Getting Started Guide

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IBM solidDB

IBM solidDB Universal Cache

Version 6.3

Getting Started Guide

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 43.

First edition, third revision

This edition applies to version 6, release 3 of IBM solidDB (product number 5724-V17) and IBM solidDB Universal
Cache (product number 5724-W91) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in
new editions.
© Oy International Business Machines Ab 1993, 2011
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Post-installation tasks . . . . . . . . . . 22
Uninstalling solidDB . . . . . . . . . . 22
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Installing solidDB Documentation package . . . . 23
Installing fix packs . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Summary of changes . . . . . . . . . ix
5 Starting IBM solidDB and creating
your first database . . . . . . . . . 27
About this manual . . . . . . . . . . xi
solidDB configuration file . . . . . . . . . 27
Typographic conventions . . . . . . . . . . xi
Starting solidDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Syntax notation conventions. . . . . . . . . xii
Creating a database manually (example). . . . . 27
Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Creating a database automatically (example) . . . 28

1 Product overview . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 Connecting to solidDB for the first

IBM solidDB product family . . . . . . . . . 1
Architectural overview of solidDB . . . . . . . 1
time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Architectural overview of solidDB Universal Cache . 3 Using solidDB SQL Editor (solsql) . . . . . . . 29
Main features and functionality . . . . . . . . 4 Starting and shutting down the solidDB SQL
Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Connecting to a database in the solidDB SQL
2 Product and packaging information . . 9 Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
solidDB server package . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Entering queries in the solidDB SQL Editor. . . . 30
Directory structure . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Checking the database status . . . . . . . . 30
Library file names . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
InfoSphere CDC components . . . . . . . . 11
7 Stopping and restarting the database 33
Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Stopping the database with solidDB SQL Editor . . 33
solidDB documentation . . . . . . . . . 11 Restarting the database (example) . . . . . . . 33
InfoSphere CDC documentation . . . . . . 12
8 Running samples . . . . . . . . . 35
3 Pre-requisites . . . . . . . . . . . 15
System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 15 9 Using solidDB with graphical SQL
Platform support . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Available interfaces for client application
development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 10 Upgrading solidDB to a new release
solidDB Java Accelerator . . . . . . . . . . 17
level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Installing solidDB . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Graphical interface installation . . . . . . . 19
Console installation. . . . . . . . . . . 20 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Silent installation . . . . . . . . . . . 21

iv IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide
1. solidDB 6.3 products . . . . . . . . . . 1 4. Example output from solidDB SQL Editor
2. solidDB Universal Cache architecture . . . . 3 (solsql) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3. solidDB SQL Editor Connected . . . . . . 30

vi IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide
1. Typographic conventions . . . . . . . . xi 4. 'solidDB6.3' directory structure . . . . . . 9
2. Syntax notation conventions . . . . . . . xii 5. Documentation for InfoSphere CDC
3. Components of solidDB and solidDB Universal components . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Cache product packages. . . . . . . . . 9 6. solidDB point release versions for fix packs 23

viii IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide
Summary of changes
Changes for revision 03
v Editorial corrections.

Changes for revision 02

v Section “Installing fix packs” on page 23 updated: To install a fix pack for the
InfoSphere™ CDC engines (InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® or InfoSphere CDC for
back-end data server), you must already have an installation of the InfoSphere
CDC engine.
v New section added: 9, “Using solidDB with graphical SQL clients,” on page 37

Changes for revision 01

v New section added: 10, “Upgrading solidDB to a new release level,” on page 39.
v Installation instructions for solidDB updated in section “Installing solidDB” on
page 19; console installation added.

x IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide
About this manual
This guide provides an overview of the IBM® solidDB® product family. It also
includes instructions for how to set up solidDB for the first time and how to run

This guide does not provide instructions for how to install and configure solidDB
Universal Cache or how to start using the different features and functionality
available with the solidDB products. For information on how the documentation is
structured, see section Documentation in this guide.

Typographic conventions
solidDB documentation uses the following typographic conventions:
Table 1. Typographic conventions
Format Used for

Database table This font is used for all ordinary text.

NOT NULL Uppercase letters on this font indicate SQL keywords and
macro names.

solid.ini These fonts indicate file names and path expressions.


COMMIT WORK; This font is used for program code and program output.
Example SQL statements also use this font. This font is used for sample command lines.

TRIG_COUNT() This font is used for function names.

java.sql.Connection This font is used for interface names.

LockHashSize This font is used for parameter names, function arguments,

and Windows® registry entries.

argument Words emphasized like this indicate information that the

user or the application must provide.

Administrator Guide This style is used for references to other documents, or

chapters in the same document. New terms and emphasized
issues are also written like this.

File path presentation Unless otherwise indicated, file paths are presented in the
UNIX® format. The slash (/) character represents the
installation root directory.

Table 1. Typographic conventions (continued)
Format Used for

Operating systems If documentation contains differences between operating

systems, the UNIX format is mentioned first. The Microsoft®
Windows format is mentioned in parentheses after the
UNIX format. Other operating systems are separately
mentioned. There may also be different chapters for
different operating systems.

Syntax notation conventions

solidDB documentation uses the following syntax notation conventions:
Table 2. Syntax notation conventions
Format Used for

INSERT INTO table_name

Syntax descriptions are on this font. Replaceable sections are
on this font.

solid.ini This font indicates file names and path expressions.

[] Square brackets indicate optional items; if in bold text,

brackets must be included in the syntax.

| A vertical bar separates two mutually exclusive choices in a

syntax line.

{} Curly brackets delimit a set of mutually exclusive choices in

a syntax line; if in bold text, braces must be included in the

... An ellipsis indicates that arguments can be repeated several


. A column of three dots indicates continuation of previous
. lines of code.

Accessibility features help users with physical disabilities, such as restricted
mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully. The following
sections specify the major accessibility features in solidDB.

Keyboard input and navigation

Keyboard input

You can operate solidDB using only the keyboard. You can use keys or key
combinations to perform all operations. Standard operating system keystrokes are
used for standard operating system operations. Standard operating system

xii IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide

keyboard accessibility features are supported by solidDB. For more information
about using keys or key combinations to perform operations, see the appropriate
operating system documentation.

Keyboard navigation

You can navigate the solidDB user interface using keys or key combinations only.
For more information about using keys or key combinations to navigate the
command line interfaces, see the appropriate operating system documentation.

Accessible display

solidDB supports standard operating system display settings, such as high contrast
and font settings.

Font settings

You can select the color, size, and font for the text using standard operating system
operations. For more information about specifying font settings, see the
appropriate operating system documentation.

Non-dependence on color

You do not need to distinguish between colors in order to use any of the functions
in solidDB.

Compatibility with assistive technologies

solidDB interacts with the operating system through standard APIs which support
interaction with assistive technologies, which enables you to use screen readers
and other accessibility tools.

Accessible documentation

Documentation for solidDB is provided in HTML format via the Information

Center, which is viewable in most Web browsers. Information Center allows you to
view documentation according to the display preferences set in your browser. It
also allows you to use screen readers and other assistive technologies.

