically-actuated received from the and damage the brake drum. If necessary,
brake master cylinder transforms into mechanical replace it with new one.
output force which is applied to the brake shoes.
CAUTION: When removing the brake
The Support Pin and its Clearance drum, check if brake pump is leaking
visually; if so, repair it.
Automatic Machinery
The automatic adjustment is used to support the
brake shoes and automatically adjust the brake-
shoe clearance.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.2-3 Rear Drum Brake 2.3.2-3

Components Exploded View

Rear Drum Brake





4 3


Item Description Item Description

1 baseplate 8 Brake shoe spring
2 Brake shoe 9 Pressing pin of brake shoe
3 Parking brake rod arm 10 Parking brake rod arm positioner
4 Brake support plate 11 Brake slave cylinder
5 Fan spring 12 Vent plug cover
6 Shoe return spring 13 Rubber plug
7 Damping spring

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.2-4 Rear Drum Brake 2.3.2-4

Removal and Installation

Brake Drum

Item Model
Brake fluid DOT3

1. Remove the tires

Refer to: Wheel and Tire (2.1.4Wheels and
Tires,Removal and Installation).

2. Release the parking brake handle.

3. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).


4. Remove the brake drum


1. Adjust the brake shoe to minimum position.


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.2-5 Rear Drum Brake 2.3.2-5

2. Install brake drum


3. Install the wheel and tire

Refer to: Wheel and Tire(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal and Installation).

4. Adjust the parking brake cable.

Refer to: Parking brake cable adjustment
(2.3.4 Parking Brake and Control, General

CAUTION: Remove the brake shoe or

brake slave cylinder; after installation,
depress the brake pedal forcibly for three
times to eliminate the brake clearance.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.2-6 Rear Drum Brake 2.3.2-6

Brake Shoe

Item Model
Grease SAM1C-9107-A

1. Remove the brake drum

Refer to: Brake Drum (2.3.2 Rear Drum
Brake, Removal and Installation).

2. Remove the brake shoe return spring

CAUTION: Wear the goggles for


3. Remove left and right springs of brake shoe.

CAUTION: Wear the goggles for


4. Detach the brake shoe from the brake slave

CAUTION: Do not damage the brake slave
cylinder dust boot when taking out the
brake shoe.

CAUTION: Wear the goggles for



SC1022 2011.08
2.3.2-7 Rear Drum Brake 2.3.2-7

5. Remove the upper return spring 1, and

separate the brake shoe and support pin 2. 1
CAUTION: Wear the goggles for


6. Take out brake shoe 1 from the support pin

and damping spring 2.
CAUTION: Installation position of
damping spring of self-tuning mechanism.

CAUTION: Wear the goggles for



7. Remove the parking brake cable.


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.2-8 Rear Drum Brake 2.3.2-8

8. Take out brake leading shoe.


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.2-9 Rear Drum Brake 2.3.2-9
1. Clean, inspect and apply lubricant to the
baseplate contact areas.
CAUTION: Do not apply too much grease
to prevent applying to the brake shoe.

CAUTION: For installation, ensure the

glove would not leave the oil or grease to ×6
the brake shoe.


2. Install the parking brake cable.


3. Install the support pin to trailing shoe.

1.Attach the damping spring 2 between
support pin and trailing shoe.
2. Install the support pin to trailing shoe 1.
CAUTION: Wear the goggles for


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.2-10 Rear Drum Brake 2.3.2-10

4. Install the primary shoe on the the support

pin. 2
1. Attach the upper return spring 2 between
support pin and leading shoe.
2. Install the leading shoe on the the support
pin 1. 1
CAUTION: Wear the goggles for


5. Install the support pin between brake slave

cylinder and wheel bearing flange.
CAUTION: Do not damage the dust boot
on the brake slave cylinder. Do not top the
piston of slave cylinder too much, while
the other piston being separated from
slave cylinder.


6. Install brake shoe.

1.Left and right springs of brake shoe.
2.Install the leading, trailing shoes at two
ends of brake slave cylinder at the same time.
3.Install the leading, trailing shoes at the
bottom support pin.
CAUTION: Wear the goggles for

7. Install brake shoe lower return spring

CAUTION: Wear the goggles for


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.2-11 Rear Drum Brake 2.3.2-11

8. Adjust the self-tuning mechanism to minimum



9. Install Brake Drum.

Refer to: Brake Drum(2.3.2 Rear Drum
Brake, Removal and Installation).

10. Adjust the parking brake cable.

Refer to: Parking brake cable
adjustment(2.3.4 Parking Brake and
Control, General inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.2-12 Rear Drum Brake 2.3.2-12

Brake Slave Cylinder


Item Model
Brake fluid DOT3

1. Remove the rear wheel.

Refer to: Wheel and Tire(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal and Installation).

2. Remove the brake drum

Refer to: Brake Drum(2.3.2 Rear Drum
Brake, Removal and Installation).

3. Remove the brake shoe.

Refer to: Brake Shoe (2.3.2 Rear drum
brake, Removal and Installation).

4. Clamp the brake hose at rear axle through an

oil pipe clip.


5. Remove the brake slave cylinder oil pipe.

CAUTION: If brake fluid is split on the
paintwork, the affected area must be
immediately washed down with cold water.


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.2-13 Rear Drum Brake 2.3.2-13

6. Remove retaining bolts at two positions of

brake slave cylinder.
CAUTION: Seal the brake slave cylinder
inlet to prevent the loss of fluid and the
dirt from entering.


7. Take out brake slave cylinder 1 and rubber

washer 2. 1


1. Install the brake slave cylinder.
1.Rubber washer.
2.Install the brake slave cylinder bolts.
Torque:12 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.2-14 Rear Drum Brake 2.3.2-14

2. Install the brake slave cylinder oil pipe.

Torque:16 Nm
CAUTION: Keep the oil pipe joint clean.


3. Remove the oil pipe clip on the brake hose of

rear axle.


4. Install brake shoe.

Refer to: Brake Shoe (2.3.2 Rear drum
brake, Removal and Installation).

5. Install brake drum

Refer to: Brake Drum(2.3.2 Rear Drum
Brake, Removal and Installation).

6. Brake System Bleeding

Refer to: Brake System Bleeding
(2.3.1Brake System - Overview, General

7. Install the rear wheel.

Refer to: Wheel and Tire(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.2-15 Rear Drum Brake 2.3.2-15

Brake Baseplate

Item Model
Brake fluid DOT3
Sealant Suzuki Bond No. 1215

1. Remove the real wheel.

Refer to: Wheel and Tire(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal and Installation).

2. Remove the brake drum

Refer to: Brake Drum(2.3.2 Rear Drum
Brake, Removal and Installation).

3. Remove the brake shoe.

Refer to: Brake Shoe (2.3.2 Rear drum
brake, Removal and Installation).

4. Remove the brake slave cylinder.

Refer to: Brake Slave Cylinder (2.3.2 Rear
drum brake, Removal and Installation).

5. Remove the halfshaft.

Refer to: Left Halfshaft (2.2.3 Halfshaft,
Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.2-16 Rear Drum Brake 2.3.2-16

6. Remove the halfshaft bearing.


7. Take out brake baseplate.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

CAUTION: When reinstalling the brake

baseplate after removing, apply the
sealant to junction surface between
baseplate and rear axle.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.3 Front Disc
2.3.3-1 Front Disc Brake 2.3.3-1

Material specifications
Item Specifications
Brake fluid DOT3

Front Drum Brake Specification

Front Disc Brake Specifications
Brake disc nominal thickness 12 mm
Brake disc discard thickness 10 mm
Maximum brake disc runout 0.15 mm
Brake disc standard thickness 15 mm
Minimum brake friction block thickness 6 mm

WARNING: When the discard thickness has been reached, install a new brake disc When the
discard thickness has not been reached, the brake disc should go through a polishing
treatment with much care.

Torque specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Tire nut 90 66 -
Brake Slave Cylinder Piston Housing Bolt 85 63 -
Brake Caliper Anchor Plate Bolts 95 69 -
Brake Caliper Brake Hose Connector 16 12 -

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.3-2 Front Disc Brake 2.3.3-2

Description and Operation Bracket for Brake Caliper and Brake

System Overview In order to keep a correct matching position with
Installed on the steering knuckle with two the hydraulically-actuated brake caliper, it serves
mounting bolts, the brake caliper of the front disc for fixing the disc brake pad and brake caliper.
brake is of single-piston type. The brake caliper The brake pad slides when the mechanical output
moves outward under the hydraulic pressure force is applied to the brake pad.
when depressing the brake pedal. The braking
pressure pushes the brake pad to stick to the Disc Brake Caliper Floating Pin
brake disc to produce a friction force to reduce It serves for mounting hydraulically-actuated
the rotating speed of the wheel and tire assembly. brake caliper and fixing it at a correct matching
The vehicle will stop as a result. The piston position with the brake caliper bracket. The brake
moves further to supplement the clearance when caliper is pushed to have a slide relative to the
the brake pad is worn. The piston rubber seal brake pad when the mechanical output force is
recovers to its original shape to keep the original applied.
clearance between the brake disc and the brake
pad when the pressure is released from the brake Operation of the Front Disc Brake
pedal and the hydraulic pressure on the piston is System
The mechanical output force from the
Components Description hydraulically-actuated brake caliper piston is
applied to the inner brake pad. The brake caliper
Disc Brake Pad housing pulls the outer brake pad inward to get
The mechanical output force from the even distribution of the output force while the
hydraulically-actuated brake caliper is applied to piston pushes the inner brake pad outward. The
the brake disc friction surface. brake pad applies the output force to the both
sides of the brake disc friction surface to reduce
Disc Brake Pad Guide Plate the rotating speed of the wheel and tire assembly.
Whether the brake pad guide plate and the brake
Located between the disc brake pad and brake
caliper floating pin work normally or not matters
pad mounting bracket, it keeps a smooth
with the even distribution of brake force.
movement of the brake pad and eliminate noises.

Brake Disc
With the mechanical output force applied by the
disc brake pad to the brake disc friction surface,
the rotating speed of the wheel and tire is reduced
and the vehicle is stopped as a result.

Brake Caliper
The hydraulic pressure from the brake master
cylinder is transformed into mechanical output
force which is applied to the inner brake pad. The
brake caliper piston returns automatically when
the master cylinder returns.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.3-3 Front Disc Brake 2.3.3-3

Components Exploded View

Front Disc Brake


6 5


Item Description Item Description

1 Brake caliper slave cylinder 5 Brake Disc
2 Brake slave cylinder piston 6 Dust boot of brake disc
Bracket for brake caliper and brake
3 7 Disc Brake Caliper Floating Pin
4 Brake Pad

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.3-4 Front Disc Brake 2.3.3-4

Disassembly and Assembly

Brake Caliper

Item Model
Brake fluid DOT3

1. Pull the brake slave cylinder piston out of the

brake caliper housing by using compressed
CAUTION: If brake fluid is split on the
paintwork, the affected area must be
immediately washed down with cold water.

CAUTION: A wood block or a wood

cushion or some cloth is placed between
the brake slave cylinder piston the brake
caliper housing to prevent damaging the
brake slave cylinder piston.

2. Remove and discard the dust-proof oil seal.


3. Remove and discard the piston oil seal.

4. Inspect the piston and the piston hole for any
damage and wear. Install a new brake caliper
if necessary.


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.3-5 Front Disc Brake 2.3.3-5
1. Use brake fluid to lubricate the piston hole,
the piston oil seal and the brake caliper.
2. Install a new piston oil seal into the piston
CAUTION: The piston oil seal must be
installed into the piston hole groove.


3. Install a new dust-proof oil seal on the brake

slave cylinder piston.


4. Assemble the brake slave cylinder piston into

the piston hole.
CAUTION: Do not scratch the piston when
assembling the piston into the piston hole.


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.3-6 Front Disc Brake 2.3.3-6

Removal and Installation

Brake Pad

Item Model
Brake fluid DOT3

1. Remove the tires

Refer to: Wheel and Tire (2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal and Installation).

2. Remove the brake caliper.

1.Remove the front brake hose 1.
2.Remove the brake caliper upper bolt 2.
CAUTION: Before removing the brake 2
caliper, pull it forcibly to two sides of slave
cylinder to make it slightly return to
remove the brake caliper.


3. Remove brake pad

1. Turn the brake caliper over. 2 2 1
2. Take out brake pad.


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.3-7 Front Disc Brake 2.3.3-7
1. Use a suitable tool to compress the brake
slave piston.
CAUTION: The brake fluid will spill out
from the brake tank after the brake slave
cylinder is compressed tightly into the
piston cylinder.


2. Install the brake pads.

CAUTION: For installation of brake pad,
ensure the circlip is on the brake caliper;
in case of replacement or falling off, it may
cause unusual sound for braking.


3. Install the brake caliper.

1.Install the brake caliper upper bolts 2.
Torque:85 Nm
2. Install the front brake hose 1. 2


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.3-8 Front Disc Brake 2.3.3-8

4. Depress the brake pedal forcibly for more

than 3 times.
WARNING: After maintenance of brake
system, step on the brake pedal forcibly
for more than three times to eliminate the
clearance generated between slave
cylinder and brake pad and brake disc.
Without this step, it would cause no
braking for the first two times!

5. Inspect the brake fluid level and add some

when necessary.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.3-9 Front Disc Brake 2.3.3-9

Brake Caliper
General Equipment

Brake hose clamp

1. Remove the brake hose from the brake

1. Clamp the brake hose through a hose
2.Remove the brake hose connector.
Torque:16 Nm
CAUTION: Seal the brake slave cylinder
inlet to prevent the loss of fluid and the
dirt from entering.

CAUTION: If brake fluid is split on the

paintwork, the affected area must be
immediately washed down with cold

2. Remove brake pad.

Refer to: Brake Disc(2.3.3 Front disc
brake, Removal and Installation).

3. Remove the dust boot 1 and take out brake

slave cylinder 2.


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.3-10 Front Disc Brake 2.3.3-10

4. Remove retaining bolts at two positions of

brake slave cylinder.
Torque:95 Nm



1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Brake System Bleeding
Refer to: Brake System Bleeding
(2.3.1Brake System-Overview, General

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.3-11 Front Disc Brake 2.3.3-11

Brake Disc
1. Remove brake pad
Refer to: Brake Disc (2.3.3 Front disc
brake, Removal and Installation).

2. Remove the brake caliper.

Refer to: Brake caliper (2.3.3 Front disc
brake, Removal and Installation).
3. Suspend the brake caliper 1 with a steel wire
CAUTION: Suspend the brake caliper to 2
prevent the brake hose from stretching.


4. Remove the brake caliper.


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.3-12 Front Disc Brake 2.3.3-12
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Brake System Bleeding
Refer to: Brake System Bleeding
(2.3.1Brake System-Overview, General

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4 Parking Brake and
2.3.4-1 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-1

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Parking brake cable locking nut 20 15 -
Parking brake retaining bolt 20 15 -

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-2 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Parking braking is actuated by the rear brake.
The parking brake system consists of parking
brake,manual braking control mechanism and
parking brake cable.
Parking brake system is a mechanical system
controlling the rear drum/disc brake through a
parking brake control lever. Pull up the parking
brake lever to actuate this system. The brake
lever would function by braking through
controlling the rear drum brake shoe (leading and
trailing shoes) for stretching outward via the
cable, or through controlling the piston of rear
disc brake caliper via the cable. The parking
brake indicator on the instrument panel is turned
on when the parking brake control lever is pulled
up and connected to the ignition switch. Pull up
the lever and depress the button on it, and put
down lever to release the parking brake. The
parking brake indicator in the instrument panel is
turned off.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-3 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-3

General Inspection 3. Loosen the locking nut 2 and adjusting nut 1.

Parking Brake Cable

CAUTION: Inspect the rear drum brake
shoes/rear disc brake for excessive wear 2
before the adjustment.

1. Remove the console.

Refer to: Console (5.1.6 instrument Panel
and Console,Removal and Installation).

2. Release the parking brake lever.


4. Repeat depressing the brake pedal 6 times

and release it.


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-4 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-4
5. Pull the parking cable for four times, and
adjust it.
1.Pull up the parking brake control lever with
4 ratch creaks.
2.Tighten the adjustment nut.
Torque: 11Nm


6. Test the parking brake for normal operation.

7. Install the console.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-5 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-5

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Inspection and Verification
1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious mechanical and
hydraulic damage.
Visual Inspection Chart

•Tire Pressur(s)
•Wheel and Tire
•Brake Fluid Level
•Brake Line Leak

3. Solve the known problems before proceeding

to the next step.
4. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
5. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.
General Equipment

Digital multimeter

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-6 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-6

Symptom Chart
Symptom Possible Causes Solutions
•Adjust the parking brake cable.

•Excessive parking brake control

Refer to: Parking brake cable
lever travel adjustment(2.3.4 Parking Brake
and Control, General
•Repair or Replace new parking brake
•Left and right parking brake Refer to: Parking Brake
cables(seized broken) Cable(2.3.4 Parking Brake and
Control, Removal and
The parking brake will not Installation).
function (Failure) •Replace a new cable equalizer
Poor parking brake force
•Cable Equalizer(Lossen, crack,
Refer to: Parking brake
distorted) control(2.3.4 Parking Brake and
Control, Removal and
•Replace new brake shoes
•Rear brake shoes(Worn to the Refer to: Brake Shoe (2.3.2 Rear
limit) drum brake, Removal and
•Rear drum brake inner the fulcrum
•Replace a new fulcrum post and a new
post and parking control
parking control lever.
lever(distorted and cracked)
•Adjust the parking brake cable.

•Parking brake control lever stroke

Refer to: Parking brake cable
too small. adjustment(2.3.4 Parking Brake
and Control, General
•Repair or Replace new parking brake
•Left and right parking brake Refer to: Parking Brake
Parking brake can’t be cables(seized) Cable(2.3.4 Parking Brake
released (lag)
and Control, Removal and
•Repair or Replace new brake shoes.
•Rear Brake Shoe(Seized, cracked Refer to: Brake Shoe (2.3.2
and distorted) Rear drum brake, Removal and
•Rear Brake Return Spring(Fatigue
•Replace new return springs
and cracked)

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-7 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-7

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•instrument panel fuse
•Instrument wiring harness • Charging Indicator fault when ignitions
connectors switch is in the "ON" position and vehicle
is in parking.
•Instrument power circuit
When the ignition switch is
"ON" and the vehicle is in
Refer to: Charging Indicator
•Instrument earth circuit
the parking, the parking fault when ignitions switch is in
•The wiring harness between the the "ON" position and vehicle is
indicator is not on.
parking brake warning indicator in parking, diagnosis procedure
switch and instrument panel. (4.2.2 Instrument, Symptom
•Parking brake switch Diagnosis and Testing).
•instrument panel
•Parking brake switch Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Harness between parking brake for parking brake indicator lamp
switch and instrument ON (2.3.4 Parking brake and
The parking brake warning (harness connector) operation, Symptom Diagnosis
indicator is always on. and Testing).
•Harness (instrumentcluster -
power, earthing)
•instrument panel

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-8 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-8

Diagnosis Procedure for Parking Brake not Functioning (Fails) /

Poor Parking Brake
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the stroke of parking brake control lever
A.Inspect if the stroke of parking brake control lever is
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Adjust the stroke of parking brake control lever.
Refer to: Parking brake cable
adjustment(2.3.4 Parking Brake and
Control, General inspection).
2.Inspect the parking brake cable.
A.Inspect if the parking brake cable is damaged or
Is it normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair or replace the parking brake cable.
Refer to: Parking Brake Cable (2.3.4
Parking Brake and Control, Removal and
3. Inspect the thickness of rear brake shoe
A.Inspect if the thickness of brake shoe / brake pad is
Is it normal?
Go to step 4.
Replace brake shoes.
Refer to: Brake Shoe (2.3.2 Rear drum
brake, Removal and Installation).
4. Inspect the return spring of rear brake
A.Inspect if return spring of rear drum brake is normal.
Is it normal?
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.
Repair the rear drum brake.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-9 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-9

Diagnosis Procedure for Parking Brake not Releasing (Dragging)

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the stroke of parking brake control lever
A.Inspect if the stroke is normal.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Adjust the stroke of parking brake control lever.
Refer to: Parking brake cable
adjustment(2.3.4 Parking Brake and
Control, General inspection).
2.Inspect the parking brake cable.
A.Inspect if the parking brake cable is damaged or
Is it normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair or replace the parking brake cable.
Refer to: Parking Brake Cable (2.3.4
Parking Brake and Control, Removal and
3. Inspect the rear brake shoe
A.Inspect if the brake shoe / brake pad is working
Is it normal?
Go to step 4.
Replace brake shoes
Refer to: Brake Shoe (2.3.2 Rear drum
brake, Removal and Installation).
4. Inspect the return spring of rear brake
A.Inspect if return spring of rear drum brake is normal.
Is it normal?
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.
Repair the rear drum brake.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-10 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-10

Diagnositc Procedures for Constant on of the Parking Brake

Warning Indicator(1.0 L)
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect parking brake switch
A. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
B.Disconnect the brake switch wiring harness
connector S07
C.Inspect the parking brake switch for reliable
D.Inspect if the switch is turned off when the parking
brake control level is pulled up.
Are all the conditions above satisfied?
Go to step 2.
Repair, adjust or replace a new parking brake
2. Inspect the circuit between harness terminal X02 and S07.
A. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
B.Disconnect the brake switch wiring harness
connector S07.
C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector X02.
D.Measure the resistance between No 1 terminal of
harness joint S07 and body earthing through the
Standard Value:10 MΩ or more
Is the resistance value normal?
A2304015 Go to step 3.
Repair the shorted to earth fault for circuits between
No. 1 terminal of harness joint S07 and No. 3
terminal of harness joint X02.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-11 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-11

3. Inspect the circuit between harness terminal X02 and P04

A. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector X02.
C.Disconnect the instrument wiring harness connector
D.Using a multimeter, measure resistance between
the instrument connector P04 terminal 9 and the
P04 grounding.

1 13
Standard Value:10 MΩ or more
Is the resistance value normal?
Replace the instrument panel
Repair the shorted to earth fault for circuits between
No. 3 terminal of harness joint X02 and No. 9
terminal of harness joint P04.


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-12 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-12

Diagnosis Procedure for Constant on of the Parking Brake

Warning Indicator(1.3 L)
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect parking brake switch
A. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
B.Disconnect the brake switch wiring harness
connector S07.
C.Inspect the parking brake switch for reliable
D.Inspect if the switch is turned off when the parking
brake control level is pulled up.
Are all the conditions above satisfied?
Go to step 2.
Repair, adjust or install a new parking brake switch.
2. Inspect the circuit between harness terminal S07 and X11
A. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
B.Disconnect the brake switch wiring harness
connector S07.
C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector X11.
D.Measure the resistance between No 1 terminal of
harness joint S07 and vehicle earthing through the
Standard Value:10 MΩ or more
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the shorted to earth fault for circuits between
No. 1 terminal of harness joint S07 and No. 3
terminal of harness joint X11.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-13 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-13

3. Inspect the circuit between harness terminal X11 and P04a

A. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector X11.
C.Disconnect the instrument wiring harness connector
D. Using a multimeter, measure resistance between
P04a the instrument connector P4a terminal 9 and the
reliable grounding point.
1 13
Standard Value:10 MΩ or more
Is the resistance value normal?
Replace the instrument panel
Repair the shorted to earth fault for circuits between
No. 3 terminal of harness joint X11 and harness
joint P04a.


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-14 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-14

Removal and Installation

Parking Brake Control
1. Remove the console.
Refer to: Console (5.1.6 Instrument Panel
and Console,Removal and Installation ).

2. Release the parking brake control lever.

3. Loosen the adjustment nut. 2

Nut 1 torque: 11 Nm
Nut 2 torque: 20 Nm


4. Remove retaining bolts at two positions of

parking brake control lever.
Torque:20 Nm


5. Remove the parking brake cable.

6. Disconnect the parking brake indicator switch


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-15 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-15

7. Remove the parking brake control lever.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Adjust the parking brake cable.
Refer to: Parking brake cable adjustment
(2.3.4 Parking Brake and Control, General

Parking brake cable

1. Remove the center console assembly.
Refer to: Console(5.1.6Instrument Panel
and console,Removal and Installation).

2. Release the parking brake control.

3. Loosen the adjusting nut 1, 2, and take out

single clip 3 of front parking cable. 1
Nut 1 torque: 11 Nm
Nut 2 torque: 20 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-16 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-16

4. Remove front parking brake cable.

1. Remove the retaining bolt 1 of front parking
brake cable.
Torque:20 Nm.
2. Move the front parking brake cable towards
the direction as shown in figure.
3. Rotate the terminal of front parking brake
cable for 90 degree to take out front cable.


5. Remove left and right parking brake cables of

rear section. 2
1. Remove the return spring 1 of balance 1
2. Remove retaining nut 2 at two positions as
shown in figure.
Torque:20 Nm
3. Take out balance block 3 and draw out 3
parking brake cable according to the direction
as shown in figure. A2304007

6. Remove retaining screws of all cables as

shown in figure.


7. Remove retaining bracket of rear brake cable.


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-17 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-17

8. Remove the brake shoe.

Refer to: Brake Shoe (2.3.2 Rear drum
brake, Removal and Installation).

9. Remove the parking brake cable.

1. Remove the clip of parking brake cable at
back of brake baseplate.
2.Remove the cable from the braking
secondary shoe.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Adjust the parking brake cable.
Refer to: Parking brake cable
adjustment(2.3.4 Parking Brake and
Control, General inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.4-18 Parking Brake and Operation 2.3.4-18

Parking Brake Warning Lamp Switch

1. Remove the center console.
Refer to: Console(5.1.6Instrument Panel
and Console,Removal and Installation).

2. Pull the parking brake to maximum position.

3. Removal Switch


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.5 Hydraulic
Brake Control
2.3.5-1 Hydraulic Brake Control 2.3.5-1

Material Specifications
Item Specifications
Brake fluid DOT3

Torque specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
The retaining nuts for the connection
between the brake master cylinder and 16 12 -
the pipes.
Retaining bolt of brake pedal assembly 25 18 -
Brake master cylinder retaining nuts. 25 18 -
Retaining bolt of brake kettle bracket. 11 8 -
Brake booster retaining bolts. 13 10 -
Retaining bolt of load sensing valve. 23 17 -
Locking nut between load sensing valve
16 12 -
and oil pipe.
Retaining bolts between load sensing
23 17 -
valve and spring of rear axle.

SC1022 2011.-8
2.3.5-2 Hydraulic Brake Control 2.3.5-2

Description and Operation Booster assembly

System Overview The booster is installed between master cylinder
and brake pedal.It can increase mechanical brake
Mechanical force from brake pedal is converted force through negative pressure of engine
into hydraulic force via a master cylinder, and vacuum by stepping on the brake pedal.
then transmitted to front brake caliper and rear
brake slave cylinder through the brake hard pipe CAUTION: During and after removing the
and hose (the vehicle without anti-locking system booster, do not let the booster drop off or
before rear brake slave cylinder shall be installed deformed.
with LSPV - loading sensing proportional valve),
WARNING: Do not remove the brake
and then the caliper and slave cylinder would
booster assembly.In case of faults, replace
convert the hydraulic force into mechanical force,
it with new booster assembly.
thus making the brake pad and brake shoe press
against the brake disc and brake drum to brake. CAUTION: Tighten the unlubricated
Description and precautions. fastener with specified torque.To remove
any hydraulic components or disconnect
CAUTION: The fasteners on all the brake the brake pipes, exhaust the brake
parts are very important as they would system.
affect performance of main parts and
systems and cause addition of Brake Master Cylinder
maintenance fee. For replacement, use the Transform the mechanical input force into
part with the same or equal number. Do hydraulic output force. Hydraulic output pressure
not use inferior parts. For reassembling, is distributed to two hydraulic oil circuits through a
tighten all the parts with specified torque. master cylinder to provide oil to the brake oil
Do not weld as it would cause metal circuit of H wheel.
damage or softening with large area.
CAUTION: To maintain this master
WARNING: To remove hydraulic cylinder, replace it with original ones from
components or disconnect the brake maintenance pack. Apply clean brake
pipes, exhaust the brake system.Tighten liquid to lubricate the rubber parts for
the unlubricated dry fasteners according assembling. Do not blow the brake parts
to specified torque. via the oily compressed air as it would
cause damages on rubber parts. To
Components Description remove hydraulic components or
disconnect the brake pipes, exhaust the
Brake Pedal
brake system. Tighten the unlubricated
The brake system input force is received, dry fasteners according to specified
amplified and delivered from the driver. torque.

Brake Pedal Push Rod Brake Hard Pipes and Brake hoses.
Deliver the increased brake pedal input force to Pass the brake fluid through each component of
the vacuum booster. the hydraulic brake system.

Brake Master Cylinder Reservoir

Brake fluid used for the hydraulic brake system is
installed inside.

SC1022 2011.-8
2.3.5-3 Hydraulic Brake Control 2.3.5-3
Disc Brake Caliper Assembly Load Sensing Proportional Valve
With only one single piston cylinder, apply force (LSPV)
on the brake pedal to generate hydraulic pressure Load sensing proportional valve (LSPV) is
to the brake pad through the caliper to generate located within the brake circuit connecting master
friction.Hydraulic pressure is evenly acting on the cylinder and rear wheel brake, which can control
piston and caliper cylinder bottom to make the the hydraulic pressure to rear wheel brake
piston move outward, and then the caliper would according to load condition (or load weight) to
move inward and press the disc, and then it would prevent locking of rear wheel too early.It can also
press the brake pad to apply pressure on the release too high pressure to rear wheel brake.If
brake disc to generate braking. the hydraulic circuit of front wheel brake fails, the
pressure generated in the master cylinder would
CAUTION: Lubricate parts and
be provided to rear wheel brake for brake control.
components accordingly and do not blow
them with oily compressed air, which CAUTION: Do not disassemble the load
would damage the rubber parts.To remove sensing proportional valve, otherwise it
parts or pipes, exhaust brake system would damage its original function.In case
first.Tighten the unlubricated dry of any faults, replace it with a new one.
fasteners according to specified torque.
LSPV Consists of the Following Parts.
Rear Drum Brake Assembly 1. Sensor part
The drum brake assembly has a brake shoe Main part of sensor assembly is control stick
clearance self-tuning device, which can keep a and spring.When affected by the load, this
proper clearance between brake drum and brake spring would sense the changes on height
shoe.When depressing on the brake pedal, the and convert this change to load signal.
piston and brake shoe would move toward the
brake drum.When the abrasion and clearance of 2. Hydraulic pressure control part
brake shoe increases, the force on the brake wall This part mainly includes the plunger and
would also increase.If the force exceeds specified valve system engineering to execute
value, the connecting hole of brake shoe would proportion control.
move toward drum side along with the arm on the
support plate, with movement and abrasion of 3. Fault auto safety part
friction lining being equal.Then brake force would It mainly includes piston compartment and
be generated when the brake shoe is pressed fault auto safety piston.Piston compartment
against the brake drum.Moving distance of the would suck hydraulic pressure through front
rod wall is the same as abrasion loss.With wheel brake.If fault auto safety piston fails at
movement of rod arm, the fan rachet would also the front wheel brake system, it would release
move.Because they are integrated as a valve system pressure, which is connected to
whole.The rod arm and rachet would only be well rear wheel brake.
moved and kept till the clearance between brake
shoe and brake drum is larger than the moving Brake Fluid Low Level Warning
distance.Then, when depressing the brake pedal, Indicator
the clearance between brake shoe and drum The instrument panel turns on the brake fluid low
would be adjusted accordingly. level warning indicator when it detects the
CAUTION: To maintain this drum brake, excessive brake fluid low level(The signal circuit
replace the whole parts from the is at electronegative potential.)
maintenance pack.Lubricate parts and
components accordingly.

SC1022 2011.-8
2.3.5-4 Hydraulic Brake Control 2.3.5-4

Removal and Installation

Reservoir Kettle with Bracket Assembly

Item Model
Brake fluid DOT3

CAUTION: If brake fluid is split on the

paintwork, wash the affected area
immediately with cold water.

CAUTION: The reservoir must be clean.

1. Remove the brake fluid low level warning

indicator switch connector 1. 2
2. Remove the reservoir cap 2.


3. Drain the brake fluid from the reservoir.

1.Connect one end of a suitable piece of clear
plastic pipe to the brake caliper bleeding
nozzle and place the other end into a suitable
container. 4
2.Loosen the brake bleeding nozzle.
3.Depress the brake pedal until all the brake
fluid is drained from the brake fluid reservoir.
4.Tighten the brake bleeding nozzle.
5.Install the reservoir cap.
CAUTION: Repeat the draining procedure
on the opposite side brake to drain the
brake fluid in the reservoir.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.5-5 Hydraulic Brake Control 2.3.5-5

4. Remove two retaining nuts from the reservoir

kettle with bracket.

Torque:11 Nm


5. Remove the lower yoke of reservoir kettle.

6. Take out the reservoir kettle with bracket


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Brake System Bleeding
Refer to: Brake System Bleeding
(2.3.1Brake System-Overview, General

CAUTION: If brake fluid is split on the

paintwork, wash the affected area
immediately with cold water.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.5-6 Hydraulic Brake Control 2.3.5-6

Brake Master Cylinder

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection(3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

2. Drain the brake fluid from the reservoir. 3

1.Connect one end of a suitable piece of clear
plastic pipe to the brake caliper bleeding
nozzle and place the other end into a suitable 1
2.Loosen the brake bleeding nozzle. A2305002
3.Depress the brake pedal until all the brake
fluid is drained from the brake fluid reservoir.
4.Tighten the brake bleeding nozzle.
5. Install the reservoir cap.
CAUTION: Repeat the draining procedure
on the opposite side brake.

3. Remove the hose of brake fluid kettle.

CAUTION: If brake fluid is split on the
paintwork, wash the affected area
immediately with cold water.


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.5-7 Hydraulic Brake Control 2.3.5-7

4. Remove the brake pipes.

Torque:16 Nm


5. Remove two retaining nuts of brake master


Torque:13 Nm
6. Take out brake master cylinder.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Brake System Bleeding
Refer to: Brake System Bleeding
(2.3.1Brake System-Overview, General

CAUTION: If brake fluid is split on the

paintwork, wash the affected area
immediately with cold water.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.5-8 Hydraulic Brake Control 2.3.5-8

Load sensing valve

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Inspect the battery(3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).

2. Drain the brake fluid from the reservoir.

1.Connect one end of a suitable piece of clear
plastic pipe to the brake caliper bleeding
nozzle and place the other end into a suitable
2.Loosen the brake bleeding nozzle.
3.Depress the brake pedal until all the brake
fluid is drained from the brake fluid reservoir.
4 Tighten the bleeding nozzle.
5 Install the reservoir cap.
CAUTION: Repeat the draining procedure
on the opposite side brake.

3. Remove retaining bolts between load sensing

valve and spring of rear axle.
Torque:23 Nm


4. Remove connection of brake pipe 1, 2 from

brake master cylinder to load sensing valve,
and connection from brake pipe 3 to brake
slave cylinder.


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.5-9 Hydraulic Brake Control 2.3.5-9

5. Remove two retaining bolts of load sensing

Torque:23 Nm
6. Take out the load sensing valve.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Brake System Bleeding
Refer to: Brake System Bleeding
(2.3.1Brake System-Overview, General

CAUTION: If brake fluid is split on the

paintwork, wash the affected area
immediately with cold water.

Pedal Assembly
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Inspect the battery (3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).
2. Remove the brake master cylinder.
Refer to: Brake master cylinder (2.3.5
Hydraulic brake control, Removal and
3. Remove connection between brake booster
vacuum pipe and pedal assembly.
Torque:10 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.5-10 Hydraulic Brake Control 2.3.5-10

4. Remove the brake lamp switch harness



5. Remove the clutch cable clamp 1 and clutch

cable 2.


6. Remove headlamp assembly.

Refer to: Headlamp(4.2.6 Lighting 1
system,Removal and Installation).
7. Remove the front bumper.
Refer to: Front bumper(5.1.7
Bumper,Removal and Installation).

8. Remove three retaining nuts 1 of pedal 1

bracket assembly and one retaining bolt 2. 1

Torque:25 Nm A2305014

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.5-11 Hydraulic Brake Control 2.3.5-11

9. Take out pedal bracket assembly.

10. Remove brake booster pin 1, and fixing nut 2
of brake booster.
Torque:13 Nm ×4 2


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Brake System Bleeding
Refer to: Brake System Bleeding
(2.3.1Brake System-Overview, General

CAUTION: If brake fluid is split on the

paintwork, wash the affected area
immediately with cold water.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.6 Power Brake

2.3.6-1 Power Brake 2.3.6-1

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Brake booster retaining bolts 13 10 -
Brake master cylinder retaining bolts 13 10 -

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.6-2 Power Brake 2.3.6-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
The brake system input force is increased by the brake pedal and delivered to the vacuum booster by
the brake pedal actuating rod, and then applied to the hydraulic brake master cylinder after the brake
booster assists power. Vacuum booster uses the vacuum source to assist power so as to reduce the
pedal effort by the driver during applying the brake.

Location View


Item Description
1 Brake Booster
2 Brake master cylinder

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.6-3 Power Brake System 2.3.6-3

Removal and Installation

Brake Booster
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to:Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).

2. Remove the left headlamp assembly.

Refer to:Headlamp (4.2.6 Lighting System,
Removal and Installation).

3. Remove the instrument panel.

Refer to:Instrument Panel (5.1.6
Instrument Panel and Console,Removal
and Installation).

4. Disconnect the stop lamp switch harness



5. Remove brake master cylinder.

Refer to:Brake master cylinder and Brake
Fluid Reservoir (2.3.5 Hydraulic Brake
Control,Removal and Installation).

WARNING: If brake fluid is splited on the

paintwork, wash the affected area
immediately with cold water.

SC1022 2011.08
2.3.6-4 Power Brake System 2.3.6-4

6. Remove the brake booster vacuum pipe.

7. Remove the retaining bolt of brake booster
vacuum pipe.
Torque:10 Nm


8. Remove the clutch wire.


9. Remove three retaining nut 1 and one

retaining bolt 2 of pedal bracket assembly,
and take out bracket assembly and brake
booster. 1
Torque:25 Nm
1 2


10. Take out brake pedal bracket with booster

11. Remove fixing bolt 1 at four positions of brake
booster and take out connecting pin 2 of rod 2
and pedal arm.
Torque:13 Nm 2

2 2


SC1022 2011.08
2.3.6-5 Power Brake System 2.3.6-5

12. Take out the brake booster.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Brake System Bleeding.
Refer to:Brake System Bleeding
(2.3.1Brake System-Overview, General

WARNING: Make sure that the brake

booster push rod is correctly located.

WARNING: Make sure that the brake

master cylinder vacuum seals are
correctly located.

SC1022 2011.08
Steering System

2.4 Steering System

2011 SC1022
Table of Contents Pages

2.4.1 Steering System - Overview

Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 2.4.1-1
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 2.4.1-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 2.4.1-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 2.4.1-2
Components Description .......................................................................................................... 2.4.1-3
Components Exploded View..................................................................................................... 2.4.1-4
General Inspection........................................................................................................................... 2.4.1-6
Inspect the Steering Linkage .................................................................................................... 2.4.1-6
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 2.4.1-7
Inspection and Verification........................................................................................................ 2.4.1-7
Symptom Chart......................................................................................................................... 2.4.1-8
Diagnosis Procedure for Shaking of Steering Wheel While Braking ...................................... 2.4.1-11

2.4.2 Steering gear

Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 2.4.2-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 2.4.2-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 2.4.2-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 2.4.2-2
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 2.4.2-3
Removal and Installation.................................................................................................................. 2.4.2-4
Tie Rod Ball Joint...................................................................................................................... 2.4.2-4
Dust Boot of Steering Gear....................................................................................................... 2.4.2-5
Steering Gear ........................................................................................................................... 2.4.2-6

2.4.3 Steering Column

Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 2.4.3-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 2.4.3-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 2.4.3-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 2.4.3-2
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 2.4.3-3
Removal and Installation.................................................................................................................. 2.4.3-4
Steering Wheel ......................................................................................................................... 2.4.3-4

SC1022 2011.08
Steering System
Steering Column .......................................................................................................................2.4.3-5

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.1 Steering System - Overview

2.4.1-1 Steering System - General Information 2.4.1-1

General Specifications
Item Specifications
Minimum turning diameter ≤9m

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.1-2 Steering System - General Information 2.4.1-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Changan SC1022 applies mechanical steering system. Steering system is usually made up of steering
operation mechanism, steering gear and steering drive mechanism. The force applied on the steering
wheel by the driver would be transmitted to the steering gear through steering column. Steering gear
would convert this rotation into straight-line movement through its internal gear rack. This line movement
would be transmitted to steering knuckle through steering rod and rod joint, and then make the steering
knuckle and its supported steering wheel deflect, thus changing the running direction of the vehicle.


SC1022 2011.08
2.4.1-3 Steering System - General Information 2.4.1-3

Components Description
Steering Column
Besides steering function, steering column is also equipped with multi-direction steering wheel lock (anti-
theft lock) that has been through strict tests, which is installed with lock core with high safety. It can lock
the ignition and steering wheel to prevent the vehicle from being stolen.


Steering Gear
It is a common gear rack type. And it includes two main parts: rack and pinion. When the steering wheel
rotates, the power would be transmitted to steering column, universal joint and then pinion. The pinion is
then meshed with the rack, and the power would be transmitted to the rack, making it linear movement.
Then this power would be transmitted to steering knuckle and steering wheel through the steering rod.
This type of steering gear features with simple structure, high drive efficiency, and low cost and high
rigidity, making the vehicle with sound operation stability.

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.1-4 Steering System - General Information 2.4.1-4

Components Exploded View


3 6

19 8





14 13

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.1-5 Steering System - General Information 2.4.1-5

Item Description Item Description

1 Steering tie rod ball joint 11 Steering rack plunger
2 Retaining nut of steering tie rod ball joint 12 Upper gum cover
3 Cotter pin 13 Pinion side bushing
4 Steering tie rod 14 Pinion bracket
5 Lock washer of steering tie rod 15 Rack bracket
6 Steering rack 16 Rack side bushing
7 Clamp 17 Steering rack casing and gear box assembly
8 Clamp 18 Oil seal
9 Locking nut of steering tie rod ball joint 19 Dust boot
10 Steering pinion

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.1-6 Steering System - General Information 2.4.1-6

General Inspection
Inspect the Steering Linkage
Inspect if dust boot of steering gear is damaged,
corroded or distorted. Ensure dust boot is safe
and reliable. If necessary, replace the dust boot or
1. Park the vehicle on a dry and smooth road,
and pull up parking brake. Turn the direction
to the center.
2. Shut off the engine and hold the steering
wheel tightly with hands. Shake it forcibly up
and down and left and right (do not rotate the
steering wheel), and inspect if the bearing is
worn, steering coupling, steering wheel or
steering column is loose. If so, inspect the
torque of retaining bolts of steering column,
coupling and steering wheel. As the steering
column cannot be repaired; if necessary,
replace it.
Refer to:Steering Column (2.4.3 Steering
Column,Removal and Installation).

3. If steering linkage is damaged, replace it if

Refer to:Steering Column (2.4.3 Steering
Column,Removal and Installation).

As the steering column cannot be repaired; if

necessary, replace it.
Refer to:Steering Column (2.4.3 Steering
Column,Removal and Installation).

As the clearance of steering gear cannot be

adjusted, replace it if necessary.

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.1-7 Steering System - General Information 2.4.1-7

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Inspection and Verification
1. Verify the customer's concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
Visual Inspection Chart

•Wheel and tire
•Tire pressure
•Steering gear box
•Steering tie rod end
•Steering column
•Universal joint of
steering shaft
•Front arm ball pin and
•Wheel bearing
•Steering gear pinion and
•Front strut and spring

3. If an obvious cause for an observed or

reported concern is found, correct the cause
(if possible) before proceeding to the next
4. If the concern is not visually evident, verify
the symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.1-8 Steering System - General Information 2.4.1-8

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs and cannot be diagnosed through basic inspection, carry out diagnosis and
troubleshooting according to sequences below.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Adjust it and if necessary, replace the steering
•Turning interference Refer to:Steering Column (2.4.3
Steering Column,Removal and
Noise in the steering
column •Replace the steering gear

•Steering gear Refer to:Steering gear (2.4.2

Steering gear,Removal and
•Steering linkage loose •Fasten
•Brake disc and brake shoe Refer to:Diagnosis procedure for
•Tire shaking steering wheel while
braking (2.4.1 Steering system -
Steering wheel shaking •Wheel alignment Overview, Symptom Diagnosis and
while braking •Tie rod ball joint Testing).
•Front swing arm ball joint
•Steering gear

•Wheel alignment Refer to:Diagnosis chart for

steering wheel deviating from
Steering wheel deviating •Steering system parts
center position (2.1.1 Suspension
from center position
•Front hub bearing loose or System - Overview, Symptom
retaining bolt loose Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.1-9 Steering System - General Information 2.4.1-9

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Replace the ie rod ball joint
•Serious abrasion for tie rod Refer to:Tie Rod Ball Joint (2.4.2
ball joint Steering Gear,Removal and
•Replace the front swing arm
•Front swing arm ball joint Refer to:Front swing arm
jamming assembly(2.1.2 Front Suspension,
Removal and Installation).
•Replace the steering column

•Steering column jamming Refer to:Steering Column (2.4.3

Steering Column,Removal and
•loose between steering gear
and front shaft

•Inspect, repair or lubricate the rack and pinion,

Steering return function and if necessary, replace the steering gear.
unusual •Poor lubrication for rack and
pinion Refer to:Steering Gear (2.4.2
Steering Gear,Removal and
•Replace the steering gear

•Rack bending Refer to:Steering gear (2.4.2

Steering gear,Removal and
•Improper adjustment for rack
and pinion

•Tire pressure too low •Renew tire pressure

•Adjust the wheel alignment parameter to
specified value

•Incorrect wheel alignment Refer to:Front wheel front toe-in

inspect procedure ( 2.1.1
Suspension System-Overview,
General inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.1-10 Steering System - General Information 2.4.1-10

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Seat piston loose •Retighten
•Worn universal joint of Refer to:Steering Column (2.4.3
steering shaft Steering Column,Removal and
•Replace the steering tie head or steering tie
•Steering tie rod head or
inside ball joint wear Refer to:Tie Rod Ball Joint (2.4.2
Steering wheel with too
Steering Gear,Removal and
large steering clearance
•loose mounting bolt of
steering gear

•loose tie rod ball joint •Retighten

•Replace the front swing arm
•Front swing arm ball joint Refer to:Front swing arm assembly
abrasion (2.1.2 Front Suspension, Removal
and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.1-11 Steering System - General Information 2.4.1-11

Diagnosis Procedure for Shaking of Steering Wheel While Braking

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the wheel and tire
A.Inspect if the tire model, pressure, and tread
abrasion is close, and the tire has eccentric wear.
B.Inspect if wheels are distorted, deformed or
Inspect if tires and wheels are normal?
Go to step 2.
Adjust or replace wheels, tires.
2. Inspect brake disc and brake pad
A.Inspect the brake disc.
Refer to:Brake disc runout inspect (2.3.1
Brake System-Overview, General
B.Inspect the brake pad.
Refer to:Brake pad(2.3.4 Front Disc Brake,
Removal and Installation).
Inspect if brake disc and brake pad is normal?
Go to step 3.
Adjust or replace brake disc, brake pad.
3. Inspect wheel alignment
A.Inspect wheel alignment
Refer to:Front wheel front toe-in inspect
procedure (2.1.1 Suspension System-
Overview, General inspection).
Wheel alignment parameter normal?
Go to step 4.
Adjust the wheel alignment parameter.
Refer to:Front wheel front toe-in inspect
procedure (2.1.1 Suspension System-
Overview, General inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.1-12 Steering System - General Information 2.4.1-12

4. Inspect the tie rod ball joint and front swing arm ball joint
A.Lift vehicle
Refer to:Lifting(1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).
B.Inspect the tie rod ball joint and front swing arm ball
Is the ball joint normal?
Replace the steering gear.
Refer to:Steering gear (2.4.2 Steering
gear,Removal and Installation).
Replace the tie rod ball joint .
Refer to:Tie rod ball joint (2.4.2 Steering
gear,Removal and Installation).
Replace front swing arm ball joint .
Refer to:Front swing arm and arm ball
joint pin (2.1.2 Front Suspension,
Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.2 Steering gear

2.4.2-1 Steering Gear 2.4.2-1

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Retaining nut of steering tie rod ball joint 43 32 -
Lock nut of tie rod ball joint 45 33 -
Retaining bolt of steering gear 25 18 -
Wheel nut 90 66 -

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.2-2 Steering Gear 2.4.2-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Steering tie rod is connected with steering gear, and transmits the movement of steering gear to the
wheel through following parts:
• Steering tie rod
• Tie rod ball joint
• Steering knuckle
Connect the steering tie rod ball joint and rod closely through a lock nut.



Item Description Item Description

1 Steering knuckle 4 Steering tie rod
2 Retaining nut of tie rod ball joint 5 Lock nut of tie rod ball joint
3 Tie rod ball joint

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.2-3 Steering Gear 2.4.2-3

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Refer to: Symptom Chart (2.4.1 Steering
System - General Information, Symptom
Diagnose and Testing ) .

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.2-4 Steering Gear 2.4.2-4

Removal and Installation

Tie Rod Ball Joint
1. Remove the front wheels.
Refer to: Wheel and Tire(2.1.4 Wheel and
Tire,Removal and Installation).

2. Loosen the tie rod.

1. Loosen the lock nut 1. 1
Torque:45 Nm.
2. Remove the cotter pin 2.
3.Remove the retaining nut 3.
Torque:43 Nm.


3. Remove the tie rod ball joint with a special

CAUTION: When the tie rod ball joint is
separated from the steering knuckle,
protect the oil seal.


4. Remove the tie rod ball joint and lock nut.

CAUTION: Record the number of turns
while removing the tie rod ball joint.

CAUTION: Make sure the number of

tightened circles of tie rod ball joint is the
same as that recorded while being
removed. If the number of turns is
unknown, inspect if the thread length is
the same at two sides while installing the
tie rod.

CAUTION: Inspect the front toe-in and A2402003

adjust it accordingly, and make four-wheel

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.2-5 Steering Gear 2.4.2-5
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

Dust Boot of Steering Gear

1. Remove the tie rod ball joint.
Refer to: Tie rod ball joint (2.4.2 Steering
gear,Removal and Installation).

CAUTION: Make sure the tie rod is clean

before removal of dust boot.

2. Remove the outer clamp of dust boot.

1. Remove the clip and clamp of dust boot
with a proper tool.
2. Take out the dust boot of steering gear.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.2-6 Steering Gear 2.4.2-6

Steering Gear
1. Remove the tie rod ball joint.
Refer to: Tie rod ball joint (2.4.2 Steering
gear,Removal and Installation).

2. Remove the clamping bolt of universal joint of

steering column.
Torque:25 Nm.


3. Remove five retaining bolts of steering gear.

Torque:25 Nm.
4. Remove the steering gear assembly. ×4


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.3 Steering
2.4.3-1 Steering Column 2.4.3-1

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Retaining nut of steering wheel 33 24 -
Retaining bolt of steering column 25 18 -
Clamping bolt of steering shaft universal
25 18 -

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.3-2 Steering Column 2.4.3-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Steering column is a part for the steering system connecting steering gear.


Item Description Item Description

Steering upper shaft with bracket
1 Steering lower shaft 4
Clamping bolt of steering shaft universal
2 5 Retaining nut of steering wheel
3 Retaining bolt of steering column 6 Dust boot of steering shaft

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.3-3 Steering Column 2.4.3-3

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Refer to: Symptom Chart (2.4.1 Steering
System - General Information, Symptom
Diagnose and Testing ).

SC1022 2011.08
2.4.3-4 Steering Column 2.4.3-4

Removal and Installation

Steering Wheel
CAUTION: Ensure the steering wheel is
locked and the wheel is at right ahead.
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).
2. Remove one retaining screw each at two
sides of horn hood.


3. Take out the horn hood, and disconnect the

connector of control line.


4. Remove steering wheel retaining nut.

Torque:33 Nm
5. Remove the steering wheel .
CAUTION: For easy installation, mark it
while removing.


SC1022 2011.08
2.4.3-5 Steering Column 2.4.3-5
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: After installation, carry out
road test; ensure the steering wheel is at
center position while the vehicle is
running straight-line.

Steering Column
CAUTION: Ensure the steering wheel is
locked and the wheel is at right ahead.

1. Disconnect the negative cable.

Refer to: Battery Inspection(3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

2. Remove the steering wheel .

Refer to: Steering Wheel (2.4.3 Steering
Column,Removal and Installation).

3. Remove the light combination switch.

Refer to: Lighting combination
switch(4.2.6 Lighting System, Removal
and Installation).

4. Remove the ignition switch.

Refer to: Ignition Switch(3.3.8 Ignition
System,Remove and Installation)

5. Remove the clamping bolt of steering

universal joint.

Torque:25 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
2.4.3-6 Steering Column 2.4.3-6

6. Remove four retaining bolts of steering


Torque:25 Nm


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: For installation of retaining bolt
of steering column, do not tighten first;
after all bolts are ready, tighten it with
specified torque.

SC1022 2011.08


3.1 Engine- 1.0 L(466Q4)

3.1.1 Engine System - Overview................................................................................................ 3.1.1-1
3.1.2 Mechanical System........................................................................................................... 3.1.2-1
3.1.3 Lubrication System ........................................................................................................... 3.1.3-1
3.1.4 Cooling System................................................................................................................. 3.1.4-1
3.1.5 Air Intake System.............................................................................................................. 3.1.5-1
3.1.6 Exhaust System ................................................................................................................ 3.1.6-1
3.1.7 Fuel System ...................................................................................................................... 3.1.7-1
3.1.8 Ignition system .................................................................................................................. 3.1.8-1
3.1.9 Start System...................................................................................................................... 3.1.9-1
3.1.10 Charging System .......................................................................................................... 3.1.10-1
3.1.11 Emission Control System .............................................................................................. 3.1.11-1
3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7...................................................................................... 3.1.12-1

3.2 Engine-1.0 L(465Q)

3.2.1 Engine System1.0 L(465Q) - Overview ............................................................................ 3.2.1-1

3.3 Engine - 1.3 L(474Q7)

3.3.1 Engine System - Overview................................................................................................ 3.3.1-1
3.3.2 Mechanical System........................................................................................................... 3.3.2-1
3.3.3 Lubrication System ........................................................................................................... 3.3.3-1
3.3.4 Cooling System................................................................................................................. 3.3.4-1
3.3.5 Air Intake System.............................................................................................................. 3.3.5-1
3.3.6 Exhaust System ................................................................................................................ 3.3.6-1
3.3.7 Fuel System ...................................................................................................................... 3.3.7-1
3.3.8 Ignition System ................................................................................................................. 3.3.8-1
3.3.9 Start System...................................................................................................................... 3.3.9-1
3.3.10 Charging System .......................................................................................................... 3.3.10-1

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.11 Emission Control System .............................................................................................. 3.3.11-1
3.3.12 Electronic Control System - M7.....................................................................................3.3.12-1

3.4 Manual Transmission/Transaxle,Cluth

3.4.1 Manual transmission - MR508A10 Clutch- Overview........................................................3.4.1-1
3.4.2 Clutch ................................................................................................................................3.4.2-1
3.4.3 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 ...................................................................................3.4.3-1
3.4.4 External Control of Manual Transmission .........................................................................3.4.4-1
3.4.5 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch-Overview........................................................3.4.5-1
3.4.6 Manual Transmission- MR510B04 ....................................................................................3.4.6-1

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.0L(466Q4)

3.1 Engine- 1.0 L(466Q4)

2011 SC1022
Table of Contents Pages

3.1.1 Engine System - Overview

Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 3.1.1-1

3.1.2 Mechanical System

Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 3.1.2-1
Material Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.1.2-1
Component Specifications ........................................................................................................ 3.1.2-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 3.1.2-5
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.1.2-5
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 3.1.2-7
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 3.1.2-8
Components Exploded View..................................................................................................... 3.1.2-8
General Inspection......................................................................................................................... 3.1.2-18
Inspect the Cylinder Compressing Pressure .......................................................................... 3.1.2-18
Inspect The Accessory Drive Belt........................................................................................... 3.1.2-19
Inspect the tension of Accessory Belt..................................................................................... 3.1.2-20
Inspect and Adjust The Valve Clearance................................................................................ 3.1.2-21
Inspect and Adjust by Cylinder ............................................................................................... 3.1.2-22
Timing Inspection.................................................................................................................... 3.1.2-23
Symptom diagnostic and Testing ................................................................................................... 3.1.2-24
Inspection and Verification...................................................................................................... 3.1.2-24
Symptom Chart....................................................................................................................... 3.1.2-25
Abnormal Noise In The Lower Part of The Engine Diagnosis ................................................ 3.1.2-28
Drive Belt Noise...................................................................................................................... 3.1.2-30
Engine Backfire ...................................................................................................................... 3.1.2-32
Engine Knock ......................................................................................................................... 3.1.2-35
Abnormal Exhaust(Blue Smoke) ............................................................................................ 3.1.2-37
Abnormal Exhaust(Black Smoke)........................................................................................... 3.1.2-39
Noise Symptoms of Connecting Rod and Connecting Rod Bearing. ..................................... 3.1.2-40
Piston and Piston Pin Noise ................................................................................................... 3.1.2-43
Valve Train Noise.................................................................................................................... 3.1.2-46
The Engine Can Not be Started-The Crankshaft Can Not be Turned .................................... 3.1.2-51
Disassembly and Assembly ........................................................................................................... 3.1.2-53

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.0L(466Q4)
Rocker\Rocker Shaft and Camshaft .......................................................................................3.1.2-53
Valve and Cylinder Head ........................................................................................................3.1.2-65
Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting Rod and Cylinder ................................................................3.1.2-80
Main Bearing, Crankshaft and Cylinder Block ........................................................................3.1.2-95
Removal and Installation .............................................................................................................. 3.1.2-111
Cylinder Head Cover ............................................................................................................ 3.1.2-111
Accessory Drive Belt............................................................................................................. 3.1.2-113
Timing Gear .......................................................................................................................... 3.1.2-114
Engine Assembly ..................................................................................................................3.1.2-127

3.1.3 Lubrication System

Specifications ...................................................................................................................................3.1.3-1
Material Specifications ..............................................................................................................3.1.3-1
Component Specifications ........................................................................................................3.1.3-1
General Specifications ..............................................................................................................3.1.3-1
Torque Specifications ................................................................................................................3.1.3-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................3.1.3-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................3.1.3-2
Location View............................................................................................................................3.1.3-3
Components Exploded View.....................................................................................................3.1.3-5
General Inspection ...........................................................................................................................3.1.3-6
Inspect the Engine Oil Pressure. ..............................................................................................3.1.3-6
Inspect the Engine Oil Level. ....................................................................................................3.1.3-6
Replace Engine Oil. ..................................................................................................................3.1.3-7
Replace the Engine Oil Filter. ...................................................................................................3.1.3-8
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ......................................................................................................3.1.3-9
Inspection and Verification ........................................................................................................3.1.3-9
Symptom Chart .......................................................................................................................3.1.3-10
Diagnostic Procedures for Continuous on of the Engine Oil Pressure Warning Lamp ........... 3.1.3-11
Diagnostic Procedures for the Switch-off of the Engine Oil Pressure Warning Lamp.............3.1.3-14
Diagnostic Procedures for the Abnormal Consumption of the Engine Oil ..............................3.1.3-17
Removal and Installation ................................................................................................................3.1.3-17
Engine Oil Pan and Pil Pump Filter ........................................................................................3.1.3-17
Oil Pump .................................................................................................................................3.1.3-20

3.1.4 Cooling System

Specifications ...................................................................................................................................3.1.4-1
Component Specifications ........................................................................................................3.1.4-1

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.0L(466Q4)
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.1.4-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 3.1.4-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 3.1.4-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 3.1.4-2
Components Description .......................................................................................................... 3.1.4-4
Location View ........................................................................................................................... 3.1.4-5
Components Exploded View..................................................................................................... 3.1.4-6
General Inspection........................................................................................................................... 3.1.4-7
Inspect the Coolant Level. ........................................................................................................ 3.1.4-7
Inspect the Coolant Leak(s)...................................................................................................... 3.1.4-8
Coolant Draining and Filling ..................................................................................................... 3.1.4-8
Inspect the Drive Belt Tension. ................................................................................................. 3.1.4-9
Thermostat Testing ................................................................................................................. 3.1.4-10
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing.................................................................................................... 3.1.4-11
Inspection and Verification...................................................................................................... 3.1.4-11
Symptom Chart....................................................................................................................... 3.1.4-12
The Diagnostic Procedure for Non-Operation of the Fan ....................................................... 3.1.4-15
Diagnostic Procedure for Constant Rotation of Electric Fan. ................................................. 3.1.4-19
Removal and Installation................................................................................................................ 3.1.4-21
Coolant Draining..................................................................................................................... 3.1.4-21
Cooling Water Pipe of The Radiator ....................................................................................... 3.1.4-23
Cooling Drain Pipe of The Radiator........................................................................................ 3.1.4-25
Upper Cooling Water Pipe of The Engine............................................................................... 3.1.4-27
Lower Cooling Water Pipe of The Engine............................................................................... 3.1.4-28
Floor Water Pipe Assembly .................................................................................................... 3.1.4-29
Thermostat ............................................................................................................................. 3.1.4-31
Electrical Fan.......................................................................................................................... 3.1.4-33
Radiator .................................................................................................................................. 3.1.4-35
Heater Water Valve................................................................................................................. 3.1.4-37
Water Pump............................................................................................................................ 3.1.4-39

3.1.5 Air Intake System

Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 3.1.5-1
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.1.5-1
Torque specifications ................................................................................................................ 3.1.5-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 3.1.5-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 3.1.5-2
Components Description .......................................................................................................... 3.1.5-2

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.0L(466Q4)
Components Exploded View.....................................................................................................3.1.5-3
General Inspection ...........................................................................................................................3.1.5-4
Inspect the Vacuum Degree of the Intake Air System. .............................................................3.1.5-4
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ......................................................................................................3.1.5-5
Inspection and Verification ........................................................................................................3.1.5-5
Symptom Chart .........................................................................................................................3.1.5-6
Diagnosis Procedures for Intake Air Leak(s) ............................................................................3.1.5-7
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................3.1.5-8
Air Filter Element ......................................................................................................................3.1.5-8
Air Intake Manifold ....................................................................................................................3.1.5-9

3.1.6 Exhaust System

Specifications ...................................................................................................................................3.1.6-1
General Specifications ..............................................................................................................3.1.6-1
Torque Specifications ................................................................................................................3.1.6-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................3.1.6-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................3.1.6-2
Components Description...........................................................................................................3.1.6-2
Location View............................................................................................................................3.1.6-3
Components Exploded View.....................................................................................................3.1.6-4
General Inspection ...........................................................................................................................3.1.6-5
Exhaust Backpressure Testing .................................................................................................3.1.6-5
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ......................................................................................................3.1.6-6
Inspection and Verification ........................................................................................................3.1.6-6
Symptom Chart .........................................................................................................................3.1.6-7
Diagnostic Procedures for Exhaust System Blockage..............................................................3.1.6-8
Removal and Installation ................................................................................................................3.1.6-10
Exhaust Manifold ....................................................................................................................3.1.6-10
Three-Way Catalytic Convertor...............................................................................................3.1.6-13
Muffler .....................................................................................................................................3.1.6-14

3.1.7 Fuel System

Specification .....................................................................................................................................3.1.7-1
Component Specifications ........................................................................................................3.1.7-1
General Specifications ..............................................................................................................3.1.7-1
Torque Specifications ................................................................................................................3.1.7-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................3.1.7-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................3.1.7-2

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.0L(466Q4)
Components Description .......................................................................................................... 3.1.7-2
Location View ........................................................................................................................... 3.1.7-3
Components Exploded View..................................................................................................... 3.1.7-4
General Inspection........................................................................................................................... 3.1.7-5
Fuel System Pressure Test....................................................................................................... 3.1.7-5
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 3.1.7-6
Inspection and Verification........................................................................................................ 3.1.7-6
Symptom Chart......................................................................................................................... 3.1.7-7
Diagnose procedure for fuel pump failure ................................................................................ 3.1.7-9
Diagnose Procedure for Fuel Heavey Smell .......................................................................... 3.1.7-15
Disassembly and Assembly ........................................................................................................... 3.1.7-17
Fuel Pump .............................................................................................................................. 3.1.7-17
Removal and Installation................................................................................................................ 3.1.7-19
Fuel pump assembly............................................................................................................... 3.1.7-19
Fuel filter................................................................................................................................. 3.1.7-22
Fuel tank................................................................................................................................. 3.1.7-24
The Circuit Between Fuel Pump and Oil Filter Bracket Assembly.......................................... 3.1.7-27
The Circuit Between Fuel Filteer Bracket Assembly and Fuel Rail ........................................ 3.1.7-28

3.1.8 Ignition system

Specification..................................................................................................................................... 3.1.8-1
Component Specifications ........................................................................................................ 3.1.8-1
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.1.8-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 3.1.8-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 3.1.8-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 3.1.8-2
Components Exploded View..................................................................................................... 3.1.8-3
General Inspection........................................................................................................................... 3.1.8-4
Ignition Spark Test .................................................................................................................... 3.1.8-4
Ignition Coil Test ....................................................................................................................... 3.1.8-4
High-Voltage Wire Test ............................................................................................................. 3.1.8-5
Spark Plug Test......................................................................................................................... 3.1.8-5
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 3.1.8-6
Inspection and Verification........................................................................................................ 3.1.8-6
Symptom Chart......................................................................................................................... 3.1.8-7
Diagnosis Procedure for Spark Plug is not Flash Over ............................................................ 3.1.8-8
Diagnosis Procedure for Insufficient Engine Power ............................................................... 3.1.8-12

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.0L(466Q4)
Removal and Installation ................................................................................................................3.1.8-14
Ignition Coil .............................................................................................................................3.1.8-14
High-Voltage Damping Wire....................................................................................................3.1.8-15
Ignition Switch.........................................................................................................................3.1.8-16

3.1.9 Start System

Description and Operation................................................................................................................3.1.9-1
System Overview ......................................................................................................................3.1.9-1
Components Description...........................................................................................................3.1.9-1
Location View............................................................................................................................3.1.9-2
Components Exploded View.....................................................................................................3.1.9-3
General Inspection ...........................................................................................................................3.1.9-5
Solenoid Switch Testing ............................................................................................................3.1.9-5
Pinion Return Test ....................................................................................................................3.1.9-6
Test Without Load .....................................................................................................................3.1.9-6
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ......................................................................................................3.1.9-7
Inspection and Verification ........................................................................................................3.1.9-7
Diagnosis Procedure for Starter Motor Fails .............................................................................3.1.9-9
Diagnosis Procedure for Starter Motor Fails to Shut Down .................................................... 3.1.9-11
Diagnosis Procedure for Starting Motor Running Slowly ........................................................3.1.9-12
Disassembly and Assembly ...........................................................................................................3.1.9-14
Starter Motor ...........................................................................................................................3.1.9-14
Removal and Installation ................................................................................................................3.1.9-16
Starter Motor ...........................................................................................................................3.1.9-16

3.1.10 Charging System

Specifications .................................................................................................................................3.1.10-1
Component Specifications ......................................................................................................3.1.10-1
Torque Specifications ..............................................................................................................3.1.10-2
Description and Operation..............................................................................................................3.1.10-3
System Overview ....................................................................................................................3.1.10-3
Components Description.........................................................................................................3.1.10-4
Location View..........................................................................................................................3.1.10-5
Components Exploded View...................................................................................................3.1.10-6
General Inspection .........................................................................................................................3.1.10-8
Battery Inspection ...................................................................................................................3.1.10-8
Battery Charging. ....................................................................................................................3.1.10-8
Battery Parasitic Current Test .................................................................................................3.1.10-9

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.0L(466Q4)
Generator Test...................................................................................................................... 3.1.10-10
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing.................................................................................................. 3.1.10-11
Inspection and Verification.................................................................................................... 3.1.10-11
Symptom Chart..................................................................................................................... 3.1.10-12
Diagnosis Procedure for Battery under Charge.................................................................... 3.1.10-13
Diagnosis Procedure for Battery Overcharged..................................................................... 3.1.10-14
Diagnosis Procedure for Charging Indicator Always On ...................................................... 3.1.10-15
Diagnosis Procedure for Charge Indicator Not On ............................................................... 3.1.10-17
Diagnosis Procedure for Generator Noise............................................................................ 3.1.10-19
Disassembly and Assembly ......................................................................................................... 3.1.10-20
Removal and Installation.............................................................................................................. 3.1.10-23
Battery .................................................................................................................................. 3.1.10-23
Generator ............................................................................................................................. 3.1.10-25

3.1.11 Emission Control System

Description and Operation ............................................................................................................. 3.1.11-1
System Overview.................................................................................................................... 3.1.11-1
Components Description ........................................................................................................ 3.1.11-2
Location View ......................................................................................................................... 3.1.11-3
General Inspection......................................................................................................................... 3.1.11-5
PCV Inspection....................................................................................................................... 3.1.11-5
Evaporative Emission Carbon Canister Inspection ................................................................ 3.1.11-5
Evaporative Emission Carbon Canister Purge Valve Inspection ............................................ 3.1.11-5
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing.................................................................................................... 3.1.11-6
Inspection and Verification...................................................................................................... 3.1.11-6
Symptom Chart....................................................................................................................... 3.1.11-7
Diagnosis Procedure for Carbon Canister Purge Solenoid not Working ................................ 3.1.11-8
Removal and Installation................................................................................................................ 3.1.11-9
PCV valve............................................................................................................................... 3.1.11-9
EVAP Solenoid Valve............................................................................................................ 3.1.11-10
Active Carbon Canister..........................................................................................................3.1.11-11

3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7

Specifications ................................................................................................................................. 3.1.12-1
Torque Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.1.12-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................. 3.1.12-2
System Overview.................................................................................................................... 3.1.12-2
Control System Function Overview ........................................................................................ 3.1.12-4

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.0L(466Q4)
Fault Diagnosis Function Overview ........................................................................................3.1.12-8
Components Description.........................................................................................................3.1.12-9
Component Position .............................................................................................................3.1.12-16
General inspection .......................................................................................................................3.1.12-18
DTC's Reading Procedure ....................................................................................................3.1.12-18
Implement the Components Testing Procedure....................................................................3.1.12-18
Data Flow Read Procedure...................................................................................................3.1.12-18
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ..................................................................................................3.1.12-19
Inspection and Verification ....................................................................................................3.1.12-19
Intermittent Malfunction Diagnosis Procedure ......................................................................3.1.12-20
Symptom Chart .....................................................................................................................3.1.12-23
Diagnosis Procedure for the Engine Can not Start at Normal Start Speed ...........................3.1.12-27
Diagnosis Procedure for Cold Start Problems ......................................................................3.1.12-30
Diagnosis Procedure of Difficult Warm Start .........................................................................3.1.12-33
Diagnosis Procedure for Start Normal,But Unstable Idling at all Time..................................3.1.12-35
Diagnosis procedure for start normal when partial load (e.g.A/C is on),unstable idling or vehicle
flameout. ...............................................................................................................................3.1.12-39
Diagnosis Procedure for Start Normal,Idling is too High.......................................................3.1.12-41
Acceleration Fault Diagnosis Procedure...............................................................................3.1.12-44
Diagnosis Procedure for Engine Unstable Running..............................................................3.1.12-48
Diagnosis Procedure for Easy Flameout at Start ..................................................................3.1.12-52
Diagnosis Procedure for Emergency Occurs During Running..............................................3.1.12-59
Diagnosis Procedure for Flameout during Coasting .............................................................3.1.12-63
Control Module Terminal List ................................................................................................3.1.12-67
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type...................................................................................3.1.12-70
DTC Code List ......................................................................................................................3.1.12-71
Failure Protection List ...........................................................................................................3.1.12-75
Data Flow list ........................................................................................................................3.1.12-80
Actuator Test List ..................................................................................................................3.1.12-83
DTC Diagnosis Procedure Index ..........................................................................................3.1.12-86
DTC P0016 ...........................................................................................................................3.1.12-90
DTC P0030, P0031, P0032, P0053 ......................................................................................3.1.12-96
DTC P0036, P0037, P0038, P0054 ....................................................................................3.1.12-101
DTC P0105, P0106, P0107, P0108 ....................................................................................3.1.12-106
DTC P0112, P0113 ............................................................................................................. 3.1.12-114
DTC P0116 ......................................................................................................................... 3.1.12-117
DTC P0117, P0118 ............................................................................................................. 3.1.12-119
DTC P0122, P0123.............................................................................................................3.1.12-122

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.0L(466Q4)
DTC P0130, P0131, P0132, P0133, P0134 ....................................................................... 3.1.11-126
DTC P0136, P0138, P0140, P2270, P2271 ....................................................................... 3.1.12-133
DTC P0201, P0261, P0262 ................................................................................................ 3.1.12-140
DTC P0300, P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304 ....................................................................... 3.1.12-145
DTC P0321, P0322 ............................................................................................................ 3.1.12-151
DTC P0340, P0341, P0342, P0343.................................................................................... 3.1.12-157
DTC P0420......................................................................................................................... 3.1.12-161
DTC P0444, P0458, P0459 ................................................................................................ 3.1.12-163
DTC P0480, P0691, P0692 ................................................................................................ 3.1.12-167
DTC P0506, P0507 ............................................................................................................ 3.1.12-168
DTC P0508, P0509, P0511 ................................................................................................ 3.1.12-172
DTC P0560, P0562, P0563 ................................................................................................ 3.1.12-179
DTC P0602, P0605 ............................................................................................................ 3.1.12-183
DTC P0627, P0628, P0629 ................................................................................................ 3.1.12-185
DTC P0645, P0646, P0647 ................................................................................................ 3.1.12-186
DTC P0650......................................................................................................................... 3.1.12-187
DTC 2177, P2178, P2187, P2188 ...................................................................................... 3.1.12-192
Removal and Installation............................................................................................................ 3.1.12-200
Engine Control Module ....................................................................................................... 3.1.12-200
Crankshaft Position Sensor ................................................................................................ 3.1.12-201
Camshaft Position Sensor .................................................................................................. 3.1.12-202
Throttle Position Sensor ..................................................................................................... 3.1.12-203
Idle Control Valve ............................................................................................................... 3.1.12-204
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor ................................................................................. 3.1.12-205
Air Intake Pressure Temperature Sensor ........................................................................... 3.1.12-206
Fuel Injector........................................................................................................................ 3.1.12-207
Front Oxygen Sensor ......................................................................................................... 3.1.12-209
Rear Oxygen Sensor .......................................................................................................... 3.1.12-211

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.1 Engine System - Overview

3.1.1-1 Engine System 3.1.1-1

Overview 5. The valve mechanism is over-head-camshaft

and its structure is simplified. The intake and
Changan series mini-truck is equipped with exhaust valves are compliant with crankshaft,
water-cooled in line 4-cylinder, 4-stroke electrical which improves high-speed performance and
injection engine. Engine consists of one block, reliability of engine. The valve timing uses
two mechanisms and five systems. That is, block, flexible synchronous belt drive with stable
crank and connecting rod mechanism, valve operation, free of lubrication, low noise and
mechanism, fuel supply system, lubrication easy accessibility.
system, cooling system, starting system and
ignition system. Mini-truck 1.0 L(466Q4)engine 6. The engine oil pump is of rotor pump fixed on
has similar structure. Taking JL466 as example, it the side of crankshaft pulley directly driven by
is of single over head camshaft (SOHC) design the crankshaft. When driving gear rotates, it
and is mounted in cylinder cover. The engine has drives the driven gear of the oil pump to
two valves for each cylinder (an intake valve and deliver the oil to all components of the engine.
an exhaust valve) and uses SOHC design with V- The pump has small axial dimension with
type valve. The intake & exhaust valves can be constant fuel supply and high reliability.
opened and closed correctly at the right time and 7. The cooling system consists of radiator,
with the right quantity to ensure proper operation. coolant reservoir, hose, water pump, cooling
SOHC is driven by crankshaft via timing belt. fan and thermostat. The radiator is of
The engine has features as follows: aluminium-made gilled tube radiator. This
cooling system has been filled with high-
1. Engine slants to the right (observe from the quality antifreeze composed of water and
front of the vehicle). Thus, the center of glycol in a proportion of 50/50 before the
gravity is lowered and the cab space is delivery.
8. This vehicle uses maintenance-free battery
2. The cylinder and upper crankcase are casted and the generator uses integrated circuit
as a whole. The cylinder block with this regulator that is integrated with the generator.
structure has high stiffness and strength with
simple processing and easy accessibility. The 9. The engine uses electrical-controlled closed
cylinder block is made of gray iron with thin loop multi-point injection system. The engine
case and multiple bars, which satisfies the control module controls the start-up
requirement of allowable force for all parts sequence and duration of fuel injector
and reduces the weight. according to different engine conditions.

3. The cylinder head is made of aluminum alloy 10. The engine uses DLI (Distributorless Ignition
material with light weight and good heat System), cylinder 1 - 4 and cylinder 2 - 3
dissipation. The combustion chamber is share one ignition coil and two ignition coils
mounted in the cylinder head of multiple ball, are integrated, amounted on the vehicle body.
compact structure and small area of 11. The method to reduce the engine exhaust
dissipation, which enhances intake swirl, emission includes evaporative emission
promotes fuel combustion, improves engine control system (EVAP), Positive Crankcase
fuel economy and minimize the emission Ventilation (PCV), three-way catalytic
pollution. converter and oxygen sensor form loop
4. The crankshaft is casted integrally of full- control, which can improve exhaust emission
supported structure with high bending rigidity effectively.
and low vibration.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.1-2 Engine System 3.1.1-2
12. The engine adopts a BOSCH electronic
control system which consists of engine
control module (ECM), ECM working circuit,
system input and output components.The
engine control module also carries out
system diagnosis function to remind the
driver through Malfunction Indicating Lamp
(MIL) while storing the Diagnostic Trouble
Code (DTC) for the failed parts in order to
offer facility for the technician to repair.
WARNING: Before the removal or
installation of any electrical equipment, it
is necessary to disconnect the battery
negative cable when any tool or
equipment has an easy access to any
uncovered electrical terminals.
Disconnect the cable to prevent any
personal injury or damage to the vehicle. It
is necessary to turn the ignition switch to
“LOCK” position if there is no particular

CAUTION: The air intake port must be

covered to keep any foreign matters from
entering each time the air filter is
removed. Otherwise, the foreign matters
could enter and block the cylinder inlet
duct which will lead to serious damage
when starting the engine.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2 Mechanical
3.1.2-1 Mechanical System 3.1.2-1

Material Specifications
Item Specifications Capacity
Sealant Silicone flange sealant -
Flywheel bolt 39 ~ 44 -
Thread retaining gum Loctite 262 -
Oil SF 15W/40 3L

Component Specifications
Item Specifications
Rocker shaft radial runout 0.05 mm
Rocker shaft diameter 14.965 ~ 14.980 mm
Rocker inner diameter 14.985 ~ 14.995 mm
Rocker shaft journal clearance 0.02 ~ 0.062 mm
Intake cam lift 36.072 ~ 36.232 mm
Exhaust cam lift 36.072 ~ 36.232 mm
Radial runout 0.03 mm

44.234 ~ 44.250 mm
Camshaft a ~ e journal diameter 44.034 ~ 44.050 mm
43.834 ~ 43.850 mm
43.634 ~ 43.650 mm
Camshaft 43.430 ~ 43.450 mm
44.300 ~ 44.325 mm
44.100 ~ 44.125 mm
Camshaft journal hole diameter 43.900 ~ 43.925 mm
43.700 ~ 43.725 mm
43.500 ~ 43.025 mm
Camshaft journal clearance 0.05 ~ 0.091 mm
Top:0.05 mm
Bottom:0.03 mm
Cylinder head surface flatness
Intake:0.05 mm
Exhaust:0.05 mm
Cylinder head
Manifold matching surface deformation 0.05 mm
The minimum overall height after machine tooling 136.3 ~ 136.7 mm
Overall height 136.3 ~ 136.7 mm
Valve spring free length 48.9 mm
231.2 ~ 270.480 N
Valve spring Valve spring preload
501.176 ~ 576.24 N
Valve spring verticality 1.28 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-2 Mechanical System 3.1.2-2

Item Specifications
Intake valve diameter 23.850 ~ 24.150 mm
Exhaust valve diameter 21.050 ~ 21.350 mm
Intake valve 4.952 ~ 4.966 mm
Valve stem diameter
Exhaust valve 4.926 ~ 4.940 mm

Clearance between the Intake valve 0.02 ~ 0.05 mm

valve stem and the pipe Exhaust valve 0.03 ~ 0.06 mm
Intake valve 2.55 ~ 3.05 mm
Valve head thickness
Exhaust valve 2.55 ~ 3.05 mm
Intake valve HL number 3 font
Valve imprint standard width
Exhaust valve HL number 3 font
Intake valve 0.13 ~ 0.18 mm
Valve clearance
Exhaust valve 0.13 ~ 0.18 mm
Intake valve opening 288°
Intake valve closing 650°
Valve timing
Exhaust valve opening 58°
Exhaust valve closing 422°

Valve guide pipe inner Intake valve 7.000 ~ 7.015 mm

diameter Exhaust valve 7.000 ~ 7.015 mm
Valve guide pipe
Valve guide pipe out of the cylinder cover 14 mm
Valve guide pipe overall length 48 mm
Piston standard diameter(mm) 65.965 ~ 65.985mm
Enlarged size0.25 mm 66.215 ~ 66.235 mm
Enlarged size0.50 mm 66.465 ~ 66.485 mm
To the cylinder sleeve clearance 0.015 ~ 0.055 mm
1The clearance of the back
The first ring of gas ring : 0.995 ~ 1.395 ;
Piston ring groove 1 gas side:0.03 ~ 0.07
Piston ring
clearance 2 The clearance of the back
The second ring of gas ring:1.095 ~ 1.495;
2 gas side:0.02 ~ 0.06
The first ring 0.15 ~ 0.3 mm
Piston ring End play The second ring 0.15 ~ 0.35 mm
Oil ring 0.25 ~ 0.7 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-3 Mechanical System 3.1.2-3

Item Specifications
Piston pin diameter 15.995 ~ 16.000 mm
The clearance between the piston pin and piston pin hole 0.006 ~ 0.019 mm
Piston pin hole diameter 16.006 ~ 16.014 mm
GB6928 - 86 Technical
Specification for Gudgeon
Piston pin Bending limit
Pins of Internal Combustion
Engines applicable.
GB6928 - 86 Technical
Specification for Gudgeon
Twisting limit
Pins of Internal Combustion
Engines applicable.
Connecting rod bearing journal diameter 37.982 ~ 38.000 mm
Connecting rod bearing journal diameter (reducing the
37.732 ~ 37.750 mm
size by 0.25 mm)
Max connecting rod bearing journal Out-of-round 0.005 mm
Connecting rod bearing clearance(oil film thickness) 0.02 ~ 0.04 mm
Connecting rod bearing axial clearance 0.10 ~ 0.202 mm
Main journal radial runout limit 0.06 mm
Main bearing axial clearance 0.16 ~ 0.36 mm

Crankshaft Crankshaft thrust plate standard thickness 2.47 ~ 2.52 mm

The thickness of The crankshaft thrust plate enlarged
2.595 ~ 2.645 mm
size by 0.125 mm.
Conical degree and ovality of the main journal 0.005 mm
0.02 ~ 0.04 mm (The
The clearance between main bearing and main shaft
clearance between cylinder
block and crankshaft )
1 49.994 ~ 50.000 mm
Main journal diameter 2 49.988 ~ 49.9939 mm
3 49.982 ~ 49.9879 mm
1 2.000 ~ 2.002 mm
2 1.995 ~ 1.999 mm
Main bearing
3 1.992 ~ 1.996 mm
4 1.989 ~ 1.993 mm
5 1.986 ~ 1.990 mm
Main bearing cap A 54.000 ~ 54.006 mm
B 54.012 ~ 54.0061 mm
bearing) C 54.018 ~ 54.0121 mm
Flywheel face runout limit 0.15 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-4 Mechanical System 3.1.2-4

Item Specifications
Conical degree and the out of roundness degree 0.008 mm
Flatness 0.03 mm
Cylinder block
Diameter 66.00 ~ 66.02 mm
Cylinder diameter limit 66.02 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-5 Mechanical System 3.1.2-5

General Specifications
Item Specifications
Engine model Vertical,in-line,4-cylinder,water-cooling,four-stroke,single over head camshaft
Fuel supply Multi-point electrical control fuel injection in sequence
Timing drive mode Timing belt
Cylinder diameter 66 mm
Piston stroke 74 mm
Displacement 1.012 L
Compression ratio 8.8:1
Max. power 39 KW / 5300 r / min
Max. torque 78 Nm / 3500 r/min ~ 4500 r/min
Min. fuel consumption 288 g/kW·h
Idling speed 850 r / min
Cylinder compressing
≥ 1100 kpa
Ignition sequence 1-3-4-2
Spark plug type F6RTC / F6RTCU

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Camshaft position sensor case retaining bolt 13 10 -
Camshaft position sensor retaining bolt 7 - 62
Timing belt pulley inner case retaining bolt 10 - 89
Retaining bolt on the camshaft thrust plate. 10 - 89
Valve clearance adjusting nuts 21 15 -
Retaining bolt on the rocker shaft. 18 13 -
Retaining bolt on the cylinder head. 60 44 -
Retaining bolt on the flywheel. 42 32 -
Retaining bolts on the piston connecting rod
32 24 -
Crankshaft main bearing cover retaining bolt. 46 34 -
Spark plug 25 18 -
Retaining nut on the intake and exhaust manifold. 23 17 -
Retaining bolt on the motor. 31 23 -
Oil pressure sensor 14 10 -
coolant temperature sensor 14 10 -
Thermostat cap retaining bolt 13 10 -
Cylinder head cover retaining bolt 7 - 62
Retaining bolt on the camshaft belt pulley. 54 40 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-6 Mechanical System 3.1.2-6

Item Nm lb-ft lb-in

Crankshaft belt pulley retaining bolt 54 40 -
Retaining bolt on the intake pressure temperature
7 - 62
Water pump retaining bolt 10 - 89
Timing belt outer case retaining bolt 6 - 53
Throttle valve retaining bolt 20 15 -
Oil pump retaining bolts 10 - 89
Oil pan retaining bolts 7 - 62
Oil pump filter retaining bolts 10 - 89
Water pump belt pulley retaining bolt 11 8 -
Timing belt tensioner retaining bolt 27 20 -
Crankshaft position sensor retaining bolt 7 - 62
Crankshaft rear oil seal assembly retaining bolt 10 - 89
Retaining bolt on the exhaust pipe heat shield. 10 - 89
Lower retaining bolt of the generator. 50 37 -
Upper tension bolt of the generator. 23 17 -
Retaining bolt on the generator support and the
23 17 -
Lower retaining bolt of the AC compressor. 23 17 -
Upper tension bolt of the AC compressor. 23 17 -
Throttle position sensor retaining bolt 7 - 62
Oil drain bolt 35 26 -
Oil filter 18 13 -
Retaining bolt of left/right suspensions and the
45 33 -
Retaining bolt of left/right suspensions and the
45 33 -
engine bracket.
Retaining bolt of engine left/right bracket and the
55 41 -
vehicle body.
Retaining bolt of the engine lower drainpipe. 10 - 89
Retaining nut on the exhaust pipe heat shield. 10 - 89
Retaining bolt on the fender between the gearbox
10 - 89
and the engine.
Oil drain plug 35 26 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-7 Mechanical System 3.1.2-7

Torque Specifications
Item Model Nm lb-ft lb-in
M6 10 - 89
M8 23 17 -
Unmarked Bolt
M10 50 37 -
M12 88 65 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-8 Mechanical System 3.1.2-8

Description and Operation

Components Exploded View
Accessory Wheel Train



Item Description Item Description

1 AC compressor 4 Water pump belt pulley
2 Generator belt pulley 5 Crankshaft belt pulley
3 Generator belt

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-9 Mechanical System 3.1.2-9
Timing Wheel Train

3 7



Item Description Item Description

1 Tensioner assembly 7 Timing belt outer housing
2 Timing belt inner housing 8 Timing belt
3 Tensioner retaining bolt 9 Tensioner retaining bolt
4 Camshaft timing belt pulley 10 Washer
Camshaft timing belt pulley
5 11 Torsion spring bushing
retaining bolt
The seal gasket of the inner and
6 12 Torsion spring
outer housing

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-10 Mechanical System 3.1.2-10
Cylinder Head

3 4
5 8


2 11




21 15

20 17



SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-11 Mechanical System 3.1.2-11

Item Description Item Description

Retaining bolt on the cylinder
1 Vent pipe 12
Retaining bolt washer on the
2 Filler cap 13
cylinder head
Retaining bolt on the Camshaft
3 PCV connecting hose 14
Position Sensor seat
4 Clamp 15 Camshaft Position Sensor seat
5 PCV valve 16 Camshaft sensor cushion
6 Seal ring 17 Spark plug
Cylinder head cover retaining
7 18 Cylinder head location pin
Retaining bolt washer on the
8 19 Cylinder head gasket assembly
Cylinder head cover
9 Cylinder line support 20 Cylinder head
10 Cylinder head cover 21 Valve guide pipe
11 Valve chamber head gasket 22 Bowl plug

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-12 Mechanical System 3.1.2-12




4 13

3 14

18 15 16


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-13 Mechanical System 3.1.2-13

Item Description Item Description

1 Intake valve 10 Intake rocker shaft
2 Valve spring retainer 11 Exhaust rocker shaft
3 Cylinder oil seal 12 Valve spring upper retainer
4 Valve spring 13 Valve spring
5 Valve spring upper retainer 14 Exhaust valve
6 Valve taper lock block 15 Camshaft
Retaining screw on the camshaft
7 Valve adjustment bolt and nut 16
thrust plate
Retaining screw on the rocker
8 17 Camshaft thrust plate
9 Valve rocker 18 Camshaft oil seal

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-14 Mechanical System 3.1.2-14


12 11
15 13


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-15 Mechanical System 3.1.2-15

Item Description Item Description

1 Oil level gauge pipe 9 Bowl-shaped water block (small)
2 Oil level gauge 10 Bowl-shaped water block (large)
The seal gasket of the sealed
3 11 Tapered plug (large)
water cover
4 Sealed water cover 12 Cylinder block assembly
Retaining bolt on the sealed
5 13 Main bearing cover retaining bolt
water cover
6 Barriar plate 14 Main bearing cover
7 Fender 15 Tapered plug (small)
8 Retaining bolt on the fender

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-16 Mechanical System 3.1.2-16

5 6 9

3 8


21 11

19 18

20 15



SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-17 Mechanical System 3.1.2-17

Item Description Item Description

The seal gasket on the
1 Connecting rod nut 12
crankshaft back cover
The location pin on the
2 Connecting rod bearing cover 13
crankshaft back cover
3 Connecting rod 14 Main bearing
4 Snap ring 15 Main shaft thrust plate
5 Piston pin 16 Separation blade
6 Piston 17 Crankshaft timing belt pulley
7 Piston ring 18 Semicircular key
8 Connecting rod bearing. 19 Crankshaft belt pulley
Retaining bolt on the crankshaft Crankshaft belt pulley retaining
9 20
back cover bolt
10 Crankshaft rear oil seal 21 Crankshaft front oil seal
11 Crankshaft rear end cap 22 Crankshaft assembly

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-18 Mechanical System 3.1.2-18

General Inspection 1. Warm up the engine to the normal operation

Inspect the Cylinder 2. Shut engine off after pre-heat.Place the
Compressing Pressure transmission shift lever to ’N ’position and fix
General Equipment parking brake and stand up to the driving
wheel after the engine has completed pre-
Cylinder Compressing Pressure Gauge Assembly heat.
Spark Plug Socket 3. Remove the fuel pump relay.
Ratchet Wheel
4. Disconnect the wiring harness connector
Connecting Rod between the fuel injector and ignition coil.
5. Remove all the spark plugs.
WARNING: High temperature engine and 6. Insert the special tool (compressing pressure
oil would lead to serious scalding. gauge) into the spark plug hole.

CAUTION: 7. Depress the clutch (reduce the starting load)

1. ECM receives a wrong message when and depress the throttle pedal to fully open
the fuel pump relay or the electric the throttle valve.
component is removed. The wrong 8. Start the engine with a fully-charged battery
message must be removed from the and let it run for at least 5 compression cycles
trouble memory with the diagnostic tool until the reading on the cylinder pressure
after the cylinder pressure test is finished. gauge stops increasing. Read the highest
2. Before compression pressure test, the pressure value and record it.
valve clearance must be adjusted
correctly. CAUTION:
1. To measure the compressing pressure,
Refer to: Inspect and adjust the valve it is necessary to use the fully-charged
clearance (3.1.2 Mechanical System, battery to start the engine and let its speed
General inspection). reach at least 250 rpm.
2. Before the starting test, the ignition
switch is in the “ST” position for no more
than 15s. Or, the starter may be damaged.

9. Operate the other 3 cylinders as the step 5-8

and record the cylinder compressing
pressure value.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-19 Mechanical System 3.1.2-19
10. Compare with the specifications in the table Inspect The Accessory Drive
below, the condition is as follows:
• Normal Condition: Each cylinder
pressure increases rapidly and evenly to CAUTION:
the specified pressure value. 1. Do not overly wind or bend the drive
• Piston Ring Fault: Pressure is low in the
2. Do not stick the engine oil or engine
first stroke but increases in the next
coolant to the drive belt.
strokes and never reaches the normal
level. The pressure increases 3. Make sure that the drive belt can be
considerably after a moderate amount of correctly installed in the pulley groove
engine oil has been added to the cylinder. when installing the drive belt.
Inspect the piston ring.
CAUTION: Accessory Drive Belt consists
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting of compressor belt and generator belt.
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly). 1. Inspection should be conducted again after
the engine has cooled down or been switched
• Valve Fault: The pressure is low in the off for 30 minutes.
first stroke and can not increase in the
next strokes. The pressure increases 2. Visually inspect the Accessory Drive Belt
slightly after a moderate amount of surface for any possible sign of pilling, oil
engine oil has been added to the cylinder. stain, aging and others. Install a new
Inspect the valve. Accessory Drive Belt if any flaw has been
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.1.2
System, Disassembly and Assembly). Mechanical System, Removal and
• The cylinder head bushing may be
damaged if the compressing pressure of
2 cylinders arranged on the cylinder body
in parrallel is too low.

Compressing Pressure Specifications crack crack side

Standard value ≥ 1,100 kpa

The max pressure
difference between two 100 kPa
cylinders crack side

11. Install the spark plug(s), high voltage wire and

connect the wiring harness connectors cracked dedendum
between the fuel injector and ignition switch.
12. Install the fuel pump relay and eliminate the
trouble code(s) from ECM with a diagnostic A3102144

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-20 Mechanical System 3.1.2-20
3. Visually inspect the interior and margin of the Inspect the tension of
drive belt for any possible sign of damage,
wear, foreign matters, cracks and others.
Accessory Belt
Install a new drive belt if any flaw has been 1. Inspect the tension of generator belt and
found. press the center of belt with 100N, the
deflection is 5 ~ 6 mm. If the bending
Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.1.2
deflection exceeds the specification, make it
Mechanical System, Removal and
within the specification by adjusting the
tension of the pulleys.
Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and
rounded edge

abnormal wear
(exposed core)

wearing canvas and exposed rubber



4. Visually inspect the drive belt for the above

conditions described above and test the drive
belt tension: turn the crankshaft drive belt
pulley for 2 turns clockwise to have an even
distribution of belt tension among each drive 2. Inspect the tension of compressor belt and
belt pulley. press the center between the center of
compressor belt pulley and crankshaft belt
pulley with 100N, the deflection is 5 ~ 6 mm.
If the bending deflection exceeds the
specification, make it within the specification
by adjusting the tension of the pulleys.
Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-21 Mechanical System 3.1.2-21

Inspect and Adjust The Valve 2. Number the valve.Inspect and adjust the
valve clearance of valve 1, 2 ,5 and 7 if the
Clearance valve is numbered in sequence.Inspect and
General Tools adjust the intake and exhaust valve of the first
cylinder, the intake valve of the second
Valve clearance adjusting Components
cylinder and the exhaust valve of the third
Feeler gauge cylinder.
CAUTION: At this moment, No.1 piston is
Cold State located at the top dead center in the
Valve (Coolant Temperature 15 - 25 ℃ ) compression stroke.
clearance Intake 0.13 ~ 0.18 mm
Exhaust 0.13 ~ 0.18 mm inlet

1 2 3 4
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Remove the Cylinder head cover.
Refer to: Cylinder head cover(3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

3. There are 2 ways to inspect and adjust the

valve clearance:
Inspection twice and inspection by cylinder.
• The method of inspection twice means 5 6 7 8
two intakes no exhaust.
The steps for inspecting valve clearance twice as A3102147
3. Rotate crankshaft 360° and inspect & adjust
1. Turn the crankshaft clockwise to make the the valve 3, 4 ,6 and 8. Inspect and adjust the
piston in the No.1 cylinder reach the top dead exhaust valve of the second cylinder, the
center while observing the timing mark on the intake valve of the third cylinder, the intake
crankshaft belt pulley (Observe it from the and exhaust valve of the fourth cylinder.
side of the crankshaft belt pulley)that is, the
top dead center of compression stroke for the CAUTION: At this moment, No.4 piston is
first cylinder. located at the top dead center in the
compression stroke.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-22 Mechanical System 3.1.2-22
4. Inspect the valve clearance according to step Inspect and Adjust by Cylinder
That is, inspect and adjust the intake and exhaust
5. Inspect the valve clearance by plugging feeler valve by cylinder. On the basis of position of
into the valve clearance (as shown). camshaft timing belt keyway. The step to inspect
and adjust as follows:

2 1. Same with the first step of adjustment twice.

CAUTION: At this moment, No.1 piston is
located at the top dead center in the
compression stroke.

2. Rotate crankshaft clockwise and inspect &

adjust the intake and exhaust valve of the
first, third, fourth and the second cylinder
while placing camshaft timing belt keyway in
the order of bottom, left, top and right.



6. Adjust it if the valve clearance is against the
rule after inspection.Loosen lock nut by
wrench and then adjust the nut by
screwdriver while adjusting. The valve Left Right
clearance decreases while screwing the
adjusting nut in. On the contrary, the valve
clearance increases while screwing the 1
adjusting nut out. Fix adjusting screw with the Down
screwdriver and tighten lock nut with 23 Nm
after valve clearance value is adjusted to the
setting value.
7. Inspect the valve clearance value with feeler
again and adjust it again if not qualified.

Check and adjust the valve clearance by cylinder

1 Camshaft synchronous pulley slot
2 Camshaft synchronous pulley


3. Same with step 4, 5, 6 and 7 of inspection

4. Install the Cylinder head cover.
5. Install the battery negative cable.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-23 Mechanical System 3.1.2-23

Timing Inspection
1. Inspect the ignition timing with a diagnostic
1.Turn the ignition switch to position “OFF”.
2.Connect the diagnostic tool to the
diagnostic interface.
3.Start the engine to a normal working
4.Do not switch on the AC and other electric
5.Select by diagnostic equipment: powertrain/
M7/system data display/main parameter.

Ignition Advance
Idling Speed
800 ~ 900 r/min 4.5 °

2. Use a diagnostic tool to inspect the camshaft

position sensor for the signal DTC.
Refer to: DTCP0343/P0342/P0341/P0340
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System, DTC
diagnostic and Testing).

Continue with the following inspections if the

fault still exists.
3. Inspect the valve timing gear.
Refer to: Rocker/Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Removal and Installation).

CAUTION: Inspect the phase relationship

between the timing belt pulley and
crankshaft as well as the relationship
between the timing belt pulley and the
shaft. For example: Pay special attention
to the cracked belt pulley pin of the
camshaft during the inspection.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-24 Mechanical System 3.1.2-24

Symptom diagnostic and Testing

Inspection and Verification
1. Verify the customer concern and conduct
corresponding inspections.
2. Visually inspect the outlook for any obvious
signs of mechanical damage.
3. Solve the known problems before proceeding
to the next step.
4. If the causes can not be identified visually,
verify the symptom first and inspect the
causes in accordance with the Symptom
Visual Inspection Chart

•Coolant leaks
•Engine oil leak
•Fuel leakage
•Obviously damaged or worn component(s)
•loose or loss of nut or bolt

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-25 Mechanical System 3.1.2-25

Symptom Chart
Symptom Possible Causes Solutions
•Electrical control system
•Fuel system
•Ignition system
•Mechanical system •Engine misfire is a synthetical
-Combustion chamber carbon
deposit Refer to: P0300/P0301/
Engine misfire -Camshaft P0302/P0303/P0304
-Intake, exhaust valve (3.1.12 Electrical Control
-Piston System, DTC diagnostic
and Testing).
-Piston ring
-Inadequate intake air
-Inadequate exhaust
•Deformed oil pan Refer to: Abnormal
•Deformed or Damaged oil strainer interior noises under the
engine (3.1.2 Mechanical
•Engine oil pressure is too low.
Abnormal noise in the lower part of System, Symptom
the engine •The matching clearance between diagnostic and Testing).
crankshaft and bearing is too big.
•Excessive crankshaft axial
•Accessory drive belt Refer to: Drive belt noise
•Related fastener (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Symptom diagnostic and
•Crankshaft belt pulley
•Related accessory belt pulley
Drive belt noise •Related accessory belt pulley
•Water pump
•Air conditioner compressor
•Electrical Control System Refer to: Engine Backfire
Malfunction (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Engine Backfire
•Engine timing Symptom diagnostic and
CAUTION: A serious Testing).
noise of blasting occurs •Scarce Gas Mixture
when the fuel in intake •Intake Valve Component
manifold is set on fire. •Exhaust system blocking
•Engine control module (ECM)

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-26 Mechanical System 3.1.2-26

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Electrical control system Refer to: Engine knock
Malfunction (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Engine Knock •Engine timing Symptom diagnostic and
CAUTION: A serious Testing).
•Late ignition
noise of blasting occurs
• Dense gas mixture
when the fuel in intake
manifold is set on fire. •Exhaust valve component
•Exhaust system leak(s)
•Engine control module (ECM)

Refer to: Abnormal

Exhaust(emit blue smoke)
Abnormal Exhaust(emit blue
•Engine Oil Burning (3.1.2 Mechanical system,
Symptom diagnostic and
Refer to: Abnormal
Exhaust (Black smoke)
Abnormal Exhaust(Black smoke) • Dense gas mixture (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Symptom diagnostic and
•Engine oil pump pressure is too Refer to: Noise of
low. connecting rod and
•Connecting rod tip side clearance connecting rod bearing
exceeds the limit. (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Symptom
•Tightening torque of the
diagnostic and Testing).
Noise symptoms of connecting rod connecting rod
and connecting rod bearing • Connecting rod distortion and
bending exceed the limit.
•Crank roundness and taper
exceed the limit.
•Connecting rod bearing clearance
exceed the limit.
•Engine oil pump pressure is too Refer to: Piston and
low. Piston Pin Noise (3.1.2
•Incorrect installation of connecting Mechanical System,
rod and piston Symptom diagnostic and
• Connecting rod distortion and
Piston and Piston Pin Noise bending exceed the limit.
•Big Piston Pin Clearance
•Big Clearance Between Piston
and Cylinder Wall
•Big Piston Ring Groove Clearance

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-27 Mechanical System 3.1.2-27

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Big Valve Clearance Refer to: Valve Train
•Engine oil pump pressure is too Noise (3.1.2 Mechanical
low System, Symptom
diagnostic and Testing).
•Damaged cam lobe
•Big camshaft bearing journal
•Big camshaft axial clearance
Valve Train Noise
•Big clearance between rocker and
rocker shaft
•Soft valve spring
•Seized Valve(s)
•Big clearance between valve stem
and valve guide
•Loosened valve seat ring
•Components of accessory drive Refer to: The engine can
system are seized. not be started-The
•Cylinder is seized for hydraulic crankshaft can not be
pressure. turned. (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Symptom
•Seized or cracked camshaft
diagnostic and Testing).
The engine can not be started-The •Seized or cracked valve system
crankshaft can not be turned components
•Foreign matters in the cylinder(s)
•Seized crankshaft or connecting
rod bearing
•Bent or cracked connecting rod
•Cracked Crankshaft

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-28 Mechanical System 3.1.2-28

Abnormal Noise In The Lower Part of The Engine Diagnosis

CAUTION: The use of a stethoscope helps to determine the source of the engine noises.

CAUTION: Remove the Accessory drive belt to eliminate the noise caused by the device.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Inspect the oil pan
A.Inspect the oil pan.
Is it deformed?
Go to step 2 after the repair or installation.
Go to step 4.
2.Inspect the engine oil pump strainer
A.Inspect the engine oil pump strainer.
Is it deformed or damaged?
Repair or install a new one.
Go to step 3.
(3) Engine oil pressure is too low
A.Inspect the engine oil pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the engine oil pressure
(3.1.3 Lubrication System, General
Is the pressure too low?
Go to step 5.
Go to step 4.
4.Inspect the oil pump
A.Remove the engine oil pump.
Refer to: Eninge Oil Pump (3.1.3
Lubrication System, Removal and
B.Inspect the oil pump.
Is the oil pump normal?
Install a new engine oil pump.
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-29 Mechanical System 3.1.2-29

5.Inspect the bushing matching surface clearance and crankshaft axial clearance
A.Disassemble the main bearing shell and connecting
rod bearing shell.
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
B.Inspect the matching surface clearance between the
main bushing and connecting rod bushing as well
as the crankshaft thrust plate for any wear.
Is the matching surface clearance and the
crankshaft axial clearance normal?
Repair the main bushing until the connecting rod
bushing matching surface clearance and the
crankshaft axial clearance become normal.
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block(3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Test whether the system can operate normally.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-30 Mechanical System 3.1.2-30

Drive Belt Noise

CAUTION: The use of a stethoscope helps to determine the source of the engine noises.

CAUTION: A correct drive belt must be used.

CAUTION: Accessory drive belt consists of compressor belt and water pump belt.

CAUTION: Flatness(uneven crankshaft belt pulley and uneven related accessory belt pulley)
may cause the drive belt to have abnormal wear, noises and to come off.

CAUTION: Suddenly-increased big load may cause the belt to slip and make noises, for
example: when air conditioning system compressor is started and the engine is running,
throttle valve rapidly opens.

CAUTION: Big load may cause abnormal noise, for example, fill A/C system excessively.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Inspect the Accessory drive belt
A.Inspect the Accessory drive belt.
Refer to: Inspect the Accessory Drive Belt
(3.1.2 Mechanical System, General
2.Inspect the related fasteners
A.Inspect if all the fasteners related to the drive belt
have been loosened or deformed.
Are they loosened or deformed?
Tighten them or Replace new ones
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the crankshaft belt pulley and related accessory belt pulley
A. Any signs of the belt pulley are not allowed, such
as misalignment, bending, distortion and crack.
B. Any abnormal scratches, edges and corners on the
surface of the belt pulley are not allowed.
C.Any foreign matter in the pulley groove is not
Do the inspection resluts meet the requirements
Remove the foreign matters, tighten the
components or Replace new ones.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-31 Mechanical System 3.1.2-31

4.Inspect the generator, water pump, air conditioning compressor bearing one by one
A.Seized or loosened bearing is not allowed.
B.Abnormal noise is not allowed to occur when the
bearing is turning.
Do the inspection results meet the requirements
Tighten or replace;
Verify the system for normal operation.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-32 Mechanical System 3.1.2-32

Engine Backfire
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the engine DTC
A.Inspect with the fault diagnostic tester.
Is there engine DTC?
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System -
M7,DTC diagnostic and Testing).
Go to step 2
2.Inspect the vacuum degree of the intake air system
A.Inspect the intake air system for the vacuum degree
to judge the intake system for air leakage.
Refer to: Inspect the intake air sytem for
the vacuum degree (3.1.5 Intake Air
System, General inspection).
Is there any leak?
Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures for Intake
Air Leak (3.1.5 Intake Air System,
diagnostic and Testing).
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the engine timing
A.Inspect if the engine timing is correct or not.
Refer to: Inspect the timing (3.1.2
Mechanical System, General inspection).
Is the system normal?
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-33 Mechanical System 3.1.2-33

4. Inspect the oil pressure

A.Inspect whether the oil pressure is too low.
Refer to: Inspect the fuel pressure(3.1.7
Fuel System, General inspection).
Is the oil pressure too low?
Carry out symptom actions.
Refer to: Symptom Chart (3.1.7 Fuel
System, diagnostic and Testing).
Go to step 5.
5.Inspect the fuel injector
A.Inspect the fuel injector.
Is the fuel injector blocked?
Clean it or install a new one.
Go to step 6.
6.Test the spark plug
A. Test the spark plug.
Refer to: Ignition Spark Testing (3.1.8
Ignition System, General inspection).
Is it within the specification?
Clean it or install a new one.
Go to step 7.
7.Inspect the cylinder pressure
A.Carry out the inspection of cylinder pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the compressing
pressure in the cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, General inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-34 Mechanical System 3.1.2-34

8.Inspect the exhaust system

A.Carry out an exhaust backpressure test to see if the
exhaust system has been blocked or not.
Refer to: Exhaust Backpressure Testing
(3.1.6 Exhaust System, General
Is the system blocked?
Carry out the diagnostic procedures for the blocked
exhaust system.
Refer to: diagnostic for exhaust system
blocking(3.1.6 Exhaust System,
diagnostic and Testing).
Go to step 9.
9.Replace engine control module
A. Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
Verify the system for normal operation.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-35 Mechanical System 3.1.2-35

Engine Knock
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the engine DTC
A.Using a diagnostic tool, inspect if there is any engine
Is there any DTC?
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
diagnostic and Testing).
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect the engine timing
A.Inspect the engine timing.
Refer to: Inspect the timing (3.1.2
Mechanical System, General inspection).
Is the timing normal?
Go to step 3.
3. Inspect the fuel pressure
A.Inspect the fuel pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the fuel pressure (3.1.7
Fuel System, General inspection).
Is the fuel pressure too high?
Fuel pipes are blocked and need to be repaired.
Go to step 4.
4.Inspect the fuel injector
A.Inspect the fuel injector for any leaks.
Is there any leak?
Install a new one.
Go to step 5.

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3.1.2-36 Mechanical System 3.1.2-36

5.Test the spark plug

A.Inspect if the spark plug is within the specification or
Refer to: Ignition Spark Testing (3.1.8
Ignition System, General inspection).
Is the spark plug within the standard range?
Clean it or install a new one.
Go to step 6.
6.Inspect the cylinder pressure
A.Carry out the inspection of cylinder pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the compressing
pressure in the cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, General inspection).
7.Inspect the exhaust system
A.Carry out the testing of exhaust backpressure.
Refer to: Exhaust Backpressure Testing
(3.1.6 Exhaust System, General
Is there any leak in the exhaust system?
Carry out the diagnostic procedures for exhaust
system leak and noise.
Refer to: Symptom Chart(3.1.6 Exhaust
System, diagnostic and Testing).
Go to step 8.
8.Replace ECM
A. Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
Verify the system for normal operation.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-37 Mechanical System 3.1.2-37

Abnormal Exhaust(Blue Smoke)

CAUTION: Usually accompanied with spark plug carbon deposit.

CAUTION: Use engine oil meeting the specification.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1. Inspect the spark plug
A.Inspect the spark plug.
Is there any carbon deposit?
Repair it or install a new one.
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect the engine oil
A.Inspect the engine oil level.
Is the engine oil level too high?
Recover to the normal level.
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the PCV valve
A.Inspect the PCV valve.
Is it normal?
Install a new PCV valve.
Go to step 4.
4. Inspect the compressing pressure in the cylinder
A. Inspect the compressing pressure in the cylinder
Does it meet the requirement?
Refer to: Inspect the compressing
pressure in the cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, General inspection).
Is it below the standards?
Go to step 5.
Go to step 6.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-38 Mechanical System 3.1.2-38

5.Inspect the piston ring or valve fault

A.Add moderate engine oil into the cylinder.
Pressure increases markedly and inspect the
piston ring.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Pressure increases a little and inspect the valve.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
6.Inspect the carbon deposit in the combustion chamber
A.Inspect the combustion chamber.
Is there any carbon deposit?
Clean it.
Go to step 7.
7.Inspect the valve oil seal
A.Inspect the valve oil seal.
Is there any leak?
Install a new one.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Verify the system for normal operation.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-39 Mechanical System 3.1.2-39

Abnormal Exhaust(Black Smoke)

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the engine DTC
A.Use diagnostic tool to inspect the engine DTC.
Is there any DTC?
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
diagnostic and Testing).
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the fuel pressure
A.Inspect the fuel pressure.
Is the pressure too high?
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.1.7
Fuel System,General inspection).
Fuel pipes are blocked and need to be repaired.
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the fuel injector
A.Inspect the fuel injector.
Is there any leak?
Install a new one.
Go to step 4.
4.Test the spark plug
A. Test the spark plug.
Refer to: Ignition Spark Testing (3.1.8
Ignition System, General inspection).
Do they meet the requirement?
Clean it or install a new one.
Go to step 5.

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3.1.2-40 Mechanical System 3.1.2-40

5.Replace engine control module

A. Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
Verify the system for normal operation.

Noise Symptoms of Connecting Rod and Connecting Rod Bearing.

CAUTION: Remove the Accessory drive belt and have a strict limit to the running time of the
engine. Or, the engine may reach high temperatures and be damaged.

CAUTION: The use of a stethoscope helps to determine the source of the engine noises.

CAUTION: Remove the Accessory drive belt to eliminate the noise caused by the accessory

CAUTION: Such noise sometimes can be isolated by removing a fuel injector wiring harness
connector a time. Such noise is related to the cylinder in which it exists if it decreases or
disappears in volume.

CAUTION: Excessive connecting rod clearance can lead to knock noises at each engine
rotating speed. Low engine oil pressure also results in such case.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Verify that the noise is not caused by the accessory device
A.Remove the Accessory drive belt.
Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and
Does the noise exist?
Noise is caused by the accessory and install a new
Accessory drive belt.
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the cracked cylinder
A.Remove the fuel injector wiring harness connector
and test the cracked cylinder to verify which cylinder
is related to the noise.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-41 Mechanical System 3.1.2-41

3.Inspect the engine oil pump pressure

A.Inspect the low engine oil pump pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the engine oil pressure
(3.1.3 Lubrication System, General
Is the engine oil pump pressure too low?
Refer to: Symptom Chart (3.1.3 lubricating
System, diagnostic and Testing).
Go to step 4.
4.Inspect the connecting rod tip side clearance
A.Inspect the connecting rod tip side clearance.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Install a new connecting rod.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 5.
5.Inspect the tightening torque of connecting rod bolt
A.Inspect the tightening torque of the connecting rod
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Record the torque after replacing new bolts and
Go to step 6.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-42 Mechanical System 3.1.2-42

6.Inspect the connecting rod for its distortion/bending

A.Inspect if the distortion/bending of the connecting
rod is within the specification.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Install a new connecting rod.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 7.
7.Inspect the crank for its roundness and taper
A.Inspect the crank for its roundness and taper.
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block(3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Repair it or install a new crankshaft.
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block(3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 8.
8.Inspect the clearance between the connecting rod and crank
A.Inspect the clearance between the connecting rod
and the bearing.
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block(3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Repair it to the specification.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Verify the system for normal operation.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-43 Mechanical System 3.1.2-43

Piston and Piston Pin Noise

CAUTION: Remove the Accessory drive belt and have a strict limit to the running time of the
engine. Or, the engine may reach high temperatures and be damaged.

CAUTION: The use of a stethoscope helps to determine the source of the engine noises.

CAUTION: Remove the Accessory drive belt to eliminate the noise caused by the accessory

CAUTION: The knocking noise caused by the excessive clearance between the piston and
cylinder wall can usually be heard when the engine is runing at idle speed. The knock noise
will change obviously when the cylinder fuel injector wiring harness connector has been

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Verify that the noise is not caused by the accessory device
A.Remove the Accessory drive belt.
Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and
Does the noise exist?
Noises caused by the accessory.
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the cracked cylinder
A.Remove the fuel injector wiring harness connector
and test the cracked cylinder to verify which cylinder
is related to the noise.
3.Inspect the engine oil pump pressure
A.Inspect the low engine oil pump pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the engine oil pressure(
3.1.3 Lubrication System, General
Is the engine oil pump pressure too low?
Refer to: Symptom Chart (3.1.3 lubricating
System, diagnostic and Testing).
Go to step 4.

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3.1.2-44 Mechanical System 3.1.2-44

4.Inspect the installation of the connecting rod and piston

A.Inspect the installation position of the connecting rod
and piston.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Install them again.
Go to step 5.
5.Inspect the connecting rod for its distortion/bending
A.Inspect if the distortion/bending of the connecting
rod is within the specification.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Install a new connecting rod.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 6.
6.Inspect the piston pin clearance
A.Inspect if the piston pin clearance is within the
specification or not.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Repair it to the specification.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly)
Go to step 7.

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3.1.2-45 Mechanical System 3.1.2-45

7.Inspect the piston ring groove clearance

A.Inspect if the piston ring groove clearance is within
the specification.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Repair it to the specification.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 8.
8.Inspect the clearance between the piston and cylinder wall
A.Inspect if the clearance between the piston and
cylinder wall is within the specification.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Repair it to the specification.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Verify the system for normal operation.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-46 Mechanical System 3.1.2-46

Valve Train Noise

CAUTION: Remove the Accessory drive belt and have a strict limit to the running time of the
engine. Or, the engine may reach high temperatures and be damaged.

CAUTION: The use of a stethoscope helps to determine the source of the engine noises.

CAUTION: Remove the Accessory drive belt to eliminate the noise caused by the accessory

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Verify that the noise is not caused by accessory device
A.Remove the Accessory drive belt.
Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and
Does the noise exist?
Noises caused by the accessory.
Go to step 2.
2. Valve clearance
A.Inspect if the valve clearance is within the
Refer to: Inspect and adjust the valve
clearance (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
General inspection).
Do they meet the requirement?
Readjust the clearance to the specification.
Refer to: Inspect and adjust the valve
clearance (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
General inspection).
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-47 Mechanical System 3.1.2-47

3.Inspect the engine oil pressure

A.Inspect the engine oil pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the engine oil pressure
(3.1.3 Lubrication System, General
Is the pressure too low?
Refer to: Symptom Chart (3.1.3 lubricating
System, diagnostic and Testing).
Go to step 4.
4.Inspect the camshaft cam lift
A. Inspect the camshaft cam lift.
Refer to: Rocker Shaft/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly)
Do they meet the requirement?
Refer to: Rocker Shaft/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 5.
5.Inspect the camshaft bearing journal clearance
A.Inspect the camshaft bearing journal clearance.
Refer to: Rocker Shaft/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Repair the fault.
Refer to: Rocker Shaft/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 6.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-48 Mechanical System 3.1.2-48

6. Inspect the camshaft axial clearance

A.Inspect the camshaft axial clearance.
Refer to: Rocker Shaft/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Repair the fault.
Refer to: Rocker Shaft/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 7.
7.Inspect the rocker for excessive wear
A.Inspect the working surface between rocker and
Do they meet the requirement?
Install a new rocker.
Go to step 8.
Refer to: Rocker Shaft/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
8.Inspect the clearance between the rocker and rocker shaft
A.Inspect the clearance between the rocker and
rocker shaft.
Refer to: Rocker Shaft/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Repair the fault.
Refer to: Rocker Shaft/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 9.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-49 Mechanical System 3.1.2-49

9. Inspect the valve spring

A.Inspect if the valve spring is within the specification.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Do they meet the requirement?
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Go to step 10.
10. Inspect the seizure of the valve(s)
A.Inspect if the valve has been seized or not.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Is it seized?
Repair the fault.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Go to step 11.
11.The clearance between the valve stem and valve guide
A. Inspect the clearance between the valve stem and
valve guide
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Do they meet the requirement?
Repair the fault.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Go to step 12.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-50 Mechanical System 3.1.2-50

12.Loosened valve(s)
A.Inspect if the valve retainer(s) is loosened or not.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Do they meet the requirement?
Repair the fault.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Verify the system for normal operation.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-51 Mechanical System 3.1.2-51

The Engine Can Not be Started-The Crankshaft Can Not be Turned

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the accessory drive system components
A.Detach the Accessory drive belt and try to turn
crankshaft with screwdriver and see if crankshaft
can turn freely.
Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and
Does the crankshaft rotate freely?
Repair them or install the new ones.
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect if the cylinder has been seized due to hydraulic pressure
A.Remove all the spark plugs and inspect if any water,
or engine oil or antifreeze is attached to them.
Do they meet the requirement?
Inspect the cylinder block, cylinder head, cylinder
head gasket for any possible crack, inspect or
repair them.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and

Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and

Cylinder Block (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-52 Mechanical System 3.1.2-52

3.Inspect the cylinder head assembly

A.Remove the timing belt.
Refer to: Inspect the timing(3.1.2
Mechanical System, General inspection).
B.Inspect the cylinder head.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and

• Seized or cracked camshaft

• Seized or cracked valve rocker
• Seized or cracked valve, valve spring
Does any signs mentioned above exist?
Repair or Replace new ones.
Go to step 4.
4. Inspect the cylinder assembly
A.Inspect the cylinder assembly.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).

Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and

Cylinder Block (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).

• Cracked Piston
• Foreign Matters in the Cylinder
• Cracked Crankshaft
• Bent or cracked connecting rod
Does any sign mentioned above exist?
Repair or Replace new ones.
Verify the system for normal operation.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-53 Mechanical System 3.1.2-53

Disassembly and Assembly

Rocker\Rocker Shaft and Camshaft
Special Tool

Camshaft Front Oil Seal

CA301 - 009


General Equipment

Dial Indicator
Outside Micrometer
Plastic gauge
Plastic Scale
Inside Gauge


Item Specifications
HZ1213RTV Silicone
Thread retaining gum Loctite 262

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-54 Mechanical System 3.1.2-54
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).

2. Drain the engine coolant.

Refer to: Coolant Draining (3.1.4 Charging
System, Removal and Installation).

3. Remove both the upper and lower water

Refer to: Cooling water pipes or hoses
(3.1.4 Cooling System, Removal and

4. Remove the accessory drive belt.

Refer to: Remove the accessory drive belt.
Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

5. Remove the engine timing gear.

Refer to: Timing Gear (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Removal and Installation).
6. Disconnect the camshaft position sensor
wiring harness connector.


7. Remove the retaining bolt 1 on the 3

camshaft position sensor housing and detach
camshaft position sensor housing 2.
CAUTION: Place a container or a rag
under the camshaft position sensor
housing since some oil drops during the 2

CAUTION: Install a new camshaft position

sensor housing pad since the housing is 1 ×3
removed. A3102002

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-55 Mechanical System 3.1.2-55

8. Remove the retaining bolt 1 on the timing belt

inner cover 4 and detach the timing belt inner
cover 2.

×4 1


9. Remove the Cylinder head cover.

Refer to: Cylinder head cover (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and
10. Remove the retaining bolt on the camshaft
thrust plate 2.
CAUTION: Use cross screwdriver for
removal to prevent bolts from damaging.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-56 Mechanical System 3.1.2-56

11. Release all the valve clearance adjustment

nut 1 and use slotted screwdriver 2 to
maximize its clearance.
CAUTION: Release all the valves 2
adjustment screws and locking nuts to let

rockers move freely.


12. Remove the 10 rocker shaft retaining bolts.

CAUTION: Use cross screwdriver for

removal to prevent bolts from damaging.


13. Remove the spring 1, rocker 2 and rocker

shaft 3 from timing belt side.
CAUTION: Pay attention to the relative
position of spring and rocker to avoid
wrong installation. 1

2 3


14. Take out the camshaft from the rear end of

the engine.
15. Remove the front oil seal of the camshaft.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-57 Mechanical System 3.1.2-57
1. Inspect the intake and exhaust rockers.
CAUTION: Install a new rocker if the end 2
of the valve adjusting screw 1 has been
seriously worn.

CAUTION: Install a new rocker if the

rocker cam surface is seriously worn. 3 1
1.Valve adjustment screw
2.Rocker arm
3.Contact surface


2. Inspect the rocker shaft runout with an V-

shaped block and a micrometer. Install a new
rocker shaft if the runout exceeds the limit.
Radial runout standard value:0.05 mm
General Equipment:micrometer.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-58 Mechanical System 3.1.2-58

3. Inspect the clearance between the rocker

and rocker shaft.
General Equipment:outside micrometer
and inside micrometer
1.Measure the rocker shaft diameter with
an outside micrometer.
2.Measure the inside diameter of the
rocker with an inside gauge.
CAUTION: Install a new rocker or
rocker shaft or both of them if the
measurement exceeds the limit.

CAUTION: Install a new rocker and

rocker shaft if they are badly worn.
Item Standard(mm)
Rocker inner diameter 14.985 ~ 14.995
Rocker shaft diameter 14.965 ~ 14.980
The clearance between the
0.02 ~ 0.062
rocker and shaft.

4. Use the micrometer to measure the cam lift

and inspect the cam for any wear.
General equipment:Outside Micrometer
CAUTION: Install a new camshaft if the
measured height is greater than the
limit value.
Cam Lift Standard(mm)
Intake Cam 36.072 ~ 36.232
Exhaust Cam 36.072 ~ 36.232


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-59 Mechanical System 3.1.2-59

5. Inspect the rocker shaft runout with an V-

shaped block and a micrometer. Install a new
rocker shaft if the runout exceeds the limit.
Radical runout standard value:0.03 mm
General Equipment:dial indicator gauge


6. Inspect the camshaft journal and camshaft

cover for any possible rust, scratch, wear or
CAUTION: Replace camshaft or camshaft
cover if any undesirable situation occurs;
Camshaft and camshaft cover should be
replaced if they are badly damaged.


7. Measure the inner diameter of the cylinder

head camshaft hole with an inside gauge.
General equipment: inner diameter gauge.
Item Standard(mm)
Φ44.300 ~ 44.325
Φ44.100 ~ 44.125
Camshaft journal hole
Φ43.900 ~ 43.925
Φ43.700 ~ 43.725
Φ43.500 ~ 43.025 A3102015

CAUTION: Replace the cylinder head if

one exceeds limit.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-60 Mechanical System 3.1.2-60

8. Measure the diameter of the camshaft hole

with an outside gauge. Crankshaft pulley side Flywheel side

General equipment:Outside Micrometer

Inspect the camshaft clearance by
measurement of the diameter of camshaft
bearing journal hole.
Item Standard(mm)
Φ44.234 ~ 44.250
Φ44.034 ~ 44.050
Camshaft journal a ~ e A3102016
Φ43.834 ~ 43.850
outside diameter
Φ43.634 ~ 43.650
Φ43.430 ~ 43.450
The maximum clearance
0.05 ~ 0.091
of camshaft.

CAUTION: Replace camshaft or cylinder

head or replace both if one exceeds limit.

9. Inspect the axial driving value of camshaft

on the cylinder head.

The axial driving limit value:0.03 mm

General equipment: the thickness gauge.
CAUTION: Replace cam or cam thrust
plate or replace both if it exceeds limit.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-61 Mechanical System 3.1.2-61
1. Install the camshaft on the cylinder head.
1.Smear moderate engine oil on the cam and
bearing journal.

2.Install the camshaft on the cylinder head.

CAUTION: Clean all the components
(Besides rubber parts and sealing gasket)
before assembling. All the components
should be applied with less lubricant and
lip mouth have to be protected while
applying lubricant grease on the oil seal A3102008
lip mouth.

CAUTION: Do not install camshaft front oil

seal before the installation of camshaft.

2. Install camshaft thrust plate 1 at the rear of

the engine and tighten the retaining bolt 2 on
the camshaft thrust plate.
CAUTION: Clean all the components
(Besides rubber parts and sealing gasket)
before assembling. All the components
should be applied with lubricant and lip
mouth have to be protected while applying ×2 2
lubricant grease on the oil seal lip
mouth.Use cross screwdriver for removal
to prevent bolts from damaging. A3102018

CAUTION: Use cross screwdriver for

removal to prevent bolts from damaging.

3. Use proper tools to install the camshaft front

oil seal.

Special Tool:CA301-013
CAUTION: Clean all the components
(except rubber parts and sealing gasket)
before assembling. All the components
should be applied with less lubricant and
lip mouth have to be protected while
applying lubricant grease on the oil seal
lip mouth. A3102019

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-62 Mechanical System 3.1.2-62

4. Install rocker 1, spring 2 and rocker shaft 3.

CAUTION: Clean all the components
(Besides rubber parts and sealing gasket)
before assembling. All the components
should be applied with lubricant and lip 1
mouth have to be protected while applying
lubricant grease on the oil seal lip mouth.
2 3
CAUTION: Use the other rocker shaft for
leading while installing the last rocker
spring. A3102020

5. Install 10 rocker shaft retaining bolts.

Torque:11 Nm

CAUTION: Use cross screwdriver for

removal to prevent bolts from damaging.

CAUTION: Adjust one end of rocker shaft

with flat slot with proper tools if rocker
shaft bolt hole and cylinder head are


6. Install timing belt inner cover 1 and tighten

retaining bolt 2 on the timing belt inner cover

Torque:10 Nm

2 ×4


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-63 Mechanical System 3.1.2-63

7. Install the engine timing gear.

Refer to: Timing Gear(3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Removal and Installation).
8. Adjust the valve clearance.
Refer to: Inspect and adjust the valve
clearance(3.1.2 Mechanical System,
General inspection).
9. Install the Cylinder head cover.
Refer to: Cylinder head cover(3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and
10. Install the camshaft position sensor case.
1.Install the camshaft position sensor case
2.Install the camshaft position sensor case 1.
3 Tighten the retaining bolt 2 at camshaft 1
position sensor housing 3.
Torque:13 Nm
CAUTION: Three bolts are glued bolts. 2 ×3
Replace with new parts and smear the glue A3102022
again after removal.

CAUTION: Remove and replace camshaft

position sensor case.

CAUTION: Clean all the components

(Besides rubber parts and sealing gasket)
before assembling. All the components
should be applied with lubricant and lip
mouth have to be protected while applying
lubricant grease on the oil seal lip mouth.

11. Connect the camshaft position sensor wiring

harness connector.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-64 Mechanical System 3.1.2-64

12. Install the accessory drive belt.

Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

CAUTION: Adjust the accessory drive belt

tightening. Refer to: Inspect the accessory
drive belt (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
General inspection).
13. Install the upper and lower engine water
Refer to: Cooling water pipes or hoses
(3.1.4 Cooling System, Removal and
14. Fill the engine coolant and bleed the engine
cooling system.
15. Install the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).
16. Inspect the engine for any coolant leaks.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-65 Mechanical System 3.1.2-65

Valve and Cylinder Head

Special tool

Valve Spring Retainer

Lock Remover.


Valve Oil Seal Clamp



Valve Oil Seal Installer.



General Tool

Dial Indicator
Outside Micrometer
Plastic gauge
Straight scale
Inside Gauge
Vernier Caliper

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-66 Mechanical System 3.1.2-66

1. Remove the battery negative cable.

Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).
2. Drain the engine coolant.
Refer to: Coolant Draining (3.1.4 Cooling
System, Removal and Installation).

CAUTION: Precaution for cooling system:

ensure personal safety.

3. Remove the upper and lower water pipe and

heater water pipe.
Refer to: Cooling water pipes or hoses
(3.1.4 Cooling System, Removal and

4. Remove the Cylinder head cover.

Refer to: Cylinder head cover (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

5. Remove the engine drive belt.

Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

6. Remove the engine timing gear.

Refer to: Timing Gear (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Removal and Installation).

7. Remove the intake manifold.

Refer to: Intake Manifold (3.1.5 Air intake
System,Removal and Installation).

8. Remove the exhaust manifold.

Refer to: Exhaust manifold (3.1.6 Exhaust
System, Removal and Installation).

9. Remove the intake and exhaust rockers and

rocker shafts.
Refer to: Rocker / Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
10. Remove the camshaft.
Refer to: Rocker/Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-67 Mechanical System 3.1.2-67

11. Remove the cylinder head bolts as shown in

the illustration. 1 7 9 6 4

3 5 10 8 2

12. Remove the cylinder head from the vehicle.


CAUTION: Do not lose the location pin on

the joint surface of cylinder head.


13. Use the special tool to squeeze and press the

valve spring.
Special tool:CA301 - 011 remover for valve
spring lock block


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-68 Mechanical System 3.1.2-68

14. Use a plier to remove the valve lock

General Equipment:Plier 2
15. Remove the valve from the combustion 1
chamber side.

2.valve spring 2


16. Use special tool to remove the valve oil seal

from the valve guide side.
CAUTION: Remove and replace the valve
oil seal.


17. Use a suitable tool to push against the valve

guide pipe out from the combustion chamber
side to the valve spring side.
CAUTION: Once the valve guide is
removed, it can not be reused. Use a
new(enlarged size)valve guide in

CAUTION: Besides the valve oil seal and

valve guide pipe, the components
disassembled must be placed in sequence
so that they can return to their original A3102028

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-69 Mechanical System 3.1.2-69
1. Measure the diameter of valve stem and
valve guide pipe with micrometer and
calliper gauge to inspect the clearance
between valve stem and valve guide pipe.
CAUTION: Measure the diameter of valve
stem and valve guide pipe for many
valve guide
times. Install a new valve stem and valve
guide pipe if the clearance exceeds the
valve guide inner diameter valve stem outer diameter
Item Standard(mm)
Valve stem Intake 6.965 ~ 6.980
diameter Exhaust 6.955 ~ 6.970

Valve guide pipe Intake 7.000 ~ 7.015

inner diameter Exhaust 7.000 ~ 7.015
Clearance Intake 0.02 ~ 0.05
between the
valve stem and Exhaust 0.03 ~ 0.06
the pipe

2. If a calliper gauge is not available, a dial

indicator gauge can be used as a substitute
to inspect the valve stem end offset. Move
the valve stem end in the direction 1 and 2
to inspect the offset. Install a new valve stem
and valve guide if the offset exceeds the
Valve Stem End Intake 0.12 mm
Offset. Exhaust 0.16 mm


3. Clear all the carbon deposit on the valve(s).

4. Inspect the valve working surface and valve
stem for any possible wear, burning damage
or deformation. Install a new valve as

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-70 Mechanical System 3.1.2-70

5. Measure the thickness of the valve head.

Install a new valve if the measured thickness
exceeds the limit.
Valve Head Thickness
Intake 2.55 ~ 3.05
Exhaust 2.55 ~3.05


6. Inspect the valve stem end for any possible

dent or wear.
CAUTION: Trim the valve stem if there is
dent or abrasion. Do not trim too much to
polish the chamfer.Replace the valve if the
chamfer has been polished.


7. Inspect the valve-face width by observing

the contacting imprint left on the valve
matching surface.
CAUTION: Spread an even layer of
membrane on the valve seat and then
inspect the valve-face width by turning
the valve seat and valve head.

CAUTION: The imprint left on the valve

matching surface must be a continuous
circle the width of which must be within A3102033
the specification.
Valve Imprint Standard Width
Intake 1.3 ~ 1.5
Exhaust 1.3 ~ 1.5

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-71 Mechanical System 3.1.2-71

8. Repair the valve seat.

CAUTION: The valve seat must be 1. Valve seat
smoothed, cut, rubbed and even go
through accurate grinding and polishing,
if the imprint made by the contact between
valve seat and valve is not even or the
width of it is not within the specification.

1.Use valve reamer to repair twice as shown

in the illustration.
CAUTION: Three reamers must be used to A3102034

repair the exhaust valve. Use the first one

at angle of 15°, the second one at an angle
of 45°. Use the second one at the angle of
75°. The width required must be reached at
the third repair.

The width of exhaust valve seat: 1.3 ~ 1.5 mm

CAUTION: Three reamers must be used to
repair the intake valve. Use the first one at
angle of 15°, the second one at an angle of
45°. Use the second one at the angle of Air intake valve
60°. The width required must be reached at
the third repair.
Intake valve seat width:1.3 ~ 1.5mm 60°
2.Grind the end surface by spreading rough 45°
grinding paste on it. 15°

3.Grind the end surface with fine grinding

Exhaust valve
CAUTION: Adopt usual methods to grind
the end surface by using valve grinding
tools in each step.




9. Clear the combustion carbon deposit.

CAUTION: Do not use any sharp tools to
scrape the carbon deposit. Be aware of
not damaging or scraping the metal
surface when clearing the carbon deposit.
It is also applicable to the valve(s) and
valve seat(s).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-72 Mechanical System 3.1.2-72
10. Inspect the cylinder head intake and exhaust
ports, combustion chamber and cylinder head
surface for any possible scratches.


11. Inspect the cylinder head for the straightness.

General Equipment:plastic gauge, Straight
CAUTION: Use Straight scale and plastic
gauge, inspect the cylinder head at 6
positions. Use a flat and a 400# sand
paper to level the cylinder head if the
deformation of the cylinder head exceeds
the following limit.

CAUTION: Install a new cylinder head, if A3102038

the reading on the plastic gauge remains

beyond the limit.

Deformation Limit: 0.03 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-73 Mechanical System 3.1.2-73

12. Inspect the deformation of manifold matching

General Equipment:plastic gauge, Straight
CAUTION: Inspect the cylinder head
manifold matching face with a Straight
scale and a plastic gauge to see if these
surfaces need to be leveled or replaced.

Deformation Limit:0.05 mm


13. Inspect the length and load of the valve

General Equipment:Vernier Caliper
CAUTION: Inspect if each spring is still
functioning or damaged or weakening
referring to the following table. Valve
spring(s) with poor elasticity results in
vibration and the reduced valve seat
pressure results in the occurrence of
gas leak which leads to the reduction of
output power.
Item Standard
spring free 48.9 mm
length A3102040

Valve 238.28 ~ 270.48 N

preload 501.76 ~ 576.24 N

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-74 Mechanical System 3.1.2-74

14. Inspect the valve spring for the verticality.

General Equipment:Straight scale
CAUTION: Use a Straight scale and a flat
to inspect the verticality of each spring in
accordance with the clearance between
the valve spring end and the Straight
scale. Install a new valve spring if the
clearance exceeds the limit values shown

Valve spring uprightness limit:1.28 mm A3102041

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-75 Mechanical System 3.1.2-75
1. Remove the raw edges around the valve
guide bore with a reamer.


2. Install the valve guide(s) in the cylinder head.

Special tool: valve guide pipe installer.
1.Heat the cylinder head evenly.
CAUTION: Evenly heat the cylinder head
to 80 ℃ - 100 ℃ (176 ℉ - 212 ℉ )Thus, the
cylinder head will not be deformed.
2.Use the special tool to press the new valve
guide into the bore until the special tool
reaches the cylinder head. A3102044

CAUTION: After the installation, make

sure that the valve guide stretches 14 mm
out of the cylinder head.

CAUTION: The installation of both the

intake and exhaust valve guides is the

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-76 Mechanical System 3.1.2-76

3. Ream the valve guide bore diameter with a



4. Clean the valve guide bore.

5. Use the special tool to install a new valve
stem oil seal on the valve guide.
Special tool: valve stem oil seal installer
CAUTION: Spread the engine oil on the
valve stem oil seal surface and then install
the oil seal on the valve guide with the
special tool.

CAUTION: Once the oil seal is removed, it

can not be reused.
CAUTION: During the installation, do not
knock on the special tools with a hammer
or other tools. Install the oil seal on the
valve guide by pushing and pressing the
special tool with hands. Knocking on the
special tool may result in the damage of
the oil seal.
6. Install the valve spring on the cylinder head.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-77 Mechanical System 3.1.2-77
7. Install the valve on the valve guide.
CAUTION: Smear the engine oil on the
valve oil seal, valve guide bore and valve
stem when installing the valve on the
valve guide.


8. Install the valve spring and spring seat.

CAUTION: Each valve spring has a top
end(bigger space end) and a bottom
end(smaller space end) When installing
the spring, its bottom end(smaller space
end) must be pointed to the bottom(valve
spring seat).


9. Use the special tool to compress the valve

spring and install the valve lock in the valve
stem groove.
Special tool:CA301 - 011 valve spring lock
block disassembling tool
General Equipment:Plier

2.valve spring 2


10. Install the intake and exhaust rockers and

rocker shafts
Refer to: Rocker/Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
11. Inspect and verify that the high voltage oil
hole on the cylinder head has not been

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-78 Mechanical System 3.1.2-78

12. Install a new cylinder head gasket.

1.Remove the used cylinder head gasket.
2.Smear moderate engine oil over the
matching surface.
3 Install a new gasket of the same type and
install the cylinder head gasket surface with
"intake" on the engine cylinder.
4 Put "TOP" on the crankshaft belt pulley side
and upside (towards the cylinder head).Make
sure that the location pin is aslo put inside.

13. Install and tighten the cylinder head bolts.

10 3 1 5 7
1 Screw all bolts to 30 Nm as the sequence
shown in the illustration.
2 Screw all bolts to 50 Nm as the sequence
shown in the illustration.
3 Screw all bolts to the specified torque as
the sequence shown in the illustration.

Torque: 60 Nm
8 6 2 4 9

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-79 Mechanical System 3.1.2-79

14. Install the camshaft.

Refer to: Rocker/Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).

15. Intall the exhaust manifold.

Refer to: Exhaust manifold (3.1.6 Exhaust
System, Removal and Installation).

16. Install the Intake Manifold.

Refer to: Intake Manifold (3.1.5 Air intake
System,Removal and Installation).

17. Install the engine timing gear.

Refer to: Timing Gear (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Removal and Installation).

18. Adjust the valve clearance.

Refer to: Inspect and adjust the valve
clearance (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
General inspection).

19. Install the Cylinder head cover.

Refer to: Cylinder head cover (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

20. Install the accessory drive belt.

Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and
21. Adjust the accessory drive belt tightening.
Refer to: Inspect the accessory drive belt
(3.1.2 Mechanical System, General

22. Install the upper and lower water pipe and

heater water pipe.
Refer to: Cooling water pipes or hoses
(3.1.4 Cooling System, Removal and

23. Fill the engine coolant and bleed the engine

cooling system.
24. Install the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-80 Mechanical System 3.1.2-80

Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting Rod and Cylinder

General Equipment

Cylinder micrometer
Outside Micrometer
Plastic gauge
Straight scale
Piston Ring Expander


Item Specifications
HE1213RTV Silicone
Thread retaining gum Loctite 262

1. Remove the battery negative cable.

Refer to: Battery Inspection(3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

2. Drain engine oil.

3. Remove the engine and transmission
assembly from the vehicle.
Refer to: Engine Assembly (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

4. Disassemble the transmission assembly.

Refer to: Transmission Assembly (3.4.3
Manual Transmission - MR508A10,
Removal and Installation).

5. Remove the Clutch driven disc assemblyand

clutch pressure plate assembly
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assemblyand
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-81 Mechanical System 3.1.2-81

6. Remove flywheel assembly.

1 Use proper tools 1 to lock the flywheel.
2 Remove the retaining bolt 2 on the
flywheel 6.


×6 2


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-82 Mechanical System 3.1.2-82

7. Remove the intake and exhaust rocker,

rocker shaft and camshaft.
Refer to: Rocker\Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).

8. Remove the cylinder head.

Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and

9. Remove engine oil pan and oil pump filter.

Refer to: Engine Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Filter (3.1.3 Lubrication System, Removal
and Installation).
10. Remove the engine oil pump.
Refer to: Eninge Oil Pump (3.1.3
Lubrication System, Removal and
11. Remove the crankshaft rear end cover and
the rear oil seal.



12. Label the cylinder number on the piston,

connecting rod and bushing with quick drying
13. Remove the retaining bolts on the piston
connecting rod bushing.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-83 Mechanical System 3.1.2-83

14. Remove the piston connecting rod bushing.

CAUTION: Install the rubber sheath over
the thread of the connecting rod bolts to
avoid damaging the thread of the journal
bearing and connecting rod bolts when
removing the connecting rod.


15. Push the piston and connecting rod out of the

cylinder block.


16. Remove the crankshaft main bearing cover

as shown in the illustration. 1 5 9 7 3
17. Remove the crankshaft from the cylinder

2 6 10 8 4

18. Use the Piston Ring Expander to remove the

piston ring from the piston. Piston ring expander

Note: The first and second rings are piston

gas ring, the third one is piston oil ring.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-84 Mechanical System 3.1.2-84

19. Detach the piston from the connecting rod.

1. Remove the piston pin circlip
2. Take out the piston pin.
3. Detach the piston from the connecting rod.


20. Use a suitable tool to remove the carbon

deposit from the piston crown and piston ring

1. Observe if there is any obvious scratch,sags
and crests or humps on the cylinder wall.
Hone out the cylinder block again or install a
new crankcase if the cylinder wall is very
rough or has some deep scratches, sags and
2. Use the internal micrometer to measure the
cylinder bore in two directions and at two
positions as shown in the illustration. Hone
out the cylinder block again or install a new
crankcase if any of the following cases exists.
1.The cylinder bore exceeds the tolerance.
2.The difference value of the tapers at the two
positions exceeds the tolerance.
3.The measured thrust and axial difference
value exceeds the out-of-round range.
Cylinder Bore Limit:66.02 mm
Taper and out-of-round limit:0.008 mm
CAUTION: Hone out the four cylinder
blocks at an uniform increased scale if
any of them needs to be honed out again.
This is necessary to keep the uniformity
and equilibrium of the cylinder blocks.


3. Inspect the piston for any wear, cracks or

other damages. If any, install a new piston.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-85 Mechanical System 3.1.2-85

4. As shown in the illustration, measure the

piston diameter 23 mm above the piston
skirt bottom in a direction vertical to the
piston pin.
Standard 65.965 ~ 65.985
Piston Enlarged size
Diameter 66.215 ~ 66.235
0.25 mm
Enlarged size
66.465 ~ 66.485
0.50 mm

15 mm

5. Inspect the clearance between the piston and

cylinder. If the clearance exceeds the
specified range, hone out the cylinder block
again with a bigger piston or install a new
Piston Clearance:0.015~0.055 mm
CAUTION: The cylinder bore in this step is
measured at two directions and two
6. Inspect the piston ring-to-groove clearance.
1. Clean and dry the piston ring groove.
2. Install the piston ring in the groove.
3. Use the plastic gauge to measure the ring-
to-groove clearance. If it exceeds the
standard range, install a new piston.
Piston Clearance:
The first ring: 0.03 ~ 0.07 mm
The Second Ring:0.02 ~ 0.06 mm A3102061

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-86 Mechanical System 3.1.2-86
7. Inspect the piston pin, connecting rod wrist-
pin hole and piston hole for any wear or
CAUTION: Install a new pin, connecting
rod or piston if the piston pin, wrist-pin
hole or piston hole has been seriously
worn or damaged.

8. Inspect the piston pin clearance.

CAUTION: Inspect the piston clearance
at the smaller end of the connecting rod.
If the wrist-pin end has been seriously
worn or damaged and the clearance
exceeds the standard range, install a new
connecting rod.
Item Standard(mm)
Link small end
0.006 ~ 0.019
Small end hole:16.006 ~ 16.014 mm
Piston Pin Diameter:15.995 ~ 16,000 mm


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-87 Mechanical System 3.1.2-87

9. Inset the piston ring in the cylinder wall and

measure the clearance with a plastic gauge.
CAUTION: Before the piston ring is
insert, clean the top of the cylinder and
remove the carbon deposit.

General equipment:Plastic gauge.

Item Standard(mm)
First Ring 0.15 ~ 0.30
Piston ring Second
0.15 ~ 0.35 120 mm
end gap Ring 3
Oil ring 0.25 ~ 0.70


10. Connect the crankshaft and connecting rod

and inspect the connecting rod tip side
clearance. Install a new connecting rod if the
clearance exceeds the standard range.
Item Standard(mm)
Connecting rod
0.100 ~ 0.202
tip clearance
11. Install the connecting rod on the straightener
and inspect if the connecting rod is bent or
distorted. If the bend and distortion of the
connecting rod exceed the limit, install a
new connecting rod.
Bend Limit:0.05 mm
Twisting limit 0.10 mm

12. Use an outside micrometer to inspect the

crank for any possible irregular wear or
Connecting rod
Crank diameter(mm)
bushing model
Standard dimension 37.982 ~ 38.000
Reduce the size by
37.732 ~ 37.750
Crank roundness and taper Limit:0.005 mm
General equipment:Outside Micrometer

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-88 Mechanical System 3.1.2-88
13. Inspect the bushing for any possible
dissolution signs, drop pits, ablation or
surface peeling off as well as contacting
shapes. If there are any obvious signs as
described above, install a new bushing.
CAUTION: Distinguish the standard
bearing bushing from the one reduced by
0.25 mm 0.25mm by observing the mark
on the back of the bushing.0.25 There is a
25 marked on the back of the bushing
reduced by 0.25mm. Instead, there is no A3102066

such mark on the standard model.

14. Inspect the connecting rod bushing

1 Clean the connecting rod bushing and
2 Install the bushing on the connecting rod
and bushing cover.
3 When connecting the crank to the bushing,
place a plastic gauge 1 on the crank in a way
it is paralleled to the crank axis and avoids
the lubrication hole. A3102067

General equipment:Plastic gauge

15. Install the connecting rod bushing cover.

CAUTION: Do not rotate crankshaft after
the installation of connecting rod bushing
Torque: 32 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-89 Mechanical System 3.1.2-89

16. Remove the bushing cover and place a

gauge on the plastic gauge,and then
measure the width of the plastic gauge at
the widest clearance.
CAUTION: Install a new bushing with a
new size and measure the clearance
again if the clearance exceeds the
standard range.
Item Standard(mm)
0.02 ~ 0.04

17. Install a new crankshaft or grind the crank if

the clearance still exceeds the standard
value after using a new standard bushing.
1 Install the bearing bushing reduced by
0.25mm in size on the connecting rod tip.
2 Measure the connecting rod tip bore
3 Grind the crank again to reach the
following final diameter

Final crankshaft diameter=Measured connecting

rod tip bore diameter(including the sized-reduced
bushing) - 0.035 mm
4.Verify the bushing clearance is within the
standard range.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-90 Mechanical System 3.1.2-90

18. Selection of connecting rod bushing:

1. Verify the crankshaft with 4 numbers.
4 numbers stands for the model of the
diameter for connecting rod journal and
meanwhile its digital installation sequence
stands for 4 connecting rods.


2. Then verify the number of the joint surface

on the connecting rod covers.Number stands
for the model of connecting rod hole


3. Selection of connecting rod bushing:

Bushing = 7 - The number printed on the
crankshaft - Number on the connecting rod
cover side.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-91 Mechanical System 3.1.2-91
1. Match the piston to the corresponding
cylinder by following the cylinder inside
diameter mark on the cylinder block.
CAUTION: There are also letters like A, B
or C printed on the piston head. It is not
necessary to use these letters to
distinguish each piston.

CAUTION: Two models of piston are

standard spare parts. The piston can be
used only if it guarantees a correct piston A3102150
clearance and cylinder clearance. When
installing the standard piston, match the
piston to the cylinder as the following
1. Each piston has the color in red or blue
as shown in the illustration, standing for
the outside diameter of piston.
2. The engine block has the color in red
and blue as shown in the illustration. The
first number represents the inside
diameter of the No.1 cylinder. The second
number represents the inside diameter of A3102072
the NO.2 cylinder. The third number
represents the inside diameter of the NO.3
cylinder. The fourth number represents
the inside diameter of the NO.4 cylinder.

2. Install the piston pin on the piston and

connecting rod.
1 2
1. Smear moderate engine oil on the piston
pin and piston pin boss. pulley side
2. Install the piston connecting rod on the Jump ring 3
3. Inset the piston pin in the piston and
connecting rod. 2.Front direction marking 4
4. Install the piston pin circlip 4.Oil orifice(at intake valve side)
CAUTION: As shown in the illustration,
install the piston pin circlip with its mouth
facing upwards or downwards.

CAUTION: The engine oil hole should be

on the intake side.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-92 Mechanical System 3.1.2-92

3. Install the piston ring on the piston.

1. Install the piston ring on the piston and the
Side with letter
mark side of each piston should be towards mark upward

the top of the piston (See chart).The first and Side with letter
mark upward 1
second piston should be marked as RN.The
mark side of piston ring should be aligned 2
with the top of the piston while installing the 3
ring on the piston.
CAUTION: There are differences among
thickness, shape and color of cylinder wall A3102074
surface for the first and second piston.

CAUTION: Do not install the piston ring


2. Install the oil ring cushion spring.

3. nstall the oil ring scraping ring.

4. Arrange the end gap of the three piston rings

as shown in the illustration.


5. Smear moderate engine oil on the piston,

piston ring, cylinder wall, connecting rod
bearing bushing and crank.
CAUTION: Do not spread engine oil
between the connecting rod and bearing
bushing or bearing bushing cover and
bearing bushing.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-93 Mechanical System 3.1.2-93

6. Install the rubber sheath over the connecting

rod bolts.
CAUTION: The rubber sheath can protect
the thread of the bolts on the crank and
connecting rod from damaging during the
assembly of the connecting rod and


7. Install the assembly of the piston and

connecting rod into the cylinder.
1. Compress the piston rings with a piston
ring compressor.
2. Place the connecting rod on the cylinder
3. Knock on the piston with a hammer beam
and install the piston into the cylinder.
CAUTION: Hold the piston ring
compressor closely against the cylinder
block until all piston rings enter the

8. Install the connecting rod bushing cover.

1 Install the connecting rod bushing on the
2 Let the arrow on the cover point to the
crankshaft belt pulley.
3 Tighten the connecting rod bearing bushing
retaining nuts.
Torque:32 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-94 Mechanical System 3.1.2-94

9. Install the oil pump filter.

Refer to: Engine Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Filter (3.1.3 Lubrication System, Removal
and Installation).

10. Install the engine oil pan.

Refer to: Engine Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Filter (3.1.3 Lubrication System, Removal
and Installation).

