Begnas Road BOQ 1

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Bill of Quantities
Notes for Unit Rate Contracts :
The objectives of the Bill of Quantities are
(a) to provide sufficient information on the quantities of Works to be performed to enable Bids to be
prepared efficiently and accurately; and
(b) when a Contract has been entered into, to provide a priced Bill of Quantities for use in the periodic
valuation of Works executed.

In order to attain these objectives, Works should be itemized in the Bill of Quantities in sufficient detail to
distinguish between the different classes of Works, or between Works of the same nature carried out in different
locations or in other circumstances which may give rise to different considerations of cost. Consistent with
these requirements, the layout and content of the Bill of Quantities should be as simple and brief as possible.
The Bill of Quantities should be divided generally into the following sections:
(a) Preamble;
(b) Work Items (grouped into parts);
(c) Day works Schedule;
d) Provisional Sums; and
(d) Summary.

The Preamble should indicate the inclusiveness of the unit prices, and should state the methods of measurement
which have been adopted in the preparation of the Bill of Quantities and which are to be used for the
measurement of any part of the works.

Work Items
The items in the Bill of Quantities should be grouped into sections to distinguish between those parts of the
Works which by nature, location, access, timing, or any other special characteristics may give rise to different
methods of construction, or phasing of the Works, or considerations of cost. General items common to all parts
of the works may be grouped as a separate section in the Bill of Quantities.
Day work Schedule
A Day work Schedule should be included only if the probability of unforeseen work, outside the items included in
the Bill of Quantities, is high. To facilitate checking by the Employer of the realism of rates quoted by the
Bidders, the Day work Schedule should normally comprise the following:
(a) A list of the various classes of labor, materials, and Constructional Plant for which basic day work rates
or prices are to be inserted by the Bidder, together with a statement of the conditions under which the
Contractor will be paid for work executed on a day work basis.
(b) Nominal quantities for each item of Day work, to be priced by each Bidder at Day work rates as bid. The
rate to be entered by the Bidder against each basic Day work item should include the Contractor’s profit,
overheads, supervision, and other charges.
Provisional Sums
A general provision for physical contingencies (quantity overruns) may be made by including a provisional sum
in the Summary Bill of Quantities. Similarly, a contingency allowance for possible price increases should be
provided as a provisional sum in the Summary Bill of Quantities. The inclusion of such provisional sums often
facilitates budgetary approval by avoiding the need to request periodic supplementary approvals as the future
need arises. Where such provisional sums or contingency allowances are used, the Contract Data should state
the manner in which they will be used, and under whose authority (usually the Project Manager’s).

The Summary should contain a tabulation of the separate parts of the Bill of Quantities carried forward, with
provisional sums for Day work, for physical (quantity) contingencies, and for price contingencies (upward price
adjustment) where applicable.

These Notes for Preparing Specifications are intended only as information for the Employer or the person
drafting the Bidding documents. They should not be included in the final documents.
Bill of Quantities
1 Provisional Sum
Procument Item Details

Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate(NPR) Amount(NPR)

1 Carry out additional tests for material and works as PS 1.0 0.0 0.00
required and instructed by the Engineer.
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Provide policies for insurance of loss
of or damage to works, Plant and
materials; loss of or damage to
1 Equipment; Third party Insurance and LS 1.0
Loss of or damage to property ; and
Personal injury or Death as prescribed
in GCC 13
Construction, Operation and
Maintainance of temporary diversion
of road/bridge with required
2 temporary Cross Drainage to keep the RM 430.0
road serviceable through out the
contact period as per specification and
instruction of engineer.
Provide and establish the labor camps
& adequate drinking water facility and
toilets for labors and demolish camp
3 LS 1.0
site and re-instate the ground as per
specifications and as instructed by
Providing, installing and maintaining
Quality control labouratory with
equipment as specified in the
Technical Specifications including
4 LS 1.0
supply of electricity, water, gas and
heating etc. and operation of
laboratory with Technical support and
Laboratory staff
Provision for carrying out additional
tests for material and works as
5 LS 1.0
required and instructed by the
Engineer as per GCC
Provision of Safety clothing, first aid
6 Nos 24.0
tools and medicine

Provide and install Standard Project

7 Nos 2.0
Sign Board

8 Provision of Photographs (100 photos) Nos 1.0

Provision of Video showing showing

9 Set 3.0
final finished work

3.1 Labor

Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)