See the solidDB Information Center opening page for more details on the
Information Center accessibility.

About this manual xiii

xiv IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide
1 Product overview
IBM solidDB product family
IBM® solidDB product family features relational, in-memory database technology
that delivers extreme speed, performing up to ten times faster than conventional,
disk-based databases. IBM solidDB, or simply, solidDB, uses the familiar SQL
language to allow applications to achieve tens of thousands of transactions per
second with response times measured in microseconds.

IBM solidDB 6.3 product family is composed of two products:

IBM solidDB Universal Cache is the industry's first relational, in-memory caching
software that accelerates traditional disk-based relational database servers by
caching performance critical data into one or more solidDB in-memory database

IBM solidDB is a fully-featured, relational, in-memory database that delivers

extreme speed and extreme availability to meet performance and reliability
demands of real-time applications. It provides the ability to have both in-memory
tables and on-disk tables within a single solidDB instance. Other features include a
High Availability implementation and several different replication topologies.

IBM solidDB Universal Cache IBM solidDB

Applications Applications

solidDB solidDB


Figure 1. solidDB 6.3 products

Architectural overview of solidDB

This section describes the system architecture of solidDB.

solidDB uses a client/server model. In practice, the solidDB session consists of

cooperating server and client processes. The server process manages the database
files, accepts connections to the database from client applications, and carries out
actions on the database as requested by the clients.

The client process is used to pass the required tasks (through the server process) to
the database. There can be several client types: a client could be a command-line

tool, a graphical application, or a database maintenance tool. Typically, different
applications act as clients to connect to solidDB.

The client and the server can be located on different hosts (nodes), in which case
they communicate over a network. solidDB provides simultaneous support for
multiple network protocols and connection types. Both the database server and the
client applications can be simultaneously connected to multiple sites using multiple
different network protocols.

solidDB can also run within the application process. This is provided by solidDB
linked library access. In this case, a user application is linked to a function library
that is provided with the product. The linked application communicates with the
server by using direct function calls, thus skipping the overhead required when the
client and server communicate through network protocols such as the TCP/IP.
Linking the application and server into a single executable provides higher
performance. For more information, see the IBM solidDB Linked Library Access User

To submit a query (an SQL statement) to a database server, a client must be able to
communicate with that database server. solidDB, like many other database servers,
uses drivers to enable this communication. Client applications call functions in the
driver, and the driver then handles the communications and other details with the
server. For example, you might write a C program that calls functions in the
(ODBC) driver, or you might write a Java™ program that calls functions in the
(JDBC) driver.

For more information about the ODBC and JDBC drivers, and how to use them
with your client applications, see the IBM solidDB Programmer Guide.

2 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide

Architectural overview of solidDB Universal Cache
The following diagram illustrates the architecture and key components of a typical
configuration of the solidDB Universal Cache.

solidDB node

solidDB Management
Console nodes

Configuration Management
CDC instance
tool Console

Server node

Access Server

server node

CDC instance

Data server

Figure 2. solidDB Universal Cache architecture

The roles and functions of the components are described below.

solidDB — the front-end database which you replicate data to and from.
Depending on the replication model, solidDB can be the source or target database,
or both.

Data server — the back-end database which you replicate data to and from.
Depending on the replication mode, the back-end database can be the source or
target database, or both.

InfoSphere CDC instance — a run-time instance of the InfoSphere CDC engine for
a given DBMS. To set up InfoSphere CDC instances, you have to have the
corresponding InfoSphere CDC agent software (like InfoSphere CDC for DB2®, or
InfoSphere CDC for solidDB) installed on the same node where the DBMS in

1 Product overview 3
question is running. Exceptionally for solidDB, the InfoSphere CDC for solidDB
agent can be installed and set up on any node connected to the node running

Configuration tool — a GUI or console based tool used to configure and create
InfoSphere CDC instances. While configuring the instance, you supply the port
number for communication with the rest of the InfoSphere CDC system as well as
login information to connect to the database.

Access Server — a process (running typically as a service or daemon) allowing the

Management Console users to access the InfoSphere CDC instances and configure
them. Different users may have access to different instances. During the Access
Server installation you are requested to provide a port number and Administrator
login information, to be used by the Management Console.

Management Console — an interactive application with a GUI that you can use to
configure and monitor replication. It allows you to manage replication on various
servers, specify replication parameters, and initiate refresh and mirroring
operations from a client workstation.

You start using the Management Console by creating datastores in the Access
Manager perspective. A datastore is a logical entity of a database and the related
InfoSphere CDC instance. Using the datastores defined, you can set up subscriptions
that embody data replication from one datastore to another.

There are three types of datastores: source, target, and dual. Dual datastore can
participate in subscriptions as both a source and target. Typically, dual datastores
are used with solidDB Universal Cache, and symmetric mapping pairs are defined
for two-way replication. If a replica is meant to be read-only, in the front-end, a
single upload subscription is defined.

After you have finished setting up replication, the Management Console can be
closed on the client workstation without affecting active data replication activities
between source and target servers. Management Console also includes an event log
and a monitor. The event log allows you to examine generated InfoSphere CDC
event messages. The monitor provides the necessary support to continuously
monitor replication operations and latency. Diagrams depicting components of
your replication configuration are constructed through direct manipulation of
graphical objects. The monitor in Management Console is intended for time-critical
working environments that require continuous analysis of data movement.

Main features and functionality

In-memory tables

In-memory tables store all their data in main memory in data-structures which are
specifically optimized for main-memory access. The benefit of the in-memory
residency is low query latency and high throughput. Depending on the application
needs, the in-memory data tables may be configured to be persistent or transient.
In addition, flexible logging capabilities allow to define the level of transactional
durability required for persistent table, including full durability.

For more information, see the IBM solidDB In-Memory Database User Guide.

4 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide

Disk-based tables

Disk-based tables are traditional relational database tables, equivalent to those

found in other disk-based database products. In addition to in-memory tables,
normal disk-based tables may be used in the database too. Typically only a part of
the data from disk-based tables is resident in main-memory at any point in time.
Queries can span in-memory and disk-based tables. For example, an SQL join
operation may join an in-memory table with a disk-based table; the actual location
of the table is transparent to the user.

The disk based tables, combined with a small footprint and unattended operation,
makes solidDB ideal to be used in embedded systems. Despite the small size, the
product supports many advanced features like triggers, events, and stored

Linked library access

The linked library access is a function library that provides the same functionality
and interfaces available with the solidDB. A user application may be linked to this
library. The linked application communicates with the server by using direct
function calls, thus skipping the overhead required when the client and server
communicate through network protocols such as TCP/IP. Linking the application
and server into a single executable provides higher performance.

For more information, see the IBM solidDB Linked Library Access User Guide.

Replication technologies

In solidDB product family, data replication can be implemented with three

different technologies, namely, Advanced Replication, InfoSphere CDC Replication,
and solidDB High Availability (HotStandby).