11. Install the cylinder head.

Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-95 Mechanical System 3.1.2-95

Main Bearing, Crankshaft and Cylinder Block

Special Tool

Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal

CA301 - 025


Flywheel Lock Tools



Friction Disk Mounting

CA301 - 024


General Equipment
Outside Micrometer
Plastic gauge
Straight scale

Item Specifications
HZ1213RTV Silicone
Thread retaining gum Loctite 262

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-96 Mechanical System 3.1.2-96

1. Remove the battery negative cable.

Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).
2. Drain engine oil.
3. Remove the engine and transmission
assembly from the vehicle.
Refer to: Engine Assembly (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and
4. Disassemble the transmission assembly.
Refer to: Transmission Assembly (4.3.4
Manual Transmission-MR508A, Removal
and Installation).

5. Remove the Clutch driven disc assembly and

clutch pressure plate assembly
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assemblyand
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).

6. Use the special tool to remove the flywheel

Special Tool:CA301-028


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-97 Mechanical System 3.1.2-97

×6 2


7. Remove the timing gear.

Refer to: Timing Gear(3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).

8. Remove the cylinder head.

Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and

9. Remove engine oil pan and oil pump filter.

Refer to: Engine Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Filter(3.1.3 Lubrication System, Removal
and Installation).

10. Remove the engine oil pump.

Refer to: Eninge Oil Pump(3.1.3
Lubrication System, Removal and

11. Remove the crankshaft rear end cover and

the rear oil seal assembly.
CAUTION: Replace the seal gasket and oil
seal of the rear oil seal assembly after it is

12. Remove the piston connecting rod bearing ×6

Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly). A3102052

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-98 Mechanical System 3.1.2-98

13. Remove the crankshaft main bearing cover

as shown in the illustration. 1 5 9 7 3
14. Remove the crankshaft from the cylinder

2 6 10 8 4

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-99 Mechanical System 3.1.2-99
1. Inspect the crankshaft.
1 Inspect the crankshaft radial runout, and
measure the radial runout at the center shaft
with a micrometer while slowly turning the
crankshaft. If the radial runout exceeds the
limit value, install a new crankshaft.
Radial Runout Limit:0.06 mm


2 Inspect the thrust clearance and read the

axial displacement in the thrust direction.
Install a new thrust plate if the
measurement exceeds the limit value.
Item Standard(mm)
Crankshaft thrust
0.16 ~ 0.36

Cranksha Standard 2.470 ~ 2.520 mm

ft thrust A3102081
plate Enlarge 0.125 2.595 ~ 2.645 mm

3 Inspect the crankshaft for uneven

wear(Out-of-round and taper and measure it
with an outside micrometer. Hone out the
crankshaft or install a new one if any of the
bearing journals has been seriously worn or
the uneven wear exceeds the limit value.
Out-of-round limit value and taper:0.005 mm


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-100 Mechanical System 3.1.2-100

2. Inspect the main bearing.

5 dimensions are available for the main
bearing,including the standard and increased
size of 0.25mm. Inspect the main bearing for
any possible corrosive pitting, scratches,
wear or damages. Replace the upper and
lower bearing respectively, instead of
replacing a whole if any fault is found.
Radial Runout Limit:0.05 mm

3. Inspect the main bearing clearance.

1 Remove the main bearing cover.
2 Clean the main bearing and the axis.
3 Place a plastic gauge on the main axis
which is equal to the width of the bearing
(paralleled to the crankshaft) and avoids the
lubrication hole.


4. As the sequence shown in the illustration,

install the main bearing cover and evenly 9 5 2 4 7
tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Torque:46 Nm
CAUTION: During the installation, the
arrow on the main bearing cover must
point to the front of the engine. The main
bearing cover marked with “1” is installed
at the front of the engine. The one marked 10 6 1 3 8
with “5” is installed on the side of the A3102085

CAUTION: Do not turn the crankshaft after

installing the main bearing cover.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-101 Mechanical System 3.1.2-101

5. Remove the main bearing cover, measure

its width by placing the gauge at the widest
point of the plastic gauge. Install a new
main bearing if the clearance exceeds the
limit value. Both the upper and lower
bearings must be replaced as a whole. A
bearing increased in size by 0.25 mm can
be installed and grinded again if the
clearance does not meet the specified
value when a standard bearing is used.
Inspect the bearing clearance again after A3102086
installing a new bearing.
Bearing Standard(mm)
clearance 0.02 ~ 0.04

6. The selection of main bearing: Select a new

standard bearing as the following sequence if
the main bearing is not correct or the bearing
clearance exceeds the technical requirement.
1 Inspect the diameter of crankshaft and
there are 5 printed numbers on the
crankshaft. The number stands for the modle
of the diameter of crankshaft main journal
and meanwhile it stands for 5 crankshaft main


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-102 Mechanical System 3.1.2-102

2 Inspect crankshaft bearing cover hole

diameter and there is one number on the
crankshaft bearing cover side (as
shown).Number stands for the model of
bearing cover hole diameter.


3 The crankshaft bushing should be selected

by 7 minus the number printed on the
crankshaft minus number on the crankshaft
bearing cover side.
For example, the first number on the
crankshaft is 1, the first crankshaft main
journal cover is 3 and the crankshaft main
journal is 7 - the forst number 1 - on the
crankshaft the first crankshaft main journal
cover is 3 = The back of the crankshaft
bushing should be marked as 3. See chart. A3102088

4 Use the plastic gauge, inspect the re-

selected crankshaft bearing clearance. Use a
thicker bearing and inspect the clearance
once again if the clearance remains beyond
the limit value.
5 Refer to the numbers printed on the new
crankshaft or the letters printed on the new
cylinders to select a new standard crankshaft
bearing when installing a new crankshaft or
cylinder block.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-103 Mechanical System 3.1.2-103

7. hickened crankshaft bearing: a thickened

crankshaft bearing is available in the repair.Its
thickness: 2.119 ~ 2.125 mm. Hone out the
crankshaft once again and select the
thickening-type crankshaft bearing to be used
if necessary.
1 Grind the crankshaft axis diameter to the
following final diameter.
The final diameter:mm
2 Measure the grinded axis diameter with a
micrometer. To inspect the radial runout,
measure the diameter in 2 directions
respectively which are vertical to each other.
Install the thickened bearing and inspect the
bearing clearance with the new-selected A3102089
thickened bearing.

8. Inspect the crankshaft rear oil seal.

1 Inspect the oil seal for any possible wear.
Install a new oil seal if the lip of the oil seal
has been worn or damaged.
2 When installing the oil seal, clean the oil
seal retainer and press it in steadily, keep the
oil seal face 0.5 mm below the oil seal
housing face.


9. Inspect the flywheel.

1 Inspect the flywheel gear ring. Install a new
flywheel if the gear ring has been damaged or
cracked or worn.
2 Inspect the clutch friction sheet contacting
face. Install a new flywheel if the surface has
been damaged or worn excessively.
3 Measure the flywheel end face runout with
a micrometer. Install a new flywheel if the
measurement exceeds the limit value. A3102091

End face runout limit value:0.15 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-104 Mechanical System 3.1.2-104

10. Inspect the cylinder block

Use the Straight scale and thickness gauge,
inspect the cylinder block and cylinder head
sealing surface for any possible
deformation. Finish the surface if the
flatness exceeds the limit value.
Item Standard Limit Value
Flatness 0.03 mm 0.06 mm


11. Hone out the cylinder.

1 All other cylinders need to be honed out
again if any of the cylinders needs to be
honed out again.
2 Select enlarged piston according to the
extent that the cylinder has been honed.
Dimensions The diamter of piston
0.25 66.215 ~ 66.235 mm
0.50 66.465 ~ 66.485 mm

3 Measure the piston diameter with a



4 Calculate the diameter of the cylinder bore

to be honed out.
D:The diameter of the cylinder bore to be
honed out.
A:Measured piston diameter.
B: Piston Clearance=0.015 ~ 0.055 mm
C:Honing excess=0.02 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-105 Mechanical System 3.1.2-105

5 Hone out the cylinder to the calculated size.

CAUTION: Before honing the cylinder,
install all the main bearing covers and
screw them as the specified torque while
preventing the bearing bore from being
6 Measure the piston clearance after the
cylinder has been honed.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-106 Mechanical System 3.1.2-106
CAUTION: Clean all the components to be

CAUTION: Make sure that moderate

engine oil should be spread on the
crankshaft bearing journal, crankshaft
bearing, thrust plate, connecting rod
bearing journal, piston, piston ring and
cylinder bore.

CAUTION: Make sure that the crankshaft

bearing, bearing cover, connecting rod,
connecting rod bearing, connecting
bearing cover, piston and piston ring are
all assembled into a combination. Do not
mess the combination and make sure that
each component should return to the
original position.

1. Install the crankshaft bearing 1 on the

cylinder block 2. One bearing bushing with an
oil groove is installed on the cylinder block, 2 1
the other one without an oil groove is installed
on the bearing cover. Verify the two bearing
bushings are the same in size.


2. Install the crankshaft thrust plate 1 on the

cylinder block between the No.2 cylinder and
No.3 cylinder. Make sure that the oil groove
side of the thrust plate points to the crank.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-107 Mechanical System 3.1.2-107

3. Install the crankshaft on the cylinder.

4. Install the crankshaft bearing cover. Make
sure that the arrow on each cover points to
crankshaft belt pulley side. Install the cover
marked with “1” on the side near the
crankshaft belt pulley and install the cover
marked with “5” on the side near the flywheel.

1 2 3 4 5

5. Tighten the crankshaft bearing cover bolts as

shown in the illustration to the specified 9 5 2 4 7
Tightening torque: 46 Nm
CAUTION: It is not allowed to tighten the
bolts to the specified torque at one turn.
The correct way is to tighten the bolts at
several times until the specified torque is
reached. 10 6 1 3 8
CAUTION: After the crankshaft bearing A3102097

cover bolts have been tightened, make

sure that the crankshaft can rotate steadily
without any interference when turning the
crankshaft at a torque force of 8 Nm or
less than that.
6. Install the piston connecting rod bearing
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly)

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-108 Mechanical System 3.1.2-108

7. Install a new crankshaft oil seal housing

cushion and oil seal housing and tighten the
shorter retaining bolt 1 and the longer
retaining bolt 2 as the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 11 Nm
CAUTION: It is not allowed to use the oil 2 2
seal housing cushion removed from the
crankshaft. Spread the engine oil on the
seal lip before the installation. 1
CAUTION: Since there are two types of oil A3102098

seal housing bolts, do not install them at a

wrong position. After installing the oil seal
housing, the bulge on edge of the seal
cushion should be cut off if it exists and
clean the cylinder block and oil seal
8. Install oil pump.
Refer to: Engine Oil Pump (3.1.3
Lubrication System, Removal and
9. Install engine oil pan and oil pump filter.
Refer to: Engine Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Filter (3.1.3 Lubrication System, Removal
and Installation).

10. Install the cylinder head.

Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
11. Install the timing gear.
Refer to: Timing Gear(3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-109 Mechanical System 3.1.2-109

12. Use special tool to fix and install the flywheel

Torque:78 Nm
Special Tool:CA301 - 028


×6 2


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-110 Mechanical System 3.1.2-110

13. Install the Clutch driven disc assemblyand

clutch pressure plate assembly
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assemblyand
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).

14. Install the transmission assembly.

Refer to: Transmission Assembly (3.4.3
Manual Transmission - MR508A10,
Removal and Installation).

15. Engine and gearbox assembly.

Refer to: Engine Assembly(3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and
16. Fill engine oil.
17. Install the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection(3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.2-111 Mechanical System 3.1.2-111

Removal and Installation

Cylinder Head Cover
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

2. Remove the ignition high voltage damping

Refer to: High voltage damping wire (3.1.8
Ignition system, Removal and

3. Detach the PCV valve hose 1 and vent hose

2 from the Cylinder head cover.

1 2


4. Remove the 4 retaining bolts on the Cylinder

head cover.



SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-112 Mechanical System 3.1.2-112

5. Take out the Cylinder head cover 1 and seal

ring 2.
CAUTION: Install a new one after Cylinder 1
head cover seal gasket is removed.


1. Install the Cylinder head cover seal ring.

2. Install the Cylinder head cover and tighten

the 4 retaining bolts to the specified torque.
Torque: 7 Nm
CAUTION: When installing the Cylinder ×4
head cover,prevent the Cylinder head
cover seal ring or O-ring from moving or
coming off.

CAUTION: Tighten the 4 retaining bolts on

the Cylinder head cover in 3 to 4 times.

3. Install the PCV valve hose 1 and vent hose 2

from the Cylinder head cover.

1 2


4. Install the ignition high voltage damping wire.

Refer to: High voltage damping wire (3.1.8
Ignition system, Removal and

5. Install the battery negative cable.

Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-113 Mechanical System 3.1.2-113

Accessory Drive Belt

1. Open driver seat and front passenger seats.

2. Disconnect the negative cable.

Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

3. Loosen the lower 2 retaining bolts of AC


Torque:23 Nm


4. Loosen the upper retaining bolts of the AC


Torque:23 Nm
5. Turn the compressor to the engine side until
the compressor belt can be detached.


6. Loosen the upper retaining bolt 1 and lower

retaining bolt 2 of the generator.
Torque of bolt 1:23 Nm
Torque of bolt 2:50 Nm

2 1


SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-114 Mechanical System 3.1.2-114

7. Loosen the front lower bolt 3 of the generator.

8. Turn the generator to the engine side until the
generator belt can be detached.
Torque of bolt 3:50 Nm


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Inspect generator belt and AC
compressor belt tension. Press the center
of the belt downward with force of 100N
supposedly see a dent with depth of
5 to 6 mm.

Timing Gear
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

2. Remove the gearbox dust cover and apply

proper tools to lock the flywheel(see chart).


SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-115 Mechanical System 3.1.2-115

3. Loosen retaining bolt on the crank pulley.

Torque:54 Nm


4. Remove the 4 retaining bolts on the water

pump belt pulley.
Torque:11 Nm



5. Remove the accessory drive belt.

Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.1.2 Gear
System, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-116 Mechanical System 3.1.2-116

6. Remove retaining bolt 1 on the crank pulley

and crank pulley 2.


7. Remove retaining bolt 1 on the pump pulley 4

and pump pulley 2.

1 ×4


SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-117 Mechanical System 3.1.2-117

8. Remove retaining bolts 1 on the timing belt

cover 6 and detach the timing belt cover 2.

Torque:6 Nm 1 2



9. Rotate the crankshaft to align the timing mark

as shown in the following illustration.


SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-118 Mechanical System 3.1.2-118

10. Remove 2 retaining bolts of the tensioner.

Torque:27 Nm


11. Remove the tensioner 1 and engine timing

belt 2.
WARNING: Do not rotate the crankshaft
and camshaft to over 45 degrees to both
the left and right with the timing mark as
the benchmark after removing the belt. Or,
some related components may be
damaged, such as piston and valves.

CAUTION: Do not bend the timing belt.



SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-119 Mechanical System 3.1.2-119

12. Use proper tools to fix camshaft timing pulley

1 and remove retaining bolt 2 on the camshaft
timing pulley.


13. Remove the crank timing pulley 1 and washer

CAUTION: The bumped edge of washer 2
lies towards timing pulley side.


SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-120 Mechanical System 3.1.2-120
1. Inspect the timing belt for any wear or cracks.
Install a new one as necessary.


2. Inspect the tensioner and to see if it rotates

freely or not.


1. Install the washer 2 and crankshaft timing
pulley 1.
CAUTION: The bumped edge of washer 2
lies towards timing pulley side.

CAUTION: Confirm that semicircular key

at the front end of crankshaft for
positioning crankshaft timing pulley has
not dropped off. 2

SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-121 Mechanical System 3.1.2-121

2. Install camshaft timing pulley 1 and retaining

bolt 2 on the camshaft timing pulley.
CAUTION: Confirm that semicircular key
at the front end of camshaft for
positioning camshaft timing pulley has not
dropped off.


3. Use proper tools to fix camshaft timing pulley

1 and tighten the retaining bolt 2 on the
camshaft timing pulley.

Torque:54 Nm


SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-122 Mechanical System 3.1.2-122

4. Install a tensioner.
CAUTION: Do not tighten retaining bolt at
tensioner 2 and just screw it to the end by
your hands.


5. Install the timing belt.

CAUTION: Inspect the timing belt marks
on the camshaft timing pulley and align
the 2 marks by rotating the camshaft if
they are not aligned. Note that the rotation
can not exceed the allowed range.

CAUTION: Inspect the timing belt marks

on the crankshaft timing pulley and align
the 2 marks by rotating the crankshaft if
they are not aligned. Note that the rotation
can not exceed the allowed range.

CAUTION: When installing the timing belt,

make the arrow mark on the belt points in
the same direction as the crankshaft


SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-123 Mechanical System 3.1.2-123

6. Use proper tools to insert one end of tension

spring into tensioner holder.


7. Insert the other end of tension spring into the

bolt at the bottom in the same way.


SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-124 Mechanical System 3.1.2-124

8. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise for 2 turns to

tighten the loosened timing belt. Tighten
retaining bolt on the tensioner if belt has not
been loose.

Torque:27 Nm
CAUTION: Inspect whether the engine
timing marks have been aligned again
before tightening tensioner retaining bolt.
Install timing belt and tensioner again if
they are not aligned.

CAUTION: Inspect whether the engine

timing marks have been aligned again
after rotating the crankshaft for 2 turns.
Install timing belt and tensioner again if
they are not aligned.


9. Install timing belt cover 2 and tighten retaining

bolt 1 on the timing belt cover 6.
Torque:6 Nm. 1 2


SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-125 Mechanical System 3.1.2-125

10. Install water pump belt pulley 2 and screw the

water pump belt pulley bolt 1 to the end with
your hand.

1 ×4


11. Install timing belt pulley 2 and screw the

timing belt pulley bolt 1 to the end with your


SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-126 Mechanical System 3.1.2-126

12. Install the accessory drive belt.

Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt(3.1.2 Gear
System, Removal and Installation).

13. Tighten the water pump pulley retaining bolt

Torque:11 Nm



14. Use proper tools to lock the flywheel and

install the gearbox dust cover(see chart).


15. Tighten crankshaft pulley retaining bolt

Torque:130 Nm


SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-127 Mechanical System 3.1.2-127

16. Install the battery negative cable.

Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

Engine Assembly

Item Specifications
Refrigerant HFC134
Lvaq glycol coolant
Coolant (Antifreeze,anti-
corrosion collant)

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

2. Release the fuel pressure.

Refer to: Inspect the fuel pressure (3.1.7
Fuel System, General inspectionGeneral

3. Discharge the coolant.

Refer to: Coolant drain (3.1.4 Cooling
system, Removal and Installation).

4. Remove the retaining bolt on the grounding

wiring harness of exhaust manifold.

Torque:11 Nm


5. Remove the high voltage damping wire

Refer to: High voltage damping wire (3.1.8
Ignition system, Removal and

SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-128 Mechanical System 3.1.2-128

6. Remove oil pressure switch wiring harness

connector 1 and clamp 2.

2 1


7. Remove gearshift mechanism.

Refer to: Gearshift Mechanism (3.4.4
Manual Transmission External Control,
Removal and Installation).

8. Disconnect the wiring harness connector of

the engine.


9. Remove the upper and lower water pipes of

the engine.
Refer to: The upper and lower cooling
water pipe (3.1.4 Cooling System,
Removal and Installation).
10. Disconnect the grounding wiring harness
connector on the thermostat.
11. Remove the brake boost vacuum tube 1.
12. Remove the retaining bolt on the generator
cable 2 and disconnect generator wiring 1
harness connector 3.

Torque:8 Nm


SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-129 Mechanical System 3.1.2-129

13. Remove the upper and lower water pipes of

engine heater.


14. Recycle AC refrigerant

Refer to: Recycling and filling of
refrigerant (4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning, General inspection).

15. Detach both the AC high-pressure pipe 3 and

low-pressure pipe 4.



16. Remove the crankcase vent pipe.

17. Remove the intake hose 1.

18. Remove the throttle valve cable 2.


SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-130 Mechanical System 3.1.2-130

19. Detach the EVAP solenoid valve vacuum

Refer to: EVAP solenoid valve (3.1.11
Emission Control System, Removal and

20. Remove the fuel pipe.

Refer to: Pipeline between air filter and
fuel rail (3.3.7 Fuel System, Removal and

21. Lift and support the vehicle.

Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).

22. Drain engine oil.

23. Remove the transmission accessories.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.3
Manual Transmission-MR508A, Removal
and Installation).

24. Remove the drive shaft.

Refer to: Drive shaft with universal joint
assembly (2.2.2 Drive Shaft, Removal and

25. Remove the retaining bolt on the

transmission grounding cables.

Torque:11 Nm


SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-131 Mechanical System 3.1.2-131

26. Remove the speedometer sensor wiring

harness connector 1 and clamp 2.


27. Disconnect the startercontrol wiring harness

connector and remove the startercables.
Refer to: Starter motor (3.1.9 Starting
System,Removal and Installation).
28. Disconnect the front oxygen sensor wiring
harness connector.
Refer to: Oxygen Sensor (3.1.12 Electrical
Control System - M7, Removal and

29. Disconnect the exhaust manifold and three-

way catalytic converter.
Refer to: Three-way catalytic converter
(3.1.6 Exhaust System, Removal and
30. Place a movable flat worktable under the
engine and transmission assembly and lower
the vehicle until the worktable fully secures
the powertrain.
CAUTION: Make sure that the contact
between the worktable and powertrain is
secure. Or, it may cause personal injury.

SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-132 Mechanical System 3.1.2-132

31. Remove 3 retaining bolts on the engine left

bracket assembly.
Torque:55 Nm



32. Remove 3 retaining bolts on the engine right

bracket assembly.
Torque:55 Nm



SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.2-133 Mechanical System 3.1.2-133

33. Remove the 2 retaining bolts on gearbox


Torque:45 Nm ×2


34. Slowly lift the vehicle and detach the

powertrain from the frame.
CAUTION: During lifting, be aware of
preventing the powertrain from inclining
on the flat worktable. and of any
interference of joints connecting the
powertrain and frame.
35. Detach the transmission assembly from the
engine assembly.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.3
Manual Transmission - MR508A10,
Removal and Installation).

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.O8
3.1.3 Lubrication
3.1.3-1 Lubrication System 3.1.3-1

Material Specifications
Item Specifications Capacity
Silicone flange sealant:
Sealant -
HZ1213RTV Silicone Sealant
Thread retaining gum Loctite 243 -

Component Specifications
Item Specifications
Oil pump type Rotor pump -
Engine rotating speed 3,000 rpm
Oil pressure
Oil pressure 320 ~ 480 kPa

General Specifications
Lubrication Specifications

Application Specifications
Viscosity SF
Grade 15W - 40
Capacity 3L

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Engine oil pan drain plug 35 26 -
Oil pan retaining blots and nuts 7 - 62
Oil pump retaining bolts 10 - 89
Oil filter tightening torque 18 13 -
Oil pressure switch tightening torque 14 10 -
Oil pump filter retaining bolts 10 - 89
Oil pump rotor plate screw 10 - 89
Oil pump casing bolts 10 - 89

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-2 Lubrication System 3.1.3-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Installed on the crankshaft on the belt pulley side,
oil pump is of roulette type. Engine oil enters the
filter through the oil pump strainer. The filtered
engine oil falls into two oil ways in the cylinder.
One way leads the engine oil to the crankshaft
journal bearing. The engine oil flowing out of the
crankshaft journal bearing goes to the connecting
rod bearing through an inclined passage drilled
on the crankshaft and lubricates the piston, piston
ring and cylinder wall by spurting out of the hole
on the connecting rod tip. The other oil way leads
the engine oil to the cylinder head and lubricates
the camshaft journal, rocker, camshaft and others
through an oil way of the rocker shaft. The relief
valve is installed on the oil pump. The relief valve
discharges the pressure when the pressure is
over 400 kPa. The engine oil flows back to the
engine oil pan after the pressure has been

Components Description
Oil pump
The oil pump is structurally of rotor pump. Fixed
on the crankshaft, it is driven directly by the
crankshaft. There is a relief valve in the oil pump.
The relief valve opens to keep the system under a
moderate pressure when the pressure is over 400

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-3 Lubrication System 3.1.3-3

Location View
Oil Pump



Item Description Item Description

1 Cylinder block 4 Oil pump retaining bolts
2 Oil pump gasket 5 Crankshaft front seal ring
3 Oil pump assembly.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-4 Lubrication System 3.1.3-4
Engine Oil Filter Element and Accessory


Item Description Item Description

1 Cylinder block 3 Oil filter
2 Oil pressure sensor

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-5 Lubrication System 3.1.3-5

Components Exploded View

Oil Pump






Item Description Item Description

1 Bolt 6 Alignment pin
2 Oil pump gasket 7 Plug screw
3 Oil pump rotor 8 Oil pump relief valve
4 Alignment pin 9 Bolt
5 Screw 10 Stud bolt

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-6 Lubrication System 3.1.3-6

General Inspection 6. Install the engine oil pressure sensor. Before

reinstalling the engine oil pressure sensor,
Inspect the Engine Oil remember to wind a sealing tape at the
Pressure. thread and screw it down as the specified
WARNING: The rats in the lab suffers from
skin cancer due to a long-term contact Tightening torque: 14 Nm
with the used engine oil. Wash your hands CAUTION: If the margin of the seal tape is
with a soap and water to protect your skin rough, cut it even from the switch thread.
immediately after the contact with the
engine oil. 7. Start the engine and inspect the engine oil
pressure sensor for any possible leaks.
WARNING: High temperature engine and
Switch off the engine and connect the
oil would lead to serious scalding. Shut
terminal to the pressure sensor terminal
down the engine and wait until the engine
which should be covered with a shield.
and oil cools down.

1. Remove the engine oil pressure sensor. Inspect the Engine Oil Level.
Install the engine oil pressure gauge testing 1. Park the vehicle on a flat ground.
connector on the bolt hole of the engine oil 2. Verify that the vehicle is at a cold state.
pressure sensor and tighten it.
3. Detach oil dipstick and inspect whether the oil
level is between MAX and MIN.

2 1


2. Park the vehicle on a flat ground.
1.Low oil level mark.
3. Switch off the ignition switch and inspect the
engine oil for its normal level and viscosity as 2.Full oil level mark.
well as quality. Fill or replace a new engine oil Add some engine oil if the oil level is below
if necessary. the MIN mark.
4. Start the engine and measure the engine oil
pressure when the engine reaches the
normal working temperature at 80 ℃ .
Standard Engine Oil Pressure:
Engine Rotating Speed:3,000 rpm, oil pressure:
300 ~ 450 kpa
5. Shut down the ignition switch and remove the
engine oil pressure gauge when the engine
cools down.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-7 Lubrication System 3.1.3-7

Replace Engine Oil. • Find the causes, repair them or Replace

new related components if any leaks are
WARNING: Disassemble or assemble all found.
components when the engine cools down.
9. Inspect engine oil level
Or, the components may lead to serious
burn or injured person. Refer to: Oil Level Inspection (3.1.3
Lubrication System, General inspection).
WARNING: A vehicle which is braced by a
jack but not securely supported on the
bracket is very dangerous. It may slip or
fall off, which leads to death or serious
injury. Do not work near a vehicle which is
braced by a jack but not securely
supported on the bracket.

WARNING: The rats in the lab suffers from

skin cancer due to a long-term contact
with the used engine oil. Wash your hands
with a soap and water to protect your skin
immediately after the contact with the
engine oil.

CAUTION: Wipe the engine oil off

completely in case you spread it over the
exhaust system. If the splashed engine oil
is not wiped off completely, it would
become a smog due to high temperatures.

1. Park the vehicle on a flat ground.

2. Remove the oil filler cap.
3. Remove the engine oil pan drain plug.
4. Drain the engine oil into a container.
5. Install the oil pan purge cock and a new
gasket, and tighten it immediately as it is
Tightening torque: 35Nm
6. Fill the engine with the engine oil, with its type
and amount specified in the table.
CAUTION: The amount of the resid in the
engine would change with different
installation methods and oil temperatures
and other factors. Verify the oil level after
replacing the engine oil.

7. Install the oil filler cap.

8. Start the engine and verify that engine oil
leaks do not exist.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-8 Lubrication System 3.1.3-8

Replace the Engine Oil Filter. 5. Start the engine and verify that engine oil
leaks do not exist.
Disassemble or assemble all components • Repair or Replace new related
when the engine cools down.Or, the components if any oil leaks occur.
components may lead to serious burn or 6. Inspect engine oil level
personal injury.
Refer to: Oil Level Inspection (3.1.3
A vehicle which is braced by a jack but not
Lubrication System, General inspection).
securely supported on the bracket is very
dangerous. It may slip or fall off, which 7. Install the baseplate.
leads to death or serious injury. Do not
work near a vehicle which is braced by a
jack but not securely supported on the
The rats in the lab suffers from skin cancer
due to a long-term contact with the used
engine oil. Wash your hands with a soap
and water to protect your skin immediately
after the contact with the engine oil.

CAUTION: Wipe the engine oil off

completely in case you spread it over the
exhaust system. If the splashed engine oil
is not wiped off completely, it would
become a smog due to high temperatures.

1. Using a suitable tool, remove the engine oil



2. Using a clean rag, clean the installing

3. Apply clean engine oil to the cushion of a new
engine oil filter.
4. Using a suitable tool, tighten the engine oil
filter in accordance with the package of it or
the indication on the side.
Tightening torque: 18 Nm

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-9 Lubrication System 3.1.3-9

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General equipment

Engine Oil Gauge


Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
3. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
(if possible), before proceeding to the next
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electrical
•Engine Oil Pan
•Engine Oil Pan Cushion •Electrical connector
•Oil filter •Wiring harness loop
•Oil pressure switch

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-10 Lubrication System 3.1.3-10

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs and can not confirm the cause, then follow the procedure to diagnose the fault and
eliminate it.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Oil Refer to: Diagnostic procedures
•Oil pump for switch-on of the oil pressure
warning lamp (3.1.3 Lubricating
•Oil filter
System, Symptom Diagnosis
The engine oil pressure •Oil pressure switch and Testing).
warning lamp is
continuously switched on. •Engine main bearing
•Connecting rod bearing
•Filter seal ring

•Oil pressure switch Refer to: Diagnostic procedures

•Loop for switch-off of the oil pressure
Engine oil pressure warning
warning lamp (3.1.3 Lubricating
lamp is switched off. •Oil pressure warning lamp
system, Symptom Diagnosis
•Instrument and Testing).

•Leak Refer to: Diagnostic procedures

for the abnormal oil
•PCV gas blowy consumption
Abnormal oil consumption consumption (3.1.3 Lubricating
•Burning consumption in the system, Symptom Diagnosis
combustion chamber and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-11 Lubrication System 3.1.3-11

Diagnostic Procedures for Continuous on of the Engine Oil

Pressure Warning Lamp
CAUTION: Make sure that the engine oil level, and the quality and viscosity of the engine oil
are normal before the diagnosis. Replace the engine oil or add some if necessary.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Inspect the engine oil pressure switch
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the engine oil pressure sensor wiring
harness connector E11.
C.Turn ignition switch to ST and start the engine.
Is the engine oil warning lamp on?
Go to step 5.
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect the engine oil pressure
A.Carry out the inspection procedures for the engine
oil pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the engine oil pressure
(3.1.3 Lubrication System, General
Is the engine oil pressure normal?
Replace the oil pressure sensor
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect oil pump and filter
A.Remove the oil pump and filter.
Refer to: Engine Oil Pump (3.1.3
Lubrication System, Removal and
B.Inspect oil pump and filter.
Is the oil pump and filter normal?
Go to step 4.
Replace oil pump and filter.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-12 Lubrication System 3.1.3-12

4.Inspect the clearance of the bushing

A.Disassemble the main bearing shell and connecting
rod bearing shell.
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
B.Inspect the fit clearances of the main bearing shell
and connecting rod bearing shell.
Is the clearance normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair the fit clearances of the main bearing shell
and connecting rod bearing shell until they return to
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
5.Inspect the circuit between wiring harness connector E11 and instrument wiring harness connector P04
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Remove the engine oil pressure switch wiring
harness connector E11. Keep the E11 terminal 1
insulated from the grounding.
C.Disconnect the instrument wiring harness connector
D.Measure the resistance value of connector P04
terminal 12 to ground by the multimeter.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is the resistance value normal?
Replace instrument.
Go to step 6.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-13 Lubrication System 3.1.3-13

6.Inspect the circuit between instrument wiring harness connector P04 and wiring harness connector X02
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector X02.
C.Disconnect the instrument wiring harness connector
D.Measure the resistance value of connector P04
terminal 12 to ground by the multimeter.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 7.
Inspect and repair the short circuit default between
instrument wiring harness connector P04 terminal
12 and wiring harness connector X02 terminal 8 to
the ground.
7.Inspect the circuit between wiring harness connector X02 and X15
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector X02.
C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector X15.
D.Measure the resistance value of connector X15
terminal 1 to ground by the multimeter.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is the resistance value normal?
Inspect and repair the short circuit default between
wiring harness connector x15 terminal 1 and oil
pressure switch wiring harness connector E11
terminal 1 to the ground.
Inspect and repair the short circuit default between
wiring harness connector X02 terminal 8 and X15
terminal 1 to the ground.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-14 Lubrication System 3.1.3-14

Diagnostic Procedures for the Switch-off of the Engine Oil

Pressure Warning Lamp.
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the engine oil pressure sensor wiring
harness connector E11.
C.Use jumper wire to connect the engine oil pressure
sensor wiring harness connector E11 to the
terminal 1 for reliable grounding.
D.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
Is the engine oil warning lamp turned on?
Replace the oil pressure sensor
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect the circuit between wiring harness connector E11 and instrument wiring harness connector P04
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Keep the engine oil pressure sensor connector E11
terminal 1 earthed.
C.Remove the instrument wiring harness connector
D.Use a multimeter to measure resistance between
the instrument connector P04 terminal 12 and the
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 3.
Go to step 4.
3.Inspect oil warning lamp bulb

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-15 Lubrication System 3.1.3-15

A.Remove instruments.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and
B.Remove and replace the oil warning lamp bulb.
Is the system normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Replace instrument.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and
4.Inspect the circuit between instrument wiring harness connector P04 and X02
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector X02.
C.Disconnect the instrument wiring harness connector
D.Measure the resistance value between connector
P04 terminal 12 and wiring harness connector X02
terminal 8 with multimeter.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 5.
Inspect and repair the short circuit default between
instrument wiring harness connector P04 terminal
12 and wiring harness connector X02 terminal 8.
5.Inspect the circuit between wiring harness connector X02 and X15

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-16 Lubrication System 3.1.3-16

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector X02.
C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector X15.
D.Measure the resistance value between wiring
harness connector X15 terminal 1 and wiring
harness connector X02 terminal 8 with multimeter.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Inspect and repair the open /short circuit default
between wiring harness connector X15 terminal 1
and oil pressure switch wiring harness connector
E11 terminal 1 to the ground.
Inspect and repair the short circuit default between
wiring harness connector X02 terminal 8 and wiring
harness connector X15 terminal 1.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-17 Lubrication System 3.1.3-17

Diagnostic Procedures for the Abnormal Consumption of the

Engine Oil
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect for the leaks
A.Inspect each sealing position of the engine.
Does any engine oil leak exist?
Repair the leaks.
Test whether the system can operate normally.
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect the PCV gas blowby capacity
A.Detach the PCV connecting pipe from the intake
B.Start the engine and increase the Engine rotating
speed to 4,000 rpm.
Has the PCV connecting pipe exhausted an
excessive amount of exhaust gas?
Repair the engine piston and the sealings of the
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect if the engine oil is burning or not
A.Start the engine
B.Visually inspect the color of the smoke exhausted
from the engine exhaust pipe.
Has the engine exhaust pipe exhausted blue
Repair the fit clearance between the valve train
gear and the cylinder on one hand, piston and the
cylinder wall on the other.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Normal system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-17 Lubrication System 3.1.3-17

Removal and Installation

Engine Oil Pan and Pil Pump Filter
Special Tool

Oil Pan Remover

CA301 - 027



Item Specifications
Sealant HZ1213RTV Silicone Sealant

1. Lift vehicle.
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).

2. Remove the plug to drain the engine oil.

Torque:35 Nm


3. Remove the engine oil pan.

1 Remove the gearbox dust guard 1.
2 Remove the engine oil pan 16 retaining


Torque:7 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-18 Lubrication System 3.1.3-18

4. Rotate 90 degrees and detach the engine oil


Special tool: CA301 - 027


5. Remove the filter 2 retaining bolts.

Torque:10 Nm



6. Remove the filter and discard the seal ring.


7. Clean the matching surface between the oil

pan and the cylinder block. Remove the
engine oil and dirt on the surface,and clean
the interior of the oil pan.

8. Clean the oil pump filter strainer.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-19 Lubrication System 3.1.3-19

1. Install the oil pump filter.

Torque:10 Nm



2. Replace new oil pan seal gasket.

CAUTION: The side with characters faces
towards oil pan while installing.

CAUTION: Joint surface between the

clean oil pan and cylinder block.


3. Install the engine oil pan.

1. Install the retaining bolt on the engine oil
pan 16.

2. Install gearbox dust guard 1.


Torque:7 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-20 Lubrication System 3.1.3-20

4. Tighten drain bolt.

Torque:35 Nm


5. Lower the vehicle.

6. Fill the engine with lubricating oil in
accordance with the specifications.
7. Inspect each connector for any engine oil

Oil Pump
Special tool

Oil Pan Remover

CA301 - 027


Flywheel Lock Tools

CA301 - 028



Item Specifications
HZ1213RTV Silicone

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-21 Lubrication System 3.1.3-21
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Inspect the battery (3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).

2. Remove the accessory drive belt.

Refer to: Accessory drive belt (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

3. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).

4. Remove timing gear.

Refer to: Timing Gear (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Removal and Installation).

Flywheel lock tools:CA301 - 028

5. Remove the retaining bolt on the timing belt

inner housing 4.

Torque:10 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-22 Lubrication System 3.1.3-22

6. Remove oil pan and filter.

Refer to: Engine Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Filter (3.1.3 Lubrication System, Removal
and Installation).

7. Remove the retaining bolts at oil pump 8.

Torque:10 Nm.
CAUTION: Note that the length of retaining
bolts is different while installing oil pump. ×8

CAUTION: Replace with a new one while

removing oil pump seal gasket.


8. Remove crankshaft front seal ring.

CAUTION: Replace crankshaft front
sealing gasket after the oil pump is


1. Install crankshaft front sealing ring.

oil seal

oil seal retainer


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-23 Lubrication System 3.1.3-23

2. Install oil pump and tighten 8 bolts.

CAUTION: Note that the length of retaining
bolts is different while installing oil pump.


3. Install filter and oil pan.

Refer to: Engine Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Filter (3.1.3 Lubrication System, Removal
and Installation).
4. Install the retaining bolt on the timing belt
inner housing 4.

Torque:10 Nm



SC1022 2011.08
3.1.3-24 Lubrication System 3.1.3-24

5. Timing gear
Refer to: Timing Gear (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Removal and Installation).
6. Lower down the vehicle.
7. Install the accessory drive belt.
Refer to: Accessory drive belt (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

8. Adjust the tightness of the accessory drive

9. Fill engine oil.
10. Start the engine and inspect it for any oil
11. Inspect if the engine oil pressure is normal or

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4 Cooling
3.1.4-1 Cooling System 3.1.4-1

Component Specifications
Item Specifications
Thermostat Wax type
Thermostat opening temperature 80 ~ 84 ℃
Thermostat full opening temperature 95 ℃
Water pump type Centrifugal impeller pump
Number of leaves of water pump 7 leaves

General Specifications
Application Specifications
Cooling mode Water cooling
Coolant capacity(the reservoir is included) 4.5 L
The opening temperature of electrical fan. 88 ℃
The closing temperature of electrical fan. 85 ℃

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Coolant temperature sensor 14 10 -
Water pump retaining bolt 10 - 89
Water pump belt pulley retaining bolt 11 8 -
Thermostat cap retaining bolt 13 10 -
Cooling fan bracket retaining bolt 10 - 89

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-2 Cooling System 3.1.4-2

Description and Operation

System Overview 13
The cooling system includes radiator cap, 11
radiator, reservoir, hose, water pump, cooling fan 1
and thermostat. The radiator is segment design. 9
Engine at cold state: the normal working 12
temperature of engine is around 95 ℃ or 203 ℉ .
Within such a range, all components of an engine 6
work best with each other. The mechanical wear
of the engine would be even worse if it can not 4
reach ideal working temperature after it has been
running for a long time. Due to the low
temperature, the mixed gas burns inadequately in
the combustion chamber, which leads to serious
carbon deposit. Therefore, the engine is required
to run at low temperatures.
The normal working temperature should be
reached as soon as possible. The heat produced
by engine should be kept from exchanging with
the outside as possible. At this moment, the
thermostat controls the coolant in the engine to 7
recycle in the engine only. It may carry the heat A3304006
produced by the cylinder wall to other
components of the engine to heat them rapidly. When the temperature is 82 ℃ or 171.2 ℉ , the
The water pump makes the coolant flow in a cycle coolant is pumped by the water pump to the water
and then the coolant cycles through the water jacket, the intake manifold, the cylinder head and
jacket, the throttle body assembly and the the radiator. Such state is called a major cycle.
cylinder head. Such state is called a minor cycle.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-3 Cooling System 3.1.4-3






Item Description
1 Radiator Water Intake Pipe
2 Radiator water outlet pipe
3 Inlet pipe.
4 Thermostat
5 Water pump
6 Water pump belt pulley
7 Cylinder block
8 Cylinder head
9 Heater water tank inlet pipe
10 Heater water tank outlet pipe
11 Radiator
12 Reservoir
13 Radiator cap

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-4 Cooling System 3.1.4-4

Components Description
When the engine reaches the normal working temperature: The coolant in the engine gets warm rapidly
as the engine is running.The cooling system works normally when it reaches the thermostat cooling
cycle standard. The coolant in radiator begins to swell as it is heated and the overflow is collected in the
reservoir. The coolant flows back to the radiator when the engine cools down. Before the delivery, the
cooling system has already been filled with high-quality antifreeze mixed with water and glycol in a
proportion of 50 to 50 or in a proportion of 70 to 30 when the icing temperature can not be expected to be
reached in the market. The antifreeze mixed in a proportion of 50 to 50 can prevent freezing at a
temperature as far as -36 ℃ or -33 ℉ .
Keep the cooling system antifreezing temperature at -36 ℃ ( -33 ℉ ) to guarantee rust prevention and
prevent the loss of coolant because of boil. Such antifreeze should be used even though the ambient
temperature is not below the icing temperature.
Glycol coolant should be added to prevent the antifreezing temperature being below -36 ℃ ( -33 ℉ ) when
coolant needs to be added.
CAUTION: Coolant such as alcohol or methanol or water alone can not be used for the
cooling system. Or, the cooling system may fail.

CAUTION: Even though the ambient temperature can not be expected to reach the freezing
point, an antifreeze (antifreezing and rust prevention coolant) mixed with water and glycol in
a proportion of 70 to 30 should be used as the coolant.

Coolant proportion table

Freezing point ℃ -16 -36
temperature ℉ 3 -33
Antifreeze prevention coolant % 30 50
proportion table concentration
ltr 2.1 / 4.9 3.5 / 3.5
Coolant mixing
USpt 4.43 / 10.34 7.39 / 7.39
lmp pt 3.7 / 8.62 6.16 / 6.16
Engine radiator and heater water tank 2.4 L
Expansion tank 0.5 L
Coolant capacity
Others 1.6 L
Total capacity 4.5 L

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-5 Cooling System 3.1.4-5

Location View

1 4


Item Description Item Description

1 Water pump belt 4 Water pump gasket
2 Water pump bolt 5 Water pump belt pulley
3 Water pump assembly

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-6 Cooling System 3.1.4-6

Components Exploded View

5 11

4 7
2 8 10


Item Description Item Description

Heater ventilation water inlet
1 Radiator assembly. 8
Heater ventilation water outlet
2 Reservoir 9
3 Radiator cooling fan 10 Floor water pipe assembly
4 Reservoir water pipe 11 Upper engine water pipe
5 Upper radiator water pipe 12 Thermostat heater water pipe
6 Radiator bracket 13 Lower engine water pipe
7 Lower radiator water pipe

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-7 Cooling System 3.1.4-7

General Inspection Inspect the Coolant Level.

CAUTION: Coolant such as alcohol or WARNING: To avoid the danger of being
methanol or water alone can not be used scalded, do not open the reservoir cap
for the cooling system. Or, the cooling when the coolant is boiling.
system may fail.
WARNING: To avoid the danger of being
CAUTION: Even though the ambient scalded, do not open the reservoir cap
temperature can not be expected to reach when the engine and the radiator remain
the freezing point, an antifreeze hot.
(antifreezing and rust prevention coolant)
mixed with water and glycol in a WARNING: The boiling fluid and vapour
proportion of 70 to 30 should be used as will be given off suddenly if opening
the coolant. reservoir cover and radiator cap too early.

WARNING: Disassemble or assemble all WARNING: Do not need to add

components when the engine cools preservatives or additives to protect the
down.Or, the components may lead to system if antifreeze with the same quality
serious burn or injured person. is applied. They may do harm to the
system and increase unnecessary cost.
WARNING: Switch off the engine and wait
until it cools down. It takes much care to WARNING: Align the mark on the tank with
remove the reservoir cap even if the the mark on the cover while covering
engine has cooled down. Rotate the cover reservoir.
anticlockwise slowly to STOP. Do not Inspect the coolant level in the reservoir when the
press down while rotating. Press it down engine cools down. The normal coolant level
and continue to rotate it anticlockwise should be located between “FULL” and LOW” on
since pressure has been entered (hissing) the reservoir.
and fall back since it has been released.
Open the reservoir and add a moderate amount
WARNING: Turn the cap with the rag of coolant to make the level reach “FULL” when
wrapping it and remove it after making the coolant level is below “LOW”. And install the
sure that all pressure has been released. cap again.
WARNING: Use a coolant with
concentration suitable for the driving
ambient conditions. Or, the engine may be

WARNING: The engine has some

components made of aluminium which
must need the protection from the coolant
based on the glycol to prevent them from
being eroded and frozen.

WARNING: Only use soft water or A3104003

demineralized water in the coolant mixture.
Water containing mineral reduces the
effectiveness of the coolant.

WARNING: Engine coolant does damage

to the paintwork. Wash the affected area
immediately after it reaches the surface of
the paintwork.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-8 Cooling System 3.1.4-8

Coolant Draining and Filling 12. Add coolant to the maximum of water bottle.

1. Remove the reservoir cap when the engine 13. Repeat step 10 to 12 if there is any air in the
cools down. Turn the cap anticlockwise until cooling system.
the pressure has been released, and press it
down and continue to turn it anticlockwise. Inspect the Coolant Leak(s).
WARNING: To avoid the danger of being 1. Inspect engine coolant level;
scalded, do not remove the reservoir cap
when the engine and radiator remain hot. 2. Detach radiator cap and clean radiator cap
The boiling liquid and steams may spurt and filler with clean water while cooling the
out under the pressure since the reservoir engine.
cap opens earlier. 3. Install the testing instrument on the reservoir
2. After opening the reservoir cap, run the
engine until the upper hose gets warm, which 4. Apply some pressure with the testing
shows that the thermostat has been opened instrument and make the pressure reach 110
and the coolant has begun to flow through the kPa.
CAUTION: Be aware that the pressure in
3. Switch off the engine and drain the coolant. the radiator must not exceed 110 kpa or it
may cause damage.
4. Screw down the drain plug. Fill the system
with water until it is full and run the engine 5. Observe the testing instrument for pressure
until the upper hose gets warm again. changes.
5. Repeat the 3rd and 4th step for times until the Standard:keep the pressure the same for 2
liquid drained from the cooling system is minutes when it reaches 110 kPa.
getting transparent.
It shows that there may be leaks of water if the
6. Drain the cooling system and tighten the pressure that the pressure gauge needle points to
radiator drain plug. begins to drop. Repair them or install some new
7. Remove the reservoir and unscrew the related components.
reservoir cap, and take the reservoir away
and pour the liquid from it. Use a soap water
to clean the bottom of it and wash it with
clean water and drain it before installing the
reservoir and hoses again.
8. A coolant mixed with high-quality glycol and
water in a proportion of 50/50 is added to max
level of the reservoir and the radiator.
9. Observe the coolant level after the engine
has operated for some time. Fill the water
tank with coolant and tighten the water tank
cover if there is no coolant in the water tank
10. Then remove the air discharge pipe of cooling
system and start the engine until there is no
bubble from the air discharge pipe of cooling
11. Install the air discharge pipe of cooling

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-9 Cooling System 3.1.4-9

Inspect the Drive Belt Tension.

WARNING: Disconnect the negative wiring
before inspecting and adjusting the belt

WARNING: Read the “Warning” content of

3.1.4 Cooling System
1. Inspect the belt for any cracks, cuts ,
deformation, wear and dirts. Install a new belt
if necessary.
Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

2. Insepct belt tension and it will affect

generator' voltage and lead to belt
overheating and early abrasion if water pump
belt is too loose.
3. Inspect tensity of the belt.
The tensity of belt is proper if pressing the
belt 2 with thumb (about 10kg) and it sinks for
5-6 mm. A3304011

4. Lock engine adjustment bolt.

5. Connect the negative wiring to battery

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-10 Cooling System 3.1.4-10

Thermostat Testing
1. Remove the thermostat.
Refer to: Thermostat (3.1.4 Cooling
System, Removal and Installation).

2. Soak the thermostat in the heated water.

3. Place a thermometer in the water.
4. Heat the water while observing if the state of
the thermostat is normal or not.
Refer to: Component Specification (3.1.4
Cooling System, Specification)


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-11 Cooling System 3.1.4-11

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment

Diagnosis tool

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
3. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electrical
•Coolant leaks
•Liner or seal
•Hose or hose •Fuse
connector •Wiring harness
•Radiator pressure •Electrical connector
cover and seal
•Engine coolant
•Reservoir temperature sensor
•Radiator ( ECT )
•Water pump •Electric fan
•Thermostat housing •Engine control module
•Heater water tank (ECM)

•Accessory drive pulley •Relay

•Coolant output

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-12 Cooling System 3.1.4-12

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs,but there is no DTC stored in the ECM for this fault,and can not confirm the cause,then
follow the procedure to diagnose the fault and eliminate it.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Inspect whether the connecting hose and
•Hose or hose connector hose connector leaks. Repair and replace
hose if necessary.
•Inspect the heater water tank for any
possible leaks.
•Inspect the water pump for any possible
leaks. Carry out the component testing,
pressure testing, 3.1.4 Cooling System.
Install a new set of water pump or water
•Water pump pump cushion if necessary.
Refer to: Water Pump (3.1.4
Cooling System, Removal and
•Inspect the thermostat housing for any
possible leaks. Carry out the component
testing, pressure testing, 3.1.4 Cooling
Loss of coolant System. Install a new set of thermostat
•Thermostat housing housing and housing cushion if
Refer to: Thermostat (3.1.4
Cooling System, Removal and
•Inspect whether the radiator cap is
•Radiator cap or seal blocked and damaged. Install a new set of
reservoir cap if necessary.
•Inspect the reservoir for any possible
•Reservoir damages. Install a new set of reservoir if
•Inspect the heater water tank for any
•Heater water tank
possible leaks.
•Inspect the engine, cylinder head, cylinder
block and cylinder head liner.
•Diagnostic procedure for constant rotation
•Electric Fan
of electric fan.
• Carry out the component testing,
The engine can not reach pressure testing, 3.1.4 Cooling System.
the normal working Install a new set of thermostat housing
temperature. •Thermostat and housing cushion if necessary.
Refer to: :Thermostat (3.1.4
Cooling System, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-13 Cooling System 3.1.4-13

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Inspect whether the radiator cap is
damaged. Install a new set of reservoir
cap if necessary.
•Inspect the water pump or water pump
gasket for any possible damages. Install a
new set of water pump or water pump
cushion if necessary.
•Cooling system can not maintain the Refer to: Water Pump (3.1.4
pressure. Cooling System, Removal and

•Inspect the engine, cylinder head, cylinder

block and cylinder head liner.
•Inspect whether the connecting line and
hose connector leaks. Repair and replace
hose if necessary.
•Air in the cooling system • Bleed the cooling system
•Inspect whether radiator cap is blocked or
•Radiator cap or seal damaged. Install a new reservoir cap if
Engine overheating necessary.
(Traces of boiling coolant) •Inspect the reservoir for any possible
•Reservoir damages. Install a new set of reservoir if
•Inspect the coolant level Add more
coolant if necessary.
Refer to: Coolant Draining and
Filling (3.1.4 Cooling System,
General inspection).
•Coolant level or state •Inspect the state of the coolant. Drain the
old coolant and add a new coolant if the
old coolant is abnormal.
Refer to: Coolant Draining and
Filling (3.1.4 Cooling System,
General inspection).
•Contaminated coolant •Replace the coolant
•Inspect the water tank grille for air
blocking or any possible damages. Repair
•Water tank grille
it or Replace new components if

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-14 Cooling System 3.1.4-14

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Carry out the component testing, pressure
testing, 3.1.4 Cooling System. Inspect the
water pump for any possible leaks. Install
a new set of water pump or water pump
•Water pump cushion if necessary.
Refer to: Water Pump(3.1.4
Cooling System, Removal and
•Carry out the component testing, pressure
testing, 3.1.4 Cooling System. Install a
new set of thermostat housing and
•Thermostat housing cushion if necessary.
Engine overheating
(Traces of boiling coolant) Refer to: Thermostat (3.1.4
Cooling System, Removal and
•Inspect the state of the accessory drive
•Accessory drive pulley Refer to: Accessory Drive
Belt(3.1.2 Mechanical System,
General inspection).
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Electric fan
for fan failure.
•Inspect the engine, cylinder head, cylinder
block and cylinder liner.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-15 Cooling System 3.1.4-15

The Diagnostic Procedure for Non-Operation of the Fan

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect whether fan connection and control wiring
harness connector are damaged, aging, badly
contacted or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect DTC
A.Connect the Diagnosis tool and turn the ignition
switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect engine system fault code reading.
Is there any non-cooling fan troule code?
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System, DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 3.
3.Carry out electrical fan drive test
A.Connect diagnosis tool.
B.Turn ignition switch to ON and carry out actuator
test with diagnosis tool.
Does the fan still rotate?
Inspect the coolant temperature sensor.
Refer to: Diagnostic procedures for
DTCP0116,P0117,P0118 (3.1.12 Engine
control system - M7, DTC diagnosis and
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-16 Cooling System 3.1.4-16

4.Inspect the fuse

A.Inspect the state of IF06 fuses.
B.Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 4.
Inspect and repair the fuse circuits and install fuses
with rated capacity.
5.Inspect the working voltage of the fan motor
A. Disconnect the fan wiring harness connector P25.
B.Connect the Diagnosis tool and turn the ignition
switch to "ON" position.
P25 C.Operate the diagnosis tool to enter the engine
active testing menu and carry out an actuator test
on “Cooling fan”.
D.Use a multimeter to measure the voltage between
2 the right fan motor wiring harness connector P25
terminal 2 and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V

A3104026 Is the voltage normal?

Go to step 6.
Go to step 7.
6.Inspect the fan motor grounding.
A.Use a multimeter to measure the resistance
between the right fan motor wiring harness
connector P25 terminal 1 and the reliable
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
1 Is the resistance value normal?
Install a new fan motor.
Repair the grounding circuit between the fan motor
A3104027 wiring harness connector P25 terminal 1 and the
grounding point G1G01.
7.Inspect the fan relay P36.
A.Turn the ignition switch to “LOCK”
B.Replace a normal fan relay P36.
Is the system normal?
Replace the relay
Recognition system to normal
Go to step 8

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-17 Cooling System 3.1.4-17

8.Inspect the power supply voltage of fan relay P36

A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Use a multimeter to measure the voltage between
the fan relay wiring harness connector P36
terminal, 2 and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
P36 Is the voltage normal?
1 2 Yes
Go to step 9.
3 4
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault between
A3104028 relay P36 number 1 wiring harness terminal and
relay IR01 number 87 wiring harness terminal.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault between
fuse IF06 number 12 wiring harness terminal and
relay P36 number 2 wiring harness terminal.
9.Inspect the circuit between ECM and fan relay P36
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
P36 ECM.
C.Remove the fan relay P36?
1 2
D.Measure the resistance value between fan relay
3 4 P36 wiring harness connector terminal 3 and ECM
wiring harness connector S01 terminal 62 with
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 10.
S01 Inspect and repair the open circuit fault between fan
relay P36 wiring harness connector terminal 3 and
ECM wiring harness connector S01 terminal 62.
64 51 7

50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-18 Cooling System 3.1.4-18

10.Inspect circuit between fan relay P36 and fan wiring harness connector P25
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect radiator fan motor wiring harness
connector P25.
P36 C.Remove fan relay P36.
D.Measure the resistance value between fan relay
1 2
P36 wiring harness connector terminal 4 and
radiator fan motor wiring harness connector P25
3 4
terminal 2 with multimeter.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 11.
Inspect and repair the open circuit default between
fan relay P36 wiring harness connector 4 terminal
and radiator fan motor wiring harness connector
P25 terminal 2.


11.Inspect the circuit of the engine control module

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
64 51 7 C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON". Inspect to
see if the power supply to terminal 8 , 16, 17 and
50 37 5
51 is normal?
36 23 3 D. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
22 9 1
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?

Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
Repair the circuit.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-19 Cooling System 3.1.4-19

Diagnostic Procedure for Constant Rotation of Electric Fan.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the trouble code
A.Connect the Diagnosis tool and turn the ignition
switch to "ON" position.
B.Diagnosis of the engine system
Is there any cooling system trouble code?
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure
Index (3.1.12 Electrical Control System -
M7,DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect power supply circuit between fan relay and electric fan
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Remove the fan relay P36?
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
Does the fan still rotate?
Inspect and repair the short circuit default between
fan relay P36 number 4 wiring harness terminal and
fan motor wiring harness connector P25 terminal 2.
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect fan relay P36
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Install a normal relay P36.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
Does the fan work normally?
Replace fan relay P36.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-20 Cooling System 3.1.4-20

4.Inspect fan relay P36 control circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C.Detach fan relay P36.
D. Disconnect the engine control module ECM wiring
harness connector S01.
E. Measure the resistance between engine control
module ECM wiring harness connector S01
terminal 62 and the reliable grounding.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is the resistance value normal?
Replace the engine control module ECM.
64 51 7
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
50 37 5 Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
36 23

22 9 1 No
Inspect and repair short circcuit to ground defalt
between engine control module ECM wiring
harness connector S01 terminal 62 and fan relay
P36 wiring harness terminal 3.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-21 Cooling System 3.1.4-21

Removal and Installation

Coolant Draining
1. Remove the radiator cap when the engine
cools down. Turn the cap anticlockwise
slowly until the pressure has been released,
and press it down and continue to turn it
WARNING: To avoid the danger of being
scalded, do not remove the radiator cap
when the engine and radiator remain hot.
The boiling liquid and steams may spurt
out under the pressure since the radiator
cap opens earlier. A3104001

2. After opening the radiator cap, run the engine

until the upper hose gets warm, which shows
that the thermostat has been opened and the
coolant flows through the system.

3. Shut off the engine and drain the coolant.

4. Screw the drain plug. Fill the system with
water until it is full and run the engine until the
upper hose gets warm again.
5. Repeat the step 3 and 4 for times until the
liquid drained from the cooling system is
getting transparent.
6. Drain the cooling system and tighten the
radiator drain plug.

7. Remove the reservoir and pipe, and take the

reservoir away and pour the liquid from it.
Use a soap water to clean the bottom of it and
wash it with clean water and drain it before
installing the reservoir and hoses again.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-22 Cooling System 3.1.4-22

8. A coolant mixed with high-quality glycol and

water in a proportion of 50/50 is added to the
reservoir and the radiator.
9. Observe the coolant level after the engine
has operated for some time. Fill the water
tank with coolant and tighten the water tank
cover if there is no coolant in the water tank


10. Then remove the air discharge pipe of cooling

system and start the engine until there is no
bubble from the air discharge pipe of cooling
11. Install the air discharge pipe of cooling
12. Add coolant to the maximum level of
13. Repeat step 10-12 if there is air in the cooling
system. A3104004

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Refill the coolant.
Start the engine and inspect the cooling
system for any leak.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-23 Cooling System 3.1.4-23

Cooling Water Pipe of The Radiator

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

2. Loosen the radiator drain plug to drain the

cooling system.
WARNING: To avoid the danger of being
scalded, do not drain the cooling system
when the engine and radiator are still hot.
The boiling liquid and steams may spurt
out under the pressure since the reservoir
cap opens earlier.


3. Remove the water pipe from the radiator.


4. Remove radiator water pipe from the floor

water pipe assembly.
5. Take out the upper radiator water pipe.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-24 Cooling System 3.1.4-24
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Refill the coolant.
3. Cooling system discharge air.
4. Start the engine and inspect the cooling
system for any leaks.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-25 Cooling System 3.1.4-25

Cooling Drain Pipe of The Radiator

1. Loosen the radiator drain plug to drain the
cooling system.
WARNING: To avoid the danger of being
scalded, do not drain the cooling system
when the engine and radiator are still hot.
The boiling liquid and steams may spurt
out under the pressure since the reservoir
cap opens earlier.


2. Disconnect the lower cooling system water

pipe from the radiator.


3. Remove lower radiator water pipe from the

floor water pipe assembly.

4. Take out the lower radiator water pipe.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-26 Cooling System 3.1.4-26
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Refill the coolant.
3. Cooling system discharge air.
4. Start the engine and inspect the cooling
system for any leaks.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-27 Cooling System 3.1.4-27

Upper Cooling Water Pipe of The Engine

1. Loosen the radiator drain plug to drain the
cooling system.
WARNING: To avoid the danger of being
scalded, do not drain the cooling system
when the engine and radiator are still hot.
The boiling liquid and steams may spurt
out under the pressure since the reservoir
cap opens earlier.

2. Disconnect the engine upper water pipe from

the engine.


3. Remove engine upper water pipe from the

floor water pipe assembly.
4. Take out the upper engine water pipe.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Refill the coolant.
3. Cooling system discharge air.
4. Start the engine and inspect the cooling
system for any leaks.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-28 Cooling System 3.1.4-28

Lower Cooling Water Pipe of The Engine

1. Loosen the radiator drain plug to drain the
cooling system.
WARNING: To avoid the danger of being
scalded, do not drain the cooling system
when the engine and radiator are still hot.
The boiling liquid and steams may spurt
out under the pressure since the reservoir
cap opens earlier.

2. Disconnect the lower engine water pipe from

the engine.


3. Remove lower engine water pipe from the

floor water pipe assembly.
4. Take out the lower engine water pipe.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Refill the coolant.
3. Cooling system discharge air.
4. Start the engine and inspect the cooling
system for any leaks.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-29 Cooling System 3.1.4-29

Floor Water Pipe Assembly

1. Loosen the radiator drain plug to drain the
cooling system.
WARNING: To avoid the danger of being
scalded, do not drain the cooling system
when the engine and radiator are still hot.
The boiling liquid and steams may spurt
out under the pressure since the reservoir
cap opens earlier.

2. Disconnect the upper engine water pipe from

the floor water pipe assembly.
3. Disconnect lower engine water pipe from the
floor water pipe assembly.
4. Disconnect upper radiator water pipe from the
floorwater pipe assembly.
5. Disconnect lower radiator pipe from the
floorwater pipe assembly.
6. Disconnect heater inlet pipe from the floor
water pipe assembly.
7. Disconnect heater outlet pipe from the floor
water pipe assembly.
8. Disconnect brake boost vacuum tube from
the floor water pipe assembly.
9. Loosen the retaining clamp of air conditioner

10. Remove 4 retaining bolts on the floor water

pipe assembly.
Torque:10 Nm ×4
11. Take out the floor water pipe assembly.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-30 Cooling System 3.1.4-30
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Refill the coolant.
3. Cooling system discharge air.
4. Start the engine and inspect the cooling
system for any leaks.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-31 Cooling System 3.1.4-31

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

2. Loosen the radiator drain plug to drain the

cooling system.
WARNING: To avoid the danger of being
scalded, do not drain the cooling system
when the engine and radiator are still hot.
The boiling liquid and steams may spurt
out under the pressure since the reservoir
cap opens earlier.

3. Remove both the upper water pipes.

4. Disconnect the grounding wiring harness
connector on the thermostat.


5. Disconnect generator wiring harness

clamp 1.

6. Remove 2 retaining bolts 2 of thermostat cap.

Torque:13 Nm

×2 2


7. Take out the thermostat.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-32 Cooling System 3.1.4-32
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Thermostat paraffin inductor
faces towards engine side.

CAUTION: Clean thermostat joint surface

and replace the seal gasket.

2. Refill the coolant.

3. Bleed the cooling system.
4. Start the engine and inspect the cooling
system for any leaks.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-33 Cooling System 3.1.4-33

Electrical Fan
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).

2. Remove 2 headlamp assemblies.

Refer to: Headlamp (4.2.6 Lighting system,
Removal and Installation).

3. Remove the front bumper.

Refer to: Front bumper (5.1.7 Bumper,
Removal and Installation).

4. Disconnect the cooling fan wiring harness



5. Remove the radiator.

Refer to: Radiator (3.1.4 Cooling system,
Removal and Installation).

6. Remove 2 retaining bolts of the fan.

Torque:10 Nm


7. Take out the cooling fan.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-34 Cooling System 3.1.4-34
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Be aware that the bayonet pin
must be seized in the holder at the lower
part of the radiator during the installation
of the cooling fan.

2. Refill the coolant.

3. Cooling system discharge air.
4. Start the engine and inspect the cooling
system for any leaks.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-35 Cooling System 3.1.4-35

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).

2. Loosen the radiator drain plug to drain the

cooling system.
WARNING: To avoid the danger of being
scalded, do not drain the cooling system
when the engine and radiator are still hot.
The boiling liquid and steams may spurt
out under the pressure since the reservoir A3104002

cap opens earlier.

3. Remove the front bumper.

Refer to: Front bumper (5.1.7
Bumper,Removal and Installation).
4. Seperate upper radiator water pipe from the
Refer to: Upper radiator water pipe (3.1.4
Cooling system, Removal and

5. Seperate radiator drain pipe from the radiator.

Refer to: Lower radiator water pipe (3.1.4
Cooling system,Removal and Installation).

6. Disconnect the cooling fan wiring harness

7. Remove the upper retaining bolt on radiator.
8. Remove 4 retaining bolts on the radiator

Torque:20 Nm
CAUTION: Remove radiator bracket
×2 ×2
assembly and fix the condensor on the
vehicle in case of damaging AC pipeline.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-36 Cooling System 3.1.4-36

9. Remove radiator bracket assembly towards

front bumper and detach radiator cooling fan
10. Seperate cooling fan.
Refer to: Cooling Fan (3.1.4 Cooling
System,Removal and Installation).

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Note that pin at the bottom of
the radiator should be placed on the
radiator bracket assembly while installing

2. Refill the coolant.

3. Cooling system discharge air.
4. Start the engine and inspect the cooling
system for any leaks.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-37 Cooling System 3.1.4-37

Heater Water Valve

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).

2. Loosen the radiator drain plug to drain the

cooling system.
WARNING: To avoid the danger of being
scalded, do not drain the cooling system
when the engine and radiator are still hot.
The boiling liquid and steams may spurt
out under the pressure since the reservoir
cap opens earlier.

3. Remove the front bumper.

Refer to: Front bumper (5.1.7 Bumper,
Removal and Installation).
4. Remove the radiator.
Refer to: Radiator (3.1.4 Cooling system,
Removal and Installation).
5. Remove the AC heater water tank water
valve cable.

1 ×3

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-38 Cooling System 3.1.4-38

6. Remove the water pipe connector 1 as



7. The step for removal is as shown.

1 Discharge water pipe 1.
2 Remove 2 retaining bolts 2 on the heater
water tank water valve. ×2 2
8. Take out the heater water tank water valve.


1. The install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Refill the coolant.
3. Cooling system discharge air.
4. Start the engine and inspect the cooling
system for any leaks.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-39 Cooling System 3.1.4-39

Water Pump
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).

2. Loosen the radiator drain plug to drain the

cooling system.
WARNING: To avoid the danger of being
scalded, do not drain the cooling system
when the engine and radiator are still hot.
The boiling liquid and steams may spurt
out under the pressure since the reservoir
cap opens earlier.

3. Remove the accessory drive belt.

Refer to: Accessory drive belt (3.1.2
Mechanical system, Removal and
4. Remove timing gear.
Refer to: Timing Gear (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Removal and Installation).

5. Remove the timing belt inner case cover.

6. Remove 2 retaining nuts and 3 retaining bolts
on the water pump.

Torque:10 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.4-40 Cooling System 3.1.4-40

7. Clean the joint surface between water pump

and cylinder block.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Replace water pump seal

2. Refill the coolant.

3. Cooling system discharge air.
4. Start the engine and inspect the cooling
system for any leaks.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.5 Air Intake
3.1.5-1 Air Intake System 3.1.5-1

General Specifications
Application Specifications
The vacuum degree of the intake manifold under idle
≥ 0.050 MPa
speed working condition

Torque specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Intake manifold retaining bolts 23 17 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.5-2 Air Intake System 3.1.5-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Ambient air enters the air filter first and then the
cylinder through the intake pipe, the throttle body
and the intake manifold after it has been filtered
by the air filter element. The intake pipe is
connected with a crankcase vent pipe through
which the exhaust gas from the crankcase enters
into the cylinder with the fresh air.

Components Description
Air filter
The air filter consists of:
• Air filter lower box
• Air filter element
• Air filter upper box



The dry air enters air filter base and pass through
air filter element and then the clean air flows from
the air filter cover.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.5-3 Air Intake System 3.1.5-3

Components Exploded View

4 5




Item Description Item Description

1 Throttle body 6 Fuel rail
2 Throttle position sensor 7 Fuel injector
3 Idle stepper motor 8 Coolant temperature sensor
4 Intake manifold assembly. 9 Thermostat cover
5 Intake air pressure sensor 10 Thermostat

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.5-4 Air Intake System 3.1.5-4

General Inspection
General equipment

Vacuum gauge

CAUTION: The components of the engine

are at high temperatures when the engine
is running. Pay much attention to
components at high temperatures during
the removal. Or, serious scalding will be

Inspect the Vacuum Degree of

the Intake Air System.
1. Shut off the engine and turn off the ignition
2. Detach intake manifold from brake booster
vacuum hose.
3. Connect three-way connection, hose and
special tool (vacuum meter and connector)
between intake manifold and vacuum hose.
4. Start the engine and measure the vacuum
degree of the intake air system at idle speed
of the engine.
Standard value: ≥ 0.050 MPa
5. Remove the vacuum gauge and reconnect
the vacuum tube.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.5-5 Air Intake System 3.1.5-5

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment

Vacuum gauge

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical or electrical damage.
Visual Inspection Chart

•Air filter components
•Air filter inlet pipe
•Air filter outlet pipe
•Throttle body
•Air intake manifold

3. If an obvious cause for an observed or

reported concern is found,correct the cause(if
possible),before proceeding to the next step.
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.5-6 Air Intake System 3.1.5-6

Symptom Chart
In case the fault occurs and cannot be diagnosed through basic check, carry out diagnosis and
troubleshooting according to sequences below.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Air filter Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures
•Air intake manifold for Intake Air Leak (3.1.5 Intake
Air System, Diagnosis and
Intake leak •Throttle body
•Crankcase vent pipe
•Component connections
•Inspect the air filter and install a new one
when necessary.
•Air filter element Refer to: Air filter cover (3.1.5
Air Intake System, Removal and

Intake blocking •Disassemble the air filter cover and

inspect the air filter and the intake pipe for
any possible foreign matters and clear
•Foreign matters in the intake Pipe them.
Refer to: Air filter cover (3.1.5
Air Intake System, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.5-7 Air Intake System 3.1.5-7

Diagnosis Procedures for Intake Air Leak(s)

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect for any leak noise.
A.Start the engine
B.Inspect for any leak noise by listening.
Is there any leak noise like hiss?
Inspect the leaking point(s) and repair the
component(s) that leaks.
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect the vacuum degree of the intake air system.
A.Carry out the inspection procedures for the vacuum
degree of the intake air system.
Is the vacuum degree normal?
Vacuum standard value:kPa
Refer to: Inspect the intake air system for
the vacuum degree (3.1.5 Intake Air
System,General inspection).
Normal system.
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the intake manifold or throttle body.
A.Inspect the intake manifold or the throttle body for
leak tightness.
Does the intake manifold or the throttle body leak?
Repair the seal of the intake manifold or throttle
Inspect engine valve train.
Refer to: Timing Gear (3.1.2 Mechanical
System, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.5-8 Air Intake System 3.1.5-8

Removal and Installation

Air Filter Element
1. Remove the air filter case 4 retaining bolt.
Torque:4 Nm


2. Remove the air filter element from the

3. Inspect the air filter element for any dirts.


4. Blow away the dirts from the air outlet of the

element with compressed air if necessary.
Install a new element if it is too dirty.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.5-9 Air Intake System 3.1.5-9
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

Air Intake Manifold

1. Release the fuel pressure.
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.1.7
Fuel System,General inspection).
2. Drain the coolant.
Refer to: Coolant Draining and Filling
(3.1.4 Cooling System, General
3. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

4. Remove gearshift mechanism.

Refer to: (3.4.4 Manual transmission
external control, Removal and
5. Remove the fuel pipe 1.
Refer to: Fuel Injector (3.1.12 Electrical 3
Control System - M7, Removal and 1
2 4 5
6. Disconnect PCV valve vent pipe 2.
7. Remove the crankcase bleed pipe 3.
8. Disconnect grounding wire 4.
9. Remove engine water pipe 5.
10. Disconnect engine wiring harness clamp 6.
11. Disconnect brake booster hose 7. 8
12. Disconnect the intake air pressure
temperature sensor wiring harness
connector 8. A3105004

13. Disconnect the coolant temperature sensor

wiring harness connector 9.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.5-10 Air Intake System 3.1.5-10

14. Remove the intake hose 1.

15. Remove throttle cable 2.
16. Remove the EVAP solenoid valve vacuum


17. Remove AC heater water pipe.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.5-11 Air Intake System 3.1.5-11

18. Remove small water pipe at the bottom of



19. Remove the intake manifold 4 upper retaining

bolts and nuts.
Torque:23 Nm



20. Remove the intake manifold 4 lower retaining

bolts and nuts.

Torque:23 Nm



SC1022 2011.08
3.1.5-12 Air Intake System 3.1.5-12
1. Inspect the intake manifold gasket and
replace one if necessary.
2. Inspect and clean the installing end face
between the intake manifold and the cylinder
3. Inspect the intake manifold end face. Use a
Straight scale and a feeler gauge to inspect
the surface deformation at no less than 6
positions. If the deformation exceeds the limit
value, install a new intake manifold.
Deformation Limit:0.05 mm

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Inspect the intake manifold for
any possible leaks after the installation.

Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures for Intake

Air Leak(3.1.5 Intake Air System,
Diagnosis and Testing).

CAUTION: Inspect the fuel for any

possible leaks after the installation.

Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.1.7

Fuel System,General inspection).

CAUTION: Inspect the coolant for any

possible leaks after the installation.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.6 Exhaust
3.1.6-1 Exhaust System 3.1.6-1

General Specifications
Application Specifications
Idle speed exhaust backpressure 1 bar
Engine rotating speed 2,000rpm exhaust backpressure 5.5 bar

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Exhaust manifold mounting nut 23 17 -
Connection bolt between exhaust
manifold and three-way catalytic 50 37 -
Connection bolt between muffler pipe and
50 37 -
three-way catalytic converter.
Retaining nut on the exhaust manifold
11 8 -
heat shield.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.6-2 Exhaust System 3.1.6-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Three-Way Catalytic Converter
It leads to the catalyst poisoning if the fuel
contains 5 mg or more lead per liter . Therefore,
do not use leaded gas for vehicle equipped with a
three-way catalytic converter.
The lead and phosphor in the engine oil leads to
the catalyst poisoning if the engine oil
consumption is too high. H2S exhausted from the
three-way catalytic converter can be perceived
the easiest. Such gas smells like a rotten egg.
Such problem can be solved by using other
brands of fuel. To reduce H2S emission, make
sure that CO emission meets the standard and
the engine exhaust system works normally.
WARNING: The catalyst carrier will melt if
the temperature exceeds 900 ℃ . Elaborate
the possible causes and repair the fault to
prevent such occurence.

Due to excessive backpressure, the melting of the

catalyst often comes along with the reduction in

Components Description
Three-Way Catalytic Converter
The three-way catalytic converter is shaped like a
small muffler. Due to the high working
temperatures, the bodywork near the three-way
catalytic converter has been protected with
insulating baffle. The three-way catalytic
converter controls three emissions:HC,CO and

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.6-3 Exhaust System 3.1.6-3

Location View

2 4


8 6


Item Description Item Description

1 Engine grounding cable 6 Exhaust manifold
2 Exhaust manifold upper shield 7 Exhaust manifold lower shield
Exhaust manifold cover
3 8 Exhaust manifold retaining nuts
retaining nuts
Exhaust manifold cover
4 9 Double Screw
retaining bolts
5 Front oxygen sensor 10 Exhaust manifold pad

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.6-4 Exhaust System 3.1.6-4

Components Exploded View

Exhaust pipe Three-Way Catalytic Converter Muffler



Item Description Item Description

1 Ball-shaped seal gasket 5 Shackle
2 Pressure spring 6 Exhaust pipe muffler assembly
Three-way catalytic converter
3 Three-way catalytic converter 7
4 Rear oxygen Sensor

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.6-5 Exhaust System 3.1.6-5

General Inspection
General equipment

Exhaust backpressure gauge

Exhaust Backpressure Testing

1. Remove the front oxygen sensor.
2. Install the exhaust backpressure.
3. Start the engine
4. Measure the exhaust backpressure when
engine is running at idle speed.
5. Measure the exhaust backpressure when
Engine rotating speed is at 2,000 rpm.
Exhaust Backpressure Standard

Engine Rotating Exhaust

Speed(rpm) Backpressure(KPa)
Idle speed 1
2,000 5.5

6. Switch off the ignition switch and the engine

7. Remove the exhaust backpressure gauge
and install the oxygen sensor.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.6-6 Exhaust System 3.1.6-6

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment

Exhaust backpressure gauge

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
3. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electric
•Damage or leakage of
exhaust system
•Damage of three-way •Oxygen sensor circuit
catalytic cnverter fault
•Loose exhaust pipe bolt •Oxygen sensor fault
•Aging or damage of
exhaust pipe gasket

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.6-7 Exhaust System 3.1.6-7

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs and can not confirm the cause,then follow the procedure to diagnose the fault and
eliminate it.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Exhaust pipe Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Three-way catalytic converter for exhaust system blocking
(3.1.6 Exhaust System,
Diagnosis and Testing).
Exhaust system blocking
•The exhaust port is blocked as rust
grows inside the exhaust pipe.
•Exhaust system component
•Locate and tighten each exhaust system
component to the specified torques.
•Misalignment or wrong installation of
exhaust system components Refer to: Torque specification
(3.1.6 Exhaust system,
•Seals or gasket leak(s)
1.Exhaust manifold and cylinder
head •Make sure that the exhaust pipe shackle
2.Exhaust manifold and three-way is located correctly and tightened.
catalytic converter assembly •Replace the leaky seals or gaskets with
Exhaust system leak(s) new ones.
3.Three-way catalytic converter
assembly and muffler assembly •Repair them or replace new related
•Irregular jointing face of flange joint. components when necessary.

•Cracked or disconnected exhaust •Install a new exhaust manifold.

manifold Refer to: Exhaust manifold (3.1.6
•Welded joint leak(s) of exhaust Exhaust System, Removal and
system component(s) Installation).

•Replace leaking parts.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.6-8 Exhaust System 3.1.6-8

Diagnostic Procedures for Exhaust System Blockage

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Visually inspect the exhaust port
A.Inspect the exhaust port for any foreign matters.
Is the exhaust port normal?
Clear the foreign matters
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect the exhaust backpressure
A.Execute the inspection of the exhaust
Refer to: Inspect the exhaust
backpressure (3.1.6 Exhaust System,
General inspection).
Is the exhaust backpressure normal?
Normal system.
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the three-way catalytic converter
A.Remove the three-way catalytic converter.
Refer to: Three-way catalytic converter
(3.1.6 Exhaust System, Removal and
B.Inspect the three-way catalytic converter.
Does the three-way catalytic converter work
Go to step 4.
Replace a new three-way catalytic converter.
Refer to: Three-way catalytic converter
(3.1.6 Exhaust System, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.6-9 Exhaust System 3.1.6-9

4.Inspect the muffler

A.Remove the muffler.
B.Inspect the muffler.
Does the muffler work normally?
Inspect the exhaust system component joints and
test the system for normal operation.
Replace a new muffler.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.6-10 Exhaust System 3.1.6-10

Removal and Installation

Exhaust Manifold
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery (3.1.10 Charging System,
Battery Inspection).

2. Remove the high voltage wire

Refer to: High Pressure Damping Wire
(3.1.8 Ignition System, Removal and

3. Remove 4 retaining nuts on the upper heat

shield of exhaust manifold

Torque: 11 Nm



4. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).

5. Disconnect front oxygen sensor wiring

harness connector 1.
6. Remove the clamp 2

2 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.6-11 Exhaust System 3.1.6-11

7. Remove the retaining bolt at rear end of

exhaust manifold

Torque:50 Nm


8. Remove 4 retaining nuts of exhaust manifold

lower heat shield
Torque: 11 Nm


9. Remove 4 lower retaining nuts of exhaust


Torque:23 Nm ×4


10. Lower down the vehicle.

11. Remove 4 upper retaining nuts of exhaust


Torque:23 Nm ×4


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.6-12 Exhaust System 3.1.6-12

12. Take out the exhaust manifold 1 and exhaust

manifold pad 2.
CAUTION: Inspect the exhaust manifold
pad and replace it if it is damaged.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Inspect the exhaust system for any possible

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.6-13 Exhaust System 3.1.6-13

Three-Way Catalytic Convertor

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery (3.1.10 Charging System,
Battery Inspection).

2. Disconnect the rear Oxygen sensor wiring

harness connector.


3. Disconnect the rear connection of three-way

catalytic convertor.
1 Disconnect the oxygen sensor wiring
harness clamp 1 1

2 Remove the connection bolt 2 of the three-

way catalytic convertor rear section and
muffler 2
Torque:50 Nm 2 ×2
3 Disconnect the connection between the
shackle 3 and three-way catalytic convertor. A3106009

4. Remove the connection bolt of three-way

catalytic convertor and exhaust manifold.

Torque:50 Nm
5. Take out the three-way catalytic convertor.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.6-14 Exhaust System 3.1.6-14
1. To install, reverse the removel procedure.
2. Inspect the exhaust system for any possible

1. Remove the connection nut of the muffler and
three-way catalytic convertor.



2. Disconnect the connection of muffler and 2

3. Take out the muffler.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Inspect the exhaust system for any possible

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.7 Fuel System

3.1.7-1 Fuel System 3.1.7-1

Component Specifications
Item Specifications(Ω)
Fuel injector resistance 20 ℃ (68 ℉ ) 12±5% Ω

General Specifications
Application Specifications
Fuel pressure 3.5 bar
Fuel retaining pressure 3.5 bar

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Fuel tank retaining bolt 25 18 -
Fuel filter support bolt 10 - 89
Fuel transfer pump flange bolt 10 - 89
Fuel injector rail assembly retaining bolt 23 17 -

CX30 2011.05
3.1.7-2 Fuel System 3.1.7-2

Description and Operation Components Description

System Overview Fuel Pump
The fuel pump is installed in the fuel The fuel pump is installed in the fuel
tank,composed assembly together with the fuel tank,composed a assembly together with the fuel
gauge. The engine control module controls the level sensor. It is installed by fuel supply pump
fuel pump through the fuel pump relay. The fuel flange and cross hexagon nut and is sealed by
pump offers fuel with specified pressure to fuel rubber washer.
injector rail. The fuel flows through fuel filter and
three-way return to the fuel tank, keeping the
pressure of fuel system stable if it exceeds the
specified pressure. The fuel system maintains a
certain pressure when the fuel pump stops
working,to ensure the next normal start of the ×6
engine. Fuel supply system is composed of fuel
tank assembly, fuel pump, bracket assembly, filler
pipe assembly, fuel filter bracket assembly, gas-
oil separator, carbon canister accessory
assembly, fuel supply pipeline and fuel vapor


Fuel Filter
The fuel filter adopts tank structure and fuel filter
is installed on the frame of engine side by bolts.



CX30 2011.05
3.1.7-3 Fuel System 3.1.7-3

Location View


Item Description Item Description

Retaining flange of fuel pump
1 5 Fuel system oil return pipe
2 Fuel pump assembly. 6 Fuel filter retaining bracket
3 Fuel tank assembly. 7 Fuel filter
4 Fuel pump outlet pipe 8 Fuel supply pipe

CX30 2011.05
3.1.7-4 Fuel System 3.1.7-4

Components Exploded View

Fuel Pump Assembly



Item Description Item Description

1 Fuel pump outlet pipe 5 Level sensor
2 Fuel pressure regulator 6 Floater assembly
3 Wiring harness 7 Fuel filter
4 Fuel pump assembly. 8 Lower retainer of fuel pump.

CX30 2011.05
3.1.7-5 Fuel System 3.1.7-5

General Inspection Fuel System Pressure Test

General Equipment WARNING: Fuel pipeline overflow and fuel
Diagnostic tool system leakage are extremly dangerous.
Fuel would catch fire,which lead to
Fuel pressure tester
serious injury and damage. To avoid this
situation,carry out the following
WARNING: Gasoline or gasoline vapors is inspection when the engine stops.
highly flammable,in order to avoid fire or
explosion,please keep away from fire. 1. Remove the fuel pump relay,start the engine
During this procedure,operation staff are running until the engine is stalled.
prohibited to use moblie phones. Never 2. Install fuel pump relay.
drain or store the gasoline in open
container. Please place a dry chemical fire 3. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
extinguisher during this procedure. 4. Connect the fuel pressure gauge to the fuel
WARNING: Put a clean cloth around fuel
pressure gauge and fuel distribution pipe
connecctor to absorb the leaking fuel in
case of fir and personal injury. Place the
cloth in the container after test is
completed. Clean oil pipe connector
before the oil pipe is removed.
5. Connect the battery negative cable.
6. Connect diagnosis tool to the diagnose
7. Turn the ignition switch to "ON" position.
8. Select the Active Test function of the engine
menu on the diagnosis tool. Select the "fuel
pump relay",so that the fuel pump running,to
keep the fuel pump running 10S.
9. Measure the fuel pipeline pressure.
Standard fuel Pressure:3.5 Bar
10. Stop the operation of fuel pump.
11. 5 min later, measure the fuel keeping
Standard fuel keeping pressure is:3.5 Bar
12. Remove the fuel pressure tester from the fuel
13. Reconnect the fuel pipeline, inspect for
reliable fuel pipeline connection.

CX30 2011.05
3.1.7-6 Fuel System 3.1.7-6

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment

Digital multimeter

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
3. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electric
•Fuel pipeline damage
•Quick connector
•Fuel leakage •Fuel pump circuit
•Fuel tank filling cap •Fuel pump relay
•Fuel pump
•Fuel tank filling pipe
•Fuel filter incorrect

CX30 2011.05
3.1.7-7 Fuel System 3.1.7-7

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs,but there is no DTC stored in the ECM for this fault,and can not confirm the cause,then
follow the procedure to diagnose the fault and eliminate it.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Fuel pump relay Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Fuel pump for fuel pump doesn’t work.
Fuel pump doesn’t work (3.1.7 Fuel System. Symptom
Diagnosis and Testing).
•Engine control module(ECM)

Low pressure in fuel •Fuel pump •Replace fuel pump;

system •Pipeline leak •Repair the fuel pipeline

Low keeping pressure in •Fuel pump •Replace fuel pump;

fuel system •Fuel system seepage •Repair the fuel pipeline

High pressure on fuel •Fuel pipeline clogging •Repair the fuel pipeline
system •Fuel pressure regulator •Replace the fuel pressure regulator
•Filler cap Refer to: Heavy fuel smell
•Fuel filter Diagnosis Procedure (3.1. 7 Fuel
System, Symptom Diagnosis
•Fuel tank vent hole
and Test).
Fuel heavy smell •Sewage solenoid
•Fuel system leakage
•Fuel pressure

CX30 2011.05
3.1.7-8 Fuel System 3.1.7-8

•MAP snesor,TPS sensor Refer to: Diagnose Procedure

•Incorrect A/C system operation for Emergency in Drving (3.1.12
Electrical Control System -
•No signal from CMP sensor or the
M7,Symptom Diagnose and
signal is instable
•Air-intake system components leak
•Purge solenoid failure
•Instable signal from CKP sensor
•Vacuum leak
•Poor fuel quality
Surge shock in driving •Intermittent fault of the main relay
and the fuel pump relay
•Throttle body fault
•Engine overheat
•Spark plug failure
•Ignition timing
•Exhaust system restrictions
•Fuel pressure inadequate
•Fuel pump mechanical failure
•Fuel injector

CX30 2011.05
3.1.7-9 Fuel System 3.1.7-9

Diagnose procedure for fuel pump failure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC
A.Connect diagnosis tool.
B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",Diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Clear the DTC based on the fault diagnosis
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System -
M7?DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect the fuse IF13
A.Inspect fuse IF13.
Rated capacity of the fuse: 10 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the circuit,replace the fuse with rated
3.Carry out active tese for fuel pump
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the fuel pump wiring harness connector
C.Connect diagnosis tool.
D.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
E.Carry out actuator experiment fuel pump while
1 2
entering engine active test function and measure
3 4 the voltage between fuel pump connector S17
terminal 3 and reliable grounding with multimeter.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
A3107036 Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Go to step 5.

CX30 2011.05
3.1.7-10 Fuel System 3.1.7-10

4. Inspect the fuel pump grounding connecting line

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the fuel pump wiring harness connector
C.Measure the resistance of the terminal 4 of the fuel
S17 pump connector S17 and the reliable grounding.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
1 2
Is the resistance value normal?
3 4
Replace the fuel pump;

Refer to: Fuel pump assembly (3.1.7 Fuel
System, Removal and Installation).
Repair the default between fuel pump wiring
harness connector S17 terminal 4 and connecting
point G2G01.
5. Inspect fuel injector power supply circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the fuel pump wiring harness connector
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07
C.Remove the fuel pump relay IR02.
D.Measure the resistance value between fuel pump
wiring harness connector S17 terminal 3 and oil
relay IR02 terminal 87 with multimeter.
IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18
85 IR01 86 Yes
Go to step 6.

85 IR02 86 No

Inspect and repair the open circuit defaul between
85 IR03 86 fuel pump wiring harness connector S17 terminal 3
and fuel pump relay IR02 terminal 87.

1 2

3 4


CX30 2011.05
3.1.7-11 Fuel System 3.1.7-11

6. Inspect the fuel pump relay

A.Replace fuel pump relay with good status.
Is fuel pump normal?
Replace the relay.
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 7.
7. Inspect the fuel pump relay power circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Remove the fuel pump relay IR02.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the voltage value between fuel pump relay
IR02 terminal 30 and reliable grounding with
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
S01 E.Measure the resistance value between fuel pump
relay IR02 terminal 85 and main relay IR01 terminal
87 with multimeter.
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07

Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω

Is the voltage normal?
IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14 Yes
Go to step 8.

IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18

87 No
85 IR01 86

30 • Inspect and repair the open circuit fault

87 between fuel pump relay IR02 terminal
85 IR02

85 and main relay IR01 terminal 87.
87 • Inspect and repair the circuit between
85 IR03

fuel pump relay IR02 terminal 30 and


CX30 2011.05
3.1.7-12 Fuel System 3.1.7-12


IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07

IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14

IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18
85 IR01 86



85 IR02 86



85 IR03 86



8.Inspect and repair fuel pump relay coil control circuit

CX30 2011.05
3.1.7-13 Fuel System 3.1.7-13

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

P01 B. Disconnect the engine control module wiring
harness connector S01.
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07 C. Remove the fuel pump relay IR02.
D.Measure the resistance value between fuel pump
relay IR02 terminal 86 and engine control module
wiring harness connector S01 terminal 60 with
IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14
Standard resistance value:less than 5 Ω
IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18
85 IR01 86 Is the resistance value normal?


85 IR02 86 Go to step 9.

85 IR03 86
Inspect and repair the open circuit default between
fuel pump relay IR02 terminal 86 and engine control

module wiring harness connector S01 terminal 60.
64 51 7

50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


CX30 2011.05
3.1.7-14 Fuel System 3.1.7-14

9.Inspect engine control module power supply and grounding circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector and turn
the ignition switch to ON.
B.Inspect whether power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17
64 51 7 and 51 is normal with multimeter.

C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 is
36 23 3 normal.

22 9 1
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
A3107042 Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
Repair engine control module power supply and
grounding circuit.

CX30 2011.05
3.1.7-15 Fuel System 3.1.7-15

Diagnose Procedure for Fuel Heavey Smell

WARNING: The following inspection flow chart includes the procedure for fuel system
diagnosis and the repair. Read the following precautions before repairing the fuel
system:fuel vapor is very dangerous. It is highly inflammable and thus lead to serious injury
and damage. Keep fuel far away from sparks and flames.

CAUTION: If disconnecting or connecting the quick release connecter without cleaning in

advance, it may cause damage to the fuel pipe and quick release connecter. Clean the quick
release connecter before the disconnection,and ensure no foreign matters in it.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A.Visually inspect the injector,O ring and the fuel pipe
line for fuel leakage.
B.Inspect for seepage of the the fuel filter seal area, if
the filter pipe line is reliable and with no leakage.
C.Inspect if the O ring is fit with the refuel pipe
assembly after the refuel coupling door is properly
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the fuel pressure
A.Carry out fuel system pressure test
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test
(3.1.7 Fuel System General inspection).
Is the fuel pressure too high?
Repair the chocked fuel pipe line,repair or replace
the fuel pressure requlator.
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect carbon canister solenoid valve sealing and carbon canister
A. Inspect for leakage of the pipeline that connect with
the carbon canister solenoid valve.
B.Inspect if there is a leak in the carbon canister.
Is it normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the leakage;repair or replace carbon

CX30 2011.05
3.1.7-16 Fuel System 3.1.7-16

4.Inspect the carbon canister sewage solenoid

A. Inspect the carbon canister sewage solenoid.
Refer to: DTC P0459/P0458/P0444 (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Does the sewage solenoid work properly?
Repair the fuel tank vent.
Repair or replace the sewage solenoid and the

CX30 2011.05
3.1.7-17 Fuel System 3.1.7-17

Disassembly and Assembly

Fuel Pump
Disassembly of Fuel level Sensor
1. Disconnect fuel pump Fuel level sensor
wiring harness connector 1 and wiring
harness band 2.


2. Press the two clamp of the level sensor

3. Carefully move up the level sensor and the
floater rod components.


1. The assembly process is reverse.

Disassembly of Fuel Pump Core.

1. Disconnect fuel pump oil pipe.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.7-18 Fuel System 3.1.7-18

2. Disconnect the fuel pump wiring harness



3. Remove the lower cover of fuel pump core.


4. Take out the fuel pump core.


1. The assembly process is reverse.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.7-19 Fuel system 3.1.7-19

Removal and Installation

Fuel pump assembly.
WARNING: The flow includes the
treatment for the fuel. Be aware of fuel
spillage and notice of fuel treatment. Or it
may cause personal injury.

WARNING: During operation of fuel

components,all types of open fire are
prohibited. High-flammable gas mixture
that come about during the operation may
be ignited. Improper operation may cause
personal injury accident.

1. Release the fuel pressure.

2. Disconnect the negative cable.

Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).

3. Remove fuel tank.

Refer to: Fuel Tank (3.1.7 Fuel System,
Removal and Installation).

4. Disconnect the fuel pump wiring harness

connector 1.
5. Remove oil return pipe 2. 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.7-20 Fuel system 3.1.7-20

6. Removefuel vapor hose 1.

7. Remove fuel pump outlet pipe 2.


8. Remove fuel pump flange pressure plate

retaining bolt.



9. Remove fuel pump flange pressure plate.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.7-21 Fuel system 3.1.7-21

10. Take out the fuel pump assembly


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.7-22 Fuel system 3.1.7-22

Fuel filter
WARNING: During operation of fuel
components,all types of open fire are
prohibited. High-flammable gas mixture
that come about during the operation may
be ignited. Improper operation may cause
personal injury accident.

1. Release the fuel pressure.

2. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Inspect the battery (3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).

3. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation)..

4. Remove the fuel filter inlet pipe 2 and the

outlet pipe 1 from the the fuel filter.


5. Remove fuel filter retaining bolt.

Torque:10 Nm
6. Take out the fuel filter along the arrow
direction in the installation diagram.
CAUTION: Do not reverse the installation
direction of fuel filter.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.7-23 Fuel system 3.1.7-23
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Do not reverse the installation
direction of fuel filter.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.7-24 Fuel system 3.1.7-24

Fuel tank
General equipment

Flat jack

WARNING: The flow includes the
treatment for the fuel. Be aware of fuel
spillage and notice of fuel treatment. Or it
may cause personal injury.

WARNING: During operation of fuel

components, all types of open fire are
prohibited. High-flammable gas mixture
that come about during the operation may
be ignited. Improper operation may cause
personal injury accident.

1. Disconnect the negative cable.

Refer to: Inspect the battery (3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).

2. Drain the fuel tank.

3. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lift vehicle (1.1.3 Traction and
4. Remove fuel tank filling hose.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.7-25 Fuel system 3.1.7-25

5. Disconnect fuel filter inlet pipe 1 and fuel

stem hose 2.


6. Remove fuel tank vent hose.


7. Remove oil return pipe connector.


8. Disconnect wiring harness connector of fuel

pump assembly.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.7-26 Fuel system 3.1.7-26

9. Use flat jack to support the fuel tank.

WARNING: Support the bottom of the fuel
tank with appropriate materials to prevent


10. Remove 4 retaining bolts of fuel tank.

Torque:25 Nm
WARNING: When removing the fuel tank, ×4
do not apply excessive strain force on the
fuel lines and wiring harness.

11. Slowly lower down the flat jack to remove the

fuel tank.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.7-27 Fuel system 3.1.7-27

The Circuit Between Fuel Pump and Oil Filter Bracket Assembly
WARNING: During operation of fuel
components,all types of open fire are
prohibited. High-flammable gas mixture
that come about during the operation may
be ignited. Improper operation may cause
personal injury accident.

1. Release the fuel pressure.

2. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).
3. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).
4. Disconnect the fuel inlet pipe of the filter.


5. Disconnect fuel pump outlet pipe.


6. Take out the circuit between fuel pump and oil

filter bracket assembly.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.7-28 Fuel system 3.1.7-28

The Circuit Between Fuel Filteer Bracket Assembly and Fuel Rail
WARNING: During operation of fuel
components,all types of open fire are
prohibited. High-flammable gas mixture
that come about during the operation may
be ignited. Improper operation may cause
personal injury accident.

1. Release the fuel pressure.

2. Disconnect the negative cable.

Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

3. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lift vehicle (1.1.3 Traction and

4. Detach nylon pipe from fuel filter bracket



5. Disconnect the fuel return pipe and supply



6. Lower down the vehicle.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.7-29 Fuel system 3.1.7-29

7. Disconnect fuel supply hose inlet pipe 1 and

pipe clamp 2 from the fuel rail.


8. Remove the fuel supply pipe from the fix clip.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8 Ignition
3.1.8-1 Ignition System 3.1.8-1

Component Specifications
Item Specifications
Spark plug type F6RTC / F6RTCU
Spark plug clearance 0.7 ~ 0.8 mm
Primary coil resistance While 20 ℃ ,0.76 ~ 0.92 Ω
Secondary coil resistance At 20 ℃ , 7.57 ~ 10.23 KΩ
Primary inductor 2.25 ~ 2.75 mH
Secondary inductor 15.3 ~ 20.7 H

General Specifications
Application Specifications
Ignition type Double-cylinder simutaneously ignition
Ignition sequence 1-3-4-2

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Spark plug 25 18 -
Ignition coil retaining bolt 10 - 89

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8-2 Ignition System 3.1.8-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Engine adopts cylinder DLI no- distributor,
simultaneously ignition system ,1 ~ 4 cylinder and
2 ~ 3 cylinder Share a ignition coil respectively.
System components mainly include the ECM, two
ignition coils,high-voltage damping wire, spark
plugs, crankshaft position sensor,camshaft
position sensor and other components.
When the ECM controls the ignition coil start to
ignite, the two cylinders are ignited
simultaneously, then one of the two cylinders is in
a compression stroke while the other in the
exhaust stroke. The cylinder in the exhaust
stroke requires very little energy to breakdown the
spark plug clearance due to its low cylinder
pressure and high temperatures. The cylinder in
the compression stroke requires high energy to
breakdown the spark plug clearance due to its
high cylinder pressure, low intensity mixture and
low temperatures. The cylinder in compression
stroke will consume most of the ignition energy if
the 2 cylinders are ignited simultaneously.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8-3 Ignition System 3.1.8-3

Components Exploded View

1 2


Item Description Item Description

1 Ignition coil assembly 3 Spark plug

2 High-voltage damping wire

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8-4 Ignition System 3.1.8-4

General Inspection 4. Connect the high voltage wire and the spark
plug, ground the spark plugs at reliable
General Tool
access locations of the engine.
Multimeter 5. Start the engine and observe the spark plugs
Feeler gauge spark state.
6. Stop the engine and turn the ignition switch to
position "LOCK".
Ignition Spark Test
7. Install spark plugs and high-voltage wire
WARNING: Direct use of high-voltage
testing flash over may result in personal 8. Connect the injector connector
injury and damage to the module. Do not
use high-voltage wire to directly test the
spark ignition.
Ignition Coil Test
1. Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
WARNING: The temperature of a working
engine is very high. When operating on a 2. Disconnect the ignition coil plug
engine that stops for a short while, pay 3. Use multimeter to measure the resistance
attention to avoid burns. value between ignition coil terminals.
1. When the transmission shift lever at "Neutral" Multimeter Pen
and apply parking brake.
Positive Negative 13 kΩ
2. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK", terminal terminal
disconnect the injector connector.
WARNING: Constantly connection of the 4. Connect the ignition coil connector.
injector may cause fire.

3. Disconnect the high voltage and remove the

spark plug.



SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8-5 Ignition System 3.1.8-5

High-Voltage Wire Test Spark Plug Test

1. Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK". 1. Inspect the appearance of the spark plug
2. Disconnect the high- voltage wire. • Electrode wear
3. Use multimeter to measure high-voltage • Carbon deposit
• Electrode damage
High • Insulator damdge
Length( Electric
Voltage 2. Measure the spark plug clearance
mm) Resistance(kO)
Standard value:0.7 ~ 0.8 mm
Cylinder 1 - -
3. Measure the spark plug resistance
Cylinder 2 100 - 110 0.7 ~ 1.9
Cylinder 3 - 10 ~ 22 Standard value:3 ~ 7.5 kΩ

Cylinder 4 210 - 220 1.46 ~ 3.46

4. Install the high-voltage wires.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8-6 Ignition System 3.1.8-6

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment

Feeler gauge
Ignition timing

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
3. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found,correct the cause(if
possible),before proceeding to the next step.
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.
Visual Inspection Chart

• Loop
• Wiring harness
• Electrical connector
• Spark plug
• Ignition coil
• Engine control module(ECM)

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8-7 Ignition System 3.1.8-7

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs,but there is no DTC stored in the ECM for this fault,and can not confirm the cause,then
follow the procedure to diagnose the fault and eliminate it.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

• Crankshaft Position Sensor Spark Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
Plug for spark plug is not flash over.
• Spark plug
Spark plugs do not flash • High voltage wire
• Ignition coil
• Control circuit
• Execute the spark plug test procedure
Refer to: Spark Plug Test (3.1.8
Ignition System, General

• Spark plug • Carry out the test process of high voltage

wire test
• High voltage wire
Engine shakes Refer to: High Voltage Damping
• Ignition coil
Wire Test (3.1.8 Ignition System,
• Engine General inspection).

• Execute the test process for ignition coil

Refer to: Ignition Coil Test (3.1.8
Ignition System, General
• Spark plug Refer to: Diagnosis Procedure
• High voltage wire for insufficient engine power.
Engine power is
insufficient • Ignition coil
• Engine

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8-8 Ignition System 3.1.8-8

Diagnosis Procedure for Spark Plug is not Flash Over

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the fuse of the fuse box IF08.
Rated capacity of the fuse: 15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse with rated
2.Inspect the power supply of fuse IF08
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Use multimeter to measure the voltage between
fuse IF08 terminal 15 and reliable grounding
Standard voltage:11~14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair ignition switch and fuse power supply circuit.
3. Inspect the engine DTC
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Connect diagnosis tool.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Diagnosis of the engine system.
Any DTC?
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System -
M7,DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8-9 Ignition System 3.1.8-9

4. Inspect the spark plug

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Remove the spark plug.
C.Executethe test for the spark plug.
Refer to: Spark Plug Test (3.1.8 Ignition
System,General inspection).
Is the spark plug working properly?
Go to step 5.
Replace the spark plug.
5. Inspect the high voltage damping wire
A. Remove the high voltage damping wire.
B.Carry out the test for high voltage.
Refer to: High Voltage Damping Wire Test
(3.1.8 Ignition System,General
Is the high voltage wire working properly?
Go to step 6.
Replace the high voltage wire.
6. Inspect the ignition coil
A.Carry out ignition coil inspection process.
Refer to: Ignition Coil Test (3.1.8 Ignition
System,General inspection).
Is the ignition coil working properly?
Go to step 7.
4. Replace ignition coil

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8-10 Ignition System 3.1.8-10

7.Inspect the power supply circuit of ignition coil

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B. Disconnect the ignition coil wiring harness
S19 C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
Use Ignition a multimeter to measure the voltage
between the terminal 3 and 4 of the ignition coil
1 2 3 4 wiring harness connector S19 and the reliable
Standard voltage: 11~14 V
Is voltage normal?
A3107031 Yes
Go to step 8.
Repair the open circuit fault between instrument
platform fuse box P01 fuse IF08 terminal 15 and
ignition coil wiring harness connector S19 terminal
3 and 4.
8.Inspect the circuit of the engine control module
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
64 51 7 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON". Inspect to
see if the power supply to terminal 8,16, 17 and 51
50 37 5
is normal?
36 23 3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
22 9 1
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 is
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?

Go to step 9
Repair the circuit.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8-11 Ignition System 3.1.8-11

9. Inspect the ignition coil signal circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C.Disconnect motor ignition coil wiring harness
connector S19.
S19 D.Disconnect the engine control module wiring
harness connector S01.
E.Measure engine control module wiring harness
1 2 3 4 connector S01 terminal 3 & 7 and engine ignition
coil wiring harness connector S19 terminal 1 & 2.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is resistance normal?

Replace the engine control module.
64 51 7
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
50 37 5 Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
36 3
and Installation).

22 9 1 No
Inspect and repair the circuit.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8-12 Ignition System 3.1.8-12

Diagnosis Procedure for Insufficient Engine Power

Confirm that the engine cylinder pressure is normal, ignition timing mark is correct, there is no
mechanical damages of the engine. Otherwise, repair the fault.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1. Inspect the engine DTC
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Connect diagnosis tool.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Diagnosis of the engine system
Any DTC?
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure
Index (3.1.12 Electrical Control System -
M7, DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the spark plug
A. Test process for spark plug.
Refer to: Spark Plug Test (3.1.8 Ignition
System,General inspection).
Is the spark plug working properly?
Go to step 3.
Replace the spark plug.
3. Inspect the high voltage damping wire
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Remove the high voltage damping wire
C.Carry out the test for high voltage wire.
Refer to: High Voltage Damping Wire Test
(3.1.8 Ignition System, General
Is the high voltage wire working properly?
Go to step 4.
Replace the high voltage wire.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8-13 Ignition System 3.1.8-13

4. Inspect the ignition coil

A. Execute the test process for ignition coil.
Refer to: Ignition Coil Test (3.1.8 Ignition
System,General inspection).
Is the ignition coil working properly?
Go to step 5.
4. Replace ignition coil
Refer to: Ignition Coil (3.1.8 Ignition
System,Remove and Installation).
5. Inspect the engine control module circuit
A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Connect the wiring harness connector of ECM.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
64 51
D.Use multimeter to inspect whether the power supply
50 37 5 of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51 is normal.
E.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
36 23 3
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 is
22 9 1 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
Repair the circuit.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8-14 Ignition System 3.1.8-14

Removal and Installation

Ignition Coil
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).
2. Disconnect the ignition coil wiring harness


3. Disconnect the high-voltage damping wire

from the ignition coil.


4. Remove the retaining bolt on ignition coil 4

and detach the ignition coil.

Torque:10 Nm ×4


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8-15 Ignition System 3.1.8-15

High-Voltage Damping Wire

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).

2. Disconnect the high-voltage damping wire

from the ignition coil.


3. Pull out high voltage damping line from the




1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8-16 Ignition System 3.1.8-16

Ignition Switch
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

2. Remove the steering wheel .

Refer to: Steering Wheel (2.4.3 Steering
Column,Removal and Installation).

3. Remove the steering lock case.

Refer to: instrument Panel (5.1.6
instrument Panel and Console,Removal
and Installation).

4. Disconnect the ignition coil wiring harness

connector 1.
5. Disconnect lighting combination switch 1
harness connector 2.


6. Remove the light combination switch.

Refer to: Combination switch (4.2.6
Lighting System, Removal and

7. Remove the ignition stwitch retaining bolt.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.8-17 Ignition System 3.1.8-17

8. Remove the ignition switch assembly


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9 Start System

3.1.9-1 Start System 3.1.9-1

Description and Operation Components Description

System Overview Starter Motor
Turn start switch (ignition switch) to ST so that Starter motor includes the stator assembly,
less current flows into the hold-up and traction armature assembly, overspeed clutch assembly,
coils while starting. One circuit: battery positive → solenoid switch assembly, the front/rear cover,
start switch → hold-up coil → ground (battery brush holder and the drive rod. Solenoid switch
negative); Another circuit: battery positive → assembly and its components on the starter
starter switch → traction coil → starter motor → motor are packaged inside the housing to prevent
ground (battery negative). The starter motor starts the dirt and splashing.
to operate since current flows into armature and
excitation windings. Traction and hold-up coils
generate magnetic force for current passes. Core
overcomes the elasticity of return spring and
moves right by the action of magnetic force. Due
to low current and slow rotation speed, core's left
terminal leads driving lever to make clutch move
left and let driving gear and flywheel ring gear
match with each other while core is pushed to the
right. It produces magnetic torque since current
from traction coil passes through excitation and
armature windings, therefore, gears are engaged
with each other while rotating slowly. Close
solenoid switch master contactor on the core's
right side to connect starter motor and battery
while gear and flywheel ring gear are fully
engaged. High current provided by battery
passes through armature and excitation windings
to generate normal torque, and then gears
engages make starter motor crankshaft rotate to
start motor. The core is supported by the suction
of hold-up coil for traction coil is shorted, and
driving lever still overcomes spring and push
gears to engage with each other.
Disconnect starter switch and cut hold-up coil
current off while engine is started, and then
magnetic force disappears and core moves left
(home position) under the action of return spring.
Driving lever divorces driving gear from flywheel
ring gear under the action of torsional spring, then
master contactor is disconnected, starter circuit is
cut off. The starter motor stops running and the
starting process of motor completes.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9-2 Start System 3.1.9-2

Location View
Starter Motor


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9-3 Start System 3.1.9-3

Components Exploded View

1 6


10 11





SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9-4 Start System 3.1.9-4

Item Description Item Description

1 Starter motor assembly. 12 Bushing
2 Solenoid switch assembly 13 Driving lever
3 Nut 14 Housing
4 Nut 15 Brush plate
5 Spring washer 16 Bushing
6 Nut 17 Retaining screw
7 Rotor assembly 18 Spring
8 Override clutch assembly 19 Shield ring
9 Shield ring 20 Protective cover
10 Special washer 21 Screw
11 Rotor front bracket assembly

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9-5 Start System 3.1.9-5

General Inspection 6. As mentioned above, connect the conductor

of small gear,then remove the 'M' terminal
General Equipment negative wire, check whether the small gear
Multimeter is outward transfer, otherwise should replace
the magnetic switch.
WARNING: Each test must be completed
within 3 ~ 5s to avoid coil burnout.
Solenoid Switch Testing
CAUTION: Before the test,disconnect the
excitation coils and the terminals 'M'.

1. Remove the starter motor armature wire from

the solenoid switch.
2. Use a jumper wire to connect the starter
motor housing and the magnetic switch
housing and the battery negative reliably.
3. Use one end of the jumper wire to connect to
the battery positive and the other end is
connected to the starter motor wiring harness
connector S10 terminal 1. A3109010

4. Starter motor pinion should be removed.

5. Remove the 'M' terminal negative cables,
starter motor pinion should not return to the
original place.



SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9-6 Start System 3.1.9-6

Pinion Return Test Test Without Load

1. Use a jumper wire to connect the starter 1. Ensure the battery is fully charged.
motor housing and the magnetic switch
2. Connect the starter motor, battery and tester
housing and the battery negative reliably.
as showed on the illustration.
2. Use one end of the jumper wire to connect to
3. Start the motor,and confirm it is run smoothly.
the battery positive and the other end is
connected to the starter motor wiring harness If the starter motor rotation is not smooth, inspect
connector S10 terminal 1. starter motor device.

3. Starter motor pinion should be removed 4. When the motor operates, measure the
voltage and the current.
4. Disconnect the battery positive jumper wires,
the small gear should quickly return. 5. If it is not within the specification, replace the
starter motor.



Application Description
Current test without load 50 A
Voltage drop test without load V

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9-7 Start System 3.1.9-7

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment


Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electrical
Starter motor Fuse
Starter relay
Wiring harness
Connectors loose or

3. If an obvious cause for an observed or

reported concern is found,correct the cause(if
possible),before proceeding to the next step.
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9-8 Start System 3.1.9-8

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs,but there is no DTC stored in the ECM for this fault,and can not confirm the cause,then
follow the procedure to diagnose the fault and eliminate it.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Battery • Diagnosis procedure for starter motor
•Starter relay
•Starter motor fails •Loop
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
for starter motor fails (3.1.9 Start
•Starter motor System Symptom Diagnosis and
•Ignition switch Testing).
•Diagnosis procedure for starter motor
•Ignition switch fails to shut down.

•Starter relay Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•Starter motor fails to
shutdown for starter motor fails to shut
•Starter motor
down (3.1.9 Start System
•Control circuit Symptom Diagnosis and
•Diagnosis procedure for starter motor
slow running
•Starter motor slow Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
running for starter motor slow running
•Starter motor (3.1.9 start system Symptom
Diagnosis and Testing).
•Inspect whether the flywheel ring gear is
with missing tooth.
•Inspect whether the correct starter motor
•Starter motor rotating but •Starter motor is correctly fixed. If the problem exists,
engine does not run • Flywheel ring gear install a new starter motor.
Refer to: Starter motor (3.1.9
Starting System, Removal and
•Inspect flywheel ring gear
•Inspect whether the starter motor is
•Starter motor abnormal •Starter motor
aligned or the case is cracked. Ensure all
noise • Flywheel ring gear the retaining bolts are well locked. If
necessary,Replace new starter motor
retaining bolts.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9-9 Start System 3.1.9-9

Diagnosis Procedure for Starter Motor Fails

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect whether battery positive & negative wiring
harness connector and positive & negative cables
are damaged, oxidated, poor contacted or loose.
B.Inspect whether starter motor wiring harness
connector and starter motor positive cables are
damaged, oxidated, poor contacted or loose.
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
Inspect battery voltage.
A.Inspect the battery voltage.
Is the starting voltage higher than 10.5 V?
Go to step 3.
Charge the battery.
Refer to: Battery Charging (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).
Replace new battery.
Refer to: Battery (3.1.10 Charging
System,Removal and Installation).
3.Inspect the solenoid switch power supply circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect starter motor solenoid switch wiring
harness connector S10 terminal 1.
C.Turn ignition switch to ST and measure the voltage
between starter motor solenoid switch wiring
harness connector S10 terminal 1 and safe
grounding connection point.
1 Is the voltage higher than 10 V?
Go to step 4.
A3109013 No
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9-10 Start System 3.1.9-10

4. Inspect the starter motor

A.Solenoid Switch Testing
Refer to: Solenoid Switch Test (3.1.9
Starting System, General inspection).
Is the starter motor inspect normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace the the starter motor
Refer to: Starter motor (3.1.9 Starting
System, Removal and Installation).
5.Inspect the solenoid switch power supply circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B. Disconnect the ignition coil wiring harness
connector P06.
C.Ignition switch wiring harness connector P06
terminal 2 and safe power are shorted.
Does the starter motor stop?
Go to step 6.
Inspect the open circuit fault between wiring
harness connector P06 terminal 2 and starter motor
control wiring harness connector S10 terminal 1.
6.Inspect the ignition switch
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B. Disconnect the ignition switch wiring harness
connector P06.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position “ST”.
D.Use multimeter to measure the resistance between
ignition switch wiring harness connector P06
terminal 3 and terminal 2.
1 3 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
4 7
Is the resistance value normal?
P06 Yes
Inspect starter motor S11 terminal 1 to battery
Replace the ignition switch.
Refer to: Ignition switch (3.1.8 Ignition
System,Remove and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9-11 Start System 3.1.9-11

Diagnosis Procedure for Starter Motor Fails to Shut Down

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect ignition switch automatic return function
A.Disconnect battery negative pile head S22.
B. Disconnect the ignition switch wiring harness
connector P06.
C.Use multimeter to measure the resistance value
between ignition switch wiring harness connector
P06 terminal 3 and terminal 2.
Standard value: 10 MO or higher
1 3 Is the resistance value normal?
4 7
P06 Go to step 2.
Replace the ignition switch.
Refer to: Ignition switch (3.1.8 Ignition
System,Remove and Installation). .
2.Inspect the circuit between wiring harness connector P06 terminal 2 and starter motor control wiring harness
S10 terminal 1
A. Disconnect the starter wiring harness connector
B.Use multimeter to measure the voltage between
starter motor wiring harness connector S10
terminal 1 and safe grounding connection point.
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the voltage normal?
1 Yes
Replace the the starter motor
Refer to: Starter motor (3.1.9 Starting
System, Removal and Installation).
Repair the power supply short circuit between
ignition switch wiring harness connector P06
terminal 2 and starter motor wiring harness
connector S10 terminal1.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9-12 Start System 3.1.9-12

Diagnosis Procedure for Starting Motor Running Slowly

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect whether battery positive & negative wiring
harness connector and positive & negative cables
are damaged, oxidated, poor contacted or loose.
B.Inspect whether starter motor wiring harness
connector and starter motor positive cables are
damaged, oxidated, poor contacted or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the engine and accessory driving belt
A.Inspect whether there is any fault on engine and
accessory driving belt
Repair the fault.
Go to step 3.
3. Inspect the battery
A. Inspect the battery voltage.
Is the starting voltage higher than 10.5 V
Go to step 4.
Charge the battery.
Refer to: Battery Charging (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).
Replace new battery.
Refer to: Battery (3.1.10 Charging
System,Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9-13 Start System 3.1.9-13

4. Inspect the starter motor

A. Perform the no-load test.
Refer to: No-load Test (3.1.9 Starting
System,General inspection).
Is the starter motor normal?
Repair the engine mechanical failure.
Refer to: 3.1.2 Mechanical System.
Replace the the starter motor
Refer to: Starter Motor Assembly (3.1.9
Starting System, Removel and

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9-14 Start System 3.1.9-14

Disassembly and Assembly

Starter Motor
1. Remove the nut from the solenoid switch and
disconnect the wire.
2. Remove the two nuts, then pull the back part
of the solenoid switch to remove it,to make
the hook disengage from the transmission
CAUTION: Do not remove the solenoid
switch; replace it in assembly as

3. Remove the housing cover bolts and pull out A3109001

the commutator end cap.

4. Remove the insulator and the brush spring,
then remove the brush holder.
5. Remove the stator, armature and drive lever.
6. Use clamp pliers and screwdriver to remove
the armature compaction,and then pull out
the pinion snap ring and the overdrive clutch.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9-15 Start System 3.1.9-15
1. Inspect and replace the components as
Refer to: 3.1.9 Starting system, General

2. Before installing the overdrive clutch, add

grease,then fix the stop ring.
3. Fill the drive lever with grease and install it
together with the armature and the drive
4. Install the stator and brush holder,and then fix
the four dynamo brushes with spring,and then
install the insulation.
CAUTION: When installing the brush,
remove the grease on the brush and the
commutator completely.

CAUTION: Make sure that there is no

unnecessary contact between the brush
and other components.


5. Fill the grease inside the bushing, and then

install the rear cover.
6. Install a new solenoid switch or its cover set.
Add grease on the top of on the plunger as
7. Turn the drive lever to hook the solenoid
switch plunger and then use nut to solid tight
the magnetic switch assembly.
8. Connect wires in place and then inspect the
work of the solenoid switches.
CAUTION: Before installing the nut,
ensure that the plunger is well connected
to the drive lever.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9-16 Start System 3.1.9-16

Removal and Installation

Starter Motor
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lift the vehicle (1.1.3 Traction
and Lift).

3. Disconnect the starter wiring harness

connector. 2
1. Remove starter motor control wiring
harness connector 1.
2. Remove starter motor cable retaining nut 2 1
and detach cables.


4. Remove the retaining bolt on the starter

motor plate 3.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.9-17 Start System 3.1.9-17

5. Remove the retaining bolts of the starter.

Torque: 31 Nm
6. Detach motor from the vehicle.



1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10 Charging
3.1.10-1 Charging System 3.1.10-1

Component Specifications
Battery Specifications

Application Specifications
Type Maintenance free
Norminal voltage DC 12V
20 hours rated capacity 45 Ah
Capacity 75 Ah
Charge acceptance Higher than 9 A
(-18 ℃ ) After the 5S to 300A discharge curent. The
battery vottage should not be less than 8.6 V.
Cold-starting ability
Continous discharge until end the duration of 6V
should not be less than 2 min.
Quality (with electrolyte) 12.5 kg

Generator Specifications

Item Specifications
Rated working speed 5,000 r/min
Maximum rotation speed 18,000 r/min
Generation voltage specifications 14 V

Generator Thermal State Performance

Speed (r/min) Output Current (A) Test Voltage (V)

1,500 ≥ 25
2,500 ≥ 50 13.5 ± 0.1
3,500 ≥ 70

Generator Cold State Performance

Speed (r/min) Output Current (A) Test Voltage (V)

1,500 ≥ 32
2,500 ≥ 57 13.5 ± 0.1
6,000 ≥ 78

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-2 Charging System 3.1.10-2
Adjusting Performance under Normal Temperature Voltage
Performance Adjust Voltage or Adjust Difference Value (V)
Adjust voltage 14.55 ± 0.25
Load features ︱△ V ︱≤ 0.5
Speed features ︱△ V ︱≤ 0.3

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Retaining stud bolt and nut for battery fixed
8 - 71
clamp and battery.
Battery positive terminal cable nut 9 - 80
Battery negative terminal cable nut 8 - 71
Generator lower retaining bolt 50 37 -
Generator upper support tension bolt 23 17 -
Retaining bolt for battery and generator
8 - 71
connector wiring

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-3 Charging System 3.1.10-3

Description and Operation Charging System

System Overview Generator is characterized by in-house solid-state
regulator. All components of the regulator is
Battery Self-Discharge installed in a air-proof box. The regulator and
brush holder assembly is installed on the slip ring
Battery self-discharge is inevitable in theory. and frame, the set voltage of generator can not be
Although the maintenance-free battery self- adjusted.
discharge is much less than ordinary batteries,
there is still self-discharge to some extent. The Generator rotor bearings is with sufficient grease
battery power will reduce significantly if it is kept and regular lubrication is nor required. Two
for a long time, even not powered on. Battery brushes let the current go through the two sliding
self-discharge is mainly affected by factors as circulation to the rotor excitation coil. In normal
follows. circumstances, the brush can be free of
maintenance for a long time.
1. The higher the temperature is, the self-
discharge rate would also be higher. The stator winding is assembled within the
Generally, when the temperature rises for laminated iron core, and this iron core is the
every 10℃, the self-discharge rate would also generator frame components. The commutator
increase for about 2.7 times. The self- connected to the stator windings has six diodes;
discharge rate of the battery would be and it transform the stator AC voltage into DC
different for the vehicle in summer and winter. voltage on the generator output terminal. The
central diodes is used to transform the neutral
2. The battery self-discharging may become voltage into DC to increase the generator output.
serious due to the storage place conditions,
such as high humidity and heavy dust. The capacitor on the regulator assembly protects
the diode voltage and reject the radio wave
Battery Capacity Loss after Loading interference.
After loading,the power losses of the battery is
mainly in the following aspects:
1. Power loss in commissioning;
2. Consumption of some continuous electrical
power consumption of the vehicle,such as
anti-theft alarm.
3. Electricity leakage caused by poor insulation
of the vehicle component.
4. Without disconnecting the negative terminal,
power loss caused by static current and
current leakage.
CAUTION: Battery standing time is
related to many factors, Generally, fully
charged battery with the negative wire
disconnected can start the vehicle after
standing for 6 months.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-4 Charging System 3.1.10-4

Components Description
The vehicle uses maintenance-free battery,with
no vent plug on the battery cover,which is
different from the conventional battery.It is
hermetic sealing besides the two small vent holes
on both sides of the battery.
Compared with conventional batteries, this
battery has the following advantages:
1. No additional liquid is required within the
battery life time.
2. Overcharge protection
3. The electricity leaking not easily occurs like
conventional battery.
4. Weight and volume is smaller with more
If the battery test is normal,but the battery has
insufficient voltage, and vehicles can not start
overnight, the causes can be considered from the
following aspects.
1. Electrical equipment within the vehicle is
not turned off over the whole night.
2. Speed is slow with frequently stop and
3. Vehicle electrical load exceeds the
generator output,especially when the vehicles
equipped with aftermarket retrofit device.
4.Charging system fails, such as short circuit,
generator belt slipping,generator malfunction
or voltage regulator malfunction.
5.Improper use of the battery, including fail to
keep the the battery cable terminals clean
and tightened,or the fixed plate loose.
6. Mechanical fault of the electrical system,
such as wire short-circuit or crush.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-5 Charging System 3.1.10-5

Location View

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-6 Charging System 3.1.10-6

Components Exploded View


5 12
4 8
1 2 3 6 11 14

24 20 16 15
23 21 17
25 19


Item Description Item Description

1 Belt pulley 14 M5 nut
2 Front bearing 15 M5 bolt
3 Screw 16 Conducting plate
4 Rotor 17 Cover
5 Rear cover 18 M4 screw
6 Pad 19 Screw
7 Regulator 20 Commutator
8 M5 nut 21 Stud bolt
9 M8 nut 22 Rear bearing
10 Insulation sleeve 23 Stator
11 Brush 24 Cover
12 M4 screw 25 Front cover
13 Rubber cover

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-7 Charging System 3.1.10-7
Battery and the Accessory

6 5


Item Description Item Description

1 Battery negative cable 5 Battery assembly
Tightening nut of pressure plate
2 6 Battery positive cable
of battery
3 Battery pressure plate 7 Battery pallet
4 Battery retaining screw

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-8 Charging System 3.1.10-8

General Inspection CAUTION: It is improper to inspect the

battery that just has complete charging or
General Equipment
the battery in the discharging and
Multimeter recharging process with discharge
Battery charger detector. Because the charging will
generate a lot of hydrogen gas, it will
generate spark and cause the gas
exploded to cause injury and damage
Battery Inspection
when the inspection is carried out by
1. Battery apperance inspection discharge detector or resistance wire.
Batteries should be free of leakage on the
surface,the case without crack,damage,
Battery Charging.
corrosion-free on the electrode,and the WARNING: Keep the batteries away from
electrode wire is connected securely. children. The battery includes sulphuric
2. Inspect with a discharge detector: acid. Keep it away from skin, eye or
clothes. Wear the goggles to avoid
Press the corresponding contact hardly on acidic dissolution fluid sprayed into the
the battery negative and positive. When the eyes when working near the battery. In
discharge detector pointer in the green range case of acid solvent spraying to the skin
for about 2 seconds, it indicates that the or eyes, rinse immediately for at least 15
battery capacity is sufficient to meet high minutes and seek for medical treatment
current starting demands.When the discharge immediately. If acid solution is
detector pointer in the red range and with no swallowed, please seek medical
other abnormalities,it indicates the lack of treatment immediately. Failure to
battery capacity and charging is required. comply with the instructions may cause
3. Use the headlamp as the load and voltage serious injury.
meter to inspect.
WARNING: Batteries may produce
According to the battery voltage explosive gases to cause fatal accident.
measurement,connect the voltage meter to So keep the flame,spark or other
the battery , and read the battery inflammable materials away from the
voltage.Open the headlamp,if the battery battery. When getting close to the
voltage does not drop rapidly, and keeps at battery charge or operation area, wear
10 V or more, the battery can start the protective mask to protect face and
vehicle after the charging. If the headlamp is eyes. Put the battery in a ventilated
turned on and the battery voltage decreases location. Failure to comply with the
rapidly, charge the battery to restore the instructions may cause serious injury.
function. If the idle time is too long,charge the
battery for a relatively longer time. The best WARNING: When using any charging
way is to charge and discharge for several device, comply with all the
times,to make it fully activated. manufacturer's instructions. Failure to
comply with the instructions may cause
serious injury.

WARNING: Before connecting to the

battery, the charger switch must not be
open. Failure to comply with the
instructions may cause serious injury.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-9 Charging System 3.1.10-9
WARNING: Turn off the switch before Battery Parasitic Current Test
removing the charger from the battery.
Failure to comply with the instructions If the battery produces electricity losses
may cause serious injury. sustained,should perform the following test
procedure to inspect whether the battery
CAUTION: Do not charge the batteries in generate parasitic currents.
the vehicle. 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
CAUTION: Do not only use the generators 2. Connect the positive of the multimeter to
to charge the discharged battery,as battery positive cable and connect the
charging system must be in the state of negative connect to the negative.
continuous load driving more than 8 hours
3. Ensure all electric equipments are shut down.
with non-electrical equipment in.
4. Select the mA grade of the multimeter for
1. Remove the battery, then put it in the water.
current measurement.
2. Connect the battery charger to the battery,
5. Wait for dormancy vehicle module, measure
charging according to the following manner.
the parasitic current.
Constant voltage charge
CAUTION: The module dormancy time is
Constant voltage 14.8 V,when the charge different depending on vehicles with
current down to 3 A,continue to charge for 3 different configuration.
hours,the change process finished. Note the
charge current should not exceed 25A. The parasitic current standard value:

Constant current charge

Charge it with 6A, with voltage of 14.8, then
3A for 3h, till the charging is completed.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-10 Charging System 3.1.10-10

Generator Test
Voltage output
1. Connect the test equipment V

Select the appropriate range,connect the 15


Voltage output
voltage meter between the generator B 14.6V

terminal and the grounding. Connect the 14.42V


ammeter between the generator B terminal 14

and the battery positive terminal. 13.8V

-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 C

2 A3110024
- A+ B
3. Test with load

Keep the engine running at 2,000 rpm, turn on
3 v
1.Load headlamp and HVAC motors. Measure the
2. Switch
3. Battery current, if it is less than 20 A, repair or replace the
A: Ammeter 100A range
V: Voltmeter 20V range motor.
B: Battery output terminal


2. Test without load

Start the engine, the Engine rotating speed
from idle to 2,000 r/min, read the instrument
CAUTION: Consider that the voltage will
be different as the temperature of the
voltage regulator varies. Do not carry out
this test to the discharged battery. Before
the test,ensure that the battery is fully

CAUTION: When the engine running,do

not open the battery terminal, otherwise
you may damage the electronic

Standard current:10 A(Max)

Standard voltage:at 25 ℃ ,14.2 ~ 14.8 V

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-11 Charging System 3.1.10-11

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment


Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
3. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electrical
•Wiring harness
•Accessory drive •Electrical connector
•Battery circuit
•Charging system warning

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-12 Charging System 3.1.10-12

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs,but there is no DTC stored in the ECM for this fault,and can not confirm the cause,then
follow the procedure to diagnose the fault and eliminate it.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Generator belt Refer to: Diagnosis procedure of the

Insufficient insufficient battery charging (3.1.10
•Generator regulator
battery power Charging System, Diagnosis and
•Generator Testing).

•Generator regulator Refer to: Diagnosis procedure of the

battery overcharging (3.1.10 Charging
overcharged •Generator
System,Diagnosis and Testing).

•Drive belt loose or worn Refer to: Diagnosis procedure of the

charging indicator always on (3.1.10
indicator always •Generator
Charging System,Diagnosis and
•Circuit fault Testing).
•Instrument charging indicator bulb Refer to: Diagnosis procedure of the
•Instrument charging indicator not on (3.1.10
Charging Charging System, Diagnosis and
•Circuit fault
indicator is not Testing).
on. •Poor contact between brushes and
slip rings
•Voltage regulator
•Belt Refer to: Diagnosis procedure of
Generator noise •Bearing generator noise (3.1.10 Charging
System, Diagnosis and Testing).
•Stator and rotor

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-13 Charging System 3.1.10-13

Diagnosis Procedure for Battery under Charge

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the wiring harness connector of generator
cable for damage, poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault,test the system for normal
2. Inspect the charging generator voltage
A.Start the engine; let the engine run from idle speed
to 2,000rpm.
B.Measure the voltage with a multimeter of the battery
positive wiring to the negative.
If the voltage value is not less than 14.8 V
Go to step 3.
Go to step 4.
3. Inspect the parasitic current of the battery
A.Implement the parasitic battery current inspection
Refer to: Battery Parasitic Current Test
(3.1.10 Charging System, General
Is it normal?
Go to step 4.
Charge battery.
Refer to: Battery Charging (3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).
Replace the battery.
Refer to: Battery(3.1.10 Charging System,
Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-14 Charging System 3.1.10-14

4.Inspect the generator

A.Implement the generator inspection procedures.
Refer to: Generator testing procedure
(3.1.10 Charging system, General
Is the test normal?
Charge battery.
Refer to: Battery Charging (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).
Replace the battery.
Refer to: Battery (3.1.10 Charging System,
Removal and Installation).
Inspect the generator.
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure of the
charging indicator always on (3.1.10
Charging System,Diagnosis and Testing).

Diagnosis Procedure for Battery Overcharged

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the charging generator voltage
A.Start the engine; let the engine run from idle speed
to 2,000rpm.
B.Measure the voltage with a multimeter of the battery
positive wiring to the negative.
Is the voltage higher than 14.8 V?
Go to step 2.
Make sure the system is normal.
2. Inspect the generator regulator
A. Replace the generator regulator.
Is the the generator charging voltage normal?
Normal system.
Disassemble the generator.
Refer to: Generator (3.1.10 Charging
System,Assembly and Disassembly).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-15 Charging System 3.1.10-15

Diagnosis Procedure for Charging Indicator Always On

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the wiring harness connector of generator
cable for damage, poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault,test the system for normal
2. Inspect generator belt
A. Inspect generator belt installation.
B. Inspect the tension of the generator belt.
Refer to: Generator drive belt tension
inspection (3.1.4 Cooling system, General
Is the generator belt normal?
Go to step 3.
Adjust or replace the generator belt.
3. Inspect the charging generator voltage
A.Start the engine,let engine rotating speed rise to
2,000 rpm?
B.Use a multimeter to measure the grounding voltage
of the terminal 1 on the generator output wiring
harness connector S05.
Is the output voltage between 14.2 and14.8 V?
Repair the circuit between the terminal 1 of
generator wiring harness connector S04 and
terminal 12 of instrument connector P03.
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-16 Charging System 3.1.10-16

4. Inspect the generator regulator power circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Inspect the fuse IF08.
C.Disconnect the generator wiring harness connector
D.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".

E.Measure the voltage between the terminal 2 of the
generator wiring harness connector S04 and the
reliable grounding.
1 2 Voltage standard value:11 ~ 14 V
F. Connect the generator wiring harness connector
A3110025 S04.
Is the voltage value within the standard scope?
Go to step 4.
Repair generator regulator power circuit.
5. Inspect the generator regulator.
A. Replace the generator regulator.
Is the the generator charging voltage normal?
Normal system.
Replace generator

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-17 Charging System 3.1.10-17

Diagnosis Procedure for Charge Indicator Not On

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the wiring harness connector of generator
cable for damage, poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault,test the system for normal
2. Inspect the charging indicator bulb
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Replace the charging indicator bulb of combination
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Observe if the charging indicator is ON visually.
Bulb ON?
Normal system.
Go to step 3.
3. Inspect the charging indicator control circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the generator wiring harness connector
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Make terminal 1 of generator wiring harness
connector short circuited to a reliable grounding
Is the charging indicator lamp on?
Go to step 5.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-18 Charging System 3.1.10-18

4. Inspect the circuit from the generator to instrument

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

S04 B.Disconnect the generator wiring harness connector

C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P03.
1 2
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of
generator output wiring harness connector S04 to
terminal 12 of instrument wiring harness connector
P03 with a multimeter.
1 16 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Use a multimeter to measure the voltage between
A3110026 terminal 1 of generator output wiring harness
connector S04 and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value: 0 V
Is it normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit to power
between terminal 1 of generator output wiring
1 2 harness connector S04 and terminal 12 of
instrument wiring harness connector P03.


5.Inspect generator
A. Replace generator
Refer to: Generator (3.1.10 Charging
System, Removal and Installation).
Is the problem solved?
Make sure the system is normal.
Replace instrument Panel.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-19 Charging System 3.1.10-19

Diagnosis Procedure for Generator Noise

Diagnosis Tips:Generator noise may be caused by electrical or mechanical noise. Electrical noise
(electromagnetic vroom) usually varies with the generator's electrical load. This is the normal operating
characteristics of all generators,pay attention to distinguish them from each other,otherwise it will cause
unnecessary customer complaints. Diagnosis of mechanical noise generator, inspect if there are loose
components around the generator, mutual interference or other abnormal problems. In some cases even
if the sound is very light inside the cabin,the noise will be transferred to the passenger compartment,if so,
the generator replacement can not solve the trouble, which led to incorrect justice.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1. Inspect generator belt
A. Inspect genrator belt for missing gear.
B. Inspect the tension of the generator belt.
Refer to: Generator drive belt tension
inspecion (3.1.4 Cooling System, General
Is the generator belt normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the generator belt.
2. Inspect the generator noise
A. Remove the generator belt.
B. Start the engine.
Does the generator noise still exist?
Inspect the compressor noise.
Repair the generator.
Refer to: Generator assembly(3.1.10
Charging System, Assembly and

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-20 Charging System 3.1.10-20

Disassembly and Assembly

1. Remove three retaining bolts at rear hood.


2. Remove retaining bolt 1 of electrical brush,

and remove insulation covering 2 of output
terminal of generator.

×2 1


3. Remove the regulator retaining bolt and take

out the regulator.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-21 Charging System 3.1.10-21

4. Remove the 4 output terminals of stator and

retaining screws of the rectifier.


5. Take out the rubber gasket.


6. Remove the generator with belt pulley.

7. Separate the front and the rear covers

1 Remove the 4 retaining nuts of the front and
the rear covers.
2 Separate the front and the rear covers


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-22 Charging System 3.1.10-22

8. Remove the stator, measure the resistance of

the 4 stator output terminals and the
generator case. The resistance should be
infinite; if the resistance value is not
normal,replace the stator coil.


9. Measure the resistance value of the rotor

conductive ring and the rotor case. It should
be infinite; if the resistance value is not
normal,replace the rotor assembly.


1. The assembly process is reverse.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-23 Charging System 3.1.10-23

Removal and Installation

1. Disconnect the battery negative cable 1,
positive wiring harness 2.
Positive torque: 9 Nm
Negative torque: 8 Nm


2. Remove the retaining nut of the battery

pressing plate 2. ×2
Torque:8 Nm


3. Take out the battery.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-24 Charging System 3.1.10-24

4. Take out the battery pallet.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-25 Charging System 3.1.10-25

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).

2. Remove the generator wiring harness

1 Disconnect the generator regulator wiring
harness connector.
2 Remove the retaining nut of the generator 1
charging wiring harness.

Torque:8 Nm 2


3. Unscrew the lower retaining bolt at rear side

of the generator.

Torque:50 Nm


4. Unscrew the lower retaining bolt at rear side

of the generator.

Torque:50 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.10-26 Charging System 3.1.10-26

5. Remove connecting bolts between generator

belt and tensioning mechanism.

Torque:25 Nm


6. Rotate the generator toward the generator

side till the belt can be easily detached, then
take out the belt.


7. Remove 2 lower retaining bolts of the

generator assembly.


8. Take out the generator assembly.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Generator drive belt tension is 450 N.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.11 Emission
Control System
3.1.11-1 Emission Control System 3.1.11-1

Description and Operation Manifold Blow-by Gas

System Overview Vacuum Flow Rate
Low Large Much
Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV)
High Small Little
At the end of the combustion stroke, some
Evaporative Emission (EVAP)
unburned mixture leaks from the piston rings
into the crankcase with high pressure, this ControlSystem
leakage is called "blow-by gas”. The blow-by Fuel stored in fuel tank will generate the fuel
gas contains nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide vapor due to temperature, shaking and other
and hydrocarbons. If the mixed gas is not factors. The fuel vapor will escape from the fuel
eliminate, the oil in the crankcase will be tank into the atmosphere to cause pollution. In
diluted, so that the engine oil will begin order to avoid this situation, fuel evaporative
deterioration to cause the premature wear to emission (EVAP) control system can control
engine. This blow-by gas will escape into the emissions of fuel vapor. It is activated carbon filter
atmosphere from the crankcase which will tank storage method. This method transfers fuel
cause pollution. In order to prevent blow-by gas vapor from fuel tank to evaporative emissionc
emission into the atmosphere, at the same time anister, or fuel vapor from the fuel tank into the
prevent the oil from deterioration, use the fuel vapor recovery pipeline, the carbon can
positve crankcase ventilation system to conduct absorb and save the steam when the vehicle is
the gas in the crankcase back into the air intake not running. When the engine is running for a
system, so that the blow-by gas go through the required time period, engine control module
PCV from the intake manifold into the provides a grounding circuit to meet the
combustion chamber to be burn. requirements of the clean working conditions, so
Crankcase ventilation system consists of the that evaporative emission Carbon Canister purge
following components: valve is controled to open and let. Air is inhaled
evaporative emission carbon canister and mixed
• Positive crankshaft ventilation valve with steam. Then the mixture of fuel vapor is
• Crankcase ventilation tube sucked out from the carbon then goes into the
intake manifold to enter the cylinder to be
• Hose and joint
consumed in the normal combustion process.
The main control unit of the engine crankcase The evaporative emission carbon Canister purge
blow-by gas is the positve crankcase ventilation valve is controlled by the pulse width modulation
(PCV) valve. PCV measures the blow-by gas flow (PWM) signal. The operating conditions
rate based on the manifold vacuum signal. PCV determined by the air flow, fuel regulator and the
allow some of the vacuum pressure to go through intake air temperature control the PWM signal
the valve internal orifice and form low pressure in duty changes of evaporative emission carbon
the crankcase. The blow-by gas in the crankcase canister purge valve.
then is absorbed into the intake system and then
be burn out during the normal combustion. The
blow-by gas that goes into the intake manifold is
precisely controlled to maintain the idle speed
quality. Use the correct and the proper the
crankcase calibration that been gauged PCV. The
relationship between the flow rate of the blow-by
gas flow and the vacuum rate of the engine
manifold is showed in the following table:

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.11-2 Emission Control System 3.1.11-2

Components Description
Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV)
Postive crankcase ventilation valve includes
body, valves, cover and spring.
The PCV below the O-ring are exposed partially
in the vacuum in the intake manifold. The parts
between the lower and the upper of the O- ring is
exposed in the crankcase gases. The leakage A3111004
beyond the system capacity (severe wear from
the engine, continuous overload, etc.) enters into
the air intake pipe,and been brought into the Evaporative Emission Carbon Canister
engine due to the systems.
Evaporative emission carbon canister is an
The positive crankcase ventilation system correct emissio n control device with activated carbon
operation depends on engine seals. If the particles in it. Evaporative emission carbon
observed oil oxidation or dilution and crankcase canister is used to absorb and store the fuel
ventilation system is normal, inspect the engine to vapor. Fuel vapor is always been stored in the
determine the possible causes and fix them. evaporative emission carbon canister; when
meeting certain conditions, the engine control
module will control the evaporative emission
carbon canister purge valve so that the fuel vapor
is drawn off the engine cylinder and combusted.


Evaporative Emission Carbon Canister

Purge Volve A3111006

Evaporative emission carbon canister purge valve

The following conditions can lead to poor engien
is a normally closed valve to control the
idle speed, stalling and poor maneuverability:
evaporative emissions steam flowing from the
system into the intake manifold. The valve is • Evaporative emission carbon canister
controlled by the engine module through pulse purge valve does not work.
width modulation (PWM) signal for precise control • Evaporative emission carbon canister
of fuel vapor flowinto the engine. damage.
In the evaporative emissions system testing • Hose is broken, crack, or not properly
process, this valve will open to make the engin connected to the pipeline.
evacuum enter the evaporative emissions

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.11-3 Emission Control System 3.1.11-3

Location View



Item Description Item Description

1 Air intake hose 3 PCV valve
2 Exhaust hose

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.11-4 Emission Control System 3.1.11-4



Item Description Item Description

1 carbon canister 3 Fuel vapor intake pipe
2 Fuel vapor outlet pipe

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.11-5 Emission Control System 3.1.11-5

General Inspection Evaporative Emission Carbon

General Equipment Canister Purge Valve
Digital multimeter Inspection
Perform the following procedures:

PCV Inspection 1. Remove the vacuum hose from the valve.

If the engine idle speed is unstable, inspect the 2. Run the engine at idle speed.
PCV to see if it is blocked, if the vent filter, air filter 3. Put finger at the remote end of vacuum hose,
is too dirty or the filter or hose is blocked. Perform inspect whether the tube is vacuum. If no
the following procedures: vacuum, inspect for the following conditions:
1. Remove the PCV from the Cylinder head • Vacuum hose is blocked
• Vacuum hose crack
2. Run the engine at idle speed.
4. Blow a appropriate air flow into the valve
3. Put finger at the valve side to inspect for entry, the valve channel should be blocked, if
vacuum. If there is no vacuum, inspect for the there is leakage, replace the valve.
following conditions:
5. Use diagnostic tool to drive the valve, Blow a
• The hose is blocked appropriate air flow into the valve entry, the
• Manifold port is blocked valve channel should be connected, if the
channel is blocked, repair the valve.
• PCV is blocked
Blocked PCV or hose may cause the following Evaporative Emission Carbon
malfunction. Canister Inspection
• Engine idle speed is unstable 1. Inspect the evaporative emission carbon
• Engine stall or idle speed is too low canister ventilation pipe on the filter, if there is
any blockage, crack or deformation, replace
• Engine oil leakage
the filter.
• Oil enter the air filter
2. Evaporative emission carbon canister visual
• Oil dirt in engine inspection: if there is crack or deformation,
• Engine crankcase pressure is too high replace it.
PCV or hose leaks can lead to the following 3. Remove and shake the evaporative emission
conditions: carbon canister, if there is abnormal noise,
replace it.
• Engine idle is unstable
4. Inspect the evaporative emission carbon
• Engine stall
canister hose, if blocked or damaged, replace
• Engine idle speed is too high it.
• Engine oil leakage 5. Blow a appropriate air flow into one of the
pipe of evaporative emission carbon canister,
the air flow should flow out from the other two
pipes. If not, replace the evaporative
emission carbon canister.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.11-6 Emission Control System 3.1.11-6

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment

Digital multimeter

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
3. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
4. If no obvious problem been found, confirm
the failure and refer to the symptoms chart.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electrical
• Hose/hose joint • Electrical connector
• Gasket • Wiring harness
• Vacuum tube • Fuse
• Evaporative • Relay
emissions carbon
canister • carbon canister purge
solenoid valve
• Evaporative
emissions system • Engine control
pipeline module(ECM)

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.11-7 Emission Control System 3.1.11-7

Symptom Chart
If there is symptom but no diagnostic trouble code(DTC) is stored in control module and can not confirm
symptom reasons in basic inspect, it is necessary to diagnose and eliminate the symptoms in the
following chart.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

• PCV or hose is blocked or damaged • Inspect PCV system for components
• Crankcase ventilation oil separator block, clean or install new components if
Crankcase pressure is block necessary.
too high
Refer to: Engine Mechanical
• Engine component wear or damage (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Removal and Installation).
• Pipe crack • Replace the pipe
Evaporative emission
system leak • Evaporative emission carbon canister • Replace the evaporative emission
broken carbon canister
• Clean the ventilation pipe
• Ventilation pipe block • Replace the ventilation pipe
• Replace the ventilation pipe filter
Evaporative emission
• Clean the pipe draining port
system block • Pipe block
• Replace the pipe
• Clean the valve pipe block
• Valve pipe block
• Replace the valve
• DTC diagnosis
Evaporative emission • Circuit fault
• Test and repair the circuit
purge valve does not • Purge valve fault
work • Replace the purge valve
• ECM fault
• Replace ECM

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.11-8 Emission Control System 3.1.11-8

Diagnosis Procedure for

Carbon Canister Purge
Solenoid not Working
Refer to: DTC P0444/P0458/P0459 (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.11-9 Emission Control System 3.1.11-9

Removal and Installation

PCV Valve
1. Release the PCV valve vacuum tube clamp
holder, disengage the PCV vacuum tube.


2. Remove the PVC.


3. Take out the PCV valve seal sleeve.

4. Inspect the the PCV seal sleeve, replace it
when necessary


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.11-10 Emission Control System 3.1.11-10
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

CAUTION: Inspect the intake manifold for

any possible leaks after the installation.

Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures for Intake

Air Leak (3.1.5 Intake Air System,
Diagnosis and Testing).

EVAP Solenoid Valve

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General inspection).

2. Disconnect the EVAP solenoid valve wiring

harness connector.


3. Remove EVAP solenoid valve.

1 Disconnect EVAP solenoid valve hose.

2 Take out EVAP solenoid valve. 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.11-11 Emission Control System 3.1.11-11
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

CAUTION: Inspect the intake manifold for

any possible leaks after the installation.

Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures for Intake

Air Leak (3.1.5 Intake Air System,
Diagnosis and Testing).

Active Carbon Canister

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).
2. Disconnect the active carbon canister hose.


