Schedule 10 - Engineering Drawing Submission

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District of Coldstream
Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1535



1.0 General 3

1.1. Introduction 3
1.2. General Requirements 3
1.3. Abbreviations 3
2.0 Drafting Standards 4
2.1. Sheet Layout 4
2.2. Dimensions and Units 4
2.3. Lettering 4
2.4. Scales 4
3.0 Drawing Standards (digital) 5
3.1. General Requirements 5
3.2. Drawing Conventions 5
4.0 Required Drawings 7
4.1. Cover Sheet (Title Page) 7
4.2. Key Plan(s) 7
4.3. Building Envelope Plan (if applicable) 7
4.4. Composite Plan(s) (as required) 7
4.5. Plan / Profile Drawings 8
4.6. Grading Plan(s) 9
4.7. Landscape Plan(s) 10
4.8. Storm Water Management Plan (SMP) 10
4.9. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan(s) 11
4.10. Street Lighting Plan(s) 11
4.11. Street Sign, Paint Marking, and Traffic Control Device Plans 11
4.12. Traffic Management Plan(s) 11
4.13. Road Cross Section Plan(s) 11
4.14. Construction Details 12
4.15. Electrical, Gas, and Communication Utilities 12
5.0 Drawing Submissions 13
5.1. Design Submissions 13
5.2. Record Drawings 13

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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1535

5.3. Electronic Drawings 13

5.4. Digital Hard Copies 13

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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1535


1.1. Introduction

This Policy outlines the minimum standards and requirements for design and Record
Drawing submissions for engineering work(s).

Where a standard drawing exists, it shall be sufficient to refer to the appropriate drawing
by reference number and date of issue. Where a standard drawing does not exist, or is
unsuitable for a particular case, detail drawings shall be prepared to accurately portray
the various elements of the installation.

Where no standard is defined in this Policy for the preparation of a drawing to portray a
particular service, structure, or other item, instructions and requirements may be
obtained by discussion with District staff.

1.2. General Requirements

Drawings shall clearly show existing and proposed locations of all utilities using offsets
from property lines or boundaries of rights-of-way.

All drawings shall be signed and sealed be a Professional Engineer registered in the
Province of British Columbia.

Elevations shall be referred to geodetic datum. Horizontal coordinates shall be referenced

to UTM coordinate system NAD83.

1.3. Abbreviations
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
NAD83 1983 North American Datum
BOC Back of Curb
EC End of Curve
BC Beginning of Curve
PI Point of Intersection

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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1535


2.1. Sheet Layout

Drawing sheet layout(s) shall conform to and include the following:

(a) Sheet size to be ANSI D 558.8x863.6mm (22x34in).

(b) A north arrow shall be placed close to the top right side of each plan view on the
sheet. Where feasible, the north arrow shall point to the top of the page.
(c) A title block which describes the contents of the drawing (eg. Key plan, road, etc)
and shall clearly indicate the location of the works by road name(s) and/or legal
(d) Drawing scale, date, revision history block, and a detailed legend shall also be
included on each sheet layout.

2.2. Dimensions and Units

The following conventions must be used:

(a) Dimensions and units must be shown in metric. No imperial units are permitted.
(b) All distances, elevations, and coordinates shall be given in meters to accuracy of 3
decimal places.
(c) Grades shall be given as a percentage to accuracy of 2 decimal places.
(d) Areas shall be in square meters rounded to the nearest square meter.
(e) All pipe sizes shall be given in millimeters as per ASTM specifications using:
1" = 25mm
(f) Existing imperial dimensions, except for pipe sizes, are to be soft converted using the
1 inch = 25.4 millimeters
1 foot = 0.3048 meters.

2.3. Lettering
(a) Lettering is to be an open style of Vertical Gothic (eg. Leroy or AutoCAD – ‘romans’).
(b) All lettering to maintain a 1:10 ratio between plotted text height and plotted pen
(c) The minimum plotted text height shall be 1.5mm.
(d) The maximum plotted text height shall be 5.0mm.
(e) The standard lettering height is 2.0mm.