Replication can be synchronous or asynchronous. In synchronous replication, the

data is durably delivered to the receiving end within the transaction executing at
the originating end. In asynchronous replication, the data is delivered to the
receiving end after the original transaction has been committed. Replication can be
based on a push or pull operational model. In the push model, it is the originating
end that activates the replication. In the pull model, the receiving end takes the

solidDB High Availability (HotStandby)

solidDB High Availability, or simply HA or HotStandby, increases the availability

of data. Servers are paired up in such a way that, if one fails, the other can take
over. Data from the primary server is replicated to the secondary server, which is
used as a 'hot standby' unit. If the primary server is unavailable, for example,
because of hardware failure or scheduled maintenance, applications can connect to
the secondary server and continue immediately without any loss of committed

In solidDB HA, all the data changes in the primary are propagated to the
secondary using a push-based replication protocol. The protocol may set to
synchronous (2-Safe) or asynchronous (1-Safe). In principle, the transaction load is
served at the primary. Should the primary fail, the secondary takes up the job
(executes a failover) and continues to serve the load as the new primary. With the
synchronous replication protocol, there is no risk of data loss during the failover.

1 Product overview 5
Transparent Connectivity, a special connectivity mode of solidDB ODBC and JDBC
drivers, offers the applications failover transparency and transparent load
balancing between the primary and secondary.

Both relaxed and strict durability can be used with HotStandby. There is also a
durability level called adaptive, which uses relaxed durability when both primary
and secondary servers are active, and which switches to strict durability when the
primary runs alone. With adaptive durability, the transactions are secured against
any single failure, at any time.

In comparison to Advanced Replication and InfoSphere CDC Replication, with

solidDB HA, all the data in the server's database is always replicated. There are a
few dynamic controls available, in the form of specialized SQL commands.

For more information, see the IBM solidDB High Availability User Guide.

Advanced Replication

Advanced Replication technology represents an asynchronous pull-based approach.

It allows users to distribute and synchronize, occasionally, data across multiple
database servers. Advanced Replication uses a master/replica model in which a
single node holds the master copy of the data. One or more replica nodes can also
have a copy of part or all of the master data. Furthermore, each replica can also
have data that is specific to that replica only.

Replication is bidirectional; replica nodes can upload data to the master as well as
download from it. If replicas submit conflicting data, the master can reject the data
or alter the data before making it available to all replicas. The management of
replicated data is based on a flexible publish/subscribe model. The management
interface is in the form of proprietary extensions to the SQL language.

Advanced Replication's asynchronous approach means that the system is

inherently flexible; if some nodes are down for any reason, those nodes can
resynchronize when they come back up or reconnect to the system. This allows
mobile devices, such as PDAs or laptops, to request updated data, disconnect from
the network, and then reconnect later. Users can choose how frequently they want
to synchronize data.

For more information, see the IBM solidDB Advanced Replication User Guide.

InfoSphere CDC technology

IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture (InfoSphere CDC) technology can be used to
implement asynchronous replication among various databases. InfoSphere CDC
technology is based on an asynchronous push model. Unidirectional subscriptions
can be created for real-time propagation of data changes from the source side to
the target side. Bidirectional capability is achieved by setting up two subscriptions
with mirrored source and target definitions.

InfoSphere CDC technology is included both in solidDB and solidDB Universal

Cache products.
v In solidDB, the InfoSphere CDC technology can be used for replicating data
between any pair of solidDB server instances. For example, it enables geographic
redundancy, or, it allows two solidDB instances to be configured in an
active/active setup whereby two copies of the same data can be equally
processed at either side.

6 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide

For more information, see the IBM solidDB InfoSphere CDC Replication User Guide.
v In solidDB Universal Cache, the InfoSphere CDC technology can be used to
setup a solidDB front-end cache, to speed up access to performance critical data
stored in back-end data servers.
For more information, see the IBM solidDB Universal Cache User Guide.

In both setups, each solidDB server instance can also be a one solidDB HotStandby

InfoSphere CDC technology includes database-specific components that run as

separate processes called InfoSphere CDC instances. A Management Console for
managing the replication subscriptions and data mapping is also included.

1 Product overview 7
8 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide
2 Product and packaging information
The solidDB and solidDB Universal Cache products are composed of solidDB and
InfoSphere CDC components. The table below shows the components included in
the solidDB and solidDB Universal Cache product packages. Each listed
component must be installed separately.
Table 3. Components of solidDB and solidDB Universal Cache product packages
Component solidDB solidDB Universal Cache
IBM solidDB 6.3.x X X
IBM solidDB 6.3.x Documentation X X
InfoSphere Change Data Capture v6.3.x X X
InfoSphere Change Data Capture v6.3.x X1 X
Management Console
InfoSphere Change Data Capture v6.3.x X1 X
Access Server
InfoSphere Change Data Capture v6.3.x X1 X
InfoSphere Change Data Capture v6.3.x X
for a back-end data server
Needed only in configurations deploying InfoSphere CDC technology for
solidDB-to-solidDB replication (InfoSphere CDC Replication).

solidDB server package

The solidDB package contains a complete set of solidDB software, including the
JDBC and ODBC drivers as well as various utility programs.

The solidDB package is delivered with an evaluation license certificate file,

solideval.lic. The evaluation license enables you to evaluate solidDB for 90 days. For
acquiring a permanent license, please contact IBM Corporation.

Directory structure
The default installation of solidDB 6.3 creates a directory called 'solidDB6.3'.

The files and subdirectories in the 'solidDB6.3' installation directory are explained
in the table below.
Table 4. 'solidDB6.3' directory structure
Location Explanation
Root directory The root directory contains, for example:
v a script used to facilitate running samples
in the database evaluation phase
v the evaluation licence file
v the welcome.html file for accessing the
package documentation
bin solidDB binary files

Table 4. 'solidDB6.3' directory structure (continued)
Location Explanation
doc_html, doc_txt Package documentation in HTML and text
eval_kit/standalone solidDB evaluation kit license and initiation
files. It will also hold your evaluation
database once it is created.
include C program headers
jdbc Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Driver
for solidDB

Data store helper archive for use with

lib Program libraries
licence License files
manuals The English version manuals can be
downloaded to this folder and then accessed
through the Manuals link on the
samples Samples that can be used in the database
evaluation phase and future application

Library file names

solidDB provides many files as linkable libraries.

Most of these library files fall into one of the following categories:
v ODBC Drivers
v solidDB Linked Library Access files
v Communication library files
v SA (Server API) library file.

Not all platforms have every file. For example, some communication library files
are available on Windows environments only.

Some library files are static, that is, they are linked to your client application's
executable program when you do a compile-and-link operation. Other library files
are dynamic: these files are stored separately from your executable and are loaded
into memory when your program executes. For many libraries, solidDB provides
both a static and a dynamic version on some or all platforms.

Library files are generally found in one of two directories:

v 'bin'
v 'lib'

As a rule, the 'bin' directory contains dynamic libraries (in addition to executables),
while the 'lib' directory contains static libraries. The 'lib' directory also contains the
import libraries.

For more detailed information on the library file names, see the releasenotes.html or
releasenotes.txt in your solidDB installation directory.