3. Take out the active carbon canister upwards.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12 Electrical Control
System - M7
3.1.12-1 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-1

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Crankshaft position sensor retaining bolt 10 - 89

Retaining bolt of intake pressure temperature sensor 10 - 89

Oxygen sensor 45 33 -

Engine control module retaining bolt 10 - 89

Camshaft position sensor retaining bolt 10 - 89

Fuel distribution pipe retaining bolts 23 - 17

Coolant temperature sensor 14 10 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-2 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
As an electronically operated gasoline engine
control system, the engine management system
provides control features on operators and
vehicles or equipment. The system applies
combination of open loop and closed loop
(feedback) control, and provides different control
signals for the engine running. ECM is used for
accepting input signal of the sensor, and perform
computation process according to set procedures
to generate corresponding control signal to output
to power driven circuit, which would then perform
different actions through driving each actuator,
making the engine run according to set control
strategy. Meanwhile, ECM fault diagnosis system
would monitor each part or control function. After
the fault is detected and confirmed, it would save
fault code and start emergency function. If the
fault is eliminated, the normal value would be

Basic Elements of M7 Engine Electric

Control System are:
Electronic control module(ECM)
Idling stepper motor
Air intake pressure/ temperature sensor
Electrical fuel pump
Coolant temperature sensor
Throttle position sensor
Camshaft position sensor
Crankshaft position sensor
Fuel injector
Carbon canister control valve
Ignition coil
Oxygen sensor

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-3 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-3

2 6

3 4

16 10 9





Item Description Item Description

1 Carbon Canister 10 Crankshaft position sensor

2 Carbon canister control valve 11 Fuel pressure regulator

Air intake pressure temperature

3 12 Electrical fuel pump

4 Fuel distribution pipe 13 Malfunction Indicator Lamp

High voltage damping wire and

5 14 Diagnostic Interface
spark plug

6 Camshaft position sensor 15 ECM

7 Oxygen sensor 16 Throttle position sensor

8 Three-way catalytic converter 17 Stepper motor

9 Coolant temperature sensor

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-4 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-4

Control System Function During this phase, the most important is the quick
heating of three-way catalytic converter, which
Overview could greatly reduce exhaust emission due to
Fuel Injection Control quick transition to three-way catalytic converter.
In this condition, heat the "three-way catalytic
ECM controls the opening of throttle, fuel Fuel
converter" with exhaust gas by proper delay of
injector time and fuel injector timing based on all
ignition advance angle.
kinds of sensor signal to ensure proper mixed gas
is provided under different driving conditions.There Control after Start
are two forms of injection timing, one is
synchronous injection, which always injects at the When a cylinder is in exhaust stroke after the
same crankshaft angle, the other is non- engine starts, the fuel injection only occurs in the
synchronous injection, which is controlled based cylinder's fuel injector. ECM tests 1 cylinder
on inlet pressure temperature sensor and other compression stroke by camshaft position sensor,
sensor signals. also with this as the basis, follow the order of 1st,
3rd, 4th, 2nd cylinder to control the injection order
Control at Start of the fuel injector. When the camshaft position
sensor fails, the engine automatically goes into
When the engine starts, the air in the intake
the synchronous state to maintain the engine
manifold is still, the internal pressure of the intake
manifold shows as the surrounding atmospheric
pressure. During starting, the fuel injection Acceleration/deceleration and Towing
quantity would change according to the engine Fuel Cut-off Control
temperature to facilitate quick forming of oil film
on the intake manifold and cylinder wall. When the throttle opening increases, partially
Therefore, when the engine reachs certain speed, injected fuel would be absorbed by this oil film.
strengthen gas mixture. Electrical throttle opens Thus, inject supplementary fuel with
to a certain angle based on a fixed parameter corresponding quantity to compensate it and
determined by the starting temperature. Four oil prevent gas mixture from being thinned down
Fuel injectors would inject synchronously at two during acceleration. In case that the load
each circulating signals (one for each rotation). coefficient decreases, additional fuel contained in
During similarity, specific "oil injection timing" is the fuel film of intake manifold would be released
specified as initial injection pulse. Once the again; then during deceleration, reduce
engine is running, the system immediately begins corresponding injection duration.
to reduce the cranking enrichment, until the end Towing or traction condition means that the power
of starting (600 ~ 700 rpm), start enriching is provided by the engine at the flywheel is negative
completely canceled. Ignition angle would be value. In this condition, engine friction and pump
adjusted continuously under start condition. And it gas loss can be used for deceleration. When the
would change along with engine temperature, engine is in towing or traction condition, the
intake temperature and engine rotating speed. injection would be cut off to reduce fuel
The heating of warming up and three-way consumption and exhaust emission. Protection of
catalytic converter adjusts the cylinder charging, three-way catalytic converter is more important.
fuel injection and electronic ignition to In case that the speed is reduced for fuel supply
compensate the higher torque requirements of above idling speed, injection system would supply
the engine after the engine start at cold state. fuel again. Actually, ECM procedure has a range
This process would continue till the proper to restore the speed. They differ according to
temperature threshold is reached. parameter such as engine temperature, dynamic
change of speed, and would prevent the speed
being reduced to specified minimum threshold
through computation.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-5 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-5
When the injection systems to supply fuel again, it Fuel Pump Control
would use initial injection pulse to supply the fuel, ECU controls the on and off actions of the fuel
and rebuild oil film at the intake manifold pump, in either of the following cases, it connects
wall.After fuel injection is restored, the torque- to the fuel pump through the fuel pump relay.
predominant control system makes the engine
torque increased slowly and stably (smooth • 2 seconds after the ignition switch is
transition). turned off
• When the engine is started (engine start
Idle Control Valve signal output to ECM)
Control system with torque-predominant control • When crankshaft position sensor signal is
strategy can determine engine output torque input in ECM
needed for idling speed required in any conditions
through closed-loop idle control. This output Ignition Timing Control
torque would rise as the engine rotating speed
decreases, and decreases as it rises. The system The system adopts distributor-less, double-
can response to new "interference factor" by cylinder direct ignition, through the on and off of
demanding larger torque, such as on/off of AC internal high power transistor (Darlington) to
compressor. To compensate larger internal control the on-and-off of the ignition coil primary
friction loss and / or maintain higher idle speed winding circuit, enable the ignition coil produce
when the engine temperature is low, it also needs high voltage (the ignitor internal structure varies
to increase the torque. All the output torque with different engine types. Some engines are not
requirements are transmitted to the torque equipped with ignitors, and high-power triode
coordinator, and the coordinator start processing transistor is directly equipped in the internal of
computation to figure out corresponding charging electrical controller ECM. Some ignitors only hava
density, mixture gas composition and ignition a Darlington transistor as a switch, and other
timing. electrical control components and electrical
controls works as a whole. In addition, some
Engine idle speed would change due to following ignitors have switch function, as well as the
reasons. function of constant current control, closed angle
• Load to engine (for instance, electric load control, cylinder identification and ignition
is added, such as A/C on, etc.) monitoring)
• Engine changes over time. The control unit includes the following three
different forms:
• Improve the starting performance of the
engine. • Ignition time when the engine start (initial
• Adjust the air-fuel ratio during ignition time)
deceleration (reduction buffer function). • Engine control afterstart
• When engine warms, improve its • Charging current time control
1. Ignition control after engine start
Idle control is operated according to effective
If the ignition time of the engine after starting can
information output from ECM. ECM uses various
be confirmed as follows, then the ignition can
sensors and switch signals to detect the operation
occur in the most appropriate moment under
state of engine. The air flow is controlled through
differnet conditions of the engine. When the
idle regulator stepper motor of mechanical throttle
throttle is at idle speed position, ignition time is
reached based on the initial ignition timing, plus
the the basic ignition advance angle that is
determined by engine rotating speed, engine
cooling compensation and the relative idle
stability advance compensation angle.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-6 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-6
When the throttle opening is larger than idle speed position,it is also reached based on the initial ignition
timing, plus the the basic ignition advance angle that is determined by engine rotating speed, engine
cooling compensation and the relative idle stability advance compensation angle.

Basic Various
Ignition Ignition ignition compens
= ignition + + +
time time advance ation
angle angles

Oclosed-loop Control
Exhaust post-treatment of three-way catalytic converter is an effective method to reduce concentration of
harmful substance of exhaust gas. Three-way catalytic converter can reduce 98% or more of
hydrocarbon (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), and convert them to water (H2O),
carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen (N2). However, this efficiency can be obtained within narrow range
around engine excess air coefficient λ=1, and the purpose of λ closed-loop control is to ensure the
concentration of mixture gas is within this range.
λ closed loop control system can work only with oxygen sensor equipped. Oxygen sensor monitors the
oxygen content in the exhausting in the side location of three way catalytic converter, lean mixture
(λ > 1) generate about 100 mV sensor voltage, rich mixture (λ < 1) produces about 800 mV sensor
voltage. When λ=1, the sensor voltage has one abrupt change. λ closed-loop control responds to the
input signal (λ > 1 = lean mixture, λ < 1 =rich mixture) modify the control variables, resulting in correction
factor as a multiplier to correct the fuel injection duration.
1. When any one of the following conditions is met, ECM exits, closed-loop starts to control.
• When the engine starts to operate and the injection quantity is increased after the engine starts.
• When the engine coolant temperature is too low.
• When the load is high and fuel injection capacity is increases.
• When the fuel is cut off.
• When the oxygen sensor is cooled.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-7 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-7

Decreasing Fuel Injection Signal

Increasing Fuel Injection Signal

High Volt

Low Volt

Injector Lambda Sensor

Rich Combustible Mixture Poor Oxygen Concentration

Poor Combustible Mixture Rich Oxygen Concentration


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-8 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-8
Vapor Emission Control Fault Diagnosis Function
Restricted by evaporation emission regulations, Overview
the vapor containing large amount of HC is not
allowed for emmission to the air directly. The fuel Diagnosis Tool and Connection
vapor in the system is collected to active carbon
This system applies standard diagnosis
canister via a pipe, and then enters to the engine
connector, which is installed under the ashtray of
for burning through blow wash at a proper time.
instrument panel of the cab, see below figure.No.
The flow for blow wash is realized by the control
4, 7 and 16 pin is used on the standard diagnosis
valve of ECU canister.
connector for the engine management system
Carbon canister purge valve is controlled by ECM EMS.No. 4 pin of standard diagnosis connector is
based on various sensors signals. Only when the connected to ground wire, No. 7 to No. 15 of
following conditions are met, ECM will open the ECU, i.e. engine data wire "k"; No. 16 to battery
vacuum channel of carbon canister sewage positive.
• When the engine is at normal working
• When the engine rotating speed is higher 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
than the specified value.
• When the opening of the throttle is larger
than the idle speed position (the close 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
position of the throttle).
• When the engine is running within the ISO9141-2 Standard Diagnosis Connector
required load.
The result is the carbon canister is purified due to
the air flow goes through the carbon filter that is Diagnosis tool communicates with ECU via wire
located at the bottom of the carbon canister. "K", and perform below operations (details are
based on diagnosis tool instructions):
Fuel tank pressure control valve is used to
maintain constant tank pressure. This valve is Engine Parameter Display
opened to let the vapor goes into the carbon
canister. On the contrary, when the tank pressure 1. Speed, coolant temperature, throttle opening,
is negative and reaches its specified value, open ignition advance angle, injection pulse width,
the valve so that air could go into the tank. intake pressure, intake temperature, vehicle
speed, system voltage, injection correction,
carbon canister scour rate, idle speed air
control, oxygen sensor wave.
2. Target speed, engine relative load, ambient
temperature, ignition closing tie, evaporator
temperature, intake flow, sensor signal
voltage of throttle position, sensor signal
voltage of coolant temperature, sensor signal
voltage of intake temperature, sensor signal
voltage of intake pressure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-9 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-9
Electronic Injection System Condition Components Description
Cooling system condition, stable condition, Engine Control Module (ECM)
dynamic condition, emission control condition, Engine control module is a microprocessor cored
oxygen sensor condition, idle speed condition, with one single-chip microcomputer.Its function is
malfunction indicator lamp condition, A/C system to process sensor data of different parts of the
condition. vehicle, and judge engine working condition, then
control the engine accurately via the actuator.M7
Actuator Test Function
ECM is designed within the cab, and installed at
Fault lamp, fuel pump, A/C relay, fan, ignition, the driver side in the middle of fire wall below the
injection (single cylinder with fuel cut-off). instrument panel.

Milemeter Display
Running mileage, running time.

Edition Information Display

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) (for vehicle
with VIN code), ECM hardware number, ECM
software number.

Fault Display
Intake pressure sensor, intake temperature
sensor, engine coolant temperature sensor,
throttle position sensor, oxygen sensor, oxygen
sensor heating wires, air fuel ratio correction, fuel
injector of each cylinder, fuel pump, speed
sensor, phase sensor, carbon canister control
valve, cooling fan relay, speed signal, idle speed,
idle speed adjuster, system voltage, ECM, AC
compressor relay, evaporator temperature
sensor, fault lamp.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-10 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-10
Air Intake Pressure Temperature
Intake manifold absolute pressure/temperature
(MAP/MAT) sensor integrates the functions of 1
intake manifold absolute pressure sensor and
intake manifold temperature sensor into one 2
sensor, and meanwhile realize the function of
intake manifold absolute pressure and
Intake manifold absolute pressure sensing part is
made up of one silicon chip. One pressure
diaphragm is etched on the silicon chip. The Coolant Temperature Sensor
pressure diaphragm has four piezo resistances,
Coolant temperature sensor is installed on the
which would make up of a wheatstone bridge as
intake manifold assembly (close to the
strain part. Besides this diaphragm, it also
thermostat). Coolant temperature sensor is a
integrates the signal processing circuits. The
resistor with negative temperature coefficient
silicon chip makes up a closed reference space
(NTC resistor). ECM can calculate the coolant
with the metal casing, in which, the gas absolute
temperature through the voltage drop of coolant
pressure is close to zero. Then, it forms a
temperature sensor. The signal from coolant
microelectronic machinery system. Active face of
temperature sensor is supplied to ECM to control
silicon chip bears the pressure close to zero, and
electronic fan motor, and can judge the fuel and
its back bears the intake manifold absolute
ignition accurately according to current engine
pressure that is imported via a pipe and to be
condition. Coolant temperature sensor output
tested. As its thickness is only several micron
also provides input signal of the Coolant
(µm), the change of intake manifold absolute
temperature gauge of instrument panel.
pressure would make the silicon chip
mechanically deformed, and four piezo
resistances would also be deformed, and its
resistance value changed too. After processing
through the signal processing circuit of silicon
chip, it would form voltage signal that is in linear
relation with the pressure.
Intake temperature sensing part is a negative
temperature coefficient (NTC) resistance, which
changes along with intake temperature. This
sensor transmits the voltage that indicates
changes of intake temperature to the controller. A3112027
For the model using the camshaft position sensor
to judge the cylinder, this sensor is installed on
the voltage stabilizing compartment of the engine.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-11 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-11
Throttle Position Sensor Crankshaft Position Sensor
This sensor is an angular sensor with linear Crankshaft corner sensor output can be used for
output, which is made up of two circular arc decision on rotation position and speed of the
sliding contact resistances and two sliding contact crankshaft. Engine rotating speed and crankshaft
arms. The revolving shaft of the sliding contact position sensor is magneto-electric sensor, which
arm connected to the same shaft with the throttle is installed around the crankshaft, and works with
shaft. Sliding contact resistor is with 5 V power 58 X gear ring. When the crankshaft is rotating,
supply voltage at both ends . When the throttle tooth top and tooth socket of 58 X would pass
rotates, the sliding contact arm rotates also, at the through the sensor with different distances, and
same time move along the sliding contact the sensor would sense the change of magnetic
resistance, and will lead out the electrical resistance. This alternating magnetic resistance
potential Up of the contact point as output generates alternating output signal, and gap
voltage. So it is actually proportional a voltage position on the 58 X gear ring corresponds to the
signal that of corner potentiometer, potentiometer position of upper dead center of the engine. On
output and throttle position. the upper dead center of the first cylinder, the
sensor aligns to falling edge of the 20th tooth, and
then ECM determines rotating position and speed
of the crankshaft via this signal.



SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-12 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-12
Camshaft Position Sensor Front Oxygen Sensor
This sensor applies Hall effect: Hall voltage is Sensing unit of oxygen sensor is ceramic pipe
affected by the changing magnetic field induction with the pore, with exterior side of the wall
strength. Hall effect: when one current IS passes surrounded by the engine exhaust, and interior
through half conductor flake, the Hall voltage UH side to the atmosphere. Sensing ceramic tube
would be generated at right rotation direction of wall is a solid electrolyte, with electric heating
the current, whose value is direct proportion to pipe inside.
magnetic field induction B (vertical with current
Function of oxygen sensor is realized through
IS) and current IS. Hall voltage is subject to
conversion of differential concentration between
changing magnetic field induction strength B.
interior and exterior oxyanion of sensing ceramic
tube into voltage signal output. When the
temperature of sensing ceramic tube reaches
350 ℃ , it has the feature of solid electrolyte.Due
to its special material, the oxyanion can freely
pass through the ceramic tube. With this feature,
convert the differential concentration into potential
difference, then forming electrical signal output. If
mixed gas is rich, than differential concentration
between interior and exterior oxyanion of ceramic
tube is high, the potential difference is also high.
A3112029 Meanwhile lots of oxyanion would move from
interior side to exterior side, and output voltage is
high (close to 800mV-1,000mV). If mixed gas is
thin, then differential concentration is low, and
potential difference is also low, and only few
oxyanion would move from interior side to exterior
side, with low output voltage (close to 100mV).
Signal voltage suddenly changes around air fuel
ratio (λ = 1) with theoretic equivalent weight.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-13 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-13
Rear Oxygen Sensor Idle Control Valve
Rear oxygen sensor located behind the three-way Idle control valve is connected to the bottom of
catalytic converters, used to detect the catalytic throttle body. Align the idle speed control valve,
conversion capacity and oxygen storage capacity get close to the throttle body throttle plate so that
of the catalytic converters. The rear oxygen the input and the output pipeline of the idle speed
sensor is a zirconia oxygen sensor, and ECM control valve maintain the shortest length. So that
receives the signals of rear oxygen sensor and the open and close movement of the throttle is
compare it with the signal that from the front smoother and could control the engine idle speed
oxygen sensor. If the three-way catalytic more precisly. Idle control valve is control flow
converter is working normally, when the engine area of bypass duct of throttle body to adjust the
electrical control system is in closed loop control, air quantity entering to the engine, thus realizing
the sensor voltage output with stable 0.45 V control over engine idle speed.
Main body of idle control valve is a stepper motor,
and ECM controls in/out and movement amount
of the valve through digital bar signal.
Idle speed control valve is installed on the throttle



SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-14 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-14
Fuel Injector Ignition Coil
Nozzle structure is an electromagnet switch ball Ignition coil of cylinder 1 and 4 and ignition coil of
valve device. Two terminals of coil lead-out are cylinder 2 and 3 is integrated as a whole, and
connected to ECM and power through the engine fixed at the vehicle body close to the engine.
wiring harness. After turning on by ECM control Ignition coil transforms the low voltage of primary
over system grounding, the coil generates winding into secondary winding high voltage,
magnetic force to overcome spring force, fuel spark discharge through the spark plug, igniting
pressure and manifold vacuum suction. After the the mixture of air and fuel within the cylinder.
valve core is sucked, the fuel would pass through ECM controlls the ignition coil primary coil to
the valve seat hole, and then would be blown out ground.
through the guide hole, and to the intake valve as
haze shape. After the power is cut off, the
magnetic force would disappear, and then the
nozzle closes under action of spring force and
fuel pressure.
The top of fuel injector applies the rubber lock
ring, which then forms reliable pressure fuel
sealing with the fuel guide connector; its lower
part also applies rubber lock ring, which is air
proof with the engine intake manifold. Fuel
injector is fixed at intake manifold through fuel A3112035
Carbon Canister Solenoid Valve
ECM controls fuel vapor amount from carbon
canister to intake manifold through the cleaning
control solenoid valve; ECM is in linear relation
with its output pulse square wave, duty ratio of
ventilatory capacity and control pulse square
wave. ECM changes cleaning time and speed
according to engine rotating speed and load. Idle
control valve is to control flow area of bypass duct
of throttle body. Carbon canister solenoid valve is
A3112033 installed at the engine compartment, between fuel
vapor carbon canister and intake manifold.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-15 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-15
Main Relay A/C Compressor Relay
Main relay is located in the instrument panel fuse AC compressor relay is located within the fuse
box. ECM controls the main relays to control the box of instrument panel, ECM would control relay
fuel pump, fuel injector, carbon canister purge to function and realize function control of AC
oxygen sensor power supply. compressor according to AC opening signal,
refrigerant pressure switch and engine condition.

IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07

IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07

IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14

IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14

IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18


IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18






Fuel Pump Relay and Fuel Pump
Fuel pump relay is located in the instrument panel
fuse box, and fuel pump is installed in the fuel
tank. After ECM controls fuel pump relay to close,
the fuel pump functions, and fuel pressure
adjuster is installed at the fuel pump assembly.

IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07

IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14

IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18





SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-16 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-16

Component Position

Item Description Item Description

1 Rear oxygen ensor 4 Idle control valve

2 Camshaft position sensor 5 Crankshaft position sensor

3 Fuel injector

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-17 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-17


Item Description Item Description

1 Front oxygen sensor 3 Throttle position sensor

Air intake pressure temperature

2 coolant temperature sensor 4

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-18 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-18

General inspection Data Flow Read Procedure

General Tool 1. Carry out necessary vehicle preparation and
appearance inspection.
Diagnostic tool
2. Connect the diagnostic tool to the diagnosis
interface in the cab.
3. Use diagnosis tool to access to the engine
DTC's Reading Procedure system to read the Data flow.

1. Carry out necessary vehicle preparation and

appearance inspection.
2. Connect the diagnostic tool to the diagnosis
interface in the cab.
3. Use the diagnostic to diagnose the trouble
codes DTC.


Implement the Components

Testing Procedure
1. Carry out necessary vehicle preparation and
appearance inspection.
A3112042 2. Connect the diagnostic tool to the diagnosis
interface in the cab.
3. Use the diagnosis tool to access to the active
tests menu, carry out the components testing
that is needed.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-19 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-19

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment


Diagnostic tool

Exhaust backpressure gauge

Cylinder pressure gauge

Fuel pressure gauge

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
3. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, must correct the
cause before proceeding to the next step.
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and confirm the symptom with
Diagnosis tool.
Visual Inspection Chart

•Wiring harness
•Wiring harness connector
•Engine control module(ECM)

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-20 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-20

Intermittent Malfunction Diagnosis Procedure


CAUTION: Carry out simulation testing.

CAUTION: Inspect and shake harness, connectors and terminals.

If the fault can't be confirmed via DTC, the symptom only occurs during application occasionally. At this
point, confirm all wires and parts that may cause fault. Mostly, symptom can be detected quickly and
effectively through basic inspection as shown in below diagram. Especially the symptom such as poor
contact of wiring harness connector.
Malfunction definition: This malfunction currently does not appear, but the historical DTC record
indicates that the malfunction occurred before. Or customer reports the malfunction, but as the
malfunction is not related to the malfunction diagnosis code, and currently the malfunction symptoms
can not show again.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Vibration method

A.If driving on a rough road,the malfunction occurs or

becomes more serious, or the engine start vibration,
perform the following steps.
B.There are several reasons that will cause electric
faults to the vehicle or engine vibration. Inspect the
following items.
• Connector is not fully in position
• Wiring harness does not have enough
• Wiring harness layout across the stent or
moving components
• Wiring harness lays too close to the high
temperature components
C.Incorrect wiring, tight or loose wiring harness will
lead the connecting cable to be squeezed between
the components.
D.Connector joint, vibration location , the location of
wiring harness crossed are all required for focus
inspection, such as: wiring harness crosses the
firewall and the body panels.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-21 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-21

2. Inspection method of switch connector or wiring harness

A.Connect the diagnosis tool to diagnosis interface

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON"(stop the
CAUTION: If the engine is started,
running, carry out the following
procedures during its idle speed
C.Access to the switch data flow that you are
D.Turn on the switch manually.
E.When monitor the data flow, vertically, horizontally
gently shake each connector or wiring harness. If
the data flow value is unstable, please inspect if
there is a bad connection.

3. Sensor connector or wiring harness inspecting method

A.Connect the diagnosis tool to diagnosis interface

B.Turn the ignition switch to position"ON"(stop the
CAUTION: If the engine is started,
running, carry out the following
procedures during its idle speed
C.Access to the switch data flow that you are
D.When monitor the data flow, vertically, horizontally
gently shake each connector or wiring harness.
If the data flow value is unstable, please inspect if
there is a bad connection.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-22 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-22

4. Inspect method of actuator or relay

A. Connect the diagnostic tool to diagnosis interface

B. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON" (stop the
CAUTION: If the engine is started,
running, carry out the following
procedures during its idle speed
C. Get the output state control function ready for the
actuator or relay that you are inspecting.
D. When the output state control function is activated,
vibrate actuator or relay with fingers for 3 seconds.
If you can hear unstable "clicking " sound, inspect to
see whether there are bad connections or the
actuator and/ or the relay is abnormally installed.
CAUTION: Strong vibration of the relay
may cause the relay disconnection.
5. Water sprinkling method

If the malfunction only occurs in the high humidity, or

snow/rain weather, the following steps should be
Spray water on the face of the radiator to indirectly
change the temperature and the humidity.
If a vehicle easily leaks, it may damage the control
module. In detecting the existence of a vehicle leaking
problem, special precautions must be taken.
A. If you want to inspect the sensor or switch, connect
the diagnostic tool to diagnosis interface DLC.
A3112046 B. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON" (shut down
the engine).
CAUTION: If the engine is started to run,
running, carry out the following
procedures during its idle speed process.
C. If you want to inspect the sensor or switch, access
to the data flow of the sensor or switch.
D. If you want to inspect the switch, manually connect
E. Sprinkle water onto the vehicle, or drive the vehicle
pass the vehicle washing bay.
If the data flow value is unstable or fails, please
repair or replace the components when necessary.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-23 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-23

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs, but there is no DTC stored in the ECM for this fault, and can not confirm the cause,
then follow the procedure to diagnose the fault and eliminate it.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Crankshaft position sensor Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Fuel pump for engine can not start in
normal speed (3.1.12 Electrical
•Ignition coil
Engine can not start at normal Control System - M7,
start speed •ECM Symptom Diagnosis and
•Engine mechanical Testing).
•Intake/Exhaust system

•Coolant temperature sensor Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•Spark plug for cold start problems (3.1.12
Electronic control system -
•Fuel pump
M7, Diagnosis and Testing).
Cold start problems •Fuel injector
•Throttle body
•Engine mechanical
•Engine control module(ECM)

•Coolant temperature sensor Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•Ignition system for hot start problems (3.1.12
Hot vehicle starting problem Electronic control system -
•Fuel pump
M7, Diagnosis and Testing).
•Engine control module(ECM)

•Air Intake system Refer to: Diagnostic procedure

•Ignition system for start normal but unstable
idle speed at any time (3.1.12
•Throttle body
Start normal but unstable idle
Electrical Control System -
•Ignition timing M7,Symptom Diagnosis and
speed at any time
•Fuel system Testing).
•Engine mechanical
•Engine control module(ECM)

Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•A/C system for normal start, unstable
Start normal,unstable idle speed idling or flameout with partial
•Throttle body
or flameout with partial load load (such as AC on) (3.1.12
•Fuel injector Electrical control System - M7,
Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-24 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-24

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Coolant temperature sensor Refer to: Diagnostic procedure
•Throttle body for start normal, idle too high
(3.1.12 Electrical Control
Start normal, idle too high • Vacuum tube
System - M7, Symptom
•Ignition timing Diagnosis and Testing).
• Control module circuit

•Air Intake system Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•Air intake pressure sensor for acceleration fault (3.1.12
Speed does not increase or
Electrical control System - M7,
•Throttle body
flameout at acceleration Symptom Diagnosis and
•Fuel injector Testing).
Acceleration problem
•Spark plug
Acceleration slow reaction
•Ignition timing
Acceleration weak, poor
performance •Fuel
•Exhaust blockage
• Control module circuit

•Oxygen sensor Refer to: Diagnostic procedures

•Fuel injector for unstable engine operation
(3.1.12 Electrical Control
•Spark plug
System - M7, Symptom
•Ignition timing Diagnosis and Testing).
Unstable engine operation
•Fuel pressure
•Retaining bolts loose or
engine mounting components
•Control module circuit

•Crankshaft position sensor Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•Fuel injector for easy flameout at start
(3.1.12 Engine Electrical
•Spark plug
control System - M7, Symptom
Easy flameout at start •Ignition timing Diagnosis and Testing).
•Fuel pressure
•AC compressor
•Control module circuit

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-25 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-25

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Purge Solenoid Valve malfun Refer to: Diagnose Procedure
•Unstale signal from ckp for emergency in drving (3.1.12
sensor Electrical Control System - M7,
Symptom Diagnose and
•Vacuum leak
•Poor quality
•The main relay and fuel
qumprelay inter mittent fault
•Throttle body fault
Emergency during vehicle
running •Engive is overheat
•Spark plug fault
•Ignition timing
•Exhaust system restrictions
•Fule pressure inadequate
•Fule pump mechanical fault
•APP sensor unstable signal
•Fuel injector

•Vacuum leak Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•Air intake system leakage for flameout during coasting
(3.1.12 Electrical control
•Air/fuel mixing ratio improper
System - M7,Symptom
Diagnosis and Testing).
•Engine electrical control fault
of fuel evaporative emissions
system malfunction
•TPS sensor or related circuit
Flameout during coasting •MAP sensor or related circuit
•Incorrect operation of A/C
solenoid clutch
•Fuel injector
•Spark plug
•Ignition timing
•Exhaust block

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-26 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-26

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Instrument circuit Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Instrument for DTC P0650 (3.1.12 Electrical
MIL indicator is always on Control System - M7, DTC
Diagnosis and Testing.
•ECM circuit

•MIL indicator bulb

Replace instrument.
•Instrument circuit
MIL indicator is not on
Refer to: Instrument Cluster
(4.2.2 Instrument Cluster,
•ECM Removal and Installation).
•ECM circuit

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-27 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-27

Diagnosis Procedure for the Engine Can not Start at Normal Start
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", Diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2. Inspect ignition system

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Carry out the ignition spark test.
Refer to: Ignition Spark Testing (3.1.8
Ignition System, General inspection).
Is the spark plug ignition spark test normal?
Go to step 3.
Inspect the ignition system
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for spark
plugs do not flash over (3.1.8 Ignition
System, Symptom Diagnosis and

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-28 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-28

3. Inspect the fuel pressure

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Measure the fuel pressure
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.1.7
Fuel System, General inspection).
If the fuel pressure is normal?
Go to step 4.
Inspect the fuel system.

4. Inspect engine compression pressure

A. Inspect engine compression pressure

Refer to: Compression Pressure
Inspection (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
General inspection).
Is the cylinder compression pressure normal?
Go to step 5.
Inspect engine mechanical system.

5. Inspect the water in the fuel

A.Remove the fuel filter connector.

Refer to: Fuel Filter (3.1.7 Fuel System,
Removal and Installation).
B.Drain the fuel in the filter and inspect the water in the
Is there any water in fuel tank?
Remove the water mixed in the fuel,add high
standard pure fuel.
Go to step 6.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-29 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-29

6. Inspect air intake system and exhaust system

A.Remove intake system hose and idle stepper motor

in front of the throttle, and inspect for dirts or clogs
due to foreign substances.
B.Remove the exhaust pipe and three-way catalytic
converter, and inspect for foreign substances or
damages or falling-off, or clogging of emission
Is it normal?
Go to step 7.
Clean or replace fault parts.

7.Inspect engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-30 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-30

Diagnosis Procedure for Cold Start Problems

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",Diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnosis procedure Index
(3.1.12 Engine Electrical control System -
M7,DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2. Inspect throttle

A.Start the engine by depressing the acceleration

panel slightly.
Can the engine be started easily?
Clean the throttle, idle stepper motor. If intake
system has severe carbon deposit, clean throttle
and intake duct.
Go to step 3.

3. Inspect ignition system

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Carry out the ignition spark test.
Refer to: Ignition Spark Testing (3.1.8
Ignition System, General inspection).
Is the spark plug ignition spark test normal?
Go to step 4.
Inspect the ignition system
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for spark
plugs do not flash over (3.1.8 Ignition
System, Symptom Diagnosis and

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-31 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-31

4. Inspect the fuel pressure

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Measure the fuel pressure
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.1.7
Fuel System, General inspection).
If the fuel pressure is normal?
Go to step 5.
Inspect fuel system,

5. Inspect coolant temperature sensor

A.Disconnect the connector of the coolant temperature

B.Install in series of a 2.5 KΩ resistor at the
temperature sensor connectors to replace the
coolant temperature sensor.
C.Engine cold starts.
Is the start smooth?
Replace the coolant temperature sensor.
Go to step 6.

6. Inspect the compressing pressure in the cylinder

A. Inspect engine compression pressure.

Refer to: Compression Pressure
Inspection (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
General inspection).
Is the pressure insufficient in any cylinder?
Go to step 7.
Inspect engine mechanical system.

7.Inspect the fuel injector

A.Remove fuel injector.

B.Inspect the fuel injector for leakage, or blockages
Is the fuel injector normal?
Go to step 8.
Replace the fuel injector.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-32 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-32

8.Inspect the circuit of the engine control module

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK". Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-33 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-33

Diagnosis Procedure of Difficult Warm Start

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", Diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2. Inspect ignition system

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Carry out the ignition spark test.
Refer to: Ignition Spark Testing (3.1.8
Ignition System, General inspection).
Is the spark plug ignition spark test normal?
Go to step 3.
Inspect the ignition system.
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for spark
plugs do not flash over (3.1.8 Ignition
System, Symptom Diagnosis and
3. Inspect the fuel pressure

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Measure the fuel pressure
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.1.7
Fuel System, General inspection).
If the fuel pressure is normal?
Go to step 4.
Inspect fuel system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-34 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-34

4. Inspect coolant temperature sensor

A.Disconnect the connector of the coolant temperature

B.Install in series of a 300Ω resistor at the temperature
sensor connectors to replace the coolant
temperature sensor.
C.Start the engine
Does the engine start smooth?
Replace the coolant temperature sensor.
Go to step 5.

5. Inspect the fuel system

A.Is the fault caused by just refueling?

Replace oil pump;
Go to step 6.

6. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK". Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-35 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-35

Diagnosis Procedure for Start Normal,But Unstable Idling at all

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2.Inspect air intake system

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Inspect the air intake system for block.
C.Inspect air intake system for leakage.
Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures for Intake
Air Leak (3.1.5 Intake Air System,
Diagnosis and Testing).
Is the air intake system normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair air intake system.

3. Inspect throttle

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Inspect throttle for stuck.
C.Inspect if the throttle and idle stepper motor have
carbon deposit.
Is the throttle normal?
Go to step 4.
Clean the throttle, idle stepper motor or replace the

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-36 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-36

4. Inspect the spark plug

A.Remove the spark plug.

B. Inspect spark plug in each cylinder,observe whether
the model and clearance meet the standard.
Refer to: Spark Plug Test (3.1.8 Ignition
System, General inspection).
Is the spark plug in each cylinder normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace the spark plug.

5. Inspect the high voltage damping wire

A.Remove the high voltage damping wire.

B. Execute high-voltage wire inspection procedures.
Refer to: High-Voltage Damping Wire Test
(3.1.8 Ignition System,General
Is the high-voltage wire working properly?
Go to step 6.
Replace the high-voltage damping wire.

6. Inspect the ignition coil

A.Carry out ignition coil inspection process.

Refer to: Ignition Coil Test (3.1.8 Ignition
System, General inspection).
Is the ignition coil working properly?
Go to step 7.
Replace ignition coil

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-37 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-37

7.Inspect the fuel injector

A. Remove fuel injector.

B. Inspect the fuel injector for leakage, block or flow
out of tolerance.
Is the fuel injector normal?
Go to step 8.
Replace the fuel injector.

8. Inspect fuel

A.Is the fault caused by just refueling?

Replace fuel.
Go to step 9.

9. Inspect compression pressure

A. Inspect engine compression pressure

B. Compression Pressure Inspection(3.1.2 Mechanical
System, General inspection).
Is there insufficient pressure or big differences in
any cylinder?
Go to step 10.
Inspect engine mechanical system.

10. Inspect the ignition timing

A.Inspect the ignition sequence.

B.Inspect the ignition timing.
Refer to: Inspect the timing (3.1.2
Mechanical System, General inspection).
Are the ignition sequence and ingition timing
Go to step 11.
Adjust ignition timing.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-38 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-38

11. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK". Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-39 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-39

Unstable Idle Speed Or Flameout With Partial Load Diagnosis

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2. Inspect throttle

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Inspect throttle for stuck.
C.Inspect if the throttle and idle stepper motor have
carbon deposit.
Is the throttle normal?
Go to step 3.
Clean the throttle, idle stepper motor or replace the

3. Inspect if the engine output increased when A/C on

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Connect diagnosis tool.
C.Start the engine, access to the engine data flow
menu, select the spark advance angle, fuel injection
pulse width and the intake pressure sensor
D.Turn on the A/C, observe the change of data flow
Does the data flow change?
Go to step 4.
Inspect A/C system.
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for
insufficient A/C refrigeration (4.1.1 Heating,
Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Symptom
Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-40 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-40

4. Inspect engine control module A/C on signal

A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".

B.Measure the level signal of connecting wire of
terminal 10, 44 of engine control module wiring
harness connector S01 with the multimeter, while
AC is on.
When A/C is turned on,is the voltage of terminal 10
and 44 is 12 V ?
Go to step 5.
Repair the circuit.

5.Inspect the fuel injector

A. Remove fuel injector.

B. Inspect the fuel injector for leakage, blockages or
flow out of tolerance.
Is the fuel injector normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace the fuel injector.

6.Inspect the circuit of the engine control module

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
is normal with the multimeter.
64 51 7
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
A3112047 Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7 Repair the circuit.

50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-41 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-41

Diagnosis Procedure for Start Normal,Idling is too High

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnosis procedure Index
(3.1.12 Engine Electrical control System -
M7,DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2. Inspect whether accelerator pedal or throttle cable is stuck or too tight

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Inspect if the accelerator pedal is stuck or too tight.
C.Inspect if the accelerator pedal cable is stuck or too
Is the accelerator pedal or cable is stuck or too
tight ?
Repair or replace accelerator pedal or cable.
Go to step 3.

3. Inspect if the idle stepper motor is jammed

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Inspect if the idle stepper motor has too much
carbon deposit.
C.Inspect if the idle stepper motor is jammed
Clean the idle stepper motor, throttle, or replace the
idle stepper motor.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-42 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-42

4.Inspect vacuum pipeline

A.Inspect air intake system for leakage.

Does the air intake system leak?
Repair air intake system.
Refer to: Diagnostic procedures for air
intake system for leakage (3.1.5 Air intake
system, General inspection).
Go to step 5.

5. Inspect coolant temperature sensor

A.Disconnect the coolant temperature sensor wiring

harness connector.
B. Start engine, observe the engine.
Is the engine idle speed too high?
Go to step 7.
Go to step 6.

6. Inspect coolant temperature sensor circuit

A. Replace the coolant temperature sensor.

B. Start engine,observe the engine.
Is the engine idle speed too high?
Repair coolant temperature sensor circuit.
Make sure the system is normal.

7. Inspect the ignition timing

A.Inspect the ignition timing.

Refer to: Inspect the timing (3.1.2
Mechanical System, General inspection).
Is the ignition timing normal?
Go to step 7.
Adjust ignition timing.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-43 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-43

8.Inspect the circuit of the engine control module

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-44 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-44

Acceleration Fault Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnosis procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2.Inspect air intake system

A.Inspect the air intake system for block.

B.Inspect air intake system for leakage.
Is the air intake system normal?
Go to step 3
Repair air intake system.

3. Inspect throttle

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Inspect throttle for stuck.
C.Inspect throttle for carbon deposite.
Is the throttle normal?
Go to step 4.
Clean or replace the throttle.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-45 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-45

4. Inspect the spark plug

A.Remove the spark plug

B.Inspect spark plug in each cylinder, observe whether
the model and clearance meet the standard.
C.model and clearance meet the standard.
Refer to: Spark Plug Test (3.1.8 Ignition
System, General inspection).
Is the spark plug in each cylinder normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace the spark plug.

5.Inspect the fuel injector

A. Remove fuel injector.

B. Inspect the fuel injector for leakage, block or flow
out of tolerance.
Is the fuel injector normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace the fuel injector.

6. Inspect fuel

A. Is the fault caused by just refueling?

Replace fuel.
Go to step 7.

7. Inspect air intake pressure sensor and throttle position sensor

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-46 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-46

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Connect diagnosis tool.
C.Start engine, inspect the data flow of the air intake
pressure sensor and throttle sensor.
Is the data flow of the air intake pressure sensor
and throttle sensor normal?
Go to step 8.
Replace air intake pressure sensor and throttle sensor.
Refer to: Air intake pressune and
temperature sensor (3.1.12 Electrical
control system - M7, Removal and
Repair the sensor circuit.

8. Inspect the ignition timing

A.Inspect the ignition sequence.

B.Inspect the ignition timing.
Refer to: Inspect the timing (3.1.2
Mechanical System, General inspection).
Are the ignition sequence and ingition timing
Go to step 9.
Adjust ignition timing.

9.Inspect the exhaust back pressure

A. Inspect exhaust back pressure.

Refer to: Exhaust Back pressure Testing
(3.1.6 Exhaust System, General
Is the exhaust back pressure normal?
Go to step 10.
Repair exhausts system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-47 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-47

10.Inspect the circuit of the engine control module

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-48 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-48

Diagnosis Procedure for Engine Unstable Running

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2.General inspection

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Inspect the air intake system for block.
C.Inspect air intake system for leakage.
D.Inspect oxygen sensor, fuel injector, crankshaft
position sensor, camshaft position sensor, and
ignition coil wiring harness connector for drop, loose
or damage.
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fault.

3. Inspect oxygen sensor

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Turn the ignition switch to position"ON", operate
diagnosis tool to access to the engine data flow and
read "front oxygen sensor pressure and rear oxygen
sensor pressure".
Is the data flow normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair or replace front oxygen sensor and the

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-49 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-49

4. Inspect the spark plug

A.Remove the spark plug

B.Inspect spark plug in each cylinder, observe whether
the model and clearance meet the standard.
Refer to: Spark Plug Test (3.1.8 Ignition
System, General inspection).
Is the spark plug in each cylinder normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace the spark plug.

5.Inspect the fuel injector

A.Remove fuel injector.

B.Inspect the fuel injector for leakage, block or flow out
of tolerance.
Is the fuel injector normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace the fuel injector.

6. Inspect the fuel pressure

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Measure the fuel pressure
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.1.7
Fuel System,General inspection).
Is the fuel pressure normal?
Go to step 7.
Inspect the fuel system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-50 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-50

7. Inspect air intake pressure sensor and throttle position sensor

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Connect diagnosis tool.
C.Start engine, inspect the data flow of the air intake
pressure sensor and throttle position sensor.
Is the data flow of the air intake pressure sensor
and throttle position sensor normal?
Go to step 8.
Replace air intake pressure sensor and throttle
position sensor or repair sensor circuit.
Refer to: Air intake pressure and
temperatune sensor (3.1.12 Electrical
control system - M7, Removal and
Repair the sensor circuit.

8. Inspect the ignition timing

A.Inspect the ignition sequence.

B.Inspect the ignition timing.
Refer to: Inspect the timing (3.1.2
Mechanical System, General inspection).
Are the ignition sequence and ingition timing
Go to step 9.
Adjust ignition timing.

9. Inspect engine support component

A. Inspect engine support component

Are the engine suspension component
cracked,damaged,bolts loose or lost?
Repair the fault.
Go to step 10.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-51 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-51

10.Inspect the circuit of the engine control module

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7 Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-52 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-52

Diagnosis Procedure for Easy Flameout at Start

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnosis procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2.General inspection

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Inspect the air intake system for block.
C.Inspect air intake system for leakage.
D.Inspect oxygen sensor, fuel injector, crankshaft
position sensor, camshaft position sensor, and
ignition coil wiring harness connector for drop,loose
or damage.
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-53 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-53

3. Crankshaft position sensor

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect crankshaft position sensor wiring
harness connector E09.
C. Measure the resistance value of crankshaft position
Standard resistance value:
20 ℃ (68 ºF) 774 ~ 946 Ω
Connect crankshaft position sensor wiring plug E09.
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 4.
Replace the crankshaft position sensor.
Refer to: Crankshaft Position Sensor
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-54 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-54

4.Inspect crankshaft position sensor 2 terminal circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect crankshaft position sensor wiring
harness connector E09.
E09 C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
D.Measure the resistance value between the terminal
2 of crankshaft position sensor wiring harness
1 2 3
connector E09 and the terminal 46 of ECM wiring
harness connector S01.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance value between terminal 2 of
crankshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E09 and the reliable grounding.Inspect for short
S01 circuit to ground.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
64 51 7
F.Measure the voltage value between terminal 2 of
50 37 5 crankshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E09 and the reliable grounding. Inspect for short
36 23
circuit to power.
22 9 1
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the circuit normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair the circuit between terminal 2 of crankshaft
position sensor E09 and the terminal 46 of engine
control module S01.

1 2 3



1 2 3



SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-55 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-55

5.Inspect crankshaft position sensor 3 terminal circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect crankshaft position sensor wiring
harness connector E09.
E09 C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
D.Measure the resistance between the terminal 3 of
crankshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
1 2 3 E09 and terminal 47 of ECM wiring harness
connector S01. Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance value between terminal 3 of
crankshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E09 and the reliable grounding.Inspect for short
S01 circuit to ground.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
64 51 7
F.Measure the voltage value between terminal 3 of
50 37 5 crankshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E09 and the reliable grounding.Inspect for short
36 23
circuit to power
22 9 1
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the circuit normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair the circuit of terminal 3 of the crankshaft
position sensor E09 and terminal 47 of engine
control module S01.

1 2 3



1 2 3



SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-56 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-56

6. Inspect the spark plug

A.Remove the spark plug

B.Inspect spark plug in each cylinder, observe whether
the model and clearance meet the standard.
Refer to: Spark Plug Test (3.1.8 Ignition
System, General inspection).
Is the spark plug in each cylinder normal?
Go to step 7.
Replace the spark plug.

7. Inspect fuel injector

A. Remove fuel injector.

B. Inspect the fuel injector for leakage, block or flow
out of tolerance.
Is the fuel injector normal?
Go to step 8.
Clean and replace the fuel injector.

8. Inspect the fuel pressure

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Measure the fuel pressure
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.1.7
Fuel System, General inspection).
Is the fuel pressure normal?
Go to step 9.
Inspect the fuel system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-57 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-57

9. Inspect air intake pressure sensor and throttle position sensor

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Connect diagnosis tool.
C.Start engine, inspect the data flow of the air intake
pressure sensor and throttle position sensor.
Is the data flow of the air intake pressure sensor
and throttle position sensor normal?
Go to step 10.
Replace air intake pressure sensor and throttle
position sensor or repair sensor circuit.
Refer to: Air intake pressure and
temperatune sensor (3.1.12 Electrical
control system - M7, Removal and
Repair the sensor circuit.

10. Inspect the ignition timing

A. Inspect the ignition sequence.

B.Inspect the ignition timing.
Refer to: Inspect the timing (3.1.2
Mechanical System, General inspection).
Are the ignition sequence and ingition timing
Go to step 11.
Adjust ignition timing.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-58 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-58

11. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK". Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-59 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-59

Diagnosis Procedure for Emergency Occurs During Running

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection

A.Inspect the following items.

• Vacumm pipeline connection
• Air filter element
• Air intake system no leakage
• Air intake system no limitation
• Intake manifold and the components
installed on the intake manifold are
correctly sealed.
• Ignition circuit
• Proper quality of fuel (Such as proper
octane value, impurity, winter/summer
• Electrical connection
• The smooth operation of throttle
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Use diagnostic inspect the following data flow of the
Engine rotating speed
Actual air intake manifold pressure
Throttle potentiometer voltage.
Is the data flow changes normally in the required
Go to step 4.
Repair the corresponding data flow fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-60 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-60

3. Inspect data flow

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Use diagnostic inspect the following data flow of the
Engine rotating speed
Actual air intake manifold pressure
Throttle potentiometer voltage
Is the data flow changes normally in the required
Go to step 4.
Repair the corresponding data flow fault

4. Crankshaft position sensor

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Visually inspect crankshaft position sensor
Is the signal wheel normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace the signal wheel.

5. Inspect the spark plug

A.Remove the spark plug

B.Inspect spark plug in each cylinder, observe whether
the model and clearance meet the standard.
Refer to: Spark Plug Test (3.1.8 Ignition
System,General inspection).
Is the spark plug in each cylinder normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace the spark plug.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-61 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-61

6. Inspect fuel injector

A. Remove fuel injector.

B. Inspect the fuel injector for leakage, block or flow
out of tolerance.
Is the fuel injector normal?
Go to step 7.
Replace the fuel injector.

7. Inspect the fuel pressure

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Measure the fuel pressure
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.1.7
Fuel System, General inspection).
Is the fuel pressure normal?
Go to step 8.
Inspect the fuel system.

8. Inspect the ignition timing

A.Inspect the ignition sequence.

B.Inspect the ignition timing.
Refer to: Inspect the timing (3.1.2
Mechanical System, General inspection).
Are the ignition sequence and ingition timing
Go to step 9.
Adjust ignition timing.

9. Inspect carbon canister system

A. Inspect carbon canister system,

Refer to: Carbon Canister Inspection
(3.1.11 Emission Control System, General
Is the carbon canister system normal?
Go to step 10.
Repair carbon canister system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-62 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-62

10.Inspect the exhaust back pressure

A. Inspect exhaust back pressure.

Refer to: Exhaust Back pressure Testing
(3.1.6 Exhaust System, General
Is the exhaust backpressure normal?
Go to step 12.
Repair exhausts system.

11. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-63 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-63

Diagnosis Procedure for Flameout during Coasting

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection

A.Inspect whether the vacuum hose correctly

positioned and with no damage.
B.Inspect the intake system for no leakage.
Is the inspect normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2. Engine idle speed

A.Inspect the engine idle speed

Is the engine idle stable?
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for start
normal, unstable idling or flameout with
partial load (3.1.12 Electrical Control
System - M7, Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 3.

3. Inspect AC compressors and electrical fans close

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the A/C compressor solenoid clutch.
C.Is the A/C system inspecting is normal.
D.Restore the solenoid clutch connector
Is the system normal after disconnecting the
solenoid clutch and fan wiring harness connector?
Repair the fault of solenoid clutch doesn’t switch off.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-64 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-64

4.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnosis procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 5.

5. Inspect the spark plug

A.Remove the spark plug

B. Inspect spark plug in each cylinder,observe whether
the model and clearance meet the standard.
Refer to: Spark Plug Test (3.1.8 Ignition
System, General inspection).
Is the spark plug in each cylinder normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace the spark plug.

6. Inspect fuel injector

A. Remove fuel injector.

B. Inspect the fuel injector for leakage, block or flow
out of tolerance.
Is the fuel injector normal?
Go to step 7.
Replace or clean the fuel injector.

7. Inspect fuel

A. Is the fault caused by just refueling?

Replace fuel.
Go to step 8.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-65 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-65

8. Inspect air intake pressure sensor and throttle position sensor

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Connect diagnosis tool.
C.Start engine,inspect the data flow of the air intake
pressure sensor and throttle position sensor.
Is the data flow of the air intake pressure sensor
and throttle position sensor normal?
Go to step 9.
Replace air intake pressure sensor and throttle
position sensor or repair sensor circuit.
Refer to: Air intake pressure and
temperatune sensor (3.1.12 Electrical
control system - M7, Removal and
Repair the sensor circuit.

9. Inspect the ignition timing

A.Inspect the ignition sequence.

B.Inspect the ignition timing.
Refer to: Inspect the timing (3.1.2
Mechanical System, General inspection).
Are the ignition sequence and ingition timing
Go to step 10.
Adjust ignition timing.

10.Inspect the exhaust back pressure

A. Inspect exhaust back pressure.

Refer to: Exhaust back pressure
Inspection (3.1.6 Exhaust System, General
Is the exhaust back pressure normal?
Go to step11.
Repair exhausts system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-66 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-66

11. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-67 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-67

Control Module Terminal List

64 51 7

50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


Terminal Detailed Description of

Connection Wire Terminal Definition
No. Terminal
Heater signal of rear
1 0.5 BK / RD -
oxygen sensor

Heater signal of front

2 0.5 WH / OG -
oxygen sensor

3 1.25 WH / BN Ignition coil (1/4)signal -

4 - - -

5 1.25 BK / RD GID05 Grounding wire

6 - - -

7 1.25 WH / YE Ignition coil (2/3)signal -

ECM power
8 1.25 RD / BU -
(+B, main relay control)

9 - - -

10 0.5 OG A / C switch signal -

11 - - -

Heater motor switch

12 0.5 LG -

Evaporator thermistor
13 0.5 GY / BU -

14 - - -

15 0.5 VT / GN ECM fault signal -

16 0.5 WH / YE ECM power(+B) -

17 0.5 BK / WH ECM power (IG1) -

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-68 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-68

Terminal Detailed Description Detailed Description of

Connection Wire
No. of Terminal Terminal
Intake temperature and
18 0.5 YE / BK pressure sensor 5V -
power output

Throttle position sensor

19 0.5 WH / BU -
5V power output

Engine malfunction
20 0.5 BK / RD -
indicator lamp signal

Idle control valve signal

21 0.5 GY / YE -

Idle control valve signal

22 0.5 GY / GN -

23 0.5 VT / YE - -

24 0.5 RD / YE Headlamp switch signal -

Air intake temperature

25 0.5 GN / YE -
sensor signal

Throttle position sensor

26 0.5 BU / WH -

27 - - -

28 - - -

Rear oxygen sensor

29 0.5 GN / BN -

30 - - -

31 - - -

32 0.5 BK / GN Main relay signal -

33 - - -

34 - - -

Idle control valve signal

35 0.5 GY -

Idle control valve signal

36 0.5 GY / BK -

Carbon canister control

37 0.5 BU / YE -
valve signal

38 - - -

including: front, downstream oxygen

Sensor internal
39 0.5 YE / GN sensor, Evaporator thermistor,
grounding 1
coolant temperature sensor

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-69 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-69

Terminal Detailed Description Detailed Description of

Connection Wire
No. of Terminal Terminal
including: intake temperature and
Sensor internal
40 0.5 BU / RD pressure sensor,
grounding 2
Throttle position sensor

coolant temperature
41 0.5 RD / BK -
sensor power

42 0.5 GN / WH Camshaft sensor signal -

43 0.5BK GID43 Grounding wire

44 0.5O G - -

Front oxygen sensor

45 0.5 YE / WH -

Crankshaft sensor signal

46 0.5 VT as shielded wire to each other

Crankshaft sensor signal

47 0.5 BU -

48 0.5 BK GID43 Grounding wire

49 0.5 WH/GN Nozzle 3 signal -

50 0.5 BU / GN Nozzle 1 signal -

ECM power
51 0.5RD / BU -
(+B, main relay control)

52 - - -

53 - - -

54 - - -

55 - - -

56 - - -

57 0.5 E Vehicle speed signal -

58 - - -

Intake air pressure

59 0.5 YE/BU -
sensor signal

60 0.5 BK / YE Fuel pump relay signal -

A/C compressor relay

61 0.5 BU /YE -

62 0.5 BK / WH Radiator fan relay signal -

63 0.5 PK / BK Nozzle 2 signal -

64 0.5 PK / WH Nozzle 4 signal -

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-70 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-70

Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type

Fault Type Definiton
Type0 If the fault diagnosis type is 0, no lamp is on, and the system makes no diagnosis.

Diagnosis path for misfire related failure generally is defined as 2. For the misfire fault
that will cause damage to catalytic converters, MIL lamp will immediately flash to warn
Type2 the driver; For the misfire that may cause the deterioration of emissions failures, if 3
consecutive driving cycles all fully detect the relative level of the fire, then MIL lamp is
on. The failure will be deleted after 40 continuous trouble-free warm-up cycles.

After 3 consecutive driving cycles all detected the failure, the MIL lamp is on.If three
Type3 consecutive driving cycles detect that the fault has been repaired, the MIL lamp is off.
The failure will be deleted after 40 continuous trouble-free warm-up cycles.

The MIL lamp is on 2.5 sec after the failure occurs. If three consecutive driving cycles
Type4 detect that the fault has been repaired, the MIL lamp is off. The failure will be deleted
after 40 continuous trouble-free warm-up cycles

If 3 consecutive driving cycles all detected the failure, the failure is confirmed. No lamp
Type5 is on. If three consecutive driving cycles detect that the fault has been repaired, the MIL
lamp is off. The failure will be deleted after 40 continuous trouble-free warm-up cycles

Once failure occurs and been confirmed, the failure will be deleted after 40 continuous
Type6 trouble-free warm-up cycles. No lamp is on for the fault, and universal scan tool is

The external test tools can activate the fuel suply system fault diagnosis and are
Type7 generally used only for offline testing or repair station. No lamp is on for the fault, and
universal scan tool is unreadable.

It is a special diagnostic path for fuel supply system. If three consecutive driving cycles
detect the fault, the MIL lamp is on. If four consecutive driving cycles detect that the
fault has been repaired, the MIL lamp is off. The failure will be deleted after 40
continuous trouble-free warm-up cycles.

The SVS lamp is on if the fault occurs and is conformed. The SVS lamp will be off when
Type12 the fault is repaired. The failure will be deleted after 40 continuous trouble-free warm-up
cycles, and universal scan tool is unreadable.

The SVS lamp is on if the fault occurs and is conformed. The SVS lamp will be off when
the fault is repaired. If 3 consecutive driving cycles detect the fault, the fault is
Type13 confirmed and the MIL lamp is on while SVS lamp is off. If four consecutive driving
cycles detect that the fault has been repaired, the MIL lamp is off. The failure will be
deleted after 40 continuous trouble-free warm-up cycles.

The SVS lamp flashes if the fault occurs and is confirmed. The SVS lamp will be off
Type35 when the fault is repaired. The failure will be deleted after 420 continuous trouble-free
warm-up cycles.

The SVS lamp flashes if the fault occurs and is confirmed. The failure will be deleted
after 20 continuous trouble-free warm-up cycles .

The SVS lamp flashes if the fault occurs and is confirmed. The SVS lamp will be off
when the fault is repaired. The fault memory will not record this fault.

The SVS lamp will not on if the fault occurs and is confirmed. The fault memory will not
record this fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-71 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-71

DTC Code List

Fault Code Description Fault MIL Lamp on
The relative installed position of camshaft and
P0016 3 v
crankshaft is unreasonable

Heating open circuit of upstream oxygen

P0030 3 v

Heating circuit of upstream oxygen sensor

P0031 3 v
short circuit to ground

Heating circuit of upstream oxygen sensor

P0032 3 v
short circuit to power

Heating open circuit of downstream oxygen

P0036 3 v

Heating circuit of downstream oxygen sensor

P0037 3 v
short circuit to ground

Heating circuit of downstream oxygen sensor

P0038 3 v
short circuit to power

Heating resistance of upstream oxygen sensor

P0053 3 v
larger than threshold

Heating resistance of downstream oxygen

P0054 3 v
sensor larger than threshold

Ambient pressure self-adaptive value


Pressure too low or no drop during start when

P0105 3 v
the pressure sensor speed is zero

Pressure sensor pressure exceeding

P0106 3 v
maximum/minimum range of reasonable value

Pressure sensor circuit exceeding minimum

P0107 3 v
inspection value

Pressure sensor circuit exceeding maximum

P0108 3 v
inspection value

Intake temperature sensor upper limit value

P0112 3 v
exceeded, and short circuit to ground

Intake temperature sensor lower limit value

P0113 3 v
exceeded, and short circuit to power

Engine coolant temperature sensor exceeding

P0116 3 v
limit value during reasonableness inspection

Engine coolant temperature sensor upper limit

P0117 3 v
value exceeded, and short circuit to grounding

Engine coolant temperature sensor lower limit

P0118 3 v
value exceeded, and short circuit to power

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-72 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-72

Fault Code Description Fault MIL Lamp on

Throttle position sensor signal exceeding
P0122 3 v
lower limit, short circuit to ground

Throttle position sensor signal exceeding

P0123 3 v
upper limit, short circuit to power

Upstream oxygen sensor short circuit to

P0130 3 v
ground in cold state

Upstream oxygen sensor circuit voltage too

P0131 3 v

Upstream oxygen sensor circuit voltage too

P0132 3 v

P0133 Upstream oxygen sensor aging 3 v

P0134 Upstream oxygen sensor signal open circuit 3 v

Downstream oxygen sensor short circuit to

P0136 3 v
ground in cold state

P0138 Downstream oxygen sensor signal too high 3 v

P0140 Downstream oxygen sensor signal open circuit 3 v

Cylinder 1 fuel injector hardware circuit

P0201 3 v

Cylinder 4 fuel injector hardware circuit

P0202 3 v

Cylinder 2 fuel injector hardware circuit

P0203 3 v

Cylinder 3 fuel injector hardware circuit

P0204 3 v

Cylinder 1 fuel injector hardware circuit

P0261 3 v

Cylinder 1 fuel injector hardware circuit

P0262 3 v

Cylinder 4 fuel injector hardware circuit

P0264 3 v

Cylinder 4 fuel injector hardware circuit

P0265 3 v

Cylinder 2 fuel injector hardware circuit

P0267 3 v

Cylinder 2 fuel injector hardware circuit

P0268 3 v

Cylinder 3 fuel injector hardware circuit

P0270 3 v

Cylinder 3 fuel injector hardware circuit

P0271 3 v

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-73 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-73

Fault Code Description Fault MIL Lamp on

P0300 Multi-cylinders misfire 3 v or flash

P0301 Misfire (cylinder 1) 3 v or flash

P0302 Misfire (cylinder 2) 3 v or flash

P0303 Misfire (cylinder 3) 3 v or flash

P0304 Misfire (cylinder 4) 3 v or flash

P0321 Crankshaft position sensor fault 3 v

Certain amounts of phase sensor signal

P0322 3 v
monitored without speed

P0340 Phase sensor with poor contact 3 v

P0341 Phase sensor with poor contact 3 v

P0342 Phase sensor wires short circuit to ground 3 v

P0343 Phase sensor wires short circuit to power 3 v

Catalytic converter exceeding maximum limit

P0420 3 v

Carbon canister control valve hardware circuit

P0444 3 v

Carbon canister control valve hardware circuit

P0458 3 v

Carbon canister control valve hardware circuit

P0459 3 v

Cooling fan hardware circuit driver stage

P0480 5 ×

Speed low limit value inspection during fuel

P0500 5 v

Idle stepper motor stuck at smaller opening

P0506 3 v

Idle stepper motor stuck at larger opening

P0507 3 v

P0508 Idle stepper motor hardware circuit inspection 3 v

P0509 Idle stepper motor hardware circuit inspection 3 v

P0511 Idle stepper motor hardware circuit inspection 3 v

P0560 Battery voltage reasonableness inspection 5 ×

P0562 Battery voltage exceeding lower limit value 5 ×

P0563 Battery voltage exceeding upper limit value 5 ×

Diagnose the diagnosis data identification

P0602 3 v
code programming (DDI) (ECU supplier

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-74 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-74

Fault Code Description Fault MIL Lamp on

can request the software engineer to write this
P0605 information during project approval 3 v
phase),CLA = 3 opened

Diagnose the ECU Checksum correctness,

P0627 3 v
and the regulations require

the manufacturer with computer

programmable system to take strong and
P0628 3 v
effective anti-tamper measures and anti-
writing capacity,CLA = 3 opened.

P0629 Pump relay hardware circuit inspection 3 v

P0645 Pump relay hardware circuit inspection 5 ×

P0646 Pump relay hardware circuit inspection 5 ×

P0647 A/C compressor hardware circuit inspection 5 ×

P0650 A/C compressor hardware circuit inspection 3 v

P0691 A/C compressor hardware circuit inspection 5 ×

P0692 Fault lamp hardware circuit inspection 5 ×

Cooling fan hardware circuit driver stage

P2177 11 v

Cooling fan hardware circuit driver stage

P2178 11 v

Fuel correction at self-learning lower part of

P2187 11 v
mixture exceeding upper limit

Fuel correction at self-learning lower part of

P2188 11 v
mixture exceeding lower limit

Fuel supply correction of self-learning of

P2195 mixture exceeding upper limit according to 3 v
ignition addition method

Fuel supply correction of self-learning of

P2196 mixture exceeding lower limit according to 3 v
ignition addition method

Downstream oxygen sensor aging voltage

P2270 3 v
level inspection

Downstream oxygen sensor aging voltage

P2271 3 v
level inspection

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-75 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-75

Failure Protection List

Prerequisite of
DTC Code Fault Description Releasing Failure
1. Engine reverse towing
test is prohibited .
Crankshaft position sensor 2. Carbon canister is in a
P0321 Repair faults
reference fault continuous washing
stage, stop the fuel
supply from self-learning.

Repair faults or
Stepper motor self-learning
P0507,P0506 Idle control valve replace the stepper
function turn off

1. Stop fuel supply self-

learning Repair the fault or
P0122, P0123 Throttle position sensor 2. Stepper motor self- replace the throttle
learning function turn off body
3. Catalyst diagnosis off

1. Rear oxygen close loop

1. Catalyst heating function
P0105, P0106, 2. Catalyst testing close Repair fault or replace
Air intak pressure sensor the air intake pressure
P0107, P0108 3. Fuel supply self-learning sensor
4. Minimum idle fault
5. %DLSA function close

Misfire monitoring self-

P0322 Crankshaft position sensor Repair faults
learning function turn off

Misfire monitor oil supply

Crankshaft and camshaft and oil cut-off self-learning
P0016 Repair faults
maladjustment diagnosis
Function off

1. Phase sensor limp home

function off
2. Fuel supply self-learning
off Repair faults or
P0340, P0341,
Camshaft position sensor 3. Speed diagnosis replace phase
P0342, P0343
4. DLSA upstream oxygen sensor
sensor aging diagnose
5. Rear oxygen aging

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-76 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-76

Prerequisite of
DTC Code Fault Description Releasing Failure
1. Catalyst heating off
2. Stop fuel supply self-
3. After start,all the electrical Repair faults or
P0112, P0113 Air intake temperature sensor fans work with no affect replace intake
by the water temperature temperature sensor
4. Idle diagnose
5. Upstream oxygen sensor
aging diagnose

Eliminate the circuit

P0201, P0261,
Cylinder 1 injector circuit fault - fault or replace the

Eliminate the circuit

P0203, P0267,
Cylinder 2 injector circuit fault - fault or replace the

Eliminate the circuit

P0204, P0270,
Cylinder 3 injector circuit fault - fault or replace the

Eliminate the circuit

P0202, P0264,
Cylinder 4 injector circuit fault - fault or replace the

Downstream oxygen sensor Eliminate wire fault or

P0036, P0037, Downstream oxygen sensor
internal resistance replace downstream
P0038 heating circuit fault
reasonable diagnosis off oxygen sensor

Eliminate wire fault or

P0030, P0031, Upstream oxygen sensor heating Turn off rear oxygen sensor
replace upstream
P0032 circuit fault function and diagnose
oxygen sensor

P0645, P0646,
A/C circuit fault - Eliminate circuit fault

P0627, P0628,
Fuel pump relay circuit fault - Eliminate circuit fault

P0480, P0691,
Fan control wires fault - Eliminate circuit fault

P0650 MIL lamp circuit fault - Eliminate circuit fault

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-77 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-77

Prerequisite of
DTC Code Fault Description Releasing Failure
1. Rear oxygen control
function off
2. Catalyst diagnosis off
3. Idle diagnosis off
4. Front oxygen sensor
aging diagnosis off
5. Rear oxygen sensor
P0444, P0458, Carbon canister valve control aging diagnosis off Eliminate circuit fault
P0459 circuit fault
6. Upstream oxygen sensor
internal resistance
reasonable diagnosis off
7. Downstream oxygen
sensor internal resistance
reasonable diagnosis off
8. Misfire monitoring self-
learning function turn off

1. Misfire monitoring fuel

supply self-learning
function turn off
2. Turn off rear oxygen
P0300, 3. Misfire monitoring fuel Eliminate the fault,
One cylinder or multi-cylinder
P0301,P0302, supply self-learning inspect ignition system
P0303, P0304 and fuel supply system
4. Forbid air-fuel ratio self-
5. Forbid carbon canister
6. Turn off close loop control

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-78 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-78

Prerequisite of
DTC Code Fault Description Releasing Failure
1. Catalytic converters
monitoring function
2. Front oxygen cycle
aging diagnosis and
front oxygen rational
curves drift
diagnosis are all
Monitoring of fuel supply system Rear oxygen control
P2177, P2178 3. Rear oxygen sensor
self-learning factor function off
aging diagnosis off
4. Misfire monitoring
fuel supply self-
learning function
turn off
5. Passive inspecting
fuction of the
diagnosis of carbon
canister off

1. Upstream oxygen sensor 1. Oxygen sensor

control module closed; period aging and
2. Whole upstream oxygen pattern drift
sensor control module diagnosis would be
closed; closed

3. Fuel supply self-learning 2. Downstream oxygen

function will break sensor aging
off,self-learning will monitor is also
maintain the state of last closed
time; 3. Catalytic converters
4. Carbon washing could be monitoring function
P0130, P0131, Upstream oxygen sensor circuit
converted to open-loop off
P0132, P0134 continuity diagnosis
rinse wash state; 4. Fuel supply system
5. If the closed-loop front diagnosis off
oxygen isselected, it will 5. Carbon canister
not work, open loop diagnosis
oxygen sensor will not be isconverted as open
affected; loop diagnosis
6. During transient
conditions, the function
that associated with the
closed-loop will

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-79 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-79

Prerequisite of
DTC Code Fault Description Releasing Failure
1. Downstream oxygen
aging monitor off
P0136, P0138, Downstream oxygen sensor Downstrea oxygen control
P0140 circuit continuity diagnosis off 2. Catalytic converters
monitoring function

Upstream oxygen
sensor internal
P0030, P0031, Upstream oxygen sensor heating The running of any module
P0032 circuit continuity diagnosis shall not be prohibited reasonableness
diagnosis function off

Upstream oxygen sensor internal Downstream oxygen sensor

P0053 Function off
resistance reasonable diagnosis control function off

1. Downstream oxygen
sensor internal
P0036, P0037, Downstream oxygen sensor The running of any module diagnosis fuction off
P0038 heating circuit continuity diagnosis shall not be prohibited
2. Downstream oxygen
sensor aging
diagnosis function

1. Function off:
2. Catalytic converters
monitoring function
Downstream oxygen sensor
Downstream oxygen sensor off
P0054 internal resistance reasonable
control function off 3. Downstream oxygen
sensor aging
diagnosis function

Catalytic converters
Upstream oxygen cycle aging Any control module is
P0133 monitoring function
diagnosis allowed

Catalytic converters
Downstream oxygen sensor aging Downstream oxygen sensor
P2270, P2271 monitoring function
diagnose control function off

Catalytic converters aging Downstream oxygen sensor

P0420 -
diagnosis control is completely closed

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-80 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-80

Data Flow list

By reading the "Data Flow List" on the diagnosis tool, do not remove any component, and inspect the
working state of switches, sensors, and actuators. Before the fault diagnosis of the electrical control
system the observation and analysis of data is the first step in troubleshooting, this can reduce the
troubleshooting time.
CAUTION: The following table lists the data under normal conditions, only for reference. Do
not determine the fault based on these standard values. Generally, use a normal vehicle to
compare a vehicle in diagnosis under the same state to determine the data of the diagnosis
vehicle uner the current state normal or not.

1. Let the engine reach normal operating temperature.

2. Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
3. Connect fault diagnostic tool.
4. Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
5. Select engine "system parameter display" "main parameter"/"parameter"/"voltage value".
6. Select engine "system condition".
7. Refer to the chart below to inspect all the data.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-81 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-81

Data Flow Item Ignition Switch ON Idle Running
Speed 2,500
DTC quantity 0 0 0

Engine rotating speed 0 rpm 839 rpm 2570 rpm

Target idle speed 850.0 rpm 850.0 rpm 850.0 rpm

Throttle position signal 0.0 % 0.0% 4.3%

Coolant temperature 56 ℃ 84 ℃ 85 ℃

Air intake temperature 72 ℃ 68 ℃ 66 ℃

Intake manifold pressure 99.0 kPa 49.0 kPa 33.0 kPa

Injection pulse width 0.0 ms 4.4 ms 3.1 ms

Injection correction 1.00 0.90 0.96

Ignition advance angle 0.0° 4.5° 33°

Oxygen sensor 1 425 mV 565 mV 95 mV

Torque self-learning 0.1 % 0.01 % 0.1%

Target torque 0.0 % 0.01 % 0.0%

Long-term correction 0.99 0.99 0.99

Final correction 1 0.00 0.00 0.00

Final correction 2 0.00 0.00 0.00

Idling stepper motor 90 20 47

Vehicle speed 0 kPh 0 kPh 0 kPh

Battery voltage 12.3 V 12.7 V 13.4 V

Intake pressure 3.94 V 1.60 V 1.01 V

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-82 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-82

Data Flow Item Ignition Switch ON Idle Running
Speed 2,500
TPS signal 0.42 V 0.42 V 0.67 V

Oxygen sensor 2 voltage 0.525 V 0.700 V 0.760 V

Air mass 0.0g / s 9.9g / s 19.7g / s

Load 99.9 % 30.8 % 20.9 %

Ambient temperature 27 ℃ 27 ℃ 27 ℃

Closing time 3.5 ms 4.1 ms 3.5 ms

Carbon canister wash rate 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 %

Evaporator temperature -40 ℃ -40 ℃ -40 ℃

Fan 1 Inactivated Inactivated Inactivated

Fan 2 Inactivated Inactivated Inactivated

Ignition switch is turned on Yes Yes Yes

Main relay is working Activated Activated Activated

Fuel pump relay is working Inactivated Activated Activated

Starter is working Inactivated Inactivated Inactivated

Reaching idle speed No Yes No

Phase signal No Yes Yes

Water temperature reaching No Yes Yes

Vehicle speed signal No No No

Throttle idle position Yes Yes No

Throttle fully open No No No

Deceleration fuel cut-off No No No

Acceleration enriching No No No

Air fuel ratio adjustment No Yes Yes

Exhaust gas recirculation No No No

Carbon canister scour valve No No No

Catalytic converter protection enriching No No No

Oxygen sensor signal rich No No No

Oxygen sensor heating Yes Yes No

Throttle idle position Yes Yes No

Electric load 1 No No No

Electric load 2 No No No

Fault lamp activated No No No

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-83 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-83

Data Flow Item Ignition Switch ON Idle Running
Speed 2,500
Fault lamp flashing No No No

Maintenance lamp activated No No No

Maintenance lamp flashing No No No

A/C Yes Yes Yes

A/C request No No No

A/C compressor No No No

A/C not installed Yes Yes Yes

Evaporator closed due to too cold No No No

A/C idle speed rising No No No

A/C full load off No No No

Actuator Test List

By reading the "actuator test" on the diagnosis tool, inspect the work state of relay and actuator
controlled by ECM without removing any components.Before the fault diagnosis of the electrical control
system the observation and analysis of active test is the precondition in troubleshooting, this can reduce
the troubleshooting time.
CAUTION: The following table lists the data under normal conditions, only for reference. Do
not determine the fault based on these standard values. Generally, use a normal vehicle to
compare a vehicle in diagnosis under the same state to determine the data of the diagnosis
vehicle uner the current state normal or not.

CAUTION: Let the engine reach normal working temperature.

CAUTION: Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

CAUTION: Connect fault diagnostic tool.

CAUTION: Turn the ignition switch to "ON".

CAUTION: Choose "power connection M7" / "actuator test".

1. Refer to below table and perform actuator test.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-84 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-84

Diagnostic Tool Control

Description Diagnostic Description
Item Range
When engine is running or ignition
switch is on,engine control module will
send requirement to the instrument to
Use the engine malfunction
Fault lamp On/off turn on the start malfunction indicator
lamp after receiving command,and the
instrument will turn on /off the fault
indicator light with 3 ~ 5s.

CAUTION: This test can only

be carried out only when
vehicle speed is 0 and speed
Fuel pump Start the fuel pump On/off sensor is with no fault.
This function could control fuel pump
relay. Fuel pump relay will be on/off
within 3~5 s.

CAUTION: Carry out the test

only when engine coolant
temperature is lower than
100 ℃ with A/C switch
Fan Enable cooling electrical fan On/off
This function could control cooling fan
relay When recieving the demand for
connection,cooling fan will open for 5s.

Carbon canister Control the carbon canister control

Enable the active carbon
control valve scour 0 ~ 25 command, which is between 0-25,
canister solenoid valve
rate realizing control over cleaning flow

CAUTION: Carry out the test

only when ignition switch is
at "ON" position, engine is
not running.
A/C relay Enable A/C compressor relay On/off
The function controls A/C compressor
relay. When the command is "ON",
A/C compressor relay would be on/off
within 3-5s.

CAUTION: This function can

not turn off two fuel injectors
at the same time, carry out
the test only when vehicle
Do not use fuel injection to speed is 0, and speed sensor
Injection On/off
prevent the work of injector.
is with no fault, oxygen
sensor signal display is thin.
Forbid fuel injector movement, detect
fuel injector sealing state.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-85 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-85

Diagnostic Tool Control

Description Diagnostic Description
Item Range

CAUTION: This function

cannot close two spark plugs
at the same time, and
execute this function test
under fault-free condition of
Start the ignition coil through
Ignition On/off ignition system such as
spark plug
speed sensing machine
signal, etc.
Detect the performance and
condition of ignition system through
spark plug ignition.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-86 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-86

DTC Diagnosis Procedure Index

Fault Code Description Diagnosis Procedures
The relative installed position of camshaft and Refer to: DTC P0016
crankshaft is unreasonable

Heating open circuit of upstream oxygen Refer to: DTC P0030, P0031, P0032,
sensor P0053
Heating circuit of upstream oxygen sensor
short circuit to ground

Heating circuit of upstream oxygen sensor

short circuit to power

Heating resistance of upstream oxygen

sensor larger than threshold

Heating open circuit of downstream oxygen Refer to: DTC P0036, P0037, P0038,
sensor P0054
Heating circuit of downstream oxygen sensor
short circuit to ground

Heating circuit of downstream oxygen sensor

short circuit to power

Heating resistance of downstream oxygen

sensor larger than threshold

Pressure too low or no drop during start when Refer to: DTC P0105, P0106, P0107,
the pressure sensor speed is zero P0108
Pressure sensor pressure exceeding
maximum/minimum range of reasonable value

Pressure sensor circuit exceeding minimum

inspection value

Pressure sensor circuit exceeding maximum

inspection value

Intake temperature sensor upper limit value Refer to: DTC P0112, P0113
exceeded, and short circuit to ground

Intake temperature sensor lower limit value

exceeded, and short circuit to power

Engine coolant temperature sensor exceeding Refer to: DTC P0116

limit value during reasonableness inspection

Engine coolant temperature sensor upper limit Refer to: DTC P0117, P0118
value exceeded, and short circuit to grounding

Engine coolant temperature sensor lower limit

value exceeded, and short circuit to power

Throttle position sensor signal exceeding Refer to: DTC P0122, P0123
lower limit, short circuit to ground

Throttle position sensor signal exceeding

upper limit, short circuit to power

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-87 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-87

Fault Code Description Diagnosis Procedures

Upstream oxygen sensor short circuit to Refer to: DTC P0130, P0131, P0132,
ground in cold state P0133, P0134
P0131 Upstream oxygen sensor voltage too low

P0132 Upstream oxygen sensor voltage too high

P0133 Upstream oxygen sensor aging

P0134 Upstream oxygen sensor signal open circuit

Downstream oxygen sensor short circuit to Refer to: DTC P0136, P0137, P0138,
ground in cold state P0140, P2270, P2271
P0138 Downstream oxygen sensor signal too high

Downstream oxygen sensor signal open


Cylinder 1 fuel injector hardware circuit Refer to: DTC P0201, P0261, P0262

Cylinder 1 fuel injector hardware circuit


Cylinder 1 fuel injector hardware circuit


Cylinder 2 fuel injector hardware circuit Refer to: DTC P0201, P0261, P0262

Cylinder 2 fuel injector hardware circuit


Cylinder 2 fuel injector hardware circuit


Cylinder 3 fuel injector hardware circuit Refer to: DTC P0201, P0261, P0262

Cylinder 3 fuel injector hardware circuit


Cylinder 3 fuel injector hardware circuit


Cylinder 4 fuel injector hardware circuit Refer to: DTC P0201, P0261, P0262

Cylinder 4 fuel injector hardware circuit


Cylinder 4 fuel injector hardware circuit


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-88 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-88

Fault Code Description Diagnosis Procedures

P0300 Multi-cylinders misfire Refer to: DTC P0300, P0301, P0302,
P0301 Misfire (cylinder 1) P0303, P0304

P0302 Misfire (cylinder 2)

P0303 Misfire (cylinder 3)

P0304 Misfire (cylinder 4)

P0321 Crankshaft position sensor fault Refer to: DTC P0321, P0322
Certain amounts of phase sensor signal
monitored without speed

P0340 Phase sensor with poor contact Refer to: DTC P0340, P0341, P0342,
P0341 Phase sensor with poor contact P0343

P0342 Phase sensor wires short circuit to ground

P0343 Phase sensor wires short circuit to power

Catalytic converter exceeding maximum limit Refer to: DTC P0420


Carbon canister control valve hardware circuit Refer to: DTC P0444, P0458, P0459

Carbon canister control valve hardware circuit


Carbon canister control valve hardware circuit


Cooling fan hardware circuit driver stage Refer to: DTC P0480, P0691, P0692

Cooling fan hardware circuit driver stage


Cooling fan hardware circuit driver stage


Idle stepper motor stuck at smaller opening Refer to: DTC P0506, P0507

Idle stepper motor stuck at larger opening


P0508 Idle stepper motor hardware circuit inspection Refer to: DTC P0508, P0509, P0511
P0509 Idle stepper motor hardware circuit inspection

P0511 Idle stepper motor hardware circuit inspection

P0560 Battery voltage reasonableness inspection Refer to: DTC P0560, P0562, P0563
P0562 Battery voltage exceeding lower limit value

P0563 Battery voltage exceeding upper limit value

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-89 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-89

Fault Code Description Diagnosis Procedures

Diagnose the diagnosis data identification Refer to: DTC P0602, P0605
code programming (DDI) (ECU supplier can
P0602 request the software engineer to write this
information during project approval
phase),CLA = opened

Diagnose the ECU Checksum correctness,

and the regulations required the manufacturer
P0605 with computer programmable system to take
strong and effective anti-tamper measures
and anti-writing capacity, CLA = opened

P0627 Pump relay hardware circuit inspection Refer to: DTC P0627, P0628, P0629
P0628 Pump relay hardware circuit inspection

P0629 Pump relay hardware circuit inspection

P0645 AC compressor hardware circuit inspection Refer to: DTC P645, P0646, P0647
P0646 AC compressor hardware circuit inspection

P0647 AC compressor hardware circuit inspection

P0650 Fault lamp hardware circuit inspection Refer to: DTC P0650
Fuel correction at self-learning lower part of Refer to: DTC P2177, P2178, DTC
mixture exceeding upper limit P2187, P2188
Fuel correction at self-learning lower part of
mixture exceeding lower limit

Fuel supply correction of self-learning of

P2187 mixture exceeding upper limit according to
ignition addition method

Fuel supply correction of self-learning of

P2188 mixture exceeding lower limit according to
ignition addition method

Downstream oxygen sensor aging voltage Refer to: DTC P0136, P0138, P0140,
level inspection P2270, P2271
Downstream oxygen sensor aging voltage
level inspection

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-90 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-90

DTC P0016
1. Fault Code Description

Fault code Description Definiton

Engine control module ECM uses the crankshaft position
sensor CKP and camshaft position sensor CMP pulse
signal to monitor the correlation between CKP and the
camshaft position. Crankshaft variable reluctance rotor
The relative installed position of
has 60 teeth; and two teeth are missing and used as a
P0016 camshaft and crankshaft is
reference space. Uniform spacing between each tooth is
6 degrees, only the reference clearance is exception and
it is 12 degrees. Camshaft signal plate has four teeth, two
are narrow, and the other two are wide. The distance
between every four posterior teeth is 90 degrees.

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
Camshaft position sensor
The difference between learning signal unstable
With comparision with value and standard value is Camshaft position sensor
limit value, set up bigger than 15 kW. signals wheel
"adjustment advance" The difference between learning Crankshaft position sensor
P0016 and "adjustment lagging" value and standard valve is less signal unstable
condition which is than 15 kW.
relative to permissible Crankshaft position sensor
The self-adaption of crankshaft signals wheel
range. and camshaft should be
activated. Camshaft position sensor
Crankshaft position sensor

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-91 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-91
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Visually inspect the wiring for abrasion, puncture,
clamping or partial damage.
C.Visually inspect the wiring harness connector. See if
there are damaged, bent, pulled, or rusted
D. Ensure the proper installation of the crankshaft
position sensor and camshaft position sensor and
fix the bolts tightened to the specified torque.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2
Repair fault part and test if the system is normal.

2. Inspect the DTC characteristics

A.Use diagnosis tool to clear the DTC.

B.Start the engine and run to operating temperature.
C.If the DTC can not be removed, road test must be
carried out.
Is the DTC P0116 still there?
Go to step 3.
to diagnosis of fault code.
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for
intermittent fault (3.1.12 Electrical Control
System- M7 Symptom Diagnosis and
3. Inspect the ignition timing

A.Inspect the ignition timing.

Refer to: Inspect the timing (3.1.2
Mechanical System, General inspection).
Is the ignition timing normal?
Go to step 4.
Adjust ignition timing.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-92 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-92

4. Camshaft position sensor

A.Use diagnosis tool to clear the DTC.

B.Replace a camshaft position sensor that in good
condition,and fasten it with the standard torque.
Refer to: Camshaft Position Sensor (3.1.12
Electrical control System- M7 Remoal and
C.Start the engine and run to operating temperature.
Is the DTC P0116 still there?
Go to step 5.
Replace the camshaft position sensor and test if the
system is normal.

5. .Inspect the unstable camshaft position sensor signal.

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", engine

doesn’t run.
B.Use diagnosis tool to clear the DTC.
C.Start the engine
D.Gently tap and swing camshaft position sensor.
E.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", engine
doesn’t run.
F.Inspect sensor and wiring harness plug-in,and
inspect the connector of ECM and wiring harness
for damaged, bent, or pulled wiring harness
G.Inspect camshaft position sensor circuit relative
wiring and connector.
Is the DTC P0116 still there?
Go to step 6
Repair the fault circuit based on the inspect, replace
as necessary.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-93 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-93

6. Inspect camshaft end clearance and sensor signal wheel

A.Inspect camshaft end clearance.

Refer to: Rocker/Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly)
B.Inspect the camshaft position sensor signal wheel
for worn , attachments or dirt.
Is the camshaft end clearance and sensor signal
wheel normal?
Go to step 7
Repair fault part and test if the system is normal?

7. Crankshaft position sensor

A.Use diagnosis tool to clear the fault code.

B.Replace a crankshaft position sensor in good
condition and tighten it to specified torque.
Refer to: Crankshaft Position Sensor
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
Removal and Installation).
C.Start the engine and run to operating temperature.
Is the DTC P0116 still there?
Go to step 8
Replace the crankshaft position sensor and test if
the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-94 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-94

8. Inspect the unstable camshaft position sensor signal

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",engine

doesn’t run.
B.Clear the DTC with diagnosis tool.
C.Start the engine
D.Gently tap and swing crankshaft position sensor
E.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",engine
doesn’t run.
F.Inspect sensor and wiring harness plug-in,and
inspect the connector of ECM and wiring harness
for damaged, bent, or pulled wiring harness
G.Inspect camshaft position sensor circuit relative
wiring and connector.
Is the DTC P0116 still there?
Go to step 9
Repair the fault circuit based on the inspect,replace
as necessary.

9. Inspect the crankshaft position sensor signal wheel

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Rotate the flywheel, inspect the crankshaft position
sensor signals wheel for worn and dirty
Is the crankshaft position sensor signals wheel
Go to step 10
Replace crankshaft position sensor signals wheel.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-95 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-95

10.Inspect the circuit of the engine control module

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK". Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-96 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-96

DTC P0030, P0031, P0032, P0053

1. Fault Code Fescription

Fault Code Description Definiton

Heating open circuit of upstream
oxygen sensor

Heating circuit of upstream oxygen The working voltage of upstream oxygen sensor heating
sensor short circuit to ground coil is provided by the main relay controlled by ECM.
P0032 When the ignition switch is turned to "ON" state, terminal
Heating circuit of upstream oxygen 4 of oxygen sensor connector S06 is of battery voltage.
sensor short circuit to power ECM controls the working time of the heater by the
Heating resistance of upstream terminal 2 of ECM wiring harness connector S01.
P0053 oxygen sensor larger than

2.Possible Causes

Setting Conditions(Control
Fault Code Test Tactics Fault
P0030 •Open circuit
Hardware Circuit
P0031 •Short circuit to ground
P0032 •Short circuit to power

•Exhaust temperature is within •Sensor circuit

normal range
•When the exhaust temperature
Present resistance value •ECM
is between 250 ℃ and 550 ℃
P0053 is higher than the set
(1022 ºF).
• Front oxygen sensor internal
resistance value is higher than
1600 Ω.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-97 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-97
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect front oxygen sensor wiring harness

connector for damage, poor contact, aging and
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2. Inspect the upstream oxygen sensor heater resistance value

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the upstream oxygen sensor wiring
harness connector S06.
C.Measure the resistance of the heater betweeen
terminal 3&4 of upstream oxygen sensor connector
Standard resistance value:20 ℃ (68 ºF) 9 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace the upstream oxygen sensor and confirm
the system is normal.

3. Inspect heater working volatge

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the upstream oxygen sensor wiring
harness connector S06.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the voltage between terminal 4 of
S06 upstream oxygen sensor wiring harness connector
S06 and the reliable grounding.
1 2 3 4 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14V
Is voltage normal?
Go to step 5.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-98 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-98

4.Inspect heater power supply circuit

A.Remove IF16 fuse.

B. Inspect the fuse.
Is the fuse normal?
Inspect the conductivity from terminal 4 of upstream
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06 to
terminal 31 of fuse IF16 of fuse box P01 of
instrument panel.
Replace the fuse.
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-99 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-99

5.Inspect heater control signal circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the upstream oxygen sensor wiring
harness connector S06.
C.Measure the reliable voltage between terminal 3 of
S06 and reliable grounding.
S06 Standard voltage:0 V
D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
1 2 3 4 ECM.
E. Measure the resistance value between terminal 3 of
upstream oxygen sensor wiring harness connector
A3112057 S06 and terminal 2 of ECM wiring harness
connector S01. Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
F.Measure the resistance between terminal 3 of S06
and reliable grounding.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is it normal?
1 2 3 4
Go to step 6
Repair the circuit fault between terminal 3 of
upstream oxygen sensor wiring harness connector
S06 and terminal 2 of ECM wiring harness
connector S01. Verify if the system is normal.

64 51 7

50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-100 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-100

6. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-101 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-101

DTC P0036, P0037, P0038, P0054

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Heating open circuit of downstream
oxygen sensor The working voltage of downstream oxygen sensor
Heating circuit of downstream oxygen heating coil is provided by the main relay controlled
P0037 by ECM. When the ignition switch is turned to "ON"
sensor short circuit to ground
state, terminal 4 of oxygen sensor connector S13 is
Downstream oxygen sensor heating of battery voltage. ECM controls the working time of
short circuit to power the heater by the terminal 1 of ECM wiring harness
Downstream oxygen sensor heating connector S01.
internal resistance unreasonable

2.Possible Causes

Setting Conditions(Control
Fault Code Test Tactics Fault
P0036 •Open circuit
Hardware Circuit
P0037 •Short circuit to ground
P0038 •Short circuit to power

•Exhaust temperature is within • Sensor circuit

normal range •Sensor
Present resistance •Current exhaust temperature is •ECM
P0054 value is higher than the between 250 ℃ and 550 ℃
set value
•Front oxygen sensor internal
resistance value is higher than
2,200 Ω.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-102 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-102
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect rear oxygen sensor wiring harness

connector for damage, poor contact, aging and
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2. Inspect the downstream oxygen sensor heater resistance value

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the downstream oxygen sensor wiring
harness connector S13.
C.Measure the resistance of the heater betweeen
terminal 3&4 of downstream oxygen sensor
connector S13.
Standard resistance value:20 ℃ (68 ºF) 9 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 3
Replace the downstream oxygen sensor and
confirm the system is normal.

3. Inspect heater working volatge

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the rear oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S13.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D.Measure the voltage between the 4 terminal of rear
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S13 and
1 3
the reliable grounding.
2 4
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is voltage normal?
Go to step 5.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-103 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-103

4.Inspect heater power supply circuit

A.Remove IF5 fuse.

B.Inspect the fuse.
Is the fuse normal?
Inspect the conductivity from terminal 4 of upstream
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S13 to
terminal 29 of fuse IF16 of fuse box P01 of
instrument panel.
Replace the fuse, Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-104 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-104

5.Inspect heater control signal circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the downstream oxygen sensor wiring
harness connector S13.
C. Measure the voltage between terminal 2 of S13 and
the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage:0V
1 3
D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
2 4
E. Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of
downstream oxygen sensor wiring harness
A3112060 connector S13 and terminal 1 of ECM wiring
harness connector S01. Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
F.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of S13
and reliable grounding.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is the inspection normal?
1 3 Yes
2 4 Go to step 6
Repair the fault circuit between terminal 2 of
downstream oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S13 and terminal 1 of ECM wiring
S01 harness connector S01.

64 51 7

50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-105 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-105

6.Inspect engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-106 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-106

DTC P0105, P0106, P0107, P0108

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Pressure too low or no drop during
P0105 start when the pressure sensor
speed is zero Air intake pressure temperature sensor has four
terminals. When ignition switch is turned to "ON" position,
Pressure sensor pressure the engine control module provides 5 V voltage for the
P0106 exceeding maximum/minimum sensor terminal 3 through terminal 18 of connector S01.
range of reasonable value The terminal 40 of S01 enables the sensor 1 terminal
Pressure sensor circuit exceeding grounding. The sensor terminal 4 provides an signal
P0107 changing with air intake pressure to terminal 59 of the
minimum inspection value
ECM connector S01.
Pressure sensor circuit exceeding
maximum inspection value

2.Possible Causes

Setting Conditions(Control
Fault Code Test Tactics Fault
•Engine rotating speed greater
than 800RPM
P0105 •After start, pressure drop is
less than 1 kPa
•Last for more than 1s
•Sensor circuit
Depending on engine rotating
P0106 Hardware or circuit
speed and throttle opening •Sensor
Pressure sensor voltage lower •ECM
P0107 than 0.195 V
Last for more than 1s

Intake pressure sensor voltage

P0108 after start larger than 4.95 V for
more than 1 s

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-107 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-107
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A.Inspect for the following items:

• Sensor cover is damaged,vacuum pipe cracks.
• Sensor sealing is damaged
• Sensor loose or improper installation
• Sensor vacuum pipe is blocked
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault, test the system for normal

2.Inspect air intake pressure sensor voltage

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the intake air pressure temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D.Measure the voltage between terminal 3 of air intake
pressure temperature sensor wiring harness
connector E06 and the reliable grounding.
1 2 3 4 Standard voltage value:4.5 ~ 5.5 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-108 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-108

3.Inspect air intake pressure sensor power supply circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the intake air pressure temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06.
C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
E06 ECM.
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 3 of air
intake pressure temperature sensor wiring harness
1 2 3 4 connector E06 and terminal 18 of ECM wiring
harness connector S01.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E. Measure the resistance between terminal 3 of air
intake pressure temperature sensor wiring harness
connector E06 and reliable grounding.Inspect for
S01 short circuit to ground .
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
64 51 7
F.Measure the voltage between terminal 3 of air intake
50 37 5
pressure temperature sensor wiring harness
36 23 3
connector E06 and reliable grounding. Inspect for
short circuit to power supply.
22 9 1
Standard voltage:0 V
Is it normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the circuit fault between terminal 3 of E06
and terminal 18 of S01, and verify if the system is


1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-109 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-109

4. Inspect air intake pressure sensor grounding

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect air intake pressure temperature sensor
wiring harness connector E06.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of air
E06 intake pressure temperature sensor wiring harness
connector E06 and reliable grounding.
1 2 3 4 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 6.
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-110 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-110

5.Inspect air intake pressure sensor grounding circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the intake air pressure temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06.
C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
E06 ECM.
D. Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of air
intake pressure temperature sensor wiring harness
1 2 3 4 connector E06 an terminal 40 of ECM wiring
harness connector S01.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of air intake
pressure temperature sensor wiring harness
connector E06 and reliable grounding. Inspect for
S01 short circuit to power supply.
Standard voltage:0 V
64 51 7
Is the inspection normal?
50 37 5
36 23
Go to step 6.
22 9 1 No
Repair the fault circuit, inspect the system for
normal working.



1 2 3 4


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-111 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-111

6. Inspect air intake pressure sensor

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the intake air pressure temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D. Connet a jumper with 5A fuse between the terminal
3 and 4 of E06.
E.Connect the diagnosis tool,access to engine data
flow, read the “actual manifold
Standard parameter:1,050 kPa
Is the data normal?
Replace air intake pressure sensor.
Go to step 7

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-112 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-112

7.Inspect air intake pressure sensor signal circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the intake air pressure temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06.
C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
E06 ECM.
D. Measure the resistance between terminal 4 of air
intake pressure temperature sensor wiring harness
1 2 3 4 connector E06 an terminal 59 of ECM wiring
harness connector S01.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E. Measure the resistance between terminal 4 of air
intake pressure temperature sensor wiring harness
connector E06 and reliable grounding.Inspect for
S01 short circuit to ground .
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
64 51 7
F.Measure the voltage between terminal 4 of air intake
50 37 5
pressure temperature sensor wiring harness
36 23 3
connector E06 and reliable grounding. Inspect for
short circuit to power supply.
22 9 1
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the circuit inspect normal?
Go to step 8
Repair the circuits and verify if the system is normal

1 2 3




1 2 3 4


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-113 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-113

8. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
22 9 1 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-114 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-114

DTC P0112, P0113

1. Fault Code Description

Description Definiton
Intake temperature sensor upper limit Air intake temperature sensor is integrated in the
P0112 value exceeded, and short circuit to
ground engine air intake pressure and temperature sensors
to measure the temperature of the air that goes into
the engine.ECM internal pressure regulator circuit
provides 5V reference voltage to terminal 2 of air
intake pressure and temperature sensors wiring
Intake temperature sensor lower limit harness connector E06 through terminal 25 of ECM
P0113 value exceeded, and short circuit to wiring harness connector S01. The air intake
power temperature voltage-drop signal can be obtained in
this circuit.Place terminal 1 of intake pressure
temperature sensor E06 to low electric potential via
terminal 40 of S01.

2.Possible Causes

Setting Conditions(Control
Fault Code Test Tactics Fault
Exceeding upper limit, Air intake temperature is higher
short circuit to ground than 128.25 ℃ •Sensor circuit

Exceeding lower limit, •Sensor

Air intake temperature less than
P0113 short circuit to power •ECM
-38.25 ℃

3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect for the following items:

• Sensor cover is damaged,vacuum pipe cracks.
• Sensor sealing is damaged
• Sensor loose or improper installation
• Sensor vacuum pipe is blocked
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault,test the system for normal

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-115 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-115

2. Inspect air intake temperature sensor resistance

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the intake air pressure temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06.
C.Measure the resistance of air intake temperature
Standard resistance value:
20 ℃ (68 ºF) Rated resistance 2.375~2.625 kΩ
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 3
Replace air intake pressure temperature sensor.

3. Inspect air intake temperature sensor circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the intake air pressure temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D.Measure the voltage between terminal 2 of air intake
E06 pressure temperature sensor wiring harness
connector E06 and the reliable grounding.

1 2 3 4
Standard voltage value:4.7 ~ 5.5 V
Is voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the fault circuit between terminal 2 of air
intake temperature sensor E06 and terminal 25 of
engine control module S01. Test the system for
normal working.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-116 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-116

4. Inspect air intake temperature sensor grounding

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the intake air pressure temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D.Measure the resistance value between terminal 1 of
E06 air intake pressure temperature sensor wiring
harness connector E06 and reliable grounding.
1 2 3 4 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair the fault circuit between terminal 1 of air
intake temperature sensor E06 and terminal 17 of
engine control module E01. Test the system for
normal working.

5. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7 Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-117 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-117

DTC P0116
1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

In cold start, the engine control module will
Engine coolant temperature sensor compare the difference between engine coolant
P0116 exceeding limit value during temperature and air intake temperature, to
reasonableness inspection determine whether the two temperatures is in
the normal work scope of each other.

2.Possible Causes

Test Tactics Setting Conditions(Control Strategy) Fault

Reasonableness The difference between the reference •Sensor circuit

P0116 exceeding limit temperature model value and the sensor •Sensor
value measured value is bigger than 20.3 ℃


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-118 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-118
3. Diagnosis Procedure
WARNING: Refer to "warning on cooling system maintenance" of "warning and precautions".

CAUTION: Before the diagnostic procedure, observe the list of diagnostic data, analysis the
accuracy of the data for quick troubleshooting.

CAUTION: It is not recommended at any time of flammable coolant, such as alcohol.

Flammable coolant can cause serious fire.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect whether the engine coolant temperature

sensor is with the signs of corrosion, and whether
the coolant is leaking through the engine sensor.
B. Inspect if the level of the engine coolant in engine
cooling system reservior is correct.
C. Inspect the sensor for loose or improper installation.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2. Inspect data flow

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Engine starts at cold state. Read the data flow of
coolant temperature sensor ECT with diagnosis tool
and the data flow of air intake temperature sensor
C.Is the temperature difference between ECT and IAT
is greater than 20.3 ℃
Inspect coolant temperature sensor
Refer to: DTC P0117,P0118 (3.1.12
Electrical control System - M7, DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Inspect air intake temperature sensor
Refer to: DTC P0112, P0113(3.1.12
Electrical control System - M7, DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Refer to: 3.1.12 Engine Electrical control
System - M7, "Intermittent Fault Diagnosis

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-119 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-119

DTC P0117, P0118

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Engine coolant temperature ECT sensor is a variable resistor of negative
sensor upper limit value temperature coefficient, used for measuring engine
exceeded, and short circuit to coolant temperature.ECM provides 5V voltage to the
grounding terminal 1 of the ECT sensor harness connector E08
through terminal 41 of ECM wiring harness
Engine coolant temperature connector S01, and get ECT signals from terminal
sensor lower limit value 41 of S01. ECM makes the terminal 3 of ECT sensor
exceeded, and short circuit to connector E08 at low-potential through terminal 39
power of S01.

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
Exceeding upper limit, Coolant temperature measured
short circuit to ground value is higher than 138 ℃ •Sensor circuit

Exceeding lower limit, •Sensor

Coolant temperature measured
P0118 short circuit to power •ECM
value is less than -38.25 ℃

3. Diagnosis Procedure
WARNING: Refer to "warning on cooling system maintenance" of "warning and precautions".

CAUTION: Before the diagnostic procedure, observe the list of diagnostic data, analysis the
accuracy of the data for quick troubleshooting.

CAUTION: It is not recommended at any time of flammable coolant, such as alcohol.

Flammable coolant can cause serious fire.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect whether the engine coolant temperature

sensor is with the signs of corrosion, and whether
the coolant is leaking through the engine sensor.
B. Inspect if the level of the engine coolant in engine
cooling system reservior is correct.
C. Inspect the sensor for loose or improper installation.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-120 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-120

2. Inspect coolant temperature sensor resistance

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the coolant temperature sensor wiring
harness connector E08.
C.Use multimeter to measure the resistance value of
coolant temperature sensor.
Standard resistance value:
20 ℃ 68 ºF) Rated resistance 2.375~2.625 kΩ
Is it normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace the coolant temperature sensor.

3. Inspect coolant temperature sensor signal circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the coolant temperature sensor wiring
harness connector E08.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D. Measure the voltage betweeen terminal 1 of coolant
E08 temperature sensor wiring connector E08 and the
reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:4.7 ~ 5.5 V
1 2 3
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the fault circuit between terminal 1 of coolant
temperature sensor E08 to terminal 41 of engine
control module connector S01.

4.Inspect coolant temperature sensor grounding

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the coolant temperature sensor wiring
harness connector E08.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the resistance betweeen terminal 3 of
E08 coolant temperature sensor wiring harness
connector E08 and the reliable grounding.
1 2 3 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair the fault circuit between terminal 3 of coolant
temperature sensor E08 to terminal 39 of engine
control module connector S01.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-121 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-121

5. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-122 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-122

DTC P0122, P0123

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Throttle position sensor signal ECM provides 5V reference voltage to terminal 1 of
P0122 exceeding lower limit, short the TPS sensor wiring harness connector E07
circuit to ground through terminal 19 of ECM wiring harness
connector S01.TPS sensor povides signal voltage to
terminal 26 of ECM wiring harness connector S01
Throttle position sensor signal through terminal 3 of wiring harness connector
P0123 exceeding upper limit, short E07.ECM positions terminal 2 of TPS sensor wiring
circuit to power harness connector E07 in low potential through
terminal 40 of ECM wiring harness connector S01.

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
Signal circuit
voltage too low,
short circuit to
•Sensor circuit
ground • Turn ignition switch to position
Signal circuit "ON",and engine is off or is running.
voltage too •ECM
high,short circuit to
power supply

3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A.Inspect sensor wiring harness connector for loose

B.Inspect sensor appearance for damage.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-123 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-123

2. Inspect the throttle position sensor

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the throttle position sensor wiring
harness connector E07.
C.Measure the resistance value of the throttle position
Standard resistance value:
1 terminal and 2 terminal 1,600 ~ 2,400 Ω
2 terminal and 3 terminal 710 ~ 1,380 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace throttle position sensor

3. Inspect throttle position sensor power supply circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the throttle position sensor wiring
harness connector E07.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of throttle
position sensor E07 and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:4.5 ~ 5.5 V
1 2 3 Is the voltage value normal?

Go to step 4.
Repair the fault circuits between terminal 1 of
throttle position sensor E07 and terminal 19 of
engine control module S01, and verify the system is

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-124 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-124

4. Inspect throttle position sensor signal circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the throttle position sensor wiring
harness connector E07.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Connect a jumper wire with 5A fuse between
terminal 1 and 3 of E07. Use diagnosis tool to
observe "the actual throttle position sensor voltage"
Standard voltage value:4.5 ~ 5.5 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair the fault circuits between terminal 3 of
throttle position sensor E07 and terminal 26 of
engine control module S01, and verify the system is

5. Inspect throttle position sensor grounding

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the throttle position sensor wiring
harness connector E07.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of
throttle position sensor wiring harness connector
E07 and the reliable grounding.
1 2 3 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω

Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair the fault circuit between terminal 2 of throttle
position sensor E07 and terminal 40 of engine
control module S01. Test the system for normal

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-125 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-125

6. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK". Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-126 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-126

DTC P0130, P0131, P0132, P0133, P0134

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Upstream oxygen sensor short After vehicle starts, the control module works in
circuit to ground in cold state open loop mode, and it will ignore the upstream
oxygen sensor signal voltage in the calculation of
Upstream oxygen sensor
P0131 air-fuel ratio.Control module provides approximately
voltage too low
450 mV reference voltage to upstream oxygen
Upstream oxygen sensor sensor. When the engine is running, the upstream
voltage too high oxygen sensor starts heating and start generating
0.1 ~ 0.9 V voltage.The voltage goes along the
P0133 Upstream oxygen sensor aging
reference voltage fluctuations.Once the control
module finds that the upstream oxygen sensor
voltage exceeds the set threshold, then it will
immediately go into closed loop mode Control
module determines the air-fuel ratio based on the
upstream oxygen sensor voltage.If the upstream
oxygen sensor voltage is greater than 0.45V,
Upstream oxygen sensor signal indicated that the mixture is too rich.If the upstream
open circuit oxygen sensor voltage is lower than 0.45V, indicated
that the mixture is too thin.ECM makes terminal 2 of
the upstream oxygen sensor S06 at low-potential
through terminal 39 of S01. When oxygen sensor
reaches normal operating temperature, it transmits
oxygen sensor signal to the ECM through terminal 1
of S06 connected to terminal 45 of S01 on the ECM.

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
•Upstream oxygen sensor reaches the •Sensor circuit fault
Short circuit to working temperature.
P0130 ground under cold •Sensor fault
state •Oxygen sensor output voltage is
higher than 2.0V •ECM fault

•Upstream oxygen sensor output

P0131 Voltage too low -
voltage is less than 0.06V

•Upstream oxygen sensor voltage is

higher than 1.5 V
•Engine rotating speed greater than
Upstream oxygen •Target λ=1
P0132 -
voltage too high
•Exhaust temperature is lower than
850 ℃
•Upstream oxygen sensor voltage
reaches working temperature for
150 s

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-127 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-127

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
•Downstream oxygen sensor is
Exceeding activated
maximum limit •Downstream oxygen integral value is
higher than 1.0 s

P0133 •Downstream oxygen control integral

value is lower than -1.0s
Exceeding •Catalyst converter is normal -
minimum limit
• No diagnosis stop condition
•Diagnosis time 30 s

•Upstream oxygen sensor voltage

P0134 Signal open circuit range 0.40~0.60 V -
•Upstream oxygen sensor is always hot

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-128 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-128
3. Diagnosis Procedure
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A.Turn ignition switch to the position of "LOCK".

B.Connect diagnosis tool.
C.Start the engine, use diagnosis tool to inspect
engine system. ,
Is there any DTC besides P0130, P0131, P0132/
P0133 and P0134.
Refer to: DTC Diagnosis and Testing
Index (3.1.12 Electrical Control System -
M7, Removal and Installation).
Go to step 2

2. Inspect front oxygen sensor data flow

A.Start the engine,keep the engine running till the

engine water temperature is higher than 80 ℃ .
B.Use diagnosis tool access to engine data flow,
observe the " upstream oxygen sensor
Standard voltage value:oxygen sensor is
fluctuating between 0.1 ~ 0.9 V.
Is the oxygen sensor fluctuating between
0.1 ~ 0.9 V?
Refer to: Intermittent Fault Inspection
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System -
M7,Removal and Installation).
Go to step 3

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-129 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-129

3.Inspect oxygen sensor condition(carry out oxygen sensor signal test)

A.If the data flow shows voltage is consistently below

0.45 V (mixture too lean), inspect the following
•Jet proper amount of propane into the inlet port.
•Observe if the front oxygen sensor data flow voltage
changes obviously, the signal voltage will rise quickly.
B.If the data flow shows voltage is consistently above
0.45 V (mixture too dense), inspect the following
•Position the transmission at neutral gear.
•Pull the hand brake.
•Press the accelerator pedal untill the engine rotating
speed suddenly increased to 4,000 rpm and then
quickly release the accelerator pedal.
•Repeat the previous step more than 3 times.
•Observe if the front oxygen sensor data flow voltage
changes obviously, the signal voltage will drop
•In the implementation of the above test, the oxygen
sensor signal voltage should change significant as
the test continues.
Does the oxygen sensor signal voltage change
Refer to: DTC P2177, P2178, P2187,P2188
(3.1.12 Electrical control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 4.

4. Inspect upstream oxygen sensor signal circuit

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-130 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-130

A.Inspect upstream oxygen sensor signal circuit

B.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
C.Disconnect the upstream oxygen sensor wiring
harness connector S06.
D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
1 2 3 4
E.Measure the resistance value between terminal 1 of
upstream oxygen sensor wiring harness connector
S06 and terminal 45 of ECM wiring harness
connector S01. Inspect for the following items:
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
F.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of
upstream oxygen sensor wiring harness connector
S06 and the reliable grounding.Inspect for short
circuit to ground .
64 51 7
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
50 37 5
G.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of
36 23 3 upstream oxygen sensor wiring harness connector
S06 and the reliable grounding.Inspect for short
22 9 1
circuit to power.
Standard voltage:0V
Is it normal?
Go to step 5
Repair the circuit between terminal 1 of upstream
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06 and
the terminal 45 of ECM wiring harness connector


1 2 3 4


5. Inspect upstream oxygen sensor grounding circuit

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-131 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-131

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the upstream oxygen sensor wiring
harness connector S06.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of
S06 upstream oxygen sensor wiring harness connector
S06 and the reliable grounding.
1 2 3 4 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 6
Repair the circuit between terminal 2 of upstream
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06 and
the terminal 39 of ECM wiring harness connector

6.Inspect the upstream oxygen sensor

A.Replace upstream oxygen sensor

Is the fault eliminated?
Diagnosis complete.
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 7.

7. Inspect the engine control module circuit

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-132 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-132

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-133 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-133

DTC P0136, P0138, P0140, P2270, P2271

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Downstream oxygen sensor short
circuit to ground in cold state

Downstream oxygen sensor

P0138 ECM makes terminal 3 of the downstream oxygen
signal too high
sensor S13 at low-potential through terminal 39 of
Downstream oxygen sensor S01. When oxygen sensor reaches normal
signal open circuit operating temperature, it transmits oxygen sensor
signal to the ECM through terminal 1 of S13
Downstream oxygen sensor aging
P2270 connected to terminal 29 of S01 on the ECM.
voltage level inspection

Downstream oxygen sensor aging

voltage level inspection

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-134 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-134

Downstream •Downstream oxygen sensor reaches

oxygen sensor the working temperature.
P0136 signal short circuit
to the heating • Oxygen sensor output voltage is
circuit higher than 2.0V

•Downstream oxygen sensor voltage is

higher than 1.5 V
•Engine rotating speed greater than
800 RPM
Downstream •Target λ=1
P0138 oxygen sensor
voltage too high •Catalyst temperature is higher than
250 ℃
• Oxygen sensor voltage reaches •Sensor circuit
working temperature •Sensor
•Battery voltage higher than 10.68 V •ECM
•Downstream oxygen sensor reaches
Downstream the working temperature.
P0140 oxygen sensor
signal open circuit •Downstream oxygen sensor voltage
range 0.4 ~0.5 V

Downstream •Downstream oxygen sensor voltage is

oxygen sensor less than 0.577 V
voltage is always
low •Access to diagnosis request

Downstream •Downstream oxygen sensor voltage is

oxygen sensor higher than 0.640 V
voltage is always
high •Access to diagnosis request

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-135 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-135
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Inspect DTC

A. Close ignition switch and connect diagnosis tool.

B. Start the engine, use diagnosis tool to inspect
engine system.
Is there other DTC besides P0136, P0138, P0140,
P2270 and P2271?
Refer to: DTC diagnosis procedure index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
Removal and Installation).
Go to step 2.

2. Inspect downstream oxygen sensor data flow

A. Start the engine, keep the engine running till the

engine water temperature is higher than 80 ℃ .
B. Use diagnosis tool access to engine data flow,
observe the "downstream oxygen sensor
Standard voltage value:oxygen sensor is
fluctuating between 0.1 ~ 0.9 V.
Is the oxygen sensor fluctuating between 0.1 ~ 0.9
Refer to: Intermittent Fault Inspection
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-136 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-136

3. Inspect downstream oxygen sensor condition(carry out downstream oxygen sensor signal test)

A.If the data flow shows voltage is consistently below

0.45 V (mixture too lean), inspect the following
• Jet proper amount of propane into the inlet port.
•Observe if the front oxygen sensor data flow voltage
changes obviously, the signal voltage will rise quickly.
B. If the data flow shows voltage is consistently above
0.45 V (mixture too dense), inspect the following
• Position the transmission at neutral gear.
• Pull the hand brake.
• Press the accelerator pedal untill the Engine rotating
speed suddenly increased to 4,000 rpm and then
quickly release the accelerator pedal.
• Repeat the previous step more than 3 times.
• Observe if the front oxygen sensor data flow voltage
changes obviously, the signal voltage will drop
• In the implementation of the above test, the oxygen
sensor signal voltage should change significant as
the test continues.
Does the oxygen sensor signal voltage change
Refer to: DTC P2177, P2178, P2187,P2188
(3.1.12 Electrical control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 4.

4. Inspect upstream oxygen sensor signal circuit

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-137 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-137

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the downstream oxygen sensor wiring
harness connector S13.
C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
D. Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of
1 3
downstream oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S13 and terminal 29 of ECM wiring
2 4 harness connector S01. Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of
downstream oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S13 and the reliable grounding.Inspect
S01 for short circuit to ground .
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
64 51 7
F.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of
50 37 5
downstream oxygen sensor wiring harness
36 23 3
connector S13 and the reliable grounding.Inspect
for short circuit to power.
22 9 1
Standard voltage:0V
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair the circuit between the terminal 1 of
downstream oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S13 and terminal 29 of ECM wiring
harness connector S01, and verify if the system is

1 3

2 4


5. Inspect downstream oxygen sensor grounding circuit

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-138 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-138

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the downstream oxygen sensor wiring
harness connector S13.
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".

B.Measure the resistance between terminal 3 of
downstream oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S13 and the reliable grounding.
1 3
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
2 4
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair the circuit between terminal 3 of downstream
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S13 and
the terminal 39 of ECM wiring harness connector

6.Inspect the downstream oxygen sensor

A.Replace the downstream oxygen sensor.

Refer to: Oxygen Sensor (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
Diagnosis complete.
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 7.

7. Inspect the engine control module circuit

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-139 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-139

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-140 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-140

DTC P0201, P0261, P0262

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Cylinder 1 fuel injector hardware Injector operating voltage is provided by the main
circuit inspection relay controlled by the ECM. Battery voltage is
transported to terminal 1 of all injector wiring
Cylinder 1 fuel injector hardware
P0261 harness connectors through terminal 87 of main
circuit inspection
relay IR01 of instrument panel fuse box P01. ECM
controls the grounding of the internal of injector
through terminal 50 on ECM harness connector
Cylinder 1 fuel injector hardware S01. ECM monitors the work state of all the injectors
circuit inspection driver circuit. If the ECM detects driving voltage are
corresponding to the incorrect voltage, it will set up a
fuel injector control circuit fault diagnosis DTC.

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
P0201 •Open circuit •Injector wires
Hardware or circuit
P0261 •Short circuit to ground •Fuel injector
P0262 •Short circuit to power •ECM

3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A.Inspect fuel injector wiring harness connector for

damage, poor contact, aging and loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-141 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-141

2. Inspect fuel injector mouth

A. Disconnect injector wiring harness connector E01.

B. Measure the resistance value between the two
terminals of the fuel injector.
Standard resistance value:20 ℃ (68 ºF)11.5 ~ 1
2.6 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace the fuel injector.
Make sure the system is normal.

3. Inspect fuel injector working voltage

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B. Disconnect cylinder 1 injector wiring harness
connector E01.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D. Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of the
cylinder 1 injector wiring harness connector E01
and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the wire fault between terminal 1 of injector
wiring harness connector E01 and harness terminal
87 of main relay IR01.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-142 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-142

4. Inspect fuel injector control signal

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect cylinder 1 injector wiring harness
connector E01.
C.Connect the test electrography that with LED to the
1 and 2 terminals of E01 according to specification.
CAUTION: LED must connect in series
with 1 ~ 2 kΩ resistance, otherwise it will
damage LED or ECM
D.Start the engine
E.Observe if the test lamp is normally flashing?
Does the test lamp flash normally?
Go to step 6
Go to step 5

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-143 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-143

5. Inspect fuel injector control signal circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B. Disconnect cylinder 1 injector wiring harness
connector E01.
C.Measure the voltage between terminal 2 of E01 and
the reliable grounding.
E01 Standard voltage:0 V
D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
1 2
E.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of
cylinder 2 injector wiring harness connector E01
A3112085 and terminal 50 of ECM wiring harness connector
S01.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
F.Measure the reliable voltage between terminal 50 of
S01 and reliable grounding.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is it normal?
Go to step 7
1 2
Repair the fault circuit between the terminal 2 of
E01 and terminal 50 of ECM wiring harness
S01 connector S01.

64 51 7

50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-144 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-144

6. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-145 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-145

DTC P0300, P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

P0300 Multi-cylinders misfire ECM monitors the intervalof CKP sensor input
signal. ECM calculates changes of interval time of
P0301 Misfire (cylinder 1)
each cylinder. If the change of interval time exceeds
P0302 Misfire (cylinder 2) pre-programmed standard, then ECM would detect
poor ignition of corresponding cylinders. When the
P0053 Misfire (cylinder 3)
engine is running, ECM count the ignition misfire
frequency when the revolutions of the crankshaft is
200 rpm and 1,000 rpm, and the calculate the
misfire rate for crankshaft rotates one circle. If the
P0054 Misfire (cylinder 4) misfire rate exceeds the pre-programmed standard,
then the ECM will determine the occurrence of bad
ignition that a catalytic converter can be damaged or
can adversely affect emission performance.

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
The misfire ratio that damage the •Connector connection
catalyst is higher than 6%-23%. loose,poor contact
The misfire ratio that • Bad circuit test •Vacuum hose is
damages the catalyst
• Fuel cut-off broken,loose

• Torque interfere •Ignition system

•Fuel injector
• The misfire ratio that get the
emission worse is bigger than 3.0%. •Fuel pressure
The misfire ratio that
• Engine rotating speed is higher than •Air intake pressure sensor
P0300 get the emission worse
600rpm,less than 5800rpm •Engine coolant temperature
• Engine load sensor
•Cylinder compressing
•Valve clearance and timing

• The misfire ratio that get the •Fuel Emission Control

emission worse is bigger than 3.0%. System
Untrusted fault •Positive crankshaft
•Air intake temperature is higher than
ventilation valve
-25 ℃
•Air intake system
•Echaust system air vent clog

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-146 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-146
3. Diagnosis Procedure
CAUTION: If the engine electrical control system stores the other DTC rather than misfiring
DTC , first carry out troubleshooting for these DTC.

CAUTION: If misfire does not occur when sending to the service, carry out road test again to
make the misfiring fault reappear. And use the diagnosis tool to record the ECM data when
the misfiring occurs to analyze cause of the malfunction.

CAUTION: If the vehicle still stores no DTC that related to misfiring after long road test,then
the fault may be caused by the following:

• Fuel tank is overfull, the fuel goes into the engine evaporative emissions electrical
control system ,causing the mixture too thick and misfire.
• Misfire caused by bad combustion of improper fuel.
• Misfire caused by ignition fault that resulted in by spark plug fouling.
• Carry out basic inspection to the system according to the DTC.
CAUTION: After completion of the repairs, road test the vehicle to confirm that DTC is not

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A.Inspect the wiring harness for damage, poor contact,

aging, loose or other signs.
B.Inspect the tubes for the phenomena of damage,
loose, or leakage.
C.Inspect air intake system for leakage.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
Make sure the system is normal.

2.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Start the engine, inspect engine system.
C.Inspect DTC
Is there any DTC besides P0300, P0301, P0302,
P0303 and P0304?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure,
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-147 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-147

3. Inspect data flow

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B. Start engine,access to diagnosis tool engine system
data flow.
C.Inspect coolant temperature sensor ECT, air intake
pressure sensor MAP, Engine rotating speed,
throttle position TPS and idle control valve IAC data
Is the data flow normal?
Repair the abnormal data flow.
Go to step 4.

4. Inspect the spark plug

A.Remove the spark plug on the misfire cylinder.

B.Inspect the spark plug clearance to see it is too
large or too small.
Standard gap:0.7-0.8 mm (0.028-0.031 in)
C.Inspect spark plug electrode for erosion and
D.Inspect spark plug and the electrode skirt part for
wet, and the existence of a serious gasoline smell.
E.Reinstall the spark plug.
Is the spark plug normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace or repair the spark plug.

5. Inspect the high voltage damping wire test

A.Remove the high voltage damping wire.

B.Inspect the high voltage damping wire
Refer to: High Voltage Damping Wire
Inspection(3.1.8 Ignition System,General
Is the high voltage wire working properly?
Go to step 6.
Replace the high voltage damping wire
Refer to: High voltage damping wire (3.1.8
Ignition System, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-148 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-148

6. Inspect the ignition coil

A.Remove the ignition coil

B.Inspect the ignition coil .
Refer to: Ignition Coil Inspection (3.1.8
Ignition System, General inspection).
Is the ignition coil normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace ignition coil
Refer to: Ignition Coil(3.1.8 Ignition
System, Remove and Installation).
7. Inspect ignition system

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B. Carry out the spark plug test.
Refer to: Ignition Spark Testing (3.1.8
Ignition System, General inspection).
Is the ignition spark test normal?
Go to step 8.
Inspect the ignition system
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for spark
plugs do not flash over(3.1.8 Ignition
System,Syptom Diagnosis and Testing).
8. Inspect the fuel pressure

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Measure the fuel pressure.
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.1.7
Fuel System,General inspection).
If the fuel pressure is normal?
Go to step 9.
Inspect the fuel system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-149 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-149

9. Inspect fuel injector control circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect cylinder 1 injector wiring harness
connector E01.
C.Connect the test electrography that with LED to the
1 and 2 terminals of E01 according to specification.
CAUTION: LED must connect in series
with 1 ~ 2 kΩ resistance, otherwise it will
damage LED or ECM
D.Start the engine
E.Observe if the test lamp is normally flashing.
Does the test lamp flash normally?
Go to step 10.
Inspect fuel injector wiring harness.Replace or
repair it if necessary.

10.Inspect the fuel injector

A.Remove the injector from the cylinder that may in

B.Use the injector on the other cylinders.
C.Start the engine,let the engine run at idle speed.
Is the ignition misfire DTC corresponding to the fuel
injector in trouble.
Replace the failed injector.
Go to step 11.

11. Inspect compression pressure

A. Inspect engine compression pressure

Refer to: Compression Pressure
Inspection (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
General inspection).
B. Is the compression pressure normal?
Go to step 12.
Repair engine mechanical system fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-150 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-150

12.Inspect the circuit of the engine control module

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-151 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-151

DTC P0321, P0322

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

P0321 Crankshaft position sensor fault CKP sensor signal informs ECM of the speed and
position of current crankshaft.CKP sensor generates
an alternating voltage with different amplitude and
frequency.The frequency depends on the crankshaft
speed, and alternating voltage of output depends on
CKP. CKP sensor works together with a fixed 58X
variable reluctance rotor on the crankshaft.ECM can
Certain amounts of phase calculate ignition timing and injection timing
P0322 sensor signal monitored without according to input signal of CKP sensor and
speed camshaft position sensor.CKP sensor is used for
inspection of misfire and tachometer display.CKP
sensor signal is connected to terminal 46, 47 of
ECM wiring harness connector S01 respectively via
terminal 2, 3 of CKP sensor wiring harness
connector E09.

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
• Frequent
correction to •Increase one tooth correction
increase tooth numeration time is bigger than 250
• Frequent •Decrease one tooth correction
correction to numeration time is bigger than 250
decrease tooth
•Unmonitored reference mis-tooth
P0321 • Speed sensor numeration time 4 is bigger than 6
signal exist but • Crankshaft position sensor
the reference •6 times
• Crankshaft position sensor
mark can not be •The correction numeration time of the
found lost reference mis-tooth is bigger than
2,000 • ECM
• Frequently lost
reference mark

No crankshaft
position signal is •Phase signal register value is higher
monitored after than 18
certain amount of •Relative low speed engine group
camshaft position speed
sensor signal

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-152 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-152
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A.Inspect the sensor wiring harness connector E09 for

loose or poor contact.
B.Inspect the sensor for proper installation.
C. Inspect sensor for normal clearance.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
Make sure the system is normal.

2. Read the engine data on the diagnosis tool(Engine rotating speed)

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
C.Select "system parameter" "main parameter"/
"parameter"/"Engine rotating speed".
D.Start the engine
E.When the engine is running,read the engine rotating
speed data on the diagnosis tool.
Standard value: Refer to data flow list
F. If the engine cannot start,inspect the data when the
engine operates.
G.If the engine rotating speed on the diagnosis tool is
"0",it means the wiring harness between crankshaft
position sensor and ECM has open circuit or short
Is the data flow normal?
Intermittent fault.
Refer to: Intermittent Fault Inspection
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-153 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-153

3. Crankshaft position sensor

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect crankshaft position sensor wiring
harness connector E09.
C. Measure the resistance value of crankshaft position
Standard resistance value: 20 ℃ 774 ~ 946 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 4.
Replace the crankshaft position sensor.
Refer to: Crankshaft Position Sensor
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-154 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-154

4.Inspect crankshaft position sensor 2 terminal circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect crankshaft position sensor wiring
harness connector E09.
C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
E10 ECM.
D.Measure the resistance value between terminal 2 of
crankshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
1 2 3 E09 and terminal 46 of ECM wiring harness
connector S01.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of
crankshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E09 and reliable grounding.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
64 51 7
F. Measure the voltage between terminal 2 of
50 37 5 crankshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E09 and reliable grounding.
36 23 3
Standard voltage:0 V
22 9 1
Is the circuit normal?
Go to step 5.
A3112087 Repair the circuit between terminal 2 of crankshaft
position sensor E09 and terminal 46 of engine
control module wiring harness connector S01.

1 2 3



1 2 3



SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-155 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-155

5.Inspect crankshaft position sensor 3 terminal circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the crankshaft sensor wiring harness
connector E09.
C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
E09 D.Measure the resistance between the terminal 3 of
crankshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
1 2 3 E09 and terminal 47 of ECM wiring harness
connector S01.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance value between terminal 3 of
crankshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E09 and the reliable grounding.Inspect for short
S01 circuit to ground.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
64 51 7
F.Measure the voltage value between terminal 3 of
50 37 5
crankshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
36 23 3
E09 and the reliable grounding.Inspect for short
circuit to power
22 9 1
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the circuit normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair the fault circuit between terminal 3 of
crankshaft position sensor E09 and terminal 47 of
engine control module S01.


1 2 3


1 2 3



SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-156 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-156

6. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-157 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-157

DTC P0340, P0341, P0342, P0343

DTC Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

P0340 Phase sensor with poor contact Camshaft position sensor circuit includes the
following circuits:
P0341 Phase sensor with poor contact
•Power voltage: ECM provides power voltage to
Phase sensor wires short circuit terminal 3 of CMP sensor wiring harness
to ground connector E10 via main relay IR01.
•Signal circuit: ECM receives signal voltage of
terminal 2 on CMP sensor wiring harness
connector E10 through terminal 42 on ECM wiring
Phase sensor wires short circuit
P0343 harness S01.
to power
•Low electric potential circuit: Terminal 1 of CMP
sensor wiring harness connector E10 connects to
grounding point G2G01.

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
code Strategy)
P0340 Poor contact -

P0341 Poor contact - •Sensor circuit

Short circuit to
P0342 -
ground •Camshaft signal wheel

Short circuit to •ECM

P0343 -
power supply

3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A.Inspect camshaft phase sensor wiring harness

connector E23 for loose or poor contact.
B.Inspect camshaft phase sensor for proper
C.Inspect camshaft phase sensor for normal
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-158 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-158

2. Inspect camshaft phase sensor power supply circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect camshaft position sensor wiring harness
connector E10.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the voltage between terminal 3 of camshaft
position sensor wiring harness connector E10 and
reliable grounding.
1 2 3 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the circuit fault between terminal 3 of
camshaft position sensor E10 and harness terminal
87 of main relay IR01.

3. Inspect camshaft position sensor grounding circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect camshaft position sensor wiring harness
connector E10.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of
E10 camshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E10 and reliable grounding.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
1 2 3
Is resistance normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the circuit fault between terminal 1 of
camshaft position sensor E10 and grounding point

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-159 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-159

4.Inspect camshaft position sensor signal circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect camshaft position sensor wiring harness
connector E10.
C.Disconnect the engine control module connector
D.Measure resistance value between terminal 2 of
camshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
1 2 3 E10 and terminal 42 of engine control module ECM
S01.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of
camshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E10 and reliable grounding.Inspect for short circuit
S01 to ground.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
64 51 7
F.Measure the voltage between terminal 2 of camshaft
50 37 5
position sensor wiring harness connector E10 and
36 23 3
reliable grounding.Inspect for short circuit to power.
Standard voltage:0 V
22 9 1
Is the circuit normal?
Go to step 5.
A3112095 No
Repair the circuit between terminal 2 of camshaft
position sensor wiring harness connector E10 and
terminal 42 of ECM wiring harness connector S01.

1 2 3



1 2 3



SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-160 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-160

5. Inspect camshaft position sensor signal wheel

A. Inspect camshaft position sensor signal wheel

installation location and tooth form.
Refer to: Roker\Rokershaft and Camshaft
Inspection (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Is the camshaft position sensor signal wheel
Go to step 6.
Replace or repair the camshaft position sensor
signal wheel.

6.Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-161 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-161

DTC P0420
1. Fault Code Description
CAUTION: If the oxygen sensor DTC and the efficiency DTC of catalytic converter are set
together , diagnose oxygen-stop sensor DTC before proceeding.

CAUTION: Inspect for pollution that will damage the oxygen sensors and catalytic
converters : polluted fuel, unqualified silicone resin, oil and coolant, repair them as needed.

Fault Code Description Definiton

Three way catalytic converter
P0420 oxygen storage capacity aging -
(exceed the emission limits)

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions

Test Tactics Fault
Code (Control Strategy)

Three-way catalytic •Sensor circuit

converter •Sensor
P0420 exceeding
maximum limit •Camshaft signal wheel
value •ECM

3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1. Visually inspect catalytic converter

A.Inspect catalytic converter for following damage.

B.Catalytic converter with damages, dent or hollow
C.As catalytic converter is too hot lead to serious
D.Catalytic converter internal damages. Catalytic
converter leaking.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Replace catalytic converter.
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-162 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-162

2. Inspect the exhaust gas leak

A.Start the engine

B.Inspect if there is exhaust leakage between engine
and front oxygen sensor.
C.Inspect if there is exhaust leakage between engine
and rear oxygen sensor.
Is there any exhaust leakage?
Repair the leakage.
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 3.

3. Inspect engine mechanical problem

A. Inspect if exhaust is with black smoke and too much

blue smoke as the internal problems of the engine.
Is the exhaust gas with black smoke, too much blue
Repair engine mechanical.
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 4.

4.Inspect oxygen sensor aging (a new rear oxygen sensor and a aged front oxygen sensor be together may lead
to the set of symptom code)

A.Inspect repair record to see if the oxygen sensor has

been replaced.
If the rear oxygen sensor has been replaced while
the front oxygen sensor has not been replaced?
Replace front oxygen sensor as needed.
Replace catalytic converter.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-163 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-163

DTC P0444, P0458, P0459

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Carbon canister control valve Camshaft position sensor circuit includes the
control open circuit following circuits:

Carbon canister control valve •Operating voltage of carbon canister control valve
P0458 is controlled by the main relay controlled by the
control circuit voltage too low
ECM, and battery voltage is transmitted to terminal
1 of carbon canister control valve wiring harness
connector S03 through harness terminal 87 of
main relay IR01 of fuse box P01 of instrument
Carbon canister control valve
P0459 panel.
control circuit voltage too high
•Control circuit: ECM controls the grounding of S03
terminal 2 through terminal 37 of ECM wiring
harness connector S01.

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions

Test Tactics Fault
Code (Control Strategy)
P0444 Open circuit •Solenoid
Hardware Circuit
P0458 Short circuit to ground •Solenoid circuit
P0459 Short circuit to power •ECM

3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Perform parameter adjustment test on the carbon canister solenoid valve through the diagnosis tool

A.Connect fault diagnostic tool.

B.Disconnect the vacuum pipe from carbon canister
solenoid valve to carbon canister.
C.Start the engine,open the diagnosis tool.
D.Go to below menu: "engine" / "parameter
adjustment test" / "carbon canister scour rate".
E.Open the carbon canister solenoid valve through
addition or subtract of "carbon canister scour rate"
via the diagnosis tool, and cover the vacuum
connectorconnector with fingers.
Is there vacuum suction?
Refer to: Intermittent Fault Inspection
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-164 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-164

2. Inspect carbon canister solenoid valve resistance value

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the active carbon canister solenoid valve
wiring harness connector S03.
C.Measure the resistance between the two terminals
of the carbon canister solenoid valve.
Standard resistance value:20 ℃ (68 ºF)19 ~ 22 Ω
D.Connect the active carbon canister solenoid valve
wiring harness connector S03.
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace the carbon canister solenoid valve

3. Inspect the power circuit of carbon canister solenoid valve

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the carbon canister solenoid valve wiring
harness connector S03.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D. Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of active
carbon canister solenoid valve wiring harness
connector S03 and reliable grounding.
1 2
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage value normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the circuit fault between terminal 2 of S03
and harness terminal 87 of main relay IR01 of fuse
box P01 of instrument panel.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-165 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-165

4. Inspect the control circuit of carbon canister solenoid valve

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the carbon canister solenoid valve wiring
harness connector S03.
C. Disconnect the engine control module wiring
harness connector S01.
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of active
carbon canister solenoid valve wiring harness
1 2 connector S03 and terminal 37 of ECM wiring
harness connector S01.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of
carbon canister solenoid valve wiring harness
connector S03 and reliable grounding. Inspect for
S01 short circuit to ground.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
64 51 7
F.Measure the voltage between terminal 2 of carbon
50 37 5
canister solenoid valve wiring harness connector
36 23 3
S03 and reliable grounding.Inspect for short circuit
to power supply.
22 9 1
Standard voltage:0 V
Is it normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair or replace the circuit fault between terminal 2
of carbon canister solenoid valve S03 and terminal
37 of ECM wiring harness connector S01 of engine
control module.


1 2


1 2



SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-166 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-166

5.Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-167 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-167

DTC P0480, P0691, P0692

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Cooling fan hardware circuit The operating power of cooling fan replay coil is
driver stage inspection supplied by the main relay controlled by ECM.ECM
controls the relay through terminal 32 and 62 of
Cooling fan hardware circuit
P0691 ECM wiring harness connector S01. There is a drive
driver stage inspection
circuit within the ECM to control relay coil.Drive
circuit equips a feedback circuit for ECM.ECM
Cooling fan hardware circuit determines the control circuit for open circuit , short
driver stage inspection circuit to ground or voltage through monitoring the
feedback voltage.

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
P0480 Open circuit •Solenoid
Hardware Circuit
P0691 Short circuit to ground •Solenoid circuit
P0692 Short circuit to power •ECM

3. Diagnosis Procedure
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for electrical fan not run (3.1.4 Cooling System, Symptom
Diagnosis and Test).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-168 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-168

DTC P0506, P0507

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Idle speed control speed less Idle control valve is controlled by the engine control
than the target idle speed module (ECM). ECM can adjust flow area of bypass
duct of throttle body by controlling forward/backward
of stepper motor valve and movement quantity via
the digital square wave signal, thus controlling the
air quantity entering to the engine and realizing
control over engine idle speed. Engine control
module (ECM) conduct the calculation and control to
Idle speed control speed higher
P0507 engine target idling based on coolant temperature,
than the target idle speed
speed compensation, slow adjustment, A/C
compensation, voltage compensation.
Terminal 36, 35, 21, 22 of wiring harness connector
S01 of ECM is connected respectively to terminal 1,
2, 3, 4 of idle control valve E05.

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
• Idle control integration reaches the
minimum value
• The difference between static state
and actual speed is smaller than 100
Idle control valve U/min
P0506 blocked at the small
• Idle state
opening position
•Engine coolant temperature is higher
than 80.3 °C
•Air intake teperature is higher than
•Air Intake system
20.3 °C
•Throttle body
• Idle control integration reaches the
minimum value
• The difference between static state
and actual speed is smaller than -200
Idle control valve at U/min
P0507 larger opening
• Idle state
• Carbon canister is at non-high wash
• Vehicle speed sensor diagnosis
complete and with no fault

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-169 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-169
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Inspect DTC

A.Connect the diagnosis tool to fault diagnosis

B.Turn the ignition switch to position “ON”.
C.Select menu:"engine"/"DTC",read the fault diagnosis
Is there any DTC besides DTC P0506 and P0507 ?
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2.Inspect air intake system

A.Inspect air intake system for the following issues.

Throttle:Air filter is dirty,the impurity that be trapped in
the air intake pipe.
Leakage:Air intake connector,air filter housing and
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-170 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-170

3.Inspect throttle body state

A. Use a straight ruler to inspect if there is carbon

deposite ,other throttle, and throttle disc bent at
throttle body. If the throttle disc can not close
completely,it may bent and need to be replaced.
B.Remove the idle control valve, and inspect if the valve
body has carbon deposit, other foreign substances,
and if the stepper motor is jammed.In case of dirt and
jamming, clean the idle control valve, and if
necessary, replace it or replace the throttle body
C.While the vehicle is running, use your hand to knock
ETC moter gently ,and listen to the sound of idle
speed rising.
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair faulty part, and if necessary, replace the idle
control valve or throttle body assembly.

4. Inspect the idle control valve and throttle body

A.Replace the idle control valve or throttle body

B. Remove DTC.
Is it normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-171 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-171

5.Inspect engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn the

ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51 is
64 51 7
normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect to
50 37 5
see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-172 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-172

DTC P0508, P0509, P0511

1. Fault Code Description

Fault code Description Definiton

Stepper motor driver pin-to- ECM controls engine idle control valve through
ground short circuit adjusting the IAC valve core shaft. IAC valve has
two stepper motors driven by internal coil.Movement
Stepper motor driver pin-to-
P0509 of idle air control valve is electrically controlled by
power supply short circuit
four wires.The driver in the ECM controls polarity of
two windings in the idle air control valve through
these wires, and ECM can give instructions on the
motor in the IAC valve for stepping rotation in
clockwise or anticlockwise.IAC valve motor is
connected to core shaft of idle air control valve
through driven screwing rod.Electric pulse
transmitted to IAC valve coil from ECM allows
extension or shrink of the core shaft to the channel
of throttle body.With shrink of core shaft, the air can
Stepper motor driver pins exist
pass through the throttle valve, and thus it can
P0511 at the same time more than one
increase air flow and improve engine rotating
type of faults
speed.When pivot shaft extends, the air flow that is
passed through would be decreased, and thus
engine rotating speed is also reduced.If the engine
control module detects that the engine rotating
speed is not within defined range, it will set up the
fault diagnosis code.Terminal 21,22,35,36 of ECM
wiring harness connector S01 are connected to
terminal 3,4,2,1 of IAC valve wiring harness
connector E05.

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
Idle stepper motor
P0508 hardware circuit -

Idle stepper motor •Stepper motor circuit

P0509 hardware circuit - •Stepper motor
Idle stepper motor
P0511 hardware circuit -

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-173 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-173
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A.Inspect the stepper motor wiring harness connector

E05 for loose,poor contact.
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2.Inspect idle control valve

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect idle speed control valve wiring harness
connector E05.
C.Measure the resistance value of idle speed control
Standard resistance value:
Measure terminal A-D,B-C 40 ~ 50Ω
Measure terminal A-C,B-D 10 MΩ or even higher
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace idle stepper motor.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-174 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-174

3.Inspect terminal 1 of idle control valve wiring harness connector E05 and terminal 36 of ECM wiring harness
connector S01

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the idle control valve wiring harness
connector E05.
C. Disconnect the engine control module wiring
E05 harness connector S01.
D.Measure resistance value between terminal 1 of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05 and
1 2 3 4 terminal 36 of engine control unit wiring harness
connector S01.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05 and the
reliable grounding.Inspect for short circuit to ground.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more

64 51 7 F.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of idle

control valve wiring harness connector E05 and the
50 37 5
reliable grounding. Inspect for short circuit to power.
36 23 3 Standard voltage:0 V
22 9 1 Is it normal?
Go to step 4.
A3112102 Repair circuit fault between terminal 1 of idle control
valve wiring harness connector E05 and terminal 36
of engine control module ECM wiring harness
connector S01.


1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-175 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-175

4.Inspect terminal 2 of idle control valve wiring harness connector E05 and terminal 35 of ECM wiring harness
connector S01

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the idle control valve wiring harness
connector E05.
C. Disconnect the engine control module wiring
harness connector S01.
D.Measure resistance value between terminal 2 of idle
1 2 3 4 control valve wiring harness connector E05 and
terminal 35 of engine control unit wiring harness
connector S01.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05 and the
reliable grounding.Inspect for short circuit to ground.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more

64 51 7 F.Measure the voltage between terminal 2 of idle

control valve wiring harness connector E05 and the
50 37 5
reliable grounding. Inspect for short circuit to power.
36 23 3 Standard voltage:0 V
22 9 1 Is it normal?
Go to step 5.
A3112105 Repair circuit fault between terminal 2 of idle control
valve wiring harness connector E05 and terminal 35
of engine control module ECM wiring harness
connector S01.


1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-176 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-176

5.Inspect terminal 3 of idle control valve wiring harness connector E05 and terminal 21 of ECM wiring harness
connector S01

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the idle control valve wiring harness
connector E05.
C. Disconnect the engine control module wiring
E05 harness connector S01.
D.Measure resistance value between terminal 3 of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05 and
terminal 21 of engine control unit wiring harness
1 2 3 4
connector S01.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance between terminal 3 of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05 and the
reliable grounding.Inspect for short circuit to ground.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more

64 51 7 F.Measure the voltage between terminal 3 of idle

control valve wiring harness connector E05 and the
50 37 5
reliable grounding. Inspect for short circuit to power.
36 23 3 Standard voltage:0 V
22 9 1 Is it normal?
Go to step 6.
A3112108 Repair circuit fault between terminal 3 of idle control
valve wiring harness connector E05 and terminal 21
of engine control module ECM wiring harness
connector S01.


1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-177 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-177

6.Inspect terminal 4 of idle control valve wiring harness connector E05 and terminal 22 of ECM wiring harness
connector S01

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the idle control valve wiring harness
connector E05.
C. Disconnect the engine control module wiring
E05 harness connector S01.
D.Measure resistance value between terminal 4 of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05 and
1 2 3 4
terminal 22 of engine control unit wiring harness
connector S01.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance between terminal 4 of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05 and the
reliable grounding.Inspect for short circuit to ground.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more

64 51 7 F.Measure the voltage between terminal 4 of idle

control valve wiring harness connector E05 and the
50 37 5
reliable grounding. Inspect for short circuit to power.
36 23 3 Standard voltage:0 V
22 9 1 Is it normal?
Go to step 7.
A3112111 Repair circuit fault between terminal 4 of idle control
valve wiring harness connector E05 and terminal 22
of engine control module ECM wiring harness
connector S01.


1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-178 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-178

7.Inspect the circuit of the engine control module

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7 Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-179 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-179

DTC P0560, P0562, P0563

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

System battery voltage signal is ECM power supply circuit is consist of the following
unreasonable circuits:

System battery voltage is too A.Battery power supply provides ECM with power
P0562 through ECM fuse by terminal 16 of ECM
connector S01.
B. When the ignition swith is turned to position
"ON",the fuse IF08 supplies power to terminal 17
of engine control module connector S01.
•When ECM detects there is battery voltage at
System battery voltage is too terminal 17 of ECM wiring harness S01. ECM
high controls terminal 32 of S01 through internal
ground,controlling the main relay to engage.
•After main relay is pulled in, main relay IR01 of
battery power would supplies power to ECM
through terminal 8, 51 of S01.

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
P0560 •Battery voltage value less than 2.5 V

•Time after start is bigger than 180s

Lower limit value •Generator
P0562 •Battery voltage value is bigger than
exceeding •ECM power supply circuit
2.5 V,lower than 10.5 V
•Battery voltage value ADC higher than
Upper limit value 17.02
•Vehicle speed greater than 25 km/h

3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1. Inspect the ECM power fuse, ignition power fuse IF08

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-180 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-180

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Remove IF08 fuse from the fuse box P01 of
instrument panel.
C.Remove ECM power fuse from baseplate harness.
D.Use multimeter to measure the conductivity
between of the two fuse terminals.
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 2.
Replace the fuse and test if the system is normal.

2.Inspect ECM power supply voltage

A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".

Make sure the main relay is working
normally,otherwise replace it.
64 51 7 B.Measure the voltage between terminal 16,17,8 and
51 on ECM wiring harness connector S01 and
50 37 5
reliable grounding on the back.
36 23 3 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
22 9 1 Is the voltage value normal?
Go to step 4.
Go to step 3.

3. Inspect ECM power supply circuit

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-181 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-181

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Remove ECM power fuse.
C.Remove main relay IR01.
D.Measure resistance value between terminal 2 of
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07

ECM power fuse and terminal 16 of engine control

module wiring harness connector S01.
IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14

Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω

E.Measure resistance value between terminal 15 of
IF08 fuse of fuse box P01 of instrument panel and
IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18

terminal 17 of connector S01 of engine control

IR02 module ECM.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω

F.Measure resistance value from harness terminal 87

of main relay IR01 to terminal 8, 51 of engine
S01 control module connector S01.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
64 51 7
Is the circuit normal?
50 37 5
36 23 3 Go to step 4.
22 9 1 No
Repair relevant circuits.
Make sure the system is normal.

4. Inspect ECM grounding circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the ECM wiring harness connector S01 .
C.Measure the resistance value between terminal 5,
64 51 7 43 and 48 of ECM wiring harness connector S01
and reliable grounding.
50 37 5
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
36 3
Is the resistance normal?
22 9 1 Yes
Go to step 5.

Repair circuit faults between terminal 5 of engine
control module connector S01 to grounding point
GID05 or circuit faults between terminal 43, 48 of
engine control module connector S01 and
grounding point GID43.

5.Inspect charging system

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-182 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-182

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B. Inspect the battery voltage.
Standard voltage value:11 V ~ 14 V
C. Start the engine to normal temperature, shut down
all the equipments, change the engine rotating
speed from idle speed to 4,000 rpm.
D. Inspect the generator charging voltage.
Standard resistance value:11.5 V ~ 14.5 V
Is voltage normal?
Refer to: Intermittent Fault Inspection
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).
Repair battery or charging system fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-183 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-183

DTC P0602, P0605

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

P0602 Electrical control unit coding ECM internal program processing fault, ECM power
P0605 fault supply and grounding abnormal.

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
P0602 1. Control unit
EEPROM fault.
2.Diagnose the - -
P0605 diagnosis data

3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1. Inspect the DTC

A.Connect the diagnosis tool to fault diagnosis

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
C.Diagnosis of the engine system
Is there any DTC besides P0602 and P0605?
Repair the DTC besides P0602
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-184 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-184

2. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-185 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-185

DTC P0627, P0628, P0629

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Fuel pump relay control circuit Coil power of pump relay is supplied by main relay
open circuit controlled by ECM.ECM controls wiring harness
connector 86 of pump relay IR02 through terminal
Fuel pump relay control circuit
P0628 60 of ECM wiring harness connector S01 for
short circuit to ground
grounding, and the pump relay engages.There is a
drive circuit control relay coil equipped within the
ECM for grounding. Drive circuit provides a
Fuel pump relay control circuit
P0629 feedback circuit to ECM, ECM determines the
short circuit to power supply
control circuit open, short circuit to ground or to
voltage through monitoring the feedback voltage.

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions

Test Tactics Fault
Code (Control Strategy)
P0627 Open circuit •Relay
Hardware Circuit
P0628 Short circuit to ground •Relay circuit
P0629 Short circuit to power •ECM

3. Diagnosis procedure
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for fuel pump not working (3.1.7 Fuel System,Symptom
Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-186 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-186

DTC P0645, P0646, P0647

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

A/C compressor relay control circuit Electric fan high and low-speed relay coil
open operating power is supplied by the main relay
that under the control of ECM.ECM controls
A/C compressor relay control short
P0646 the internal grounding and the relay pickup
circuit to ground
through terminal 10 and 44 of ECM harness
connector S01.There is a drive circuit control
relay coil equipped within the ECM for
grounding. Drive circuit provides a feedback
A/C compressor relay control short
P0647 circuit to ECM, ECM determines the control
circuit to power
circuit open, short circuit to ground or to
voltage through monitoring the feedback

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
P0645 •Open circuit
Hardware Circuit •A/C relay
P0646 •Short circuit to ground
Inspection •ECM
P0647 •Short circuit to power

3. Diagnosis Procedure
Refer to: A/C compressor does not pull in diagnosis procedure (4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning, Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-187 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-187

DTC P0650
1. Fault Code Description

Fault code Description Definiton

Engine fault lamp is controlled by ECM, when ECM
detects engine fault, it will set up the fault code and
light up the fault lamp, and then ECM would make
P0650 MIL light drive circuit fault
"ON fault indicator lamp" at low electric potential
through special wire, and light up the fault indicator

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)

Open circuit •Instrument

Hardware Circuit
P0650 Short circuit to ground •Fault lamp circuit
Short circuit to power •ECM

3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1. Inspect instrument other indicator lamps state

A.Turn the ignition switch to position"ON".

B.Inspect the status of all the indicators
Is there any other warning light is abnormal on
besides MIL fault indicator?
Go to step 2.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-188 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-188

2.Inspect instrument power supply circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the instrument wiring harness connector
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the reliabe voltage of the terminal 11 of the
instrument wiring harness connector P03 to reliable
P03 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
1 16
Is the voltage normal?
Replace instrument Panel.
Make sure the system is normal.
Repair circuit faults between terminal 11 of
instrument wiring harness connector P03 and fuse

3. Implement fault indicator lamp drive test

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B. Turn the ignition switch to position"ON".
C.Choose "fault lamp" in the "actuator test" menu of
the diagnosis tool. The fault indicator lamp could be
on normally.
Is the fault indicator lamp drive test normal?
Go to step 7.
Go to step 4.

4. Inspect MIL bulb

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Remove combination instrument.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and
C.Replace the MIL bulb.
MIL fault lamp normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-189 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-189

5. Inspect the instrument

A.Replace the instrument with good conditions.

MIL fault lamp normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 6.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-190 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-190

6.Inspect driving circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the instrument wiring harness connector
C.Disconnect the engine control module connector
P04 D.Measure resistance value between terminal 10 of
1 13 instrument wiring harness connector P04 and
terminal 20 of engine control module connector
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance of terminal 10 of instrument
wiring harness connector P04 and reliable
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
64 51 7
F.Measure the voltage of terminal 10 of instrument
50 37 5
wiring harness connector P04 and reliable
36 23 3 grounding.
22 9 1
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 7.
A3112116 Repair circuit fault between terminal 10 of
instrument wiring harness connector P04 and
terminal 20 of engine control module connector

1 13


1 13


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-191 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-191

7.Inspect engine control module circuit

A. Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn

the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51
64 51 7
is normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37 5
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-192 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-192

DTC 2177, P2178, P2187, P2188

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Fuel correction at self-learning Engine control module (ECM) controls closed loop
P2177 lower part of mixture exceeding air-fuel ratio measuring system, it controls the
upper limit performance, fuel economy and emissions control to
achieve the best cooperation. In closed loop mode,
Fuel correction at self-learning
the engine control module monitors the voltage of
P2178 lower part of mixture exceeding
the heating oxygen sensor (HO2S) signal and
lower limit
regulates the fuel supply according to the signal
Fuel supply correction of self- voltage.
learning of mixture exceeding Changes in fuel supply will change the fuel
upper limit according to ignition adjustment value of long-term and short-term. The
addition method fuel short-term adjust value will respond to the
change of heating oxygen sensor signal voltage and
it will change rapidly. These changes will be fine-
tuning the engine fuel supply. Long-term fuel
regulating value is in response to the short-term
trends change. Long-term fuel supply adjusts
roughly, in order to back to the center fuel value of
Fuel supply correction of self- short-term, to recover the control to short-term
learning of mixture exceeding adjust of the fuel regulator.
lower limit according to ignition
Ideal value of the fuel adjustment is about 0%. If the
addition method
fuel adjustment value is positive, it says the engine
control module is increasing fuel to compensate the
condition of fuel mixture is too lean. Negative value
of the fuel adjustment shows the engine control
module is reducing the fuel to compensate the thick

2.Possible Causes

Setting Conditions(Control
Fault Code Test Tactics Fault
P2177 Hardware circuit inspect •MAP sensor
P2178 Hardware circuit inspect
•Oxygen sensor
P2187 Hardware circuit inspect
•Oxygen sensor
•Oxygen sensor
heating work
•ECT sensor work
P2188 Hardware circuit inspect
•Fuel pressure
•Engine mechanical

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-193 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-193
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect the oxygen sensor, air intake pressure and

temperature sensors, engine coolant temperature
sensor wiring harness connector for damage, poor
contact, aging, loose or other signs.
B.Inspect the tubes for the phenomena of damage,
loose, or leakage.
C.Inspect air intake system for leakage.
D.Inspect for pollutants that may damage the oxygen
sensor: polluting fuels, failed silicone, oil and coolant.
E.Engine PCV(positive crankcase ventilation)system.
F.Engine exhaust system - must with no reduce
expenditure or leakage
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair faulty part and test if the system is normal.

