Curriculum of B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Curriculum of B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)


Sl. No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits

1 MA 101 Mathematics – I 3-1-0 4
2 PH 101 Physics – I 3-1-0 4
3 CY 101 Chemistry 3-1-0 4
EE 100 Basic Electrical Technology
4 OR 3-1-0 4
EC 100 Basic Electronics Engineering
CE 110 Engineering Mechanics
5 OR 3-1-0 4
CE 130 Environmental and Safety Engineering
PH 170 Physics Laboratory
6 OR 0-0-3 2
CY 170 Chemistry Laboratory
7 CS 171 Computing Laboratory – I 0-0-3 2
8 CE 171 Engineering Drawing 0-0-3 2
9 WS 171 Workshop Practice – I 0-0-3 2
10 Extra Academic Activity – I 0-0-3 2
TOTAL 15-5-15 30


Sl. No Subject L-T-P Credits
1 MA 102 Mathematics – II 3-1-0 4
2 PH 102 Physics – II 3-1-0 4
3 CS 102 Data Structures and Algorithm 3-1-0 4
EC 100 Basic Electronics Engineering
5 OR 3-1-0 4
EE 100 Basic Electrical Technology
CE 130 Environmental and Safety Engineering
6 OR 3-1-0 4
CE 100 Engineering Mechanics
CY 170 Chemistry Laboratory
7 OR 0-0-3 2
PH 170 Physics Laboratory
8 CS 172 Computing Laboratory – II 0-0-3 2
9 ME 170 Machine Drawing and Solid Modeling 0-0-3 2
10 WS 172 Workshop Practice – II 0-0-3 2
11 Extra Academic Activity – II 0-0-3 2
TOTAL 15-5-15 30

Sl.No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits

1 MA 201 Mathematics – III 3-1-0 4
2 ME 211 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery 3-1-0 4
3 ME 213 Mechanics of Solids 3-1-0 4
4 ME 251 Engineering Thermodynamics 3-1-0 4
HS & Open Elective - I 3-0-0 3
EE 270 Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory
5 OR 0-0-3 2
EC 270 Basic Electronics Laboratory
MA 270 Numerical Methods Laboratory 0-0-3 2
6 OR
HS 270 Language Laboratory
7 CE 271 Mechanics of Solids Laboratory 0-0-3 2


Sl.No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits

1 MA 202 Mathematics – IV 3-1-0 4
2 EE 202 Electrical Engineering 3-1-0 4
3 ME 230 Primary Production Processes 3-1-0 4
4 ME 210 Design of Machine Elements 3-1-0 4
HS & Open Elective – II 3-0-0 3
EC 270 Basic Electronics Laboratory 0-0-3 2
5 OR
EE 270 Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory
MA 270 Numerical Methods Laboratory 0-0-3 2
6 OR
HS 270 Language Laboratory
7 WS 270 Advanced Manufacturing Practice – I 0-0-3 2
8 ME 280 Machine Element Design Practice – I 0-0-3 2


Sl.No Sub. Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 ME 331 Metal Machining and Automation 3-1-0 4
2 ME 351 Fluid Mechanics 3-1-0 4
3 Professional Elective – I 3-0-0 3
4 Professional Elective – II 3-0-0 3
5 HS & Open Elective – III 3-0-0 3
6 WS 371 Advanced Manufacturing Practice – II 0-0-3 2
7 ME 373 Production Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
Internal Combustion Engines and Automobile
8 ME 375 0-0-3 2
Engineering Laboratory
9 ME 381 Machine Element Design Practice – II 0-0-3 2

Sl.No Sub. Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 ME 330 Metal Cutting and Tool Design 3-1-0 4
2 ME 350 Heat Transfer 3-1-0 4
3 Professional Elective - III 3-0-0 3
4 Professional Elective - IV 3-0-0 3
5 HS & Open Elective – IV 3-0-0 3
6 ME 370 Heat Transfer and Refrigeration Lab. 0-0-3 2
7 ME 372 Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines Lab. 0-0-3 2
8 ME 374 Computational Fluid Dynamics Lab. 0-0-3 2
9 ME 380 Production Engineering Project 0-0-3 2


Sl.No Sub. Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 Professional Elective – V 3-0-0 3
2 Professional Elective – VI 3-0-0 3
3 Professional Elective – VII 3-0-0 3
4 HS & Open Elective – V 3-0-0 3
5 ME 481 Mechanical System Design Project 0-0-3 2
6 ME 483 Industrial Engineering Project 0-0-3 2
7 ME 491 Research Project – I 0-0-6 4
8 ME 493 Seminar and Technical Writing – I 0-0-3 2
9 ME 495 Short term Industrial/Research Experience 0-0-0 2


Sl.No Sub. Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 Professional Elective – VIII 3-0-0 3
2 Professional Elective - IX 3-0-0 3
3 Professional Elective - X 3-0-0 3
4 HS & Open Elective – VI 3-0-0 3
5 ME 470 Design Engineering Lab. 0-0-3 2
6 ME 480 Thermal Engineering Design Project 0-0-3 2
7 ME 492 Research Project - II 0-0-9 6
8 ME 494 Seminar and Technical Writing - II 0-0-3 2
9 ME 496 Comprehensive Viva-voce 0-0-0 2
Total 26

Sl.No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits

1. ME 313 Fundamentals of Ergonomics 3-0-0 3
2. ME 332 Advanced Manufacturing Process 3-0-0 3
3. ME 333 Process Control and Assurance Science 3-0-0 3
4. ME 334 Surface Engineering 3-0-0 3
5. ME 335 Metrology and Computer Aided Inspection 3-0-0 3
6. ME 336 Plastic Part Manufacturing and Tool Design 3-0-0 3
7. ME 352 Fluid Dynamics and Hydraulic Machines 3-0-0 3
8. ME 353 Internal Combustion Engines 3-0-0 3
9. ME 354 Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning 3-0-0 3
10. ME 355 Aircraft and Rocket Propulsion 3-0-0 3
11. ME 356 Turbo-machinery 3-0-0 3
12. ME 357 Gas Dynamics 3-0-0 3
13. ME 391 Special Topic in Mechanical Engineering – I 3/4
14. ME 392 Special Topic in Mechanical Engineering – II 3/4
15. ME 393 Special Laboratory in Mechanical Engg – I 0-0-3 2
16. ME 394 Special Laboratory in Mechanical Engg – II 0-0-3 2
17. ME 395 Engineering Product Development Project – I 0-0-6 4
18. ME 396 Engineering Product Development Project – II 0-0-6 4
19. ME 410 Advanced Mechanics of Solids 3-0-0 3
20. ME 411 Vibration and Noise Engineering 3-0-0 3
21. ME 412 Advanced Machine Dynamics 3-0-0 3
22. ME 413 Experimental Stress Analysis 3-0-0 3
23. ME 414 Mechatronics 3-0-0 3
24. ME 415 Fundamentals of Tribology 3-0-0 3
25. ME 416 Robotics 3-0-0 3
26. ME 418 Material Handling 3-0-0 3
27. ME 430 Industrial Management 3-0-0 3
28. ME 431 Decision Modeling 3-0-0 3
29. ME 432 Non-Conventional Machining Processes 3-0-0 3
30. ME 433 Advanced Manufacturing Systems 3-0-0 3
31. ME 434 Computer Graphics for CAD/CAM 3-0-0 3
32. ME 435 Concurrent Engineering 3-0-0 3
33. ME 437 Welding Technology 3-0-0 3
34. ME 451 Power Plant Engineering 3-0-0 3
35. ME 453 Energy Conservation & Waste Heat Recovery 3-0-0 3
36. ME 455 Nuclear Power Generation and Safety 3-0-0 3
37. CE 316 Advanced Mechanics of Solids 3-1-0 4
38. CE 352 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 3-1-0 4
39. CH 226 Fuels and Combustion 3-0-0 4
40. CH 302 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3-1-0 4
41. CH 415 Fluidization Engineering 3-1-0 4
42. CH 419 Transport Phenomena 3-1-0 4
43. CH 435 Environmental Engineering 3-0-0 3
44. CH 462 Optimization Techniques in Process Design 3-0-0 3
45. CS 435 Artificial Intelligence 3-0-0 3
46. CS 437 Soft Computing 3-0-0 3
47. MA 512 Fourier Analysis 3-1-0 4
Computational Methods in Boundary Value
48. MA 530 3-1-0 4
49. MA 531 Boundary Layer Theory 3-1-0 4
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential
50. MA 532 3-1-0 4
51. MM 336 Mechanical Working of Metallic Materials 3-1-0 4
52. MM 435 Fracture Mechanics and Failure Analysis 3-1-0 4
53. MM 449 Nanostructured Materials 3-0-0 3


Sub Discipline: Design Engineering Group

ME 210 Design of Machine Elements 3-1-0 4

ME 211 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery 3-1-0 4
ME 213 Mechanics of Solids 3-1-0 4
ME 300 Finite Elements Analysis 3-0-0 3
ME 311 Composite Material 3-0-0 3
ME 410 Advanced Mechanics of Solids 3-0-0 3
ME 412 Advanced Machine Dynamics 3-0-0 3
ME 413 Experimental Stress Analysis 3-0-0 3
ME 415 Fundamentals of Tribology 3-0-0 3

Sub Discipline: Production Engineering Group

ME 230 Primary Production Processes 3-1-0 4
ME 231 Total Quality Management 3-0-0 3
ME 330 Metal Cutting and Tool Design 3-1-0 4
ME 331 Metal Machining and Automation 3-1-0 4
ME 332 Advanced Manufacturing Process 3-0-0 3
ME 333 Process Control and Assurance Science 3-0-0 3
ME 334 Surface Engineering 3-0-0 3
ME 335 Metrology and Computer Aided Inspection 3-0-0 3
ME 336 Plastic Part Manufacturing and Tool Design 3-0-0 3
ME 430 Industrial Management 3-0-0 3
ME 431 Decision Modeling 3-0-0 3
ME 432 Non-Conventional Machining Processes 3-0-0 3
ME 433 Advanced Manufacturing Systems 3-0-0 3
ME 434 Computer Graphics for CAD/CAM 3-0-0 3
ME 435 Concurrent Engineering 3-0-0 3
ME 436 Entrepreneurship 3-0-0 3
ME 437 Welding Technology 3-0-0 3

Sub Discipline: Thermal Engineering Group

ME 250 Thermal Engineering 3-1-0 4
ME 251 Engineering Thermodynamics 3-1-0 4
ME 252 Thermal Problem in Electrical Systems 3-1-0 4
Heat Transfer Problems in Electronics and
ME 253 3-0-0 3
ME 254 Renewable Energy Systems 3-0-0 3
ME 351 Fluid Mechanics 3-1-0 4
ME 352 Fluid Dynamics and Hydraulic Machines 3-0-0 3
ME 353 Internal Combustion Engines 3-0-0 3
ME 354 Refrigeration and Air-conditioning 3-0-0 3
ME 355 Aircraft and Rocket Propulsion 3-0-0 3
ME 450 Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer 3-0-0 3
ME 455 Nuclear Power Generation and Safety 3-0-0 3
Sub Discipline: Laboratory Courses

ME 170 Machine Drawing and Solid Modeling 0-0-3 2

ME 370 Heat Transfer and Refrigeration Lab. 0-0-3 2
ME 372 Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines Lab. 0-0-3 2
ME 373 Production Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
ME 374 Computational Fluid Dynamics Lab. 0-0-3 2
Internal Combustion Engines and Automobile
ME 375 0-0-3 2
Engineering Laboratory
ME 470 Design Engineering Lab. 0-0-3 2

Sub Discipline: Project, Seminar and Special Courses

ME 280 Machine Element Design Practice – I 0-0-3 2

ME 380 Production Engineering Project 0-0-3 2
ME 381 Machine Element Design Practice – II 0-0-3 2
ME 391 Special Topic in Mechanical Engineering – I 3/4
ME 392 Special Topic in Mechanical Engineering – II 3/4
ME 393 Special Laboratory in Mechanical Engg – I 0-0-3 2
ME 394 Special Laboratory in Mechanical Engg – II 0-0-3 2
ME 395 Engineering Product Development Project – I 0-0-6 4
ME 396 Engineering Product Development Project – II 0-0-6 4
ME 470 Design Engineering Lab. 0-0-3 2
ME 480 Thermal Engineering Design Project 0-0-3 2
ME 481 Mechanical System Design Project 0-0-3 2
ME 483 Industrial Engineering Project 0-0-3 2
ME 491 Research Project – I 0-0-6 4
ME 492 Research Project - II 0-0-9 6
ME 493 Seminar and Technical Writing – I 0-0-3 2
ME 494 Seminar and Technical Writing - II 0-0-3 2
ME 495 Short term Industrial/Research Experience 0-0-0 2
ME 496 Comprehensive Viva-voce 0-0-0 2