1 Skilled Md 160.0

2 Unskilled Md 480.0

3.2 Materials

Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)

1 Cement Tonnes 5.0

2 Sand Cum 30.0

3 Stones Cum 20.0

4 Reinforcement Tonnes 3.0

5 Aggregate Cum 20.0

3.3 Equipments/Tools

Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)

1 Truck hr 30.0

2 Wheel Loader hr 30.0

3 Excavator hr 30.0

4 Motor Grader hr 30.0

4 Civil Works

Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Clearing and grubbing road land
including uprooting rank vegetation,
grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and
trees girth up to 300 mm, removal of
stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal
1 of unserviceable materials and sqm 82000.0
stacking of serviceable Material to be
used or auctioned, up to a lead of 30
meters including removal and disposal
of top organic soil not exceeding 150
mm in thickness.
Cutting of trees, including cutting of
trunks, branches and removal of
stumps, roots, stacking of serviceable
2 Nos 130.0
Material with all lifts and up to a lead
of 1000 meters and earth filling in the
Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-
3 m3 388.01

Prestressed / reinforced cement

4 m3 272.61
concrete grade M-20 & above

Rubble stone masonry in cement

5 m3 38.4
Dismantling of flexible pavements and
disposal of dismantled Material up to
6 a lead of 1000 metres, stacking cum 4301.0
serviceable and unserviceable Material
Removal and relocation of concrete
Electric poles (mounting height of 10
m) including excavation and
dismantling of foundation concrete
7 and lines under the supervision of nos 149.0
concerned department, disposal with
all lifts and up to a lead of 1000
metres and stacking the serviceable
and unserviceable Material separately
4.2 Foundation works

Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Roadway Excavation in all types of
soil as per drawing and technical
specification, including removal of
1 Cum 13722.87
stumps and other deleterious matter,
with all lifts and leadas per Drawing
and instruction of the Engineer.
Earthwork excavation in all type of
soil for drain and canal trenches
including shoring, struting, bracing,
2 Cum 7425.56
sheeting and necessary disposal and
lift etc. as per specification, all
complete work.
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Excavation for Structures.
Earth work in excavation of
foundation of structures as per
drawing and technical specification,
including setting out, construction of
shoring and bracing, removal of
3 Cum 7186.45
stumps and other deleterious matter,
dressing of sides and bottom,
backfilling the excavation earth to the
extent required and utilising the
remaining earth locally for road work
complete as per specifications.
Clearing of grass, removing roots,
4 breaking sods, levelling the surface Sqm 1101.8
and disposal to 10 m. [201]
Demolition of existing Bridge with
Abutments, Piers including stock
pilling the reusable material and
disposal of unusable materials,
5 provision for temporary diversion for Sqm 840.0
vehicle movement through out the
construction period all complete, as
per specification and instruction of
Providing and laying of hand pack
stone soling with 150 to 200 mm thick
6 stones and packing with smaller stone Cum 2221.28
on prepared surface as per Drawing
and Technical Specifications
Providing and placing cement
concrete M10/40 including
7 compaction, curing, testing etc., all Cum 817.5
complete (SS/SP- 2000) in foundation
of side drain
Providing and placing cement
concrete M15/40 including
8 Cum 609.05
compaction, curing, testing etc., all
complete in foundation of structures
Providing, preparing and installing
formwork including necessary
9 Sqm 11737.62
supports and removing after
completion (Class F1 Finish)
Backfilling in layers in Foundation
pits, trenches etc including
10 Cum 3228.51
compaction and watering etc complete
, lead 10 m.
Compacting original ground
supporting sub-grade Loosening of the
ground upto a level of 500 mm below
11 Cum 41000.0
the sub-grade level, watered, graded
and compacted in layers as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Boring, providing and installing
bored cast-in-situ RCC piles of
12 800mm diameter including Bentonite rm 2304.0
as per specification and drawing etc.
all complete. [1612]
Providing and laying Reinforcement
bars(Fe 500) including cutting,
13 bending, binding , fixing in position MT 511.58
and lead 3o m etc. all complete as per
Specification and drawing.
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Providing and placing machine mixed
cement concrete M20/20 for the
14 foundation and footing etc. including Cum 303.91
compaction, curing, testing etc. and
lead 30m all complete (SS/SP-2000)
Providing and placing machine mixed
Cement Concrete (M25/20) for the
foundation and footing etc including
15 Cum 2411.13
compaction,curing, testing and lead
all complete as per Specification &
drawing. [2000]
4.3 Sub structure work

Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Providing, preparing and installing
formwork including necessary
1 Sqm 5755.67
supports and removing after
completion (Class F2 Finish)
Providing and placing cement
concrete M25/25 including
compaction, curing, testing including
2 Cum 5002.06
formwork all complete as per Drawing
and Technical Specification. (SS/SP-
Providing and placing machine mixed
Cement Concrete (M25) for the
abutment, pier,wall, etc. including
3 Cum 3379.07
compaction, curing, testing and lead
30 m etc. all complete as per
Specification & Drawing.
Providing and laying of
Plain/Reinforced Cement Concrete in
4 Cum 837.91
complete as per Drawing and
Technical RCC Grade M 30
Providing and laying , fitting and
placing un-coated Mild steel / HYSD
reinforcement including cutting,
5 bending, binding, fixing in position Mt 407.65
and lead etc. all complete in
foundation as per drawing and
technical specification
Providing and laying of Filter media
with granular Material/stone crushed
aggregates to a thickness of not less
than 600 mm with smaller size
towards the soil and bigger size
6 towards the wall and provided over Cum 1006.14
the entire surface behind abutment,
wing wall and return wall to the full
height compacted to a firm condition
complete as per drawing and
Technical Specification.
Providing suitable material and Back
filling behind abutment, wingwall and
7 Cum 3921.3
return wall complete as per Drawing
and Technical Specification.
4.4 Superstructure work
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Providing, preparing and installing
formwork including necessary
supports and removing after
1 Sqm 4364.15
completion for slab structure.
(Falsework not included) (Class F2
Providing and assembling in position
falsework for the construction of RCC
superstructure and removing after
2 Sqm 2016.6
completion including design and
drawings as per specifications for slab
and box culverts height upto 2m.
Providing and placing machine mixed
Cement Concrete (M25) for the super
structure, deck slab, girder, etc.
3 Sqm 490.99
including compaction, curing, testing
and lead 30 m etc. all complete as per
Specification and drawing. [2000]
Providing and laying of Reinforced/
Pre-stressed cement concrete (20 mm
aggregate size) in super-structure as
4 Cum 605.65
per drawing and Technical
Specification M35 (for deck and crash
Providing and laying , fitting and
placing un-coated Mild steel / HYSD
5 reinforcement complete in Super- MT 93.42
structure as per drawing and technical
specification. (Section 20.9)
Providing and fixing 100mm dia G.I.
Pipe, medium class for Drainage
6 Nos 56.0
Spout necessary accessory as per
Providing, fixing and erecting 75 mm
dia steel pipe railing in 3 rows duly
painted on medium weight steel
7 channels (ISMC series) 100 mm X 50 meter 1557.12
mm, 1.2 metres high above ground, 2
m center to center, complete as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications
Providing and laying of a strip seal
expansion joint catering to maximum
8 horizontal movement upto 70 mm, Rm 240.0
complete as per approved Drawing
and Technical specifications
Providing and installing 300 wide, 5
layer Tar Paper Sheets for Bearings
9 including all necessary auxilliary and Rm 120.0
incidental works as per the drawing
and specification
Providing and Installing Neoprene
Bearing including all necessary
10 auxilliary and incidental works etc all nos 24.0
complete as per drawing and
Providing, fitting and fixing mild steel
11 railing complete as per drawing and Rm 376.8
Technical Specification
Providing and laying of Reinforced
Cement Concrete pipes 1200 NP3
Collar joint or flush joint pipe for
12 Rm 92.7
culvert incluing with cement motar 1:2
as per Drawing and Technical
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Providing and laying Random Rubble
Masonnary (RRM) in cement mortar
(1:4) including scaffolding, curing,
13 Cum 67.5
preparation of mortar etc., all
complete, mortar 35% [2600] for side
drains, retaining walls.
Painting two coats on crash barrier
14 with synthetic enamel paint in all Sqm 808.18
shades Ref. to Technical specification
4.5 Retaining Structure

Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Providing and laying Plum concrete (
Boulder mixed concrete) as per
1 Drawing and Specifications 70% M 15 Cum 9379.07
concrete and 30% boulders/stones.
Section 24.16
Providing Flexible Floor Apron with
2 Gabion mattreses complete as per Cum 3063.11
technical specifications
Providing and laying weep holes in
Brick dry/Plain/ Reinforced concrete
abutment, wing wall/ return wall with
110 mm dia HDPE pipe, extending
3 Rm 3485.08
through the full width of the structure
with slope of 1V :20H towards
drawing face Complete as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications
4.6 Road Works

Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Construction of Embankment with
Material obtained from Borrow pits
Providing, laying, spreading and
1 cum 64727.85
compacting embankment with borrow
material as per Drawingand Technical
Compacting original ground
supporting sub-grade Loosening of the
ground upto a level of 500 mm below
2 the sub-grade level, watered, graded sqm 45012.8
and compacted in layers as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications.
(Ref to SS 1003, 1005)
Construction of Subgrade and Earthen
Shoulders with approved Material (
capping layer) Providing and laying
sub-grade and earthen shoulders with
3 cum 25374.1
approved Material obtained from
borrow pits with all lifts & leads as
per Drawing and Technical
Providing and laying Granular Sub-
base on prepared surface, mixing at
OMC, and compacting to achieve the
4 cum 21732.79
desired density, complete as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications.
(By Mechanical Means)
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Providing, laying, spreading and
compacting graded crushed stone
aggregate to wet mix macadam
specification including premixing the
Material withwater at OMC laying in
5 uniform layers in sub-base / base cum 21067.58
course on well prepared surface and
compacting to achieve required
density as perDrawing and Technical
Specifications. Base course with B2
Providing and applying prime coat
MC 30/70 with Hot Bitumen (
including cutter) on prepared surface
6 of granular base including cleaning of Lit 42174.21
road surface and spraying by
mechanical means as per Technical
Providing and laying dense
bituminous macadam using crushed
stone aggregates of specified grading,
7 cum 3394.25
premixed with bituminous binder and
filler as per Drawing and Technical
Providing and applying tack coat with
hot Bitumen at specified rate on the
8 prepared on bituminous surfaces lit 14255.85
including cleaning as per Technical
Speciation (above DBM)
Providing and applying tack coat with
hot Bitumen at specified rate on the
9 prepared non-bituminous surfaces lit 8146.2
including cleaning as per Technical
Speciation (above prime coat)
Providing and laying Bituminous
concrete/ Asphalt concrete using
crushed aggregates of specified
10 cum 2680.75
grading, premixed with bituminous
binder and filler as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.
Road marking with Hot Applied
Thermoplastic Compound with
Reflectorizing Glass Beads on
Bituminous Surface on smooth surface
(similar to Asphalt concrete and rigid
pavement), providing and laying of
11 hot applied thermoplastic compound sqm 1851.25
at least 2 mm thick including
refectorizing glass beads as per DOR
Traffic Sign Manual/Specifications.
The finished surface to be level,
uniform and free from streaks and
Providing and laying of M20/20
precast cement concrete Kerb
325mm * 165mm * 250 mm ( H*B*L)
with 12 mm thick 1:3 cement sand
12 mortar bedding and joints including Rm 25995.2
foundationexcavation levelling but
excluding foundation concrete for
foundation or sand gravel material, all
complete as per Drawing and techincal
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Providing, jointing and laying RCC
Hume pipes of 150 mm with or
without collar proposed on both sides
13 for draining of water from tick drain to Rm 2304.0
side drains under footpath complete in
place as per Drawing and Technical
Providing Wrought iron and mild steel
welded work(using angles, square
bars, tees and channel grills, grating
frames, gates and tree guards of any
size and design etc.including cost of
14 Kg 110.0
screens and welding rods or bolts and
nuts complete fixed in position but
without the cost of excavation and
concrete for fixing which will be paid
Providing and filling sand in
15 Foundation Trences as per Drawing & cum 675.95
Technical Specification
Provide & laying 60mm thick Heavy
duty interlocking concrete block over
16 sqm 22531.6
50mm thick stone dust in perfect line
& level, all complete work
Providing and laying Tactiles 60 mm
thick with12mm thick 1:3 cement sand
17 mortar over the prepared base sqm 1931.28
complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.
Construction of Median and Island
with Soil Taken from Borrow Areas
Providing and laying Median and
Island above road level with approved
18 cum 1689.87
Material deposited including
compacted as per Drawing and
Specifications. ( using material from
borrow area).
Planting single node culm cutting of
grass (e.g. napier) on fill slopes<45
and embankment slopes in plain areas.
19 Approximate length 150mm, Nos 9656.4
including digging planting hole 10 -20
cm depth using a metal rod or
hardwood peg.
4.7 Road Furniture and Sign

