CVT - EMVTS Comparision

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CVT vis- a – vis EMVT – A COMPARISON

I 1. A CVT consists of two part viz; a Capacitor Divider to bring down the line voltage to a
smaller voltage the output of which is connected to second part which is Electromagnetic
Part. Hence the final accuracy depends on the Transformation Accuracy of Capacitor
Divider which over a service period looses its accuracy as capacitors stacks consists of
small capacitors elements which is susceptible to changing its value during service due to
many factors like pressure, temperature, frequency etc.., and hence the ratio C1/C2 is not
consistently reliable which ultimately results into unrealistic final reading at the final end of
VT not maintaining its designated accuracy class. As against these EMVT are highly
sturdy and maintains its accuracy even to the tune of 0.2 and 0.1 accuracy class
consistently for a long period near to its life time.
2 Out of the many numbers of capacitors elements stacked in the capacitor divider of a
CVT even if one element goes punctured still CVT doesn’t give any signal but continues
to work with wrong C1/C2 value which is input to the Electromagnetic Part of a CVT
resulting in in-accurate output result at the VT end without any information to Site
Personnel’s unless a thorough testing is carried out by taking shutdown. As against this
out of various thousands of turns in primary winding of an EMVT even if one primary turn
is shorted the entire PT collapses thereby the user is informed of non working OR failure
of VT.
3 Due to the limitations of capacitor element for carrying the primary current in the capacitor
divider, the output of a CVT is very much restricted and looses its designated accuracy if
simultaneous loading is increased for any reasons. As against this an EMVT can take a
simultaneous output in secondary to the tune of 750VA and at times upto 1000VA output
still maintaining the designated accuracy class of all the windings of an EMVT.
4 Normally, in past Electricity Board use to prefer one set of CVT in their Sub station OR
Power Stations mainly for using carrier communication through the capacitor part of a
CVT because the other existing communications at that time were not of the required
quality, standard and reliability. Hence, one set of CVT was used in a transmission line
where accuracy was not of importance but was only for checking meters. In the present
days, the complexity of electrical network has increased mainly due to increase in EHV
consumers and increase in transmission line and power, the protection and measuring
system have also turned of complex nature requiring more accurate performance from an
Instrument Transformers. Besides with a development of hi – tech communication, the
carrier communication has just become outdated or if at all used, a separate coupling
capacitor with latest technology is preferred as compared to the capacitor stack of a CVT
which is vulnerable to many factors.
II Cost wise CVT & VT are nearly equal except where output requirement is very high
i.e.500VA or more with number of secondary windings are two or three.
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PS: The second point with regard to effect of feroresonence the same is under detailed
study with the latest reports from many institutions like CIGRE – where in
Feroresonence effect is discussed in detail and probable factors to be considered
while designing PT to reduce its effect on PT.

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