JIS B 7503:: Mechanical Dial Gauges
JIS B 7503:: Mechanical Dial Gauges
JIS B 7503:: Mechanical Dial Gauges
Translated and Published by
Japanese Standards Association
Mechanical dial gauges
ICS 17.040.30
Reference number: JIS B 7503 : 2017 (E)
17 S
B 7503 : 2017
© JSA 2017
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or
utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Printed in Japan
B 7503: 2017
B 7503 : 2017
B 7503: 2017
This translation has been made based on the original Japanese Industrial Standard
revised by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry through deliberations at the
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee as the result of proposal for revision of
Japanese Industrial Standard submitted by Japan Precision Measuring Instruments
Manufacturers Association (JMA)/Japanese Standards Association (JSA) with the draft
being attached, based on the provision of Article 12 Clause 1 of the Industrial Standard-
ization Law applicable to the case of revision by the provision of Article 14.
Consequently JIS B 7503: 2011 is replaced with this Standard.
This JIS document is protected by the Copyright Law.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some parts of this Standard may conflict with
patent rights, applications for a patent after opening to the public or utility model rights.
The relevant Minister and the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee are not
responsible for identifying any of such patent rights, applications for a patent after
opening to the public or utility model rights.
This Japanese Industrial Standard has been prepared based on the first edition of
ISO 463 published in 2006, with some modifications of the technical contents made for
the purpose of bringing the contents in line with the actual production and use in Japan
and thereby enhancing usability of this Standard.
The vertical lines on both sides and dotted underlines indicate changes from the cor-
responding International Standard. A list of modifications with the explanations is
given in Annex JE.
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the design specification (design characteristics) and perfor-
mance (metrological characteristics) of mechanical dial gauges with scale intervals of
0.01 mm, 0.005 mm, 0.002 mm and 0.001 mm.
NOTE: The International Standard corresponding to this Standard and the sym-
bol of degree of correspondence are as follows.
ISO 463: 2006 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)-Dimensional
measuring equipment-Design and metrological characteristics of me-
chanical dial gauges (MOD)
In addition, symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the
contents between the relevant International Standard and JIS are IDT
(identical), MOD (modified), and NEQ (not equivalent) according to ISO/
lEe Guide 21-1.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, con-
stitute provisions of this Standard. The most recent editions of the standard (including
amendments) indicated below shall be applied.
JIS B 0641-1 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)-Inspection by measure-
ment of workpieces and measuring equipment-Part 1: Decision rules
for proving conformance or nonconformance with specifications
NOTE: Corresponding International Standard: ISO 14253-1 Geometrical Prod-
uct Specifications (GPS)-Inspection by measurement of workpieces and
measuring equipment-Part 1: Decision rules for proving conformance or
non-conformance with specifications (IDT)
JIS B 0642 Geometrical product specifications (GPS)-General concepts and re-
quirements for GPS measuring equipment
NOTE: Corresponding International Standard: ISO 14978 Geometrical product
specifications (GPS)-General concepts and requirements for GPS mea-
suring equipment (MOD)
B 7503 : 2017
3.14 repeatability
precision of instrument indication determined by repeated measurements of the same
3.20 pre-span
range extending from the starting point to the rest point of the pointer
3.21 post-span
range extending from the end point to the dead-end point of the pointer
B 7503 : 2017
Rest Dead-end
point of Starting End point of
pointer point point pointer
• •
Pre-span Measuring range Post-span
,...... ,
,...... ."
..... ,.....
Range over which the pointer moves
( )
4.1 General
The specification of the dial gauge shall comply with the requirements of this Stan-
dard ~~_~~X_~~_~~_~~_~_~~_<?!?:.
4.2 Configurations
The dial gauge shall have either of the following two configurations [see Figure 2 a)
and b)].
a) Vertical (Standard type), with the dial face mounted on the body of the dial
gauge, in a plane parallel to the plane in which the contact element moves.
b) Horizontal (Back plunger type), with the dial face mounted on the body of the
dial gauge, in a plane perpendicular to the plane in which the contact element
4.3 Nomenclature
The nomenclature and general design of a mechanical dial gauge are shown in Fig-
ure 3.