Sl.No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits

1 ME 231 Total Quality Management 3-0-0 3
Heat Transfer Problems in Electronics and
2 ME 253 3-0-0 3
3 ME 254 Renewable Energy Systems 3-0-0 3
4 ME 256 The Quest for Absolute Zero 3-0-0 3
5 ME 300 Finite Element Analysis 3-0-0 3
6 ME 311 Composite Material 3-0-0 3
7 ME 417 Control System Engineering 3-0-0 3
8 ME 436 Entrepreneurship 3-0-0 3
9 ME 450 Computational Fluid Dynamics & Heat Transfer 3-0-0 3
10 ME 457 Cryogenic Engineering 3-0-0 3

Sl.No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits

1 ME 170 Machine Drawing and Solid Modeling 0-0-3 2
2 ME 210 Design of Machine Elements 3-1-0 4
3 ME 211 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery 3-1-0 4
4 ME 213 Mechanics of Solids 3-1-0 4
5 ME 230 Primary Production Processes 3-1-0 4
6 ME 231 Total Quality Management 3-0-0 3
7 ME 250 Thermal Engineering 3-1-0 4
8 ME 251 Engineering Thermodynamics 3-1-0 4
9 ME 252 Thermal Problem in Electrical Systems 3-1-0 4
Heat Transfer Problems in Electronics and
10 ME 253 3-0-0 3
11 ME 254 Renewable Energy Systems 3-0-0 3
12 ME 256 The Quest for Absolute Zero 3-0-0 3
13 ME 280 Machine Element Design Practice – I 0-0-3 2
14 ME 300 Finite Elements Analysis 3-0-0 3
15 ME 311 Composite Material 3-0-0 3
16 ME 313 Fundamentals of Ergonomics 3-0-0 3
17 ME 330 Metal Cutting and Tool Design 3-1-0 4
18 ME 331 Metal Machining and Automation 3-1-0 4
19 ME 332 Advanced Manufacturing Process 3-0-0 3
20 ME 333 Process Control and Assurance Science 3-0-0 3
21 ME 334 Surface Engineering 3-0-0 3
22 ME 335 Metrology and Computer Aided Inspection 3-0-0 3
23 ME 336 Plastic Part Manufacturing and Tool Design 3-0-0 3
24 ME 350 Heat Transfer 3-1-0 4
25 ME 351 Fluid Mechanics 3-1-0 4
26 ME 352 Fluid Dynamics and Hydraulic Machines 3-0-0 3
27 ME 353 Internal Combustion Engines 3-0-0 3
28 ME 354 Refrigeration and Air-conditioning 3-0-0 3
29 ME 355 Aircraft and Rocket Propulsion 3-0-0 3
30 ME 356 Turbo Machinery 3-0-0 3
31 ME 357 Gas Dynamics 3-0-0 3
32 ME 370 Heat Transfer and Refrigeration Lab. 0-0-3 2
33 ME 372 Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines Lab. 0-0-3 2
34 ME 373 Production Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
35 ME 374 Computational Fluid Dynamics Lab. 0-0-3 2
Internal Combustion Engines and Automobile
36 ME 375 0-0-3 2
Engineering Laboratory
37 ME 380 Production Engineering Project 0-0-3 2
38 ME 381 Machine Element Design Practice – II 0-0-3 2
39 ME 391 Special Topic in Mechanical Engineering – I 3/4
40 ME 392 Special Topic in Mechanical Engineering – II 3/4
41 ME 393 Special Laboratory in Mechanical Engg – I 0-0-3 2
42 ME 394 Special Laboratory in Mechanical Engg – II 0-0-3 2
43 ME 395 Engineering Product Development Project – I 0-0-6 4
44 ME 396 Engineering Product Development Project – II 0-0-6 4
45 ME 410 Advanced Mechanics of Solids 3-0-0 3
46 ME 411 Vibration and Noise Engineering 3-0-0 3
47 ME 412 Advanced Machine Dynamics 3-0-0 3
48 ME 413 Experimental Stress Analysis 3-0-0 3
49 ME 414 Mechatronics 3-0-0 3
50 ME 415 Fundamentals of Tribology 3-0-0 3
51 ME 416 Robotics 3-0-0 3
52 ME 417 Control System Engineering 3-0-0 3
53 ME 418 Material Handling 3-0-0 2
54 ME 430 Industrial Management 3-0-0 3
55 ME 431 Decision Modeling 3-0-0 3
56 ME 432 Non-Conventional Machining Processes 3-0-0 3
57 ME 433 Advanced Manufacturing Systems 3-0-0 3
58 ME 434 Computer Graphics for CAD/CAM 3-0-0 3
59 ME 435 Concurrent Engineering 3-0-0 3
60 ME 436 Entrepreneurship 3-0-0 3
61 ME 437 Welding Technology 3-0-0 3
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat
62 ME 450 3-0-0 3
63 ME 451 Power Plant Engineering 3-0-0 3
64 ME 453 Energy Conservation & Waster Heat Recovery 3-0-0 3
65 ME 455 Nuclear Power Generation and Safety 3-0-0 3
66 ME 457 Cryogenic Engineering 3-0-0 3
67 ME 470 Design Engineering Lab. 0-0-3 2
68 ME 480 Thermal Engineering Design Project 0-0-3 2
69 ME 481 Mechanical System Design Project 0-0-3 2
70 ME 483 Industrial Engineering Project 0-0-3 2
71 ME 491 Research Project – I 0-0-6 4
72 ME 492 Research Project - II 0-0-9 6
73 ME 493 Seminar and Technical Writing – I 0-0-3 2
74 ME 494 Seminar and Technical Writing - II 0-0-3 2
75 ME 495 Short term Industrial/Research Experience 0-0-0 2
76 ME 496 Comprehensive Viva-voce 0-0-0 2

Drawing to be drawn manually

1. Projection of solids
2. Nut & bolt and Fasteners
3. Cotter joint.
4. Plummer block.
5. Expansion joint.
6. Shaft coupling

Drawing to drawn using drafting software

1. Fundamentals of AutoCAD Mechanical Desktop.
2. Dimension & annotations.
3. Use of Layers.
4. Working with constraint in dimension.
5. Creating assembly.
6. Axi-symmetrical parts.
7. Creating surface features.
8. Working with bill of material.

Free hand sketches of commonly used parts are to be drawn and submitted to the teacher
concerned in the sessional class.

Essential Reading:
1. Machine Drawing - K.L. Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Reddy, New Age International,
2. AutoCAD Mechanical manual, Autodesk Inc.

ME 210 DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENTS 4 credits [3-1-0]

Introduction to machine design, methodology, strength, rigidity, fracture, wear, and material
considerations in design, use of standards, Selection of materials and processes. Standard
numbering system including BIS designations of materials. concept of factor of safety.
Application of theories of failure to design. Design of Riveted, Welded, Bolted joints, Power
screw, shafts, keys and couplings, belt, rope and chain drives, journal bearing and
antifriction bearings, springs, clutches and Gears.

Essential Reading:
1. J.E. Shigley and L.C. Mitchel, Mechanical Engineering Design - Tata Mc Graw-Hill,
8th Ed, 2007.
2. P.C. Sharma, D.K. Agrawal, Machine Design –Kataria & sons, 2007.

Supplementary Reading:
1. M. F. Spotts, T.E.Shoup, Design of Machine Elements, Pearson, 2003
2. R.C. Juvinal & K.M. Marshek Fundamentals of Machine Component Design - John
Wiley, 2002.
3. Design Data Book – PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. 1995


Mechanisms: Lower and higher pairs, degrees of freedom, various types of mechanisms,
their inversions and applications, Kinematics and structure diagrams, equivalent linkages,
steering mechanisms. Motion analysis of planer mechanisms by graphical, analytical and
computer aided methods instantaneous centre, Corioli’s component of acceleration. ; Cams:
Cam follower systems, synthesis of roller cams, cam profiles, pressure angles, ; Gears:
Gearing terminology, spur, bevel, helical, worm, gears, motion and synthesis of simple,
reverted and epicyclic gear trains, gear corrections. ; Kinematic synthesis: Classical
synthesis techniques, Analytical synthesis of four line mechanisms and planner
mechanisms. Dimensional synthesis, three position synthesis for function generation, path
generation. ; Dynamics: Review of planar rigid & body dynamics, static and dynamic analysis
of mechanisms, slider crank and quick return motion mechanism dynamics. ; Balancing:
Static and dynamic balancing of rotors, balancing of single cylinder, multi cylinder, inline,
radial & V-engines. Dynamics of Flywheels, Cams & Gyroscopes.

Essential Reading:
1. J.E.Sigley & J. J. Ucker, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms - Mc Graw Hill.
2. A.Ghosh & A.K.Mallick, Theory of Mechanisms and Machines - Mc Graw Hill.

ME 213 MECHANICS OF SOLIDS 4 credits [3-1-0]

Definition of stress, stress tensor - normal and shearing stresses in axially loaded members.
Normal and shearing strains - stress-strain relationship - Generalized Hooke's Law -
Poisson's ratio - relationship between material properties of isotropic materials. - stress-
strain diagram for uniaxial loading for ductile and brittle materials - working stress - factor of
safety. Composite bars in tension and compression, temperature stresses, statically
indeterminate problems. Thin Cylinders and Spherical Shells, Torsion of Circular Shafts and
Helical Springs, shear force and bending moment diagrams, pure bending theory, shearing
stresses in beams, Deflection of Beams, Theory of Columns, Plane stress and plane strain
problems, Energy methods: Strain energy due to axial, torsion, bending and transverse
shear. Castigliano's theorem, reciprocity theorem, Theories of Failure.

Essential Reading:
1. S.P. Timoshenko and D.H.Young, Elements of Strength of Materials - Affiliated East
West Press Pvt. Ltd.
2. E.P. Popov, Engineering Mechanics of Solids - Prentice Hall India, New Delhi. 1990.

Supplementary Reading:
1. I.H. Shames, Introduction to Solid Mechanics - Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
2. G.H.Ryder, Strength of Materials - ELBS.


Foundry : Introduction to patterns and foundry process, Sand binders and different additives,
Sand testing and melting furnaces for ferrous and non-ferrous metals such as cupola,
Induction furnace, Arc furnace & Resistance Furnace. Solid fiction of castings, Continuous
casting process: Precision investment casting, centrifugal casting, Die casting, Casting
defects. ; Welding and cutting: Introduction to gas welding, cutting, Arc welding and
equipment’s. TIG (GTAW) and MIG (GMAW) welding, resistance welding and thermit
welding. Weldability, Newer Welding methods like plasma Arc, Laser Beam, Electron Beam,
Ultrasonic, Explosive and friction welding. Brazing and soldering, welding defects.
Destructive and non-destructive testing of castings and weldings. ; Brief introduction to
powder metallurgy processes. ; Plastic deformation of metals: Variables in metal forming and
their optimization. Dependence of stress strain diagram on Strain rate and temperature. Hot
and cold working of metals. ; Rolling: Pressure and Forces in rolling, types of rolling mills,
Rolling defects. ; Forging: Smith Forging, Drop and Press forging, M/c forging. Forging
defects. ; Extrusions, Direct, Indirect, Impact and Hydrostatic extrusion and their
applications. Extrusion of tubes. Wire drawing methods and variables in wire-drawing.
Optimum die shape for extrusion and drawing. ; Brief introduction to sheet metal working:
Bending, Forming and Deep drawing.

Essential Reading:
1. P.C. Mukherjee, Fundamentals of metal casting technology, Oxford and IBH.
2. B.Ravi, Design of Metal Casting - PHI.
3. H.Choudhury, Workshop Technology – Vol –I & II, Media Promotion & Publisher Pvt.

