User Manual: Melag FTP Server

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User Manual


Version 2.2

Dear customer,

We thank you for your confidence demonstrated by the purchase of this MELAG product.
As an owner-run and operated family concern founded in 1951, we have a long history of successful specialization in
hygiene products for practice-based use. Our focus on innovation, quality and the highest standards of operational
reliability has established MELAG as the world’s leading manufacturer in the instrument treatment and hygiene field.
You, our customer are justified in your demand for the best products, quality and reliability. Providing "competence in
hygiene" and "Quality – made in Germany", we guarantee that these demands will be met. Our certified quality
management system is subject to close monitoring: one instrument to this end is our annual multi-day audit conducted in
accordance with ISO 13485. This guarantees that all MELAG products are manufactured and tested in accordance with
strict quality criteria.

The MELAG management and team.

General notes
Please read this user manual carefully before proceeding with the installation and application of this program. Please
read the information carefully. Please store this user manual carefully. It represents a component of the product.

User group
This user manual is addressed to doctors, their assistants and service departments.

Intended use
With the FTP server, MELAG device files such as program logs or graphic protocols can be automatically received and
saved. Using the FTP user administration, permissible device connections including the respective storage directories
can be configured.

Symbols used
Symbol Explanation

Draws your attention to a situation, which if not avoided, could result in damage to the device
software, data-loss or network problems.
Draws your attention to important information.

Formatting rules
Symbol Explanation

Settings Menu commands are marked with italicized bold print. Approval steam sterilizer refers to
e.g. the "Approval steam sterilizer" menu. Menu commands in dialogue windows are also
[Add] Words in square brackets refer to the names of buttons.
see Chapter 2 Reference to another text section or diagram within this manual.
Table of contents

Table of contents
Chapter 1 – Installation ................................................................................................................... 4
System requirements ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Hardware ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Operating system ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Software ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Installation ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Firewall ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Chapter 2 – User Interface .............................................................................................................. 6

Server/service .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Starting/closing the FTP server .................................................................................................................................... 7
Starting/closing FTP pages .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Settings............................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Server administration ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Setting the TCP port in the server administration ......................................................................................................... 8
Adding FTP pages ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Editing an FTP page .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Deleting an FTP page ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Adding a user ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
LOG book ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
FTP server records (quick info) .................................................................................................................................. 12
FTP server records (details)....................................................................................................................................... 12
FTP server administration records ............................................................................................................................. 12
Toolbar in the LOG book ............................................................................................................................................ 12
About the MELAG FTP server ....................................................................................................................................... 13

Chapter 3 – Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................... 14

Chapter 1 – Installation

Chapter 1 – Installation

System requirements
 approx. 10 MB free memory for installation
 min. 256 MB RAM
 approx. 10 MB free memory for program record files (for standard configuration)
 further free memory for storage of the logs (max. 0.5 MB per log)

Operating system
 Windows 10
 Windows Server 2019, 2016, 2012

 Microsoft .NET-Framework 4.5 or higher
 Windows administrator rights for installation

The software consists of two programs/components. The actual FTP server process and a program for
administration and configuration.

You can install the FTP server as a Windows application or a Windows service. Both variations will run
"behind the scenes".

Fig. 1: Selection window (Windows service or Windows application)

Chapter 1 – Installation

FTP Server as a Windows application

As a Windows application, the FTP server supports connected network drives. This assumes system log-in
of the corresponding windows user.
If the FTP server is to be started automatically with every system start following user log-in, set a
checkmark on FTP server (as application) should be started automatically following every Windows-
start upon installation.
Please note that the FTP server will be closed automatically following user logout. Locking the computer
means that the FTP server continues to run in the background.

FTP server as a Windows service

If you install the MELAG FTP server as a Windows service, in contrast to the Windows applications, this
will be started without user login following the next system start.
Possession of the necessary (administrator) rights enables you to start and stop the FTP server via the
Windows control panel.

As a Windows application, the FTP server does not support any connected network drives. We
recommend that the FTP server be installed in this case as a Windows application.

Should you wish to operate the FTP server using Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, the user
account must be assigned to the Principal user group as a minimum. Authorizations of the
standard user group User is insufficient.