2.4. Scales
The following scales shall be normally used:

(a) Location and Key plans - 1:1000; 1:2500; 1:5000; 1:10000

(b) Composite Plans - 1:500; 1:1000; 1:2500
(c) Plan/Profile Drawings - Horizontal 1:500 or 1:250 Vertical 1:50 or 1:25
(d) Cross Sections - Horizontal 1:100 Vertical 1:50
(e) Details - 1:100; 1:20; 1:10

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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1535


3.1. General Requirements

The owner will be required to submit to the District a complete set of electronic drawings
of the Subdivision or Development in AutoCAD DWG format upon completion of the
proposed works.

All drawing objects colour and linetype properties shall be set to ‘bylayer’.

All drawings must be purged of all unnecessary information prior to submission to the

3.2. Drawing Conventions

3.2.1. Layer names and Colour

The District uses the following convention for naming AutoCAD layers:


Where the available ‘categories’ are defined in Table 3.2.1a; and ‘objects’ could
be lines, mains, manholes, valves, walls, fences, and text; and ‘type’ describes
the type of object.

For example, concrete could be used to describe a ‘type’ of sidewalk as in ROAD-

WALK-CONCRETE or ROAD-WALK-TEXT would describe text associated with the
Table 3.2.1-a
COM Communications (eg. Tel or Cable) 230-239
ELEC Electrical 190-199
GAS Gas 190-199
LAND Landscape Information 70-79
LGL Legal Information 140-149
ROAD Roads 20-29
SAN Sanitary Sewer 10-19
STM Storm Drainage 90-99
STRUC Structures and Hard Surface Features 220-229
SURV Survey Information (eg. Control points) 40-49
TOPO Topography (eg. Contours) 60-69
WAT Water 150-159

Some common layer examples are:


If required layer names may be prefixed as in Table 3.2.1b to signify either

existing, proposed, or future works.
Table 3.2.1-b
E- Existing Features Colours 11-249 odd
P- Proposed Works Colours 10-248 even
F- Future works 250-255

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3.2.2. Special Layers

Exceptions to the layer naming convention described above are described in
Table 3.2.2a
Table 3.2.2-a
MVIEW Viewports 0
IMAGE Externally Referenced Images 0

_TITLE Title Block Data (text and line work) 180-189

3.2.3. Lineweight Conventions

Colours 1-9 are generally used for Title blocks and miscellaneous text and notes.
1 0.20 black 6 0.30 black
2 0.30 black 7 0.20 black
3 0.35 black 8 0.15 black
4 0.60 black 9 0.10 black
5 0.20 black

Colours 250-255 are generally used for FUTURE works and hatch patterns.
250 0.10 grey 252 0.20 grey
251 0.15 grey 253 - 255 0.25 grey

Colours 10-248 (even) are generally used for proposed works, as follows:
10, 20, 150... 0.60 black 16, 26, 156... 0.30 black
12, 22, 152... 0.40 black 18, 28, 158... 0.20 black
14, 24, 154... 0.35 black

Colours 11-249 (odd) are generally used for existing works, as follows:
11, 21, 151... 0.20 black 17, 27, 157... 0.10 screen 60
13, 23, 153... 0.15 black 19, 29, 159... 0.10 screen 30
15, 25, 155... 0.10 black

3.2.4. Linetypes

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4.1. Cover Sheet (Title Page)

In addition to any other requirements presented in this policy, the cover sheet shall show
the following information:
(a) Name of Development or Project.
(b) Name and address of Owner and Consulting Engineer.
(c) Site location plan of Development or project.
(d) Legal description of subject properties.
(e) File numbers of approving authorities, (i.e. District and/or Ministry).
(f) Complete drawing index of all sheets belonging to the set.

Note: The standards defined Sections 2.1(c), 2.1(d), and 2.3 do NOT apply to the cover

4.2. Key Plan(s)

In addition to any other requirements presented in this policy, Key Plans shall show the
following information:
(a) Lot numbers, plan numbers, and road names of the subject Development and
adjoining properties.
(b) Cross reference of the drawings by outlining the area contained in each drawing
and referencing that drawing by drawing number.
(c) General construction notes.