2. Eliminate Fault code

A. Connect diagnosis tool.

B. Start the engine, disgnose engine system.
C. Inspect DTC .
Is there any DTC other than DTC P2177, P2178,
P2187 and P2188?
Refer to: DTC Disgnose Procedure Index
( 3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-194 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-194

3. Inspect data flow

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Start engine, access to diagnosis tool engine system
data flow.
C. Inspect the fuel long-term, short-term modified value,
long-term correction factor, additional correction
factor data flow.
Is the long-term, short-term fuel correction value in
the normal range?
Go to step 4.
Refer to: Intermittent Fault Inspection
Process Index (3.1.12 Electrical Control
System - M7, Symptom Diagnosis and
4. Inspect upstream oxygen sensor data flow

A.Start the engine, keep the engine running till the

engine water temperature is higher than 80 ℃ .
B.Use diagnosis tool access to engine data flow,
observe the "upstream oxygen sensor voltage"
Standard voltage value:oxygen sensor is
fluctuating between 0.1 ~ 0.9 V.
C. Test complete, turn the ignition switch to position
Is the oxygen sensor fluctuating between 0.1-0.9 V ?
Go to step 6.
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-195 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-195

5.Inspect upstream oxygen sensor condition(carry out oxygen sensor signal test)

A.If the data flow shows voltage is consistently below

0.45 V (mixture too lean), inspect the following steps:
• Jet proper amount of propane into the
intake port.
• Observe if the upstream oxygen sensor
data flow voltage changes obviously, the
signal voltage will rise quickly.
B.If the data flow shows voltage is consistently above
0.45 V (mixture too dense), inspect the following
• Position the transmission at neutral gear.
• Pull the hand brake.
• Press the accelerator pedal untill the
engine rotating speed suddenly increased
to 4,000 rpm and then quickly release the
accelerator pedal.
• Repeat the previous step more than 3
• Observe if the upstream oxygen sensor
data flow voltage changes obviously, the
signal voltage will decrease quickly.
In the implementation of the above test, the oxygen
sensor signal voltage should change significant as
the test continues.
Does the oxygen sensor signal voltage change
Go to step 6.
Replace the upstream oxygen sensor.
Refer to: Front Oxygen Sensor (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-196 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-196

6. Inspect upstream oxygen sensor signal circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to “LOCK”.

B. Disconnect the upstream oxygen sensor wiring
harness connector S06.
C.Disconnect ECM wiring harness connector S01.
D.Measure the resistance valve between 1 of upstream
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06 and
1 2 3 4
terminal 45 of ECM wiring harness connector S01.
Inspect for open circuit.
Stamdand Resistance:Less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance valve between the 1 terminal
of upstream oxygen sensor wiring harness connector
S06 and reliable ground. Inspect for to ground short
Stamdand Resistance:10 MΩ or more than

64 51 7 F.Measure the resistance valve between the 1 terminal

of upstream oxygen sensor wiring harness connector
50 37 5
S06 and reliable ground. Inspect for topower supply
36 23 3
short circuit.
Standard Voltage: 0 V
22 9 1
Is the insperction normal?
Go to step 7.
A3112077 No
Repain the circuit between the 1 terminal of upminal
of upstream oxygen sensor wiring harness connector
S06 and the 45 terminal of ECM wiring harness
connector S01.


1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-197 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-197

7. Inspect oxygen sensor grounding circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the upstream oxygen sensor wiring
harness connector S06.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of
S06 upstream oxygen sensor wiring harness connector
S06 and the reliable grounding.
1 2 3 4 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 8.
Repair the circuit between the terminal 2 of upstream
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06 and
terminal 39 of ECM wiring harness connector S01,
and verify if the system is normal.

8. Inspect air intake pressure sensor MAP

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Connect a vacuum gauge to the air intake manifold
vacuum source.
C.Start the engine and let the engine run at idle state.
D. Use diagnosis tool to read the "actual intake manifold
pressure" data flow.
Is the indication on the diagnosis tool of the vacuum
meter in the 1in (25 mm) range?
Go to step 9.
Replace the intake pressure temperature sensor,
clean throttle and intake manifold, and test if the
system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-198 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-198

9.Inspect engine coolant temperature sensor

CAUTION: To make the test valid, the

thermostat should work normally.

CAUTION: It is preferred to carry out this

test, when the engine under cold state
(completely cold0).
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", engine
doesn’t run.
B.Use diagnosis tool to read the engine water
temperature (ECT) sensor. If the engine is allowed to
be set all night (completely cold ), the temperature
should close to the ambient temperature that can be
C.Start the engine
During the engine warm-up, monitor the ECT sensor
value.Changes in temperature should be a smooth
transition from start to normal operating temperature
82°C(180°F), this value should at lest reaches
Is the coolant temperature sensor temperature
inspect normal?
Go to step 10.
Replace the coolant temperature sensor.

10. Inspect the fuel pressure

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Measure the fuel pressure
Refer to: Fuel Pressure Measurement (3.1.7
Fuel System,General inspection).
Is the fuel pressure normal?
Go to step 11.
Inspect fuel system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-199 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-199

11. Inspect fuel injector control circuit

A.Disconnect the injector harness connector on the

cylinder that may in trouble.
B.Connect the test electrography that with LED to the
fuel injector terminal according to specification.
CAUTION: LED must connect in series with
1 ~ 2 kΩ resistance, otherwise it will
damage LED or ECM
C.Inspect the flashing conditions of LED during start.
Observe if the LED is normally flashing?
Go to step 12.
Inspect fuel injector wiring harness. Replace or repair
it if necessary.

12.Inspect the fuel injector

A.Remove the injector.

B.Replace fuel injector in good condition.
C.Remove DTC
D.Start engine.
E.Diagnosis of the engine system.
Are there any DTC P2177, P2178, P2187 and P2188
fault code?
Replace the fuel injector.
Go to step 13.

13. Inspect compression pressure

A. Inspect engine compression pressure

Refer to: Compression Pressure
Inspection (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
General inspection).
Is the compression pressure normal?
Go to step 14.
Inspect the reason for low engine compression
pressure, repair the fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-200 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-200

14. Inspect the ignition timing

A.Inspect the ignition timing.

Refer to: Timing Inspection (3.1.2
Mechanical System, General inspection).
Is the ignition timing normal?
Go to step 15.
Repair ignition timing fault and test if the system is

15.Inspect the circuit of the engine control module

A.Connect ECM wiring harness connector, and turn the

ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if power supply of terminal 8, 16, 17 and 51 is
64 51 7
normal with the multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect to
50 37 5
see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-200 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-200

Removal and Installation

Engine Control Module
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

2. Disconnect the engine control module wiring

harness connector.


3. Remove 4 retaining bolts of engine control




1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-201 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-201

Crankshaft Position Sensor

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).
2. Disconnect the crankshaft position sensor
wiring harness connector 1. 1
3. Remove the crankshaft position sensor
retaining bolt 2.


4. Take out the crankshaft position sensor.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-202 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-202

Camshaft Position Sensor

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

2. Disconnect the camshaft position sensor

wiring harness connector.


3. Disassemble the camshaft position sensor

retaining bolt.
Torque:10 Nm
4. Take out the camshaft position sensor


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-203 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-203

Throttle Position Sensor

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Inspect the battery (3.1.10
Charging System, General

2. Disconnect the throttle position sensor wiring

harness connector.


3. Remove the throttle position sensor retaining



1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-204 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-204

Idle Control Valve

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Inspect the battery (3.1.10
Charging System, General
2. Disconnect the idle control valve wiring
harness connector.


3. Remove the idle control valve retaining




1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-205 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-205

Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

2. Disconnect the engine coolant temperature

sensor wiring harness connector.


3. Remove the engine coolant temperature



1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-206 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-206

Air Intake Pressure Temperature Sensor

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Inspect the battery (3.1.10
Charging System, General

2. Disconnect the intake air pressure

temperature sensor wiring harness


3. Remove retaining bolt 1 of intake pressure

temperature sensor, and take out intake
pressure temperature sensor 2.
Torque:10 Nm 1


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-207 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-207

Fuel Injector
1. Release the fuel pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the battery (3.1.10
Charging System, General
2. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Inspect the battery (3.1.10
Charging System, General
3. Remove ventilation pipe of Cylinder head
4. Remove the PCV valve
Refer to: PCV valve (3.1.11 Emission
Control System, Removal and
5. Disconnect the coolant temperature sensor
wiring harness connector.
6. Disconnect the fuel inlet pipe.


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-208 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-208

7. Disconnect the injector wiring harness

connectors in sequence.
8. Detach the engine wiring harness from the
wiring harness holder.


9. Remove the fuel pipe retaining bolt.

Torque:23 Nm


10. Remove the injector from the fuel pipe.

1 Remove the injector retaining clip.
2 Pull out the injector.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-209 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-209

Front Oxygen Sensor

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).
2. Disconnect the front oxygen sensor wiring
harness connector.
3. Detach the front oxygen sensor wiring
harness from the wiring harness retaining


SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-210 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-210

4. Remove the front oxygen sensor with a

proper tool.

Torque:45 Nm
Special tool: oxygen sensor sleeve CA301 -


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.1.12-211 Electrical Control System - M7 3.1.12-211

Rear Oxygen Sensor

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General inspection).

2. Lift the vehicle.

Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting,Description and Operation).

3. Disconnect the rear oxygen sensor wiring

harness connector.
4. Detach the oxygen sensor wiring harness
from the wiring harness retaining clip.


5. Use special tool to remove the rear Oxygen


Torque:45 Nm
Special tool: oxygen sensor sleeve CA301 -


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.0L(465Q)

3.2 Engine-1.0 L(465Q)

2011 SC1022
Table of Contents Pages

3.2.1 Engine System1.0 L(465Q) - Overview

Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 3.2.1-1
Component Specifications ........................................................................................................ 3.2.1-1
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.2.1-5
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 3.2.1-6
Components Exploded View..................................................................................................... 3.2.1-6

SC1022 2011.08
3.2.1 Engine System1.0 L(465Q) -
3.2.1-1 Engine System1.0 L(465Q) - General Information 3.2.1-1

Component Specifications
Item Standard
Rocker shaft radial runout 0.05 mm
Rocker shaft diameter 14.965 ~ 14.980 mm
Rocker internal diameter 14.985 ~ 14.995 mm
Rocker shaft journal clearance 0.02 ~ 0.062 mm
Intake cam lift 36.072 ~ 36.232 mm
Exhaust cam lift 36.072 ~ 36.232 mm
Radial runout 0.03 mm

44.234 ~ 44.250 mm
44.034 ~ 44.050 mm
Camshaft a ~ e journal diameter 43.834 ~ 43.850 mm
43.634 ~ 43.650 mm
Camshaft 43.430 ~ 43.450 mm
44.300 ~ 44.325 mm
44.100 ~ 44.125 mm
Camshaft journal hole diameter 43.900 ~ 43.925 mm
43.700 ~ 43.725 mm
43.500 ~ 43.025 mm
Camshaft journal clearance 0.05 ~ 0.091 mm
Top: 0.05 mm, bottom: 0.03 mm
Cylinder head surface flatness
Intake: 0.05 mm, exhaust: 0.05 mm
The minimum overall height after machine
Cylinder head 136.3 ~ 136.7 mm
Overall height 136.3 ~ 136.7 mm
Manifold matching surface deformation 0.05 mm
Valve spring free length 48.9 mm
231.2 ~ 270.480 N
Valve spring Valve spring preload
501.176 ~ 576.24 N
Valve spring verticality 1.28 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.2.1-2 Engine System1.0 L(465Q) - General Information 3.2.1-2

Intake valve diameter 23.850 ~ 24.150 mm

Exhaust valve diameter 21.050 ~ 21.350 mm
Intake valve 4.952 ~ 4.966 mm
Valve stem diameter
Exhaust valve 4.926 ~ 4.940 mm
Clearance between the Intake valve 0.02 ~ 0.05 mm
valve stem and the
pipe Exhaust valve 0.03 ~ 0.06 mm
Intake valve 2.55 ~ 3.05 mm
Valve head thickness
Exhaust valve 2.55 ~ 3.05 mm

Valve imprint standard Intake valve HL font 3

width Exhaust valve HL font 3
Intake valve 0.13 ~ 0.18 mm
Valve clearance
Exhaust valve 0.13 ~ 0.18 mm
Intake valve
Intake valve
Valve timing
Exhaust valve
Exhaust valve

Valve guide pipe inner Intake valve 7.000 ~ 7.015 mm

diameter Exhaust valve 7.000 ~ 7.015 mm
Valve guide pipe
Valve guide pipe out of the cylinder cover 14 mm
Valve guide pipe overall length 48 mm
Piston standard diameter(mm) 65.965 ~ 65.985 mm
Enlarged size by 0.25 mm 66.215 ~ 66.235 mm
Enlarged size by 0.50 mm 66.465 ~ 66.485 mm
To the cylinder sleeve clearance 0.015 ~ 0.055 mm
1 gas ring back clearance: 0.995 ~
The first ring 1.395 mm ;
Piston ring groove 1 gas side: 0.03 ~ 0.07 mm
Piston ring groove
clearance 2 gas ring back clearance: 1.095 ~
The second 1.495 mm;
2 gas side: 0.02 ~ 0.06 mm
The first ring 0.15 ~ 0.3 mm
The second
Piston ring End play 0.15 ~ 0.35 mm
Oil ring 0.25 ~ 0.7 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.2.1-3 Engine System1.0 L(465Q) - General Information 3.2.1-3

Piston pin diameter 15.995 ~ 16.000 mm

The clearance between the piston pin and
0.006 ~ 0.019 mm
piston pin hole
Piston pin hole diameter 16.006 ~ 16.014 mm
Piston pin GB6928 - 86 Technical Specification
Bending limit for Gudgeon Pins of Internal
Combustion Engines applicable.
GB6928-86 Technical Specification for
Twisting limit Gudgeon Pins of Internal Combustion
Engines applicable.
Connecting rod bearing journal diameter 37.982 ~ 38.000 mm
Connecting rod bearing journal
diameter(repair it by reducing the size by 37.732 ~ 37.750 mm
0.25 mm)
Max connecting rod bearing journal Out-
0.005 mm
Connecting rod bearing clearance(oil film
0.02 ~ 0.04 mm
Connecting rod
0.1 ~ 0.202 mm
bearing axail clearance
Main journal radial runout limit 0.06 mm
Crankshaft Main bearing axial clearance 0.16 ~ 0.36 mm
Crankshaft thrust plate standard thickness 2.47 ~ 2.52 mm
The thickness of The crankshaft thrust
2.595 ~ 2.645 mm
plate enlarged size by 0.125 mm.
Conical degree and ovality of the main
0.005 mm
The clearance between main bearing and 0.02 ~ 0.04 mm(fit clearance between
main shaft journal cylinder body and crankshaft)
1 49.994 ~ 50.000 mm
Main journal diameter 2 49.988 ~ 49.9939 mm
3 49.982 ~ 49.9879 mm
1 2.000 ~ 2.002 mm
2 1.995 ~ 1.999 mm
Main bearing thickness 3 1.992 ~ 1.996 mm
4 1.989 ~ 1.993 mm
5 1.986 ~ 1.990 mm
A 54 ~ 54.006 mm
Main bearing cap pore
B 54.012 ~ 54.0061 mm
diameter(without bearing)
C 54.018 ~ 54.0121 mm
Flywheel face runout limit 0.15 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.2.1-4 Engine System1.0 L(465Q) - General Information 3.2.1-4

Conical degree and the out of roundness

0.008 mm

Cylinder block Flatness 0.03 mm

Diameter 66.00 ~ 66.02 mm
Cylinder diameter limit 66.02 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.2.1-5 Engine System1.0 L(465Q) - General Information 3.2.1-5

General Specifications
Item Specifications
Vertical,in-line,4-cylinder,water-cooling,four-stroke,single over head
Engine model
Fuel supply Multi-point electrical control fuel injection in sequence
Timing drive mode Timing belt
Cylinder diameter 65.5 mm
Piston stroke 74 mm
Displacement 1.012 L
Compression ratio 8.8:1
Max. power 39 KW / 5500 r / min
Max. torque 78 N.m / 3500 r / min ~ 4500 r / min
Min. fuel consumption 288 g / kW.h
Idling speed 850 r / min
Cylinder compressing pressure 1100 Kpa
Ignition sequence 1-3-4-2
Spark plug type F6RTC / F6RTCU

SC1022 2011.08
3.2.1-6 Engine System1.0 L(465Q) - General Information 3.2.1-6

Description and Operation

465Q engine and 466Q engine only differs in Emission Control System; EURO III emission standard is
applicable for 465Q while EURO IV applicable for 466Q. 465Q engine doesn't have phase sensor and
oxygen sensor compared with 466Q engine; others are the same.
Maintenance information not mentioned in this section,
Refer to: 3.1 Engine - 1.0 L(466Q)

Components Exploded View

Cylinder Head

3 4
5 8


2 11




21 15

20 17



SC1022 2011.08
3.2.1-7 Engine System1.0 L(465Q) - General Information 3.2.1-7

Item Description Item Description

1 Vent pipe 12 Retaining bolt of cylinder head
Retaining bolt washer of cylinder
2 Filler cap 13
Retaining bolt of Camshaft Position
3 PCV connecting pipe 14
Sensor seat
4 Yoke 15 Camshaft Position Sensor seat
Camshaft Position Sensor seat
5 PCV valve 16
6 Seal ring 17 Spark plug
7 Cylinder head cover retaining bolt 18 Alignment pin of cylinder head
Cylinder head cover retaining bolt
8 19 Cylinder gasket assembly
9 Cylinder bracket 20 Cylinder head
10 Cylinder head cover 21 Valve guide pipe
11 Cylinder head cover gasket 22 Bowl plug

SC1022 2011.08
3.2.1-8 Engine System1.0 L(465Q) - General Information 3.2.1-8
Exhaust Manifold



Item Description Item Description

1 Grounding wire 3 Exhaust manifold
2 Exhaust manifold 4 Exhaust manifold gasket

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.3 L(474Q7)

3.3 Engine - 1.3 L(474Q7)

2011 SC1022
Table of Contents Pages

3.3.1 Engine System - Overview

OverView .................................................................................................................................. 3.3.1-1

3.3.2 Mechanical System

Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 3.3.2-1
Material Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.3.2-1
Component Specifications ........................................................................................................ 3.3.2-1
Torque specifications ................................................................................................................ 3.3.2-4
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.3.2-4
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 3.3.2-6
General Inspection......................................................................................................................... 3.3.2-15
Inspect the Cylinder Compressing Pressure. ......................................................................... 3.3.2-15
Inspect the Accessory Drive Belt............................................................................................ 3.3.2-16
Valve Clearance Inspection .................................................................................................... 3.3.2-17
Timing Inspection.................................................................................................................... 3.3.2-18
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing.................................................................................................... 3.3.2-19
Inspection and Verification...................................................................................................... 3.3.2-19
Symptom Chart....................................................................................................................... 3.3.2-20
Abnormal Noise in the Lower Part of the Engine.................................................................... 3.3.2-27
Diagnosis for Drive Belt Noise................................................................................................ 3.3.2-29
Engine Backfire ...................................................................................................................... 3.3.2-31
Engine Knock ......................................................................................................................... 3.3.2-34
Abnormal Exhaust(Blue Smoke) ............................................................................................ 3.3.2-36
Abnormal Exhaust(Black Smoke)........................................................................................... 3.3.2-38
Noise Symptoms of Connecting Rod and Connecting Rod Bearing ...................................... 3.3.2-40
Piston and Piston Pin Noise ................................................................................................... 3.3.2-43
Valve Train Noise.................................................................................................................... 3.3.2-46
The Engine can not be Started-The Crankshaft can not be Turned ....................................... 3.3.2-51
Disassembly and Assembly ........................................................................................................... 3.3.2-53
Rocker\Rocker Shaft and Camshaft ....................................................................................... 3.3.2-53
Valve and Cylinder Head ........................................................................................................ 3.3.2-65
Disassembling ........................................................................................................................ 3.3.2-66
Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting Rod and Cylinder ................................................................ 3.3.2-79
Main Bearing, Crankshaft and Cylinder Block ........................................................................ 3.3.2-91

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.3L(474Q7)
Removal and Installation ..............................................................................................................3.3.2-105
Cylinder Head Cover ............................................................................................................3.3.2-105
Accessory drive belt..............................................................................................................3.3.2-107
Timing Gear ..........................................................................................................................3.3.2-109
Engine Assembly .................................................................................................................. 3.3.2-114

3.3.3 Lubrication System

Specifications ...................................................................................................................................3.3.3-1
Material Specifications ..............................................................................................................3.3.3-1
Component Specifications ........................................................................................................3.3.3-1
General Specifications ..............................................................................................................3.3.3-1
Torque Specifications ................................................................................................................3.3.3-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................3.3.3-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................3.3.3-2
Location View............................................................................................................................3.3.3-3
Components Exploded View.....................................................................................................3.3.3-5
General Inspection ...........................................................................................................................3.3.3-6
Inspect the Engine Oil Pressure. ..............................................................................................3.3.3-6
Inspect the Engine Oil Level. ....................................................................................................3.3.3-6
Replace the Engine Oil Filter. ...................................................................................................3.3.3-7
Replace Engine oil. ...................................................................................................................3.3.3-7
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ......................................................................................................3.3.3-9
Inspection and Verification ........................................................................................................3.3.3-9
Symptom Chart .......................................................................................................................3.3.3-10
Diagnostic Procedures for Continuous on of the Oil Pressure Warning Lamp ....................... 3.3.3-11
Diagnostic Procedures for the Switch-off of the Engine Oil Pressure Warning Lamp.............3.3.3-13
Diagnostic Procedures for the Abnormal Consumption of the Engine Oil ..............................3.3.3-15
Removal and Installation ................................................................................................................3.3.3-16
Oil Pan and Oil Pump Filter ....................................................................................................3.3.3-16
Oil Pump .................................................................................................................................3.3.3-21

3.3.4 Cooling System

Specifications ...................................................................................................................................3.3.4-1
Component Specifications ........................................................................................................3.3.4-1
General Specifications ..............................................................................................................3.3.4-1
Torque specifications ................................................................................................................3.3.4-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................3.3.4-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................3.3.4-2

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.3 L(474Q7)
Coolant ..................................................................................................................................... 3.3.4-3
Component position chart......................................................................................................... 3.3.4-5
Components exploded view ..................................................................................................... 3.3.4-6
General Inspection........................................................................................................................... 3.3.4-7
Coolant Draining and Filling ..................................................................................................... 3.3.4-7
Inspect the coolant level. .......................................................................................................... 3.3.4-7
Inspect the coolant leak(s)........................................................................................................ 3.3.4-8
Inspect the drive belt tension.................................................................................................... 3.3.4-8
Thermostat Testing ................................................................................................................... 3.3.4-9
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing.................................................................................................... 3.3.4-10
Inspection and Verification...................................................................................................... 3.3.4-10
Symptom Chart....................................................................................................................... 3.3.4-11
Diagnosis chart for radiator fan fault....................................................................................... 3.3.4-14
Diagnosis chart for radiator fan constant on........................................................................... 3.3.4-18
Removal and Installation................................................................................................................ 3.3.4-21
Water Pipe .............................................................................................................................. 3.3.4-21
Water Pump............................................................................................................................ 3.3.4-21
Thermostat ............................................................................................................................. 3.3.4-23
Radiator Fan........................................................................................................................... 3.3.4-25
Water Valve with Accessory Assembly................................................................................... 3.3.4-25
Radiator .................................................................................................................................. 3.3.4-25

3.3.5 Air Intake System

Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 3.3.5-1
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.3.5-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 3.3.5-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 3.3.5-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 3.3.5-2
Components Description .......................................................................................................... 3.3.5-2
Components Exploded View..................................................................................................... 3.3.5-3
Removal and Installation.................................................................................................................. 3.3.5-4
Air Filter Element ...................................................................................................................... 3.3.5-4
Throttle Body ............................................................................................................................ 3.3.5-4
Air Intake Manifold.................................................................................................................... 3.3.5-6

3.3.6 Exhaust System

Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 3.3.6-1
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.3.6-1

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.3L(474Q7)
Torque Specifications ................................................................................................................3.3.6-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................3.3.6-2
Location View............................................................................................................................3.3.6-2
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................3.3.6-3
Exhaust Manifold ......................................................................................................................3.3.6-3
Three-Way Catalytic Converter.................................................................................................3.3.6-5

3.3.7 Fuel System

Specifications ...................................................................................................................................3.3.7-1
Component Specifications ........................................................................................................3.3.7-1
General Specifications ..............................................................................................................3.3.7-1
Torque specifications ................................................................................................................3.3.7-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................3.3.7-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................3.3.7-2
Components Description...........................................................................................................3.3.7-2
Location View............................................................................................................................3.3.7-3
General Inspection ...........................................................................................................................3.3.7-4
Fuel System Pressure Test .......................................................................................................3.3.7-4
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ......................................................................................................3.3.7-5
Inspection and Verification ........................................................................................................3.3.7-5
Symptom Chart .........................................................................................................................3.3.7-6
Diagnose Procedure for Fuel Pump Fault ................................................................................3.3.7-8
Diagnose Procedure for Fuel Heavey Smell...........................................................................3.3.7-12
Disassembly and Assembly ...........................................................................................................3.3.7-14
Removal and Installation ................................................................................................................3.3.7-15

3.3.8 Ignition System

Specifications ...................................................................................................................................3.3.8-1
Component Specifications ........................................................................................................3.3.8-1
General Specifications ..............................................................................................................3.3.8-1
Torque specifications ................................................................................................................3.3.8-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................3.3.8-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................3.3.8-2
Components exploded view......................................................................................................3.3.8-3
General Inspection ...........................................................................................................................3.3.8-4
Ignition Spark Test ....................................................................................................................3.3.8-4
Ignition coil test .........................................................................................................................3.3.8-5
High voltage damping wire test.................................................................................................3.3.8-5

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.3 L(474Q7)
Spark Plug Test......................................................................................................................... 3.3.8-6
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 3.3.8-7
Inspection and Verification........................................................................................................ 3.3.8-7
Symptom Chart......................................................................................................................... 3.3.8-8
Diagnosis Procedure for Spark Plug is not Flash over ............................................................. 3.3.8-9
Diagnosis Procedure for Insufficient Engine Power ............................................................... 3.3.8-13
Removal and Installation................................................................................................................ 3.3.8-15
Ignition Coil............................................................................................................................. 3.3.8-15
High-Voltage Damping Wire ................................................................................................... 3.3.8-16
Ignition Switch ........................................................................................................................ 3.3.8-17

3.3.9 Start System

Removal and Installation.................................................................................................................. 3.3.9-2
Starter motor............................................................................................................................. 3.3.9-2

3.3.10 Charging System

Specifications ................................................................................................................................. 3.3.10-1
Component Specifications ...................................................................................................... 3.3.10-1
Torque Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.3.10-2
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................. 3.3.10-3
System Overview.................................................................................................................... 3.3.10-3
Components Description ........................................................................................................ 3.3.10-4
Location View ......................................................................................................................... 3.3.10-5
General Inspection......................................................................................................................... 3.3.10-7
Battery inspection ................................................................................................................... 3.3.10-7
Battery Charging..................................................................................................................... 3.3.10-7
Battery Parasitic Current Test................................................................................................. 3.3.10-8
Generator Test........................................................................................................................ 3.3.10-9
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing.................................................................................................. 3.3.10-10
Inspection and Verification.................................................................................................... 3.3.10-10
Symptom Chart..................................................................................................................... 3.3.10-11
Diagnosis Procedure for Battery undercharge ..................................................................... 3.3.10-12
Diagnosis Procedure for Battery overcharged...................................................................... 3.3.10-14
Diagnosis Procedure for Charging Indicator Always on ....................................................... 3.3.10-15
Diagnosis Procedure for Charge Indicator not on ................................................................ 3.3.10-17
Diagnosis Procedure for Generator Noise............................................................................ 3.3.10-18
Disassembly and Assembly ......................................................................................................... 3.3.10-19
Removal and Installation.............................................................................................................. 3.3.10-20

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.3L(474Q7)

3.3.11 Emission Control System

Description and Operation.............................................................................................................. 3.3.11-1
System Overview .................................................................................................................... 3.3.11-1
Components Description......................................................................................................... 3.3.11-2
Component Position Chart...................................................................................................... 3.3.11-4
General Inspection ......................................................................................................................... 3.3.11-6
Inspecion of the PCV Valve .................................................................................................... 3.3.11-6
Carbon Canister Emissions Valve Inspect .............................................................................. 3.3.11-6
Carbon Canister Inspect ......................................................................................................... 3.3.11-7
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing .................................................................................................... 3.3.11-8
Inspection and Verification ...................................................................................................... 3.3.11-8
Symptom Chart ....................................................................................................................... 3.3.11-9
Diagnosis Procedure for Carbon Canister Purge Solenoid not Working .............................. 3.3.11-10
Removal and Installation .............................................................................................................. 3.3.11-11
PCV Valve............................................................................................................................. 3.3.11-11
EVAP Solenoid Valve............................................................................................................ 3.3.11-12
Active Carbon Canister ......................................................................................................... 3.3.11-13

3.3.12 Electronic Control System - M7

Specifications .................................................................................................................................3.3.12-1
Torque Specifications ..............................................................................................................3.3.12-1
Description and Operation..............................................................................................................3.3.12-2
System Overview ....................................................................................................................3.3.12-2
Components Description.........................................................................................................3.3.12-8
Location View........................................................................................................................ 3.3.12-11
Data Flow Read Procedure...................................................................................................3.3.12-12
General Inspection .......................................................................................................................3.3.12-12
DTC's Reading Program.......................................................................................................3.3.12-12
Implement the Components Testing Procedure....................................................................3.3.12-12
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ..................................................................................................3.3.12-13
Inspection and Verification ....................................................................................................3.3.12-13
Intermittent Malfunction Diagnosis Procedure ......................................................................3.3.12-14
Symptom Chart .....................................................................................................................3.3.12-17
Diagnosis Procedure for the Engine can not Start at Normal Start Speed............................3.3.12-21
Diagnosis Procedure for Cold Start Problems ......................................................................3.3.12-24
Diagnosis Procedure of Difficult Warm Start .........................................................................3.3.12-27

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.3 L(474Q7)
Diagnosis Procedure for Start Normal,But Unstable Idling at All Time ................................. 3.3.12-29
Unstable Idle Speed Or Flameout With Partial Load Diagnosis ........................................... 3.3.12-32
Diagnosis Procedure for Start Normal, Idling is too High ..................................................... 3.3.12-34
Acceleration Fault Fiagnosis Procedure............................................................................... 3.3.12-37
Engine Unstable Running Diagnosis Procedure .................................................................. 3.3.12-41
Diagnosis Procedure for Easy Flameout at Start.................................................................. 3.3.12-44
Emergency Occurs during Vehicle Running Diagnosis Procedure....................................... 3.3.12-50
Flameout During Coasting Diagnosis Procedure ................................................................. 3.3.12-54
Control Module Terminal List ................................................................................................ 3.3.12-58
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) type.................................................................................... 3.3.12-61
DTC Code List ...................................................................................................................... 3.3.12-62
Failure-Protection List........................................................................................................... 3.3.12-66
Data Flow list ........................................................................................................................ 3.3.12-71
Active Test List...................................................................................................................... 3.3.12-72
DTC Diagnosis Flow Index ................................................................................................... 3.3.12-74
DTC P0016........................................................................................................................... 3.3.12-78
DTC P0030, P0031, P0032, P0053...................................................................................... 3.3.12-83
DTC P0036, P0037, P0038, P0054...................................................................................... 3.3.12-88
DTC P0105, P0106, P0107, P0108...................................................................................... 3.3.12-93
DTC P0112, P0113 ............................................................................................................. 3.3.12-101
DTC P0116 ......................................................................................................................... 3.3.12-104
DTC P0117, P0118 ............................................................................................................. 3.3.12-106
DTC P0122, P0123 ............................................................................................................ 3.3.12-109
DTC P0130, P0131, P0132, P0133, P0134, P2195, P2196 .............................................. 3.3.12-113
DTC P0136, P0138, P0140, P2270, P2271 ....................................................................... 3.3.12-120
DTC P2177,P2178,P2187,P2188....................................................................................... 3.3.12-126
DTC P0201, P0261, P0262 ................................................................................................ 3.3.12-135
DTC P0300,P0301,P0302,P0303,P0304 ........................................................................... 3.3.12-140
DTC P0321, P0322 ............................................................................................................ 3.3.12-145
DTC P0324, P0327, P0328 ................................................................................................ 3.3.12-151
DTC P0340, P0341, P0342, P0343.................................................................................... 3.3.12-157
DTC P0420......................................................................................................................... 3.3.12-161
DTC P0444, P0458, P0459 ................................................................................................ 3.3.12-164
DTC P0480,P0691,P0692 .................................................................................................. 3.3.12-168
DTC P0506,P0507 ............................................................................................................. 3.3.12-169
DTC P0508, P0509, P05119 .............................................................................................. 3.3.12-172
DTC P0560, P0562, P0563 ................................................................................................ 3.3.12-179
DTC P0602, P0605 ............................................................................................................ 3.3.12-182

SC1022 2011.08
Engine - 1.3L(474Q7)
DTC P0627, P0628, P0629 ................................................................................................3.3.12-184
DTC P0645, P0646, P0647 ................................................................................................3.3.12-185
DTC P0650 .........................................................................................................................3.3.12-186
Removal and Installation ............................................................................................................3.3.12-189
Engine Control Module (ECM) ............................................................................................3.3.12-189
Crankshaft Position Sensor ................................................................................................3.3.12-189
Indle Speed Stepper Motor .................................................................................................3.3.12-190
Camshaft Position Sensor ..................................................................................................3.3.12-191
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor..................................................................................3.3.12-192
Air Intake Pressure Temperature Sensor............................................................................3.3.12-193
Fuel Injector ........................................................................................................................3.3.12-193
Throttle Position Sensor .....................................................................................................3.3.12-190
Front Oxygen Sensor..........................................................................................................3.3.12-196
Rear Oxygen Ensor ............................................................................................................3.3.12-197
Knock Sensor .....................................................................................................................3.3.12-197

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.1 Engine System -
3.3.1-1 Engine System 3.3.1-1

OverView 8. Engine exhaust reduction method includes

fuel evaporation emission control system
This is a four-stroke, water-cooling, 1.3L gasoline (EVAP), positive crankshaft ventilation
engine The cylinder block is made of casting system (PCV), three-way catalytic converter,
aluminium alloy with a in-line four-cylinder which can improve exhaust emission
arrangement. The crankshaft is made of cast iron effectively.
with five main bearing blocks. Cylinder head is
made of casting aluminium alloy. The camshaft is 9. The engine adopts a BOSCH electronic
installed on the cylinder head bearing block which control system which consists of engine
is located in the cylinder head, with design of control module(ECM), ECM working circuit,
Single Over-Head Camshaft(SOHC), which is system input and output components. The
fixed by the camshaft cover. Four valves are engine control module also carries out
available for each cylinder(two intake vavles and system diagnosis function which reminds the
two exhaust valves) driver through Malfunction Indicating
Lamp(MIL) while storing the Diagnostic
The engine has features as follows: Trouble Code(DTC) for the failed location in
1. The engine oil pump is of rotor pump fixed on order to offer facility for the serviceman to
the side of crankshaft pulley directly driven by repair.
the crankshaft. WARNING: Before the removal or
2. The cooling system consists of installation of any electric equipment, it is
radiator,coolant reservoir, hose, water pump, necessary to disconnect the battery
electrical fan and thermostat. The radiator is negative cable when any tool or
of aluminium-made gilled tube radiator. This equipment has an easy access to any
coolng system has been filled with high- uncovered electric terminals. Disconnect
quality antifreeze composed of water and the cable to prevent any injured personnel
glycol in a proportion of 50 / 50 before the or damaged vehicle. It is necessary to
delivery. turn the ignition switch to "LOCK"
position if there is no particular
3. Start system consists of battery, ignition
switch, starter and relevant wires.
4. This vehicle uses maintenance-free battery CAUTION: The intake port must be
and integrated circuit regulator in the engine. plugged to keep any foreign matters from
entering each time the air filter is
5. The air intake system consists of intake pipe, removed. The foreign matter would plug
air filter,throttle valve and intake manifold. the cylinder inlet duct and lead to serious
The air intake is calculated by the intake damage when starting the engine.
pressure temperature sensor.
6. The engine adopts electric control multi-point
fuel injection. The oil supply system is of a
non-oil scavenging fuel system. The engine
control module controls the opening
sequence and duration of the fuel injector in
accordance with the engine working
7. Engine adopts cylinder DLI distributor-
less,simultaneously ignition system, 1 - 4
cylinder, 2 - 3 cylinder share a ignition coil

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2 Mechanical
3.3.2-1 Mechanical System 3.3.2-1

Material Specifications
Item Specifications Capacity
Sealant Tianshan 1587 -
Thread retaining gum HZ - 1213RTV -
Oil SF 15W/40 5L

Component Specifications
Item Specifications
Rocker shaft radial runout 0.20 mm
Rocker shaft diameter 15.969 ~ 15.984 mm
Rocker inner diameter 15.985 ~ 16.005 mm
Rocker shaft journal clearance 0.001 ~ 0.036 mm
Air intake cam lift 36.184 ~ 36.344 mm
Exhaust cam lift 35.900 ~ 36.060 mm
Radial runout 0.10 mm
Camshaft diameter 27.939 ~ 27.960 mm
Camshaft journal hole diameter 28.0000 ~ 28.021 mm
Camshaft journal clearance 0.040 ~ 0.082 mm
Cylinder head surface flatness 0.05 mm
Cylinder head The minimum overall height after machine tooling 120 mm
Manifold matching surface deformation 0.10 mm
Valve spring free length 36.83 mm
Valve spring Valve spring preload 10.7 - 12.5 kg: 31.55 mm
Valve spring verticality 2.0 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-2 Mechanical System 3.3.2-2

Item Specifications
Intake valve diameter 29.10 ~ 29.30 mm
Exhaust valve diameter 24.90 ~ 25.10 mm
Intake valve 5.300 ~ 5.465 mm
Valve stem diameter
Exhaust valve 5.440 ~ 5.455 mm

Clearance between the Intake valve 0.020 ~ 0.047 mm

valve stem and the pipe Exhaust valve 0.045 ~ 0.072 mm

Valve stem end offset Intake valve 0.020 ~ 0.047 mm

extremity Exhaust valve 0.045 ~ 0.072 mm
Valve Intake valve
Valve head thickness 0.14 mm
Exhaust valve
Intake valve
Valve imprint standard width 0.18 mm
Exhaust valve
0.13 ~ 0.17 mm cold state(
Intake valve Coolant temperature 15 ~
25 ℃ )
Valve clearance
0.23 ~ 0.27 mm cold state(
Exhaust valve Coolant temperature 15 ~
25 ℃ )
Intake valve opens 332°
Intake valve closes 614°
Valve timing
Exhaust valve opens 116°
Exhaust valve closes 398°

Valve guide pipe inner Intake valve

5.500 ~ 5.512 mm
diameter Exhaust valve
Valve guide pipe
Valve guide pipe out of the cylinder cover 11.5 mm
Valve guide pipe overall length 31.98 ~ 32.02 mm
Piston standard diameter(mm) 73.970 ~ 73.990 mm
Enlarged size by 0.25 mm 74.220 ~ 74.230 mm
Enlarged size by 0.50 mm 74.470 ~ 74.480 mm
To the cylinder sleeve clearance 0.02 ~ 0.04 mm

Piston ring groove The first ring 0.03 ~ 0.07 mm

Piston ring groove
clearance The second ring 0.02 ~ 0.06 mm
The first ring 0.15 ~ 0.30 mm
Piston ring End play The second ring 0.20 ~ 0.35 mm
Oil ring 0.20 ~ 0.60 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-3 Mechanical System 3.3.2-3

Item Specifications
Piston pin diameter 18.997 ~ 19,000 mm
The clearance between the piston pin and piston pin hole 0.003 ~ 0.014 mm
Piston pin Piston pin hole diameter 19.003 ~ 19.011 mm
Bending limit 0.05 mm
Twisting limit 0.10 mm
Connecting rod bearing journal diameter 41.982 ~ 42,000 mm
Connecting rod bearing journal diameter(repair it by
41.732 ~ 41.750 mm
reducing the size by 0.25 mm)
Max connecting rod bearing journal Out-of-round 0.01 mm
Connecting rod bearing clearance(oil film thickness) 0.020 ~ 0.050 mm
Connecting rod bearing axail clearance 0.10 ~ 0.25 mm
Main journal radial runout limit 0.06 mm
Main bearing axial clearance 0.11 ~ 0.31 mm
Crankshaft Crankshaft thrust plate standard thickness 2.500 mm
The thickness of The crankshaft thrust plate enlarged
2.563 mm
size by 0.125 mm.
Conical degree and ovality of the main journal 0.01 mm
The clearance between main bearing and main shaft
0.014 ~ 0.034 mm
1 44.994 ~ 45.000 mm
Main journal diameter 2 44.988 ~ 44.994 mm
3 44.982 ~ 44.988 mm
Bearing cap 1 49.000 ~ 49.006 mm
Main bearing cap pore diameter(without bearing) Bearing cap 2 49.006 ~ 49.012 mm
Bearing cap 3 49.012 ~ 49.018 mm
1 2.008 ~ 2.012 mm
2 2.005 ~ 2.009 mm
Main bearing
3 2.002 ~ 2.006 mm
4 1.999 ~ 2.003 mm
5 1.996 ~ 2.000 mm
Flywheel face runout limit 0.2 mm
Conical degree and the out of roundness degree 0.10 mm
Flatness 0.03 mm
Cylinder block
Diameter 74.00 mm
Cylinder diameter limit 74.15 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-4 Mechanical System 3.3.2-4

General Specifications
Item Specifications
Vertical,in-line,4-cylinder,water-cooling,four-stroke,single over head
Engine model
Fuel supply Multi-point electrical control fuel injection in sequence
Timing drive mode Timing belt
Cylinder diameter 74 mm
Piston stroke 75.5 mm
Displacement 1.310 L
Compression ratio 9.5 :1
Rated power 63 KW (Total power), 58 KW (Net power)
110 Nm(3,000 r/min ~ 4,000 r/min Total power),105 Nm(3,000 r/min ~
Max. torque
4,000 r/min Net ppwer).
Min. fuel consumption 270 g/KW.h (Total power), 280 g/KW.h (Net power)
Idling speed 700 ~ 800 r/min
Cylinder compressing pressure 1250 ~ 1450 kpa
Ignition sequence 1-3-4-2
Spark plug type K7RTC,K7TRCU

Torque specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Oil pressure sensor 14 10 -
Retaining nut, valve adjusting Screw 12 9 -
Bolt, Cylinder head cover 11 8 -
Intake manifold nut 23 17 -
Exhaut Manifold nut 23 17 -
Timing belt tensioner stud bolt 11 8 -
Timing belt tensioner bolt 25 18 -
Timing belt cover bolt and nut 11 8 -
Crankshaft belt pulley bolt 16 12 -
Retaining bolt of the filter 11 8 -
Oil pan baffle plate 11 8 -
Oil pan bolt and nut 11 8 -
Oil pan draining plug 35 26 -
Oil pump rotor plate screw 11 8 -
Oil pump casing bolts 11 8 -
Crankshaft timing belt pulley bolt 130 96 -
Camshaft cover bolt 13 10 -
Rocker shaft bolt 11 8 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-5 Mechanical System 3.3.2-5

Item Nm lb-ft lb-in

Rocker shaft plug 33 24 -
Camshaft timing belt pulley bolt 60 44 -
Camshaft position sensor housing retianing bolt 11 8 -
Cylinder head high-pressure oil plug 4 - 35
Cylinder head bolt 68 50 -
Connecting rod bearing cover nut 35 26 -
Crankshaft main bearing cover bolt. 54 40 -
Flywheel bolt 78 58 -
Crankshaft rear oil seal housing retaining bolt 11 8 -
Bolt and nut of reinforced plate at engine and
51 38 -
transmission side.
Bolt and nut at the marking pipe of oil level 11 8 -
Oxygen sensor 45 33 -
M6 10 8 -
M8 23 17 -
Unmarked Bolt
M10 50 37 -
M12 88 65 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-6 Mechanical System 3.3.2-6

Description and Operation

Accessory Wheel Train

3 4



Item Description Item Description

1 AC compressor 4 Water pump belt
2 AC compressor belt 5 Water pump belt pulley
3 Generator 6 Crankshaft belt pulley

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-7 Mechanical System 3.3.2-7
Timing Wheel Train


1 3



14 13 12


Item Description Item Description

1 Timing belt front cover assembly 10 Tensioner spring
2 Timing belt front cover gasket 11 Tensioner spring
3 Timing belt pulley retaining bolt 12 Timing belt
4 Timing belt pulley retaining pin 13 Tensioner assembly.
5 Timing belt pulley 14 Tensioner retaining bolt
6 Rear cover assembly. 15 Front cover retaining bolt
7 Rear cover retaining bolt 16 Front cover retaining nut
Water pump and engine oil
8 Adjusting plate assembling bolt 17
pump gasket
9 Tensioner adjusting plate

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-8 Mechanical System 3.3.2-8
Cylinder Head

5 10

6 12

3 14

21 15


20 16




SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-9 Mechanical System 3.3.2-9

Item Description Item Description

Alignment pin of camshaft Camshaft position sensor
1 12
bearing cover retaining bolt
Camshaft position Sensor
2 Camshaft bearing cover 13
retainer O ring
Camshaft bearing cover
3 14 Cylinder cover bowl plug
retaining bolt
4 Cylinder head assembling bolt 15 Cylinder head assembly.
Cylinder head seal gasket
5 Cylinder head cover gasket 16
alignment pin.
6 Spark plug gasket 17 Cylinder gasket
7 Filler cap 18 Valve guide pipe
8 Cylinder head cover assembly. 19 Oil plug
9 Cylinder head cover bolt 20 Bowl plug
10 Spark plug assembly 21 Oil duct clogged
Camshaft position sensor

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-10 Mechanical System 3.3.2-10


21 7

19 8

18 9



17 15



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-11 Mechanical System 3.3.2-11

Item Description Item Description

1 No.1 Exhaust Rocker 12 Valve spring retainer
2 No.2 exhaust rocker 13 Valve spring
3 Camshaft oil seal 14 Cylinder oil seal
4 Camshaft assembly 15 Valve spring retainer
5 Rocker shaft bolt 16 Exhaust valve
6 O-ring 17 Intake valve
7 Rocker shaft assembly. 18 Intake rocker adjusting screw
8 Rocker shaft spring 19 Intake rocker
9 Exhaust rocker adjusting nut 20 Intake rocker clamp
10 Exhaust rocker adjusting screw 21 Intake rocker ajusting nut
11 Tapered lock

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-12 Mechanical System 3.3.2-12

2 3



15 14

13 13 11

Item Description Item Description

1 Knock sensor assembly 9 Oil pressure sensor assembly
Crankcase R1/4 inner plug
2 10 Oil filter assembly
3 Crankcase assembly 11 Rear vent plate
4 Crankcase R3/8 plug screw 12 Vent plate retaining bolt
Crankcase R1/4 external plug
5 13 Crankcase R1/8 plug screw
Engine oil cleaner assembly
6 14 Front vent plate
connecting pipe.
Oil pressure sensor wiring Main bearing cover assembling
7 15
harness clamp retaining bolt bolt
Oil pressure sensor wiring
8 16 Main bearing cover
harness clamp

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-13 Mechanical System 3.3.2-13

5 8



2 12

1 13








SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-14 Mechanical System 3.3.2-14

Item Description Item Description

1 Connecting rod nut 14 Crankshaft rear end cap
2 Connecting rod assembly 15 Alignment pin
Sealing gasket of rear end cover
3 Piston pin circlip 16
of crankshaft
4 Piston 17 Crankshaft rear oil seal
5 Piston ring 18 Crankshaft thrust plate assembly
6 Piston pin 19 Crankshaft front oil seal
7 Crankshaft assembly 20 Crankshaft timing belt pulley
8 Bolt 21 Crankshaft belt pulley
9 Flywheel gear assembly 22 Crankshaft belt pulley bolt
10 Bolt 23 Bolt
11 Pin 24 Crankshaft bushing components
12 Flywheel bearing 25 Semicircular key
13 Bolt 26 Connecting bushing components

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-15 Mechanical System 3.3.2-15

General Inspection gauge stops increasing. Read the highest

pressure value and record it.
Inspect the Cylinder CAUTION: To measure the compressing
Compressing Pressure. pressure, it is necessary to use the fully-
General Equipment charged battery to startfvb the engine and
let its speed reach at least 250 rpm.
Cylinder Compressing Pressure Gauge Assembly
CAUTION: Before the starting test, the
Spark Plug Socket
ignition switch is in the “ST” position for
Ratchet Wheel no more than 15s. Or, the engine may be
Connecting Rod damaged.
9. Operate the other 3 cylinders as the step 5-8
WARNING: High temperature engine and
and record the cylinder compressing
oil would lead to serious scalding.
pressure value.
CAUTION: ECM receives a wrong 10. Compare with the specifications in the table
message when the fuel pump relay or the below, the condition is as follows:
electric component is removed. The wrong
message must be removed from the • Normal Condition:Each cylinder pressure
increases rapidly and evenly to the
trouble memory with the diagnosis tool
specified pressure value.
after the cylinder pressure test is finished.
• Piston ring fault: Pressure is low in the
CAUTION: The valve clearance must be first stroke but increases in the next
adjusted correctly before the compression strokes and never reaches the normal
ratio test. level. The pressure increases
considerably after a moderate amount of
Refer to: Inspect and adjust the valve engine oil has been added to the cylinder.
clearance (3.3.2 Mechanical System, Inspect the piston ring.
General Inspection).
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
1. Warm up the engine to the normal operation Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
temperature. System, Disassembly and Assembly).
2. After warming up, shut off the engine.After • Valve Fault: The pressure is low in the
the engine is warmed up, put the first stroke and can not increase in the
transmission gearshift lever at "neutral". Fix next strokes. The pressure increases
the parking brake and hold against the drive slightly after a moderate amount of
wheel. engine oil has been added to the cylinder.
Inspect the valve.
3. Remove the fuel pump relay.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
4. Disconnect the wiring harness connector Mechanical System, Disassembly and
between the fuel injector and ignition coil. Assembly).
5. Remove and take out all the spark plug.
• When compression pressure of two
6. Insert the special tool(compressing pressure cylinders that are arranged "in parallel" at
gauge)into the spark plug hole. the cylinder body, it means that the
sealing gasket of cylinder cover may be
7. Depress the clutch(reduce the starting load) damaged.
and depress the throttle pedal to fully open
the throttle valve.
8. Start the engine with a fully-charged battery
and let it run for at least 5 compression cycles
until the reading on the cylinder pressure

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-16 Mechanical System 3.3.2-16
4. Visually inspect the drive belt for the above
Compressing Pressure Specifications
conditions described above and test the drive
Standard 1250 ~ 1,450 kPa belt tension: turn the crankshaft drive belt
The max pressure difference pulley for 2 turns clockwise to have an even
≤ 100 kPa
between two cylinders distribution of belt tension among each drive
belt pulley.
11. Install the spark plug(s),high voltage wire and
5. Inspect the drive belt tension, and under the
connect the wiring harness connectors
force pressure of 100 N at the belt middle, its
between the fuel injector and ignition switch.
deflection at 5 ~ 6 mm. If the bending
12. Install the fuel pump relay and eliminate the deflection exceeds the specification, make it
trouble code(s) from ECM with a diagnosis within the specification by adjusting the
tool. tension of the pulleys.

Inspect the Accessory Drive Refer to: Accessory transmission belt

(3.3.2 mechanical system, Removal and
CAUTION: Do not overly wind or bend the
drive belt. Do not stick the engine oil or
engine coolant to the drive belt. Make sure
that the drive belt can be correctly
installed in the pulley groove when
installing the drive belt.

CAUTION: Accessory drive belt consists

of compressor belt and water pump belt.
1. Inspection should be conducted again after
the engine has cooled down or been switched
off for 30 minutes.
2. Visually inspect the asscessory drive belt
surface for any possible sign of pilling, oil
stain, aging and others. Install a new
accessory drive belt if any flaw has been
Refer to: Accessory transmission belt
(3.3.2 Mechanical System, Removal and

3. Visually inspect the interior and margin of the drive

belt for any possible sign of damage, wear, foreign
matters, cracks and others. Install a new drive belt A3302123

if any flaw has been found.

Refer to: Accessory transmission belt
(3.3.2 Mechanical System, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-17 Mechanical System 3.3.2-17

Valve Clearance Inspection 5. Inspect the valve clearance by inserting the

feeler gauge between the cam and rocker.
General Tool
Cold State(Coolant Temperature
Valve clearance adjusting Components
Valve 15 ~ 25 ℃ )
Feeler gauge clearance
Intake 0.13 ~ 0.17 mm
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. Exhaust 0.23 ~ 0.27 mm
2. Remove the Cylinder head cover.
Refer to: Cylinder head cover (3.3.2 6. Adjust the valve clearance if it exceeds the
Mechanical System, Removal and specification.
Installation). • Release the retaining nut first and turn
3. Turn the crankshaft clockwise to make the the adjusting screw.
piston in the No.1 cylinder reach the top dead • Keep the adjusting screw secure after the
center while observing the timing mark on the adjustment while screwing down the
crankshaft belt pulley (Observe it from the retaining nut as the specified torque.
side of the crankshaft belt pulley) • Inspect the valve clearance once again
4. Inspect the rockers of cylinder 1 and 4. and verify it is within the specification. Or,
adjust it again.
If all the rockers for No.1 cylinder has been
detached from from its corresponding cam Torque:Retaining nut 12 Nm
tooth of the camshaft, inspect and adjust the
valve clearance of valve 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 13
and 14 as shown in the illustration below.
CAUTION: At this moment, No.1 piston is
located at the top dead center in the 1 2
compression stroke.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-18 Mechanical System 3.3.2-18

Item Description CAUTION: Inspect the phase relationship

between the timing belt pulley and
1 Feeler gauge crankshaft as well as the relationship
Valve clearance between the timing belt pulley and the
adjusting Components shaft. For example: Pay much attention to
the cracked belt pulley pin of the camshaft
7. Inspect and adjust the valve (1),(2), (3), (4), during the inspection.
(9), (10), (13), (14) or (5), (6), (7), (8), (11),
(12), (15), (16), and then roate the crankshaft
for one circle (360°); check and adjust the
valve (5), (6), (7), (8), (11), (12), (15), (16) or
(1), (2), (3), (4), (9), (10), (13), (14).

Timing Inspection
1. Inspect the ignition timing with a diagnosis
• Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
• Connect the diagnosis tool to the
diagnosis interface.
• Start the engine to a normal working
• Do not switch on the air conditioner and
other electric equipments.
• Select one by one through the diagnosis
tool: "BOSCH - M7 474" / main
parameter/ignition advance angle and
engine rotating speed

Ignition Advance
Idling Speed
750 rpm 0~6°

2. Use a diagnosis tool to inspect the camshaft

position sensor for the signal DTC.
Refer to: DTCP0343, DTCP0342,
DTCP0340, DTCP0341 (3.1.12 Electrical
Control System - M7,DTC Diagnosis and

Continue with the following inspections if the

fault still exists.
3. Inspect the valve timing gear.
Refer to: Rocker/Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-19 Mechanical System 3.3.2-19

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Inspection and Verification
1. Verify the customer concern and conduct
corresponding inspections.
2. Visually inspect the outlook for any obvious
signs of mechanical damage.
3. Solve the known problems before proceeding
to the next step.
4. If the causes can not be identified visually,
verify the symptom first and inspect the
causes in accordance with the Symptom
Visual Inspection Chart

•Coolant leaks
•Oil Leak(s)
•Fuel leakage
•Obviously damaged or worn
•loose or loss of nut or bolt

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-20 Mechanical System 3.3.2-20

Symptom Chart
Symptom Possible Causes Solutions
•Electrical control system
•Fuel system
•Ignition system
•Mechanical system
•Engine misfiring is a synthetical
•Combustion chamber carbon malfunction
Refer to: P0300/P0301/
Engine Misfiring •Camshaft P0302/P0303/P0304(3.3.12
•Intake, exhaust valve Electrical control System
•Piston - M7,DTC Diagnosis and
•Piston ring
•Inadequate intake air
•Inadequate exhaust
•Deformed oil pan Refer to: Diagnosis
•Deformed or Damaged oil strainer procedure of abnormal
interior noises under the
•Engine oil pressure is too low
Abnormal noise in the lower part of engine (3.3.2 Mechanical
the engine •The matching clearance between system, Symptom
crankshaft and bearing is too big Diagnosis and Testing).
•Excessive crankshaft axial
•Accessory drive belt Refer to: Drive belt noise
•Related fastener diagnosis (3.3.2
Mechanical system,
•Crankshaft belt pulley
Symptom Diagnosis and
•Related accessory belt pulley Testing).
Diagnosis for Drive Belt Noise •Related accessory belt pulley
•Water pump
•AC compressor
•Electrical Control System Refer to: Engine backfire
Malfunction (3.3.2 Mechanical system,
Engine backfire
•Engine timing Symptom Diagnosis and
CAUTION: A serious Testing).
noise of blasting occurs •Scarce Gas Mixture
when the fuel in intake •Intake Valve Component
manifold is set on fire. •Exhaust system blocking
•Engine control module (ECM)

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-21 Mechanical System 3.3.2-21

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Electrical Control System Refer to: Engine knock
Malfunction (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Engine Knock •Engine timing Symptom Diagnosis and
CAUTION: A serious •Late ignition
noise of blasting occurs •Dense gas mixture
when the fuel in intake
manifold is set on fire. •Exhaust valve component
•Exhaust system leak(s)
•Engine control module (ECM)

Refer to: Coolant enters

into the combustion
•Coolant enters into the
Abnormal Exhaust(white smoke) chamber (3.3.2
combustion chamber
Mechanical System,
Symptom Chart).
Refer to: Abnormal
Exhaust(blue smoke)
Abnormal Exhaust(blue smoke) •Engine Oil Burning (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Symptom Diagnosis and
Refer to: Abnormal
E x h a u s t ( B l a c k
Abnormal Exhaust(Black smoke) •Dense gas mixture smoke)(3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Symptom
Diagnosis and Testing).
Refer to: P0327,P0328
•Electrical Control System (3.3.12 Electrical Control
Malfunction System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).

Engine knock at cold state occurs • Fill the engine oil with viscidity
•Engine oil viscidity low
and continues for 2 or 3 minutes or meeting the season requirment
increases as engine torque •Big clearance between the piston Refer to: Piston, Piston
increases and cylinder wall Ring, Connecting Rod
•The alignment of onnecting and Cylinder (3.3.2
Rod(End play, Bending, Mechanical System,
Distortion) Disassembly and
•Big Piston Pin Clearance

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-22 Mechanical System 3.3.2-22

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

Refer to: P0327,P0328
•Electrical Control System (3.3.12 Electrical Control
Malfunction System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
• Fill the engine oil with viscidity
•Engine oil viscidity low
meeting the season requirment.
• Fuel 93 # and above must be
•Fuel Quality
Engine knock at idle speed and Refer to: Inspect the
during the warm-up of engine timing(3.3.2 Mechanical
•Engine timing
System, General
•Big Clearance Between Piston Refer to: Piston, Piston
and Cylinder Wall Ring, Connecting Rod
•The alignment of onnecting and Cylinder (3.3.2
Rod(End play, Bending, Mechanical System,
Distortion) Disassembly and
•Big Piston Pin Clearance
Main bearing noise Refer to: Inspect the
CAUTION: Remove the •Engine oil pump pressure is too engine oil pressure(3.3.3
drive belt to eliminate the low. Lubrication System,
noise caused due to General Inspection).
accessory device. •Excessive crankshaft axial Refer to: Main Bushing,
Determine the position of the clearance Crankshaft and Cylinder
noise through a stethoscope. Block(3.3.2 Mechanical
•The out-of-round of the crankshaft
CAUTION: Main bearing bearing journal System, Disassembly and
noise can be heard when Assembly).
the engine gets loaded.
The noise is loud and
toneless and increases as the
load increases.

CAUTION: Knocking
noise is regular and
changes with the engine
rotating speed. •Big clearance between the
crankshaft and bearing
CAUTION: Low engine oil
pressure occurs with
such case.

CAUTION: There will be

knocking noise from the
bearing if there is no or
little engine oil on the

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-23 Mechanical System 3.3.2-23

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Engine oil pump pressure is too Refer to: Noise
low symptoms of connecting
•Connecting rod tip side clearance rod and connecting rod
exceeds the limit bearing (3.3.2
Mechanical System,
•Tightening torque of the
Symptom Diagnosis and
Noise symptoms of connecting rod connecting rod
and connecting rod bearing •Connecting rod distortion and
bending exceed the limit.
•Crank roundness and taper
exceed the limit
•Connecting rod bearing clearance
exceed the limit
•Engine oil pump pressure is too Refer to: Piston and
low Piston Pin Noise (3.3.2
•Incorrect installation of connecting Mechanical System,
rod and piston Symptom Diagnosis and
•Connecting rod distortion and
Piston and Piston Pin Noise bending exceed the limit.
•Big Piston Pin Clearance
•Big Clearance Between Piston
and Cylinder Wall
•Big Piston Ring Groove Clearance
•Big Valve Clearance Refer to: Valve Train
•Engine oil pump pressure is too Noise (3.3.2 Mechanical
low System, Symptom
Diagnosis and Testing).
•Damaged cam lobe
•Big camshaft bearing journal
•Big camshaft axial clearance
Valve Train Noise
•Big clearance between rocker and
rocker shaft
•Valve spring too soft
•Seized Valve(s)
•Big clearance between valve stem
and valve guide
•Loosened valve seat ring

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-24 Mechanical System 3.3.2-24

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Components of accessory drive Engine can not be started-
system are seized. Crankshaft can not rotate
•Cylinder is seized for hydraulic Refer to: Engine can not
pressure. be started-The crankshaft
•Seized or cracked camshaft can not be turned (3.3.2
Mechanical System,
The engine can not be started-The •Seized or cracked valve system
Symptom Diagnosis and
crankshaft can not be turned components
•Foreign matters in the cylinder(s)
•Seized crankshaft or connecting
rod bearing
•Bent or cracked connecting rod
•Cracked Crankshaft

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-25 Mechanical System 3.3.2-25

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Install a new cylinder head gasket.
•Engine overheat
Refer to: Valve and
-Coolant level is too low Cylinder Head (3.3.2
-Cooling fan does not work Mechanical System,
-Thermostat fault Disassembly and
•Install a new cylinder head and
Refer to: Valve and
•Cylinder cover sealing faulty Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System,
Disassembly and
Coolant enters into the combustion •Install a new cylinder head and
chamber gasket
CAUTION: White smoke Refer to: Valve and
or coolant-flavor gas •Warped cylinder head Cylinder Head (3.3.2
which are exhausted from Mechanical System,
the exhaust pipe and Disassembly and
exceed the acceptable Assembly).
•Install a new cylinder head and
CAUTION: Remove the gasket
spark plug which is Refer to: Valve, Clyinder
•Cracked cylinder head
dipped with coolant. Head (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and
•Install a new cylinder head

•Cracked cylinder sleeve or Refer to: Valve, Clyinder

Head (3.3.2 Mechanical
cylinder block
System, Disassembly and
•Install a new cylinder head or
cylinder block
•Hole on the cylinder head or Refer to: Valve, Clyinder
cylinder block Head (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-26 Mechanical System 3.3.2-26

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Engine overheat Refer to: Symptom Chart
-Coolant level is too low (3.3.4 Cooling System,
-Cooling fan does not work Diagnosis and Testing).
-Thermostat fault
•Install a new cylinder head gasket
Refer to: Valve and
•Cylinder cover sealing faulty Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System,
Disassembly and
•Install a new cylinder head and

•Warped cylinder head

Refer to: Valve, Cylinder
Head (3.3.2 Mechanical
Coolant enters the engine oil System, Disassembly and
CAUTION: Engine oil is Assembly).
spumescent and changes •Install a new cylinder head and
in color. gasket

CAUTION: Excessive •Cracked cylinder head

Refer to: Valve, Cylinder
engine oil Head (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and
•Install a new cylinder block
Refer to: Valve and
•Cracked cylinder sleeve or Cylinder Head (3.3.2
cylinder block Mechanical System,
Disassembly and
•Install a new cylinder head or
cylinder block
Refer to: Valve and
•Hole on the cylinder head or
cylinder block Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System,
Disassembly and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-27 Mechanical System 3.3.2-27

Abnormal Noise in the Lower Part of the Engine.

CAUTION: The use of a stethoscope helps to determine the source of the engine noises.

CAUTION: Remove the accessory drive belt to eliminate the noise caused by the device.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Inspect engine knock DTC
A. Use diagnosis tool to inspect if there is any engine
knock DTC or not.
Is there any engine knock DTC?
Refer to: DTCP0327,P0328 (3.1.12
Electrical Control System, DTC Diagnosis
and Testing).
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect the oil pan
A.Inspect the oil pan.
Is it deformed?
Go to step 3 after the repair or installation.
Go to step 4.
3.Inspect the engine oil pump strainer
A.Inspect the engine oil pump strainer for any
deformation or damage.
Repair or Install a new one.
Go to step 4.
4. Engine oil pressure is too low
A.Inspect the engine oil pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the engine oil pressure
(3.3.3 Lubrication System, General
Is the engine oil pressure too low?
Go to step 6.
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-28 Mechanical System 3.3.2-28

5.Inspect the oil pump

A.Remove the engine oil pump.
Refer to: Eninge Oil Pump(3.3.3
Lubrication System, Removal and
B.Inspect the oil pump.
Is the engine oil pump normal?
Install a new engine oil pump.
Go to step 6.
6.Inspect the bushing matching surface clearance and crankshaft axial clearance
A.Disassemble the main bearing shell and connecting
rod bearing shell.
Refer to: Main Bushing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block(3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
B.Inspect the matching surface clearance between the
main bushing and connecting rod bushing as well
as the crankshaft thrust plate for any wear.
Is the matching surface clearance and the
crankshaft axial clearance normal?
Repair the main bushing until the connecting rod
bushing matching surface clearance and the
crankshaft axial clearance become normal.
Refer to: Main Bushing,Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block(3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Test the system for normal operation.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-29 Mechanical System 3.3.2-29

Diagnosis for Drive Belt Noise

CAUTION: The use of a stethoscope helps to determine the source of the engine noises.

CAUTION: A correct drive belt must be used.

CAUTION: Accessory drive belt consists of compressor belt and water pump belt.

CAUTION: Flatness(uneven crankshaft belt pulley and uneven related accessory belt pulley)
may cause the drive belt to have abnormal wear, noises and to come off.

CAUTION: Suddenly-increased big load may cause the belt to slip and make noises, for
example: when air conditioning system compressor is started and the engine is running,
throttle valve rapidly opens.

CAUTION: Big load may cause the belt to have abnormal noises, for example: Excessive
filling into the air conditioning system, clipped hoses of power steering system, excessive
power steering fluid.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Inspect the accessory drive belt
A.Inspect the accessory drive belt.
Refer to: Inspect the accessory drive
belt(3.3.2 Mechanical System, General
2.Inspect the related fasteners
A.Inspect if all the fasteners related to the drive belt
have been loosened or deformed.
Are they loosened or deformed?
Tighten them or Replace new ones.
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the crankshaft belt pulley and related accessory belt pulley
A.Any signs of the belt pulley are not allowed, such as
misalignment, bending, distortion and crack.
B.Any abnormal scratches, edges and corners on the
surface of the belt pulley are not allowed.
C.Any foreign matters in the pulley groove are not
D.Do the inspection resluts meet the requirements
Remove the foreign matters, tighten the
components or Replace new ones.
Go to step 4.

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3.3.2-30 Mechanical System 3.3.2-30

4.Inspect the generator, water pump, air conditioning compressor bearing one by one
A.Seized or loosened idler pulley bearing is not
B.Abnormal noise is not allowed to occur when the
bearing is turning.
Do the inspection resluts meet the requirements
Tighten or replace;
Verify the system for normal operation.

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3.3.2-31 Mechanical System 3.3.2-31

Engine Backfire
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the engine DTC
A.Using a diagnosis tool, inspect if there is any engine
Is there any DTC?
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2
2.Inspect the vacuum degree of the intake air system
A.Inspect the intake air system for the vacuum degree
to judge the intake system for air leakage.
Refer to: Inspect the intake air sytem for
the vacuum degree (3.1.5 Intake Air
System,General Inspection).
Is there any leaks?
Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures for Intake
Air Leak (3.1.5 Intake Air System,
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the engine timing
A.Inspect if the engine timing is correct or not.
Refer to: Inspect the timing(3.3.2
Mechanical System, General Inspection).
Is the system normal?
Go to step 4.

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3.3.2-32 Mechanical System 3.3.2-32

4. Inspect the fuel pressure

A.Inspect the fuel pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the fuel pressure(3.1.7
Fuel System, General Inspection).
Is the engine oil pressure too low?
Carry out symptom actions.
Refer to: Symptom Chart(3.1.7 Fuel
System, Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 5.
5.Inspect the fuel injector
A.Inspect the fuel injector.
Is the system blocked?
Clean it or install a new one.
Go to step 6.
6.Test the spark plug
•Inpsect if the spark plug is within the specification or
Refer to: Ignition Spark Testing(3.1.8
Ignition System, General Inspection).
Clean it or install a new one.
Go to step 7.
7.Inspect the cylinder pressure
A.Carry out the inspection of cylinder pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the compressing
pressure in the cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, General Inspection).

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3.3.2-33 Mechanical System 3.3.2-33

8.Inspect the exhaust system

A.Carry out an exhasut backpressure test to see if the
exhaust system has been blocked or not.
Refer to: Exhaust Backpressure
Testing(3.1.6 Exhaust System, General
Is the system blocked?
Carry out the diagnostic procedures for the blocked
exhaust system.
Refer to: Diagnosis for exhaust system
blocking(3.1.6 Exhasut System, Diagnosis
and Testing).
Go to step 9.
9.Replace ECM
A. Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
Verify the system for normal operation.

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3.3.2-34 Mechanical System 3.3.2-34

Engine Knock
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the engine DTC
A.Using a diagnosis tool, inspect if there is any engine
Is there any DTC?
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect the engine timing
A.Inspect the engine timing.
Refer to: Inspect the timing(3.3.2
Mechanical System, General Inspection).
Is the timing normal?
Go to step 3.
3. Inspect the fuel pressure
A.Inspect the fuel pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the fuel pressure(3.3.7
Fuel System, General Inspection).
Is the fuel pressure too high?
Fuel pipes are blocked and need to be repaired.
Go to step 4.
4.Inspect the fuel injector
A.Inspect the fuel injector for any leaks.
Is there any leak?
Replace a new one.
Go to step 5.

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3.3.2-35 Mechanical System 3.3.2-35

5.Test the spark plug

A.Inpsect if the spark plug is within the specification or
Refer to: Ignition Spark Testing(3.3.8
Ignition System, General Inspection).
Is the spark plug within the standard range?
Clean it or replace a new one.
Go to step 6.
6.Inspect the cylinder pressure
A.Carry out the inspection of cylinder pressure.
Refer to: Cylinder compression Pressure
Inspection(3.3.2 Mechanical System,
General Inspection).
7.Inspect the exhaust system
A.Carry out the testing of exhaust backpressure.
Refer to: Exhaust Backpressure
Testing(3.1.6 Exhaust System, General
Is there any blockage in the exhaust system?
Carry out the diagnostic procedures for exhaust
system leak and noise.
Refer to: Symptom Chart(3.1.6 Exhaust
System, Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 8.
8.Replace ECM
A. Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
Verify the system for normal operation.

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3.3.2-36 Mechanical System 3.3.2-36

Abnormal Exhaust(Blue Smoke)

CAUTION: Usually accompanied with spark plug carbon deposit.

CAUTION: Use engine oil meeting the specification.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1. Inspect the spark plug
A.Inspect the spark plug.
Is there any carbon deposit?
Repair it or replace a new one.
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect the engine oil
A.Inspect the engine oil level.
Is the engine oil level too high?
Recover to the normal level.
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the PCV valve
A.Inspect the PCV valve.
Is it normal?
Install a new PCV valve.
Go to step 4.
4. Inspect the compressing pressure in the cylinder
A.Inspect the cylinder compressing pressure.
Does it meet the requirement?
Refer to: Inspect the compressing
pressure in the cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, General Inspection).
Go to step 5.
Go to step 6.

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3.3.2-37 Mechanical System 3.3.2-37

5.Inspect the piston ring or valve fault

A.Add moderate engine oil into the cylinder.
Pressure increases markedly and inspect the
piston ring.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Pressure increases a little and inspect the valve.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
6.Inspect the carbon deposit in the combustion chamber
A.Inspect the combustion chamber.
Is there any carbon deposit?
Clean it.
Go to step 7.
7.Inspect the valve oil seal
A.Inspect the valve oil seal.
Is there any leak?
Install a new one.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Verify the system for normal operation.

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3.3.2-38 Mechanical System 3.3.2-38

Abnormal Exhaust(Black Smoke)

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the engine DTC
A.Use diagnosis tool to inspect the engine DTC.
Is there any DTC?
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the fuel pressure
A.Inspect the fuel pressure.
Is the engine oil pressure too high?
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.3.7
Fuel System,General Inspection).
Fuel pipes are blocked and need to be repaired.
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the fuel injector
A.Inspect the fuel injector.
Is there any leak?
Install a new one.
Go to step 4.
4.Test the spark plug
A. Test the spark plug.
Do they meet the requirement?
Refer to: Ignition Spark Testing(3.3.8
Ignition System, General Inspection).
Clean it or install a new one.
Go to step 5.

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3.3.2-39 Mechanical System 3.3.2-39

5.Replace ECM
A. Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
Verify the system for normal operation.

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3.3.2-40 Mechanical System 3.3.2-40

Noise Symptoms of Connecting Rod and Connecting Rod Bearing

CAUTION: Remove the accessory drive belt and have a strict limit to the running time of the
engine. Or, the engine may reach high temperatures and be damaged.

CAUTION: The use of a stethoscope helps to determine the source of the engine noises.

CAUTION: Remove the accessory drive belt to eliminate the noise caused by the accessory

CAUTION: Such noise sometimes can be isolated by removing a fuel injector wiring harness
connector a time. Such noise is irrelated to the cylinder in which it exists if it decreases or
disappears in volume.

CAUTION: Excessive connecting rod clearance can lead to knock noises at each engine
rotating speed. Low engine oil pressure also results in such case.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Verify that the noise is not caused by the accessory device
A.Remove the accessory drive belt.
Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Removal and
Does the noise exist?
Noise is caused by the accessory and install a new
accessory drive belt.
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the cracked cylinder
A.Remove the fuel injector wiring harness connector
and test the cracked cylinder to verify which cylinder
is related to the noise.
3.Inspect the engine oil pump pressure
A.Inspect the engine oil pump pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the fuel pressure (3.3.3
Lubrication System, General Inspection).
Is the engine oil pump pressure too low?
Refer to: Symptom Chart (3.3.3 lubricating
System, Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 4.

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3.3.2-41 Mechanical System 3.3.2-41

4.Inspect the connecting rod tip side clearance

A.Inspect the connecting rod tip side clearance.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Install a new connecting rod.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 5.
5.Inspect the tightening torque of connecting rod bolt
A.Inspect the tightening torque of the connecting rod
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Record the torque after replacing new bolts and
Go to step 6.
6.Inspect the connecting rod for its distortion/bending
A.Inspect if the distortion/bending of the connecting
rod is within the specification.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Install a new connecting rod.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 7.

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3.3.2-42 Mechanical System 3.3.2-42

7.Inspect the crank for its roundness and taper

A.Inspect the crank for its roundness and taper.
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block(3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Repair it or install a new crankshaft.
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block(3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 8.
8.Inspect the clearance between the connecting rod and crank
A.Inspect the clearance between the connecting rod
and the bearing.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Repair it to the specification.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Verify the system for normal operation.

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3.3.2-43 Mechanical System 3.3.2-43

Piston and Piston Pin Noise

CAUTION: Remove the accessory drive belt and have a strict limit to the running time of the
engine. Or, the engine may reach high temperatures and be damaged.

CAUTION: The use of a stethoscope helps to determine the source of the engine noises.

CAUTION: Remove the accessory drive belt to eliminate the noise caused by the accessory

CAUTION: The knocking noise caused by the excessive clearance between the piston and
cylinder wall can usually be heard when the engine is runing at idle speed. The knock noise
will change obviously when the cylinder fuel injector wiring harness connector has been

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Verify that the noise is not caused by the accessory device
A.Remove the accessory drive belt.
Refer to: Accessory drive belt(3.3.2
Mechanical System, Removal and
Does the noise exist?
Noises caused by the accessory.
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the cracked cylinder
A.Remove the fuel injector wiring harness connector
and test the cracked cylinder to verify which cylinder
is related to the noise.
3.Inspect the engine oil pump pressure
A.Inspect the low engine oil pump pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the engine oil
pressure(3.3.3 Lubrication System,
General Inspection).
Is the engine oil pump pressure too low?
Refer to: Symptom Chart(3.3.3 lubricating
System, Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 4.

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3.3.2-44 Mechanical System 3.3.2-44

4.Inspect the installation of the connecting rod and piston

A.Inspect the installation position of the connecting rod
and piston.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Install them again.
Go to step 5.
5.Inspect the connecting rod for its distortion/bending
A.Inspect if the distortion/bending of the connecting
rod is within the specification.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Install a new connecting rod.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 6.
6.Inspect the piston pin clearance
A.Inspect if the piston pin clearance is within the
specification or not.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 7.

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3.3.2-45 Mechanical System 3.3.2-45

7.Inspect the piston ring groove clearance

A.Inspect if the piston ring groove clearance is within
the specification.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Repair it to the specification.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 8.
8.Inspect the clearance between the piston and cylinder wall
A.Inspect if the clearance between the piston and
cylinder wall is within the specification.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Repair it to the specification.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Verify the system for normal operation.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-46 Mechanical System 3.3.2-46

Valve Train Noise

CAUTION: Remove the accessory drive belt and have a strict limit to the running time of the
engine. Or, the engine may reach high temperatures and be damaged.

CAUTION: The use of a stethoscope helps to determine the source of the engine noises.

CAUTION: Remove the accessory drive belt to eliminate the noise caused by the accessory

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Verify that the noise is not caused by accessory device
A.Remove the accessory drive belt.
Refer to: Accessory drive belt(3.3.2
Mechanical System, Removal and
Does the noise exist?
Noises caused by the accessory.
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect valve clearance
A.Inspect if the valve clearance is within the
Refer to: Inspect and adjust the valve
clearance(3.3.2 Mechanical System,
General Inspection).
Do they meet the requirement?
Readjust the clearance to the specification.
Refer to: Inspect and adjust the valve
clearance(3.3.2 Mechanical System,
General Inspection).
Go to step 3.

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3.3.2-47 Mechanical System 3.3.2-47

3.Inspect the engine oil pressure

A.Inspect the engine oil pump pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the engine oil
pressure(3.3.3 Lubrication System,
General Inspection).
Is the pressure too low?
Refer to: Symptom Chart(3.3.3 lubricating
System, Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 4.
4.Inspect the camshaft cam lift
A. Inspect the camshaft cam lift.
Refer to: Rocker Shaft/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Refer to: Rocker Shaft/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 5.
5.Inspect the camshaft bearing journal clearance
A.Inspect the camshaft bearing journal clearance.
Refer to: Rocker/Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft(3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Refer to: Rocker Shaft/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 6.

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3.3.2-48 Mechanical System 3.3.2-48

6. Inspect the camshaft axial clearance

A.Inspect the camshaft axial clearance.
Refer to: Rocker Shaft/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Refer to: Rocker Shaft/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 7.
7.Inspect the rocker for excessive wear
A.Inspect the joint surface between the rocker and
Do they meet the requirement?
Replace a new rocker.
Refer to: Rocker/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft ( 3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 8.
8.Inspect the clearance between the rocker and rocker shaft
A.Inspect the clearance between the rocker and rocker
Refer to: Rocker Shaft/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Do they meet the requirement?
Refer to: Rocker Shaft/ Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 9.

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3.3.2-49 Mechanical System 3.3.2-49

9. Inspect the valve spring

A.Inspect if the valve spring is within the specification.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Do they meet the requirement?
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Go to step 10.
10. Inspect the seizure of the valve(s)
A.Inspect if the valve has been seized or not.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Is it seized?
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Go to step 11.
11.The clearance between the valve stem and valve guide
A. Inspect the clearance between the valve stem and
valve guide
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Do they meet the requirement?
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Go to step 12.

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3.3.2-50 Mechanical System 3.3.2-50

12.Loosened valve(s)
A.Inspect if the valve retainer(s) is loosened or not.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Do they meet the requirement?
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and
Verify the system for normal operation.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-51 Mechanical System 3.3.2-51

The Engine can not be Started-The Crankshaft can not be Turned

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the accessory drive system components
A.Remove the accessory drive belt and try to turn the
crankshaft with a wrench.
Refer to: Accessory drive belt(3.3.2
Mechanical System, Removal and
Does the crankshaft rotate freely?
Repair them or replace the new ones.
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect if the cylinder has been seized due to hydraulic pressure
A.Remove all the spark plugs and inspect if any water,
or engine oil or antifreeze is attached to them.
Do they meet the requirement?
Inspect the cylinder block, cylinder head, cylinder
head gasket for any possible crack, inspect or
repair them.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and

Refer to: Main Bushing, Crankshaft and

Cylinder Block(3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 3.

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3.3.2-52 Mechanical System 3.3.2-52

3.Inspect the cylinder head assembly

A.Remove the timing belt.
Refer to: Timing Gear(3.3.2 Mechanical
System, General Inspection).
B.Inspect the cylinder head.
Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and

• Seized or cracked camshaft

• Seized or cracked valve rocker
• Seized or cracked valve, valve spring
Does any signs mentioned above exist?
Repair or Replace new ones.
Go to step 4.
4. Inspect the cylinder assembly
A.Inspect the cylinder assembly.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).

Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and

Cylinder Block(3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).

• Cracked Piston
• Foreign Matters in the Cylinder
• Cracked Crankshaft
• Bent or cracked connecting rod
Does any signs mentioned above exist?
Repair or Replace new ones.
Verify the system for normal operation.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-53 Mechanical System 3.3.2-53

Disassembly and Assembly

Rocker\Rocker Shaft and Camshaft
Special Tool

Camshaft front Seal

CA301 - 009


General Equipment

Dial Indicator
Outside Micrometer
Plastic gauge
Plastic Scale
Inside Gauge


Item Specifications
Sealant Tianshan 1587
Thread retaining gum Loctite 262

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.3.10
Charging System, General Inspection).

2. Remove the Cylinder head cover.

Refer to: Cylinder head cover (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

3. Remove the engine timing belt.

Refer to: Timing Gear (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-54 Mechanical System 3.3.2-54

4. Remove the lower camshaft timing belt pulley

with suitable tool.


5. Remove the camshaft position sensor

1.Disconnect the camshaft position sensor
wiring harness connector.
2.Remove the camshaft position sensor
housing retaining bolt.
CAUTION: Place a container or a rag
under the camshaft position sensor
housing since some oil drops during the
removal. A3302002

6. Make sure that all rockers move freely.

1.Loosen all the retaining nuts, valve
adjusting screw.
2.Turn back the valve adjusting screw until it
reaches the bottom.


7. Remove the camshaft bearing cover.

CAUTION: The removal of the camshaft 2 10 4 8 6
cover bolts should be conducted in a
sequence shown in the illustration, with
loose the bolts in separated times.

8. Remove the camshaft.

11 1 9 3 7 5


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-55 Mechanical System 3.3.2-55

9. Remove the rocker shaft oil plug1.

10. Remove rear casing 2 of timing belt.


11. Detach intake rocker with a clamp from the

rocker shaft.
CAUTION: Do not bend the clamp when
removing the intake rocker.


12. Remove the rocker shaft retaining bolts.



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-56 Mechanical System 3.3.2-56

13. Draw out the rocker shaft.

1 Push out the rocker shaft 1 towards to the
camshaft position sensor housing.
2 Remove the O-ring 2 from the shaft.


14. Remove the exhaust rocker.

1. Inspect the intake and exhaust rockers.
CAUTION: Install a new rocker if the end 1 1
of the adjusting screw 1 has been
seriously worn.

CAUTION: Install a new rocker if the cam

lobe 2 is seriously worn.

2 2


2. Inspect the rocker shaft runout with an V-

shaped block and a micrometer. Install a new
rock shaft if the runout exceeds the limit.
Runout limit:0.20 mm
General Equipment:micrometer


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-57 Mechanical System 3.3.2-57

3. Inspect the clearance between the rocker and

rocker shaft.
General Equipment:outside micrometer and 2
inside micrometer
1.Measure the rocker shaft diameter with an
outside micrometer.
2.Measure the inside diameter of the rocker
with an inside gauge.
CAUTION: Install a new rocker or rocker
shaft or both of them if the measurement
exceeds the limit.

Item Standard Limit

Rocker inner
15.985 ~ 16.005 mm -

Rocker shaft
15.969~15.984 mm -

The clearance
between the arm 0.001~0.036 mm 0.09 mm
and shaft

4. Use the micrometer to measure the cam lift

and inspect the cam for any wear.
General equipment:Outside Micrometer
CAUTION: Install a new camshaft if the
measured lift is below the limit.

Cam Lift Standard Limit

Intake Cam 36.184 ~ 36.344 mm 36.084 mm

Exhaust Cam 35.900 ~ 36.060 mm 35.800 mm


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3.3.2-58 Mechanical System 3.3.2-58

5. Inspect the rocker shaft runout with an V-

shaped block and a micrometer. Install a new
rock shaft if the runout exceeds the limit.
Radial Runout Limit:0.10 mm
General Equipment:dial indicator gauge


6. Inspect the camshaft journal and camshaft

cover for any possible rust, scratch, wear or
CAUTION: Install a new camshaft or
cylinder head and camshaft cover if any
damage is found.

CAUTION: Do not install a cylinder head

before the camshaft cover is installed.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-59 Mechanical System 3.3.2-59

7. Inspect the camshaft bearing journal

1.Clean the camshaft cover and camshaft
bearing journal.
2.Install the camshaft on the cylinder head.
3. Place one plastic gauge along all widths of
camshaft journal
(parallel to camshaft).
4.Install the camshaft cover.
5.Tighten the camshaft cover bolts in turn to
the specified torque in a sequence reverse to
the removal.
Torque:13 Nm
CAUTION: Do not turn the camshaft when
installing the plastic gauge.Remove the
camshaft cover and use a plastic scale to
measure the width of the plastic gauge at
its widest point.

Standard Limit

0.040 ~ 0.082 mm 0.12 mm

CAUTION: If the measured camshaft

bearing journal exceeds the limit, measure
the bearing journal(camshaft cover) bore
diameter and camshaft bearing journal
outside diameter.If there is obvious
difference from the specification, install a
new camshaft or cylinder head assembly.

Item Standard

bearing journal 28.0000 ~ 28.021 mm

bearing journal 27.939 ~ 27.960 mm
outside diameter

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-60 Mechanical System 3.3.2-60
1. Smear moderate engine oil on the rocker
shaft and rocker.

2. Install the rocker(exhaust side) and rocker

spring together on the cylinder head with the
moving rocker shaft.


3. Install the rocker shaft oil plug 1.

Torque:33 Nm
4. Install the timing belt rear housing 2.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-61 Mechanical System 3.3.2-61

5. Install the rocker shaft O-ring.

1.Inspect the O-ring for any damages or
wear. If so, install a new O-ring.
2.Install the O-ring.
CAUTION: The groove of the O-ring on the
rocker shaft should face to the gear box.


6. Assemble the rocker shaft.

1.Parallel the disconnected components with 1. In parallel “a”
the camshaft cover matching surface. 2. Cutting parts
3. Cylinder block 1
2.Wear down the surface of the support at the
pivot of the rocker shaft(intake rocker). 2
Size"a":5 mm


7. Install the rocker shaft bolt and tighten it to


the specified torque.

Torque:11 Nm

8. Install the rocker in the intake side on the

rocker shaft.
1.Smear moderate engine oil on the support
at the pivot of the rocker shaft.
2.For easy installation, release the valve
clearance adjusting nut first and turn
anticlockwise the valve clearance adjusting
bolt until the circlip is completely fixed by the


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-62 Mechanical System 3.3.2-62

9. Install the camshaft on the cylinder head.

1.Smear moderate engine oil on the cam and
bearing journal.
2.Install the camshaft on the cylinder head.

10. Install the camshaft cover on the cylinder

1. Add the oil to the sliding surface of the
camshaft bearing journal relative to each
camshaft cover.
2.Smear the sealant on the No.6 camshaft
cover surface matching with the cylinder
3. Install the camshaft cover on the camshaft
and cylinder head. A3302022

Sealant: HZ1213RTV Silicone sealant

CAUTION: There is an imprinted mark at
the top of each camshaft cover, which
indicates the location and direction of the
installation.The number means that it is
installed according to indication of
numbers at the timing belt side, and the
arrow means that its direction points to
timing belt side during installation.

CAUTION: Since the camshaft is seized

correctly by No.1 camshaft cover by
following the thrust direction, make sure
that No.1 cover is installed first on the
No.1 camshaft bearing journal.

11. Tighten the camshaft cover retaining bolts as

shown in the illustration.
1.Smear moderate engine oil on the camshaft
cover retaining bolts.
2.First screw the camshaft cover retaining
bolts and slightly.
3.Tighten the retaining bolts as the sequence
shown in the illustration.
Torque:11 Nm
CAUTION: Screw the bolts a little each
time with even force. Repeat screwing for
3 to 4 times as the sequence shown in the
illustration to the specified torque.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-63 Mechanical System 3.3.2-63

12. Use the special tool to install the camshaft oil

Special Tool:CA301 - 009
1.Smear moderate engine oil on the oil seal
lip of the camshaft.
2.Use the special tool to press down the
camshaft oil seal
CAUTION: Press down the camshaft oil
seal until the surface of the oil seal is
aligned with that of the camshaft cover.

13. Install the camshaft timing belt pulley 1 on the

14. Install the thrust pin 2 of camshaft in the
keyway of socket marked with “E”.


15. Use a suitable tool to tighten the camshaft

timing belt pulley retaining bolt.
Torque:60 Nm


16. Install the engine timing belt.

Refer to: Timing Gear (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-64 Mechanical System 3.3.2-64

17. Install the camshaft position sensor cover.

Sealant: HZ1213RTV Silicone sealant
1.Spread the sealant on the component A.
2.Install the camshaft position sensor cover.
3.Install and tighten the camshaft position
sensor cover retaining bolts.
Torque:11 Nm


18. Connect the camshaft position sensor wiring

harness connector.

19. Adjust the valve clearance.

Refer to: Inspect and adjust the valve
clearance(3.3.2 Mechanical System,
General Inspection).

20. Install the Cylinder head cover.

Refer to: Cylinder head cover(3.3.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

21. Install the accessory drive belt.

Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt(3.3.2
Mechanical System, General Inspection).

22. Connect the battery negative wiring harness.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-65 Mechanical System 3.3.2-65

Valve and Cylinder Head

Special Tool

Valve Spring Retainer

Lock Remover.
CA301 - 011


Valve Oil Seal Clamp

CA301 - 012


Valve oil seal installer.



General Equipment

Dial Indicator
Outside Micrometer
Plastic gauge
Straight scale
Inside Gauge
Vernier Caliper


Item Specifications
Sealant Tianshan 1587
Thread retaining gum Loctite 262

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-66 Mechanical System 3.3.2-66

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.3.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Drain the engine coolant.
Refer to: Coolant Draining and Filling
(3.3.4 Cooling System, General

3. Remove the Cylinder head cover.

Refer to: Cylinder head cover (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

4. Remove the engine timing belt.

Refer to: Timing Gear (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Removal and Installation).
5. Remove the intake manifold.
Refer to: Intake Manifold(3.3.5 Air
intake System, Removal and
6. Remove the exhaust manifold.
Refer to: Exhaust manifold (3.3.6
Exhaust System, Removal and
7. Remove the camshaft.
Refer to: Rocker/Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft(3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).

8. Remove the intake and exhaust rockers and

rocker shafts.
Refer to: Rocker/Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-67 Mechanical System 3.3.2-67

9. Remove the cylinder head bolts as shown in

the illustration.
1 5 9 7 3
10. Remove the engine cylinder head from the

2 6 10 8 4

11. Use the special tool to squeeze and press the

valve spring.
Special Tool:CA301 - 011



12. Use a plier to remove the valve lock.

General Equipment:Plier
13. Remove the valve from the combustion
chamber side.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-68 Mechanical System 3.3.2-68

14. Use the special tool to remove the valve oil

seal from the valve guide side.
Special Tool:CA301 - 012



15. Use a suitable tool to push against the valve

guide out from the combustion side to the
valve spring side.
CAUTION: Once the valve guide is
removed, it can not be reused.Use a
new(enlarged size)valve guide in

CAUTION: Besides the valve oil seal and

valve guide, the components
disassembled must be placed in sequence A3302032
so that they can return to their original

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-69 Mechanical System 3.3.2-69
1. Measure diameter reading of valve stem and
the pipe to inspect its clearance through the
micrometer and bore gauge.
Measure diameter readings at several
positions along the valve stem and
pipe.Install a new valve stem and valve guide
if the clearance exceeds the limit.
CAUTION: Install a new camshaft if the
measured lift is below the limit.

Item Standard Limit

Valve stem Intake 5.465 - 5.480 mm -

diameter Exhaust 5.440 - 5.455 mm -

Valve guide Intake -

pipe inner 5.500 - 5.512 mm
diameter Exhaust -

Clearance Intake 0.020 - 0.047 mm 0.07 mm

between the
valve stem Exhaust 0.045 - 0.072 mm 0.09 mm
and the pipe A3302033

2. If a calliper gauge is not available, a dial

indicator gauge can be used as a substitute
to inspect the valve stem end offset.Move the
valve stem end in the direction 1 and 2 to
inspect the offset.Install a new valve stem
and valve guide if the offset exceeds the limit.

Valve stem end offset Intake 0.14 mm

extremity Exhaust 0.18 mm

3. Clear all the carbon deposit on the valve(s).

4. Inspect the valve working surface and valve

stem for any possible wear, burning damage
or deformation. Install a new valve as

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-70 Mechanical System 3.3.2-70

5. Measure the thickness of the valve

head.Install a new valve if the measured
thickness exceeds the limit.

Valve head thickness

Standard Limit

Intake 0.6 mm
0.8 - 1.2 mm
Exhaust 0.7 mm

6. Inspect the valve stem end for any possible

dent or wear.
CAUTION: In case of dent or
abrasion,flatten the end face of valve
stem, but not too much to avoid its
chamfer.If its chamfer has been polished
too much, replace the valve.


7. Inspect the valve-face width by observing the

contacting imprint left on the valve matching
CAUTION: Spread an even layer of
membrane on the valve seat and then
inspect the valve-face width by turning the
valve seat and valve head.

CAUTION: The imprint left on the valve

matching surface must be a continuous
circle the width of which must be within A3302037
the specification.

Valve imprint standard


1.1 ~ 1.3 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-71 Mechanical System 3.3.2-71

8. Repair the valve seat.

CAUTION: The valve seat must be
smoothed, cut, rubbed and even go
through accurate grinding and polishing,
if the imprint made by the contact between
valve seat and valve is not even or the
width of it is not within the specification.

1.Use valve reamer to repair twice as shown

in the illustration.
CAUTION: Two reamers must be used.Use
the first one at angle of 15°, the second
one at an angle of 45°. The width required
must be reached at the second repair.

Exhaust valve seat width:1.1 ~ 1.3 mm A3302038

Intake valve seat width:1.1 ~ 1.3 mm

2.Grind the end surface by spreading rough
grinding paste on it.
3.Grind the end surface with fine grinding
CAUTION: Adopt usual methods to grind
the end surface by using valve grinding
tools in each step.


9. Clear the combustion carbon deposit.

CAUTION: Do not use any sharp tools to
scrape the carbon deposit.Be aware of not
damaging or scraping the metal surface
when clearing the carbon deposit.It is also
applicable to the valve(s) and valve

10. Inspect the cylinder head intake and exhaust

ports, combustion chamber and cylinder head
surface for any possible scratches.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-72 Mechanical System 3.3.2-72

11. Inspect the cylinder head for the straightness.

General Equipment:plastic gauge, Straight
CAUTION: Use Straight scale and plastic
gauge, inspect the cylinder head at 6
positions.Use a flat and a 400# sand paper
to level the cylinder head if the
deformation of the cylinder head exceeds
the following limit.

CAUTION: Install a new cylinder head, if A3302040

the reading on the plastic gauge remains

beyond the limit.

Deformation Limit:0.05 mm


12. Inspect the deformation of manifold matching

General Equipment:plastic gauge, Straight
CAUTION: Inspect the cylinder head
manifold matching face with a Straight
scale and a plastic gauge to see if these
surfaces need to be leveled or replaced.

Deformation Limit:0.10 mm


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-73 Mechanical System 3.3.2-73

13. Inspect the length and load of the valve

General Equipment:Vernier Caliper
CAUTION: Inspect if each spring is still
functioning or damaged or weakening
referring to the following table.Valve
spring(s) with poor elasticity results in
vibration and the reduced valve seat
pressure results in the occurrence of gas
leak which leads to the reduction of output

Item Standard Limit

Valve A3302043
36.83 mm 35.67 mm

10.7 - 12.5 kg:
spring 9.3 kg: 31.5 mm
31.55 mm

14. Inspect the valve spring for the uprightness.

General Equipment:Straight scale
CAUTION: Use a Straight scale and a flat
to inspect the uprightness of each spring
in accordance with the clearance between
the valve spring end and the Straight
scale.Install a new valve spring if the
clearance exceeds the limit values shown

Valve spring uprightness limit:2.0 mm A3302044

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-74 Mechanical System 3.3.2-74
1. Remove the raw edges around the valve
guide bore with a 11 mm reamer.
General Equipment:11 mm Reamer


2. Install the valve guide(s) in the cylinder head.

1.Heat the cylinder head evenly.
CAUTION: Evenly heat the cylinder head
to 80 ℃ ~ 100 ℃ .Thus, the cylinder head
will not be deformed.

2.Use the special tool to press the new valve

guide into the bore until the special tool
reaches the cylinder head.
CAUTION: After the installation, make A3302046
sure that the valve guide stretches
11.5 mm out of the cylinder head.

CAUTION: The installation of both the

intake and exhaust valve guides is the

CAUTION: Valve guide enlarged-

size(intake and exhaust):0.03 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-75 Mechanical System 3.3.2-75

3. Ream the valve guide bore diameter with a

5.5 mm reamer.


4. Clean the valve guide bore.

5. Use the special tool to install a new valve

stem oil seal on the valve guide.
Special Tool:CA301 - 013
CAUTION: Spread the engine oil on the
valve stem oil seal surface and then install
the oil seal on the valve guide with the
special tool.

CAUTION: Once the oil seal is removed, it

can not be reused.

CAUTION: During the installation, do not

knock on the special tools with a hammer
or other tools.Install the oil seal on the
valve guide by pushing and pressing the
special tool with hands.Knocking on the A3302048
special tool may result in the damage of
the oil seal.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-76 Mechanical System 3.3.2-76

6. Install the valve on the valve guide.

CAUTION: Spread the engine oil on the
valve oil seal, valve guide bore and valve
stem when installing the valve on the


7. Install the valve spring and spring seat.

CAUTION: Each valve spring has a top
end(bigger space end 1) and a bottom
end(smaller space end 2)When installing
the spring, its bottom end(smaller space
end 2) must be pointed to the
bottom(valve spring seat).


8. Use the special tool to compress the valve

spring and install the valve lock in the valve
stem groove.
Special Tool:CA301 - 011
General Equipment:Plier


9. Install the intake and exhaust rockers and

rocker shafts
Refer to: Rocker/Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-77 Mechanical System 3.3.2-77

10. Install a new cylinder gasket.

1.Remove the used cylinder gasket.
2.Smear moderate engine oil over the
matching surface.
3.Install the gasket on the cylinder block with
its surface marked with “TOP” facing upward
and its edge bordering with the crankshaft
belt pulley side.


11. Inspect and verify the high-pressure oil seal

has been installed and it is not blocked.
Torque:3.5 Nm


12. Install and tighten the cylinder head bolts.

1 Tighten all the bolts to 35 Nm as the 9 5 1 3 7
sequence shown in the illustration.
2 Tighten all the bolts to 55 Nm as the
sequence shown in the illustration.
3 Tighten all the bolts to the specified torque
as the sequence shown in the illustration.
Torque:68 Nm 10 6 2 4 8

13. Install the camshaft.

Refer to: Rocker/Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).

14. Intall the exhaust manifold.

Refer to: Exhaust manifold (3.3.6
Exhaust System, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-78 Mechanical System 3.3.2-78

15. Install the intake manifold.

Refer to: Intake Manifold(3.3.5 Air intake
System, Removal and Installation).

16. Install the engine timing belt.

Refer to: Timing Gear(3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Removal and Installation).

17. Adjust the valve clearance.

Refer to: Inspect and adjust the valve
clearance(3.3.2 Mechanical System,
General Inspection).

18. Install the Cylinder head cover.

Refer to: Cylinder head cover(3.3.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

19. Install the accessory drive belt.

Refer to: Accessory transmission
belt(3.3.2 Mechanical System, Removal
and Installation).

20. Fill engine coolant.

Refer to: Coolant Draining and Filling
(3.3.4 Cooling System, General

21. Connect the battery negative wiring harness.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-79 Mechanical System 3.3.2-79

Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting Rod and Cylinder

General Equipment

Cylinder micrometer
Outside Micrometer
Plastic Gauge
Straight Scale
Piston Ring Expander
Piston Ring Compressor
Cylinder Micrometer


Item Specifications
Sealant Tianshan 1587
Thread retaining gum Loctite 262

1. Drain engine oil.

2. Remove the cylinder head.

Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and

3. Remove the oil pan and its baffle plate.

Refer to: Engine Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Filter (3.3.3 Lubrication System, Removal
and Installation).

4. Remove the oil pump filter.

Refer to: Engine Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Filter (3.3.3 Lubrication System, Removal
and Installation).

5. Label the cylinder number on the piston,

connecting rod and bushing with quick drying

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-80 Mechanical System 3.3.2-80

6. Remove the retaining bolts on the piston

connecting rod bushing.


7. Remove the piston connecting rod bushing.

CAUTION: After removing the poston link
bushing, install the rubber sleeve over the
thread of the connecting rod bolts to avoid
damaging the thread of the journal bearing
and connecting rod bolts when removing
the connecting rod.


8. Remove the carbon deposit at the top of the


9. Push the piston and connecting rod out of the

cylinder block.


10. Use the piston ring expander to remove the

piston ring from the piston.
Note: The first and second rings are piston
gas ring, the third one is piston oil ring.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-81 Mechanical System 3.3.2-81

11. Detach the piston from the connecting rod.

1.Remove the piston pin circlip
2.Take out the piston pin.
3.Detach the piston from the connecting rod.


12. Use a suitable tool to remove the carbon

deposit from the piston crown and piston ring

1. Observe if there is any obvious scratch,sags
and crests or humps on the cylinder wall.
Hone out the cylinder block again or install a
new crankcase if the cylinder wall is very
rough or has some deep scratches, sags and

2. Use the internal micrometer to measure the

cylinder bore in two directions and at two
positions as shown in the illustration.Hone out
the cylinder block again or install a new
crankcase if any of the following cases exists.
1.The cylinder bore exceeds the tolerance.
2.The difference value of the tapers at the two
positions exceeds the tolerance.
3.The measured thrust and axial difference
value exceeds the out-of-round range.
Cylinder Bore Limit:74.15 mm
Taper and out-of-round limit:0.10 mm
CAUTION: Hone out the four cylinder
blocks at an uniform increased scale if
any of them needs to be honed out
again.This is necessary to keep the
uniformity and equilibrium of the cylinder


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-82 Mechanical System 3.3.2-82

3. Inspect the piston for any wear, cracks or

other damages. If any, install a new piston.

4. As shown in the illustration, measure the

piston diameter 23 mm above the piston skirt
bottom in a direction vertical to the piston pin.

73.970 ~ 73.990

Piston Enlarged size by 74.220 ~ 74.230

Diameter 0.25 mm mm

Enlarged size by 74.470 ~ 74.480

0.50 mm mm

5. Inspect the clearance between the piston and

cylinder. If the clearance exceeds the
specified range, hone out the cylinder block
again with a bigger piston or install a new
Piston Clearance:0.02 - 0.04 mm
CAUTION: The cylinder bore in this step is
measured at two directions and two

6. Inspect the piston ring-to-groove clearance.

1.Clean and dry the piston ring groove.
2.Install the piston ring in the groove.
3.Use the plastic gauge to measure the ring-
to-groove clearance. If it exceeds the
standard range, install a new piston.
Piston Clearance:
The First Ring:0.03 ~ 0.07 mm
The Second Ring:0.02 ~ 0.06 mm A3302061

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-83 Mechanical System 3.3.2-83

7. Inspect the piston pin, connecting rod wrist-

pin hole and piston hole for any wear or
CAUTION: Install a new pin, connecting
rod or piston if the piston pin, wrist-pin
hole or piston hole has been seriously
worn or damaged.

8. Inspect the piston pin clearance.

CAUTION: Inspect the piston clearance at
the smaller end of the connecting rod. If
the wrist-pin end has been seriously worn
or damaged and the clearance exceeds
the standard range, install a new
connecting rod.

Item Standard Limit

Wrist-pin end
0.003 - 0.014 mm 0.05 mm

Wrist-pin hole:19.003 ~ 19.011 mm

Piston Pin Diameter:18.997 ~ 19.000 mm

9. Inset the piston ring in the cylinder wall and

measure the clearance with a plastic gauge.
General equipment:Plastic gauge
CAUTION: Before the piston ring is insert,
clean the top of the cylinder and remove
the carbon deposit.

Item Standard Limit

First 120 mm
0.15 - 0.30 mm 0.7 mm 3
Piston ring
end Second
0.20 - 0.35 mm 0.7 mm
clearance Ring

Oil ring 0.20 - 0.60 mm 1.7 mm A3302063

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-84 Mechanical System 3.3.2-84

10. Connect the crankshaft and connecting rod

and inspect the connecting rod tip side
clearance.Install a new connecting rod if the
clearance exceeds the standard range.

Item Standard Limit

rod tip 0.10 - 0.25 mm 0.35 mm


11. Install the connecting rod on the straightener

and inspect if the connecting rod is bent or
distorted. If the bend and distortion of the
connecting rod exceed the limit, install a new
connecting rod.
Bend Limit:0.05 mm
Distortion Limit:0.10 mm

12. Use an outside micrometer to inspect the

crank for any possible irregular wear or

Connecting Rod
Crankshaft Diameter
Bushing Model

Standard dimension 41.982 - 42,000 mm

Reduce the size by

41.732 - 41.750 mm
0.25 mm

Crank roundness and taper Limit:0.01 mm

General equipment:Outside Micrometer

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-85 Mechanical System 3.3.2-85

13. Inspect the bushing for any possible

dissolution signs, drop pits, ablation or
surface peeling off as well as contacting
shapes. If there are any obvious signs as
described above, install a new bushing.
CAUTION: Note: Distinguish the standard
bearing bushing from the one reduced by
0.25mm by observing the mark on the
back of the bushing.There is a 25 marked
on the back of the bushing reduced by
0.25mm. Instead, there is no such mark on A3302066

the standard model.

14. Inspect the connecting rod bushing

1.Clean the connecting rod bushing and
crank. 1
2.Install the bushing on the connecting rod
and bushing cover.
3.When connecting the crank to the bushing,
place a plastic gauge 1 on the crank in a way
it is paralleled to the crank axis and avoids
the lubrication hole. A3302067

General equipment:Plastic gauge

15. Install the connecting rod bushing cover.

CAUTION: When installing the connecting
rod bushing, verify the arrow on the
bushing cover should be on the side of the
crank belt pulley. As shown in the
illustration, the retaining bolts on the
bushing cover should be tightened to the
standard torque after the engine oil is
spread on the two bolts. Do not turn the
crankshaft with a plastic gauge.
Torque:35 Nm

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-86 Mechanical System 3.3.2-86

16. Remove the bushing cover and place a

gauge rod 1 on the plastic gauge 2,and then
measure the width of the plastic gauge at the
widest clearance.
CAUTION: Install a new bushing with a
new size and measure the clearance again
if the clearance exceeds the standard

Item Standard Limit A3302068

0.020 ~ 0.050 mm 0.080 mm

17. Install a new crankshaft or grind the crank if

the clearance still exceeds the standard value
after using a new standard bushing.
1.Install the bearing bushing reduced by
0.25mm in size on the connecting rod tip.
2.Measure the connecting rod tip bore
3.Grind the crank again to reach the following
final diameter.
Final crankshaft diameter=Measured
connecting rod tip bore diameter (including
the sized-reduced bushing) - 0.035 mm
4.Verify the bushing clearance is within the
standard range.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-87 Mechanical System 3.3.2-87
CAUTION: Two models of piston are
standard spare parts. The piston can be
used only if it guarantees a correct piston
clearance and cylinder clearance.When
installing the standard piston, match the
piston to the cylinder as the following

CAUTION: Each piston has number

indication 1 or 2 as shown in the figure,
which means outside diameter of the

CAUTION: There are also number mark 1

or 2 on the engine block as shown in the
illustration. The first number represents
the inside diameter of the No.1 cylinder.
The second number represents the inside
diameter of the NO.2 cylinder. The third
number represents the inside diameter of
the NO.3 cylinder. The fourth number
represents the inside diameter of the NO.4

CAUTION: Match the piston to the

corresponding cylinder by following the
cylinder inside diameter mark on the
cylinder block.

CAUTION: There are also letters like A, B

or C printed on the piston head. It is not
necessary to use these letters to
distinguish each piston.

1. Install the piston pin on the piston and

connecting rod.
1 2
1.Smear moderate engine oil on the piston
pin and piston pin hole.
2.Install the piston connecting rod on the
3.Inset the piston pin in the piston and 2.Marking
3.Rod 4
connecting rod. 4.Oil orifice

4.Install the piston pin circlip.

CAUTION: Install the piston pin circlip
with its mouth facing upwards or

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-88 Mechanical System 3.3.2-88

2. Install the piston ring on the piston.

1. As shown, both ring 1 and 2 has letter
indication; install the piston ring at the piston. Alphabet Side
CAUTION: No.1 ring and No.2 ring are Alphabet Side
different in their thickness, shape as well 1
as the way they contact with the cylinder 2
wall. It is necessary to distinguish the 3
No.1 ring from the No.2 ring.(NO.1 ring is
bright silver, No.2 is dark silver.)

2.Install the oil ring cushion spring. A3302072

3.Install the oil ring scraping ring.

CAUTION: Gas ring, oil ring (RN, R)
marked downward.

3. Arrange the end gap of the three piston rings

as shown in the illustration.
1.Piston ring upper rail clearance.
2.Intake side.
3.1 Ring end clearance.
4 Piston ring lower rail clearance.
5.Exhaust side
6.2.The second ring end play and piston ring
cushion spring clearance. A3302073

7.Assembly direction mark

4. Smear moderate engine oil on the piston,

piston ring, cylinder wall, connecting rod
bearing bushing and crank.
CAUTION: Do not spread engine oil
between the connecting rod and bearing
bushing or bearing bushing cover and
bearing bushing.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-89 Mechanical System 3.3.2-89

5. Install the rubber sheath over the connecting

rod bolts.
CAUTION: The rubber sheath can protect
the thread of the bolts on the crank and
connecting rod from damaging during the
assembly of the connecting rod and


6. Install the assembly of the piston and

connecting rod into the cylinder.
1.Compress the piston rings with a piston ring
2.Place the connecting rod on the cylinder
3.Knock on the piston with a hammer beam
and install the piston into the cylinder.
General equipment:Piston ring Compressor
CAUTION: Hold the piston ring
compressor closely against the cylinder
block until all piston rings enter the

7. Install the connecting rod bushing cover.

1.Install the connecting rod bushing on the
2.Let the arrow on the cover point to the
crankshaft belt pulley.
3.Tighten the connecting rod bearing bushing
retaining nuts.
Torque:35 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-90 Mechanical System 3.3.2-90

8. Install the oil pump filter.

Refer to: Engine Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Filter(3.3.3 Lubrication System, Removal
and Installation).

9. Install the oil pan and its baffle plate.

Refer to: Engine Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Filter(3.3.3 Lubrication System, Removal
and Installation).

10. Install the cylinder head.

Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-91 Mechanical System 3.3.2-91

Main Bearing, Crankshaft and Cylinder Block

Special tool

Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal

CA301 - 025


Flywheel Lock Tools

CA301 - 028


Friction Disk Mounting

CA301 - 024


General Tool

Outside Micrometer
Plastic gauge
Straight scale


Item Specifications
Sealant Tianshan 1587
Thread retaining gum Loctite 262

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-92 Mechanical System 3.3.2-92
1. Drain engine oil.

2. Remove the engine assembly.

Refer to: Engine Assembly (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

3. Disassemble the transmission assembly.

Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.6
Manual Transmission - MR510B04,
Removal and Installation).

4. Remove the cylinder head.

Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and

5. Use the special tool to remove the flywheel

1. Lock the flywheel with special tool.
Special Tool: CA301 - 028
2. Remove 6 flywheel bolts.


6. Remove the oil pan and its baffle plate.

Refer to: Engine Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Filter (3.3.3 Lubrication System, Removal
and Installation).

7. Remove the oil pump filter.

Refer to: Engine Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Filter (3.3.3 Lubrication System, Removal
and Installation).

8. Remove the engine oil pump.

Refer to: Eninge Oil Pump (3.3.3
Lubrication System, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-93 Mechanical System 3.3.2-93

9. Remove the crankshaft rear end cover and

the rear oil seal.



10. Remove the piston connecting rod bearing

Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).

11. Remove the crankshaft main bearing cover

as shown in the illustration. 3 7 9 5 1

4 8 6 2


12. Remove the crankshaft from the cylinder


1. Inspect the crankshaft.
1.Inspect the crankshaft radial runout, and
measure the radial runout at the center shaft
with a micrometer while slowly turning the
crankshaft. If the radial runout exceeds the
limit value, install a new crankshaft.
Radial Runout Limit:0.06 mm


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-94 Mechanical System 3.3.2-94

2.Inspect the thrust clearance and read the

axial displacement in the thrust direction.
Install a new thrust plate if the measurement
exceeds the limit value.

Item Standard Limit Value

0.11 ~ 0.31mm 0.38 mm
thrust clearance


Standard 2.500 mm

Increasing: 0.125
Thrust Plate 2.563 mm

3 Inspect the crankshaft for uneven

wear(Out-of-round and taper and measure it
with an outside micrometer.Hone out the
crankshaft or install a new one if any of the
bearing journals has been seriously worn or
the uneven wear exceeds the limit value.
Ellipticity limit value and taper:0.01 mm


2. Inspect the main bearing bushing.

1. 5 dimensions are available for the main
bearing bushing,including the standard and
increased size of 0.25mm.Inspect the main
bearing bushing for any possible corrosive
pitting, scratches, wear or damages.Install
the upper and lower bearing bushing
respectively, instead of replacing a whole if
any fault is found.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-95 Mechanical System 3.3.2-95

3. Inspect the main bearing bushing clearance.

1.Remove the main bearing cover.
2.Clean the main bearing bushing and the
3.Place a plastic gauge 1 on the main axis
which is equal to the width of the bearing
(paralleled to the crankshaft) and avoids the
lubrication hole.
4.As the sequence shown in the illustration,
install the main bearing cover and evenly
tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Torque:54 Nm
CAUTION: During the installation, the
arrow on the main bearing cover must
point to the front of the engine.The main
bearing cover marked with “1” is installed
at the front of the engine. The one marked
with “5” is installed on the side of the

CAUTION: Do not turn the crankshaft after

installing the main bearing cover.
5 Remove the main bearing cover, measure
its width by placing the gauge rod 2 at the
widest point of the plastic gauge.Install a new
main bearing bushing if the clearance
exceeds the limit value.Both the upper and
lower bearings must be replaced as a whole.
A bearing increased in size by 0.25mm can
be installed and grinded again if the
clearance does not meet the specified value
when a standard bearing bushing is
used.Inspect the bearing bushing clearance
again after installing a new bearing.

Bushing Standard Limit

0.014 ~ 0.034 mm 0.060 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-96 Mechanical System 3.3.2-96

4. The selection of main bearing: Select a new

standard bearing as the following sequence if
the main bearing is not correct or the bearing
clearance exceeds the technical requirement.
1.Inspect the crankshaft diameter. There are
five printed numbers on the crank. The three
numbers(“1”, “2” and “3”) represent the
following bearing journal diameter.

Bearing Journal A3302084

Printed Number

1 44.994 ~ 45.000 mm

2 44.988 ~ 44.994 mm

3 44.982 ~ 44.988 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-97 Mechanical System 3.3.2-97

2.Inspect the crankshaft bearing cover bore

diameter. There are 5 printed letters on the
cylinder assembly table(as shown in the
illustration), three of which or “1”, “2” and “3”,
represent the following bearing cover bore

Bearing Cover Bore

Printed Mark Diameter without a 32322
Bearing Bushing
1 49.000 ~ 49.006 mm

2 49.006 ~ 49.012 mm

3 49.012 ~ 49.018 mm

3. 5 standard crankshaft bearings bushing

with different thicknesses are available.There
is a mark “0.00” printed at the back of the
bearing. The thickness of the bearing is
grouped as the following table.

Bearing Bushing
Grouping Number

1 2.008 ~ 2.012 mm

2 2.005 ~ 2.009 mm

3 2.002 ~ 2.006 mm

4 1.999 ~ 2.003 mm

5 1.996 ~ 2.000 mm

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-98 Mechanical System 3.3.2-98

4.Select a crankshaft bearing that meets the

standard in accordance with the numbers
printed on the cranks and the letters printed
on the cylinder matching surface plus the
following table.

The numbers printed on the

cranks.(Bearing journal diameter)
1 2 3
The letters 1 5 4 3
printed on
2 4 3 2
3 3 2 1
cover bore
Install a new standard bushing

5.Use the plastic gauge, inspect the re-

selected crankshaft bearing clearance. Use a
thicker bearing and inspect the clearance
once again if the clearance remains beyond
the limit value.
6.Refer to the numbers printed on the new
crankshaft or the letters printed on the new
cylinders to select a new standard crankshaft
bearing when installing a new crankshaft or
cylinder block.

5. Thickened crankshaft bearing: a thickened

crankshaft bearing is available in the repair.
Its thickness: 2.119 ~ 2.125 mm?Hone out
the crankshaft once again and select the
thickening-type crankshaft bearing to be used
if necessary.
1.Grind the crankshaft axis diameter to the
following final diameter.Final diameter:44.732
~ 44.750 mm?
2.Measure the grinded axis diameter with a
micrometer. To inspect the radial runout,
measure the diameter in 2 directions
respectively which are vertical to each other.
Install the thickened bearing and inspect the
bearing clearance with the new-selected
thickened bearing.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-99 Mechanical System 3.3.2-99

6. Inspect the crankshaft rear oil seal.

1.Inspect the oil seal for any possible wear.
Install a new oil seal if the lip of the oil seal
has been worn or damaged.
2.When installing the oil seal, clean the oil
seal retainer and press it in steadily, keep the
oil seal face 0.5 mm below the oil seal
housing face.


7. Inspect the flywheel.

1.Inspect the flywheel gear ring. Install a new
flywheel if the gear ring has been damaged or
cracked or worn.
2.Inspect the clutch friction sheet contacting
face. Install a new flywheel if the surface has
been damaged or worn excessively.
3 Measure the flywheel end face runout with
a micrometer. Install a new flywheel if the
measurement exceeds the limit value. A3302087

End face runout limit value:0.2 mm

8. Inspect the cylinder block

1.Use the Straight scale and thickness gauge,
inspect the cylinder block and cylinder head
sealing surface for any possible deformation.
Finish the surface if the flatness exceeds the
limit value.

Item Standard Limit Value

Flatness 0.03 mm 0.06 mm


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-100 Mechanical System 3.3.2-100

9. Hone out the cylinder.

1.All other cylinders need to be honed out
again if any of the cylinders needs to be
honed out again.
2.Select a size-increased piston according to
the extent that the cylinder has been honed.

Piston Diameter Dimensions
74.220 ~ 74.230
0.25 0.25 mm

3.Measure the piston diameter with a

4 Calculate the diameter of the cylinder bore
to be honed out.D=A+B - C
D: Diameter of the cylinder bore to be honed
A:Measured piston diameter.
B: Piston Clearance=0.02 ~ 0.04 mm
C:Honing excess=0.02 mm
5.Hone out the cylinder to the calculated size.
CAUTION: Before honing the cylinder,
install all the main bearing covers and
screw them as the specified torque while
preventing the bearing bore from being

6 Measure the piston clearance after the

cylinder has been honed.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-101 Mechanical System 3.3.2-101
CAUTION: Clean all the components to be

CAUTION: Make sure that moderate

engine oil should be spread on the
crankshaft bearing journal, crankshaft
bearing, thrust plate, connecting rod
bearing journal, piston, piston ring and
cylinder bore.

CAUTION: Make sure that the crankshaft

bearing, bearing cover, connecting rod,
connecting rod bearing, connecting
bearing cover, piston and piston ring are
all assembled into a combination.Do not
mess the combination and make sure that
each component should return to the
original position.

1. Install the crankshaft bearing on the cylinder

block.One bearing bushing with an oil groove
is installed on the cylinder block, the other
one without an oil groove is installed on the
bearing cover. Verify the two bearing
bushings are the same in size.


2. Install the crankshaft thrust plate 1 on the

cylinder block between the No.2 cylinder and
No.3 cylinder. Make sure that the oil groove
side of the thrust plate points to the crank.
3. Install the crankshaft on the cylinder.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-102 Mechanical System 3.3.2-102

4. Install the crankshaft bearing cover. Make

sure that the arrow on each cover points to
crankshaft belt pulley side. Install the cover
marked with “1” on the side near the
crankshaft belt pulley and install the cover
marked with “5” on the side near the flywheel.


5. Tighten the crankshaft bearing cover bolts as

shown in the illustration to the specified 9 5 1 3 7
Torque:54 Nm
CAUTION: It is not allowed to tighten the
bolts to the specified torque at one turn.
The correct way is to tighten the bolts at
several times until the specified torque is 10 6 4 8
reached. 2

CAUTION: After the crankshaft bearing A3302093

cover bolts have been tightened, make

sure that the crankshaft can rotate steadily
without any interference when turning the
crankshaft at a torque force of 8 Nm or
less than that.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-103 Mechanical System 3.3.2-103

6. Install a new crankshaft oil seal housing

cushion and oil seal housing and tighten the
shorter retaining bolt 1 and the longer
retaining bolt 2 as the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 11 Nm
CAUTION: Sealing gasket of oil seal 2 2
housing shall be used with new one. Do
not use those taken out during removal.
Apply engine oil at the oil seal lip before 1
installation. A3302094

CAUTION: Since there are two types of oil

seal housing bolts, do not install them at a
wrong position.After installing the oil seal
housing, the bulge on edge of the seal
cushion should be cut off if it exists and
clean the cylinder block and oil seal

7. Install the engine oil pump.

Refer to: Eninge Oil Pump(3.3.3
Lubrication System, Removal and

8. Install the oil pump filter.

Refer to: Engine Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Filter (3.3.3 Lubrication System, Removal
and Installation).

9. Engine oil pan and its baffle plate.

Refer to: Engine Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Filter (3.3.3 Lubrication System, Removal
and Installation).

10. Use the special tool to install the flywheel and

tighten the retaining bolts as the specified
Special Tool:CA301-028
Tightening Torque:78 Nm

11. Install the cylinder head.

Refer to: Valve and Cylinder Head (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Disassembly and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-104 Mechanical System 3.3.2-104

12. Install the Timing Belt Tensioner.

Refer to: Timing Gear (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Removal and Installation).

13. Install the accessory drive belt.

Refer to: Accessory transmission belt
(3.3.2 Mechanical System, Removal and

14. Install the transmission assembly.

Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.6
Manual Transmission - MR510B04,
Removal and Installation).

15. Install the engine assembly.

Refer to: Engine Assembly (3.3.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

16. Fill engine oil.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-105 Mechanical System 3.3.2-105

Removal and Installation

Cylinder Head Cover
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.3.10
Charging System, General Inspection).

2. Remove the ignition coil assembly with high

voltage damping wire.
Refer to: Ignition Coil (3.3.8 Ignition
System,Remove and Installation).

3. Detach the PCV valve and vent hose from the

Cylinder head cover.



4. Remove the Cylinder head cover.

1 Remove the 6 retaining bolts on the
Cylinder head cover.

2 Remove the seal ring and O-ring on the

Cylinder head cover.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-106 Mechanical System 3.3.2-106
1. Install the O-ring and Cylinder head cover
seal ring.


2. Install the Cylinder head cover and tighten

the 6 bolts to the specified torque.
Torque:11 Nm
CAUTION: When installing the Cylinder
head cover,prevent the Cylinder head
cover seal ring or O-ring from moving or
coming off.

3. Install the ignition coil assembly with high

voltage damping wire.
Refer to: Ignition Coil(3.3.8 Ignition
System,Remove and Installation).

4. Connect the battery negative wiring harness.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-107 Mechanical System 3.3.2-107

Accessory drive belt

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.3.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Lift and support the vehicle.
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).
3. Unscrew two lower retaining bolts of the



4. Unscrew retaining bolt 1 and 2 of the

1 3
5. Take out compressor belt 3.


6. Unscrew the lower retaining bolt of the



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-108 Mechanical System 3.3.2-108

7. Unscrew the upper retaining bolt 1 of the

generator, and unscrew retaining bolt 2 of the
generator, till the pump belt can be taken out
from the belt pulley.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

2. Inspect the water pump belt tension and

press the belt in the middle with a force of 100
Nm to supposedly see a dent with depth of 5
to 6 mm.

5~6 mm
100 Nm


3. Inspect the water pump belt tension and

press the belt in the middle with a force of
100Nm to surely see a dent with depth of 5 to
6 mm.

100 Nm 5~6 mm


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-109 Mechanical System 3.3.2-109

Timing Gear
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.3.10
Charging System, General Inspection).

2. Lift and support the vehicle.

Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).

3. Remove the accessory drive belt.

Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.3.2 Gear
System, Removal and Installation).

4. Remove the retaining bolt of pump belt pulley,

and take out the pulley.



5. Remove the crankshaft pulley.



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-110 Mechanical System 3.3.2-110

6. Remove the water pipe bracket.



7. Remove nut 1 and 5 retaining bolts 2 of timing


belt front casing.

1 ×5 2


8. Rotate the crankshaft to align the timing mark

as shown in the following illustration.
CAUTION: The “E” timing mark on the
camshaft belt pulley should align with the
one on the valve chamber housing.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-111 Mechanical System 3.3.2-111

9. Remove the timing belt tensioner, tensioner

plate, tensioning spring and timing belt.
WARNING: Do not rotate the crankshaft
and camshaft to over 45 degrees to both
the left and right with the timing mark as
the benchmark after removing the belt. Or,
some related components may be
damaged, such as piston and valves.

CAUTION: Do not bend the timing belt.


1. Inspect the timing belt for any wear or cracks.
Install a new one as necessary.


2. Inspect the tensioner and to see if it rotates

freely or not.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-112 Mechanical System 3.3.2-112
1. Install the plate on the tensioner.
2. Insert the pulley plate crowned tooth into the
tensioner bore.


3. Install the tensioner and the plate.

CAUTION: Do not tighten the tensioner
bolt 1. Just tighten it slightly.Inspect if the
plate 3 can move in a direction shown by
the arrow, which makes the plate 2 move
in the same direction.

CAUTION: Remove the tensioner and

plate. Insert the pulley plate crowned tooth
back into tensioner bore again if there is 2
no related movement between the plate A3302113
and tensioner.

4. Inspect the timing mark on the camshaft

timing belt pulley and align the mark with the
V-shaped port on the cylinder head.Align the
2 marks by rotating the camshaft if they are
not aligned. Note that the rotation can not
exceed the allowed range.

5. Inspect the imprint mark on the crankshaft

belt pulley which should be aligned with the
arrow on the oil pump housing.Align the 2
marks by rotating the crankshaft if they are
not aligned. Note that the rotation can not
exceed the allowed range.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-113 Mechanical System 3.3.2-113

6. Install the timing belt and the tensioning

spring to align the two sets of marks. The
pulley plate is pushed up and then the timing
belt is installed on the two belt pulleys while
making sure that belt driving side 1 (end) is
not loosened.As shown in the illustration,
install the tensioning spring 2 and the
tensioner bolt. But do not tighten it.
CAUTION: When installing the timing belt,
make the arrow mark on the belt points in
the same direction as the crankshaft


7. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise for 2 turns to

tighten the loosened timing belt.Tighten the
pulley plate bolt 1 first and then the tensioner
bolt 2 as the specified torque when the belt is
Torque:Tensioner plate Bolt 11 Nm
Torque:Tensioner Bolt 25 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.2-114 Mechanical System 3.3.2-114

8. Inspect again if the timing mark is aligned as

shown in the illustration. Or, repeat the
installation steps.
9. Make sure that the seals are located between
the water pump and oil pump housing and
install the timing belt front housing.
10. Install the timing belt front housing.
11. Install the crankshaft belt pulley and tighten
the retaining bolt as the specified torque.
12. Install the water pump pulley.
13. Install the accessory drive belt.
Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.3.2 Gear
System, Removal and Installation).


Engine Assembly
Refer to: Engine Assembly (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3 Lubrication
3.3.3-1 Lubrication System 3.3.3-1

Material Specifications
Item Specifications Capacity
Sealant Silicon rubber flat sealant: Tianshan 1587 -

Component Specifications
Item Specifications
Oil pump type Trochoid type
Engine rotating speed 4,000 rpm
Oil pressure
Oil pressure 320 ~ 480 kPa

General Specifications
Lubrication Specifications

Application Specifications
Viscosity SF
Grade 15W - 40
Capacity 5L

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Engine oil pan drain plug 35 26 -
oil pan retaining blots and nuts 11 8 -
Oil pump retaining bolts 11 8 -
Oil filter tightening torque 14 10 -
Engine oil filter connecting pipe 23 17 -
Oil pressure switch tightening torque 14 10 -
Oil pump filter retaining bolts 11 11 -
Oil pump rotor plate screw 11 11 -
Oil pan casing bolts 11 11 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-2 Lubrication System 3.3.3-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Installed on the crankshaft on the belt pulley side,
oil pump is of rotor type. Engine oil enters the
filter through the oil pump strainer. The filtered
engine oil falls into two oil ways in the cylinder.
One way leads the engine oil to the crankshaft
journal bearing. The engine oil flowing out of the
crankshaft journal bearing goes to the connecting
rod bearing through an inclined passage drilled
on the crankshaft and lubricates the piston ,
piston ring and cylinder wall by spurting out of the
hole on the connecting rod tip. The other oil way
leads the engine oil to the cylinder head and
lubricates the camshaft journal, rocker, camshaft
and others through an oil way of the rocker shaft.
The relief valve is installed on the oil pump. The
relief valve discharges the pressure when the
pressure is over 400 kPa. The engine oil flows
back to the engine oil pan after the pressure has
been discharged.

Oil Pump
The oil pump is structurally of rotor pump. Fixed
on the crankshaft, it is driven directly by the
crankshaft. There is a relief valve in the oil pump.
The relief valve opens to keep the system under a
moderate pressure when the pressure is over 400

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-3 Lubrication System 3.3.3-3

Location View
Oil Pump

1 2 3 4 5


Description Item
1 Cylinder block
2 Oil pump gasket
3 Oil pump alignment pin
4 Oil pump assembly.
5 Bolt

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-4 Lubrication System 3.3.3-4
Engine Oil filter Element and Accessory



Description Item
1 Crankcase assembly
2 Engine oil filter assembly connecting pipe.
3 Oil pressure alarm assembly
4 Oil pressure alarm wiring harness
5 Oil filter assembly

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-5 Lubrication System 3.3.3-5

Components Exploded View







Description Item Description Item

1 Bolt 6 Alignment pin
2 Oil pump gasket 7 Plug screw
3 Oil pump rotor 8 Oil pump relief valve
4 Alignment pin 9 Bolt
5 Screw 10 Stud bolt

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-6 Lubrication System 3.3.3-6

General Inspection 5. Shut down the ignition switch and remove the
engine oil pressure gauge when the engine
Inspect the Engine Oil cools down.
Pressure. 6. Install the engine oil pressure sensor. Before
WARNING: The rats in the lab suffers from reinstalling the engine oil pressure sensor,
skin cancer due to a long-term contact remember to wind a sealing tape at the
with the used engine oil. Wash your hands thread and screw it down as the specified
with a soap and water to protect your skin torque.
immediately after the contact with the Tightening torque: 14 Nm
engine oil.
CAUTION: If the margin of the seal tape is
WARNING: High temperature engine and rough, cut it even from the sensor thread.
oil would lead to serious scalding. Shut
7. Start the engine and inspect the engine oil
down the engine and wait until the engine
pressure sensor for any possible leaks.
and oil cools down.
Switch off the engine and connect the
1. Remove the engine oil pressure sensor. terminal to the pressure sensor terminal
which should be covered with a shield.
Install the engine oil pressure gauge testing
connector on the bolt hole of the engine oil
pressure sensor and tighten it. Inspect the Engine Oil Level.
1. Park the vehicle on a flat ground.
2. Verify that the vehicle is at a cold state.
3. Detach oil dipstick and inspect whether the oil
level is between MAX and MIN.



2. Park the vehicle on a flat ground. 1.Low oil level mark.

3. Switch off the ignition switch and inspect the 2.Full oil level mark.
engine oil for its normal level and viscosity as
well as quality. Fill or replace a new engine oil Add some engine oil if the oil level is below
if necessary. the MIN mark.

4. Start the engine and measure the engine oil

pressure when the engine reaches the
normal working temperature at 80 ℃ .
Standard oil pressure: when the engine
rotating speed is 4,000 rpm, the oil pressure
is 300 ~ 480 kPa.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-7 Lubrication System 3.3.3-7

Replace Engine oil. 8. Start the engine and verify that engine oil
leaks do not exist.
WARNING: Disassemble or assemble all
components when the engine cools • Find the causes, repair them or Replace
new related components if any leaks are
down.Or, the components may lead to
serious burn or personal injury.
9. Inspect engine oil level
WARNING: A vehicle which is braced by a
jack but not securely supported on the Refer to: Inspect the engine oil level (3.3.3
bracket is very dangerous. It may slip or Lubrication System, General Inspection).
fall off, which leads to death or serious
injury. Do not work near a vehicle which is
Replace the Engine Oil Filter.
braced by a jack but not securely WARNING: Disassemble or assemble all
supported on the bracket. components when the engine cools
down.Or, the components may lead to
WARNING: The rats in the lab suffers from serious burn or personal injury.
skin cancer due to a long-term contact
with the used engine oil. Wash your WARNING: A vehicle which is braced by a
hands with a soap and water to protect jack but not securely supported on the
your skin immediately after the contact bracket is very dangerous. It may slip or
with the engine oil. fall off, which leads to death or serious
injury. Do not work near a vehicle which is
CAUTION: Wipe the engine oil off braced by a jack but not securely
completely in case you spread it over the supported on the bracket.
exhaust system. If the splashed engine oil
is not wiped off completely, it would WARNING: The rats in the lab suffers from
become a smog due to high temperatures. skin cancer due to a long-term contact
with the used engine oil. Wash your
1. Park the vehicle on a flat ground.
hands with a soap and water to protect
2. Remove the oil filler cap. your skin immediately after the contact
with the engine oil.
3. Remove the engine oil pan purge cock.
4. Drain the engine oil into a container. CAUTION: Wipe the engine oil off
completely in case you spread it over the
5. Install the drain plug of oil pan, and tighten it exhaust system. If the splashed engine oil
immediately with specified torque. is not wiped off completely, it would
Tightening torque: 35Nm become a smog due to high temperatures.

1. Lift.
6. Fill the engine with the engine oil, with its type
and amount specified in the table. Refer to: Lifting(1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).
CAUTION: The amount of the resid in the
engine would change with different
installation methods and oil temperatures
and other factors. Verify the oil level after
replacing the engine oil.

7. Install the oil filler cap.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-8 Lubrication System 3.3.3-8
2. Using a suitable tool, remove the oil filter.


3. Using a clean rag, clean the installing

4. Apply clean engine oil to the cushion of a new
engine oil filter.
5. Using a suitable tool, tighten the engine oil
filter in accordance with the package of it or
the indication on the side.
Tightened Torque(Reference Value):14 Nm
6. Start the engine and verify that engine oil
leaks do not exist.
• Repair or Replace new related
components if any oil leak occurs.
7. Inspect engine oil level
Refer to: Inspect the engine oil level(3.3.3
Lubrication System, General Inspection).

8. Lower down the vehicle.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-9 Lubrication System 3.3.3-9

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment

Engine Oil Gauge


Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
3. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electrical
•Engine Oil Pan
Electrical connector
•Oil filter

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-10 Lubrication System 3.3.3-10

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs and can not confirm the cause,then follow the procedure to diagnose the fault and
eliminate it.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Oil Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Oil pump of engine oil pressure warning
lamp continuously switched on
The engine oil pressure •Oil filter
(3.3.3 Lubricating System,
warning lamp is •Oil pressure switch Diagnosis and Testing).
continuously switched on.
•Engine main bearing
•Connecting rod bushing

•Oil pressure switch Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•Loop of engine oil pressure warning
Engine oil pressure warning
lamp switched off (3.3.3
lamp is switched off. •Oil pressure warning lamp bulb
Lubricating System,Diagnosis
•Instrument and Testing).
•Leak Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•PCV gas blowy consumption of abnormal oil consumption
Abnormal oil consumption (3.3.3 Lubricating System,
•Burning consumption in the
Diagnosis and Testing).
combustion chamber

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-11 Lubrication System 3.3.3-11

Diagnostic Procedures for Continuous on of the Oil Pressure

Warning Lamp
CAUTION: Make sure that the engine oil level, and the quality and viscosity of the engine oil
are normal before the diagnosis. Replace the engine oil or add some if necessary.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Inspect the engine oil pressure switch
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the engine oil pressure sensor wiring
harness connector E11.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ST' position and start the
Is the engine oil warning lamp on?
Go to step 5.
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect the engine oil pressure
A.Carry out the inspection procedures for the engine
oil pressure.
Refer to: Inspect the engine oil pressure
(3.3.3 Lubrication System, General
B.Is the engine oil pressure normal?
Replace the oil pressure switch.
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the oil pump
A.Remove the engine oil pump.
Refer to: Eninge Oil Pump (3.3.3
Lubrication System, Removal and
B.Inspect the oil pump.
Is the oil pump normal?
Go to step 4.
Replace a new engine oil pump.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-12 Lubrication System 3.3.3-12

4.Inspect the clearance of the bushing

A.Disassemble the main bearing shell and connecting
rod bearing shell.
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
B.Inspect the fit clearances of the main bearing shell
and connecting rod bearing shell.
Is the clearance normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair the fit clearances of the main bearing shell
and connecting rod bearing shell until they return to
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
5. Inspect the return circuit
A.Remove the engine oil pressure switch wiring
harness connector E11. Keep the terminal 1 of E11
insulated from the grounding.
B.Disconnect wiring harness connector P04a of
combination instrument, and measure the
resistance between terminal 12 of instrument Panel
wiring harness connector P04a and reliable
grounding with a multimeter.
Is the resistance less than 5 Ω?
Repair the short circuit to ground between terminal
1 of the engine oil pressure switch connector E11
and the terminal 12 of instrument wiring harness
connector P04a .
Replace instrument Panel.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-13 Lubrication System 3.3.3-13

Diagnostic Procedures for the Switch-off of the Engine Oil

Pressure Warning Lamp
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the circuit.
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the engine oil pressure sensor wiring
harness connector E11.
C.Use jumper wire to connect the terminal 1 of engine
oil pressure sensor wiring harness connector E11 to
the reliable grounding.
D.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
Is the engine oil warning lamp turned on?
Replace the oil pressure sensor
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the return circuit
A.Keep the terminal 1 of engine oil pressure sensor
connector E11 grounded.
B. Disconnect instrument Panel wiring harness
connector P04a.
C.Use a multimeter to measure resistance between
the terminal 12 of instrument connector P04a and
the reliable grounding.
Is the resistance less than 5 Ω?
Go to step 3.
Repair the open circuit between the terminal 1 of
engine oil pressure switch wiring harness connector
E11 and the terminal 12 of instrument wiring
harness connector P04a.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-14 Lubrication System 3.3.3-14

3. Inspect the oil pressure warning lamp bulb

A.Remove instrument Panel.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and
B.Remove the oil pressure warning lamp bulb.
C.Inspect the warning lamp bulb.
Bulb normal?
Replace instrument.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and
Replace warning lamp bulb.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-15 Lubrication System 3.3.3-15

Diagnostic Procedures for the Abnormal Consumption of the

Engine Oil
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect for the leaks
A.Inspect each sealing position of the engine.
Does any engine oil leak exist?
Repair the leaks.
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect the PCV gas blowby capacity
A.Detach the PCV connecting pipe from the intake
B.Start the engine and increase the engine rotating
speed to 4,000 rpm.
Has the PCV connecting pipe exhausted an
excessive amount of exhaust gas?
Repair the engine piston and the sealings of the
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect if the engine oil is burning or not
A.Start the engine
B.Visually inspect the color of the smoke exhausted
from the engine exhaust pipe.
Has the engine exhaust pipe exhausted blue
Repair the fit clearance between the valve train
gear and the cylinder on one hand, piston and the
cylinder wall on the other.
Refer to: Piston, Piston Ring, Connecting
Rod and Cylinder (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Disassembly and Assembly).
Normal system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-16 Lubrication System 3.3.3-16

Removal and Installation

Oil Pan and Oil Pump Filter
Special Tool

Oil Pan Remover

CA301 - 027



Item Specifications
Sealant Tianshan 1587

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Inspect the battery (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).
3. Remove the plug to drain the engine oil.

Torque:35 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-17 Lubrication System 3.3.3-17

4. Remove the engine oil level indicating pipe

and take it away.


5. Remove the reinforced parts at left side of

engine and transmission.


6. Loosen the lock nut of clutch cable.


7. Disconnect connection between the clutch

wire and clutch yoke.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-18 Lubrication System 3.3.3-18

8. Remove the reinforced plate at right side of

engine and transmission.


9. Remove connecting bolts between lower and

upper parts of oil pan, and take out its lower



10. Remove the oil pan plate retaining bolts.



11. Remove connecting bolts and nuts at left

side, rear side of upper part of oil pan and
cylinder block.



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-19 Lubrication System 3.3.3-19

12. Remove connecting bolts and nuts at right

side, front side of upper part of oil pan and
cylinder block.



13. Remove upper part of oil pan.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-20 Lubrication System 3.3.3-20

14. Remove the filter retaining bolts of the fuel

15. Remove the filter and discard the seal ring.
16. Clean the oil pump filter strainer.


1. Install the oil pump filter.

Torque:11 Nm
2. Spread the sealant on the matching surface
between the engine oil pan upper part and
the cylinder block.
Sealant: Tianshan 1587
CAUTION: Before application, clean the
residuals on the combination face through
the blade. Apply the sealant continuously
and evenly to the inner circle, with
diameter within 2 ~ 3 mm.

3. Install the oil pan upper part and tighten the

engine oil pan bolts and nuts to the specified

Torque:11 Nm
4. Install the baffle plate of the oil pan, and
tighten the retaining bolts to the specified

Torque:11 Nm
5. Apply the sealant at the combination face
between lower and upper part of oil pan.

Sealant: Tianshan 1587

CAUTION: Before application, clean the
residuals on the combination face through
the blade. Apply the sealant continuously
and evenly to the inner circle, with
diameter within 2 ~ 3 mm.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-21 Lubrication System 3.3.3-21

6. Install the lower part of oil pan, and tighten

the retaining bolts with specified torque.

Torque:11 Nm
7. Install the engine and transmission reinforce
plates on both sides.

Torque:51 Nm
8. Install the oil level marking pipe.
9. Lower the vehicle.
10. Fill the engine with lubricating oil in
accordance with the specifications.
11. Inspect each connector for any engine oil

Oil Pump
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Inspect the battery (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Lift vehicle

Refer to: Inspect the battery (3.1.10

Charging System, General Inspection).
3. Remove the engine oil pan upper part.
Refer to: Engine Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Filter (3.3.3 Lubrication System, Removal
and Installation).
4. Remove the timing belt tensioner, tensioner
plate, tensioning spring and timing belt.
Refer to: Timing Gear (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Removal and Installation).
5. Remove the oil pump retaining bolts.
Torque:11 Nm


6. Inspect the oil pump gasket. Install a new one

if it is damaged.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.3-22 Lubrication System 3.3.3-22
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Make sure the seals are
between water pump and oil pump

CAUTION: Apply the sealant at

combination face between upper part of oil
pan and cylinder body, and between upper
part and lower part of oil pan.

CAUTION: Apply engine oil at the oil seal

lip before installation.

CAUTION: Since there are two types of

retaining bolts, do not install them at a
wrong position.

2. Adjust the tightness of the accessory drive

3. Fill the engine with new oil.
4. Start the engine and inspect it for any
possible coolant or engine oil leaks.
5. Inspect if the engine oil pressure is normal or

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4 Cooling
3.3.4-1 Cooling System 3.3.4-1

Component Specifications
Item specifications Item specifications
Thermostat type Paraffin type
Thermostat opening temperature 80~84 ℃
Thermostat full opening temperature 95 ℃
Water pump type Centrifugal impeller pump
Vane quantity of water pump 7

General Specifications
Application Specifications
Cooling mode Water cooling
Coolant capacity(the reservoir is included) 5.6 L
The opening remperature of electrical fan. 88 ℃
The closing temperature of electrical fan. 85 ℃

Torque specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Coolant temperature sensor 14 10 -
Water pump retaining bolt 11 8 -
Thermostat cap retaining bolt 13 10 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-2 Cooling System 3.3.4-2

Description and Operation

System Overview 13
Cooling system is made up of radiator cover, 11
radiator, reservoir, hose, water pump, cooling fan, 1
thermoatat. The radiator is duct type structure. 9
Engine at cold state: the normal working 12
temperature of engine is around 95 ℃ (203
ºF).Within such a range, all engine components 6
work in optimal state. The mechanical wear of the
engine would be even worse if it can not reach
ideal working temperature after it has been 5
running for a long time. Due to the low
temperature, the mixed gas burns inadequately in
the combustion chamber, which leads to serious
carbon deposit. Therefore, the engine is required 3
to run at low temperatures.
The normal working temperature should be
reached as soon as possible. The heat produced
by engine should be kept from exchanging with
the outside as possible. At this moment, the
thermostat controls the coolant in the engine to 7
recycle in the engine only. It may carry the heat A3304006
produced by the cylinder wall to other
components of the engine to heat them rapidly. When the temperature is 82 ℃ (179.6 ℉ ) the
The water pump makes the coolant flow in a cycle coolant is pumped by the water pump to the
and then the coolant cycles through the water waterjacket, the intake manifold, the cylinder
jacket, the throttle body assembly and the head and the radiator. Such state is called a
cylinder head. Such state is called a minor cycle. major cycle.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-3 Cooling System 3.3.4-3

13 When the engine reaches the normal working
11 temperature: The coolant in the engine gets warm
rapidly as the engine is running. The cooling
10 system works normally when it reaches the
12 thermostat cooling cycle standard. The coolant in
2 radiator begins to swell as it is heated and the
overflow is collected in the reservoir. The coolant
flows back to the radiator when the engine cools
4 down. Before the delivery, the cooling system has
already been filled with high-quality antifreeze
mixed with water and glycol in a proportion of 50
to 50 or in a proportion of 70 to 30 when the icing
temperature can not be expected to be reached in
the market. The antifreeze mixed in a proportion
of 50 to 50 can prevent freezing at a temperature
as far as -36 ℃ ( -33 ℉ ) .
Keep the cooling system antifreez temperature at
-36 ℃ ( -33 ℉ ) to guarantee rust prevention and
prevent the loss of coolant because of boil. Such
antifreeze should be used even though the
ambient temperature is not below the icing
Glycol coolant should be added to prevent the
Item Description antifreezing temperature being below -36 ℃ ( -
1 Radiator water inlet Pipe 33ºF), when coolant needs to be added.
2 Radiator water outlet pipe CAUTION: Coolant such as alcohol or
3 Inlet pipe methanol or water alone can not be used
for the cooling system. Or, the cooling
4 Thermostat
system may fail.
5 Water pump
CAUTION: Even though the ambient
6 Water pump belt pulley
temperature can not be expected to reach
7 Cylinder block the freezing point, an antifreeze
8 Cylinder head (antifreezing and rust prevention coolant)
9 Inlet pipe of heater radiator mixed with water and glycol in a
proportion of 70 to 30 should be used as
10 Outlet pipe of heater radiator
the coolant.
11 Radiator reservoir
12 Reservoir
13 Radiator cover

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-4 Cooling System 3.3.4-4

Coolant proportion table

Freezing point ℃ -16 -36
temperature ℉ 3 -33
Antifreeze prevention coolant % 30 50
proportion table concentration
l tr 2.1 / 4.9 3.5 / 3.5
Coolant mixing
USpt 4.43 / 10.34 7.39 / 7.39
lmp pt 3.7 / 8.62 6.16 / 6.16
Engine radiator and heater radiator 2.7L
Expansion tank 0.5L
Coolant capacity
Others 2.4L
Total capacity 5.6L

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-5 Cooling System 3.3.4-5

Component position chart




Item Description Item Description

1 Water pump belt pulley 5 Water pump gasket
2 Water pump belt 6 Stud bolt of water pump
3 Water pump bolt 7 Water pump nut
4 Water pump assembly 8 Water pump belt pulley bolt

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-6 Cooling System 3.3.4-6

Components exploded view

3 5



10 8


Item Description Item Description

1 Reservoir 8 Engine lower water pipe
2 Reservoir water pipe 9 Heater water outlet pipe
3 Upper fixing bracket of radiator 10 Floor iron pipe assembly
4 Radiator assembly. 11 Radiator bracket
5 Retaining bolt 12 Radiator fixing glue
6 Radiator cooling fan 13 Heater water valve
7 Upper water pipe of engine

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-7 Cooling System 3.3.4-7

General Inspection Inspect the coolant level.

CAUTION: Coolant such as alcohol or WARNING: To avoid the danger of being
methanol or water alone can not be used scalded, do not open the reservoir cap
for the cooling system. Or, the cooling when the coolant is boiling.
system may fail.
WARNING: To avoid the danger of being
CAUTION: Even though the ambient scalded, do not open the reservoir cap
temperature can not be expected to reach when the engine and the radiator remain
the freezing point, an antifreeze hot.
(antifreezing and rust prevention coolant)
mixed with water and glycol in a WARNING: The boiling liquid and steams
proportion of 70 to 30 should be used as may spurt out under the pressure since
the coolant. the reservoir cap opens earlier.

WARNING: Disassemble or assemble all Inspect the coolant level in the reservoir when the
components when the engine cools engine cools down. The normal coolant level
down.Or, the components may lead to should be located between "FULL" and “LOW”
serious burn or personal injury. on the reservoir.
Open the reservoir and add a moderate amount
WARNING: Switch off the engine and wait
of coolant to make the level reach “FULL” when
until it cools down. It takes much care to
the coolant level is below “LOW”. And install the
remove the reservoir cap even if the
cap again.
engine has cooled down. Wrap it with a
thick rag and turn it anticlockwise for 2.5
turns. Step back before releasing the

WARNING: Turn the cap with the rag

wrapping it and remove it after making
sure that all pressure has been released.

WARNING: Use a coolant with FULL

concentration suitable for the driving

ambient conditions. Or, the engine may be
damaged. A3304010

WARNING: The engine has some Coolant Draining and Filling

components made of aluminium which
Refer to: Coolant Draining and Filling
must need the protection from the coolant
(3.1.4 Cooling System, General
based on the glycol to prevent them from
being eroded and frozen.

WARNING: Only use soft water or

demineralized water in the coolant mixture.
Water containing mineral reduces the
effectiveness of the coolant.

WARNING: Engine coolant does damage

to the paintwork. Wash the affected area
immediately after it reaches the surface of
the paintwork.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-8 Cooling System 3.3.4-8

Inspect the coolant leak(s). Inspect the drive belt tension.

1. Inspect engine coolant level; WARNING: Disconnect the cathode wiring
2. When the engine is cooling, remove the before inspecting and adjusting the belt
radiator cover, and clean the cover and filler tension.
port with clean water. WARNING: Read the "Warning" content of
3. Install the testing instrument on the reservoir 3.3.4 Cooling System
1. Inspect the belt for any cracks, cuts ,
4. Apply some pressure with the testing deformation, wear and dirts. Install a new belt
instrument and make the pressure reach 110 if necessary.
Refer to: Accessory transmission belt
CAUTION: Be aware that the pressure in (3.3.2 Mechanical System, Removal and
the radiator must not exceed 110 kpa or it Installation).
may cause damage.
2. Inspect the belt tension; if the water pump
5. Observe the testing instrument for pressure belt is too loosening, it would affect generator
changes. voltage and causes belt overheat and early
Standard:keep the pressure the same for 2 mins abrasion.
when it reaches 110 kPa. 3. Inspect the belt tightness.
It shows that there may be leaks of water if the When pressing the belt 2 (with about the
pressure that the pressure gauge needle points to force of 10 kg) with the thumb, if it is sinking
begins to drop. Repair them or install some new for 6 ~ 8 mm, it means the tightness is proper.
related components.
4. Lock the adjusting bolt of the engine.
5. Connect the cathode wiring to battery

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-9 Cooling System 3.3.4-9

Thermostat Testing
1. Remove the thermostat.

