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Aadhaar Numbe Full Name: Wro: House Ne. / Bids Apt Steeet/ Road Lane: Langmark ‘Area/ Locality/ Sector: Vilage/ Town’ city: New Enrolment el Post Offew cee, FART ABAD ae L HARYANA PIN Cove: [T2toon Date of ir: 03 joe | [atte [| tee ee Nomeottie cerstier | Designation; Ofee Adeease: Contact Nurber: ‘hereby certty above meationed detals ofthe resident D2secreneiing CTussedatein tea Cliciderts sinature E]cenners terats ‘Citesidet’s Photos cross signed ane rot taped (pap fo hot wrote to paper) and | ama... [ee aporoniate bor below) ee nd ‘Checks for Cerifier (1) sacettes officer Groups E) vitage Panchayat Heed or Muka EF carettec ortcer croup 8 (7) mersmar nies muneiba: Counc Ey tebsiaar [Head of Recounied Educatisnal Institution (5) Superintendent/ Warden) Matron/ Head of institution ‘of Recognized shelter homes/ Croharages [1] erro otter Jie Ie ‘ unig. wr 40-40, FA PTA eters Saas 8 Stan atthe center [NOTE This lemat is appiable for BOI docarnante at I. Now 17, 29,21, 22, 34 32; POA documents wt. Nas: 23, 24, 37,3, 448.45, POR document at St Non. 15 ‘19 DOM Aacurents at St Nos 4,14 & 15 of Schedule ofthe Aachuor (Ehvobnert and Update) Reguietions, 2015, ax enended fom tre totine.

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