Schedule 10 - Engineering Drawing Submission
Schedule 10 - Engineering Drawing Submission
Schedule 10 - Engineering Drawing Submission
1.0 General 3
1.1. Introduction 3
1.2. General Requirements 3
1.3. Abbreviations 3
2.0 Drafting Standards 4
2.1. Sheet Layout 4
2.2. Dimensions and Units 4
2.3. Lettering 4
2.4. Scales 4
3.0 Drawing Standards (digital) 5
3.1. General Requirements 5
3.2. Drawing Conventions 5
4.0 Required Drawings 7
4.1. Cover Sheet (Title Page) 7
4.2. Key Plan(s) 7
4.3. Building Envelope Plan (if applicable) 7
4.4. Composite Plan(s) (as required) 7
4.5. Plan / Profile Drawings 8
4.6. Grading Plan(s) 9
4.7. Landscape Plan(s) 10
4.8. Storm Water Management Plan (SMP) 10
4.9. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan(s) 11
4.10. Street Lighting Plan(s) 11
4.11. Street Sign, Paint Marking, and Traffic Control Device Plans 11
4.12. Traffic Management Plan(s) 11
4.13. Road Cross Section Plan(s) 11
4.14. Construction Details 12
4.15. Electrical, Gas, and Communication Utilities 12
5.0 Drawing Submissions 13
5.1. Design Submissions 13
5.2. Record Drawings 13
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District of Coldstream
Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1535
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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1535
1.1. Introduction
This Policy outlines the minimum standards and requirements for design and Record
Drawing submissions for engineering work(s).
Where a standard drawing exists, it shall be sufficient to refer to the appropriate drawing
by reference number and date of issue. Where a standard drawing does not exist, or is
unsuitable for a particular case, detail drawings shall be prepared to accurately portray
the various elements of the installation.
Where no standard is defined in this Policy for the preparation of a drawing to portray a
particular service, structure, or other item, instructions and requirements may be
obtained by discussion with District staff.
All drawings shall be signed and sealed be a Professional Engineer registered in the
Province of British Columbia.
1.3. Abbreviations
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
NAD83 1983 North American Datum
BOC Back of Curb
EC End of Curve
BC Beginning of Curve
PI Point of Intersection
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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1535
(a) Dimensions and units must be shown in metric. No imperial units are permitted.
(b) All distances, elevations, and coordinates shall be given in meters to accuracy of 3
decimal places.
(c) Grades shall be given as a percentage to accuracy of 2 decimal places.
(d) Areas shall be in square meters rounded to the nearest square meter.
(e) All pipe sizes shall be given in millimeters as per ASTM specifications using:
1" = 25mm
(f) Existing imperial dimensions, except for pipe sizes, are to be soft converted using the
1 inch = 25.4 millimeters
1 foot = 0.3048 meters.
2.3. Lettering
(a) Lettering is to be an open style of Vertical Gothic (eg. Leroy or AutoCAD – ‘romans’).
(b) All lettering to maintain a 1:10 ratio between plotted text height and plotted pen
(c) The minimum plotted text height shall be 1.5mm.
(d) The maximum plotted text height shall be 5.0mm.
(e) The standard lettering height is 2.0mm.
2.4. Scales
The following scales shall be normally used:
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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1535
All drawing objects colour and linetype properties shall be set to ‘bylayer’.
All drawings must be purged of all unnecessary information prior to submission to the
Where the available ‘categories’ are defined in Table 3.2.1a; and ‘objects’ could
be lines, mains, manholes, valves, walls, fences, and text; and ‘type’ describes
the type of object.
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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1535
Colours 250-255 are generally used for FUTURE works and hatch patterns.
250 0.10 grey 252 0.20 grey
251 0.15 grey 253 - 255 0.25 grey
Colours 10-248 (even) are generally used for proposed works, as follows:
10, 20, 150... 0.60 black 16, 26, 156... 0.30 black
12, 22, 152... 0.40 black 18, 28, 158... 0.20 black
14, 24, 154... 0.35 black
Colours 11-249 (odd) are generally used for existing works, as follows:
11, 21, 151... 0.20 black 17, 27, 157... 0.10 screen 60
13, 23, 153... 0.15 black 19, 29, 159... 0.10 screen 30
15, 25, 155... 0.10 black
3.2.4. Linetypes
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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1553
Note: The standards defined Sections 2.1(c), 2.1(d), and 2.3 do NOT apply to the cover
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4.5.1. General
(a) Both plan and profile stationing must be tied to a property line or road
(b) The profile shall be shown at true centerline length and projected below
the plan in as close a horizontal relationship as possible.