1 Refer to: Thermostat (3.3.4 Cooling

System, Removal and Installation).

2. Soak the thermostat in the heated water.

2 3. Place a thermometer in the water.

4. Heat the water while observing if the state of
the thermostat is normal or not.
Refer to: Component Specification (3.3.4
Cooling System, Specification)



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-10 Cooling System 3.3.4-10

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General equipment

Diagnosis tool

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify customers concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
3. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.
Visual inspection chart

Mechanical Electrical
•Coolant leaks
•Liner or seal
•Hose or hose
connector •Fuse

•Reservoir cap and •Wiring harness

sealing •Electrical connector
•Reservoir •Engine coolant
•Radiator temperature (ECT)
•Water pump
•Digital fan
•Thermostat housing
•Engine control module
•Heater water tank (ECM)
•Accessory drive pulley
•Coolant output

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-11 Cooling System 3.3.4-11

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs,but there is no DTC stored in the ECM for this fault,and can not confirm the cause,then
follow the procedure to diagnose the fault and eliminate it.

Symptom Possible sources Solutions

•Inspect if each connecting hose and its
•Hose or hose connector joint is aging or leaks water. Maintain or
replace the hose.
•Inspect the heater water tank for any
possible leaks.
•Inspect the water pump for any possible
leaks. Carry out the component testing,
pressure testing, 3.3.4 Cooling System.
Install a new set of water pump or water
•Water pump pump cushion if necessary.
Refer to: Water Pump (3.3.4
Cooling System Removal and
•Inspect the thermostat housing for any
possible leaks. Carry out the component
testing, pressure testing, 3.3.4 Cooling
Loss of coolant System. Install a new set of thermostat
•Thermostat housing housing and housing cushion if
Refer to: Thermostat (3.3.4
Cooling System, Removal and
•Inspect if the cover is always locked or
•Radiator cover or sealing damaged. Install a new set of reservoir
cap if necessary.
•Inspect the reservoir for any possible
•Reservoir damages. Install a new set of coolant
water tank if necessary.
•Inspect the heater water tank for any
•Heater water tank
possible leaks.
•Inspect the engine, cylinder head, cylinder
block and cylinder liner.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-12 Cooling System 3.3.4-12

Symptom Possible sources Solutions

•Inspect if the expansion tank is damaged.
Install a new set of reservoir cap if
•Inspect the water pump or water pump
gasket for any possible damages. Install a
new set of water pump or water pump
cushion if necessary.
•Cooling system can not maintain the Refer to: Water Pump(3.3.4
pressure. Cooling System Removal and

•Inspect the engine, cylinder head, cylinder

block and cylinder liner.
•Inspect if each connecting hose and its
joint is aging or water leaking. Maintain or
replace the hose.
•Air in the cooling system •Bleed the cooling system
•Inspect if the reservoir pressure cap has
•Radiator cover or sealing been locked or damaged. Install a new set
Engine overheating of reservoir cap if necessary.
(Traces of boiling coolant) •Inspect the reservoir for any possible
•Reservoir damages. Install a new set of reservoir if
•Inspect the coolant level. Add more
coolant if necessary.
Refer to: Coolant Draining and
Filling(3.1.4 Cooling System,
General Inspection).
•Coolant level or state •Inspect the state of the coolant. Drain the
old coolant and add a new coolant if the
old coolant is abnormal.
Refer to: Coolant Draining and
Filling(3.1.4 Cooling System,
General Inspection).
•Contaminated coolant •Replace the coolant
•Inspect the water tank grille for air
blocking or any possible damages. Repair
•Radiator grille
it or Replace new components if

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-13 Cooling System 3.3.4-13

Symptom Possible sources Solutions

• Carry out the component testing,
pressure testing, 3.3.4 Cooling System.
Inspect the water pump for any possible
leaks. Install a new set of water pump or
•Water pump water pump gascket if necessary.
Refer to: Water Pump(3.3.4
Cooling System Removal and
• Carry out the component testing,
pressure testing, 3.3.4 Cooling System.
Install a new set of thermostat housing
•Thermostat and housing cushion if necessary.
Refer to: Thermostat(3.3.4
Engine overheating
(Traces of boiling coolant) Cooling System, Removal and
•Inspect the state of the accessory drive
•Accessory drive pulley Refer to: Accessory Drive
Belt(3.2.2 Mechanical System,
General Inspection).
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
for radiator fan fault (3.3.4
•Electrical fan
Cooling System,Symptom
Diagnosis and Test).
•Inspect the engine, cylinder head, cylinder
block and cylinder liner.

Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

for radiator fan constant on
•Electric fan
(3.3.4 Cooling System,Symptom
Diagnosis and Test).
The engine can not reach • Carry out the component testing,
the normal working pressure testing, 3.3.4 Cooling System.
temperature. Install a new set of thermostat housing
•Thermostat and housing cushion if necessary.
Refer to: Thermostat(3.3.4
Cooling System, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-14 Cooling System 3.3.4-14

Diagnosis chart for radiator fan fault

CAUTION: As the radiator fan only works when main relay ER03 of engine control module is
working normally, make sure it is normall before inspection. If the vehicle can be started
normally, it means main relay ER03 is normal.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A. Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, agingor loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Drive testing on radiator fan
A.Connect diagnosis tool.
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON" position, and
execute "Executor test" fan with a diagnosis tool.
Does the fan still rotate?
Inspect the coolant temperature sensor.
Refer to: P0116/P0117/P0118 (3.3.12
Electrical control System-M7, DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).).
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the radiator fan fuse EF07.
Rated capacity of the fuse: 20 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-15 Cooling System 3.3.4-15

4. Inspect the fuse EF07 power

•Measure the voltage between terminal 14 of main

fuse box S25 and reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
S25 Is the voltage normal?
ER01 ER02 ER03 Yes
30 30 30

Go to step 5.
87 87 87

86 85 86 85 86 85
30 No
EF02 EF03 EF04 EF05 EF06 EF07 EF08
86 85
Repair the broken circuits between terminal 14 of
main fuse box S25 and battery.

5. Inspect the power wires of radiator fan relay ER01

A.Remove the radiator fan relay.
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON" position, and
execute "Executor test" fan with a diagnosis tool.
C.Measure the voltage between terminal 30, 86 of
radiator fan relay ER01 between reliable grounding
ER01 ER03
with a multimeter.

Standard voltage value?11 ~ 14 V
86 85 86 85 86 85

ER04 Is the voltage normal?

EF02 EF03 EF04 EF05 EF06 EF07 EF08


Go to step 6.
Repair open circuits between terminal 30 of radiator
fan relay ER01 and terminal 13 of main fuse box
Repair open circuit between terminal 86 of radiator
fan relay ER01 and terminal 87 of main relay ER03.
6. Inspect the radiator fan relay ER01
A.Remove the radiator fan relay.
B.Replace with a normal relay with the same type.
Is the system normal?
Replace the radiator fan relay.
Go to step 7.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-16 Cooling System 3.3.4-16

7. Inspect the radiator fan relay control circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON" position, and
execute "Executor test" fan with a diagnosis tool.
B.Meanwhile measure the voltage between terminal
50 of engine control module wiring harness
connector S01a and reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
81 63
1 2
Is the voltage normal?
62 44
3 Yes
43 25

4 5
24 6
Go to step 8.
Repair open circuits between terminal 50 of engine
control module wiring harness connector S01a and
terminal 85 of radiator fan relay ER01.
8.Inspect radiator fan power supply circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the radiator fan wiring harness
connector P25.
P25 C.Remove the radiator fan relay ER01.
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of
radiator fan wiring harness connector P25 and
terminal 87 of radiator fan relay ER01.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 9.
Measure the broken circuits between terminal 2 of
radiator fan wiring harness connector P25 and
S25 terminal 87 of radiator fan relay ER01.
ER01 ER02 ER03
30 30 30

87 87 87

86 85 86 85 86 85
EF02 EF03 EF04 EF05 EF06 EF07 EF08
86 85


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-17 Cooling System 3.3.4-17

9.Inspect the radiator fan grounding circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the radiator fan wiring harness
connector P25.
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of
radiator fan wiring harness connector P25 and
1 reliable grounding.
Standard resistance value: less than 5Ω
2 Is the resistance value normal?
P25 Yes
Replace the radiator fan.
Repair open circuits between terminal 1 of radiator
fan wiring harness connector P25 and grounding

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-18 Cooling System 3.3.4-18

Diagnosis Chart for Radiator Fan Constant on

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, agingor loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the radiator fan relay ER01
A.Remove the radiator fan relay.
B.Replace with a normal relay with the same type.
Is the system normal?
Replace the radiator fan relay.
Go to step 3.
3. Inspect the radiator fan relay control circuit
A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
C.Remove the radiator fan relay ER01.
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 50 of
ECM wiring harness connector S01a and reliable
Standard resistance value: less than 5Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Repair short circuits between terminal 50 of ECM
wiring harness connector S01a and grounding.

81 63 Go to step 4.
1 2

62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-19 Cooling System 3.3.4-19

4. Inspect the three-state relay P45

A.Remove the three-state relay.
B.Replace with a normal relay with the same type.
Is the system normal?
Replace the three-state relay.
Go to step 5.
5.Inspect radiator fan power supply circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the radiator fan wiring harness
P25 connector P25.
C.Remove the three-state relay P45.
D.Remove the radiator fan relay ER01.
E.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
F.Measure the voltage between terminal 2 of radiator
fan wiring harness connector P25 and reliable
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair short circuit to power of terminal 2 of radiator
fan wiring harness connector P25.
6. Inspect control power wires of three-state relay
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconenct wiring harness connector P46 of three-
state switch assembly.
C.Remove the three-state relay.
D.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of three-
state switch assembly wiring harness connector
P46 and reliable grounding.
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the voltage normal?
A3304020 Go to step 7.
Inspect short circuit to power between terminal 1 of
three-state switch assembly wiring harness
connector P46.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-20 Cooling System 3.3.4-20

7. Inspect the three-state switch assembly

A.Disconenct wiring harness connector P46 of three-
state switch assembly.
Is the system normal?
Replace the three-state switch assembly.
Go to step 8.
8. Inspect the engine control module circuit
A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
81 63
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63 for
62 44 normal supply.
43 25
D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK"?inspect
the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61, 80.
4 5
24 6
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
A3304021 Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System-M7 Removal
and Installation).
Repair the circuit.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-21 Cooling System 3.3.4-21

Removal and Installation

Water Pipe
Refer to: (3.1.4 Cooling System,Removal
and Installation).

Water Pump
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).

2. Remove the components in the engine

Refer to: Gearshift mechanism (3.4.4
Manual Transmission External Control,
Removal and Installation).

3. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).

4. Loosen the radiator drain plug to drain the

cooling system.
Refer to: Coolant Draining and Filling
(3.3.4 Cooling System, General

5. Remove the accessory drive belt.

Refer to: Accessory transmission belt
(3.3.2 Mechanical System, Removal and

6. Remove the generator and its adjusting

Refer to: Generator (3.3.10 Charging
System, Removal and Installation).
7. Remove the timing belt tensioner assembly
and its flat and tension spring parts as well as
timing belt.
Refer to: Timing Gear (3.3.2 Mechanical
System, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-22 Cooling System 3.3.4-22

8. Remove the fixing bolt and nut, and then

water pump.

Torque:11 Nm


9. Clean the mating face between the engine

block and the water pump.


1. Install a new water pump gasket.
2. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
3. Refill the coolant.
4. Start the engine and inspect the cooling
system for any leaks.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-23 Cooling System 3.3.4-23

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Loosen the radiator drain plug to drain the
cooling system.
Refer to: Coolant Draining and Filling
(3.3.4 Cooling System, General
3. Remove the components in the engine
Refer to: Gearshift mechanism (3.4.4
Manual Transmission External Control,
Removal and Installation).
4. Remove the reinforced plate of the generator
and intake manifold.


5. Remove the retaining bolts, thermostat cap.

Torque:10 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-24 Cooling System 3.3.4-24

6. Take the thermostat away.


1. Install a new thermostat sealing gasket.
2. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
3. Refill the coolant.
4. Start the engine and inspect the cooling
system for any leaks.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.4-25 Cooling System 3.3.4-25

Radiator Fan
Refer to: Radiator fan (3.1.4 Cooling
system,Removal and Installation).

Water Valve with Accessory Assembly

Refer to: Water valve with accessory
assembly (3.1.4 Cooling system, Removal
and Installation).

Refer to: Radiator fan (3.1.4Cooling
system,Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.5 Air Intake
3.3.5-1 Air Intake system 3.3.5-1

General Specifications
Application Specifications
The vacuum degree of the intake manifold under idle
≥ 60 kPa
speed working condition

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Retaining bolt and nut of intake manifold 23 17 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.5-2 Air Intake system 3.3.5-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Refer to: System Overview (3.1.5 Intake
system, Description and Operations).

Components Description
Refer to: Component Description (3.1.5
Intake system, Description and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.5-3 Air Intake system 3.3.5-3

Components Exploded View







Item Description Item Description

1 Throttle cable bracket 8 PCV valve O-ring
2 Throttle body assembly 9 Air intake pipe cover gasket
3 Intake manifold reinforced plate 10 Hook
4 Throttle body sealing gasket 11 Bolt
5 Pipe clip 12 Coolant temperature sensor
6 PCV valve ventilation pipe 13 Intake manifold component
7 PCV valve

Refer to: 3.1.5 Air Intake System, General Inspection)

Refer to: 3.1.5 Cooling System, Diagnosis and Testing

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.5-4 Air Intake system 3.3.5-4

Removal and Installation

Air Filter Element
Refer to: Air filter element (3.1.5 Air Intake
System, Removal and Installation).

Throttle Body
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Loosen the clip of intake main pipe on the
throttle valve body.
3. Remove the intake main pipe.


4. Separate throttle cable and throttle body.


5. Disconnect the wiring harness connector

connected to throttle body. 1
1 Disconnect the intake air pressure
temperature sensor wiring harness connector 2
2 Disconnect the throttle position sensor
wiring harness connector 2
3 Disconnect the idle control valve wiring
harness connector 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.5-5 Air Intake system 3.3.5-5

6. Remove the retaining bolt and nut of throttle



7. Remove the preheating water pipe of throttle



1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Ensure new parts are used for
sealing between throttle body and intake

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.5-6 Air Intake system 3.3.5-6

Air Intake Manifold

1. Release the fuel pressure.
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.3.7
Fuel System,General Inspection).
2. Loosen the radiator drain plug to drain the
cooling system.
Refer to: Coolant Draining and Filling
(3.1.4 Cooling System, General
3. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
4. Remove the components in the console and
engine compartment.
Refer to: Gearshift Mechanism (3.4.4
Manual Transmission External Control,
Removal and Installation).
5. Remove the fuel pipe.
Refer to: Fuel Injector (3.3.12 Electrical
Control System - M7, Removal and
6. Remove the throttle body.
Refer to: Throttle body (3.3.5 Air intake
System,Removal and Installation).
7. Remove EVAP solenoid valve.
Refer to: EVAP solenoid valve (3.3.11
Emission Control System, Removal and
8. Remove the intake manifold reinforced plate
retaining bolts and nut.

Torque: 45 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.5-7 Air Intake system 3.3.5-7

9. Remove the intake manifold retaining bolts

and nuts.
Torque:23 Nm



1. Inspect and clean the installing end face
between the intake manifold and the cylinder
2. Inspect the intake manifold end face. Use a
Straight scale and a feeler gauge to inspect
the surface deformation at 6 positions at
least. If the deformation exceeds the limit
value, level the surface or install a new intake
Deformation Limit:0.01 mm

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Inspect the intake manifold for
any possible leaks after the installation.

Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures for Intake

Air Leak(3.1.5 Intake Air System,
Diagnosis and Testing).

CAUTION: Inspect the fuel for any

possible leaks after the installation.

Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.1.7

Fuel System,General Inspection).

CAUTION: Inspect the coolant for any

possible leaks after the installation.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.6 Exhaust
3.3.6-1 Exhaust system 3.3.6-1

General Specifications
Application Specifications
Idle speed exhaust backpressure bar
Engine rotating speed 2,000rpm backpressure bar

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Exhaust manifold mounting bolts and nuts 23 17 -
Connecting bolts between exhaust
manifold and three-way catalytic 50 37 -
Connecting bolts between three-way
50 37 -
catalytic converter and muffler
Retaining nuts and bolts of the exhaust
10 - 89
manifold heat shield.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.6-2 Exhaust system 3.3.6-2

Description and Operation

Location View



Item Description Item Description

1 Exhaust manifold gasket 4 Exhaust manifold
2 Stud bolt 5 Exhaust manifold upper cover assembly
3 Tow hook of exhaust manifold 6 Exhaust manifold lower shield assembly

1.3 L Engine exhaust system only changes in

its appearance compared with 1.0 L engine
exhaust system.
Refer to: (3.1.6 Air Intake System, General

Refer to: 3.1.6 Exhaust System, Diagnosis

and Testing.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.6-3 Exhaust system 3.3.6-3

Removal and Installation

Exhaust Manifold
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).
3. Disconnect the front oxygen sensor wiring
harness connector.
4. Remove the connecting bolts between
exhaust manifold and three-way catalytic


5. Remove the upper shield of the exhaust

1 Remove the exhaust manifold upper shield
4 retaining bolts.
2 Remove the exhaust manifold upper shield.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.6-4 Exhaust system 3.3.6-4

6. Remove the lower shield of the exhaust

1 Remove the exhaust manifold upper shield
4 retaining bolts.
2 Take out the lower shield of the exhaust


7. Remove the exhaust manifold assembly.

1 Remove exhaust manifold assembly and
engine 9 retaining nuts.
2 Take out the exhaust manifold assembly
from the vehicle.


8. Remove the front oxygen sensor from the

exhaust manifold.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Inspect the exhaust system for any possible

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.6-5 Exhaust system 3.3.6-5

Three-Way Catalytic Converter

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).

2. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).

3. Disconnect the rear oxygen sensor wiring

harness connector.
4. Remove the connecting bolts between
exhaust manifold and three-way catalytic


5. Disconnect the connecting nut of three-way

catalytic converter and muffler.



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.6-6 Exhaust system 3.3.6-6

6. Remove the lifting lug of three-way catalytic

converter and take out the converter
7. Remove the rear oxygen sensor.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.7 Fuel System

3.3.7-1 Fuel System 3.3.7-1

Component Specifications
Item Specifications(Ω)
Injector resistance 20 ℃ (68 ℉ ) 12±5%-

General Specifications
Application Specifications
The preservation pressure of fuel pipe 3.5bar
Fuel pipe line pressure 3.5bar

Torque specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Fuel tank retaining bolt 25 18 -
Fuel filter support bolt 10- - 89-
Fuel pump flange bolt 10- - 89-
Retaining bolt of fuel injector rail
23- 17- -

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.7-2 Fuel System 3.3.7-2

Description and Operation Fuel filter

System Overview Gasoline filter is of tank type, and is installed on
the frame at the engine side through bolts.
Fuel supply system applies the pressure
differential adjusting method with fuel pressure
adjuster. The fuel pump is installed in the fuel
tank,composed assembly together with the fuel
level sensor. The engine control module controls
the fuel pump through the fuel pump relay. After
the fuel pump start working,it supplies the injector
rail with fuel of specified pressure. The fuel
system maintains a certain pressure when the
fuel pump stops working,to ensure the next
normal start of the engine. Fuel supply system is
made up of fuel pump, pipe, fuel filter, fuel A3107007
pressure adjuster, fuel injector rail, fuel pump
relay, etc.

Components Description
Fuel pump
The fuel pump is installed in the fuel
tank,composed a assembly together with the fuel
level sensor. It is installed through plastic locking
ring,sealed through rubber washer.



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.7-3 Fuel System 3.3.7-3

Location View




9 8


Item Description Item Description

1 Fuel tank 7 Metal oil return pipe
Sealing gasket of fuel transfer
2 8 Engine fuel return hose
Fuel pump and fuel mass
3 9 Gasoline filter assembly
sensor assembly
4 Fuel transfer pump flange disc 10 Engine fuel hose
5 Bolt 11 Gasoline filter bracket assembly
Fuel return hose (metal pipe -
6 12 Fuel hose (pump - gasoline filter)
fuel tank)

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.7-4 Fuel System 3.3.7-4

General Inspection 9. Measure the fuel pipeline pressure.

General equipment Standard Engine Oil Pressure:kPa

Diagnostic tool
10. Stop the operation of fuel pump.

Fuel pressure gauge 11. 5 min later, measure the fuel retaining
WARNING: Gasoline or gasoline vapors is Standard fuel keeping pressure is: kPa
highly flammable,in order to avoid fire or
12. Remove the fuel pressure tester from the fuel
explosion,please keep away from fire.
During this procedure,operation staff are
prohibited to use moblie phones. Never 13. Reconnect the fuel pipeline, inspect for
drain or store the gasoline in open reliable fuel pipeline connection.
container.Please place a dry chemical fire
extinguisher during this procedure.

Fuel System Pressure Test

WARNING: Fuel pipeline overflow and fuel
system leakage are extremely dangerous.
Fuel would catch fire,which lead to
serious injury and damage. To avoid this
situation,carry out the following
inspection when the engine stops.

1. Remove the fuel pump relay,start the engine

until the engine is stalled.
2. Install fuel pump relay.
3. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
4. Connect the fuel pressure gauge to the fuel
WARNING: Wrap up the connector of fuel
pressure meter and fuel distribution pipe
connector with a clean cloth, which it can
absorb the leaking fuel while connecting
the fuel pressure meter and reduce
flaming and damage risks. After the test is
completed, put the clean cloth to a
specified container. Clean the pipe
connector before removal.

5. Connect the battery negative cable

6. Connect diagnosis tool to the diagnose
7. Turn the ignition switch to "ON" position.
8. Select the Active Test function of the engine
menu on the diagnosis tool. Select the "fuel
pump relay",so that the fuel pump running,to
keep the fuel pump running 10S.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.7-5 Fuel System 3.3.7-5

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment

Diagnostic tool

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electric
• Fuel pipeline damage
• Fuel leakage
• Fuel tank filling cap
• Fuel tank filling pipe • Fuel pump circuit
• Fuel pump relay
• Fuel pipe connector
•Fuel pump
• Fuel pressure
regulator damaged
• Fuel filter incorrect

3. If an obvious cause for an observed or

reported concern is found,correct the cause(if
possible),before proceeding to the next step.
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.7-6 Fuel System 3.3.7-6

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs,but there is no DTC stored in the ECM for this fault,and can not confirm the cause,then
follow the procedure to diagnose the fault and eliminate it.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Fuel pump relay Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Fuel pump for fuel pump not working (3.3.7
Fuel pump does not work Fuel System, Symptom
Diagnosis and Testing).
•Engine control module(ECM)

Low pressure in fuel •Fuel pump •Replace fuel pump;

system •Pipeline leak •Repair the fuel pipeline

Low keeping pressure in •Fuel pump •Replace fuel pump;

fuel system •Fuel system seepage •Repair the fuel pipeline

High pressure on fuel •Fuel pipeline clogging •Repair the fuel pipeline
system •Fuel pressure regulator •Replace the fuel pressure regulator
•Filler cap Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Fuel filter for heavy fuel smell (3.3.7 Fuel
System, Symptom Diagnosis
•Fuel tank vent hole
and Test)
Fuel heavy smell •Sewage solenoid
•Carbon canister
•Fuel system leakage
•Fuel pressure

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.7-7 Fuel System 3.3.7-7

• MAP snesor, TPS sensor Refer to: Ddiagnosis procedure

• Incorrect A/C system operation for emergency occurs during
driving (3.3.12Electrical control
• No signal from CMP sensor or the
System- M7, Diagnosis and
signal is unstable
• Air-intake system components leak
• Purge solenoid failure
• Unstable signal from CKP sensor
•Vacuum leak
•Poor fuel quality
• Intermittent fault of the main relay
Surge shock in driving and the fuel pump relay
• Throttle body fault
•Engine overheat
• Spark plug failure
•Ignition timing
• Exhaust system restrictions
•Fuel pressure inadequate
• Fuel pump mechanical failure
•Fuel injector
• TPS sensor unstable signal

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.7-8 Fuel System 3.3.7-8

Diagnose Procedure for Fuel Pump Fault

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. General Inspection
A. Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the fuse EF08 in the main fuse box S25.
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit,replace the fuse.
3. Execute the active testing of the fuel pump relay.
A.Connect diagnosis tool.
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
C.Enter the engine system and execute "Executor
test" - "Fuel pump" with a diagnosis tool.
D.Measure the voltage of the terminal 3 of the fuel
pump wiring harness connector S17 and the
reliable grounding.
1 2
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
3 4
Is voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.7-9 Fuel System 3.3.7-9

4. Inspect the fuel pump grounding circuit

A. Measure the resistance of the terminal 4 of the fuel
pump wiring harness connector S17 and the
reliable grounding.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
S17 Is the resistance value normal?
1 2
Replace the fuel pump;
3 4
Refer to: Fuel pump assembly (3.1.7 Fuel
system, Removal and Installation).
A3307003 No
Repair the circuit fault between terminal 4 of fuel
pump wiring harness connector S17 and grounding
point G2G01.
5. Inspect the fuel pump relay
A.Replace with a good fuel pump relay.
Fuel pump working normally?
Replace the relay.
Go to step 6.
6. Inspect the fuel pump relay power circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Measure the voltage between terminal 30, 86 of fuel
pump relay ER04 and reliable groundinging.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is voltage normal?
Go to step 7.
Repair wires between terminal 86 of fuel pump
relay ER04 and terminal 87 of main relay ER03.
Repair the circuit between terminal 30 of fuel pump
relay ER04 and battery.
ER01 ER02 ER03
30 30 30
87 87 87
86 85 86 85 86 85
EF02EF03EF04 EF05 EF06EF07EF08
86 85


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.7-10 Fuel System 3.3.7-10

7. Inspect the fuel pump relay control circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B. Disconnect the engine control module wiring
harness connector S01a.
S01a C. Remove the fuel pump relay.

1 2
81 63 D.Measure the resistance between terminal 69 of
ECM wiring harness connector S01a and terminal
62 44
85 of fuel pump relay.
43 25
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
4 5
24 6
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 8.
Repair the circuit fault.

ER01 ER02 ER03
30 30 30
87 87 87
86 85 86 85 86 85
EF02EF03EF04 EF05 EF06EF07EF08
86 85


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.7-11 Fuel System 3.3.7-11

8. Inspect fuel injector power supply circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B. Disconnect the fuel pump wiring harness connector
S17 C. Remove the fuel pump relay.
D.Measure the wire resistance between terminal 3 of
1 2
fuel pump wiring harness connector S17 and
terminal 87 of fuel pump relay.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
3 4
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 9.
Repair the circuit fault.

ER01 ER02 ER03
30 30 30
87 87 87
86 85 86 85 86 85
EF02EF03EF04 EF05 EF06EF07EF08
86 85


9. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
81 63
1 2 power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.

62 44
D.Turn the ignition switch to position"LOCK"?inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61, 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
Repair the circuit.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.7-12 Fuel System 3.3.7-12

Diagnose Procedure for Fuel Heavey Smell

WARNING: The following inspection flow chart includes the procedure for fuel system
diagnosis and the repair. Read the following precautions before repairing the fuel
system:fuel vapor is very dangerous. It is highly inflammable and thus lead to serious injury
and damage. Please always keep the fuel far away from fire.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A.Visually inspect the injector,O type sealing ring and
the fuel pipe line for fuel leakage.
B.Inspect for seepage of the the fuel filter seal area, if
the filter pipe line is reliable and with no leakage.
C.Inspect if the O type sealing ring is fit with the refuel
pipe assembly after the refuel coupling door is
properly installed.
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the fuel pressure
A. Inspect the fuel system pressure.
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test
(3.3.7 Fuel System,General Inspection).
Is the fuel pressure too high?
Repair the blocked fuel pipe line,replace or replace
the fuel pressure regulator.
Go to step 3.
3. Inspect the carbon canister solenoid valve sealing and carbon canister
A. Inspect for leakage of the pipeline that connect with
the carbon canister solenoid valve.
B.Inspect if there is a leak in the carbon canister.
Is it normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the leakage;repair or replace carbon

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.7-13 Fuel System 3.3.7-13

4.Inspect the carbon canister solenoid solenoid

A. Inspect the carbon canister solenoid valve.
Refer to: P0444, P0458, P0459 (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7, DTC
diagnosis and test).
Does the carbon canister solenoid valve work
Repair the fuel tank vent.
Repair or replace the sewage solenoid and the

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.7-14 Fuel System 3.3.7-14

Disassembly and Assembly

Refer to: Fuel pump(3.1.7 Fuel
System,Disassembly and Assembly).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.7-15 Fuel System 3.3.7-15

Removal and Installation

Refer to: (3.1.7 Fuel system,Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8 Ignition
3.3.8-1 Ignition system: 3.3.8-1

Component Specifications
Item Specifications
Spark plug type -
Spark plug clearance -
Primary coil resistance -
Secondary coil resistance -
Primary inductor -
Secondary inductor -

General Specifications
Application Specifications
Ignition type Double-cylinder simutaneously ignition
Ignition sequence 1-3-4-2

Torque specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Spark plug 25 18 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-2 Ignition system: 3.3.8-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Engine adopts cylinder DLI distributor-
less,simultaneously ignition system ,1 ~ 4 cylinder
and 2 ~ 3 cylinder share a ignition coil
respectively. System components mainly include
the ECM, two ignition coils,high-voltage damping
wire,park plugs,crankshaft position
sensor,camshaft position sensor,knock sensors
and other components.
When the ECM controls the ignition coil start to
ignite,the two cylinders are ignited
simultaneously,then one of the two cylinders is in
a compression stroke while the other in the
exhaust stroke. The cylinder in the exhaust
stroke requires very little energy to breakdown the
spark plug clearance due to its low cylinder
pressure and high temperatures. The cylinder in
the compression stroke requires high energy to
breakdown the spark plug clearance due to its
high cylinder pressure, low intensity mixture and
low temperatures. The cylinder in compression
stroke will consume most of the ignition energy if
the 2 cylinders are ignited simultaneously.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-3 Ignition system: 3.3.8-3

Components exploded view



Item Description Item Description

1 High-voltage damping 3 Spark plug

2 Ignition coil

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-4 Ignition system: 3.3.8-4

General Inspection
General equipment

Feeler gauge

Ignition Spark Test

WARNING: Direct use of high-voltage
testing flash over may result in personal
injury and damage to the module. Do not
use high-voltage wire to directly test the
spark ignition.

WARNING: The temperature of a working

engine is very high. When operating on a
engine that stops for a short while, pay
attention to avoid burns.
1. When the transmission shift lever at "Neutral"
and apply hand brake.
2. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",
disconnect the injector connector.
WARNING: Constantly connection of the
injector may cause fire.

3. Disconnect the high voltage and remove the

spark plug.
4. Connect the high voltage wire and the spark
plug, ground the spark plugs at reliable
access locations of the engine.
5. Start the engine and observe the spark plugs
spark state.
6. Stop the engine and turn the ignition switch to
position "LOCK".
7. Install spark plugs and high-voltage wire.
8. Connect the injector connector.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-5 Ignition system: 3.3.8-5

Ignition coil test High voltage damping wire test

1. Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK". 1. Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
2. Disconnect the ignition coil wiring harness 2. Disconnect the high- voltage wire.
3. Measure the resistance of high voltage wire
3. Measure the resistance between each with a digital multimeter.
terminal of ignition coil with a digital
multimeter. High
voltage Resistance(kO)
Multimeter pen wire
Positive Negative -
terminal terminal

4. Connect the ignition coil connector. 4. Install the high-voltage damping wire


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-6 Ignition system: 3.3.8-6

Spark Plug Test

1. Inspect the appearance of the spark plug
• Electrode wear
• Carbon deposit
• Electrode damage
• Insulator damage
2. Measure the spark plug clearance
Standard value:mm
3. Measure the spark plug resistance
Standard value:kO


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-7 Ignition system: 3.3.8-7

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General equipment

Feeler gauge
Ignition timing lamp

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
Visual Inspection Chart

•Wiring harness
•Electrical connector
•Spark plug
•Ignition coil
•Engine control module (ECM)

3. If an obvious cause for an observed or

reported concern is found,correct the cause(if
possible),before proceeding to the next step.
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-8 Ignition system: 3.3.8-8

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs,but there is no DTC stored in the ECM for this fault,and can not confirm the cause,then
follow the procedure to diagnose the fault and eliminate it.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

• Crankshaft position sensor Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Spark plug for spark plugs not flash over
(3.3.8 Ignition System,Symptom
Spark plugs do not flash •High voltage wire
Diagnosis and Testing).
over •Ignition coil
• Execute the spark plug test procedure
Refer to: Spark Plug Test (3.3.8
Ignition System, General

•Spark plug •Carry out the test process of high voltage

wire test
•High voltage wire
Engine rock Refer to: High voltage damping
•Ignition coil
wire test (3.3.8 Ignition System,
•Engine General Inspection).

• Execute the test process for ignition coil

Refer to: Ignition Coil Test (3.3.8
Ignition System, General
•Spark plug Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•High voltage wire for engine power insufficient
Engine power is
insufficient (3.3.8 Ignition System; Syptom
•Ignition coil
Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-9 Ignition system: 3.3.8-9

Diagnosis Procedure for Spark Plug is not Flash over

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the fuse IF08 of instrument desk fuse box
Rated capacity of the fuse: 15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 2.
Inspect and repair the fuse circuits and Replace
new fuses.
2. Inspect the fuse IF08 power
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Measure the voltage between terminal 16 of
instrument panel fuse box P01a and reliable
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
P01a Is the voltage normal?
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07 Yes
Go to step 3.
IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14 No


3. Inspect the engine DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.
B.Diagnosis of the engine system
Any DTC?
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-10 Ignition system: 3.3.8-10

4. Inspect the spark plug

A.Remove the spark plug
B.Executethe test for the spark plug
Refer to: Spark Plug Test(3.3.8 Ignition
System,General Inspection).
Is the spark plug working properly?
Go to step 5.
Replace the spark plug.
5. Inspect the high voltage wire
A.Remove the high voltage wire
B.Carry out the test process of high voltage wire test
Refer to: High Voltage Damping Wire Test
(3.3.8 Ignition System,General
Is the high voltage wire working properly?
Go to step 6.
Replace the high voltage wire.
6. Inspect the ignition coil
A. Execute the test process for ignition coil.
Refer to: Ignition Coil Test (3.3.8 Ignition
System,General Inspection).
Is the ignition coil working properly?
Go to step 7.
4. Replace ignition coil .

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-11 Ignition system: 3.3.8-11

7. Inspect the ignition coil circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B. Disconnect the ignition coil wiring harness
connector E12.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Use a multimeter to measure the voltage between
E12 the terminal 1 of the ignition coil wiring harness
connector E12 and the reliable grounding.
Is the voltage between 11 ~ 14 V?
1 2
Go to step 8.
Repair broken circuits between terminal 1 of ignition
coil harness connector E12 and terminal 15 of
instrument desk fuse box P01a.
8. Inspect the ignition coil signal circuit
A. Disconnect the ignition coil wiring harness
connector E12.
B. Disconnect the engine control module wiring
harness connector S01a.
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of
ignition coil wiring harness connector E12 and
reliable grounding point with a multimeter.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
1 2 Is the resistance value normal?
A3308014 Go to step 9.
Repair short circuits between terminal 2 of ignition
coil wiring harness connector E12 and terminal 5 of
engine control module wiring harness connector
S01 a.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-12 Ignition system: 3.3.8-12

9. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
81 63
1 2 power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.

62 44
D.Turn the ignition switch to position"LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61, 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
Repair the circuit.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-13 Ignition system: 3.3.8-13

Diagnosis Procedure for Insufficient Engine Power

Confirm that the engine cylinder pressure is normal, ignition timing mark is correct, there is no
mechanical damages of the engine. Otherwise, repair the fault.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1. Inspect the spark plug
A. Test process for spark plug.
Refer to: Ignition Coil Test (3.3.8 Ignition
System,General Inspection).
Is the spark plug working properly?
Go to step 2.
Replace the spark plug.
2. Inspect the high voltage wire
A.Remove the high voltage wire
B.Carry out the test process of high voltage wire test
Refer to: High voltage damping wire test
(3.3.8 Ignition System, General
Is the high voltage wire working properly?
Go to step 3.
Replace the high voltage wire.
3. Inspect the ignition coil
A. Execute the test process for ignition coil.
Refer to: Ignition Coil Test (3.3.8 Ignition
System,General Inspection).
Is the ignition coil working properly?
Go to step 4.
4. Replace ignition coil
Refer to: Ignition Coil (3.3.8 Ignition
System,Remove and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-14 Ignition system: 3.3.8-14

4. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
81 63
1 2 power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.

62 44
D.Turn the ignition switch to position"LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61, 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
Repair the circuit.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-15 Ignition system: 3.3.8-15

Removal and Installation

Ignition Coil
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Disconnect the ignition coil wiring harness


3. Disconnect the high-voltage damping wire

from the ignition coil.


4. Remove the ignition coil mounting bolt.

5. Pull out the ignition coil.



1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-16 Ignition system: 3.3.8-16

High-Voltage Damping Wire

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).

2. Disconnect the ignition coil wiring harness



3. Disconnect the high-voltage damping wire

from the ignition coil.
4. Pull out the high-voltage damping wire.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-17 Ignition system: 3.3.8-17

Ignition Switch
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).

2. Remove the steering lock case.

Refer to: Lighting combination switch
(4.2.6 Lighting System, Removal and

3. Disconnect the connection between ignition

switch and cab wiring harness assembly.


4. Disconnect the fixing bandage of ignition

switch harness.


5. Remove the ignition stwitch retaining bolt.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.8-18 Ignition system: 3.3.8-18

6. Remove the ignition switch.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.9 Start System

3.3.9-1 Start System 3.3.9-1

1.3L start system is basically the same as 1.0L.
Refer to: (3.1.9 Start system,

Refer to: (3.1.9 Start system, Description

and Operations).

Refer to: 3.1.9 Starting System,General


Refer to: (3.1.9 Start System, Symptom

Diagnosis and Testing).

Refer to: (3.1.9 Start System, Disassembly

and Assembly).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.9-2 Start System 3.3.9-2

Removal and Installation

Starter motor
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
CAUTION: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging system,General Inspection).

2. Lift and support the vehicle.

Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).

3. Remove the retaining nut 1 of starter motor

4. Disconnect wiring harness connector 2 of
start motor solenoid switch.


5. Remove the retaining bolts of the starter



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.9-3 Start System 3.3.9-3

6. Remove the lower retaining bolts of the

starter motor.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10 Charging
3.3.10-1 Charging System 3.3.10-1

Component Specifications
Battery Specifications

Application Specifications
Type Maintenance free
Norminal voltage DC 12V
20 hours rated capacity 45 Ah
Capacity 75 Ah
Charge acceptance Higher than 9 A
(-18 ℃ ) After the 5S to 300A discharge curent. The
battery vottage should not be less than 8.6 V.
Cold-starting ability
Continous discharge until end the duration of 6V
should not be less than 2 min.
Quality (with electrolyte) 12.5 kg

Generator Specifications

Item Specifications
Rated working speed 5,000 r/min
Maximum rotation speed 18,000 r/min
Generation voltage specifications 14 V

Generator Thermal State Performance


Speed (r/min) Output Current (A) Test Voltage(V)

1,500 ≥ 25
2,500 ≥ 50 13.5 ± 0.1
3,500 ≥ 70

Generator Cold State Performance

Speed (r/min) Output Current (A) Test Voltage (V)

1,500 ≥ 32
2,500 ≥ 57 13.5 ± 0.1
6,000 ≥ 78

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-2 Charging System 3.3.10-2

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft b-in
Generator bracket bolt
23 17 -
Reinforced rib of generator bracket
Adjusting combination bolt of the generator 23 17 -
Lower retaining bolt of the generator
51 38 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-3 Charging System 3.3.10-3

Description and Operation Charging System

System Overview Generator is characterized by in-house solid-state
regulator. All components of the regulator is
Battery Self-discharge installed in a air-proof box. The regulator and
brush holder assembly is installed on the slip ring
Battery self-discharge is inevitable in theory. and frame, the set voltage of generator can not be
Although the maintenance-free battery self- adjusted.
discharge is much less than ordinary batteries,
there is still self-discharge to some extent. The Generator rotor bearings is with sufficient grease
battery power will reduce significantly if it is kept and regular lubrication is nor required. Two
for a long time, even not powered on. Battery brushes let the current go through the two sliding
self-discharge is mainly affected by factors as circulation to the rotor excitation coil. In normal
follows. circumstances, the brush can be free of
maintenance for a long time.
1. The higher the temperature is,the higher the
self-discharge rate will be. Generally. The The stator winding is assembled within the
battery self-discharge rate will increase by laminated iron core, and this iron core is the
about 2.7 times when the temperature generator frame components. The commutator
increased by 10 ℃ .The battery discharging connected to the stator windings has six diodes;
rate will vary a lot when storing in the summer and it transform the stator AC voltage into DC
and winter. voltage on the generator output terminal. The
central diodes is used to transform the neutral
2. The battery self-discharging may become voltage into DC to increase the generator output.
serious due to the storage place conditions,
such as high humidity and heavy dust. The capacitor on the regulator assembly protects
the diode voltage and reject the radio wave
Battery Capacity Loss after Loading interference.
After loading,the power losses of the battery is
mainly in the following aspects:
1. Power loss in commisioning;
2. Power loss from uninterrupted electric
appliances on the vehicle;
3. Electricity leakage caused by poor insulation
of the vehicle component
4. Without disconnecting the negative terminal,
power loss caused by static current and
current leakage.
CAUTION: Battery standing time is
related to many factors, Generally, fully
charged battery with the negative wire
disconnected can start the vehicle after
standing for 6 months.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-4 Charging System 3.3.10-4

Components Description
The vehicle uses maintenance-free battery,with
no vent plug on the battery cover,which is
different from the conventional battery. It is
hermetic sealing besides the two small vent holes
on both sides of the battery.
Compared with conventional batteries, this
battery has the following advantages:
1. No additional liquid is required within the
battery life time.
2. Overcharging protection.
3. The electricity leaking not easily occurs like
conventional battery.
4. Weight and volume is smaller with more
If the battery test is normal,but the battery has
insufficient voltage, and vehicles can not start
overnight, the causes can be considered from the
following aspects.
1. Electrical equipment within the vehicle is not
turned off over the whole night.
2. Speed is slow with frequently stop and start.
3. Vehicle electrical load exceeds the generator
output,especially when the vehicles equipped
with aftermarket retrofit device.
4. Charging system fails, such as short
circuit,generator belt slipping, generator
malfunction or voltage regulator malfunction.
5. Improper use of the battery,including fail to
keep the the battery cable terminals clean
and tightened,or the fixed plate loose.
6. Mechanical fault of the electrical system,
such as wire short-circuit or crush.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-5 Charging System 3.3.10-5

Location View


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-6 Charging System 3.3.10-6
Battery and the Accessory

6 5


Item Description Item Description

Battery negative grounding
1 5 Battery positive wiring harness
wiring harness
Tightening nut of pressure plate
2 6 Battery
of battery
3 Battery pressure plate 7 Battery pallet
4 Battery retaining screw

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-7 Charging System 3.3.10-7

General Inspection CAUTION: It is improper to inspect the

battery that just has complete charging or
General Equipment
the battery in the discharging and
Multimeter recharging process with discharge
detector. Because the charging will
Battery charger
generate a lot of hydrogen gas, it will
generate spark and cause the gas
exploded to cause injury and damage
Battery inspection when the inspection is carried out by
1. Battery apperance inspection discharge detector or resistance wire.
Batteries should be free of leakage on the
Battery Charging
surface,the case without crack, damage,
corrosion-free on the electrode,and the WARNING: Keep the batteries away from
electrode wire is connected securely. children. The battery includes sulphuric
acid. Keep it away from skin, eye or
2. Inspect with a discharge detector:
clothes. Wear the goggles to avoid
Press the corresponding contact hardly on acidic dissolution fluid sprayed into the
the battery negative and positive. When the eyes when working near the battery. In
discharge detector pointer in the green range case of acid solvent spraying to the skin
for about 2 seconds, it indicates that the or eyes, rinse immediately for at least 15
battery capacity is sufficient to meet high minutes and seek medical treatment
current starting demands.When the discharge immediately. If acid solution is
detector pointer in the red range and with no swallowed, please seek medical
other abnormalities,it indicates the lack of treatment immediately. Failure to
battery capacity and charging is required. comply with the instructions may cause
3. Use the headlamp as the load and voltage serious injury.
meter to inspect. WARNING: Batteries may produce
According to the battery voltage explosive gases to cause fatal accident.
measurement,connect the voltage meter to So keep the flame,spark or other
the battery , and read the battery inflammable materials away from the
voltage.Open the headlamp,if the battery battery. When getting close to the
voltage does not drop rapidly, and keeps at battery charge or operation area, wear
10 v or more,the battery can start the vehicle protective mask to protect face and
after the charging. If the headlamp is turned eyes. Put the battery in a ventilated
on and the battery voltage decreases rapidly, location. Failure to comply with the
charge the battery to restore the function. If instructions may cause serious injury.
the idle time is too long,charge the battery for
WARNING: When using any charging
a relatively longer time. The best way is to
device, comply with all the
charge and discharge for several times,to
manufacturer's instructions. Failure to
make it fully activated.
comply with the instructions may cause
serious injury.

WARNING: Before connecting to the

battery, the charger switch must not be
open. Failure to comply with the
instructions may cause serious injury.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-8 Charging System 3.3.10-8
WARNING: Turn off the switch before Battery Parasitic Current Test
removing the charger from the battery.
Failure to comply with the instructions If the battery produces electricity losses
may cause serious injury. sustained,should perform the following test
procedure to inspect whether the battery
CAUTION: Do not charge the batteries in generate parasitic currents.
the vehicle. 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
CAUTION: Do not only use the 2. Connect the positive of the multimeter to
generators to charge the discharged battery positive cable and connect the
battery,as charging system must be in the negative connect to the negative.
state of continuous load driving more than
3. Ensure that all electrical equipment is
8 hours with non-electrical equipment in.
off,doors, engine hood and cargo box lid can
1. Remove the battery, then put it in the water. reliable fully closed for the test vehicle.
2. Connect the battery charger to the battery, 4. Select the mA grade of the multimeter for
charging according to the following manner. current measurement.
Constant Voltage Charge 5. Wait for dormancy vehicle module, measure
the parasitic current.
Constant voltage 14.8 V,when the charge
current down to 3 A,continue to charge for 3 CAUTION: The module dormancy time is
hours,the change process finished.Note the different depending on vehicles with
charge current should not exceed 25A. Note: different configuration.
charging current shall not exceed 25A.
The Parasitic Current Standard Value:
Constant Current Charge
Charge it with 6A, with voltage of 14.8, then
3A for 3h, till the charging is completed.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-9 Charging System 3.3.10-9

Generator Test
Voltage output
1. Connect the test equipment V

Select the appropriate range,connect the 15


Voltage output
voltage meter between the generator B 14.6V

terminal and the grounding. Connect the 14.42V


ammeter between the generator B terminal 14

and the battery positive terminal. 13.8V

-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 C

2 A3310009
- A+ B
3. Test with load

Keep the engine running at 2,000 rpm, turn on
3 v
1.Load headlamp and HVAC motors. Measure the
3.Battery current, if it is less than 20 A, repair or replace the
A:Ammeter 100A range
V:Voltmeter 20V range motor.
B:Battery output terminal


2. Test without load

Start the engine, the engine rotating speed
from idle to 2,000 r/min, read the instrument
CAUTION: Consider that the voltage will
be different as the temperature of the
voltage regulator varies. Do not carry out
this test to the discharged battery. Before
the test,ensure that the battery is fully

CAUTION: When the engine running,do

not open the battery terminal, otherwise
you may damage the electronic

Standard Current:10 A(Max)

Standard Voltage:at 25 ℃ 14.2 ~ 14.8 V

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-10 Charging System 3.3.10-10

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment


Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
3. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electrical
•Wiring harness
•Accessory drive •Electrical connector
•Battery wire
•Charging system warning

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-11 Charging System 3.3.10-11

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs,but there is no DTC stored in the ECM for this fault,and can not confirm the cause,then
follow the procedure to diagnose the fault and eliminate it.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Generator belt Refer to: Diagnosis procedure of the

Insufficient insufficient battery charging (3.3.10
•Generator adjuster
battery power Charging System,Diagnosis and
•Generator Testing).

•Generator adjuster Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for

battery overcharged (3.3.10 Charging
overcharged •Generator
System, Diagnosis and Testing).

•Drive belt loose or worn Refer to: Diagnosis procedure of the

charging indicator always on (3.3.10
indicator always •Generator
Charging System,Diagnosis and
•Circuit fault Testing).
•Indicator bulb Refer to: Diagnosis procedure of the
•Instrument charging indicator not on (3.3.10
Charging Charging System,Diagnosis and
•Circuit fault
indicator is not Testing).
on •Poor contact between brushes and
slip rings
•Voltage regulator
•Belt Refer to: Diagnosis procedure of
Generator noise •Bearing generator noise (3.3.10 Charging
System, Diagnosis and Testing).
•Stator and rotor

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-12 Charging System 3.3.10-12

Diagnosis Procedure for Battery undercharge

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the charging generator voltage
A.Start the engine; let the engine run from idle speed t
2,000 rpm.
B.Measure the voltage with a multimeter of the battery
positive wiring to the negative.
If the voltage value is not less than 14.2 V
Go to step 2.
Go to step 3.
2. Inspect the parasitic current of the battery
A.Implement the parasitic battery current inspection
Refer to: Battery Parasitic Current Test
(3.3.10 Charging System,General
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 3.
Charge battery.
Refer to: Battery charging (3.3.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
Replace the battery.
Refer to: Battery (3.1.10 Charging System,
Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-13 Charging System 3.3.10-13

3.Inspect generator
A.Implement the generator inspection procedures.
Refer to: Generator testing procedure
(3.3.10 Charging system, General
Is the test normal?
Charge battery.
Refer to: Battery charging (3.3.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
Replace the battery.
Refer to: Reference: Battery (3.1.10
Charging System, Removal and
Inspect the generator.
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure of the
charging indicator always on (3.3.10
Charging System, Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-14 Charging System 3.3.10-14

Diagnosis Procedure for Battery overcharged

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the charging generator voltage
A.Start the engine; let the engine run from idle speed t
2,000 rpm.
Measure the voltage with a multimeter of the
battery positive wiring to the negative.
Is the voltage higher than 14.8 V?
Go to step 2.
Normal system.
2. Inspect the generator regulator
A. Replace the generator regulator.
Refer to: Generator (3.1.10 Charging
System, Assembly and Disassembly)
Is the the generator charging voltage normal?
Normal system.
Disassemble the generator.
Refer to: Generator (3.1.10 Charging
System,Assembly and Disassembly)

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-15 Charging System 3.3.10-15

Diagnosis Procedure for Charging Indicator Always on

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect generator belt
A. Inspect generator belt installation.
B. Inspect the tension of the generator belt.
Refer to: Generator drive belt tension
inspecion (3.3.4 Cooling System, General
Is the generator belt normal?
Go to step 2.
Adjust or replace the generator belt.
2. Inspect the charging generator voltage
A.Start the engine,let engine rotating speed rise to
B.Use a multimeter to measure the grounding voltage
of the terminal 1 on the generator output wiring
harness connector S05a.
Is the output voltage between 14.2 and 14.8 V?
Repair the circuit between the terminal 1 of
generator wiring harness connector E15 and
terminal 12 of instrument connector P03.
Go to step 3.
3. Inspect the generator regulator power circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Inspect the fuse IF08.
C.Disconnect the generator wiring harness connector
D. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
E.Measure the voltage between the terminal 2 of the
generator wiring harness connector E15 and the
reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14V
Is voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Generator regulator power line maintenance

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-16 Charging System 3.3.10-16

4. Inspect the generator regulator

A. Replace the generator regulator.
Refer to: Generator (3.1.10 Charging
System, Assembly and Disassembly).
Is the the generator charging voltage normal?
Normal system.
Replace generator
Refer to: Generator (3.3.10 Charging
System, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-17 Charging System 3.3.10-17

Diagnosis Procedure for Charge Indicator not on

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the charging indicator bulb
A. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
B.Make the terminal 12 at combination instrument
side P03a shorted circuit to the ground with a
harness maintenance tool.
Visually inspect for the charge indicator
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect the circuit bewteen voltage regulator and the instrument
A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the generator wiring harness connector
E15 and instrument wiring harness connector
C.Measure the resistance from terminal 1 of generator
harness connector E15 to terminal 12 of instrument
harness connector P03a.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
D.Connect the generator wiring harness connector
E15 and instrument wiring harness connector
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the circuit.
3. Inspect the generator regulator
A. Replace the generator regulator.
Refer to: Generator(3.1.10 Charging
System,Assembly and Disassembly)
Is the fault eliminated?
Normal system.
Replace generator
Refer to: Generator (3.1.10 Charging
System, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-18 Charging System 3.3.10-18

Diagnosis Procedure for Generator Noise

Diagnosis Tips:Generator noise may be caused by electrical or mechanical noise. Electrical noise
(electromagnetic vroom) usually varies with the generator's electrical load. This is the normal operating
characteristics of all generators,pay attention to distinguish them from each other,otherwise it will cause
unnecessary customer complaints. Diagnosis of mechanical noise generator, inspect if there are loose
components around the generator, mutual interference or other abnormal problems. In some cases even
if the sound is very light inside the cabin,the noise will be transferred to the passenger compartment,if so,
the generator replacement can not solve the trouble, which led to incorrect justice.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1. Inspect generator belt
A. Inspect genrator belt for missing gear.
B. Inspect the tension of the generator belt.
Refer to: Drive belt tension inspecion
(3.3.4 Cooling System, General
Is the generator belt normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the generator belt.
2. Inspect the generator noise
A. Remove the generator belt.
B. Start the engine .
Does the genertor noise still exist?
Inspect the noise of the compressor and power
steering pump.
Repair the generator.
Refer to: Generator assembly (3.1.10
Charging System, Assembly and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-19 Charging System 3.3.10-19

Disassembly and Assembly

Refer to: (3.1.10 Charging System,
Disassembly and Assembly).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-20 Charging System 3.3.10-20

Removal and Installation

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).

2. Remove the components in the console and

engine middle-compartment.
Refer to: Gearshift Mechanism (3.4.4
Manual Transmission External Control,
Removal and Installation).
3. Remove the generator wiring harness
1. Disconnect the generator regulator wiring
harness connector 1. 1

2. Remove the retaining nut 2 of the 2

generator charging wiring harness.


4. Detach the accessory drive belt.

Refer to: Accessory transmission belt
(3.3.2 Mechanical System, Removal and
5. Remove the retaining bolt of reinforced plate
of generator bracket.

Torque:10 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.10-21 Charging System 3.3.10-21

6. Remove the retaining bolt of the generator


Torque:23 Nm


7. Remove the retaining bolt of adjusting

bracket of the generator.
8. Lower retaining bolt of the generator

Torque:51 Nm
9. Remove the generator bracket and generator.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Inspect the water pump belt tension and
press the belt in the middle with a force of
100Nm to supposedly see a dent with depth
of a=5~ 6 mm.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.11 Emission
Control System
3.3.11-1 Emission Control System 3.3.11-1

Description and Operation The main control unit of the engine crankcase
blow-by gas is the positive crankcase ventilation
System Overview (PCV) valve. Positive crankcase ventilation valve
measures the blow-by gas flow rate based on the
Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV)
manifold vacuum signal. Positive crankcase
System ventilation valve allow some of the vacuum
At the end of the combustion stroke,some pressure to go through the valve internal orifice
unburned mixture leaks from the piston rings and form low pressure in the crankcase. The
into the crankcase with high pressure,this blow-by gas in the crankcase then is absorbed
leakage is called "blow-by gas". The blow-by into the intake system and then be burn out
gas contains nitrogen oxides,carbon monoxide during the normal combustion. The blow-by gas
and hydrocarbons. If the mixed gas is not that goes into the intake manifold is precisely
eliminate,the oil in the crankcase will be controlled to maintain the idle speed quality. Use
diluted,so that the engine oil will begin the correct and the proper the crankcase
deterioration to cause the premature wear to calibration that been gauged positive crankshaft
engine. This blow-by gas will escape into the ventilation valve. The relationship between the
atmosphere from the crankcase which will flow rate of the blow-by air flow and the vacuum
cause pollution. In order to prevent blow-by rate of the engine manifold is showed in the
gas emission into the atmosphere,at the same following table:
time prevent the oil from deterioration, use the
forced crankcase ventilation system to conduct Positive
the gas that in the crankcase back into the Manifold Crankshaft Blow-By Gas
intake system,so that the blow-by gas go Vacuum Vent Valve Flow Rate
through the PCV valve from the intake manifold Opening
into the combustion chamber to be burn. Low Large Much
Positive crankcase ventilation system consists of High Small Little
the following components:
• Positive Crankshaft Ventilation valve
• Crankcase ventilation tube.
• Hose and connector.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.11-2 Emission Control System 3.3.11-2
(EVAP) Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Components Description
Control System
Fuel stored in fuel tank will generate the fuel Crankcase Forced Vent Valve
vapor due to temperature,shaking and other Positive crankcase ventilation valve includes
factors. The fuel vapor will escape from the fuel body,valves, cover and spring.
tank into the atmosphere to cause pollution. In
order to avoid deterioration of emissions,fuel The forced crankcase ventilation valve that below
evaporative emissions (EVAP) control system can the O-ring are exposed in the vacuum in the
control emissions of fuel vapor. It is activated manifold. The parts between the lower and the
carbon filter tank storage method. This method upper of the O-ring is exposed in the crankcase
transfers fuel vapor from fuel tank to carbon gases. The leakage beyond the system capacity
canister,or gasoline vapor from the fuel tank into (severe wear from the engine,continuous
the fuel vapor recovery pipeline, the carbon can overload,etc.) enters into the air intake pipe,and
absorb and save the steam when the vehicle is been brought into the engine due to the systems.
not running. When the engine is running for a The crankcase ventilation system correctly
required time period, engine control module operation depends on engine seals. If the
provides a grounding circuit to meet the observed oil oxidation or dilution and crankcase
requirements of the clean working conditions, so ventilation system is normal,inspect the engine to
that carbon electricity can discharge valve,air is determine the possible causes. Repair the fault
inhaled carbon canister and mixed with steam.
Then the mixture of fuel vapor is sucked out from
the carbon then goes into the intake manifold to
enter the cylinder to be consumed in the normal
combustion process. The carbon canister
sewage solenoid is controlled by the pulse width
modulation (PWM) signal. The operating
conditions is determined by the air flow,fuel
regulator and the intake air temperature,carbon
canister sewage valve PWM duty cycle changes.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.11-3 Emission Control System 3.3.11-3
Carbon Canister Purge Solenoid Valve Evaporative Emissions Carbon
As a NC solenoid valve, it controls the steam flow Canister
from evaporation emission system to the intake Evaporative emissions of carbon canister is
manifold. This valve has its pulse width activated carbon particles with emission control
modulation (PWM) by engine control module to devices. Evaporative emissions carbon canister
control the fuel vapor flow to the engine is used to absorb and store the fuel vapor. Fuel
accurately. vapor is always been stored in the carbon
canister;when meeting certain conditions,the
In the evaporative emissions system testing
engine control module will power the carbon
process,this solenoid will open to make the
canister discharge valve so that the fuel vapor is
engine vacuum into enter the evaporative
drawn off the engine cylinder and been
emissions system.


The following conditions can lead to poor idle,

stalling and poor maneuverability:
• Carbon canister solenoid does not work.
• Carbon canister damage
• Hose is broken, cracked, or not properly
connected to the pipeline

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.11-4 Emission Control System 3.3.11-4

Location View



Item Description Item Description

1 Air intake hose 3 Air intake hose
2 PCV valve

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.11-5 Emission Control System 3.3.11-5




Item Description Item Description

Carbon canister control
1 Carbon canister 4
valve emission hose
Carbon canister blow-off Carbon canister control
2 5
hose valve
Carbon canister control
3 Fuel vapor pipe 6
valve intake hose

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.11-6 Emission Control System 3.3.11-6

General Inspection Carbon Canister Emissions

General Equipment Valve Inspect
Digital multimeter Perform the following procedures:
1. Removed the vacuum hose from the purge
Inspecion of the PCV Valve 2. Start the engine at idle speed.
If the engine idle speed is unstable,inspect the
3. Put finger on the remote vacuum
crankcase ventilation valve to see if it is blocked,if
hose,inspect whether the tube is vacuum. If
the air filter is too dirty or the hose is blocked.
no vacuum,inspect for the following
Perform the following procedures:
1. Remove the crankcase ventilation valve from
• Vacuum hose is clogged
the Cylinder head cover
• Vacuum hose crack
2. Start the engine at idle speed.
4. Use the appropriate source blow gas from the
3. Put finger on the valve side to inspect for
solenoid imports,the valve channel should be
vacuum. If there is no vacuum valve, inspect
blocked,if there is leakage, replace the
for the following conditions:
• The hose is blocked
5. Use the diagnosis tool to drive the
• Manifold port is blocked solenoid,then use the appropriate gas supply
• Crankcase ventilation valve is blocked to blow from the solenoid, the valve channel
should be connected,if the channel is
PCV valve or hose is clogged may cause the berried,repair the fault valve .
following malfunction
• Engine idle is unstable
• Engine stall or idle speed is too low
• Engine oil leakage
• Oil into the air filter
• Oil dirt in engine
• Engine crankcase pressure is too high
PCV valve or hose leaks can lead to the following
• Engine idle is unstable
• Engine stalling
• Engine idle speed is too high
• Oil leak of engine

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.11-7 Emission Control System 3.3.11-7

Carbon Canister Inspect

1. Inspect the carbon canister ventilation pipe
on the filter, if there is any blockage, crack,or
deformation, replace the filter.
2. Carbon canister visual inspection: if ther is
crack or deformation ,if so ,replace it.
3. Remove and shake the carbon canister,if
there is abnormal noise,replace it.
4. Inspect the hose connections on the carbon
canister, if blocked,damaged, replace it.
5. Use a suitable gas source, blow from a pipe
mouth of the carbon canister,then should flow
out from the two other orifices,if there is no
gas flow,replace the carbon canister.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.11-8 Emission Control System 3.3.11-8

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment

Digital multimeter

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of mechanical or electrical damage.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electrical
• Hose/hose connector
• Positive crankcase
ventilation(pcv) valve
• Vacuum tube

• Evaporative
emissions carbon
• Evaporative
emissions system

3. If an obvious cause for an observed or reported concern is found, correct the cause before
proceeding to the next step.
4. If no obvious problem been found, confirm the failure and refer to the symptoms chart.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.11-9 Emission Control System 3.3.11-9

Symptom Chart
If a symptom occurs, while its DTC is not stored in the control module and the cause can not be verified
in basic inspection, diagnose and eliminate in order of the following table.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•PCV valve or hose is clogged or •Inspect PCV system for components
damaged block,if necessary,clean or Replace
Crankcase pressure is •Crankcase ventilation oil separator block new components
too high
Refer to: (3.3.2 Mechanical
•Engine component wear or damage System, Disassembly and
Evaporative emissions •Purge pipe crack •Replace the purge pipe
system leak •Carbon canister break •Replace the carbon canister
•Clean the ventilation pipe
•Ventilation pipe block •Replace the ventilation pipe
•Replace the ventilation pipe filter
Evaporative emissions
•Clean the sewage draining port
system block •Purge pipe block
•Replace the purge pipe
•Clean the solenoid pipe block
•Solenoid pipe block
•Replace the solenoid
•Diagnose the DTC
Evaporative emissions •Circuit fault
•Inspect and repair the circuit
purge valve does not •Purge valve fault
work •Replace the purge solenoid valve
•ECM fault
•Replace ECM

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.11-10 Emission Control System 3.3.11-10

Diagnosis Procedure for

Carbon Canister Purge
Solenoid not Working
Refer to: DTC P0444/P0458/P0459 (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.11-11 Emission Control System 3.3.11-11

Removal and Installation

PCV Valve
1. Release the PCV valve vacuum tube clamp
holder, disengage the PCV vacuum tube


2. Remove the PCV valve


3. Take out the PCV valve seal kit

4. Inspect the PCV valve seal kit,replace it when


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.11-12 Emission Control System 3.3.11-12
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

CAUTION: Inspect the intake manifold for

any possible leaks after the installation.

Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures for Intake

Air Leak (3.1.5 Intake Air System,
Diagnosis and Testing).

EVAP Solenoid Valve

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).

2. Disconnect the EVAP solenoid valve wiring

harness connector


3. Disengage the EVAP solenoid valve from the

the EVAP solenoid valve support.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.11-13 Emission Control System 3.3.11-13

4. Release the EVAP solenoid valve hose clamp

holder,disengaged the EVAP hose valve.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

CAUTION: Inspect the intake manifold for

any possible leaks after the installation.

Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures for Intake

Air Leak (3.1.5 Intake Air System,
Diagnosis and Testing).

Active Carbon Canister

Refer to: Avtive Carbon Canister (3.1.11
Emission System, Remove and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12 Electronic Control
System - M7
3.3.12-1 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-1

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Crankshaft position sensor retaining bolt 11 8 -

Camshaft position sensor retaining bolt 11 8 -

Oxygen sensor 45 33 -

Knock sensor retaining bolt 23 17 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-2 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Electrical control system is consisted of the following components:
• Various sensors that judge the engine status and operation conditions.
• Engine control module that controls each actuator of EFI system based on the signal of each
• Various electrical control actuators.

2 6

3 4

17 10
16 9




Item Description Item Description

1 Carbon Canister 10 Knock sensor

2 Carbon canister control valve 11 Crankshaft position sensor

Air intake pressure temperature

3 12 Electrical fuel pump

4 Fuel distribution pipe 13 Malfunction Indicator Lamp

High voltage damping wire and

5 14 Diagnostic Interface
spark plug

6 Camshaft position sensor 15 ECM

7 Oxygen sensor 16 Throttle position sensor

8 Three-way catalytic converter 17 Stepper motor

9 Coolant temperature sensor

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-3 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-3
According to the Performance, the Fuel Injection Control
Electrical Control System can be ECM controls the injection time and the injection
Divided Into the Following timing from injector to the cylinder head intake
port based on various sensors signals, to ensure
• Fuel injection control system the appropriate mixed gas is provided in different
• Idle speed control system driving conditions. There are two forms of
injection timing, one is synchronous injection,
• Fuel pump control system
which always injects at the same crankshaft
• Ignition timing control system angle,the other is non-synchronous injection,
• Radiator-fan control system which is controlled based on inlet pressure
temperature sensor and other sensor signals.
• Fuel evaporation emission control system
1. Synchronous injection
• Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
system. When the engine starts, the air in the intake
manifold is still,the internal pressure of the
M7 System Input/Output Signal intake manifold shows as the surrounding
The main sensor input signals of ECM in M7 atmospheric pressure. Electrical throttle
system include: opens to a certain angle based on a fixed
parameter that determined by the starting
• Airflow signal
temperature. When starting 4 injectors will
• Throttle rotor angle signal inject synchronously in each cycle Fuel
• Coolant temperature signal injection amount varies according to the
engine temperature. before the engine
• Engine rotating speed signal
reaches a certain speed, the mixture need to
• Phase signal be enriched. Once the engine is running, the
• Knock sensor signal system immediately begins to reduce the
cranking enrichment, until the end of starting
• Oxygen sensor signal (600 ~ 700 rpm), start enriching is completely
• AC pressure signal canceled.
After the above information goes into ECM, they When a cylinder is in exhaust stroke after the
are been processed then the required actuator engine starts, the fuel injection only occurs in
control signals are generated,these signals are the cylinder's injector. ECM tests 1 cylinder
amplified in the output driver circuit,and are compression stroke by camshaft position
transmitted to each corresponding actuator,these sensor, also with this as the basis, follow the
control signals include: order of cylinder 1st, 3rd, 4th, 2nd to control
• Injection timing and injection duration the injection order of the injector. When
failure of camshaft position sensor occurs,
• Fuel pump relay engine automatically enters and its injection
• Carbon canister control valve opening status keeps engine running.
• Ignition coil dwell angle and spark
advance angle
• A/C compressor relay
• Electrical Fan Relay

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-4 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-4
2. Non-synchronous injection Air-Fuel Ratio Feedback
After the engine starts and meets the
Compensation(Closed-Loop System)
following two conditions, all the injectors will The air-fuel mixture must be close to
not be controlled by the pressure temperature stoichiometric air-fuel ratio(14.7) to ensure that
sensors. the three way catalyst conversion process is fully
vehicleried out and reach high purification rate of
• Fuel injection system starts to when fuel
CO, HC and NOx in exhausting.
is disconnected.
λ closed loop control system can work only with
• When the throttle opening rate is higher
than the specified value (throttle opens oxygen sensor equipped. Oxygen sensor
too fast). monitors the oxygen content in the exhausting in
the side location of three way catalytic converter,
Nonsynchronous injection system is lean mixture (> 1) generate about 100 mV sensor
generated quickly under above two voltage, rich mixture (< 1) produces about 800
situations. mV sensor
3. Injection time voltage. When λ is equal to 1, the sensor voltage
The main elements of identifying the fuel has a jump. λ closed-loop control responds to the
injection time is based on the basic injection input signal (λ is greater than or equal to 1 lean
time value that calculated according to the mixture, λ is less than or equal to 1 rich mixture)
engine rotating speed, the intake manifold modify the control variables, resulting in
pressure temperature (air intake flow rate), correction factor as a multiplier to correct the fuel
and a variety of the compensation value that injection duration.
is determined by the sensor signals which is When any one of the following conditions is met,
used for testing the engine and the operating ECM exits, closed-loop starts to control.
• When the engine starts to operate and
4. Fuel cut-off the injection quantity is increased after
The injection stops (by stopping injector) the engine starts.
while slowing down (for example, when • When the engine coolant temperature is
throttle is placed on idling position and engine too low.
is running with high speed).It ensures that
• When the load is high and fuel injection
unburned gas will not be discharged and be capacity is increases.
started again in above different conditions.
• When the fuel is cut off.
• When the oxygen sensor is cooled.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-5 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-5

Decreasing Fuel Injection Signal

Increasing Fuel Injection Signal

High Volt

Low Volt

Injector Lambda Sensor

Rich Combustible Mixture Poor Oxygen Concentration

Poor Combustible Mixture Rich Oxygen Concentration


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-6 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-6
Idle Control Valve
The control system uses ECM and mechanical
throttle control to achieve control purposes as
Engine always keeps a cretain speed under idling
status. The idling speed of engine changes for
reasons as follows:
• Add load to the engine (for example,
open A /C switch)
• Engine itself changes over time.
• Improve the starting performance of the
• Adjust the air-fuel ratio during
deceleration(reduction buffer function).
• When engine warm-up, improve its
Idle speed control operates in accordance with
effective information outputting from EMC. And
ECM inspects operation status of engine with
sensors and switch signal through mechanical
control throttle opening of mechanical throttle to
control air flow.

Fuel Pump Control

ECM controls the on and off actions of the fuel
pump, in either of the following cases, it connects
to the fuel pump through the fuel pump relay.
• Two seconds after the ignition switch is
turned off.
• When engine starts (outputting engine
starting signal to ECM).
• When camshaft position sensor signal is
input in ECM.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-7 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-7
Ignition Timing Control
The system adopts distributorless, double-cylinder direct ignition, through the on and off of internal high
power transistor (Darlington) to control the on-and-off of the ignition coil primary winding circuit, enable
the ignition coil produce high voltage (the ignitor internal structure varies with different engine types.
Some engines are not equipped with ignitors, and high-power triode transistor is directly equipped in the
internal of electrical controller ECM. Some ignitors only hava a Darlington transistor as a switch, and
other electrical control components and electrical controls works as a whole. In addition, some ignitors
have switch function, as well as the function of constant current control, closed angle control, cylinder
identification and ignition monitoring)
The control unit includes the following three different forms:
• Ignition time when the engine start (initial ignition time)
• Engine after-start control
• Charge current time control
1. Ignition control after engine start
If the ignition time of the engine after starting can be confirmed as follows ,then the ignition can occur
in the most appropriate moment under differnet conditions of the engine.

Basic Various
Ignition Ignition ignition compens
= ignition + + +
time time advance ation
angle angles

When the throttle is at idle speed position, ignition time is reached based on the initial ignition timing,
plus the the basic ignition advance angle that is determined by engine rotating speed, engine cooling
compensation and the relative idle stability advance compensation angle.
When the throttle opening is larger than idle speed position, it is also reached based on the initial ignition
timing, plus the the basic ignition advance angle that is determined by engine rotating speed, engine
cooling compensation and the relative idle stability advance compensation angle.

Radiator Fan Control

The system controls the operation of radiator fan motor (on and off ), radiator fan realizes the on-off
control motor through the relay that controlled by ECM. When air conditioning is operated or stopped,
the radiator fan motor should be turned on or off accordingly.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-8 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-8
Fuel Evaporative Emission Control Components Description
Fuel evaporative emission control system is used
to prevent fuel vapor from evaporation. This vapor Engine Control Module(ECM)
is generated from the fuel during running or Engine control module ECM is installed in the
engine stopped, it goes into the gasoline carbon cab. The firewall under the instrument panel is
canister through the tank pressure control valve, installed against the driver side to receive input
and absorbed or stored by the carbon canister. and output control signal and to inspect system
Carbon canister sewage valve is controuled by status. If there is any fault it records defect code
ECM based on various sensors signals. and turn on the malfunction indicator lamp.

Only when the following conditions are met, ECM

will open the vacuum channel of carbon canister
sewage valve.
• When the engine is at normal working
• When the engine rotating speed is higher
than the specified value.
• When the opening of the throttle is larger
than the idle speed position (the close
position of the throttle). A3312020

• When the engine is running within the

required load. Knock Sensor KS
The result is the carbon canister is purified due to The knock sensor is directly installed on the
the air flow goes through the carbon filter that is engine body and is located under the air intake
located at the bottom of the canister. manifold. Knock sensor will record the increased
vibration when the engine body increases the
Fuel tank pressure control valve is used to
combustion noise. ECM using the knock sensor
maintain constant tank pressure. This valve is
signal to avoid fuel pre-ignition through adjusting
opened to let the vapor goes into the carbon
the ignition and fuel supply characteristics.
canister. On the contrary, when the tank pressure
is negative and reaches its specified value, open
the valve so that air could go into the tank.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-9 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-9
Ignition Coil Crankshaft Position Sensor CKP
The ignition coil of 1st cylinder and 4th cylinder is Crankshaft position sensor is a electromagnetic
located on the upper part of the 4th cylinder spark induction sensor on the clutch body and captures
hole, the ignition coil of 2nd cylinder and 3rd flywheel signal ring.Signal ring has 58 teeth and
cylinder is at the top of 2nd cylinder spark plug ECM judges top dead center position from signal
hole. Ignition coil transforms the low voltage of of missing teeth. Camshaft position sensor can
primary winding into secondary winding high not be adjusted, and it is not required to set up
voltage, spark discharge through the spark plug, process during installation.
igniting the mixture of air and fuel within the
cylinder. ECM controlls the ignition coil primary
coil to ground.



CamShaft Position Sensor CMP

Camshaft position sensor is a kind of Hall-effect
sensor that located at the outside cover of
camshaft, is used to capture the raised signal of
1st cylinder intake camshaft. Camshaft position
sensor can not be adjusted, and does not require
set-up process during installation.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-10 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-10
Idle Control Valve
Idle speed control valve is connected with the
bottom of throttle body. Align the idle speed
control valve, get close to the throttle body throttle
plate so that the input and the output pipeline of
the idle speed control valve maintain the shortest
length. So that the open and close movement of
the throttle is smoother and could control the
engine idle speed more precisly. Idle speed
control valve controls the circulation area of air
duct near the throttle body so as to adjust the air A3312026
capacity into the engine and to control engine idle
speed. Main Relay
The main body of idle speed control valve is a Main relay is located in the engine compartment
stepper motor and ECM controls amount of electrical center, ECM controls the main relays to
forward/ rewind and movement by digital square control fuel pump, fuel injector, carbon canister
wave signal. Idle speed control valve is installed sewage solenoid valve power supply.
on the throttle body.

ER01 ER02 ER03

30 30 30

87 87 87

86 85 86 85 86 85
EF02 EF03 EF04 EF05 EF06 EF07 EF08
86 85


Fuel Pump Relay and Fuel Pump
CoolantTemperature Sensor Fuel pump relay is located in the electric center of
Coolant temperature sensor is mounted on the the engine compartment, and fuel pump is
intake manifold assembly (near the thermostat). installed in the fuel tank. Fuel pump starts to run
coolant temperature sensor is negtive after ECM control oil pump relay is closed.
temperature coefficient (NTC) resistor.ECM
calculates coolant temperature by voltage drop of
coolant temperature sensor. The signal of coolant
temperature sensor is supplied to ECM to control ER01 ER02 ER03

electric fan motor and to judge fuel and ignition 30


according to engine status. Coolant temperature 86 85 86 85 86 85


sensor output also offers input signal to EF01


instrument panel Coolant temperature gauge.

EF02 EF03 EF04 EF05 EF06 EF07 EF08
86 85


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-11 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-11

Location View



Item Description Item Description

1 Crankshaft position sensor 5 Coolant temperature sensor

Intake temperature and pressure

2 Camshaft position sensor 6

3 Oxygen sensor 7 Throttle position sensor

4 Knock sensor 8 Idle speed stepper motor

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-12 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-12

General Inspection Data Flow Read Procedure

General Tool 1. Carry out necessary vehicle preparation and
appearance inspection.
Diagnostic tool
2. Connect the diagnostic tool to the diagnosis
Multimeter interface in the cab.
3. Use diagnosis tool to access to the engine
system to read the data flow.
DTC's Reading Program
1. Carry out necessary vehicle preparation and
appearance inspection.
2. Connect the diagnostic tool to the diagnosis
interface in the cab.
3. Use the diagnostic to diagnose the trouble
codes DTC.


Implement the Components

Testing Procedure
1. Carry out necessary vehicle preparation and
appearance inspection.
2. Connect the diagnostic tool to the diagnosis
interface in the cab.
3. Use the diagnosis tool to access to the active
tests menu, carry out the components testing
that is needed.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-13 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-13

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment


Diagnostic tool

Exhaust back pressure gauge

Cylinder pressure gauge

Fuel pressure gauge

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
3. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, must correct the
cause,before proceeding to the next step.
4. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and confirm the symptom with
Diagnosis tool.
Visual Inspection Chart

•Wiring harness
•Electrical connector
•Engine control module(ECM)

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-14 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-14

Intermittent Malfunction Diagnosis Procedure

CAUTION: Eliminate DTC.

CAUTION: Carry out simulation testing.

CAUTION: Inspect and shake harness, connectors and terminals.

Malfunction can not be inspected by DTC and occurs occasionally while using. Confirm the circuit and
components that may lead to malfunction. Carry out the basic inspections as shown in the flow chart to
find out trouble location effectively in many cases. Particularly the malfunctions such as bad contact of
wiring harness connector.
Malfunction definition: This malfunction currently does not appear, but the historical DTC record
indicates that the malfunction occurred before. Or customer reports the malfunction, but as the
malfunction is not related to the malfunction diagnosis code, and currently the malfunction symptoms
can not show again.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Vibration method

A.If driving on a rough road,the malfunction occurs or

becomes more serious, or the engine start vibration,
perform the following steps.
B.Several reasons may lead to electrical failure
caused by the vibration of the vehicle or
engine.nspect the following items:
• Connector is not fully in position
• Wiring harness does not have enough
• Wiring harness layout across the stent, or
moving components
• Wiring harness lays too close to the high
temperature components
C.Incorrect wiring, tight or loose wiring harness will
lead the connecting cable to be squeezed between
the components.
D.Connector joint, vibration location , the location of
wiring harness crossed,are all required for focus
inspection, such as: wiring harness acrosses the
firewall and the body panels.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-15 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-15

2. Inspection method of switch connector or wiring harness

A. Connect the diagnosis tool to diagnosis interface

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON" (stop the
CAUTION: If the engine is started,
running, carry out the following
procedures during its idle speed
C.Access to the switch data flow that you are
D.Turn on the switch manually.
E.When monitor the data flow, vertically, horizontally
gently shake each connector or wiring harness.
If the data flow value is unstable, please inspect if
there is a bad connection.

3. Sensor connector or wiring harness inspecting method

A. Connect the diagnosis tool to diagnosis interface

B. Turn the ignition switch to position ”ON” (stop the
CAUTION: If the engine is
started,running,carry out the following
procedures during its idle speed
C.Access to the switch data flow that you are
D.When monitor the data flow, vertically, horizontally
gently shake each connector or wiring harness.
If the data flow value is unstable, please inspect if
there is a bad connection

4. Inspect method of actuator or relay

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-16 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-16

A. Connect the diagnosis tool to diagnosis interface

B. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON" (stop the
CAUTION: If the engine is
started,running,carry out the following
procedures during its idle speed
C.Get the output state control function ready for the
actuator or relay that you are inspecting.
D.When the output state control function is activated,
vibrate actuator or relay with fingers for 3 seconds.
If you can hear unstable "clicking" sound, inspect to
see whether there are bad connections or the
actuator and/ or the relay is improperly installed.
CAUTION: Strong vibration of the relay
may cause the relay disconnection.
5. Water sprinkling method

If the malfunction only occurs in the high humidity, or

snow/rain weather, the following steps should be
Through spraying water on the face of the radiator
to indirectly change the temperature and the
If a vehicle is easily aleak, it may damage the
control module. In detecting the existence of a
vehicle leaking problem, special precautions must
be taken. Special protective measures must be
taken while inspecting whether the vehicle leaks.
A3312032 A.If you want to inspect the sensor or switch, connect
the diagnosis tool to diagnosis interface DLC.
B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON" (stop the
CAUTION: If the engine is
started,running,carry out the following
procedures during its idle speed process.
C.If you want to inspect the sensor or switch, access
to the data flow of the sensor or switch.
D.If you want to inspect the switch, manually connect
E.Spray water onto the vehicle, or drive the vehicle
pass the vehicle washing bay.
If the data flow value is unstable or fails, please
repair or replace the components when necessary.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-17 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-17

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs,but there is no DTC stored in the ECM for this fault, and can not confirm the cause,
then follow the procedure to diagnose the fault and eliminate it.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Crankshaft position sensor Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Fuel pump for engine can not start in
normal rotation speed (3.3.12
•Ignition coil
Engine can not start at normal
Electrical Control System -
•ECM M7,Symptom Diagnosis and
start speed
•Air Intake system Test).
•Exhaust block
•Engine Mechanical

•Coolant temperature sensor Refer to: Diagnostic procedures

•Ignition coil for cold start problems (3.3.12
Electrical Control System -
•Fuel pump
M7,Symptom Diagnosis and
Cold start problems •Fuel injector Test).
•Throttle body
•Engine Mechanical
•Engine control module(ECM)

•Coolant temperature sensor Refer to: Diagnostic procedures

•Ignition coil for hot vehicle starting
Hot vehicle starting problem problems (3.3.12 Electrical
•Fuel pump
Control System - M7,Symptom
•Engine control module(ECM) Diagnosis and Test)
•Air Intake system Refer to: Diagnostic
•Spark plug procedures for start normal
but unstable idle speed at any
Start normal but unstable idle •Throttle body
time (3.3.12 Electrical Control
speed at any time •Ignition timing System - M7,Symptom
•Engine Mechanical Diagnosis and Test).
•Engine control module(ECM)

Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•A/C system for normal start,unstable idling
Normal start when partial
or flameout with partial load
load(e.g.A/C is on), unstable •Throttle body
idling or vehicle flameout
(3.3.12 Electrical control
•Fuel injector System - M7, Diagnosis and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-18 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-18

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Coolant temperature sensor Refer to: Diagnostic
•Throttle body procedures for start normal,
idle too high (3.3.12
Start normal, idle too high •Vacuum tube
Electrical Control System -
•Ignition timing M7,Symptom Diagnosis and
•Engine control module(ECM) Test).

•Air Intake system Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•Air intake pressure sensor for acceleration fault (3.3.12
Speed does not increase or
Electrical control System -
•Throttle body
flameout at acceleration M7,Symptom Diagnosis and
•Fuel injector Test).
Acceleration problem
•Spark plug
Acceleration slow reaction
•Ignition timing
Acceleration weak, poor
performance •Fuel
•Exhaust block
•Engine control module(ECM)

•Oxygen sensor Refer to: Diagnostic procedures

•Fuel injector for unstable engine operation
(3.3.12 Electrical Control
•Spark plug
System - M7,Symptom
•Ignition timing Diagnosis and Test).
Unstable engine operation
•Fuel pressure
•Retaining bolts loose or
engine mounting components
•Engine control module(ECM)

•Crankshaft position sensor Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•Fuel injector for easy flameout at start
(3.3.12 Engine Electrical
•Spark plug
control System - M7, Symptom
Easy flameout at start •Ignition timing Diagnosis and Testing).
•Fuel pressure
•Air conditioner compressor
•Engine control module(ECM)

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-19 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-19

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

• MAP snesor, APP sensor, oil Refer to: Diagnose Procedure
• Incorrect A/C system for Emergency in Drving(3.3.12
operation Electrical Control System -
M7,Symptom Diagnose and
• No signal from CMP sensor
or the signal is unstable
• Air-intake system
components leak
• Purge solenoid failure
• Instable signal from CKP
• Vacuum leak
Emergency during vehicle • Poor fuel quality
running • Intermittent fault of the main
relay and the fuel pump relay
• Throttle body fault
• Engine overheat
• Spark plug failure
• Ignition timing
• Exhaust system restrictions
• Fuel pressure inadequate
• Fuel pump mechanical failure
• Fuel injector
• APP sensor unstable signal

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-20 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-20

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

• Vacuum leak Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
• Air intake system leakage for flameout during coasting
(3.3.12 Electrical control
• Air/fuel mixing ratio improper
System - M7, Symptom
Diagnosis and Test).
• Engine electrical control of
fuel evaporative emissions
system failure
• TPS sensor or related circuit
Flameout during coasting • MAP sensor or related circuit
• Incorrect operation of A/C
solenoid clutch
• Fuel injector
• Spark plug
• Ignition timing
• Fuel
• Exhaust block

• Instrumentation circuit Refer to: P0650 Diagnostic

• Instrument procedures (3.3.12 Electrical
MIL indicator is always on control system- M7, Syptom
Diagnosis and Testing).
• Engine control module(ECM)

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-21 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-21

Diagnosis Procedure for the Engine can not Start at Normal Start
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Turn the ignition switch to position"ON", diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2.Inspect air intake system

A.Inspect whether the air intake system is blocked or

any abnormal occurs.
Is the system normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair air intake system.

3.Inspect the exhaust back pressure

A. Inspect exhaust back pressure.

Refer to: Exhaust Backpressure Testing
(3.1.6 Exhaust System, General
Is the exhaust back pressure normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair exhaust system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-22 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-22

4. Inspect ignition system

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Carry out the ignition spark plug test.
Refer to: Ignition Spark Testing (3.3.8
Ignition System, General Inspection).
Is the spark plug ignition spark test normal?
Go to step 5.
Inspect the ignition system
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for spark
plugs not flash over (3.3.8 Ignition
System, Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).
5. Inspect the fuel pressure

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Measure the fuel pressure
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.1.7
Fuel System, General Inspection).
If the fuel pressure is normal?
Go to step 6.
Inspect fuel system.

6. Inspect compression pressure

A. Inspect engine compression pressure.

Refer to: Compression Pressure
Inspection (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
General Inspection).
Is the fuel pressure normal?
Go to step 7.
Repair abnormal compression pressure faults.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-23 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-23

7. Inspect the water in the fuel

A. Remove the fuel filter connector.

Refer to: Fuel Filter (3.1.7 Fuel System,
Removal and Installation).
B. Drain the fuel in the filter and inspect the water in
the fuel.
Is there any water in fuel tank?
Remove the water mixed in the fuel, add high
standard pure fuel.
Go to step 8.

8. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK", inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-24 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-24

Diagnosis Procedure for Cold Start Problems

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A. Connect diagnosis tool.

B. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2. Inspect throttle

A. Start the engine by step on the gas lightly.

Can the engine be started easily?
Clean the throttle.
Go to step 3.

3. Inspect ignition system

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Carry out the ignition spark plug test.
Refer to: Ignition Spark Testing(3.3.8
Ignition System, General Inspection).
Is the spark plug ignition spark test normal?
Go to step 4.
Inspect the ignition system.
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for spark
plugs not flash over (3.3.8 Ignition
System, Symptom Diagnosis and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-25 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-25

4. Inspect the fuel pressure

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Measure the fuel pressure.
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.1.7
Fuel System,General Inspection).
If the fuel pressure is normal?
Go to step 5.
Inspect fuel system.

5. Inspect coolant temperature sensor

A. Disconnect the connector of the coolant

temperature sensor.
B. Install in series of a 2,500 Ω resistor at the
temperature sensor joints to replace the coolant
temperature sensor.
C. Start the engine in cold state.
Whether the engine starts smooth?
Replace the coolant temperature sensor.
Go to step 6.

6. Inspect compression pressure

A. Inspect engine compression pressure,

Refer to: Cylinder compression Pressure
Inspection(3.3.2 Mechanical System,
General Inspection).
Is the fuel pressure normal?
Go to step 7.
Repair abnormal compression pressure faults.

7.Inspect the fuel injector

A.Remove fuel injector.

B.Inspect the fuel injector for leakageor blockages.
Is the fuel injector normal?
Go to step 8.
Replace the fuel injector.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-26 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-26

8.Inspect the circuit of the engine control module

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", nspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position"LOCK", inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-27 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-27

Diagnosis Procedure of Difficult Warm Start

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2. Inspect ignition system

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Carry out the ignition spark plug test.
Refer to: Ignition Spark Testing (3.3.8
Ignition System, General Inspection).
Is the spark plug ignition spark test normal?
Go to step 3.
Inspect the ignition system.
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for spark
plugs not flash over (3.3.8 Ignition
System, Symptom Diagnosis and
3. Inspect the fuel pressure

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Measure the fuel pressure.
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.1.7
Fuel System, General Inspection).
If the fuel pressure is normal?
Go to step 4.
Inspect the fuel system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-28 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-28

4. Inspect coolant temperature sensor

A. Disconnect the connector of the coolant

temperature sensor
B. Install in series of a 300 Ω resistor at the
temperature sensor joints to replace the coolant
temperature sensor.
C. Start the engine.
Is the start smooth?
Replace the coolant temperature sensor.
Go to step 5.

5. Inspect fuel

Is the fault caused by just refueling?

Replace the fuel.
Go to step 6.

6. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK", inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-29 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-29

Diagnosis Procedure for Start Normal,But Unstable Idling at All

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A. Connect diagnosis tool.

B. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2.Inspect air intake system

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Inspect the air intake system for blockage.
C.Inspect air intake system for leakage.
Refer to: Diagnostic Procedures for Intake
Air Leak(3.1.5 Intake Air System,
Diagnosis and Testing).
Is the air intake system normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair air intake system.

3.Inspect throttle

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Inspect throttle for stuck.
C. Inspect throttle for carbon deposition.
Is the throttle normal?
Go to step 4.
Clean or replace the throttle.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-30 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-30

4.Inspect the spark plug

A. Remove the spark plug

B. Inspect spark plug in each cylinder, observe
whether the model and clearance meet the
Refer to: Spark Plug Test (3.3.8 Ignition
System, General Inspection).
Is the spark plug in each cylinder normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace the spark plug.

5.Inspect the fuel injector

A. Remove fuel injector.

B. Inspect the fuel injector for leakage, blockages or
flow out of tolerance.
Is the fuel injector normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace the fuel injector.
Refer to: Fuel Injector (3.3.12 Electrical
Control System - M7, Removal and
6. Inspect fuel

Is the fault caused by just refueling?

Replace fuel.
Go to step 7.

7. Inspect compression pressure

A. Inspect engine compression pressure.

Refer to: Cylinder compression Pressure
Inspection (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
General Inspection).
Is the fuel pressure normal?
Go to step 8.
Repair abmornal compression pressure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-31 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-31

8. Inspect the ignition timing

A. Inspect the ignition sequence.

B. Inspect the ignition timing.
Refer to: Inspect the timing (3.3.2
Mechanical System, General Inspection).
Are the ignition sequence and ingition timing
Go to step 9.
Adjust ingnition timing.

9.Inspect the circuit of the engine control module

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK", inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-32 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-32

Unstable Idle Speed Or Flameout With Partial Load Diagnosis

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect DTC

A. Connect diagnosis tool.

B. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2. Inspect throttle

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Inspect throttle for stuck.
C. Inspect throttle for carbon deposition.
Is the throttle normal?
Go to step 3.
Clean or replace the throttle.

3. Inspect if the engine output increased when A/C open

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Connect diagnosis tool.
C. Start the engine, access to the engine data flow
menu, select the spark advance angle, fuel injection
pulse width and the intake pressure sensor
D. Open the air-conditioning, observe the change of
data flow parameters.
Does the data flow change?
Go to step 4.
Inspect A/C system.
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for A/C
compressor not working (4.1.1
Heating, Ventilation and Air
Conditioning, Symptom Diagnosis and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-33 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-33

4.Inspect the fuel injector

A. Remove fuel injector.

B. Inspect the fuel injector for leakage, blockages or
flow out of tolerance.
Is the fuel injector normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace the fuel injector.

5. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
81 63
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
D. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK", inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).

S01a No
1 2
81 63 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-34 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-34

Diagnosis Procedure for Start Normal, Idling is too High

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A. Connect diagnosis tool.

B. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2. Inspect whether accelerator pedal or throttle cable is stuck or too tight

A. Turn the ignition switch to position “ON”.

B. Inspect if the accelerator pedal is stuck or too tight.
C. Inspect if the accelerator cable is stuck or too tight.
Is accelerator pedal or cable stuck or too tight?
Repair or replace accelerator pedal or cable.
Go to step 3.

3.Inspect vacuum pipeline

A.Inspect air intake system for leakage.

Refer to: Diagnostic procedures for air
intake system for leakage (3.1.5 Air intake
system, General Inspection).
Does the air intake system leak?
Repair air intake system.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-35 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-35

4. Inspect coolant temperature sensor

A. Disconnect the coolant temperature sensor

B. Start the engine, observe the engine idle speed.
Is the engine idle speed too high?
Go to step 5.
Go to step 6.

5. Inspect coolant temperature sensor circuit

A. Replace the coolant temperature sensor.

B. Start the engine,observe the engine idle speed.
Is the engine idle speed too high?
Repair coolant temperature sensor circuit.
Go to step 6.

6. Inspect the ignition timing

A. Inspect the ignition sequence.

B. Inspect the ignition timing.
Refer to: Inspect the timing (3.3.2
Mechanical System, General Inspection).
Are the ignition sequence and ingition timing
Go to step 7.
Adjust ingnition timing.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-36 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-36

7.Inspect engine control modulecircuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK", inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-37 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-37

Acceleration Fault Fiagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A. Connect diagnosis tool.

B. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnosis procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2.Inspect air intake system

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Inspect the air intake system for blockage.
C. Inspect air intake system for leakage.
Refer to: Air Intake Block Inspection
(3.1.5 Air Intake System, Symptom
Diagnosis and Testing).
Is the air intake system normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair air intake system.

3. Inspect throttle

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Inspect throttle for stuck.
C. Inspect throttle for carbon deposition.
Is the throttle normal?
Go to step 4.
Clean or replace the throttle.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-38 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-38

4. Inspect the spark plug

A. Remove the spark plug

B. Inspect spark plug in each cylinder, observe
whether the model and clearance meet the
Refer to: Spark Plug Test(3.3.8 Ignition
System,General Inspection).
Is the spark plug in each cylinder normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace the spark plug.

5.Inspect the fuel injector

A. Remove fuel injector.

B. Inspect the fuel injector for leakage, blockages or
flow out of tolerance.
Is the fuel injector normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace the fuel injector.

6. Inspect fuel

Is the fault caused by just refueling?

Replace the fuel
Go to step 7.

7. Inspect air intake pressure sensor and throttle position sensor

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Connect diagnosis tool.
C. Start engine, inspect the data flow of the air intake
pressure sensor and throttle position sensor.
Is the data flow of the air intake pressure sensor
and throttle position sensor normal?
Go to step 8.
Replace air intake pressure sensor and throttle
position sensor or repair sensor circuit.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-39 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-39

8. Inspect the ignition timing

A. Inspect the ignition sequence.

B. Inspect the ignition timing.
Refer to: Inspect the timing (3.3.2
Mechanical System, General Inspection).
Are the ignition sequence and ingition timing
Go to step 9.
Adjust ingnition timing.

9.Inspect the exhaust back pressure

A. Inspect exhaust back pressure.

Refer to: Exhaust Back pressure Testing
(3.1.6 Exhaust System, General
Is the exhaust back pressure normal?
Go to step 10.
Repair exhausts system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-40 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-40

10.Inspect the circuit of the engine control module

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK", inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-41 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-41

Engine Unstable Running Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A. Connect diagnosis tool.

B. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnosis procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2.Inspect air intake system

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Inspect the air intake system for blockage.
C. Inspect air intake system for leakage.
Refer to: The Air Intake System Leakage
Diagnosis procedure (3.1.5 Air Intake
System, Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).
Is the air intake system normal?
Go to step3.
Repair air intake system.

3. Inspect oxygen sensor

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Turn the ignition switch to position"ON", operate
diagnosis tool to access to the engine data flow and
read "front oxygen sensor voltage and rear oxygen
sensor voltage"
Is the data flow normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair or replace front oxygen sensor and the

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-42 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-42

4. Inspect the spark plug

A. Remove the spark plug

B. Inspect spark plug in each cylinder, observe
whether the model and clearance meet the
Refer to: Spark Plug Test (3.3.8 Ignition
System, General Inspection).
Is the spark plug in each cylinder normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace the spark plug.

5.Inspect the fuel injector

A. Remove fuel injector.

B. Inspect the fuel injector for leakage, block or flow
out of tolerance.
Is the fuel injector normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace the fuel injector.

6. Inspect the fuel pressure

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Measure the fuel pressure.
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.3.7
Fuel System, General Inspection).
Is the fuel pressure normal?
Go to step 7.
Inspect the fuel system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-43 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-43

7. Inspect air intake pressure sensor and throttle position sensor

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Connect diagnosis tool.
C. Start engine, inspect the data flow of the air intake
pressure sensor and throttle position sensor.
Is the data flow of the air intake pressure sensor
and throttle position sensor normal?
Go to step 8.
Replace air intake pressure sensor and throttle
position sensor or repair sensor circuit.

8. Inspect the ignition timing

A. Inspect the ignition sequence.

B. Inspect the ignition timing.
Refer to: Inspect the timing (3.3.2
Mechanical System, General Inspection).
Are the ignition sequence and ingition timing
Go to step 9.
Adjust ingnition timing.

9. Inspect engine support component

A. Inspect engine support component.

Are the engine suspension component cracked,
damageed, bolts loose or lost?
Repair the fault.
Go to step 10.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-44 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-44

10.Inspect the circuit of the engine control module

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK", inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
1 2
81 63 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


Diagnosis Procedure for Easy Flameout at Start

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect DTC

A. Connect diagnosis tool.

B. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnosis procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-45 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-45

2.Inspect air intake system

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Inspect the air intake system for blockage.
C. Inspect air intake system for leakage.
Refer to: Air Intake System Leakage
Diagnosis procedure (3.1.5 Air Intake
System, Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).
Is the air intake system normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair air intake system.

3. Inspect crankshaft position sensor

A. Turn the ignition switch to position ”OFF”.

B. Disconnect crankshaft position sensor wiring plug
C. Measure the resistance value of crankshaft position
Standard resistance value: 504 ~ 616Ω (20 ℃ ~
30 ℃ )
D.Connect crankshaft position sensor wiring plug E09.
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 4.
Replace the crankshaft position sensor.
Refer to: Crankshaft Position
Sensor(3.3.12 Electrical control System -
M7, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-46 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-46

4.Inspect crankshaft position sensor 2 terminal circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C. Disconnect crankshaft position sensor wiring
connector E09.
81 63
1 2
D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
62 44
43 25 E.Measure the resistance value between the terminal
4 5
24 6 2 of crankshaft position sensor wiring harness
connector E09 and the terminal 34 of ECM wiring
harness connector S01a.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
F.Measure the resistance value between the terminal 2
of crankshaft position sensor wiring harness
connector E09 and the reliable grounding. Inspect
for short circuit to ground.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
E09 G.Measure the voltage value between the 2 terminal
of crankshaft position sensor wiring harness
connector E09 and the reliable grounding. Inspect
1 2 3 for short circuit to power supply.
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the circuit normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair the circuit between the terminal 2 of
crankshaft position sensor E09 and the terminal 34
of engine control module S01a.

1 2 3



1 2 3



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-47 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-47

5.Inspect crankshaft position sensor 3 terminal circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the knock sensor wiring harness
connector E09.
C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
1 2
81 63
62 44
D.Measure the resistance value between the terminal
43 25 3 of crankshaft position sensor wiring harness
4 5
connector E09 and the 15 terminal of ECM wiring
24 6
harness connector S01a.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance value between the terminal
3 of crankshaft position sensor wiring harness
connector E09 and the reliable grounding. Inspect
for short circuit to ground.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
F.Measure the voltage value between the 3 terminal of
E09 crankshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E09 and the reliable grounding. Inspect for short
circuit to power supply.
1 2 3 Standard voltage:0 V
Is the circuit normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair the circuit between the terminal 3 of
crankshaft position sensor E09 and the 47 terminal
of engine control module S01a.

1 2 3



1 2 3



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-48 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-48

6. Inspect the spark plug

A.Remove the spark plug

B. Inspect spark plug in each cylinder,observe
whether the model and clearance meet the
Refer to: Spark Plug Test(3.3.8 Ignition
System,General Inspection).
Is the spark plug in each cylinder normal?
Go to step 7.
Replace the spark plug.

7. Inspect fuel injector

A. Remove fuel injector.

B. Inspect the fuel injector for leakage, block or flow
out of tolerance.
Is the fuel injector normal?
Go to step 8.
Clean and replace the fuel injector.

8. Inspect the fuel pressure

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Measure the fuel pressure
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.3.7
Fuel System,General Inspection).
Is the fuel pressure normal?
Go to step 9.
Inspect fuel system,

9. Inspect air intake pressure sensor and throttle position sensor.

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Connect diagnosis tool.
C.Start engine,inspect the data flow of the air intake
pressure sensor and throttle position sensor.
Is the data flow of the air intake pressure sensor
and throttle position sensor normal?
Go to step 10.
Replace air intake pressure sensor and throttle
position sensor or repair sensor circuit.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-49 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-49

10. Inspect the ignition timing

A. Inspect the ignition sequence.

B.Inspect the ignition timing.
Refer to: Inspect the timing(3.3.2
Mechanical System, General Inspection).
Are the ignition sequence and ingition timing
Go to step 11.
Adjust ingnition timing.

11. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-50 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-50

Emergency Occurs during Vehicle Running Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection

A.Inspect the following items.

• Vacumm pipeline connection
• Air filter element
• Air intake system no leakage
• Air intake system no limitation
• Intake manifold and the components
installed on the intake manifold are
correctly sealed.
• Ignition circuit
• Proper quality of fuel(Such as proper
octane value, impurity)
• Electrical connection
• Stable operation of throttle
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",diagnose
the engine system.
Is there any DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure,
Refer to: DTC Diagnosis procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-51 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-51

3. Inspect data flow

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Use diagnostic inspect the following data flow of the
• Engine rotating speed
• Actual air intake manifold pressure
• Throttle potentiometer
• Knock sensor signal
• Are the data flow changes normally in the
required range?
Go to step 4.
Repair the corresponding data flow fault

4. Inspect the crankshaft position sensor and camshaft position sensor signals wheel

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Visually inspect the crankshaft position sensor and
camshaft position sensor signals wheel.
Is the signal wheel normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace the signal wheel.

5. Inspect the spark plug

A.Remove the spark plug.

B. Inspect spark plug in each cylinder,observe
whether the model and clearance meet the
Refer to: Spark Plug Test(3.3.8 Ignition
System,General Inspection).
Is the spark plug in each cylinder normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace the spark plug.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-52 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-52

6. Inspect fuel injector

A. Remove fuel injector.

B.Inspect the fuel injector for leakage, blockages or
flow out of tolerance.
Is the fuel injector normal?
Go to step 7.
Replace the fuel injector.

7. Inspect the fuel pressure

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Measure the fuel pressure.
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.3.7
Fuel System,General Inspection).
Is the fuel pressure normal?
Go to step 8.
Inspect the fuel system.

8. Inspect the ignition timing

A. Inspect the ignition sequence.

B.Inspect the ignition timing.
Refer to: Inspect the timing(3.3.2
Mechanical System, General Inspection).
Are the ignition sequence and ingition timing
Go to step 9.
Adjust ingnition timing.

9. Inspect carbon canister system

A. Inspect carbon canister system.

Refer to: Carbon canister
Inspection(3.3.11 Emission Control
System,General Inspection).
Is the carbon canister system normal?
Go to step 10.
Repair carbon canister system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-53 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-53

10.Inspect the exhaust back pressure

A. Inspect exhaust back pressure.

Refer to: Exhaust Back pressure
Testing(3.1.6 Exhaust System, General
Is the exhaust back pressure normal?
Go to step 11.
Repair exhausts system.

11. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-54 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-54

Flameout During Coasting Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection

A.Inspect whether the vacuum hose correctly

positioned and with no damage.
B.Inspect the intake system for no leakage.
Is the inspect normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2. Engine idle speed

A.Inspect the engine idle speed

Is the engine idle stable?
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for start
normal,unstable idling or flameout with
partial load (3.3.12 Electrical control
System - M7, Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 3.

3. Inspect A/C compressor closing and the working state electrical fan

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the A/C compressor solenoid clutch
wiring harness connector P40a.
Is the system normal after disconnecting the
solenoid clutch and fan wiring harness connector?
Repair the fault of solenoid clutch doesn’t switch off.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-55 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-55

4.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",diagnose
the engine system.
Is there DTC?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure
Refer to: DTC Diagnosis procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 5.

5. Inspect the spark plug

A.Remove the spark plug

B. Inspect spark plug in each cylinder,observe
whether the model and clearance meet the
Refer to: Spark Plug Test (3.3.8 Ignition
System,General Inspection).
Is the spark plug in each cylinder normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace the spark plug.

6. Inspect fuel injector

A. Remove fuel injector.

B. Inspect the fuel injector for leakage, block or flow
out of tolerance.
Is the fuel injector normal?
Go to step 7.
Replace or clean fuel injector.

7. Inspect fuel

A.Is the fault caused by just refueling?

Replace the fuel
Go to step 8.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-56 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-56

8. Inspect air intake pressure sensor and throttle position sensor

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Connect diagnosis tool.
C.Start engine,inspect the data flow of the air intake
pressure sensor and throttle position sensor.
Is the data flow of the air intake pressure sensor
and throttle position sensor normal?
Go to step 9.
Replace air intake pressure sensor and throttle
position sensor or repair sensor circuit.

9. Inspect the ignition timing

A.Inspect the ignition sequence.

B.Inspect the ignition timing.
Refer to: Inspect the timing(3.3.2
Mechanical System, General Inspection).
Are the ignition sequence and ingition timing
Go to step 10.
Adjust ingnition timing.

10.Inspect the exhaust back pressure

A. Inspect exhaust back pressure.

Refer to: Exhaust back pressure
Inspection (3.1.6 Exhaust System, General
Is the exhaust back pressure normal?
Go to step11.
Repair exhausts system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-57 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-57

11. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-58 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-58

Control Module Terminal List

81 63
1 2

62 44

43 25

4 5
24 6


Terminal No. Connection Wire Terminal Description

1 1.25 BK / BU Front oxygen sensor heating wire signal

2 1.25 WH / RD Ignition coil(2,3)signal

3 1.25 BK / RD GND

4 1.25 BK / RD Rear oxygen sensor heating wire signal

5 1.25 WH / BN Ignition coil(1,4)signal

6 0.85 WH / YE Fuel injection nozzle 2 signal

7 0.85 WH / GN Fuel injection nozzle 3 signal

8 0.85 WH / BK -

9 - -

10 - -

11 - -

12 0.85 WH / YE ECM power(+B)

13 0.85 BK / WH ECM power(IG1)

14 0.5 BK / GN Main relay signal

15 0.5 BU Crankshaft sensor signal A

16 0.5 BU/WH Throttle position sensor signal

17 0.5 BU/RD Sensor internal grounding 1

18 0.85 YE/ WH Front oxygen sensor signal

19 0.5 RD Knock sensor signal A

20 0.5 GN Knock sensor signal B

21 - -

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-59 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-59

Terminal No. Connection Wire Terminal Description

22 - -

23 0.85 GN Accelerate speed sensor signal

24 - -

25 - -

26 - -

27 0.85 BU / GN Fuel injection nozzle 1 signal

28 - -

29 0.85 VT / YE Engine malfunction indicator signal

30 - -

31 - -

Throttle position sensor/acceleration sensor5V

32 0.5 WH / BU
power output

Intake air temperature and pressure sensor 5V

33 0.5 YE / BK
power output.

34 0.5 VT Crankshaft sensor signal B

35 0.85 LG/ WH Sensor internal grounding 3

36 0.85 YE/GN Sensor internal grounding 2

37 0.5 YE / BU Air intake pressure sensor signal

38 - -

39 0.85 RD / BK Coolant temperature sensor power

40 0.5 GN / YE Air intake temperature sensor signal

41 - -

42 0.5 LG / RD Evaporator thermistor signal

43 - -

44 0.85 RD / BU ECM power(+B,main relay control)

45 0.85 RD / BU ECM power(+B,main relay control)

46 0.85 RD / YE Carbon canister control valve signal

47 0.85 PK / WH Fuel injection nozzle 4 signal

48 - -

49 - -

50 0.85BK / WH Radiator fan relay signal

51 0.85 BK GND

52 - -

53 0.85 BK GND

54 - -

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-60 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-60

Terminal No. Connection Wire Terminal Description

55 0.85 LG Rear oxygen sensor signal

56 - -

57 0.5 OG A/C compressor switch signal

58 - -

59 0.85 YE Vehicle speed signal

60 - -

61 0.85 BK GND

62 - -

63 0.85 RD / BU ECM power(+B,main relay control)

64 0.85 GY / BK Idle speed control valve signal D

65 0.85 GY / GN Idle speed control valve signal A

66 0.85 GY / YE Idle speed control valve signal B

67 0.85 GY Idle speed control valve signal C

68 - -

69 0.85 BK/YE Fuel pump relay signal

70 0.5 BU/YE AC compressor signal

71 0.5 VT/GN K - line

72 - -

73 - -

74 - -

74 0.5 PK/BK A / C Switch signal

76 0.85 PK/GN Heater motor switch signal

77 0.85 RD/YE Headlamp switch signal

78 - -

79 0.5 GN/WH Camshaft sensor signal

80 0.5 BK GND

81 - -

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-61 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-61

Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) type

Fault Type Definiton
Type0 If the fault diagnosis type is 0, no lamp is on, and the system makes no diagnosis.

Diagnosis path for misfire related failure generally is defined as 2. For the misfire fault
that will cause damage to catalytic converters, MIL lamp will immediately flash to warn
Type2 the driver; For the misfire that may cause the deterioration of emissions failures, if 3
consecutive driving cycles all fully detect the relative level of the fire ,then MIL lamp is
on. The failure will be deleted after 40 continuous trouble-free warm-up cycles.

After 3 consecutive driving cycles all detected the failure, the MIL lamp is on.If three
Type3 consecutive driving cycles detect that the fault has been repaired, the MIL lamp is off.
The failure will be deleted after 40 continuous trouble-free warm-up cycles.

The MIL lamp is on 2.5 sec after the failure occurs. If three consecutive driving cycles
Type4 detect that the fault has been repaired, the MIL lamp is off. The failure will be deleted
after 40 continuous trouble-free warm-up cycles.

If 3 consecutive driving cycles all detected the failure,the failure is confirmed. No lamp
Type5 is on. If three consecutive driving cycles detect that the fault has been repaired, the MIL
lamp is off. The failure will be deleted after 40 continuous trouble-free warm-up cycles.

Once failure occurs and been confirmed, the failure will be deleted after 40 continuous
Type6 trouble-free warm-up cycles. No lamp is on for the fault, and universal scan tool is

The external test tools can activate the fuel supply system fault diagnosis and are
Type7 generally used only for offline testing or repair station. No lamp is on for the fault, and
universal scan tool is unreadable.

It is a special diagnostic path for fuel supply system. If three consecutive driving cycles
detect the fault, the MIL lamp is on. If four consecutive driving cycles detect that the
fault has been repaired, the MIL lamp is off.The failure will be deleted after 40
continuous trouble-free warm-up cycles.

The SVS lamp is on if the fault occurs and is confirmed. The SVS lamp will be off when
Type12 the fault is repaired. The failure will be deleted after 40 continuous trouble-free warm-up
cycles.General scan tool is unreadable.

The SVS lamp is on if the fault occurs and is conformed. The SVS lamp will be off when
the fault is repaired. If 3 consecutive driving cycles detect the fault, the fault is
Type13 confirmed and the MIL lamp is on while SVS lamp is off. If four consecutive driving
cycles detect that the fault has been repaired, the MIL lamp is off. The failure will be
deleted after 40 continuous trouble-free warm-up cycles.

The SVS lamp flashes if the fault occurs and is confirmed. The SVS lamp will be off
Type35 when the fault is repaired. The failure will be deleted after 20 continuous trouble-free
warm-up cycles.

The SVS lamp will be off if the fault occurs and is confirmed. The failure will be deleted
after 20 continuous trouble-free warm-up cycles .

The SVS lamp flashes if the fault occurs and is confirmed. The SVS lamp will be off
when the fault is repaired. The fault memory will not record this fault.

The SVS lamp will not on if the fault occurs and is confirmed. The fault memory will not
record this fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-62 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-62

DTC Code List

Fault code Description Fault Is the MIL lamp on
The relative installed position of camshaft and
P0016 3 v
crankshaft is unreasonable

P0030 Upper oxygen sensor heating open circuit 3 v

Upper oxygen sensor heating short circuit to

P0031 3 v

Upper oxygen sensor heating short circuit to

P0032 3 v
the power.

P0036 Lower oxygen sensor heating open circuit 3 v

Lower oxygen sensor heating short circuit to

P0037 3 v

Lower oxygen sensor heating short circuit to

P0038 3 v
the power.

Upper oxygen sensor heating resistance is

P0053 3 v
greater than threshold value.

Lower oxygen sensor heating resistance is

P0054 3 v
greater than threshold value.

No fluctuation of air intake pressure sensor

P0105 3 v

Unreasonable air intake pressure sensor

P0106 3 v

Air intake pressure sensor short circuit to

P0107 3 v

Air intake pressure sensor short circuit to

P0108 3 v
power supply

Air intake temperature sensor signal voltage

P0112 3 v
is too low

Air intake temperature sensor signal voltage

P0113 3 v
is too high

Unreasonable engine temperature sensor

P0116 3 v

Engine coolant temperature sensor voltage

P0117 3 v
too low

Engine coolant temperature sensor voltage

P0118 3 v
too high

Throttle position sensor signal exceeding the

P0122 3 v
lower limit, short circuit to the ground.

Throttle position sensor signal exceeding

P0123 3 v
upper limit, short circuit to the power.

Upstream oxygen sensor signal

P0130 3 v

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-63 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-63

Is the MIL Lamp

Fault Code Description Fault
Upstream oxygen sensor signal circuit
P0131 3 v
voltage too low

Upstream oxygen sensor signal circuit

P0132 3 v
voltage too high

P0133 Upstream oxygen sensor aging 3 v

P0134 Upstream oxygen sensor circuit signal fault 3 v

Downstream oxygen sensor signal

P0136 3 v

Downstream oxygen sensor signal circuit

P0138 3 v
voltage too high

Downstream oxygen sensor circuit signal

P0140 3 v

Cylinder 1 fuel injector control circuit open

P0201 3 v

Cylinder 4 fuel injector control circuit open

P0202 3 v

Cylinder 2 fuel injector control circuit open

P0203 3 v

Cylinder 3 fuel injector control circuit open

P0204 3 v

Cylinder 1 fuel injector control circuit short

P0261 3 v
circuit to ground

Cylinder 1 fuel injector control circuit short

P0262 3 v
circuit to power supply

Cylinder fuel injector control circuit short

P0264 3 v
circuit to ground

Cylinder 4 fuel injector control circuit short

P0265 3 v
circuit to power supply

Cylinder 2 fuel injector control circuit short

P0267 3 v
circuit to ground

Cylinder 2 fuel injector control circuit short

P0268 3 v
circuit to power supply

Cylinder 3 fuel injector control circuit short

P0270 3 v
circuit to ground

Cylinder 3 fuel injector control circuit short

P0271 3 v
circuit to power supply

P0300 Multi-cylinder misfire 2 vor flash

P0301 Cylinder 1 misfire 2 vor flash

P0302 Cylinder 2 misfire 2 vor flash

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-64 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-64

Fault code Description Fault Is the MIL lamp on

P0303 Cylinder 3 misfire 2 vor flash

P0304 Cylinder 4 misfire 2 vor flash

Unreasonable crankshaft top dead point

P0321 3 v
missing teeth.

P0322 Crankshaft position sensor signal fault 3 v

P0324 Knock signal processing chip and circuit fault 3 ×

P0327 Knock sensor signal circuit voltage is too low 3 v

P0328 Knock sensor signal circuit voltage is too high 3 v

Phase sensor is installed in improper

P0340 3 v

P0341 Unreasonable phase sensor signal 3 v

Phase sensor signal circuit short circuit to the

P0342 3 v

Phase sensor signal circuit short circuit to the

P0343 3 v

Three-way catalytic converter oxygen storage

P0420 3 v
capacity aging (exceed the emission limits)

Carbon canister control valve control open

P0444 3 v

Carbon canister control valve control circuit

P0458 3 v
voltage too low

Carbon canister control valve control circuit

P0459 3 v
voltage too high

P0480 Cooling fan relay control circuit open circuit. 5 ×

Idle speed control speed less than the target

P0506 3 v
idle speed

Idle speed control speed higher than the

P0507 3 v
target idle speed

Stepper motor driver pin short circuit to

P0508 3 v

Stepper motor driver pin short circuit to power

P0509 3 v

Stepper motor driver pins exist at the same

P0511 3 v
time more than one type of faults

System battery voltage signal is

P0560 5 ×

P0562 System battery voltage is too low 5 ×

P0563 System battery voltage is too high 5 ×

P0602 Electrical control unit coding fault 3 v

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-65 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-65

Fault code Description Fault Is the MIL lamp on

P0605 Electrical control unit ROM fault 3 v

P0627 Fuel pump relay control circuit open circuit 3 v

Oil pump relay control circuit voltage is too

P0628 3 v

Oil pump relay control circuit voltage is too

P0629 3 v

A/C compressor relay control circuit open

P0645 5 ×

A/C compressor relay control circuit voltage

P0646 5 ×
is too low.

A/C compressor relay control circuit voltage

P0647 5 ×
is too high.

P0650 MIL light drive circuit fault 3 v

Cooling fan relay control circuit voltage is too

P0691 5 ×

Cooling fan relay control circuit voltage is too

P0692 5 ×

Air-fuel ratio closed loop control self-learning

P2177 value exceed the upper limits(medium load 11 v

Air-fuel ratio closed loop control self-learning

P2178 value exceed the lower limits(medium load 11 v

Air-fuel ratio closed loop control self-learning

P2187 11 v
value exceed the upper limits(low load range)

Air-fuel ratio closed loop control self-learning

P2188 11 v
value exceed the lower limits(low load range)

P2270 Downstream oxygen sensor aging 3 v

P2271 Downstream oxygen sensor aging 3 v

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-66 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-66

Failure-Protection List
Prerequisite of
Failure Protection
DTC Code Description of Fault Releasing Failure
Misfire monitoring fuel
Crankshaft and camshaft
P0016 supply and cut-off self- Repair faults
maladjustment diagnosis
learning function turn off ;

Eliminate the circuit

P0030, P0031, Upstream oxygen sensor heating Turn off rear oxygen sensor
fault or replace the
P0032, P0053 circuit fault fuction and diagnose
oxygen sensor.

Rear oxygen sensor internal Eliminate the circuit

P0036, P0037, Downstream oxygen sensor
resistance reasonable fault or replace the
P0038, P0054 heating circuit fault
diagnosis off oxygen sensor.

1. Rear oxygen close loop

2.Catalyst heating function
3.Catalyst testing close Repair fault or replace
P0105, P0106,
Intake air pressure sensor the air intake pressure
P0107, P0108 4.Fuel dupply self-learning sensor
5.Minimum idle fault
6.%DLSA fuction off

1. Catalyst heating off

2.Stop fuel supply self-
3.After start,all the electrical Repair fault or replace
P0112,P0113 Air intake temperature sensor fans work with no affect the air intake
by the water temperature temperature sensor.
4.Idle diagnose
5.Front oxygen sensor
aging diagnosis

1. Stop fuel supply self-

learning Repair the fault or
P0122, P0123 Throttle position sensor 2.Stepper motor self- replace the throttle
learning fuction turn off body
3.Catalyst diagnosis off

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-67 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-67

Prerequisite of
Failure Protection
DTC Code Description of Default Releasing Failure
1. Front oxygen control 1. Oxygen sensor
module off cycle aging
2.Rear oxygen control diagnosis and front
module off oxygen rational
curves drift
3.Fuel supply self-learning diagnosis will be
function will break turned off
off,self-learning will
maintain the state of last 2.Rear oxygen sensor
time aging monitoring is
also turned off
4. Canister washing could
P0130, P0131, Upstream oxygen sensor circuit be converted to open- 3.Catalytic converters
P0132, P0134 fault loop rinse wash state monitoring fuction is
5.If the closed-loop front
oxygen is not selected, it 4.Fuel system
will not work, open loop diagnosis off
oxygen sensor will not be 5.Carbon canister
affected diagnosis will turn to
6.During transient open loop diagnosis
conditions the function
that associated with the
closed-loop will

1. Rear oxygen
sensor aging
P0136, monitoring off
Downstream oxygen sensor fault Rear oxygen control off
P0138,P0140 2.Catalytic converters
monitoring fuction

Eliminate the circuit

P0201, P0261,
Cylinder 1 injector circuit fault - fault or replace the

Eliminate the circuit

P0203, P0267,
Cylinder 2 injector circuit fault - fault or replace the

Eliminate the circuit

P0204, P0270,
Cylinder 3 injector circuit fault - fault or replace the

Eliminate the circuit

Cylinder 4 injector circuit fault - fault or replace the

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-68 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-68

Prerequisite of
Failure Protection
DTC Code Description of Default Releasing Failure
1. Misfire monitoring fuel
supply self-learning
function turn off
2.Turn off rear oxygen
P0300, P0301 Eliminate the fault
One cylinder or multi-cylinder 3.Misfire monitoring fuel ,inspect ignition
P0302, misfire supply self-learning system and fuel supply
P0303,P0304 system
4.Forbid air-fuel ratio self-
5.Carbon canister washing
6.Turn off close loop cpntrol

1. Engine reverse towing

test is prohibited
Crankshaft position sensor 2.Carbon canister is in a
P0321 Repair faults
reference fault continuous washing
stage, stop the fuel
supply from self-learning

Misfire monitoring self-

P0322 Crankshaft position sensor Repair faults
learning function turn off

When entering into the

knock control, the firing Inspect knock sensor
P0327 Knock sensor open circuit fault
angle of each cylinder is connection
postponed -7.5 degrees

When entering into the

knock control, the firing Inspect knock sensor
P0328 Knock sensor short circuit
angle of each cylinder is connection
postponed -7.5 degrees

1. Phase sensor limp home

function off
2.Fuel supply self-learning
P0340,P0341 Repair fault or replace
Camshaft position sensor 3.Rotate speed diagnosis
P0342, P0343 the phase sensor
4.Front oxygen sensor
aging diagnosis
5.Rear oxygen aging

Catalytic converters aging Rear oxygen control

P0420 -
diagnosis function completely off

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-69 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-69

Prerequisite of
Failure Protection
DTC Code Description of Default Releasing Failure
1. Rear oxygen control
fuction off
2. Catalyst diagnosis off
3. Idle diagnosis off
4. Front oxygen sensor
aging diagnosis off
5. Rear oxygen sensor
P0444, P0458, Carbon canister valve control aging diagnosis off Eliminate circuit fault
P0459 circuit fault
6.Front oxygen sensor
internal resistance
reasonable diagnosis off
7.Rear oxygen sensor
internal resistance
reasonable diagnosis off
8.Misfire monitoring self-
learning function turn off

P0480, P0691,
Fan control circuit default - Eliminate circuit fault

Stepper motor self-learning Repair default or

P0506, P0507 Idle control valve
fuction turn off replace stepper motor.

P0627, P0628,
Fuel pump relay circuit fault - Eliminate circuit fault

P0645, P0646,
A/C circuit fault - Eliminate circuit fault

P0650 MIL lamp circuit fault - Eliminate circuit fault

Catalytic converters
Rear oxygen sensor aging Rear oxygen control fuction
P2270, P2271 monitoring fuction
diagnosis off

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-70 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-70

Prerequisite of
Failure Protection
DTC Code Description of Default Releasing Failure
1. Catalytic converters
monitoring fuction
2.Front oxygen cycle
aging diagnosis and
front oxygen rational
curves drift
diagnosis are all
Monitoring of oil supply system Rear oxygen control fuction 3.Rear oxygen aging
P2177, P2178
self-learning factor off diagnosis function is
turned off
4.Misfire monitoring
fuel supply self-
learning function
turn off
5.Passive inspecting
fuction of the
diagnosis of carbon
canister off

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-71 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-71

Data Flow list

By reading the "Data Flow List" on the diagnosis tool, do not remove any component, and inspect the
working state of switches, sensors, and actuators. Before the fault diagnosis of the engine electrical
control system the observation and analysis of data is the first step in troubleshooting, this can reduce
the troubleshooting time.
CAUTION: The following table lists the data under normal conditions, only for reference. Do
not determine the failure based on these standard values. Generally, use a normal vehicle to
compare a vehicle in diagnosis under the same state to determine the data of the diagnosis
vehicle under the current state normal or not.

1. Let the engine reach normal operating temperature.

2. Turn the ignition switch to position “OFF”.
3. Connect fault diagnostic tool.
4. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
5. Select “BOSOH - M7 474”/”main parameter”.
6. Refer to the chart below to inspect all the data.

Engine Rotate
Ignition Switch
Data Flow Item Idle Running Speed 2,500
Coolant temperature 38 ℃ 40 ℃ 87 ℃

Throttle opening 0.0% 0.0% 1.5%

Ignition advance angle 0.0 d 9.5 d 28.5 d

Fuel injection wide-range. 0.0 ms 4.1ms 2.3 ms

Air intake pressure. 99.0 KPa 34.0 KPa 27.0 KPa

Air intake temperature 38 ℃ 39 ℃ 66 ℃

Vehicle speed 0 km/h 0 km/h 0 km/h

System voltage 12.2 V 14.3 V 14 V

Fuel injection correction. 1.0 1.0 1.03

Carbon canister scouring rate 0.0% 0.0% 1.9%

Stepper motor 35% 30% 38%

Oxygen sensor 2 0.445 V 0.445 V 0.835 V

Oxygen sensor 445 mV 445 mV 780 mV

Load 99.9% 23.5% 17.8%

Ambient temperature 30 ℃ 36 ℃ 36 ℃

Closing time 25.5 ms 3.6 ms 3.3 ms

Evaporator temperature 34.3 ℃ 36.8 ℃ 24.5 ℃

Air intake amount 0.0 Kg / h 9.1 Kg / h 23.3 Kg / h

Throttle signal 0.50 V 0.52 V 0.65 V

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-72 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-72

Engine Rotate
Data Flow Item Ignition Switch ON Idle Running Speed 2,500
Coolant temperature 2.73 V 1.93 V 0.99 V

Air intake temperature 2.79 V 2.63 V 1.65 V

Air intake pressure 3.96 V 1.03 V 0.81 V

Knock signal 01 3.90 V 0.25 V 3.74 V

Knock signal 02 3.90 V 0.27 V 4.52 V

Active Test List

By reading the "Active Test List" on the diagnosis tool, do not remove any components, inspect the work
state of relay and actuator that controlled by ECM. Before the fault diagnosis of the electrical control
system, implementation of active test is the precondition in troubleshooting, this can reduce the
troubleshooting time.
CAUTION: The following table lists the data under normal conditions, only for reference. Do
not determine the failure based on these standard values. Generally, use a normal vehicle to
compare a vehicle in diagnosis under the same state to determine the data of the diagnosis
vehicle uner the current state normal or not.
1. Let the engine reach normal operating temperature.
2. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
3. Connect fault diagnostic tool.
4. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
5. Select “BOSOH - M7 474”/”actuator test”.
6. Refer to the chart below,carry out active test.

Diagnostic Tool Control

Description Diagnostic Description
Item Range
When engine is running or ignition
switch is on,engine control module will
send requirement to the instrument to
Malfunction Use the engine malfunction
ON/OFF turn on the start malfunction indicator
Indicator Lamp indicator
lamp after receiving command,and the
instrument will turn on /off the fault
indicator light with 3 ~ 5s.

CAUTION: When vehicle

speed is 0 and there is no
default for speed sensor
Fuel pump Enable fuel pump ON/OFF
This fuction could control fuel pump
relay. Fuel pump relay will on/off within
3 ~ 5 s.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-73 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-73

Diagnostic Tool Control

Description Diagnostic Description
Item Range

CAUTION: Carry out the test

only when engine coolant
temperature is lower than
100 ℃ (212 ℉ ) with A/C
Fan Enable radiator fan ON/OFF
switch off.
The function controls cooling fan relay.
When the demands are
recieved,cooling fan will open for 5s.

CAUTION: This fuction can

control the fuel cutoff of
cylinder 2,carry out the test
only when vehicle speed is 0,
Fuel injection Do not use fuel injection to and speed sensor is with no
nozzle operation prevent the work of injector
fault,oxygen sensor signal
display is thin.
Forbid fuel injector movement,detect
fuel injector sealing state.

CAUTION: Carry out the test

only when ignition switch is
at “ON” position,engine is
not running.
A/C cluth Enable A/C compressor cluth ON/OFF
The fuction controls A/C compressor
relay. When the command is ON, AC
compressor relay is on/off within 3-5s
and condenser fan also works

The function controls engine ignition

test and it follows engine cylinder 2
Ignition Enable ignition ON/OFF
ignition operation if the command is

Carbon canister control command control

Carbon canister Enable the active carbon and control command between 0-1 00
0 ~ 100
purification canister solenoid valve achieves control of carbon canister
cleaning flow.

Control engine rotating speed Control engine rotating speed to set

Target idle speed 0 ~ 3200
to set speed speed

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-74 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-74

DTC Diagnosis Flow Index

Fault Code Description Diagnosis Procedures
The relative installed position of camshaft and Refer to: DTC P0016
crankshaft is unreasonable

P0030 Upstream oxygen sensor heating open circuit Refer to: DTC P0030, P0031, P0032,
Upstream oxygen sensor heating short circuit P0053
to ground

Upstream oxygen sensor heating short circuit

to power

Upstream oxygen sensor heating resistance is

greater than threshold value.

Downstream oxygen sensor heating open Refer to: DTC P0036, P0037, P0038,
circuit P0054
Downstream oxygen sensor heating short
circuit to ground

Downstream oxygen sensor heating short

circuit to power

Downstream oxygen sensor heating

resistance is greater than threshold value.

No fluctuation of air intake pressure sensor Refer to: DTC P0105, P0106, P0107,
signal P0108
Unreasonable air intake pressure sensor

Air intake pressure sensor short circuit to


Air intake pressure sensor short circuit to

power supply

Air intake temperature sensor signal voltage is Refer to: DTC P0112, P0113
too low

Air intake temperature sensor signal voltage is

too high

Unreasonable engine temperature sensor Refer to: DTC P0116


Engine coolant temperature sensor circuit Refer to: DTC P0117, P0118
voltage is too low

Engine coolant temperature sensor circuit

voltage is too high

Throttle position sensor signal exceeding the Refer to: DTC P0122, P0123
lower limit, short circuit to the ground.

Throttle position sensor signal exceeding

upper limit, short circuit to the power.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-75 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-75

Fault Code Description Diagnosis Procedures

P0130 Upstream oxygen sensor signal unreasonable Refer to: DTC P0130, P0131, P0132,
Upstream oxygen sensor signal circuit voltage P0133, P0134
too low

Upstream oxygen sensor signal circuit voltage

too high

P0133 Upstream oxygen sensor aging

P0134 Upstream oxygen sensor circuit signal fault

Downstream oxygen sensor signal Refer to: DTC P0136,P0138, P0140,

unreasonable P2270, P2271
Downstream oxygen sensor signal circuit
voltage too high

Downstream oxygen sensor circuit signal


Cylinder 1 fuel injector control circuit open Refer to: DTC P0201, P0261, P0262

Cylinder 1 fuel injector control circuit short

circuit to ground

Cylinder 1 fuel injector control circuit short

circuit to power supply

Cylinder 2 fuel injector control circuit open Refer to: DTC P0201, P0261, P0262

Cylinder 2 fuel injector control circuit short

circuit to ground

Cylinder 2 fuel injector control circuit short

circuit to power supply

Cylinder 3 fuel injector control circuit open Refer to: DTC P0201, P0261, P0262

Cylinder 3 fuel injector control circuit short

circuit to ground

Cylinder 3 fuel injector control circuit short

circuit to power supply

Cylinder 4 fuel injector control circuit open Refer to: DTC P0201, P0261, P0262

Cylinder 4 fuel injector control circuit short

circuit to ground

Cylinder 4 fuel injector control circuit short

circuit to power supply

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-76 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-76

Fault Code Description Diagnosis Procedures

P0300 Multi-cylinder misfire Refer to: DTC P0300, P0301, P0302,
P0301 Cylinder 1 misfire P0303, P0304

P0302 Cylinder 2 misfire

P0303 Cylinder 3 misfire

P0304 Cylinder 4 misfire

Unreasonable crankshaft upper dead point Refer to: DTC P0321, P0322
missing teeth signal

P0322 Crankshaft position sensor fault

P0324 Knock signal processing chip and circuit fault Refer to: DTC P0324, P0327, P0328
P0327 Knock sensor signal circuit voltage is too low

P0328 Knock sensor signal circuit voltage is too high

P0340 Phase sensor is installed in improper position Refer to: DTC P0340, P0341, P0342,
P0341 Unreasonable rear oxygen sensor signal P0343

Phase sensor signal circuit short circuit to the


Phase sensor signal circuit short circuit to the


Three way catalytic converter oxygen storage Refer to: DTC P0420
capacity aging (exceed the emission limits)

Carbon canister control valve control circuit Refer to: DTC P0444, P0458, P0459
open circuit

Carbon canister control valve control circuit

voltage too low

Carbon canister control valve control circuit

voltage too high

P0480 Cooling fan relay control circuit open circuit. Refer to: DTC P0480, P0691, P0692
Cooling fan relay control circuit voltage is too

Cooling fan relay control circuit voltage is too


Idle speed control speed less than the target Refer to: DTC P0506, P0507
idle speed

Idle speed control speed higher than the

target idle speed

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-77 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-77

Fault Code Description Diagnosis Procedures

P0508 Stepper motor driver pin short circuit to ground Refer to: DTC P0508, P0509, P0511
Stepper motor driver pin short circuit to power

Stepper motor driver pins exist at the same

time more than one type of faults

P0560 System battery voltage signal is unreasonable Refer to: DTC P0560, P0562, P0563
P0562 System battery voltage is too low

P0563 System battery voltage is too high

P0602 Electrical control unit coding fault Refer to: DTC P0602, P0605
P0605 Electrical control unit ROM fault

P0627 Fuel pump relay control circuit open circuit Refer to: DTC P0627, P0628, P0629
P0628 Oil pump relay control circuit voltage is too low

Oil pump relay control circuit voltage is too


A/C compressor relay control circuit open Refer to: DTC P0645, P0646, P0647

A/C compressor relay control circuit voltage is

too low.

A/C compressor relay control circuit voltage is

too high.

P0650 MIL light drive circuit fault Refer to: DTC P0650
P2270 Downstream oxygen sensor aging Refer to: DTC P0136, P0138, P0140,
P2271 Downstream oxygen sensor aging P2270, P2271

Air-fuel ratio closed loop control self-learning Refer to: DTC P2177, P2178, P2187,
P2177 value exceed the upper limits(medium load P2188

Air-fuel ratio closed loop control self-learning

P2178 value exceed the lower limits(medium load

Air-fuel ratio closed loop control self-learning

value exceed the upper limits(low load range)

Air-fuel ratio closed loop control self-learning

value exceed the lower limits(low load range)

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-78 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-78

DTC P0016
1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Engine control module ECM uses the crankshaft position
sensor CKP and camshaft position sensor CMP pulse
signal to monitor the correlation between CKP and the
camshaft position. Crankshaft variable reluctance rotor
The relative installed position of
has 60 teeth; and two teeth are missing and used as a
P0016 camshaft and crankshaft is
reference space. Uniform spacing between each tooth is
6 degrees, only the reference clearance is exception and
it is 12 degrees. Camshaft signal plate has four teeth,
two are narrow, and the other two are wide. The distance
between every four posterior teeth is 90 degrees.

2.Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
•The difference between learning
value and standard value is Camshaft position sensor
bigger than 15 kW. signal unstable.
•The difference between learning Camshaft position sensor
value and standard valve is less signals wheel.
The difference between than -15 kW
synchronous learning Crankshaft position sensor
P0016 value and standard valve •Set "adjustment in advance" and signal unstable.
of crankshaft and "adjustment lagging behind"
Crankshaft position sensor
camshaft compared with limit value and
signals wheel.
relative to the scope of
permission. Camshaft position sensor fault.
Crankshaft position sensor
•The self-adaption of crankshaft
and camshaft should be

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-79 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-79
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Visually inspect the wiring for abrasion, puncture,
clamping or partial damage.
C. Visually inspect the wiring harness connector.
Inspect if there are damaged, bent, pulled, or rusted
D. Ensure the proper installation of the crankshaft
position sensor and camshaft position sensor and
fix the bolts tightened to the specified torque.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2. Inspect the DTC characteristics

A. Use diagnosis tool to clear the DTC.

B. Start the engine and run at operating temperature.
C. If the DTC can not be removed, road test must be
carried out.
Is the DTC P0116 still there?
Go to step 3.
Go to diagnosis of default code.
Refer to: Intermittent Fault Diagnosis
procedure(3.3.12 Electrical Control
System - M7, Symptom Diagnosis and
3. Inspect the ignition timing

A. Inspect the ignition timing.

Refer to: Inspect the timing(3.3.2
Mechanical System, General Inspection).
Is the ignition timing normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the ignition timing fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-80 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-80

4. Inspect camshaft position sensor

A.Use diagnosis tool to clear the DTC.

B. Replace a camshaft position sensor that in good
condition,and fasten it with the standard torque.
C. Start the engine and run to operating temperature.
Is the DTC P0016 still there?
Go to step 5.
Replace camshaft position sensor.

5.Inspect the unstable camshaft position sensor signal

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",engine

doesn’t run.
B.Clear the DTC with diagnosis tool.
C.Start the engine
D. Gently tap and swing camshaft position sensor.
E.Inspect sensor and wiring harness,and inspect the
connector of ECM and wiring harness for damaged,
bent, or pulled wiring harness terminals.
F.Inspect camshaft position sensor circuit relative
wiring and connector.
Is the DTC P0016 still there?
Go to step 6.
Repair the fault circuit based on the inspect,replace
as necessary.

6. Inspect camshaft end clearance and sensor signal wheel

A. Inspect camshaft end clearance.

Refer to: Rocker/Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
B. Inspect the camshaft position sensor signal wheel
for worn attachments, or damage.
Is the camshaft end clearance and sensor signal
wheel normal?
Go to step 7.
Repair the fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-81 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-81

7. Inspect crankshaft position sensor

A.Use diagnosis tool to clear the DTC.

B. Replace a crankshaft position sensor in good
condition and tighten it to specified torque.
Refer to: Crankshaft Position Sensor
(3.3.12 Electrical control System - M7,
Removal and Installation).
C. Start the engine and run to operating temperature.
Is the DTC P0016 still there?
Go to step 8.
Replace the crankshaft position sensor.

8. Inspect the unstable camshaft position sensor signal

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",engine

doesn’t run.
B. Clear the DTC with diagnosis tool.
C.Start the engine
D. Gently tap and swing crankshaft position sensor.
E.Inspect sensor and wiring harness,and inspect the
connector of ECM and wiring harness for damaged,
bent, or pulled wiring harness terminals.
F.Inspect camshaft position sensor circuit relative
wiring and connector.
Is the DTC P0016 still there?
Go to step 9.
Repair the fault circuit based on the inspect,replace
as necessary.

9. Inspect the crankshaft position sensor signal wheel

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Rotate the flywheel, inspect the crankshaft position
sensor signal wheel for worn and dirty attachments.
Is the crankshaft position sensor signals wheel
Go to step 10.
Replace crankshaft position sensor signals wheel.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-82 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-82

10. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-83 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-83

DTC P0030, P0031, P0032, P0053

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Upstream oxygen sensor heating
open circuit

Upstream oxygen sensor heating The working voltage of front oxygen sensor heating coil is
P0031 provided by the main relay that controlled by ECM ,when
short circuit to ground
the ignition switch is turned to "ON" state, the oxygen
Upstream oxygen sensor heating sensor connector terminal 2 of line S06a is with battery
short circuit to power voltage. ECM controls the working time of the heater by
Upstream oxygen sensor heating the terminal 1 of ECM wiring harness connector S01a.
P0053 resistance is greater than
threshold value

2. Possible Causes

Setting conditions(Control
Fault Code Test Tactics Fault
P0030 •Open circuit
Hardware or Circuit
P0031 •Short circuit to ground
P0032 •Short circuit to power

• Exhaust temperature is within •Sensor circuit fault

normal range
•Sensor fault
•The present exhaust
Present resistance value • ECM fault
temperature is between 250
P0053 is higher than the set
℃ and 550 ℃ (1022 ℉ )
• Front oxygen sensor internal
resistance value is higher than
1600 Ω

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-84 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-84
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect front oxygen sensor wiring harness

connector for damage, poor contact, aging and
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2. Inspect front oxygen sensor heater resistance value.

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect front oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S06a.
C. Measure the resistance value of the heater that
betweeen 2 terminal and 1 terminal of front oxygen
sensor connector S06a.
Standard resistance value:20 ℃ (68 ºF) 9 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace the front oxygen sensor.
Refer to: Front Oxygen Sensor (3.3.12
Electrical control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
3. Inspect heater working volatge

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect front oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S06a.
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D.Measure the voltage between the 2 terminal of front
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06a and
the reliable grounding.
1 2 3 4 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V

Is voltage normal?
Go to step 6.
Go to step 4

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-85 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-85

4.Inspect heater fuse

A.Inspect fuse IF13.

Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace fuse with rated capacity.

5.Inspect fuse IF13 power

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".

B.Measure the voltage between instrument desk fuse
box P01.a terminal 26 and reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is voltage normal?
Inspect and repair circuit default between
instrument desk fuse box P01a terminal 25 and
front oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06a
terminal 2.
Inspect and repair circuit default between
instrument desk fuse box P01a terminal 26 and
main relay ER03 terminal 87.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-86 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-86

6.Inspect heater control signal circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
S06a C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
1 2 3 4 D. Disconnect front oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S06a.
E. Connect the battery negative cable
F. Measure the circuit between the 1 terminal of front
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06a and
the 1 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
G.Measure the voltage between the 1 terminal of front
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06a and
S01a the reliable grounding.

1 2
81 63 Standard voltage:0 V
62 44 H.Measure the resistance between the 1 terminal of
3 front oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06a
43 25
and the reliable grounding.
4 5
24 6
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is it normal?
A3312043 Go to step 7.
Repair the fault circuit between the 1 terminal of
front oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06a
and the 1 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector


1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-87 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-87

7. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
S01a C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
81 63 ECM.
1 2

62 44
D. Connect the battery negative cable.
3 E.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
43 25
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
4 5
24 6
F.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
S01a Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
1 2
81 63 and Installation).
62 44 No
43 25 Repair the circuit.
4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-88 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-88

DTC P0036, P0037, P0038, P0054

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

P0036 Downstream oxygen sensor

heating open circuit
The working voltage of downstream oxygen sensor
Downstream oxygen sensor heating coil is provided by the main relay that controlled
heating short circuit to ground by ECM ,when the ignition switch is turned to "ON" state,
Downstream oxygen sensor the oxygen sensor connector terminal 4 of circuit S13a is
P0038 with battery voltage. ECM controls the working time of
heating short circuit to power
the heater by the terminal 4 of ECM wiring harness
Downstream oxygen sensor connector S01a.
P0054 heating resistance is greater than
threshold value.

Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
•Circuit open
Hardware or Circuit
P0037 •Short circuit to ground
•Short circuit to power
•Sensor circuit fault
•Exhaust temperature is within
normal range •Sensor fault

Present resistance value •Current temperature is between • ECM fault

P0054 is higher than the set 250 ℃ and 550 ℃ .
• Front oxygen sensor internal
resistance value is higher than
2,200 Ω

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-89 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-89
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect rear oxygen sensor wiring harness

connector for damage, poor contact, aging and
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2. Inspect rear oxygen sensor heater resistance value

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the rear oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S13a.
C. Measure the resistance value of the heater that
betweeen 4 terminal and 2 terminal of rear oxygen
sensor connector S13a.
Standard resistance value:20 ℃ (68 ºF) 9 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace rear oxygen sensor.
Refer to: Rear Oxygen Sensor (3.3.12
Electrical control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
3. Inspect heater working volatge

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the rear Oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S13a.
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D. Measure the voltage between the 4 terminal of rear
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S13a and
1 3 the reliable grounding.
2 4 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is voltage normal?
Go to step 6.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-90 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-90

4.Inspect heater fuse

A.Inspect fuse IF13.

Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace fuse with rated capacity.

5.Inspect fuse IF13 power

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".

B.Measure the voltage between instrument desk fuse
box P01a terminal 26 and reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is voltage normal?
Inspect and repair circuit fault between instrument
Panel fuse box P01 a terminal 25 and rear oxygen
sensor wiring harness connector S13a terminal 4.
Inspect and repair circuit default between
instrument desk fuse box P01 a terminal 26 and
main relay ER03 terminal 87.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-91 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-91

6.Inspect heater control signal circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
1 3
D.Disconnect the rear oxygen sensor wiring harness
2 4 connector S13a.
E. Connect the battery negative cable.
F.Repair the circuit between the 2 terminal of rear
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S13a and
the 4 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
G. Measure the voltage between the 2 terminal of rear
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S13a and
the reliable grounding.
1 2
81 63 Standard voltage:0 V
62 44 H. Measure the resistance between the 2 terminal of
43 25 rear oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S13a
4 5
and the reliable grounding.
24 6
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is it normal?
A3312047 Go to step 7.
Repair the fault circuit between the 2 terminal of
rear oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S13a
and theterminal 4 of ECM wiring harness connector

1 3

2 4



1 3

2 4


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-92 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-92

7. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-93 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-93

DTC P0105, P0106, P0107, P0108

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

No fluctuation of air intake
P0105 Air intake pressure temperature sensor has four
pressure sensor signal
terminals, when the ignition switch is turned to "ON"
Unreasonable air intake pressure position, the ECM provides 5 V voltage to the sensor
sensor signal terminal 3 through terminal 33 of connector S01a. The
Air intake pressure sensor short terminals 17 of S01a enables the sensor 1 terminal
P0107 grounding, the sensor terminal 4 provides an signal that
circuit to ground
follow the changes of air intake pressure to terminal 37 of
Air intake pressure sensor short the ECM connector S01a.
circuit to power

Possible Causes

Setting Conditions(Control
Fault Code Test Tactics Fault
•Engine rotating speed greater
than 800RPM
•After start, pressure drop less
than 1 kPa
•Last for more than 1s
•Sensor circuit fault
Depending on engine rotating
P0106 Hardware or Circuit
speed and throttle opening •Sensor fault
Pressure sensor voltage is less •ECM fault
than 0.195V for more than 1s.

After it is started, intake

pressure sensor voltage
is greater than 4.95V for over

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-94 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-94
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect for the following items:

• Sensor cover is damaged,vacuum pipe cracks.
• Sensor sealing is damaged
• Sensor loose or improper installation
• Sensor vacuum pipe is blocked
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2.Inspect air intake pressure sensor voltage

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the intake air pressure temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06a.
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D. Measure the voltage between the 3 terminal of air
intake pressure sensor wiring harness connector
E06a and the reliable grounding.
1 2 3 4
Standard voltage value:4.5 ~ 5.5 V
E06a Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-95 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-95

3.Inspect air intake pressure sensor power supply circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the battery negative cable.

C.Disconnect the intake air pressure temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06a.
D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
1 2 3 4 ECM.
E.Connect the battery cable.
F.Measure the resistance between intake pressure
temperature sensor connector E06a terminal 3 and
ECM wirng harness connector S01a terminal 33.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
G.Measure the resistance value between the 3
terminal of air intake pressure temperature sensor
wiring harness connector E06a and reliable
S01a grounding.

1 2
81 63 Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
62 44 H.Measure the voltage between the 3 terminal of air
3 intake pressure sensor wiring harness connector
43 25
E06a and the reliable grounding.
4 5
24 6
Standard voltage:0 V
Is it normal?
A3312051 Go to step 4.
Repair the fault circuit,inspect the system for normal

1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-96 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-96

4. Inspect air intake pressure sensor grounding

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect air intake pressure temperature sensor
wiring harness connector E06a.
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D.Measure the resistance value between the 1
terminal of air intake pressure temperature sensor
wiring harness connector E06a and reliable
1 2 3 4 grounding.
E06a Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
A3312053 Yes
Go to step 6.
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-97 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-97

5.Inspect air intake pressure sensor grounding circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the battery negative cable.

C.Disconnect the intake air pressure temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06a.
D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
1 2 3 4 ECM.
E. Connect the battery negative cable.
F.Measure the resistance between intake pressure
temperature sensor wiring harness connector E06a
terminal 1 and ECM wiring harness connector S01a
terminal 17.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
G. Measure the voltage between the 1 terminal of air
intake pressure temperature sensor wiring harness
connector E06a and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage:0 V
81 63
1 2
H.Measure the resistance value between the 1
62 44
3 terminal of air intake pressure temperature sensor
43 25 wiring harness connector E06a and reliable
4 5
24 6
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is it normal?
A3312054 Yes
Go to step 6.
Repair the fault circuit.

1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-98 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-98

6. Inspect air intake pressure sensor

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the intake air pressure temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06a.
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D.Connect the 5A fuse jumper wire between terminal 3
and 4 of E06 a .
E.Connect the diagnosis tool,access to engine data
flow, read the “actual manifold absolute
Standard parameter:1050 kPa
Is the data normal?
Replace air intake pressure sensor.

Go to step 7.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-99 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-99

7.Inspect air intake pressure sensor signal circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the intake air pressure temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06a.
E06a C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
D.Measure the resistance between intake pressure
1 2 3 4
temperature sensor wiring harness connector E06a
terminal 4 and ECM wiring harness connector S01a
terminal 37.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance value between the 4
terminal of air intake pressure temperature sensor
wiring harness connector E06a and reliable
S01a Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
81 63
1 2 F. Measure the voltage between the 4 terminal of air
62 44 intake pressure temperature sensor wiring harness
43 25
connector E06a and the reliable grounding.
4 5 Standard voltage:0 V
24 6
Is it normal?
Go to step 8.
A3312056 No
Repair the failed circuit.

1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-100 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-100

8. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-101 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-101

DTC P0112, P0113

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

P0112 Air intake temperature sensor Air intake temperature sensor is integrated in the engine
signal voltage is too low
air intake pressure and temperature sensors to measure
the temperature of the air that goes into the engine. ECM
internal pressure regulator circuit provides 5V reference
voltage to air intake pressure and temperature sensors
Air intake temperature sensor wiring harness connector E06a terminal 2 through ECM
signal circuit voltage is too high. wiring harness connector S01a terminal 40. The air
intake temperature voltage-drop signal can be obtained in
this circuit.Place intake pressure temperature sensor
E06a terminal 1 on low potential by S01a terminal 17.

2. Possible Causes

Setting Conditions(Control
Fault Code Test Tactics Fault
Exceeding upper limit, Air intake temperature is higher
short circuit to ground than 128.25 ℃ •Sensor circuit fault

Exceeding lower limit, • Sensor fault

Air intake temperature less than
P0113 short circuit to power • ECM fault
-38.25 ℃

3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect for the following items:

• Sensor cover is damaged,vacuum pipe
• Sensor sealing is damaged
• Sensor loose or improper installation
• Sensor vacuum pipe is blocked
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-102 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-102

2. Inspect air intake temperature sensor resistance

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the intake air pressure temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06a.
C.Measure the resistance between intake temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06a terminal 1
and terminal 2.
Standard resistance: 20 ℃ (68 ºF) Rated
resistance 2.375~2.625 kΩ
Is it normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace air intake pressure temperature sensor.

3. Inspect air intake temperature sensor circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the intake air pressure temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06a.
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D. Measure the voltage between the 2 terminal of air
intake pressure temperature sensor wiring harness
connector E06a and the reliable grounding.
1 2 3 4
Standard voltage value:4.7 ~ 5.5 V
E06a Is voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the circuit between the 2 terminal of air
intake temperature sensor E06 and the 40 terminal
of engine control module S01a.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-103 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-103

4. Inspect air intake temperature sensor grounding

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the intake air pressure temperature
sensor wiring harness connector E06a.
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D. Measure the voltage between the 1 terminal of air
intake pressure temperature sensor wiring harness
connector E06 a and the reliable grounding.
1 2 3 4 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E06a Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the fault circuit batween terminal 1 of air
intake temperature sensor E06a to terminal 17 of
engine control module connector S01a.

5. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position"LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-104 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-104

DTC P0116
1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

In cold start, the engine control module
will compare the difference between
Unreasonal engine coolant temperature engine coolant temperature and air intake
sensor signal. temperature, to determine whether the
two temperatures is in the normal work
scope of each other.

2. Possible Causes

Test Tactics Setting Conditions(Control Strategy) Fault

Reasonableness The difference between the reference •Sensor circuit fault

P0116 exceeding limit temperature model value and the sensor •Sensor fault
value measured value is bigger than 20.3 ℃
• ECM fault

3. Diagnosis procedure
CAUTION: Before the diagnostic procedure, observe the list of diagnostic data, analysis the
accuracy of the data for quick troubleshooting.

CAUTION: It is not recommended at any time of flammable coolant, such as alcohol.

Flammable coolant can cause serious fire.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect whether the engine coolant temperature

sensor is with the signs of corrosion, and whether
the coolant is leaking through the engine sensor.
B. Inspect if the level of the engine coolant in engine
cooling system stock tank is correct.
C. Sensor loose or improper installation
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-105 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-105

2. Inspect data flow

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B. Engine starts at cold state.
Read the data flow of coolant temperature sensor
ECT with diagnosis tool and the data flow of air
intake temperature sensor IAT.
Is the temperature difference between ECT and IAT
is greater than 20.3 ℃ ?
Inspect coolant temperature sensor
Refer to: DTC P0117, P0118(3.3.12
Electrical control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Inspect air intake temperature sensor
Refer to: DTC P0112, P0113(3.3.12
Electrical control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Refer to: Intermittent Fault Diagnosis
procedure (3.3.12 Electrical Control
System - M7, Symptom Diagnosis and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-106 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-106

DTC P0117, P0118

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Engine coolant ECT sensor is a variable resistor of negative
P0117 temperature sensor temperature coefficient, used for measuring engine
voltage is too low coolant temperature. ECM provides 5V voltage to the
terminal 1 of the ECT sensor harness connector E08a
Engine coolant through ECM harness connector S01a terminal 39, and
P0118 temperature sensor get ECT signals from terminal 39 of S01a . ECM makes
voltage is too high the terminal 3 of ECT sensor connector E08a at low-
potential through the terminal 35 of S01a.

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
Exceeding upper limit, Coolant temperature measured value
short circuit to ground is higher than 138 ℃ •Sensor circuit fault

Exceeding lower limit, •Sensor fault

Coolant temperature measured value
P0118 short circuit to power • ECM fault
is less than -38.25 ℃

3. Diagnosis Procedure
CAUTION: Before the diagnostic procedure, observe the list of diagnostic data, analysis the
accuracy of the data for quick troubleshooting.

CAUTION: It is not recommended at any time of flammable coolant, such as alcohol.

Flammable coolant can cause serious fire.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect whether the engine coolant temperature

sensor is with the signs of corrosion, and whether
the coolant is leaking through the engine sensor.
B. Inspect if the level of the engine coolant in engine
cooling system stock tank is correct.
C. Inspect the sensor for loose or improper installation.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-107 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-107

2. Inspect coolant temperature sensor resistance

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the coolant temperature sensor wiring
harness connector E08a.
C. Mreasure the voltage value betweeen terminal 1
and 3 of coolant temperature sensor wiring
connector E08a and the reliable grounding.
Standard resistance: 20 ℃ (68 ºF) Rated
resistance 2.375~2.625 kΩ
1 2 3
Is it normal?
E08a Yes
Go to step 3.
Replace the coolant temperature sensor.

3. Inspect coolant temperature sensor signal circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the coolant temperature sensor wiring
harness connector E08a.
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D. Measure the voltage value betweeen 1 terminal of
E08a coolant temperature sensor wiring connector E08 a
and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:4.7 ~ 5.5 V
1 2 3
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the circuit between the 1 terminal of coolant
temperature sensor wiring harness connector E08a
and the 39 terminal of ECM wiring harness
connector S01a.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-108 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-108

4.Inspect coolant temperature sensor grounding

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the coolant temperature sensor wiring
harness connector E08a.
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D. Mreasure the resistance value betweeen 3 terminal
of coolant temperature sensor wiring harness E08 a
and the reliable grounding.
1 2 3 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Disconnect the coolant temperature sensor wiring
harness connector E08a.
A3312062 Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair the circuit between the 3 terminal of coolant
temperature sensor wiring harness connector E08 a
and the 35 terminal of ECM wiring harness
connector S01a.

5. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-109 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-109

DTC P0122, P0123

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Throttle position sensor signal •ECM provides 5V reference voltage to terminal 1 of
P0122 exceeding the lower limit, short TPS sensor wiring harness connector E07a
circuit to the ground. through terminal 32 of wiring harness connector
•TPS provides signal voltage to terminal 16 of ECM
wiring harness connector S01a through terminal 3
Throttle position sensor signal of wiring harness connector E07a.
P0123 exceeding upper limit, short
circuit to the power. •ECM positions terminal 2 of TPS sensor wiring
harness connector E07a at low electrical potential
through terminal 17 of wiring harness connector

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
Signal circuit
voltage too low,
short circuit to
•Sensor circuit fault
- •Sensor fault
Signal circuit
voltage too • ECM fault
high,short circuit to
power supply

3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect sensor wiring harness connector for loose

B.Inspect sensor appearance for damage.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-110 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-110

2.Inspect throttle position sensor resistance value

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the throttle position sensor wiring
harness connector E07a.
C.Measure the resistance value of the throttle position
Standard resistance value:
1 terminal and 2 terminal 1,600 ~ 2,400 Ω
2 terminal and 3 terminal 710 ~ 1,380 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace throttle position sensor

3. Inspect throttle position sensor power supply circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the throttle position sensor wiring
harness connector E07a.
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".

D. Measure the voltage value between the 1 terminal
of throttle position sensor wiring harness connector
E07a and reliable grounding.
1 2 3 Standard voltage value:4.5 ~ 5.5 V
E.Connect throttle position sensor wiring harness
connector E07a.
A3312063 Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the circuit fault between terminal 1 of throttle
position sensor wiring harness connector E07a and
terminal 32 of ECM wiring harness connector S01a.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-111 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-111

4. Inspect throttle position sensor signal circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the throttle position sensor wiring
harness connector E07a.
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D.Connect a jumper wire with a 5A fuse between
terminal 1 and 3 of E07a, use diagnosis tool to
observe "the actual throttle position sensor voltage"
Standard voltage value:4.5 ~ 5.5 V
E.Connect throttle position sensor wiring harness
connector E07a.
Is voltage normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair the fault circuit between terminal 3 of throttle
position sensor wiring harness connector E07a and
terminal 16 of ECM wiring harness connector S01a .

5. Inspect throttle position sensor grounding

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the throttle position sensor wiring
harness connector E07a.
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D.Measure the resistance between the 2 terminal of
throttle position sensor wiring harness connector
E07a and the reliable grounding.
1 2 3 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Connect throttle position sensor wiring harness
connector E07a.
A3312064 Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair the fault circuit between terminal 2 of throttle
position sensor wiring harness connector E07a and
terminal 17 of ECM wiring harness connector S01a.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-112 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-112

6. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-113 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-113

DTC P0130, P0131, P0132, P0133, P0134, P2195, P2196

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Upstream oxygen sensor signal After vehicle starts, the control module work under
unreasonable open loop mode, which is to ignore the front oxygen
sensor signal voltage in the calculation of air-fuel
Upstream oxygen sensor signal
P0131 ratio. ECM Control module provides approximately
circuit voltage too low
450 mV reference voltage for front oxygen sensor.
Upstream oxygen sensor signal When the engine is running, the front oxygen sensor
circuit voltage too high start heating and start generating 0.1 ~ 0.9 V
voltage. The voltage goes along the reference
P0133 Upstream oxygen sensor aging
voltage fluctuations. Once the control module find
the front oxygen sensor voltage exceeds the set
threshold, then it will immediately goes into closed
loop mode. ECM determines the air-fuel ratio based
on the front oxygen sensor voltage.
If the front oxygen sensor voltage is greater than
0.45 V, indicating that the mixture is too thick. If the
front oxygen sensor voltage is below 0.45 V, it
Upstream oxygen sensor circuit means the mixture is too thin.
signal fault ECM make the 3 terminal of the front oxygen sensor
wiring harness connector S06a at low-potential
through terminal 36 of wiring harness connector
S01a. When oxygen sensor gets to normal
operating temperature, it transmits oxygen sensor
signal to the ECM through terminal 4 of wiring
harness connector S06a connected to terminal 18
of S01a on the ECM.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-114 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-114
2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
• Front oxygen sensor reach the
Front oxygen sensor working temperature
signal and • Oxygen sensor output voltage is
higher than 2.0 V

Signal short circuit to • Front oxygen sensor output voltage

ground is less than 0.06 V

• Front oxygen sensor voltage is

higher than 1.5 V
• Engine rotating speed greater than
250 rpm
Front oxygen voltage is
P0132 • Target λ=1
too high
• Exhaust temperature is lower than
850 ℃ •Sensor circuit fault

• Oxygen sensor voltage reaches •Sensor fault

working temperature for 150 s •ECM fault

Rear oxygen integral • Rear oxygen sensor is activated

value exceeds the • Rear oxygen integral value is higher
upper limit than 1.0 s

• Rear oxygen control integral value is

less than -1.0 s
Rear oxygen integral
value exceeds the • Catalyst converter is normal
lower limit • No diagnosis stop condition
• Diagnosis time 30 s

• Front oxygen sensor voltage range

P0134 Signal open circuit 0.40 ~ 0.60 V
• Front oxygen sensor is always hot

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-115 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-115
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK", connect

the diagnosis tool.
B. Start the engine, use diagnosis tool to inspect
engine system.
Is there any DTC besides
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2. Inspect front oxygen sensor data flow

A. Start the engine,keep the engine running till the

engine water temperature is higher than 80 ℃ .
B. Use diagnosis tool access to engine data
flow,observe the " front oxygen sensor voltage"
Standard voltage:oxygen sensor signal
fluctuates from 0.1 to 0.9 V with frequency of 6
times / 10 S
Does the voltage satisfy the standard?
Intermittent fault.
Refer to: Intermittent Fault Inspection
(3.3.12 Electrical control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-116 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-116

3.Inspect oxygen sensor condition(carry out oxygen sensor signal test)

A. If the data flow shows voltage is consistently below

0.45 V (mixture too thin), inspect the following
• Jet proper amount of propane into the
inlet port.
• Observe if the front oxygen sensor data
flow voltage changes obviously, the
signal voltage will rise quickly
B. If the data flow shows voltage is consistently above
0.45 V (mixture too dense), inspect the following
• Position the transmission at neutral gear.
• Pull the hand brake.
• Press the accelerator pedal untill the
engine rotating speed suddenly
increased to 4,000 rpm and then quickly
release the accelerator pedal.
• Repeat the previous step more than 3
• Observe if the front oxygen sensor data
flow voltage changes obviously, the
signal voltage will drop quickly.
In the implementation of the above test, the oxygen
sensor signal voltage should change significant as
the test continues.
Does the oxygen sensor signal voltage change
Inspect the reason that caused the engine air-fuel
ratio is too thin /too dense.
Refer to: DTCP2177, P2178, P2187,P2188
(3.3.12 Electrical control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-117 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-117

4. Inspect front oxygen sensor signal circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C. Disconnect front oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S06a.
S06a D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
1 2 3 4 E. Connect the battery negative cable
F. Measure the resistance between the 4 terminal of
front oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06a
and the 18 terminal of ECM wiring harness
connector S01a.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
G. Measure the voltage between the 4 terminal of front
S01a oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06a and
81 63 the reliable grounding.
1 2

62 44
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
43 25
H.Measure the voltage between the 4 terminal of front
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06a and
4 5
24 6
the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage:0 V
Is it normal?
A3312065 Go to step 6.
Repair the circuit between the 4 terminal of front
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06a and
the 18 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector


1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-118 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-118

5. Inspect oxygen sensor grounding circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect front oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S06a.
C. Disconnect ECM wiring harness connector S01a.
D. Measure the resistance between front oxygen
sensor S06a number 3 and engine control module
wiring harness connector S01a terminal 36.
1 2 3 4 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair the circuit between the 3 terminal of front
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06a and
the 36 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector

6. Inspect oxygen sensor

A. Replace and use front oxygen sensor of the normal

vehicle of the same type.
Is the fault eliminated?
Replace the failed oxygen sensor.
Go to step 7.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-119 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-119

7. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK", inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-120 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-120

DTC P0136, P0138, P0140, P2270, P2271

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Downstream oxygen sensor
signal unreasonable
ECM makes the 3 terminal of the rear oxygen
Downstream oxygen sensor
P0138 sensor wiring harness connector S13a at low-
signal circuit voltage too high
potential through terminal 36 of wiring harness
Downstream oxygen sensor connector S01a. When oxygen sensor gets to
circuit signal default normal operating temperature, it transmits oxygen
sensor signal to the ECM through terminal 1 of
Downstream oxygen sensor
P2270 wiring harness connector S13a connected to
terminal 55 of ECM connector S01a.
Downstream oxygen sensor

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
• Rear oxygen sensor voltage
Rear oxygen sensor signal reaches working temperature
with the heating circuit • Oxygen sensor output voltage is
higher than 2.0 V

• Rear oxygen sensor voltage is

higher than 1.5 V
• Engine rotating speed greater
than 250rpm
• Target λ=1
Rear oxygen voltage is too
P0138 • Catalyst temperature is higher
than 250 ℃
• Oxygen sensor voltage reaches •Sensor circuit fault
working temperature
•Sensor fault
• Battery voltage higher than
•ECM fault
10.68 V

• Rear oxygen sensor voltage

Rear oxygen sensor signal reaches working temperature
open circuit • Rear oxygen sensor voltage
range 0.4~0.5 V

• Rear oxygen sensor voltage is

Rear oxygen sensor voltage is less than 0.577 V
always low
• Access to diagnosis request

• Rear oxygen sensor voltage is

Rear oxygen sensor voltage higher than 0.640 V
is always high
• Access to diagnosis request

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-121 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-121
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A.Turn the ignition switch to position “LOCK”, connect

the diagnosis tool.
B.Start the engine, use diagnosis tool to inspect
engine system.
Is there any DTC besides P0136, P0137, P0138
and P0140?
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

2. Inspect rear oxygen sensor data flow

A.Start the engine,keep the engine running till the

engine water temperature is higher than 80 ℃ .
B. Use diagnosis tool access to engine data flow,
observe the “rear oxygen sensor voltage”
Standard voltage:oxygen sensor signal
fluctuates from 0.1 to 0.9 V with frequency of 6
times / 10 S
Does the voltage satisfy the standard?
Intermittent fault.
Refer to: Intermittent Fault Inspection
(3.3.12 Electrical control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-122 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-122

3. Inspect rear oxygen sensor condition(carry out oxygen sensor signal test)

A. If the data flow shows voltage is consistently below

0.45 V (mixture too thin), inspect the following
• Jet proper amount of propane into the
inlet port.
• Observe if the front oxygen sensor data
flow voltage changes obviously, the
signal voltage will rise quickly.
B. If the data flow shows voltage is consistently above
0.45 V (mixture too dense), inspect the following
• Position the transmission at neutral gear.
• Pull the hand brake.
• Press the accelerator pedal untill the
Engine rotating speed suddenly
increased to 4,000 rpm and then quickly
release the accelerator pedal.
• Repeat the previous step more than 3
• Observe if the front oxygen sensor data
flow voltage changes obviously, the
signal voltage will drop quickly.
In the implementation of the above test, the oxygen
sensor signal voltage should change significant as
the test continues.
Does the oxygen sensor signal voltage change
Inspect the reason that caused the engine air-fuel
ratio is too thin /too dense.
Refer to: DTCP2177, P2178, P2187
DTC P2188 (3.3.12 Electrical control
System - M7, DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-123 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-123

4. Inspect rear oxygen sensor signal circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

Disconnect the battery negative cable.
B.Disconnect the rear oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S13a.
1 3 C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
2 4
D.Connect the battery negative cable?
S13a E. Measure the resistance between the 1 terminal of
rear oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S13a
and the 55 terminal of ECM wiring harness
connector S01a.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
F. Measure the resistance between the 1 terminal of
rear oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S13a
and the reliable grounding.
81 63
1 2
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
62 44
3 G. Measure the voltage between the 1 terminal of rear
43 25
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S13a and
4 5
24 6 the reliable grounding.
S01a Standard voltage:0 V
Is it normal?
A3312069 Go to step 6.
Repair the circuit between the 1 terminal of rear
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S13a and
the 55 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector

1 3

2 4



1 3

2 4


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-124 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-124

5.Inspect rear oxygen sensor grounding circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the rear Oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S13a.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D.Measure the resistance value between the 3
terminal of front oxygen sensor wiring harness
1 3 connector S13a and the reliable grounding.
2 4 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair the circuit between the 3 terminal of rear
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S13a and
the 36 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector

6. Inspect oxygen sensor

A.Replace and use rear oxygen sensor of the same

vehicle of the same type.
Is the fault eliminated?
Replace the failed oxygen sensor.
Go to step 7.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-125 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-125

7. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-126 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-126

DTC P2177,P2178,P2187,P2188
1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Air-fuel ratio closed loop control Engine control module (ECM) controls closed loop
P2177 self-learning value exceed the air-fuel ratio measuring system,it controls the
upper limits(medium load range) performance, fuel economy and emissions control to
achieve the best cooperation. In closed loop mode,
Air-fuel ratio closed loop control
ECM monitors the voltage of the heating oxygen
P2178 self-learning value exceed the
sensor (HO2S) signal and regulate the fuel supply
lower limits(medium load range)
according to the signal voltage.
Air-fuel ratio closed loop control Changes in fuel supply will change the fuel
P2187 self-learning value exceed the adjustment value of long-term and short-term. The
upper limits(low load range) fuel short-term adjust value will respond to the
change of heating oxygen sensor signal voltage and
it will change rapidly. These changes will be fine-
tuning the engine oil. Long-term fuel regulating
value is in response to the short-term trends
change. Long-term fuel supply adjusts roughly, in
order to back to the center fuel value of short-term,
Air-fuel ratio closed loop control to recover the control to short-term adjust of the fuel
P2188 self-learning value exceed the regulator.
lower limits(low load range)
Ideal value of the fuel adjustment is about 0%. If the
fuel adjustment value is positive, it says the engine
control module is increasing fuel to compensate the
condition of fuel mixture is too lean. Negative value
of the fuel adjustment shows the engine control
module is reducing.

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
P2177 • MAP sensor working fault
P2178 • Oxygen sensor fault

P2187 • Oxygen sensor circuit fault

• Oxygen sensor heating
working fault
Hardware circuit
- • ECT sensor work fault
• Fuel system fault
• Ignition system performance
• Engine mechanical problems
• ECM fault

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-127 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-127
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A.Inspect the oxygen sensor, air intake pressure and

temperature sensors, engine coolant temperature
sensor wiring harness connector for damage, poor
contact, aging, loose or other signs.
B.Inspect the tubes for the phenomena of damage,
loose, or leakage.
C.Inspect air intake system for leakage.
D.Inspect for pollutants that may damage the oxygen
sensor: polluting fuels, failed silicone, oil and
E.Inspect engine PCV(crankcase forced
F.Engine exhaust system - must with no reduce
expenditure or leakage.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2.Inspect DTC

A.Connect the Diagnosis tool.

B.Start the engine, inspect engine system.
C.Inspect DTC.
Is there any DTC besides P2177, P2178, P2187
and P2188?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure,
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,
DTC Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-128 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-128

3. Inspect data flow

A. Connect diagnosis tool.

B. Start engine, access to diagnosis tool engine
system data flow.
C. Inspect the fuel long-term, short-term modified
value, long-term correction factor, additional
correction factor data flow.
Is the long-term, short-term fuel correction value in
the normal range?
Go to step 4.
Intermittent fault.
Refer to: Intermittent Fault Inspection
(3.3.12 Electrical control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
4. Inspect front oxygen sensor data flow

A.Start the engine,keep the engine running till the

engine water temperature is higher than 80 ℃ .
B. Use diagnosis tool access to engine data flow,
observe the " front oxygen sensor voltage"
Standard voltage:oxygen sensor signal
fluctuates from 0.1 to 0.9 V with frequency of 6
times / 10 S
Does the voltage satisfy the standard?
Go to step 6.
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-129 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-129

5.Inspect front oxygen sensor condition(carry out oxygen sensor signal test)

A. If the data flow shows voltage is consistently below

0.45 V (mixture too thin), inspect the following
• Jet proper amount of propane into the
inlet port.
• Observe if the front oxygen sensor data
flow voltage changes obviously, the
signal voltage will rise quickly.
B. If the data flow shows voltage is consistently above
0.45 V (mixture too dense), inspect the following
• Position the transmission at neutral gear.
• Pull the hand brake.
• Press the accelerator pedal untill the
engine rotating speed suddenly
increased to 4,000 rpm and then quickly
release the accelerator pedal.
• Repeat the previous step more than 3
• Observe if the front oxygen sensor data
flow voltage changes obviously, the
signal voltage will drop quickly.
In the implementation of the above test, the oxygen
sensor signal voltage should change significant as
the test continues.
Whether the oxygen sensor signal voltage change
Go to step 6.
Replace the front oxygen sensor.
Refer to: Front Oxygen Sensor (3.3.12
Electrical control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-130 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-130

6. Inspect front oxygen sensor signal circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C. Disconnect front oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S06a.
S06a D. Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
1 2 3 4 E. Connect the battery negative cable?
F. Measure the resistance between the 4 terminal of
front oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06a
and the 18 terminal of ECM wiring harness
connector S01a.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
G. Measure the voltage between the 4 terminal of front
S01a oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06a and
81 63 the reliable grounding.
1 2

62 44
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
43 25
H.Measure the voltage between the 4 terminal of front
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06a and
4 5
24 6
the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage:0 V
Is it normal?
A3312065 Go to step 7.
Repair the circuit between the 4 terminal of front
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06a and
the 18 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector


1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-131 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-131

7. Inspect front oxygen sensor grounding circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect front oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S06a.
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D. Measure the resistance value between the 3
terminal of front oxygen sensor wiring harness
connector S06a and the reliable grounding.
1 2 3 4 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 8.
Repair the circuit between the 3 terminal of front
oxygen sensor wiring harness connector S06a and
the 36 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector

8. Inspect air intake pressure sensor MAP

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Connect a vacuum gauge to the air intake manifold
vacuum source.
C.Start the engine and let the engine turn at idle state.
D.Read "Intake pressure" data flow with diagnosis
Is the indication on the diagnosis tool of the vacuum
meter in the 1in (25 mm) range?
Go to step 9.
Replace the air air intake pressure and temperature
sensor, clean the throttle and the air intake

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-132 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-132

9. Inspect engine coolant temperature sensor

CAUTION: To make the test valid, the

thermostat should work normally.

CAUTION: It is preferred to carry out this

test,when the engine under cold state
(completely cold ) .
A. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
B. Use diagnosis tool to read the engine temperature
(ECT) sensor. If the engine is allowed to be set all
night (completely cold ),the temperature should
close to the ambient temperature that can be felt.
C. Start the engine.
D. During the engine is warm-up, monitor the ECT
sensor value. Changes in temperature should be a
smooth transition from start to normal operating
temperature 82 ℃ (180 ℉ ), this value should at lest
reaches 82 ℃ (180 ℉ ).
Is the coolant temperature sensor temperature
inspect normal?
Go to step 10.
Inspect cooling system or replace coolant
temperature sensor.

10. Inspect the fuel pressure

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Connect the fuel pressure tester.
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.3.7
Fuel System,General Inspection).
Is the fuel pressure is normal?
Go to step 11.
Inspect the fuel system.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-133 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-133

11. Inspect fuel injector control circuit

A.Disconnect fuel injector wiring harness connector .

B.Connect the test pencil with LED to the injector
wiring terminal.
CAUTION: Note: LED must be connected
in series with 1 ~ 2 kΩ resistance,
otherwise it will damage LED or ECM .
C.Inspect the LED state during engine start.
Observe if the LED is normally flashing?
Go to step 12.
Inspect fuel injector wiring harness.Repair or
replace if necessary.

12.Inspect the fuel injector

A. Remove the injector.

B. Replace fuel injector in good condition.
C. Clear DTC
D. Start engine,carry out road test when necessary.
E. Diagnosis of the engine system
Is there DTC P2177,P2178,P2187,P2188?
Replace the fuel injector.
Go to step 13.

13. Inspect the compressing pressure in the cylinder

A. Inspect engine compression pressure

Refer to: Cylinder compression Pressure
Inspection(3.3.2 Mechanical System,
General Inspection).
Is the fuel pressure normal?
Go to step 14.
Eliminate the low compression pressure fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-134 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-134

14. Inspect the ignition timing

A.Inspect the ignition timing.

Refer to: Inspect the timing(3.3.2
Mechanical System, General Inspection).
Is the ignition timing normal?
Go to step 15.
Repair the ignition timing fault.

15. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-135 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-135

DTC P0201, P0261, P0262

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Cylinder 1 fuel injector control Injector operating voltage is controlled by the main
circuit open circuit relay controlled by the ECM. Battery voltage is
transported to terminal 1 of all injector wiring
Cylinder 1 fuel injector control
P0261 harness connectors through terminal 87 of main
circuit short circuit to ground
relay. ECM controls the grounding of the internal of
injector 1 through terminal 27 on wiring harness
connector S01a. ECM monitors the working state of
Cylinder 1 fuel injector control
all the injectors driver circuit. If the ECM detects
P0262 circuit short circuit to power
driving voltage not corresponding to the incorrect
voltage, it will set up a fuel injector control circuit
fault diagnosis DTC

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
P0201 •Open circuit •Injector circuit fault
Hardware or Circuit
P0261 •Short circuit to ground •Fuel injector fault
P0262 •Short circuit to power • ECM fault

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-136 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-136
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect fuel injector wiring harness connector for

damage, poor contact, aging and loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2. Inspect fuel injector mouth

A. Disconnect cylinder 1 injector wiring harness

connector E01a.
B. Measure the resistance value between the two
terminals of the fuel injector.
Standard resistance value:20 ℃(68 ºF)11.5~12.5

Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace the fuel injector.
Refer to: Fuel Injector(3.3.7 Fuel
System,Removal and Installation).
3. Inspect fuel injector power supply circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect cylinder 1 injector wiring harness
connector E01a.
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D. Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of the
cylinder 1 injector wiring harness connector E01a
and the reliable grounding.
1 2 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the circuit default between cylinder 1 fuel
injector wiring harness connector E01a terminal 1
and main relay ER03 terminal 87.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-137 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-137

4. Inspect fuel injector control signal

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect cylinder 1 injector wiring harness
connector E01a.
C. Connect the test electrography that with LED to the
1 and 2 terminal of E01a according to specification.
CAUTION: Note: LED must be connected
in series with 1 ~ 2 kΩ resistance,
otherwise it will damage LED or ECM .
D. Start the engine
E. Observe if the test lamp is normally flashing
Is the test lamp is flash normally?
Go to step 6.
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-138 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-138

5. Inspect fuel injector control signal circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect cylinder 1 injector wiring harness
connector E01a.
C.Measure the voltage between the removed terminal
2 of E01a and reliable ground.
Standard voltage:0 V
D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
1 2 ECM.
E. Measure the resistance between cylinder 1 fuel
injector wiring harness connector E01a terminal 2
A3312074 and ECM wiring harness connector S01a terminal
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is it normal?
E01a Go to step 6.
1 2
Repair the fault circuit between the terminal 2 of
E01a and the 27 terminal of ECM wiring harness
connector S01a.

81 63
1 2

62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-139 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-139

6. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON", inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK", inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-140 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-140

DTC P0300,P0301,P0302,P0303,P0304
1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

P0300 Multi-cylinder misfire ECM monitors the interval of CKP sensor input
signal. ECM calculates the interval change for each
P0301 Cylinder 1 misfire
cylinder. If the interval change exceeds the pre-
P0302 Cylinder 2 misfire programmed standard, then the ECM will detect the
corresponding bad ignition cylinder. When the
P0303 Cylinder 3 misfire
engine is running, ECM count the ignition misfire
frequency when the revolutions of the crankshaft is
200 rpm and 1,000 rpm, and the calculate the
misfire rate for crankshaft rotates one circle. If the
P0304 Cylinder 4 misfire misfire rate exceeds the pre-programmed standard,
then the ECM will determine the occurrence of bad
ignition that a catalytic converter can be damaged or
can adversely affect emission performance.

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
The misfire ratio that damage the • Plug connection loose, poor
catalyst is higher than 6%-23% contact
The misfire ratio
that damages the • Bad circuit test • Vacuum hose is broken,loose
catalyst • Fuel cut-off • Ignition system fault
• Torque interfere • Fuel system fault

• The misfire ratio that get the emission • Intake air pressure sensor
worse is bigger than 3.0% fault
P0300 The misfire ratio
that get the • Engine rotating speed is higher than • Engine coolant temperature
emission worse 600rpm, less than 5,800rpm sensorfault
• Engine load • Cylinder compressing
P0303 pressure fault
P0304 • Valve clearance and timing
• The misfire ratio that get the emission
• Fuel emission control system
worse is bigger than 3.0%
Untrusted fault • Crankshaft forced vent valve
• Air intake temperature is higher than
-25 ℃ • Air Intake system
• Exhaust system air vent clog
• ECM fault

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-141 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-141
3. Diagnosis Procedure
CAUTION: If the engine electrical control system stores the other DTC rather than misfiring
DTC , first carry out troubleshooting for these DTC.

CAUTION: If misfire does not occur when sending to the service, carry out road test again to
make the misfiring failure reappear. And use the diagnosis tool to record the ECM data when
the misfiring occurs to analyze cause of the malfunction.

CAUTION: If the vehicle still stores no DTC that related to misfiring after long road test,then
the failure may be caused by the following:

• Fuel tank is overfull, the fuel goes into the engine evaporative emissions electrical
control system , causing the mixture too thick and misfire.
• Misfire caused by bad combustion of improper fuel.
• Misfire caused by ignition failure that resulted in by spark plug fouling.
• Carry out basic inspection to the system according to the DTC.
CAUTION: After completion of the repairs, road test the vehicle to confirm that DTC is not

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect the wiring harness for damage, poor

contact, aging, loose or other signs.
B. Inspect the tubes for the phenomena of damage,
loose, or leakage.
C. Inspect air intake system for leakage.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2.Inspect DTC

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Start the engine, inspect engine system.
C.Inspect DTC
Is there any DTC besides P0300, P0301, P0302,
P0303 and P0304?
Go to DTC diagnosis procedure.
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-142 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-142

3. Inspect data flow

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Start engine, access to diagnosis tool engine system
data flow.
C.Inspect coolant temperature sensor ECT, air intake
pressure sensor MAP, engine rotate speed,throttle
position TPS and idling control valve IAC data flow.
Is the data flow normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the abnormal data flow.

4. Inspect the spark plug

A.Remove the spark plug on the misfire cylinder.

B.Inspect the spark plug clearance to see it is too
large or too small.
Standard clearance: 0.7 ~ 0.8 mm (0.027 ~ 0.031
C.Inspect spark plug electrode for erosion and
D.Inspect spark plug and the electrode skirt part for
wet, and the existence of a serious gasoline smell.
E.Installat the spark plug again.
Is the spark plug normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace the spark plug.

5. Inspect the ignition coil

A.Remove the ignition coil

B.Carry out ignition coil inspection process.
Refer to: Ignition Coil Test (3.3.8 Ignition
System,General Inspection).
C.Install ignition coil.
Is the ignition coil normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace ignition coil.
Refer to: Ignition Coil (3.3.8 Ignition
System,Remove and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-143 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-143

6. Inspect ignition system

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Carry out the ignition spark plug test.
Refer to: Ignition Spark Testing (3.3.8
Ignition System, General Inspection).
Is the spark plug ignition spark test normal?
Go to step 7.
Inspect the ignition system.
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for spark
plugs not flash over (3.3.8 Ignition
System,Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).
7. Inspect the fuel pressure

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Measure the fuel pressure.
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.3.7
Fuel System,General Inspection).
Is the fuel pressure is normal?
Go to step 8.
Inspect the fuel system.

8. Inspect fuel injector control circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect cylinder 1 injector wiring harness
connector E01a.
C.Connect the test electrography that with LED to the
1 and 2 terminal of E01a according to specification.
CAUTION: Note: LED must be connected
in series with 1 ~ 2 kΩ resistance,
otherwise it will damage LED or ECM .
D.Start the engine.
E.Observe if the test lamp is normally flashing.
Is the test lamp is flash normally?
Go to step 9.
Inspect fuel injector wiring harness.Repair or
replace if necessary.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-144 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-144

9.Inspect the fuel injector

A.Remove the injector from the cylinder that may in

B.Use the injector that on the other cylinders.
C.Start the engine, let the engine run at idle speed.
If the misfire ignition DTC is transplanted to another
Replace the fuel injector.
Go to step 10.

10. Inspect the compressing pressure in the cylinder

A.Inspect engine compression pressure.

Refer to: Cylinder compression Pressure
Inspection (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
General Inspection).
Is the fuel pressure normal?
Go to step 11.
Repair abnormal compression pressure fault.

11. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON" ,inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK", inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-145 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-145

DTC P0321, P0322

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Unreasonable crankshaft upper CKP sensor signal tells ECM the speed and position
dead point missing teeth signal of current crankshaft CKP sensor produces an
alternating voltage with different amplitude and
frequency.Frequency is decided by crankshaft
speed and output alternating voltage is decided by
CKP.CKP sensor cooperates with crankshaft's last
retaining 58X variable reluctance rotor.ECM
calculates ignition timing, fuel injection timing and
knock ignition control according to the output signal
P0322 Speed sensor signal default of CKP sensor and camshaft position sensor.CKP
sensor is also used to inspect misfiring and
tachometer display.ECM conveys engine rotating
speed signal to instrument by hardline.CKP sensor
signal connects with ECM wiring harness connector
S01a terminal 34 and 15 by CKP sensor wiring
harness connector E09 terminal 2 and 3.

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
• Increase one tooth correction
numeration time is bigger than
• Frequent correction to 250
increase tooth
• Decrease one tooth correction
• Frequent correction to numeration time is bigger than
decrease tooth 250
P0321 • Speed sensor signal exist • Crankshaft position sensor
• Unmonitored reference mis-tooth
but the reference mark fault
numeration time 4, more than
can not be found • Crankshaft position sensor
•6 times.
• Frequently lost reference circuit fault
mark • The correction numeration time of
• ECM fault
the lost reference mis-tooth is
more than 2,000

No crankshaft position • Phase signal register value is

signal is monitored after higher than 18
certain amount of camshaft • Relative low speed engine group
position sensor signal speed

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-146 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-146
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A.Inspect the sensor wiring harness connector E09

for loose or poor contact.
B.Inspect the sensor for proper installation.
C.Inspect sensor for normal gap.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2. Read the engine data on the diagnosis apparatus(Engine rotating speed)

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
C.Select “BOSOH - M7474”/”parameter”.
D.Start the engine
E. When the engine is running,read the engine rotating
speed data on the diagnosis tool.
Standard value reference: data flow list (3.3.12
Electronic Control System - M7, Symptom
Diagnosis and Testing).
F.If the engine cannot start,inspect the data when the
engine is rotating.
G.If the engine rotating speed on the diagnosis tool is
"0",it means the wiring harness between crankshaft
position sensor and ECM is open circuit or short
Is the data flow normal?
Intermittent fault.
Refer to: Intermittent Fault Diagnosis
procedure (3.3.12 Electrical Control
System - M7, Symptom Diagnosis and
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-147 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-147

3. Crankshaft position sensor

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect crankshaft position sensor wiring
connector E09.
C.Measure the resistance between crankshaft position
sensor terminal 2 and 3.
Standard resistance value:23 ℃ (73.4
ºF),774~946 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 4
Replace the crankshaft position sensor
Refer to: Crankshaft Position
Sensor(3.3.12 Electrical control System -
M7, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-148 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-148

4.Inspect crankshaft position sensor 2 terminal circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C. Disconnect crankshaft position sensor wiring
connector E09.
D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
1 2 3 ECM.
E. Connect the battery negative cable?
F.Measure the resistance between the 2 terminal of
crankshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E09 and the 34 terminal of ECM wiring harness
connector S01a.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
G.Measure the resistance value between the 2
terminal of crankshaft position sensor wiring
harness connector E09 and the reliable
1 2
81 63
grounding.Inspect for short circuit to ground.
62 44 Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
43 25 H.Measure the voltage between the 2 terminal of
4 5
24 6 crankshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E09 and the reliable grounding.Inspect for short
circuit to power supply
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the circuit normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair the circuit between the 2 terminal of
crankshaft position sensor E09 and the 34 terminal
of engine control module S01a.

1 2 3



1 2 3



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-149 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-149

5.Inspect crankshaft position sensor 3 terminal circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B. Disconnect crankshaft position sensor wiring
connector E09.
E09 C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
1 2 3 D.Measure the resistance between the 3 terminal of
crankshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E09 and the 15 terminal of ECM wiring harness
connector S01a.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance value between the 3
terminal of crankshaft position sensor wiring
harness connector E09 and the reliable
grounding.Inspect for short circuit to ground.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
81 63
F.Measure the voltage between the 3 terminal of
1 2
crankshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
62 44 E09 and the reliable grounding.Inspect for short
43 25 circuit to power supply
4 5
24 6
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the circuit normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair the circuit between the 3 terminal of
crankshaft position sensor E09 and the 15 terminal
of engine control module S01a.

1 2 3



1 2 3



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-150 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-150

6. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-151 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-151

DTC P0324, P0327, P0328

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Knock signal processing chip KS sensor is located on the cylinder that below the
and circuit fault intake manifold. The AC signal voltage generated
by the KS sensor changes as the vibration degree
Knock sensor signal circuit
P0327 that occurred during the engine running.
voltage is too low
Engine control module adjusts the sparkle timing
based on the amplitude and frequency of the KS
sensor signal.
Knock sensor signal circuit
P0328 ECM receives the signal of terminal 1, 2 on KS
voltage is too high
sensor wiring harness connector E06 through
terminal 19, 20 on wiring harness connector S01a.

2. Possible Causes

Test Tactics Setting Conditions(Control Strategy) Fault
• Zero test integral slope is greater than 40-
• 4 times in succession
Zero test II • Water temperature is higher than 40 ℃
• Engine rotating speed is higher than
2,500rpm,less than 5,200rpm
• Knock control is activated

• Knock control integral circuit integration value

P0324 is higher than 0.234 V

Zero test I • 4 times in succession

•Knock sensor open
• Water temperature is higher than 40 ℃ circuit fault
• Knock control is activated •Knock sensor fault

• When pulse test occurs,the control circuit • ECM fault

integration value is less than 3.71V
Test pulse
• 4 times in succession
• Water temperature is higher than 40 ℃

• Knock identification reference voltage 0.097

Signal range V~2.05 V,
inspect is low
• 25 figures in succession

• Knock identification reference voltage

Signal range 9V~120V
inspect is high
• 25 figures in succession

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-152 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-152
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect KS sensor for physical damage.

B. Inspect KS sensor to see if the installation is
proper ,the torque is too tight or too loose will all
lead to the set of fault diagnosis code.
C. Inspect the installation surface of KS sensor for
burr,overlab or foreign body.
D. Knock sensor must be far away from hose,bracket
and engine circuit.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2. Inspect data flow

A.Connect diagnosis tool.

B. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
C. Select "engine"/"read data flow"/"knock sensor
signal 1,knock sensor signal 2, ignition advance
angle,engine rotating speed".
D. Start the engine ,let the engine running to the
normal working temperature.
E. Road test to read the data flow that display on the
diagnosis apparatus.
Is the data flow normal?
Refer to: Intermittent Fault Diagnosis
procedure(3.3.12 Electrical Control
System - M7, Symptom Diagnosis and
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-153 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-153

3. Inspect knock sensor

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the knock sensor wiring harness
connector S24.
C.Measure the resistance between knock sensor
terminal 1 and 2.
Standard voltage value:25 ℃ (77 ºF) higher than
D. Connect knock sensor wiring harness connector
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 4.
Replace knock sensor,
Refer to: Knock Sensor(3.3.12 Electrical
Control System - M7, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-154 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-154

4.Inspect knock sensor terminal 1 circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
S24 C. Disconnect the knock sensor wiring harness
connector S24.
D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
1 2 3 ECM.
E.Measure the resistance value between the 1
terminal of knock sensor wiring harness connector
S24 and the 19 terminal of ECM wiring harness
connector S01a .Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
F.Measure the resistance value between the 1 terminal
of knock sensor wiring harness connector S24 and
the reliable grounding.Inspect for short circuit to
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
81 63
1 2
G. Measure the voltage value between the 1 terminal
62 44
of knock sensor wiring harness connector S24 and
43 25 the reliable grounding.Inspect for to-power supply
4 5
24 6
short circuit.
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the circuit normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair the default circuit between knock sensor
wiring harness connector S24 terminal 1 and engine
control module wiring harness connector S01a
terminal 19.

1 2 3



1 2 3



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-155 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-155

5.Inspect knock sensor terminal 2 circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the knock sensor wiring harness
connector S24.
C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
1 2 3 D.Measure the resistance value between the 2
terminal of knock sensor wiring harness connector
S24 and the 20 terminal of ECM wiring harness
connector S01a .Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance value between the 2
terminal of knock sensor wiring harness connector
S24 and the reliable grounding.Inspect for short
circuit to ground.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Measure the voltage value between the 2 terminal
81 63
1 2 of knock sensor wiring harness connector S24 and
62 44 the reliable grounding.Inspect for to-power supply
43 25
short circuit.
4 5 Standard voltage:0 V
24 6
Is the circuit normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair the default circuit between knock sensor
wiring harness connector S24 terminal 2 and engine
control module wiring harness connector S01a
terminal 20.

1 2 3



1 2 3



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-156 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-156

6. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-157 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-157

DTC P0340, P0341, P0342, P0343

DTC Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Phase sensor is installed in Camshaft position (CMP) sensor is used to inspect
improper position camshaft position and connect with crankshaft
position so that ECM determines the cylinder which
Unreasonable phase sensor
P0341 injects fuel.
Camshaft position sensor circuit includes the
Phase sensor signal circuit short following circuits:
circuit to the ground
•Reference voltage: ECM control main relay offers
reference voltage to CMP sensor by CMP sensor
wiring harness connector E10a terminal 3.
• Signal circuit: ECM receive signal voltage of
Phase sensor signal circuit short terminal 2 on CMP sensor wiring harness
circuit to the power connector E10a through terminal 79 on ECM
wiring harness connector S01a.
•Grounding circuit: CMP sensor is grounded by
wiring harness connector E10a terminal 1.

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
• Phase signal register value is equal to
255 or 0
P0340 Poor contact
• Phase signal register value is higher
than 4
•Phase sensor circuit fault
•Phase signal register value is higher
•Phase sensor fault
than 0, lower than 255
P0341 Poor contact •Phase signal wheel is
• Phase signal register value is not
equal to 170 or 85 damaged.
• ECM fault
Short circuit to • Phase signal register value is equal to
ground 0

Short circuit to • Phase signal register value is equal to

power supply 255

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-158 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-158
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect sensor wiring harness connectorE10a for

loose or poor contact.
B. Inspect sensor for proper installation.
C. Inspect sensor for normal gap,
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2. Inspect camshaft position sensor power supply circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the camshaft position sensor wiring
harness connector E10a.
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D. Measure the resistance value between terminal 3 of
camshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E10a and reliable grounding.
1 2 3
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
E10a Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the circuit default between camshaft position
sensor wiring harness connector E10a terminal 3
and main relay ER03 terminal 87.

3. Inspect camshaft position sensor grounding circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the camshaft position sensor wiring
harness connector E10a.
C. Measure the resistance value between terminal 1 of
camshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E10a and reliable grounding.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
1 2 3 Is resistance normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the circuit default between camshaft position
sensor wiring harness connector E10a terminal 1
and grounding point G6G01.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-159 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-159

4.Inspect camshaft position sensor signal circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C. Disconnect the camshaft position sensor wiring
E10a harness connector E10a.
D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
1 2 3 ECM.
E. Connect the battery negative cable?
F.Measure the resistance between the 2 terminal of
camshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E10a and the 79 terminal of ECM wiring harness
connector S01a. Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
G.Measure the resistance value between the 2
terminal of camshaft position sensor wiring harness
S01a connector E10a and the reliable grounding.Inspect
81 63
for short circuit to ground.
1 2
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
62 44
3 H.Measure the voltage between the 2 terminal of
43 25
camshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
4 5
24 6 E10a and the reliable grounding.Inspect for short
circuit to ground.
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the circuit normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the fault circuit between terminal 2 of
camshaft position sensor wiring harness connector
E10a and terminal 79 of ECM wiring harness
connector S01a.

1 2 3



1 2 3



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-160 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-160

5. Inspect camshaft position sensor signal wheel

A. Inspect camshaft position sensor signal wheel

installation location and tooth form.
Is the camshaft position sensor signal wheel
Go to step 6.
Replace or repair the camshaft position sensor
signal wheel.
Refer to: Rocker/Rocker Shaft and
Camshaft (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
6.Inspect engine control modulecircuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-161 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-161

DTC P0420
1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

ECM monitors conversion efficiency of TWC
by front and rear oxygen sensors of TWC.ECM
achieves closed-loop control for air-fuel ratio
by front oxygen sensor and monitors oxygen
content of wasted gas without TWC
Three way catalytic converter oxygen purification.Rear oxygen sensor conveys
P0420 storage capacity aging (exceed the oxygen content of wasted gas with TWC
emission limits) purification to ECM by pressure signal.ECM
calculates whether TWC is in normal operation
conditions compared with front and rear
oxygen sensor signal.If the monitored
conversion efficiency of TWC is too low, the
trouble light will be on and DTC is set.

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
•If coolant temperature is greater than
70 ℃ (158 ºF), fuel system is in
closed-loop status and vehicle runs
with idling stop after travelling at a •Front oxygen sensor
uniform speed. The system calculates •Rear oxygen ensor
Hardware Circuit
P0420 the oxygen storage time of three-way
Inspection •Three-way catalytic converter
catalytic converter compared with
front and rear oxygen sensor signal. •Exhaust leak
When weighted oxygen storage time
is less than the setting valve value,
the system reports the fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-162 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-162
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A. Inspect catalytic converter for following damage.

•There is damage, dent or hole in catalytic converter.
•As catalytic converter is too hot lead to serious
•There is fracture inside the catalytic converter.
Catalytic converter is leaking.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Replace catalytic converter.

2. Inspect the exhaust gas leak.

A.Start the engine

B.Inspect if there is exhasut leakage between engine
and front oxygen sensor.
C. Inspect if there is exhasut leakage between engine
and rear oxygen sensor.
Is there any exhasut leakage?
Repair the leakage faut.
Go to step 3.

3. Inspect engine mechanical problem

A. Inspect if exhaust is with black smoke and too

much blue smoke as the internal problems of the
Does the exhaust gas emit with too much black
smoke and blue smoke?
Repair engine mechanical.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-163 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-163

4.Inspect oxygen sensor aging (a new rear oxygen sensor and a aged front oxygen sensor be together may lead
to the set of symptom code).

A. Inspect repair record to see if the oxygen sensor

has been replaced.
If the rear oxygen sensor has been replaced while
the front oxygen sensor has not been replaced?
Replace front oxygen sensor as needed.
Replace catalytic converter.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-164 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-164

DTC P0444, P0458, P0459

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Carbon canister control valve The working voltage of carbon canister control valve
control circuit open circuit is offered to carbon canister control valve control
wiring harness connector E14 terminal 1 by main
Carbon canister control valve
P0458 relay controlled by ECM.
control circuit voltage too low
Control circuit: ECM controls carbon canister control
valve wiring harness connector E14 terminal 2
Carbon canister control valve
P0459 grounding by wiring harness connector S01a
control circuit voltage too high
terminal 46.

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
P0444 •Open circuit •Solenoid valve
Hardware Circuit
P0458 •Short circuit to ground •Solenoid valve circuit
P0459 •Short circuit to power •ECM

3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Use the diagnosis tool to carry out carbon canister solenoid valve active test

A.Connect the diagnosis tool to "fault diagnosis

B.Disconnect the vacuum pipe from carbon canister
solenoid valve to active carbon canister.
C. Start the engine,open the diagnosis tool.
D.Go to menu as follows: parameter adjustment test /
carbon canister scouring rate.
E.Adjust carbon canister control valve scouring rate by
diagnosis tool is to operate carbon canister control
valve and cover solenoid valve vacuum connector
with fingers.
Is there vacuum suction?
Refer to: Intermittent Fault Diagnosis
procedure (3.3.12 Electrical Control
System - M7, Symptom Diagnosis and
Go to step 2.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-165 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-165

2. Inspect carbon canister solenoid valve resistance value

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the active carbon canister solenoid valve
wiring harness connector E14.
C.Measure the resistance between the two terminals
of the active carbon canister solenoid valve.
Standard resistance: 20 ℃ (68 ℉ ) 19 ~ 22 Ω
D.Disconnect the active carbon canister solenoid
valve wiring harness connector E14.
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace the carbon canister solenoid valve.

3.Inspect carbon canister solenoid valve power supply circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect carbon canister solenoid valve wiring
harness connector E14.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D.Measure the voltage value between the 1 terminal of
active carbon canister solenoid valve wiring harness
connector E14 and reliable grounding.
1 2 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
E.Connect carbon canister solenoid valve wiring
harness connector E14.
A3312093 Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the circuit default between carbon canister
solenoid valve wiring harness connector E14
terminal 1 and main relay ER03 terminal 87.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-166 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-166

4.Inspect carbon canister solenoid valve control circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect carbon canister solenoid valve wiring
harness connector E14.
E14 C.Disconnect the engine control module wiring
harness connector S01a.
D.Measure the resistance between the 2 terminal of
1 2
carbon canister solenoid valve wiring harness
connector E14 and the 46 terminal of ECM wiring
harness connector S01a.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance value between the 2
terminal of carbon canister solenoid valve wiring
harness connector E14 and reliable grounding.
Inspect for short circuit to ground.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
81 63
F.Measure the voltage between the 2 terminal of
1 2
carbon canister solenoid valve wiring harness
62 44 connector E14 and reliable grounding.Inspect for
43 25 short circuit to power supply.
4 5
24 6
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the circuit normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the fault circuit between the 2 terminal of
carbon canister solenoid valve wiring harness
connector E14 and the 46 terminal of ECM wiring
harness connector S01a.

1 2



1 2



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-167 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-167

5.Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-168 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-168

DTC P0480,P0691,P0692
1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Cooling fan relay control circuit Radiator fan coil operating power is supplied by the
open circuit. main relay under the control of ECM, ECM controls
the relay through terminal 50 of ECM wiring harness
Cooling fan relay control circuit
P0691 connector S01a. There is a drive circuit control relay
voltage is too low.
coil equipped within the ECM for grounding.
Drive circuit provides a feedback circuit for ECM,
Cooling fan relay control circuit ECM determines the control circuit open , short
voltage is too high. circuit to ground or to power supply through
monitoring the feedback voltage.

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
code Strategy)
P0480 Open circuit •Circuit
Hardware Circuit
P0691 Short circuit to ground •Relay and fuse
P0692 Short circuit to power •Fan motor.

3. Diagnosis Procedure
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for electrical fan low speed not run (3.3.4 Cooling System,
Symptom Diagnosis and Test).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-169 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-169

DTC P0506,P0507
1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Idle speed control speed less The engine control module ECM wiring harness
than the target idle speed connector S01a terminal 64, 65, 66, 67 is connected
Idle speed control speed higher with idle speed control valve wiring harness
P0507 connector E05a terminal 1, 4, 3 and 2.
than the target idle speed

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
•Control integration reaches the
minimum value
•The difference between static state
and actual speed is smaller than 100
Stepper motor is rpm
P0506 stuck in the position
• Idle state
with small opening.
•Engine coolant temperature is higher
than 80.3 ℃
•Air intake teperature is higher than
•Air Intake system
20.3 ℃
•Throttle body
•Idle integration reaches the minimum
•The difference between static state
and actual speed is smaller than 200
Stepper motor is rpm
P0507 stuck in the position
• Idle state
with large opening.
• Carbon canister is at non-high wash
• Vehicle speed sensor diagnosis
complete and with no fault

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-170 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-170
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Inspect air intake system

A.Inspect air intake system for the following issues.

Throttle:Air filter is dirty,the impurity that be trapped in
the air intake pipe.
Leakage:Air intake connector,air filter housing and
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2.Inspect throttle body state

A. Use a straight ruler to inspect if there is carbon

deposition ,other throttle ,and throttle disc bent at
throttle body. If the throttle disc can not close
completely,it may bent and need to be replaced.
B.While the vehicle is running, use your hand to knock
IAC motor gently ,and listen to the sound of idle
speed rising.
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fault,replace the throttle body when

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-171 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-171

3. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect the
43 25 grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-172 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-172

DTC P0508, P0509, P05119

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Stepper motor driver pin-to- ECM controls engine idle speed by adjusting
ground short circuit position of IAC valve core.IAC valve includes two
stepper motors driven by internal coil.Movement of
Stepper motor driver pin-to-
P0059 idle speed air control valve is controlled by four
power supply short circuit
circuits.Driver inside ECM controls polarity of two
windings inside idle speed air control valve by
circuits and ECM rotates clockwise or anticlockwise
by command IAC.IAC valve motor is connected to
idle speed air control valve spindle by driving
screws. Electrical pulse delivered by ECM to IAC
valve coil allows spindle to stretch or shrink into the
passage of throttle.The air passes through throttle
Stepper motor driver pins exist valve by spindle shrink to increase air flows and
P011 at the same time more than one improve engine rotation speed.When pivot stretches
type of faults the air flow is reduced and the speed of engine is
decreased.DTC is set if engine control module
monitors that rotation speed of engine is not in the
expected range.
Engine control module ECM wiring harness
connector S01a terminal 64, 65, 66 and 67 is
connected with idle speed control valve wiring
harness connector E05a terminal 1, 4, 3 and 2.

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
P0058 •Open circuit •Stepper motor circuit
Hardware Circuit
P0059 •Short circuit to ground •Stepper motor
P011 •Short circuit to power •ECM

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-173 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-173
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection

A.Inspect the idle control valve wiring harness

connector E05a for loose or poor contact.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.

2.Inspect Idle control valve.

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the idle control valve wiring harness
connector E05a.
C.Measure the resistance value of idle speed control
Standard resistance value:
Measure terminal 1 - 4, 2- 3 40 ~ 50 Ω
Measure terminal1-3,2-4 10 MΩ or more
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace idle speed control valve.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-174 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-174

3. Inspect idle speed control valve terminal 1 circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C.Disconnect the idle control valve wiring harness
E05a connector E05a.
D.Disconnect the engine control module wiring harness
1 2 3 4 connector S01a.
E.Connect the battery negative cable?
F.Measure the resistance between the 1 terminal of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05a and the
64 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector S01a .
Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
G.Measure the resistance between the 1 terminal of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05a and the
reliable grounding.Inspect for short circuit to ground.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
81 63
1 2
H.Measure the voltage between the 1 terminal of idle
62 44
control valve wiring harness connector E05a and the
43 25 reliable grounding. Inspect for short circuit to power.
4 5
24 6 Standard voltage:0 V
Is the circuit normal?
A3312097 Go to step 4.
Repair the fault circuit between the 1 terminal of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05a and the
64 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector S01a.


1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-175 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-175

4. Inspect idle speed control valve terminal 2 circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C. Disconnect the idle control valve wiring harness
E05a connector E05a.
D. Disconnect the engine control module wiring harness
1 2 3 4 connector S01a.
E. Connect the battery negative cable?
F.Measure the resistance between the 2 terminal of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05a and the
67 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector S01a .
Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
G.Measure the resistance between the 2 terminal of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05a and the
reliable grounding.Inspect for short circuit to ground.
81 63
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
1 2

62 44
H.Measure the voltage between the 2 terminal of idle
3 control valve wiring harness connector E05a and the
43 25
reliable grounding. Inspect for short circuit to power.
Standard voltage:0 V
4 5
24 6

Is the circuit normal?

A3312100 Go to step 5.
Repair the fault circuit between the 2 terminal of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05a and the
67 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector S01a.

1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-176 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-176

5. Inspect idle speed control valve terminal 3 circuit

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Disconnect the idle control valve wiring harness
connector E05a.
C. Disconnect the engine control module wiring harness
connector S01a.
1 2 3 4 D.Measure the resistance between the 3 terminal of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05a and the
66 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector S01a
.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance between the 3 terminal of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05a and the
reliable grounding.Inspect for short circuit to ground.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more

S01a F.Measure the voltage between the 3 terminal of idle

control valve wiring harness connector E05a and the
1 2
81 63 reliable grounding. Inspect for short circuit to power.
62 44 Standard voltage:0 V
43 25 Is the circuit normal?
4 5
24 6 Yes
Go to step 6.
A3312103 Repair the fault circuit between the 3 terminal of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05a and the
66 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector S01a.

1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-177 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-177

6. Inspect idle speed control valve terminal 4 circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C.Disconnect the idle control valve wiring harness
E05a connector E05a.
D.Disconnect the engine control module wiring harness
connector S01a.
1 2 3 4
E.Measure the resistance between the 4 terminal of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05a and the
65 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector S01a
.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
F.Measure the resistance between the 4 terminal of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05a and the
reliable grounding.Inspect for short circuit to ground.
S01a Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
1 2
81 63
G.Measure the voltage between the 4 terminal of idle
62 44 control valve wiring harness connector E05a and the
3 reliable grounding. Inspect for short circuit to power.
43 25

4 5
Standard voltage:0 V
24 6
Is the circuit normal?
Go to step 7.
A3312106 No
Repair the fault circuit between the 4 terminal of idle
control valve wiring harness connector E05a and the
65 terminal of ECM wiring harness connector S01a.

1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-178 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-178

7. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect the
43 25 grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-179 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-179

DTC P0560, P0562, P0563

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

System battery voltage signal is ECM power supply is consist of the following
unreasonable circuits:

System battery voltage is too Battery offers power to ECM by fuse EF03 and IF 07
P0562 through ECM wiring harness connector S01a
terminal 12.
When the ignition swith turn to position "ON",the
fuse IF08 supplies power to terminal 13 of engine
control module connector S01a.
When ECM detects battery voltage at terminal 13 of
System battery voltage is too ECM wiring harness S01a,terminal 14 of E01
P0563 controlled by ECM connects to ground to control the
main relay to engage.
After the main relay engages,battery provides power
to ECM through fuse EF05 and main relay by the
terminal 63, 44, 45 of ECM wiring harness connector

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
P0560 • Battery voltage value less than 2.5V

•The starting time is greater than 180 s.

Lower limit value •Generator
P0562 •Battery voltage value is bigger than
exceeding • ECM power supply circuit
2.5 V,lower than 10.5 V
• Battery voltage value more than
Upper limit value 17.02V
•Vehicle speed greater than 25 km/h

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-180 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-180
3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.Inspect fuse and fuse power.

A.Inspect fuse EF03, EF05 and IF07 and power

Is fuse and power supply normal?
Go to step 2.
Replace rated fuse or repair fuse power circuit.

2.Inspect main relay ER03 and circuit.

A.Inspect working conditions of main relay ER03.

B.Inspect main relay ER03 terminal 30, 86 and 85.
Is main relay ER03 and terminal circuit normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace relay of the same type or repair default

3.Inspect ECM power supply voltage

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the negative cable.
S01a C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
81 63 ECM.
1 2

62 44
D.Connect the battery negative wiring harness.
3 E.Measure the voltage between ECM wiring harness
43 25
connector S01a terminal 12 and reliable grounding.
4 5
24 6
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
F.Use the wiring harness repairing tool to connect
terminal 14 of ECM wiring harness connector S01a
A3312033 to the ground.
G.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
H.Measure the voltage between terminal
13,44,45,63 on ECM wiring harness connector
S01a and reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the failed circuit.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-181 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-181

4. Inspect ECM grounding circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the negative cable.
S01a C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
81 63 ECM.
1 2

62 44
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 3, 51, 53,
3 61, 80 of ECM wiring harness S01a and reliable
43 25 grounding.
4 5
24 6 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step5
Repair the failed circuit.

5.Inspect charging system

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B. Inspect the battery voltage.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
C. Start the engine to normal temperature,shut down
all the equipments,change the engine rotating
speed from idle speed to 4,000 rpm.
D.Inspect engine charging voltage.
Standard voltage value:11.5 ~ 14.5 V
Is voltage normal?
Refer to: Intermittent Fault Diagnosis
procedure (3.3.12 Electrical Control
System - M7, Symptom Diagnosis and
Repair battery or charging system fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-182 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-182

DTC P0602, P0605

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Electrical control unit coding
P0602 ECM internal program processing fault,ECM power
supply and grounding abnormal.
P0605 Electrical control unit ROM fault

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
• Control unit
EEPROM fault.

•Diagnosis the •ECM

diagnosis data -
P0605 identification

3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1. Inspect the DTC

A.Connect the diagnosis tool to fault diagnosis

B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
C.Diagnosis of the engine system.
Is there any DTC besides P0602 and P0605 ?
Repair the DTC besides P0602 and P0605.
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Go to step 2.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-183 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-183

2. Inspect the engine control module circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module(3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-184 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-184

DTC P0627, P0628, P0629

1. DTC Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

Fuel pump relay control circuit Working power of oil pump relay coil is supplied by
open circuit. main relay controlled by ECM.ECM controls oil
pump relay coil grounding by ECM wiring harness
Oil pump relay control circuit
P0628 connector S01a terminal 69 to actuate oil pump
voltage is too low.
There is a drive circuit control relay coil equipped
within the ECM for grounding. Drive circuit provides
Oil pump relay control circuit
P0629 a feedback circuit to ECM, ECM determines the
voltage is too high.
control circuit open , short circuit to ground or to
voltage through monitoring the feedback voltage.

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
P0627 Open circuit •Relay
Hardware Circuit
P0628 Short circuit to ground •Relay circuit
P0629 Short circuit to power •ECM

3. Diagnosis Procedure
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for fuel pump not work. (3.3.7 Fuel System, Symptom
Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-185 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-185

DTC P0645, P0646, P0647

1. Fault Code Description

Fault Code Description Definiton

A/C compressor relay control Electric fan high and low-speed relay coil operating
circuit open circuit power is supplied by the main relay that under the
control of ECM ECM controls the internal grounding
A/C compressor relay control
P0646 and the relay pickup through terminal 70 of ECM
circuit voltage is too low.
harness connector S01a.
There is a drive circuit control relay coil equipped
within the ECM for grounding. Drive circuit provides
A/C compressor relay control
P0647 a feedback circuit to ECM, ECM determines the
circuit voltage is too high.
control circuit open , short circuit to ground or power
through monitoring the feedback voltage.

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)
P0645 Open circuit • A/C relay
Hardware Circuit
P0646 Short circuit to ground •Circuit
P0647 Short circuit to power •ECM

3. Diagnosis procedure
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure for A/C compressor not working (4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning, Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-186 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-186

DTC P0650
1. Fault Code Description

Fault code Description Definiton

Engine trouble light is controlled by ECM and ECM
turns on MIL light by instrument Panel wiring
P0650 MIL light drive circuit fault harness connector P04a terminal 10 grounding
when default code is set and trouble light is turned
on by ECM.

2. Possible Causes

Fault Setting Conditions(Control

Test Tactics Fault
Code Strategy)

Open circuit • Fault lamp circuit

Hardware Circuit
P0650 Short circuit to ground •Instrument
Short circuit to power •ECM

3. Diagnosis Procedure

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1. Inspect instrument other indicatorlampstate

A.Turn the ignition switch to position"ON".

B.Inspect the status of all the indicators.
Is there any other warning light is abnormal on
besides MIL fault indicator?
Go to step 2.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-187 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-187

2.Inspect meter power supply circuit

A.Turn ignition switch to LOCK and measure the

voltage between instrument Panel wiring harness
connector P03a terminal 16 and reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
B.Turn ignition swotch to ON and measure the voltage
between cluster instrument wiring harness
connector P03a terminal 11 and reliable grounding.
P03a Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
1 16
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair instrument cluster power circuit.

1 16


3.Inspect instrument to ground circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK”and measure the

resistance between the terminal 6 of the instrument
Panel wiring harness connector P03a and the
reliable grounding.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
B.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK”and measure the
resistance between the terminal 2 of the instrument
Panel wiring harness connector P04a and the
1 16 reliable grounding.
P03a Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
A3312111 Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair instrument Panel grounding circuit.

1 13



SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-188 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-188

7.Inspect engine control module circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
S01a ECM.
81 63 C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
1 2
power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.
62 44
3 D.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61 and 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
S01a No
81 63
1 2 Repair the circuit.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-189 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-189

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-190 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-190

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-189 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-189

Removal and Installation

Engine Control Module (ECM)
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Disconnect the engine control module wiring
harness connector 1.
3. Remove the engine control module retaining
bolt 2.
2 ×4


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

Crankshaft Position Sensor

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Disconnect the crankshaft position sensor
wiring harness connector 1.
3. Remove the crankshaft position sensor
retaining bolt 2.
Torque:11 Nm

2 1


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-190 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-190

Throttle Position Sensor

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Remove the throttle position sensor 2
retaining bolts 2.



1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

Indle Speed Stepper Motor

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-191 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-191

2. Disconnect the throttle position sensor wiring

harness connector 1.
3. Remove 2 retaining bolts 2 of idle speed
stepper motor.

2 ×2


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

Camshaft Position Sensor

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Disconnect the camshaft position sensor
wiring harness connector 1.
3. Disassemble the camshaft position sensor 2
retaining bolt 2.

Torque:11 Nm.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-192 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-192

Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Disconnect the engine coolant temperature
sensor wiring harness connector.


3. Remove engine coolant temperature sensor


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-193 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-193

Air Intake Pressure Temperature Sensor

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Disconnect the intake air pressure
temperature sensor wiring harness 1.
3. Remove 2 retaining bolts 2 of intake air
pressure temperature sensor.
×2 2


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

Fuel Injector
1. Release the fuel pressure.
Refer to: Fuel System Pressure Test (3.3.7
Fuel System,General Inspection).
2. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Inspect the battery (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
3. Disconnect the injector wiring harness
connectors in sequence.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-194 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-194

4. Disconnect the inlet pipe and return pipe of

fuel distribution pipe.



5. Disconnect fuel pressure regulator

connection hose.


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-195 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-195

6. Remove the fuel distribution pipe retaining

Torque: 23Nm


7. Remove the injector from fuel distribution

pipe and disassemble the oil pressure
1 Remove the injector retaining clip.
2 Pull out the injector.
3 Remove the retaining clip of oil pressure
regulator and disassemble the oil pressure


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-196 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-196

Front Oxygen Sensor

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Disconnect the front oxygen sensor wiring
harness connector.


3. Detach the front oxygen sensor wiring

harness from the wiring harness retaining
4. Use special tool to remove the rearfront
oxygen sensor.

Torque:45 Nm


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-197 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-197

Rear Oxygen Ensor

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Disconnect the rear Oxygen sensor wiring
harness connector 1.
3. Detach the rear oxygen sensor wiring
harness from the wiring harness retaining
4. Use special tool to remove the rear Oxygen 1 2
sensor 2.

Torque:45 Nm


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

Knock Sensor
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Disconnect the knock sensor wiring harness
3. Remove the intake manifold.
4. Remove the knock sensor retaining bolt.

Torque:11 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.3.12-198 Electrical Control System - M7 3.3.12-198
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
Manual Transmission/Transaxle,Cluth

3.4 Manual Transmission/Transaxle,Cluth

2011 SC1022
Table of Contents Pages

3.4.1 Manual transmission - MR508A10 Clutch- Overview

Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 3.4.1-1
Material Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.4.1-1
Component Specifications ........................................................................................................ 3.4.1-1
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.4.1-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 3.4.1-1
General Inspection........................................................................................................................... 3.4.1-2
Clutch Driven Disc Inspection................................................................................................... 3.4.1-2
Clutch Pressure Plate Inspection ............................................................................................. 3.4.1-2
Inspect Clutch Pedal Assembly and Cable............................................................................... 3.4.1-2
Inspect Free Stroke of Brake Pedal.......................................................................................... 3.4.1-2
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 3.4.1-3
Inspection and Verification........................................................................................................ 3.4.1-3
Symptom Chart......................................................................................................................... 3.4.1-3
Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Slippage .................................................................................. 3.4.1-7
Diagnosis Procedure that Clutch Has Clickety-Clack or is Juddering .................................... 3.4.1-10
Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Dragging ............................................................................... 3.4.1-12
Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Pedal Pulsation ..................................................................... 3.4.1-14
Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Vibration. ............................................................................... 3.4.1-16
Diagnosis Procedure of Hard Gearshift.................................................................................. 3.4.1-19
Diagnosis Procedure of Excessive Noise............................................................................... 3.4.1-21
Diagnosis Procedure of Abnormal Noises in Driving.............................................................. 3.4.1-23

3.4.2 Clutch
Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 3.4.2-1
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.4.2-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 3.4.2-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 3.4.2-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 3.4.2-2
Components Exploded View..................................................................................................... 3.4.2-3
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 3.4.2-4
Removal and Installation.................................................................................................................. 3.4.2-5
Clutch Driven Disc Assembly and Clutch Pressure Plate Assembly ........................................ 3.4.2-5

SC1022 2011.08
Manual Transmission/Transaxle,Cluth
3.4.3 Manual Transmission - MR508A10
Specifications ...................................................................................................................................3.4.3-1
General Specifications ..............................................................................................................3.4.3-1
Torque Specifications ................................................................................................................3.4.3-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................3.4.3-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................3.4.3-2
Location View............................................................................................................................3.4.3-4
Components Exploded View.....................................................................................................3.4.3-5
General Inspection .........................................................................................................................3.4.3-14
Manual Transmission Maintenance Intervals..........................................................................3.4.3-14
Replace the Manual Transmission Oil ....................................................................................3.4.3-14
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ....................................................................................................3.4.3-15
Disassembly and Assembly ...........................................................................................................3.4.3-17
Transmission Disassembling ..................................................................................................3.4.3-17
Disassembling of the Input Shaft ............................................................................................3.4.3-25
Disassembling of the Main Shaft ............................................................................................3.4.3-26
Installation of Main Shaft.........................................................................................................3.4.3-38
Input Shaft Installation ............................................................................................................3.4.3-48
Transmission Assembling .......................................................................................................3.4.3-49
Removal and Installation ................................................................................................................3.4.3-56
Reverse Lamp Switch .............................................................................................................3.4.3-56
Speed Sensor .........................................................................................................................3.4.3-57
Manual Transmission..............................................................................................................3.4.3-58

3.4.4 External Control of Manual Transmission

Specifications ...................................................................................................................................3.4.4-1
Torque Specifications ................................................................................................................3.4.4-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................3.4.4-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................3.4.4-2
Components Exploded View.....................................................................................................3.4.4-3
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ......................................................................................................3.4.4-4
Inspection and Verification ........................................................................................................3.4.4-4
Symptom Chart .........................................................................................................................3.4.4-4
Diagnosis Procedure of Difficult Operation of Gearshift Mechanism ........................................3.4.4-5
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................3.4.4-6
Gearshift Mechanism ................................................................................................................3.4.4-6

SC1022 2011.08
Manual Transmission/Transaxle,Cluth
3.4.5 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch-Overview.
Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 3.4.5-1
Material Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.4.5-1
Component Specifications ........................................................................................................ 3.4.5-1
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.4.5-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 3.4.5-1
General Inspection........................................................................................................................... 3.4.5-2
Inspection Clutch Driven Disc................................................................................................... 3.4.5-2
Inspection Clutch Pressure Plate ............................................................................................. 3.4.5-2
Inspect Clutch Pedal Assembly and Cable............................................................................... 3.4.5-2
Inspect Free Stroke of Brake Pedal.......................................................................................... 3.4.5-2
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 3.4.5-3
Inspection and Verification........................................................................................................ 3.4.5-3
Symptom Chart......................................................................................................................... 3.4.5-3
Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Slippage .................................................................................. 3.4.5-7
Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Chatter and Shudder............................................................... 3.4.5-9
Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Dragging ............................................................................... 3.4.5-11
Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Pedal Pulsation ..................................................................... 3.4.5-13
Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Vibration. ............................................................................... 3.4.5-15
Diagnosis Procedure of Hard Gearshift.................................................................................. 3.4.5-18
Diagnosis Procedure of Excessive Noise............................................................................... 3.4.5-20
Diagnosis Procedure of Abnormal Noises in Driving.............................................................. 3.4.5-22

3.4.6 Manual Transmission- MR510B04

Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 3.4.6-1
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 3.4.6-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 3.4.6-2
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 3.4.6-3
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 3.4.6-3
Gearshift Principle .................................................................................................................... 3.4.6-3
Location View ........................................................................................................................... 3.4.6-4
Components Exploded View..................................................................................................... 3.4.6-5
General Inspection......................................................................................................................... 3.4.6-15
Manual Transmission Maintenance Intervals ......................................................................... 3.4.6-15
Replace the Manual Transmission Oil .................................................................................... 3.4.6-15
Inspect the Manual Transmission Oil...................................................................................... 3.4.6-15
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing.................................................................................................... 3.4.6-16

SC1022 2011.08
Manual Transmission/Transaxle,Cluth
Disassembly and Assembly ...........................................................................................................3.4.6-17
Transmission Disassembling ..................................................................................................3.4.6-17
Disassembling of the Input Shaft ............................................................................................3.4.6-29
Disassembling of the Output Shaft .........................................................................................3.4.6-33
Disassembling of Intermediate Shaft ......................................................................................3.4.6-36
Assembling of Intermediate Shaft ...........................................................................................3.4.6-45
Output Shaft Assembling ........................................................................................................3.4.6-52
Input Shaft Assembling ...........................................................................................................3.4.6-55
Transmission Assembling .......................................................................................................3.4.6-60
Removal and Installation ................................................................................................................3.4.6-70
Speed Sensor .........................................................................................................................3.4.6-70
Manual Transmission..............................................................................................................3.4.6-71
Reverse Lamp Switch .............................................................................................................3.4.6-71

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1 Manual transmission - MR508A10
Clutch- Overview
3.4.1-1 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-1

Material Specifications
Item Specifications
Transmission oil 85W/90 GL - 5

Component Specifications
Item Specifications
External diameter of clutch driven disc 179 ~ 181 mm
Internal diameter of clutch driven disc 124.2 ~ 125.8 mm
Thickness of clutch driven disc free thickness 7.9 ± 0.3 mm compression 7.2 ± 0.3 mm
Wear limit of clutch driven disc 2 mm

General Specifications
Item Specifications
Clutch type Dry clutch with diaphragm spring
Operation type Cable

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Retaining bolt of clutch pressure plate 23 17 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-2 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-2

General Inspection
Clutch Driven Disc Inspection
WARNING: Do not clean clutch driven
disc with wax-based cleaning agents or

1. Clean clutch driven disc.

2. Inspect whether clutch driven disc has:
• Oil stain
• Scorch marks
• Thickness Inspect Clutch Pedal Assembly
Wear limit: 2 mm and Cable.
• Spring damage • Inspect whether bushing is worn or
Replace clutch driven disc as necessary.
• Inspect whether spacer bush is worn or
• Inspect whether pedal arm is damaged or
• Inspect whether torsion spring is
• Inspect whether pedal pad is worn or
• Inspect whether clutch cable is worn,
deformed or damaged.

Clutch Pressure Plate Inspect Free Stroke of Brake

Inspection Pedal
1. Clean clutch pressure plate. 1. Press clutch pedal with fingers until feeling
resistance and measure the distance (free
2. Inspect clutch pressure plate: stroke of clutch pedal).
• Diaphragm spring flap for damage or 2. Inspect pedal stroke
Standard value of free stroke: 1.5 ~ 4.3 mm
• Scorch marks
3. Adjust clutch cable and clutch pedal when
• Distortion
necessary if free stroke is not in the specified
• Flat range.
Replace clutch pressure plate as necessary. 4. After inspection of clutch pedal free stroke,
inspect whether clutch works perfectly while
engine is running.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-3 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-3

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Inspection and Verification
1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect the obvious mechanical fault.
3. If the fault cause has been found, the problem must be solved before the next step,.
4. If there is no obvious cause, refer to the Symptom Chart to verify the concern.
5. Inspect clutch operation: Place a piece of wood with thickness of 25 mm under clutch pedal,
depress the clutch pedal deeply. If the transmission can be shifted into 1st and 2nd gear when the
engine is running and the parking brake is working, the clutch works regularly. Otherwise, repair the

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs and cannot be diagnosed through basic inspection, carry out diagnosis and
troubleshooting according to sequences below.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Free stroke of brake pedal Refer to: Diagnostic
procedures of clutch
•Clutch pedal bonding
slippage (3.4.1Manual
•Diaphragm spring transmission - MR508A10/
clutch-Overview, Symptom
• Clutch pressure plate
Diagnosis and Testing).
Clutch slippage •Clutch driven disc assembly
•The surface of clutch driven disc is
excessivly stiff or with oil stain
•Improper adjustment of clutch
•Engine bracket Refer to: Diagnostic
procedures of clutch
•Oil stain of clutch driven disc
juddering (3.4.1 Manual
Transmission - MR508A10/
•Diaphragm spring Clutch-Overview, Symptom
Clutch has clickety-clack or Diagnosis and Testing).
•Clutch pressure plate
is juddering
•The surface of Clutch driven disc
•Clutch cable

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-4 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-4

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Free stroke of brake pedal Refer to: Diagnosis
procedure of clutch
•Diaphragm spring
dragging (3.4.1 Manual
•Clutch driven disc Transmission - MR508A10/
Clutch-Overview, Symptom
•The surface of Clutch driven disc
Diagnosis and Testing).
Clutch dragging •Oil stain of clutch driven disc
•Flywheel bearing
•Clutch pedal.
•Improper adjustment of clutch
•Poor lubcration of the pivot of Refer to: Diagnostic
clutch & brake pedal shaft procedures of clutch pedal
pulsation (3.4.1 Manual
Clutch pedal pulsation •Flywheel
Transmission - MR508A10/
•Fatigue of Diaphragm spring Clutch-Overview, Symptom
Diagnosis and Testing).
•Clutch cable
•Engine components in contact with Refer to: Diagnostic
frame procedures of clutch
vibration (3.4.1 Manual
•Driving belt
Transmission - MR508A10/
•Flywheel bolt Clutch-Overview, Symptom
Diagnosis and Testing).
Clutch vibration
•Clutch pressure plate
•Out of balance of clutch pressure
•Installation pad or bolt or nut of the
engine isloose.
Refer to: Diagnostic
•Improper adjustment of clutch
procedures of hard shifting
(3.4.1 Manual Transmission
Hard shifting
•Free stroke of brake pedal - MR508A10/Clutch-
Overview, Symptom
•Manual transmission fault
Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-5 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-5

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Free stroke of brake pedal Refer to: Diagnostic
procedures for excessive
•Clutch release fork
noise (3.4.1 Manual
•Poor lubriction of clutch release transmission - MR508A10/
bearing clutch-Overview, Symptom
Excessive noise Diagnosis and Testing).
•Flywheel bearing
•Excessive crankshaft axial
•Clutch cable
•Replace clutch pressure plate.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc
•Inspect whether the diaphragm assembly and clutch
spring is too flexible pressure plate assembly
(3.4.2 Clutch, Removal and
•Inspect whether release fork is •Remove and reinstall speration
loose fork correctly.
•Exclude the cause of engine oil
leak, and replace driven disc

•Inspect whether there is any oil on Refer to: Clutch driven disc
Clutch makes quack noise assembly and clutch
the driven disc
pressure plate assembly
(3.4.2 Clutch, Removal and
•Replace driven disc
Refer to: Clutch driven disc
•Inspect whether damping spring of assembly and clutch
driven disc is damaged pressure plate assembly
(3.4.2 Clutch, Removal and
•Inspect if the lever has been seized •Lubricate and release the
or not. jammed lever

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-6 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-6

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Excessive wear of cable •Replace clutch cable
•Cable rusty •Replace clutch cable
•Replace clutch disc assembly
Refer to: Clutch driven disc
Clutch jammed( pedal is
•Clutch disc is weared too thin assembly and clutch
difficult to push)
pressure plate assembly
(3.4.2 Clutch, Removal and
•Inspect if the connecting lever has •Lubricate and release the
been seized or not. jammed lever
•Adjust gearshift control
mechanism, replace it as

•Gearshift control mechanism Refer to: Gearshift

Mechanism (3.4.4 Manual
Transmission External
Control, Removal and
Out of gear
•Adjust or replace.
•Self-locking mechanism Refer to: Disassembling and
•Synchronizer assembly Assembling of Transmission
(3.4.3 Manual transmission -
•Gearshift mechanism MR508A10, Disassembling
and Assembling)
•Repair or replace the
•Transimission or engine support
transmission or engine support.
•Gear wheels in transmission Refer to: Diagnostic
procedures of abnormal
•Input shaft bearing
sound during driving (3.4.1
•Output shaft bearing Manual transmission -
Abnormal noise exists while •Clutch
Overview, Symptom
driving. Diagnosis and Testing).
•Wheel bearing
•Air leak
•Universal joint

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-7 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-7

Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Slippage

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the clutch pedal slippage
A.Inspect wheel and apply parking brake.
B.Turn the ignition switch to"START” position.
C.Start engine, shift transmission into fourth gear.
D.Operate the engine at the speed of 2,000 rpm.
E.Release clutch pedal slowly.
Does the engine flameout when clutch pedal is
released completely?
Clutch is normal.
Go to step 2.
Inspect free stroke of brake pedal
A.Press clutch pedal with hands until feeling
B. Inspect pedal stroke
Is the measured dimension less than 1.5 ~ 4.3 mm?
Go to step 3.
Adjust clutch pedal stroke or bleed air on the
hydraulic system.
3. Clutch pedal maneuverability
A.Inspect the lubrication
Is the lubrication of clutch pedal shaft good?
Go to step 4.
Lubricate clutch pedal shaft.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-8 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-8

4. Inspect whether clutch system is polluted by leaking oil

A.Remove the transaxle.
Refer to: Manual Transmission( 3.4.3
Manual transmission - MR508A10,
Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect whether clutch system is polluted by oil
Is the clutch system polluted by oil leak?
Repair the oil leak.
Go to step 5.
5.Inspect the clutch driven pressure plate
A.Remove the clutch driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect whether the driven disc has oil stain and is
stiff or damaged, and inspect the thickness of the
driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc inspection
(3.4.1 Manual transmission - MR508A10/
Clutch-Overview, General Inspection).
Inspect whether clutch driven disc is normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace clutch driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-9 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-9

6.Inspect flywheel
A.Remove clutch driven disc assembly and clutch
pressure plate assembly
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect whether flywheel appears blue, has notch
wear, or there is cracks on combined section.
C.Inspect the face runout of flywheel.
Inspect whether the flywheel is normal?
Replace new clutch pressure plate.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
Repair or replace flywheel.
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block(3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-10 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-10

Diagnosis Procedure that Clutch Has Clickety-Clack or is

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect clutch chatter and shudder
A.Turn ignition switch to"START”
B.Start engine, shift transmission into first gear.
C.Operate the engine at speed range of 1,200~1,500
D.Release clutch pedal slowly.
Does the vehicle shudder at start?
Go to step 2.
Clutch is normal.
2.Inspect engine / transmission suspension bracket cushion assembly
A.Inspect whether engine/ transmission suspension
bracket cushion or bolt is damaged or loose.
Are shock insulators and roll cages of the engine/
transaxle loose or damaged
Tighten or replace bolt if necessary.
Go to step 3.
3. Inspect the clutch pressure plate
A.Remove clutch pressure plate.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
Is there any wear on the clutch pressure plate?
Replace new clutch pressure plate.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-11 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-11

4.Inspect the clutch driven disc

A.Inspect the clutch driven plate
Refer to: Clutch driven disc inspection
(3.4.1 Manual transmission - MR508A10/
Clutch-Overview, General Inspection).
Does clutch driven disc have any oil stain or scorch
replace driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
Inspect the flywheel.
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-12 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-12

Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Dragging

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the free stroke of clutch pedal
A.Inspect whether engine/ transmission suspension
bracket cushion or bolt is damaged or loose.
B.Measure pedal stroke.
Is the measured result less than 1.5 ~ 4.3 mm?
Go to step 2.
Adjust clutch cable or repair pedal fault.
2. Inspect support backing ring of clutch pressure plate diaphragm spring
A.Remove clutch pressure plate.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
Are there any wear signs of clutch pressure plate or
diaphragm spring support backing ring?
Replace new clutch pressure plate,
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-13 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-13

3. Inspect splines of clutch driven disc and transmission input shaft

A.Remove the transmission.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.3
Manual transmission - MR508A10,
Removal and Installation).
Inspect splines of clutch driven disc and
transmission input shaft.
Are splines of clutch driven disc and transmission
input shaft normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair or replace clutch driven disc or transmission
input shaft.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.3
Manual transmission - MR508A10,
Removal and Installation).

Refer to: Disassembly and assembly of

transmission (3.4.3 Manual transmission -
MR508A10,Disassembly and Assembly).
4.Inspect flywheel bearing
A.Remove the transmission.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.3
Manual transmission - MR508A10,
Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect flywheel bearing.
Inspect whether the flywheel is normal?
Disassemble transmission.
Refer to: Disassembly and assembly of
transmission (3.4.3 Manual transmission -
MR508A10,Disassembly and Assembly).
Replace flywheel bearing.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-14 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-14

Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Pedal Pulsation

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the clutch pedal
A.Inspect the lubrication of clutch pedal mechanism.
Is the lubrication of clutch pedal shaft good?
Go to step 2.
Lubricate clutch pedal shaft.
2. Inspect the clutch pressure plate
A.Remove clutch pressure plate.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
Inspect the face runout of the clutch pressure plate.
Inspect the wear level of the clutch pressure plate
release lever.
Inspect whether the clutch pressure plate is
Go to step 3.
Replace clutch pressure plate.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
3.Inspect flywheel
A.Remove clutch driven disc assembly and clutch
pressure plate assembly
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect the face runout of flywheel.
C.Inspect whether there is cracking, bluing or wearing
on flywheel surface.
Inspect whether the flywheel is normal?
Go to step 4.
Replace flywheel.
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly)

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-15 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-15

4.Inspect the clutch driven disc

A.Remove the transmission.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.3
Manual Transmission, Removal and
B.Inspect whether the driven disc is stiff or distorted,
and whether the thickness reaches the limit.
C.Inspect the face runout of the clutch driven disc.
Inspect whether the driven disc is normal?
Replace the clutch release bearing.
Refer to: Clutch (3.4.2 Clutch, Removal
and Installation).
Replace clutch driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch (3.4.2 Clutch, Removal
and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-16 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-16

Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Vibration.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the interference between engine and vehicle body
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).
B.Inspect whether there is interference between
linkage mechanism stalled in engine and vehicle
body or frame.
C.Inspect the interference between exhaust manifolds
or other engine components and vehicle body or
D.Installation pad or bolt or nut of the engine is loose.
Is it connected with vehicle body or frame normally?
Repair, and replace when necessary.
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the vibration caused by accessory drive
A.If the engine torque changes, inspect the accessory
vibration when the clutch is released or combined.
B.Loosen accessory transmission belt to inspect the
Does the vibration stop when the accessory
transmission belt is removed?
Repair or replace accessory transmission belt.
Refer to: Accessory drive belt (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect noise of the release bearing
A.Turn the ignition switch to"START” position.
B.Depress the clutch pedal and hold it.
Is there any harsh grating?
Replace the clutch slave cylinder.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-17 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-17

4. Inspect the clutch pressure plate

A.Remove clutch pressure plate.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect the face runout of the clutch pressure plate.
C.Inspect the wear level of the clutch pressure plate
release lever.
Inspect whether the clutch pressure plate is
Go to step 5.
Replace new clutch pressure plate,
Refer to: :Clutch driven disc assembly
and clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
5.Inspect the clutch driven disc
A.Remove clutch driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect whether the driven disc is stiff or distorted,
and whether the thickness reaches the limit.
C.Inspect the face runout of the clutch driven disc.
Inspect whether the driven disc is normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace clutch driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-18 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-18

6.Inspect flywheel
A.Remove clutch driven disc assembly and clutch
pressure plate assembly.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect whether the flywheel bolts loosen.
C.Inspect the loss of flywheel roundness.
D.Inspect the face runout of flywheel
Inspect whether the flywheel is normal?
Diagnose the fault of engine vibration.
Fasten or replace flywheel.
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-19 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-19

Diagnosis Procedure of Hard Gearshift.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the clutch system
A.Inspect whether the clutch system is completely
released, combines reliably.
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure of clutch
dragging (3.4.1 Manual Transimission-
MR508A10/Clutch, General Inspection,
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).
Inspect whether the clutch system is normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the clutch system.
2.Inspect gearshift control mechanism
A.Inspect gearshift control mechanism
Is gearshift control mechanism normal?
Go to step 3.
Adjust or replace gearshift mechanism.
Refer to: Gearshift mechanism (3.4.4
External Control of Manual Transmission/

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-20 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-20

3.Inspect interior gearshift fork, fork shaft and assembly of synchronizer, self-locking mechanism
A.Remove the transmission.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.3
Manual Transmission, Removal and
B.Disassemble transmission.
Refer to: Disassembly and assembly of
transmission (3.4.3 Manual transmission -
MR508A10,Disassembly and Assembly)
C.Inspect whether gearshift fork and fork shaft is
D.Inspect whether assembly of synchronizer is
E.Inspect self-lock mechanism.
F.Inspect whether transmission shaft is deformed or
spline is damaged. Inspect whether interior
gearshift fork, fork shaft, synchronizer,self-lock
mechanism and transmission are normal?
Inspect whether interior gearshift fork, fork shaft,
synchronizer, and self-lock mechanism are
Replace engine or transmission supports.
Repair interior fault of transmission.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-21 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-21

Diagnosis Procedure of Excessive Noise

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect whether there is any craking, loss, and
damage engine and transmission supports
B. Inspect whether transmission interferes with
exhaust pipes or vehicle body, and whether
transimission support has foreign material, such as
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the noise in the releasing infancy of the clutch
A.Start the engine
B.Depress the clutch pedal softly, but not to the
Is there any noise?
Replace the clutch release bearing.
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the noise when the clutch is completely released
A.Start the engine.
B.Depress the clutch pedal to the bottom.
C.Control the accelerator pedal to change the engine
rotating speed.
Is there any noise when the speed is changing?
Replace guide bearings.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-22 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-22

4. Inspect the noise when the clutch is combined

A.Remove the transmission.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect the wear of the torsional spring.
Are there any wear signs?
Replace new clutch driven disc,
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
Go to step 5.
5. Inspect the noises at neutral and other positions
WARNING: To avoid personal injury caused by out of control, road test should be
conducted by two persons jointly in order to maintain safe driving. Be sure to control
steering wheel properly. Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury.
A.Turn the ignition switch to"START” position.
B.Start the engine at neutral gear.
C.Inspect noises at neutral or other gears.
Is there any noise of the transmission?
Inspect and repair transmission.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.3
Manual transmission - MR508A10,
Removal and Installation).

Refer to: Disassembly and assembly of

transmission (3.4.3 Manual transmission -
MR508A10,Disassembly and Assembly)
Inspect the engine system noises.
Refer to: Abnormal interior noises under
the engine (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-23 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-23

Diagnosis Procedure of Abnormal Noises in Driving

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).
B.Inspect wheel tire pressure, tire tread wear and tire
C.Inspect retaining bolt of the suspension, connection
rubber bushing and buttonhead.
D.Inspect whether the universal joint is loosen.
Is it Normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair or replace the failed component.
2. Inspect wind noise
WARNING: To avoid personal injury caused by out of control, road test should be
conducted by two persons jointly in order to maintain safe driving. Be sure to control
steering wheel properly. Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury.
A.Road test vehicles.
B.Inspect the wind noises following the speed change.
Is there wind noise following the speed change.
Repair fault of wind noises.
Go to step 3.
3. Inspect the clutch system
A.Start the engine, and keep it at the neutral position.
B.Operate the clutch, and Inspect whether there is
abnormal noise at the combination or release of the
Is the clutch normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair and replace new components before a road

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.1-24 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 Clutch-General 3.4.1-24

4. Inspect transmission
WARNING: To avoid personal injury caused by out of control, road test should be
conducted by two persons jointly in order to maintain safe driving. Be sure to control
steering wheel properly. Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury.
A.Road test vehicles.
B.Inspect whether there is any impact noise of gear
wheel when shifting.
C.Inspect whether there is any abnormal noise at
each gear.
Is the transmission normal?
Refer to: Diagnostic procedures for noise
(1.1.5 Noise, Vibration and Harshness,
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).
Repair the transmission.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.3
Manual transmission - MR508A10,
Removal and Installation).

Refer to: Disassembly and assembly of

transmission (3.4.3 Manual transmission -
MR508A10, Disassembly and Assembly).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.2 Clutch

3.4.2-1 Clutch 3.4.2-1

General Specifications
Item Specifications
Type Dry clutch with diaphragm spring
Operation type cable

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Retaining bolt of clutch pressure plate 23 17 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.2-2 Clutch 3.4.2-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Clutch includes one clutch driven disc assembly and one pressure plate assembly fixed with flywheel. In
the normal working condition, the clutch driven disc assembly, under the pressure of the clutch pressure
plate assembly during the connection by flywheel gear, transport engine power to transmission
When the clutch pedal is depressed completely, clutch driven disc assembly is separated from clutch
pressure plate assembly, and clutch driven disc assembly can’t transfer engine power to transmission
assembly; when the pedal is completely released, clutch pressure plate assembly compresses clutch
driven disc assembly, and clutch driven disc assembly transfers engine power to transmission assembly.
Function of clutch mainly involves: connecting engine with drive device to ensure smooth start;
disconnecting engine with drive device temporarily to reduce shocks for transmission gear while
changing gear to ensure smooth operation of drive device and vehicle; absorbing energy by slippage of
clutch while applying emergency brakes to prevent components of drive device from overloading and



Item Item Item Item

1 Flywheel gear assembly 3 Clutch pressure plate
2 Clutch driven disc -

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.2-3 Clutch 3.4.2-3

Components Exploded View


3 5

6 10 12


Item Description Item Description

1 Clutch driven disc assembly 7 Clutch release fork bracket bolt
2 Clutch pressure plate assembly 8 Clutch release fork return spring
3 Retaining bolt of clutch pressure plate 9 Clutch release fork return spring bracket
4 Clutch release bearing 10 Clutch release fork clip
5 Release bearing clip 11 Front box observation hole cover.
6 Clutch release fork 12 Clutch release support

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.2-4 Clutch 3.4.2-4

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Refer to: Symptom Chart (3.4.1 Manual
transmission - MR508A10/Clutch,
Overview, Symptom Diagnosis and

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.2-5 Clutch 3.4.2-5

Removal and Installation

Clutch Driven Disc Assembly and Clutch Pressure Plate Assembly
1. Remove the transmission assembly.
Refer to: Tansmission Assembly (3.4.3
Manual Transmission, Removal and
2. Remove clutch pressure plate and driven disc
1. Fix flywheel assembly using special tools.
Special tool: Flywheel lock tool CA301 - 028
2. Remove 6 retaining bolt of clutch pressure
plate and friction disk.


1. Inspect the connecting surface of flywheel
and friction disk.
2. Install clutch pressure plate and friction disk

1. Fix clutch friction disk using special tools.

Special tool: Friction mounting shaft CA301 - 301-024
2. Install 6 retaining bolts of clutch pressure
plate and friction disk.

Torque:23 Nm

3. Install transmission assembly.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3 Manual Transmission -
3.4.3-1 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-1

General Specifications
Maximum input torque 85N/m / 3700rpm
Maximum input power. 42Kw / 5200rpm
1 2 3 4 5 R
Gear speed ratio
3.652 1.948 1.424 1.000 0.795 3.466
Power output Right
Odometer speed ratio 14/3
Capacity of lubricant(L) 1.3
Way of operation Long distance
Net weight(Kg) 26.18
Matching engine 465Q series, Xingka

Torque Specifications
Item Tightening Torque(Nm)
Gear shift box retaining bolt 23
Extension box retaining bolt 23
Extension box retaining nut 23
Input shaft cover retaining bolt 23
Upper box retaining bolt 23
Drain plug bolt 23
Filling hole bolt 23
Reverse lamp switch 15

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-2 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
MR508A10 transmission is triaxial manual mechanical transmission and has five forward gears and one
reverse gear. Principle of synchroniser gear shift mechanism: achieves synchronized shifting by cone
friction to avoid shock among gears while shifting gears, to extend service life of gear and provide
flexible and smooth gearshifting. Do not overexert yourself while shifting gear if it takes some time for
The appropriate speed of each forward gear:

Gear First gear Second gear Third gear Fourth gear Fifth gear
Mileage 0 ~ 15 20 ~ 30 35 ~ 45 50 ~ 60 More than 65

• The gear should be shifted within the mileage ranges.
• The mileage for different gears is different while transmission matches with different vehicles.
1The gear should be shifted within the speed ranges.
2The speed for different gears is different while transmission matches with different vehicles.

Gearshift Principle
1. As the vehicle is moving forward, you should shift as following: the acceleration shifting should be
increased from first gear to fifth gear gradually wheile deceleration shifting should be reduced from
fifth gear to first gear; it is forbidden to shift into the reverse gear when moving forward. The
transmission is equipped with reverse lock to avoid shifting from fifth gear to reverse gear by mistake
in gearshift.
2. Engage reverse gear while the vehicle stands still; If you want to engage reverse gear while driving,
engage it after stopping for 3-5s; Meanwhile, Do not engage forward gears while reversing.
CAUTION: The gearshift principle of the transmission can be ignored in emergency when

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-3 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-3
Requirement for Proper Use of Any one of the condition below can cause that
Transmission. working temperature exceeds 120 ℃ .
It is important to ensure safe driving and extend • High engine rotating speed
lifespan of transmission by proper and rational
• High ambient temperature
use of transmission and regular maintenance.
Follow the requirements below: • High power overdriving
1. Use of lubricant: 7. Working slant angle: The working slant angle
of transmission shall not exceed 15° and poor
• Inject lubricant before use of
lubrication will be offered if it exceeds
15°(working slant angle is installation angle of
• Fuel charge1.2 ~ 1.3L. transmission on the chasis plus slope angle).
• Number of lubricant:85W/90 GL - 5 CAUTION: Clutch must be seperated
2. Accurate position of oil level: make sure that thoroughly and gear shift lever should be
oil level is parallel with oil level viewport. engaged in place while shifting gears.
Inspect the oil level from oil level viewport at
the housing side. Fill the fuel until it overflows. CAUTION: Gear shift handle should be
placed in the neutral while starting or
3. Oil level inspection: oil level should be stopping vehicle.
inspected regularly and vehicle should be
parked on the level road while inspecting oil CAUTION: Park at first and then engage
level. To prevent uncertainty, the vehicle can the gear to prevent parts inside the
not be inspected suddenly and be inspected transmission from being damaged while
while the oil level is stable and temperature of engaging low gears or reverse gear.
oil is close to normal temperature because of
CAUTION: Stay for a while at neutral when
volume expansion of hot oil.
shifting gear and then engage the gear. Do
4. Add lubricant: be sure to keep the same type not skip gear, or it will shorten the life
with the former lubricant while adding span of synchroniser.
lubricant so as to prevent lubricant with
different types from chemical reaction. CAUTION: If abnormal phenomena such
as abnormal noise and heavy operation
5. Oil replacement period: Firstly replace the
are found in the transmission, debug the
lubricant for 2,000 Km.After that replace
fault and then continue to drive.
lubricant while driving every 5,000 Km.
6. Working temperature: The max and min
temperature of transmission range is from -
40℃ to 120℃ continuous working conditions.
If working temperature exceeds 120 ℃ , the
lubricant will be resolved and the service life
of transmission will be decreased.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-4 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-4

Location View
MR508A10Structure Diagram of Transmission

1 2 3 4 5 7


Item Description Item Description

1 Input shaft 6 Fifth gear
2 Fourth gear 7 Output shaft
3 Third gear 8 Intermediate shaft
4 Second gear 9 Reverse shaft
5 First gear 10 Reverse gear

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-5 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-5

Components Exploded View

1.Input shaft Component




Item Description Qty. Item Description Qty.

1 Input shaft bearing ring 1 4 Input shaft bearing 1
2 Input shaft oil seal 1 5 Input shaft assembly 1
3 Input shaft bearing gasket 1 6 Input shaft needle bearing 1

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-6 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-6
2.Intermediate Shaft Component

2 3

1 10
6 8


Item Description Qty. Item Description Qty.

1 Intermediate shaft front bearing ring 1 6 Reverse driving gear 1
Intermediate shaft front bearing
2 1 7 Fifth/reverse gear shaft sleeve 1
3 Intermediate shaft front bearing 1 8 Intermediate shaft fifth gear 1
4 Intermediate shaft 1 9 Intermediate shaft rear bearing 1
5 Intermediate shaft middle bearing 1 10 Intermediate shaft rear bearing gasket 1

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-7 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-7
3.Main Shaft Component

8 23
7 20
2 19
6 11
4 25
3 14 24
1 4 21

15 16
13 33
11 30
2 29
3 35
14 28


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-8 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-8

Item Description Qty. Item Description Qty.

1 High speed synchronizer ring 1 19 Main shaft first-gear assembly. 1
2 High-speed synchronizer gear ring 3 20 Main shaft front bearing washer 1
3 High speed synchronizer spring 4 21 Main shaft front bearing gasket 1
4 synchronizer slider 6 22 Main shaft front bearing 1
5 High-speed synchronizer gear hub 1 23 Resilient pad. 2
6 High-speed synchronizer gear sleeve 1 24 Main shaft front bearing washer 2
7 Needle bearing 1 25 Main shaft reverse gear 1
8 Input shaft third gear assembly. 1 26 Fifth-gear synchronizer slider 1
9 Main shaft 1 27 Fifth-gear synchronizer gear hub 1
10 Steel ball 3 28 Fifth-gear synchronizer gear sleeve 1
11 Needle bearing 3 29 Fifth-gear synchronizer ring 1
12 Main shaft second gear assembly 1 30 Needle bearing
13 Low-speed synchronizer gear ring 2 31 Main shaft fifth gear assembly 1
14 Wave spring 2 32 Main shaft rear bearing washer 1
15 Low speed synchronizer spring 2 33 Main shaft rear bearing
16 Low speed synchronizer gear hub 1 34 clip ring
Low speed synchronizer gear Speedometer worm lever
17 1 35
18 First-gear shaft ring 2

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-9 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-9
4.Gearshift Mechanism Component 1

5 6
4 9
3 11


18 19

Item Description Qty. Item Description Qty.

1 Gear shift box 1 13 Guide screw 1
2 Steel ball 1 14 Gear shift box pin 1
3 Return spring 1 15 Gear shift shaft assembly 1
4 Return spring bolt 1 16 O-Sealing 1
5 Gear shift box bolt 1 3 17 Transposition shaft assembly 1
6 Transposition rocker arm assembly 1 18 Gear shift shaft sealing 1
7 Transposition shaft dust boot 1 19 Gear shift shaft first spring 1
8 M8 nut 1 20 Gear shift shaft washer 1
9 Spring washer 8 1 21 Gear shift swing link 1
10 Flat washer 8 1 22 Reverse limit card 1
11 Gear shift box bolt 2 1 23 Gear shift return spring 1
12 Vent plug 1

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-10 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-10
5.Gearshift Mechanism Component 2

5 6




Item Description Qty. Item Description Qty.

1 Third and fourth gear fork 1 6 Fifth reverse gear shift lever 1
2 First and second gear fork 1 7 Gear shift locking spring 3
3 Fifth/reverse gear fork 1 8 Gear shift locking steel ball 5
Third and fourth gear shift lever
4 1 9 Gearshift interlock pin 1
5 First and second gear shift lever 1 10 Fork pin 3

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-11 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-11
6.Reverse Gear Shaft Component


Item Description Qty. Item Description Qty.

1 Reverse gear idling gear washer 1 4 Cylindrical pin 1
2 Reverse gear idling gear assembly 1 5 Clip ring 1
3 Reverse gear shaft 1

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-12 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-12
7.Clutch Mechanism Component

8 9 4

5 5


Item Description Qty. Item Description Qty.

1 Clutch release bearing 1 6 Clutch arm 1
2 Clutch fork shaft assembly 1 7 Bolt 1
3 Clutch fork pin 1 8 Flat washer 8 1
4 Clutch fork return spring 1 9 M8 nut 1
5 Clutch fork shaft sleeve 2

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-13 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-13
8.Transmission Case and External Components

6 4 5

4 11 17
5 16
7 9 28
14 18

13 24 26


Item Description Qty. Item Description Qty.

1 Upper box 1 15 Bolt 1
2 Lower box 1 16 Stud bolt 1
3 Closing pin 4 17 Extension box nut 1
4 Bolt 4 18 Extension box oil seal 1
5 Bolt 3 19 Oil inlet plug 1
6 Bolt 1 20 Oil drain plug 1
7 Bolt 1 21 Lifting lug 1
8 Input shaft damper 1 22 Cope hole cap 1
9 Bolt 8 23 Speedometer worm gear 1
10 Viewport cover 1 24 Speedometer worm gear shaft sleeve 1
11 Reversing lamp switch assembly 1 25 Worm gear oil seal 1
12 Extension box 1 26 O-ring seal 1
13 Bolt 3 27 O-ring seal 1
14 Bolt 5 28 Speedometer backstop screw 1

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-14 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-14

General Inspection Replace the Manual

Manual Transmission Transmission Oil
Maintenance Intervals 1. Stop the engine before replacing; lift the
vehicle horizontally.
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
First level maintenance: Inspect liquid level of Description and Operation).
lubricant and match oil level with lower side of
refilling cap. Low oil level may cause poor 2. Inspect the oil level and leaking when Lift the
lubrication and burning bearing & gear off, high oil vehicle. If so, maintain it;
level may cause overheat and oil leakage. Inspect 3. Remove the oil drain plug and drain the waste
and clean bent plug and it will cause high oil;
pressure and oil leakage if vent plug is blocked.
4. Smear sealants on the oil drain plug and
Second level maintenance: Replace transmission tighten it with specified torque;
lubricant and clean with kerosene while new
5. Remove the oil inlet plug;
vehicle carries the first maintenance; Inspect the
quality of lubricant in the second level 6. Fill specified transmission oil until to the filling
maintenance and replace lubricant if it is diluted, port;
glued or dirty.
7. Smear sealants on the oil filling plug and
Third level maintenance: Disassembling tighten it with specified torque.
inspection, clean and changing oil are made in
the third level maintenance.
Regular Maintenance Interval
Frist maintenance is 2,000 Km,replace the oil
transmission every 5,000 Km.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-15 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-15

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Refer to: Symptom Chart (3.4.1 Manual
transmission - MR508A10/Clutch,
Overview, Symptom Diagnosis and

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-17 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-17

Disassembly and Assembly

Transmission Disassembling
CAUTION: Keep disassembling and
assembling site clean.

CAUTION: Be careful not to scratch the

oil seal lip while installing the propeller

CAUTION: It is better to use six point

sockets while disassembling and
assembling bolts.

CAUTION: The joint surface of

components is clean and scatheless while
disassembling and assembling.

CAUTION: Components should be

classified and placed unifiedly while
disassembling and assembling.

1. Disconnect the negative cable.

2. Discharge gear oil.

1.Remove oil drain bolt and discharge gear
oil into the given container.
CAUTION: Oil drain bolt is gluing bolt and
should be replaced after removal.

2.Tighten new gear oil discharging bolt after

Torque:23 Nm
3. Remove manual transmission from the
Refer to: Manual transmission (3.4.3 Manual
transmission - MR508A,Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-18 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-18

4. Diagonally remove 4 retaining bolts of

gearshifting box components.See chart.
CAUTION: Place transmission lever at 2
neutral position.

CAUTION: Bolt 1 is gluing bolt and longer

than other bolts. It should be replaced 1
after removal.

CAUTION: Bolt 2 is gluing bolt and should

be replaced after removal.

5. Knock transmission shaft gently from the

bottom to the top with copper rod to seperate
from extension box.
6. Take the gearshifting box components down.


7. Remove upper retaining bolt 1 and nut 2 of

the extension box.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-19 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-19

8. Remove both sides and lower bolts of

extension box.
CAUTION: Bolt 1, 2 and 3 is longer than
other bolts.

CAUTION: Lifting ring is installed on bolt





9. Remove and detach extension box with

proper tool.
CAUTION: Do not damage the joint
surface of extension box and upper and
lower box of transmission.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-20 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-20

10. take out reverse gear shaft component.

CAUTION: Confirm direction of reverse
gear shaft component and position of
washer and position pin before removal.

CAUTION: All the gears and bearings have

direction. Do not mix them up.Reverse
idling gear side with oil hole faces

11. Pour remaining gear oil from the body out.


12. Remove the clutch release bearing.

1.Rotate clutch shaft in the direction of the
arrow 1 as shown.
2.Push release bearing in the direction of the 2
arrow 2 as shown to seperate from release
3.Take out release bearing in the direction of
the arrow 3 as shown.
CAUTION: Release bearing must be
replaced if it is damaged.


13. Remove 8 retaining bolts on the input shaft

damper and pull input shaft damper with
proper tool.
CAUTION: It is gluing bolt and must be
replaced after removal.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-21 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-21

14. Remove 10 retaining bolts on the

transmission upper box.
CAUTION: There are 3 kinds of bolts with
different lengths on the transmission
upper box.

CAUTION: If it is gluing bolt and should be ×10

replaced after removal.


15. Remove and detach upper box with proper

CAUTION: Do not damage the joint
surface between upper and lower boxes.


16. Detach input and output shaft components

from the transmission lower box.


17. Remove intermediate shaft rear bearing ring

with proper tool.
CAUTION: Put a clean cloth under the ring
in case of spray to cause personal injury.

CAUTION: The thickness and diameter of

ring inside the transmission varies
according to installation position.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-22 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-22

18. Remove intermediate shaft rear bearing with

proper tool.
CAUTION: Remove grear or bearing with
proper tool in case of damaging bearing.

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers

and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.


19. Remove the following parts as shown.

1.Remove intermediate shaft fifth-gear 1. 3 2 1

2.Remove/five reverse gear shaft sleeve 2.

3.Remove reverse driving gear 3.
CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers
and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.


20. Remove intermediate shaft front bearing ring

with proper tool.
CAUTION: Put a clean cloth under the ring
in case of spray to cause personal injury.

CAUTION: The thickness and diameter of

ring inside the transmission varies
according to installation position.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-23 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-23

21. Squeeze intermediate shaft out with proper

press machine.
CAUTION: Do not squeeze the inner ring
of intermediate shaft front bearing.

CAUTION: The bottom tool can not hit the

intermediate bearing and and be sure to
seperate intermediate bearing and shaft
from lower box.

CAUTION: Replace intermediate shaft

front bearing and intermediate bearing for
inner ring forces if intermediate shaft is

22. Remove intermediate shaft intermediate

bearing with proper tool.
CAUTION: If intermediate shaft is
removed,Replace intermediate shaft front
bearing and intermediate bearing due to
outer ring forces.


23. Take out the intermediate shaft from the

transmission lower box.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-24 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-24

24. Remove intermediate shaft front bearing with

proper tool.
CAUTION: If intermediate shaft is
removed,Replace intermediate shaft front
bearing and intermediate bearing due to
outer ring forces.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-25 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-25

Disassembling of the Input Shaft

1. Remove input shaft bearing ring with proper
CAUTION: The thickness and diameter of
ring inside the transmission varies
according to installation position.

CAUTION: Put a clean cloth under the ring

in case of spray to cause personal injury.


2. Remove the bearing of the input shaft.

CAUTION: Remove bearing with proper
tool in case of bearing inner ring being

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers

and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-26 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-26

Disassembling of the Main Shaft

1. Remove high-speed synchronizer sleeve
CAUTION: Put a clean cloth under the
ring in case of spray to cause personal

CAUTION: The thickness and diameter of

ring inside the transmission varies
according to installation position.


2. Remove the following components as shown.

1.Remove high-speed synchronizer joint case
2.Remove high-speed synchronizer gear ring. 1

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector

all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers 2

and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-27 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-27

3. Remove main shaft third-gear assembly.

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers

and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.


4. Remove needle bearing.

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers
and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-28 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-28

5. Reverse the main shaft.

6. Remove speedometer worm gear upper ring
with proper tool.
CAUTION: The thickness and diameter of
ring inside the transmission varies
according to installation position.

7. Remove speedometer worm gear.

CAUTION: Speedometer worm gear with
round dot side faces towards
transmission rear end.


8. Remove speedometer worm gear lower ring

with proper tool.
9. Remove main shaft rear bearing ring with
proper tool.
CAUTION: The thickness and diameter of
ring inside the transmission varies
according to installation position.

10. Remove main shaft rear bearing.

CAUTION: Remove bearing with proper
tool in case of bearing inner ring being

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector

all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers

and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-29 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-29

11. Remove main bearing washer 1.

12. Remove steel ball 2.
CAUTION: Steel ball is in the groove of 1
washer and washer groove faces towards
fifth-gear assembly.


13. Remove fifth-gear assembly.

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers

and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-30 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-30

14. Remove needle bearing 1.

15. Remove fifth-gear synchronizer gear ring 2.
CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers

and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.


16. Remove fifth-gear synchronizer washer.

1.Remove fifth-gear synchronizer ring 1 with
proper tool.
2.Remove fifth-gear synchronizerwasher 2 .
CAUTION: The inner side of fifth-gear
synchronizer wahser is dentoid. 1

CAUTION: The thickness and diameter of

ring inside the transmission varies
according to installation position.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-31 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-31

17. Remove fifth-gear synchronizer.

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers

and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.


18. Remove main shaft reverse gear 1 and

needle bearing 2 and shaft sleeve 3.
CAUTION: Remove the gears or bearings
using proper tools.

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector

all the time when using the vise. 1

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers

and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-32 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-32

19. Remove rear washer 1 and steel ball 2 of

main shaft bearing in the direction of arrow.
CAUTION: It is taper washer and surface
with small area faces towards bearing and
steel ball is in the groove of washer.


20. Remove main shaft intermediate bearing with

proper tool.
CAUTION: Bearing with ring side faces
towards rear end of transmission.

CAUTION: Remove bearing with proper

tool to prevent driving point of bearing
inside the inner ring from damaging

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector

all the time when using the vise.

21. Remove front washer 1 and steel ball 2 of

main shaft bearing in the direction of arrow.
CAUTION: It is taper washer and surface
with small area faces towards bearing and
steel ball is in the groove of washer.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-33 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-33

22. Remove first-gear assembly.

1.Remove first-gear 1 in the direction of 1
2.Remove first-gear side synchronizer gear 2
in the direction of arrow.
3.Remove needle bearing 3 and gear shaft
sleeve 4 along the direction of arrow.
CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.
2 4
CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers
and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up. 3


23. Remove low speed synchronizer 1 and two

speed synchronizer gear ring 2.
CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.
CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers
and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-34 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-34

24. Remove second - gear.

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers

and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.


25. Remove needle bearing.

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers
and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-35 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-35
1.Inspect Input Shaft Component
1. As for input shaft gear, inspect whether its
gear teeth is broken, its tooth surface is
corroded, badly damaged and glued and
inspect whether input shaft diameter is
corroded.Input shaft must be replaced if any
case aforesaid occurs.

2. Inspect whether input shaft is badly worn and

damaged. Input shaft must be replaced if it is
badly worn and damaged.


3. Feel bearing with fingers and make sure that

it rotates flexibly.
Needle bearing is in good conditions and
needle is not corroded.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-36 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-36
2.Inspect Main Shaft Component.
1. As for main shaft gear, inspect whether its
gear teeth is broken, its tooth surface is
corroded, badly damaged and glued and
inspect whether input shaft diameter is
corroded. Input shaft must be replaced if any
case aforesaid occurs.


2. Feel bearing with fingers and make sure that

it rotates flexibly.
Needle bearing is in good conditions and
needle is not corroded.


3. Stick synchronizer ring gear to gear cone and

inspect whether the clearance between gear
joint teeth and teeth ring end. As for
requirement details see chart below.
Components must be replaced if clearance
reaches or exceeds limit value.
Clearance Theoretical Limit
between gear clearance clearance
joint teeth and
gear ring end. 0.8 ~ 1.2 mm 0.5 mm


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-37 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-37

4. Inspect whether the gear outer conical

surface and gear ring inner conical surface
are worn, the component must be replaced if
there is abnormal wear.


5. Inspect the width of the insert groove of

synchronizer ring, and the requirement
details are shown as below chart.

Gear Theoretical width Limit width

1 8.1 ~ 8.3 mm 8.7 mm

2 8.7 ~ 8.9 mm 9.2 mm

3/4 9.5 ~ 9.7 mm 10 mm

5 8.7 ~ 8.9 mm 9.2 mm


6. Inspect the sliding flexibility of the

synchronizer components, repair or replace it
if it is seized.


Gear clearance(unit:mm).
1 2 3 4 5 R
0.13 ~ 0.27 0.10 ~ 0.30 0.10 ~ 0.30 0.10 ~ 0.30 0.10 ~ 0.30 0.13 ~ 0.27
0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-38 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-38

Installation of Main Shaft.

CAUTION: Clean all the parts (except
rubber parts) before assembling. Surfaces
of all the parts with relative motion should
be applied with lubricant and joint
surfaces of all bodies should be glued.

CAUTION: Flexible cylindrical pin

removed must be replaced and not be

CAUTION: Shaft ring removed must be

replaced and not be reused.

CAUTION: The thickness of fifth-gear /

reverse synchronizer ring must be 2.2mm.

CAUTION: The thickness and diameter of

ring inside the transmission varies
according to installation position.
1. Install needle bearing.
CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the
components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-39 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-39

2. Install the second gear.

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the
components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers

and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the

components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before


3. Install low-speed synchronizer and

secondgear synchronizer ring.
CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.
CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers
and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the

components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-40 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-40

4. Install first-gear assembly.

1.Install gear shaft sleeve 1 and needle 4
bearing 2.
2.Install first-gear side synchronizer teeth ring
3.Install first-gear 4.
CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers 1

and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.
CAUTION: The synchronizer teeth ring
slot and synchronizer slider, as well as A3303052
waveform ring trough and synchronizer
teeth ring slot are installed in place .

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the

components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before

5. Install steel ball 1 and main shaft bearing

front washer 2.
CAUTION: It is taper washer and surface
with small area faces towards bearing and
steel ball is in the groove of washer.

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the 1

components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before 2


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-41 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-41

6. Install main shaft bearing with proper tool.

CAUTION: Ring side of bearing faces
towards main shaft rear end and use
proper tool to prevent bearing from being

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector

all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the

components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before


7. Install steel ball 1 and main shaft bearing rear

washer 2.
CAUTION: It is taper washer and surface
with small area faces towards bearing and
steel ball is in the groove of washer.

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the

components carefully and lubricate them 1
using manual transmission oil before
assembling. 2


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-42 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-42

8. Install shaft sleeve 1, needle bearing 2 and

main shaft reverse gear 3.
CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers

and bearings have direction. Do not mix 3
them up.

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the

components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before


9. Install fifth-gear synchronizer.

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers

and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the

components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-43 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-43

10. Fifth-gear synchronizer washer.

1.Install the fifth-gear synchronizer washer 1.
2.Install fifth-gear synchronizer ring 2 with
proper tool.
CAUTION: The inner side of fifth-gear
synchronizer washer has teeth. 2

CAUTION: The thickness of fifth-gear /

reverse synchronizer ring must be 2.2mm.

CAUTION: The thickness and diameter of

ring inside the transmission varies
according to installation position.


11. Install fifth-gear synchronizer teeth ring 1 and

needle bearing 2.
CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the

components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-44 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-44

12. Install fifth-gear.

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers

and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the

components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before


13. Install steel ball 1 and main shaft bearing

front washer 2.
CAUTION: Apply small quantity of Riki
lubricant grease to steel ball slot for the 2
sake of installation.

CAUTION: Steel ball is in the groove of

washer and washer groove faces towards
fifth-gear assembly.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-45 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-45

14. Install main shaft rear bearing with proper

CAUTION: Install bearing with proper tool
to prevent driving point on the inner ring
of bearing from being damaged.

15. Install main shaft rear bearing ring with vise

16. Install speedometer lower ring with vise grip.
CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: The thickness and diameter of

ring inside the transmission varies
according to installation position.


17. Install speedometer worm gear.

CAUTION: Speedometer worm gear with
round dot side faces towards
transmission rear end.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-46 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-46

18. Install speedometer upper ring with vise grip.

CAUTION: The thickness and diameter of
ring inside the transmission varies
according to installation position.


19. Install main shaft third-gear bearing.

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the

components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-47 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-47

20. Install the main shaft third-gear.

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: All the gears and bearings

have direction. Do not mix them up.

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the

components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before


21. Istall the following components as shown.

1.Install high-speed synchronizer ring.
2.Install high-speed synchronizer sleeve.
CAUTION: All the gears, synchronizers
and bearings have direction. Do not mix
them up.

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector 1

all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the

components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before

22. Install high-speed synchronizer ring with vise A3303067

CAUTION: The thickness and diameter of
ring inside the transmission varies
according to installation position.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-48 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-48

Input Shaft Installation

1. Install input shaft bearing with proper tool.
CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the
components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before

CAUTION: Be sure to make its driving

point on the inner ring of bearing to
prevent bearing from being damaged
while installing bearing.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-49 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-49

2. Install input shaft bearing ring with vise grip.

CAUTION: The thickness and diameter of
ring inside the transmission varies
according to installation position.


Transmission Assembling
CAUTION: Clean all the components
(except rubber parts) before assembling.
All the components should be applied with
less lubricant and lip mouth have to be
protected and surfaces of all boxes must
be glued while applying lubricant grease
on the oil seal lip mouth.

CAUTION: Flexible cylindrical pin

removed must be replaced and not be

CAUTION: Shaft ring removed must be

replaced and not be reused.

CAUTION: The thickness of fifth-gear /

reverse synchronizer ring must be 2.2mm.

CAUTION: Tightening torque of threaded

fastener should be carried out by

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-50 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-50
1. Install intermediate shaft front bearing with
proper tool.
CAUTION: Bearing outer ring side faces
towards clutch side while installing.

CAUTION: Be sure to make its driving

point on the outer ring of bearing to
prevent bearing from being damaged
while installing bearing on the
CAUTION: Intermediate shaft front
bearing must be replaced if intermediate
shaft is removed.

2. Install intermediate shaft bearing with proper

CAUTION: All the gears and bearings
have direction. Do not mix them up.

CAUTION: Be sure to make its driving

point on the inner ring of bearing to
prevent bearing from being damaged
while installing bearing.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-51 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-51

3. Install intermediate shaft front bearing inner

ring with vise grip.
CAUTION: The thickness and diameter of
ring inside the transmission varies
according to installation position.


4. Install following parts as shown.

1.Install the reverse driving gear 1. 1 2 3

2.Install five-reverse-gear shaft sleeve 2.

3.Install intermediate shaft five speed gear 1.
CAUTION: All the gears and bearings
have direction. Do not mix them up.

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the

components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before A3303073


5. Install intermediate shaft rear bearing with

proper tool.
CAUTION: Be sure to make its driving
point on the inner ring of bearing to
prevent bearing from being damaged
while installing bearing.

CAUTION: All the gears and bearings

have direction. Do not mix them up.

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the

components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-52 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-52

6. Install intermediate shaft rear bearing ring

with vise grip.
CAUTION: The thickness and diameter of
ring inside the transmission varies
according to installation position.


7. Install input shaft components.

1.Install input shaft needle bearing 1.
2.Install high speed synchronizer gear ring 2.
3.Install input shaft components 3.
CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the
components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before


8. Install the components of the input and main

CAUTION: Stick the outer ring of two
bearings to the slot of lower box.

CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the

components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-53 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-53

9. Install transmission upper box.

1.Clean old sealant on transmission lower
box joint surface, then smear new sealant.
CAUTION: Spread sealant continuously
and the thickness is 2 ~ 3 mm

2.Install transmission upper box. ×10

3.Tighten transmission upper box retaining

bolt diagonally.
Torque:23 Nm A3303011

CAUTION: The length of bolts is different

and replace the bolts with sealant after

10. Install input shaft cover 2 with proper tool 1.

CAUTION: Replace all oil seal and ring on
the transmission after removal.

CAUTION: Apply small quantity of gear oil

to new oil seal while installing to prevent
new oil seal from being damaged with
proper tool.



11. Tighten 8 retaining bolts of input shaft cover

diagonally according to the torque.
Torque:23 Nm.
CAUTION: It is gluing bolt and must be
replaced after removal.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-54 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-54

12. Install the clutch release bearing,

1 Rotate clutch arm 1 towards the direction of
2 Put the release bearing in the other 2
direction of clutch arm to release fork and
install release bearing.
CAUTION: Apply small amount of Riki
lubricant grease to inner ring joint surface
of release bearing while installing release


13. Install reverse gear shaft component.

CAUTION: Bumps of reverse gear shaft
lower washer is opposite to position pin.

CAUTION: The span with large position

pin chamfer is installed outward.
CAUTION: The position pin under reverse
gear shaft is installed in the slot of
CAUTION: Clean and inspect all the 1
components carefully and lubricate them
using manual transmission oil before



SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-55 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-55

14. Tighten retaining bolt 1 and nut 2 above the

extension box.


15. Install gearshifting box component.

1.Clean the joint surface between gear shift
box and transmission upper box and apply 2
sealant again.
CAUTION: Spread sealant continuously
and the thickness is 2 ~ 3 mm. 1

2.Install gear shift box components and

tighten 4 retaining bolts of gear shift box to
the specified torque.
Torque:23 Nm
CAUTION: Replace new ones and apply
sealant again after bolt 1 and 2 with
sealant are removed.
16. Add gear oil.
1.Remove refueling hole bolt and add gear oil
by specified amount.
Fuel amount 1.2 ~ 1.3 L
2.Tighten refueling hole bolt to specified
Torque:23 Nm
CAUTION: Replace and apply sealant
again after bolts with sealant are removed. A3303084

17. Install the transmission box on the vehicle.

Refer to: Manual transmission(3.4.3 Manual
transmission - MR508A, Removal and
18. Connect the battery negative wiring harness.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-56 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-56

Removal and Installation

Reverse Lamp Switch
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Inspect the battery (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).

2. Disconnect reverse lamp switch wiring

harness connector 1 and remove reverse 2
lamp switch 2 with proper tool.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-57 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-57

Speed Sensor
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Inspect the battery (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Disconnect wiring harness connector 1 of
vehicle speed sensor.


3. Remove retaining bolt 1 of speed sensor and

take out the speed sensor 2.
CAUTION: Locating slot of speed sensor 1
is opposite to retaining bolt.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-58 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-58

Manual Transmission
General Equipment

Flat jack

1. Disconnect the negative cable.

Refer to: Inspect the battery (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Lift the vehicle
Refer to: Lifting(1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).

3. Loosen and remove the oil drain bolt, and

drain the transmission oil.
4. Remove the propeller shaft.
Refer to: Drive shaft (2.2.2 Drive Shaft,
Removal and Installation).
5. Disconnect speedometer wiring harness
connector 1 and remove clamp 2 from the
wiring harness.


6. Remove reverse gear switch wiring harness



SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-59 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-59

7. Remove grounding wire on the transmission.

Torque: 11 Nm


8. Remove clutch cable.

1 Remove clutch cable adjusting nut 1.
2 Remove clutch cable locking nut 2.
3 Remove the clutch cable.


9. Remove the connection between

transmission gear shift box and gear shift 1

1 Remove gear shift cable retaining clip 1.

2 Remove gear select cable retaining clip 2.


10. Remove 2 retaining nuts of gear shift cable

and gear shift cable bracket.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-60 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-60

11. Remove engine crankshaft position sensor.

Refer to: Crankshaft Position
Sensor(3.1.12 Electrical Control System -
M7, Removal and Installation).

12. Remove starter motor.

Refer to: Starter motor(3.1.9 Starting
System,Removal and Installation).

13. Remove 2 retaining bolts on the transmission

dust boot.

Torque:10 Nm
14. Support the transmission using flat jack.

General tool:Flat jack


15. Remove retaining nut on the front upper side

of transmission.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.3-61 Manual Transmission - MR508A10 3.4.3-61

16. Remove the lower retaining nut on the front of



17. Remove 2 connection bolts of transmission

rear bracket and vehicle body.
18. Take out the transmission assembly. ×2


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

2. Fill manual transmission oil, and inspect the

transmission oil level.
CAUTION: ManualTransmission Oil
Inspection (3.4.3 Manual Transmission,
General Inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.4 External Control of
Manual Transmission
3.4.4-1 External Control of Manual Transmission 3.4.4-1

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Retaining bolt of gearshift control
23 17 -
Cable and front wall plate connecting nuts 5 - 44

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.4-2 External Control of Manual Transmission 3.4.4-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Manual transmission gearshifting mechanism
includes gearshift retainer assembly and gearshit
cables. The gearshift retainer is connected with
transmission via gearshift cables to separate
external gearshift mechanism from vehicle body
to reduce vibration. 4 damping rubber pads are
installed on the base.

1 2


Item Item
1 Gearshift control cables assembly
2 Gearshift control device assembly

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.4-3 External Control of Manual Transmission 3.4.4-3

Components Exploded View

11 12


12 9
3 7


Item Description Item Description

1 Gearshift handle ball 7 Cable bracket
2 Transmission handle dust boot 8 Rubber pad
3 Bushing 9 Rubber pad
4 Elastic cushion 10 Washer
5 Gearshift cable assembly 11 E sealing ring
6 Selective control cable assembly 12 Clamp

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.4-4 External Control of Manual Transmission 3.4.4-4

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Inspection and Verification
1. Verify the customer’s concern and reset the fault as necessary.
2. if the customer’s concern can’t be found, carry on a road test or a visual inspection according to the
3. If the fault can be identified obviously, repair it.
4. If the fault can’t be identified obviously, carry on a precise inspection according to the symptom
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Components
• Obviously damaged or worn components
• loose or lost nuts or bolts

Symptom Chart
If a symptom occurs, while its DTC is not stored in the Control module and the cause can’t be verified in
basic inspection, diagnose and eliminate in order of the following table.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

• Distorted connection of external
•Adjust external gearshift mechanism.
gearshift mechanism
Difficult operation of
gearshift mechanism • Damaged gearshift lever • Diagnosis flow of difficult operation of
• Damaged gearshift cables gearshift mechanism

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.4-5 External Control of Manual Transmission 3.4.4-5

Diagnosis Procedure of Difficult Operation of Gearshift

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the tire.
Inspect gearshift lever. A.Separate gearshift lever from transimission.
Does external gearshift mechanism operate
Remove gearshift lever and find out default
Refer to: Gearshift mechanism (3.4.4
Manual Transmission External Control,
Removal and Installation).
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect gearshift cables
A.Remove gearshift cable from transmission.
Is gearshift cable damaged?
Find out the fault, replace the cable.
Refer to: Gearshift mechanism (3.4.4
Manual Transmission External Control,
Removal and Installation).
Transmission fault.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.4-6 External Control of Manual Transmission 3.4.4-6

Removal and Installation

Gearshift Mechanism
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Remove the center console assembly.
Refer to: Console (5.1.6 Instrument Panel
and Console, Removal and Installation).
3. Remove connection of gearshift cable, gear
select cable and gearshift lever assembly.


4. Seperate gearshift cable, gear select cable

from bottom of gearshift mechanism.
1 Remove gear shift cable retaining clip 1.
2 Remove gear select cable retaining clip 2.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.4-7 External Control of Manual Transmission 3.4.4-7

5. Remove 4 retaining bolts on the gearshift

lever assembly. ×4


6. Remove 2 retaining bolts on the gearshift




7. Remove the parking brake control lever.

Refer to: Parking brake control lever (2.3.4
Parking Brake and Control, Removal and
8. Remove 4 retaining bolts on the engine
compartment mid-engine mechanism welding



SC1022 2011.08
3.4.4-8 External Control of Manual Transmission 3.4.4-8

9. Remove the connection between

transmission gearshift box and gear shift
1 Remove gearshift cable retaining clip 1.
2 Remove gear select cable retaining clip 2.


10. Remove 2 retaining nuts of gearshift cable

and gearshift cable bracket.


11. Remove gearshift cable.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5 Manual Transmission - MR510B04
3.4.5-1 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-1

Material Specifications
Item Specifications
Transmission oil 85W/90 GL - 5

Component Specifications
Item Specifications
External diameter of clutch driven disc 189 ~ 191 mm
Internal diameter of clutch driven disc 132.20 ~ 132.80 mm
Thickness of clutch driven disc free thickness 7.4 ± 0.3 mm compression 6.8 ± 0.3 mm
Wear limit of clutch driven disc 1.5 mm

General Specifications
Item Specifications
Clutch type Dry clutch with diaphragm spring
Operation type Cabled

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Retaining bolt of clutch pressure plate 23 17 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-2 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-2

General Inspection
Inspection Clutch Driven Disc
WARNING: Do not clean clutch driven
disc with wax-based cleaning agents or

1. Clean clutch driven disc.

2. Inspect whether clutch driven disc has:
• Oil stain
• Scorch marks
• Thickness Inspect Clutch Pedal Assembly
Wear limit:1.5 mm and Cable
• Spring damage 1. Inspect whether bushing is worn or damaged.

Replace clutch driven disc as necessary. 2. Inspect whether the bushing is worn or
3. Inspect whether pedal arm is damaged or
4. Inspect whether torsion spring is deformed.
5. Inspect whether pedal pad is worn or
6. Inspect whether clutch cable is worn,
deformed or damaged.

Inspect Free Stroke of Brake

Inspection Clutch Pressure 1. Press clutch pedal down with fingers until
Plate stopping if resistance exists and measure the
distance (free stroke of clutch pedal).
1. Clean clutch pressure plate.
2. Inspect pedal stroke
2. Inspect clutch pressure plate:
• Diaphragm spring flap for damage or Standard value of free stroke:1.6 ~ 4.8 mm
wear. 3. Adjust clutch cable and clutch pedal when
• Scorch marks necessary if free stroke is not in the specified
• Distortion
4. Inspect whether clutch is well-functioned
• Flat while operating engine after inspection of
• Abnormal wear clutch pedal free stroke.
Replace clutch pressure plate as necessary.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-3 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-3

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Inspection and Verification
1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visully inspect for obvious mechanical fault.
3. If the fault cause has been found, the problem must be solved before the next step,.
4. If there is no obvious cause, refer to the Symptom Chart to verify the concern.
5. Inspect clutch operation: Place a 25mm thick wood under clutch pedal, depress the clutch pedal
deeply. If the transmission can be shifted into 1st and 2nd gear when the engine is running and the
parking brake is working, the clutch works regularly. Otherwise, repair the clutch.

Symptom Chart
If the fault occurs and cannot be diagnosed through basic inspection, carry out diagnosis and
troubleshooting according to sequences below.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Free stroke of brake pedal Refer to: Diagnostic
procedures for clutch
•Clutch pedal bonding
slippage (3.4.5 Manual
•Diaphragm spring transmission-MR510B04/
Clutch-Overview, Symptom
•Clutch pressure plate
Diagnosis and Testing).
Clutch slippage •Clutch driven disc surface
•The surface of clutch driven disc is
excessivly stiff or with oil stain
•Improper adjustment of clutch
•Engine mounts Refer to: Diagnostic
procedures for clutch
•Oil stain of clutch driven disc
juddering (3.4.5 Manual
•Diaphragm spring Clutch-Overview,Symptom
clutch juddering Diagnosis and Testing).
• Clutch pressure plate
•Clutch driven disc surface
•Clutch cable

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-4 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-4

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Free stroke of brake pedal Refer to: Diagnostic
procedures for Clutch pedal
•Diaphragm spring
pulsation (3.4.5 Manual
• Clutch driven disc transmission - MR510B04/
Clutch-Overview, Symptom
•Clutch driven disc assembly
Diagnosis and Testing).
Clutch dragging •Oil stain of clutch driven disc
•Flywheel bearing
•Clutch pedal.
•Improper adjustment of clutch
•Poor lubcration of the pivot of Refer to: Diagnostic
clutch & brake pedal shaft procedures for clutch pedal
pulsation (3.4.5 Manual
Clutch pedal pulsation •Flywheel
transmission - MR510B04/
•Fatigue of Diaphragm spring Clutch-Overview, Symptom
Diagnosis and Testing).
•Clutch cable
•Engine components in contact with Refer to: Diagnostic
frame procedures for clutch
vibration (3.4.5 Manual
• Driving belt
transmission - MR510B04/
•Flywheel bolt Clutch-Overview, Symptom
Clutch vibration Diagnosis and Testing).
•Unbalance of clutch pressure plate
•Installation pad or bolt or nut of the
engine is loose.
•Improper adjustment of clutch Refer to: Diagnostic
cable procedures for hard shifting
(3.4.5 Manual transmission-
Hard shifting •Free stroke of brake pedal
•Mannual transmission transaxle Symptom Diagnosis and
fault Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-5 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-5

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Free stroke of brake pedal Refer to: Diagnostic
procedures for excessive
•Clutch release fork
noise(3.4.5 Manual
•Poor lubriction of clutch release transmission-MR510B04/
bearing clutch-Overview, Symptom
Excessive noise Diagnosis and Testing).
•Guide bearing
•Excessive crankshaft axial
•Clutch cable
•Replace clutch pressure plate.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc
•Inspect whether the diaphragm assembly and clutch
spring is too flexible pressure plate assembly
(3.4.2 Clutch, Removal and
•Inspect whether release fork is •Remove and reinstall speration
loose fork correctly.
•Exclude the cause of engine oil
leak, and replace driven disc

cluack makes quack noise •Inspect whether there is any oil on Refer to: Clutch driven disc
the driven disc assembly and clutch
pressure plate assembly
(3.4.2 Clutch, Removal and
•Replace driven disc
Refer to: Clutch driven disc
•Inspect whether damping spring of assembly and clutch
driven disc is damaged pressure plate assembly
(3.4.2 Clutch, Removal and
•Cable gets rusty •Replace clutch cable
•Cable gets rusty •Replace clutch cable
•Replace clutch disc assembly
Clutch jammed( pedal is Refer to: Clutch driven disc
difficult to push) •Clutch disc is weared too thin assembly and clutch
pressure plate assembly
(3.4.2 Clutch, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-6 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-6

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Adjust gearshift control
mechanism, replace it as

•Gearshift control mechanism Refer to: Gearshift

Mechanism (3.4.4 Manual
Transmission External
Control, Removal and
Out of gear
•Adjust or replace.
•Self-locking mechanism Refer to: Disassembly and
•Synchronizer assembly Assembly of transmission
(3.4.6 manual transmission
•Gearshift mechanism -MR510B04,Disassembly
and Assembly).
•Repair or replace the
•Transimission or engine support
transmission or engine support.
•Gear wheel Refer to: Diagnostic
procedures for abnormal
•Input shaft bearing
sound is heard while driving
•Output shaft bearing (3.4.5 Manual transmission-
Abnormal sound is heard MR510B04/Clutch-Overview,
while driving. Symptom Diagnosis and
•Wheel bearing Testing).

•Universal joint

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-7 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-7

Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Slippage

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the clutch slip
A.Inspect wheel and apply parking brake.
B.Turn the ignition switch to "START” position.
C.Start engine, shift transmission into fourth gear.
D.Operate engine at the speed of 2,000 rpm.
E.Release clutch pedal slowly.
Whether the engine stalls when clutch pedal is
released completely?
Clutch is normal.
Go to step 2.
Inspect free stroke of brake pedal
A.Press clutch pedal with hands until feeling
B. Inspect pedal stroke
Is the measured dimension between 1.6 ~ 4.8 mm?
Go to step 3.
Adjust free stroke of clutch pedal
3. Clutch pedal maneuverability
A.Inspect the lubrication
Is the lubrication of clutch pedal shaft good?
Go to step 4.
Lubricate clutch pedal shaft.
4. Inspect whether clutch system fluid is polluted
A.Remove the transmission.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.6
Manual Transmission-MR510B04,
Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect whether clutch system is polluted by oil
Is the clutch system polluted by oil leak?
Repair the oil leak.
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-8 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-8

5.Inspect the clutch driven pressure plate

A.Clean clutch driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect whether the driven disc has oil stain and is
stiff or damaged, and inspect the thickness of the
driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc (3.4.5 Manual
transmission-MR510B04/ clutch-
Overview, General Inspection).
Inspect whether clutch driven disc is normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace clutch driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
6.Inspect flywheel.
A.Remove clutch driven disc assembly and clutch
pressure plate assembly
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect whether flywheel appearances blue, has
notch wear, or there is cracks on combined section.
C.Inspect the face runout of flywheel.
Inspect whether the flywheel is normal?
Replace new clutch pressure plate.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
Repair or replace flywheel,
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-9 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-9

Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Chatter and Shudder

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect clutch chatter and shudder
A.Turn ignition switch to "START”.
B.Start engine, shift transmission into first gear.
C.Operate the engine at speed range of 1,200~1,500
D.Release clutch pedal slowly.
Does the vehicle shudder at start?
Go to step 2.
Clutch is normal.
2.Inspect engine / transmission suspension bracket cushion assembly
A.Inspect damages or bolt loose of shock insulators
and roll cages of the engine/transaxle
Is engine/transmission suspension bracket cushion
damaged or bolt loose?
Tighten bolt and replace damaged suspension
bracket cushion assembly.
Go to step 3.
3. Inspect the clutch pressure plate
A.Remove clutch pressure plate
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
Is there any wear on the clutch pressure plate?
Replace new clutch pressure plate,
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-10 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-10

4.Inspect the clutch driven disc

A.5.Inspect the clutch driven disc.
Refer to: Inspect clutch driven disc (3.4.5
Manual transmission/transaxle and
clutch-Overview, General Inspection).
Does clutch driven disc have any oil stain or scorch
replace driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
Inspect the flywheel.
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-11 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-11

Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Dragging

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the free stroke of clutch pedal
A.Inspect whether engine/transmission suspension
bracket cushion is damaged or bolt is loose?
B.Measure pedal stroke.
Is the measured result less than mm?
Go to step 2.
Adjust clutch cable or repair pedal default.
2. Inspect support backing ring of clutch pressure plate diaphragm spring
A.Remove clutch pressure plate
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
Are there any wear signs of clutch pressure plate or
diaphragm spring support backing ring?
Replace new clutch pressure plate.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-12 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-12

3. Inspect splines of clutch driven disc and transmission input shaft

A.Remove the transmission.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.6
Manual Transmission-MR510B04,
Removal and Installation).
Inspect splines of clutch driven disc and
transmission input shaft.
Are splines of clutch driven disc and transmission
input shaft Normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair or replace clutch driven disc or input shaft.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.6
Manual Transmission-MR510B04,
Removal and Installation).

Refer to: Disassembly and assembly of

transmission (3.4.6 Manual Transmission-
MR510B04,Disassembly and Assembly).
4.Inspect flywheel bearing
A.Remove the transmission.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.6
Manual Transmission-MR510B04,
Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect flywheel bearing
Inspect whether the flywheel is normal?
Remove transmission.
Refer to: Disassembly and assembly of
transmission (3.4.6 Manual Transmission-
MR510B04,Disassembly and Assembly).
Replace flywheel bearing.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-13 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-13

Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Pedal Pulsation

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the clutch pedal
A.Inspect the lubrication of clutch pedal mechanism.
Is the lubrication of clutch pedal shaft good?
Go to step 2.
Lubricate clutch pedal shaft.
2. Inspect the clutch pressure plate
A.Remove clutch pressure plate
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
Inspect the face runout of the clutch pressure plate.
Inspect the wear level of the clutch pressure plate
release lever.
Inspect whether the clutch pressure plate is
Go to step 3.
Replace clutch pressure plate.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-14 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-14

3.Inspect flywheel
A.Remove clutch driven disc assembly and clutch
pressure plate assembly
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect the face runout of flywheel.
C.Inspect whether flywheel surface is cracking, blued
or worn.
Inspect whether the flywheel is normal?
Go to step 4.
Replace flywheel.
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block(3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).
4.Inspect the clutch driven disc
A.Remove the clutch driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect whether the driven disc is stiff or distorted,
and whether the thickness reaches the limit.
C.Inspect the face runout of the clutch driven disc.
Inspect whether the driven disc is normal?
Replace the clutch release bearing.
Replace clutch driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-15 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-15

Diagnosis Procedure of Clutch Vibration.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the interference between engine and vehicle body
Refer to: Lifting(1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).
B.Inspect whether there is interference between
linkage mechanism stalled in engine and vehicle
body or frame.
C.Inspect the interference between exhaust manifolds
or oter engine components and vehicle body or
D.Inspect whether engine installation pad or bolt or
nut of the engine is loose.
Is vehicle body or frame connected properly?
Repair, and replace when necessary.
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the vibration caused by accessory drive
A.If the engine torque changes, inspect the accessory
vibration when the clutch is released or combined.
B.Loosen accessory transmission belt to inspect the
Does the vibration stop when the accessory
transmission belt is removed?
Repair or replace accessory transmission belt.
Refer to: Accessory transmission belt
(3.3.2 Mechanical System, Removal and
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect noise of the release bearing.
A.Turn the ignition switch to "START” position.
B.Depress the clutch pedal and hold it.
Is there any harsh grating?
Replace the clutch slave cylinder.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-16 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-16

4. Inspect the clutch pressure plate

A.Remove clutch pressure plate
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect the face runout of the clutch pressure plate.
C.Inspect the wear level of the clutch pressure plate
release lever.
Inspect whether the clutch pressure plate is
Go to step 5.
Replace new clutch pressure plate.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
5.Inspect the clutch driven disc
A.Remove the clutch driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect whether the driven disc is stiff or distorted,
and whether the thickness reaches the limit.
C.Inspect the face runout of the clutch driven disc.
Inspect whether the driven disc is normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace clutch driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-17 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-17

6.Inspect flywheel
A.Remove clutch driven disc assembly and pressure
plate assembly
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
clutch pressure plate assembly (3.4.2
Clutch, Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect whether the flywheel bolts loosen.
C.Inspect the loss of flywheel roundness.
D. Inspect the face runout of flywheel
Inspect whether the flywheel is normal?
Diagnose the fault of engine vibration.
Fasten or replace flywheel.
Refer to: Main Bearing, Crankshaft and
Cylinder Block (3.3.2 Mechanical System,
Disassembly and Assembly).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-18 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-18

Diagnosis Procedure of Hard Gearshift.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the clutch system
A.Inspect whether the clutch system is completely
released, combines reliably.
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure of clutch
dragging (3.4.5 Manual Transimission-
MR510B04/Clutch,General Inspection,
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).
Inspect whether the clutch system is Normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the clutch system.
2.Inspect gearshift control mechanism
A.Inspect gearshift control mechanism.
Is gearshift control mechanism normal?
Go to step 3.
Adjust or replace gearshift mechanism,
Refer to: Gearshift Mechanism (3.3.4
Manual Transmission External Control,
Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-19 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-19

3.Inspect interior gearshift fork, fork shaft and assembly of synchronizer, self-locking mechanism
A.Remove the transmission.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.6
Manual Transmission-MR510B04,
Removal and Installation).
B.Disassemble transmission.
Refer to: Disassembly and assembly of
transmission (3.4.6 Manual Transmission-
MR510B04,Disassembly and Assembly).
C.Inspect whether gearshift fork and fork shaft is
D.Inspect whether assembly of synchronizer is
E.Inspect self-lock mechanism.
Inspect whether interior gearshift fork, fork shaft,
assembly of synchronizer, and self-lock mechanism
are Normal?
Replace engine or transmission supports.
Repair interior fault of transmission.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-20 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-20

Diagnosis Procedure of Excessive Noise

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect whether there is any cracking, loss, and
damage engine and transmission supports.
B. Inspect whether transmission interferes with
exhaust pipes or vehicle body, and whether
transimission support has foreign material, such as
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the noise in the releasing infancy of the clutch
A.Start the engine.
B.Depress the clutch pedal softly, but not to the
Is there any noise?
Replace the clutch release bearing.
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the noise when the clutch is completely released
A.Start the engine.
B.Depress the clutch pedal to the bottom.
C.Control the accelerator pedal to change the engine
rotating speed.
Is there any noise when the speed is changing?
Replace guide bearings.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-21 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-21

4. Inspect the noise when the clutch is combined

A.Remove the clutch driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
pressure plate assembly (3.3.2 Clutch,
Removal and Installation).
B.Inspect the wear of the tortional spring.
Is there any wear signs?
Replace new clutch driven disc.
Refer to: Clutch driven disc assembly and
pressure plate assembly (3.3.2 Clutch,
Removal and Installation).
Go to step 5.
5. Inspect the noises at neutral and other positions
WARNING: To avoid personal injury caused by out of control, road test should be
conducted by two persons jointly in order to maintain safe driving. Be sure to control
steering wheel properly. Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury.
A.Turn the ignition switch to "START” position.
B.Start the engine at neutral gear.
C.Inspect noises at neutral or other gears.
Is there any noise of the transmission?
Inspect and repair transmission.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.6
Manual Transmission-MR510B04,
Removal and Installation).

Refer to: Disassembly and assembly of

transmission (3.4.6 Manual Transmission-
MR510B04,Disassembly and Assembly).
Inspect the engine system noises.
Refer to: Abnormal interior noises under
the engine (3.1.2 Mechanical System,
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-22 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-22

Diagnosis Procedure of Abnormal Noises in Driving

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).
B.Inspect wheel tire pressure, tire tread wear and tire
C.Inspect retaining bolt of the suspension, connection
rubber bushing and ball joint.
D.Inspect whether the universal joint is loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair or replace the failed component.
2. Inspect wind noise
WARNING: To avoid personal injury caused by out of control, road test should be
conducted by two persons jointly in order to maitain safe driving. Be sure to control
steering wheel properly. Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury.
A.Road test vehicles.
B.Inspect the wind noise following the speed change.
Is there wind Noise following the speed change.
Repair fault of wind noise.
Go to step 3.
3. Inspect the clutch system
A.Start the engine, and keep it at the neutral position.
B.Operate the clutch, and Inspect whether there are
abnormal noises at the combination or release of
the clutch.
Is the clutch normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair, and replace new components before a road

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.5-23 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 Clutch - General 3.4.5-23

4. Inspect transmission
WARNING: To avoid personal injury caused by out of control, road test should be
conducted by two persons jointly in order to maitain safe driving. Be sure to control
steering wheel properly. Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury.
A.Road test vehicles.
B.Inspect whether there is any impact noise of gear
wheel when shifting.
C.Inspect whether there is any abnormal noise at
each gear.
Is the transmission normal?
Refer to: Diagnostic procedures for noise
(1.1.5 Noise, Vibration and Harshness,
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).
Repair the transmission.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.6
Manual Transmission-MR510B04,
Removal and Installation).

Refer to: Disassembly and assembly of

transmission (3.4.6 Manual Transmission-
MR510B04,Disassembly and Assembly).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6 Manual Transmission-
3.4.6-1 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-1

General Specifications
Item Specifications
Model MR510B04
Operation type Single-disc, dry type
Transmission oil model 85W/90 GL - 5
Manual transmission oil capacity 1.3 ~1.5 L
First gear speed ratio 4.425
Second gear speed ratio 2.273
Third gear speed ratio 1.792
Fourth gear speed ratio 1.226
Fifth gear speed ratio 1
Reverse gear speed ratio 4.722

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-2 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-2

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Gearshift guide box bolt 23 17 -
Transposition rocker bracket bolt 23 17 -
Extension box bolt 23 17 -
Gearshift locking bolt 13 10 -
Worm wheel bushing bolt 10 - 89
Oil drain bolt 18 13 -
Oil inlet bolt 18 13 -
Clutch release support 29 21 -
Clutch fork bracket bolt 10 - 89
Oil guide bolt 10 - 89
Cable bracket bolt 23 17 -
Reverse gear fork assembly bolt 23 17 -
Front and rear box bolt 1 19 14 -
Front and rear box bolt 2 19 14 -
Rear box cover bolts 23 17 -
Reversing lamp switch assembly 8 - 71
Reverse gear screw 23 17 -
Intermediate shaft nut 68 50 -
Fifth-gear fork bolt 10 - 89
Fifth-gear gearshift fork bolt 23 17 -
Stiffening plate at right side of
51 38 -
transmission and engine
Connection bolt and nut of transmission
58 43 -
and engine
Transmission rear suspension bolt 51 38 -

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-3 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-3

Description and Operation

System Overview
Transmission MR510B04 is a mechanical manual transmission.It is a full-synchronization manual
mechanical transmission with five forward gears and one reverse gear. It has the advantages of easy
gearshift without impact noise. The maximum input torque is 102 Nm. The transmission housing adopts
front and rear boxes and includes six components according to function and position: Front and rear box,
extension box, input shaft , intermediate shaft, output shaft and gearshift transposition shaft.
It is full synchronizing transmission and has five forward gears and one reverse gear and completes
transmission through three synchronisers and four shafts (input shaft, main shaft, intermediate shaft and
reverse gear shaft). Alll the forward gears are mesh-type and reverse gear is sliding or wheel structure.
Low speed synchroniser is installed on the intermediate shaft and meshes with the first gear or second
gear of intermediate shaft. High speed synchroniser is on the input shaft and engages with the third gear
or fourth gear of input shaft.
The Appropriate Speed of Each Forward Gear:

Gear First-gear Second-gear Third-gear Fourth-gear Fifth-gear

km/h 0 ~ 15 20 ~ 30 35 ~ 45 50 ~ 60 More than 65

1.The gear should be shifted within the speed ranges.
2The speed for different gears is different while transmission matches with different vehicles.