10 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide

The solidDB package includes several sample programs written in C, SQL, and
Java to help you get started using the features of solidDB.

The samples and scripts are located in the 'samples' directory below the solidDB
installation directory. Each sample directory includes also a readme.txt file that
provides instructions for how to use the samples.

InfoSphere CDC components

The InfoSphere CDC components are delivered as separately deployable packages.
v InfoSphere Change Data Capture v6.3 solidDB (InfoSphere CDC for solidDB)
The InfoSphere CDC for solidDB package contains the software for the
configuration tool and the InfoSphere CDC instance for solidDB.
v InfoSphere Change Data Capture v6.3 Management Console (InfoSphere CDC)
and InfoSphere Change Data Capture v6.3 Access Server (InfoSphere CDC
Access Server)
The InfoSphere CDC Management Console and InfoSphere CDC Access Server
are delivered and installed as separate packages. They contain the software that
you can use to configure and monitor InfoSphere CDC user access and
replication subscriptions in the solidDB Universal Cache and InfoSphere CDC
Replication configurations.
v InfoSphere Change Data Capture v6.3 for a back-end database for other data
servers (solidDB Universal Cache only)
The solidDB Universal Cache product includes the InfoSphere CDC component
for the back-end data server. The package contains the software for the
configuration tool and the InfoSphere CDC instance for the data server in

Documentation for solidDB 6.3 is composed of an IBM solidDB 6.3 Documentation
package and an InfoSphere Change Data Capture v6.3 Documentation package.

The solidDB Documentation package, which includes the documentation for

InfoSphere CDC for solidDB component, is available as an online information
center and in PDF format. The InfoSphere CDC Documentation package contains
documentation for the InfoSphere CDC Management Console, the InfoSphere CDC
Access Server, and the InfoSphere CDC component for the other data server.

solidDB documentation
solidDB documentation is available online in the solidDB 6.3 and solidDB
Universal Cache 6.3 Information Center, as well as in PDF format. Most up-to-date
information is always available in the Information Center.

Delivery of solidDB documentation

solidDB 6.3 and solidDB Universal Cache 6.3 Information Center

The most up-to-date solidDB documentation is available in the information center

format at

solidDB manuals in PDF format

2 Product and packaging information 11

The PDF manuals are available for download at the following locations:
v solidDB Support Web pages
v IBM Publications Center at

In addition, the PDF format manuals are available as the IBM solidDB 6.3
Documentation package. This package is delivered together with the software
packages in IBM Passport Advantage®, or in the Quick Start DVD in physical
media deliveries.

Tip: If you download the English version PDF files to the 'manuals' directory in
your solidDB installation directory, you can access the manuals also through the
Welcome page of your solidDB software package. For detailed instructions, see
section “Installing solidDB Documentation package” on page 23.

Structure of solidDB documentation

Common functionality of solidDB as a stand-alone server or as part of the

Universal Cache is documented in:
v IBM solidDB Getting Started Guide
v IBM solidDB Administrator Guide
v IBM solidDB Programmer Guide
v IBM solidDB SQL Guide
v IBM solidDB Linked Library Access User Guide

The operation of the solidDB Universal Cache is described in:

v IBM solidDB Universal Cache User Guide

High Availability (HotStandby) is described in:

v IBM solidDB High Availability User Guide

In-memory database features are described in:

v IBM solidDB In-Memory Database User Guide

The operation of Advanced Replication is described in:

v IBM solidDB Advanced Replication User Guide

The operation of CDC Replication is described in:

v IBM solidDB InfoSphere CDC Replication User Guide

InfoSphere CDC documentation

InfoSphere CDC for solidDB documentation is included in the IBM solidDB 6.3
Documentation package. Documentation for InfoSphere CDC Management Console,
InfoSphere CDC Access Server, and InfoSphere CDC engine for the other data
server is part of the InfoSphere Change Data Capture v6.3 Documentation package.

12 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide

Delivery and location of documentation for InfoSphere CDC
Table 5. Documentation for InfoSphere CDC components
Component Document Documentation delivery
InfoSphere CDC for IBM solidDB Universal Cache Included in the IBM solidDB 6.3
solidDB User Guide Documentation package

IBM solidDB InfoSphere CDC

Replication User Guide
InfoSphere CDC InfoSphere Change Data Included in the InfoSphere
Management Console Capture Access Server and Change Data Capture v6.3
Management Console, Documentation package
Installation Guide

InfoSphere Change Data

Capture Management Console,
Administration Guide

InfoSphere Change Data

Capture API and Management
Console Commands Reference
InfoSphere CDC Access No separate documentation, No separate documentation, see
Server see the Management Console the Management Console
documentation documentation
InfoSphere CDC for the InfoSphere Change Data Included in the InfoSphere
other data server Capture, End-User Change Data Capture v6.3
Documentation Documentation package

Structure of InfoSphere CDC documentation

v The core functionality of the InfoSphere CDC management tools, that is,
Management Console and Access Server, is described in the InfoSphere Change
Data Capture Management Console, Administration Guide.
v The installation and configuration instructions specific to each InfoSphere CDC
for other data server are provided in the data server specific documents called
InfoSphere Change Data Capture, End-User Documentation.
Similar information for the InfoSphere CDC for solidDB is included in the last
chapter of theIBM solidDB Universal Cache User Guide and IBM solidDB InfoSphere
CDC Replication User Guide.

2 Product and packaging information 13

14 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide
3 Pre-requisites
System requirements
solidDB requires:
v about 48 MB of disk space, including the space for separately installed
documentation (The number varies considerably, depending upon the platform.)
v at least 40 MB of RAM in the default configuration
v if you create main-memory tables, then you will need additional memory to
store those tables
v adequate disk space for the database(s). An empty database usually requires
about 16 MB of disk space.
v enough disk space to accommodate transaction log files preserved for replication
recovery (catchup) if InfoSphere CDC technology is used (or, the solidDB Log
Reader is enabled). By default, the log retention space required is 10 GB. The
size of the log space may be set with a configuration parameter (see the section
Configuring solidDB in IBM solidDB Universal Cache User Guide or IBM solidDB
InfoSphere CDC Replication User Guide).

InfoSphere CDC for solidDB requires:

v about 220 MB of disk space
v at least 500 MB of RAM

For system requirements of the other InfoSphere CDC components, see the solidDB
Web pages at or the
documentation provided with each InfoSphere CDC component.

Platform support
solidDB is supported on more than 30 different platforms, each understood as a
combination of hardware type and operating system. Typically all the current
commonly used platforms are supported, as well as some legacy platforms.
Support for certain rare platforms may be obtained on request.

For the list of current platforms for the solidDB product family, see the solidDB
Web pages at

Available interfaces for client application development

solidDB provides ODBC and JDBC interfaces for clients, which are briefly
described in the sections below. For more details, see the IBM solidDB Programmer
Guide. For information on importing and exporting large amounts of data, see the
IBM solidDB Administrator Guide, and see the samples in the 'samples/
importexport' subdirectory.

