The Government Has A Right To Know What People Are Reading So They Can Determine Who Might Be A Threat
The Government Has A Right To Know What People Are Reading So They Can Determine Who Might Be A Threat
The Government Has A Right To Know What People Are Reading So They Can Determine Who Might Be A Threat
The statement is a menacing concept because it can lead to a corrupted government that leads
the society.
The government know too much of other people privacy can kill the humanity in a person
(thesis) In “1984” by George Orwell , this prove that a society like this without any solitude or
abilities to have one’s own thoughts will create a totalitarian
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o Unfairness maybe a consequence if the government decides what constitute a threat or not.
o After 911, people that are Muslims is USA from the Middle East were treated in a way which
leads to unfair treatment.
o So the government have too much information, then it can go against other people.
o In the novel, 1984, by Orwell, the thing that leads to a bias society that has different classes and
each of the stages has different privileges.
o As O’Brien says,” the party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the
good of other; we are interested solely in power”.
Therefore it is clear that the government should not have access to one’s personal information.
(thesis)All this prove that a society in 1984, by Orwell, where there is no solitude or no ability to
have any personal thoughts and feeling.
Perfect example would be Orwell’s novel 1984, which portrays a totalitarian government that
unjust, has taken away by spying and gather information to use it against them.