Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Graduate School Code 28

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Nagasaki University

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Graduate School code: 28
Web site:

1. Graduate School code

2. Maximum number of
2 students per year
□Environmental Science □Marine Science □Meteorology
■Natural Disaster/ Disaster Prevention Science □Tourism □Politics
3. Fields of Study □Economics □Sociology □Education □Engineering
□Agriculture (incl. Fisheries) □Geology □ICT ■Medical Science
□Others( )
Radiation health sciences, Radiation protection, Risk communication,
Sub Fields Radiation nursing

Program Disaster and Radiation Medical Sciences

4. Program and Degree
Degree Master of Medical Science
5. Standard time table 2 years
(Years needed for graduation)
6. Language of Program

Linguistic Ability
7. Desirable English level and
Necessary Academic background EJU, IELTS, GRE or Not necessary
8. Prior Inquiry From Applicants
(Before Submission of Please contact by e-mail (Email address: [email protected]).
Application Documents)

9. Website

Research Subject、Contact (e-mail)、Special message for the

Future students

Professor Hematology, especially for the epidemiology, biology, diagnosis

Yasushi and treatment of hematological malignancies and bome
10. Professors and Associated Miyazaki marrwo failure, and the effects of radiation on hematopoiesis

Basic research on radiation-induced DNA damage and thyroid

Professor Research of clinical/preclinical medical imaging using

Takashi radioisotope and radioisotope therapy.
Professor Research on molecular mechanisms of radiation-induced
Keiji cancer
Naoki Studies on radiation effect and protection

Evaluation of radiation health effects around Chernobyl and

Nagasaki University is a multi-faculty university, located in Nagasaki, one

of the oldest cities in Japan. It has nine faculties/schools and seven
11.Features of University graduate schools, and comprises three campus sites, in Bunkyo, Sakamoto
and Katafuchi. The total area of the university, including affiliated
facilities, is 662,000m2.
Through the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident in March 2011, it
was revealed that we currently face a shortage of experts, including nurses and
public health nurses, in the field of disaster and radiation exposure medical
science, such as emergency radiation exposure medical services professionals and
radiation health risk communications specialists. In the future, the spread of
radiation diagnoses/therapies, and personnel training in the field of disaster and
radiation exposure medical science, will be huge challenges in Japan and abroad,
12.Features of Graduate School especially in other Asian countries where the construction of nuclear power plants
is progressing.
Since Nagasaki University and Fukushima Medical University made a great efforts
in radiation exposure medical science and radiation risk science, the institutions
both gained valuable experience from the Great East Japan Earthquake, and
education faculties in disaster medical science opened the “Disaster and Radiation
Medical Sciences,” taking advantage of the best characteristics of each university
to begin personnel training in this field.
This course will train students in how to deal with various disasters, including
13.Features and Curriculum of radiation accidents, based on specialized knowledge. The program will include
Program medical treatment and crisis communication at the time of a disaster, planning and
disaster prevention efforts, and providing mental care before and after a disaster.
After enrollment, in the first year, students will enroll in the common, basic
subjects that are requirement for both courses. Subsequently, they will enroll in
14.Academic Schedule specialized subjects according to their respective courses. In the second year,
students complete the specialized practical training program, conduct a research
project, and write a Master’s thesis.

15. Supporting service to International Students

International Students Support

Center for Consulting or
Nagasaki University Liaison Center for International Education
counseling about daily life,
( )
campus life, cross-cultural
adjustment etc.
Nagasaki University has a dormitory for international students and
international researchers enrolled in Nagasaki University. The
International Houses are located in the Nishimachi (the Nishimachi Main
Building, Nishimachi Building A, Nishimachi Building B) and Sakamoto
Provision of Student Dormitory
area of Nagasaki
( ).
Also, Nagasaki University helps international students to find
apartments near the campus.
Nagasaki University Liaison Center for International Education offers
Japanese Language Education
programs of Japanese language studies for international students
Program for International
interested in learning Japanese language
( ).
“Guide to Nagasaki Life” is available at
Cultural Activities

Any special attention to Religious According to the requests of foreign students, we are going to prepare the
Practice prayer’s room in the university.

Facilities of Nagasaki University including library are available at

facilities (Library etc)
Please state other particular
Outline of Nagasaki University is available at
supporting service you are
endeavoring, if any.

16. Message to Prospective International Students

Message from the President of Nagasaki University is available at the

Message from University following URL
Students’ Voice
Voice of International Students

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