WORKSHEET Recuperación 2

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SUBJECT : Future Perfect / Future Perfect Continuous

A) What will life be like in the year 2100? Complete the sentences using WILL HAVE

Example: By 2100, the world’s population…. will have increased …… (increase) to

around 30.000 million.

1. Life ………………………………….. (become) more automated by then.

2. Computers …………………………………… (take over) many of the jobs that
people do today.
3. The earth’s supplies of oil, coal and gas ……………………………………… (run
4. …………………………………. (scientists / find) other sources of energy?
5. How …………………… education ………………………………….. (change)?
6. …………………………………… (we / find) a way to feed all the people in the


1. Tom and Ann are going to the cinema. The film begins at 7.30 and it is already 7.20.
And it will take them 20 minutes to get there.
When they get there, …………………………………………… (the film / already /
2. Jim always goes to bed at 11 o’clock. Tom is going to visit him at 11.30 this
When Tom arrives, …………………………………………………….. (Jim / go / to
3. Tom is on holiday. He has very little money and he is spending too much too
Before the end of his holiday, ……………………………….. (he / spend / all his
1. Chuck came to Britain from the US nearly three years ago. Next Monday it will be
exactly three years since he arrived.
Next Monday ………………………………………… (he / be / here / exactly three
2. Next year is Ted and Amy’s 25th wedding anniversary. They
…………………………….. (be married) for 25 years.
3. Jane is from New Zealand. She is traveling around Europe at the moment. So far she
has traveled about 1.000 miles. By the end of the trip,
……………………………………….. (she / travel) more than 3.000 miles.

1. By next February I ……………………………………………… (write) my third

2. I hope you ……………………………………………. (not / forget) my name by
3. By next week we …………………………………………….. (redecorate) the house.
4. Next July she …………………………………………… (be) dead for ten years.
5. I hope I ……………………………………………… (not / make) a lot of mistakes
in this exam when I finish it.
6. By the end of this year I ………………………………………… (drive) more than
one hundred thousand kilometers with this car.
7. I hope it ……………………………………………. (stop) raining before the match
8. I ……………………………………………. (have) an operation when you turn
9. By this time next week I …………………………………………………. (marry).
10. If nothing is done one million species that are alive today
………………………………… (become) extinct in twenty years.
11. The tropical rain forests ……………………………………………. (disappear) in
thirty years.

D) Fill in the blanks using FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE:

1. By the end of June I ……………………………………………….. (live) in this flat

for thirteen years.
2. I ……………………………………………… (fly) to London for an hour at this
time tomorrow.
3. At this time next week I …………………………………………………. (work) for
this company for 20 years.
4. When the bell rings I ……………………………………………… (teach) for eight
hours today.
5. I …………………………………………………… (wear) these glasses for five
years next week.
6. I ………………………………………………… (drive) this car for six years
7. At this time tomorrow I ……………………………………………….. (take) a test
for an hour.
8. At this time next year I …………………………………………….. (have) a holiday
in Antalya for a week.
9. At this time next year I …………………………………………….(live) in Istanbul
for ten years.
10. By the time we get home they ……………………………………………….. (play)
football for half an hour.
11. She …………………………………………. (dance) for an hour at nine o’clock.
12. I ………………………………………….. (learn) English for ten years by the end of
this year.

1. I can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I ………………………………………

2. Whatever you do, you ……………………. touch that switch. It’s very dangerous.
3. You ………………….. forget what they told you. It’s very important.
4. We ………………………………….. leave yet. We’ve got plenty of time.
5. Ann was feeling ill last night. She ………………………. have left the party early.
6. I ……………………….. go to the bank to get some money.
7. The windows are very dirty. I …………………….. clean them.
8. The windows aren’t dirty. You ………………………………… clean them.
9. We …………………….. wait for a taxi.
10. These cakes are very nice. You …………………… have one.
11. We ………………………………….. take an umbrella. It’s not going to rain.
12. This is a secret. You ……………………………… tell anybody.
13. You ……………………………….. buy a newspaper. You can have mine.
14. This train doesn’t go to London. You …………………………… change at Bristol.
15. In many countries men ……………………………… do military service.
16. Sarah is a nurse. Sometimes she ………………………… work at weekends.

D) Fill in the blanks using (NOT) HAVE TO / MUST (NOT) / CAN / COULD:

1. George has traveled a lot. He ……………………… speak four languages.

2. I can’t sing now but I ………………….. sing very well when I was a child.
3. She will stay in bed till 10 o’clock this morning. Because she
go to work.
4. Many students in Turkey ………………………… wear uniform when they go to
5. I’m sorry I couldn’t come yesterday. I ……………………….. work late.
6. You’ve been coughing a lot recently. You ……………………….. smoke so much.
7. You have a bad headache. So you ………………………. go to bed early.
8. I can’t swim very far these days but ten years ago I ………………………. swim
from one side of the lake to the other.
9. You ……………….. see the sea from our bedroom window.
10. It isn’t permitted to speak Turkish during the lessons. So you ……………………
speak Turkish.