4.7.1 Providing and fixing of retro-reflectorized warning Regulatory and informatory sign as per specifica Single Post

Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)

1 60 cm height equilateral triangle Nos 42.0

2 60 cm circular Nos 26.0

Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supplying and erecting traffic sign in
place including 50mm dia. Steel tube,
2mm. thick steel plate, cement
concrete (M15/20), painting, writing
3 and supporting steel angle nut and bolt Nos 10.0
etc. complete.
b) 1.2m.x0.75m. Size bigger traffic
sign with back support and two or
more post.
Standard kilometer marker stone
4 Nos 3.0
(placed at each km distance).
Supplying and fixing in place R.C.C.
delineator post including excavation,
5 back filling, painting and erection Nos 250.0
etc., all complete as per Drawings.
(SS/SP- 1504)
Providing and fitting 3 seater precast
concrete bench with seating
6 Nos 162.0
arrangement along the road side as per
Drawing and Technical Specification.
Providing and making of Rumble
strips with premix bituminous carpet,
15-20 mm high at center, 250 mm
wide placed at 1 m center to center at
approved locations to control speed,
marked with white strips of road
7 marking paint. Provision of 15 Nos sqm 3465.0
rumble strips covered with premix
bituminous carpet, 15-20 mm high at
center, 250 mm wide placed at 1 m
center to center at approved locations
to control speed, marked with
whitestrips of road marking paint.
Precasting and placing in position 125
mm dia Bollards 600 mm high of
required shape with 150x150x6mm M.
S. plate welded at bottom and
8 embedded 150mm in M 15 cement Nos 986.0
concrete, including necessary
excavation of size 250x250x250mm
deep for the same in foothpath at
specified spacing.
Providing and fixing of road stud 100
x 100 mm, die-cast in aluminum,
resistant to corrosive effect of salt and
grit, fitted with lenses reflectors,
installed in concrete or asphaltic
9 nos 3936.0
surface by drilling hole 30 mm upto a
depth of 60 mm and bedded in a
suitable bituminous grout or epoxy
mortar, all as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications
Providing and erecting street light
mounted on a steel circular hollow
pole of standard specifications for
street lighting, 10 m (9.1 m above
pavement surface) high spaced 20 m
apart, 2 m overhang on both sides if
10 Nos 164.0
fixed in the median and on one side if
fixed on the footpath, fitted with white
light-emitting diode(WLED Lamp)
and fixed firmly in concrete
foundation as per design ,Drawing and
Technical Specifications.
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Installation of ramp for including
earthwork excavation, soling, PCC,
supplying, fabrication and installation
of MS work at any height including
11 Nos 89.0
cutting,placing,welding,bolting and
one coat of primer as per drawing
specification and instruction of
5 Miscellaneous / Water Supply
5.1 Provision for shifting or relocating Private/Public service Utility as instructed by Engineer

5.1.1 Removable and Reconstruction of Water Supply Pipeline

Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Earthwork in excavation for
foundation/trenches manually through
all kind of soil including disposal of
1 surplus excavated materials within Cum 2656.8
20m with relevant lift as per drawing,
specification & instruction of engineer
all complete.
Providing 110mm dia (external)
2 HDPE pipe, laying and joining ( butt Rm 6560.0
welded joint) including fittings.
Back-filling of all kind of soil
manually in foundation pits, trenches,
etc including leveling and surface
dressing with watering and proper
3 Cum 2066.4
compaction with using vibrator roller
with 10m lead as per drawing,
specification and instruction of
engineer all complete.
5.2 Environment And Social Mitigation
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)

1 Temple Relocation Cost LS 1.0

2 Bus Shelter Relocation Cost LS 3.0

3 Tap Stands Relocation Cost LS 5.0

Replacement of cut trees with

(259 number of cut trees &
4 LS 2590.0
replacement at 1:10 ration so 2590

"Awareness raising sessions to

workers on the Code of Conduct".
5 (Awareness raising sign and safety- LS 1.0
environment, public health,child labor,
GBV,CoVID-19, etc
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
PPE equipments for prevention
COVID-19 transmisson and OHS
6 aspects ( Helmets, Mask, Thermal LS 1.0
screening equipment, gloves, boots …
Total of Procument Items
Total Item Price


Grand Total

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