(c) The top half of a Plan/Profile sheet shall show the plan view and shall
show the legal layout with legal descriptions of all properties, the
location of all sidewalks, catch basins, underground utilities such as
sewer, water, telephone, television power, manholes, valves, hydrants,
and all survey monuments, etc.
(d) Drawings shall also show existing dwellings, fences, trees, hedges,
unusual ground features, existing roads and driveways including the type
such as asphalt, concrete or gravel.
(e) Plan/Profile drawings for various services may be combined on one plan
(must be clear and readable) in the following manner:
• Roads & Storm Drains
• Sanitary Sewers & Water
4.5.3. Water Plan/Profile Drawings (may be combined with Sanitary Sewer and
Storm Mains)
Water plan views shall show the following information:
(a) Offset of pipelines from property lines.
(b) Length and size of pipe.
(c) Offset of connections from property lines.
(d) The locations of manholes, hydrants, valves, services, end-of-main, or
other appurtenances referenced to nearest property line.
(e) Information on any curves or pipe deflections.
(f) Easements (existing and/or required).
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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1553
(g) Location and connection details for all values and fittings.
Storm & Sanitary profiles views shall show the following information:
(a) Surface profiles (existing and design, if applicable) over proposed main.
(b) Length, size, grade, type, and material of pipe.
(c) Profiles of invert and crown of pipes.
(d) Location, type and invert elevation of all crossing utilities.
(e) Invert elevations of manholes.
(f) Alignment station of manhole.
(g) Manhole identification number.
(h) Rim elevations of proposed or adjusted manholes.
4.6.1. General
(a) Pre-Development contour lines. The topographic information shall extend a
minimum 30.0m outside the Development site;
(b) proposed contours, slopes, grades, and spot elevations;
(c) the minor (10 year return) storm sewer system with the flows noted per
section and the accumulated flows from all upstream sections. Provision
must be made for upstream Development potential where applicable;
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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1553
(d) the major (100 year return) system. The Consulting Engineer shall note
wherever the major system is not in the pipe or the roadway, showing the
routing and flows for the 100 year return storm;
(e) all swales proposed to affect the submitted Storm Water Management Plan;
(f) how the Development proposal will affect adjacent lands, attempts should be
made to "meet" existing elevations along the Development boundary;
(g) a legend noting all items proposed in the Storm Water Management Plan.
Applicable "General Notes" should also be included.
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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1553
(h) Pipe system including size, grade, and minor and major flows (a table may be
(i) The subject Development is to be highlighted.
The plan must have a narrative section describing the land, the disturbing activity and
details of the methods used for controlling erosion and sedimentation. Include a
description of the procedures for construction and maintenance of the control measures
and note the persons involved in maintenance and provide a maintenance schedule that
is to be followed. Where the land area to be subdivided is less than 10 hectares, this plan
may be combined with the Stormwater Management Plan.
4.11. Street Sign, Paint Marking, and Traffic Control Device Plans
A drawing identifying signs, markings, and required control devices. Detailed drawings
may be required for traffic control devices.
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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1553
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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1553
3 paper copies of all design drawings are required for design submissions.
The Owner shall submit to the District a complete set of electronic drawings of the
Subdivision or Development in DWG format compatible with the current version of
AutoCAD in addition to a Digital Hard copy in Adobe PDF format in accordance with
Sections 5.3 and 5.4 of this policy. The complete electronic set shall only be submitted
after acceptance of the draft paper Record Drawings by the Approving Officer.
The electronic drawing shall be prepared in accordance with Section 2.0 and the
conventions prescribed in Section 3.0.
All external files associated with the electronic drawing (e.g. special fonts, line
types, and/or images) shall also be supplied with the electronic drawing
No drawing shall be submitted that contains any external references (xrefs). All
externally referenced drawings shall be bound prior to submittal.
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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1553
The following settings shall be used when plotting the drawings to Adobe PDF:
• paper size to be ANSI D 558.8 x 863.6 mm
• layout to be “landscape”
• graphic print quality to be no less than “600 dpi”
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