Gearshift Principle
As the vehicle is moving forward, you should shift as following: the acceleration shifting should be
increased from first gear to fifth gear gradually while deceleration shifting should be reduced from fifth
gear to first gear. It is forbidden to shift into the reverse gear when moving forward. The transmission is
equipped with reverse lock to avoid shifting from fifth gear to reverse gear by mistake in gearshift. In
principle, the reverse gear should be shifted when the vehicle is still; don’t shift into the reverse gear
when the vehicle is moving forward and don’t shift into the forward gear when the vehicle is reversing.
CAUTION: The gearshift principle of the transmission can be ignored in emergency when

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-4 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-4

Location View
MR510B04 Transmission Structure Chart

2 3 4 5

8 7 6

Item Description Item Description

1 Input shaft 5 Output-shaft
2 Reverse gear shaft 6 Intermediate-shaft
3 Third-gear 7 Second-gear
4 Fourth-gear 8 First-gear

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-5 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-5

Components Exploded View

1.Input Shaft Component

12 11
9 9
6 14
4 5
3 13
21 18
2 10



25 24 23

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-6 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-6

Item Description Qty. Item Description Qty.

1 Third-gear needle bearing 1 14 Fifth-gear synchronizer ring 1
Input shaft third-gear
2 1 15 Input shaft fourth gear 1
3 Fourth-gear needle bearing 1 16 High-speed synchronizer ring 1
Fourth-gear synchroniser
4 Input shaft rear bearing 1 17 1
gear ring
5 Input shaft rear bearing ring 1 18 High synchronizer spring 2
High-speed synchronizer
6 Input shaft needle bearing 1 19 3
7 Reverse gear taper ring 1 20 Input shaft 1
Reverse-gear synchronizer Third-gear synchronizer gear
8 1 21 1
gear ring ring
Fifth-gear speed synchronizer High-speed synchronizer
9 2 22 1
spring component
10 Fifth-gear synchronizer slider 3 23 Front box rear ring 1
Fifth-gear synchronizer
11 1 24 Input shaft front bearing 1
12 Wave ring 1 25 Input shaft front shaft ring 1
Fifth-gear synchronizer gear
13 1 26 Input shaft oil seal 1

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-7 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-7
2.Intermediate Shaft Component

1 2 7
17 16

15 14 13

Item Description Qty. Item Description Qty.

Second-gear synchronizer
1 Second-gear 1 11 1
gear ring
Low-speed synchronizer
2 Second-gear needle bearing 1 12 2
Low-speed synchronizer
3 Intermediate shaft 1 13 3
Intermediate shaft rear First-gear synchronizer gear
4 1 14 1
bearing ring
Intermediate shaft rear
5 1 15 Low-speed synchronizer ring 1
bearing outer ring
Intermediate shaft rear
6 1 16 First-gear needle bearing 1
bearing gasket
7 Intermediate shaft driving gear 1 17 First-gear 1
Intermediate shaft rear Intermediate shaft front
8 1 18 1
bearing bushing bearing
Intermediate shaft front
9 Intermediate shaft nut 1 19 1
bearing ring
Low-speed synchronizer
10 1

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-8 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-8
3.Output Shaft Component

2 3

7 8
5 6


Item Description Qty. Item Description Qty.

1 Output shaft 1 6 Speedometer worm lever 1
Output shaft front bearing
2 2 7 Worm lever ring 1
plate bolt
Output shaft front bearing
3 1 8 Input shaft rear bearing 1
4 Output shaft front bearing 1 9 Input shaft rear bearing ring 1
5 Output shaft front bearing ring 1

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-9 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-9
4.Gearshift Mechanism

3 5
4 11
1 20

19 31 24
27 13
32 23
29 21 19
28 26 15
17 16

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-10 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-10

Item Description Qty. Item Description Qty.

Transposition rocker bracket
1 1 18 Gear shift shaft oil shield 1
2 Bolt 2 19 Gearshift shaft E clip 3
3 Guide shaft inner dust cover 1 20 Gear shift shaft washer 3
Reverse gear transposition
4 Transposition arm bushing 2 21 1
Transposition arm shaft
5 1 22 Reverse lock cam pin 1
6 Transposition arm assembly 1 23 Reverse lock cam 1
Fifth and reverse gear
7 Guide shaft washer 1 24 1
interlock bolt
8 Guide shaft spring washer 1 25 Cam guide return spring 1
9 Guide shaft nut 1 26 Reverse lock cam seat 1
10 Guide shaft outer dust boot 1 27 Reverse lock cam seat pin 1
Gear shift interlocking device
11 Gearshift shaft 1 28 1
12 Gearshift guiding box case 1 29 Gearshift lever external pin 1
13 Gearshift shaft oil seal 1 30 Gearsihft lever inner pin 1
14 Gearshift guide box bolt 3 31 Gearshift stop bolt 1
15 Gear shifting rocker assembly 1 32 Gearshift lever 1
Gearshift rocker arm external Low speed transposition
16 1 33 1
internal pin spring
17 Gearshift rocker external pin 1

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-11 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-11

13 14
9 12

7 11

5 15

4 2


3 5
18 16


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-12 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-12

Item Description Qty. Item Description Qty.

1 First and second gearshift fork 1 11 Fifth-gearshift lever bolt 2
Reverse-gearshift fork
2 Gearshift fork 2 12 1
Reverse-gear gearshift fork
3 Gearshift lever steel ball 3 13 1
locking assembly
Reverse-gear fork assembly
4 Self-locking long spring 1 14 2
Reverse-gear fork assembly
5 Gearshift locking bolt 3 15 2
positioning pin
First and second gear shift Reverse-gear shift lever
6 1 16 1
lever assembly assembly
7 Fifth-gear shift lever 1 17 Third and fourth gearshift fork 1
8 Fifth-gearshift fork bolt 1 18 Self-locking short spring 2
Third and fourth gear shift
9 Fifth-gearshift fork 1 19 1
fork assembly
10 Fifth-gear shift lever assembly 1

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-13 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-13
5.Transmission Box



9 10

2 4 5

1 16



23 21 20


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-14 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-14

Item Description Qty. Item Description Qty.

Engine and transmission
1 1 13 Extension box oil seal 1
reinforced plate(right)
2 Transmission NO.1 stud bolt 1 14 Extension box bolt 7
3 Transmission front box 1 15 Rear box cover bolts 5
4 Viewport cap 1 16 Rear box cap 1
Front and rear box housing
5 Vent plug 1 17 2
positioning pin
6 Oil delivery pot assembly 1 18 Clutch upper clapboard 1
7 Guide oil pot bolt 1 19 Clutch lower clapboard 1
Front and rear box housing
8 5 20 Alignment pin 2
bolt 1
9 Transmission rear box 1 21 Transmission NO.2 stud bolt 1
Reversing lamp switch Front and rear box housing
10 1 22 3
assembly bolt 2
Engine and transmission
11 Extension box positioning pin 2 23 1
reinforced plate(left)
12 Extension box 1

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-15 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-15

General Inspection Replace the Manual

Manual Transmission Transmission Oil
Maintenance Intervals 1. Stop the engine before replacing and lift the
vehicle horizontally.
The first maintenance is 2,000 km,After that
replacing the transmission oil every 5,000 Km. Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and Lifting,
Description and Operation).
Inspect the Manual
2. Inspect the oil level and leaking when Lift the
Transmission Oil vehicle. If so, maintain it.
1. Confirm that the vehicle is horizontal so as to
3. Remove the oil drain plug and drain the waste
inspect the oil level.
2. To prevent uncertainty, the vehicle can not be
4. Smear sealants on the oil drain plug and
inspected suddenly and be inspected while
tighten it to specified torque.
the oil level is stable and temperature of oil is
close to normal temperature because of 5. Remove the oil inlet plug.
volume expansion of hot oil.
6. Fill specified transmission oil until to the filling
3. Inspect the whether the transmission oil is port.
leaking. If so, maintain the place where is
Smear sealants on the oil filling plug and tighten it
leaking. Remove the oil filling plug. Repair the
to specified torque.
oil leakage if any.
4. Remove the oil inlet plug.
5. Inspect the oil level. You can inspect the oil
level approximately through the filling port.
Remove the oil inlet plug, if the oil flows out
from the filling port or the oil reachs the filling
port, the oil level is normal, or fill required oil
until it reachs the filling port.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-16 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-16

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Refer to: Symptom Chart(3.4.5 Manual
Transmission - MR510B04/Clutch,
Overview, Symptom Diagnosis and

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-17 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-17

Disassembly and Assembly

Transmission Disassembling
CAUTION: Keep the disassembly and
assembly site mclean.

CAUTION: Be careful not to scratch the

mouth of oil seal lip while installation of
transmission shaft.

CAUTION: It is better to use six point

sockets while disassembling and
assembling bolts.

CAUTION: The joint surface of

components is clean and scatheless while
disassembling and assembling.

CAUTION: Classify and place uniformly

while disassembling and assembling.

CAUTION: Knock with bakelite while

disassembling the box.

General Equipment

Rubber hammer
Copper rod

1. Disassemble transmission assembly.
Refer to: Manual Transmission (3.4.6
Manual Transmission - MR510B04, Removal
and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-18 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-18

2. Remove 7 retaining bolts of extension box.

CAUTION: Closing bolt should be
removed diagonally.



3. Seperate extension box from rear box with

proper tool.
CAUTION: Avoid any damage to closing
box while extension box is seperating
from rear box.


4. Remove speedometer worm wheel

1 Remove worm wheel component bolt 1.
2 Remove worm wheel component 2.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-19 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-19

5. Remove three retaining bolts of output shaft

front bearing pressing plate.



6. Knock rear end of output shaft lightly with

proper tool. Seperate output shaft from
extension box.
CAUTION: Do not damage output shaft
key groove.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-20 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-20

7. Remove input shaft needle bearing 1.

8. Remove fifth-gear synchronizer gear ring 2
1 2
and wave ring 3.
CAUTION: There is wave ring 3 between
fifth-gear synchronizer and its gear ring.


9. Remove reverse lamp switch assembly with



10. Remove fifth-gear shift lever assembly.

1.Remove two retaining bolts of fifth-gear shift
lever assembly.
2.Remove fifth-gear shift lever assembly.



SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-21 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-21

11. Remove fifth-gear fork retaining bolt.


12. Remove fifth-gear shift fork and lever.

1.Move reverse gear shift down with proper
tool and engage it to the fifth gear.
2.Remove fifth-gear shift fork and lever.
CAUTION: If reverse gear lever is not
moved down, it will interfere with fifth-gear
shift fork while removal. Move reverse
gear shift lever up until it returns to neutral
after removal.


13. Remove the fifth-gear synchronizer.

1.Remove fifth-gear synchronizer ring with
circlip plier.
2.Remove fifth-gear synchronizer.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-22 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-22

14. Remove reverse gear synchronizer gear ring


15. Remove reverse gear taper ring.


16. Remove the retaining bolt of rear box cover.



SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-23 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-23

17. Remove intermediate shaft rear bearing outer

1.Extract intermediate shaft up with proper
2.Remove intermediate shaft rear bearing
outer ring with proper tool.


18. Remove gear shift rocker assembly.

1.Remove 2 retaining bolts of gear shift
rocker bracket. 2

2.Remove gear shift rocker assembly.



19. Remove gear shift locking bolt and

interlocking bolt of fifth and reverse gears.
1.Remove gear shift locking bolt.
Remove the interlocking bolts of the fifth and 2
reverse gears.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-24 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-24

20. Remove 3 retaining bolts on the gearshift

guide box.
21. Knock gearshift guide box lightly with proper
tool to seperate it from boxes. Remove ×3
gearshift shaft components of gearshift guide


22. Remove the reverse-gear shaft screw.


23. Remove 4 connecting bolts number 1 of

transmission front and rear boxes.
CAUTION: Closing bolt should be ×4
removed diagonally.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-25 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-25

24. Remove 1 connecting bolt number 1 of

transmission front and rear boxes.


25. Remove 3 connecting bolts number 2 of

transmission front and rear boxes.



SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-26 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-26

26. Seperate front box from rear box with proper

CAUTION: Avoid any damage to closing
box while rear box is seperating from rear


27. Remove reverse gear shift fork.

1.Remove 2 retaining bolts of reverse gear
shift fork.
2.Remove reverse gear shift fork.



SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-27 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-27

28. Remove reverse gear shaft 1 and reverse

idler gear 2.


29. Remove 3 gear shift locking bolts 1,

interlocking spring 2 and gear shift lever steel
ball 3.
3 2 1
CAUTION: Three interlocking springs 2
have different length and the length of
interlocking spring of 1/2 gear shift fork
shaft is longer than length of interlocking
spring of 3/4 gear and reverse gear fork.


30. Remove input shaft front box rear ring with

circlip plier.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-28 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-28

31. Knock input shaft front end together with

input shaft, intermediate shaft and fork
assembly components lightly with rubber
hammer to be removed from transmission
front end housing.
CAUTION: Prevent the shifting fork and its
shaft from dropping when removing.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-29 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-29

Disassembling of the Input Shaft

General Equipment


1. Remove input shaft rear bearing ring with
proper tool.
CAUTION: Place a clean cloth under the
input shaft components to prevent ring
from splashing.


2. Pull input shaft fourth-gear and input shaft

rear bearing out with puller.
3. Remove 4-gear synchronizer ring and 4-gear
needle bearing.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-30 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-30

4. Remove high-speed synchronizer ring with

circlip plier.


5. Pull high speed synchronizer and input shaft

third-gear out with puller.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-31 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-31

6. Remove input shaft third-gear synchronizer

ring, third-gear and third-gear needle bearing.


7. Remove input shaft front bearing ring with

proper tool.
CAUTION: Place a clean cloth under the
input shaft components to prevent ring
from splashing.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-32 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-32

8. Pull input shaft front bearing out with puller.

CAUTION: Ensure that force bearing point
of bearing is bearing inner ring while
removing bearing with the puller.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-33 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-33

Disassembling of the Output Shaft

General Equipment


1. Remove output shaft rear bearing ring with
proper tool.
CAUTION: Place a clean cloth under the
output shaft components to prevent ring
from splashing.


2. Remove output shaft rear bearing with puller.

CAUTION: Ensure that force bearing point
of bearing is bearing inner ring while
removing bearing with the puller.


3. Remove worm lever ring with proper tool.

CAUTION: Place a clean cloth under the
output shaft components to prevent ring
from splashing.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-34 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-34

4. Remove worm lever components.

1.Remove worm lever.
2.Suck output shaft steel ball with magnetic



5. Remove output shaft front bearing ring with

proper tool.
CAUTION: Place a clean cloth under the
output shaft components to prevent ring
from splashing.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-35 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-35

6. Remove output shaft front bearing with puller.

CAUTION: Ensure that force bearing point
of bearing is bearing inner ring while
removing bearing with the puller.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-36 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-36

Disassembling of Intermediate Shaft

General Equipment


1. Remove intermediate shaft nuts with proper


2. Pull intermediate shaft driving gear 1 and

intermediate shaft rear bearing bushing 2 out
with puller.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-37 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-37

3. Remove intermediate shaft rear bearing ring

with proper tool.
CAUTION: Place a clean cloth under the
input shaft components to prevent ring
from splashing.


4. Remove intermediate shaft rear bearing with

CAUTION: Ensure that force bearing point
of bearing is bearing inner ring while
removing bearing with the puller.


5. Remove intermediate shaft front bearing ring

with proper tool.
CAUTION: Place a clean cloth under the
intermediate shaft components to prevent
ring from splashing.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-38 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-38

6. Pull intermediate shaft front bearing 1 and

first-gear 2 out with puller.


7. Remove first-gear needle bearing 1 and first-

gear synchronizer ring 2.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-39 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-39

8. Remove low speed synchronizer ring with

circlip plier.


9. Remove low-speed synchronizer, second-

gear synchronizer ring and second-gear.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-40 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-40

10. Take out the intermediate shaft second-gear

needle bearing.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-41 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-41
1. Inspect input shaft components.

• Inspect whether input shaft gear teeth is

collapsed and there is pitting, badly wear
and gluing on the tooth surface. Input
shaft must be replaced if any case above
• Inspect whether input shaft spline is
badly worn and damaged. Input shaft
must be replaced if it is badly worn and
• Feel when the finger whether bearing
rotation is flexible and seized. Bearing A3406052
must be replaced if bearing rotates
inflexibly and seized.

2. Inspect output shaft components.

• Inspect whether output shaft gear teeth is
collapsed and there is pitting, badly wear
and gluing on the tooth surface. Output
shaft must be replaced if any case above
• Inspect whether output shaft spline is
badly worn and damaged. Input shaft
must be replaced if it is badly worn and
• Feel when the finger whether bearing
rotation is flexible and seized. Bearing
must be replaced if bearing rotates
inflexibly and seized.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-42 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-42
3. Inspect intermediate shaft components.

• Inspect whether intermediate shaft gear

teeth is collapsed and there is pitting,
badly wear and gluing on the tooth
surface. Intermediate shaft must be
replaced if any case above occurs.
• Feel when the finger whether bearing
rotation is flexible and seized. Bearing
must be replaced if bearing rotates
inflexibly and seized.


4. Inspect gear and synchronizer ring.

• Stick synchronizer ring gear to gear cone

and inspect whether the clearance
between gear joint teeth and teeth ring
end. As for requirement details see chart
below. Components must be replaced if
clearance reaches or exceeds limit value.

Clearance Theoretical Limit

between gear clearance clearance
joint teeth and
gear ring 0.8 ~ 1.2 mm 0.5 mm
end “a”.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-43 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-43

• Inspect whether gear outer cone and

teeth ring inner cone is worn and
components must be replaced if
abnormal occurs.


5. Inspect synchronizer components.

• Inspect the sliding flexibility of the

synchronizer components, repair or
replace it if it is seized.


6. Inspect other components.

• Inspect whether gear shift fork shaft is
deformed or inter-locked, interlocking
steel ball is damaged and spring is
• Inspect whether sleeve gear end of
synchronizer is worn or ring gear key
groove gets worn and widen.
• Inspect whether bearing is loose,
damaged or gear axial clearance is
• Inspect whether gear is badly worn or
engagement clearance is excessive.
• Inspect clearance between fork and joint
• Inspect whether there is crack and
scratch on the oil seal lip.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-44 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-44
7. Notes for transmission before assembling.

• Clean all the parts.

• Splash gear oil on the parts surface with
relative movement.
• Apply lubricating grease to circular
surface of needle bearing before
assembling needle bearing.
• Apply lubricating grease to outer ring and
inner ring of bearing before assembling
deep groove ball bearing.
• Apply lubricating grease to lip mouth
while assembling oil seal.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-45 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-45

Assembling of Intermediate Shaft


Item Specifications
transmission 85W/90 GL - 5

1. Install the intermediate shaft second-gear
needle roller bearing.
CAUTION: Smear lubricating oil on needle
end and shaft neck.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-46 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-46

2. Install intermediate shaft second-gear and

second-gear synchronizer ring.
1 Install intermediate shaft second-gear 1.
2 Install second-gear synchronizer ring 2.
CAUTION: The method to distinguish the 1
first from second gear synchronizer ring:
The first-gear synchronizer ring has eight
teeth and the second-gear synchronizer
ring has seven teeth.


3. Install low-speed synchronizer and ring.

1 Install low-speed synchronizer 1.
2 Install low-speed synchronizer ring 2 with 2
circlip plier.
CAUTION: Synchronizer slider is aligned
with gear ring slider slot while installation.
Rotate gears flexibly with no jamming after

CAUTION: All the gears and bearings 1

have direction. Do not mix them up.

CAUTION: All the rings must be replaced

after removal. Ring sticks to ring slot and
holds ring slot tightly.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-47 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-47

4. Install first-gear synchronizer ring and first-

gear needle bearing.
1 Install first-gear synchronizer ring 1. 2

Install the intermediate shaft first-gear needle

roller bearing 2.
CAUTION: Synchronizer ring slider is
aligned with synchronizer slider while
installation. 1

CAUTION: Smear lubricating oil on needle

end and shaft neck.


5. Install the intermediate shaft first-gear.

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector
all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: All the gears and bearings

have direction. Do not mix them up.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-48 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-48

6. Install intermediate shaft front bearing with

proper tool.
CAUTION: Ensure that driving face of
bearing is inner ring while installing
bearing with tools.

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector

all the time when using the vise.


7. Install intermediate shaft front bearing ring

with proper tool.
CAUTION: All the rings must be replaced
after removal. Ring sticks to ring slot and
holds ring slot tightly.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-49 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-49

8. Install intermediate shaft rear bearing with

proper tool.
CAUTION: Ensure that driving face of
bearing is inner ring while installing
bearing with tools.

CAUTION: Use the vise holder protector

all the time when using the vise.

CAUTION: All the gears and bearings

have direction. Do not mix them up.


9. Install intermediate shaft rear bearing ring

with proper tool.
CAUTION: All the rings must be replaced
after removal. Ring sticks to ring slot and
holds ring slot tightly.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-50 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-50

10. Install intermediate shaft driving gear with

proper tool.
CAUTION: Intermediate shaft driving gear
taper side faces towards intermediate
shaft rear end (nut side).


11. Install intermediate shaft rear bearing bushing

with proper tool.
CAUTION: Chamfer side in the bushing
faces towards intermediate shaft front
end(reverse direction of nut).


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-51 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-51

12. Tighten intermediate shaft locking nut by the

specified torque.
Torque:67 Nm
CAUTION: Be sure to use new nuts.


13. Lock nut with chisel intermediate shaft.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-52 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-52

Output Shaft Assembling


Item Specifications
transmission 75W/90 - GL

1. Install output shaft front bearing pressing
CAUTION: Pay attention to the installation
direction while assembling. If rear end of
output shaft faces upward while
assembling, pressing plate bulging plane
shall face anticlockwise direction.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-53 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-53

2. Install output shaft front bearing with proper

CAUTION: Ensure that friving face of
bearing is bearing inner ring while
installing bearing with tools.

CAUTION: All the gears and bearings

have direction. Do not mix them up.


3. Install output shaft front bearing ring with

proper tool.
CAUTION: All the rings must be replaced
after removal. Ring sticks to ring slot and
holds ring slot tightly.


4. Install worm lever components.

1.Install output shaft steel ball.
2.Install worm lever.
CAUTION: Apply lubricating grease to
steel ball surface while installing steel 2


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-54 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-54

5. Install worm lever ring with proper tool.

CAUTION: All the rings must be replaced
after removal. Ring sticks to ring slot and
holds ring slot tightly.

CAUTION: Open mouth of ring installation

does not face towards steel ball.


6. Install output shaft rear bearing with proper

CAUTION: Ensure that force bearing point
of bearing is bearing inner ring while
installing bearing with tools.

CAUTION: All the gears and bearings

have direction. Do not mix them up.


7. Install output shaft rear bearing ring with

proper tool.
CAUTION: All the rings must be replaced
after removal. Ring sticks to ring slot and
holds ring slot tightly.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-55 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-55

Input Shaft Assembling


Item Specifications
75W/90 - GL
transmission oil

1. Install third-gear needle bearing, third-gear
and third-gear synchronizer ring.
CAUTION: Smear lubricating oil on needle
end and shaft neck.

CAUTION: All the gears and bearings

have direction. Do not mix them up.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-56 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-56

2. Install high speed synchronizer with proper

CAUTION: High speed synchronizer raise
face should face towards input shaft front

CAUTION: Synchronizer slide is aligned

with gear ring slider slot while installation.
Rotate gears flexibly with no jamming after

CAUTION: All the gears and bearings

have direction. Do not mix them up.


3. Install high speed synchronizer ring with

proper tool.
CAUTION: All the rings must be replaced
after removal. Ring sticks to ring slot and
holds ring slot tightly.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-57 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-57

4. Install input shaft fourth-gear needle bearing,

fourth-gear synchronizer ring, fourth-gear and
input shaft bearing.
1.Install the input shaft fourth-gear needle
2. Install the fourth-gear synchronizer gear
3.Install the input shaft fourth-gear.
4 Install input shaft rear bearing with proper
CAUTION: Smear lubricating oil on needle
end and shaft neck.

CAUTION: Synchronizer slide is aligned

with gear ring slider slot while installation.
Rotate gears flexibly with no jamming after

CAUTION: Ensure that force bearing point

of bearing is bearing inner ring while
installing bearing with tools.
CAUTION: All the gears and bearings
have direction. Do not mix them up.

5. Install input shaft rear bearing ring with proper

CAUTION: All the rings must be replaced
after removal. Ring sticks to ring slot and
holds ring slot tightly.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-58 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-58

6. Install input shaft front bearing with proper

CAUTION: Ensure that driving face of
bearing is bearing inner ring while
installing bearing with tools.


7. Install input shaft front bearing ring with

proper tool.
CAUTION: All the rings must be replaced
after removal. Ring sticks to ring slot and
holds ring slot tightly.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-59 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-59

8. Install input shaft front box rear ring.

CAUTION: Rear ring with chamfer should
face towards input shaft rear end.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-60 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-60

Transmission Assembling

Item Specifications
Sealant YT5699 silicone sealant
85W/90 - GL
transmission oil

1. Install output shaft to extension box and
tighten it to the specified torque.
Torque:23 Nm


2. Ensure that reverse gear shift fork locking

assembly is installed in place before installing
input shaft components.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-61 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-61

3. Use oil seal protection tool to cover the input

shaft front end and install input shaft and
intermediate shaft components.
CAUTION: Fork gets stuck in the slot of
synchronizer sleeve and three gear shift
levers must be placed into the hole


4. Knock rear end of input shaft with rubber

hammer lightly to ensure installation in place.


5. Install input shaft front box rear ring with

proper tool.
CAUTION: All the rings must be replaced
after removal. Ring sticks to ring slot and
holds ring slot tightly.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-62 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-62

6. Install gear shift lever steel ball 1, self-locking

spring 2 and gear shift lever locking bolt 3
and tighten them to the specified torque.
1 2
Torque:13 Nm 3

CAUTION: Three interlocking springs 2

have different length and the length of
interlocking spring of 1/2 gear shift fork
shaft is longer than length of interlocking
spring of 3/4 gear and reverse gear fork.

CAUTION: Be sure to use new gear shift

lever locking bolts.


7. Install reverse gear shaft component.

CAUTION: While installing reverse gear
shaft components, mark 1 on the reverse
gear shaft is in line with mark 2 on the
front box for easy installation of reverse
gear shaft screws.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-63 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-63

8. Install reverse-gear shift fork and tighten it by

the specified torque.
1 Install reverse-gear shift fork.
2 Install reverse-gear shift fork assembly bolt.
Torque:23 Nm
CAUTION: While installing reverse gear 1
shift fork, reverse gear shift fork must be 2
stuck to the slot of reverse gear idler gear

CAUTION: Use new retaining bolts of

reverse rear fork assembly.


9. Apply sealant to closing box.

CAUTION: Clean remaining glue on the
closing box with razor blade before gluing.
Be sure to glue continuoutly and evenly
with diameter within 2-3mm. Close the box
after gluing for a certain period. Clean and
glue again if gluing time is too long.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-64 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-64

10. Tighten rear box by the specified torque after

Torque:20 Nm
CAUTION: To ensure installation in place,
knock extension box positioning pin
lightly with rubber hammer and do not
knock closing box while installing rear

CAUTION: Closing bolt should be

tightened diagonally.


11. Install intermediate shaft rear bearing outer

ring with proper tool.
CAUTION: In order to instal ring easily,
extract intermediate shaft upward and
then install outer ring.

CAUTION: All the rings must be replaced

after removal. Ring sticks to ring slot and
holds ring slot tightly.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-65 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-65

12. Tighten bolt to the specified torque after

installing rear box cover.
Torque:23 Nm
CAUTION: Be sure to use new rear box
cover bolts.


13. Install reverse gear taper ring.


14. Install the reverse-gear synchronizer gear

CAUTION: Distinguish reverse gear
synchronizer ring from fifth-gear
synchronizer ring: There is“J ”on the
surface of reverse gear synchronizer ring
and fifth-gear synchronizer ring is thicker
than reverse gear synchronizer ring.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-66 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-66

15. Install fifth-gear synchronizer and ring.

1 Install fifth-gear synchronizer.
2.Install the fifth-gear synchronizer ring.
CAUTION: Synchronizer slide is aligned
with gear ring slider slot while installation.
CAUTION: All the rings must be replaced
after removal. Ring sticks to ring slot and
holds ring slot tightly.


16. Install fifth-gear shift components.

1 Install fifth-gear shift fork.
2 Install fifth-gear shift lever.
3 Tighten fifth-gear fork bolts by the specified
torque. 1
Torque:10 Nm
CAUTION: Move reverse gear shift lever
downward with proper tool and engage to
the fifth-gear to avoid interference of fifth- A3406101
gear shift fork with reverse gear shift lever
before installing fifth-gear shift fork. Move
reverse gear shift lever up to be neutral
position after installation.

CAUTION: Be sure to use new fifth-gear

fork bolts.

17. Install fifth-gear shift lever assembly.

1 Install fifth-gear shift lever.
2 Tighten two fifth-gear shift lever bolts to the
specified torque. 1
Torque:23 Nm
CAUTION: Be sure to use new fifth-gear
shift lever bolts. 2


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-67 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-67

18. Install gear shift guide box and tighten it to the

specified torque.
1 Apply sealant to the box contact surface.
2 Install gear shift guide box. ×3

3 Tighten gear shift fork bolts to the specified

Torque:23 Nm
CAUTION: Clean remaining glue on the
closing box with razor blade before gluing. A3406103
Be sure to glue continuoutly and evenly
and diameter of inner ring and glue is
within 2-3mm. Close the box after gluing
for a certain period. Clean and glue again
if gluing time is too long.

19. Install reverse gear shaft screws.

Torque:23 Nm
CAUTION: Be sure to use new reverse
gear shaft screws.


20. Install gear shift locking bolt and fifth-gear

reverse gear interlocking bolt.
1 Install gear shift locking bolt. 2
Torque:23 Nm
2. Install the fifth-gear and reverse-gear
interlocking bolts .
Torque:23 Nm
CAUTION: Clean remaining glue on the
closing box with razor blade before gluing. A3406105
Be sure to glue continuoutly and evenly
and diameter of inner ring and glue is
within 2-3mm. Close the box after gluing
for a certain period. Clean and glue again
if gluing time is too long.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-68 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-68

21. Install gear shift arm.

1 Install gear shift arm.
2 Tighten gear shift rocker bracket bolts to the
specified torque.
Torque:23 Nm 2


22. Install reverse lamp switch assembly with

Torque:8 Nm


23. Install input shaft needle bearing, fifth-gear

synchronizer ring and wave ring.
1 2
1.Install the input shaft needle bearing circlip.
2.Install fifth-gear synchronizer ring and wave
ring to ensure installation of ring, wave ring
and fifth-gear synchronizer in place.
CAUTION: Smear lubricating oil on needle
end and shaft neck.

CAUTION: Synchronizer ring slider slot is

aligned with synchronizer slider slot while

CAUTION: As for installation position of

wave ring, its wave trough (the lowest point)
should be aligned with ring slider slot.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-69 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-69

24. Install extension box.

1 Apply sealant to closing box.
2 Install extension box.
3 Tighten extension box bolt by specified
Torque:23 Nm
CAUTION: Clean remaining glue on the
closing box with razor blade before gluing.
Be sure to glue continuoutly and evenly
and diameter of inner ring and glue is
within 2-3mm. Close the box after gluing
for a certain period. Clean and glue again
if gluing time is too long.
CAUTION: Closing box bolts should
comply with diagonal tightening theory. If
there is no print around the surface of
extension box bolt hole, hanger bolt can
be installed here.

25. Install speedometer worm gear components

and tighten them to the specified torque.
Torque:10 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-70 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-70

Removal and Installation

Speed Sensor
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Disconnect wiring harness connector of
vehicle speed sensor.


3. Remove vehicle speed sensor with proper


Torque: 10Nm


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-71 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-71

Reverse Lamp Switch

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Disconnect the reverse lamp switch wiring
harness connector 1.
3. Remove reverse lamp switch 2 using proper 1
Torque:8 Nm


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

Manual Transmission
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Remove crankshaft position sensor
Refer to: Crankshaft Position Sensor
(3.3.12 Electrical control System - M7,
Removal and Installation).
3. Lift vehicle
Refer to: Lifting (1.1.3 Traction and
Lifting, Description and Operation).

SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-72 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-72

4. Disconnect wiring harness connector of

vehicle speed sensor.


5. Disconnect the reversing lamp switch

harness connector.


6. Disconnect transmission gearshift cable, gear

select cable and transmission.
Refer to: Gearshift mechanism (3.4.4 ×2
Manual Transmission External Control,
Removal and Installation).


7. Loosen retaining nut of clutch cable.


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-73 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-73

8. Disconnect clutch cable and clutch fork.


9. Remove starter motor.

Refer to: Starter motor (3.3.9 Starting
System,Removal and Installation).

10. Remove the drive shaft.

Refer to: Drive shaft (2.2.2 Drive Shaft,
Removal and Installation).

11. Support the transmission using flat jack.

12. Remove transmission and engine No. 2 stud

nut 1 and transmission and transmission and 1
two connection bolts 2 of stiffening plate of
left engine.

Torque:58 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-74 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-74

13. Remove two upper connecting bolts 1 and

No.1 stud connecting nut 2 of thetransmission
and engine .

Torque:58 Nm

×2 2


14. Remove 2 connecting bolts of stiffening plate

at right side of of transmission and engine.
Torque: 51 Nm


15. Remove transmission hanger bolt and nut.

Torque:51 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
3.4.6-75 Manual Transmission - MR510B04 3.4.6-75

16. Seperate transmission from the engine, slow

flat jack down and remove transmission

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Fill manual transmission oil, and inspect the
transmission oil level.
CAUTION: Inspection of transmission oil
(3.4.6 Manual Transmission- MR510B04,
General Inspection).

SC1022 2011.08


4.1 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning.......................................................................... 4.1.1-1

4.2 Body Electrical System

4.2.1 Instrument Panel and Panel Illumination .......................................................................... 4.2.1-1
4.2.2 Instrument Cluster............................................................................................................. 4.2.2-1
4.2.3 Horn .................................................................................................................................. 4.2.3-1
4.2.4 Cigarette Lighter ............................................................................................................... 4.2.4-1
4.2.5 Information and Entertainment System............................................................................. 4.2.5-1
4.2.6 Lighting system ................................................................................................................. 4.2.6-1
4.2.7 Wiper and Washer ............................................................................................................ 4.2.7-1
4.2.8 Onboard Network.............................................................................................................. 4.2.8-1

SC1022 2011.08
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

4.1 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

2011 SC1022
Table of contents Pages

4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

Specification..................................................................................................................................... 4.1.1-1
Material Specifications.............................................................................................................. 4.1.1-1
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 4.1.1-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 4.1.1-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 4.1.1-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 4.1.1-2
Components Description .......................................................................................................... 4.1.1-5
System Principle....................................................................................................................... 4.1.1-6
Components Exploded View..................................................................................................... 4.1.1-8
General Inspection......................................................................................................................... 4.1.1-12
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing.................................................................................................... 4.1.1-20
Inspection and Verification...................................................................................................... 4.1.1-20
Symptom Chart....................................................................................................................... 4.1.1-21
Insufficient Cooling Diagnosis ................................................................................................ 4.1.1-23
Insufficient Heating Diagnosis ................................................................................................ 4.1.1-28
Diagnosis Procedure of Blower Fault (1.3L)........................................................................... 4.1.1-30
Diagnosis Procedure of A/C Compressor Clutch Fault(1.3 L) ................................................ 4.1.1-32
Diagnostic Procedure For Condenser Fan Constantly-Working (1.3 L) ................................. 4.1.1-40
Diagnostic Procedure For Condenser Fan Non-Working(1.3 L)............................................. 4.1.1-43
Removal and Installation................................................................................................................ 4.1.1-45
Compressor Belt..................................................................................................................... 4.1.1-45
Compressor ............................................................................................................................ 4.1.1-45
Condensor .............................................................................................................................. 4.1.1-47
Refrigerant Pressure Switch................................................................................................... 4.1.1-49
Expansion Valve ..................................................................................................................... 4.1.1-50
A/C Pipe ................................................................................................................................. 4.1.1-51
Heater Controls with Accessory Assembly............................................................................. 4.1.1-54
HVAC Motor Speed Resistor .................................................................................................. 4.1.1-56
Heater Assembly .................................................................................................................... 4.1.1-57
Inlet Plenum with Accessory Assembly .................................................................................. 4.1.1-59
HVAC...................................................................................................................................... 4.1.1-62
A/C Switch .............................................................................................................................. 4.1.1-64

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning
4.1.1-1 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-1

Material Specifications
Item Specifications Capacity
Refrigerant oil RS20/RTL -100X 150 ml
Refrigerant R134a 600 g

General Specifications
1.0 L 1.3 L
Model 8104100 -02H 8104100 -04H
Type Rotary vane Scroll rotary vane Scroll
Displacement 72 ml 66 ml 72 ml 66 ml
Electromagnetic clutch power 42 KW
Amount of heat exchange 1.6 KW
Voltage 12 V
150 ml

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Compressor retaining bolt 23 17 -
Retaining bolts for the compressor high-
23 17 -
pressure pipe and the compressor
Retaining bolts for the compressor low-
23 17 -
pressure pipe and the compressor
Retaining nuts for the inlet and outlet
14 10 -
pipes of the Refrigerant drier.
A/C low-pressure pipe connection 33 24 -
Tightening of pressure switch 11 - 8
A/C low-pressure pipe connection 33 24 -
Expansion valve retaining bolt 4 - 35
Retaining bolts for the A/C pipe and the
10 - -
expansion valve
Condenser connecting pipe 14 10 -
A/C hose 23 17 -

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-2 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
A/C is designed to provide passengers with
comfortable ride conditions regardless of the
weather.The system can control the ventilation of
passenger compartment by actuating the
following functions:
• Cooling.
• Dehumidification.
• Heating.
• Circulation.

Fresh air goes from the air inlet housing through

the HVAC assembly, air passage to each vent
and finally into the interior space. A/C consists of
the following main components:
• Refrigeration system.
• Heating system.
• Air distribution system.
• Air conditioning system.

A/C has the following characteristics:

• Comfotable dry fresh air.
• Power ventilation.
Drivers can select any of the following functions
on the control panel:
• Temperature.
• Fan speed.
• Air inlet and outlet position.

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-3 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-3
A/C Control Panel Function Description

2 3



Item Description Item Description

1 Recirculation 4 Temperature control switch
2 Ventilation mode switch 5 Air volume control switch
3 A / C switch

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-4 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-4
Temperature Set A/C Switch Signal Logic Inspection:
Temperature control switch is used to set in-
house temperature and control air temperature at Evapor
the vent. Turn to the blue area for cool air or to A/C Blower A/C
the red for warm air. Switch Switch Signal
Air Volume Set:
Air volume control switch is used to set the blower
speed. Air flow coming out of the system can be ON ON ON
than 5 ℃
controlled by pushing the switch to both right and
left. The maximal blower speed is obtained by ON OFF - OFF
pushing the air volume switch to the left end. lower
than 3 ℃
Vent Mode
Ventilation mode control switch is used to control
vent mode by adjusting vent of center/footwell/ Recirculation Control
windshield and get the expected air flow. The The user can select interior or exterior circulation
temperature distribution range will be effected by mode:
the interior space size.
1. In exterior circulation mode, exterior
5 vent modes can be selected at manual state. circulation vent is open and interior vent is
1. Center vents closed.

2. Center vents and footwell 2. In interior circulation mode, interior circulation

vent is open and exterior vent is closed.
3. Footwell
With air exterior circulation switch, drivers can
4. Footwell and defrost select air interior or exterior circulation mode.
5. Defroster

The system ON/OFF control is realised by A/C
switch. Press the switch to send request signal of
When air volume control rotary knob is not at
“OFF”, press the A / C switch, indicator will light
up(ON) or shut down(OFF).

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-5 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-5

Components Description Refrigerant R134a and Lubricant

Refrigerant in A/C has the following functions:
• Absorb heat
A/C compressor is driven by compressor clutch
belt pulley, which is driven through belt by engine • Carry heat
crankshaft. Before solenoid clutch coil is • Release heat
energized, compressor belt rotates freely and do Vehicles use R134a refrigerant, which is
not drive compressor shaft; after the coil is nonpoisonous, fire-retardant, transparent, non
energized, clutch plate and clutch hub will be tinted liquefied gas.
pushed to the belt pulley, then clutch plate and
belt pulley is locked as one to drive the Make sure following the steps in manual when
compressor shaft. carrying the following repairs:

Compressor will be closed under the following • Refrigerant recovery and regenerating
conditions: • Fill oil
1. Throttle fully open. • Drain refrigeration system
2. Idle speed is low . • Refill refrigerant
3. Ambient temperature is low. A/C Pressure Switch
4. Coolant temperature too high.
A/C pressure is a tristate pressure switch to
5. Refrigerant pressure higher than 3.2 ± 0.2 transfer A/C pressure signal.
MPa or lower than 0.2 ± 0.02 MPa.
Pressure Switch Value
Condenser,Refrigerant Drier Pressure
Item Signal Value
High- pressure and temperature refrigerant vapor Value(MPa)
from compressor goes into condenser.The High pressure
condenser is consisted of aluminium pipes and ≥ 3.2 OFF
cooling fins which allow the high-pressure and
temperature vapor to carry on quick heat pressure ON
≤ 2.6
transmission. The cooling fins coagulate the high switch
pressure and high temperature refrigerant vapor
Low pressure
to high pressure and middle temperature fluid by ≤ 0.23 ON
radiating. refrigerant drier is located at the left
side of condenser.It is designed to make sure that
the high pressure and temperature gas-liquid
mixture refrigerant entering the drier becomes
liquid refrigerant with high pressure and middle
temperature when it comes out from the drier.
There is desiccant in the drier to absorb the water
content in the refrigerant system. Desiccant can
not be used repeatedly.

HVAC Assembly
HVAC assembly is located inside the instrument
panel and consists of blower, heater core,
evaporator, expansion valve as well as all kinds of
air deflection damper and vent duct.

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-6 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-6

System Principle



Item Description Item Description

1 Heater core 5 Instrument panel outlet
2 Blower 6 Internal air
3 Defroster 7 Ambient air
4 Floor outlet

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-7 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-7
Air Conditioning System Principle

1 2 3

7 6 5 4 B


Sequence Sequence
Title Title
Number Number
1 Condenser 7 Conderser fan
High pressure, middle temperature
2 Compressor A
and liquid state
Low pressure, low temperature
3 Blower B
and liquid state
Low pressure, low temperature
4 Evaporator C
and gas state
High pressure, high temperature
5 Expansion valve D
and gas state
High pressure, high temperature
6 Refrigerant drier E
and gas-liquid mixture state

Gas state refrigerant is sucked into compressor entrance and then compressed. Refrigerant is heated to
70 ℃ ~ 110 ℃ . Compressor pumps the gas state refrigerant into the condenser. Condenser is
consisted of many radiating fins for the air to flow though. Compressed air is fully cooled down by outside
air and air sucked in by condenser fans. Cooled refrigerant is reserved in drier. When the liquid state
refrigerant from drier goes though expansion valve, the pressure and temperature drops quickly, and the
refrigerant is completely evaporated in the evaporator. The passing air is be also cooled down because
the evaporator is cold. Finally, gas state refrigerant is absorbed again by A/C compressor.

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-8 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-8

Components Exploded View






14 13



SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-9 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-9

Item Description Item Description

1 Heater with accessory assembly 10 HVAC control panel
2 HVAC 11 HVAC control handle
3 HVAC left housing 12 HVAC switch assembly
4 Airflow intake pipe 13 Bulb
Inlet plenum with accessory Heating blower control with
5 14
assembly accessory assembly
6 HVAC right housing 15 Water valve control cable
7 Fresh air control cable assembly 16 HVAC radiator (small radiator)
8 Air direction control cable 17 Blower resistor
9 Temperature control cable

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-10 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-10

1 2



11 9



SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-11 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-11

Item Description Item Description

Condenser with accessory
1 8 No.1 drain pipe assembly
Compressor and electromagnetic
2 Condenser fan assembly 9
clutch assembly (72 type)
Condenser fan motor relay Compressor and electromagnetic
3 10
assembly clutch assembly[72]
The upper bracket of the front
4 11 Compressor adjustment bracket
Front-mounted evaporator
5 12 Compressor V belt
Front evaporator waterflow pipe
6 13 Condenser inlet pipe assembly
Front evaporator inlet pipe
7 No.1 Suction pipe assembly 14

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-12 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-12

General Inspection 6. Drain and fill the air conditioning system

again after its interior is exposed to the air.
General Equipment All the service components are dried and
Digital multimeter sealed before leaving factory. The sealed
components should not be opened until
Refrigerant recovery filling machine
installation soon starts. All the components
should be at the room temperature before
WARNING: Disconnect the negative
unsealed to prevent water in the air
terminal before repairing the electric
condensing on the components and entering
system. Do not weld or vapour clean on
the system. Seal the components again as
or near a vehicle with A/C pipes or
fast as possible.
CAUTION: A/C refrigerant - operations
CAUTION: Do not clean the air that should be prevented:
conditioning system with water, caustic a Do not store the refrigerant under direct
solvent or inflammable or explosive sun light or near any heat source;
solvent.It is recommended to use R - 141b b Do not drain the refrigerant into the
and heptane. atmosphere under any case;
The operational efficiency and service life of the c Do not mix the refrigerant with other
air conditioning (A / C) system depend on the liquids, such as R134a(Tetrafluoroethane)
chemical stability of the refrigeration system. and R12 (Freon).
When the refrigeration system is contaminated by CAUTION: Refrigeration oil- operations
foreign matters (such as dust, air or moisture), the which should be noticed: Use the oil with
matters change the stability of the refrigerant and designated type and grade of the
RS20 compression machine oil. Besides, the compressor factory. Never use oil of
relationship between pressure and temperature is different types and grades together, or the
affected to reduce the work efficiency and cause compressor will be damaged. The oil has a
interior corrosion and abnormal wear of the extremely high water absorption, so
components. Inspect as follows: shorten the exposure time of the oil in the
1. Clean the oil on and around the joint before air as much as possible.
opening it in order to reduce the possibility of
oil entering the system. Test the Refrigeration System
2. Seal the both ends of the joint with caps, Inspect the following items when the air
plugs or adhesive tapes immediately after the conditioning system may have problems:
joint breaks to prevent the oil, foreign matters
1. Inspect the outside surface of the radiator
and moisture from entering the system. and condenser core to ensure that the air flow
3. Keep all the tools including manifold pressure is not blocked by the dust, leaves and other
gauge components and all the replacement foreign matters. Inspect the joint surface
components clean and dry. between the condenser and radiator and all
the outside surface.
4. Add RS20 refrigerant oil with clean and dry
2. Inspect the condenser core, hose and
conveyer device and container to prevent the
connecting pipes and see if they are blocked
refrigerant oil from being affected by
or twisted.
3. Inspect the operation of the blower fan.
5. Shorten the exposure time of the air
conditioning system in the air. 4. Inspect all the air pipes and see if they have
leakage or block. A small air flow may mean
that the evaporator core is blocked.
5. Inspect the compressor clutch and see if it

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-13 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-13
6. Inspect the tension of the attachment driving Air Conditioning System Pressure
belt. Inspection
insufficient Cooling Quick Inspection 1. Park the vehicle indoors or in shade.
2. Open the windows to ventilate.
Execute the following “hand feel” program and
see if the adding quantity of the air conditioning 3. If the A/C system is working, keep it working
system refrigerant R134a is appropriate. The air for about 2 min.
temperature must be higher than 21 ℃ in all the 4. Ignition off.
5. Install the A/C detecting and repairing device.
1. Preheat the engine. Keep the engine in Connect the high- and low- pressure pipes to
idling.Make the engine run at idle speed. the high- and low- pressure pipes of the A/C
2. Switch on the A/C. system respectively.
3. Set the temperature control at coldest. 6. Measure the pressure reading of the high-
pressure and low-pressure pipes of the A/C
4. Set the speed of the blower at “max”.
5. “Feel” the temperature at the outlet pipe of
Pressure Standard Values is as Follows:
the evaporator. It should be cool.
6. Inspect other faults. Standar
Standard Standard
d Value
7. Inspect if there is a leak in the system. If so, Value 1 Value 2
drain the system and do necessary repair.
Drain the system and add refrigerant again Ambie
after repair. nt Higher than Higher than
than 33
Tempe 16 ℃ 24 ℃
8. If it does not have a leakage. ℃
Refer to: Symptoms Chart (4.1.1 Heating, 0.29 ~
0.29 ~ 0.39
Ventilation and Air Conditioning. Low MPa 0.39
Diagnosis and testing). MPa
2.6 ~ 2.6 ~
2.6MPa 2.6MPa

7. Start the engine and keep it working for 5 min.

8. Press down the A / C switch and keep it
working for 2 min.
9. Keep the engine rotating speed at 2,000 rpm,
and measure the pressure of the high-
pressure and low-pressure pipes of the air
conditioning system.
Pressure Standard Values is as Follows:

Item Low-pressure
1.3 ~ 1.5 MPa 0.15 ~ 0.20 MPa

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-14 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-14
The Outlet of Air Conditioning System Air Conditioning System Pressure
Temperature Inspection Chart
1. Start the engine, open the air conditioning. Pressure area A: The high-pressure and low-
2. Increase the engine rotating speed to 2,000 pressure may be normal or slightly lower than
rpm. normal value.

3. Place the thermometer inside the central Pressure area B: The low-pressure is higher than
outlet about 5 ~ 15 mm from the surface. normal while the high-pressure is lower than
After 3 ~ 5 min,read the temperature.If the normal.
ambient temperature is less than the Pressure area C: The low-pressure and high-
standard temperature after 5 min,It is not pressure are both higher than normal.
Pressure area D: The low-pressure is lower than
25 Central Outlet Temperature
normal while the high-pressure is higher than

15 690
 10 550
8 B C

0 275
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 210 A
Ambient Temperature
140 D

700 1400 2100 2750 (kPa)


A/C System Performance Test

Test instructions
This test measures the work efficiency of the A/C
system at the following conditions:
• Current ambient temperature
• Current realtive humidity
• A/C system high-pressure
• A/C system low-pressure
• Air temperature at the console vent
CAUTION: The ambient temperature
should be at least 16 ℃ . Do NOT let extra
air flow in front of the vehicle during the

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-15 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-15
A/C Performance List

( C)
Temperature Difference Between


Inlet and Outlet

50 60 70 25
Relative Humidity (%)


Moderate Temperature (ņ)

10 20%

5 Relative Humidity (%)


5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Dry-bulb Temperature (ņ)


Test conditions: open the doors and the engine hood; turn the A/C on, select interior circulation mode at
the coldest state and highest blower speed, no sunlight, the wind speed lower than 8 km / h.

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-16 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-16
R134a Pressure and Temperature Relationship List
Temperature Pressure Temperature Pressure
℃(℉) Psi ℃(℉) Psi
-8(17.6 ) 113.1( 16.4) 9( 48.2) 296.2(43.0 )
-7( 19.4) 121.5(17.6 ) 10( 50.0) 309.6(44.9 )
-6(21.2 ) 130.2(18.9 ) 15( 59.0) 383.7(55.7 )
-5(23.0 ) 139.1(20.2 ) 20( 68.0) 467.7( 67.8)
-4(24.8 ) 148.4( 21.5) 25( 77.0) 567.5(82.3 )
-3( 26.6) 157.9(22.9 ) 30(86.0 ) 667.8( 96.9)
-2(28.4 ) 167.6( 24.3) 35(95.0 ) 785.6( 113.9)
-1( 30.2) 177.8( 25.8) 40(104.0 ) 916.4(133.0)
0( 32.0) 188.2(27.3 ) 45( 113.0) 1062.2(154.0 )
1(33.8 ) 198.8( 28.8) 50(122.0 ) 1222.1(177.2 )
2( 35.6) 209.9(30.4 ) 55(131.0 ) 1398.2( 202.8 )
3( 37.4) 221.2( 32.1) 60( 140.0) 1589.6(230.5)
4(39.2 ) 232.9( 33.8) 65(149.0 ) 1799.0(260.9 )
5(41.0 ) 245.0( 35.5) 70(158.0 ) 2026.6(293.9 )
6(42.8 ) 257.4( 37.3) 75(167.0 ) 2272.2( 329.5)
7(44.8 ) 269.8(39.1 ) 80(176.0 ) 2544.0( 369.0)
8(46.4 ) 282.9( 41.0) - -

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-17 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-17
Air Conditioning System Leakage Test 6. Inspect the following items even if one
If you doubt that the system has a refrigerant leakage is detected:
leakage, test if so. You should make a leakage • Inlet and outlet of the evaporator
test when your repair affects the pipes or the
• Inlet and outlet of the fluid store
joints. The leakage usually appears at the Refrigerant drier
refrigerant joints or interfaces.Leakage usually
occurs at the joints or the interfaces. The faults • Inlet and outlet of the condenser
leading to a leakage is usually as follows: • Brazing and electric welding parts
• The torque is not appropriate. • Damaged components
• The seal ring is damaged. • Hose joint
• The seal ring has dust or fibre on it. • Front and rear covers of the compressor

General Test Method • All the joints and joints

1. Inspect along the entire line of the refrigerant • Test the access ports/valves
system using the electronic leak detector. The access ports are protected by seal cap .
CAUTION: The electronic leak detector is Make sure that all the caps are not lost or loose.
sensitive to the front windscreen glass Every port have to use the correct cap.
washing liquid, solvent, cleaning agent
Evaporator Core Test
and some vehicle adhesives. The
surface must be cleaned to ensure correct A leakage of the evaporator core is hard to detect.
reading. Make sure that all the surfaces Test the evaporator core according to the
are dry to avoid damaging the leak following program:
detector. 1. Set the blower speed at highest and keep it
2. Move at a speed of 25 ~ 50 mm / s and detect working for 15 min.
the joint in a full circle. 2. Turn off the blower.
3. The detector tip is less than 6 mm from the 3. Wait for 10 min.
surface. 4. Remove the blower motor speed governing
4. Do not block the gas inlet. module.
5. If the leakage is detected, the alarm changes 5. Put in the leak detector as near the
to continuous alarm instead of 1~2 times per evaporator core as possible. The leak
second. Adjust the balance control to keep detector will give continuous alarm when it
the alarm at 1 ~ 2 times per second. detects a leakage.

Compressor Shaft Seal Test

1. Use shop compressed air to blow the rear
part and the front part of the compressor
clutch/belt pulley for at least 15 s.
2. Wait for 1 ~ 2 min.
3. Detect the front part of the belt pulley. The
leak detector will give continuous alarm when
it detects a leakage.

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-18 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-18
Refrigerant Recovery and Filling Refrigerant Recovery
The refrigerant recovery filling machine can 1. Connect high side hose with quick coupling to
accomplish the discharge, drain and filling of the the high-pressure side connector of the
air conditioning system at one connection. Filter vehicle A/C system.
the refrigerant during recovery and draining to 2. Open high-pressure side connector valve.
keep the refrigerant filling in the air conditioning
3. Connect low side hose with quick coupling to
system clean and dry.
the low-pressure side connector of the
vehicle A/C system.
4. Open low-pressure side connector valve.
5. Inspect manometer on the high-pressure side
and low-pressure side in the control panel of
refrigerant recovery filling machine. If there is
no pressure, there is no refrigerant recyclable
in the system.
6. Open valve of high-pressure side connector
and low-pressure side connector.
7. Connect refrigerant recovery filling machine
to a suitable power outlet.
WARNING: Do refrigetion-fluid-relative
work in a drafty environment and do not 8. Connect to the main power switch.
inhale in refrigerant vapor. Avoid sucking 9. Start the recovery process. Please refer to
in the A/C refrigerant R134a the instruction for use from the
(Tetrafluoroethane) and oil vapor or smog. manufacturer,try to have a detailed
The eyes, nose and pharyngeal will be knowledge of how to use the refrigerant
irritated if getting in touch with them. recovery filling machine.
Operate in the area with good ventilation.
Use repair device(R-134a regeneration 10. Inspect the manometer in the low-pressure
device) authenticated to meet the need of side of the control panel. If the pressure in
the SAE(Society of Automotive Engineers) the A/C system is 0,it means the recovery
to clear the R134a in the system.The work process is finished.
area must be vented before going on with 11. If the pressue indicated by the manometer in
the repair if the system has an accidental the low-pressure side is not 0, it means there
drain. Further information about health is still refrigerant remained. Recovery the
and safety can be acquired from the refrigerant remained. Repeat this process
refrigerant and lubricant manufactures. until pressure of the system maintain 0 for 2

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-19 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-19
Emptying Filling
The refrigerant tank in the refrigerant recovery CAUTION: Empty the air conditioning
filling machine has to contain enough R134a system before filling.
refrigerant so as to fill. Inspect the quantity of
refrigerant inside the tank. If there is less than 1. Open the low ressure side valve on the
control panel.
2kg refrigerant, add new refrigerant to the
refrigerant tank. More details are included in the 2. Open the high ressure side valve on the
instruction for use of the refrigerant recovery control panel.
filling machine to learn more about how to add 3. Please refer to the instruction for use from the
refrigerant. manufacturer,try to have a detailed
1. Inspect if the high-pressure side hose and knowledge of how to use the refrigerant
low-pressure side hose are connected to the recovery filling machine.
A/C system, open the valve of the high-
4. Add stated amount of refrigerant to the
pressure side and low-pressure side in the
A/C,and make sure the measuring unit is
control panel of the refrigerant recovery filling
right(kilogram or pound).
2. Operate according to the operating process 5. Strat filling.
of the refrigerant recovery filling machine, After finish refrigerant filling, execute the
start the vacuum pump and begin evacuation operations below.
1. Close the valve of high-pressure side and low
3. Inspect if there is a leak in the system. –pressure side .remember to close both.
Please refer to the instruction for use from the 2. Start the vehicle A/C system.
manufacturer,try to have a detailed
knowledge of how to use the refrigerant 3. Keep the engine working, until the readings
recovery filling machine. on the manometer of both high-pressure side
and low-pressure side remain stable.
Refrigerant Oil Adding
4. Compare the readings with system
CAUTION: You have to supplement the specification.
lubricant which were drained from the air
5. Inspect the temperature of evaporator outlet,
conditioning system during recovery.
make sure that the air conditioning operation
1. Use lubricant which is specialized for the meets to system requirements.
R134a system. 6. Turn off the air conditioning system.
2. Please refer to the instruction for use from the
7. Disconnect the high-pressure and low-
manufacturer,try to have a detailed
pressure side hose from the vehicle.
knowledge of how to use the refrigerant
recovery filling machine,add the specialized 8. Execute the cleaning operation according to
lubricant to the vehicle air conditioning the instruction for use of the refrigerant
system. recovery filling machine.
3. When the oil injected already meets the
requirement, close the valve.

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-20 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-20

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment

Digital multimeter
Changan Auto special diagnostic tool

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electric
•Fans wind gather cover •Refrigerant pressure
•Compressor switch

•A/C high ad low •Thermal protection

pressure pipe switch

•Condensor •Electric fan

•Evaporator •Blower

•Air channel •ECM circuit


3. Inspect the air conditioning system circuit

which is easy to see or visible, to see if there
is a leak in the air conditioning system.
4. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
5. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.

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4.1.1-21 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-21

Symptom Chart
If there is symptom but no diagnostic is stored in control module and can not confirm symptom reasons
in basic inspect, it is diagnose and fix the fault in the following chart.

Symptom Possible Causes Action

•A/C system pressure does not Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
meet the standard for insufficient refrigeration of
•Poor condenser heat dissipation the A/C (4.1.1 Heating,
Ventilation and Air
•Accessories drive belt skids
Conditioning, Symptom
Insufficient refrigeration of •Clutch slippage Diagnosis and Testing).
the A/C •Pipeline leak
•Blower fault
•Warm and cold vent fault
•Vent blocked or leak
•Compressor wear
•Heater pipe fault Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Heater water tank fault for insuffcient heating of the
A/C (4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation
•Blower fault
Insuffcient heating of the
and Air Conditioning, Symptom
•Warm and cold vent fault Diagnosis and Testing).
•Vent blocked or leak
•Heater water tank fault
•Engine fault

•Circuit Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•Blower speed control module for blower fault (4.1.1 Heating,
Blower fault Ventilation and Air
•Air volume control switch
Conditioning, Symptom
•Blower Diagnosis and Testing).
•Circuit Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•A/C system lower pressure for A/C compressor clutch fault
(4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning, Symptom
•Refrigerant pressure switch Diagnosis and Testing).
A/C compressor clutch fault
•A/C switch
•A/C relay
•Compressor temperature sensor
•ECM fault

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4.1.1-22 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-22

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

• Refrigerant pressure switch
indicates a signal which means •Repair refrigerant pressure switch wiring
pressure in the A/C doesn’t meet harness
Signal abnormal of the the standard value
•Replace refrigerant pressure switch
refrigerant pressure switch
•Refrigerant pressure switch wiring
•Inspect and repair ECM, replace it when
harness fault
•ECM fault
•Release excessive refrigerant
•Repair the fault of poor vehicle radiating
•The high pressure of the A/C is
over 3.2 MPa •Repair the fault of engine fault
•Inspect and repair the fault of pipeline
Refrigerant pressure block inside the air conditioning system
•Supplement and fill the refrigerant
•Inspect and repair the fault of the air
•The low pressure of the A/C is
conditioning leak
over 0.2 MPa
•Inspect and repair the fault of pipeline
block inside the air conditioning system
•Connection fault between the
drainpipe and HVAC assembly
•Inspect and repair the drainpipe
Water leak from the A/C •Connection fault between the
drainpipe and car body •Replace the drainpipe

•Drainpipe blocked
The blower can’t send the
air out under a high
•Thermal protection of speed •Replace speed control module for the
temperature, and can
control module blower
recover after lowering the

Refer to: Diagnostic procedure

•A/C switch
for condenser fan constantly-
Diagnostic procedure for •Circuit turning (4.1.1 Heating,
condenser fan constantly-
turning •Relay Ventilation and Air
Conditioning, Symptom
•ECM fault
Diagnosis and Testing).
•Fuse Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Circuit for condenser fan non-working
Diagnostic procedure for (4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
condenser fan non-working Air Conditioning, Symptom
•Electric fan Diagnosis and Testing).
•ECM fault

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-23 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-23

Insufficient Cooling Diagnosis

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the temperature of air outlet in the A/C instrument Panel
A.Start the engine at a 2,000 rmp rotate speed,then
measure the temperature of instrument Panel vent
in the A/C.
Refer to: The Outlet of Air Conditioning
System Temperature Inspection
(4.1.1Heating, Ventilation and Air
Conditioning, general inspections).
Is the temperature of air outlet in theA/C instrument
panel over-high?
Repair and adjust as below and make sure the
system is normal.
• Switch to the interior circulation.
• Move the vehicle to a shade.
• Adjust the external circulation damper
mechanism. Replace both the internal
and external circulation damper
mechanical mechanism if necessary.
• Inspect and repair the heater motor,
replace it when necessary.
Go to step 2.

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4.1.1-24 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-24

2. Inspect the air volume of instrument Panel vent in the A/C

A.Inspect the state of instrument Panel vent in the
Is the air volume of instrument Panel vent in the
A/C too small?
Repair and adjust as below and make sure the
system is normal.
• Clean and repair the instrument Panel
vent in the A/C,replace it when
• Replace the refrigerant which meets the
standards of the manufacturer.
• Inspect and repair the circuit.
• Inspect and repair the wind direction
control system, replace it when
• Inspect and repair the blower motor,
replace it when necessary.
• Replace the blower speed control
• Replace the expansion valve.
Go to step 3.

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4.1.1-25 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-25

3.Inspect the pressure in refrigerant

A.Connect to the air conditioning manometer section
and start the engine at a speed of 2,000rpm, then
measure the high pressure and low pressure of the
air conditioning system.
Standard pressure value:
High pressure 1.3 ~ 1.5 MPa
Low pressure 0.15 ~ 0.20 MPa
Does the pressure in refrigerant meet the standard?
Go to step 4.
Repair and adjust as below and make sure the
system is normal.
• Inspect and repair whether the radiator of
the A/C system is dirty, Release the
excessive refrigerant and refrigerant
lubricant,replace the expansion valve.
• If the high pressure is high but the low
pressure is low, then clean and replace
the blocked high-pressure pipe, replace
the expansion valve.
• If the high pressure is low but the low
pressure is high, then supplement the
refrigerant lubricant,inspect and repair or
replace the compressor.
• If the high pressure is over-high and low
pressure is over-low,then inspect and
repair,replace the leaked system
components, fill the refrigerant according
to the instructions from the manufacturer.
• If the high pressure is over-low but the
low pressure is vacuum, then replace the
reservior drier and the expansion
valve.clean or replace the blocked low-
pressure pipe,extend the system
vacuumizing time, add the refrigerant
required by the manufacturer,replace the
evaporator temperature sensor.

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4.1.1-26 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-26

4.Inspect the compressor function state

A. Inspect the items below:
• Compressor belt working state.
• Compressor clutch working state.
• Compressor working state.
Is the system working normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair and adjust as below and make sure the
system is normal.
• Adjsut the compressor belt,replace it
when necessary.
• Inspect the refrigerant,lubricant and
supplement them when necessary.
• Inspect and repair the compressor
clutch circuit.
• Inspect and repair the compressor
clutch,replace it when necessary.
• Inspect and repair the refrigerant
pressure switch,replace it when
• Inspect and repair the AC temperature
sensor,replace it when necessary.
• Inspect and repair the compressor,
replace it when necessary.
• Inspect and repair the engine control
module,replace it when necessary.
5. Inspect the temperature in the condenser
A. Inspect the output state of the condensor.
Is the system working normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair and adjust as below and make sure the
system is normal.
Inspect ,repair and clean the condensor ,reoplace it
as necessary.

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4.1.1-27 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-27

6. Inspect the engine coolant temperature

A. Inspect the items below:
• Engine idle runnin time.
• Engine operation time with heavy load.
• Coolant filling quantity.
• Coolant performance.
• Thermostat performance.
• Engine working state.
• Cooling fan working state.
• Radiating of the water tank.
• Cooling fan wind-gathering cover state.
Inspect and adjust as below,make sure the system
is normal.
• Decrease engine idle running time.
• Decrease engine operation time with
heavy load.
• Inspect and repair coolant leaking
situation, add the coolant to the standard
• Replace a coolant which meet the
manufacturer’s requirements.
• Inspect and repair th cooling fan wind-
gathering cover , replace it as necessary.
• Inspect and repair,clean the cooling
water tank, replace it when necessary
• Inspect and repair the cooling fan motor,
replace it as necessary
• Replace the thermostat.
• Repair engine cooling system.
• Inspect and repair the engine working

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-28 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-28

Insufficient Heating Diagnosis

Testing Condition Details/Results/Actions
1. Inspect the engine coolant temperature
A.Inspect the engine coolant temperature.
Does the engine water temperature reach 82 ℃ ?
Go to step 2.
Repair and adjust as below and make sure the
system is normal.
• Prolong the engine’s running time.
• Bleed the cooling system.
• Repair or replace thermostat.
• Repair and adjust the engine working
2.Inspect the temperature vent working condition
A.Inspect the temperature vent working condition of
the A/C.
Is the working condition of temperature vent
Go to step 3.
Repair and adjust as below and make sure the
system is normal.
• Adjust the temperature valve
mechanism. Replace the valve
adjustment mechnical mechanism and
heater water valve with accessory if
• Inspect air passage,repair or replace the
leaking air passage.

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4.1.1-29 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-29

3.Inspect the working condition of recirculation vent

A..Inspect the working condition of the A/C interior
and exteriod circulation vent
Is the recirculation vent working normal?
Verify the system is normal.
Repair and adjust as below and make sure the
system is normal.
• Switch to interior circulation mode.
• Adjust the exterior recirculation vent
• Repair or replace the interior and exterior
circulation adjusting mechanical gear.

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-30 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-30

Diagnosis Procedure of Blower Fault (1.3L)

CAUTION: According to this way also can inspect vehicle(1.0 L) fault,only the terminal is

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, agingor loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the power supply of the blower motor
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P13 of the
heater motor.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D.Measure the voltage between the blower motor
wiring connector P13 terminal 1 and the reliable
grounding terminal.
Standard voltage value:11~14 V
2 Is the voltage normal?
P13 Yes
Go to step 3.
Repair the power supply circuit of the blower motor.
3.Inspect ground circuit of the heater switch
A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P19a of
the heater switch.
C.Measure the resistance between the terminal 3 of
the wiring harness connector of the blower switch
and the reliable grounding terminal.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
1 2 3
Is the resistance value normal?
4 5 6 Yes
Go to step 4.
Repair the open circuit fault at the circuit between
the terminal 3 of the wiring harness connector of
the heater switch and the grounding point GHL04.

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4.1.1-31 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-31

4.Inspect the loop circuit of the heater motor

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P13 of the
heater motor.
C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P19a of
the heater switch.
1 D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P14 of the
heater motor speed resistor.
2 E.Measure the resistance between P13 terminal 2 and
P19 a terminal 2 respectively.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 5.

P19a Repair the circuit fault.

1 2 3

4 5 6


5. Inspect the heater motor speed resistor

A.Replace the heater motor speed resistor on a
faulted vehicle with a new one on a normal vehicle.
Is the system normal?
Replace the blower motor speed resistor.
Go to step 6.
6. Inspect the heater switch
A.Replace with a normal heater switch of the same
Is the system normal?
Replace the heater switch.
Replace the heater motor and confirm if the system
operates normally.

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-32 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-32

Diagnosis Procedure of A/C Compressor Clutch Fault(1.3 L)

CAUTION: According to this way also can inspect vehicle(1.0 L) fault,only the terminal is

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General Inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, agingor loose.
B.Inspect the amount of the refrigerant in the A/C
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault point or refill refrigerant.
2.Inspect A / C switch power supply
A.Turn the ignition switch to position"LOCK".
B.Disconnect A / C switch wiring harness connector
C. Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
D.Measure the voltage between A / C switch wiring
P08a harness connector P08a terminal 1 and the reliable
grounding terminal.
1 2
Standard voltage value:11~14 V
3 6 Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair A/C switch power supply circuit.

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4.1.1-33 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-33

3.Inspect the circuit of A / C switch signal

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C.Disconnect A/C switch wiring harness connector
P08a D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
1 2
E.Measure the resistance between terminal 4 of A / C
switch wiring harness connector P08a and terminal
75 of ECM wiring harness connector S01a.
3 6
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 4.
81 63
1 2
Repair circuit fault between terminal 4 of A / C
62 44
switch wiring harness connector P08a and terminal
43 25 75 of ECM wiring harness S01a.
4 5
24 6


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4.1.1-34 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-34

4.Inspect A / C switch
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
81 63
1 2
D.Connect the battery negative cable?
62 44
3 E.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
43 25
F.Measure the voltage between terminal 75 of ECM
4 5
24 6 wiring harness connector S01a and the reliable
grounding terminal.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace A / C switch.

1 2

3 4


5.Inspect the compressor relay power supply

A.Remove the A/C compressor relay P48.
B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
C.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 and 2 of
relay P48 and reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
1 2 Yes
3 4 Go to step 6.
P48 No
A4101054 Repair the relay power supply circuit.

6.Inspect the compressor relay

A.Inspect the A/C compressor relay P48 and confirm if
the relay is normal.
Is it normal?
Go to step 7.
Replace the A/C compressor relay P48.

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4.1.1-35 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-35

7.Carry out the A/C compressor clutch drive test

A.Connect diagnosis tool.
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON" position. Using a
Diagnosis tool, carry out an active test on “ A/C
relay”.Observe if the clutch is engaged.
Is the clutch engaged?
Go to step 12.
Go to step 8.
8.Inspect the compressor relay control circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C.Remove compressor relay
S01a D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
81 63
1 2
E. Measure the resistance between the compressor
62 44
3 relay terminal 3 and terminal 70 of ECM wiring
43 25 harness connector S01a.
4 5
24 6 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 9.
Repair the open circuit fault of the circuit between
the compressor relay terminal 3 and terminal 70 of
P48 ECM wiring harness connector S01a.

1 2

3 4


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4.1.1-36 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-36

9.Inspect the power supply circuit of the A/C compressor

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Remove A/C compressor relay
C.Disconnect the compressor wiring harness
connector P40a.
P40a D.Measure the resistance between terminal 4 of the
compressor relay wiring harness connector P48
and terminal 1 of the compressor wiring harness
1 connector P40a.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 10.
Repair the open circuit fault of the circuit between
P48 terminal 4 of the compressor relay wiring harness
connector P48 and terminal 1 of the compressor
1 2 wiring harness connector P40a.
3 4


10.Inspect the A/C compressor

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
D.Connect the battery negative cable?
E.Ground terminal 14 and terminal 70 of the ECM
wiring harness connector S01a at the same time
with wiring harness repair tool.
F.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
Is the compressor clutch engagement normal?
Go to step 12.
Go to step 11.

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4.1.1-37 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-37

11.Replace the A/C compressor

A.Replace with a normal A/C compressor of the same
Is the system normal?
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.
Go to step 12.
12.Inspect the A/C compressor switch signal circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C.Disconnect the A/C compressor wiring harness
connector E16.
D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
81 63
1 2 ECM.

62 44
E.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of the
43 25 A/C compressor wiring harness connector E16 and
4 5 terminal 57 of the ECM wiring harness connector
24 6
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 13.
E16 No
Repair the open circuit fault of the circuit between
terminal 1 of the A/C compressor wiring harness
connector E16 and terminal 57 of the ECM wiring
harness connector S01a.


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4.1.1-38 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-38

13.Inspect the grounding connection of the refrigerant pressure switch

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness P39a of refrigerant
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of the
1 refrigerant pressure switch wiring harness
connector P39a and the reliable grounding
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
P39a Is the resistance value normal?
A4101058 Go to step 14.
Repair the open circuit fault of the circuit between
terminal 2 of the refrigerant pressure switch wiring
harness connector P39a and the grounding point
14.Inspect the connection between the refrigerant pressure switch and the compressor thermal protection
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P39a of
refrigerant pressure switch .
C.Disconnect the compressor thermal protection
P47 switch wiring harness connector P47.
1 D.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of the
refrigerant pressure switch wiring harness
connector P39a and terminal 1 of the compressor
thermal protection switch wiring harness connector
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 15.
P39a No
Repair the open circuit fault of the circuit between
terminal 1 of the refrigerant pressure switch wiring
harness connector P39a and terminal 1 of the
2 compressor thermal protection switch wiring
harness connector P47.


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4.1.1-39 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-39

15Inspect refrigerant pressure switch

A.Replace with a new normal vehicle refrigerant
pressure switch of the same model.
Is the system normal?
Replace refrigerant pressure switch
Go to step 16.
16.Replace the thermal protection switch
A.Replace with a normal thermal protection switch of
the same model and observe if the system operates
Is the system normal?
Replace the thermal protection switch.
Go to step 17.
17.Inspect the circuit of the engine control module
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
81 63
1 2 power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.

62 44
D.Turn the ignition switch to position”LOCK”,inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61, 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
Repair the circuit.

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-40 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-40

Diagnostic Procedure For Condenser Fan Constantly-Working

(1.3 L)
CAUTION: According to this way also can inspect vehicle(1.0 L) fault,only the terminal is

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, agingor loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect A / C switch
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect A/C switch wiring harness connector
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
Does the condenser fan keep operating?
Go to step 3.
Replace the A / C switch and confirm if the system
operates normally.
3.Inspect the circuit of A / C switch signal

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-41 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-41

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C.Disconnect the A/C switch wiring harness connector
D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
1 2
81 63 ECM.
62 44 E.Connect the battery negative cable?
43 25 F.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
4 5
24 6 G.Measure the voltage between terminal 75 of ECM
wiring harness connector S01a and the reliable
grounding terminal and inspect if the circuit has a
short circuit fault to the power supply.
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault of the circuit between terminal 4 of
the A / C switch wiring harness connector P08a and
terminal 75 of ECM wiring harness connector S01a.


4.Inspect the condenser fan relay

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Remove the condenser fan relay P41a.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
Does the condenser fan keep operating?
Inspect if there is any short circuit fault between the
power supply and the circuit between terminal 4 of
the condenser relay P41a and terminal 1 of the
condenser fan motor wiring harness connector
Go to step 5.
5.Replace the condenser fan relay P41a
A.Replace the condenser fan relay P41a.
Is the system normal?
Make sure the repair has been finished.
Go to step 6.

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4.1.1-42 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-42

6.Inspect the condenser relay control circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the battery negative cable.
C.Remove the condenser fan relay P14a.
D.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
E.Measure the resistance between terminal 3 of the
1 condenser fan relay P14a and the reliable
grounding terminal.
2 3 Standard value: 10 MΩ or more
P14a Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 7.
Repair the short circuit fault between terminal 3 of
the condenser fan relay P14a and the grounding.
7. Inspect the engine control module circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON",inspect the
81 63
1 2 power supply of terminal 12, 13, 44, 45 and 63.

62 44
D.Turn the ignition switch to position"LOCK",inspect
43 25 the grounding of terminal 3, 51, 53, 61, 80.
4 5
24 6 Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
Replace the engine control module.
Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.3.12
Electrical Control System - M7,Removal
and Installation).
Repair the circuit.

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-43 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-43

Diagnostic Procedure For Condenser Fan Non-Working(1.3 L)

CAUTION: Confirm if the A/C compressor clutch works normally before the diagnostic
procedure for the condenser fan non-working service. Repair the A/C compressor clutch first
if it does not work normally.

CAUTION: According to this way also can inspect vehicle(1.0 L) fault,only the terminal is

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1General inspection
A. Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, agingor loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the condenser fan relay power supply
A.Remove the condenser fan relay P41a.
B.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
C.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 and
terminal 2 of the condenser fan relay P41a and the
reliable grounding terminal.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
1 2 Is the voltage normal?
3 4

Go to step 3.
Repair the relay power supply circuit.
3.Inspect the condenser fan relay
A.Inspect the condenser fan relay and confirm if the
condenser fan relay works normally.
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 4.
Replace the condenser fan relay.

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-44 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-44

4.Inspect the condenser fan motor power supply circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Remove the condenser fan relay P41a.
C.Disconnect the condenser fan motor wiring harness
connector P42 a.
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 4 of the
P41a condenser fan relay P41a and terminal 1 of the
condenser fan motor wiring harness connector P42
1 2 a.
1 2 3 4 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
A4101064 Yes
Go to step 5.
Repair the open circuit fault of the circuit between
terminal 4 of the condenser fan relay P41a and
terminal 1 of the condenser fan motor wiring
harness connector P42 a.
5.Inspect the condenser fan motor grounding connection
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the condenser fan motor wiring harness
connector P42a.
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of the
condenser fan motor wiring harness connector
P42a and the reliable grounding terminal.
P42a Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
1 2 Is the resistance value normal?
Replace the condenser fan motor and confirm if the
A4101065 repair has been finished.
Repair the open circuit fault of the circuit between
terminal 2 of the condenser fan motor wiring
harness connector P42a and the grounding point

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-45 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-45

Removal and Installation

Compressor Belt
Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and

1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection(3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).

2. Recycle refrigerant.
Refer to: Recycling and filling of 1 ×2
refrigerant (4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning, General Inspection).

3. Remove compressor driving belt.

Refer to: Accessory Drive Belt (3.1.2
Mechanical System, Removal and
4. Disconnect the compressor wiring harness
1 Disconnect the compressor temperature
sensor wiring harness connector 1.
2 Disconnect the A/C compressor solenoid
clutch wiring harness connector 2.

5. Disconnect the connection between the AC

pipe and the compressor.
1 Remove the connection bolt 1 for the 1
compressor and No.1 bleeding pipe
assembly .
2 Remove the connection bolt 2 for the
compressor and No.1 suction pipe assembly.

Torque:11 Nm 3
6. Remove the connection bolt 3 for the
compressor and adjustment bracket.
Torque:23 Nm

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-46 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-46

7. Remove the two bolts at lower part of the

8. Detach the compressor assembly.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Fill refrigerant.
Refer to: Recycling and filling of
refrigerant (4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning, General Inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-47 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-47

1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Recycle refrigerant.
Refer to: Recycling and filling of
refrigerant (4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning, General Inspection).

3. Remove the front bumper.

Refer to: Front bumper (5.1.7 Bumper,
Removal and Installation).

4. Disconnect the wiring harness connector of

refrigerant pressure switch. A4101004

5. Disconnect the connection between the AC

pipe and the Refrigerant drier.
1 Disconnect the connection bolt for the front
evaporation inlet pipe assembly and the
Refrigerant drier.
Torque:11 Nm
6. Disconnect the connection bolt for the ×2 1
condenser inlet pipe assembly and the
Torque:14 Nm
CAUTION: Make sure new seal rings are

7. Remove the retaining bolts 1 on horn.

8. Remove the retaining bolts 2 on condenser
bracket. ×2 2
Torque:10 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-48 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-48

9. Disconnect the cooling fan wiring harness

10. Detach the condenser along with the
accessory assembly.


11. Disconnect the connection bolt for the

condenser and the Refrigerant drier. ×4 2
12. Disconnect the connection nut for the
condenser and the condenser fan.
13. Detach the Refrigerant drier and the
condenser fan from the condenser.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Fill refrigerant.
Refer to: Recycling and filling of
refrigerant (4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning, General Inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-49 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-49

Refrigerant Pressure Switch

1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection(3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Recycle refrigerant.
Refer to: Recycling and filling of
refrigerant (4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning, General Inspection).

3. Remove the front bumper.

Refer to: Front bumper (5.1.7 Bumper,
Removal and Installation).

4. Disconnect the wiring harness connector of

refrigerant pressure. A4101009

5. Remove the switch of refrigerant pressure.

Torque:11 Nm
CAUTION: Make sure new seal rings are
used for the refrigerant pressure switch.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Fill refrigerant.
Refer to: Recycling and filling of
refrigerant(4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning, General Inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-50 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-50

Expansion Valve
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection(3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).

2. Recycle refrigerant.
Refer to: Recycling and filling of
refrigerant (4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning, General Inspection).

3. Remove the washing equipment.

Refer to: Washing equipment (4.2.7 Wiper
and Washer,Removal and Installation).

4. Disconnect the connection between the AC

pipe and the expansion valve. A4101011

1 Remove the connection bolt for the AC pipe

and the expansion valve.
2 Detach the AC pipe from the expansion

Torque:10 Nm

5. Remove the expansion valve.

1. Remove retaining bolts of the expansion
valve. ×2
2 Detach the expansion valve assembly.

Torque:4 Nm
6. Inspect and clean the sealed ring of AC pipe.
Replace if necessary.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Fill refrigerant.
Refer to: Recycling and filling of
refrigerant (4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning, General Inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-51 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-51

A/C Pipe
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection(3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Recycle refrigerant.
Refer to: Recycling and filling of
refrigerant (4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning, General Inspection).
3. Remove the front bumper.
Refer to: Front bumper (5.1.7 Bumper,
Removal and Installation).

4. Remove the washing equipment.

Refer to: Washing equipment (4.2.7 Wiper
and Washer, Removal and Installation).
5. Disconnect the connection bolt between the
AC pipe and the compressor. 2
1 Disconnect the connection bolt for the AC
high-pressure pipe and the compressor.
2 Disconnect the connection bolt for the AC
low-pressure pipe and the compressor.

Torque:11 Nm


6. Remove the attaching clamp bolt for the AC



SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-52 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-52

7. Disconnect the connection between the No.1

bleeding pipe assembly and the condenser
inlet pipe assembly.


8. Disconnect the connection between the AC

pipe and the expansion valve.
1 Remove the connection bolt for the AC pipe
and the expansion valve.
2 Detach the AC pipe from the expansion

Torque:10 Nm
9. Disconnect the connection between the AC
condenser inlet pipe assembly and the
1 Remove the connection bolt 1 for the
condenser inlet pipe assembly and the
2 Detach the condenser inlet pipe assembly
and the condenser.

10. Disconnect the connection between the front

evaporation inlet pipe and the Refrigerant 2
1 Remove the connection bolt 2 for the front
evaporation inlet pipe assembly and the
Refrigerant drier.
2 Detach the front evaporation inlet pipe
assembly and the Refrigerant drier.

Torque: 14 Nm
11. Detach the AC pipelines.

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-53 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-53
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Make sure new seal rings are
used for the refrigerant pressure switch.

2. Fill refrigerant.
Refer to: Recycling and filling of
refrigerant (4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning, General Inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-54 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-54

Heater Controls with Accessory Assembly

1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).

2. Remove the instrument panel.

Refer to: Instrument Panel (5.1.6
Instrument Panel and Console,Removal
and Installation). 1 2
3. Disconnect the connection between the fresh
air control cable and the air inlet casing. A4101017

1 Detach the fresh air control cable and the

attaching clamp.
2 Detach the fresh air control cable from the
throttle rocker arm.

4. Disconnect the connection between the

control cable and the heater assembly.
1 Detach the temperature control cable from
the attaching clamp.
2 Detach the temperature control cable from 1
the valve rocker arm. 2
3 Detach the air direction control cable from
the attaching clamp.
4 Detach the air direction control cable from
the throttle rocker arm. A4101018

5. Disconnect the connection between the water

valve control cable and the heater control
1 Remove the fastener, hydrovalve control
2 Disconnect the connection between the
water valve control cable and the blower
control assembly. 1


SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-55 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-55

6. Detach the heater controls along with the

accessory assembly.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Make sure that the cable clamp
is installed at the original position and the
damper can rotate freely and quickly
during the installation of the cable.

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-56 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-56

HVAC Motor Speed Resistor

1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).

2. Disconnect the HVAC motor speed resistor

wiring harness connector.


3. Remove the HVAC motor speed resistor.

1 Rotate the HVAC motor speed resistor
2 Remove the HVAC motor speed resistor as
shown by the arrow.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-57 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-57

Heater Assembly
1. Drain the engine coolant.
Refer to: Refrigerant drain (3.1.4 Cooling
system, Removal and Installation).

2. Disconnect the battery negative cable.

Refer to: Battery Inspection(3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).

3. Remove the instrument panel.

Refer to: Instrument Panel (5.1.6
Instrument Panel and Console,Removal
and Installation).

4. Remove heater water hose.

5. Disconnect the HVAC wiring harness

6. Disconnect the HVAC speed resistor wiring
harness connector.


7. Disconnect the connection between the

control cable and the heater assembly.
1 Detach the temperature control cable from
the attaching clamp. 3
2 Detach the temperature control cable from 1
the throttle rocker arm.
3 Detach the air direction cable from the
attaching clamp.
4 Detach the air direction control cable from
the throttle rocker arm. A4101025

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-58 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-58

8. Remove the retaining bolts at the lower part

of the heater assembly.



9. Remove the retaining bolts at the upper part

of the heater assembly.


10. Detach the heater assembly.


SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-59 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-59
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
2. Fill the coolant.
Refer to: Coolant Draining and Filling
(3.1.4 Cooling System, General

Inlet Plenum with Accessory Assembly

1. Recycle refrigerant.
Refer to: Recycling and filling of
refrigerant (4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning,Removal and

2. Disconnect the battery negative cable.

Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).

3. Remove the instrument panel. A4101011

Refer to: Instrument Panel (5.1.6

Instrument Panel and Console,Removal
and Installation).

4. Disconnect the connection between the AC

pipe and the expansion valve.
1 Remove the AC pipe retaining bolt.
2 Detach the AC pipe from the expansion
CAUTION: Inspect and clean the sealed
ring of air conditioning pipe. If necessary,
replace one.

5. Disconnect the wiring harnness connector for

the evaporator thermistor.


SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-60 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-60

6. Disconnect the connection between the fresh

air control cable and the air inlet casing.
1 Detach the fresh air control cable from the
attaching clamp. 1
2 Disconnect the fresh air control cable from
the throttle rocker arm.
7. Remove the connection screw for the
instrument wiring harness and the inlet
plenum with accessory assembly.

8. Remove the AC drain pipe1.

9. Remove the retaining bolts at the lower part
of the inlet plenum with accessory assembly.


10. Remove the upper bolts and nuts of the inlet

plenum with accessory assembly.
11. Remove the inlet plenum with accessory

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-61 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-61
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Make sure that the cable clamp
is installed at the original position and the
valve can rotate freely and quickly during
the installation of the cable.

2. Fill refrigerant.
Refer to: Recycling and filling of
refrigerant(4.1.1 Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning, General Inspection).

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-62 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-62

1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection(3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).

2. Disconnect the wiring harness connector for

the HVAC.


3. Remove the engine control module.

1 Remove the engine control module
retaining bolt. ×4
2 Remove the engine control module.


4. Remove the engine control module retaining



SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-63 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-63

5. Remove the HVAC retaining screw.





6. Rotate the HVAC clockwise and remove the



1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
4.1.1-64 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 4.1.1-64

A/C Switch
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).

2. Remove the console of the instrument cluster

with a special tool.

Special tool:CA501-002


3. Disconnect A/C switch wiring harness

4. Exit A/C switch.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
Body Electrical System

4.2 Body Electrical System

2011 SC1022
Table of Contents Pages

4.2.1 Instrument panel and panel lighting

Specification..................................................................................................................................... 4.2.1-1
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 4.2.1-1
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 4.2.1-3
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 4.2.1-2
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 4.2.1-2
Inspection and Verification........................................................................................................ 4.2.1-3
Symptom Chart......................................................................................................................... 4.2.1-4
Diagnostic procedure for inoperative instrument Panel illumination lamp when the position lamp is
on.............................................................................................................................................. 4.2.1-5
Diagnostic procedure for the inoperative heater switch illumination......................................... 4.2.1-7

4.2.2 instrument Panel

Specification..................................................................................................................................... 4.2.2-1
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 4.2.2-1
Torque specifications ................................................................................................................ 4.2.2-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 4.2.2-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 4.2.2-2
Component position chart......................................................................................................... 4.2.2-3
List of instrument Panel terminals ............................................................................................ 4.2.2-4
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 4.2.2-6
Inspection and Verification........................................................................................................ 4.2.2-6
Symptom Chart......................................................................................................................... 4.2.2-7
Diagnostic procedure for inoperative dial illumination when ignition switch is at "ON" position and
position lamp starts to work. ..................................................................................................... 4.2.2-9
Diagnosis procedure for the signal lamp does not flash when turning left . ........................... 4.2.2-11
Diagnosis procedure of the high beam indicator fault when the ignition switch at ON position and the
high beam is operative. .......................................................................................................... 4.2.2-13
Diagnosis procedure of abnormal indication of tachometer.................................................... 4.2.2-15
Diagnosis procedure of the abnormal indication of the water temperature gauge. ................ 4.2.2-18
Diagnosis procedure of the abnormal indication of the fuel gauge......................................... 4.2.2-22
Diagnosis procedure of the engine (M7) malfunction indicator fault when the ignition switch is "ON"
Diagnosis procedure of the oil pressure alarm indicator fault when the ignition switch is "ON". 4.2.2-

SC1022 2011.08
Body Electrical System
Diagnosis procedure of charging indicator fails when ignitions switch is in the "ON" position,...4.2.2-
diagnostic procedures for parking warning indicator fault when the ignition switch at "ON" position
and the vehicle is parked. .......................................................................................................4.2.2-33
Diagnosis procedure for the safe belt indicator off when the ignition switch at "ON" position 4.2.2-35
Removal and Installation ................................................................................................................4.2.2-38

4.2.3 Horn
Specification .....................................................................................................................................4.2.3-1
Torque specifications ................................................................................................................4.2.3-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................4.2.3-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................4.2.3-2
Component position chart .........................................................................................................4.2.3-2
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ......................................................................................................4.2.3-4
Inspection and Verification ........................................................................................................4.2.3-4
Symptom Chart .........................................................................................................................4.2.3-5
Diagnosis procedure for the horn constantly working ...............................................................4.2.3-6
Diagnosis procedure for the horn not working ..........................................................................4.2.3-7
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................4.2.3-9
Horn ..........................................................................................................................................4.2.3-9

4.2.4 Cigarette lighter

Specification .....................................................................................................................................4.2.4-1
General Specifications ..............................................................................................................4.2.4-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................4.2.4-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................4.2.4-2
Component position chart .........................................................................................................4.2.4-2
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing ......................................................................................................4.2.4-3
Inspection and Verification ........................................................................................................4.2.4-3
Symptom Chart .........................................................................................................................4.2.4-4
Diagnosis procedure for cigarette lighter fault (1.0L) ................................................................4.2.4-5
Diagnosis procedure for cigarette lighter fault (1.3L) ................................................................4.2.4-7
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................4.2.4-9
Cigarette lighter ........................................................................................................................4.2.4-9

4.2.5 Information and Entertainment System

Specification .....................................................................................................................................4.2.5-1
General Specifications ..............................................................................................................4.2.5-1
Torque specifications ................................................................................................................4.2.5-1

SC1022 2011.08
Body Electrical System
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 4.2.5-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 4.2.5-2
Components Description .......................................................................................................... 4.2.5-2
Component position chart......................................................................................................... 4.2.5-3
Radio terminal list ..................................................................................................................... 4.2.5-4
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 4.2.5-5
Inspection and Verification........................................................................................................ 4.2.5-5
Symptom Chart......................................................................................................................... 4.2.5-6
Diagnosis procedure for function disabled and switch on fault................................................. 4.2.5-7
Diagnosis procedure for radio mute ......................................................................................... 4.2.5-9
Removal and Installation................................................................................................................ 4.2.5-11
Radio ...................................................................................................................................... 4.2.5-11
Speaker .................................................................................................................................. 4.2.5-13
Antenna .................................................................................................................................. 4.2.5-14

4.2.6 Lighting system

Specification..................................................................................................................................... 4.2.6-1
Component Specifications ........................................................................................................ 4.2.6-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 4.2.6-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 4.2.6-2
Component position chart......................................................................................................... 4.2.6-3
General Procedure........................................................................................................................... 4.2.6-6
Test for ighting combination switch........................................................................................... 4.2.6-6
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing.................................................................................................... 4.2.6-11
Inspection and Verification...................................................................................................... 4.2.6-11
Symptom Chart....................................................................................................................... 4.2.6-12
Diagnosis procedure for brake lamp fault(1.0L) ..................................................................... 4.2.6-15
Diagnosis procedure for brake lamp fault(1.3L) ..................................................................... 4.2.6-17
Diagnosis procedure for single brake lamp fault.(1.0L) .......................................................... 4.2.6-19
Diagnosis procedure for brake lamp constant on(1.0L).......................................................... 4.2.6-21
Diagnosis procedure for brake lamp constant on(1.0L).......................................................... 4.2.6-21
Diagnosis procedure for turn signal lamp fault ....................................................................... 4.2.6-22
Diagnosis procedure for one or more turn signal lamp fault................................................... 4.2.6-26
Diagnosis procedure for one or more turn signal lamp on permanently( not blink) ................ 4.2.6-28
Diagnosis procedures of hazard warning Lamp fault ............................................................. 4.2.6-29
Diagnosis p[rocedures of continuous blink of all hazard Warning Lamps .............................. 4.2.6-33
Diagnosis procedures of position lamp fault........................................................................... 4.2.6-34
Diagnosis procedure of constant light of position lamp .......................................................... 4.2.6-37

SC1022 2011.08
Body Electrical System
Diagnosis procedure for front fog lamp fault(1.0L) .................................................................4.2.6-38
Diagnosis procedure of front fog lamp constant on (1.0L) ......................................................4.2.6-42
Diagnosis procedure of front fog lamp fault (1.3L)..................................................................4.2.6-44
Diagnosis procedure of front fog lamp constant on (1.3.0L) ...................................................4.2.6-48
Diagnosis procedure of rear fog lamp fault (1.0L) ..................................................................4.2.6-50
Diagnosis procedure of rear fog lamp fault (1.3L) ..................................................................4.2.6-54
Diagnosis procedure of rear fog lamp constant on .................................................................4.2.6-58
Diagnosis procedure for reverse lamp fault (1.0L)..................................................................4.2.6-59
Diagnosis procedure for reverse lamp fault(1.3L)...................................................................4.2.6-62
Diagnosis procedure for reverse lamp constant on ................................................................4.2.6-65
Diagnosis procedure of the low beam fault.............................................................................4.2.6-66
Diagnosis procedure of one side low beam fault ....................................................................4.2.6-69
Diagnosis procedure of low beam constant on .......................................................................4.2.6-71
Diagnosis procedure of high beam lamp fault ........................................................................4.2.6-72
Diagnosis procedure of high beam lamp fault at one side ......................................................4.2.6-75
Diagnosis procedure of passing signal indicator fault.............................................................4.2.6-78
Diagnosis procedure of high beam lamp constant-on.............................................................4.2.6-78
Diagnosis procedure of license plate lamp not faulting ..........................................................4.2.6-79
Diagnosis procedure of roof lamp not faulting ........................................................................4.2.6-81
Removal and Installation ................................................................................................................4.2.6-83
Lighting combination switch ....................................................................................................4.2.6-83
Rear fog lamp switch ..............................................................................................................4.2.6-85
Headlamp ...............................................................................................................................4.2.6-87
Front fog lamp.........................................................................................................................4.2.6-89
Rear combination lamp ...........................................................................................................4.2.6-90
License plate lamp ..................................................................................................................4.2.6-91
Roof lamp ...............................................................................................................................4.2.6-91
Rear combination lamp (Integral cargo compartment)............................................................4.2.6-92
Rear fog lamps(integral cargo compartment) .........................................................................4.2.6-93

4.2.7 Wiper and Washer

Specification .....................................................................................................................................4.2.7-1
General Specifications ..............................................................................................................4.2.7-1
Torque specifications ................................................................................................................4.2.7-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................4.2.7-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................4.2.7-2
Component position chart .........................................................................................................4.2.7-3
Components exploded view......................................................................................................4.2.7-5

SC1022 2011.08
Body Electrical System
General Procedure........................................................................................................................... 4.2.7-6
Test of the wiper combination switch ........................................................................................ 4.2.7-6
Wiper abnormal noise treatment .............................................................................................. 4.2.7-7
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 4.2.7-8
Inspection and Verification........................................................................................................ 4.2.7-8
Symptom Chart......................................................................................................................... 4.2.7-9
Diagnosis procedure of the failure of the front wiper .............................................................. 4.2.7-12
Diagnosis procedure of the front wiper can not be stopped. .................................................. 4.2.7-17
Diagnosis of the wiper low speed gear fault ........................................................................... 4.2.7-20
Diagnosis procedure of the high speed gear of the wiper fault .............................................. 4.2.7-22
Diagnosis procedure of the wiper intermittent gear fault. ....................................................... 4.2.7-24
Diagnosis procedure of the wiper constantly working in the intermittent gear. ....................... 4.2.7-25
Diagnosis procedure of windshield is still dirty after wiping. ................................................... 4.2.7-27
Diagnosis procedure of the shaking wiper during the working process.................................. 4.2.7-29
Diagnosis procedure of the abnormal noise of the wiper........................................................ 4.2.7-31
Diagnosis procedure of the wiper can not go back to the initial positon................................. 4.2.7-33
Diagnosis procedure of the insufficient front spray. ................................................................ 4.2.7-36
Diagnosis procedure of the front washer fault. ....................................................................... 4.2.7-37
Removal and Installation................................................................................................................ 4.2.7-39
Wiper combination switch....................................................................................................... 4.2.7-39
Wiper motor and transmission arm......................................................................................... 4.2.7-41
Washer ................................................................................................................................... 4.2.7-43

4.2.8 Onboard network

Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 4.2.8-1
General description .................................................................................................................. 4.2.8-1
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 4.2.8-2
Inspection and Verification........................................................................................................ 4.2.8-2
Symptom Chart......................................................................................................................... 4.2.8-3
Diagnosis procedure for diagnosis tool can not communicate with ECM1.0L)......................... 4.2.8-4
Diagnosis procedure for diagnosis tool can not communicate with ECM(1.3L) ....................... 4.2.8-7

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.1 Instrument Panel
and Panel Illumination
4.2.1-1 Instrument Panel and Panel Illumination 4.2.1-1

General Specifications
Item Rated Voltage Rated Power
Instrument Panel illumination 12 V(DV) 3 W
Heater switch illumination 12 V(DV) 1.4 W
Front fog lamp switch illuminating lamp 12 V(DV) 1.4 W

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.1-2 Instrument Panel and Panel Illumination 4.2.1-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
Instrument cluster and A/C panel illumination
starts to work when the lighting combination
switch is turned to the position lamp or the
headlamp position. Meanwhile, fog lamp
illumination starts to work when pressing down
the front fog switch.
The following components have the ability of
panel illumination:
• Heater switch
• Front fog lamp switch

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.1-3 Instrument Panel and Panel Illumination 4.2.1-3

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment

Digital multimeter

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical or electrical damage.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electric
•Instrument panel
•Instrument cluster •Fuse
•Lighting combination •Circuit
•Optional equipment

3. Inspect system circuit which is easy to see or

4. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
5. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.1-4 Instrument Panel and Panel Illumination 4.2.1-4

Symptom Chart
If the fault reason can't be verified in the basic inspection, diagnose and troubleshoot according to the
following chart.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Fuse and circuit Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

of inoperative scale panel
Instrument cluster illumination •Lighting combination switch illumination when position
fault lamp is on (4.2.2 Instrument
•Instrument cluster
Cluster, Diagnosis and
•Bulb Testing).

•Fuse and circuit Refer to: Diagnostic

procedure for the inoperative
The heater switch illumination •Lighting combination switch heater switch illumination.
does not work. (4.2.1 Instrument Panel and
•Heater switch
panel lighting, Diagnosis and
•Bulb Testing).

Front fog lamp switch •Circuit •Inspect the connection

illumination fault
•Front fog lamp switch •Replace the front fog lamp switch

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.1-5 Instrument Panel and Panel Illumination 4.2.1-5

Diagnostic procedure for Inoperative Instrument Cluster

Illumination Lamp When the Position Lamp is on
CAUTION: Inspection procedure for 1.0 L vehicle is introduced as follows.1.3 The 1.3L
vehicle is only different in the wiring harness connector terminal from 1.0L vehcile. See
circuit diagram for detailed detection procedure.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A. Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the working state of the position lamp
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON" position, rotate the
combination switch to position lamp.
Is the position lamp normal?
Go to step 3.
Inspect that position lamp does not work.
Refer to: Position Lamp Fault (4.2.6
Lighting System, Symptom Diagnosis and
3.Inspect other background lighting lamps
A.Inspect the heater switch lamp.
Does it work normally?
Go to step 4.
Refer to: Symptom Chart (4.2.1
Instrument Panel and Panel Lighting,
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.1-6 Instrument Panel and Panel Illumination 4.2.1-6

4.Inspect the power supply circuit of the Instrument cluster illumination lamp
A.Turn the ignitions switch to the "LOCK" position.
B.Disconnect instrument cluster wiring harness P03.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON" position, rotate the
combination switch to position lamp.
D.Inspect the voltage between terminal 9 of the
instrument cluster wiring harness connector P03
and the reliable grounding point with a multimeter.

Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
1 16 Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 5.
Inspect and repair the open circuit of the circuit
between terminal 9 of the ininstrument cluster
wiring harness connector P03 and terminal 5 of the
combination switch P07.
5.Inspect theinstrument cluster grounding circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to “LOCK“.
B.Disconnect instrument cluster wiring harness P03.
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 6 of the
instrument cluster wiring harness connector P03
and the reliable grounding with a multimeter.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the circuit normal?
P03 Yes
1 16 Replace the instrument cluster or the background
light lamps.
Inspect and repair the open circuit of the circuit
between terminal 6 of the instrument cluster wiring
harness connector P03 and the grounding point

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.1-7 Instrument Panel and Panel Illumination 4.2.1-7

Diagnostic Procedure for the Inoperative Heater Switch

CAUTION: Inspection procedure for 1.0 L vehicle is introduced as follows.1.3 The 1.3L
vehicle is only different in the wiring harness connector terminal from 1.0L vehcile. See
circuit diagram for detailed detection procedure.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A. Inspect the heater switch harness connectors for
damage, poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the working state of the position lamp
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON" position, rotate the
combination switch to position lamp.
Is the position lamp normal?
Go to step 3.
Inspect that position lamp does not work.
Refer to: Position Lamp Fault (4.2.6
Lighting System, Symptom Diagnosis and
3.Inspect other background lighting lamps
A.Inspect theinstrument cluster illumination lamps.
Do they work normally?
Go to step 4.
Refer to: Symptom Chart (4.2.1
Instrument Cluster and Panel Lighting,
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.1-8 Instrument Panel and Panel Illumination 4.2.1-8

4.Inspect the power supply circuit of the heater switch illumination lamps
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON" position, rotate the
combination switch to position lamp.
B.Inspect the voltage between terminal 5 of the heater
switch wiring harness connector P19 and the
reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is voltage normal?
1 4
5 8 Go to step 5.
Inspect and repair the open circuit of the circuit
between terminal 5 of the heatr switch wiring
harness connector P19 and terminal 5 of the
combination switch wiring harness connector P07.
5.Inspect the heater switch grounding circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to “LOCK“.
B.Disconnect the heater switch wiring harness
connector P19.
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of the
heater switch wiring harness connector P19 and the
reliable grounding terminal.
P19 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
1 4 Is the circuit normal?

5 8
Replace the heater switch backlit lamps.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 1 of the blower switch wiring
harness connector P19 and the earth point GHL04.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2 Instrument
4.2.2-1 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-1

General Specifications
Item Rated Voltage Rated Power Max Current
The power supply of the
12 V (DC) - -
instrument Panel.
Warning indicator lamp 12 V (DC) 1.4 W -
Instrument illumination lamp 12 V (DC) 3W -

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Retaining screw for the instrument
3 - 27
Retaining screw for the instrument
3 - 27
cluster decorative panel

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-2 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-2

Description and Operation and the coolant temperature sensor installed on

the air intake manifold.
System Overview coolant temperature sensor is a thermistor. Its
The instrument Panel is located on the left side of resistance value increases as temperature goes
the instrument panel, over the steering column. up. The coolant temperature sensor is shared by
The instrument in the instrument Panel provides engine control module.
the driver with the performance and information of
The temperature gauge on the instrument Panel
the vehicle. When the ignition switch is at "ACC",
is based on the signal from the engine coolant
or "ON", some functions of the instrument Panel
temperature sensor (ECT). The temperature
will be tested to inspect for normal function.
gauge indicates the temperature of the coolant.
Following situations will occur during the test.
After long driving in hot weather or idling, the
• Charging system indicator is illuminated. pointer of temperature gauge may point beyond
• Oil pressure indicator is illuminated. a mid-scale position. If the pointer is over the dial
location of the red cap area, then the engine is
• Engine fault indicator is illuminated
• seat belt indicator is illuminated. Instrument Indicator
instrument Panel includes Coolant temperature The indicators of the instrument Panel are used
gauge, fuel gauge, speedometer and indicators. to indicate the function or the possible
malfunction of the specific system when driving.
The indicators and illumination lamps in the
The indicators of the instrument Panel provide the
instrument Panel all are 12V DC incandescent
users with warnings or instructions. The types of
the indicators of the instrument Panel are as
Warning indicator bulb nominal power:1.4 W. follows:
Instrument illumination bulb nominal power: 3
W. Indicator Color
Speedometer/Odometer Low oil pressure warning
The speedometer measures the vehicle speed in lamp
km/h.The speed signal displayed in the
instrument Panel comes from the vehicle speed Charging indicator Red
sensor VSS at the rear of the transmission.
Odometer measures the accumulated vehicle
Engine emission
mileage in "km".The odometer is used to measure Amber
malfunction indicator
the mileage of the vehicle after last zero.

Fuel Gauge Driver seat belt indicator Red

The instrument Panel instrument panel of the fuel

gauge is connected with the sensor in the fuel Dark
High-beam indicator
tank. The fuel gauge only indicates the volume of blue
the fuel in the fuel tank, when the ignition switch is
Brake malfunction/Low
at "ON" or "ACC". When the ignition switch is at Red
brake fluid level indicator
"LOCK" or "START", the indicating pointer may
point to any location. Light
Left turning indicator
Coolant Temperature Gauge
Water temperature gauge consists of the water Light
Right turning indicator
temperature indicator inside the instrument Panel green

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-3 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-3

Location View
(LH Steering)



(RH Steering)

2 1


Item Description Item Description

1 instrument Panel 2 Instrument Assembly

CAUTION: For RH steering vehicle, the central trim cover is integral with the instrument
Panel. Additionally, the air conditioner control panel is at the upper part of the radio and the
position of the front and rear fog lamp switches and air conditioner switch are different from
those on a LH steering vehicle.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-4 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-4

List of Instrument Cluster Terminals

P03 P04

1 16 1 13


Terminal No. Connection Wire Terminal Description

P03 - 1 0.5 RD High beam indicator signal
P03 - 2 - -
P03 - 3 - -
P03 - 4 - -
P03 - 5 - -
P03 - 6 0.5 BK GHL04
P03 - 7 0.5 GN Vehicle speed sensor power supply output
P03 - 8 0.5 WH / YE Speed sensor signal
instrument Panel background light indicator
P03 - 9 0.5 RD / YE
power supply
P03 - 10 0.5 YE Vehicle speed signal
P03 - 11 0.5 BK / WH The power supply of the instrument Panel (IG1).
P03 - 12 0.5 WH/RD Charging indicator signal
P03 - 13 - -
P03 - 14 0.5 GN / YE RHS turn indicator signal
P03 - 15 0.5 GN / RD LHS turn indicator signal
P04 - 16 0.5 WH / BU Power supply of the instrument Panel.(+B)
P04 - 1 - -
P04 - 2 0.5 BK /YE GFG04
P04 - 3 0.5YE / BU coolant temperature sensor signal
P04 - 4 - -
P04 - 5 - -
P04 - 6 - -

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-5 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-5

Terminal No. Connection Wire Terminal Description

P04 - 7 0.5 BN / BK Ignition switch signal
P04 - 8 0.5 RD / BK Brake fluid level switch indicator signal
P04 - 9 0.5 VT Parking brake switch indicator signal
P04 - 10 0.5 BK / RD Engine malfunction indicator signal
P04 - 11 0.5 GY / BK seat belt switch indicator signal
P04 - 12 0.5 YE/BK Oil pressure switch indicator signal
P04 - 13 0.5 YE / RD Fuel level signal

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-6 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-6

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment

1.Digital multimeter
2.Diagnostic tool

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical damage.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electric
•Instrument panel
•Instrument cluster
•Control switch
decorative panel
•instrument Panel

3. Inspect system circuit which is easy to see or

4. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
5. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the symptom chart.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-7 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-7

Symptom Chart
In case the fault occurs and cannot be diagnosed through basic check, carry out diagnosis and
troubleshooting according to sequences below.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

Refer to: Diagnostic procedure
•Circuit fault
Position lamp starts to work for inoperative dial illumination
without dial illumination •Fuse when ignition switch is at "ON"
when ignition switch is at •instrument Panel position and positon lamp
"ON" position. starts to work (4.2.2 Instrument,
•Illumination bulb
Diagnosis and Testing).
•Circuit fault Refer to: Diagnostic procedure
The left turning indicator •Fuse for inoperative left turn signal
does not blink when turning indicator when turning left
left. •instrument Panel
(4.2.2 instrument, diagnosis
•Turn signal indicator bulb and Testing).
Refer to: Diagnostic procedure
•Circuit fault
When the ignition switch is for inoperative high beam
“ON” and high beam lamp •Fuse indicator whe ignition switch is
works, the high beam lamp •instrument Panel at "ON" position and high beam
indicator is not on. starts to work (4.2.2 Instrument,
•High beam indicator bulb
diagnosis and Testing).

•Circuit fault Refer to: Diagnostic procedure

Abnormal indication of the for abnormal speedometer
•instrument Panel
tachometer (4.2.2 Instrument, Diagnosis
•Vehicle speed sensor fault and Testing).
•Circuit fault Refer to: Diagnostic procedure
•Fuse for abnormal water temperature
Abnormal indication of the
water temperature gauge gauge (4.2.2 Instrument,
•instrument Panel
Diagnosis and Testing).
• ECM fault

•Circuit fault Refer to: Diagnostic procedure

Abnormal indication of the for abnormal indication of fuel
•instrument Panel
fuel gauge. gauge (4.2.2 Instrument,
•Fuel level sensor Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-8 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-8

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Circuit fault Refer to: Diagnostic procedure
•Fuse for inoperative engine fault
When the ignition switch is
indicator when ignition switch
"ON", the engine •instrument Panel
is at "ON" position (4.2.2
malfunction indicator is not •ECM Instrument, Diagnosis and
on. Testing).
•ECM circuit
•Engine malfunction indicator bulb
•Circuit fault Refer to: Diagnostic procedure
•Fuse for inoperative oil pressure
When the ignition switch is warning indicator when igniton
•instrument Panel
"ON", the oil pressure switch is at "ON" positon (4.2.2
warning indicator is not on. •Oil pressure sensor Instrument, Diagnosis and
•Oil pressure warning indicator Testing).
•Circuit fault Refer to: Diagnostic procedure
•Fuse for inoperative charging
When the ignition switch is indicator when ignition switch
•instrument Panel
"ON", the charging indicator is at "ON" position (4.2.2
is not on. •Voltage regulator Instrument, Diagnosis and
•Generator Testing).
•Charging indicator bulb
•Circuit fault Refer to: Diagnostic procedure
The parking warning for inoperative parking brake
indicator is turned off when •Fuse
indicator when igniton switch is
the ignition switch is in "ON" •instrument Panel
at "ON" position and vehcile is
position and the vehicle is
•Parking brake switch parked (4.2.2 Instrument,
under parking state.
•Parking brake indicator Diagnosis and Testing).
•Circuit fault Refer to: Diagnostic procedure
•Fuse for inoperative seat belt
When the ignition switch is
indicator when ignition switch
"ON", the seat belt indicator •instrument Panel
is at "ON" position (4.2.2
is not on.
•seat belt switch Instrument, Diagnosis and
•seat belt indicator bulb. Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-9 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-9

Diagnostic Procedure for Inoperative Dial Illumination When

Ignition Switch is at "ON" Position and Position Lamp Starts to
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the instrument Panel harness connector for
damage, poor contact, aging and loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the ground circuit of the instrument Panel
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Measure the resistance between terminal 6 of the
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P03 and
the grounding point wiring harness.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
1 16
Go to step 3.
Inspect and repair the circuit fault between terminal
6 of the instrument Panel wiring harness connector
P03 and the grounding point GHL04.
3.Inspect the working state of the position lamp
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Turn the lighting combination switch to “position
Does the position lamp work normal?
Go to step 4.
Inspect that position lamp does not work.
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure of
position lamp fault (4.2.6 Lighting
system,Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-10 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-10

4.Inspect the instrument Panel background light power supply circuit

A.Turn ignition switch to "ON" position and position
lamp starts to work.
B.Measure the voltage at terminal 9 of the instrument
Panel wiring harness connector P03.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 5.
1 16

Repair the instrument Panel background light
power supply circuit.
5. Inspect the background light illumination bulb
A.Replace with a normal background light illumination
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON" position and the
position lamp starts to work.
Does the background light illumination bulb work
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 6.
6. Replace the instrument Panel
A.Turn ignition switch to the position of "LOCK".
B.Replace instrument Panel.
Refer to: instrument (4.2.2
Instrument,Removal and Installation).
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-11 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-11

Diagnosis Procedure for the Signal Lamp does not Flash When
Turning Left
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the instrument Panel harness connector for
damage, poor contact, aging and loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the ground circuit of the instrument Panel
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" and measure the
wiring harness resistance between the terminal 6 of
the audio system wiring harness connector P03
and the GND point.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 3.
Inspect and repair the circuit fault between terminal
6 of the instrument Panel wiring harness connector
P03 and the grounding point GHL04.
3.Inspect the working state of the turning left signal lamp
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Turn the lighting combination switch to the left turn
signal position.
Is the the turning left signal lamp normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the turning signal lamp does not work.
Refer to: Turning signal lamp does not
work (4.2.6 Lighting systems, Diagnosis
and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-12 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-12

4.Inspect the instrument Panel turn signal indicator power supply circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Turn the lighting combination switch to the left turn
signal position.
C.Measure the voltage at terminal 15 of the instrument
Panel wiring harness connector P03.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair the instrument Panel turn signal indicator
power supply circuit.
5. Inspect the instrument Panel turn signal indicator bulb
A.Replace with a normal instrument Panel turn signal
indicator bulb.
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
C.Turn the lighting combination switch to the left turn
signal position.
Does the instrument Panel left turn signal indicator
bulb work normally?
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 6.
6. Replace the instrument Panel
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Replace instrument Panel.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

CAUTION: Diagnosis procedure for the turning right indicator is off when turning right is
similar to the repair of the turning right indicator. There is difference on wiring harness.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-13 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-13

Diagnosis Procedure of the High Beam Indicator Fault When the

Ignition Switch at ON Position and the High Beam is Operative
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the instrument Panel harness connector for
damage, poor contact, aging and loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the instrument Panel fuse IF02?
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect high beam lamp bulb
A.Replace with a normal high beam indicator bulb.
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
C. Turn the lighting combination switch to “high beam
lamp” position.
Is the high beam normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 4
4.Inspect the instrument Panel power circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Measure the voltage between the terminal 16 of
DLC wiring harness connector P03 and reliable
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 5.
1 16
Repair the instrument Panel power supply circuit.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-14 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-14

5.Inspect the working state of high beam

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "ON".
B.Turn the lighting combination switch to“high beam
lamp” position.
Is the high beam normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair the inoperation of high beam.
Refer to: High beam failure (4.2.6 Lighting
system, Diagnosis and Testing).
6. Inspect the circuit between the instrument Panel and the lighting combination switch
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Turn the lighting combination switch to “high beam
lamp” position.
C.Measure the voltage at wiring harness connector
P03 of the terminal 1 for reliable grounding.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 7.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 1 of the instrument Panel wiring
harness connector P03 and terminal 15 of the
lighting combination switch wiring harness
connector P07.
7. Replace the instrument Panel
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Replace instrument Panel.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-15 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-15

Diagnosis Procedure of Abnormal Indication of Tachometer.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the instrument Panel harness connector for
damage, poor contact, aging and loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the instrument Panel power supply circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect instrument Panel wiring harness P03.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the voltage between the terminal 11 of
DLC wiring harness connector P03 and reliable
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the instrument Panel power supply circuit.
3.Inspect the instrument Panel power supply circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the instrument wiring harness connector
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of the
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P04 and
the grounding point wiring harness.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
1 13
Go to step 4.
Inspect and repair the circuit fault between terminal
2 of the instrument Panel wiring harness connector
P04 and the grounding point GFG04.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-16 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-16

4.Inspect the circuit between the instrument Panel and the vehicle speed sensor (VSS)
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect instrument Panel wiring harness P03.
C.Disconnect wiring harness connector S14 of vehicle
speed sensor (VSS).
S14 D.Measure the resistance value between the terminal
7&8 of instrument Panel wiring harness connector
P03 and terminal 3&1 of vehicle speed sensor
1 2 3 (VSS) wiring harness connector S14
respectively.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance of circuit from terminal 7&8
of instrument Panel wiring harness connector P03
to reliable grounding. Inspect for short circuit to
Standard value: 10 MΩ or more
F.Measure the voltage of circuit from terminal 7&8 of
P03 instrument Panel wiring harness connector P03 to
1 16 reliable grounding. Inspect for short circuit to power.
Standard voltage value:0 V
Is it normal?
Go to step 5.

Repair the circuit fault between terminal 7&8 of the
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P03 and
terminal 3&1 of the vehicle speed sensor (VSS)
wiring harness connector S14 respectively.

1 16


1 16


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-17 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-17

5.Vehicle speed sensor (VSS)-to-ground circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect wiring harness connector S14 of vehicle
speed sensor (VSS).
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of the
vehicle speed sensor (VSS) wiring harness
connector S14 and the reliable grounding terminal.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
1 2 3
Is the resistance value normal?
S14 Yes
Go to step 6.
The circuit fault between terminal 2 of the vehicle
speed sensor (VSS) wiring harness connector S14
and the grounding point G2G01.
6.Inspect the speed sensor circuit
A.Replace with a normal vehicle speed sensor (VSS).
Is the circuit normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Replace instrument Panel.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-18 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-18

Diagnosis Procedure of the Abnormal Indication of the Water

Temperature Gauge
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the instrument Panel harness connector for
damage, poor contact, aging and loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the instrument Panel fuse IF08?
Rated capacity of the fuse: 10 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Read the related DTC with a diagnostic instrument
A.Connect a specific diagnostic tool.
B.Start the vehicle and read the engine DTC.
Is there any DTC related to coolant temperature
Refer to: DTC Chart (3.1.12 Electrical
Control System - M7, DTC Diagnosis and
Go to step 4.
4. Read the data flow of the water temperature with a diagnostic instrument
A.Connect a specific diagnostic tool.
B.Start the vehicle and read the data flow of engine
water temperature.
C.Measure the actual water temperature with a
measurement tool.
Does the data read from the diagnostic instrument
match the actual water temperature?
Go to step 5.
Go to step 8.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-19 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-19

5.Inspect the instrument Panel power supply circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect instrument Panel wiring harness P03.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the voltage between the terminal 11 of
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P03 and
reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair the instrument Panel power supply circuit.
6. Inspect the ground circuit of the instrument Panel
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the instrument wiring harness connector
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of the
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P04 and
the grounding point wiring harness.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
1 13
Go to step 7.
Inspect and repair the circuit fault between terminal
2 of the instrument Panel wiring harness connector
P04 and the grounding point GFG04.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-20 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-20

7. Inspect the coolant temperature sensor-to-the instrument Panel circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect instrument Panel wiring harness P04.
C.Disconnect the coolant temperature sensor ECT
wiring harness connector E08.
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 3 of the
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P04 and
terminal 2 of the coolant temperature sensor ECT
1 2 3 wiring harness connector E08 and inspect if there is
any open circuit fault occurring in the circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the resistance of circuit from terminal 3 of
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P04 to
reliable grounding. Inspect for short circuit to
Standard value: 10 MΩ or more
F.Measure the voltage of circuit from terminal 3 of
P04 instrument Panel wiring harness connector P04 to
reliable grounding. Inspect for short circuit to power.
1 13
Standard voltage :0 V
Is it normal?
Go to step 8.

Inspect the circuit fault between terminal 3 of the
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P04 and
terminal 2 of the coolant temperature sensor ECT
wiring harness connector E08.

1 13


1 13


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-21 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-21

8. Inspect coolant temperature sensor ECT

A.Replace with a normal coolant temperature sensor
Is the display of water temperature gauge normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 9.
9. Replace the instrument Panel
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Replace instrument Panel.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-22 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-22

Diagnosis procedure of the abnormal indication of the fuel gauge.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the instrument Panel harness connector for
damage, poor contact, aging and loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the instrument Panel fuse IF08?
Fuse rated capacity:18 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the instrument Panel power supply circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect instrument Panel wiring harness P03.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the voltage between the terminal 11 of
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P03 and
reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the instrument Panel power supply circuit.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-23 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-23

4. Inspect the ground circuit of the instruments

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the instrument wiring harness connector
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of the
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P04 and
the grounding point wiring harness.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
1 13
Go to step 5.
Inspect and repair the circuit fault between terminal
2 of the instrument Panel wiring harness connector
P04 and the grounding point GFG04.
5.Inspect the circuit between the instrument Panel and the fuel level sensor
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect instrument Panel wiring harness P04.
C.Disconnect the fuel pump wiring harness connector
S17 S17.
D.Measure the resistance between 13 terminal of
1 2 instrument Panel wiring harness connector P04 and
1 terminal of fuel pump wiring harness connector
S17.Inspect for open circuit.
3 4
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 6.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 13 of the instrument Panel wiring
harness connector P04 and terminal 1 of the fuel
pump wiring harness connector S17.

1 13


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-24 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-24

6.Inspect the grounding circuit of the fuel level sensor

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of the
fuel pump wiring harness connector S17 and the
grounding point wiring harness.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
1 2 Yes
3 4 Go to step 7.

Repair the grounding connection of the fuel level
7.Replace the fuel level sensor
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Replace the fuel level sensor.
Refer to: Fuel pump assembly (3.1.7 Fuel
system, Removal and Installation).
Is the display of the fuel meter normal?
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.
Go to step 8.
8. Replace the instrument Panel
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
Replace instrument Panel.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-25 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-25

Diagnosis Procedure of the Engine Malfunction Indicator Fault

When the Ignition Switch is "ON"
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the instrument Panel harness connector for
damage, poor contact, aging and loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the instrument Panel fuse IF08?
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3."Actuator test" is conducted on the engine fault indicator
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Connect fault diagnostic tool.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D."Actuator test" is conducted on the engine fault
indicator with a diagnostic instrument.
Is the display of the engine malfunction indicator
Go to step 8.
Go to step 4.
4. Inspect the engine fault indicator bulb
A.Replace with a normal engine fault indicator bulb.
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
Does the engine fault indicator go off after it has
been illuminated for 2 mins?
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 5.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-26 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-26

5.Inspect the instrument Panel power supply circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect instrument Panel wiring harness P03.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the voltage between the terminal 11 of
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P03 and
reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair the instrument Panel power supply circuit.
6.Inspect the circuit between the instrument Panel and the engine control module
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect instrument Panel wiring harness P04.
C.Disconnect the engine control module wiring
64 51 7 harness connector S01.
50 37 5 D.Measure the resistance between terminal 10 of the
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P04 and
terminal 20 of the engine control module wiring
36 23 3

22 9 1 harness connector S01 and inspect if there is any

open circuit occurring in the circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 7.
Repair the open circuit between the terminal 10 of
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P04 and
the terminal 20 of engine control module wiring
harness connector S01.
1 13


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-27 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-27

7.Inspect the instrument Panel

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Replace with a normal instrument Panel.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
Is the display of the engine malfunction indicator
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.
Go to step 8.
8.Inspect the ECM power supply and it grounding connection
A.Have the ECM wiring harness connector connected
and turn the ignition switch to "ON" position.
B.Inspect if the power supply at terminal 8, 16, 17 and
64 7
51 is normal with a multimeter.
C.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".Inspect
50 37
to see if the grounding for terminal 5, 43 and 48 are
36 23 3 normal.
Is the circuit of the engine control module normal?
22 9 1
Replace the engine control module.
A4202032 Refer to: Engine Control Module (3.1.12
Electrical Control System - M7, Removal
and Installation).
64 51 7
Repair the circuit.
50 37 5

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-28 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-28

Diagnosis Procedure of the Oil Pressure alarm indicator Fault

When the Lgnition Switch is "ON".
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the instrument Panel harness connector for
damage, poor contact, aging and loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the instrument Panel fuse IF08?
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the oil pressure alert indicator bulb
A.Replace with a normal alert indicator bulb for oil
pressure inspection.
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
Is the oil pressure alert indicator normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 4.
4. Inspect the ground circuit of the instrument Panel
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B. Disconnect instrument Panel wiring harness P03.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the voltage between the terminal 11 of
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P03 and
reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair the power supply circuit of the instrument

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-29 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-29

5.Inspect the circuit between the instrument Panel and the oil pressure sensor
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect instrument Panel wiring harness P04.
C.Disconnect the engine oil pressure sensor wiring
harness connector E11.
D. Measure the resistance between 12 terminal of
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P04 and
1 terminal of oil pressure sensor wiring harness
connector E11.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair the open circuit between the terminal 12 of
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P04 and
the terminal 1 of oil pressure sensor wiring harness
connector E11.

1 13


6.Replace the oil pressure sensor

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Replace the oil pressure sensor
Is the oil pressure alert indicator normal?
Make sure the repair has been finished.
Replace instrument Panel.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-30 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-30

Diagnosis Procedure of Charging indicator Fails When Ignitions

Switch is in the "ON" Position,
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the instrument Panel harness connector for
damage, poor contact, aging and loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the fuse.
A.Inspect the instrument Panel fuse IF08?
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the charge indicator bulb
A.Replace with a normal charge indicator bulb.
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
Is the charge indicator bulb normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 4.
4.Inspect the instrument Panel power supply circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B. Disconnect instrument Panel wiring harness P03.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the voltage between the terminal 11 of
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P03 and
reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair power supply circuit of the instrument

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-31 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-31

5.Inspect the circuit between the instrument Panel and the generator voltage regulator
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect instrument Panel wiring harness P03.
C.Disconnect the generator wiring harness connector

D.Measure the resistance between the 12 terminal of
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P03 and
the 1 terminal of generator wiring harness
1 2 connector S04.Inspect for open circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the voltage of circuit from terminal 12 of
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P03 to
reliable grounding. Inspect for short circuit to power.
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the inspection normal?
Go to step 6.
P03 No
1 16 Inspect and repair the circuit fault between terminal
12 of the instrument Panel wiring harness
connector P03 and terminal 1 of the oil pressure
sensor wiring harness connector S04.


1 16


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-32 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-32

6.Replace the generator regulator

A.Turn ignition switch to the position of "LOCK".
B.Replace the generator regulator.
Refer to: Generator (3.1.10 Charging
System, Assembly and Disassembly).
Is it normal?
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.
Go to step 7.
7.Replace generator
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position and
disconnect the battery negative wiring harness.
B.Replace generator
Refer to: Generator (3.1.10 Charging
System,Removal and Installation).
Does it show normal?
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.
Replace instrument Panel.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-33 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-33

diagnostic procedures for parking warning indicator fault when

the ignition switch at "ON" position and the vehicle is parked.
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the instrument Panel harness connector for
damage, poor contact, aging and loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the instrument Panel fuse IF08?
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the parking brake indicator bulb
A.Replace with a normal parking brake indicator bulb.
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON" position and the
vehicle is parked.
Is the parking brake indicator normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 4.
4.Inspect the instrument Panel circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the instrument wiring harness connector
C.Measure the voltage between the terminal 11 of
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P03 and
reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
P03 Is the voltage normal?
1 16
Go to step 5.
Repair the instrument Panel power supply circuit.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-34 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-34

5.Inspect the circuit between the instrument Panel and the parking brake switch
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect instrument Panel wiring harness P04.
C.Disconnect the pakring brake switch wiring harness
connector S07.
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 9 of the
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P04 and
terminal 1 of the parking brake switch wiring
harness connector S07 and inspect if there is any
open circuit occurring in the circuit.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair the open circuit between the terminal 9 of
the instrument Panel wiring harness P04 and the
terminal 1 of parking brake switch wiring harness
P04 S07.
1 13


6. Replace parking brake switch

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Replace parking brake switch.
Does it show normal?
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.
Replace instrument Panel.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-35 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-35

Diagnosis Procedure for the Safe Belt Indicator off When the
Ignition Wwitch at "ON" Position
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the instrument Panel harness connector for
damage, poor contact, aging and loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the instrument Panel fuse IF08?
Fuse rated capacity:10 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the seat belt indicator bulb
A.Replace with a normal seat belt indicator bulb.
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
Is the seat belt indicator normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 4.
4.Inspect the instrument Panel power supply circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the instrument panel wiring harness
connector P03.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Measure the voltage between the terminal 11 of
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P03 and
reliable grounding.
P03 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
1 16
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair the instrument Panel power supply circuit.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-36 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-36

5.Inspect the circuit between the instrument Panel and the seat belt switch
A.Turn ignition switch to the position of "LOCK".
B.Disconnect instrument Panel wiring harness P04.
C.Disconnect the seat belt switch wiring harness
connector S08.
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 11 of the
instrument Panel wiring harness connector P04 and
terminal 2 of the seat belt switch wiring harness
connector S08 and inspect if there is any open
circuit occurring in the circuit.
S08 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 6.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 11 of the instrument Panel wiring
harness connector P04 and terminal 2 of the seat
1 13 belt switch wiring harness connector S08.


6. Inspect the seat belt switch grounding circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of the
seat belt switch wiring harness connector S08 and
the grounding point wiring harness.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
2 Go to step 7.

The open circuit fault of circuit between terminal 1
fo the seat belt switch wiring harness connector
S08 and the grounding point G2G01.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-37 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-37

7.Replace the seat belt switch

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Replace the seat belt switch.
Does it show normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Replace instrument Panel.
Refer to: Instrument Cluster (4.2.2
Instrument Cluster, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-38 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-38

Removal and Installation

Special Tool

Interior and Exterior

Trim Panel Remover


1. Disconnect the negative cable.

Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).

2. Remove the steering wheel .

Refer to: Steering Wheel (2.4.3 Steering
Column,Removal and Installation).

3. Remove the light combination switch.

Refer to: Lighting combination switch
(4.2.6 Lighting System, Removal and
4. Remove the 2 upper retaining bolts of the
steering column.


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-39 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-39

5. Remove 2 retaining bolts 1 for the instrument

trim cover and remove the instrument trim 2
cover 2 with a special tool.

Special tool:CA501-002 1


6. Detach the instrument trim cover.

1 Press down the steering column 1 as 2
shown in the diagram.
2 Detach the instrument trim cover 2.



1 TO



7. Remove the retaining screws of instrument


60 km/h 100
40 120


8. Disconnect the LHS instrument Panel wiring

harness connector 1 and the right instrument
Panel wiring harness connector 2.
9. Detach the instrument.



SC1022 2011.08
4.2.2-40 Instrument Cluster 4.2.2-40
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.3 Horn

4.2.3-1 Horn 4.2.3-1

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Horn retaining bolt 10 - 89

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.3-2 Horn 4.2.3-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
The vehicle is equipped with a basin-shaped horn which is fixed on the crossbeam in the front
compartment and is of a regular power supply. The ground loop is controlled by the steering wheel horn
switch. The horn loop is switched on and the horn starts to hoot when the steering wheel horn button is

Location View


Item Description
1 Electrical horn assembly

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.3-3 Horn 4.2.3-3
Horn Switch


 ) ( )



Item Description
1 Horn switch

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.3-4 Horn 4.2.3-4

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment

Digital multimeter

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical and electrical damage, whether
there are obvious signs of collision or not.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electric
•Steering wheel
•Horn switch of steering

3. Inspect system circuit which is easy to see or

4. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
5. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.3-5 Horn 4.2.3-5

Symptom Chart
If there is symptom but no diagnostic trouble code(DTC) is stored in control module and can not confirm
symptom reasons in basic inspect, it is diagnose and eliminate the symptoms in the
following chart.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Circuit Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

The horn sounding is for horn constantly working.
abnormal (4.2.3 Horn, Diagnosis and
•Horn switch Testing).
•Circuit Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
The horn does not work •Horn for horn not working (4.2.3
Horn, Diagnosis and Testing).
•Horn switch

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.3-6 Horn 4.2.3-6

Diagnosis Procedure for the Horn Constantly Working

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the horn wiring harness for damage, poor
contact, aging, loose or other signs.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect horn switch
A.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P07 of the
horn switch.
Does the horn keep working?
Inspect and repair the short circuit-to-earth fault of
the circuit between the horn switch and the horn.
Repair horn switch, replace the horn switch if

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.3-7 Horn 4.2.3-7

Diagnosis Procedure for the Horn not Working

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the horn wiring harness for damage, poor
contact, aging, loose or other signs.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the horn fuse IF04.
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3. Inspect the power supply circuit of horn
A.Disconnect the horn power supply wiring harness
connector P31.
B.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of the horn
power supply wiring harness connector P31 and the
reliable grounding point with a multimeter.
Standard voltage:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
1 Yes

Go to step 4
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 1 of the horn wiring harness
connector P31 and terminal 8 of the instrument
panel fuse box P01.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.3-8 Horn 4.2.3-8

4.Inspect the grounding circuit of the horn

A.Disconnect terminal 1 of the horn wiring harness
connector P32.
B.Press the horn switch while measuring the
resistance between terminal 1 of the horn wiring
harness connector P32 and the reliable grounding
point with a multimeter.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω

1 Is the resistance value normal?

Replace the horn assembly.
Refer to: Horn (4.2.3 Horn, Removal and
Inspect and repair the circuit fault between the horn
switch and the earth point GHL04 on one hand,
terminal 1 of the horn switch wiring harness
connector P32 and the earth point GHL04
(including the horn switch)

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.3-9 Horn 4.2.3-9

Removal and Installation

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).

2. Remove the front bumper.

Refer to: Front bumper (5.1.7 Bumper,
Removal and Installation).

3. Remove the horn.

Disconnect the horn wiring harness
Remove the retaining bolts on horn.

Torque:10 Nm 1


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.4 Cigarette
4.2.4-1 Cigarette Lighter 4.2.4-1

General Specifications
Item Rated voltage Max current
12 V (DC) 10 A
Cigarette lighter Reset time Durability
Less than 18 s 5,000 times

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.4-2 Cigarette Lighter 4.2.4-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
The cigarette lighter is installed on the control box panel. It could be pulled out and used when it pops up
after its heating element becomes hot in seconds upon pressing the button.
CAUTION: Be careful to avoid scalding for high temperature of the functioning cigarette

Location view



Item Description Item Description

1 Switch panel 2 Cigarette lighter

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.4-3 Cigarette Lighter 4.2.4-3

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment

Digital multimeter

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical or electrical damage and the
deformation due to collision.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electric

•Control panel •Fuse

•Cigarette lighter •Circuit

retainer •Cigarette lighter

3. Inspect system circuit which is easy to see or

4. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
5. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.4-4 Cigarette Lighter 4.2.4-4

Symptom Chart
If there is symptom but no diagnostic trouble code(DTC) is stored in control module and can not confirm
symptom reasons in basic inspect, it is diagnose and eliminate the symptoms in thefollowing chart.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Fuse and circuit for inoperative cigarette lighter
Cigarette lighter fault
•Cigarette lighter (4.2.4 Cigarette Lighter,
Diagnosis and Testing).
•Cigarette lighter •Replace the cigarette lighter
Cigarette lighter do not pop up
•Cigarette lighter retainer •Replace the cigarette lighter retainer.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.4-5 Cigarette Lighter 4.2.4-5

Diagnosis Procedure for Cigarette Lighter Fault (1.0L)

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the cigarette lighter harness connector for
signs of damage, poor contact, aging or getting
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the cigarette lighter fuse IF07.
Rated capacity of the fuse: 15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Replace the cigarette lighter
A.Install a new cigarette lighter.
Is the cigarette lighter normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 4.
4.Inspect the power circuit of cigarette lighter
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "ACC".
B.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of the
cigarette lighter wiring harness connector P17 and
the reliable grounding point.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
1 Go to step 5.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 14 of the interior electrical center
P01 and terminal 1 of the cigarette lighter wiring
harness connector P17.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.4-6 Cigarette Lighter 4.2.4-6

5. Inspect the ground circuit of cigarette lighter

A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the cigarette lighter wiring harness
connector P16.
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of the
cigarette lighter wiring harness connector P16 and
the reliable grounding terminal.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
1 Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 6.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 1 of the cigarette lighter wiring
harness connector P16and the grounding point
6. Replace the cigarette lighter retainer
A. Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Replace the cigarette lighter retainer.
Refer to: Cigarette lighter (4.2.4Cigarette
lighter,Removal and Installation).
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.4-7 Cigarette Lighter 4.2.4-7

Diagnosis Procedure for Cigarette Lighter Fault (1.3L)

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the cigarette lighter harness connector for
signs of damage, poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect cigarette lighter fuse IF14 .
Rated capacity of the fuse: 15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Replace the cigarette lighter
A.Install a new cigarette lighter.
Is the cigarette lighter normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 4.
4.Inspect the power circuit of cigarette lighter
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "ACC".
B.Measure the voltage between the terminal 1 of
cigarette lighter wiring harness connector P17 and
reliable grounding.
Standard voltage:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
1 Go to step 5.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 28 of the interior electrical center
P01a and terminal 1 of the cigarette lighter wiring
harness connector P17.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.4-8 Cigarette Lighter 4.2.4-8

5. Inspect the ground circuit of cigarette lighter

A. Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the cigarette lighter wiring harness
connector P16.
C.Measure the resistance between the terminal 1 of
cigarette lighter wiring harness connector P16 and
reliable grounding.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
1 Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair open circuit between terminal 1 of cigarette
lighter harness connector P16 and grounding point
6. Replace the cigarette lighter retainer
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Replace the cigarette lighter retainer.
Refer to: Cigarette lighter (4.2.4 Cigarette
Lighter,Removal and Installation).
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.4-9 Cigarette Lighter 4.2.4-9

Removal and Installation

Cigarette Lighter
Special Tool

Interior and Exterior

Trim Panel Remover


1. Disconnect the negative cable.

Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Remove the central trim panel with a suitable
Special tool:Internal and External Trim
Removal tool CA501 - 002


3. Disconnect the wiring harness connector.

1. Disconnect the rear fog lamp wiring
harness connector 1.
2. Disconnect the front fog lamp wiring 1
harness connector 2. 2

3 Disconnect the cigarette lighter wiring

harness connector 3. 3


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.4-10 Cigarette Lighter 4.2.4-10

4. Turn the cigarette lighter retainer



5. Remove the cigarette lighter.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.5 Information and
Entertainment System
4.2.5-1 Information and Entertainment System 4.2.5-1

General Specifications
Item Rated Voltage Rated Current
Power supply of radio 12 V (DC) -

Torque specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Radio retaining bolts 8 - 71
Speaker retaining bolt 9 - 80
Antenna retaining nuts 9 - 80

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.5-2 Information and Entertainment System 4.2.5-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
.When you turn on the radio and shift to “AM” and
“FM”, the antenna module receives radio signals
and transports them to the radio. The radio
receives the radio signals and then filters wave,
tunes the needed signals, amplifies the electronic
signals through the amplifier and finally outputs
them through speakers

Components Description
Roof Antenna
The roof antenna is located above the A pillar and
the length of the antenna is adjustable.

Left and Right Speaker

The radio audio system uses two speakers which
are located at both ends of the upper part of the
instrument panel or near the A pillars and the
front windshield.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.5-3 Information and Entertainment System 4.2.5-3

Location View


Item Description Item Description

1 Instrument panel assembly 2 Radio

CAUTION: The central trim panel and instrument Panel on the RHS vehicle are integrated with
AC control panel located above the radio. The front fog lamp switch and air conditioner
switch are positioned differently. But the removal and installation procedure remains the
same as the LHS vehicle.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.5-4 Information and Entertainment System 4.2.5-4

Radio Terminal List

P09 P10

1 3
1 2

3 4
7 9


Terminal No. Terminal Description Terminal Description
P09 - 1 NC - -
P09 - 2 NC - -
P09 - 3 SPEAKER FR-L+ 0.5 BU Driver side door speaker positive
P09 - 4 NC - -
P09 - 5 NC - -
P09 - 6 SPEAKER FR-L- 0.5 BU / BK Driver side door speaker negative
P09 - 7 NC - -
Passenger side door speaker
P09 - 8 SPEAKER FR_R+ 0.5 RD
Passenger side door speaker
P09 - 9 SPEAKER FR_R- 0.5 RD/BK
P10 - 1 +B 0.85 WH Power+
P10 - 2 +ACC 0.85 WH / BK Power supply of radio(ACC)
P10 - 3 NC - -
P10 - 4 GND 0.85 BK GND

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.5-5 Information and Entertainment System 4.2.5-5

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General equipment

Digital multimeter
Diagnostic tool

Inspection and Verification

CAUTION: When testing whether the
audio entertainment system has poor
signalor noise interference, park the
vehicle outdoors far from metal buildings
and power supply wires.

1. Verify the customer concern.

2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical or electrical damage and the
deformation due to collision.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electric
• Fuse
•antenna •Circuit
•Control panel •Audio circuit
•Antenna and feeder

3. inspect system circuit which is easy to see or

CAUTION: Twisted-pair cable can shield
electronic components effectively from
interference. If the shielding layer of the
original circuits is damaged, install a new
shielding layer.

4. If an obvious cause for an observed or

reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
5. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.5-6 Information and Entertainment System 4.2.5-6

Symptom Chart
If the fault reason can't be verified in the basic inspection, diagnose and troubleshoot according to the
following chart.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Fuse Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
Function disabled and switch- for function disabled and
on fault switch on fault .
•Radio host
•Fuse and circuit Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
Raido mute •Speakers for radio mute.
•Radio host
•Fuse •Replace the fuse
The power supply indicator
•Circuit •Repair the circuits.
does not light
•Radio host •Radio host
•Repair the circuits.

•Circuit interference •Inspect and repair the antenna and

The sound is not clear •Antenna and feeder
•Inspect and repair or replace the
•Radio host speakers
•Inspect, repair and replace the radio host.
•Change the place for receiving radio
•There is interference or shield at
Poor or no radio signal the place
•Inspect and repair or replace the antenna
receiving •Antenna and feeder
and feeder
•Radio host
•Inspect, repair and replace the radio host.
•Repair the circuits.
•Audio circuit
•Inspect and repair or replace the
Single track when playing •Speakers
•Radio host
•Inspect, repair and replace the radio host.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.5-7 Information and Entertainment System 4.2.5-7

Diagnosis Procedure for Function Disabled and Switch on Fault

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the wiring harness connector of the radio
system, antenna and feeder to see if there is
damage, poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the radio host fuse IF03,IF07.
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the power supply circuit of the radio system
A.Turn the ignition switch to position “ACC”. measure
the voltageat terminal 2 of the radio host wiring
harness connector P10.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
B.Measure the voltage at terminal 1 of the radio host
wiring harness connector P101.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
1 2
Is voltage normal?
3 4 Yes
Go to step 4.
Inspect and repair the fault of the radio system
power supply circuit.
4. Inspect the radio system ground circuit

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.5-8 Information and Entertainment System 4.2.5-8

A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".

B.Measure the resistance between terminal 4 of the
radio host wiring harness connector P10 and the
grounding point wiring harnes.
1 2 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω

3 4
Is resistance normal?
Go to step 5.
Inspect and repair the open circuit of the radio
5. Replace the radio system
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Replace the raido host.
Refer to: Radio (4.2.5 Information and
Entertainment System, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.5-9 Information and Entertainment System 4.2.5-9

Diagnosis Procedure for Radio Mute

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the wiring harness connector of the radio
system, antenna and feeder to see if there is
damage, poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the working of all speakers
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "ACC".
B.Turn on the radio and make it work.
Do all the speakers not work?
Go to step 3.
Go to step 4.
3. Replace the radio host.
A.Turn the ignition switch to position "LOCK".
B.Replace the radio host.
Refer to: Radio host (4.2.5 Information
and Entertainment System,Removal and
Is the system normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.5-10 Information and Entertainment System 4.2.5-10

4. Inspect and repair the circuit and states of the FL speakers

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Inspect and repair the circuit of the FL speaker,
eliminating such situations as short circuit-to-earth,
open circuit, loose wiring harness connector.
C.Replace the FL speakers.
Refer to: Front speaker(4.2.5 Information
and Entertainment System, Removal and
Is the system normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 5.
5. Inspect and repair the circuit and states of the FR speakers
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Inspect and repair the circuit of the FR speaker,
eliminating such situations as short circuit-to-sound,
open circuit, loose wiring harness connector.
C.Replace the FR speakers.
Refer to: Front speaker(4.2.5 Information
and Entertainment System, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.5-11 Information and Entertainment System 4.2.5-11

Removal and Installation

Special Tool

Interior and Exterior

Trims Remover
CA501 - 002


1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.

Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).

2. Remove the central trim panel with a suitable tool.

Special tool:CA501 - 002


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.5-12 Information and Entertainment System 4.2.5-12

3. Disconnect the wiring harness connector.

1 Disconnect the rear fog lamp wiring
harness connector 1.
2 Disconnect the front fog lamp wiring 1
harness connector 2. 2

3 Disconnect the cigarette lighter wiring

harness connector 3. 3


4. Remove the two retaining bolts for the radio.


5. Disconnect the radio wiring harness

1 Disconnect the radio power supply wiring
harness connector 1.
2 Disconnect the radio speaker wiring
harness connector 2.
3 Disconnect the wiring harness connector 3 1 2
of antenna.


6. Remove the radio.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.5-13 Information and Entertainment System 4.2.5-13
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

Special Tool

Interior and Exterior

Trims Remover


1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.

Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Remove the speaker trim panels at both ends
of the instrument panel.
Special tool:CA501 - 002


3. Remove the two retaining bolts for the



SC1022 2011.08
4.2.5-14 Information and Entertainment System 4.2.5-14

4. Remove the speaker 1 and disconnect the

speaker wiring harness connector 2.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Remove the radio.
Refer to: Radio (4.2.6 Information and
Entertainment System, Removal and
3. Remove the instrument panel.
Refer to: Instrument panel (5.1.6
Instrument Panel and Console, Removal
and Installation).
4. Disconnect the buckle attachment betwen the
antenna and the body.


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.5-15 Information and Entertainment System 4.2.5-15

5. Remove the antenna retaining nuts on the A



6. Remove the antenna.


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.5-16 Information and Entertainment System 4.2.5-16
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6 Lighting
4.2.6-1 Lighting System 4.2.6-1

Component Specifications
Item Specifications Qty.
Front combination lamp assembly - low
12V 60/50 W 2
beam/ high beam
Front combination lamp assembly-
12V/5W 2
position lamp
Front combination lamp assembly-front
12V/21W 2
turn signal lamp
Side turn signal bulb 12V/5W 2
Rear combination lamp assembly - rear
12V/18W 2
turn signal bulb
Rear combination lamp assembly - brake
12V 5/12W 2
lamp/rear position lamp
Rear combination lamp assembly -
12V/21W 1
reverse lamp
License plate lamp bulb 12V/5W 2
Front reading lamp bulb 12V/8W 1

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-2 Lighting System 4.2.6-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
The switches for headlamp, turn signal, hazard
warning indicator and others of Changan star Van
are located on the lighting combination switch.
The lamps are controlled by the left lighting
combination switch stalk with 3 levels, OFF, gear
I and Ⅱ . The combination switch is at "OFF"
when all lamps are off. Each position lamp,
license plate lamp and instrument Panel
background lamps are illuminated when the knob
at the end of the left lighting combination switch
stalk is turned. Low beam lamps are illuminated
when the knob is turned to gear.
High beam lamps start to work when the left
combination switch stalk is pressed down with the
knob at gear II and low beam lamp on.
Redardless of the gear of the knob, the headlamp
high beam starts to work, serving as a overtaking
lamp only when the left stalk is lifted up.
The vehicle turn signal is also controlled by the
left combination switch stalk. The right turn signal
is illuminated when the stalk is pushed forwards;
the left turn signal is illuminated when the stalk is
pushed backwards; the turn signal is off when the
stalk is at the middle.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-3 Lighting System 4.2.6-3

Location View
Interior Component



Item Description Item Description

1 Instrument panel 4 Front fog lamp switch assembly
2 Brake lamp switch assembly 5 Combination switch assembly
3 Rear fog lamp switch assembly 6 Turn signal relay

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-4 Lighting System 4.2.6-4
Exterior Lighting System

1 2 3

5 4


Item Description Item Description

1 Headlamp assembly 4 License plate lamp assembly
2 Side turn Signal Lamp 5 Front fog lamp assembly
3 Combination lamp assembly

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-5 Lighting System 4.2.6-5
Integral Body Rear Lighting


Item Description Item Description

1 Rear combination lamp 2 Rear fog lamp

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-6 Lighting System 4.2.6-6

General Inspection
Test for Ighting Combination Switch

P T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Position lamp
1 4
Low Beam
High Beam
5 10
Overtake lamp
Rear Fog Lamp ON
Left Turn signal Lamp 11 14

Right Turn signal Lamp

15 20
Warning Lamp


Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1. Inspect the position lamp switch
A.Turn the lighting combination switch in position
B.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 5 and 7 of
the lighting combinatioan switch conduct electricity.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
C.Turn off the lighting combination switch.
D.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 5 and 7 of
the lighting combination switch are disconnected.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Replace lighting combination switch.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-7 Lighting System 4.2.6-7

2. Inspect the low-beam lamp switch

A.Turn the lighting combination switch in position
B.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 16 and 18
of the lighting combinatioan switch conduct
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
C.Turn off the lighting combination switch.
D.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 16 and 18
of the lighting combination switch are disconnected.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is it normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace lighting combination switch.
3. Inspect the high-beam lamp switch
A.Turn the lighting combination switch in position
B.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 18 and 15
of the lighting combination switch conduct
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
C.Turn off the lighting combination switch.
D.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 18 and 15
of the lighting combination switch are disconnected.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is it normal?
Go to step 4.
Replace lighting combination switch.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-8 Lighting System 4.2.6-8

4. Inspect the overtaking lamp switch

CAUTION: In this case the lighting combination switch should be turned off first and then
turned to position overtaking lamp.
A.Turn lighting combination switch in position
B.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 18 and 15
of the lighting combination switch conduct
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
C.Turn off the lighting combination switch.
D.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 18 and 15
of the lighting combination switch are disconnected.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is it normal?
Go to step 4.
Replace lighting combination switch.
5. Inspect the rear fog lamp switch
A.Turn on the rear fog lamp switch of the lighting
combination switch.
B.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 2 and 18 of
the lighting combination switch conduct electricity.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
C.Turn off the lighting combination switch.
D.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 2 and 18 of
the lighting combination switch are disconnected.
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is it normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace lighting combination switch.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-9 Lighting System 4.2.6-9

6.Inspect the left turn signal lamp switch

A.Turn on the left turn signal lamp switch of the lighting
combination switch.
B.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 10 &20
and 11 &17 of the lighting combination switch
conduct electricity.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
C.Turn off the left turn signal lamp switch.
D.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 10 &20
and 11 &17 of the lighing combination swith are
tandard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is it normal?
Go to step 7.
Replace lighting combination switch.
7. Inspect the right turn signal lamp switch
A.Turn on the right turn signal lamp switch of the
lighting combination switch.
B.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 10 &20
and 1 &17 of the lighting combination switch
conduct electricity.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
C.Turn off the right turn signal lamp switch.
D.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 10 &20
and 1 &17 of the lighing combination swith are
tandard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is it normal?
Go to step 8.
Replace lighting combination switch.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-10 Lighting System 4.2.6-10

8.Inspect the hazard warning lamp switch

A.Turn on the hazard warning lamp switch of the
lighting combination switch.
B.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 6 and 20 of
the lighting combinatioan switch conduct electricity.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
C.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 1,11 and
17 of the lighting combination switch conduct
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
D.Turn off the hazard warning lamp switch
E.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 6 and 20 of
the lighting combination switch are disconnected.
tandard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
F.Measure the resistance to see if terminal 1, 11 and
17 of the lighting combination switch are
tandard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
Is it normal?
Refer to: Symptom Chart (4.2.6 Lighting
system, Diagnosis and Testing).
Replace lighting combination switch.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-11 Lighting System 4.2.6-11

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General equipment

Digital multimeter
Diagnostic tool

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious electrical fault.
Eliminate the bulb damage as the cause of
the fault.
3. inspect system circuit which is easy to see or
4. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
5. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.
Visual Inspection Chart

• Fuse

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-12 Lighting System 4.2.6-12

Symptom Chart
If a symptom occurs, while its DTC is not stored in the Control module and the cause can’t be verified in
basic inspection, diagnose and eliminate in order

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Fuse Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Circuit of brake lamp fault (4.2.6
Diagnosis procedure for brake
lamp fault Lighting system,Diagnosis and
•Brake lamp switch

Refer to: Diagnosis Procedure

•Circuit of one or more inoperative
Diagnosis procedure for
brake lamps (4.2.6 Lighting
single brake lamp fault •Bulb
System, Diagnosis and
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
Diagnosis procedure for brake •Brake lamp switch of brake lamp constant on(4.2.6
lamp constant on •Circuit Lighting system,Diagnosis and
•Fuse Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Lighting combination switch of turn signal lamp fault (4.2.6
Diagnosis procedure for turn Lighting system,Diagnosis and
signal lamp fault Testing).
•Turn signal relay

•Lighting combination switch Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

Diagnosis procedure for one of one or more turn signal lamp
or more turn signal lamp fault fault (4.2.6 Lighting
•Bulb system,Diagnosis and Testing).
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
One or more turn signal lamps
fault •Lighting combination switch for one or more turn signal
lamps (No blinking) (4.2.6
(No blinking) Diagnosis •Circuit
Lighting System, Symptom
Diagnosis and Testing).
•Fuse Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Lighting combination switch of hazard warning lamp
Diagnosis Procedures of invalidation (4.2.6 Lighting
Invalid Hazard Warning Lamp System, Symptom Diagnosis
•Circuit and Testing).
•Turn signal lamp relay

Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

for all hazard warning lamps
Diagnosis procedure for all •Lighting combination switch constantly-blinking symptom
hazard warning lamps
constantly-blinking symptom •Circuit (4.2.6 Lighting System,
Symptom Diagnosis and

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-13 Lighting System 4.2.6-13

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Fuse Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Circuit of position lamp fault (4.2.6
Diagnosis Procedures of
Invalid Position Lamp Lighting system,Diagnosis and
•Lighting combination switch

Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

Diagnosis procedure of •Circuit of position lamp constant on
position lamp constant on •Lighting combination switch (4.2.6 Lighting system,
Diagnosis and Testing).
•Fuse Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Circuit of front fog lamp fault (4.2.6
Lighting system,Diagnosis and
Diagnosis procedure of front •Bulb
fog lamp fault •Front fog lamp relay
•Lighting combination switch
•Front fog lamp switch

•Front fog lamp relay Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•Front fog lamp switch for front fog lamp constant on
Diagnosis procedure for front
fog lamp constant on
(4.2.6 Lighting System,
• Lighting combination switch
Symptom Diagnosis and
•Circuit Testing).
•Fuse Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Lighting combination switch of rear fog lamp fault (4.2.6
Diagnosis procedure of rear Lighting system,Diagnosis and
•Rear fog lamp switch
fog lamp fault Testing).

