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The text discusses normalization of databases and different types of dependencies including partial, transitive, and functional dependencies.

Partial dependencies occur when an attribute depends on only part of the primary key. Transitive dependencies occur when an attribute depends on another attribute that is not part of the primary key. Functional dependencies occur when attributes depend on the entire primary key.

To remove a transitive dependency, the attributes that create the dependency must be placed in a separate table where the primary key attribute of the new table is a foreign key in the original table.


1. Given the dependency diagram, answer items a-c:

1 C
2 C
3 C
4 C

a. Identify and discuss each of the indicated dependencies.

C1 → C2 represents a partial dependency, because C2 depends only on C1, rather

than on the entire primary key composed of C1 and C3.

C4 → C5 represents a transitive dependency, because C5 depends on an attribute

(C4) that is not part of a primary key.

C1, C3 → C2, C4, C5 represents a set of proper functional dependencies, because

C2, C4, and C5 depend on the primary key composed of C1 and C3.

b. Create a database whose tables are at least in 2NF, showing the

dependency diagrams for each table.

Table 1

Primary key: C1
C1 C2 Foreign key: None
Normal form: 3NF

Table 2

C1 C3 C4 C5 Primary key: C1 + C3
Foreign key: C1 (to Table 1)
Normal form: 2NF, because the
table exhibits the transitive
dependencies C4 C5
c. Create a database whose tables are at least in 3NF, showing the
dependency diagrams for each table.

Table 1
Primary key: C1
C1 C2 Foreign key: None
Normal form: 3NF

Table 2
Primary key: C1 + C3
C1 C3 C4 Foreign key: C1 (to Table 1)
C4 (to Table 3)
Normal form: 3NF

Table 3
Primary key: C4
C4 C5 Foreign key: None
Normal form: 3NF

Transitive dependency is a condition in which an attribute is

dependent on another attribute that is not part of the primary key.
This kind of dependency usually requires the decomposition of the
table containing the transitive dependency.

To remove a transitive dependency, the designer must perform the

following actions:
• Place the attributes that create the transitive dependency in a separate table.
• Make sure that the new table's primary key attribute is the foreign key in the
original table.

Figure Q5.9 shows an example of a transitive dependency removal.

Figure Q5.9 Transitive Dependency Removal

Original table


Transitive Dependencies


New Tables


1. Using the INVOICE table structure shown in Table P5.1,

write the relational schema, draw its dependency diagram and identify all
dependencies (including all partial and transitive dependencies). You can
assume that the table does not contain repeating groups and that any invoice
number may reference more than one product. (Hint: This table uses a
composite primary key.)

2. Using the initial dependency diagram drawn in Problem 1,

remove all partial dependencies, draw the new dependency diagrams, and
identify the normal forms for each table structure you created.

Table P5.1 Sample INVOICE Records

Attribute Name Sample Value Sample Value Sample Value Sample Value Sample Value
INV_NUM 211347 211347 211347 211348 211349
PROD_NUM AA-E3422QW QD-300932X RU-995748G AA-E3422QW GH-778345P
SALE_DATE 15-Jan-2006 15-Jan-2006 15-Jan-2006 15-Jan-2006 16-Jan-2006
PROD_LABEL Rotary sander 0.25-in. drill Band saw Rotary sander Power drill
VEND_CODE 211 211 309 211 157
VEND_NAME NeverFail, Inc. NeverFail, Inc. BeGood, Inc. NeverFail, Inc. ToughGo, Inc.
QUANT_SOLD 1 8 1 2 1
PROD_PRICE $49.95 $3.45 $39.99 $49.95 $87.75

You can assume that any given product is supplied by a single vendor but a vendor can
supply many products. Therefore, it is proper to conclude that the following dependency
(Hint: Your actions should produce three dependency diagrams.)

Figure P5.1&2 The Dependency Diagrams for

Problems 1 and 2


Partial dependency

Relational schema: 1NF(INV_NUM


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