Command line installation

The FTP server can also be installed via the command line without a installation dialog. The parameters
"/verysilent" "/asWinService" "/LANG=german|english" are available for this procedure.
 /verysilent: Executes the installation completely without user interaction. If this parameter is not
specified, the installation dialog is displayed.
 /asWinService: If this parameter is specified, the FTP server is installed as a Windows service
(otherwise as a Windows application).
 /LANG=german|english: If this parameter is specified, the installation is performed in the desired
language. Valid values are "german" or "english".
 Setup.Melag.FtpServer_xxx.exe /verysilent /LANG=german (installs the FTP server in German
language as Windows background application)
 Setup.Melag.FtpServer_xxx.exe /verysilent /asWinService /LANG=english (installs the FTP server in
English as a Windows service)
 Setup.Melag.FtpServer_xxx.exe (for installation, the corresponding setup dialogs are displayed

Additional settings on the firewall could be necessary to enable faultless communication between a
MELAG device and the FTP server as well as the FTP server and the server administration.
Please set the firewall to enable the following programs to communicate:
 MelagFtpGUI.exe (server administration application)
 Melag.FtpServerWinService.exe (FTP server as a Windows service)
 Melag.FtpServerGui.exe (FTP server as a Windows application)
Depending on the installation selected, the programs/processes stated above are located in the installation
Check in the server administration status line (see Fig. 2), whether a connection exists to the FTP server. If
the MELAG device is switched on and configured, check in the LOG book (Register – FTP server records
(quick info)) whether the dial-up/attempt of the MEALG device is visible.

Chapter 2 – User Interface

Chapter 2 – User Interface




Fig. 2: FTP server with FTP pages as list view

(1) Starting/closing the FTP server
(2) Main menu
(3) Change language
(4) Status line
(5) Overview of the configured FTP pages

Starts or closes the FTP server.

Main menu
Overview of all FTP pages set up.

Change language
You change the language of the user interface here.

Status line
These two symbols indicate whether a connection between the FTP server and server administration has
been established.

Symbol Meaning
The FTP server is connected.

The FTP server and the server administration are not connected.

The value (in kilobyte) for the transfer and display of the FTP server logging information within the server
administration is also displayed.

Chapter 2 – User Interface

FTP pages
This area displays the FTP pages which are created, either in a list or as a matrix.
The corresponding IP address, port, number of actual connections to the FTP page and the number of
registered users are displayed for the respective entries.

Fig. 3: FTP server with FTP pages as matrix view

Starting/closing the FTP server

The button starts the FTP server.

This function is available for both the Windows service (if the current user has administrator rights) and the
Windows application.

The button closes the FTP server.

Starting/closing FTP pages

You can start/close every FTP page separately via the / buttons.

Chapter 2 – User Interface

FTP pages and users are created and administered in the Settings menu.

Server administration

Fig. 4: Menu settings

(1) Settings: FTP pages
(2) Settings: user

FTP pages
FTP pages are created and administered here. If an FTP page has been selected, the corresponding user
accounts in the lower User list are marked grey.

The user is created and administered here.

Setting the TCP port in the server administration

As the FTP server and the FTP server administration communicate via a TCP port, under certain
circumstances it can be necessary to change the pre-set TCP port (64001) if this is already connected:
Proceed as follows:
1. Close the server administration and restart it with administrator rights.

2. Double click on the symbol in the status line. The following dialogue window opens:

3. Enter the desired TCP port via the entry field.

4. Press the [Check] button to test whether the TCP port entered can be used.

Chapter 2 – User Interface

If the TCP port is free, the [Apply] button becomes active and the TCP port can be saved.
5. After altering the TCP port, restart the FTP server and the server administration so that the
changes take effect.

Adding FTP pages

Proceed as follows to add a new FTP page:
6. Select the Settings menu.
7. Click on the [Add] button next to the FTP pages. The list view changes to the entry mask.

Fig. 5: FTP page user entry mask

The list of IP addresses lists the IP addresses currently available to the computer.

A single click on the button to the right of the list enables a fresh query of the available IP
addresses; this updates the list.
8. Select the corresponding IP address from the list.
9. Enter the corresponding port.
10. If the FTP page is to be started automatically upon the next FTP server start, set a checkmark on
11. Click on [Apply] to save the settings. The list of FTP pages will be displayed again.

Editing an FTP page

Proceed as follows to edit an FTP page:
1. Select the Settings menu.
2. If the FTP page has not yet been started, close it. See: Starting/closing FTP pages.

3. Click on the button. The list view changes to the entry mask.
Now you can edit the IP address, port and autostart.

An FTP page can be edited and deleted only after it has been closed.

Chapter 2 – User Interface

Deleting an FTP page

Proceed as follows to delete an FTP page:
1. Select the Settings menu.
2. If the FTP page has not yet been started, close it. See: Starting/closing FTP pages.

3. Click on the button.

An FTP page can be edited and deleted only after it has been closed.

Adding a user
Proceed as follows to add a user:
1. Select the Settings menu.
2. Click on the [Add] button next to the User. The list view changes to the entry mask.