4.3. Building Envelope Plan (if applicable)

In addition to any other requirements presented in this policy, Building Envelope Plan
shall show the following information:
(a) Overall plan of current phase
(b) Lot numbers
(c) Roads, curbs, gutters and sidewalks
(d) Rights of way and easements
(e) Offset lines from all property boundaries indicating required building setbacks
(f) 10 meter by 10 meter square on each parcel indicating the required minimum
building envelope
(g) Notes that indicate the required setbacks from all property boundaries pursuant
to the Zoning Bylaw

4.4. Composite Plan(s) (as required)

In addition to any other requirements presented in this policy, Composite Plans shall
show the following information:
(a) All existing and proposed utilities, roads, walkways, and sidewalks.
(b) All rights of way and easements including widths.
(c) Control monuments with identification number.
(d) All legal information, including bearings, dimensions, lot numbers, block
numbers, legal plan numbers, and street names. All lots must be numbered.
(e) Show legal lot line dimensions.
(f) All roadway dimensions including width of right of way, BOC to BOC and BOC to
edge of right of way.
(g) Area of each parcel.

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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1553

4.5. Plan / Profile Drawings

In addition to any other requirements of this policy, Plan/Profile drawings shall show the
following information:

4.5.1. General
(a) Both plan and profile stationing must be tied to a property line or road
(b) The profile shall be shown at true centerline length and projected below
the plan in as close a horizontal relationship as possible.
(c) The top half of a Plan/Profile sheet shall show the plan view and shall
show the legal layout with legal descriptions of all properties, the
location of all sidewalks, catch basins, underground utilities such as
sewer, water, telephone, television power, manholes, valves, hydrants,
and all survey monuments, etc.
(d) Drawings shall also show existing dwellings, fences, trees, hedges,
unusual ground features, existing roads and driveways including the type
such as asphalt, concrete or gravel.
(e) Plan/Profile drawings for various services may be combined on one plan
(must be clear and readable) in the following manner:
• Roads & Storm Drains
• Sanitary Sewers & Water

4.5.2. Road Plan/Profile Drawings (may be combined with Storm Drains)

Road plan views shall show the following information:
(a) Drawings shall show width of road, width of shoulders, and the offset of
curb from property line.
(b) Chainages of the B.C. and E.C. of horizontal curves shall be shown
together with the delta angle, centerline radius, tangent length, and
centerline arc length. Curb radii are not required if the centerline radius
and road width are shown, except on curb returns at intersections and at
the end of cul-de-sacs.
(c) Quarter point gutter elevations for cul-de-sac.
(d) Catchbasin rim elevations.

Road profiles views shall show the following information:

(a) The design gutter and/or centerline grade (%).
(b) Vertical curve chainage and elevations of B.C., E.C. and P.I.; the external
value, e; the length of vertical curve; the chainage and elevation of the
low spot of sag curves; and, K value of vertical curvature (crest on sag).
(c) Existing ground elevation along the centerline of proposed roadway
and/or the edge of existing asphalt.

4.5.3. Water Plan/Profile Drawings (may be combined with Sanitary Sewer and
Storm Mains)
Water plan views shall show the following information:
(a) Offset of pipelines from property lines.
(b) Length and size of pipe.
(c) Offset of connections from property lines.
(d) The locations of manholes, hydrants, valves, services, end-of-main, or
other appurtenances referenced to nearest property line.
(e) Information on any curves or pipe deflections.
(f) Easements (existing and/or required).

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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1553

(g) Location and connection details for all values and fittings.

Water profiles views shall show the following information:

(a) Surface profiles (existing and design, if applicable) over proposed main.
(b) Length, size, grade, type, and material of pipe.
(c) Profiles of invert and crown of pipes.
(d) Location, type and invert elevation of all crossing utilities.
(e) Stationing of all valves, fittings and appurtences.
(f) Anchor block locations.

4.5.4. Storm Drains and Sanitary Sewer Plan/Profile Drawings

Storm & Sanitary plan views shall show the following information:
(a) The drawings shall show the structural details of all manholes and
chambers, etc. not covered by standard drawings. Where the sanitary
sewers and storm drains or other utilities are to be installed in a common
trench, a typical cross-section showing vertical and horizontal distances
between pipes and classes of pipe and bedding shall be shown.
(b) Offset of pipelines from property lines.
(c) The size of pipe.
(d) Offset of connections from property lines.
(e) The locations of manholes, clean-outs and services relating to property
(f) Information on any curves or pipe deflections.
(g) Easements (existing and/or required).
(h) Future curb & gutter lines (if applicable).
(i) Manhole identification numbers.
(j) Inverts of service connections at property line (if applicable).
(k) For storm drainage, features such as ditches, culverts, streams,
channels, etc.

