Speaking Test Video c1 Advanced
Speaking Test Video c1 Advanced
Speaking Test Video c1 Advanced
Raphael Maude
Grammatical Resource 3 3
Lexical Resource 3 4
Discourse Management 3 4
Pronunciation 3 4
Interactive Communication 3 4
Global Achievement 3 4
Grammatical Resource: 3
Shows a good degree of control of a range of simple and some complex grammatical forms.
To keep in touch with people. I think it’s better to see them face to face (Part 1: 02.05)
They are doing it together because they might be sisters … they look so similar (Part 2: 03.15)
You have to think about if you’re ready already to build a family (Part 3: 08.49)
I think it’s always important to consider other opinions, because they have a different view on the
topic (Part 4: 11.00)
There are occasional examples of a lesser degree of control, but these do not affect meaning.
And I think they enjoy to play together music (Part 2: 03.26)
I think it’s better to first getting married before you start a family (Part 3: 10.32)
When we don’t reach it at the end we may be depressed (Part 4: 12.28)
I think it’s important that they are teached in school (Part 4: 13.38)
Lexical Resource: 3
Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange views on familiar and unfamiliar topics.
I have two years to go (Part 1: 00.45)
Keep in touch … see them face to face (Part 1: 02.05)
Baking a cake … similar … guys … work in a team (Part 2)
Study the subject … university (Part 3: 08.16)
Different view … topic … scared about … early age … (Part 4)
Discourse Management: 3
Raphael produces extended stretches of language with very little hesitation.
His contributions are relevant but there is some repetition. His long turn in Part 2, and his contributions in
Parts 3 (in the discussion of the topic of building a family) and 4 are relevant to the discussion about
choices and decisions. However, his talk in Part 2 could have been more logically ordered and focused on
the questions above the pictures. He also tended to use ‘just’ too often.
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C1 Advanced Speaking test marks and commentary – published by Cambridge Assessment English
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He uses a limited range of cohesive devices (conjunctions, determiners, pronouns, related lexis, etc.) and
a range of discourse markers.
I don’t think it will be a nice cake, but … (Part 2: 03.37)
I agree, but I think it’s also important that we don’t plan everything … (Part 4: 12.18)
I think you can also start at an early age with giving them a little task to do (Part 4: 14.13)
Pronunciation: 3
Is intelligible
Is usually appropriate
Sentence stress is usually accurately placed
To keep in touch with people, I think it’s better to see them face-to-face (Part 1: 02.05)
They are doing it together because they might be sisters because they look so similar (Part 2: 03.15)
You have to think about if you’re ready already to build a family (Part 3: 08.49)
… they have a different view on the topic (Part 4: 11.00)
Individual Sounds
Are mostly articulated clearly, but there is some L1 interference with the sounds ‘th’ and ‘d’ and ‘g’ This
does not affect intelligibility.
I think they enjoy to play together music (I tink dey enjoy to play togedder music) (Part 2: 03.26)
Both guys could also be preparing for something (somefink) (Part 2: 3.52)
They have to be prepared to work in a team (Dey have to be prepared …) (part 2: 06.32)
Interactive Communication: 3
However, he could contribute more to the development of the discussion in Part 3. He does better in this
respect in the second (decision) part of the task (9.55, 10.15 and 10.30)
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C1 Advanced Speaking test marks and commentary – published by Cambridge Assessment English
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Global Achievement: 3
Raphael can handle communication on a range of familiar and unfamiliar topics with very little hesitation.
He makes an effort throughout to respond to and build on his partner’s ideas, but he could produce more
extended discourse at times during the test He is generally coherent and accurate when expressing his
ideas, though some inaccuracies and inappropriate usage occur.
Grammatical Resource: 3
Shows a good degree of control of a range of simple and some complex grammatical forms.
I think I’ve been studying English for about six years now (Part 1: 00.57)
Well, I think every kind of situation depends on the kind of relationship you have with the person
(Part 2: 04.12)
It will be very useful for her to be able to … (Part 2: 06.00)
And when you start a family, you need to talk about children (Part 3: 08.42)
In my opinion, planning studies and holidays is very important ... so if you book a holiday or
something like that, you need to think about it before (Part 4: 12.11)
… so that they can talk and give their ideas and develop this kind of skill (Part 4: 14.40)
Although, on occasion, there are inaccuracies when she tries to use more complex forms …
Lexical Resource: 4
Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange views on familiar and unfamiliar topics.
Discourse Management: 4
Maude produces extended stretches of language, mostly with ease and very little hesitation. Initially in Part
1, she requires some prompting (from the examiner) to extend. Occasionally there is some hesitation when
she is searching for language to express her ideas in Part 2.
Her contributions are relevant and varied, with very little repetition
In her long turn in Part 2, where she discusses her topic in fairly abstract terms (05.03 - 06.05)
In her contributions in Parts 3 and 4, she makes detailed and pertinent points
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C1 Advanced Speaking test marks and commentary – published by Cambridge Assessment English
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She uses a range of cohesive devices (conjunctions, determiners, pronouns, related lexis, etc) and a range
of discourse markers
Really …
Well … let me see … a kind of (Part 2)
Like in … like if … (Part 3)
Well, in some ways, yes (Part 4: 11.15)
Pronunciation: 4
Is almost always intelligible, though in a few places she pauses before the end of her sentences and then
ends them very quietly, which could sound as if the end is missing
Individual Sounds
Are articulated clearly
Interactive Communication: 4
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C1 Advanced Speaking test marks and commentary – published by Cambridge Assessment English
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She maintains and develops the interaction throughout but particularly in Part 3. At times she could
negotiate more with her partner in order to develop the interaction more effectively, but she does offer
contributions to the discussion throughout.
Global Achievement: 4
Maude can handle communication on a range of familiar and unfamiliar topics with very little hesitation. She
can organise and produce extended discourse and makes an effort throughout to respond to and build on
her partner’s ideas. She is generally coherent and accurate when expressing her ideas, though at times
she lets her sentences tail off; nevertheless, this has only a minor effect on her coherence.
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C1 Advanced Speaking test marks and commentary – published by Cambridge Assessment English
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