ME 231 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT 3 credits [3-0-0]

An Overview: Quality Definition, Quality, Price, Value Relationship, Hardware and Software
Aspects of Quality. Quality Philosophies: Deming’s 14 Points, Juran’s Trilogy, Crosby’s Zero
Defect, Ishikawa diagram. Quality Costs: Prevention, Appraisal, Internal Failure, External
Failure. Total Quality Management: Concept, Comparison with Traditional Quality,
Implementation of TQM, Malcolm Baldridge Award, TQM in Education. Kaizen: Concept of
Waste Elimination, Various Forms of Waste, Various Causes of Waste, Kaizen Approach,
Kaizen Benefits. Quality Systems: ISO 9000. Benchmarking, Business Process Re-
engineering, Tools (old) & 7 Tools (new)

Essential Reading:
1. Dr. K. C. Arora, TQM and ISO 14000, S. K. Kataria & Sons, New Delhi.
2. A. Feigenbaum, Total Quality Control, McGraw Hill

ME 250 THERMAL ENGINEERING 4 credits [3-1-0]

Laws of perfect gas; gas constants, concept of system, surrounding, equilibrium, Heat and
work transfer, quasi-static process, temperature and Zeroth law of thermodynamics. Units &
Dimensions ; First Law of Thermodynamics: Internal energy, enthalpy, 1st law applied to non-
flow and steady flow processes ; Second Law: Clausius and Kelvin-Plank statements,
Carnot cycle, corollaries, entropy, changes of entropy or a perfect gas in various processes.
Properties of Pure Substances: Definitions, p-V, p-T, T-s and his diagrams for a pure
substance, quality, Steam Tables, Charts for thermodynamics properties, Measurement of
steam quality ; Vapour Power Cycles: Rankine cycle, Comparison of Rankine and Carnot
vapor cycles, Regenerative cycles, Ideal working fluid for vapor power cycles, Binary vapor
cycle, Thermodynamics of couples cycles, Process heat and by-product power ; I.C.
Engines: Air standard Otto, Diesel and Dual cycles, C.I. and S.I. engines; Four stroke and
two stroke cycles, Indicated Power, Brake Power, Mechanical, Thermal and relative
efficiencies. Valve timing Diagram, fuel supply system; Air compressors and Motors: working
principles of reciprocating air compressors, volumetric efficiency, effect of clearance, single
and multistage compressors with intercooling, optimum inter-stage pressure, air motors and
other application of compressed air.

Essential Reading:
1. P.K. Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, TMH.


Basic concepts, thermodynamic equilibrium and quasi-static processes, Zeroth law of

thermodynamics; Energy Interactions: displacement and other types of work, free expansion,
Heat transfer; First Law of Thermodynamics: First law for a closed system, Energy - a
property of the system, Different forms of stored energy, enthalpy, First law applied to flow
processes; Second Law of Thermodynamics: Qualitative difference between heat and work,
Heat Engines, Refrigerators and Heat pumps, Kelvin-Plank and Clausius statements of
second law and their equivalence, Reversibility and irreversibility, Ideal processes, Carnot
Cycle, Corollaries of second law, Carnot's theorem, Absolute thermodynamic temperature
scale, Clausius inequality; Entropy: Definition, Principles of increase of entropy, calculation
entropy for various processes; Available Energy and Availability: Helmholtz and Gibbs
functions, Availability in steady flow, Entropy equation for flow processes, irreversibility;
Properties of Pure Substances: p-V, p-T, T-s and h-s diagrams for a pure substance, quality,
Steam Tables and charts for thermodynamics properties, Measurement of steam quality;
Properties of Gases and Gas Mixtures: equation of state, Calculation of property changes for
ideal gases, Real gases definition and equations of state, Law of corresponding states, Gas
mixtures and Dalton's Law; Combined 1st and 2nd Laws: Maxwell relations, T-dS equations,
Joule-Kelvin effect, Clausius-Clapeyron equation, Gibb’s Phase rule and Conditions of
stability; Reciprocating air compressors: Work required for single and multistage air
compressors, Effect of intercooling, Optimum interstage pressure, Effect of clearance on
volumetric efficiency, Air motors.

Essential Reading:
1. Jones and Hawkins, Engineering Thermodynamics, John Wiley.
2. V. Wylen and Sonntag, Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics, John Wiley.
3. Kadambi and Prasad, An Introduction to Energy Conversion (Vol. I & II), Wiley



Fundamentals of thermodynamics: Concept of system, surrounding, state, process and

equilibrium, Temperature and Zeroth law of thermodynamics. ; First and second law of
thermodynamics: First and second law analysis, Concept of internal energy, enthalpy and
entropy. ; Heat Transfer: Fundamental modes of heat transfer-Conduction, Convection and
Radiation. Effectiveness of a fin and its efficiency, Introduction to forced and natural
convection, Surface radiation. ; Properties of Pure Substances: Definitions, p-V, p-T and T-s
diagrams for pure substance, Properties of substances from Steam tables. ; Power Plant
Engineering: Rankine cycle, procdure for improving the efficiency of the Rankine cycle,
Regenerative cycle ; Heat transfer in Transformers; air cooling and oil cooling, cooling of
motor windings, cooling of electrical panels (control room)

Essential Reading:
1. P. K. Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics –Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. Y. A. Çengel and M. A. Boles, Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach –MGraw-

Supplementary Reading:
1. P.K. Nag, Power Plant Engineering –Tata Mc.Graw Hill.
2. P. L. Ballany, Thermal Engineering –Khanna Publishers.
3. R.K. Rajput, A text book of Electrical Technology –laxmi Publications.
4. M. N. Ozisik, Heat Transfer: A Basic Approach –McGraw-Hill.
5. R. K. Rajput, Thermal Engineering –Laxmi Publications

ME 253 HEAT TRANSFER PROBLEMS IN 3 credits [3-0-0]

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics: Concepts and definitions, 1st law and its analysis for
open and closed system, 2nd law: Kelvin-Plank and Claussius statements, Introduction to
entropy. Fundamental modes of heat transfer: Conduction, Convection and Radiation. ;
Conduction: Fourier law, Problem formulation, Boundary conditions, 1-D temperature
solution, Lumped system analysis, Heat transfer through extended surfaces (fins), Efficiency
and effectiveness of fins. Design of fin geometry and optimum spacing of fins in a device,
Heat transfer from fin surface of variable cross section. Convection: Forced and natural
convection through flat plate and duct. Heat transfer coefficient correlations for laminar and
turbulent convection. Radiation: Stefan law, emissive power, emissivity and reflectivity,
equivalent heat transfer coefficient for combined convection and radiation. ; Applications:
Heat sink, Electronic chip cooling, Temperature measurement: static and dynamic
characteristics of temperature sensors.

Essential Reading:
1. M. N. Ozisik, Heat Transfer: A Basic Approach –McGraw-Hill.
2. P. K. Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics –Tata McGraw-Hill.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Y. A. Cengel, Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach –McGraw-Hill.
2. S. P. Sukhatme, A Text Book on Heat Transfer –University Press (Fourth Edition).
3. F. P. Incropera, D. P. DeWitt, T. L. Bergman, A. S. Levine, Introduction to Heat
Transfer –Wiley.

ME 254 RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Solar Energy: Solar Radiation: Solar thermal process, heat transfer devices, solar radiation
measurement, estimation of average solar radiation. Solar energy storage: stratified storage,
well mixed storage, comparison, Hot water system, practical consideration, solar ponds,
Non-convective solar pond, extraction of thermal energy and application of solar ponds. ;
Other Renewable Energy Systems: Wind energy: The nature of wind. Wind energy
resources and modeling. Geothermal energy: Origin and types of geothermal energy and
utilisation. OTEC: Ocean temperature differences. OTEC systems. Wave energy:
Fundamentals. Availability. Wave-energy conversion systems. Tidal energy: Fundamentals.
Availability. Tidal-energy conversion systems. Energy from biomass: Photosynthesis.
Biomass resource. Utilisation of biomass.

Essential Reading:
1. S.P. Sukhatme, Solar Energy Principle of Thermal Collection and Storage, TMH,
2. Gary L. Johnson, 1985, Wind Energy Systems, Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersey.
3. J.M. Kriender, ‘Principles of Solar Engineering’, McGraw Hill, 1987.

Supplementary Reading:
1. V.S. Mangal, Solar Engineering, TMH, 1992.
2. N.K. Bansal, Renewable Energy Source and Conversion Technology, TMH, 1989.
3. P.J. Lunde, Solar Thermal Engineering’, John Willey, 1988.
4. J.A. Duffie and Beckman W.A., Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Wiley,

ME 256 THE QUEST FOR ABSOLUTE ZERO 3 credits [3-0-0]

Electrical and thermal properties of solids at extreme low temperature; Debye theory for
specific heat of solids; Third law of Thermodynamics. Properties of liquid helium, Phase
transition, Lambda point, super fluidity. Thermodynamic principles of refrigeration, Kapitza
and Collins cycles for liquefaction of helium, Modeling and optimization of cryogenic cycles
for refrigerators and liquefiers; Refrigeration with Helium – 3. ; Refrigeration below 1 Kelvin,
Magnetic refrigerators, dilution refrigerator; Pomeranchuk cooling. ; Regenerative cycles –
Stirling, GM and Pulse tube; Regenerator materials for deep low temperature refrigerators. ;
Extreme low temperature; Introduction to statistical mechanics in extreme low temperature

Essential Reading:
1. K. Mendelssohn, The Quest for Absolute Zero: The meaning of low temperature
physics, Wiley, 1977
2. T. Frederking, SWK Yuan, Cryogenics-Low Temperature Engineering & Applied
Sciences, Yutopian Enterprises (December 15, 2005),
3. M. W. Zemansky, R.H. Dittman, Heat and Thermodynamics (Hardcover), McGraw-


1. Design and drawing of boiler (pressure vessels).

2. Design and drawing of bolted joints.
3. Design and drawing of welded joint.
4. Design and drawing of cotter and knuckle joint.
5. Design and drawing of flexible coupling.
6. Design and drawing of universal coupling.
7. Design and drawing of screw jack.
8. Deign and drawing of belt/chain drive.
9. Design and drawing of fly wheels.
10. Design and drawing of cams.

ME 300 FINITE ELEMENTS ANALYSIS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction, brief history of development, advantages, disadvantages of finite element

analysis, basic steps and limitations, error and accuracy in finite element analysis, structural
stiffness and network analysis, assembly and analysis of a structure, finite element analysis
of an elastic continuum, displacement approach, minimization of total potential energy,
convergence criteria, generalization of finite element concepts, alternative approach to finite
element formulation, plane stress and plane strain analysis, element characteristics,
triangular, rectangular and isoparametric elements, some practical applications,
axisymmetric stress analysis, some illustrative examples, computer methods and computer
programmes, data input, stiffness generation, assembly and solution of equations and output
of results, application of FEM to structural , plastic deformation, fluid flow and heat transfer
problems, FEM software packages, modeling capabilities, preprocessors and
postprocessors, modern trends in finite element analysis.

Essential Reading:
1. Schaum’s outline of Finite Element Analysis, MGH 2008.
2. Finite Element Analysis by University Press, 2004.

Supplementary Reading:
1. O. C. Zienkiewicz, The Finite Element Method in Engg Science, TMH, 2006.
2. S. S. Bhavikati, Finite Element Analysis, New Age, 2005.

ME 311 COMPOSITE MATERIAL 3 credits [3-0-0]

Definition and Classification of Composites,MMC,PMC,CMC. Reinforcing fibres- Natural

fibres (cellulose, jute, coir etc), boron, carbon, ceramic glass, aramids, polyethylene
(UHMWPE), polybenz-thiazoles etc. Particulate fillers-importance of particle shape an size.
Matrix resins-thermoplastics and thermosetting matrix resins. Coupling agents-surface
treatment of fillers and fibres, significance of interface in composites. Nanocomposites, short
and continuous fibre reinforced composites, critical fibre length, anisotropic behaviour, SMC,
BMC, DMC etc. Fabrication techniques pultrusion, filament winding, prepreg technology,
injection and compression moulding, bag moulding, resin transfer moulding, reaction
injection moulding. Properties and perfor mance of composites. Applications.

