Pakistan Students and Scholars Association South Korea (PSAK)
Pakistan Students and Scholars Association South Korea (PSAK)
Pakistan Students and Scholars Association South Korea (PSAK)
Following is the detailed list of Pakistan Student Association (PSAK) cabinet list
for the year 2017-18
Cabinet Executives
Sr. Designation Name University Email ID Contact #
1 President Asif Ali Sejong Uni. [email protected] 010-3413-0786
2 Vice President Ikram Syed Ajou Uni [email protected] 010-4435-4344
(North) Suwon
3 Vice President Jamil ur Changwon Nat. [email protected] 010-4214-3574
(South) Rehman Uni. Jinju
4 Vice President Qurat ul Ain Seoul Nat. Uni. [email protected] 010-2745-0087
(Female) Seoul
5 General Asad Zaidi Uni of Sci & [email protected] 010-3207-6698
Secretary Tech. Daejeon
6 General Oneeb ul Haq Chonbuk Nat. [email protected] 010-6799-4499
Secretary Uni. Jeonju
Departmental Secretaries
Sr. Designation Name University Contact #
1 Joint Secretary Usman Rasheed UST 010-2042-3351
2 Finance Haider Abbas Myongji Uni 010 2172 0786
3 Information Mustansar Faiz Kyungpook Nat Uni 010-6821-9734
4 Academia Kifayat Ullah Khan Kyung Hee Uni. 010-6873-1947
Secretary Sultan ullah Pusan Nat. Uni
5 Sports Secretary Ahsan Ali Kookmin Uni 010-2235-9673
6 Female Sajida Ajou Uni 010-9809-0942
Secretary Ume Farwa Chonnam Nat. Uni
7 Culture Imran Ahmed Hanyang Uni, Ansan 010-7399-0093
Secretary Husnaian Chohan KAIST
8 Religion Saeed Ahmed Uni, of Ulsan 010-3274-3779
Regional Secretaries
Sr. Designation Name University Contact #
1 Seoul Bilal Naqvi Sejong Uni. Seoul 010-7348-0873
2 Ansan Tayyab Hanyang Uni 010-4283-3299
3 Suwon Muhammad Asad ullah Kyunghee Uni 010-3708-8759
4 Daegu Jamal Abdul Nasir Khan Keimyung Uni
5 Daejeon Taha KAIST 010-2762-3603
6 Gyeonsangnam- Ziauddin Gyeongsang Nat. 010-3464-1985
Do & Busan Uni