The Government Has A Right To Know What People Are Reading So They Can Determine Who Might Be A Threat

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The government has a right to know what people are reading so they can

determine who might be a threat.


 The statement is a menacing concept because it can lead to a corrupted government that leads
the society.
 The government know too much of other people privacy can kill the humanity in a person
 (thesis) In “1984” by George Orwell , this prove that a society like this without any solitude or
abilities to have one’s own thoughts will create a totalitarian

Body paragraph 1

 If the government spies on people privacy, then it will create a corruption.

 People won’t have any decisions to make if the government makes assumptions about who
might be a threat.
 Self-identification is taken away by the government will not make freedom viable.
 In the novel 1984, the main protagonist, Winston Smith is petrified by Big Brother discover his
private journal that he hides in the wall because he has no privacy”… it was reasonably
curtained that would be punished by death, or at least by twenty-five in a labor camp”.
 And since Winston is more of an anxious person and always feel scared that he might get

Body paragraph 2

o Unfairness maybe a consequence if the government decides what constitute a threat or not.
o After 911, people that are Muslims is USA from the Middle East were treated in a way which
leads to unfair treatment.
o So the government have too much information, then it can go against other people.
o In the novel, 1984, by Orwell, the thing that leads to a bias society that has different classes and
each of the stages has different privileges.
o As O’Brien says,” the party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the
good of other; we are interested solely in power”.


 Therefore it is clear that the government should not have access to one’s personal information.
 (thesis)All this prove that a society in 1984, by Orwell, where there is no solitude or no ability to
have any personal thoughts and feeling.
 Perfect example would be Orwell’s novel 1984, which portrays a totalitarian government that
unjust, has taken away by spying and gather information to use it against them.

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