Essential Reading:
1. K.K. Chawla, Composite Materials – Science & Engineering, Springer-Verlag, New
York, 1987.
2. F.L. Matthews and R.D. Rawlings, Composite Materials: Engineering and Science,
Chapman & Hall, London, 1994.
3. Dr N. Chand, Tribology of Natural fiber Composites, Wood Head Publishing Limited,


Objective : To develop awareness, acquire information, and experience human factors in

design. Datalogging, data collection, data reduction and data analysis techniques. Gross
human anatomy, anthropometry, biomechanics, muscle strength and exertion potential of
different limbs, work capacity, environmental effects. Exercises for evaluation of postural
forms and work spaces. Environmental conditions including temperature, illumination, noise
and vibration. Perception and information processing, design of displays, hand controls,
typography and readability, layout and composition. Exercises in evaluation of human
response to product interface. Product safety and products liability.

Essential Reading:
1. D.C. Alexgander, Applied Ergonomics - Taylor and Francis

ME 330 METAL CUTTING AND TOOL DESIGN 4 credits [3-1-0]

Geometrical parameters of cutting tool edges and their effect on tool force and power
consumption, Mechanics of chip formation at low and high cutting speeds. Orthogonal and
oblique cutting ; Controlled contact cutting, Shear angles, Force and velocity relationships,
Cutting forces in turning ; Planning, Drilling and milling operations, controlled Contact
Cutting, Chip-Breaking Effect, stress-distibution ; Types of Tool Wear: Flank wear, Crater
wear, Wear measurement, Cutting fluid and its effect ; Merchantabilities, Mach inability
Criteria, Tool life and Taylor's equation, Effect of variables on tool life, and surface finish,
Tool-life test ; life tests, Economics of Machining, Economic tool life, Gilbert’s Model. ;
Introduction to cutting tool materials, types of cutting tools, design of single point cutting tool,
form tool, broach ; Introduction to micro-machining, diamond turning, micro-turning, micro-
drilling, micro-milling, hybrid-micromachining, micro-edm, micro-ecm, micro-wedm, micro-
wedg ; Sheet-metal working, blanking and piercing, compound and progressive die ;
Principles of location and clamping, design of drilling jig and fixture for milling, broaching,
turning ; Design of forging die block, drop forging and upsetting.

Essential Reading:
1. Bhattacharyya, Metal Cutting Theory and Practice - Central Book Publishers,
Calcutta 2000.
2. Lecain, Goold, Tool Design – Donaldson, TMH, New Delhi. 2004

Supplementary Reading:
1. Arshinov, Metal cutting Theory Design - Mir Publisher
2. P.C. Sharma, A Text Book of Production Engineering - S. Chand & Co.


Principles of machine tools: Kinematics of machine tools, speed transmission from motor to
spindle, Speed reversal mechanism, Tool holding and job holding methods in different M/C
tools, Types of surfaces generated, Indexing mechanism and thread cutting mechanism.
Concepts of Aesthetic and Ergonomics applied to machine tools, Acceptance tests and
Standardisation of machine tools, Machine tool reconditioning. Latest trends in machine tool
design ; Non-Conventional metal removal process : Electro Discharge Machining, Laser
Beam, Plasma Arc, Ion Beam, Electro Chemical, Abrasive jet, Ultrasonic and water jet-
machining. ; Numerical control: Brief principles and description of numerical control
application to M/C tools. DNC, CNC and adaptive control. Programming of CNC M/C tools,
CNC programming based on CAD. ; Fundamentals of CAD/CAM, Computer integrated
manufacturing, Compute Aided Process Planning, Computer Integrated Production Planning
system. ; Flexible Manufacturing Systems: types, Benefits and Elements of FMS
Applications of FMS. ; Robotics: Definition, Types and programming of Robots, Application
of Industrial robots.

Essential Reading:
1. H. Choudhury, Workshop Technology – Vol –II, Media Promotion & Publisher Pvt.
2. Production Technology – HMT-TMH.
3. P.C.Pandey and H.S.Shen, Modern Machining process.
4. G.C. Sen & A. Bhattacharya, Principles of M/c Tools –New Control Book Agency.
5. M.P. Grover, Automation Production system and Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Supplementary Reading:
1. Radhakrishnan & Subramanium, CAD, CAM, CIM - New Age India Publisher Pvt.,
2. Bhattacharya, Metal cutting theory & Practice –New control Book Agency.
3. N.K.Meheta, Machine Tool Design - TMH.
4. G.C.Sen and A.Bhattacharya, Principles of Machine Tools - New Central Book
5. R.K.Mittal & I.J. Nagrath, Robotics and Control - TMH.
6. P.N. Rao, CAD/CAM, Principles and Applications - TMH.


Surface engineering and High speed grinding: Application of advanced coatings in high
performance cutting tools and high performance super-abrasive grinding wheels. Application
of surface coating in metal-ceramic joining. Ultra high speed grinding with monolayer CBN
grinding wheel. Machining and grinding under cryogenic environment. Micro and nano
machining of glasses and ceramics in ductile regime using diamond cutting tool and
diamond grinding wheel. ; Theory and application of chemical processing: Chemical
Machining, Aching of semi conductors, Coating and Electroless forming and CVD. ; Rapid
prototyping: Need for Rapid Prototyping, Basic Principles and advantages of RP,
Classifications of different RP techniques with examples, Introduction to three
Representative RP techniques: Fused deposition ; modeling. Laminated Object
Manufacturing and Stereo-lithography. ; MEMS: Introduction, history, development and need
of micro-electro-mechanical systems. IC fabrication processes used for MEMS; MEMS
sensors and actuators; Mechanical Process techniques and process models for micro-
machining; Fabrication processes and design of the process sequences; Agile prototyping;
Reliability and process control of micro manufacturing processes’ Introduction to nano-
technology processes. ; Concurrent Engineering: Product development cycle, Sequential
Engineering versus Concurrent Engineering, Implementation of Concurrent Engineering,
Concurrent Engineering and Information Technology, Soft and Hard Prototyping,
Characteristics of Concurrent Engineering Key factors influencing the success of CE.

Essential Reading:
1. Surface Wear Analysis, Treatment & Prevention - ASM Inernational, Materials Park,
OH, U.S.A., 1st Ed. 1995
2. Advanced Thermally Assisted Surface Engineering - Kluwer Academic Publisher,
MA, USA, 2nd ed. 2002.
3. P. Radhakrishnan, CAD/CAM/CIM - New Age International Publishers., 4th ed. 2001



METROLOGY: Line and End Standards, Principles of Measurements, Calibration, Accuracy

and Precision ; Measurement of Surface Roughness, Screw, Thread and Gears ; Limits, Fits
and Gauges, Assembly by full, partial and group interchangeability, geometric tolerances ;
QUALITY ASSURANCE: Some useful Probability Distribution, Testing of hypothesis, type I
and type II errors, control limit theorem. Taguchi’s Loss function, Orthogonal Arrays, Linear
Graphs, parametric design, signal-to-noise Ratio, ANOVA. Causes of Variation, standard
error of mean, process capability, PCR, RPI, Natural tolerance Limits, Specification Limits,
Trial and Revised control Limits, Rational subgroups, Control charts for variables (X-bar, R,
S, CUSUM, EWMA), Control charts for fraction non-conforming, control charts for non-
conformation. Design of single sampling plan. Double, multiple and sequential sampling
plans, O.C. curve, AOQ, AOQL, ATI, AFI, ASN MIL-STD 105D tables, switching rules.
Neural network application in quality control ; RELIABILITY: Definition, bath-tub-curve,
system reliability, reliability improvement, maintainability and availability, Availability of
single repairable system using Markov model, Life tests, Acceptance sampling plan based
on life tests, Sequential acceptance sampling plan based on MTTF.

Essential Reading:
1. M.R.Taher, Metrology, Measurement and Measuring Instruments, RNLBP,
2. A. Mitra, Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement, 2nd Edn, PHI, New

ME 334 SURFACE ENGINEERING 3 credits [3-0-0]

Philosophy of surface engineering, general applications and requirements ; Corrosion

Processes: Basic principles of electrochemistry and aqueous corrosion processes; pitting,
crevice and exfoliation corrosion; influence of deposits and anaerobic conditions; corrosion
control; high temperature oxidation and hot corrosion; corrosion/mechanical property
interactions ; Friction and Wear: Abrasive, erosive and sliding wear. The interaction between
wear and corrosion ; Analytical Techniques: X-ray diffraction, TEM, SEM and WDP
analysis, surface analysis by other techniques ; Surface Engineering: Philosophy; surface
engineering as part of a manufacturing process; integrating coating systems into the design
process ; Coating Manufacture: Electro deposition; flame and plasma spraying; physical
vapor deposition; chemical vapor deposition; surface treatments; paint and paint systems ;
Applications: Coating systems for corrosion and wear protection; new coating concepts
including multi-layer structures, functionally gradient materials, intermetallic barrier coatings
and thermal barrier coatings.

ME 335 METROLOGY & COMPUTER AIDED 3 credits [3-0-0]


Metrological concepts - Abbe's principle - need for high precision measurements - problems
associated with high precision measurements. Standards for length measurement - Shop
floor standards and their calibration – Light interference - Method of coincidence - Slip gauge
calibration - Measurement errors. Various tolerances and their specifications, gauging
principles, selective assembly, comparators. Angular measurements - principles and
instruments. Gear and Thread measurements. Surface and form metrology - flatness,
roughness, waviness, roundness, cylindricity, etc. Computer Aided Metrology - Principles
and interfacing, software metrology. Laser metrology - Applications of Lasers in precision
measurements - Laser interferometer, speckle measurements, laser scanners. Coordinate
Measuring Machine - Types of CMM - Probes used - Applications - Non contact CMM using
Electro optical sensors for dimensional metrology - Non contact sensors for surface finish
measurements. Image processing and its application in Metrology.

Essential Reading:
1. D.M.Anthony, Engineering Metrology, Pergamon Press.
2. G.G.Thomas, Engineering Metrology, Butterworth.



Fundamentals of Polymer Technology; Properties of Solid and Molten Polymers; Selection of

Materials and Manufacturing Methods; Extrusion Equipment and Processing techniques;
Injection Moulding; Blow Moulding, Rational Moulding, Compression and Transfer Moulding,
Thermoforming; Resin Transfer Moulding; Rapid Prototyping and Tooling processes. Other
Manufacturing methods (Machining, Joining, Finishing, Assembly) CAD/CAM of
Dies/Moulds/Tools; Flow analysis. Typical defects in plastic components and their

Essential Reading:
1. P.A. Tres, Designing Plastic Parts for Assembly, Hanser Gardner Publications; 5th
edition, 2003
2. R.A. Malloy, Plastic Part Design for Injection Molding: An Introduction, Hanser
Gardner Publications, 1994.
3. J.Rotheiser, Joining of Plastics: Handbook for Designers and Engineers, Hanser
Gardner Publications, 2004
4. J.P. Beaumont, R. Nagel, R. Sherman, Successful Injection Molding: Process,
Design, and Simulation, Hanser Gardner Publications, 2002

ME 350 HEAT TRANSFER 4 credits [3-1-0]

Modes of Heat Transfer, Combined heat transfer mechanism, Analogy between flow of heat
and electricity, Conduction: Three dimensional Fourier conduction equation in Cartesian
coordinates, One-dimensional steady conduction through slab, cylinder, Sphere and
composite medium, Critical insulation thickness, Effect of variable thermal conductivity. Heat
transfer through rectangular and pin fins. Fin effectiveness and Fin efficiency, Fin
arrangement. Introduction to two-dimensional steady heat condition, Analytical methods for
solving two-dimensional heat conduction problems; Convection: Hydrodynamics and
thermal boundary layers for laminar flow over a flat plate. Integral solution of boundary layer
equations for laminar flow over a flat plate. Heat transfer for laminar flow in tubes, heat
transfer in turbulent flow, Reynolds analogy. Laminar free convection boundary layers
equations for flow over a vertical plate. Dimensional analysis applied to forced and free
convection. Boiling and Condensation: Film and drop wise condensation, Nusselt's theory of
laminar film condensation, Pool boiling regimes, Rohsenow correlation for nucleate boiling ;
Radiation: Black body and monochromatic radiation, Total emissive power, Stefan-
Boltzmann law, Grey body Kirchoff's law, Wien’s displacement law, Radiation between two
black bodies, Shape factors for simple geometries, Radiation between two grey bodies,
Electrical network method for solving radiation problems, Radiation shields; Heat
Exchangers: Types, Overall heat transfer coefficient, Fouling factors, Logarithmic mean
temperature difference, Effectiveness, Number of transfer units, Heat exchanger Design.