JDBC Driver 2.0

Standard Compliance

IBM solidDB JDBC 2.0 Driver supports the JDBC 2.0 specification. Additionally,
Connection Pooling, JNDI Data Sources and Rowsets of the JDBC 2.0 Optional
Package (known before as Standard Extension) are supported, too.

The JDBC Driver has been successfully tested with JDK versions 1.2.2, 1.3, and 1.4.
and certified with the JDBC API Test Suite 1.3.1.

Non-standard features include support for IBM WebSphere® and timeout control
extensions. They are discussed below. For information about solidDB JDBC Driver
installation, see JDBC Readme in the 'doc_html' or 'doc_txt' directory of
thesolidDB package.

Full documentation is included in the IBM solidDB Programmer Guide.

The following features of the Optional Package are currently supported by the
solidDB JDBC 2.0 driver :
v Connection pooling (class solid.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource)
v Connected RowSet (class solid.jdbc.rowset.SolidJDBCRowSet)
v Implemented JDBC data sources:
– solid.jdbc.DataSource (implements javax.sqlDataSource)
– solid.jdbc.SolidConnectionPoolDataSource (implements

solidDB JDBC Driver extensions

The non-standard extensions listed below are supported. For more information, see
the IBM solidDB Programmer Guide.
v JDBC URL format: allows to set the connection property values in the URL
v Connection timeout: Connection timeout refers to the response timeout of any
JDBC call invoking data transmission over a connection socket. If the response
message is not received within the time specified, an I/O exception is thrown.
The JDBC standard (2.0/3.0) does not support setting of the connection timeout.
The solidDB product has two ways for doing that: one using a non-standard
driver manager extension method and the other using the property mechanisms.
The time unit in either case is one millisecond.
v Login timeout: The timeout fires at the connect time. The setting is implemented
with a connection property. The property overrides the login timeouts for JDBC
specified by other means (like login timeout parameter in DriverManager).
v Connection idle timeout: The server closes a connection if it is inactive, for a
given time. This is implemented as a connection property and the value
overrides the server parameter setting, for this session.
v Statement Cache: solidDB JDBC driver enables the user to set the size of a given
Connection's statement cache as a property during the connection creation.
v Transparent Connectivity Support: solidDB JDBC driver fully supports solidDB
Transparent Connectivity (TC) including transparent failover and load balancing.
See the IBM solidDB High Availability User Guide for more information about
usage of Transparent Connectivity.
v WebSphere Support: A data sourcer adapter called 'SolidDataStoreHelper' is
provided in a separate file 'SolidDataStoreHelper.jar', in the 'jdbc' directory of
thesolidDB package..

16 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide

ODBC Driver 3.5.x

solidDB provides two ODBC drivers, one for Unicode and one for ASCII character
sets. For more information about these drivers, see the IBM solidDB Programmer

ODBC features not supported in this release

The following functions are not supported in this release:

v SQLBrowseConnect
v SQLSetScrollOptions
v SQLParamOptions
v SQLNativeSql
v SQLMoreResults

ODBC extensions

solidDB ODBC driver incorporates several extensions having to do with timeout

control, statement cache behavior and support for Transparent Connectivity. For
more information, see the IBM solidDB Programmer Guide.

solidDB Java Accelerator

Java Accelerator is a solution allowing to run the solidDB server in the same Java
Virtual Machine (VM) process as the Java application. solidDB Java Accelerator is
available on the following platforms.
v Linux®
v HP-UX 11
v Microsoft Windows 32-bit
v Solaris 8, 9 and 10

JDK Versions:
v Java environment: JDK 1.4.2
solidDB Java Accelerator has been tested only with Sun J2SE (JDK 1.4.2).

3 Pre-requisites 17
18 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide
4 Installation
The following sections provide instructions for installing solidDB server and the
solidDB Documentation package.

If you are deploying solidDB Universal Cache or InfoSphere CDC replication, see
the IBM solidDB Universal Cache User Guide and the IBM solidDB InfoSphere CDC
Replication User Guide for instructions on how to install all the needed InfoSphere
CDC components.

Installing solidDB
solidDB can be installed using the interactive installer for graphical user interface
or command line, or using a silent installation method.

Graphical interface installation

The GUI installation provides a graphical method for installing solidDB.

Before you begin

In Windows Vista and Windows 2008 Server, you must have Administrator rights
to install solidDB.

1. Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK), version
1.4.2 or newer, if not already installed.
JRE or JDK 1.4.2 or newer is needed to run the solidDB installer.

Note: On Linux systems, GNU Compiler for Java (GCJ) is not supported.
2. On the downloaded installation image or the installation DVD, locate the
installation program file for your operating system:
v solidDB-6.3-<platform>.exe (Windows)
v solidDB-6.3-<platform>.bin (Linux and UNIX)
3. Double-click the installation program file. The solidDB installation wizard
4. Follow the wizard's instructions to complete the installation.

Note: In Linux and UNIX operating systems, you must be able write to the
directory that you are using for the installation. If the installation program
cannot create the directory, you are prompted to specify a different directory.


You have installed solidDB. To see the solidDB package documentation, open
welcome.html in the installation directory. Alternatively, you can access the
ASCII-formatted files in the 'doc_text' directory.

What to do next

For information on errors encountered during installation, review the installation

log file (IBM_solidDB_6.3_InstallLog.log) located in the installation root directory.
v For information on errors encountered during installation, review the installation
log file (IBM_solidDB_6.3_InstallLog.log) located in the installation root
v See also section “Post-installation tasks” on page 22.

Console installation
Use the console installation method to install solidDB from a command-line

Before you begin

In Windows Vista and Windows 2008 Server, you must have Administrator rights
to install solidDB.

1. Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK), version
1.4.2 or newer, if not already installed.
JRE or JDK 1.4.2 or newer is needed to run the solidDB installer.

Note: On Linux systems, GNU Compiler for Java (GCJ) is not supported.
2. On the downloaded installation image or the installation DVD, locate the
installation program file for your operating system:
v solidDB-6.3-<platform>.exe (Windows)
v solidDB-6.3-<platform>.bin (Linux and UNIX)
3. Start the installation program from the command line. Use the following
v Windows
<installation_program> -i console
For example, in Windows 32-bit operating system:
solidDB-6.3-w32.exe -i console
v Linux and UNIX
sh <installation_program> -i console
For example, in Linux 64-bit operating system:
sh solidDB-6.3-linux-x86_64.bin -i console
4. Follow the displayed instructions to complete the installation.

Note: In Linux and UNIX operating systems, you must be able write to the
directory that you are using for the installation. If the installation program
cannot create the directory, you are prompted to specify a different directory.

You have installed solidDB. To see the package documentation, open welcome.html
in the installation directory. Alternatively, you can access the ASCII-formatted files
in the 'doc_text' directory.

20 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide

What to do next
v For information on errors encountered during installation, review the installation
log file (IBM_solidDB_6.3_InstallLog.log) located in the installation root
v See also section “Post-installation tasks” on page 22.

Silent installation
Use the silent installation method to install solidDB without any user interaction.
This method can be used, for example, for large-scale deployments of solidDB
where the silent installation command is embedded in a script.

1. Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK), version
1.4.2 or newer, if not already installed, on all the systems you will be installing
JRE or JDK 1.4.2 or newer is needed to run the solidDB installer.

Note: On Linux systems, GNU Compiler for Java (GCJ) is not supported.
2. Copy the installation program file from the downloaded installation image or
the installation DVD to a temporary directory on your system. Use the
installation program for your operating system:
v solidDB-6.3-<platform>.exe (Windows)
v solidDB-6.3-<platform>.bin (Linux and UNIX)
3. Start the installation program from the command line and generate a response
file with the following command:
v Windows
<installation_program> -r <response-file>
For example, in Windows 32-bit operating system:
soliddb-6.3–w32.exe -r response.txt
v Linux and UNIX
sh <installation_program> -r <response-file>
For example, in Linux 64-bit operating system:
sh solidDB-6.3-linux-x86_64.bin -r response.txt
The solidDB installation wizard starts.
4. Follow the displayed instructions to complete the installation.

Note: In Linux and UNIX operating systems, you must be able write to the
directory that you are using for the installation. If the installation program
cannot create the directory, you are prompted to specify a different directory.
5. After the installation has finished, check that the response file you generated
contains the options you need. The response file is located in the installation
root directory.

Tip: A sample response file called installer-response-file.txt is available in

the solidDB installation directory.
6. On another system, perform the silent installation by running the following
v Windows
<installation_program> -i silent -f <response-file>
For example, in Windows 32-bit operating system:

4 Installation 21
soliddb-6.3–w32.exe -i silent -f response.txt
v Linux and UNIX
sh <installation_program> -i silent -f <response-file>
For example, in Linux 64-bit operating system:
sh solidDB-6.3-linux-x86_64.bin -i silent -f response.txt

Post-installation tasks
After you have installed solidDB, apply the full product license key, check the
solidDB JDBC Driver settings, and enable the use of samples.

1. If you purchased solidDB or solidDB Universal Cache, copy the license file
(solid.lic or soliduc.lic) from the License Certificate image to the solidDB
working directory.

Tip: The default installation of solidDB includes an evaluation license

(solideval.lic) in the solidDB installation directory. The evaluation license
enables you to evaluate solidDB for 90 days.
2. Set the CLASSPATH environment variable for your environment to include the
solidDB JDBC Driver .jar file installation path. The solidDB JDBC Driver
(SolidDriver2.0.jar) is located in the 'jdbc' directory under the solidDB
installation directory.
v Windows
The installation adds the default solidDB JDBC Driver installation path to the
System CLASSPATH environment variable automatically.
You can check and set the System CLASSPATH environment variable
through the Control Panel:
Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables
v Linux and UNIX
Set your CLASSPATH environment variable to include the solidDB JDBC
Driver (SolidDriver2.0.jar) installation path.
For example, in C shell, use the following command:
set CLASSPATH = <solidDB installation directory>/jdbc/SolidDriver2.0.jar . $CLASSPATH
If you are using an UNIX shell other than C shell, modify this command to
make it appropriate for your shell.
3. Enable the use of samples. In the solidDB installation directory, execute the
script called copy_licenses (copy_licenses.bat in Windows). This script copies
the evaluation license file from the installation root directory to all appropriate
sample directories.

Uninstalling solidDB
In Windows environments, uninstall solidDB through Control Panel > Add or
Remove Programs. In Linux and UNIX environments, remove the installation

v Windows:
1. Go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Change or Remove
2. Select IBM solidDB, and click the Change/Remove button.

22 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide

v Linux and UNIX:
1. Remove the installation directory.

Installing solidDB Documentation package

If you want to access the English version solidDB documentation in PDF format on
the same node where your solidDB server is installed, you can download and
unzip the solidDB Documentation package into the 'manuals' directory in the
solidDB installation directory.

1. Locate the IBM solidDB 6.3 Documentation package.
v In physical media deliveries, the documentation package is included in the
Quick Start DVD.
v If you download your software from IBM Passport Advantage, locate the
documentation package.
v If you download your solidDB from the solidDB website at, locate
the .zip file for the English version manuals.
2. Download and unzip the documentation package into the 'manuals' directory
in your solidDB installation directory.

Installing fix packs

Fix packs are distributed as single installation program files.
v “Installing fix packs for solidDB”
v “Installing fix packs for InfoSphere CDC components” on page 24

Installing fix packs for solidDB

Table 6. solidDB point release versions for fix packs
Fix pack solidDB server point release version
Fix Pack 8 06.30.0049
Fix Pack 7 06.30.0047
Fix Pack 6 06.30.0044
Fix Pack 5 06.30.0040
Fix Pack 4 06.30.0039
Fix Pack 3 06.30.0037
Fix Pack 2 06.30.0033
Fix Pack 1 06.30.0029

1. Make a backup copy of your database files, log files and the solid.ini
configuration file.
For instructions, see section Performing backup and recovery in the IBM solidDB
Administrator Guide.
2. Shut down solidDB.
For instructions, see Shutting down solidDB.
3. Run the solidDB fix pack installer according to the instructions in Installing

4 Installation 23
solidDB fix packs are delivered as single installation files. To replace your
existing solidDB installation, use the same installation directory where your
existing solidDB is installed.
If you do not want to run the installer on top of your existing solidDB
installation (for example, on your production environment node), use a
separate directory and copy the executables, libraries, and drivers manually, as
applicable for your setup.

Installing fix packs for InfoSphere CDC components

Before you begin

To ensure that configuration information for your instances, datastores, and

subscriptions is retained during the installation, complete the following steps
before you start installing any InfoSphere CDC components:
1. End replication on all subscriptions.
2. Disconnect from Access Server.
3. Exit Management Console.
4. Stop all InfoSphere CDC instances in the InfoSphere CDC for solidDB
Configuration Tool and InfoSphere CDC for back-end data server Configuration
For instructions, see
v IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Management Console, Administration Guide,
included in the InfoSphere Change Data Capture v6.3 Documentation package
v Stopping InfoSphere CDC

Installing fix packs for Access Server

Important: You must update Management Console and Access Server to the same
fix pack level.
1. Uninstall the Access Server.
2. Run the Access Server fix pack installer according to the instructions in the IBM
InfoSphere Access Server and Management Console Installation Guide, included in
the InfoSphere Change Data Capture v6.3 Documentation package.

v Use the same installation directory where the previous version of the Access
Server was installed.
v You cannot run two versions of the Access Server on the same node.

Installing fix packs for Management Console

Important: You must update Management Console and Access Server to the same
fix pack level.
1. Uninstall the Management Console.
2. Run the Management Console fix pack installer according to the instructions in
the IBM InfoSphere Access Server and Management Console Installation Guide,
included in the InfoSphere Change Data Capture v6.3 Documentation package.

Note: Use the same installation directory where the previous version of the
Management Console was installed.

24 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide

Installing fix packs for InfoSphere CDC for solidDB

Important: To install a fix pack for InfoSphere CDC for solidDB, you must already
have an installation of InfoSphere CDC for solidDB.
1. Run the InfoSphere CDC for solidDB fix pack installer according to the
instructions in Installing InfoSphere CDC.