Storm & Sanitary profiles views shall show the following information:
(a) Surface profiles (existing and design, if applicable) over proposed main.
(b) Length, size, grade, type, and material of pipe.
(c) Profiles of invert and crown of pipes.
(d) Location, type and invert elevation of all crossing utilities.
(e) Invert elevations of manholes.
(f) Alignment station of manhole.
(g) Manhole identification number.
(h) Rim elevations of proposed or adjusted manholes.

4.6. Grading Plan(s)

In addition to any other requirements presented in this policy, Grading plans shall show
the following information:

4.6.1. General
(a) Pre-Development contour lines. The topographic information shall extend a
minimum 30.0m outside the Development site;
(b) proposed contours, slopes, grades, and spot elevations;
(c) the minor (10 year return) storm sewer system with the flows noted per
section and the accumulated flows from all upstream sections. Provision
must be made for upstream Development potential where applicable;

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Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 1553

(d) the major (100 year return) system. The Consulting Engineer shall note
wherever the major system is not in the pipe or the roadway, showing the
routing and flows for the 100 year return storm;
(e) all swales proposed to affect the submitted Storm Water Management Plan;
(f) how the Development proposal will affect adjacent lands, attempts should be
made to "meet" existing elevations along the Development boundary;
(g) a legend noting all items proposed in the Storm Water Management Plan.
Applicable "General Notes" should also be included.

4.6.2. Lot Grading

(h) all existing corner lot elevations (uncircled);
(i) all proposed corner lot elevations (circled);
(j) the proposed building envelope with the Minimum Basement Elevation (MBE)
(k) the slope of the lot (directional arrow), noting a minimum 1 % grade on the

4.7. Landscape Plan(s)

In addition to any other requirements presented in this policy, Landscape plans shall
show the following information:
(a) extent of proposed landscape works and services;
(b) existing and proposed property information, including lot lines, easements, legal
descriptions, addresses and dimensions;
(c) existing and proposed contours, slopes, grades and spot elevations for
landscaped areas (if not already shown on grading plan);
(d) existing and proposed buildings, structures, roads, curbs, sidewalks, walls,
fences, signs, site features and other appurtenances;
(e) existing vegetation proposed to be removed, relocated or retained;
(f) areas of proposed preservation, naturalization, restoration, lawn and
landscaping, including soil types, depths and amendments;
(g) proposed plant species name (botanical and common), size and planting
(h) existing and proposed irrigation systems; and
(i) construction details and specifications as required.

4.8. Storm Water Management Plan (SMP)

In addition to any other requirements presented in this policy, Storm Water Management
plans shall show the following information:
(a) Site and surrounding area (400 m minimum outside Development) showing
roads and major features. A small location plan of the watershed is also to be
(b) Contours of existing ground (1.0 m intervals where slope <20%, 2.0 m >20%)
for the site and surrounding area mentioned above.
(c) Major flood routing (1:100 year); show as arrows and indicate if in pipe or on
surface show an "open" arrow for surface routes and the same arrow "shaded"
for routes in pipes).
(d) Detention pond details, if applicable.
(e) Area, in hectares, of Development and the total area of drainage basin.
(f) Directional arrows of flow within the site and on surrounding areas.
(g) Sub-catchment boundaries, coefficients and areas.

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(h) Pipe system including size, grade, and minor and major flows (a table may be
(i) The subject Development is to be highlighted.