Essential Reading:
1. Gupta and Prakash, Engineering Heat Transfer, Nemchand.
2. J.P. Holman, Heat Transfer , TMH
3. M.N. Ozisik, Heat Transfer - A Basic Approach , McGraw Hill

ME 351 FLUID MECHANICS 4 credits [3-1-0]

Introduction: Physical properties of fluids, Ideal and Real fluids, Concept of shear stress,
Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids. Fluid Statics: Pressure-density-height relationships,
Manometers, Force on plane and curved surfaces, Centre of pressure, Buoyancy, Stability of
immersed and floating bodies. Fluid masses subjected to uniform accelerations, Free and
forced vortex. Fluid Kinematics: Steady and unsteady, uniform and non-uniform, laminar and
turbulent flows. Free surface flows and enclosed flows. Definition of one-, two- and three-
dimensional flows. Stream lines, Streak lines, Path lines. Stream tubes. Stream function and
velocity potential. Flow nets. Fluid Dynamics: Equation of continuity. One-dimensional
Euler's equation of motion and its integration to obtain Bernoulli's equation and momentum
equation. Flow through pipes (incompressible flow): Laminar and turbulent flow in pipes,
Hydraulic mean radius, Darcy -Weisbach equation, Moody's diagram. Minor losses, Pipes in
parallel and series. Transmission of power. Water hammer in pipes. Measurements: Pitot
tube, Current meter, Venturi meter, Orifice meter, Orifice and mouthpieces, Notches and

Essential reading:
1. S. K. Som and G. Biswas, Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. B. S. Massey, Mechanics of Fluids by ELBS.

Supplementary reading:
1. K. Mohanty, Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall.
2. R. J. Garde and A. C. Mirajgackar, Engineering Fluid Mechanics by Nem Chand
3. K. L. Kumar, Fluid Mechanics, S. Chand Co.

Boundary layer growth over a flat plate, Boundary layer thickness, Displacement thickness,
Momentum thickness and energy thickness, Laminar and turbulent boundary layer,
Momentum integral equation, Separation of boundary layer flow. Drag and lift, pressure drag
and friction drag, stream lined body and bluff body, Drag over a flat plate, Drag
characteristics of sphere and cylinder, Lift and Magnus effect, Lift characteristics of air foils.
Dimensional homogeneity, Dimensional Analysis, Rayleigh's method and Buckingham
theorem. Similarity laws and model studies. Forces on fixed and moving flat plates and
curved plates, work done and efficiency. Turbines: Classification, Study of Pelton, Francis
and Kaplan Turbines, Blade Angle, Velocity Triangle, Efficiencies. Specific speed unit
quantities, Performances of turbines, Principle of similarity applied to turbines. Centrifugal
Pumps: Principle and Classification, Efficiency, Specific speed, Characteristic curves, Multi
stage pumps, Pumps in series and parallel, Principle of similarity applied to pumps,
cavitation in pumps, NPSH. Reciprocating Pump: Principle of working, Slip, Work done,
Effect of acceleration and frictional resistance, Separation, Air vessels. Miscellaneous
Machines: Rotary and air injection pumps, Hydraulic ram, Hydrostatic machines, Fluid power
transmission systems, Hydraulic accumulator, Intensified, Press and Jack.

Essential Reading:
1. Dr. J. Lal, Hydraulic Machines - Metropolitan Book Co, New Delhi.
2. S. K. Som and G. Biswas, Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines, Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. B. S. Massey, Mechanics of Fluids, ELBS.

Supplementary Reading:
1. K. Mohanty, Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall.
2. V. P. Vasandani, Hydraulic Machines - Khanna Publishers.
3. K. L. Kumar, Fluid Mechanics by S. Chand Co.


Introduction to I.C Engine-Classification-Components-Air standard cycles, characteristics of

fuel air mixtures, variation of specific heats-Actual cycles, actual processes taking place in
engines-Importance of Port, Valve timing diagram; Carburetion and fuel injection:
Requirements of a good carburetor, simple carburetor, complete carburetor, Calculation of
air-fuel ratio for a simple carburetor. Electronic fuel injection in S.I. engine. Requirements of
diesel injection system, types of injection systems, fuel pumps. Ignition systems; Combustion
in S.I. Engine and C.I. Engines: Stages of combustion in S.I. Engine, Detonation, Control of
detonation. Stages of combustion in C.I. Engines, delay period, factors; Various systems of
I.C. Engine, Lubrication system, function of lubricating system. Cooling system etc.; Testing
and performance: Variable speed test of S.I. Engine, Constant speed load tests of C.I.
Engines Morse tests; Engine Emissions-Pollutants and their ill effects, pollutants from
Gasoline and diesel. Supercharging and turbo charging.

Essential Reading:
1. J.B Heywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill
2. V. Ganesan, Internal Combustion Engines, McGraw Hill Company, (1992).
3. M.L. Mathur and R.P Sharma, A Course in internal combustion engines, Dhanpat
Rai and Sons, (1980).
4. Newton and Steed: Automobile Engineering, ELBS Publishing, (1978).
5. G.B.S Narang, Automobile Engineering, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, (1988).
6. K.K.Ramalingam, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, Scitech Publications.


Refrigerants: Classification of Refrigerants, Halocarbon compounds, Azeotropes, Hydro-

carbons, Inorganic compounds, Properties of refrigerants, Comparison of common
refrigerants, Uses of important refrigerants, Brines, Ozone friendly refrigerants. ; Vapor
Compression Systems: Analysis of Theoretical vapor-compression cycle, Unit of
refrigeration, Coefficient of performance, T-S and P-H diagram, Simple Saturated cycle,
Subcooled cycle and superheated cycle, Effect of suction and discharge pressure on
performance, Actual vapor-compression cycle. ; Multistage compression and multi-
evaporator systems Different arrangements of compressors and inter cooling, Multi-stage
compression with intercooling, Multi-evaporator system, Dual compression system ; Vapor-
Absorption system: Simple Ammonia-absorption system, Improved absorption system,
Analysis of vapor absorption system, Electrolux system, Comparison of absorption and
vapor compression system. ; Psychometrics: Properties of air-vapor mixtures,
Psychometrics, Psychometric charts, Law of water vapor-air mixture - Enthalpy of moisture -
simple heating and Humidification, Dehumidification - Mixture of air streams. ; Requirements
of comfort Air-conditioning : Oxygen supply, Heat Removal, Moisture removal, Air motion,
Purity of Air, Thermodynamics of human body, Comfort and comfort chart, Effective
temperature, Factors governing optimum effective temperature. ; Air conditioning systems:
Processes in Air conditioning, Summer Air conditioning, Winter Air conditioning and year
round air conditioning, load calculations.

Essential Reading:
1. C.P.Arora, A Course in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Tata Mc. Graw-Hill
2. H.F. Stoecker, A Text Book of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Tata Mc. Graw-Hill.

Supplementary Reading:
1. W.F. Stoecker, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - TMH.


Introduction, Rocket system and aerodynamics of rockets, Fundamentals of gas turbine

engines, Illustration of working principles of gas turbine engine, Propulsion system and
operating principle, Thermodynamics of propulsion system, Engine performance parameters,
The ramjet cycle, Working principles of ideal ramjet cycle, The turbojet cycle, Working
principles of turbojet cycle, Non-ideal turbojet cycle, Axial flow fans and compressors,
Polytrophic efficiency of compression, Calculation of stage performance and overall
performance, Working principles of turbofan cycle, Rocket performance, Introduction and
working principles of multistage rocket, Solid propellant rockets, Liquid propellant rockets
,Thrust control in liquid rockets Cooling in liquid rockets, Hybrid rockets, Limitations of hybrid
rockets, Relative advantages of liquid rockets over solid rockets

Essential Reading:
1. G.C. Oates, Aerothermodynamics of Aircraft Engine Components, AIAA Eduction
Series, New York,1985.
2. W.W. Bathie, Fundamentals of Gas Turbines- John Wiley & Sons, 1984.
3. M.L. Mathur and R.P. Sharma, Gas Turbine Jet and Rocket Propulsion, Standard
Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 1988.
4. P.G. Hill, Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion- Addison Wesley, 1970.
5. S.M. Yahya, Fundamentals of Compressible Flow - John Wiley, New York, 1982.
6. A.K. Mohanty, Fluid Mechanics - Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2003.

ME 356 TURBOMACHINERY 3 credits [3-0-0]

Ideal and actual velocity triangles, Slip and its estimation, Impulse and reaction type
machines, Degree of reaction, Effect of outlet blade angle on blade shape, Model laws,
Specific speed and shape number, Special features of hydro, steam and gas turbines,
Performance characteristics of turbo-machines ; Axial flow compressors: Flow through
cascades, cascade terminology, flow separation, radial equilibrium theory, actuator disc
theory, effect of tip clearance, secondary flow, performance characteristics, surging and
stalling ; Axial flow turbine: Vortex theory, blade design, cooling of turbine blades,
performance characteristics, profile loss, secondary flow loss, annulus loss, tip clearance,
limiting factors in turbine design ; Applications: Hydel power plant, Steam power plant, Gas
turbine power plant, Aircraft propulsion.

Essential Reading:
1. G.T.C. Sandy, Theory of Turbomachines, McGraw Hill.
2. D.G. Shepherd, Principles of Turbomachinery , MacMillan.
3. G.F. Wislicenus, Fluid Mechanics of Turbomachines, Dovers.
4. S.M. Yahya, Turbines, Compressors and Fans, TMH.

ME 357 GAS DYNAMICS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Energy equation for a flow process, Stagnation values, various regions of flow, critical
velocity of sound. Crocco number, Effect of Mach number on compressibility, rate equations
of momentum energy and entropy ; Isentropic flow with variable area: Mach number
variation, Stagnation and critical states, Area ratio as a function of Mach number, Impulse
function, Mass flow rate, Flow through nozzles and diffusers, use of gas tables ; Wave
motion: Wave propagation in elastic solid medium, Propagation of sound waves, pressure
field due to a moving source of disturbance, Mach angle ; Flow with normal shock waves:
Governing equation, variation of Mach number, Static Pressure, temperature and density
etc. across the shock, Strength of a shock wave, Moving shock waves ; Flow in constant
area ducts with friction: The Fanno curves, Fanno flow equations and solutions, variation of
flow properties, tables and charts for Fanno flow ; Flow in constant area ducts with heat
transfer: The Rayleigh lines, Fundamental equations, Rayleigh flow relations, Variation of
flow properties, Maximum heat transfer, Tables and charts of Rayleigh flow ; Jet propulsion:
Thrust equation, maximum thrust relationship, Engine performance parameters, Ram Jet
engine, ideal ram jet, ideal and actual turbojet engines ; Rocket propulsion: Operating
principle, thrust equation, specific impulse, jet velocity, thrust coefficient, characteristic
velocity, impulse weight ratio.

Essential Reading:
1. S.M. Yahya, Fundamentals of Compressible Flow , Wiley Eastern Ltd.
2. Lipman and Rosco, Gas Dynamics , Mc Graw Hill


1. To find overall heat transfer coefficient of a double pipe heat exchanger.

2. To develop a correlation for natural convection of air around a vertical cylinder.
3. To study the boiling heat transfer phenomena and determination of CHF for pool
boiling of water.
4. Measurement of thermal conductivity of solid by gaurded hot plate method.
5. To determine the efficiency of a pin-fin in natural and forced convection.
6. To find the heat transfer coefficient in forced convection of air in a tube.
7. COP and Tonnage capacity of room air-conditioner.
8. Performance study of vapour compression refrigeration test rig.
9. Determination of COP and tonnage capacity of ammonia ice plant.
10. Performance study of absorption refrigeration test rig.
11. Performane study on LN2 Cryo-plant
12. Performane study on Pulse tube refrigerator


1. Verifications of momentum equation

2. Verifications of stokes apparatus
3. Calibration of Venturimeter.
4. Verifications of Bernoulli’s equation through a convergent and divergent passage.
5. Study of Major losses in Pipes
6. Study of Minor losses in Pipes
7. Velocity distribution in a pipe flow
8. Velocity distribution in open channel flow
9. Variable and constant speed characteristics of Pelton turbine.
10. Performance characteristics of Francis Turbine.
11. Performance characteristics of Kaplan Turbine.
12. Constant discharge and constant speed characteristics of centrifugal pump.
13. Pressure characteristics of a centrifugal blower.
14. Determination of air power, static and overall efficiency of a fan at constant speed.
15. Pressure characteristics of axial flow compressor.
16. Study of simple/compound impulse and reaction steam turbines.
17. Thermal efficiency of steam turbine.
18. Performance study of screw compressor.