Note: Use the same installation directory where the previous version of the
InfoSphere CDC for solidDB is installed; the installer will prompt you to
upgrade the installation.

Installing fix packs for InfoSphere CDC for back-end data server

Important: To install a fix pack for InfoSphere CDC for back-end data server, you
must already have an installation of InfoSphere CDC for back-end data server.
1. Run the InfoSphere CDC for back-end data server fix pack installer according to
the instructions in the IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture, End-User
Documentation for the back-end data server, included in the IBM InfoSphere
Change Data Capture v6.3 Documentation package.

Note: Use the same installation directory where the previous version of the
InfoSphere CDC for back-end data server is installed; the installer will prompt
you to upgrade the installation.

Restarting replication on subscriptions after installation

After you have installed all the fix pack components:

1. Ensure that solidDB and your back-end data server are running.
2. Start the InfoSphere CDC instances in the InfoSphere CDC for solidDB
Configuration Tool and InfoSphere CDC for back-end data server Configuration
3. Log into Management Console.
4. Start replication on the subscriptions.

For instructions, see

v Starting InfoSphere CDC
v IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Management Console, Administration Guide,
included in the InfoSphere Change Data Capture v6.3 Documentation package

4 Installation 25
26 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide
5 Starting IBM solidDB and creating your first database
solidDB configuration file
When you start solidDB, it reads configuration parameters from solid.ini
configuration file. You can also use solidDB without the configuration file, in
which case the default settings are used.

The solid.ini configuration file specifies parameters that help customize and
optimize solidDB. For example, the FileSpec parameter specifies the directory and
files names of the data fields in which solidDB stores the user data. The Block.Size
parameter specifies the block size for the database.

For more information, please refer to the IBM solidDB Administrator Guide.

Note: Note for evaluators:

The solidDB configuration file will serve most evaluation needs as far as solidDB is
concerned. If there is a need to use other components such as the High Availability
component, the configuration file must be modified accordingly. Samples of the
corresponding configuration files are included with the samples. In other words,
you do not have to modify the solid.ini file (in the 'eval_kit\standalone'
directory) to evaluate other solidDB components.

Starting solidDB

To start solidDB:
v On Windows operating systems, click the icon labeled Start IBM solidDB server
through the Start > Programs menu path.
v On Linux or UNIX operating systems, enter the command solid at the
command prompt. When you start the server for the first time, enter the
command solid -f at the command prompt to force the server to run in the


When you start solidDB, it checks if a database already exists. If no database is

found, the engine automatically creates a new database using the settings in the
solid.ini configuration file. However, if you want to create a database manually
to a specific location, refer to “Creating a database manually (example).”

Creating a database manually (example)

This section provides instructions for creating a new database for evaluation
purposes in the'eval_kit\standalone' directory in Windows environment.

1. Open a command prompt window, go to the solidDB installation root directory
and enter the following command:
bin\solid -c eval_kit\standalone

A window with the title Creating a new database will open.

Note: If you have already created a database in the '\eval_kit\standalone'

directory, the command will start the solidDB server without opening the
Creating a new database window.
2. Enter the system catalog name, username, and password.
There are no defaults for the username and password. You must remember
the username and password to be able to access the database again.
You can use, for example, "dba" for the username and password of evaluation
databases, since it is simple and easy to remember. To use it:
a. Type any name you prefer as the catalog name.
b. Type "dba" as username and password.
c. Retype "dba" as the password
d. Press OK.
A new database is created and it is running.


If you successfully created the database, your solidDB process is now running. The
process name is solid.exe in Windows operating systems.

Creating a database automatically (example)

When you start solidDB through the Start > Programs menu on Windows
operating systems and no database is found, the engine automatically creates a
new database.

About this task

This section provides instructions for creating a new database for evaluation
purposes in the 'eval_kit\standalone' directory in Windows environment.


Start solidDB through the Start > Programs menu path. If no database is found,
the engine automatically creates a new database using the settings in the solid.ini
configuration file.
A new database is created and it is running.


If you successfully created the database, your solidDB process is now running. The
process name is solid.exe in Windows operating systems.

28 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide

6 Connecting to solidDB for the first time
If you successfully created the database, your solidDB process is now running, and
you can connect to it from any client application by using the communication ports
that the solidDB process is listening to. You can verify your setup by trying to
connect to the evaluation database. This can be done, for example, by using the
command-line oriented solidDB SQL Editor (solsql).

If you have problems in connecting to the database or if any errors occur, see the
IBM solidDB Administrator Guide.

Using solidDB SQL Editor (solsql)

With solidDB SQL Editor (solsql), SQL statements (including administrative
commands prefixed with ADMIN) can be issued at the command line, command
prompt, or by executing a script file that contains the SQL statements.

The solidDB SQL Editor contains detailed instructions for using the SQL
commands. For a list of available commands, enter the following command:

Starting and shutting down the solidDB SQL Editor

1. To start the solidDB SQL Editor:
v On Windows operating systems, start the solidDB SQL Editor from the icon
in the Start menu.
v In all other environments, enter the SQL editor start command at your
operating system prompt. The command syntax is as follows:
solsql "networkname" [userid [password]]

For example:
solsql "tcp hobbes 1315" dba dba

Or, if the server runs on the same computer, as where you are executing the
solsql "tcp 1315" dba dba
2. To shut down the solidDB SQL Editor, enter the command:

Connecting to a database in the solidDB SQL Editor

If you entered a valid user name and password when starting the solidDB SQL
Editor, you are connected to the database. If you did not give your user name and
password when starting the solidDB SQL Editor, you will be prompted for them.


Enter your username and password (for example "dba", "dba") in the solidDB SQL


The figure below shows the solidDB SQL Editor after a successful connection to
the database.

Figure 3. solidDB SQL Editor Connected

Entering queries in the solidDB SQL Editor

You can execute SQL queries in the solidDB SQL Editor.

1. Enter an SQL query in solsql, for example:
select table_name from tables;
2. Press Enter to execute the query.

Checking the database status

The general server status can be retrieved in the solidDB SQL Editor (solsql).

1. Issue the following command in the solidDB SQL Editor:

An example output from the solidDB SQL Editor is shown below:

30 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide

Figure 4. Example output from solidDB SQL Editor (solsql)

2. View all parameter settings.

You can view section specific parameter settings with the solsql command:
ADMIN COMMAND ’par section_name’;

6 Connecting to solidDB for the first time 31

32 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide
7 Stopping and restarting the database
Stopping the database with solidDB SQL Editor
To stop the database, you must prevent users from connecting to the database,
disconnect all connected users, and then shut down solidDB.

About this task

You can stop the database by using the solidDB SQL Editor. Issue the commands,
using a semicolon at the end of the commands, and note that you must use single
quotes, not double quotes.