The back plate (with a lug), clamping arm and cap are indicated by dashed double-
dotted lines.
5 6
1 Scale
2 Limit indicator
3 Dial
4 Bezel ------------:
5 Pointer } Indicating
6 Revolution counting device pointer 10
7 Stem
8 Plunger (spindle) 3
9 Contact element
10 Dial cover
11 Inner frame
12 Back plate (with lug)
13 Back plate (without lug)
14 Cap
15 Clamping arm
4.5 Dimensions
The dial gauge shall conform to the dimensions specified in Figure 4 and Table 1 to
ensure interchangeability.
w T
W Width
T Thickness
5 H Height
(informative) -r-. L.......I-----._+
Z (2 : 1)
W Width
T Thickness
¢Ol (=W) H Height
I I ¢O6
-.J ¢O2
Figure 4 (concluded)
4.6 Scale
The circular scale shall be graduated in scale intervals. The scale interval and its
unit shall be clearly identified. Two examples of scale layouts are shown in Figure 5
(scale interval: 0.01 mm, 0.001 mm).
4.7 Pointer
The pointer shall move in a clockwise direction when the plunger is pressed into the
~9I~__ ~ ____~J?:~__ ~~_~_~~__ ~r_~~_~_J~~~!?-_~~!:_~~J? __ ~~~__ ~_l?:~~__ ~r_~?_~__ ~~~~:t:t_~~!_<?_~_~_~~~ __~J?:~~~_~__ ~~
NOTE 2 The width of the pointer tip should be 20 % or smaller of the width of one
scale division, so that reading between the graduation lines is not im-
A Pre-span
B Post-span
a) Dial gauge with multiple revolutions b) Dial gauge with partial revolution
5.1 Maximum permissible error (MPE) and maximum permissible limit (MPL)
Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer or the supplier, the performance of
the dial gauge, when tested by the methods given in Annex JA, shall comply with ~_l?:~
error of indication, hysteresis error, and repeatability values given in Tables 3 and 4 and
measuring force MPL values given in Table 5 at any position within the measuring
6.1 General
For proving conformance/non-conformance with specification, JIS B 0641-1 or an in-
~~_~!?__~~~_<?!?__?:~!~__~_~~~~~_~_~__~_:r:~~~~_i_?_J?:_~~~~~_~_l?:~__ ~_~~~~_~~?:~~_?_J?:_~~J?:~_~q~_~_~~__~?_~__?:~_~~J?~?:~~~_~_?_J?:~
B 7503 : 2017
7 Marking
The mechanical dial gauge shall be provided with a marking containing the follow-
ing information, which shall be readable and permanent, and shall be placed on the dial
gauge surface such that it will not impair the quality.
a) Manufacturing number (serialized alpha-numeric identification)
b) Name of manufacturer or supplier, or its abbreviation
Annex JA (normative)
Measurement and performance evaluation
Table JA.l shows the methods for measurement and performance evaluation of mechanical dial gauge.
~ measuring partial revolution direction, and read the errors of and retrace directions.
t:rj range indication a) at the following
o measuring points.
t:rj Error of Obtain the maximum value of difference
t::J indication • From the starting point to 2nd in errors of indication between any two
revolution, at every 1110 revolution
OJ over 1110 adjacent measuring points at every 1110 0k
of the pointer b)
~ revolution rotation from the starting point to 2nd
o • From 2nd to 5th revolution, at revolution in both forward and retrace
o every 112 revolution of the pointer directions c). I stand
~ • From 5th to 10th revolution, at
Error of Dial gauge with Obtain the maximum value of difference
indication multiple revolutions everyone revolution of the pointer between the largest and smallest errors
Q over 112 of indication read at every 112 revolution
::r: • From 10th to 50th revolution, at 1 'I
~ revolution every 5 revolutions within the measuring range from the
• From 50th revolution and onward, starting point to 5th revolution, in both
at every 10 revolutions forward and retrace directions.