ME 373 PRODUCTION ENGG. LAB. 2 credits [0-0-3]

1. Calibration of slip gauge using interference of light by Interference Method.

2. Internal taper and bore measurement using two precision spheres.
3. External taper measurement by sine center.
4. Bulge test of thin Aluminum blank in to a dome by hydraulic pressure and study it's
forming characteristics.
5. Calibration of linear variable differential transformer (LVDT).
6. Measurement of screw parameters by floating carriage machine
7. Measurement of tool angles of a single point cutting tool.
8. Metrology of an external screw thread by “Tool maker's Microscope”.
9. Experiment on machining in machining center (CNC)
10. Condition monitoring in machining processes using acoustic emission
11. Experiments on Ultra Sonic Machining.
12. Experiments on Electro Discharge Machining
13. Experiments and demonstration of Laser Machining
14. Experiments and demonstration of Electro Chemical Machining process
15. Experiments and demonstration of Abrasive Jet Machining
16. Programming on various CNC machine tools and use of CIM


1. CFD analysis for fluid flow problem with heat transfer over a flat plate.
2. CFD analysis for fluid flow problem with heat transfer through a circular tube.
3. Design of a thermal system: Thermal Power Plant.
4. Calculation of heating/cooling load for a conditioned space.
5. Second law analysis for a heat exchanger.
6. FDM application to high velocity flow with upwinding.
7. FDM application to simplified Navier-Stokes equation.
8. FEM applied to flow around a cylinder.


1. Study of Two/Four stroke petrol/diesel engine.

2. Determination of volumetric efficiency of reciprocating air-compressor.
3. Valve timing diagram of four-stroke petrol/diesel engines.
4. Load test on petrol Engine.
5. Load test on diesel engine
6. Morse test on multi-cylinder petrol/diesel engine.
7. Heat Balance study of petrol/diesel engine.
8. Study of differential and transmission system of automobile.
9. Study of 4-speed/5-speed gear box of automobile.
10. Study of electric circuit and ignition system of automobile.
11. Emission Analysis of I.C. Engines.
12. Variable compression ratio test on I.C. Engines; CFR engines with pressure Vs
Crank angle diagram – combustion process and emission control studies.
13. Performance tests on multi-cylinder CI engines with bi-fuel operation & heat recovery
system of exhaust gas.


1. Design and drawing of single point cutting tool for turning operation
2. Design and drawing of Form tool for mass production of conventional profile
3. Design and drawing of Broach tool for industrial mass production
4. Design and drawing of metal forming Press tool used in blanking & punching
5. Design and drawing of Jig & Fixture for mass production in a product focused system
6. Design and drawing of Gauges used in shop floor dimensional checking
7. Process planning for manufacturing by mass
8. Process planning for manufacturing by order
9. Tool layout optimization for a capstan lathe/machining center
10. Design of forging die blocks for mass production
11. Design and draw of metal forming Press tool used in deep drawing
12. Computer Aided Design of forging/forming die/ cutting tool for optimal function
13. Conceptual Design of a machine tool with better ergonomics/ environment friendly/
low cost/ less maintenance/ less running cost/ high precision etc.


1. Problems for practice on theories of failure.

2. Problems for practice on fatigue and failure.
3. Design of clutches.
4. Design of spur gears.
5. Design of spiral and bevel gears.
6. Design of crank, piston and cylinders.
7. Design of connecting rods, crank shafts.
8. Design of Journal bearings.
9. Design of ball bearings, roller bearings.
10. Design of valves of IC engines.


Elementary concept of Elasticity: Stresses in three dimensional bodies, Equations of

equilibrium, Strain displacement relations, Stress strain relations, Compatibility equations,
Boundary conditions. Plane stress, Governing differential equation, Airy stress function (
Cartesian co-ordinates ) ; Energy Methods: Castigliano's theorems, Maxwell's theorem of
Reciprocal relations and Betti's Law, Principle of virtual work, Unit load and unit couple
method ; Thick Walled Cylinders: Thick cylinders subjected to internal and external fluid
pressures, Compound cylinders, Shrink-fit ; Unsymmetrical Bending: Properties of beam
cross sections, Slope of neutral axis, Stresses and deflections in unsymmetrical bending ;
Shear Center of thin wall beam cross section ; Curved Beams: Bending of beams of large
initial curvature, Stress distribution in beams with rectangular, Circular and trapezoidal cross
sections, Location of neutral axis, Stresses in crane hooks, Rings and chain links ;
Membrane stresses in shells, application to cylindrical, Spherical and conical shells ; Plastic
Analysis of Beams: Plastic Modulus, Shape factor, Plastic hinge, Application to beams,
Determination of collapse loads ; Advanced Topics in Strength of Materials: Repeated
stresses in structural and machine components, Fatigue in metals, Endurance limit, Concept
of stress concentration, Stress concentration factor and notch sensitivity; Photoelastic Stress
Analysis: Two dimensional photoelastic method of stress analysis, Stress optic law, Plane
polariscope, Light and dark fields in a polariscope, Isoclinic and isochromatic fringe patterns.

Essential reading:
1. L. S. Srinath, Advanced Mechanics of Solids - TMH, New Delhi.
2. S. P. Timoshenko, D. Van Nostrand Strength of Materials, Part I & II -.
3. J. W. Dally and W. F. Riely,Experimental Stress Analysis - Mc Graw-Hill.

Supplementary reading:
1. A. P. Boresi, R. J. Schmidth and O. M. Sidebottom, Advanced Mechanics of
Materials - John Wiley.
2. F. B. Seely and J.O. Smith, Advanced Mechanics of Materials - John Wiley.
3. Mobin, Experimental Stress Analysis, Khanna Publishers, 2003.


Undamped Free Vibration: Systems with single degree of freedom, Equilibrium method, The
energy method, Rayleigh’s method, Stiffness of spring elements. Damped Free Vibrations:
Viscous damping, laws of damping, logarithmic decrement. Forced Vibration with Harmonic
Excitation: Steady state solution with viscous damping, Method of complex algebra,
Reciprocating and rotating unbalance, Base excitation, Vibration isolation, Air springs,
Energy dissipated by damping, Equivalent viscous damping, Structural damping, Sharpness
of resonance, Vibration measuring instruments, Whirling of rotating shafts, Rigid shafts
supported by flexible bearings. Two degree of freedom system: Vibration of undamped two
degree of freedom system, coordinate coupling, vibration absorber. Multi-degree freedom
system: Influence coefficients, generalized co-ordinates, matrix method, orthogonality
principle, matrix iteration method. Vibration of Beams: Uniformly loaded, Carrying more than
one concentrated load, Energy method, Dunkerley's method, Rayleigh's method. Torsional
Vibration: Two rotor system, three rotor system, multi-rotor system, Geared system.

Essential Reading:
1. W.T. Thompson, Theory of Vibration with Application, CBS Publisher, 2002
ME 412 ADVANCED MACHINE DYNAMICS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Advanced Kinematics: Computer Aided kinematics analysis of four link and slider crack
mechanisms, coupler curves and their properties. Design of Mechanisms by relative pole
and inversion method, Coordination of angular displacements of input and output links &
position of coupler point ; Gyroscope: Gyroscopic couple - Plane disc, Two bladed air screw,
Analysis of the forces on bearings due to the forced precession of rotating disc mounted on
shafts, Gyroscopic effects on a two wheel and a four wheel vehicle, Gyroscopic
stabilization; Cams: Simple Harmonic, Constant - velocity and constant acceleration types,
Displacement, Velocity and acceleration of follower, cams with specified contours;
Governors: Centrifugal Governors-Watt & Porter Governors, Spring Loaded Governor,
Hartnell Governor, sensitiveness, stability, Isochronism, hunting, governor effort & power,
curves of controlling force, Effect of friction ; Balancing: Balancing of revolving masses in
one plane and different planes, Partial balance of single cylinder engine, Balancing of multi
cylinder engine, V and radial engines, graphical and analytical methods, method of direct
and reverse cranks, dynamic balancing machines.

Essential Reading:
1. S.S. Rattan, Theory of Machines, MGH
2. R.K.Bansal, Theory of Machines, Luxmi Publisher
3. D.R. Malhotra, Theory of Machines, Satya Prakash

Supplementary Reading:
1. Rao & Dulchipati, Mechanism of M/C theory, New Age
2. Ghosh & Mallick, Theory of Mechanism & Machines, East West Press
3. AS Hall, Kinematics & Linkage Design, PHI


Photoelasticity: Light and Optics as Related to Photoelasticity Behavior of Light, Polarized

Light, Plane Polarizers,, Wave Plates, Arrangement of Optical Elements in a Polariscopic,
Constructional Details of Diffused Light and Lens - Type.Theory of Photoelasticity: The
Stress Optic Law in Two Dimensions at Normal Incidence, Effects of a Stressed Model in a
Plane Polariscope, Effects of a Plane Model in a Circular Polariscope with Dark and Light
Field Arrangements.Analysis Techniques: Isochromatic Fringe Patterns, Isoclinic Fringe
Patterns, Compensation Techniques, separation Techniques, Sealing Model to Prototype
Stresses.Three Dimensional Photoelasticity: Locking in Model Deformation Slicing the Model
and Interpretation of the Resulting Fringe Pattern, Effective Stresses. the Shear Difference
Method in Three Dimensions. ; Strain Measurement Methods: Basic Characteristics of a
Strain Gauge, Types of Shell Gauge, Moire Method of Strain Analysis, Grid Method of Strain
Analysis. Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge: Factors Influencing Strain sensitivity in Metallic
Alloys, Gauge Construction Temperature Compensation, Factors-Influencing Gauge Section
Gauge Sensitivity and Gauge Factor, Correction for transverse Strain Effects,
Semiconductor Strain Gauges.Rosette Analysis - three element rectangular Rosette. the
Delta Rosettee, the Four Element. The Delta Rosette, The Stress Gauge, Strain Circuits,
Potensiometer Circuits, The Wheatstone Bridge.Brittle Coating Method: Coating Stresses,
Failure Theories Brittle Coating Crack Patterns Produced by Direct Loading Brittle-Coating
Crack Patterns Produced by refrigeration Techniques, Brittle Coating Crack, Pattern
Produced by Releasing the Load, Double Crack Pattern, Crack Detection, Load-Time
Relation and Its influence on the threshold Strain Effects of a Biaxial stress Field.

Essential Reading:
1. J.W. Dally and W.F. Riley, Experimental Stress Analysis - 2nd Ed. MGH.
2. Mubin, Experimental Stress Analysis, Khanna, 2003.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Dureli. An Introduction to Experimental Stress and Strain Analysis.
2. Srinath An Introduction to Experimental Stress Analysis - MGH.

ME 414 MECHATRONICS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction to Mechantronics- Systems-Measurement Systems-Control Systems-

Mechatronics Approach ; Sensors And Transducers: Introduction-Performance Terminology-
Displacement, Position and Proximity-Velocity and Motion-Fluid, Pressure-Temperature
Sensors-Light Sensors-Selection of Sensors- Processing ; Signal Conditioning: signal
conditioning, operational amplifier, filtering, multiplexer, data accusation ; Microprocessor:
Introduction-Architecture-Pin Configuration-Instruction set Programming of Microprocessors
using instructions-Interfacing input and output devices Interfacing D/A converters and A/D
converters-Applications-Temperature control-Stepper motor control-Traffic light controller ;
Programmable Logic Controllers: Introduction-Basic structure-Input/Output Processing-
Programming-Mnemonics-Timers, Internal relays and counters-Data handling Analog
Input/Output-Selection of a PLC ; Design And Mechatronics: Stages in Designing
mechatronic systems – Traditional and Mechatronic design -Possible design solutions-Case
studies of mechatronic systems – Pick and place robot - automatic car park system -engine
management system.