•Lighting combination switch Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

Diagnosis procedure of rear of rear fog lamp constant on
•Rear fog lamp switch
fog lamp constant on (4.2.6 Lighting system,
•Circuit Diagnosis and Testing).
•Fuse Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Circuit of reverse lamp fault(4.2.6
Diagnosis procedure of
reverse lamp fault Lighting system,Diagnosis and
•Reverse lamp switch

Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•Circuit of reverse lamp constant on
Diagnosis procedure of
(4.2.6 Lighting System,
reverse lamp constant on •Reverse lamp switch
Symptom Diagnosis and

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-14 Lighting System 4.2.6-14

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Fuse Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Circuit of the low beam fault(4.2.6
Diagnosis procedure of the
low beam fault Lighting system,Diagnosis and
•Lighting combination switch

•Fuse Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

Diagnosis procedure of one of one side low beam fault
side low beam fault (4.2.6 Lighting
•Bulb system,Diagnosis and Testing).
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
Diagnosis procedure of low •Circuit of low beam constant on (4.2.6
beam constant on •Lighting combination switch Lighting system,Diagnosis and
•Fuse Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Circuit of high beam fault (4.2.6
Diagnosis procedure of high
beam fault Lighting system,Diagnosis and
• Lighting combination switch

Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•Fuse of high beam lamp fault on one
Diagnosis procedure of high
•Circuit side (4.2.6 Lighting System,
beam lamp fault on one side
•Bulb Symptom Diagnosis and
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
Diagnosis procedure of high •Circuit of high beam lamp constant on
beam lamp constant on •Lighting combination switch (4.2.6 Lighting system,
Diagnosis and Testing).
•Fuse Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Circuit of overtaking lamp fault (4.2.6
Diagnosis procedure of
overtaking lamp fault Lighting system,Diagnosis and
•Lighting combination switch
•Fuse Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Circuit of license plate lamp fault (4.2.6
Diagnosis procedure of
license plate lamp fault Lighting system,Diagnosis and
• Lighting combination switch
•Fuse Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Roof lamp switch of roof lamp fault (4.2.6
Diagnosis procedure of roof
lamp fault Lighting system,Diagnosis and

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-15 Lighting System 4.2.6-15

Diagnosis Procedure for Brake Lamp Fault(1.0L)

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the wiring harness connectors of wiper
combination switch and wiper motor for damage,
poor contact, aging and loose.
B.Inspect the filament and lamp holder of brake lamp
bulb for abnormal conditions such as damage and
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the brake lamp fuse IF03?
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the power of fuse IF03
A.Measure the voltage between terminal 5 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01 and the reliable
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07
IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14
Go to step 4.
IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit


between terminal 5 of the instrument panel fuse box

P01 and the battery.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-16 Lighting System 4.2.6-16

4.Inspect the brake lamp switch power circuit

A.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of brake
lamp switch harness connector S02 and reliable
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
1 Go to step 5.
Inspect open circuit between terminal 1 of the brake
lamp switch harness connector S02 and terminal 6
A4206029 of the console P01.
5.Inspect the brake lamp switch
A.Depress the brake pedal.
B.Measure the voltage between terminal 2 of brake
lamp switch wiring harness connector S02 and
reliable grounding.
1 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
2 Yes
S02 Go to step 6.
Replace the brake lamp switch.

6. Inspect the power supply circuit of brake lamp

A.Technician A depresses the brake pedal.
B.Technician B measures the voltage between
terminal 6 of RL combination lamp wiring harness
connector S16 and the reliable grounding with a
1 2 3
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
4 5 6
Is the voltage normal?
Repair the open circuit between terminal 4 of left
rear combination lamp wiring harness connector
A4206031 S16 and ground point G3G01.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 6 of the RL combination lamp
wiring harness connector S16 and terminal 2 of the
brake lamp switch wiring harness connector S02.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-17 Lighting System 4.2.6-17

Diagnosis Procedure for Brake Lamp Fault(1.3L)

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
B.Inspect the filament and lamp holder of brake lamp
bulb for abnormal conditions such as breakage and
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the brake lamp fuse IF03.
Rated capacity of the fuse: 15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the fuse IF03 power supply
A.Measure the voltage between terminal 5 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01a and the reliable
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
P01a Is the voltage normal?
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07
Go to step 4.
IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 5 of the instrument panel fuse box
P01a and the battery.
4.Inspect the fuse switch circuit of brake lamp

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-18 Lighting System 4.2.6-18

A.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of the

brake lamp switch harnessconnector of P43 and
reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
1 Go to step 5.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
P43 of between terminal 1of the brake lamp switch
harness connector of S02 and terminal 6 of the
instrument panel fuse box po1a.
5.Inspect the brake lamp switch
A.Depress the brake pedal.
B.Measure the voltage between terminal 2 of brake
lamp switch harness connector P43 and reliable
1 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace the brake lamp switch.

6. Inspect the power supply circuit of brake lamp

A.Technician A depresses the brake pedal.
B.Technician A measures the voltage between
terminal 6 of the RL combination lamp wiring
harness connector S16 and the reliable grounding.
1 2 3 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V

4 5 6 Is the voltage normal?

Repair the open circuit between terminal 4 of left
rear combination lamp wiring harness connector
S16 and ground point G3G01.
A4206031 No
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 6 of the RL combination lamp
wiring harness connector S16 and terminal 2 of the
brake lamp switch wiring harness connector S02.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-19 Lighting System 4.2.6-19

Diagnosis Procedure for Single Bbrake Lamp Fault.(1.0L)

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the failed brake lamp
A.Inspect the filament in the brake lamp bulb to see if
it’s in good condition.
B.Inspect the brake lamp bulb contact for signs such
as oxidation or poor contact.
Is it abnormal?
Replace the brake lamp bulb. Solve the problem of
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the brake lamp power supply(left rear brake lamp as an exemple)
A.Technician A depresses the brake pedal.
B.Technician B measures the voltage between
terminal 6 of the RL combination lamp wiring
S16 harness connector S16 and the reliable grounding
1 2 3
with a multimeter.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
4 5 6
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 6 of the RL combination lamp
wiring harness connector S16 and terminal 2 of the
brake lamp switch wiring harness connector S02.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-20 Lighting System 4.2.6-20

4. Inspect the grounding circuit of brake lamp

A.Disconnect the RL combination lamp wiring harness
connector S16.
S16 B.Measure the resistance value between the terminal
4 of the rear combination lamp S16 and the reliable
1 2 3
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω

4 5 6 Is the resistance value normal?

Replace the RL combination lamp.
Refer to: Rear combination lamp (4.2.6
Lighting system, Removal and
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.
Repair the open circuit between terminal 4 of left
rear combination lamp wiring harness connector
S16 and ground point G3G01.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-21 Lighting System 4.2.6-21

Diagnosis Procedure for Brake Lamp Constant on(1.0L)

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the brake lamp switch
A.Disconnect the brake lamp switch wiring harness
connector S02.
Has the brake lamp gone off?
Replace the brake lamp switch.
Go to step 3.
3. Inspect the power supply circuit of brake lamp
A.Disconnect the brake lamp switch wiring harness
connector S02.
B.Disconnect the rear combination lamp wiring
harness connector S15,S16.
1 C.Measure the voltage between terminal 2 of brake
lamp switch wiring harness connector S02 and
2 reliable grounding.
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the voltage normal?
A4206030 Make sure the system is normal.
Inspect short circuit to power between terminal 2 of
brake lamp switch wiring harness connector S02.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-22 Lighting System 4.2.6-22

Diagnosis Procedure for Turn Signal Lamp Fault

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
B.Inspect the filament and lamp holder of turn signal
lamp bulb for abnormal conditions such as damage
and oxidation.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect turn signal lamp switch
A.Inspect turn signal lamp switch.
Refer to: Lighting combination switch
Test (4.2.6 Lighting System, General
Is the lighting combination switch normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace lighting combination switch.
3.Inspect the turn signal fuse
A.Inspect the turn signal fuse IF09.
Rated capacity of the fuse: 15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-23 Lighting System 4.2.6-23

4.Inspect the fuse IF09 power supply

A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Measure the voltage between terminal 18 of in
strument panel fuse box P01 and the reliable
P07 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
1 4 Is the resistance value normal?
5 10 P22 Yes
11 14 1 Go to step 5.
15 20 2 3 No
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 18 of the instrument panel fuse
box P01 and the circuit of ignition switch.
5.Inspect the lighting combination switch-to-turn signal switch input power supply circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the combination switch wiring harness
connector P07.
Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
Measure the voltage between terminal 10 of
combination lamp switch harness connector P07
1 4
and reliable grounding.
5 10
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
11 14

15 20
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 6.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 10 of the combination switch
wiring harness connector P07 and terminal 17 of
the instrument panel fuse box P01.
6.Inspect the power supply circuit of the turn signal relay

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-24 Lighting System 4.2.6-24

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the combination switch wiring harness
connector P07
C.Disconnect the turn signal relay wiring harness
P07 connector P22.
1 4 D.Measure the resistance between terminal 3 of the
5 10 P22 turn signal relay wiring harness connector P22 and
terminal 20 of the combination switch wiring
11 14 1
harness connector P07.
15 20 2 3 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω

A4206038 Is the resistance value normal?

Go to step 7.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 3 of the turn signal relay wiring
harness connector P22 and terminal 20 of the
combination switch wiring harness connector P07.
7.Inspect the grounding connection of the turn signal relay
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the turn signal relay wiring harness
connector P22.
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of the
turn signal relay wiring harness connector P22 and
the reliable grounding.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
2 3
Go to step 8.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 2 of the turn signal relay wiring
harness connector P22 and the grounding point
8.Inspect the turn signal relay
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Turn on the left turn signal switch of the lighting
combination switch.
C.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of the turn
signal relay wiring harness connector P22 and the
reliable grounding on the back.
Standard value: change from 0 V to 11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
2 3
P22 Yes
Go to step 9.
Replace the turn lamp relay.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-25 Lighting System 4.2.6-25

9.Inspect the output power supply circuit of the turn signal relay
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the combination switch wiring harness
connector P07.
1 4
5 10 C.Disconnect the turn signal relay wiring harness
11 14
15 20 connector P22.
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of the
turn signal relay wiring harness connector P22 and
1 terminal 17 of the combination switch wiring
2 3 harness connector P07.
P22 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω

A4206041 Is the resistance value normal?

Go to step 10.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 1 of the turn signal relay wiring
harness connector P22 and terminal 17 of the
combination switch wiring harness connector P07.
10. Inspect circuits of left front turn signal lamp power supply
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the FL turn signal wiring harness
connector P33.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Turn on the left turn signal lamp switch of the
1 2 lighting combination switch.
E.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of left front
turn signal lamp switch harness connector P33 and
reliable grounding.
Standard value: change from 0 V to 11 ~ 14 V
A4206042 Is the voltage normal?
Repair the open circuit between terminal 2 of left
front combination lamp wiring harness connector
P33 and grounding point G3G01.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 1 of the FL turn signal relay wiring
harness connector P33 and terminal 11 of the
combination switch wiring harness connector P07.
CAUTION: Inspect other turn signal
lamps in this way and the difference lies
in the terminals only. Make sure the
system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-26 Lighting System 4.2.6-26

Diagnosis Procedure for One or More Turn Signal Lamp Fault

CAUTION: This process is carried out for left turn signal lamp fault only. Process for the right
is similar.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect turn signal bulbs at fault
A.Inspect the filament in turn signal bulb to see if it not
in good condition.
B. Inspect the turn signal bulb contact for signs such
as oxidation or poor contact.
Is it abnormal?
Replace the turn signal bulb. Solve the problem of
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the LH turn signal switch.
A.Inspect left turn signal switch.
Refer to: Lighting combination switch
Test(4.2.6 Lighting System, General
Is the lighting combination switch normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace lighting combination switch.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-27 Lighting System 4.2.6-27

4. Inspect circuits of left front turn signal lamp power supply

CAUTION: Take left front turn signal lamp as an exemple.

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".

B.Disconnect the FL turn signal wiring harness
connector P33.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Turn on the left turn signal lamp switch of the
lighting combination switch.
1 2
E.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of left front
turn signal lamp switch harness connector P33 and
reliable grounding.
Standard value: change from 0 V to 11 ~ 14 V
A4206042 Is the voltage normal?
Go to step5 .
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 1 of the FL turn signal wiring
harness connector P33 and terminal 11 of the
combination switch wiring harness connector P07.
5.Inspect the grounding circuit of left front turn signal lamp
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the FL turn signal wiring harness
connector P33.
P33 C.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of the
FL turn signal wiring harness connector P33 and
the reliable grounding.
1 2
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Verify the symptom.
Refer to: Symptom Chart (4.2.6 Lighting
system, Diagnosis and Testing).
Repair the open circuit between terminal 2 of left
front combination lamp wiring harness connector
P33 and grounding point G1G01.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-28 Lighting System 4.2.6-28

Diagnosis Procedure for One or More Turn Signal Lamp on

Permanently( not Blink)
CAUTION: This process is carried out for only left front turn signal lamp. Process for the rest
is similar.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A. Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect turn signal bulbs at fault
A.Inspect the filament in turn signal bulb to see if it’s
in good condition.
B. Inspect the turn signal bulb contact for signs such
as oxidation or poor contact.
Is it abnormal?
Replace the turn signal bulb. Solve the problem of
Go to step 3.
3. Inspect circuits of left rear turn signal lamp power supply
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the combination switch wiring harness
connector P07.
C.Disconnect the RL combination lamp wiring harness
connector S16.
1 2 3 D.Measure the voltage between terminal 2 of left rear
combination lamp harness connector S16 and
4 5 6 reliable grounding.
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the voltage normal?
A4206044 Yes
Verify the symptom.
Refer to: Symptom Chart (4.2.6 Lighting
system, Diagnosis and Testing).
Inspect and repair the short trouble-to-power supply
of terminal 2 of the RL combination lamp wiring
harness connector S16.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-29 Lighting System 4.2.6-29

Diagnosis Procedures of Hazard Warning Lamp Fault

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
B.Inspect the filament and lamp holder of turn signal
lamp bulb for abnormal conditions such as
breakage and oxidation.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the hazard warning lamp switch
A.Inspect the hazard warning lamp switch
Refer to: Lighting combination switch
Test (4.2.6 Lighting System, General
Is the lighting combination switch normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace lighting combination switch.
3.Inspect the hazard warning lamp fuse
A.Inspect the turn signal fuse IF04.
Rated capacity of the fuse: 15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-30 Lighting System 4.2.6-30

4.Inspect the fuse IF04 power supply.

A.Measure the voltage between terminal 7 of the
instrument fuse box P01 and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?

IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07

Go to step 5.
IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14
IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18

Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit


P01 IR02
between terminal 7 of the instrument panel fuse box
IR03 P01 and the battery.

5.Inspect the lighting combination switch-to-hazard warning lamp switch input power supply circuit.
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the combination switch wiring harness
connector P07.
C.Measure the voltage between terminal 6 of
combination switch wiring harness connector P07
P07 and reliable grounding.
1 4
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
5 10
Is the voltage normal?
11 14
15 20
Go to step 6.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 6 of the combination switch
wiring harness connector P07 and terminal 8 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01.
6.Inspect the power supply circuit of the turn Lamp relay
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the combination switch wiring harness
connector P07.
C.Disconnect the turn signal relay wiring harness
P07 connector P22.
1 4 D.Measure the resistance between terminal 3 of the
5 10 P22 turn signal relay wiring harness connector P22 and
terminal 20 of the combination switch wiring
11 14 1
harness connector P07.
15 20 2 3 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω

A4206038 Is the resistance value normal?

Go to step 7.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 3 of the turn signal relay wiring
harness connector P22 and terminal 20 of the
combination switch wiring harness connector P07.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-31 Lighting System 4.2.6-31

7.Inspect the grounding connection of the turn lamp relay

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the turn signal relay wiring harness
connector P22.
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of the
turn signal relay wiring harness connector P22 and
the reliable grounding.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
2 3
Go to step 8.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 2 of the turn signal relay wiring
harness connector P22 and the grounding point
8 Inspect the turn lamp relay
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Turn on the hazard warning lamp switch of the
lighting combination switch.
C.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of the turn
signal relay wiring harness connector P22 and the
reliable grounding on the back.
Standard value: change from 0 V to 11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
2 3
P22 Yes
Go to step 9.
Replace the turn lamp relay.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-32 Lighting System 4.2.6-32

9.Inspect the output power supply circuit of the turn signal relay
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
P07 B.Disconnect the combination switch wiring harness
1 4 connector P07.
5 10 C.Disconnect the turn signal relay wiring harness
11 14 connector P22.
15 20
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of the
turn signal relay wiring harness connector P22 and
1 terminal 17 of the combination switch wiring
harness connector P07.
2 3
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
A4206047 Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 10.
Inspect the open circuit fault of the circuit of
terminal 1 of the turn signal wiring harness
connector P22 and terminal 17 of the combination
switch wiring harness connector P07.
10. Inspect circuits of left front turn lamp power supply
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the FL turn signal wiring harness
connector P33.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Turn on the hazard warning lamp switch of the
1 2 lighting combination switch.
E.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of left front
turn signal lamp switch harness connector P33 and
reliable grounding.
Standard value: change from 0 V to 11 ~ 14 V
A4206042 Is the voltage normal?
Repair the open circuit between terminal 2 of left
front combination lamp wiring harness connector
P33 and grounding point G1G01.
Inspect the open circuit fault of the circuit between
terminal 1 of the FL turn signal wiring harness
connector P33 and terminal 11 of the combination
switch wiring harness connector P07.
CAUTION: Inspect other turn signal lamps
this way and the difference lies in the
terminals only. Make sure the system is

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-33 Lighting System 4.2.6-33

Diagnosis Procedures of Continuous Blink of all Hazard Warning

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
B.Inspect the filament and lamp holder of turn signal
lamp bulb for abnormal conditions such as
breakage and oxidation.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the hazard warning lamp switch
A.Inspect the hazard warning lamp switch
Refer to: Lighting combination switch
Test (4.2.6 Lighting System, General
Is the lighting combination switch normal?
Go to step 3.
Replace lighting combination switch.
3.Inspect the power supply circuit of the turn lamp relay
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the combination switch wiring harness
connector P07.
C.Disconnect the turn lamp relay wiring harness
connector P22.
D.Measure the voltage between terminal 3 of turn
signal lamp relay harness connector P22 and
2 3 reliable grounding.
P22 Standard voltage:0V
Is the voltage normal?
A4206048 Yes
Make sure the system is normal.
Inspect and repair the short trouble-to-power supply
of terminal 3 of the turn signal relay wiring harness
connector P22.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-34 Lighting System 4.2.6-34

Diagnosis Procedures of Position Lamp Fault

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
B.Inspect the filament and lamp holder of position
lamp bulb for abnormal conditions such as
breakage and oxidation.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect fuse IF03.
Rated capacity of the fuse: 15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the fuse IF03 power supply
A.Measure the voltage between terminal 5 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01 and the reliable
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07
IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14
Go to step 4.
IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18
Inspect the open circuit fault of the circuit between


terminal 5 of the instrument panel fuse box P01 and

the battery.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-35 Lighting System 4.2.6-35

4.Inspect the input power supply circuit of the position switch

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the combination switch wiring harness
connector P07.
C.Measure the voltage between terminal 7 of
combination switch wiring harness connector P07
P07 and reliable grounding.
1 4
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
5 10
Is the voltage normal?
11 14

15 20
Go to step 5.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 7 of the combination switch wiring
harness connector and terminal 6 of the instrument
panel fuse box P01.
5. Inspect the position lamp switch
A.Inspect the position lamp switch.
Refer to: Lighting combination switch
Test (4.2.6 Lighting System, General
Is the lighting combination switch normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace lighting combination switch.
6.Inspect the RL position lamp power supply
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the RL combination lamp wiring harness
connector S16.

C. Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
D.Turn on the position light.
1 2 3
E.Measure the voltage between terminal 3 of the RL
4 5 6 combination lamp wiring harness connector S16
and the reliable grounding with a multimeter.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 7.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 5 of the combination switch wiring
harness connector P07 and terminal 3 of the RL
combination lamp wiring harness connector S16.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-36 Lighting System 4.2.6-36

7.Inspect the grounding connection of the RL position lamp

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the RL combination lamp wiring harness
S16 connector S16.
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 4 of left
1 2 3
rear combination lamp harness connector S16 and
reliable grounding.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
4 5 6
Is the resistance value normal?
Replace the combination lamp.
Repair the open circuit between terminal 4 of left
rear combination lamp wiring harness connector
S16 and ground point G3G01.
CAUTION: Inspect other turn signal lamps
this way and the difference lies in the
terminals only. Make sure the system is

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-37 Lighting System 4.2.6-37

Diagnosis Procedure of Constant Light of Position Lamp

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the left front position lamp power supply circuit.
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the RL combinaiton lamp wiring harness
connector S16.

C.Disconnect the combination switch wiring harness
connector P07.
1 2 3 D.Measure the voltage between terminal 3 of left rear
combination lamp harness connector S16 and
4 5 6
reliable grounding.
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the voltage normal?
A4206050 Yes
Replace the combination switch.
Inspect and repair the short trouble-to-power supply
of terminal 3 of the RL combination lamp wiring
harness connector S16.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-38 Lighting System 4.2.6-38

Diagnosis Procedure for Front Fog Lamp Fault(1.0L)

CAUTION: Normal work of the Front fog lamp is base on normal work of the position lamp, so
inspect the position lamp before carrying out this diagnosis procedure.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A. Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
B.Inspect the filament and lamp holder of front fog
lamp bulb for abnormal conditions such as
breakage and oxidation.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the front fog lamp fuse IF05.
Rated capacity of the fuse: 15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the power supply of the fuse IF05
A.Measure the voltage between terminal 9 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01 and the reliable
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07

IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14 Go to step 4.

IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18
IR02 Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 9 of the instrument fuse box P01
A4206051 and the battery.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-39 Lighting System 4.2.6-39

4.Inspect the power supply circuit of the front fog lamp switch
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B. Disconnect the front fog lamp switch wiring harness
connector P11.
C. Turn the lighting combination lamp switch to
D.Measure the voltage between terminal 5 of front fog
3 6
lamp switch harness connector P11 and reliable
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
A4206052 Yes
Go to step 5.
Inspec the open circuit fault of the circuit between
terminal 5 of the front fog lamp switch wiring
harness connector P11 and terminal 5 of the
lighting combination switch wiring harness
connector P07.
5. Inspect the front fog lamp switch
A. Turn the lighting combination lamp switch to
B.Turn on the front fog lamp switch.
P11 C.Measure the voltage between terminal 4 of the front
1 2 fog lamp switch wiring harness connector P11 and
the reliable grounding on the back.
3 6 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace the front fog lamp switch.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-40 Lighting System 4.2.6-40

6.Inspect the front fog lamp relay power supply

A.Remove the front fog lamp relay.
B.Turn the lighting combination lamp switch to
P35 C.Switch on the front fog lamp.
D.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of the front
1 2 fog lamp relay P35 and the reliable grounding on
one hand, terminal 2 and the reliable grounding on
3 4 the other hand.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
A4206054 Yes
Go to step 7.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 1 of the front fog lamp relay P35
and terminal 4 of the front fog lamp switch wiring
harness connector P11.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 2 of the front fog lamp relay P35
and terminal 10 of the instrument panel fuse box
7.Inspect the front fog lamp relay grounding connection.
A.Remove the front fog lamp relay.
B.Measure the resistance between terminal 3 of front
fog lamp relay wiring harness connector P35 and
1 2
reliable grounding.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
3 4
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 8.
Inspect open circuit between terminal 3 of front fog
lamp relay wiring harness connector P35 and
grounding point G1G01.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-41 Lighting System 4.2.6-41

8.Inspect the FR fog lamp power supply circuit

A.Remove the front fog lamp relay P35.
B.Disconnect the right front fog lamp wiring harness
connector P20.
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of the
FR fog lamp wiring harness connector P20 and
P35 terminal 4 of the front fog lamp relay P35.
1 2 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
1 2
Is the resistance value normal?
3 4
Go to step 9.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 2 of the FR fog lamp wiring
harness connector P20 and terminal 4 of the front
fog lamp relay wiring harness connector P35.
9.Inspect the grounding connection of the FR fog lamp
A.Disconnect the right front fog lamp wiring harness
connector P20.
P20 B.Measure the resistant between the terminal 1 of the
right front fog lamp wiring harness connector P20
1 2
and the reliable grounding.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Replace the front fog lamp relay.
Repair open circuit between terminal 1 of right front
fog lamp relay wiring harness connector P20 and
grounding point G1G01.
CAUTION: Inspect other turn signal lamps
this way and the difference lies in the
terminals only. Make sure the system is

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-42 Lighting System 4.2.6-42

Diagnosis Procedure of Front Fog Lamp Constant on (1.0L)

CAUTION: Normal work of the front fog lamp is based on normal work of the position lamp,
so inspect the position lamp before carrying out this diagnosis procedure.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the front fog lamp switch
A.Disconnect the front fog lamp switch wiring harness
connector P11.
Is the front fog lamp off?
Replace the front fog lamp switch.
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the control power supply circuit of the front fog lamp relay
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the front fog lamp switch wiring harness
connector P11.
P11 C.Disconnect the front fog lamp relay wiring harness
connector P35.
1 2
D.Measure the voltage between terminal 4 of front fog
3 6 lamp switch harness connector P11 and reliable
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the voltage normal?
A4206053 Yes
Go to step 4.
Inspect short circuit to power between terminal 4 of
front fog lamp switch harness connector P11 and
power supply.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-43 Lighting System 4.2.6-43

4. Inspect the power supply circuit of the front fog lamp

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the front fog lamp relay wiring harness
P35 connector P35.
C.Disconnect the right front fog lamp wiring harness
1 2 connector P20.
D.Disconnect the left front fog lamp wiring harness
3 4
connector S09.
E.Measure the voltage between terminal 4 of front fog
lamp relay wiring harness connector P35 and
reliable grounding.

Standard voltage:0 V
Is the voltage normal?
Replace the front fog lamp relay P35.
Inspect and repair the short circuit to power supply
of the front fog lamp.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-44 Lighting System 4.2.6-44

Diagnosis Procedure of Front Fog Lamp Fault (1.3L)

CAUTION: Inspect the position lamp for normal operation before the diagnosis procedure is
carried out, on the basis of normal operation.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A. Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
B.Inspect the filament and lamp holder of front fog
lamp bulb for abnormal conditions such as
breakage and oxidation.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the front fog lamp fuse EF06.
Rated capacity of the fuse: 20 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the power supply of the fuse EF06
A.Measure the voltage between terminal 12 of the
main fuse box S25 and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?

ER01 ER02
Go to step 4.
30 30 30

87 87 87

86 85 86 85 86 85

Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit

EF02 EF03 EF04 EF05 EF06 EF07 EF08
86 85

between terminal 12 of the main fuse box S25 and

the battery.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-45 Lighting System 4.2.6-45

4.Inspect the power supply circuit of the front fog lamp switch
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the front fog lamp switch wiring harness
connector P11.
C.Turn the lighting combination switch to "position
1 2 lamp" position.
D.Measure the voltage between terminal 5 of front fog
3 6
lamp switch harness connector P11 and reliable
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
A4206052 Yes
Go to step 5.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 5 of the front fog lamp wiring
harness connector P11 and terminal 5 of the
lighting combination switch wiring harness
connector P07.
5. Inspect the front fog lamp switch
A.Turn the lighting combination switch to "position
lamp" position.
B. Switch on the front fog lamp.
P11 C.Measure the voltage between terminal 4 of the front
1 2 fog lamp switch wiring harness connector P11 and
the reliable grounding on the back.
3 6 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 6.
Replace the front fog lamp switch.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-46 Lighting System 4.2.6-46

6.Inspect the front fog lamp relay power supply

A.Remove the front fog lamp relay.
B.Turn the lighting combination switch to "position
lamp" position.
C.Turn on the front fog lamp switch.
D.Measure the voltage between terminal 30, 86 of the
S25 front fog lamp relay ER02 and the reliable


87 87 87

86 85 86 85 86 85

Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
EF02 EF03 EF04 EF05 EF06 EF07 EF08
86 85
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 7.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 86 of the front fog lamp relay
ER02 and terminal 4 of the front fog lamp switch
wiring harness connector P11.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 30 of the front fog lamp relay
ER02 and terminal 11 of the main fuse box S25.
7.Inspect the grounding connection of the front fog lamp relay
A. Remove the front fog lamp relay.
B. Measure the resistant between the terminal 85 of
the front fog lamp switch ER02 and the reliable
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
S25 Is the resistance value normal?
ER01 ER02 ER03

30 30 30

87 87 87

86 85 86 85 86 85

Go to step 8.
EF02 EF03 EF04 EF05 EF06 EF07 EF08
86 85

Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 85 of the front fog lamp relay
ER02 and the grounding point G2G01.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-47 Lighting System 4.2.6-47

8.Inspect the FR fog lamp power supply circuit

A.Remove the front fog lamp relay ER02.
B.Disconnect the right front fog lamp wiring harness
connector P20a.
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of the
FR fog lamp wiring harness connector P20a and
terminal 87 of the front fog lamp relay wiring
ER01 ER03
harness connector ER02.
30 30 30

Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω

87 87 87

86 85 86 85 86 85

EF02 EF03 EF04 EF05 EF06 EF07 EF08


1 2 Is the resistance value normal?
A4206072 Go to step 9.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 2 of the FR fog lamp wiring
harness connector P20a and terminal 7 of the front
fog lamp relay ER02.
9.Inspect the grounding connection of the FR fog lamp
A.Disconnect the right front fog lamp wiring harness
connector P20a.
B.Measure the resistance value between the Terminal
1 of the right front fog lamp P20a and the reliable
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?

1 2
Replace the front fog lamp relay.
Repair open circuit between terminal 1 of right front
fog lamp relay wiring harness connector P20a and
grounding point G1G01.
CAUTION: Inspect other turn signal lamps
this way and the difference lies in the
terminals only. Make sure the system is

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-48 Lighting System 4.2.6-48

Diagnosis Procedure of Front Fog Lamp Constant on (1.3.0L)

CAUTION: Inspect the position lamp for normal operation before the diagnosis procedure is
carried out, on the basis of normal operation.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the front fog lamp switch
A.Disconnect the front fog lamp switch wiring harness
connector P11.
Is the front fog lamp off?
Replace the front fog lamp switch.
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the control power supply circuit of the front fog lamp relay
A.Disconnect the front fog lamp switch wiring harness
connector P11.
B.Remove the front fog lamp relay ER02.
P11 C.Measure the voltage between terminal 4 of the front
1 2 fog lamp switch wiring harness connector P11 and
the reliable grounding.
3 6 Standard voltage:0 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 4.
Inspect short circuit to power between terminal 4 of
front fog lamp switch harness connector.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-49 Lighting System 4.2.6-49

4.Inspect the power supply circuit of the front fog lamp

A.Disconnect the front fog lamp relay ER02.
B.Disconnect the right front fog lamp wiring harness
connector P20a.
C.Disconnect the left front fog lamp wiring harness
connector S09.
S25 D.Measure the voltage between terminal 87 of the


front fog lamp relay ER02 and the reliable
87 87 87

86 85 86 85 86 85

Standard voltage:0 V
EF02 EF03 EF04 EF05 EF06 EF07 EF08
86 85

Is the voltage normal?

A4206074 Yes
Replace the front fog lamp relay ER02.
Inspect the short circuit to power between terminal
87 of the front fog lamp relay ER02.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-50 Lighting System 4.2.6-50

Diagnosis Procedure of Rear Fog Lamp Fault (1.0L)

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
B.Inspect the filament and lamp holder of rear fog
lamp bulb for abnormal conditions such as
breakage and oxidation.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the rear fog lamp fuse IF05.
Rated capacity of the fuse: 15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the power supply of the fuse IF05
A.Measure the voltage between terminal 9 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01 and the reliable
P01 grounding.
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14
IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18
Go to step 4.
IR02 No
IR03 Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 9 of the instrument panel fuse box
P01 and the battery.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-51 Lighting System 4.2.6-51

4. Inspect the rear fog lamp switch power circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the rear fog lamp switch wiring harness
connector P12.
C.Measure the voltage between terminal 4 of rear fog
lamp switch harness connector P12 and reliable
P12 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
1 2
Is the voltage normal?
3 4 5 6
Go to step 5.
A4206076 No
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault between
terminal 4 of the rear fog lamp switch wiring
harness connector P12 and terminal 10 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01.
5. Inspect the circuit between the rear fog lamp switch and the lighting combination switch
A.Disconnect the rear fog lamp switch wiring harness
connector P12.
B.Disconnect lighting combination switch harness
connector P07.
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 6 of the
rear fog lamp switch wiring harness connector P12
P12 and terminal 2 of the lighting combination switch
1 4
1 2 wiring harness connector P07.
5 10
11 14 3 4 5 6 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
15 20 Is the resistance value normal?
A4206077 Yes
Go to step 6.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 6 of the rear fog lamp switch
wiring harness connector p12 and terminal 2 of the
lighting combination switch wiring harness
connector P07.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-52 Lighting System 4.2.6-52

6. Inspect the rear fog lamp switch background lighting grounding circuit
A.Disconnect the rear fog lamp switch wiring harness
connector P12.
B.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of rear
fog lamp switch harness connector P12 and reliable

Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
1 2 Is the resistance value normal?
3 4 5 6
Go to step 7.
Repair open circuit between terminal 1 of rear fog
lamp switch wiring harness connector P12 and
grounding point GHL04.
7. Inspect the grounding circuit of the lighting combination switch – rear fog lamp switch
A.Disconnect lighting combination switch harness
connector P07.
1 4 B.Measure the resistance between terminal 18 of
5 10 lighting combination switch harness connector P07
and the reliable grounding.
11 14
15 20 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 8.
Inspect and repair the open circuit between the
terminal 18 of the lighting combination switch wiring
harness connector P07 and the grounding point
8. Inspect the lighting combination switch – rear fog lamp switch
A.Inspect the lighting combination switch – rear fog
lamp switch
Refer to: Lighting combination switch
test(4.2.6 Lighting system,General
Is the lighting combination switch normal?
Go to step 9.
Replace lighting combination switch.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-53 Lighting System 4.2.6-53

9. Inspect the rear fog lamp switch

A.Turn the lighting combination switch to “rear fog
lamp” position.
Turn on the rear fog lamp switch.
B.Measure the voltage between terminal 3 of the rear
fog lamp switch wiring harness connector P12 and
P12 the reliable grounding on the back.
1 2 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
3 4 5 6
Go to step 10.
Replace the rear fog lamp switch.
10. Inspect the power supply circuit of rear fog lamp
A.Disconnect the right rear fog lamp wiring harness
connector S15.
B.Turn the lighting combination switch to "rear fog
lamp” position.
C.Turn on the rear fog lamp switch.
D.Measure the voltage between the terminal 1 of the
1 2 3
right rear fog lamp S15 and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
4 5 6
Is the voltage normal?
Repair open circuit between terminal 4 of right rear
fog lamp wiring harness connector S150 and
grounding point G3G01.
Inspect and repair the open circuit between the
terminal 1 of the right rear fog lamp wiring harness
connector S15 and the terminal 3 of the rear fog
lamp switch wiring harness connector P12.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-54 Lighting System 4.2.6-54

Diagnosis Procedure of Rear Fog Lamp Fault (1.3L)

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
B.Inspect the filament and lamp holder of rear fog
lamp bulb for abnormal conditions such as
breakage and oxidation.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the rear fog lamp fuse IF05.
Rated capacity of the fuse: 15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the power supply of the fuse IF05
A.Measure the voltage between terminal 9 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01a and the reliable
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
P01a Is the voltage normal?
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07
Go to step 4.
IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 9 of the instrument panel fuse box
P01a and the battery (including the fuse EF03 of
the main fuse box S25.)

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-55 Lighting System 4.2.6-55

4. Inspect the rear fog lamp switch power circuit

A.Disconnect the rear fog lamp switch wiring harness
connector P12.
B.Measure the voltage between terminal 4 of rear fog
lamp switch harness connector P12 and reliable
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
P12 Is the voltage normal?
1 2
3 4 5 6
Go to step 5.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 4 of the rear fog lamp switch
wiring harness connector P12 and terminal 10 of
the instrument panel fuse box P01a.
5. Inspect the circuit between the rear fog lamp switch and the lighting combination switch
A.Disconnect the rear fog lamp switch wiring harness
connector P12.
B.Disconnect lighting combination switch harness
connector P07.
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 6 of the
rear fog lamp switch wiring harness connector P12
P12 and terminal 2 of the lighting combination switch
1 4
1 2 wiring harness connector P07.
5 10
11 14 3 4 5 6 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
15 20 Is the resistance value normal?
A4206077 Yes
Go to step 6.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 6 of the rear fog lamp switch
wiring harness connector P12 and terminal 2 of the
lighting combination switch wiring harness
connector P07.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-56 Lighting System 4.2.6-56

6. Inspect the rear fog lamp switch background lighting grounding circuit
A.Disconnect the rear fog lamp switch wiring harness
connector P12.
B.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of rear
fog lamp switch harness connector P12 and reliable

Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
1 2 Is the resistance value normal?
3 4 5 6
Go to step 7.
Repair open circuit between terminal 1 of rear fog
lamp switch wiring harness connector P12 and
grounding point GHL04.
7 Inspect and repair the lighting combination switch to rear fog lamp switch grounding circuit
A.Disconnect lighting combination switch harness
connector P07.
1 4 B.Measure the resistance between terminal 18 of
5 10 lighting combination switch harness connector P07
and the reliable grounding.
11 14
15 20 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 8.
Inspect and repair the open circuit between the
terminal 18 of the lighting combination switch wiring
harness connector P07 and the grounding point
8. Inspect the lighting combination switch – rear fog lamp switch
A.Inspect the lighting combination switch – rear fog
lamp switch
Refer to: Lighting combination switch test
(4.2.6 Lighting system, General
Is the lighting combination switch normal?
Go to step 9.
Replace lighting combination switch.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-57 Lighting System 4.2.6-57

9. Inspect the rear fog lamp switch

A.Turn the lighting combination switch to "rear fog
lamp” position.
B.Turn on the rear fog lamp switch.
C.Measure the voltage between terminal 3 of the rear
fog lamp switch wiring harness connector P12 and
P12 the reliable grounding on the back.
1 2 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
3 4 5 6
Go to step 10.
Replace the rear fog lamp switch.
10. Inspect the power supply circuit of rear fog lamp
A.Disconnect the right rear fog lamp wiring harness
connector S15.
B.Turn the lighting combination switch to "rear fog
lamp” position.
C.Turn on the rear fog lamp switch.
D. Measure the voltage between the terminal 1 of the
1 2 3
right rear fog lamp S15 and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
4 5 6
Is the voltage normal?
Repair open circuit between terminal 4 of right rear
fog lamp wiring harness connector S15 and
grounding point G3G01.
Inspect and repair the open circuit between the
terminal 1 of the right rear fog lamp wiring harness
connector S15 and the terminal 3 of the rear fog
lamp switch wiring harness connector P12.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-58 Lighting System 4.2.6-58

Diagnosis Procedure of Rear Fog Lamp Constant on

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the power supply circuit of rear fog lamp
A.Disconnect the right rear fog lamp wiring harness
connector S15.
B.Disconnect the rear fog lamp switch wiring harness
connector P12.
C.Measure the voltage between terminal 3 of rear fog
P12 lamp switch harness connector P12 and reliable
1 2 grounding.
Standard voltage value:0 V
3 4 5 6 Is the voltage normal?
A4206080 Go to step 3.
Inspect short circuit to power between terminal 3 of
rear fog lamp switch wiring harness connector P12
and power supply.
3. Inspect the lighting combination switch 衦 ear fog lamp switch
A.Inspect the lighting combination switch – rear fog
lamp switch .
Refer to: Lighting combination switch
test(4.2.6 Lighting system,General
Is the lighting combination switch normal?
Replace the rear fog lamp switch.
Replace lighting combination switch.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-59 Lighting System 4.2.6-59

Diagnosis Procedure for Reverse Lamp Fault (1.0L)

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
B.Inspect the filament and lamp holder of reverse
lamp bulb for abnormal conditions such as
breakage and oxidation.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the reverse lamp fuse IF09.
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the fuse IF09 power supply
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Measure the voltage between terminal 18 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01 and the reliable
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07

Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V

IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14

Is the voltage normal?

IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18
IR01 Yes
Go to step 4.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 18 of the instrument panel fuse
box P01 and the power supply when the ignition
switch is in "ON" position.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-60 Lighting System 4.2.6-60

4. Inspect the reverse lamp switch power circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
S12 B. Measure the voltage between the terminal 2 of the
reverse lamp switch wiring harness connector S12
1 and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 5.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
A4206084 between terminal 2 of the reverse lamp switch
wiring harness connector S12 and terminal 17 of
the instrument panel fuse box P01.
5.Inspect the reverse lamp switch output terminal power supply
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Put the gear lever into the reversing gear.
C.Measure the voltage between the terminal 1 of the
reverse lamp switch wiring harness connector S12
and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11~14 V
1 Is the voltage normal?
2 Yes
S12 Go to step 6.
Replace the reverse lamp switch.
6. Inspect the reverse lamp power supply circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the RL combination switch wiring
harness connector S16.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
1 2 3
D.Put the gear lever into the reversing gear.
4 5 6 E.Measure the voltage between the terminal 5 of the
left rear tail lamp S16 and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11~14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 7.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 5 of the RL combination switch
wiring harness connector S16 and terminal 1 of the
backup switch wiring harness connector S12.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-61 Lighting System 4.2.6-61

7. Inspect the grounding circuit of reverse lamp

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the RL combination lamp wiring harness
S16 connector S16.
C.Measure the resistance between the terminal 4 of
1 2 3
the left rear combination lamp S16 and the reliable
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
4 5 6
Is the resistance value normal?
Replace the reverse lamp bulb.
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.
Repair open circuit between terminal 4 of right rear
combination lamp wiring harness connector S16
and grounding point G3G01.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-62 Lighting System 4.2.6-62

Diagnosis Procedure for Reverse Lamp Fault(1.3L)

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
B.Inspect the filament and lamp holder of reverse
lamp bulb for abnormal conditions such as
breakage and oxidation.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the reverse lamp fuse IF09.
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the power supply of the fuse IF09
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Measure the voltage between terminal 18 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01a and the reliable
P01a Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07
Go to step 4.
IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 18 of the instrument panel fuse
box P01a and the power supply when the ignition
switch is in "ON" position.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-63 Lighting System 4.2.6-63

4. Inspect the reverse lamp switch power circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Measure the voltage between the terminal 1 of the
reverse lamp switch wiring harness connector S12a
and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
1 2 Go to step 5.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
A4206088 between terminal 1 of the reverse lamp switch
wiring harness connector S12 and terminal 17 of
the instrument panel fuse box P01a.
5.Inspect the reverse lamp switch output terminal power supply
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Put the gear lever into the reversing gear.
C.Measure the voltage between the terminal 2 of the
reverse lamp switch wiring harness connector S12
and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11~14 V
Is the voltage normal?
1 2 Yes
Go to step 6.
Replace the reverse lamp switch.
6. Inspect the power supply of reverse lamp
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the RL combination lamp wiring harness
connector S16.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
1 2 3
D.Shift the gear lever into the reversing gear.
4 5 6 E. Measure the voltage between the terminal 5 of the
left rear tail lamp S16 and the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11~14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 7.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between 5 terminal of the RL combination lamp
wiring harness connector S16 and terminal 2 of the
reverse lamp switch wiring harness connector

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-64 Lighting System 4.2.6-64

7. Inspect the grounding circuit of reverse lamp

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the RL combination lamp wiring harness
S16 connector S16.
C.Measure the resistance between the terminal 4 of
1 2 3
the left rear combination lamp S16 and the reliable
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
4 5 6
Is the resistance value normal?
Replace the reverse lamp bulb.
Make sure the repair has been finished.
Repair open circuit between terminal 4 of right rear
combination lamp wiring harness connector S16
and grounding point G3G01.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-65 Lighting System 4.2.6-65

Diagnosis Procedure for Reverse Lamp Constant on

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the reverse lamp switch
A.Disconnect the reverse lamp switch harness
connector S12.
B.Observe whether the reverse lamp is off?
Is the reverse lamp off?
Go to step 3.
Replace the reverse lamp switch.
3. Inspect the reverse lamp power supply circuit
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the RL combination lamp wiring harness
connector S16.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
1 2 3
D. Measure the voltage between the terminal 5 of the
4 5 6 left rear combination lamp S16 and the reliable
Standard voltage value:0 V
Is the voltage normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Inspect and repair the short circuit-to-power supply
of terminal 5 of the RL combination lamp wiring
harness connector S16.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-66 Lighting System 4.2.6-66

Diagnosis Procedure of the Low Beam Fault

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
B.Inspect the filament and lamp holder of low beam
lamp bulb for abnormal conditions such as
breakage and oxidation.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect fuse IF01,IF02.
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the power supply of the fuse IF01 and IF02
A.Measure the voltage between terminal 1&3 of
instrument panel fuse box P01 and reliable
P01 Standard voltage value:11~14 V
Is the voltage normal?
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07

IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14 Yes

IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18
Go to step 4.
IR03 Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 1 of the instrument panel fuse box
P01 and the battery.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 3 of the instrument panel fuse box
P01 and the battery.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-67 Lighting System 4.2.6-67

4. Inspect lighting combination switch and low beam switch

A.Inspect low beam lamp switch.
Refer to: Lighting combination switch test
(4.2.6 Lighting system, General
Is the lighting combination switch normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace lighting combination switch.
5. Inspect the power supply circuit of the FL headlamp low beam
CAUTION: Inspect other turn signal lamps this way and the difference lies in the terminals
A.Disconnect the left headlamp wiring harness
connector P30.
B. Measure the voltage between the terminal 3 of the
P30 left headlamp wiring harness connector P30 and
the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
2 3
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 6.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 3 of the left headlamp wiring
harness connector P30 and terminal 4 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01.
6.Inspect the circuit between the left headlamp and the combination switch
A.Disconnect the left headlamp wiring harness
P07 connector P30.
1 4 B.Disconnect lighting combination switch harness
5 10 connector P07.
11 14
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of the
15 20
left headlamp wiring harness connector P30 and
terminal 16 of the lighting combination switch wiring
harness connector P07.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
2 3
Is the resistance value normal?
A4206092 Yes
Go to step 7.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 1 of the left headlamp wiring
harness connector P30 and terminal 16 of the
lighting combination switch wiring harness
connector P07.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-68 Lighting System 4.2.6-68

7.Inspect grounding circuit of lighting combination switch and low beam switch
A.Disconnect lighting combination switch harness
connector P07.
1 4 B.Measure the resistance between terminal 18 of
5 10 lighting combination switch harness connector P07
and the reliable grounding.
11 14
15 20 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.
Inspect and repair the open circuit between the
terminal 18 of the lighting combination switch wiring
harness connector P07 and the grounding point

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-69 Lighting System 4.2.6-69

Diagnosis Procedure of One Side Low Beam Fault

CAUTION: The diagnosis procedure targets to the left low beam,process for the rest is

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect failed low beam bulbs
A.Inspect low beam filament for damage.
B.Inspect low beam bulb contact point for oxidation or
poor contact.
Is it abnormal?
Replace the low beam bulb,deal with the oxidized
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect fuse IF02.
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
4.Inspect the power supply of the fuse IF02
A.Inspect the voltage between terminal 3 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01 and the reliable
P01 Standard voltage value:11~14 V
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07
Is the voltage normal?
IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14

IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18

Go to step 5.

Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 3 of the instrument panel fuse box
A4206093 P01 and the battery.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-70 Lighting System 4.2.6-70

5. Inspect the power supply circuit of low beam lamp

A.Disconnect the left headlamp wiring harness
connector P30.
B. Measure the voltage between the terminal 3 of the
P30 left headlamp wiring harness connector P30 and
the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
2 3
Is the voltage normal?
A.Go to step 6.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 3 of the left headlamp wiring
harness connector P30 and terminal 4 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01.
6.Inspect the circuit between the left headlamp and the combination switch
A.Disconnect the left headlamp wiring harness
P07 connector P30.
1 4 B.Disconnect lighting combination switch harness
5 10 connector P07.
11 14
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of the
15 20
left headlamp wiring harness connector P30 and
terminal 16 of the lighting combination switch wiring
harness connector P07.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
2 3
Is the resistance value normal?
A4206092 Yes
Make sure the system is normal.
Measure the open circuit fault of the circuit between
terminal 1 of the left headlamp wiring harness
connector P30 and terminal 16 of the lighting
combination switch wiring harness connector P07.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-71 Lighting System 4.2.6-71

Diagnosis Procedure of Low Beam Constant on

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect lighting combination switch and low beam switch
A.Inspect low beam lamp switch.
Refer to: Lighting combination switch
test(4.2.6 Lighting system,General
Is the lighting combination switch normal?
Inspect and repair the short circuit to-ground
between the headlamp low beam and lighting
combination switch.
Replace lighting combination switch.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-72 Lighting System 4.2.6-72

Diagnosis Procedure of High Beam Lamp Fault

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
B.Inspect the filament and lamp holder of high beam
lamp bulb for abnormal conditions such as
breakage and oxidation.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect fuse IF01,IF02.
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the power supply of the fuse IF01 and IF02
A.Measure the voltage between terminal 1&3 of
instrument panel fuse box P01 and reliable
P01 Standard voltage value:11~14 V
Is the voltage normal?
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07

IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14 Yes

IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18
Go to step 4.
IR03 Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 1 of the instrument panel fuse box
P01 and the battery.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 1 of the instrument panel fuse box
P01 and the battery.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-73 Lighting System 4.2.6-73

4. Inspect lighting combination switch-high beam lamp switch

A.Inspect high beam lamp switch.
Refer to: Lighting combination switch test
(4.2.6 Lighting system, General
Is the lighting combination switch normal?
Go to step 5.
Replace lighting combination switch.
5.Inspect the power supply circuit of the left headlamp high beam
CAUTION: Inspect other turn signal lamps in this way and the difference lies in the
terminals only.
A.Disconnect the left headlamp wiring harness
connector P30.
B. Measure the voltage between the terminal 3 of the
P30 left headlamp wiring harness connector P30 and
the reliable grounding.
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
2 3
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 6.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 3 of the left headlamp wiring
harness connector P30 and terminal 4 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-74 Lighting System 4.2.6-74

6.Inspect the circuit between the left headlamp and the combination switch
A.Disconnect the left headlamp wiring harness
connector P30.
B.Disconnect lighting combination switch harness
1 4 connector P07.
5 10 C.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of the
11 14
left headlamp wiring harness connector P30 and
terminal 15 of the lighting combination switch wiring
15 20 harness connector P07.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 7.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 2 of the left headlamp wiring
harness connector P30 and terminal 15 of the
lighting combination switch wiring harness
1 connector P07.

2 3


7.Inspect grounding circuit of lighting combination switch and high beam switch
A.Disconnect lighting combination switch harness
connector P07.
1 4 B.Measure the resistance between terminal 18 of
5 10 lighting combination switch harness connector P07
and the reliable grounding.
11 14
15 20 Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Inspect and repair the open circuit between the
terminal 18 of the lighting combination switch wiring
harness connector P07 and the grounding point

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-75 Lighting System 4.2.6-75

Diagnosis Procedure of High Beam Lamp Fault at One Side

CAUTION: The diagnosis procedure only targets to the left high beam lamp,the right is

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect high beam lamp
A.Inspect the high beam lamp filament, whether it is
B.Inspect low beam bulb contact point foroxidation or
poor contact and any other abnormal Symptom.
Is it abnormal?
Replace the low beam bulb,deal with the oxidized
Go to step 3.
3.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect the high-beam lamp fuse IF02.
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 4.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-76 Lighting System 4.2.6-76

4.Inspect the fuseIF02

A.Inspect the voltage between terminal 3 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01 and the reliable
P01 Standard voltage value:11~14 V
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07
Is the voltage normal?
IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14

IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18

Go to step 5.

Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 3 of the instrument panel fuse box
A4206093 P01 and the batteryl.
5. Inspect the power supply circuit of high bram lamp
A.Disconnect left headlamp harness connector P30.
B. Measure the voltage between the Terminal 3 of the
lefe headlamp wiring harness connector P30 and
P30 the reliable grounding.
1 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
2 3 A.Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 6.

Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 3 of the left headlamp wiring
harness connector P30 and terminal 4 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-77 Lighting System 4.2.6-77

6.Inspect the circuit between the left headlamp and the combination switch
A.Disconnect left headlamp wiring harness connector
P07 B.Disconnect lighting combination switch wiring
1 4 harness connector P07.
5 10 C.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of the
left headlamp wiring harness connector P30 and
11 14
terminal 15 of the lighting combination switch wiring
15 20 harness connector P07.
Standard resistance value:less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 2 of the left headlamp wiring
P30 harness connector P30 and terminal 15 of the
lighting combination switch wiring harness
1 connector P07.

2 3


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-78 Lighting System 4.2.6-78

Diagnosis Procedure of High Beam Lamp Constant-on

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect lighting combination switch-high beam lamp switch
A.Inspect high beam lamp switch.
Refer to: Lighting combination switch
test (4.2.6 Lighting system,General
Is the lighting combination switch normal?
Inspect and repair the short trouble-to-grounding
between the headlamp high beam and the
combination switch.
Replace lighting combination switch.

Diagnosis Procedure of Overtaking Lamp Fault

CAUTION: The passing lamp adopts the same control strategy as the high beam does. The
diagnosis procedure for inoperative overtaking lamp can referred to the one for inoperative
high beam.

Refer to: Diagnosis procedure of position lamp fault (4.2.6 Lighting system,Diagnosis and

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-79 Lighting System 4.2.6-79

Diagnosis Procedure of License Plate Lamp not Faulting

CAUTION: Before carry out this Diagnosis procedure,Verify the working condition of
position lamp,execute the position lamp not faulting Diagnosis procedure first when the
position lamp works abnormal.

CAUTION: The diagnosis procedure is carried out with the left rear license plate lamp taken
as the example. The diagnosis procedure for the right rear license plate lamp is similar to that
of the left rear license plate lamp, with difference lain in the wiring harness connector

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A.Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
B.Inspect the filament and lamp holder of license plate
lamp bulb for abnormal conditions such as
breakage and oxidation.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the working condition of position lamp
A.Inspect position lamp operating state
Does the position lamp work normal?
Go to step 3.
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure of position
lamp fault (4.2.6 Lighting
system,Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-80 Lighting System 4.2.6-80

3. Inspect the power supply circuit of license plate

A.Disconnect license plate lamp wiring harness
connector S20.

B.Turn the lighting combination switch to "position
lamp" position.
C.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of left RL
1 license lamp harness connector S20 and reliable
2 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
A4206096 Go to step 4.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 1 of the RL license plate lamp
wiring harness connector S20 and terminal 5 of the
lighting combination switch wiring harness
connector P07.
4. Inspect the grounding circuit of roof license plant lamp
A.Disconnect license plate lampwiring harness
connector S20.
S20 B.Measure the resistance between terminal 2 of the
RL license plate lamp wiring harness connector
S20 and the reliable grounding.
Standard resistance value:less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Make sure the system is normal.
Inspect open circuit between terminal 2 of RL
license plate wiring harness connector S20 and
ground point G3G01.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-81 Lighting System 4.2.6-81

Diagnosis Procedure of Roof Lamp not Faulting

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A. Inspect the related harness connectors for damage,
poor contact, aging or loose.
B.Inspect bulb filament and holder of roof lamp for
damage, oxidation or any other abnormal
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect fuse of the roof lamp
A.Inspect the roof lamp fuse IF03.
Rated capacity of the fuse: 15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3.Inspect the power supply of the fuse IF03
A.Measure the voltage between terminal 5 of the
instrument panel fuse box P01 and the reliable
Standard voltage value:11~14 V
Is the voltage normal?
IF01 IF02 IF03 IF04 IF05 IF06 IF07
IF08 IF09 IF10 IF11 IF12 IF13 IF14
Go to step 4.
IF15 IF16 IF17 IF18
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit


between terminal 5 of the instrument panel fuse box

P01 and the battery.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-82 Lighting System 4.2.6-82

4. Inspect the power supply circuit of roof lamp

A.Disconnect roof lamp harness connector L01.
B.Measure the voltage between terminal 2 of roof
lamp wiring harness connector L01 and reliable
Standard voltage value:11~14 V
Is the voltage normal?
1 3 Go to step 5.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
A4206098 between terminal 2 of the roof lamp wiring harness
connector L01 and terminal 6 of the instrument
panel fuse box P01
5. Inspect the grounding circuit of roof lamp
A.Disconnect roof lamp harness connector L01.
B.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of roof
lamp wiring harness connector L01 and reliable
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
1 3 Replace the front roof lamp.
Refer to: Rearview mirror (5.1.5 Rearview
Mirror,Removal and Installation).
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 1 of the roof lamp wiring harness
connector L01 and the grounding point GHL04.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-83 Lighting System 4.2.6-83

Removal and Installation

Lighting Combination Wwitch
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Remove the steering wheel .
Refer to: Steering Wheel (2.4.3 Steering
Column,Removal and Installation).
3. Remove 3 connection screws for the upper
and lower housings of the steering lock.


4. Remove the upper and lower housings of the

steering lock.
60 80

20 120



SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-84 Lighting System 4.2.6-84

5. Disconnect lighting combination switch

harness connector.


6. Remove the retaining bolt for the lighting

combination switch.


7. Remove the light combination switch.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-85 Lighting System 4.2.6-85

Rear Fog Lamp Switch

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Remove the central panel of the instrument
panel with a special tool.

Special Tool:CA501-002


3. Disconnect each switch and the cigarette

lighter wiring harness connector on the
central panel.


4. Press down the rear fog lamp switch snap

and push the rear fog lamp switch out as
shown by the arrow.


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-86 Lighting System 4.2.6-86

5. Press down the rear fog lamp switch.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-87 Lighting System 4.2.6-87

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Remove 2 retaining bolts on headlamp.


3. Remove the headlamp as shown by the

CAUTION: Do not overexert when
removing the headlamp. Disconnect the
headlamp wiring harness when removing
the headlamp.


4. Disconnect headlamp harness connector.

1 Disconnect the turning lamp wiring harness 3
connector 1.
2 Disconnect the large lamp wiring harness
connector 2.
3 Disconnect the small lamp wiring harness
connector 3.


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-88 Lighting System 4.2.6-88
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Make sure that the headlamp
clip has been snapped into the holder.


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-89 Lighting System 4.2.6-89

Front Fog Lamp

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Remove the headlamp.
Refer to: Headlamp (4.2.6 Lighting
system,Removal and Installation).
3. Disconnect the front fog lamp wiring harness


4. Remove the lower retaining bolt on front fog



5. Remove the 2 retaining bolts for the front log

lamps at the upper part of the front
6. Remove the front fog lamps.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-90 Lighting System 4.2.6-90

Rear Combination Lamp

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).

2. Disconnect the rear combination lamp wiring

harness connector.


3. Remove 2 retaining bolts for the rear

combination lamp.


4. Remove the rear combination lamp.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-91 Lighting System 4.2.6-91

License Plate Lamp

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Disconnect license plate lamp harness


3. Press down and remove the license plate

lamp with a suitable tool.


To install, reverse the removal procedure.

Roof Lamp
Refer to: Interior rearview mirror(5.1.5
Rearview Mirror,Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-92 Lighting System 4.2.6-92

Rear Combination Lamp (Integral Cargo compartment)

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).

2. Disconnect the rear combination lamp wiring

harness connector.


3. Remove 2 retaining bolts for the rear

combination lamps.


4. Remove the rear combinaton lamps.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.6-93 Lighting System 4.2.6-93

Rear Fog Lamps(Integral Cargo compartment)

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Disconnect the rear fog lamp wiring harness
connector 1.
3. Remove the retaining nuts 2 for the rear fog 1

2 ×2


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7 Wiper and Washer

4.2.7-1 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-1

General Specifications
Item Specifications Capacity (L)
Washer fluid -20 0.5

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Front wiper drive arm nut 30 22 -

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-2 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
The front wiper system consists of wiper motor,
links, wiper arm, blade as well as wiper/washer
switch. A self-stop device is installed in the front
wiper circuit. Such device consists of a worm gear
and a cam disc. It intends to keep the integrity of
the circuit temporarily when the wiper/washer
switch is disconnected and to disconnect the
circuit until the wiper arm returns to the original
position. The wiper system is driven by the
permanent magnet motor. The front wiper motor
is installed on the front panel and directly
attached to front wiper link. There are 2 wiper
motor speeds (high and low speed) with available
intermittent operation. The wiper switch is part of
the wiper/washer system. The front wiper switch
is fitted on the stalk on the right side of the
steering column.
The front washer system is composed of the
washer reservior, washer motor, hose, washer
nozzle and wiper/ wiper switch. The front washer
reservior is mounted in the front compartment,
and one washer motor is connected with the
washer reservior. The washing liquid is
transported to the two washer nozzles on the
engine hood through the hose. The washer switch
is one of the components of the wiper
combination switch.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-3 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-3

Location View
Wiper Combination Switch


Item Description Item Description

1 Steering wheel 3 Instrument panel
2 Wiper combination switch

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-4 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-4
Front Wiper Location


Item Description Item Description

1 Front wiper motor 2 Wiper reservior

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-5 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-5

Components Exploded View


Item Description Item Description

1 Front wiper link 4 wiper arm port lid
2 Front wiper 5 Front wiper motor
3 Front wiper assembly

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-6 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-6

General Inspection
Test of the Wiper Combination Switch
The wiper combination switch can be tested according to the wiper combination switch test to determine
the performance of the switch and provide further maintenance solution.

14 8 3 4 9 18
1 4 P
5 10

11 14 LO
15 20 WASH


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-7 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-7

Wiper Abnormal Noise

Principles: To determine the location of the sound.
Clean, adjust and repair the abnormal noise
position; replace the components when
CAUTION: Do not use the wiper to clean
the dust on the dry windshield, otherwise
it may damage the windshield and the
wiper blade. It may cause the abnormal
noise. Clear the snow and frost on the
windshield before using the wiper in the

Execute the following steps when the abnormal

sound of the wiper occurs.
1. Inspect the windshield, clear the foreign
matter on it. Replace the windshield when
there is a thick scratch or crack on the
windshield. Inspect the wiper blade and the
wiper arm, whether they are deformed or
damaged. Repair or replace them according
to the corresponding conditions.
2. Replace the qualified washing fluid for the
windshield to make sure normal operation of
the wiper blade.
3. Lift the wiper blade and the wiper arm from
the windshield. Repeat the scraping
operation. It is helpful to determine whether
the noise comes from the contact between
the wiper blade and the windshield or the
malfunction of the wiper system itself.
4. Use the qualified windshield washing fluid
provided by Changan Automobile to clean the
windshield. After the cleaning, if the water
does not form droplets but evenly distributed
throughout the glass surface, it indicates that
the glass is already clean.
5. Lift each wiper blade from the windshield to
scrub and clean the the blade assembly with
washing liquid soaked cloth, until the the
black deposit disappers. Then wash the
wiper blade assembly with clean drinking
6. Replace the failed components of the wiper

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-8 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-8

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General Equipment

Digital multimeter

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of
mechanical or electrical damage and the
deformation due to collision.
Visual Inspection Chart

Mechanical Electric
•Front windshield
•Washing fluid pipeline
•Wiper combination
•Washing fluid reservior
•Wiper blade
•Front wiper motor
•wiper arm
•Front washer motor
•Wiper drive arm

3. Inspect obvious and visible system circuits.

4. If an obvious cause for an observed
orreported concern is found, correct the
cause(if possible) before proceeding to the
5. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-9 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-9

Symptom Chart
If there is symptom but no diagnostic trouble code(DTC) is stored in control module and symptom
reasons can not be confirmed in basic inspection, it is diagnose and eliminate the symptoms in the
following chart.

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Circuit fault Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•The front wiper linkage is not for inoperative front windshield
mounted in the right place. wiper (4.2.7 Wiper and Washer,
Front wiper failure Diagnosis and Testing).
•Front wiper fault
•Wiper combination switch
•Front wiper motor

•Circuit fault Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•Wiper back signal fault for front windshield wiper
Front wiper can not be
constantly working (4.2.7 Wiper
stopped. •Wiper combination switch
and Washer, Diagnosis and
•Front wiper motor Testing).
•Circuit fault Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Low speed gear signal fault for inoperative wiper in low
The wiper does not work in
the low gear. gear (4.2.7 Wiper and Washer,
•Wiper switch
Diagnosis and Testing).
•Front wiper motor
•Circuit fault Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•High gear signal fault for inoperative wiper in high
The wiper does not work in
the high speed gear. gear (4.2.7 Wiper and Washer,
•Wiper switch
Diagnosis and Testing).
•Front wiper motor

Refer to: Diagnosis procedure

•Circuit fault for inoperative wiper under the
The intermittent gear of the
•Wiper switch intermittent operation mode(
wiper does not work.
•Front wiper motor 4.2.7 Wiper and Washer,
Diagnosis and Testing).
Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Circuit fault
for wiper constantly working
The wiper works continuously •The intermittent signal fault under the the intermittent
in the intermittent gear. •Wiper switch operation mode (4.2.7 Wiper
and Washer, Diagnosis and
•Front wiper motor

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-10 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-10

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Circuit fault Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•The washing fluid does not for the windshield is still dirty
qualify the standard. after wiping (4.2.7 Wiper and
Washer, Diagnosis and
The windshield is still dirty •The battery voltage is low.
after wiping. •Wiper blade fault
•Windshield scratch, crack
•Wiper fault
•Front wiper motor
•Circuit fault Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•The wiper linkage is not for wiper wobble operation
mounted in the right place. (4.2.7 Wiper and Washer,
Diagnosis and Testing).
•The washing fluid does not
qualify the standard.
The wiper is shaking duiring
the wiping process. •The battery voltage is low.
•Wiper blade fault
•Wiper fault
•Windshield scratch, crack
•Front wiper motor
•Circuit fault Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•The washing fluid does not for wiper squeal and rattle (4.2.7
qualify the standard. Wiper and Washer, Diagnosis
and Testing).Diagnosis and
•The battery voltage is low.
Abnormal noise during the •Wiper blade fault
wiping process •The wiper linkage is not
mounted in the right place.
•Wiper fault
•Windshield scratch, crack
• Front wiper motor
•The wiper linkage is not Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
mounted in the right place. for front wiper can not go back
•Wiper fault to the initial position (4.2.7
Wiper and Washer, Diagnosis
The front wiper can not go •Circuit fault
and Testing).
back to the initial position. •Wiper switch
•Front wiper motor back signal
•Front wiper motor

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-11 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-11

Symptom Possible Causes Solutions

•Insufficient washing fluid. Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Washer nozzle fault for inaccurate water injection
The front spray can not reach
the windshield. (4.2.7 Wiper and Washer,
•Hose fault
Diagnosis and Testing).
•Washer motor
•Insufficient washing fluid. Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Washer nozzle fault for inoperative washer (4.2.7
Wiper and Washer, Diagnosis
The washer does not work. •Hose fault
and Testing).
•Front washer switch
•Front washer motor

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-12 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-12

Diagnosis Procedure of the Failure of the Front Wiper

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the wiring harness connectors of wiper
combination switch and wiper motor for damage,
poor contact, aging and loose.
B.Inspect the wiper mounting position and the overall
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect fuse
A.Inspect the wiper combination switch fuse IF10.
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3. Test the working state of the wiper motor
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON", turn the wiper
combination switch to the corresponding gear.
Is the wiper right?
Go to step 4.
Repair according to the working condition of the
wiper system.
Refer to: Symptoms chart (4.2.7 Wiper
and Washer, Diagnosis and Testing).

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4.2.7-13 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-13

4. Inspect the power supply circuit of the wiper combination switch

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position and
disconnect the wiper combination switch wiring
harness connector P07.
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
P07 C.Measure the voltage between terminal 14 of the
combination switch wiring harness connector P07
1 4
and the body grounding point.
5 10
Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
11 14
15 20 Is the voltage normal?
A4207018 Go to step 5.
Repair or replace the power supply wiring harness
and make sure that the power supply is normal.
5. Inspect the input voltage of the wiper motor at low speed
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK",disconnect the
wiring harness connector P23 of wiper motor.
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
C.Turn the wiper combination switch to "LOCK"
P23 position.
D.Measure the voltage between terminal 2 of the
1 2 wiring harness connector P23 of wiper motor and
the reliable ground.
3 4 Standard voltage value:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
A4207019 Yes
Replace the wiper motor.
Refer to: Wiper motor and drive arm (4.2.7
Wiper and Washer, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 6.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-14 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-14

6. Inspect the input voltage of the wiper motor at high speed

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P23 of the
wiper motor.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".

D.Turn the wiper combination switch to "HIGH"

1 2
E.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of the
wiring harness connector P23 of wiper motor and
the reliable ground.
3 4
Standard voltage:11 ~ 14 V
A4207020 Is the voltage normal?
Replace the wiper motor.
Refer to: Wiper motor and drive arm (4.2.7
Wiper and Washer, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 7.
7.Inspect the wiper combination switch
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P07 of the
wiper combination switch.
Inspect the wiper combination switch performance
in accordance with the wiper combination switch
level table.
Is it normal?
Go to step 8.
Replace the wiper combination switch.
Refer to: Wiper combination switch (4.2.7
Wiper and Washer, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-15 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-15

8.Inspect the wiper motor low-speed level wiring harness

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P23 of the
wiper motor.
P23 C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P07 of the
wiper combination switch.
1 2 D.Measure the resistance between terminal 3 of the
wiper combination switch wiring harness connector
3 4 P07 and terminal 2 of the wiper motor wiring
harness connector P23.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 9.
Repair or replace the wiring harness.
1 4

5 10

11 14

15 20


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4.2.7-16 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-16

9.Inspect the wiper motor high-speed level wiring harness

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiper motor wiring harness
connector P23 and the wiper combination switch
wiring harness connector P07.
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 4 of the
wiper combination switch wiring harness connector
1 2
P07 and terminal 1 of the wiper motor wiring
harness connector P23.
3 4
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Remove the wiper motor and inspect for any loose
attachmetns with the body; reinstall the wiper
Make sure the system is normal.
P07 No
1 4
Repair or replace the wiring harness.
5 10

11 14

15 20


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-17 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-17

Diagnosis Procedure of the Front Wiper can not be Stopped

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the wiring harness connectors of wiper
combination switch and wiper motor for damage,
poor contact, aging and loose.
B.Inspect the wiper mounting position and the overall
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the wiper motor for its return and stop function
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Turn the wiper combination switch to "LOCK"
position and turn the wiper combination switch to
"OFF" position.
C.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK",disconnect the
wiring harness connector P23 of wiper motor
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 3&4 of
1 2 the wiper motor side wiring harness connector P23.
3 4 Standard value: 10 MΩ or more
P23 Yes
A4207023 Go to step 3.
Replace the wiper motor.
Refer to: Wiper motor and drive arm (4.2.7
Wiper and Washer ,Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-18 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-18

3.Inspect the motor low-speed power supply circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P07 of the
wiper combination switch.
P23 C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P23 of the
wiper motor.
1 2 D.Measure the resistance between terminal 3 of the
wiper combination switch wiring harness connector
3 4 P07 and terminal 2 of the wiper motor wiring
harness connector P23.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the voltage between terminal 2 of the
wiring harness connector P23 of wiper motor and
the reliable ground.
Standard voltage:0 V
is the Inspect Normal?
P07 Yes
1 4 Go to step 4.
5 10
11 14
Measure the circuit between terminal 2 of the wiper
15 20 motor wiring harness connector P23 and terminal 3
of the wiper combination switch connector P07.



1 2

3 4


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-19 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-19

4.Inspect the wiper motor high-speed power supply circuit

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P07 of the
wiper combination switch.

C.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P23 of the
wiper motor.

1 2
D.Measure the resistance between terminal 4 of the
wiper combination switch wiring harness connector
P07 and terminal 1 of the wiper motor wiring
3 4
harness connector P23.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
E.Measure the voltage value between the generator
terminal N2 of the harness connector E03 and the
reliable ground.
Standard voltage:0 V
is the Inspect Normal?
P07 Yes
1 4
Replace the wiper combination switch.
5 10
Refer to: Wiper combination switch (4.2.7
11 14
Wiper and Washer, Removal and
15 20
Make sure the system is normal.
Repair the circuit between terminal 4 of the wiper
combination switch wiring harness connector P07
and terminal 1 of the wiper motor wiring harness
connector P23.


1 2

3 4


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-20 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-20

Diagnosis of the Wiper Low Speed Gear Fault

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the wiring harness connectors of wiper
combination switch and wiper motor for damage,
poor contact, aging and loose.
B. Inspect the wiper mounting position and the overall
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the wiper motor low-speed input voltage
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK",disconnect the
wiring harness connector P23 of wiper motor
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
C.Turn the wiper combination switch to "LOCK"
P23 positon.
D.Measure the voltage between terminal 2 of the
1 2 wiring harness connector P23 of front wiper motor
and the reliable ground.
3 4 Standard voltage:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
A4207019 Yes
Replace the wiper motor.
Refer to: Wiper motor and drive arm (4.2.7
Wiper and Washer, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-21 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-21

3.Inspect the wiper combination switch

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK".
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector P07 of the
wiper combination switch.
Inspect the wiper combination switch performance
in accordance with the wiper combination switch
level table.
Is it normal?
Repair the short circuit fault of the circuit between
terminal 3 of the wiper combination switch wiring
harness connector P07 and terminal 1 of the wiper
motor wiring harness connector P23.
Replace the wiper combination switch.
Refer to: Wiper combination switch (4.2.7
Wiper and Washer, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-22 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-22

Diagnosis Procedure of the High Speed Gear of the Wiper Fault

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the wiring harness connectors of wiper
combination switch and wiper motor for damage,
poor contact, aging and loose.
B.Inspect the wiper mounting position and the overall
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the wiper motor high-speed input voltage
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK",disconnect the
wiring harness connector P23 of wiper motor
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
C.Turn the wiper combination switch to "HI" position.
P23 D.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of the
wiring harness connector P23 of front wiper motor
and the reliable ground.
1 2
Standard value:11 ~ 14 V
3 4 Is the voltage normal?
Replace the wiper motor.
Refer to: Wiper motor and drive arm
(4.2.7 Wiper and Washer, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 3.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-23 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-23

3.Inspect the wiper combination switch

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position and
disconnect the wiper combination switch wiring
harness connector P07.
B.Turn the wiper combination switch to "HI" position.
C.Inspect the wiper combination switch performance
in accordance with the wiper combination switch
level table.
Is it normal?
Inspect and repair the short circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 4 of the combination switch wiring
harness connector 07 and terminal 1 of the wiper
motor wiring harness connector P23.
Replace the wiper combination switch.
Refer to: Wiper combination switch (4.2.7
Wiper and Washer, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-24 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-24

Diagnosis Procedure of the Wiper Intermittent Dear Fault

CAUTION: To identify that the wiper motor works normally at low-speed before self-detection
procedure is carried out. Inoperative wiper motor low-speed reference: Diagnosis procedure
for inoperative wiper at low-speed (4.2.7 Wiper and Washer, Diagnosis and Testing).

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions

1.General inspection
A.Inspect the wiring harness connectors of wiper
combination switch and wiper motor for damage,
poor contact, aging and loose.
B.Inspect the wiper mounting position and the overall
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the wiper combination switch grounding
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position and
disconnect the wiper combination switch wiring
harness connector 07.
B.Measure the resistance between terminal 18 of
wiper combination switch harness connector 07
and the reliable grounding.
1 4
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
5 10
11 14
Is the resistance value normal?
15 20 Yes
P07 Go to step 3.
A4207024 No
Repair or replace the wiper combination switch
grounding connection.
3. Replace the wiper combination switch
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position and
disconnect the battery negative wiring harness.
B.Replace the wiper combination switch.
Refer to: Wiper combination switch (4.2.7
Wiper and Washer, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-25 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-25

Diagnosis Procedure of the Wiper Constantly Working in the

Intermittent Gear
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the wiring harness connectors of wiper
combination switch and wiper motor for damage,
poor contact, aging and loose.
B.Inspect the wiper mounting position and the overall
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect if there is high-speed power supply input under wiper motor intermittent operation mode
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK",disconnect the
wiring harness connector P23 of wiper motor
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
C.Turn the wiper combination switch to "INT" position.
P23 D.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of the
wiring harness connector P23 of wiper motor and
the reliable grounding.
1 2
Standard voltage value:0V
3 4 Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 3.
Go to step 4.
3.Inspect the wiper combination switch
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position and
disconnect the wiper combination switch wiring
harness connector.
B.Inspect the wiper combination switch performance
in accordance with the wiper combination switch
level table.
Is it normal?
Go to step 5.
Go to step 4.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-26 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-26

4. Replace the wiper combination switch

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position and
disconnect the wiper combination switch wiring
harness connector.
B.Replace the wiper combination switch.
Refer to: iper combination switch (4.2.7
Wiper and washer, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.
5.Inspect the power supply of the front wiper motor for its return position
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK",disconnect the
wiring harness connector of front wiper motor
P23 B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
C.Measure the voltage between terminal 4 of the
1 2 wiring harness connector P23 of front wiper motor
and the reliable ground.
3 4 Standard voltage:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 6.
Repair or replace the front wiper motor power
supply wiring harness.
6. Inspect the front wiper motor for its return and stop function
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Turn the wiper combination switch to "LOCK"
C.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position and
disconnect the wiper motor wiring harness
connector P23 before the wiper motor is at the
moving position.
1 2 D.Measure the resistance between terminal 4and
terminal 3 of the wiper motor side .
3 4
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
A4207023 Is it normal?
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 3 of the low-speed power supply
connection P23 and terminal 8 of the wiper
combination switch P07.
Replace the wiper motor.
Refer to: Wiper motor and drive arm (4.2.7
Wiper and Washer, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-27 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-27

Diagnosis Procedure of Windshield is Still Dirty after Wiping

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Add the washing fluid meeting the standard of
Changan Automobile for wiper operation.
Is it normal?
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.
Go to step 2.
2.Inspect the wiper blade
A.Inspect the cleanliness of the wiper blade
B.Inspect the wiper blade for deformation ,aging and
Is the performance of the wiper blade normal?
Go to step 3.
Clean the wiper blade with the special washing fluid
and replace it when necessary.
3.Inspect the wiper arm
A.Inspect the installation position of the wiper arm.
B.Inspect the wiper arm for its elasticity.
Is the performance of the wiper arm normal?
Go to step 4.
Adjust the installation position of the wiper arm and
replace it as necessary.
4.Inspect the windshield
A.Inspect the cleanliness of the windshield
B.Inspect the scratches and cracks of the windshield
Is the performance of the windshield normal?
Go to step 5.
Clean the winshield with the special washing fluid
and replace it when necessary.

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4.2.7-28 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-28

5.Inspect the wiper linkage

A.Inspect the mounting situation of the wiper linkage.
B.Inspect the wiper deformation and damage.
Is the performance of the wiper arm normal?
Go to step 6.
Mount the wiper linkage correctly, repair the
deformed parts, replace the failed linkage.
6. Replace wiper motor
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK",disconnect the
wiring harness connector of wiper motor
B.Replace the wiper motor.
Refer to: Wiper motor and drive arm (4.2.7
Wiper and Washer, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-29 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-29

Diagnosis Procedure of the Shaking Wiper During the Working

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Add the washing fluid meeting the standard of
Changan Automobile for wiper operation.
Is it normal?
Repair completed.
Go to step 2.
2. Inspect the wiper blade
A.Inspect the cleanliness of the wiper blade
B.Inspect the wiper blade for deformation ,aging and
Is the performance of the wiper blade normal?
Go to step 3.
Clean the wiper blade with the special washing fluid
and replace it when necessary.
3.Inspect the wiper arm
A.Inspect the installation position of the wiper arm.
B.Inspect the wiper arm for its elasticity.
Is the performance of the wiper arm normal?
Go to step 4.
Adjust the installation position of the wiper arm and
replace it as necessary.
4.Inspect the windshield
A.Inspect the cleanliness of the windshield
B.Inspect the scratches and cracks of the windshield
Is the performance of the windshield normal?
Go to step 5.
Clean the winshield with the special washing fluid
and replace it when necessary.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-30 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-30

5.Inspect the wiper linkage

A.Inspect the mounting situation of the wiper linkage.
B.Inspect the wiper deformation and damage.
Is the wiper linkage normal?
Go to step 6.
Mount the wiper linkage correctly, repair the
deformed parts, replace the failed linkage.
6. Replace wiper motor
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK",disconnect the
wiring harness connector of wiper motor
B.Replace the wiper motor.
Refer to: Wiper motor and drive arm (4.2.7
Wiper and Washer, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-31 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-31

Diagnosis Procedure of the Abnormal Noise of the Wiper

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Inspect the wiper blade
A.Inspect the cleanliness of the wiper blade
B.Inspect the wiper blade for deformation ,aging and
Is the performance of the wiper blade normal?
Go to step 2.
Clean the wiper blade with the special washing fluid
and replace it when necessary.
2.Inspect the windshield
A.Inspect the cleanliness of the windshield
B.Inspect the scratches and cracks of the windshield
Is the performance of the windshield normal?
Go to step 3.
Clean the winshield with the special washing fluid
and replace it when necessary.
3. Inspect the washing situation
A.Add the washing fluid meeting the standard of
Changan Automobile for wiper operation.
Does the abnormal noise still exist?
Repair completed.
Go to step 4.
4.Inspect the wiper arm
A.Inspect the installation position of the wiper arm.
B.Inspect the wiper arm for its elasticity.
Is the performance of the wiper arm normal?
Go to step 5.
Adjust the installation position of the wiper arm and
replace it as necessary.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-32 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-32

5.Inspect the wiper linkage

A.Inspect the mounting situation of the wiper linkage.
B.Inspect the wiper deformation and damage.
Is the wiper linkage normal?
Go to step 6.
Mount the wiper linkage correctly, repair the
deformed parts, replace the failed linkage.
6. Replace wiper motor
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK",disconnect the
wiring harness connector of wiper motor
Replace the wiper motor.
Refer to: Wiper motor and drive arm(4.2.7
Wiper and Washer, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-33 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-33

Diagnosis Procedure of the Wiper can not Go Back to the Initial

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the wiring harness connectors of wiper
combination switch and wiper motor for damage,
poor contact, aging and loose.
B.Inspect the wiper mounting position and the overall
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2.Inspect the wiper arm
A.Inspect the installation position of the front wiper
B.Inspect the front wiper arm for its elasticity.
Is the performance of the wiper arm normal?
Go to step 3.
Adjust the installation position of the wiper arm and
replace it as necessary.
3.Inspect the wiper linkage
A.Inspect the mounting situation of the wiper linkage.
B.Inspect the wiper deformation and damage.
Is the wiper linkage normal?
Go to step 4.
Mount the wiper linkage correctly, repair the
deformed parts, replace the failed linkage.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-34 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-34

4. Inspect the power supply of the wiper motor for its return position
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK",disconnect the
wiring harness connector of front wiper motor
P23 B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
C.Measure the voltage between terminal 4 of the
1 2 wiring harness connector P23 of front wiper motor
and the reliable ground.
3 4 Standard voltage:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
Go to step 5.
Repair or replace the front wiper motor power
supply wiring harness.
5.Inspect the front wiper motor for its return and stop funciton
A.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
B.Turn the wiper combination switch to "LOCK"
C.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position and
disconnect the wiper motor wiring harness
connector P23 when the wiper motor is at the
moving position.
1 2 D.Measure the resistance between terminal 4 and
terminal 3 of the wiper motor side.
3 4
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
A4207023 Yes
Go to step 6
Replace the wiper motor.
Refer to: Wiper motor and drive arm (4.2.7
Wiper and Washer, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-35 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-35

6. Inspect the wiper combination switch

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position and
disconnect the wiper combination switch wiring
harness connector.
B.Inspect the wiper combination switch performance
in accordance with the wiper combination switch
level table.
Is it normal?
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 3 of low-speed power supply
connection P23 and terminal 8 of the wiper
combination switch P07.
Replace the wiper combination switch.
Refer to: Wiper combination switch (4.2.7
Wiper and Washer, Removal and
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-36 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-36

Diagnosis Procedure of the Insufficient Front Spray

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the volume of the washing fluid.
B.Inspect the washer pipe for any distortion, bending
or damage.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect the washer nozzle
A. Inspect the spray angle and position during the
washing operation.
B.Washer washer nozzle.
Is it normal?
Make sure the maintenance has been finished.
Go to step 3.
3.Replace the washer washer nozzle
A.Replace the washer washer nozzle.
Refer to: Washing equipment (4.2.7 Wiper
and Washer,Removal and Installation).
Make sure the system is normal.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-37 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-37

Diagnosis Procedure of the Front Washer Fault.

Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.General inspection
A.Inspect the volume of the washing fluid.
B.Inspect the front washer pipe for any distortion,
bending or damage.
C.Inspect the front washer nozzle for any crack and
D.Inspect the wiring harness connector P07 of wiper
combination switch and wiring harness connector
P28 of front wiper motor for damage, poor contact,
aging and loose.
Is it normal?
Go to step 2.
Repair the fault.
2. Inspect fuse
A.Inspect the front wiper combination switch fuse
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the fuse circuit, replace the fuse in rated
3. Inspect the grounding of the front washer motor
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK", disconnect the
wiring harness P28 of front wiper motor.
B.Measure the resistance between terminal 1 of the
washer motor wiring harness connector P28 and
the body grounding connection.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 4.
Inspect and repair or replace the wiring harness
and ensure normal grounding.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-38 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-38

4. Inspect the input voltage of the front washer motor

A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK", disconnect the
wiring harness connector P28 of front wiper motor.
B.Turn the ignition switch to "ON".
C.Turn the wiper combination switch to "WASH"
D.Measure the voltage between terminal 1 of the
washer motor wiring harness connector P28 and
1 terminal 2.
2 Standard voltage:11 ~ 14 V
P28 Is the voltage normal?
A4207027 Yes
Replace front washer motor
Refer to: Washing equipment (4.2.7 Wiper
and Washer,Removal and Installation).
Make sure the system is normal.
Go to step 5.
5. Inspect the wiring harness between the front washer motor and the wiper combination switch
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position,
disconnect the wiper combination switch wiring
harness connector P07 and disconnect the front
P28 washer motor wiring harness connector P28.
1 B.Measure the resistance between terminal 9 of the
wiper combination switch wiring harness connector
2 P07 and terminal 2 of the front washer motor wiring
harness connector P28.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Replace the wiper combination switch.
Refer to: Wiper combination switch (4.2.7
Wiper and Washer, Removal and

P07 Make sure the system is normal.

1 4 No
5 10
Repair or replace the wiring harness.
11 14

15 20


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-39 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-39

Removal and Installation

Wiper Combination Switch
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Charging System (3.1.10
Charging System, Removal and

2. Remove the steering wheel .

Refer to: Steering Wheel (2.4.3 Steering
Column, Removal and Installation).

1 Remove 3 connection screws for the upper

and lower housings of the steering lock.


3. Remove the steering lock housing assembly.

60 80

20 120



SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-40 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-40

4. Disconnect the wiring harness connector of

the wiper combination switch.


5. Remove the retaining screws of combination

6. Detach the combination switch assembly
from the steering column.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-41 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-41

Wiper Motor and Transmission Arm.

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Using suitable tools, remove the cover of the
retaining nut on the wiper arm.
3. Remove the wiper arm.
1 Remove the retaining nuts for the wiper
blade as a sequence from the front
passenger side to the driver side.

Torque:30 Nm
2 Remove the wiper arm.

4. Disconnect the pipe from the wiper nozzle.

5. Seperate the front cover decoration from the
front windshield.
CAUTIONl: Do not damage the cleansing
fluid hose when separating the front cover
decoration from the front windshield.


6. Remove the retaining bolts for the wiper links.

Torque:10 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-42 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-42

7. Disconnect the wiring harness connector of

the wiper motor.


8. Remove the retaining bolt of the wiper motor.


9. Detach the wiper motor from the wiper links

with a suitable tool.
10. Remove the wiper motor and wiper links.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-43 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-43

1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery (3.1.10 Charging System,
General Inspection).
2. Remove the front bumper.
Refer to: Front bumper (5.1.7 Bumper,
Removal and Installation).
3. Disconnect the wiring harness connector of
the washer.


4. Remove 2 retaining bolts for the window

washer reservior assembly.

Torque:10 Nm



5. Remove the window washer reservoir.

1 Detach the window washer reservoir
2 Disconnect the washer hose from the
window washer reservoir.
CAUTIONl: Place a reservior next to the
washer reservior to collect the washing
fluid when disconnecting the washing


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.7-44 Wiper and Washer 4.2.7-44
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.8 Onboard
4.2.8-1 On-Board Network System 4.2.8-1

Description and Operation DLC View

General description
The vehicle currently adopts a K-LINE
communication method only.

Description of K Bus 16 9

8 1
The K line is used for the diagnosis
communications between the external testing
tools and the onboard ECM. The transmission
rate is 10.47 kbps. The voltage switches between
0 V and 12 V when transmitting signals: 12 V, A4208001
logic“1”; 0 V, logic”0”.
nal Terminal Description
Description of DLC n wire
Data Link Connector (DLC) is the result of the 1 - -
discussion and regulation of the automobile
manufacturers in the world. This wiring harness 2 - -
connector is needed when using diagnosis tool to 3 - -
communicate with vehicle and to program the 4 0.5 BK GND
communication system the vehicle used.
5 0.5 BK GND
This wiring harness connector should meet the 6 - -
following requirements:
7 0.5 VT / GN ECM diagnosis wiring
• Standard 16-pin wiring harness
8 - -
connector and able to connect every
diagnosis tool. 9 - -
• Always supplying power for diagnosis 10 - -
tool through terminal 16. 11 - -
• Always supply grounding for diagnosis 12 - -
tool through terminal 4.
13 - -
• The terminals left are used to
14 - -
communicate with vehicle system.
15 - -
16 0.85 WH +B Power

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.8-2 On-Board Network System 4.2.8-2

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

General equipment

Digital multimeter
Diagnostic tool

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.
2. Obvious symptom in electrical appliance by
visual inspect.
3. inspect system circuit which is easy to see or
4. If an obvious cause for an observed or
reported concern is found, correct the cause
before proceeding to the next step.
5. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the
symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.
Visual Inspection Chart


•Connection plug of electric appliance loose or
being corroded
•Wiring harness

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.8-3 On-Board Network System 4.2.8-3

Symptom Chart
If a symptom occurs, while its DTC is not stored in the Control module and the cause can’t be verified in
basic inspection, diagnose and eliminate in order of the following table.

Items Possible Causes Solutions

Refer to: Diagnosis procedure
•Diagnostic tool for Disabled Communication
The diagnosis tool can not between the Diagnostic
communicate with ECM Instrument and ECM (4.2.8 On-
•ECM Board Network System,
Diagnosis and Testing).

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.8-4 On-Board Network System 4.2.8-4

Diagnosis Procedure for Diagnosis Tool can not Communicate

with ECM(1.0L)
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Verify the symptom
A.Use a normal vehicle.
B.Try to communicate with ECM.
Is the communication normal?
Go to step 2.
Replace a new diagnosis tool.
2.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect fuse IF03.
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the circuit, and replace the fuse with rated
3.Inspect DLC power supply connection
A.Measure the voltage between terminal 16 of the
DLC P05 and the reliable grounding terminal with a
Standard voltage:11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?
16 9 Go to step 4.
8 1 No

P05 Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 16 of the DLC P05 and terminal 6
of the instrument panel fuse box.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.8-5 On-Board Network System 4.2.8-5

4. Inspect the DLC grounding connection

A.Measure the resistance between terminal 4 of the
DLC P05 and the reliable grounding terminal with a
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
16 9 Go to step 5.
8 1 No

P05 Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 4 of DLC P05 and the grounding
point GHL04.
5. Inspect the circuit between DLC and the engine control module
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position and
disconnect the battery negative wiring harness.
B.Disconnect the engine control module wiring
harness connector S01.
C.Measure the resistance between terminal 15 of the
16 9 engine control module wiring harness connector
8 1 S01 and terminal 7 of DLC wiring harness
connector P05.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 6.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 15 of the engine control module
64 51 7
wiring harness connector S01 and terminal 7 of
50 37 5 DLC wiring harness connector P05.

36 23 3

22 9 1


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.8-6 On-Board Network System 4.2.8-6

6.Inspect the short circuit between the diagnosis circuit and grounding
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position and
disconnect the battery negative wiring harness.
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
C.Measure the resistance between the terminal 7 of
DLC wiring harness connector P05 and reliable
16 9
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
8 1
Is the resistance value normal?
A4208005 Go to step 7.
Repair the short circuit to ground between the
terminal 7 of DLC wiring harness connector P05
and the terminal 15 of engine control module wiring
harness connector S01.
7.Inspect the short circuit between the diagnosis circuit and power
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position and
disconnect the battery negative wiring harness.
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01 of
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON" .
D.Measure the voltage between the terminal 7 of DLC
16 9 wiring harness connector P05 and reliable
8 1
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the voltage normal?
A4208006 Yes
Go to step 8.
Repair the short circuit to power between the
terminal 7 of DLC wiring harness connector P05
and the terminal 15 of engine control module wiring
harness connector S01.
8.Inspect ECM power supply circuit
A.Inspect the power circuit of ECM
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.1.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Is the power circuit normal?
Go to step 9.
Repair fault part.
9.Replace the ECM and verify the fault is eliminated

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.8-7 On-Board Network System 4.2.8-7

Diagnosis Procedure for Diagnosis Tool can not Communicate

with ECM(1.3L)
Test Conditions Details/Results/Actions
1.Verify the symptom
A.Use a normal vehicle.
B.Try to communicate with ECM.
Is the communication normal?
Go to step 2.
Replace a new diagnosis tool.
2.Inspect the fuse
A.Inspect fuse IF03.
Fuse rated capacity:15 A
Is the fuse normal?
Go to step 3.
Repair the circuit, and replace the fuse with rated
3. Inspect DLC power supply circuit
A.Measure the voltage between terminal 16 of DLC
P05a and the reliable grounding point with a
Standard voltage: 11 ~ 14 V
Is the voltage normal?

16 9
Go to step 4.
8 1
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 16 of DLC P05a and terminal 6 of
the instrument panel fuse box P01a.

SC1022 2011.08
4.2.8-8 On-Board Network System 4.2.8-8

4.Inspect DLC grounding connection

A.Measure the resistance between terminal 4 of DLC
P05a and the reliable grounding terminal.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 5.
16 9 No
8 1 Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
between terminal 4 of DLC P05a and the grounding
point GHL04.

5.Inspect the circuit between DLC and the engine control module
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position and
disconnect the battery negative wiring harness.
B.Disconnect the engine control module wiring
P05a harness connector S01a.
16 9 C.Measure the resistance between terminal 71 of the
engine control module wiring harness connector
8 1
S01a and terminal 7 of DLC wiring harness
connector P05a.
Standard resistance value: less than 5 Ω
Is the resistance value normal?
Go to step 6.
Inspect and repair the open circuit fault of the circuit
S01a between terminal 71 of the engine control module
wiring harness connector S01a and terminal 7 of
1 2
81 63 DLC wiring harness connector P05a.
62 44
43 25

4 5
24 6


SC1022 2011.08
4.2.8-9 On-Board Network System 4.2.8-9

6.Inspect the short circuit between the diagnosis circuit and grounding
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position and
disconnect the battery negative wiring harness.
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
C.Measure the resistance between the terminal 7 of
DLC wiring harness connector P05 and reliable
16 9
Standard resistance: 10 MΩ or more
8 1
Is the resistance value normal?
A4208010 Go to step 7.
Repair the short circuit to ground between the
terminal 7 of DLC wiring harness connector P05a
and the terminal 71 of engine control module wiring
harness connector S01.
7.Inspect the short circuit between the diagnosis circuit and power
A.Turn the ignition switch to "LOCK" position and
disconnect the battery negative wiring harness.
B.Disconnect the wiring harness connector S01a of
C.Turn the ignition switch to "ON" .
D.Measure the voltage between the terminal 7 of DLC
16 9 wiring harness connector P05a and reliable
8 1
Standard voltage:0 V
Is the voltage normal?
A4208011 Yes
Go to step 8.
Repair the short circuit to power between the
terminal 7 of DLC wiring harness connector P05a
and the terminal 71 of engine control module wiring
harness connector S01a.
8.Inspect ECM power supply circuit
E.Inspect the power circuit of ECM
Refer to: DTC Diagnostic Procedure Index
(3.3.12 Electrical Control System - M7,DTC
Diagnosis and Testing).
Is the power circuit normal?
Go to step 9.
Dispose fault part.
9.Replace the ECM and verify the fault is eliminated

SC1022 2011.08


5.1 Body and Accessories

5.1.1 Front/rear Windshield........................................................................................................ 5.1.1-1
5.1.2 Door .................................................................................................................................. 5.1.2-1
5.1.3 Seat................................................................................................................................... 5.1.3-1
5.1.4 Seat Belt ........................................................................................................................... 5.1.4-1
5.1.5 Rearview Mirror................................................................................................................. 5.1.5-1
5.1.6 Instrument Panel and Console.......................................................................................... 5.1.6-1
5.1.7 Bumper ............................................................................................................................. 5.1.6-1
5.1.8 Handles,Locks and Latches.............................................................................................. 5.1.8-1
5.1.9 Interior trim panel and Ornamenamentation ..................................................................... 5.1.9-1
5.1.10 Exterior Trim.................................................................................................................. 5.1.10-1
5.1.11 Cargo Box ..................................................................................................................... 5.1.11-1

5.2 Body
5.2.1 Body Repair ...................................................................................................................... 5.2.1-1

SC1022 2011.08
Body and Accessories

5.1 Body and Accessories

2011 SC1022
Table of Contents Pages

5.1.1 Front/rear Windshield

Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 5.1.1-1
General Specifications.............................................................................................................. 5.1.1-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 5.1.1-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 5.1.1-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 5.1.1-2
Removal and Installation.................................................................................................................. 5.1.1-3
Front Windshield....................................................................................................................... 5.1.1-3
Rear Windshield ....................................................................................................................... 5.1.1-6
Body Rear Windshield(Extra Cab)............................................................................................ 5.1.1-7

5.1.2 Door
Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 5.1.2-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 5.1.2-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 5.1.2-2
Components Exploded View..................................................................................................... 5.1.2-2
Removal and Installation.................................................................................................................. 5.1.2-7
Front Door Interior Trim Panel .................................................................................................. 5.1.2-7
Rear Door Interior Trim Panel................................................................................................... 5.1.2-9
Front Windshield....................................................................................................................... 5.1.2-9
Rear Window Glass................................................................................................................ 5.1.2-11
Front Door Glass Regulator.................................................................................................... 5.1.2-12
Rear Door Glass Regulator .................................................................................................... 5.1.2-13
Rear Slot of Front Door .......................................................................................................... 5.1.2-13
Rear Slot of Rear Door ........................................................................................................... 5.1.2-14
Front Window Glass Slot ........................................................................................................ 5.1.2-14
Rear Window Glass Slot......................................................................................................... 5.1.2-14

5.1.3 Seat
Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 5.1.3-1
Torque Specifications................................................................................................................ 5.1.3-1
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 5.1.3-2
System Overview...................................................................................................................... 5.1.3-2
Location View ........................................................................................................................... 5.1.3-2

SC1022 2011.08
Body and Accessories
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................5.1.3-4
Front Seat .................................................................................................................................5.1.3-4
Rear Seat..................................................................................................................................5.1.3-5

5.1.4 Seat Belt

Specifications ...................................................................................................................................5.1.4-1
Torque specifications ................................................................................................................5.1.4-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................5.1.4-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................5.1.4-2
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................5.1.4-3
Seat Belt ...................................................................................................................................5.1.4-3

5.1.5 Rearview Mirror

Specifications ...................................................................................................................................5.1.5-1
Torque Specifications ................................................................................................................5.1.5-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................5.1.5-2
System Overview ......................................................................................................................5.1.5-2
Location View............................................................................................................................5.1.5-2
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................5.1.5-3
Interior Rearview Mirror ............................................................................................................5.1.5-3
Exterior Rearview Mirror ...........................................................................................................5.1.5-4

5.1.6 Instrument Panel and Console

Specifications ...................................................................................................................................5.1.6-1
Torque Specifications ................................................................................................................5.1.6-1
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................5.1.6-2
Instrument Panel.......................................................................................................................5.1.6-2
Instrument Panel (Right Driving)...............................................................................................5.1.6-8

5.1.7 Bumper
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................5.1.7-1
Front Bumper ............................................................................................................................5.1.7-1

5.1.8 Handles,Locks and Latches

Specifications ...................................................................................................................................5.1.8-1
Torque Specifications ................................................................................................................5.1.8-1
Description and Operation................................................................................................................5.1.8-2
Location View............................................................................................................................5.1.8-2
Removal and Installation ..................................................................................................................5.1.8-5

SC1022 2011.08
Body and Accessories
Engine Hood Lock Buckle ........................................................................................................ 5.1.8-5
Engine Hood Lock Buckle Unlocking Handle ........................................................................... 5.1.8-5
Steering Lock Assembly ........................................................................................................... 5.1.8-6
Door Lock Core ........................................................................................................................ 5.1.8-7
Front Door External Handle...................................................................................................... 5.1.8-8
The Removal and Installation Process of the Rear Door Handle is the same with the Front Door. ....
Front Door Internal Handle ....................................................................................................... 5.1.8-9
The Removal and Installation Process of the Rear Door Internal Handle is the Same with the Front
Door. ......................................................................................................................................... 5.1.8-9
Door lock ................................................................................................................................ 5.1.8-10
The Removal and Installation Process of the Rear Door Lock is the same With the Front Door. .......

5.1.9 Interior trim panel and Ornamenamentation

Removal and Installation.................................................................................................................. 5.1.9-1
Sun Visor Assembly ................................................................................................................. 5.1.9-1
Rear Row Decorative Panel(Extra Cab)................................................................................... 5.1.9-1
Roof lining................................................................................................................................. 5.1.9-3

5.1.10 Exterior Trim

Removal and Installation................................................................................................................ 5.1.10-1
Front Fender Lining Plate ....................................................................................................... 5.1.10-1
Front mud guard ..................................................................................................................... 5.1.10-2
Rear mud guard...................................................................................................................... 5.1.10-2

5.1.11 Cargo Box

Removal and Installation................................................................................................................ 5.1.11-1
Cargo Box............................................................................................................................... 5.1.11-1

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.1 Front/rear
5.1.1-1 Front/Rear Windshield 5.1.1-1

General Specifications
Item Specifications
1K adhesive WSKM - 2G309 - B
2K adhesive ESK - M2G369 - A1
2K hardener ESK - M2G369 - A2

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Wiper arm retaining nut 30 22 -

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.1-2 Front/Rear Windshield 5.1.1-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
The front windshield is fixed to the body by
adhesive,which form a driving space together
with the body, door and other windows,and also
offers a good sight for the driver. The adhesive
can bond the front and the rear windshield to the
car window frame,in the meantime,it can also
form a tight waterproof surface on the window
frame. Clear the adhesive on the window frame
and reglue and fix when replacing the front and
the rear windshield.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.1-3 Front Rear Windshield 5.1.1-3

Removal and Installation

Front Windshield
Special Tool

Windshield Glue-


General Equipment

Heat Gun
Glass Glue Cutter
Glue Gun

CAUTION: If the ambient temperature is

below 10 ℃ , heat the PU adhesive for
about 15 mins in the stove or use heat gun
to heat it until about 25 ℃ .


1. Use special tool to remove the front

Special tool: CA501-001 Windshield
Adhesive Remover
WARNING: Please wear gloves and
goggles when using the special tools to
protect against the fragments generated in
the cutting. Wear earplugs when cutting.
Failure to follow the instructions may
cause personal injury. A5101002

CAUTION: Be careful in the cutting

process so as to avoid damage to the
body and the trim panel.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.1-4 Front Rear Windshield 5.1.1-4

2. Use glass sucker to remove the front

windshield with other technicians.


WARNING: Please keep the door open
when using the PU adhesive in case it may
affect the bonding effect due to an
increase in the carrier pressure if the door
is closed.

WARNING: Please avoid touching the

cleaned surface as it will affect the
bonding effect.

CAUTION: Scrape the excessive adhesive

overflowed in the groove and flange.

1. Clear up the remained adhesive in the flange

of the front windshield.
2. Inspect the spoiled mental fragments, iron
rust, or any other irrelevant materials in the
weld sealed area which tend to cause the
damage to the glass. They shall move freely.


SC1022 2011.08
5.1.1-5 Front Rear Windshield 5.1.1-5

3. Make the temperature of the heat gun below

25 ℃ ,remove moisture in the tank flange of
front windshield and the glass glue.
CAUTION: Remove all the moisture in
adhesive surface to ensure the adhesive’s

4. Prepare PU adhesive, glass and other



5. Paint PU adhesive for about 8-10mm along

the adhesive line in the edge of the
windshield frames .
CAUTION: piant again and again for 20
mm where has no adhesive tape in order
to protect against water leakage.

CAUTION: In order to reduce the working

time, the first 100 mm of the PU adhesive
can be abandoned.

6. Use glass sucker to install the front

windshield with other Technican assist.
CAUTION: Press every part of the glass
evenly, so that the glass can bond firmly
with the adhesive.


7. If the normal temperature is below 10 ℃, heat

the surface in a distance of about 50 mm for
15 mins(inside or outside the car)by using the
heat gun.
8. Install the front cover ornamentation and
wiper arms.
Refer to: Wiper Motor and Drive Arm 50 mm
(4.2.7Wiper and Washer, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.1-6 Front Rear Windshield 5.1.1-6

Rear Windshield
Special Tool

Interior and Exterior

Trim Panel Remover


1. Remove 4 retaining bolts of rear windshield
2. Remove the rear windshield weatherstrip with
proper tool. ×4

CAUTION: Other technicians shall assist

to hold the strip from outside of the
vehicle when removing the rear
windshield weatherstrip. Otherwise, the
glass will drop and cause damage.


3. Remove the rear windshield.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.1-7 Front Rear Windshield 5.1.1-7

Body Rear Windshield(Extra Cab)

Special Tool

Interior and Exterior

Trim Panel Remover


1. Remove the rear windshile with proper tools.
CAUTION: Other technicians shall assist
to hold the strip from outside of the
vehicle when removing the rear
windshield weatherstrip. Otherwise, the
glass will drop and cause damage.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.2 Door

5.1.2-1 Door 5.1.2-1

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Door glass regulator retaining bult 10 - 89
Window regulator retaining bolt 10 - 89
Door rear slot retaining bolt 10 - 89

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.2-2 Door 5.1.2-2

Description and Operation

Components Exploded View
Front Door


5 10




SC1022 2011.08
5.1.2-3 Door 5.1.2-3

Item Description Item Description

1 Front door hinge assembly 9 Front door upper damping cushion
Front door opening limitator Front door interior trim panel water-
2 10
assembly proof membrane
3 Front door opening limitator pin 11 Front door weatherstrip
4 Front door hinge assembly 12 Front door lower damping cushion
5 Clamp 13 Nut
Front door and window frame
6 14 Front door inner strip
decoration parts
Front door interior trim panel
7 Front door outer strip 15
8 Front door welding assembly

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.2-4 Door 5.1.2-4




Item Description Item Description

1 Front door outer strip 5 Front door glass slot assembly
2 Glass strip rubber parts 6 Front glass regulator handle
Front window glass regulator
3 Front door glass 7
4 Front door rear slot assembly 8 Front door glass slot

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.2-5 Door 5.1.2-5
Rear Door

3 4



Item Description Item Description

1 Rear door upper hinge assembly 6 Rear door limitator assembly
Rear door interior trim panel
2 Rear door welding assembly 7
Rear door interior trim panle water-
3 8 Rear door lower hinge assembly
proof membrane
4 Rear door outer strip assembly 9 Rear door opening limitator pin
5 Rear door inner strip

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.2-6 Door 5.1.2-6

2 3






Item Description Item Description

1 Rear door outer strip assembly 7 Rear Door glass lower front slot
2 Rear door upper weatherstrip 8 Rear door rear slot assembly
Rear Door window glass regulator
3 Rear door glass slot 9
4 Rear door glass 10 Rear Door glass regulator handle
Sliding door and window glass slot
5 11 Rear Door glass lower rear slot
rubber parts
Sliding door and window glass slot
6 12 Rear door front slot assembly

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.2-7 Door 5.1.2-7

Removal and Installation

Front Door Interior Trim Panel
1. Remove the handle jump ring of front door
window regulator with proper tools. Remove
the handle, jump ring and dust cover.
CAUTION: Note: Be careful that the jump
ring will splash or lose when removing the
jump ring.


2. Remove 2 retaining screws of inner handle of

The front door and remove the internal


3. Remove retaining screw trim cover and screw

of the front interior door interior panel.


SC1022 2011.08
5.1.2-8 Door 5.1.2-8

4. Pull the internal handle of front door along the

arrow direction. Disconnect the inner handle
lever and inner handle of the front door.


5. Use specific tool to remove front door interior

trim panel .


6. Remove the interior trim panel of the front

door. The buckle position is shown in the


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Front door interior trim panel
buckle is disposable component, install a
new one.

CAUTION: Put the jump ring on the handle

when installing the glass regulator. Then,
assemble the glass regulator.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.2-9 Door 5.1.2-9

Rear Door Interior Trim Panel

Refer to: Front door interior trim panel
(5.1.2 Door, Removal and Installation).

Front Windshield
1. Remove the interior trim panel of the front
Refer to: Front door interior trim panel
(5.1.2 Door, Removal and Installation).
2. Make sure that the window glass is at the
lowest position. Remove the front door press


3. Remove the internal press strip of the front



SC1022 2011.08
5.1.2-10 Door 5.1.2-10

4. Remove the front door water-proof

membrane to proper position.
CAUTION: Be careful when removing to
prevent damaging the water-proof
membrane. Do not touch the adhesive
surface to reduce the viscosity when


5. Adjust the window height for easy installation

and removal.
6. Remove front window glass retaining bolt.
CAUTION: Support the window glass to
prevent the dropping, causing damage.


7. Adjust the glass to proper position and

remove the slot.


8. Remove the front window glass.

CAUTION: Be careful when treating the
glass to prevent damage.


SC1022 2011.08
5.1.2-11 Door 5.1.2-11
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

Rear Window Glass

Refer to: Front window glass (5.1.2 Door,
Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.2-12 Door 5.1.2-12

Front Door Glass Regulator

1. Remove the front window glass.
Refer to: Front Window Glass (5.1.2 Door,
Removal and Installation).

2. Remove the retaining bolt of the front window

glass regulator.


3. Take out the front door glass regulator.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.2-13 Door 5.1.2-13

Rear Door Glass Regulator

Refer to: Front Window Glass Regulator
(5.1.2 Door, Removal and Installation).

Rear Slot of Front Door

1. Remove the front window glass.
Refer to: Front window glass (5.1.2 Door,
Removal and Installation).
2. Remove the retaining bolt of rear slot of front


3. Take out the front door rear slot.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
Rear Slot of Rear Door
Refer to: Front door rear slot (5.1.2
Door,Removal and Installation).

Front Window Glass Slot

Refer to: Front Window Glass(5.1.2 Door,
Removal and Installation).

Rear Window Glass Slot

Refer to: Front Window Glass(5.1.2 Door,
Removal and Installation).
5.1.3 Seat

5.1.3-1 Seat 5.1.3-1

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Front seat rear retaining bolts 35 26 -
Front seat adjuster retaining bolt 23 17 -
Front seat backrest adjuster retaining bolt 5 - 44
Rear seat cushion retaining bolt 11 8 -

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.3-2 Seat 5.1.3-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
The vehicle is equipped with Single Cab, Extra Cab and Double Cab. The models of Single Cab and
Extra Cab have driver seat and front passenger seat. There is a rear seat on the basis of double cab.
The front seat can slide back and forth and the backrest angle can be adjusted to provide comfortable
position for the driver.

Location View
Front Seat


SC1022 2011.08
5.1.3-3 Seat 5.1.3-3

Item Description Item Description

1 Front passenger seat assembly 4 Driver seat hinge rear cover
2 Headrest assembly 5 Driver seat lock assembly
3 Driver seat assembly

Rear Seat


Item Description Item Description

1 Three-passenger seat assembly 2 Rear window headrest assembly

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.3-4 Seat 5.1.3-4

Removal and Installation

Front Seat
1. Disconnect the negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Disconnect the seat belt buckle wiring
harness connector for the driver seat.


3. Remove 2 rear retaining bolts behind the


Torque: 35 Nm


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.3-5 Seat 5.1.3-5

Rear Seat
1. Pull the cushion of the rear seat from the
fixed buckle along the arrow direction.


2. Remove 2 retaining bolts at the left and right

sides of the backrest and remove the seat



3. Remove the retaining bolt of seat bracket.



1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.4 Seat Belt

5.1.4-1 Seat Belt 5.1.4-1

Torque specifications
Category Nm lb-ft lb-in
Seat belt retractor retaining bolts 35 26 -
Front Seat belt buckle retaining bolts 35 26 -
Seat belt upper anchor bolts 35 26 -
Seat belt lower anchor bolts 35 26 -

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.4-2 Seat Belt 5.1.4-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
The seat belt is the major device to protect the
passenger. The front seats are equipped with
seat belt. The side seats of the front row use
three-diagonal-surrounding belt. The seat belt
buckles are installed on the chair framework of
each seat.
The seat belt is equipped with a retractor with
emergent locking function. The locking function
will be activated when the seat belt is completely
pulled out from the retractor quickly. The locking
function can prevent the seat belt from being
pulled out to an excessive length . When the seat
belt is rolled back to the retractor, you can cancel
this function. After cancelling the locking function,
the seat belt is unlocked. After cancelling the
locking function, the seat belt can be pulled out
from the retractor.
WARNING: Inspect the seat belt system
carefully after every collision. The newly-
installed seat belt can only be used after a
professional technician’s inspection to
make sure there is no malfunction.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.4-3 Seat Belt 5.1.4-3

Removal and Installation

Seat Belt
Special Tool

Interior and Exterior

Trim Panel Remover


1. Use special tool to remove the seat belt

decorative cover.
Special tool:CA501 - 002 - 2 Interior and
Exterior Trim Panel Remover.


2. Remove the seat belt upper anchor retaining

bolt .

Torque:35 Nm


SC1022 2011.08
5.1.4-4 Seat Belt 5.1.4-4

3. Remove the seat belt retractor trim cover

4. Take off the seat belt retractor trim cover.


5. Remove the seat belt lower anchor retaining

bolt 1.
Torque: 35 Nm
6. Remove the seat belt retractor retaining bolt
2. 2
Torque: 35 Nm


7. Remove the seat belt buckle retaining bolts


SC1022 2011.08
5.1.5 Rearview
5.1.5-1 Rearview Mirror 5.1.5-1

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Retaining bolt of the interior mirror 8 - 71
Retaining bolt of the exterior rearview
11 8 -

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.5-2 Rearview Mirror 5.1.5-2

Description and Operation

System Overview
The rearview mirrors include interior and exterior mirrors. The exterior mirror can be adjusted manually.
The interior rearview mirror integrates the interior reading lamp. The rearview mirrors can be turned and
adjusted to meet the driver's requirements. The rearview mirror can improve the safety and comfort of
the driver.

Location View

2 3


Item Description Item Description

1 Exterior rearview mirror assembly 3 Sun visor assembly
2 Interior mirror assembly

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.5-3 Rearview Mirror 5.1.5-3

Removal and Installation

Interior Rearview Mirror
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Remove the roof lamp cover with proper tool.


3. Remove the interior rearview mirror retaining



4. Disconnect roof lamp harness connector.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.5-4 Rearview Mirror 5.1.5-4

Exterior Rearview Mirror

1. Remove the exterior rearview mirror case
with proper tool.


2. Take off the exterior rearview mirror case


3. Remove the exterior rearview mirror retaining



1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.6 Instrument Panel
and Console
5.1.6-1 Instrument Panel and Console 5.1.6-1

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Instrument panel upper retaining bolt 14 10 -
Instrument panel lower retaining bolt 10 - 89
Instrument panel side retaining bolt 25 18 -

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.6-2 Instrument Panel and Console 5.1.6-2

Removal and Installation

Instrument Panel
Special Tool

Interior and Exterior

Trim Remover
CA501 - 002


1. Put the steering wheel at horizontal position.

CAUTION: Make sure the steering wheel
is locked.

CAUTION: Make sure the wheel is in the

right ahead position.
2. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
3. Remove the steering wheel .
Refer to: Steering Wheel (2.4.3 Steering
Column, Removal and Installation).
4. Remove the light combination switch.
Refer to: lighting combination switch
(4.2.6 Lighting System, Removal and
5. Remove instrument.
Refer to: instrument cluster (4.2.2
instrument cluster, Removal and
6. Remove the radio.
Refer to: Radio (4.2.5 Information and
Entertainment System, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.6-3 Instrument Panel and Console 5.1.6-3

7. Remove 4 retaining screws on A/C control



8. Pull the ashtray out. Remove 2 retaining

screws of ashtray bracket.


9. Remove 2 retaining bolts on the left middle

side of the instrument panel.


10. Remove the left speaker trim panel with

special tool.
Special tool: Internal and External Trim Panel
removal tool CA501-002

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.6-4 Instrument Panel and Console 5.1.6-4

11. Remove the retaining bolt of left instrument

panel at front windshield.


12. Remove retaining bolt trim cover 1 of the

middle instrument panel of front windshield
with special tool. Remove the retaining bolt 2.
Special tool:internal and external trim removal
tool CA501-002 - 002


13. Remove the right speaker trim panel with

special tool.
Special tool:internal and external trim removal
tool CA501 - 002

14. Remove the retaining bolt of right instrument

panel at front windshield.


SC1022 2011.08
5.1.6-5 Instrument Panel and Console 5.1.6-5

15. Remove 2 retaining bolts of left instrument

panel frame.
Torque:25 Nm


16. Remove 2 retaining bolts of right instrument

panel frame.
Torque:25 Nm


17. Remove the unlocking handle of engine

Refer to: Unlocking handle of engine hood
(5.1.8 Handle, Lock, Latch, Removal and

18. Remove the left lower instrument panel

retaining bolt.


SC1022 2011.08
5.1.6-6 Instrument Panel and Console 5.1.6-6

19. Remove the right lower instrument panel

retaining bolt.


20. Remove the retaining screw of instrument

panel at interior relay box.


21. Remove the instrument panel rear retaining



22. Remove 3 wiring connectors as shown in the



SC1022 2011.08
5.1.6-7 Instrument Panel and Console 5.1.6-7

23. Move the instrument panel and frame

backwards to remove the retaining screws of
the air vent.
24. Remove the retaining screws of the air vent,


25. Remove the central retaining screws of the

instrument panel at front passenger side.


26. Remove the wiring buckle connected with

instrument panel.

27. Take out the instrument panel.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.6-8 Instrument Panel and Console 5.1.6-8

Instrument Panel (Right Driving)

Refer to: Instrument Panel (5.1.6
Instrument Panel and Console,Removal
and Installation).

1. Pull the parking brake lever 1 and remove the
lower trim panel of parking brake lever.


2. Remove the gear shifter and dust boot.


SC1022 2011.08
5.1.6-9 Instrument Panel and Console 5.1.6-9

3. Remove 2 retaining bolts in front of the



4. Remove the console as shown in the figure.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.7 Bumper

5.1.7-1 Bumper 5.1.7-1

Removal and Installation

Front Bumper
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System, General Inspection).
2. Remove headlamp.
Refer to: Headlamp (4.2.6 Lighting system,
Removal and Installation).
3. Remove the 4 retaining bolts on the upper
Torque:10 Nm


4. Remove the retaining screws on the left and

right sides of the bumper.


5. Lift the vehicle

6. Remove the 3 retaining bolts on the bottom of


SC1022 2011.08
5.1.7-2 Bumper 5.1.7-2

7. Disconnect the left and right front fog lamp

wiring harness connector.


8. Remove the front bumper.

1. To install,reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.8 Handles,Locks and
5.1.8-1 Handles,Locks and Latches 5.1.8-1

Torque Specifications
Item Nm lb-ft lb-in
Engine hood lock buckle retaining bolt 10 - 89
Retaining nut of external door handle. 10 - 89

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.8-2 Handles,Locks and Latches 5.1.8-2

Description and Operation

Location View

2 3

1 4


Item Description Item Description

Steering lock ignition switch and
1 Fuel tank cover lock core and key 3
2 Ignition key assembly 4 Front door lock core assembly

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.8-3 Handles,Locks and Latches 5.1.8-3
Front Door





Item Description Item Description

Front door internal handle
1 6 Front door lock pin assembly
2 Cushion 7 Door lock pin plate
Cross-slotted semi-sunk screw and
3 Locking button sleeve 8
washer combined parts
Front door external handle
4 Locking button 9
5 Front door lock assembly 10 Side front door lock core assembly

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.8-4 Handles,Locks and Latches 5.1.8-4
Rear Door



Item Description Item Description

Rear door lock control lever
1 3 Rear door internal handle assembly
2 Rear door lock assembly 4 Rear door opening handle

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.8-5 Handles,Locks and Latches 5.1.8-5

Removal and Installation

Engine Hood Lock Buckle
1. Remove the engine hood lock buckle
retaining bolt.
Torque:10 Nm.



2. Remove the engine hood releasing cable.


1. To install,reverse the removal procedure.

Engine Hood Lock Buckle Unlocking Handle

1. Remove the locking nut of engine hood
unlocking handle inside the instrument panel.


SC1022 2011.08
5.1.8-6 Handles,Locks and Latches 5.1.8-6

2. Remove the engine hood releasing cable.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

Steering Lock Assembly

1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).
2. Remove the light combination switch.
Refer to: Lighting Combination Switch
(4.2.6 Lighting System, Removal and
3. Remove the ignition switch.
Refer to: Ignition Switch (3.3.8 Ignition
System, Removal and Installation).
4. Remove and discard the retaining anti-theft
steering lock bolt.


SC1022 2011.08
5.1.8-7 Handles,Locks and Latches 5.1.8-7
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Anti-theft steering lock
assembly retaining bolt is disposable
component. Replace new ones after the

Door Lock Core

1. Remove the front door rear slot.
Refer to: Front Door Rear Slot (5.1.2 Door,
Removal and Installation).
2. Disconnect the connection lever of door lock.


3. Remove the retaining plate of the door lock



SC1022 2011.08
5.1.8-8 Handles,Locks and Latches 5.1.8-8

4. Take out the door lock core from outside of

the door.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

Front Door External Handle

1. Remove the front door rear slot.
Refer to: Front Door Rear Slot (5.1.2 Door,
Removal and Installation).
2. Disconnect the external handle of door.


3. Remove the retaining nut of the external door


Torque:10 Nm



To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.8-9 Handles,Locks and Latches 5.1.8-9

The Removal and Installation Process of the Rear Door Handle is

the same with the Front Door.
Refer to: Front Door External Handle (5.1.8
Handle, Lock, Latch, Removal and

Front Door Internal Handle

1. Remove 2 retaining bolts of the door internal



2. Take off the door internal handle.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

The Removal and Installation Process of the Rear Door Internal

Handle is the Same with the Front Door.
Refer to: Front Door Internal Handle (5.1.8
Handle, Lock, Latch, Removal and

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.8-10 Handles,Locks and Latches 5.1.8-10

Door lock
1. Remove the front door rear slot.
Refer to: Front Door Rear Slot (5.1.2
Door,Removal and Installation).

2. Disconnect the connection lever 1 of door

3. Disconnect the external handle 2 of door.


4. Detach the internal handle from the installed



5. Remove the retaining bolt of the front door

6. Remove the front door lock.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.8-11 Handles,Locks and Latches 5.1.8-11

The Removal and Installation Process of the Rear Door Lock is the
same With the Front Door.
Refer to: Front Door Lock (5.1.8 Handle,
Lock, Latch, Removal and Installation).

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.9 Interior trim panel and
5.1.9-1 Interior Trim Panel and Ornamentation 5.1.9-1

Removal and Installation

Sun Visor Assembly
1. Remove 2 retaining bolt 1 of sun visor.
2. Take off the sun visor assembly.
3. Remove the sun visor buckle 2. ×2 1


1. To install,reverse the removal procedure.

Rear Row Decorative Panel(Extra Cab)

Special Tool

Interior and Exterior

Trim Panel Remover
CA501 - 002


1. Remove the rear row decorative panel (Extra

Cab) with special tool.
Special tool:CA501 - 002 Interior and Exterior
trim Panel Remover.


SC1022 2011.08
5.1.9-3 Interior Trim Panel and Ornamentation 5.1.9-3

2. Rear row decorative panel (extra cab) buckle




1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Make sure to use new parts for
the rear row decorative buckle.

Roof lining
Special Tool

Interior and Exterior

Trim Panel Remover
CA501 - 002


1. Prize up the roof lining with special tool.

Special tool:CA501 - 002 Interior and
Exterior Trim Remover.


SC1022 2011.08
5.1.9-4 Interior Trim Panel and Ornamentation 5.1.9-4

2. Take off the roof lining.


1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
CAUTION: The adhesive is used to stick
the roof lining on the roof. Replace with
new parts and smear the adhesive after

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.10 Exterior
5.1.10-1 Exterior Trim 5.1.10-1

Removal and Installation

Front Fender Lining Plate
1. Remove 1 retaining screw of front fender
lining plate and front bumper.


2. Remove 3 retaining buckle of front fender

lining plate.
CAUTION: All the buckles are one-off


3. Remove the front fender lining plate.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.10-2 Exterior Trim 5.1.10-2

Front mud guard

1. Remove 4 retaining screws of front mud



2. Remove the front mud guard.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

Rear mud guard

1. Remove 2 retaining buckles of rear mud
CAUTION: All the buckles are one-off
parts and replace with the new parts after
removal. ×2


2. Remove the rear mud guard.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08
5.1.11 Cargo Box

5.1.11-1 Cargo Box 5.1.11-1

Removal and Installation

Cargo Box
1. Park the vehicle on flat ground and apply the
hand brake.
2. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Refer to: Battery Inspection (3.1.10
Charging System,General Inspection).

3. Remove the license lamp.

Refer to: License lamp(4.2.6 Lighting
system, Removal and Installation).

4. Remove rear combined lamp.

Refer to: Rear combinded lamp (4.2.6
Lighting system, Removal and

5. Disconnect the ground point of the rear wiring

harness and baseplate and wiring retaining


6. Open each panel of the cargo box and

remove the cotter pin of the hinge.


SC1022 2011.08
5.1.11-2 Cargo Box 5.1.11-2

7. Remove the left and right panels to the

backwards as shown in the figure.


8. Remove the rear panel along the arrow

direction as shown in the figure.


9. Remove upper 6 retaining bolts of baseplate.



10. Remove lower 2 retaining bolts at left side of



SC1022 2011.08
5.1.11-3 Cargo Box 5.1.11-3

11. Remove lower 2 retaining bolts at right side of



12. Remove lower 2 retaining bolts at rear side of



13. Remove the baseplate of the cargo box.

1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

SC1022 2011.08

5.2 Body
2011 SC1022
Table of Contents Pages

5.2.1 Body Repair

Description and Operation ............................................................................................................... 5.2.1-1
Noise, Vibration and Harshness ............................................................................................... 5.2.1-1
Plastic Components Type......................................................................................................... 5.2.1-2
Welding Type............................................................................................................................ 5.2.1-3
Component State...................................................................................................................... 5.2.1-3
Body Size ................................................................................................................................. 5.2.1-4
Symptom Diagnosis and Testing...................................................................................................... 5.2.1-6
Diagnosis of the Vehicle in Accident......................................................................................... 5.2.1-6
Removal and Installation.................................................................................................................. 5.2.1-7
Drop Pit Repair Without Painting.............................................................................................. 5.2.1-7
Crash Repair ............................................................................................................................ 5.2.1-8
Anticorrosion Measures............................................................................................................ 5.2.1-9
Plastic Components Repair .................................................................................................... 5.2.1-11

SC1022 2011.08
5.2.1 Body Repair

5.2.1-1 Body Repairs 5.2.1-1

Description and Operation Methods of Sound Transimission

The sound can be transited through air or
Noise, Vibration and Harshness substances. The sound travels through the liquid
or the solid (such as the vehicle body). The speed
Meaning of NVH in Automotive of sound transmission depends on the material of
Engineering the substance. Generally, the speed of sound
N = Noise –audible unpleasant sound transmitted in liquid or solid is 5 times higher than
transmitted in air. The noise can be transited in
V = Vibration-perceptible vibration . the vehicle via air and substance.
H = Harshness –audible and perceptible jittering
and vibration.
The vibration is a form of physical movement
Noise Type in Automotive Engineering commonly found in the nature. Vibration waves
According to the sound intensity, the noise in the with a frequency lower than 20 Hz (low
automotive engineering can be classified as frequency) or higher than 20,000 Hz (20 kHz;
following: slight noise, moderate noise and strong high frequency) can not be heard by human ears.
noise Slight noise mostly comes from the engine Generally, the low frequency vibration is visible.
and on the road surface, especially on the rough The high-frequency vibration is palpable through
road surface.Strong noise is commonly generated the floor and the steering wheel. The engine with
by airflow or accessories (such as generators, the flexible installation can relieve the vibration
power steering pumps and driving belts). Chatter when the vehicle runs on the uneven road
sound can be heard when vehicle runs on tough surface. When flexible installation of engine is in
road.The unstable noise is usually caused by the trouble, vibration will be transmitted from engine
shock absorber, chassis components or loosened to vehicle body and even cab.
components inside the vehicle.
Requirements of NVH for Vehicle Body Each object has its inherent vibration frequency. If
The vehicle body is one of the most important part a certain system vibrates with its inherent
involving NVH. The vehicle body not only causes vibration frequency, it will cause resonance. For
air noise, but also causes solid noise. The main example, When engine reaches resonance
components of NVH in the vehicle body are the frequency, it will become unstable (engine critical
roof steel plate, the side wall and the floor. The speed). Once the engine rotating speed exceeds
vibration or noise shall be increased greatly due the critical point, the engine will run stably at
to the strutcture, just as an amplifier. Higher once.
Requirements for Vehicle Body.
• The vehicle body must absorb vibration
from all components, and try to ensure
the vibration is not transmitted to the
interior of the vehicle body.
• The structure can ensure the body rigidity
and provide excellent damping
performance in crash.
• Spacious interior
• Corrosion resistance
• Light weight
• Excellent aerodynamic appearance

SC1022 2011.08
5.2.1-2 Body Repairs 5.2.1-2
Damping Vibration Plastic Components Type
Damping has influence on the resonance of the It is important to know the material property of the
objects or systems. The vibration can be reduced plastic components in repair. The plastic
if a damper is connected with spring in parallel. components can be generally divided into two
The vehicle shock absorber is made based on the basic categories according to different materials:
principle to reduce the body vibration through thermoplastic plastic and thermosetting plastic.
Thermoplastic Plastic Components
The thermoplastic plastic components turn soft
1 2
when heated and harden when cooled. The
process is reversible and can be proceeded
repeatedly. Therefore, the thermplastic plastic
components can be formed and solidified
repeatedly by heating. The thermoplastic plastic
components scrap can be recycled. Most of the
interior and exterior trim closures are made of
thermoplastic plastics.

A5201001 Thermosetting Plastic Components

The thermosetting plastic components will turn
Item Description soft when first heated. However, it will solidify
1 Non-damping vibration when heated to certain temperature. This process
is irreversible. The component can’t turn soft
2 Damping vibration
when heated again. The thermosetting plastic
components are formed with this feature. Using
the plastifying flow in the first heating, the material
Sound Insulation
fills the cavity full to solidify the components with
The sound insulation and noise reduction the preset shape and dimension under the
technologies are adopted in automobile pressure. The thermosetting plastic components
enginering to minimize the noise. For are harder and more fragile than the
example:The engine is installed on elastic thermoplastic components, and the state doesn’t
supporting seat, so that the vibration is change when heating. The thermosetting plastic
transmitted into the vehicle body as small as components may be damaged if the heating
possible. temperature is higher than the critical point. The
thermosetting plastic components are widely
used as structure components in electrical and
safety components with the purpose of heat
isolation, anti-wear, insulation and high voltage

SC1022 2011.08
5.2.1-3 Body Repairs 5.2.1-3

Component State
The surface must be flat with caulking and
polished with sand paper before the vehicle or
component is delivered to the workshop for
painting after repair. The metaler should be
responsible to prepare this process. The body
and the floor are formed by cold stamping with
steel sheet. Therefore, the damaged part should
be recovered using the same method after the
accident. If the damaged component can be
recovered as the original shape, remove and
replace the damaged component as per its
integrity after calibrating the adjacent part, Never
cut the component unit; otherwise, the vehicle
rigidity, driving safety and repair feasibility may be

Welding Type
The general welding includes spot welding, gas
shielded welding and braze welding. It is not
allowed to reduce the spot quantity when spot
welding. If the spot welding device is unavailable,
apply gas shielded welding to plug after drilling.
When applying spot welding, the spot must be on
the original one if only external plate is replaced
for the three-layer plate. Single welding line,
double welding lines and double offset welding
lines can be formed in spot welding. Related
welding line, continuous welding line and
imtermittent welding line can be formed in gas
shielded welding. Braze welding is generally to
weld and repair the area with weak tension
strenghth and low thickness.

SC1022 2011.08
5.2.1-4 Body Repairs 5.2.1-4

Body Size
Single Cab


480 2500 1100


Single Cab(Prolonged)


58° 30°

480 2750 1150


SC1022 2011.08
5.2.1-5 Body Repairs 5.2.1-5
Extra Cab



Double Cab



58° 33°

480 2500 880(1020)


SC1022 2011.08
5.2.1-6 Body Repairs 5.2.1-6

Symptom Diagnosis and Testing

Diagnosis of the Vehicle in
The professional technicians should use beam
calibrator, electrical measuring system, spot
welder and other grinding tools when repairing
the body to recover its geometrical dimension and
performance to the original state. However,
symptom that will lead to serious fault of the
driving system and suspension may not be found
in repairing the vehicle in accident. Special
attention must be paid to the following
components besides the geometrical dimension
inspection of the body:
• Ensure that the steering gear and the
steering column can work normally within
the steering wheel turning range. Visually
inspect components for any bending and
• Inspect all the components (for example:
Y-tube/trailing arm, suspension arm,
steering knuckle, stabilizer bar, frame and
mountings) in the driving system for
bending, twist and crack.
• Inspect the wheel and tire for any
damage, concentric rotating and out of
balance. Inspect the tire thread and wall
for cutting/Inspect the tire pressure.
• Inspect the engine/transmission/exhaust
system for damage.
Carry out the road test after repairing the body
and ensure the driving performance.
Finally, hand the vehicle over to the user.

SC1022 2011.08
5.2.1-7 Body Repairs 5.2.1-7

Removal and Installation Working Principle of the Pressure

Drop Pit Repair Without • In order to restore the surface shape, all
Painting the treatment must be completed for the
semicircle of the pit.
Damage Assessment
• The operation collectively forms a
Slight pit can be repaired with no impact on the semicircular shape. Operate in the
painting. The pit can be eliminated from inside specified order.
with special lever tool (pressure tool). The repair • The untreated semicircle of the pit is
requires rich experience and knowledge of using automatically restored through the stress
special tool and material The pit should meet the generated in the pressing process.
following requirments:
CAUTION: Do not correct the shape from
• Only for the body with access from both the center of the pit. If so, the edge shall
sides; this technology is uncommon for rise and retain the protruding state (the
the dual-coating structure or closed material is drawn to be longer). Once a
bulging edge is formed, it requires a long
• Only shallow and small pit can be time to repair it.
repaired perfectly. This method is
applicable for the damage caused by hail,
parking or shipment.
2 3
• The pit diameter should be less than 50
mm and the damage can be judged by 4 5
the pit size.
6 7
CAUTION: The material of the pit center
can not exceed the deformation limit.

10 mm A5201007

Repair Procedures:
20 mm 1. Verify the repair method.
2. The labeling of the pit is helpful to the
2 50 mm identification.
CAUTION: Do not use pens with
A5201006 dissolvability that can damage the paint).

3. Prepare the repair area

Item Description
• It is unnecessary to open a hole for repair
1 Pit center
if the inner side of the pit can be touched.
2 Put edge
• Clean the damaged area of the vehicle
body. The careful inspection is important
for successful Repair.
• Polishing the repair surface if it is rough.
The decision can be made only when the
reflected light is strong enough.

SC1022 2011.08
5.2.1-8 Body Repairs 5.2.1-8
4. Install and adjust the illumination lamp Crash Repair
• Arrange and adjust the illumination lamp
so that the pit (Oval) can be seen clearly Precaution in Crash Repair
in the reflected light of the paint surface. Pay attention to the following when repairing the
• If the elliptical shape is changed in cross body metal sheet:
lines when pressing the pit, the crossing • Wear protective clothes, goggles, gloves
point is the working point for the pressure and shoes when welding, cutting and
tool. grinding the body.
• Good ventilation is required for the
welding area.
• Disconnect the battery and cover the
terminal before welding.
• Remove the battery if spark may appear
2 when working near the battery.
• Fix the vehicle on the lift before removing
the components to keep the gravity
center stable to ensure the operation
• Directly connect the grounding wire of the
Item Description welder to the components to be welded.
No conductive component is allowed
1 No pressure is exerted on the pit. between the grounding point and welding
2 Pressure is exerted on the pit. point when operation.
• The grounding wire or the welding
5. Pressure tool position electrode is not allowed to contact the
• Place the peak of the pressure tool on the electrical control unit and wire.
edge of the pit. • The vehicle without any protection should
• Slightly press the pit with the peak of the not be parked in the repair area. The
pressure tool, move the pressure tool splashed spark will cause fire and
back and forth, and the reflected light can damage the painting and glass.
show the pressure tool position. • Be careful when grinding and welding the
6. Restore the anti-corrosion protection. fuel tank or other conponents filled with
fuel. Remove all the suspicious
components that may influence the
• Do not weld, hard or soft braze weld any
component of the A/C system with
refrigerant, as well as other components
that may increase the temperature of the
A/C system. It may cause explosion of
the A/C system. The refrigerant must be
recycled if welding is required near the
refrigerant hose. The refrigerant will
deteriorate due to the invisible ultraviolet
ray generated in welding.

SC1022 2011.08
5.2.1-9 Body Repairs 5.2.1-9
• Disconnect the battery negative cable 4. Assemble and fix the new components with
when repairing the airbag or calibrating calibrate retainer (correct alignment repair
the body; the ambient temperature of the plate).
airbag shall not exceed 100 ℃ .
5. Measure the new components positions to
CAUTION: Calibrate the body with the ensure the correct assembling dimension.
general body calibrator to determine the
damaged component before replacing the 6. Weld.
key components of the body. 7. Clear the welding surface

CAUTION: Precise component alignment 8. Paint the coating

is required before welding; then, measure 9. Smear some sealant and anti-corrosion
to confirm the body dimension before coating.
10. Install all the related components.
CAUTION: Measure frequently to ensure
the correct assembling in welding. Anticorrosion Measures
CAUTION: Learn he welding assembling Precaution for Anti-corrosion
relationship of the body metal sheet Treatment:
before removal. It is not recommended to
• Protective measures must be taken when
cut the component unit; otherwise, the
painting sound isolation or anti-corrosion
vehicle rigidity, driving safety and repair materials to avoid the painted component
feasibility may be influenced. opening (such as lock, window slot,
regulator and seat safety coiler) and wire
drawing for any moving and rotating
1. Remove all the sheets and components component, especially the parking brake.
related to the components to be replaced. All the relief holes of the body must be
open after painting.
2. Clear the sealant and anti-corrosion material
as necessary. • The foam sound isolation material of the
repaired component must be removed
3. Align, mark and drill all the welding spots of when repairing the body with open fire.
the components to be replaced. Do not breathe in the harmful dust when
reinstalling the sound isolation material.
4. Remove the damaged components.
• Wear special goggles and gloves to avoid
5. Eliminate the remaining material.
injury inoperation.
Installation • The body metal sheet is treated by
electrophoresis and coating when ex-
1. Pretreat the matching surface as necessary.
factory. All the exposed metal surfaces
2. Choose a correct welding method according must be coated with anti-rust painting
to the original state of the vehicle. Apply after repairing and/or replacing the
protective welding in the area where components.
resistance welding is unavailable. Drill holes • If the original cladding or the anti-
on the new components for the welding line if corrosion material is burnt in welding or
choosing plug welding. The diameter and heating, clear the surface and carry out
interval of the holes should be determined by corrosion resistance treatment.
the original welding spot. • The metal may be exposed in crash
3. Put new component on the vehicle Repair. Paint the surface with special
temporarily anti-corrosion material.

SC1022 2011.08
5.2.1-10 Body Repairs 5.2.1-10
Anti-corrosion Treatment Principle Damaged Components (Damaged
• The standard anti-corrosion coating must Through Collision and Pressing)
be formed with approved material after 1. Level the bruised area and grind exposed
Repair. metal.
• The coating must be painted inside and 2. Scrape polyester putty (only for the exposed
outside the welding line before sealing. metal).
• Smear sealant on the coated metal 3. Scrape the putty (further fill).
4. Slightly grind the whole component.
• Seal the joint metal sheet, edge, even
joint welding line and welding seam with 5. Use the cleaning agent silicone to completely
sealant. clear and dry.
• Smear long-term protective solute at the 6. Carry out anti-corrosion pretreatment for
bottom of the body. exposed areas.
• Repair the cavity with the protective
Anti-corrosionTreatment of the
material in the repair area after painting.
Welding Component
• Clean the drain port after the protective
material becomes dry. 1. Clear the dip coat in the welding inner and
outer areas with a rotary steel wire brush, and
Anti-corrosion Protection of the New be careful not to damage the zinc coat.
CAUTION: The grounding area should
Inspect all the new components for any scraps or be as small as possible, and the anti-
bruises. The following operations are required corrosion protection (negative coating)
according to the damage. of the product should be preserved as
Undamaged new components: much as possible.

Do not burnish the negative electrophoretic 2. Thoroughly clear the repairing area (with
coating.Completely clean the new components silicone).
with the silicone cleaning agent and wipe them 3. Use the welding primer component for all
dry. the welding seams (new or old
Slightly damaged new components components).
1. Scrape off the scratching. CAUTION: The welding primer should be
thoroughly stirred before being used.
2. Slightly wipe the outer surface.
3. Use the cleaning agent silicone to completely
clear and dry.
4. Carry out the anti-corrosion pretreatment for
exposed areas.


SC1022 2011.08
5.2.1-11 Body Repairs 5.2.1-11
4. The welding operation can not be performed Plastic Components Repair
until the welding primering is dried.
5. Remove the welding slag after the welding is
Precautions in Plastic Component
completed, and be careful not to destroy the Repair
strength of the material. • Smear protective cream on the naked
6. All the scallops in welding seams are treated skin to avoid irritation.
with lead containing material filling method. • Wear rubber gloves.
7. Clear and fill the sealed inner areas. • Wear goggles when using compressed
air and sanding.
8. Seal all welding areas and joints with vehicle
bottom protection. • Immediately eliminate any mixture on the
skin since it becomes solid rapidly.
Cavity Protection (Protect the Cavity
• Wear dust-proof mask and goggles when
for the Doorsill After Local Repair.) grinding or sanding.
• Wash the skin with cold water to relieve
2 the slight irritating caused by resin dust.
3 4 • Keep the repair materials away from the
• Use the repair materials in place with
good ventilation, because the materials
may produce toxic dust and pollution.
• Close all the repair material containers
after using. The dust and moisture may
cause pollution to the materials and
impact on the repair.

Item Description Plastic Components Repair

1 Welding seam This chapter introduces the repair method for the
plastic components only.
2 Nozzle
3 Distant Positioning Thermoplastic Plastic Component
4 Spray Gun Rectification (Slight Deformation)
The bumper is usually deformed at the elastic
Drill a hole at a proper position when injecting part, such as pit and bending. Most of the
cavity protecting wax for areas that can’t reach;; deformation can be recovered by the hot air
and the diameter of the hole is defined according pressure gun. The damaged component can be
to the available hole sealing plug. It is important heated up to 200°C with the pressure gun. Heat
to remove the scrap iron from the cavity, for any the component from both sides if possible. The
residual scrap iron may cause rust. The edge of wooden hammer and plastic wedge can be used
the hole should be treated with hole sealing wax, for the rectification.
and finally, the bottom is sealed with a plug or

SC1022 2011.08
5.2.1-12 Body Repairs 5.2.1-12
Thermoplastic Plastic Component • The lower end of the quick welding
Welding nozzle shall move in parallel with the
repairing surface. Parallel moving along
Plastic welding is the best way to repair
longer the length direction is achieved
thermoplastic plastic component, for example:
through suitable incline of the welding
section with edge and coner, square section and device.
small round section in the reinforced area.
Taking the bumper crack as example:
1. Cut the crack into V section for welding.
• Use the scraper to cut the V welding
seam with opening of 60 ° ~ 70 °.
• Use 3mm driller to drill holes at the end of
the crack to prevent extension. Repair
the crack beginning with caliper before
welding if the seam edge is tough. Then,
drill holes at the end of the crack.

• When moving the plastic welding gun,

keep the welding rods vertical with the
welding seams.
4-5 mm

0.5-1.5 mm

2. Set the welding temperature according to the

manufacturer specification (200°C ~ 700°C).
The welding temperature is determined by
the thicknes of the plastic material and
welding rod. 4. Inspect the welding connector.
• Preheat the welder for 3-4 min to reach
the preset welding temperature.
• Cut the welding front end incline and fill 1
the welding seam from the beginning.
3. Welding
• Push the welding rod with incline front
end into heated quick welding nozzle
cavity until the rod appears at he bottom.
When the welding rods and the
components to be welded are in the 3
plastic state, start toweld. Stable welding A5201014
speed and pressure are required when
welding plastic components. Pressure is
only exerted to the welding rods when

SC1022 2011.08
5.2.1-13 Body Repairs 5.2.1-13

Item Description Plastic Adhesive Bonding

1 Edge bulge of the welding seam
It is applicable for the thermoplastic and
thermosetting plastic components. All
2 Welding seam remaining height thermoplastic plastic components must adopt the
3 Welding seam root binder containing polyurethane. The reinforced
belts can be used for the welding seam and the
The welding is good if only small or smooth bulge broken seam to ensure the initial extensibility.
is formed when welding the seam edge. It is
1. Clean the components to be repaired
important for welding of the bevel seam. Inspect
the seam from back for the following defects. Re- • Before repairing, use the high pressure
weld it again as necessary. water cleaner to clean two sides of the
plastic components, and then perform
Item Description drying.
The repaired position is • Use the plastic cleaner to clean the
excessively hot. surface of the components to be repaired.
The material is stretched when 2. Pretreatment
welding is performed.
Pretreatment of scratches
The plastic material is excessively
thin. • Use the track grinding machine and the
P80 - P120 sand paper to thoroughly
The welding rod temperature is burnish the scratches into flatness.
excessively low.
• Use the track grinding machine and the
Poor welding The welding rod speed is P120 sand paper to perform fine burnish.
joint: excessively fast.
• Use the plastic cleaner or tissue to
Diffrent materials are welded
thoroughly clean the surface to be
The welding The welding seam is excessively
• Evenly spray the plastic primer on the
seam plastic wide.
surface to be repaired.
filled surface
is excessively The welding rod temperature is Pretreatment of crack)
low excessively high.
• Use the angle grinding machine or the
belt type grinding machine to burnish the
5. Reprocessing of the Welding Seam front side of the crack. The width of the
• After cooling, use the angle grinding grinding surface is 40 ~ 60 mm.
machine to burnish the bulging part of the • Use the track grinding machine to burnish
welding seam. Sand paper type: P80 again. Sand paper type: P120.
ROUGH SAND PAPER. Then, use the
track grinding machine to burnish the • Drill holes 3 mm at the end of the crack to
surface. Sand paper type: P120-P220 prevent the crack from extending.
FINE SAND PAPER. • Burnish along the inner side of the crack.
• Use the plastic cleaning brush to clean • Use the plastic cleaner or tissue to clean
and repair the surface. the position to be repaired.
• Spray the plastic primer on the repaired • Paint the plastic primer at the position to
surface. be repaired.

SC1022 2011.08
5.2.1-14 Body Repairs 5.2.1-14
• Use the infrared heater or the dryer to
perform drying.
• Use the PE flake to prevent the binder from
spilling out of the front side of the crack.
• Take down the PE flake after the binder is
65 65
• Smear the binder at the front side of the
2 position to be repaired.
• Use the infrared heater or the dryer to
A5201015 perform drying.
• Cool the binder to be at the room
Item Description temperature to prevent the binder from
falling off and prevent the sand paper
1 Scratching preparation
from being excessively heated in the
2 Crack preparation burnishing progress.
4. Grinding
3. Adhesive Bonding
• Use the track grinding machine to grind
Scratch Bonding off the bulging part of the binder.
• Use the binder to fill the crack after the Sand paper type: P120 ~ P220 rough sand
crack is cleaned and the primer is paper.
• Manually repair the sunken and bent
• Use a flexible plastic clearance gauge to
lay open and flatten the binder.
• Use the grinding pads to rub the paint
• Use the infrared heater or the dryer to
perform drying.
• Thoroughly clean the plastic
Adhesive Bonding and Repairing Crack
Reinforce the position to be repaired to • Paint the plastic primer after it is
improve the anti-twisting intensity for large thoroughly dried.
area of crack or breaking. Therefore, suitable
reinforcing material (such as metal strip and
reinforced fiber) is attached at the back of the
• Use the PE flake or adhesive tape to
cover the front side of the crack.
• Use the plastic binder to stuff the welding
seam from the inner side.
• Simultaneously, a wider reinforced fiber
and the binder are stuffed into the
welding crack.
• Reinforce the end of the crack by adding
the metal strips embedded in the plastic
• Repair the upper surface of the
reinforcing material to have the same
height as the whole surface to be

SC1022 2011.08

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