or length
Error of After pressing in the contact element Obtain the maximum value of difference measuring device
indication so that the pointer shifts by three or between the largest and smallest errors
over one more scale divisions from the end of indication read at everyone revolution
revolution point of the measuring range, move within the measuring range from the
the contact element in the retrace starting point to 10th revolution, in both
direction successively and read the forward and retrace directions.
errors of indication at the same to
Hysteresis Dial gauge with Obtain the maximum value of difference -:)
error multiple revolutions points as measured in the forward between errors of indication taken in the 01
direction. o
and dial gauge with forward direction and those taken at the ~
~ d;al :~::~rt;ng
multiple revolutions stand, and after pressing in the between the five indications obtained. -:]
and dial gauge with contact element to a desired position
partial revolution within the measuring range, allow it
to retract quickly or slowly five times
and take a reading at each point.
o Measuring
n stand
tI (block gauge)
~ -.~%
o~ Measuring force Fix the dial gauge in a supporting Determine the maximum value of the Mechanical dial gauge
M stand, and move the contact element readings (maximum measuring force)
!I ~
~ in the forward and retrace directions and minimum value of the readings
M continuously and gradually and take (minimum measuring force) and also
measurements of the measuring determine the differences in the
t:d force at the starting point and end readings between corresponding
point. measuring points in forward and retrace Supporting
directions. stand
o 0 /
S -:L Upper dish
spring type
(!) ~;='::ewr
Notes a)
For reading of errors, either read the input quantity of the measuring device with the pointer of the dial gauge adjusted at a scale graduation,
or read the indication of the dial gauge according to the displacement of the measuring device.
For dial gauge with partial revolution, read errors at every 10 scale divisions.
For dial gauge with partial revolution, obtain the maximum value of difference in errors of indication between any two adjacent measuring
points at every 10 scale divisions.
B 7503: 2017
Annex JB (informative)
Example diagram of errors of indication
Figure JB.l shows an example diagram of errors of indication obtained by the fixed
zero method.
A diagram of errors of indication is also called an error diagram.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 10th
revolution revolution revolution revolution revolution, revolution
of the ! of the ! of the of the of the i , of the
pointer : pointer : pointer pointer pointer i : pointer
- - - Forward
----- Retrace
+10 -
Error of ~
',- /~'----
c; ---
__ ---"""----_
", 7' ,t
' ' ' '""
/// /'"
// ~'----___
. / /,/-//
indica- 0 / \ \
t~:) - ~
f' E2 : I E3
~ · '\-.: .: .: :_. '"""~=--/--+iV
i I
-10~-~____~:,, ______~----~----~~----~i~A~1-·~A~4~--------------------~----~
A4-1 , A4-2 ,
, A4-3
, ,
, ,A3 ,
A3-1 A3-2 ,
-~/: ,,
, ,
.-.1 iE
i I I I I I
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 q 10
Measuring range (mm)
Applicable instrument
• Scale interval 0.01 mm • Measuring range 10 mm
• Measuring length of one revolution 1 mm • Number of revolutions 10 revolutions
E: error of indication ([tm) A4: evaluation range for error of indication over one revolu-
W1: error curve (forward direction) tion
W2: error curve (retrace direction) A4-1: evaluation range for error of indication at the
first revolution
A1: evaluation range for error of indication over
the whole measuring range A4-2: evaluation range for error of indication at the
second revolution
A2: evaluation range for error of indication over
1/10 revolution A4-3: evaluation range for error of indication at the
10th revolution
A2-1: evaluation range at one particular
point EJ: error of indication over the whole measuring range (~tm)
A3: evaluation range for error of indication over E2 : error of indication over 1/10 revolution ([tm)
112 revolution (point E2 in the diagram shows a hysteresis error at one
particular point)
A3-1: evaluation range for error of indication
at 0.5th revolution E3: error of indication over 112 revolution (point E3 in the
diagram shows error at 0.5th revolution) ([tm)
A3-2: evaluation range for error of indication
from 0.5th to the first revolution E4 : error of indication over one revolution (point E4 in the
diagram shows error at the second revolution) ([tm)
A3-3: evaluation range for error of indication
from 4.5th to the 5th revolution E5: hysteresis error (point E5 in the diagram shows an error
at one particular point) (~tm)
Annex JC (informative)
Transferring zero method (performance evaluation
method by data processing)
Mechanical dial gauges are often used to measure the dimensions of parts at an ar-
bitrary starting point. In order to determine the error of indication over the whole mea-
suring range, the starting point has to be displaced within the measuring range many
consecutive times until the whole range over which the errors disperse can be found.