Essential Reading:
1. Bolton, Measurements , Addison Wesley.
2. HMT, Mechatronics, TMH

Supplementary Reading:
1. Histand and Aliatore , Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement system, MGH
2. A. K. Stiher, Design with Microprocessor for Mechanical Engineers, MGH

ME 415 FUNDAMENTALS OF TRIBOLOGY 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction to tribology and its historical background. Factors influencing Tribological

phenomena. Engineering surfaces - Surface characterization, Computation of surface
parameters. Surface measurement techniques. Apparent and real area of contact. Contact
of engineering surfaces- Hertzian and non-hertzian contact. Contact pressure and
deformation in non-conformal contacts. Genesis of friction, friction in contacting rough
surfaces, sliding and rolling friction, various laws and theory of friction. Stick-slip friction
behavior, frictional heating and temperature rise. Friction measurement techniques. Wear
and wear types.
Mechanisms of wear - Adhesive, abrasive, corrosive, erosion, fatigue, fretting, etc., Wear of
metals and non-metals. Wear models - asperity contact, constant and variable wear rate,
geometrical influence in wear models, wear damage. Wear in various mechanical
components, wear controlling techniques. Introduction to lubrication. Lubrication
regimes.Introduction to micro and nano tribology.

Essential Reading :
1. G Bayer, Mechanical wear prediction and prevention- Marcel Dekkar. Inc., New York
2. P. Sahoo. Industrial Tribology, Tata Mc Graw Hill

ME 416 ROBOTICS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction, Automation and Robotics, brief history, Social and economic aspects,
Advantages overview of robots and future application ; Classification & structure of robotic
system: Classification, Configuration, wrist, end effectors , Links, Joints, Drive system ;
Control System: Basic control system concepts, model, transformation and block diagrams,
controllers ON & OFF, transient response ; Robot Kinematics: Direct & inverse kinematics,
rotation matrix, composite rotation matrix, homogenous transformations, links, joints D-H
representation, Geometrical approach of direct & reverse kinematics ; Robot Arm dynamics:
Joint velocities, KE, PE & motion equation of manipulating trajectory planning, joint
interpolated trajectory ; Robot Programming: Languages, Graphics, Storing & operating,
Task programs ; Sensors: State and external state sensors, tactile and non-tactile sensors,
force – torque sensors, Image processing & analysis, Computer vision.

Essential Reading:
1. Groover, Industrial Robot, PHI.
2. Y. Korem, Robotics, Mc Graw-Hill.


Closed loop and open loop system, design principles of control systems, Laplace transforms
method, transfer functions, block diagrams, deriving transfer functions of physical systems,
signal flow graphs, proportional, derivation and integral controllers, impulse response
functions ; First order systems, second order systems, higher order systems, Routh's
stability criterion, static and dynamic error coefficients, introduction to system optimization ;
Root locus plots, root locus analysis of control systems ; Logarithmic, polar and log
magnitude versus phase plots, Nyquist stability criterion, stability analysis, closed loop
frequency response lag, lead compensations ; Nonlinear control systems, describing
function analysis of nonlinear control systems ; Introduction to discrete time systems, state
space representation of systems, optional control systems and adaptive control systems.

Essential Reading:
1. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, PHI.

ME 418 MATERIAL HANDLING 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction: Development of Material Handling Technology, Design objectives ;

Classification and characteristics of materials, Types of industrial transport, classification and
working principles of materials handling devices ; Cranes: Structural and mechanical design
of electrical overhead traveling cranes ; Conveyors: Design of belt, Apron, Screw, Roller,
Vibrating and pneumatic conveyors ; Elevators: Design of bucket, Arm and swing tray
elevators ; Steel mill cranes: Working principles and operations of various types of steel mill
cranes such as stripper, charger, ladle and soaking pit cranes.

Essential Reading:
1. A. Spivakovsky and V. Dyackov, Conveyors and related equipments, MIR Publishers.
2. N. Rudenko, Materials handling equipment, MIR Publishers.
3. M.P. Alexandrov, Materials handling equipment, MIR Publishers.

ME 430 INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT 3 credits [3-0-0]

Management Concept, Principles and Functions of Management, Evaluation of Scientific
Management ; Forms of Industrial Organization Structure, Authority, Responsibility, and
Span of Control, Factors affecting Span of Control, delegation of authority ; Types of
industrial Ownership, Formation of companies, Authorized Capital, Shares, Debentures,
Bonds and Sources of Finance, Introduction to balance sheet and profit and loss statement ;
Engineering Economics – Break Even Analysis, Interest Calculation, Depreciation, Choosing
of alternatives ; Materials management – Functions, Objectives, Purchasing Procedure,
Inventory Management, EOQ, ELS, Discount and Shortage Models, Inventory Classification
Models viz., ABC, VED analysis etc, Introduction to MRP, JIT, OPT and ERP ; Marketing
Management: Selling concept v/s Marketing Concept, Marketing Mix, Marketing function ;
Time and Motion study – Procedures, Process Chart, Multiple Activity chart, SIMO Chart,
Standard Time, Normal Time, Rating factor, Work sampling ; Personnel Management:
Functions of Personnel Management, wages and incentive Plans, Job Evaluation, Merit
Rating ; Productivity – Concepts, Total and Fractional Productivity Indices, Types of Wastes,
Waste Elimination Techniques, Productivity Cycle ; Quality management – Quality costs,
Definition of T Q M, Leadership, Motivation, Seven tools of Quality, Participatory
Approaches, Quality Function Deployment, Value Analysis, International Quality Systems,
ISO Registration Procedure and Implementation strategies, Intellectual property Rights, ISO
9000 and 14000.

Essential Reading:
1. O.P. Khanna, Industrial Engineering and Management, Khanna publishers, New
2. Dr. K.C. Arora, TQM and ISO 14000, S. K. Kataria & Sons, New Delhi.

ME 431 DECISION MODELING 3 credits [3-0-0]

Linear Programming – Formulation and Solution of LPP, Duality, Sensitivity Analysis, Dual
Simplex Method, Transportation and Assignment Problem, Goal Programming, Simple Case
Studies, Introduction to OR Software package ; Production Planning & Control – Short range
and Long range Planning, Production Planning, Master Production Schedule, Capacity
Planning, Aggregate Planning, GANTT Chart Forecasting, Time series, Causal and
Predictive Methods, Forecasting using neural network ( back propagation algorithm),
Scheduling and Sequencing, Flow shop and Job Shop scheduling, Flow shop scheduling
using Johnson’s rule, Branch and Bound Technique and Genetic Algorithm ; Plant Layout –
Types of layout, Design of Functional Layout using CRAFT, ALB Problems, Solution of ALB
Problem using heuristics ( Largest Candidate Rule, Ranked Positional Weight, Combination
of heuristics, and COMSOAL) and Simulated Annealing, Group Technology, Classification
and Coding Systems, Solution of GT problems using heuristics viz. ROC-I, ROC-II and
MODROC and neural networks ( Adaptive Resonance Theory) ; Plant Location –
Introduction to subjective and objective factors, Brown Gibson Model, Multiple Locations,
Application of AHP in plant Location ; Project Management –. Project Network, Critical path,
PERT & CPM, Crashing and Resource Leveling ; Simulation – Random Variables, Random
Number Generation, Simulation of simple Queuing Models, Validation and Data collection ;
Decision Environment – Decision making under Certainty, Risk and Uncertainty, Decision
Tree, Game Theory ; Maintenance management - Preventive, Predictive and Corrective
maintenance, Determination of Optimum Schedule for Maintenance, Replacement analysis.

Essential Reading:
1. H.A. Taha, Operation Research: An Introduction, 8th Edn. PHI, New Delhi.
2. L.J. Krajewski, L.P. Ritzman, M.K. Malhotra, Operations Management, 6th Edn. PHI,
New Delhi.



Modern Machining Processes: Electro Discharge Machining (EDM), Processes mechanism

of material removal, parameters effects EDM & application, Electrical Discharge
Grinding(EDG), Traveling Wire EDM, Electro-chemical Machining (ECM), Processes,
Mechanism of material removal, Tool design, Parameters affecting ECM , Applications,
Electro-chemical Honing(ECH), Electrochemical Debarring (ECD), Electrochemical
Grinding(ECG), Electrochemical Discharge Grinding, Chemical Machining, Ultrasonic
Machining, Cutting Tool System Design, Mechanism of cutting, Parameters affects USM
applications, Abrasive Jet Machining, Variables of AJM, Nozzle Design, Laser Beam
Machining, Thermal and Non-thermal analysis, and applications, Electron – Beam Machining
and its mechanism, Applications, Plasma arc machining, Equipments, Arc transfer
mechanism, Metallurgical efforts, Safety precautions and applications, Plasma are surfacing
and plasma Arc Springing, Iron Beam machining and water Jet Machining.

Essential Reading:
1. HMT - Production Technology - TMH, 1980.
2. G.F. Benedict, Non Traditional Manufacturing Processes, Marcel Dekker, 1987.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Bhattacharya, New Technology - I.E.(India), 1973.
2. Pandey, Modern Machining process - TMH, 1980.


Definition and broad characteristics of Flexible Manufacturing Cells, Systems, Islands and
Flexible transfer lines - Place of flexible manufacturing systems in CIM - The FMS relational:
Economics and technological justification for FMS - Design and Planning: the role of
associated technologies such as GT, JIT and simulation - Installation, Operation and
evaluation - Scheduling problems - FMS hardware CNC machines tools, robots, AGVs,
ASRs, Inspection and Cleaning stations - Control aspects of FMS-DNC of machine tools,
cutting tools, robots, quality control and inventories - Personnel and infrastructural aspects -
Flexible machining cells and islands - Flexible assembly Systems; structure, control and
applications - FMS in action: Understanding Flexibility, Types of Flexibility in FMS, Flexible
and Dynamic Manufacturing Systems, IT facilitated flexibility, integration and automation,
Role of Integrated and automated material handling systems, Typical FMS operation, IT
based Tools: Computer simulation and AI for FMS, Group technology, Decision Support
Systems, Design, Planning, Scheduling and Control Issues in FMS, Real time control
strategies, Various FMS configurations, Computer configurations, FMS as mini-CIM,
Benefits and Justification for FMS, Role of Information Technology, Overview of Multi model
and mixed model flexible lines, Typical case studies. Future prospects.

Essential Reading:
1. M.P. Groove, Automation, Production systems & Computer Integrated
Manufacturing, PHI.
2. P. Radhakrishna and V. Raju, CAD, CAM & CIM, New Age, International Publisher.

ME 434 COMPUTER GRAPHICS FOR CAD/CAM 3 credits [3-0-0]

Fundamental of CAD: The design process, Application of computers for design, Creating the
manufacturing data base, The design work station, Graphics terminal, Operator input
devices, Plotters and other output devices, The CPU, Secondary storage. Graphics output
devices, Rasterization, scan conversion. Raster scans Graphics: Algorithms for rasterization
of straight lines and circles. Display Generation Techniques: Real time scan conversion,
Run-length encoding, Cell organization, Frame buffer memory. Curves and Surfaces:
Splines, parametric curves, Bezier and B-spline curves and surfaces, ruled surfaces and
surfaces of revolution. Solids and their properties: Surfaces and curves in solids, Intrinsic
and global properties, Characteristic tests and Intersections. Solid Modeling: Data structures
and Boolean operations. Computer Graphics Display Interface: Modeling transformations,
Viewing transformations, Projections, Clipping, Hidden line/surface elimination, shading and
light sources, Double buffering, Hardware graphics engines. Computer-aided drafting,
Parametric drafting, Design visualization, Integration with NC machines and manufacturing.
Scientific Visualization: Animation, physical principles. Graphics Standards: 2D and 3D
standards and graphics portability Introduction to Product data standards and data structures
database integration for CAD/CAM.

Essential Reading:
1. Groover and Zimmer, CAD / CAM, Prentice Hall of India.
2. D. Hearn , M.P. Balles, Computer Graphics, Pearson Ed. Publisher
3. D. D.Voisinet, Introduction of Computer Aided Drafting by McGraw Hill Co.
4. S. Harring Ton, Computer Graphic, Mc Graw Hill Publisher.

