Cell Planning Process
Cell Planning Process
Cell Planning Process
Reference : UMT/IRC/APP/06
Version : 01.01 / EN
Date : 30/10//2000
Ext. ref. : ....
Type : TYP
Product : PRD
Cat : I
Status : P
Author : Alain NGUYEN
Abstract / Comments :
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This confidential document is the property of NORTEL MATRA CELLULAR and may not be copied or circulated without permission
Ce document confidentiel est la propriété de NORTEL MATRA CELLULAR et ne peut être reproduit ou communiqué sans autorisation
Reference : UMT/IRC/APP/06
Version : 01.01 / EN
Date : 30/10//2000
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1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................4
1.2. SCOPE...........................................................................................................4
3.1. ABBREVIATIONS...........................................................................................6
3.2. DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................6
4.2. INTERFACES.................................................................................................8
4.5. DELIVERABLES...........................................................................................17
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7. MISCELLANEOUS .................................................................................................24
7.3. CP TOOL......................................................................................................26
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The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of Cell Planning
process. The document aims at defining the role and responsibilities of the Cell
Planning team in the project.
1.2. SCOPE
This document is applied to GSM/UMTS projects.
In chapter 6, the description and the management of the Global Site Database
are presented. Finally the document ends with a summary of templates and
tools that are used during the project.
I would like to thank all my colleagues from Cell Planning and Transmission
teams for their participation to the realisation of the document.
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[A1] UMT/IRC/APP/01 Planet 2.8 CDMA Evaluation
[A2] UMT/IRC/APP/02 Fundamentals on UMTS Network
[A3] UMT/IRC/APP/03 UMTS Radio Planning Process
[A4] SQ/GEN/APP/56 Cellular Network Engineering Process
[A5] PE/IRC/APP/45 PlaNET General Propagation Modelling
[A6] PE/IRC/APP/47 Procedure for Specification and Validation of
RF Measurements used for a Propagation
Model Calibration
[A7] SQ/EFO/APP/22 Site Acquisition and Preparation Process
[A8] SQ/GEN/APP/50 List of NMC Documentary Reference Codes
[A9] Roll Out Process
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Simple LOS
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Project Management
Network Engineering Process
Support Processes
Figure 1 shows an overview of all the activities involved in a project during the
network implementation. These activities include Project Management, Network
Engineering, Roll Out operations and Support. The description of each process
can be found in the documents mentioned above.
Cell Planning (CP) which is part of Network Engineering (cf. [A4]), aims at
designing radio layer that meets customer requirements with respect to
contractual conditions (quality of service, traffic, area and quality of coverage,
cost, …). Furthermore CP provides support to the Roll Out operations to
achieve the best services to the customer.
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Site Engineering
Management Cell Planning
Site Survey
Figure 2 illustrates the interactions between CP team and other teams during
the project. Brief description of each activity is explained hereafter:
- Project Management team (PM) defines, plans and manages the project.
- Network Design team (ND) translates the network engineering needs of the
customer into a technical and implementation strategy.
- RF Measurement team (RFM) performs field observation, analysis and
- Transmission team (TRS) is responsible for the design and support of the
transmission network.
- Site Acquisition team (SAQ) is responsible for the site search and negotiation.
- Site Survey team (SS) collects information for site implementation.
- Site Engineering team (SE) defined work instructions that are needed to
prepare a site for installation.
- Application Engineering team (AE) defines network parameter setting and
produces network data-fill and associated documentation.
- Radio Site Verification team (RSV) is responsible for the verification of the
radio site.
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TRS remains the owner of the Transmission design and provides support when
needed. Detailed description of the Transmission process is currently under
Theoretical LOS
Theoretical site
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The objective is to gather hypotheses and technical data into a Cell Plan
Reference (cf. chapter 7). Figure 4 illustrates the assumptions phase and Table
2 summarizes the inputs and outputs each activity.
After Link Budgets study (cf. [R2] & [R4]), Cell Count is performed to estimate
the number of required sites and to determine the limitation of the network. A
radio design strategy is then defined and finalised during the design phase.
Link Budget
DTM Validation
Cell Counts
Propagation Model
Radio Design Strategy
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Figures 5 and 6 illustrate UMTS and GSM design phases and Table 3
summarizes the inputs and outputs for each activity.
The methodology used for UMTS dimensioning is not the same as for GSM
because of the different concepts between the two systems (cf. [A2]). Both
techniques are briefly described hereafter.
• UMTS design:
Site Determination
Network Optimisation
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The inputs for this phase include the assumptions, validated DTM and
calibrated propagation model.