This naturally requires massive amount of data. As an alternative to this approach, the
data processing using the diagram of errors of indication obtained by the fixed zero
method can be applied, in which the starting point is displaced to the measurement
points at which the minimum and maximum errors are found on the said diagram to
find the range of dispersion of errors. This approach is referred to as the transferring
zero method by data processing.
Further, errors of indication in a specific measuring range can be determined by per-
forming data processing in that range (see Figures JC.1 to JC.3).
E (f.1m)
+e -------------------------------------------------
Error of
-e -------------------------------------------------
o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 q.O 10.0
Measuring range
Applicable instrument
• Scale interval 0.01 mm • Measuring range 10 mm
• Measuring length of one revolution 1 mm • Number of revolutions 10 revolutions
Figure JC.1 shows a diagram of errors of indication obtained by the fixed zero
method, where point A is the maximum error of indication and point B is the minimum
of error of indication.
NOTE: For the sake of simplicity, only the forward direction curve is shown.
B 7503: 2017
i' (
--------------------------------- -
//', //
/ / ..... - - - - Range e (!-tm) of
maximum error of
\ ! '\ ~ .. /' // indication in the forward
,V , '\"
, // ' .. / direction, with point B
Error of Point A --"B//./ as a reference point
indication Range e (!-tm) of
maximum error of
indication in the forward
direction, with point A
as a reference point
o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 q.O 10.0
Figure JC.2 Example diagram of errors of indication obtained by
moving the reference point to point A and point B
Figure JC.2 shows the diagram of errors of indication obtained by moving the refer-
ence point of the diagram shown in Figure JC.1 to point A and point B. This diagram
shows that dispersion of errors, as the result of moving the reference point to an arbi-
trary point, is within the range e (~m), and therefore the error of indication over the
whole measuring range is e (~m).
Range of one
specific revolution
(1.0 mm to 2.0 mm)
Point A
Error of
-[ :%~c~~[on
_ range e (!-tm)
o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 q.O 10.0
For determining the indication error over the whole measuring range by the trans-
ferring zero method from the diagram by the fixed zero method shown in Figure JC.1,
the difference between the maximum error at point A and minimum error at point B in
Figure JC.3 can be determined, which is equal to the value e (~m) shown on the diagram
in Figure JC.2 obtained by moving the reference point to an arbitrary point. Other
B 7503 : 2017
errors of indication can be also determined within a specific range in a similar manner
[E 1 indicates an error of indication over a specific range (at second revolution), with
respect to the measuring length of one revolution (1 mm)].
B 7503: 2017
Annex JD (informative)
Example data sheet for design and performance
specifications of mechanical dial gauges
Type: ........................................................................ .
Overall dimensions:
width (W) mm
thickness (n ...................... mm
height (H) mm
Other dimensions are in accordance with JIS B 7503.