Fig. 6: User entry mask

3. Select the corresponding entry (IP address/port) from the list of FTP pages.
4. Enter the user name and password.
5. Click on the folder symbol to select the directory for the log data. See also Fig. 7.
6. Set the checkmark behind Active if you wish to activate the user.
7. Click on [Apply] to save the settings. The list will continue to be displayed.

Connected network drives are only displayed/considered following a click on the folder symbol if
the FTP server is installed as a Windows application. If the FTP server is installed as a Windows
service, the connected network drives are not available/cannot be used.

Chapter 2 – User Interface

Fig. 7: Selection screen for selecting the directory

LOG book
The LOG book menu records and displays all FTP server and FTP server administration operating
The LOG book menu is subdivided into the registers FTP server records (quick info), FTP server
records (details) and FTP server administration records.

Fig. 8: Log book

Chapter 2 – User Interface

FTP server records (quick info)

All FTP server program records are listed under FTP server records (tooltip) as a tooltip. These could
prove useful in commissioning the connected devices and checking their operational readiness.

FTP server records (details)

FTP server records (details) lists all the program records of the FTP server. All data/events are displayed
here. These enable a more exact analysis of a problem.
The size of the records are restricted. Max. 20 files are saved with a maximum size of 2 MB each. If more
than 40 MB is recorded, the oldest files will be overwritten.

FTP server administration records

The FTP server administration register displays all the records of the server administration. No new data
transfer takes place as the data is available locally. These files enable an exact analysis of a problem.

Toolbar in the LOG book

Symbol Function
Opens saved LOG files or other text files from any directory and
displays them in the LOG area.
Reduces or increases the font size in the LOG area.

Text search within the LOG area; whole words or word segments
can be entered - lower and upper case differentiation possible.
Following the next update, only those lines are displayed
containing the stated text.
Summons the date afresh and updates the view in the LOG area.

Summons the date afresh and updates the view in the LOG area
automatically in the specified interval.

Chapter 2 – User Interface

About the MELAG FTP server

Left-click on the MELAG logo in the upper left-hand upper corner of the program window in order to obtain
information about the MELAG FTP server e.g. the software version of the FTP server currently installed.

Fig. 9: Program information

Chapter 3 – Troubleshooting

Chapter 3 – Troubleshooting

Problem Possible cause What you can do

A connection between the FTP The FTP server was not started / Start the FTP server.
server and the server is no longer running.
administration is not possible.
The connection to the FTP server
The symbol is displayed in the was interrupted.
server administration status line.
Communication between the FTP Specify a different TCP port, see
server and the server page 8, Setting the TCP port in
administration is conducted via a the server administration
TCP port which is already
connected with a different
software on the computer.


(FTP) user GUI
An (FTP) user is defined by a name, a password and a (Graphic user interface); a general term for a software
standard directory. The user is assigned an FTP page. component which is divided into one or more windows
The name and the password must be identical with that and which accepts computer entries from users and
on the MELAG device in order to enable communication displays information. The MELAG FTP server is the
with the FTP server. application (FTP server administration) with which the
FTP server can be configured and operated. Once
FTP page
configured, the FTP server usually runs in the
An FTP page is a distinct combination of IP address and
background without any further user actions.
IP port. This describes the communication channel via
which a MELAG device communicates with the Communication endpoint
computer. The MELAG FTP server supports multiple IP The FTP server consists of a minimum of 2 software
addresses and IP ports. If the computer is equipped with components: the FTP software itself and a software
multiple network cards, you can make a corresponding application for configuration and operation (FTP server
selection during the addition. MELAG devices currently administration). These applications run independently of
communicate via the standard port 21. each other, but are required to communicate. This
means that the server administration application must be
FTP Server as a Windows application
informed of the FTP server IP address/it is prescribed via
The FTP server can be installed as a Windows service or
the installation.
a "normal" Windows application. Both variants run in the
background and are not obviously visible for the LOG book
computer user. To recognize communication problems with the MELAG
devices, particular functions - such as the login of a
FTP server as a Windows service
MELAG device to the FTP server using a user name and
Software components which process the command and
password - are recorded. This information can be
data communication with the MEALG devices; can be
displayed via the LOG book menu.
run as a so-called windows service. This is a software
process which is performed upon Windows start without .
user login. MELAG enables installation of the FTP server
as a Windows service.

BA_FTP-Server_EN_v4.docx | Rev.: 4 –20/0432 | Modification date: 2020-06-17
MELAG Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Geneststraße 6-10
10829 Berlin
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original instructions

Responsible for content: MELAG Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Subject to technical alterations

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