E) Fill in the blanks with MUST (NOT) / CAN (NOT) / (NOT) HAVE TO /

1. You ………………….. park in that street. It is not permitted.

2. Look at George. He is working very well. He ………………… be ill.
3. There’s someone at the door. I’m expecting Paul. It ………………….. be Paul.
4. Ali’s car is here. He …………………. be here.
5. The baby is asleep. You ……………………….. shout.
6. You’ve got plenty of time. You …………………………….. hurry.
7. A: “Do you want me to wait for you?”
B: “No, it’s OK. You …………………………….. wait.”
8. I can’t get any answer from my telephone. It ………………….. be out of order.
9. Ann stayed in bed this morning because she ……………………………….. go to
10. Tom has just given me a letter to post. I …………………. forget to post it.

F) Use a suitable present or past MODAL AUXILIARY:

1. He ……………………….. play chess when he was young.

2. You …………………….. drive a car when you are 18.
3. ……………………… I ask you a question?
4. She ……………………. be 25. She looks older than that.
5. His telephone doesn’t answer. He ……………………………………….. (go) to the
6. She entered the room carrying a wet umbrella. She …………………………………
in the rain.
7. My car didn’t work this morning. So I ……………………………. walk to the
8. He ………………………………………… (be) home, but we didn’t telephone him.
9. She ………………………………………... (help) me a lot by giving me a little of
his time, but she preferred to go out.
10. He doesn’t know the answer. He ……………………………………………..
11. I can’t find the house. I ………………………………………….. (write) down the
12. She is very sleepy. She ……………………………………. (stay) up very late last
13. I ………………… go for a walk later. It depends on the weather.
14. The ground is covered with snow. It ………………………………………… (snow)
last night.
15. She …………………………………… (be) in a great hurry to leave for the theater
because she left all the dinner dishes on the table.
16. That store has just gone bankrupt. I believe they …………………………………
(have) a stricter policy about giving people credit.
17. I’m afraid Mr. Smith is deaf. He ……………………………………… (not / hear)
what you say.

SUBJECT : Conditionals

A) Choose the correct item and underline it:

1. If I move / I’ll move to Boston, I live / I’ll live on Main Street.

2. If you call / you’ll call your mother, she’ll be very happy.
3. If the mechanic fixes our car on time, we drive / we’ll drive to Center ville.
4. If it rains / it’ll rain today, we won’t go to the park.
5. If I’m not in a hurry tonight, I write / I’ll write to her.
6. If she isn’t / won’t be sick, she’ll go to school.
7. If they’re / they’ll be tired tomorrow, they don’t go / won’t go to work.
8. If John doesn’t buy a new car, he buys / he’ll buy a motorcycle.

B) Find correct items and complete the following sentences:

1. If we ….. go …….. to London, …… we’ll ………. visit our cousin.

2. If they ………………. their homework tonight, their teacher …………………….
3. If the weather ………………… good, George ………………… swimming this
4. If he …………………. swimming this weekend,…………………. …...a wonderful
5. If you don’t eat your dinner tonight, ……………………………………………...
6. If .…………………………..tired, they’ll go to sleep early tonight.
7. If it ……………………………….. , she’ll wear her new raincoat.
8. If you ………………….. too many cookies after dinner tonight,
get a stomachache.
9. If I ………………………… too much coffee, …………………………... get a

C) Discramble the sentences:

1. If / she / she’ll / misses / bus / the / the / walk

……… If she misses the bus, she’ll
2. If / he / he’ll / concert / goes / his / suit / the / to / wear

3. If / she / she’ll / cook / isn’t / dinner / tired

4. If / I’m / I’ll / busy / not / you / visit

5. If / you / you’ll / be / don’t / school / finish / sorry

6. If / he / he’ll / a / get / good / hard / job / works


D) Complete the sentences with any vocabulary you wish:

1. If the weather is bad tomorrow,

2. If we hitchhike to work,
3. If I don’t sleep well tonight,
4. If you don’t fix the broken window,
5. If he doesn’t cut his hair,
6. If ………………………………………………………..,they’ll go to a restaurant
7. If ………………………………………………………………., his mother will be
8. If …………………………………………………………………., his mother will
be sad.
9. If ………………………………………………………………….., her boss will fire
10. If ……………………………………………………………..., their friends will be
11. If I study hard,
12. If it’s sunny at the weekend,
13. If I become rich,
14. If I go to London,

E) Match the two halves of the sentences:

Sam is thinking about his camping holiday with Andy.