Measuring range: mm
Scale interval: mm
Plunger lifting device (lifter): YeslNo
Back plate: With luglWithout lug
Protection against: Fluid ( ) • Dust ( ) • None
Shock protection: Shock proof YeslN0
Date or edition
B 7503 : 2017
JIS C 0920 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
TS Z 0033: 2012 Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement
ISO/TR 14253-6: 2012 Geometrical product specifications (GPS)-Inspection by mea-
surement of workpieces and measuring equipment-Part 6:
Generalized decision rules for the acceptance and rejection of
instruments and workpieces
Annex JE (informa ti ve)
Comparison table between JIS and corresponding International Standard
JIS B 7503: 2017 Mechanical dial gauges ISO 463 : 2006 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)-
Dimensional measuring equipment-Design and metrological
characteristics of mechanical dial gauges
(D Requirements in JIS (II) Inter- (III) Requirements in Interna- (IV) Classification and details of (V) Justification for the
national tional Standard technical deviation between JIS and technical deviation and
Standard the International Standard by clause future measures
No. and title Content No. of Content Classifi- Detail of technical
of clause clause cation by deviation
~ clause
~ 2 Normative
o references
t::J 3 Terms and 3 Mechanical dial Addition Add the reference to the The definitions of the
definitions gauges terminology standard, JIS terms used in this Stan-
~ Z 8103, and new terms and dard, like "error of indica-
o definitions in 3.2 to 3.21. tion", are specified for
o clarity. This causes no
~ technical deviation.
The term "floating zero" is
Q changed to "transferring
~ zero", since the former
term is not appropriate in
the context of measure-
ment terminology.
The word "any" before 1110,
112, and one rotation in
reference to respective
errors of indication is de-
leted because the evalua- to
tion is to be made in the -:)
specified range. o
-:) I---l
(D Requirements in JIS (II) Inter- (III) Requirements in Interna- (IV) Classification and details of (V) Justification for the -:]~
national tional Standard technical deviation between JIS and technical deviation and 01
Standard the International Standard by clause future measures ~
number ~
No. and title Content No. of Content Classifi- Detail of technical o
of clause clause cation by deviation -:]
4 Design 4 4 Design characteris- Alteration Replace with design speci- The term "design charac-
specification tics fication. teristics" is replaced with a
(design charac- more commonly used term.
4.1 General 4.1 The design of the dial Alteration Add the expression "at any The expression is altered
gauge need not con- orientation" to the design for establishing consistency
sider any specific specification of the dial with JIS B 7533: 2015
~ orientation of the gauge. [Dial test indicators (lever
o~ dial gauge unless it type)].
M is specified by the
~ man ufacturer.
U 4.2 Type 4.2 Dimensions Alteration This causes no technical The dimensional specifica-
t:d Figure 2 Almost identical with deviation. tion is separated from the
JIS. configuration specification
for users' convenience.
~ 4.3 Nomenclature 4.2 Dimensions Alteration Add back plate (with a The dimensional specifica-
~ lug), cap and clamping arm tion is separated from the
Figure 3
S to Figure 3. nomenclature for users'
~ convenience. This causes
no technical deviation.
4.4 Fixing of me- 4.1 General Alteration This causes no technical The specification regarding
chanical dial gauge Almost identical with deviation. fixing of the dial gauge is
JIS. separated from the general
requirements for users'
(D Requirements in JIS (II) Inter- (III) Requirements in Interna- (IV) Classification and details of (V) Justification for the
national tional Standard technical deviation between JIS and technical deviation and
Standard the International Standard by clause future measures
No. and title Content No. of Content Classifi- Detail of technical
of clause clause cation by deviation
4 Design 4.5 Dimensions 4.2 Dimensions Alteration • Add explanation for L 2 , Requirements necessary
specification Figure 4 Almost identical with that it is the length with for ensuring interchange-
(design charac- JIS. the plunger pressed in. ability are added.
teristics) • Add back plate (with lug)
(continued) to Figure 4.
