Begnas Road BOQ 1
Begnas Road BOQ 1
Begnas Road BOQ 1
Bill of Quantities
Notes for Unit Rate Contracts :
The objectives of the Bill of Quantities are
(a) to provide sufficient information on the quantities of Works to be performed to enable Bids to be
prepared efficiently and accurately; and
(b) when a Contract has been entered into, to provide a priced Bill of Quantities for use in the periodic
valuation of Works executed.
In order to attain these objectives, Works should be itemized in the Bill of Quantities in sufficient detail to
distinguish between the different classes of Works, or between Works of the same nature carried out in different
locations or in other circumstances which may give rise to different considerations of cost. Consistent with
these requirements, the layout and content of the Bill of Quantities should be as simple and brief as possible.
The Bill of Quantities should be divided generally into the following sections:
(a) Preamble;
(b) Work Items (grouped into parts);
(c) Day works Schedule;
d) Provisional Sums; and
(d) Summary.
The Preamble should indicate the inclusiveness of the unit prices, and should state the methods of measurement
which have been adopted in the preparation of the Bill of Quantities and which are to be used for the
measurement of any part of the works.
Work Items
The items in the Bill of Quantities should be grouped into sections to distinguish between those parts of the
Works which by nature, location, access, timing, or any other special characteristics may give rise to different
methods of construction, or phasing of the Works, or considerations of cost. General items common to all parts
of the works may be grouped as a separate section in the Bill of Quantities.
Day work Schedule
A Day work Schedule should be included only if the probability of unforeseen work, outside the items included in
the Bill of Quantities, is high. To facilitate checking by the Employer of the realism of rates quoted by the
Bidders, the Day work Schedule should normally comprise the following:
(a) A list of the various classes of labor, materials, and Constructional Plant for which basic day work rates
or prices are to be inserted by the Bidder, together with a statement of the conditions under which the
Contractor will be paid for work executed on a day work basis.
(b) Nominal quantities for each item of Day work, to be priced by each Bidder at Day work rates as bid. The
rate to be entered by the Bidder against each basic Day work item should include the Contractor’s profit,
overheads, supervision, and other charges.
Provisional Sums
A general provision for physical contingencies (quantity overruns) may be made by including a provisional sum
in the Summary Bill of Quantities. Similarly, a contingency allowance for possible price increases should be
provided as a provisional sum in the Summary Bill of Quantities. The inclusion of such provisional sums often
facilitates budgetary approval by avoiding the need to request periodic supplementary approvals as the future
need arises. Where such provisional sums or contingency allowances are used, the Contract Data should state
the manner in which they will be used, and under whose authority (usually the Project Manager’s).
The Summary should contain a tabulation of the separate parts of the Bill of Quantities carried forward, with
provisional sums for Day work, for physical (quantity) contingencies, and for price contingencies (upward price
adjustment) where applicable.
These Notes for Preparing Specifications are intended only as information for the Employer or the person
drafting the Bidding documents. They should not be included in the final documents.
Bill of Quantities
1 Provisional Sum
Procument Item Details
Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate(NPR) Amount(NPR)
1 Carry out additional tests for material and works as PS 1.0 0.0 0.00
required and instructed by the Engineer.
Procument Item Details
3.1 Labor
1 Skilled Md 160.0
2 Unskilled Md 480.0
3.2 Materials
3.3 Equipments/Tools
1 Truck hr 30.0
3 Excavator hr 30.0
4 Civil Works
4.7.1 Providing and fixing of retro-reflectorized warning Regulatory and informatory sign as per specifica
Grand Total