1. If it’s sunny, a) we’ll make a fire.

2. If it rains, b) we’ll be able to see the stars.
3. If the sky is clear, c) we’ll go skating.
4. If the lake freezes, d) we’ll sit outside.
5. If the sea is clean, e) we’ll need an umbrella.
6. If we get cold, f) we’ll go swimming.

1. ..d… 2. ……. 3. …… 4. ……. 5. …….. 6. ………

F) Complete the sentences with these phrases:

* If I had a motorbike * If I lost all my money * your English would improve

* If Peter ate less * I’m sure she’d tell me * If I were a famous model
* my uncle would stop too * my English teacher would be surprised

1. If you practiced more, ……. your English would improve.

2. …………………………………………….., it would be easier to go and visit my
3. ……………………………………………………………………., I would feel
4. If I started writing poetry,
5. ……………………………………………………………………., he wouldn’t be so
6. If my little sister did something wrong,
7. …………………………………………………, people would see my photo

G) Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

Example: I’m not ill, but if I ….. were ….. ill, I wouldn’t go ….. to school. (be / go)

1. The weather report says there will be snow tomorrow. If it

I ………………………………………… at home. (snow / stay)
2. Do you need some money? Let me look in my pockets. If I
some, I …………………………………………. you some. (have / lend)
3. No, sorry. I haven’t got any money with me. But you know I
it to you if I ……………………………………… any. (give / have)
4. I’m sure of it. You ……………………………………. the test next week if you
………………………….. hard. (pass / study)
5. Would you like to go to the cinema? If you ………………………………… to go, I
……………………………………. with you. (want / come)
H) What would you do in each situation? Write UNREAL PRESENT situations.

* call an ambulance * complain to the manager * run away

* try to catch it * ring the police
* walk to the nearest garage to get some

1. You find a fly in your soup. If I found a fly in my soup, I would complain to the
2. You see a burglar breaking into your house.

3. You see a mouse in your kitchen.

4. Your car runs out of petrol.

5. You see an accident.

6. You see a ghost in your room.


I) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:

Sarah is a bored teenager. If she …. joined… (join) a club, she ………………………

more friends. She ………………………………. (enjoy) herself if she
…………………….. (go)
out more. Her schoolwork is suffering too. If she ………………………………….. (study)
she ………………………………….. (have) better marks and she ……………………….
university. Unfortunately, she is becoming overweight. She ……………………………….
fitter if she ……………………………….. (start) swimming, and she ……………………..
thinner if she ……………………………… (stop) eating so much chocolate.

J) Read these situations. Say how you would feel:

Example: your boy / girlfriend leaves you

If my girlfriend left me I would feel miserable.

1. you have nothing to do

2. you are lost in a foreign country
3. your pet dies
4. you see an enormous spider in the bathroom
5. you split your jeans in the street
6. someone steals your coat
7. you fail an important test
8. you win some money in a competition

K) Use the correct tense:

1. The teacher will be very angry if you …………………………… (not do) your
2. If he ……………………………….. (tell) me, I could help him.
3. If you don’t water the flowers, they ………………………………………… (die).
4. If you didn’t water the flowers, they …………………………………………(die).
5. I ……………………………………….. (come) if I had time.
6. If you don’t hurry, you ……………………………………….. (miss) the bus.
7. If I …………………………… (be) you, I wouldn’t buy that car.
8. He will play tennis if the weather …………………………………. (be) good.
9. I would be very happy if she …………………………………. (be) my sister.
10. She could win the race if she …………………………………. (try).
11. If he ……………………….. (go) to bed early, he will get up early.
12. If he touches this wire, he ……………………………….. (get) a shock.
13. You will get wet if it …………………………… (rain).
14. If I knew, I ………………………………… (come) earlier.
15. I wouldn’t say it if I ……………………….. (be) you.
16. What will you do if you ………………………………… (get) a bad mark?
17. If she ………………………….. (wear) a necklace, her dress will look better.
18. If you go near the dog, it ………………………………. (bite) you.
19. Bodrum ……………………… (be) ideal for a holiday if it weren’t so crowded.
20. He will be ill if he ……………………….. (eat) so much.
21. If she ……………………………. (read) the book carefully, she will understand it.
22. The children can stay up late if they ……………………….. (be) good.
23. If the dinner isn’t ready, I ……………………………….. (go) out.
24. We would die if the plane ……………………………….. (crash).

L) Finish these sentences:

1. If you drive very fast,

2. Would you give me some money if
3. If she were my sister,
4. I would spend every winter in Miami if
5. If they have time tomorrow,
6. Don’t give him anything if
7. We would go to the cinema if
8. If John worked harder,
9. They would find me if
10. If I had a lot of money,
11. You could live more comfortably if
12. If she were a good girl,
13. If she goes to his office,
14. She would enjoy the party if
15. If I weren’t busy,

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