• Plunger axis-lug hole
~ centre distance 20 mm
o (informative)
o • Lug hole diameter
~ 6.5 mm (informative)
t::J • Lug thickness 5 mm (in-
OJ formative)
o 4.6 Scale 4.3 Dial and pointer Alteration No technical deviation. Specifications for dial and
o Figure 5 Almost identical with pointer are provided sepa-
~ JIS. rately for convenience.
Q 4.7 Pointer 4.3 Dial and pointer Addition Add the following NOTES. Specifications for dial and
::r: NOTE 1 The width of pointer are provided sepa-
pointer tip and that of the rately for convenience.
graduation line should be The NOTES are added to
equal. minimize error in reading.
NOTE 2 The width of the
pointer tip should be 20 %
or smaller of the width of
one scale division, so that
reading between the gradu- to
ation lines is not impaired. -:)
This causes no technical o
(1) Requirements in JIS (II) Inter- (III) Requirements in Interna- (IV) Classification and details of (V) Justification for the -:]~
national tional Standard technical deviation between JIS and technical deviation and 01
Standard the International Standard by clause future measures ~
number ~
No. and title Content No. of Content Classifi- Detail of technical o
of clause clause cation by deviation -:]
4 Design 4.8 Revolution 4.4 Revolution counting Addition Add the tolerance, "within The tolerance is added for
specification counting device device ± 25 % between graduation increasing usability of this
(design charac- Almost identical with lines". Standard.
teristics) JIS.
4.10 Zero adjust- 4.6 Zero adjustment Alteration Add the description "the The description ensures
"'0 ment construction of the bezel that the zero adjustment
~ shall be such that adjust- can be easily made, for
o~ ment can easily made". increasing usability of this
M This causes no technical Standard.
~ deviation.
4.11 Pre-span and 4.3 Dial and pointer Alteration This causes no technical Specifications for dial and
t:d post-span deviation. pointer are provided sepa-
Figure 6 rately for convenience.
5 Performance 5.1 Maxim urn per- 5.1 MPE and MPL for Alteration Add specific figures (MPE Specification values are
~ (metrological missible error (MPE) metrological charac- and MPL) corresponding to added for increasing
S characteris- and maximum per- teristics scale interval and measur- usability of this Standard.
::r: tics) missible limit (MPL) ing range in a table.
Tables 3, 4 and 5
- 5.2 Contact element Deletion Delete the requirement The deletion causes no
which, in JIS performance technical deviation.
specification, is considered
(D Requirements in JIS (II) Inter- (III) Requirements in Interna- (IV) Classification and details of (V) Justification for the
national tional Standard technical deviation between JIS and technical deviation and
Standard the International Standard by clause future measures
No. and title Content No. of Content Classifi- Detail of technical
of clause clause cation by deviation
6 Proving 6.1 General 6.1 For proving Addition Add the definition of the The description is added to
conformance Methods and crite- conformance/ acceptance criterion as "an allow for selection of a suit-
wi th specifica- rion for proving non -conformance internationally accepted able acceptance criteria
tion conformance/ with specification, criterion where the specifi- and to thereby increase
non -conformance ISO 14253-1 applies. cation zone equals the ac- usability of this Standard.
with specification. ceptance zone applies", and
"'d a note further identifying
~ the "internationally ac-
~ cepted criterion" to be ISO/
o TR 14253-6:2012.
t:rj Evaluation of uncer- Uncertaintyevalua- Alteration Change the expression to The changed expression
t::J tainty tion shall be per- "should be performed ac- allows for an option of
OJ formed according to cording to ISO 14253-2 leaving the uncertainty
ISO 14253-2 and and ISO/IEC Guide 98-3" evaluation to the discretion
o ISO/IEC Guide to make it a recommenda- of experts or performing it
~ 98-3. tion. based on accumulated
knowledge, and therefore
Q increases the usability of
::r: this Standard.