4.9. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan(s)

This plan is to detail methods and procedures that will be used to prevent or minimize
soil displacement and transport of sediment from the Development site. This is to include
methods to prevent or minimize soil transport onto adjacent properties or onto existing
roads adjacent to the site (i.e. tracking from vehicles). Preventative methods of soil
displacement on the site are to be detailed. In addition to any other requirements
presented in this policy, the drawing shall show the following:

(a) Existing contours of the site at an interval sufficient to determine drainage

(b) Final contours if the existing contours are significantly changed.
(c) Final drainage patterns/boundaries.
(d) Existing vegetation such as significant trees, shrubs, grass, and unique
(e) Limits of clearing and grading.
(f) Erosion and sediment control measures (temporary and permanent) including
locations, names and details, in accordance with "Land Development Guidelines
for the Protection of Aquatic Habitat”.
(g) Storm Drainage systems including drain inlets, outlets, pipes, and other
permanent drainage facilities (swales, waterways, etc.).

The plan must have a narrative section describing the land, the disturbing activity and
details of the methods used for controlling erosion and sedimentation. Include a
description of the procedures for construction and maintenance of the control measures
and note the persons involved in maintenance and provide a maintenance schedule that
is to be followed. Where the land area to be subdivided is less than 10 hectares, this plan
may be combined with the Stormwater Management Plan.

4.10. Street Lighting Plan(s)

A plan view of the street lighting shall be provided. There shall be General Notes included
on the Plan noting reference(s) to the Municipal Standards and Specifications and the
appropriate design criteria.

4.11. Street Sign, Paint Marking, and Traffic Control Device Plans
A drawing identifying signs, markings, and required control devices. Detailed drawings
may be required for traffic control devices.

4.12. Traffic Management Plan(s)

Detail routes for construction traffic and traffic controls for traffic on existing roads
affected by construction.

4.13. Road Cross Section Plan(s)

Shall be scaled at 1:100 horizontal and 1:50 vertical and shall note the existing ground
elevation, the proposed elevations of the road centreline, the curb and gutter (or road
edge) and property lines. Cross-sections are required at 20.0 m intervals.

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4.14. Construction Details

Show all proposals for construction which are not covered or specifically detailed in the
District Standards and Specifications. Where there is a District Standard, it is expected to
refer to the Drawing Number. It is not necessary to include or provide work(s) for which
there is a Standard Drawing.

4.15. Electrical, Gas, and Communication Utilities

Per appropriate authority (Individual utilities may provide separate drawings).

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5.1. Design Submissions

3 paper copies of all design drawings are required for design submissions.

5.2. Record Drawings

Record Drawings must be submitted after the completion of the Works and Services.
Record Drawings must be delivered in paper format for review and approval by the
District. The Record Drawings shall include all drawing sheets submitted for the
“Certificate to Proceed with Construction” unless specifically exempted by the Approving

The Owner shall submit to the District a complete set of electronic drawings of the
Subdivision or Development in DWG format compatible with the current version of
AutoCAD in addition to a Digital Hard copy in Adobe PDF format in accordance with
Sections 5.3 and 5.4 of this policy. The complete electronic set shall only be submitted
after acceptance of the draft paper Record Drawings by the Approving Officer.

5.3. Electronic Drawings

5.3.1. General Requirements

The Owner shall submit to the District a complete set of electronic drawings of
the Subdivision or Development in AutoCAD DXF or DWG format.

The electronic drawing shall be prepared in accordance with Section 2.0 and the
conventions prescribed in Section 3.0.

All external files associated with the electronic drawing (e.g. special fonts, line
types, and/or images) shall also be supplied with the electronic drawing

No drawing shall be submitted that contains any external references (xrefs). All
externally referenced drawings shall be bound prior to submittal.

5.4. Digital Hard Copies

A digital hard copy is any digital file that is reproducible without the ability to modify the
drawings contents or appearance.

5.4.1. General Requirements

Adobe’s Portable Document Format (*.pdf) is the preferred file type. However
alternatives will be considered. Alternative formats might be Autodesk’s Drawing
Web Format (*.dwf) or scanned tif or jpg images.

Drawing sets submitted as a digital hard copy shall be electronically sealed by

the Owner’s Engineer.

5.4.2. Device/Document Settings for Plotting Adobe Portable Document Format

Ensure all text is legible and the shading and hatching ordered so as not to block
or hide other line work and/or text.

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The following settings shall be used when plotting the drawings to Adobe PDF:
• paper size to be ANSI D 558.8 x 863.6 mm
• layout to be “landscape”
• graphic print quality to be no less than “600 dpi”

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