Supplementary Reading:
1. D.F Rogers, Procedural elements for computer graphics, TMH Publisher.
2. Rogers, D. F. and Adams, A., Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics,
McGraw-Hill Inc., NY, 1989.
3. I. D. Faux and M. J. Pratt, Computational Geometry for Design and Manufacture, John
Wiley and Sons, NY, 1979.
4. M. E. Mortenson, Geometric Modelling, John Wiley and Sons, NY, 1991.

ME 435 CONCURRENT ENGINEERING 3 credits [3-0-0]

Product life cycle, quality products, evaporative markets, globalization and Concurrent
engineering. Review of concurrent engineering techniques like DFM (design for
manufacture). DFA (design for assembly), QFD (quality function deployment), RP (rapid
prototyping), TD (total design) for integrating these technologies. Product information
systems and their architecture. Information environment for suppliers, management, testing
& inspection design engineering, purchasing, process control, manufacturing, support plans,
operators, quality control, servicing and maintenance. Product information modeling.
Integration of information models and end users applications. Computer aided simultaneous
engineering systems. Integrated concurrent design and product development. Constraint
networks. created by capacity expansion and professional resource expansion. Case
studies, DYNAMO, STELLA and SD based management games.

Essential Reading:
1. C.G. Miller, Concurrent Engineering Design: Integrating the Best Practices for
Process Improvement, Landon.
2. D.D. Bedworth, M.R. Henderson and P.M. Wolfe, Computer Integrated Design and
Manufacturing, 1991. McGraw Hill.

ME 436 ENTREPRENEURSHIP 3 credits [3-0-0]

Enterprise Launching and Resourcing: Environmental Analysis: Entrepreneurial process and

enterprise building, environmental scanning & analysis, Institutions and their role,
procedures for launching small scale industries, incentives and finances available to SSI
units and new entrepreneurs. How to identify and select good business opportunity ; Project
formulation: Feasibility; industry and firm level feasibility, study of formats of applications of
financial institutions, determining project size, investment magnitude and forms of
organization, estimation of cost, project scheduling, financial analysis, plant layout ;
Enterprise Management: Basic management concepts: Functions of management, planning,
organizing, directing, controlling, coordinating. Introduction to computers and management
information systems, business communication; Personnel management: Work motivation,
labor relations, wage administration, incentives etc ; Production management: Production,
planning and control routing. Scheduling, dispatching, expediting and evaluation. production
scheduling technique, quality control inspection. Standards and specifications – ISI ;
Financial Management including costing & Accounting practices: Tools of financial analysis,
volume, profit analysis, sensitivity analysis, management of working capital, financing of
working capital requirements, financial accounting, cost accounting, risk taking and
insurance ; Marketing management: Role of marketing in small industry and business.
Importance of consumer's point of view, consumer behavior, buying habits, marketing,
packing, pricing policies and practices, product mix-segmentation of marketing, sales
control, appraisal of sales performance, management of receivables, Advertising and sales
promotion, Introduction to import/export procedures ;Problem solving and innovation ;
Industrial and business laws: Laws governing business operation, laws governing taxation,
laws governing personnel.

Essential Reading:
1. B.B. Chadda, Basics of Business, Executive publishers, New Delhi.
2. V. Desai, Problems and Prospects of Small Scale Industries, Himalaya Pub. House,

ME 437 WELDING TECHNOLOGY 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction, types of welding, conventional and non conventional welding, fusion welding
processes, heat flow in welding, chemical reactions in welding, fluid flow and metal
evaporation in welding, residual stresses, distortion and fatigue, basic solidification concepts,
weld metal solidification,:- grain structure, microstructure within grains, post solidification
phase transformation, weld metal chemical in homogeneities, weld metal solidification
cracking, the partially melted zone: formation of the partially melted zone, difficulties
associated with the partially melted zone, the heat affected zone: work-hardened materials,
precipitation –hardening materials: aluminum, nickel based alloys, transformation –
hardening materials: carbon and alloy steels, corrosion-resistant materials: stainless steels.
Nomenclature of welded joint, types of welded joint, design consideration of weldment,
failure analysis of the welded joint, testing of weldment, process control parameters of
welding, properties of desired weldment: bead geometry, HAZ, mechanical-metallurgical
characteristics of the weld, weld chemistry, parametric optimization of welding, different
types of optimization techniques; advantages and limitations, case study.

Essential Reading:
1. Little, Welding & Welding Technology, McGraw Hill Publication

Supplementary Reading:
1. Dr. O. P. Khanna, A Textbook of Welding Technology, Dhanpat Rai Publications (P)



Introduction: Basic tools of CFD, Numerical vs. experimental tools. Mathematical Behavior of
PDEs: Parabolic, Hyperbolic and Elliptic PDEs. Methodology of CFDHT: Discrete
representation of flow and heat transfer domain: Grid generation, Governing equations and
boundary conditions based on FVM/FDM, Solution of resulting set of linear algebraic
equations, Graphical representation and analysis of qualitative results, Error analysis in
discretization using FVM/FDM. Solution of 1-D/2-D steady/unsteady: Diffusion problems,
Convection problems, Convection-diffusion problems, source term linearization. Explicit and
Implicit Approach: Explicit and implicit formulation of unsteady problems, Stability analysis.
Solution of Navier-Stokes Equations for Incompressible Flows: Staggered and collocated
grid system, SIMPLE and SIMPLER algorithms. Special Topics in CFDHT: Numerical
Methodology for Complex Geometry, Multi-block structured grid system, Solution of phase
change problems.

Essential Reading:
1. S V. Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow by Taylor and Francis.

Supplementary Reading:
1. H. K. Versteeg and W. Malalasekra, Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics:
The Finite Volume Method by Prentice Hall (2nd Edition)
2. Jr D. A. Anderson, Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill
3. M. N. Ozisik, Finite Difference Method, CRC (1st Edition).

ME 451 POWER PLANT ENGINEERING 3 credits [3-0-0]

Vapor Power Cycles: Rankine cycle, Comparison of Rankine and Carnot vapor cycles,
Regenerative cycles, Ideal working fluid for vapor power cycles, Binary vapor cycle,
Thermodynamics of couples cycles, Process heat and by-product power. ; Steam
Generators: Classification of boilers, Description of Cochran, Lanchashire and Babcock-
Wilcox boilers, Boiler mounting and accessories, High pressure boilers, Lamont, Benson and
Velox boilers. ; Nozzle: Introduction, Types of nozzles, Flow of steam through nozzles,
Momentum equation, Entropy change with friction, Effect of friction, Calculation of nozzle
area, Mass flow, Critical pressure, Stagnation enthalpy and pressure, Effect of friction on
critical pressure ratio, Super-saturated flow in nozzles, Effect of variation of back pressure. ;
Steam Turbines: (a) Principles of operation of steam turbine, Types of steam turbine,
Compounding of steam turbine. (b) Impulse Turbine: Velocity diagram, Effect of blade
friction, Forces on Blades, Work done, Diagram efficiency, Stage efficiency, Gross stage
efficiency, Choice of blade angles, Blade heights etc. (c) Impulse Reaction Turbine: Velocity
diagram, Degree of reaction, Parson's turbine, Blade sections, Internal losses in steam
turbine, State point locus and reheat factor. ; Condensers: Jet and surface type - Dalton's
law of partial pressure and its application to condenser, Air leakage, Extraction pump and
air-pump, Cooling water requirement, Vacuum efficiency. ; Nuclear Power Plants: Release of
nuclear energy, Criticality of reactors, Thermal reactors, nuclear fuels, Moderator, Reflector,
Coolant and control of reactors, BWR, PWR and gas cooled reactors.

Essential Reading:
1. P.K.Nag, Power Plant Engineering, TMH Publication
2. El-Wakil, Power Plant Technology, Mc Graw Hill Publication



Pattern of energy use, potential for energy conservation, optimum use of energy resources,
total energy approach. Coupled cycles, combined plants and cogeneration systems ; Need
for energy storage, thermal electrical, magnetic and chemical energy storage systems ;
Utilization of industrial waste heat; gas-to-liquid and liquid-to-liquid heat recovery systems;
Recuperation and regenerators heat pipes; waster heat boilers; fluidized bed heat recovery;
shell and tube heat exchangers ; Prime mover exhausts; incineration plants; heat pump
systems; thermoelectric devices ; Utilization of low grade reject heat from power plants ;
Thermal insulation; energy economics.
Essential Reading:
1. R.G. Stick and A. Thumann, Principles of Waste Heat Recovery, PHI, 1986.


Descriptions of nuclear power plants and operations, Thermodynamics of nuclear power,

Nuclear power cycles, Fluid systems analysis and introduction to two-phase flow, Heat
generation in nuclear reactors, heat conduction in fuel matrixes, Heat transfer and fluid flow
phenomena in rod bundles, Heat transfer with phase change, Quenching and rewetting
phenomena in rod bundles, Hydrodynamics of countercurrent two-phase flow, Nuclear
reactor accidents, Loss of coolant accident and emergency core cooling system,
Principles and methods used in safety evaluation of complex engineered systems, Safety
characteristics of LWR and BWR, Safety culture, Safety improvements in nuclear reactors,
Waste management, Indian nuclear power programme.

Essential Reading:
1. M.M.EI. Wakil, Nuclear Power Engineering, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York,
2. S. Glasstone and A. Setonske, Nuclear Reactors Engineering - CBS Publishers and
3. T.J. Connoly, Fundamentals of Nuclear Energy- John Wiley, 1978.
4. J.H. Rust, Nuclear Power Plant Engineering, Haralson Publishing Company.

ME 457 CRYOGENIC ENGINEERING 3 credits [3-0-0]

Definition of cryogenics, applications – industrial gases, LNG, space propulsions,

superconducting devices; properties of Fluids and Materials at low temperature,
Refrigeration and Liquefaction cycles – Linde, Claude, Stirling, GM, and their derivatives,
storage of cryogenic liquids, design of storage vessels. Vacuum Technology – definition,
production and measurement of vacuum, multilayer insulation and application.
Superconductivity and Superconducting devices.

Essential Reading:
1. K.D.Timmerhaus and T.M.Flynn, Cryogenic Process Engineering, Plenum Press,
2. A.R. Jha, Cryogenic Technology and Application, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006.


1. Critical speed of shafts.

2. Measurement of damping.
3. Study of cam and follower kinematics.
4. Experiment on vibration measurement set-up.
5. Experiment on gyroscope.
6. Study of dynamic balancing machine.
7. Balancing of a rotating shaft.
8. Experiment on epicyclic gear trains.
9. Calibration of photoelestic model.
10. Isochromatic fringe pattern for a specimen under bending.
11. Calibration of strain gauge.
12. Stress measurement using strain rosette.
13. Experiment on journal bearing test rig.
14. Experiment on abrasion tester.
15. Erosion tester.
16. Ferrograpgh analysis.


1. Mathematical modeling and curve fitting of linear algebraic systems

2. Numerical model for a Thermal system and System simulation
3. Calculation of interest and worth of money as a function of time
4. Lagrange multipliers and Optimization of constrained and unconstrained problems
5. Search methods: Single-variable problem and Multivariable constrained optimization
6. Design of thermal systems: Geometric, linear, and dynamic programming


1. Introduction and salient features of EOT crane design.

2. Design of trolley structure.
3. Design of main girder.
4. Design of side truss.
5. Design horizontal truss.
6. Design of members.
7. Design of gantry girder and column.
8. Design of mechanical components, rope, pulley, drum.
9. Design of crane hooks, brakes, drives etc.


1. Generation and Testing of Random numbers

2. Solution of Queuing problem
3. Design of Network system and find its optimal solution
4. Formulation and solution of practical industrial problems using LP
5. Solution of Transportation and Assignment problem
6. Conceptual Design of a product focused system for high volume rate
7. Design of Functional Layout using numerical technique
8. Conceptual Design of a job shop for optimal man& machine use
9. Optimal cell formation for batch production
10. Brain storming session to reach an optimal decision point
11. Design and determination of Optimal Schedule for Maintenance for a medium plant
12. Application of advanced forecasting techniques for sales
13. Acquaintance with advanced Flow shop and Job Shop scheduling techniques

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