Druid - Circle of The Sun - GM Binder

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As an action while you are transformed, you can end the

 effect early, releasing your stored energy in a beam of light a

60 feet long and 5 wide. Each creature in the line must make
 a Dexterity saving throw, or take 1d12 radiant damage. You
Druids revere aspects aspects of nature, and none is more can enhance this damage further by expending a 1st level
central the cycle of life than the sun, origin of light and life. spell slot (to 2d12), and by an additional 1d12 per level of spell
Druids of this circle are not clerics of the god of the sun, but slot spent (3d12 for 2nd level spell slot, 4d12 for a 3rd level,
represent it's aspect in the cycle of life, the light and heat and etc), up to 6d12 for a 5th level spell slot.
it brings, the fiery radiance with which it reigns over the If you have not been exposed to sunlight in the last 24
world. hours, the duration of the transformation is have, and ending
Druids of the Circle often stand in opposition that with it early does not release a beam of energy.
crawls through the dark, that which corrupts in the absence of 
light, and while still inclined to the neutrality many Druids Starting at 6th level, once per turn on your turn, when you roll
uphold, they tend to swing further the extremes of passion and fire or radiant damage against a creature that is in bright light,
action, willing to burn away the rot. Though they might aim for you can add your Wisdom modifier to one roll of that damage.
a controlled burn, a controlled burn may often be more Additionally some of your fire spells are enhanced in the
destructive than a simple pruning. following was:
 When make a melee spell attack with flame blade you, you
Druid Level Feature can make a second melee spell attack as part of the same
2nd Circle Spells, Unleash Radiance action.
You can concentrate on multiple create bonfire spells at
6th Burning Light
the same time, up to your Wisdom modifier spells.
10th Cleansing Fire
14th Emissary of the Sun Rules Tip: Stacking Effects
Multiple instances of create bonfire would not
 cause additional damage against the same creature.
At 2nd level, you learn the light and create bonfire cantrips. At It would, however, be possible to effect more areas
3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to the spells listed with it.
for that level in the Circle of the Sun Spells table. Once you
gain access to a circle spell, you always have it prepared, and it
doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare
each day.
Druid Level Circle Spells
3rd flame sword, flaming sphere
5th daylight, fireball
7th fire shield, wall of fire
9th dawn, flame strike

When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you gain an alternate
use for Wild Shape. You absorb sunlight and as a bonus
action, you can unleash the radiance within. When you
transform with this ability, creatures within 15 feet of you
must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the
start of your next turn. For the next one minute you gain the
following effects.
You gain the following properties when you transform:
You shed bright light in a radius of 15 feet, and dimlight for
another 15 feet. The bright light is sunlight.
You when you would take fire or radiant damage, you can
instead gain temporary hit points, up to a total of your
Druid level. Once you have gained temporary hit points this
way up to your Druid level, you no longer gain temporary
hit points and gain resistance to fire and radiant damage.
Once per turn, when you deal fire or radiant damage on
your turn, you can deal an addition 1d4 fire or radiant
damage to that enemy.

Kibbles' Compendium
Beginning at 10th level, you can cast remove curse or lessor 
restoration without expending a spell slot, if the target has a
condition or curse removed by the spell, they take 1d10 fire 
damage and 1d10 radiant damage. Firespout - Magic the Gathering - Wizard of the Coast
You can do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom Akoum Firebird - Magic the Gathering - Wizard of the
modifier, regaining all uses when you complete a long rest. Coast
Starting at 14th level, when you use Embrace Radiance, you 
partially become fire itself, and you are under the effect of Creation is made possible by generous patrons:
investiture of flame.
Additionally, you can expend two uses of wildshape to grow Andrew Hoertt
wings of flame, taking on a phoenix-like form and gaining a fly Angel Gomez
speed of 30 feet in addition to the rest of the effects. Ara Enzeru
Austin Fox
Billy Dick
Callum Sim
Chris Lynch
Code Ghoul
Garion Pankievich
Issac Dyne
James Sant
Jacob Herrera
Larry Eger
Long Nguyen
Nannette Groft
 Rory Collier
The following are some optional quirks for a player of this Seranata
Circle to choose from - these can be either preexisting, Sergio Reyes
signaling their fated path toward this Circle, or appear after Spenser Birney
the first time they've assumed their Radiant shape. Stalwart Maiden
d6 Quirk
1 You have a strong, rational, dislike of the dark. Unlikely Alpaca
2 Guilt can be tested by fire.
Verixa Okblek
You distrust any race with sunlight sensitivity. ...and many more!
They are hiding something. Want to support KibblesTasty in keeping this updated and
creating more homebrew like this? You can join them here on
Fire is a part of the life cycle of forests. More
things could take notes.
Thank you!
You oft give praise to the sun, and it's enviable
gross incandescent.
6 Your hair acts like fire when you cast fire spells

Kibbles' Compendium
  This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.

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