Erlang map per service illustrates the traffic activity per service. Coverage map
predicts the path loss. W-CDMA maps show the areas of low quality of
coverage and the noise levels. Statistics provide information about system
• GSM design
Site Determination
Erlang map TRX Planning
Theoretical Plan
Frequency Planning
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After the site determination, TRX planning enables to define the configuration of
each site (number of TRX per site) by taking into account traffic requirements.
Frequency planning consists in allocating frequencies over the network to limit
Erlang map illustrates the traffic activity. Coverage maps predicts the coverage
of the area according to required quality of service. C/I map shows interference
levels. Statistics provide information about system behaviour.
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The objective is to support the Roll Out operations during the site
implementation (cf. [A9]). Figure 7 illustrates the implementation phase and
Table 4 summarizes the inputs and outputs for each activity.
After the site determination, SAQ subcontractor finds three candidates per
theoretical site. Potential sites are then analysed and selected in consistency
with design specifications. Before the site construction, CP is involved in the
verification of the site dossier.
When the site is built and the aerial installed, aerial measurements are
checked. Furthermore radio coverage measurements are analysed. Radio data-
fill is an iterative process that defines the radio parameters in accordance with
latest definition of cells. CP also provides support to RSV activity.
Site Determination
Site Search
Site Selection
Site construction
RSV Support
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Engineering Plan X A X X X X X X
System Definition X A X X X X X X X X X
RF Measurement Report X A X X X X
Transmission Report X X A X
Database Reference X X X A X X
Radio Site Verification
Performance and
Improvement Report
A: Author X: Informed
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CP tool database
This database reflects the site status from the CP point of view and is owned by
CP team. During the implementation phase, this database has to be regularly
updated and stored in a new file with the date of backup.
Maps log
All the maps have to be named, archived and recorded with a text file indicating
details and mentioning the delivery date to customer. CD-ROM can be used for
that purpose.
CP project folder
A CP project folder can be created on the network where all the reports related
to each project have to be recorded. At the end of the project, the folder will be
archived to capitalize Nortel Networks experience.
CP intranet website
A CP intranet website would enable to find useful information at anytime and
anywhere. It may improve the communication amongst the team and create
links with other activities.
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Figure 8 shows an overview of the site Roll Out. During the site implementation,
CP provides support to the Roll Out operations: CP is not only involved in the
site search and selection, but also responsible for the radio aspects of the
ities Deliv
Activ Main Skills
Cell Plan
Site Selection
Installation Installer
Pow er
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Candidate Analysis
If these analyses give good results, then the candidate is compliant with radio
and transmission requirements. Otherwise CP has to visit the site and gather
information collected in a Radio Site Survey report (cf. chapter 7).
Site Selection
Then the Site Nomination Form is signed for each selected site. The status of
the site is updated in the Global Site Database for Site Preparation.
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EXCEL - - - + + -
ORACLE = + + - - =
ACCESS + = = = = +
+: Good =: average -: bad
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SIMMAP overview
SIMAAP is an implementation management database developed under
Access97 and supported by Nortel Networks team. Hence development,
maintenance and training can be easily provided on-site.
Each team (CP, TRS, SAQ, SE, SP, I&C) can find information related to its own
activity. Passwords are requested for secured access.
SIMAAP has been successfully used in some projects such as Poland, Holland
and Italy.
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Templates propose standard profile for reports and documents to be issued
during the project.
The purpose is to provide the teams with Cell Plan Reference, Cell Plan Report
and Radio Site Survey to help save time when reporting. Furthermore Site
Location Criteria, Candidate Site Folder, Site Nomination Form and Change
Note templates established with SAQ and SE teams have to be used during
site search and implementation.
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SLC.xls SLC_description.doc
Change Note
The Change Note is issued to notify the modification of radio parameters.
Template is not available yet.
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7.3. CP TOOL
CP tool currently used is PlaNET developed by MSI. Several tools for UMTS
simulation are under evaluation.
Mapinfo can be used for traffic study. Maps can also be inserted in Site
Location Criteria document by using MapInfo.
7.5. KIOSK
Kiosk is a Documentation Management System designed to make available on
Nortel intranet, approved technical information from GSM & UMTS teams.
Kiosk team can be contacted by e-mail ([email protected]) or by
phone (ESN 579 3306).
Before using Kiosk, a registration is needed. The intranet address is
Document search
All approved documents can be found and downloaded in PDF format.
Reference code of the document is required for the search. Complete
information about reference codes can be found in [A8].
Document template
Nortel document template can be found and downloaded from Kiosk.
Documentation management
The documentation management process that is presented in Kiosk webpage is
briefly described hereafter:
- The reference code of the document properly chosen by using [A8] is
reserved in Kiosk,
- The provisional document is then submitted to Kiosk for re-reading and
annotations seeing.
- When the document is approved, it is registered with its final version in
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