1. Prevent additional users from connecting to the database:
admin command ’close’;
2. Throw out all connected users (except the one who issued the command):
admin command ’throwout all’;
3. Shut down solidDB:
admin command ’shutdown’;
4. Exit from the solsql tool:

Note: The first three commands can be replaced with this one:admin command
’shutdown force’;


The solidDB database is shutdown with all previously connected users



When you shut down the server, it breaks the connection to solsql, and your solsql
may show an error message such as:

14519: The user was thrown out from the server; connection lost.

Restarting the database (example)

You can restart solidDB by issuing commands or by using the Start > Programs
menu on Windows operating systems.

About this task

This section provides instructions for restarting an evaluation database in the

eval_kit\standalone directory.


Choose one of the following methods to restart the database:

v In Windows, use the Start > Programs menu.
v In Linux, UNIX or Windows command prompt, move to the solidDB installation
root directory and enter the following command:
bin\solid -c .\eval_kit\standalone
v If you have the solidDB bin directory in your path, go to the
'eval_kit\standalone' directory to make it your current working directory, and
start solidDB by executing the command solid.

34 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide

8 Running samples
You will find sample programs and scripts in the 'samples' directory in the
solidDB installation directory. Each sample directory includes also a readme.txt file
that provides instructions for how to use the samples.

About this task

In order to be able to run samples, you must copy a license file into each of the
sample run directories. You can use the evaluation license (solideval.lic) or the
full product license (solid.lic or soliduc.lic).

Tip: The evaluation license enables you to evaluate solidDB for 90 days. For
acquiring a permanent license, please contact IBM Corporation.

1. Copy the license file to the appropriate sample directories.
v Execute the script called copy_licenses (copy_licenses.bat in Windows).
This script copies the evaluation license file from the installation root
directory to all appropriate sample directories.
v Copy the license file to the appropriate sample directories manually.
2. Run the sample according to instructions provided in the readme.txt file, located
in the sample directory.

Note: Some sample scripts may remove and recreate database files residing in
sample subdirectories. Only the database in the 'standalone' directory is
always left intact.

36 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide
9 Using solidDB with graphical SQL clients
solidDB does not include a graphical user interface (GUI). However, graphical SQL
clients such as IBM Data Studio Administrator, Eclipse SQL Explorer, or SQuirrel
SQL Client can be used with solidDB to browse database objects, view and modify
table data, and issue SQL commands.
v IBM Data Studio Administrator and Eclipse SQL Explorer clients are ideal if
your development environment already uses the Data Studio or Eclipse
v SQuirrel SQL Client is a standalone program that requires no other components
than the client and solidDB to work.

All the above mentioned clients use the JDBC interface to connect to solidDB.

IBM Data Studio Administrator

IBM Data Studio Administrator is a powerful and flexible tool that helps you
manage your database objects and simplifies the process of identifying, analyzing,
and implementing database schema changes.

You can connect Data Studio Administrator to a solidDB database using the Data
Studio Administrator's Generic JDBC database manager options.

For more details on setting up Data Studio Administrator with solidDB, see the
following articles on®:
v Configuring Data Studio Administrator V2.1 for use with solidDB:
v Configuring Data Studio Administrator V1.2 for use with solidDB:

Eclipse SQL Explorer

Eclipse SQL Explorer is a thin SQL client that allows you to query and browse any
JDBC compliant database, including solidDB.

The Eclipse SQL Explorer can be added as a plugin to your existing Eclipse
environment, or you can run it as a standalone client.

For more details on setting up SQL Explorer with solidDB, see the following article
v Configuring Eclipse SQL Explorer for use with solidDB:

SQuirrel SQL Client

SQuirreL SQL Client is an open-source Java SQL Client program for JDBC
compliant databases. It is a standalone client that can be configured to connect to
your solidDB database via the solidDB JDBC driver.

For more details on setting up SQuirrel SQL Client with solidDB, see the following
article on

v Configuring Squirrel SQL for use with solidDB:

38 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide

10 Upgrading solidDB to a new release level
solidDB supports upgrades from at least the two previous release levels. Upgrades
to solidDB 6.3 are supported from the 6.1 and 6.0 release levels; conversion of the
database files is however needed. If you need to upgrade from older versions,
contact solidDB Technical Support for assistance.

Before you begin

Familiarize yourself with the new and changed features described in the solidDB
6.3 Release Notes, available in the IBM solidDB 6.3 and IBM solidDB Universal
Cache 6.3 Information Center at

About this task

The steps below describe the procedure for upgrading a single solidDB server to a
new release level. If you are using solidDB in High Availability mode, see section
Upgrading your server by using HotStandby in the IBM solidDB High Availability User

The 6.1 and 6.0 release level solidDB JDBC and ODBC drivers are compatible with
the 6.3 release level solidDB server. The drivers need to be upgraded only if you
plan to take into use the new features introduced at release level 6.3.

1. Make a backup copy of your database files and solid.ini configuration files.
For instructions, see section Performing backup and recovery in the IBM solidDB
Administrator Guide.
2. Shut down solidDB.
3. Install the new version of solidDB.
solidDB is delivered as a single installation file. If you do not wish to run the
installer on your production environment node, install solidDB on a separate
node and copy the executables, libraries, and drivers manually to your
production node, as applicable for your setup.
For a description of the solidDB server package contents, see “solidDB server
package” on page 9.
For instructions on how to run the solidDB installer, see “Installing solidDB” on
page 19.
4. Update the license file.
Copy the new license file (solid.lic or soliduc.lic) from the License
Certificate image to the solidDB working directory.
5. Check the changes in parameter factory values and update the solid.ini
configuration files if necessary.
Changes in the parameter values are described in the Release Notes.
6. Check and update the solidDB JDBC and ODBC driver related settings as
applicable to your environment.
v solidDB JDBC Driver

If you installed the new solidDB JDBC Driver (SolidDriver2.0.jar) into a
different location than the previous one, add the new driver location to the
CLASSPATH System environmental variable. By default, the solidDB JDBC
driver is installed to the 'jdbc' directory in the solidDB installation directory.
v solidDB ODBC Driver
– In Windows and Linux operating systems, define the new ODBC data
sources. In order to use the new driver, you must either modify the
existing data sources or create new ones.
– If the application links to the solidDB ODBC driver directly, you must
recompile your application.
7. Convert the existing database files by starting solidDB with the -x
autoconvert or -x convert command line option.
In the solidDB working directory, execute the following command:
solid -x autoconvert
solid -x convert
The -x autoconvert option converts the database and starts solidDB.
The -x convert option converts the database and exits solidDB.

40 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide

Special characters T
-xautoconvert command line option TCP/IP 1
upgrading 39
-xconvert command line option
upgrading 39 U
uninstall 22
A -xautoconvert command line option 39
automatic creation of a database 28 -xconvert command line option 39

Client-Server architecture 1
client 1
server 1
solidDB databases 29
automatically 28
manually 27


linked library access 1


solidDB databases 33

solid.ini 27
solidDB configuration file
overview 27
solidDB directory structure 9
solidDB SDK 9
solidDB server package 9
solidDB SQL Editor (solsql)
entering queries 30
starting 29
stopping 29
SQL queries
executing in solidDB SQL Editor 30
solidDB databases 33

42 IBM solidDB: Getting Started Guide
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