(1) Requirements in JIS (II) Inter- (III) Requirements in Interna- (IV) Classification and details of (V) Justification for the -:]0")
national tional Standard technical deviation between JIS and technical deviation and 01
Standard the International Standard by clause future measures ~
number ~
No. and title Content No. of Content Classifi- Detail of technical o
of clause clause cation by deviation -:]
6 Proving 6.4 Standard tem- - Addition Add the statement that Detailed specification is
conformance perature performance values in this added to increase usability
wi th specifica- JIS B 0680 Standard are be as- of this Standard.
tion sumed as values at the
Standard tempera-
(concluded) standard temperature
ture 20°C 20 DC.
~ 7 Marking 7 Almost identical with Addition Add the name ofmanufac- The specific requirement is
o~ JIS. turer to the marking items. provided to increase usabil-
M This causes no technical ity of this Standard.
~ deviation.
Annex Annexes JA to JD Annexes A to C Alteration Add detailed description of The whole procedure from
t:d performance measurement measurement to data pro-
and evaluation, example cessing is explained orderly
o diagram of errors of indica- for users' understanding of
~ tion, and data processing
methods in separate an-
this Standard.
S nexes.
Annex JA Measurement and Annex Measuring points are Alteration Add detailed specification Detailed specification is
(normative) performance eval ua- C dependent on the of measuring points and added to increase usability
tion scale interval and the measurement method. of this Standard.
measuring range. Define the error of indica-
N 0 specification re- tion over one revolution as
garding evaluation follows: The maximum
method. value of difference between
the largest and smallest
errors of indication read at
everyone revolution within
the measuring range from
the starting point to 10th
revolution, in both forward
and retrace directions.
(D Requirements in JIS (II) Inter- (III) Requirements in Interna- (IV) Classification and details of (V) Justification for the
national tional Standard technical deviation between JIS and technical deviation and
Standard the International Standard by clause future measures
No. and title Content No. of Content Classifi- Detail of technical
of clause clause cation by deviation
Annex JB Example diagram of Annex No specific descrip- Alteration Add evaluation ranges and An example diagram for an
(informative) errors of indication A tion. specific values of indication instrument with 0.01 mm
errors to the example dia- scale interval and measur-
gram. ing range of 10 mm is laid
out for the sake of users'
~ Annex JC Transferring zero Annex Princi pIes of instru- Alteration Add detailed explanation of An example diagram for an
o (informative) method (performance C ment calibration with the transferring zero instrument with 0.01 mm
t:rj evaluation method by fixed zero and float- method along with a dia- scale interval and measur-
o data processing) ing zero are ex- gram. ing range of 10 mm is laid
plained, using out for illustration of the
reference to ISO transferring zero method
~ 14978. and to increase usability of
o this Standard.
Annex JD Example data sheet Annex The data sheet ex- Alteration Present the design and The alteration is to reflect
~ (informative) for design and perfor- B am pIe includes de- performance specifications the norm that product
Q mance specifications sign and performance to be included in the data specifications are most
::r: of mechanical dial specifications and sheet, and add the state- typically provided by the
gauges also sales informa- ment that the data sheet manufacturer or supplier
tion. shown is an example of in the form of a drawing or
layout used by the manu- a list included in cata-
facturer or supplier to pro- logues.
vide product information to
- - Annex GPS matrix Deletion - -
-:) -:)
Overall degree of correspondence between JIS and International Standard (ISO 463 :2006): MOD -l~
NOTE 1 Symbols in sub-columns of classification by clause in the above table indicate as follows: o
Deletion: Deletes the specification item(s) or content(s) of International Standard.
Addition: Adds the specification item(s) or content(s) which are not included in International Standard. o
Alteration: Alters the specification content(s) which are included in International Standard. -l
NOTE 2 Symbol in column of overall degree of correspondence between JIS and International Standard in above table indicates as follows:
- MOD: Modifies International Standard.
Errata for JIS (English edition) are printed in Standardization and Quality Conti'oJ, published
monthly by the Japanese Standards Association, and also provided to subscribers of JIS
(English edition) in Monthly InfOl'mation.